#Fire Emblem: Three Houses (AU verse)
mikaharuka · 1 year
Desiderium - Official Post
This one is... special. For those of you who don't already know, Fire Emblem Three Houses was the fandom I started out in, almost 4 years ago - with Hubert/Ferdinand (Ferdibert), to be exact. Real life got busy and I stopped writing 3 years ago. Of course, I picked up my gay Twilight/LnD rewrite and world, and started posting last year.
Two weeks ago, I was cleaning out my Google Drive and noticed a huge folder of all these Ferdibert (+Edelthea) ideas that I'd outlined, and I thought that I might finish those if the inspiration struck.
So here I am. Having returned to Ferdibert with this new mini-series "Another World". It'll have six fics to it by the end - a trio each for Hubert/Ferdinand and Edelgard/Dorothea alike, 900 words per fic.
Title: Desiderium (Part 1 of 6, Another World - Ferdibert 1 of 3)
Author: Mizuka
Rating: Mature (no smut in this entry)
Category: M/M
Word Count: 900 words
Summary: A complicated thread of fate binds Hubert and Ferdinand, leaving them with thoughts of another future.
Notes: This contains canonical MCD, as this fic is canon-compliant and follows Claude's route... however, it isn't quite traditional. Reincarnation is a major component of this series (hence the series name "Another World"). As such, while the fic has real MCD and a sad ending, it also has a notably bittersweet and hopeful tone. The overall series does have an unambiguously happy ending.
(Tagging because you might be interested? Not sure tbh, since this is new, so let me know if I missed you! @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @aislinnstanaka, @writingpotato07, @lena-hills, @hylianjo, @bees-and-sunshine, @tsunderewatermelon, @bleepbloopbotz @axolotlsupremacyowo, @kayedium-writes, @sliebman10 @danceswithdarkspawn @precambrian-sea-pancake)
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countarganan · 2 years
@fodlansbestmom (to the haunted house SoLu will go XD)
This was probably a bad idea. A really, really bad idea.
But to be fair, the house was rumored to be haunted and was long-abandoned. No one would mind if he and Sothis spent some time in there, right? Even though the place was seemingly abandoned, it was weirdly ornate and pretty. He held Sothis’ hand as he looked around, good eye taking in the strangely pristine (save for some cobwebs) scenery.
“I wonder if the ghosts here really are real...especially if someone’s keeping this place clean.”
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adeadlysong · 2 years
@locktap from here
“Yes, of course!” Tahirah couldn’t help offering Ashe a warm smile. “You’re welcome to come visit. Melodia might not be overall as big as Fodlan, but we have quite a variety of areas...and peoples.”
 Ah, yes, a variety of peoples indeed. She couldn’t help but think of the friends and family she had back in her homeland, as well as the others she knew of residing over Melodia’s territories.“It’s not the first time that we’ve taken in people from outside Melodia. In fact...you could say Melodia was built on offering refuge to others as needed, throughout history. And speaking of which-”
Oh! That reminded her - “I recall getting a letter from my godfather recently. He’ll be coming to visit...maybe I can introduce you to him?”
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meisterkirisaki · 2 years
“...The cakes I prepared in advance for the monastery staff and students went missing.” Sylvan looked at the empty trays in pure dismay. He’d worked so hard on preparing them the other day too, and he was about to make the frosting today when he found out they were gone. 
“How am I supposed to bake all the cake in time for tonight?” It was going to be a treat for dessert for everyone!
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zarvasace · 8 months
Out-of-Fandom Longfic Recs
Looking for something good that you can sink your teeth into? Not necessarily LoZ? I can recommend some masterpieces and favorites. :) all these are complete!
Harry Potter and the Problem of Potions by Wyste. 180k. Yes yes HP I know. It was still a formative part of my adolescence and this is just fanfiction. Very satisfying fanfiction, in which Harry becomes a real character who desperately wants to be a potion master despite Snape's every attempt to dissuade him. Lots of fun.
Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by LessWrong. 661k. Longest thing on this list but HOO BOY is it worth it. Written by a guy to teach people about... well. Methods of rationality. Applies the scientific method to the HP-verse, makes Voldemort actually smart, and is a lot of fun the whole way through. You can read on FFN or by downloading an epub or PDF. At least try the first chapter I am BEGGING YOU.
