#Enchanted Aria (Main verse)
adeadlysong · 1 year
The Challenge: The Final Boss
@thighhighsandgoldeneyes from here!
Rafaele did his best to fend off all attacks - and he was doing a pretty good job of countering, from what Kamiizumi could tell. Every blow both men exchanged with their swords kept blocking the other’s from really hitting.
Zael’s sneak attack was enough to get Rafaele’s attention from Kamiizumi. Rafaele tried to slash at Zael in a wide arc, and Lana used the opportunity to fire an electric spell at him.
Rafaele teleported out of the way - just before the attack could hit. Lana hissed, before turning to punch Rafaele - who had reappeared right behind her! 
“All the freakin’ teleporting isn’t helping things.” Lana grumbled. She managed to get a hit on Rafaele’s jaw. Rafaele stumbled back before taking out a few knives, throwing them at her. Lana threw herself out of the way, but one of them tore at her sleeve, while another one managed to nick Kamiizumi in the right shoulder.
“Honestly, I’d be interested in gagging him. Might prevent him from taunting our ears off.” Kamiizumi muttered, glancing toward Dagran before moving in to try to get a hit at Rafaele again. Rafaele dodged, before using telekinesis to knock the sword out of Kamiizumi’s hand. The Swordmaster, however, used the opportunity to try to dive in at Rafaele and half-tackle him down. Rafaele barely dodged, but also tripped a bit. He didn’t fall, however, as he managed to regain balance. 
“Andddd looks like things are turning more toward close combat! Oooh!” Nuriel was commentating quite cheerily, a stark contrast to the current battle going on. “Let’s go, finalists!! It seems like Rafaele’s keeping up well with them, but who knows what will happen!?”
Lana fired another spell at Rafaele-  a frosty one - but Rafaele deflected it by summoning a magical shield. The spell went off flying toward Dagran instead but barely missed him, flying above his head.
“Sorry!” Lana was heard yelling, just before Rafaele let out a laugh.
“Is that all you got? Looks like I need to make things a bit more interesting, then!” As if on cue, music started up in the background, and the wind began to kick up harshly. The sound of clouds rumbling caught Lana’s attention, and she cursed as she felt it get harder to stay standing.
“Ah, fuck! He’s gonna sing!” 
Kamiizumi managed to retrieve his sword. “Brace yourselves...!” 
Rafaele’s eyes glowed briefly, before rain started pouring - just a little bit at first, but then it got heavier. Kamiizumi nor Lana could understand the language being sung, but it was singing, alright. Lana tried to fire a spell at Rafaele, but missed after she slipped on the now-soaked ground. Rafaele threw more knives - at Zael, at Dagran - before teleporting back toward the stage area as the rain kept on pouring. 
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2700fstreet · 8 years
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OPERA / 2017-2018
Washington National Opera
Music by George Frideric Handel Adapted from a libretto by Riccardo Broschi Inspired by characters and stories from Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso
So, What’s Going On?
NOTE: At the Kennedy Center Open Rehearsal, you will enjoy Act II of Alcina. However, we've provided you with information on the entire opera.
Alcina (pronounced ahl-CHEE-nah), a beautiful enchantress with a habit of turning people who annoy her into animals and inanimate objects, has succeeded in bewitching Ruggiero (roo-JYEHR-oh), a handsome knight. Ruggiero’s been living with Alcina on her magical island for some time, despite the fact he was meant to go down in history as a virtuous hero.
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Costume sketch of Alcina. All Alcina costumes designed by James Schuette.
This seriously irritates Bradamante (brah-dah-MAHN-teh), Ruggiero’s former girlfriend whom he had promised to marry. She and the magician Melisso (meh-LEES-soh) travel to Alcina’s island hoping to bring Ruggiero back to his senses with the help of a magic ring. Bradamante disguises herself as her brother, “Ricciardo” (ree-CHYAHR-doh); she and Melisso show up on Alcina’s doorstep claiming to be shipwrecked sailors.
