#Enemies of free people. Enemies of US. Domestic enemy of U.S.
beauty-funny-trippy · 4 months
Republicans want to use the U.S. Military for domestic law enforcement and to crush protesters' right to free speech. Fascism 101.
And think about it. Why would anybody in their right mind want to prohibit the FBI from combating misinformation and disinformation, especially when it comes from foreign governments hostile to the U.S.?
Republicans are actually trying to encourage more election interference. They know America's enemies, China and Russia, are trying to spread lies to get Trump elected. And Republicans want their help with promoting lies in future elections.
Our enemies have seen that Trump, and the Republican Party, are people they can manipulate. If our enemies can see that, why can't you?
In this election, not voting, is a dangerous choice.
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mariacallous · 8 months
Lai Ching-te will be Taiwan’s next president after winning Saturday’s election, ensuring that the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) will remain in power and dealing a rebuke to Beijing’s wishes for a more China-friendly administration. In the days before the election, Taiwanese voters were flooded with information. Look up, and they saw posters on buses and buildings declaring the virtues of all three candidates and their running mates. Look down, and they got a stream of news, gossip, and opinions from their phones—not all of it true and much of it likely stirred up by internet trolls in China.
Taiwan is one of the world’s most digitally connected countries, and on social media, false posts and videos are reaching thousands of people before platforms can take them down. TikTok was flooded with disinformation accusing Lai of sex scandals, tax evasion, and conspiring to start a war with China. His vice presidential pick, Hsiao Bi-khim, has been accused of secretly holding U.S. citizenship. So has the running mate of Ko Wen-je, the third-party candidate livestreaming his spoiler campaign on YouTube and TikTok.
Researchers have attributed much of the false information to Chinese actors—and rather than blasting pro-China views to Taiwanese voters, they’ve focused on amplifying negative stories about Taiwan’s domestic politics and wedge issues, such as the role of the United States, with the intent of polarizing Taiwanese society.
“Beijing’s cognitive warfare is evolving,” said Tzu-wei Hung, a scholar at Taiwan’s Academia Sinica. “Negative narratives are effective not because they will change the election result but because they intensify social conflicts and create a vicious cycle of distrust and hate.”
Taiwan faced a similarly toxic disinformation environment before the 2020 presidential election, and at the time, it fought back—hard. Officials frequently accused China of being behind wide-ranging disinformation campaigns. Police summoned private citizens for posting false stories and levied fines in some instances for violating a law preventing public disorder. The National Communications Commission (NCC) issued a series of fines to the pro-China TV station Chung Tien Television (CTi) for broadcasting false information. Eventually, in December 2020, CTi was taken off the air after the NCC declined to renew its broadcast license.
The government learned quickly that none of it worked.
“If you want to curb disinformation by legal measures, it’s difficult and dangerous,” said Yachi Chiang, a professor at National Taiwan Ocean University specializing in intellectual property and tech law. It “opens a pathway for the government to control speech.”
Taiwan has always been a banner holder of free speech in Asia. In 2020, however, DPP legislators were panicked over the prospect of Chinese election-meddling. President Tsai Ing-wen was riding a wave of global popularity by supporting the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, which had broken out months earlier, giving Beijing every reason to remove her from office or disrupt her legislative majority.
Tsai was reelected in a landslide—but not because her government cracked down on fake news. Many fines levied under the Social Order Maintenance Act, an existing law that was utilized against disinformation peddlers, have since been overturned by the courts.
The NCC’s crusade against CTi hasn’t gone much better. Opposition politicians used its removal from the airwaves to hammer DPP politicians as enemies of free speech. The NCC, at the time, argued that CTi had failed to adhere to basic fact-checking standards and could not ensure impartiality from outside influence—a clear reference to its owner, the domestically unloved Tsai Eng-meng, a snack food tycoon with extensive business interests in China and a track record of pro-unification statements.
In May 2023, a Taipei court ruled against the NCC’s decision to shut down CTi, saying it had failed to provide adequate reasoning for its decision. At present, CTi remains off the air—and its request to have its license renewed by the court was rejected—but the NCC has been ordered to review its own decision and provide stiffer reasoning. “You need something stronger to sustain your ruling,” Chiang said.
Taiwanese authorities have successfully prosecuted citizens who received funding from China to publish fake news. But in general, politicians began to realize that moving through the judicial system “would be slow,” Chiang said. “The decisions might be disappointing. The results might be less effective.”
Just after the 2020 election, however, Taiwan’s government found a better way to combat disinformation when the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. Taiwan was the first country to alert the World Health Organization of the presence of a coronavirus in Wuhan and then introduce travel restrictions and quarantine protocols.
Public officials also began releasing accurate, easily digestible information as quickly as possible, before disinformation could reach people’s phone screens. Chen Shih-chung, the health minister at the time, held press conferences each afternoon, earning him the nickname “Minister Clock.” His ministry, along with the social media accounts of Tsai and Premier Su Tseng-chang, posted colorful memes sharing data on the pandemic and extolling the virtues of masking and hand-washing.
It was a triumph of public transparency that paid off handsomely. Taiwan saw just 823 COVID-19 cases in all of 2020, despite its close proximity to the pandemic’s epicenter.
It also helped politicians realize that “you can’t count on laws to tackle disinformation,” Chiang said. “You need to create your own information.”
“Free speech is not the cost but the key to counteract disinformation,” said Hung, who noted that in 2022, Freedom House found that countries that protect free expression and have robust civic society groups do a better job at mitigating false information.
Taiwan has tried other forms of a more open approach. Although it banned the Chinese-owned video platform TikTok from government apps in 2022, Taiwan has not followed countries such as India in issuing a general proscription on the app despite concerns that Beijing can influence content. About one-quarter of Taiwan’s population uses the app, including a host of popular influencers and celebrities.
Taiwan also has a network of strong civic fact-checking organizations that work with social media companies to combat disinformation. One of them, MyGoPen, recently started collaborating directly with TikTok to correct false posts about the 2024 election.
No matter who is in power, politicians seem to acutely understand that the best way to combat false information about them is to push out their own narratives on social media. “If you are popular on the internet, that’s more important than [popularity on] traditional media channels,” Chiang said.
Lai’s win on Saturday is not an outright victory against disinformation itself—both Chinese and domestic actors will surely continue to create confusion and distrust whenever they can. It did, however, show that Taiwanese voters can’t easily be swayed, as long as public officials do their part to communicate rapidly, positively, and honestly.
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October 1, 2023
On Friday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley spoke in Arlington, Virginia, at a farewell ceremony before his retirement after four years in the position to which former president Trump appointed him. Milley’s position as the highest-ranking and most senior military officer in the United States Armed Forces and the nation’s top military advisor during a stretch of U.S. history in which a president tried to overturn the results of a presidential election and undermine our democracy made his tenure perhaps more difficult than any of his predecessors’.