The Dragon-King's Temple by Kryal. Avatar: the Last Airbender (show) & Stargate SG-1, 200k. I knew nothing about SG-1 going in, had only seen the movie, and really enjoyed this. Once again, the worldbuilding and the mystery are very very good. Like legitimately. Zuko & Toph focus!
Thrower of the Dart by Vathara. Avengers & Artemis Fowl (books) crossover, 100k. Picks up after the first Avengers movie and AF book 5 (the demon one.) Very nice plot, good character interactions, fun worldbuilding, mostly in the AF side.
let the shadows fall behind you by Sweetbriar15. Disney's Descendants (just the first one), 155k. Did you ever feel like the movie was a bit of a waste of a good story premise? This will help. Picks up after modifying the end of the first movie, introduces a lot of awesome character and worldbuilding information. Mal-focused, but not too heavily.
Phantom of Truth by Haiju. Danny Phantom, 58k. DP is full of whump fics, and this is probably one of the very best. Its sequel, Shadow of a Doubt, has stopped updating on AO3, but it should still be on FFN. SoaD is, iirc, 100k+, and quite good, dealing with the aftermath of the first.
Bandits and Bravery by LettdViolet. Fire Emblem: Three Houses, 28k. Linhardt/M!Byleth, modern college AU, the events of the game are played out by a group playing knockoff D&D. Themes of grief and mourning a parent's death, and finding comfort. Linhardt is like a sleepy version of Vio without as much evil. Shortest on this list but I LIKE IT OKAY
Carpetbaggers by cofax. Chronicles of Narnia, 120k. Fills in some of the time post-LWW with adventures and working on gaining trust. Feels a lot like a continuation of the book, though without the heavy-handed allegory.
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tearsoftime0086 · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Stealing a neat post from @sweepseven and we'll see how far we get haha. I haven't posted all of my stuff to AO3 so I'll kinda be pulling from a few places
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 6! And half of them are from July till now lmao (aka the moment I learned about Steve Burnside)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Gosh if I kept consistent fandoms it would make my fandom experience so much more easier :') Started out with Gundam, though haven't really kept up post my move away from FFNet (really want to come back at some point tho). Code Geass and TKoE is my long-running baby. Currently swept up in a Resident Evil fever too (see previous question). I've also written some stuff for League of Legends, Persona 2, and Fire Emblem!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ravaged Blessings (Fire Emblem: Three Houses, T. Wrote this during the rising peak of FE3H's release. Started out with Blue Lions and whoa nelly I was not prepared for Dimitri's post-timeskip scene.)
Two Kinds of Eternity (Code Geass, M. The behemoth. I had this idea in my head for ages and once I joined AO3 in 2018, decided to finally give it a shot. It's been five years and we're only halfway there, but I'm glad folks have hopped on and off for the ride)
An Eternal Warpath For You And Me (Resident Evil, M. Most recent fic of mine that I'm thankful has gotten a lot of kind reception! Aka Chreon + me fitting Steve into the Resident Evil-verse as best I can haha)
Shuriman Nights (League of Legends, T. Bit of a kudos drop from this point forward, but I love all my works the same, so :) I will never be over Nasus and Renekton's lore.)
With 6 fics, that leaves We'll Always Have Casablanca out of the standings! Turns out that fic was the first anyone used the Leon & Steve tag. Pure self-indulgence so I understand why it's the lowest haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to answer all of them! I have moments in life when I feel way too anxious about what to write back (like am I clogging up my own comments section? will they think it's weird if I write more than their initial comment?), but I work really hard to recognize the people who leave nice notes on my fics.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a sucker for happy endings (everything else in the story is fair game tho) so I hardly ever end something too angsty... I guess Shuriman Nights for its implications?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Once (That Was Enough). Capcom, I reject your reality and substitute my own.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I had a few small cases, but it's not frequent at all. I try to mind my own business and let folks be ^^
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
As someone who's like 90% sure they're ace/sex-repulsed, I don't. It narrows my scope of reading fanfic too unfortunately - some of the best written works I've seen are rated E, but I have to kinda "hold my breath" while reading them :(
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I never posted it anywhere, but I had a sprawling DCMK/Gundam crossover I shared with a close friend of mine. Still re-read parts of it from time to time. (Silver Bullet Shinichi, anyone?)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge! I write so slowly that they probably wouldn't be able to steal it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope but it would be a blessing if anyone ever asked!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Again not posted, but I used to do a ton of co-writing with that same close friend mentioned above. Good times.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ooh this one's a tough one. If I have to choose, it's Kamille Bidan/Fa Yuiry from Zeta Gundam. It's what really started my fanfic journey, and I'll never forget the pure elation I felt watching their beach ending in Gundam ZZ. Wonder how I'd write something for them in the present? It's been so long...