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Costume sketch of Bradamante disguised as her brother, “Ricciardo.”
Their plans go quickly downhill, however, when Alcina’s sister, Morgana (mohr-GAH-nah), falls instantly in love with Ricciardo. To make matters worse, Ruggiero refuses to give Alcina up, even after being confronted by his fiancée’s “brother.” Meanwhile, Alcina’s army general, Oronte (oh-ROHN-teh), who’s crazy about Morgana, announces to Ruggiero that Alcina has heart eyes for the newly arrived Ricciardo. Still, thanks to Alcina’s powers of persuasion, Ruggiero pretty much remains under her spell…that is until Melisso, pretending to be Ruggiero’s old tutor, Atlante (aht-LAHN-teh), manages to get Ruggiero alone and slips the enchanted ring on his finger.
Did you get all that?
Take a listen… Morgana pledges her love to her latest crush, Ricciardo (who’s really Bradamante in disguise). This clip from “Tornami a vagheggiar” (roughly: “Turn to me with longing”) features a repeated melody from a verse heard a few moments earlier. Listen up for the many vocal flourishes used by the soprano.
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Costume sketch of Ruggiero.
Shocked to discover that Alcina’s island is really just smoke and mirrors, Ruggiero instantly regrets his lovesick behavior. But when Bradamante shows up again and reveals her true self, Ruggiero doubts his own senses and worries that her image is yet another trick.
Bradamante has nearly had enough, but Ruggiero eventually decides to fool Alcina into letting him leave her heavily guarded castle for an impromptu “hunting trip” (while actually secretly plotting to leave the island for good). Alcina eventually uncovers the truth and is furious, but she’s too late—soon Ruggiero has begged for Bradamante’s forgiveness. The two officially become a couple again, and, to add insult to injury for Alcina, the enchantress’s magical abilities begin to fade.
Phew. Are you following all this?
Take a listen… Alcina tends to her broken heart in the aria “Ah! Mio cor!” (“Oh! My heart!”) (Note: Listen for the mood swing at around 4:22).
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Costume sketch of Melisso.
On the run from the sorceress and her henchmen, Ruggiero, Bradamante, and Melisso develop a plan to conquer Alcina’s army and destroy the mystical urn that lends the enchantress most of her power. But can these three righteous warriors succeed in their efforts? Will they be able to rescue all the captives of the island and escape with everyone’s life and limbs intact? Will the vengeful and heartbroken Alcina let them go?
Take a listen… Ruggiero meditates on Alcina’s island and its temporary beauty in the haunting aria “Verdi prati” (“Green meadows”).
Who’s Who
Alcina, an enchantress (soprano—the highest female voice) Morgana, her sister (soprano) Ruggiero, a valiant knight (mezzo-soprano—a middle-range female voice)* Bradamante (also called ‘Ricciardo’), his fiancée (contralto—the lowest female voice) Melisso (also called ‘Atlante’), Bradamante’s guardian (bass—the lowest male voice) Oronte, leader of Alcina’s army (tenor—a higher male voice)
*This role would have originally been performed by a male musician trained to sing in a higher, more traditionally female range. Today, this type of performer is very rare, and the male role of Ruggiero is often played as a “pants role,” or a woman who poses as a man on stage.
But stop here for another minute because…
This situation is quite different from the one you’ll see unfold with Bradamante, who is a female character who pretends to be a man during certain scenes within the opera.
Good to Know
Alcina is just one of three Handel operas based on Ludovico Ariosto’s epic work, Orlando furioso (the other two operas, both of which debuted in Handel’s adopted hometown of London were: Orlando and Ariodante). Written just over 500 years ago and told in poetic verse, Orlando furioso may be the perfect story for you if you’re a fan of mystery, magicians, flying hippogriffs, slimy sea monsters, ugly witches who disguise themselves as fair young maids, and/or tales of true love trying desperately to conquer all.