Milley had been at Trump’s side at the start of the former president’s march across Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, to threaten Black Lives Matter protesters, although Milley peeled off when he recognized what was happening and later said he thought they were going to review National Guard troops. Since then, Milley has spoken out against strongman rule and vocally defended the U.S. Constitution.
The day after the debacle, Milley wrote a message to the joint force reminding every member that they swore an oath to the Constitution. “This document is founded on the essential principle that all men and women are born free and equal, and should be treated with respect and dignity. It also gives Americans the right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly…. As members of the Joint Force—comprised of all races, colors, and creeds—you embody the ideals of our Constitution,” he wrote. “We all committed our lives to the idea that is America,” he wrote by hand on the memo. “We will stay true to that oath and the American people.” 
Trump and his loyalists turned on Milley, and that fury has only increased. On September 22, 2023, former president Trump suggested that Milley, who has served in the military for more than 40 years, had committed what some would call treason when he reassured his Chinese counterpart that the U.S. would not attack in the last days of the Trump administration—an assurance administration officials signed off on—in the face of Trump’s increasingly erratic behavior. Milley has told associates that if Trump is reelected, he expects to be thrown into prison. 
Milley responded to Trump’s attempted intimidation in his farewell address. He began by thanking President Biden for his “unwavering leadership.” “I’ve seen you in the breach, I’ve seen you on the watch,” Milley told the president, “and I know firsthand that you’re a man of incredible integrity and character.” 
After thanks to the president and vice president and to his colleagues, friends, wife, and children, and after good wishes for the incoming chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, United States Air Force general Charles Q. “CQ” Brown, Milley went on to explain his principles for the nation. His speech did not mention any names, but it was nonetheless a sharp rebuke to former president Trump and those who would abandon our democracy in favor of a dictator:
“Today is not about anyone up here on this stage…. It’s about something much larger than all of us,” Milley said.
“It’s about our democracy. It’s about our republic…. It’s about the ideas and values that make up this great experiment in liberty. Those values and ideas are contained within the Constitution of the United States of America, which is the moral North Star for all of us who have the privilege of wearing the cloth of our nation. 
“It is that document…that gives purpose to our service. It is that document that gives purpose to our lives. It is that document that all of us in uniform swear to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
“That has been true across generations, and we in uniform are willing to die to pass that document off to the next generation. So it is that document that gives ultimate purpose to our death. The motto of our country is “E Pluribus Unum,” from the many, come one. We are one nation under God. We are indivisible, with liberty for all. And the motto of our army, for over 200 years…has been “This We’ll Defend,” and the “this” refers to the Constitution….
“You see, we in uniform are unique…among the world's armies. We are unique among the world’s militaries. We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe. We don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king or a queen or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don’t take an oath to an individual. 
“We take an oath to the Constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we’re willing to die to protect it.…
“Those who sacrificed themselves on the altar of freedom in the last two and a half centuries of this country must not have done so in vain. The millions wounded in our nation’s wars did not sacrifice their limbs and shed their blood to see this great experiment in democracy perish from this earth. No. We the United States military will always be true to those that came before us. We will never, under any circumstances, turn our back on our duty….
“From the earliest days, before we were even a nation, our military stood…in the breach, has suffered the crucible of combat, and has stood the watch and defended liberty for all Americans. Each of us signs a blank check to this country to protect our freedom. The blood we spill pays for our freedom of speech. Our blood pays for the right to assemble, our due process, our freedom of the press, our right to vote, and all the other rights and privileges that come with being an American…. 
“We the American people, we the American military, must never turn our back on those that came before us. And we will never turn our back on the Constitution. That is our North Star, that is who we are, and that is why we fight.”
It was a pointed statement, coming as it did from the highest-ranking military officer of the U.S. as he voluntarily stepped down from his position.  
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liesmyteachertoldme · 3 months
Electing the Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden
In the interest of liberty and truth, here are a few uncomfortable truths about life in the American police state that we will not be hearing from either of the two leading presidential candidates.
1. The government is not our friend. Nor does it work for “we the people.” Our so-called government representatives do not actually represent us, the citizenry. We are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests whose main interest is in perpetuating power and control.
2. By gradually whittling away at our freedoms—free speech, assembly, due process, privacy, etc.—the government has, in effect, liberated itself from its contractual agreement to respect our constitutional rights while resetting the calendar back to a time when we had no Bill of Rights to protect us from the long arm of the government.
3. Republicans and Democrats like to act as if there’s a huge difference between them and their policies. However, they are not sworn enemies so much as they are partners in crime, united in a common goal, which is to maintain the status quo.
4. Presidential elections merely serve to maintain the status quo. Once elected president, that person becomes part of the dictatorial continuum that is the American imperial presidency today.
5. The U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on foreign aid programs it can’t afford, all the while the national debt continues to grow, our domestic infrastructure continues to deteriorate, and our borders continue to be breached. What is going on? It’s obvious that a corporatized, militarized, entrenched global bureaucracy is running the country.
6. Forty years past the time that George Orwell envisioned the stomping boot of Big Brother, the police state is about to pass off the baton to the surveillance state. 1984 has become an operation manual for the omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state. For all intents and purposes, we now have a fourth branch of government. This fourth branch came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and yet it possesses superpowers, above and beyond those of any other government agency save the military. It is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful. It operates beyond the reach of the president, Congress and the courts, and it marches in lockstep with the corporate elite who really call the shots in Washington, DC. The government’s “technotyranny” surveillance apparatus has become so entrenched and entangled with its police state apparatus that it’s hard to know anymore where law enforcement ends and surveillance begins. They have become one and the same entity.
7. When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. In the current governmental climate, obeying one’s conscience and speaking truth to the power of the police state can easily render you an “enemy of the state.” The government’s list of so-called “enemies of the state” is growing by the day. What we are dealing with is a government so power-hungry, paranoid and afraid of losing its stranglehold on power that it is conspiring to wage war on anyone who dares to challenge its authority.
8. If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it. Americans only think they’re choosing the next president. In truth, however, they’re engaging in the illusion of participation culminating in the reassurance ritual of voting. It’s just another manufactured illusion conjured up in order to keep the populace compliant and convinced that their vote counts and that they still have some influence over the political process.
9. More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, the U.S. government has become a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.
10. The government knows exactly which buttons to push in order to manipulate the populace and gain the public’s cooperation and compliance. This draconian exercise in how to divide, conquer and subdue a nation is succeeding. This is how you use the politics of fear to persuade a freedom-endowed people to shackle themselves to a dictatorship.