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If I thought about my deepest fears it would be TKoE, but I refuse. I will finish that fic. For a more realistic answer, I have a lot of mini-scenes for my Claire/Steve RE AU that I want to string into a full fic at some point, but I already have so many things on my plate.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm. I like to think that in my writing peaks, I have a good sense of capturing character voices and dialogue. I'm also good at coming up with like, "angsty" one-liners, if that makes sense?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Gosh this one's much easier than the last one. My posting rate is abysmal for starters (sorry to all the TKoE readers). I feel like every other sentence I write is clunky and long. Like on re-reads I can usually shave a few adjectives and words off of every sentence. I get impatient about pacing when I'm actually writing, but my actual writing sessions are few and far between. Tough times man :(
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Different strokes for different folks, but I'm always afraid that a reader will get whiplash if I write in a language that I'm not comfortable with. Like sometimes I'll read fics where they reference Korean and it ruins my focus a bit when I read something that's not grammatically correct/realistic. Nothing to drop a fic over, but I'm not confident enough to write in another language myself.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I don't remember off the top of my head. The first one I posted online was for Zeta Gundam, but also I think I have a small A Separate Peace story from around that time? Lol if I go back to my childhood original works, those stories were essentially Guardians of Ga'Hoole and Bionicle fanfics too.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Once (That Was Enough) takes the cake right now. I remember looking on TVTropes for... Tragic Monster examples I believe?... and found a quick summary of Steve Burnside. Oh dear, that lad has me in his clutches and won't let me go. I had to write a story where he survives, and well... the rest is history. I even have a tag dedicated to the AU the fic spawned! Well, that was a ton of fun! If anyone reads this and wants to do it themselves, feel free to! Hoping to get more stuff out soon :)
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oc-menagerie · 1 year
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OC Menagerie!
A Roleplay Blog filled with OCS, both series based and fandomless!
Multi-Muse, Multi-Ship, Multi-Verse, AU, Crossover friendly!
Series include: Bleach, Naruto, Twisted Wonderland, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy 7, Kingdom Hearts, Genshin Impact, Nier Automata, Monster Hunter and Yugioh!
Penned by SphinxChan!
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vivifriend · 9 months
Pinned Post I Guess
Lotta folk seem to make these. Figured, what the hell, might as well try my hand at one myself. Kinda long post ahead. Sorry.
I'm Vivifriend (or Vivi). I mostly write Skyim fanfics though I do dabble in many more like: The Untamed, Final Fantasy X and X-2, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Fire Emblem Awakening, ESO, X-Com (that fic might never see the light of day lol), BG3 (well, not yet but I will).
At minimum I'd guess 75% of my fics are NSFW so keep that in mind if you go looking for any of them. (or click on any of the links below)
I have a few (seven) Skyrim series on AO3. One for short-fics and one-shots. One for AU short-fics and one-shots. Two for my long-fics. And three for short-fics that take place during the same Skyrim 'verse as my long-fics. My Connections series started out just with my Dragonborn Silka, and Kaidan and it blossomed into what it is today with me currently working on a fic featuring the Companion twins and their love interests. I'd say this is what happens when you write such a large family for an MC but, to be honest, none of the main characters in Learning Curve are related to Silka. My Rheanna the Bold series is my fic with my Dragonborn Rheanna, and Bishop. (I know Bishop isn't everyone's cup of tea but I like him. If you prefer to avoid him then don't read my Rheanna the Bold series, the fics connected to it or my modern-ish AUs. ^_^).
I wrote an Untamed/Skyrim crossover for International Fanworks Day and I admit, I'm highly tempted to make that an entire long-fic. It was surprisingly fun and the idea of Jiang Cheng having to save Skyrim before he can get home has a plethora of angst potential. But that's going to have to stay on the backburner while I work on everything else.
Maybe one day I'll look at making a prettier profile but that will happen when I'm procrastinating something else. ^_^
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voxmilia · 1 year
1 and 12! 👀💕
WIP Game!!