This original text inspired many other works of art besides Handel’s three stage productions. These include yet another opera—this one by Antonio (“The Four Seasons”) Vivaldi—as well as certain scenes in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing.
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Costume sketch of Morgana.
Check This Out…
Operas written in Handel’s day (referred to as the “Baroque” era) featured solo songs or da capo arias, that could be broken down into two emotionally contrasting sections, with the first section repeated for added emphasis. Listen for how the singers include their own special embellishments to the repeated melodies. Do these improvisations help you uncover new things about the characters and their story?
Alcina’s power supposedly comes from supernatural forces that include evil spirits and a magical staff. How does the music indicate that Alcina isn’t just your average temptress but, in fact, has several tricks up her sleeve (hints: extreme high notes, fluttering string instruments, etc.)? What clues do you see on stage that help reveal her more mystical qualities (think lighting changes, unusual props, makeup, etc.)?
Disguise and deception are important themes throughout Alcina. With so many people pretending to be someone else or trying to hide who they truly are and how they truly feel, it’s difficult for the audience to keep track of what’s true and what’s false (which is sort of Ruggiero’s problem, too).
How do the costumes and gestures of each character alert you to who’s in disguise and who isn’t? Does the music help indicate which characters are lying and which aren’t? How so?
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Costume sketch for Oronte.
Think About This…
When Ruggiero realizes he’s been deceived by Alcina, he’s almost more upset at his “dishonor” than at his betrayal of Bradamante’s trust. What do you think of Ruggiero’s concept of honor and reputation? Do you think the creators of Alcina believed that integrity was more important than love? Why or why not?
The music written for Alcina’s character shifts from fiery, to beautiful, to sympathetic, and back again. How do you think Handel felt about his main character? Do you think he sees her as an evil villain or as a tragic figure (or perhaps a bit of both)? How do you see Alcina’s character? Are you able to empathize with her at all or do you think she’s an operatic version of a crazy ex-girlfriend?
A common feature in Handelian operas is the use of the “melisma” (meh-LIZ-mah), a singing style in which many notes are given to a single word or syllable to draw attention to a thought or idea, or to allow the singer to show off his/her vocal range. Do you think the melismas in Alcina—many of which mimic the sounds of sighs or sobs—help you get a better sense of the characters’ emotions? Or do you find these added notes showy and distracting?
Take Action: Going Green
One of Alcina’s most memorable tunes is “Verdi prati,” Ruggiero’s soothing song about the lush greenery of the island. In the aria, Ruggiero warns his listeners that such overwhelming beauty cannot last and suggests all the flowers that surround him will soon die. While his words are clearly a metaphor for Alcina’s dazzling good looks and her intense passions, it may not be a bad idea to think of the aria as a cautionary environmental tale.
Using Ruggiero’s lyrics as your guide, find an outdoor spot you enjoy (such as a park, arboretum, botanical garden, pond or reservoir, wildlife preserve, a neighbor’s yard, or something similar) and see if you can volunteer some of your time toward helping it maintain its health and beauty for years to come. Ask your local government if you can pick up trash, plant seeds, mow lawns, or care for the resident animals. If you feel comfortable, spread the word by taking pictures of yourself as you work on your preservation project and post the pics to Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, or any social media platform of your choice with the hashtag #verdiprati.
Explore More
Go even deeper with the Alcina Extras.
PHOTO (top) by Julio Rodriguez.
  Major support for WNO is provided by Jacqueline Badger Mars.
David and Alice Rubenstein are the Presenting Underwriters of WNO.
WNO acknowledges the longstanding generosity of Life Chairman Mrs. Eugene B. Casey.
WNO's Presenting Sponsor
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Generous support for WNO Italian Opera is provided by Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello.
This performance is made possible by the Kimsey Endowment; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; and the U.S. Department of Education.