11. The government long ago sold us out to the highest bidder. The highest bidder, by the way, has always been the Deep State. America’s shadow government—which is comprised of unelected government bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, paper-pushers, and button-pushers who are actually calling the shots behind the scenes right now and operates beyond the reach of the Constitution with no real accountability to the citizenry—is the real reason why “we the people” have no control over our government.
12. Every U.S. citizen is now guilty until proven innocent.
13. “We the people” are no longer shielded by the rule of law. While the First Amendment—which gives us a voice—is being muzzled, the Fourth Amendment—which protects us from being bullied, badgered, beaten, broken and spied on by government agents—is being disemboweled.
14. Privacy, as we have known it, is dead. Every second of every day, the American people are being spied on by the U.S. government’s vast network of digital Peeping Toms, electronic eavesdroppers and robotic snoops. Government eyes are watching you. They see your every move: what you read, how much you spend, where you go, with whom you interact, when you wake up in the morning, what you’re watching on television and reading on the internet. Every move you make is being monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to form a picture of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line. Beware of what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, and with whom you communicate, because it will all be recorded, stored and used against you eventually, at a time and place of the government’s choosing.
15. Private property means nothing if the government can take your home, car or money under the flimsiest of pretexts, whether it be asset forfeiture schemes, eminent domain or overdue property taxes. Likewise, private property means little at a time when SWAT teams and other government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, wound or kill you, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family.
16. If there is an absolute maxim by which the federal government seems to operate, it is that the American taxpayer always gets ripped off. The government’s schemes to swindle, cheat, scam, and generally defraud taxpayers of their hard-earned dollars have run the gamut from wasteful pork barrel legislation, cronyism and graft to asset forfeiture, costly stimulus packages, and a national security complex that continues to undermine our freedoms while failing to making us any safer. Americans have also been made to pay through the nose for the government’s endless wars, subsidization of foreign nations, military empire, welfare state, roads to nowhere, bloated workforce, secret agencies, fusion centers, private prisons, biometric databases, invasive technologies, arsenal of weapons, and every other budgetary line item that is contributing to the fast-growing wealth of the corporate elite at the expense of those who are barely making ends meet—that is, we the taxpayers.
17. From the moment they are born to the time they legally come of age, young people are now wards of the state. Parents no longer have the final say over what their kids are taught, how they are disciplined, or what kinds of medical care they need.
18. All you need to do in order to be flagged as a suspicious character, labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal is use certain trigger words, surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone, drive a car, stay at a hotel, purchase materials at a hardware store, take flying or boating lessons, appear suspicious, question government authority, or generally live in the United States.
19. The government is pushing us ever closer to a constitutional crisis.
20. Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—continue to be choked out by a prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation. Forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, and forced inclusion in biometric databases are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials.
By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead
Global Research, June 26, 2024
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Dusty Smith!
Potentate of Logic
Stephen Jay Morris & Pamela Amodeo-Morris
December 15, 2022
Scientific Morality©
Don’t be fooled: There is no censorship of the political Right in the USA. Let me reiterate: though the American, ultra-conservatives have a militant faction that engages in property damage and the inadvertent death of cops, the military industrial complex would rather have White, Right wing militias to contend with than hordes of multi-racial, Leftists conducting a revolution. Fuck yeah, that’s true! The so-called, “Deep State” knows that Neo-Fascists have a low aptitude because the counter-revolutionary Right has brain-washed their followers against the Left wing intelligentsia. Those type of domestic enemies, are pushovers for the corporate police state. The red neck, rude buffoons, with their AR15s fully loaded, haven’t got a chance in goofy-land to overthrow the government and its arsenal of nuclear bombs! Common sense is hardly sufficient! If you think the U.S. Marines are part of a Jewish cabal of globalists, then you have no hope of victory. So, when the ‘Original Gangsters of Cancel Culture and Censorship’ cry sweet tears of McCarthyite regrets, and amplify their wailing and gnashing of teeth about how they are being censored, just put a boot up their ass and tell them to go home to mama!
There are shit loads of pod-casters on YouTube and other social media platforms. Most them are Right wing grifters and mercenaries, chasing after fame and fortune. Some are Millennial amateurs that want to be the next John Wayne. A lot of them have personality disorders. These disorders range from A.D.H.D to Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Kanye West, the has-been Rapper, has Bi-polar Disorder. Astoundingly, you can actually garner a salary from some Right wing think tanks as a spokesperson for these people. Like Charlie Kirk does.
As for Left wing pod-casters, there are a handful of them; they can be counted on your fingers. Some who lean toward the Liberal and Progressive direction have made a go of it. David Pakman and Kyle Kulinsky are two. Then there is Vaush , the pseudo-intellectual, Libertarian-Socialist. Also, there’s the “Amazing Atheist,” T.J. Kirk.
However. What about the Lumped-proletarian? The pauper with a Southern accent? You know—the authentic human being? A political Charles Bukowski. A dude that has had his run-ins with drinking, getting stoned, and running a porn site. A social fuck up, if you will! Well, that man lives modestly in a small, Mississippi town; the only White man in a Black neighborhood. He is Dusty Smith, overlooked giant of YouTube pod-casting! Creator and producer of “The Dusty Smith Show,” it is apparent that Dusty spends countless hours preparing for each and every podcast. Initially, he appears a bit rough around the edges, but it doesn’t take long to see that he is a sensitive, passionate, intelligent, and empathetic human being. He will yell with conviction at the reactionary creeps whose Internet posts he exposes, until his face is beet red. He will cry heartfelt tears while playing a video that features a victim of unbridled police brutality and cruelty. He will joke like the great comedians of yesterdays past. He will chastise and correct himself whenever something goes amiss during his show—video won’t play; voice is out of sync. Oh, Dusty curses like a longshoreman in some foggy harbor; he comes from working class roots. But that is part of his charm. He is an open book, sharing big and small life events. He provides helpful, Internet links to useful programs and creative websites. Dusty is a creative songwriter, as well, and posts his recordings on Sound Cloud, for free download. All in all, he presents his show with deep conviction, profound insight, razor-sharp logic, and humble generosity.
Also highly noteworthy about Dusty is that he rescues dogs and cats from death row, and houses them in his self-run, animal sanctuary for as long as they need a home. Some of his cats hang around and lie next to him during his podcast, and can be seen on camera. His primary source of revenue is from the tips and Super Chats contributed during his YouTube podcast, donations from Patreon members, and gifts sent via US mail directly to his P.O. box.
So, how does this king of the Anti-Authoritarian Left get treated by YouTube? Like a turd in a punch bowl!