So "Have you ever kissed a boy, Peggy?" is my very first contribution to Remy's STAE verse! It's Beej/Peg flashbacks to worldbuild and set up a lot of stuff that Beej and Peg, the codependent traumatized high school sweethearts, keep under lock and key or just don't elaborate on.
There needs to be some serious edits because since starting it, Remy and I have done a lot of planning re: Beej and Peg growing up in the Depression and Peg's family migrating from Oklahoma to California during the dust bowl. But for everyone's sapphic Peg needs, please enjoy a snippet of her about to engage in the classic trope "Best friends practice kissing and uh oh, one of us realizes we're queer"
“I guess I’ve just been…in shock? I didn’t really expect to get asked out.”
“Now that’s just silly,” Peggy retorts, looking away only to tap her fingertips against the nails of her other hand. No smudging. “You’re the prettiest girl I know!” An exaggeration, but only slightly. There were girls who puberty had hit harder and faster than Peggy or Mary Ellen - girls with the figures of movie stars and the smiles straight from toothpaste commercials. But Peg maintained her best friend was beautiful. Hazel eyes that sparkled green and gold in the summer, with the slightest smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks.
She knew Eddie Carlisle. Peggy sat two rows in front and one seat over from him in her history class. He wasn’t bad looking, by any stretch of the imagination. He had a crooked, boyish smile and messy brown curls that he constantly had to sweep from his eyes. But there were days when the only way she could differentiate some of the boys at her school were by height or hair color alone. Eddie was a perfectly fine boy in a school full of perfectly fine boys.
“He’s just lucky you said yes,” Peggy retorts after a pause, giggling when Mary Ellen launches a tube of lipstick at her.
As for the black eagles ot4, I'm unsure how familiar with Fire Emblem Three Houses you are but Protag/Girl Who Wants To Kill Jesus/Her Right Hand Man/Token Bisexual Actress is my default quad. And I was just feeling my wheatiess with them one day and scribbled out a little modern au for them! Something something intimacy through existing around each other in fluid harmony
Please have local rat man prosecutor annoyed that his opera singer girlfriend and his bodyguard girlfriend wake up in the middle of the afternoon. (tw bruises mention)
The sizzle of battered bread frying acts as an alarm for Byleth, as the sounds of cooking often do. The way to that woman’s heart was most assuredly through her stomach. Unlike Dorothea, Byleth cared little for the luxuries of more feminine sleep clothing. She emerges from her room, rubbing at cobalt eyes with the heel of her palm. Her sports bra and a pair of boxers - whether her own or an old pair of Hubert’s, no one remembers - show off fresh bruises that cause the attorney to narrow his eyes. An eventful night at the Golden Deer, it would seem. 
He opens his mouth to inquire about the blemishes but Byleth cuts him off with a sharp, prolonged yawn. “Morning, Hue. Morning Thea,” she greets, the sleep still clinging to her voice.
“Do neither of you wear a watch?” Hubert remarks instead. Byleth muffles another yawn with her hand but her eyes sparkle with mirth.
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prpfs · 1 year
🦁 hi! 20+nb looking for some fire emblem three houses, Dimitri-centric ship rps! I have a few plot ideas that I'd love to write out, and that can be discussed more in DM!
-Dimitri x Yuri (NSFW/Slow Burn, modern AU preferably)
-Dimitri x Rhea (Very Dark/NSFW, Crimson Flower Route specific)
-Dimitri x Constance (Slowburn/eventual NSFW, canon-verse but with an AU)
I can write either in either ship, but I prefer Dimitri most times! I write on discord and I range 3-6+ paragraphs on average, and I can usually reply every day or every other day depending on how busy I am/how I'm feeling. I'd love someone to gush about fire emblem with, share art with, and generally be friends with! Kinks and limits can be discussed in dm. Like this and I'll find you!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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crystallizedaria · 2 years
New Blog, Open Requests!
Hi everyone. I'm kind of new to the writing scene here so I figured I would make a big post about what I'm comfortable writing and ask for some prompts or something.
I can do imagines, headcannons, ficlets, one shots, drabbles, and poetry. I struggle to motivate myself so people asking helps a lot.
Here is a huge list of fandoms that I am into:
? = Rusty
* = Super Interested
Limited = I have more restrictions on what I'd be willing to write.