Major support for educational programs at the Kennedy Center is provided by David and Alice Rubenstein through the Rubenstein Arts Access Program.
  Kennedy Center education and related artistic programming is made possible through the generosity of the National Committee for the Performing Arts and the President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts.
© 2017 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
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nitemice · 5 years
Hey, here's my latest post over on my main blog:
In Stopped Wishing I Was Somewhere Else, The Little Stevies have produced their best album yet. It’s an amazing album, full of honesty, beauty and introspection. But no thing is perfect.
It’s been a while since we heard anything from The Little Stevies, the delightful Melbourne-based sister duo of a band. But they haven’t been slacking off. Since their last album Diamonds For Your Tea, they have released two children’s albums under the name Teeny Tiny Stevies, both of which have been quite successful. The second was even nominated for an ARIA, so that’s a big deal. I have the first of the two, Useful Songs For Little People, because I crowdfunded it but I got sick of it pretty quickly as it’s really aimed at very young children and (unlike The Wiggles) holds no nostalgia for me.
Stopped Wishing I Was Somewhere Else is their newest album, and was officially released on the 28th of February. However it had reportedly been available up to 4 months earlier from the band directly at live shows. I pre-ordered it as part of a bundle with some other rare, very early Little Stevies releases (although I actually already owned 2 copies of the EP Grow Up, so now I have 3). They arrived a bit early, but as you can tell from the lateness of this review, it took me some time to get to it.
As with my other album reviews, I’ve listed previous Little Stevies songs each track reminds me of (with the album they come from), a rank for each track on this album, as well as a few comments about each track. Plus there’s an overview of the album as a whole at the bottom.
1. Break My Heart
Reminds me of: Boy, You’re A Nuisance [Diamonds For Your Tea], Thunder [Diamonds For Your Tea], Dink You [Love Your Band] Rank on this album: 5 The album opens with Break My Heart: a track full of sweeping vocals, accompanied minimally by acoustic guitar and piano. The title lyrics, “break my heart”, are uncharacteristically used to refer to an overwhelming yet positive emotion, here connected to the powerful love for a (unborn) child. The vocals, combined with these lyrics pack an emotive punch.
2. The Truth
Reminds me of: People Need People [Love Your Band], Strong and Brave [Grow Up] Rank on this album: 7 The Truth sounds like kids music for adults. With a plain and simple message, it wouldn’t be out of place on a Teeny Tiny Stevies album. The lyrics talk about standing tall, doing the right thing, telling the truth, and being persistent through pain.
3. Rest of My Days
Reminds me of: Sister [Attention Shoppers], Ticket To Where You Are [Love Your Band], Heavy Words [Diamonds For Your Tea] Rank on this album: 10 Rest of My Days is one of the most emotive tracks of the album. It is characterised by picked guitar which keeps in lockstep with sublime vocals from Beth. You know the song is about to elevate when you hear the “aaahs” kick in. The lyrics could apply to many things, from children to a partner (or maybe a sister…), to God to some job or life ambition.
4. Caught Your Lie
Reminds me of: No Button [Attention Shoppers], Leap Of Faith [Attention Shoppers] Rank on this album: 11 Byll recently claimed at a live show that Caught Your Lie is about her long-held fear of dying, but she and Beth have previously said that the song is about growing up and how it doesn’t turn out as you expect. Personally, I think the lyrics apply better to the latter. The first verse’s lyrics always make me chuckle. The percussion through the verses has an enchanting, found-objects quality to it.
5. Jesse
Reminds me of: Amigo [Diamonds For Your Tea], No Button [Attention Shoppers], Feel It [Attention Shoppers], Peggy Suicide [Love Your Band] Rank on this album: 3 Jesse is a catchy character study, with lyrics that are actually much sadder than the tone of the music would have you believe. The chorus is pleading with the titular character to change for their own good. This one is another track that got stuck in my head partly because its lyrics really spoke to me.