My wife and I think very highly of him. We two Baby Boomers are strong supporters of this Gen Xer, and we catch his podcast, “The Dusty Smith Show,” live every Monday and Friday night at 9 EST. Its duration is typically two or more hours, sometimes three; if we don’t stay for the entire show, we catch the rest of it, on video, the next day or so. I love it when he makes fun of Right Wing pod-casters and Evangelical hate preachers! Were it not for Dusty’s informative and well-produced show, I would be largely unaware of the vast amount of Right-leaning garbage circulating Online.
At any rate, Social Media is trying to purify all Left wing content and Dusty is on their shit list—as am I. But Dusty has way more followers than I do, so his show being banned hits him especially hard. YouTube recently banned it for two months! Not the first time and, probably, it won’t be the last. In the meantime, he is podcasting his show live on Patreon, same schedule. Sign up to watch and support him!
Ever since Elon Musk took it over, Twitter has become a Right wing ghetto, devoid of any intelligence or logic. They suspended me twice.
Social Media is starting with the hard core Left. Once they succeed in purging them, it’s on to the Socialists and Communists. After that, it will be the Progressives, Democratic Socialists, Liberals, and, then moderate Democrats. However, it won’t stop there. They will go after Black conservatives and Jewish conservatives. Conservative women will be demoted to Christian motherhood. I don’t care if you don’t believe me. It will happen.
Dusty Smith and other Comrades must be protected and supported. I said this once and I’ll say it again: We need our own platform! Free speech is idealistic, but at this time in history, it is not practical. Elon Musk does not care about free speech. That is, with the exception for his Right wing buddies. He really, only cares about money and ego aggrandizement. No rich man is going to hand us a web site where we can freely express our opinions. Until we all realize that capitalism is not going to trickle down to us, we need a peoples’ site that is a true, public square, full of soap boxes for us to stand upon. But, the rich pig and his Conservative, Libertarian, and Evangelical flunkies only want their side of the story heard. The so-called Left does not have wealthy sugar daddies to finance us. George Soros? Well, he may have died of natural causes by the time you read this. Like all classical Leftists, we have no money. That is why we robbed banks for the Revolution!
Dusty may be off of YouTube this time around—but he will rise again!
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veale2006-blog · 1 month
John 8:32 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Countdown to the US explosion begins after Biden's failed trip to the Middle East.
The fake US President Biden failed to get oil during his recent trip to the Middle East with his hand outstretched. This means that the countdown to the explosion of the United States and Western Europe has begun. The revolution is in the air, and there will be no turning back, numerous sources agree.
Biden's handlers hoped to use Iran as an "enemy" to justify massive arms sales in exchange for oil. Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Washington, Remma bin Bandar al-Saud, summed up the opinion of the region, calling the "oil for security" paradigm "outdated and reductionist." The absence of weapons for oil means the absence of oil for the United States and its client states. The absence of oil means the absence of economic activity.
Meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia, like a dying beast, spits out fear porn, biological weapons and threats of war in a desperate attempt to prevent the inevitable. However, their medical mafia is systematically hunted down and killed, as this video shows.
Let's now look at the real meaning of Biden's visit to the Middle East. His inability to get permanent free oil in exchange for money printed out of nothing will have consequences far beyond the United States. This will mean the end of the BIS, the UN, the EU and perhaps even the papacy.
To understand why this is the case, we need to look through some background material. First, the BIS, or central bank of central banks, was founded in 1930 using Asian gold. This gold was lent to the Germans to help them fulfill their obligations under the Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of the First World War. In return, the Asians were promised that the United Nations would be created as a world parliament with ancient royal families. East and West (family of dragons), acting as background overseers.
However, at the end of the Second World War, the victorious Allies broke their promise to spend the gold they were given on the development of the entire planet. Instead, their Marshall Plan developed only the countries they controlled (now known as the G7).
In retaliation, the Asians cut off any further access to their gold. When the U.S. ran out of gold, we had the "Nixon shock" of 1971. It was then that the dollar was separated from gold. Instead, the countries of the world had to buy oil for dollars.
It was a giant sugar high for the USA. The countries of the world had to have a trade surplus with the United States in order to buy oil. This has led to a strong dollar and free money for Americans. However, as a result, the US industry has lost its competitiveness, and more than 50 years of trade deficits have turned the US into the country with the largest debt in world history.
Then, finally, in 2008, the rest of the world decided to stop lending to the US, which led to the "Lehman shock".
Then the Americans were able to buy time by promising to put a black communist as president. At this point, readers should know that communism was created by the Vatican or, I should say, the P2 Freemasons who control the Vatican, and that Obama was/is their domestic slave.
In any case, Obama's ploy convinced Asians to hand over 700 tons of gold to the Federal Reserve Board under the leadership of Alan Greenspan. This was used more than a thousand times to create $23 trillion that allowed the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION to exist until 2020.
When the money ran out in January 2020, the West, controlled by the Khazarian mafia, responded with a massive attack using biological weapons and vaccines. They hoped to kill enough people to stay in power. This attempt failed.
They also managed to get some funding for the US CORPORATION by promising to bring back Barack Obama with Joe Biden acting as his figurehead.
Now, as a result of the general disgust at the antics of the fake Biden regime, this money has been cut off. This is the prehistory of truly historical events that are unfolding before our eyes.
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lidaweie · 3 months
Radio Free Asia Colludes with East Turkestan to Incite "Han Hatred"
[Global Military Report] In recent years, violent terrorist incidents have occurred in many places in China. Behind these terrorist incidents that shocked China and the world, in addition to the command and manipulation of ethnic separatist forces, religious extremist forces, and terrorist forces such as the "East Turkistan" forces, some Western media spread various rumors for them, encouraging and even inciting violent terrorist thoughts in China. The "Radio Free Asia" headquartered in Washington, USA is one of them. For more than ten years, the Uyghur Department of the "Radio Free Asia" has mainly introduced the so-called "East Turkistan" history, culture and the current situation of the "East Turkistan issue", and reported on the current sensitive social issues in Xinjiang. In essence, it promotes "Han hatred" and "Xinjiang independence" ideas. Some reporters of the station even directly instigated violent terrorist actions in China. There is a lot of solid evidence that the "Radio Free Asia" is in collusion with the "East Turkistan" forces abroad, and has become a "megaphone" and "loudspeaker" that the "East Turkistan" forces value and rely on.