Adventure Time
Boku no Hero Academia
Bungou Stray Dogs - Limited
Cowboy Bebop
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba
Dead By Daylight ( @dbd-imagines )
Durarara - ?
Fairy Tail
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy XIV - ?
Final Fantasy XV
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fire Force
Genshin Impact
Gravity Falls
Grisha Verse (Books)
Hannibal ***
Hunter x Hunter
Inuyasha - Limited
JJBA Part 1-7
Jujutsu Kaisen
K Project
Kingdom Hearts
Mob Psycho 100
Monster Prom***
Mystic Messenger
Persona 5
Teen Wolf***
The Adventure Zone: Balance
The Quarry
Seven Deadly Sins
Skate the Infinity
Soul Eater
Voltron - Limited cause I didn't watch past a specific season.
Stardew Valley
Supernatural (au requests only)
Also what I will not write for public on here is any obvious ick things, I have trauma, as well as sinking ships. No NSFW either. I'll also totally rp some of this in dms as well as doing suggestions in asks. Please keep in mind that I may not find every prompt interested and may skip some.
I really enjoy crossovers, aus, and anything thats a little more than slice of life for actual one shots and stuff!
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mikaharuka · 1 year
My Revamped Masterpost!
Heyo y'all! I finally got around to creating this master list!
I'm on AO3 as Mizuka, and am the author of the Winter Light Verse.
Long story short, I had a worldbuilding concept, ended up with the Twilight/Life and Death fandom combo, threw out 98% of canon, and started a rewrite from scratch with totally different lore, history, vampire biology/society, and plot altogether. All while going full gay.
I've also written for other fandoms - most notably, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Ace Attorney. I even started my 'Fandom Odyssey', where I write the occasional fic in other fandoms - fandoms I like, fandoms my friends like, random fandoms, or even, all of the above!
Twilight/Life and Death - The Winter Light Verse
Apricity - Twilight Rewrite (M, ~81k words, 14/? chapters)
Mahabhuta - Apricity Interlude (E, ~7.7k words, 1/18 chapters)
Semper Felidae - Apricity Prelude (M, 3k words, 2/2 chapters)
Febris Amatoria - Apricity Kinktober (E, 1.2k words, 2/31 chapters)
Moonglade - Seattle, Beau POV (M, 750 words, 1/4 chapters)
A Series in Hands - Carlisle/Beau-centric fics, 900 words
A Study in Hands (M); An Indulgence in Hands (E);
A Lace in Hands (E); A Flirt in Hands (T); A Delight in Hands (T);
A Question in Series - Edward/Mike-centric fics, 900 words
A Question in Hands (T);
Elegance in the Series - Alice/Mina-centric fics, 900 words
Elegance in the Moonlight (M);
June Colors - Carlisle/Beau-centric color prompt fics
Amber Honey (E); Burgundy Affinity (E);
Winter Light Divergences, Derivatives & AUs
A Mosaic of Parallels - ficlet anthology (varied, index in chapter 1)
Flora Fati - fantasy/isekai, Harlequin (E, ~1.6k words, 1/6 chapters)
Ktêma es Aieí - Apricity time travel AU (T, 7.6k words, 4 chapters)
Danza de las Flores - FF Beaulisle AU, Carine/Bella (M, 1.5k words)
Non-Winter Light Twilight/Life and Death
The Sun, Moon, and Stars - Carine/Edythe (M, 900 words)
Fire Emblem Three Houses
The Tape - Modern AU Ferdibert smut (E, ~12.3k words)
The Forsaken Throne - BatB Prologue (T, 1.7k words)
Alluvium H - NSFW Ferdibert Zine Fic (E, 1.2k words)
Fusillade Z - NSFW Ferdibert Zine Fic (E, 1.2k words)
In Draconic Harmony - Edelthea, Post-Canon (M, 900 words)
Another Future - Ferdibert and Edelthea Reincarnation, 900 words
Desiderium - Canon-Compliant MCD (M, Ferdibert Part 1 of 3)
Translations of JP FE3H Supports
Hubert/Ferdinand - C-A+, Dining Hall, Group Tasks, Ending Card
Edelgard/Dorothea - C-A, Ending Card
Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判)
Summer Night Verse (Vampire AU)
Relentless Seduction - Narumitsu, mystery/Harlequin (T, 4.1k words)
Ruthless Seduction - Mitsunaru, future world smut (E, 1.5k words)
Other Fandoms - Mizuka's Fandom Odyssey
A Touch Through Time - Dracula/Jonathan Harker (M, 1k words)
Fire Emblem Awakening
Melle et Felle - Chrom/Robin (E, 1k words)
The Sword and The Flame - Frederick/Robin (M, 1k words)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika (PMMM)
The Die is Cast - Akemi Homura/Kaname Madoka (M, 900 words)
Persona 3
The Space Between - Arisato Minato/Sanada Akihiko (M, 1k words)
Star Wars / The Mandalorian
Metamorphosis - Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker (M, ~2.2k words, WIP)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Island of Illusion - Elim Garak/Julian Bashir (M, ~2k words, WIP)
Verdant Victory - Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair (T, 900 words)
(see this post for one-word prompt asks for the Winter Light Series!)