6. Smile
Reminds me of: Want You To Feel [Grow Up], Heavy Words [Diamonds For Your Tea] Rank on this album: 4 Smile is the most aggressive, grungy Little Stevies song in a long time, and I love it! The lyrics are a singeing retort to some omitted comment, assumably along the lines of “Why don’t you smile more, girly?” In fact, it rather reminds me of another song in the same vein: Girly Bits by Ali Barter, except this is more of a direct reply to behaviour that song mocks. With its bombastic guitars and slow-and-steady rock drums, it doesn’t feel like a Little Stevies song. And yet it’s still delivered with some characteristic angelic backing vocals.
7. Without Me Asking
Reminds me of: Oh Honey [Diamonds For Your Tea], Come To Miss You [Love Your Band] Rank on this album: 13 Without Me Asking is propelled by a rhythmic, intriguing drum line which makes engaging use of brushes. The lyrics paint a picture of a relationship at tension: emotions are not being freely expressed, and the protagonist doesn’t want to expose herself by being the first to admit her emotions. The song concludes with a cool walking bass line.
8. Keep On Walking
Reminds me of: Leave It With Me [Attention Shoppers], Canadia (Take Me) [Diamonds For Your Tea], Somewhere We’ve Just Been [Love Your Band] Rank on this album: 12 Beth has said Keep On Walking is inspired by the music of Colin Hay. It is a subdued, folksy ballad, and its lyrics are the source of the album’s title.
9. You and Your Face
Reminds me of: I Hold My Breath [Diamonds For Your Tea], Strong and Brave [Grow Up], Making My Sweetheart Smile [Love Your Band] Rank on this album: 6 You and Your Face is an ode marvelling at the bravery and daring of children in comparison to the anxiety and regret of their middle-aged parents. This song probably has the most repetitive lyrics of the album, driven home by a clapping-like percussion present throughout.
10. Co-Star
Reminds me of: Almighty Friend [Love Your Band], Amigo [Diamonds For Your Tea], Sister [Attention Shoppers], Because I Have You All [Attention Shoppers] Rank on this album: 8 Co-Star is another in The Little Stevies’ collection of odes to friendship. This sentiment is perfectly expressed through a mixture of playful guitar riffs, backed by a gruffer electric later on.
11. Years I Didn’t Appreciate
Reminds me of: I Hold My Breath [Diamonds For Your Tea], Easily Swayed [Diamonds For Your Tea] Rank on this album: 1 Years I Didn’t Appreciate is another track about aging and growing up: this time from the perspective of looking back at your past and trying to make the most of the day, given you’ve already lost so many. This was one of the first songs from this album to get stuck in my head; the chorus is catchy, with a groovy rhythm. The instrumentation builds in power after each chorus, dying away again during the verses.
12. Try Not to Stuff It Up
Reminds me of: Thunder [Diamonds For Your Tea], Boy, You’re A Nuisance [Diamonds For Your Tea], Accidentally [Attention Shoppers] Rank on this album: 2 Of all the tracks on this album, Try Not to Stuff It Up is the most transparently about parenting. Byll has described it as “honestly my description of how I find parenting”, and it is a very honest insight into the thoughts and struggles of being a parent. Some of the phrases are a bit wordy, but fun all the same. The chorus is punchy and catchy. The backing guitar riff between verses has some interesting distortion that makes it indescribable. The song ends, maybe quite appropriately, on a chord that feels quite unresolved.
13. Lucy
Reminds me of: Dear Daniel [Grow Up], Almighty Friend [Love Your Band] Rank on this album: 9 Lucy is an enigma of a song, seemingly on purpose. The lyrics tell the story of an adventurous girl embarking into the world. Musically, it’s an interesting mix of acoustic guitar and electric organ. When the chorus kicks in, the whole thing takes on a feeling reminiscent of a bossa nova, punctuated by a double clap after each line.