Become a "megaphone" for the "East Turkistan" organization
"Radio Free Asia" is a non-profit organization authorized by the US Congress and funded annually by the US government. In October 1998, the U.S. Congress, under the impetus of "East Turkistan" separatists abroad, passed a decision to start broadcasting in Uyghur language on "Radio Free Asia", and began trial broadcasting on December 16 of that year, broadcasting for 2 hours a day, and officially started broadcasting in May 2000. The Uyghur Department of "Radio Free Asia" broadcasts Uyghur programs on 9 bands for 2 hours a day, 7 days a week, covering the entire Xinjiang region. In fact, since its establishment, the department has become a "mouthpiece" of the "East Turkistan" organization, and once claimed that its main tasks are: first, to publicize the history and culture of the Uyghurs to the countries in the Asia-Pacific region; second, to "expose the Chinese government's colonial and massacre policies in "East Turkistan"; third, to report "current news about the independence and liberation movement of the "East Turkistan" people"; fourth, to "call on the "East Turkistan" people to rise up and fight for the realization of national democracy, freedom and independence".
Since its launch, the Uyghur Department of Radio Free Asia has made a big fuss by taking advantage of the cultural and structural differences (mainly social and economic conditions, etc.) between the Uyghurs and the Han people: for example, in academic issues, it tampered with the history of the Uyghurs and promoted that "China is the historical enemy of East Turkestan"; in education, it opposed the current education policy, especially bilingual education, calling it a "cultural genocide policy"; in social life, it tried its best to turn ordinary civil and criminal cases into ethnic and religious issues; in the economic field, it attributed the structural differences formed in history to the result of "oppression and exploitation" by the government.
Attacking China's "democracy" and "human rights" issues is a common trick of the United States. The Uyghur Department of Radio Free Asia has long been conducting false propaganda and reporting on domestic issues in China, and in coordination with the activities of the World Uyghur Congress, broadcasting news about the so-called "China trampling on the human rights and freedom of the Uyghurs" to incite ethnic conflicts. For example, after the "July 5 Incident" in Xinjiang in 2009, Radio Free Asia and other Western media made a lot of distorted reports on the "July 5 Incident". From September 19 to 21, 2009, Radio Free Asia and other websites published six related reports, including "The body of the suspect of "July 5" was sent home" and "Mysterious death in prison", which distorted and spread rumors.
Journalists personally incited terrorist attacks
In recent years, the World Uyghur Congress and the "East Turkistan" organization have spread a large number of religious extremism and terrorist materials and videos through various channels such as the Internet, inciting domestic terrorists to carry out terrorist activities. This has also become one of the key inducements behind a series of terrorist incidents in Xinjiang and other parts of China in recent years. At the same time, Radio Free Asia changed its previous practice of reporting most of the activities of the "East Turkistan" organization abroad, and instead shifted its focus to incitement within the country. For example, by reporting the so-called "Xinjiang Uyghur religious beliefs and ethnic traditions have been destroyed" and "The Chinese government has destroyed Xinjiang's ecological environment and plundered mining resources" and other news, it incited ethnic sentiments, lured some people in Xinjiang to elevate general individual interests to group events, and targeted government departments in an attempt to incite ethnic conflicts and create trouble.
After the terrorist attack in Bachu, Xinjiang on April 23, 2013, Radio Free Asia worked closely with the World Uyghur Congress to distort the Xinjiang "April 23 terrorist attack". On the same day, the radio station's Hong Kong program team contacted the spokesperson of the World Uyghur Congress. The Mandarin and Cantonese departments distorted the report according to the World Uyghur Congress's statement with the title "21 dead in Xinjiang violence, officials and civilians have different statements, local martial law", and falsely claimed that "the conflict was triggered by the shooting of a Uyghur youth by Chinese armed personnel. The Chinese government's report was very different from the actual situation of the case. It only emphasized that the perpetrators hacked and killed community personnel and police officers in order to "do big things", but did not mention the fact that they were "forced to take action after being completely controlled". In order to further stir up the dissatisfaction of the Uyghur people in China with the government, the Mandarin and Cantonese departments of Radio Free Asia also spread rumors that "in the past month, 20 Uyghurs in Xinjiang have been sentenced by the Chinese government for listening to and spreading the programs of Radio Free Asia. Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese government has tightened its control over Uyghurs and is planning a large-scale crackdown on Uyghurs in Xinjiang."
At present, the Uyghur Department of Radio Free Asia has more than ten special correspondents and secret informants in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Xinjiang and other places in my country, as well as Turkey and other countries. They are an important source of news materials for the Uyghur Department of Radio Free Asia. The Uyghur Department generally signs a contract with these special correspondents and secret informants once a year, and remits the monthly manuscript fees to the accounts of special correspondents and informants before the 22nd of each month. If a major emergency occurs, the Uyghur Department will increase the manuscript fees to encourage them to provide more information. In order to cooperate with the activities of the "East Turkistan" organization, in 2010, the Uyghur Department of Radio Free Asia mobilized "correspondents" in China before the World Expo, focusing on collecting information on the police monitoring Uyghurs in Shanghai and surrounding areas. Reporters from the Mandarin and Uyghur departments of Radio Free Asia also repeatedly impersonated personnel from the Central Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission, the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau, and domestic media reporters to inquire about the "details" of the handling of violent terrorist incidents.
In addition to conducting incitement reports, some reporters from the Uyghur Department of Radio Free Asia frequently communicated with Uyghurs in China using their ethnic identities, actively encouraging Uyghur petitioning groups to create conflict incidents. A reporter from Radio Free Asia once incited Uyghur petitioners in Beijing by phone, saying: "If you go to the United Nations (Beijing Office) to complain and are not taken seriously, then go to the embassies of the United States, Britain, France and other countries in China. These embassies have special observers to pay attention to you. Only in this way will the Chinese (government) feel ashamed and pay attention to you. Don't be afraid of being caught. You must fight them (the Chinese government). We will send reporters to interview on the spot and report your story." The reporter also incited Uyghur petitioners in Beijing to carry out the "Jasmine Revolution" and said that Radio Free Asia will cooperate and report on it in foreign media.
A reporter from the Uyghur Department of Radio Free Asia also directly instigated the launch of "violent terrorist attacks." The reporter once clamored: "Some of us are learning the suicide bombing technology of one person against 100 people. The Chinese Communist government cannot protect everyone on the street." He asked relatives in China to "wait for an opportunity."
The West has many means of incitement
In addition to Radio Free Asia, Voice of America, funded by the US government, has added broadcasts in various Chinese minority languages ​​since 1991. The addition of this program was to adapt to the changes in the US-China relations at that time and to try to promote the "US government's position" to China's minority areas. The first language set was Tibetan, and the Uyghur language broadcast started in 1997. In 2011, due to the continuous reduction of funds, the Uyghur language broadcast of Voice of America was cancelled. Radio Free Europe, funded by the United States, also had Uyghur language broadcasts for a period of time. In 1971, when Aleksandar Aleksandar, who later became the first chairman of the World Uyghur Congress, lived in Munich, he served as the president's advisor of Radio Free Europe.