(see this post for my multi-fandom, chaotic collection of fics that wonderful authors and friends of mine wrote, based off my prompts!)
Also, I GOT THESE GIFTS! Some are set in the Winter Light Verse!
Anyways... glad to be here and don't be shy!
~Mizuka (or Mika, either is fine by me)
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adeadlysong · 2 years
Halloween was coming up, and that meant one thing - costumes. Fortunately, given Tahirah’s background of performances and dancing, that meant that she had plenty of spares to choose from if she wanted - or she could probably find the means to make a new one or have one made for her. 
However, she felt that new ones were necessary - mainly because she wanted it to go well with whatever Sorin chose, too!
“Which ones should we wear this year?” She murmured, looking toward her husband with a soft grin. 
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meisterkirisaki · 2 years
“Syl! I have a request.”
"A request?" Sylvan looked up at Sothis - he'd just finished putting some freshly-baked bread onto a rack to cool down. "What is it, Sothis?"
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doomxdriven · 1 year
// I know that fandom-wise The Bount aren't exactly the most liked thing (you know bc filler and all) but I still think the idea of 'Bleach's version of Vampires' is still a very cool concept.
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Another cool thing I find is that the Bount (and Jin rlly in this case), on account of basically being Vampires (not literally but they are the Bleach World's equivalent to them) can translate pretty well into AU's and such-- I have yet to actually write any AU'S IN DEPTH, but even just spitballing some potential ideas here, there's a lot to consider, such as;
Chainsaw Man: Jin is the literal Vampire Devil (albeit he takes a more Bount-y spin on the idea of a Vampire), and akin to his quest in other verses, he's, for the longest time, been slowly working toward vengeance against the various Devil Hunting organizations across the world (although perhaps there's a bigger one he's aiming at) who he see's as having oppressed his 'people'-- i.e, Devils, Fiends, etc, but also the countless people he has contracted with and/or 'turned' by way of his sphere.
I do have an idea for something Fire Emblem related, too, specifically Three Houses since that's the only Fire Emblem I've ever really played JHGSDFGHJSDFGHJSDGHJSDGHJSDGHJSD, but?? Something involving Jin, a 'Bount' (Vampire-like entity) coming from a foreign land seeking the power of the Crests to use in his plan for revenge against some group in his homeland.... or something. Still trying to work that out.
Jin being an ancient sorcerer/curse user or maybe even a type of curse/human hybrid (hey death paintings exist so why not SDHJFGSDGHJ) with a Bount-ish/Vampire-ish slant (who, along with his followers, may actually be responsible for the legends/myths of Vampires in the JJK world) in a JJK AU is also an idea I've thought about as well. Don't know where he could pop in timeline wise but him appearing as some kind of larger scale villain who's out to take some kind of revenge on the Jujutsu Headquarters or maybe the society of Jujutsu Sorcerers worldwide seems like it could be interesting.
Honestly a lot of these AU'S still need to actually be worked on in depth but, I think these are good ideas for the most part?? Maybe I will actually delve into them via threads at some point SDJHFGDSGHJ
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oc-menagerie · 1 year
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OC Menagerie!
A Roleplay Blog filled with OCS, both series based and fandomless!
Multi-Muse, Multi-Ship, Multi-Verse, AU, Crossover friendly!
Series include: Naruto, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Twisted Wonderland, Nier Automata, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy 7, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Kingdom Hearts, Genshin Impact and Pokemon!
Penned by SphinxChan!
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