As you listen through Stopped Wishing I Was Somewhere Else a few times, a number of themes emerge. Some are classic Little Stevies themes like travel (Keep On Walking), growing up (Years I Didn’t Appreciate, Caught Your Lie), and friendship (Co-Star, Rest of my Days). But the most striking theme is new: parenthood. To be fair, Diamonds For Your Tea also had a few tracks about parenting, but it feels so much more dominant here. It’s not a big surprise given that both of The Little Stevies (Sibylla & Bethany Stephen) are parents now. That said, their approach to the topic is sincere, rooted in their own experiences, giving an honest insight into the head space and world of a new(-ish) mother. The only downside is once it gets in your mind, you can start to read every track as having some parental angle. Or maybe that’s just me.
In some ways, Stopped Wishing I Was Somewhere Else reminds me of Clare Bowditch‘s The Winter I Chose Happiness. For one, they both have pretty wordy titles, but I think SWIWSE is worse in this regard. Don’t get me wrong: It’s a good line, especially as a lyric, but I don’t like it as a title, probably because it’s a verb phrase which sounds weird. Putting that aside, both albums explore similar overarching themes. While TWICH has a laser focus on happiness and making the most of your situation, SWIWSE hits the same mark more incidentally through the combination of all its tracks. Both are mature offerings, full of considered, soul-searching reflection and meaningful takeaways for their audience, without coming off as too brooding or prescriptive.
This release sticks mostly to a more acoustic setup with acoustic guitar, and supporting piano, with strong yet dainty vocals. I would have loved to have heard some more varied instruments, like trumpets or violins, but The Little Stevies work magic with this simpler set-up.
When I first listened to SWIWSE in full, I didn’t enjoy it that much. Something made me wish for the “good old days” of The Little Stevies (read: Attention Shoppers era) in the same way I had when I first heard their last album, Diamonds For Your Tea. But within about a week, I felt the total opposite. I loved this new album, and Diamonds For Your Tea to boot! What changed my mind? I saw The Little Stevies play live.
Something about seeing the songs performed in front of me made me suddenly connect with all of them: the new and old songs alike. Initially I wasn’t sure what did it: if they sounded better live, or if it was seeing the emotions on their faces as the sisters sung, or if it was simply repetition. Eventually I concluded it was a bit of all of those things, but the main factor was the insight gained from hearing the stories behind a song. By understanding the lyrics and the context, I was able to connect with them more directly, and once I did it seemed to unlock an emotional connection for me.
That’s the strength of The Little Stevies music, especially on this album. For me, I had to see it live and hear the banter and back-stories to get it, but maybe you don’t. Either way, I can highly recommend seeing them live as well as listening to this album.
RATING: 9/10 – ★★★★★★★★★☆
But you don’t have to take my word for it… Listen to the album for yourself, and make up your own mind. Then you can let me know what you think of The Little Stevies’s Stopped Wishing I Was Somewhere Else.
So, have you ever heard of The Little Stevies? What’s your favourite of their songs? Have you heard any of the Teeny Tiny Stevies music? What do you think? Did it live up to your expectations? Have I said anything you disagree with? Tell me & everyone else who passes through here in the comments below.
To Infinity and Beyond, Nitemice
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adeadlysong · 2 years
@guardiansofeternia gets a starter! (for Edea and/or Yew)
It’d be fun! Tahirah said, and she was sure that Edea or Yew would find this interesting. Or maybe their friends would. Either way, she wanted people to beta-test this for her before she incorporated this into, er, actual practice...
“I made an obstacle course that will also count as training! And then I thought of you and figured maybe Edea would like this. And then I realized that maybe the rest of your council would like it, so I invited them to try it out too!” Tahirah smiled as she looked toward them.
“All you have to do is go through three rooms. Each of them has a different activity you’d have to complete. And as thanks for helping, I prepared treats for all of you too...so, what do you think? Want to try it out?” 