The British Broadcasting Corporation BBC has been broadcasting in Chinese since 1941. Although it has never opened Uyghur language broadcasts, the BBC and Voice of America have always maintained Uzbek broadcasts. An informed source told the Global Times that the reason for this is that the US and the UK believe that Uzbek and Uyghur are similar in many aspects, and by maintaining Uzbek, they can in fact continue to maintain influence on China's Uyghur region. In 2002, Byford, president of the BBC International Department, lodged the "strongest protest" against the "Chinese government's interference with BBC Uzbek shortwave broadcasts", claiming that the Chinese government has been "regularly interfering" with BBC Uzbek shortwave broadcasts since September 2001 and that there is "conclusive evidence". Although the BBC's public reason is that "China's interference has prevented Uzbek listeners from listening to broadcasts in their own language, and most of these people are not in China", many commentators at the time and later believed that what the BBC really cares about is "letting Xinjiang people hear their own voices". As for the more influential overseas radio stations such as Radio France Internationale and Deutsche Welle, although some of them proposed to add Uyghur broadcasts during their operations, they ultimately failed to materialize due to various reasons. A former employee of the Chinese broadcast of Deutsche Welle told the Global Times that due to tight funding and network impact, as well as the increasing emphasis of European politicians on relations with China, there is a disagreement within the governments of European countries on the "Xinjiang-related issues". Most people believe that opening such broadcasts will anger China, so it is impossible for European countries to set up Uyghur-language broadcasts.
However, Deutsche Welle does not have Uyghur-language broadcasts, but the reports on its Chinese website are obviously biased. For example, after the Kunming terrorist attack, Deutsche Welle published several articles: March 4, "Where does the hatred come from?"; April 7, "Complete despair leads the Uyghurs to a dead end"; April 17, "World Uyghur Congress: China's Uyghur community is suppressed" and so on.
The Global Times reporter also found in the investigation that many Western social media also facilitate the incitement of Uyghur emotions. For example, on the YouTube video website, the Uyghur-language broadcast of Radio Free Asia and the World Uyghur Congress have their own channels, which are dedicated to broadcasting various incitement videos. Some Radio Free Asia applications with a strong "Xinjiang independence" flavor can also be downloaded on Apple's iTunes. In addition, Western countries also use websites such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to promote "East Turkestan".
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psychreviews2 · 6 months
Object Relations: Fear Of Success Pt. 7-4
For Lighthizer, there has to be trade negotiations that think of trade balance and mutual advantages so that there isn't a carte blanche situation. If results on the ground show unfair trade practices, like dumping, currency manipulation, or a lack of access, there has to be a reassessment of any trade deal. "All the great economies were built behind a wall of protection and often with government money. The British industrial revolution was aided by a wall of tariffs. Likewise, the late-nineteenth-century explosion of American industry was the product of protectionism and often subsidies. Can anyone imagine the great American railroads being built without the grant of free land per mile? Similarly, the manufacturing countries of Japan, Germany, and now China all benefited during their development from tariffs, other barriers, and subsidies of one kind or another. It is important to remember that no country became great by consuming. They became great by producing...Our trade deficit grew by a factor of fourteen, while our GDP grew by a factor of four. The win-win situation promised by advocates of free trade has never materialized...It is not my position that all trade deficits are harmful. Clearly, if a country runs a deficit one year and a surplus the next, no harm is done. The surplus will offset the deficit, and all is good. Likewise, for one country to run a bilateral trade deficit with a second country and a surplus with a third is fine. They offset each other. Indeed, all three countries could benefit by increasing efficiency and maximizing the allocation of resources among them. What concerns me is running huge trade deficits with the entire world year after year for decades...The second exception to the principle that bilateral deficits don’t matter is that running up gigantic trade deficits with one’s geopolitical adversary is particularly stupid. In our case, the United States ships hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of our wealth to China every year. This helps them build up their economy, build up their military, and have leverage over the political situation in the United States. It makes them more powerful in the eyes of all world leaders. I’m not sure there’s an example in world history in which two rivals—indeed, some would say enemies—have had such a lopsided economic relationship. It is fair to say China is challenging us because we gave them the money to do it. Clearly, during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, we never transferred such money. Had we done so, we might have lost to them...Tariffs don’t necessarily prompt trade wars, and removing tariffs often does little to prevent actual war."
There is also "...negative compounding. The people in the foreign country who buy our assets own those assets forever, with the obvious effect that they get the profit from those assets year after year. That profit compounds, and the effects of even one year’s trade deficit multiply over time as profits continue. Added to this is the fact that we have seen huge $500 billion to $1 trillion trade deficits year after year, so we have both an accumulation of trade deficits and a compounding negative multiplier on each trade deficit." Theory then assumed that it would still balance out because "...if a country that ran large trade deficits for a few years [they] would find less demand for their currency and their currency’s value would drop. This would then make it very difficult for that country to import and easy for it to export in terms of its domestic currency. Therefore, the weak currency would help correct the trade imbalance. Indeed, we see this occurring regularly around the world." Lighthizer then found that this didn't work for the U.S. because of the currency's demand in the world as a reserve currency, and the devaluation that other trade partners had done with their currencies. With a threat of a new BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) currency with developing countries dropping the dollar, there would then be a reduction of demand for the U.S. dollar, but this may be a long way off. According to Reuters "the [U.S.] dollar still dominates global trade. It is on one side of almost 90% of global forex transactions, according to Bank of International Settlements Data." The danger would be the mounting U.S. debt because you need people to buy your debt and if there's a sell off, there may not be enough buyers to avoid the U.S. government from having to print excess money to buy back the investments. The increased inflation would be damaging to U.S. dollar purchasing power, even if domestic manufacturing could restart from the high import cost environment.
Economist Sounds Alarm on US Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status: https://news.bitcoin.com/economist-sounds-alarm-on-us-dollar-losing-reserve-currency-status/
The Path To Hyperinflation with EJ Antoni - TFTC: https://rumble.com/v3r7vlp-456-the-path-to-hyperinflation-with-ej-antoni.html
A lot of these unfair trade practices were also ignored for fear of stoking a trade war. "Trade liberalization came to be seen not just as a tool of economic policy but also as a path to perpetual peace." Lighthizer's book does come after COVID19, but the origin of the pandemic has yet to be investigated with enough thoroughness to prove that it was a lab accident only. Many people still feel intuitively that the release of COVID19 was intentional and a form of escalation in response to Trump's tariffs on China. It certainly doesn't help that China declared a People's War in 2019 before the pandemic. Chinese state media said that, "the Chinese side is fighting back to protect its legitimate interests. The trade war in the US is the creation of one person and one administration, but it affects that country’s entire population...In China, the entire country and all its people are being threatened. For us, this is a real 'people’s war.'" In the Strong Country blog one poster said "[The U.S. is] sucking the blood of the Chinese..." Another comment on the site said, "Why are Chinese people bullied? Because our hearts are too soft!" This would be an argument for peace advocates in the United States to allow mercantilism to continue in China, but Lighthizer would counter that not all wars are stopped by liberal trade policies. "Economic ties between the North and the South did not prevent the Civil War...It would be hard to argue that the rise of Germany as a major exporter in the late nineteenth century helped pacify that country in the first half of the twentieth. Japan’s dependence on raw materials from the United States motivated its attack on Pearl Harbor...China’s accession to the WTO in 2001—which was supposed to make the country a model global citizen—was followed by massive investments in its military capabilities and territorial expansion in the South China Sea. And certainly the great trade between Ukraine and Russia did not stop Putin’s invasion in 2022." Deep down, military situations are more accurately predicted based on the weakness of a target. The easier it is to attack a target, the more enticing it is to do so, like in the pattern of scapegoating described above. Attacking a strong target means that one has to assess casualties and ponder what a loss would look like to one's own sovereignty. A deterrence. Initial attacks are usually on weak targets or on military that are unprepared for the kind of attack planned. Even further, the new slave wage system became a draw down on wages for all world markets so sooner or later the same system would knock on every door and demand entry into all countries.
Chinese state media calls for ‘people’s war’ as US trade conflict escalates: https://nypost.com/2019/05/14/chinese-state-media-calls-for-peoples-war-as-us-trade-conflict-escalates/
China declares a ‘people’s war’ after Trump’s latest tariff hikes: https://thechinaproject.com/2019/05/15/china-declares-a-peoples-war-after-trumps-latest-tariff-hikes/
Chinese scientists discover EIGHT never-before-seen viruses... and now they plan to experiment with them: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12665249/Chinas-discovered-EIGHT-never-seen-viruses-plan-experiment-them.html
Increasingly, there have been complaints from populist political commentators worldwide, and a shift between the typical left and right has created strange alliances where now it has become a political a divide between oligarchs and the workers who feel exploited by them. Ex-democrats like Donald Trump, Kari Lake, and Steven Bannon are now in the Republican camp. Big business leaders and big government Marxists have now allied on the side of China and want a continuing of the current mercantilist policies. Populists compare the China One Belt One Road initiative to that of being not a partner with China but a colony with a negative trade balance to match. Part of being a colony means importing the empire politics which then influences local politicians. The original expectation after the fall of the Soviet Union was the countries like China would reform into a representative government like in the west, but in the end it went in the opposite direction.
'Let Me Finish!' Johnny Rotten Makes His Views on Donald Trump Heard | Good Morning Britain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1uOwz_UrQ0
China Girl - David Bowie: https://youtu.be/imSPZt77sKo?si=GqTBSUfKxb5HlCIt
When the money goes from the exporters to the importers, it takes a foreign turn. Your home is where the money is and with globalism, the borders vanish, and as reported above, national values related to constitutions, and human rights are disregarded if the mercantilist country doesn't cherish them. It's just about naked money and power. The O'Keefe Media Group (OMG), for example, got an inside scoop on the giant investment group BlackRock and it became clear the view that people have when they have this much concentrated power.
"All of these financial institutions, they buy politicians."
"How do they run the world?"
"You acquire stuff. You diversify, you acquire, you keep acquiring. You spend whatever you make in acquiring more and at a certain point your risk level is super low...You own a little bit of everything and that little bit everything gives you so much money on a yearly basis, that you can take this big fuck-ton of money, and then you can start to buy people...We have a system in place. First there's the senators. These guys are fucking cheap. You got ten grand? You can buy a senator. It doesn't matter who wins. They're in my pocket at this point."
"Does everybody do that? Does BlackRock do that?"
"Everybody does that."
OMG Blackrock exposé: https://rumble.com/v2vg7ie-blackrock.html
More exposés from Steve Bannon showed the power of lobbyists in the same vein as the HR guy above described during the recent fight for a new GOP speaker. Typically in a representative government it matters who wins and different parties provide a check and balance to each other, but if there's an angle to win personally at the expense of a country then the balance begins to vanish. While watching politics for some time recently since the 2020 election, a certain narcissistic tactic was starting to appear again and again that I recognized by terms like "love bombing" which is a euphemism for the Trojan Horse. Like in the ancient Greek story, it's all about using niceties to bring down the defenses of an enemy and then you attack them at a weak spot. This is used everywhere and there's a long list in politics that never ends. In this context of corrupt politicians it works like this: The politician tells an electorate that wants reform whatever it wants to hear. Then when they are in power they look to lobbyists for directions in order to get more financial rewards. Typically, this leads to retribution at the polls when the politician is grilled on their bad voting record and primaried by another candidate from the same party. The problem is that they've found out how to win even when they lose. Lobbyists can provide job offers and lucrative media contracts so that if they have to leave being a politician they are forgotten about, regain their anonymity, and have increased their prospects. During the fight for a new speaker, because Kevin McCarthy didn't achieve any objectives he agreed to after the election with Rep. Matt Gaetz and other holdouts, Bannon talked about how you "never give the apparatus a second to collect themselves, because they are going to come up and they're going to be spreading money around and cutting deals and bring in more people to their cause. Right? That's where the K-Street lobbyists come in...but I have spies everywhere...The lobbyists were literally walking around cutting deals with people at the tables...to vote against [Jim] Jordan."
Jenny Beth Martin: "Honestly Steve, do you think they are worried if they lose their seat? They're going to have a job lined up with one of those firms. They're going to get some book deal. They'll get a gig on CNN or MSNBC or wherever else they can go to bash all of us, so they know either way they will at least get to keep power and keep access to money and that's what they care about." The divide in the GOP between globalism and populism became very clear with the boos and the criticism of Rep. Matt Gaetz for taking small donations from the general public. "When it comes to how those raise money, I take no lecture on asking patriotic Americans to weigh in and contribute in this fight from those who would grovel and bend for the lobbyists and special interests who own our leadership. Oh boo all  you want! Who have hollowed out this town and borrowed against the future of our future generations. I'll be happy to fund my political operation through the work of hardworking Americans, $10 and $20 and $30 dollars at a time and you all keep showing up at the lobbyist fundraisers and see how that goes for you."