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adeadlysong · 1 year
@stxrrbright from here
Ariel had hoped to see Lena again for the first time in a while, but it was easy to track her down in the manor when he could smell her scent. Even though he hadn’t seen her in a while, the scent was familiar to him.
Her scent was strong - he could smell the magic practically wafting from her blood throughout the area, when he finally found her.  He frowned a little when she greeted him with that nervous smile, before speaking.
“I was hoping to speak with you about something, but...we have more pressing matters at the moment.” he managed, pointing to her injury. “Do you have any healing magic? If not, I have a whole case of bandages, potions, and other quick-healing items...”
Hopefully that wound wasn’t too deep. Based on what he could see alone, it seemed pretty bad.
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adeadlysong · 1 year
@ashesstxries got a starter for VEX 
Tahirah had been interested -interested in seeing what the other could do. And in order to assess the other’s skills for an operation she wanted to hire the other for, she had a very specific set of two rooms for the other to go through and complete whatever activities were there.
“Welcome to the first room~!” Nuriel grinned as he pointed at the door ahead. “The person inside will tell you what you have to accomplish in there. I’m just standing out here for morale support in case you fail. Good luck!”
Moral support would come in the form of encouraging notes, apparently. Nuriel had a whole stack of them ready as he grinned at the other, waiting for them to step through the door and enter the first room.
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adeadlysong · 2 years
Tahirah is currently playing with baby Autumn, having given the baby a little heart-shaped rattle to hold while Tahirah holds her and Sorin’s baby girl in their arms. A soft smile spread across her face before looking up towards Sorin.
“Sorin? Autumn wants to see her daddy...”
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adeadlysong · 2 years
Tahirah’s water broke. Thankfully, Sorin had been with her at the time, so it didn’t take long for them to get some help and head to the hospital wing. Tahirah hadn’t expected the baby to come right on Halloween, but apparently she was wrong! 
After some time in labour, the baby was soon born - and now cleaned up and swaddled, presented to Tahirah to hold.
“Awww...” Tahirah knew she was exhausted from earlier, but she couldn’t help but smile as she gazed down at their child in her arms. “Our baby’s here, Sorin...”
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adeadlysong · 2 years
Halloween was coming up, and that meant one thing - costumes. Fortunately, given Tahirah’s background of performances and dancing, that meant that she had plenty of spares to choose from if she wanted - or she could probably find the means to make a new one or have one made for her. 
However, she felt that new ones were necessary - mainly because she wanted it to go well with whatever Sorin chose, too!
“Which ones should we wear this year?” She murmured, looking toward her husband with a soft grin. 
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adeadlysong · 2 years
Tahirah is currently reading, a soft hum leaving her. If anyone wants to get her attention, they better wave at her or something...
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adeadlysong · 19 days
Tahirah hummed. "If anyone asked me how many boards with string and notes that my advisor Nuriel has, it's...well, a lot."
She leaned back in her seat as she processed this information, just sipping tea quietly. "...now that I think about it, I don't think I ever counted how many of those boards he made."
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adeadlysong · 2 months
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Reach for the stars, Climb every mountain higher! Reach for the stars, Follow your heart's desire! Reach for the stars, And when that rainbow's shining over you... That's when your dreams will all come true~!
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adeadlysong · 4 months
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My love for you is simply irresistible...~"
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adeadlysong · 4 months
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"There is something in your eyes, Something in your smile Just tells me that you're mine Tell me that you are the only one The only one for me! I would never leave you I would never let you go~!"
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adeadlysong · 4 months
Nuriel raised a hand.
"Does anyone have any interesting gossip they've heard recently? Anyone? Anyone?"
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adeadlysong · 4 months
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"You know what I did, while working at taverns and so on before working for Countess Tahirah?" A grin came across his face. "Giving romantic advice. And I was damn good at it too!"
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