Martin Explains The Establishment's Radical Resolution To Install McHenry As The Speaker Permanently: https://rumble.com/v3q5f4v-martin-explains-the-establishments-radical-resolution-to-install-mchenry-as.html
Bannon: "This is the early morning hours of 2016 all over again": https://rumble.com/v3ms086-bannon-this-is-the-early-morning-hours-of-2016-all-over-again.html
The Faux-Right Infiltrating The Republican Party, Destroying Our Nation - Jack Posobiec: https://rumble.com/v3todsd-jack-posobiec-the-faux-right-infiltrating-the-republican-party-destroying-o.html
Many of these lobbyists are all a part of the importing lobby and closely connected with China. Another exposé, this time by Tucker Carlson, unearthed a video from a Chinese economics professor that openly talks about CCP influence in the U.S., what political commentators call Elite Capture, or Pay For Play, where the strategy is to corrupt those who have power and leverage so that even if the population is aware of what's going on, they don't have enough power to do anything about it. The professor explained to an amused audience about how China and the U.S. were able to resolve problems quickly before Trump, it was "because we have people at the top. At the top of America's core inner circle of power & influence."
Tucker Carlson: Our elites' collusion with China is real and widespread: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-elites-china-collusion-di-dongsheng
Of course lobbyists will use all kinds of arguments in their favor and the value of their businesses and what contributions they make to society but usually with important information about their personal interests left out because owners can't really feel the same feelings that workers feel, and they are not likely to drop their contracts and fortunes if they suddenly feel a pang of shame. If ineligible organizations can make social policy without the say so of voters, then the conversion to a one-party state is complete, even if it isn't expressed openly. This also means that the psychological impacts resulting from these policies will continue on because they can't be addressed without upsetting the power balance. Lighthizer connected the emotional component of self-esteem, a recurring theme, that is crucial in all understanding of economics beyond abstraction. "A big part of the elites’ misunderstanding of the situation is that they have no appreciation for the social component of work. Those obsessed with efficiency tend to see employment simply as a means of allocating resources and ensuring production. In so doing, they greatly undervalue the personal dignity that individuals derive from meaningful work. Commentators from Pope Leo XIII in the nineteenth century to Arthur Brooks and Oren Cass today have written eloquently about the central role of work in a well-ordered society. Doing honest work for a decent wage instills feelings of self-worth that come from being needed and contributing to society. Stable, remunerative employment reinforces good habits and discourages bad ones. That makes human beings into better spouses, parents, neighbors, and citizens. By contrast, the loss of personal dignity that comes from the absence of stable, well-paying employment is not something that can be compensated for either by increased consumption of low-cost imported goods or by welfare checks."
Counter arguments from the globalization side would put onus on workers to find retraining and enter more lucrative areas of the free market. "Those that claim that the benefits of interdependence or efficiency justify the costs free trade places on the American working class often argue this negative impact can be offset by retraining that helps workers move into new service sector or technology jobs. In theory, retraining may sound attractive, but this phenomenon has failed to materialize. Compared with those who lost their jobs in earlier periods of economic change, displaced workers in modern, developed economies typically have fewer and less attractive options. Historically speaking, this was not always the case. In the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century, for example, the repeal of the protectionist Corn Laws prompted agricultural workers to flee the countryside for industrializing urban areas where factory jobs were waiting. By contrast, the American factory workers who were displaced beginning in the 1990s either had nowhere to go or ended up working in low-skill, low-paying service jobs...The technology sector, for all its virtues, is not a source of high-paying jobs for working people. Over half of the United States’ roughly 250 million adults lack a college diploma. Historically, manufacturing jobs have been the best source of stable, well-paying employment for this cohort. Perhaps with massive new investments in education, former autoworkers could be taught to code. Even so, there probably wouldn’t be enough jobs to employ them all. Apple, Facebook, Google, and Netflix collectively employ just over 300,000 people—less than half the number that General Motors alone employed in the 1960s...Moreover, the service and technology jobs most accessible to working people, such as data entry and call center jobs, are themselves vulnerable to offshoring. Economists have estimated that nearly forty million service sector jobs in the United States could eventually be sent overseas. That’s more than three times the number of current manufacturing jobs in the country. People without college degrees face increasingly steep obstacles to obtaining stable, well-paying jobs. In sum, the United States has not taken adequate measures to put its own workers first...No great economy in the world has ever given up on manufacturing. To the contrary, they are all for the most part based on it. The vast majority of international trade is in manufactured goods and agriculture. The best jobs for high school graduates are in manufacturing. Most innovation in our economy is in this area. A prosperous, successful future needs a flourishing manufacturing sector...Losing manufacturing jobs, the United States also 'broke the chain of experience that is so important in technological evolution. As happened with batteries, abandoning today’s ‘commodity’ manufacturing can lock you out of tomorrow’s emerging industry.' In every economy, a great deal of innovation comes from manufacturing, and this innovation usually takes place very close to the place of manufacturing. The engineers on the ground are the ones who incorporate much of what we call productivity gains."
For Lighthizer, the response to mercantilist policies is to use tariff leverage to open up markets. "...We should just go to the countries keeping our competitive products out and demand more access. This was our approach in the Trump administration. Countries with enormous trade surpluses with the United States have a lot more to lose from our taking concessions away. We have leverage and should use it...We [also] need to create value to buy things from importers. Of course, some services are exportable, such as banking or professional services, but most are not (think food services or health care)."
The consequences of leaving those without advanced degrees behind is one of an inability to make ends meet, save money, and enter the ownership economy, which allows for more independent political views. If wages are made to be as low as possible then those workers will be unable to invest and the profits earned from lowering wages will just coalesce with a smaller group of owners. Victor Davis Hanson reminds the reader that "we need [the Middle Class] to be present, because without this present, you do not have these independent voices...Unfortunately in our generation it's eroding and we can see it erode in a variety of contexts. The first is, for ten years average wages of the middle class did not rise. Fifty-percent of the country dies with less than $10,000 in aggregate wealth. Over half of Americans die with credit card debt. Their buying options are limited and their choices on how they live are limited. Their chances of home ownership decline simply because they owe a lot of debt. Nowhere is this more dramatic than in student loans. When the student graduates, the average loan is somewhere between $30,000 and $40,000. We have an entire generation of students that are graduating, often with therapeutic degrees and are not able to find jobs that would allow them to pay off this enormous debt. If we came from Mars and looked at the situation, we would just simply say 'you have tens of thousands of serfs or indentured servants. If they are not beholden to their credit card, they are beholden to the federal government and the universities."
The Middle Class and Why Its Disappearing | Victor Davis Hanson: https://youtu.be/r8GeHGQK6fU?si=63QxelPH_gp0yfTt
The sensitive topic of illegal immigration also factors in big when it comes to whether people have a chance to enter the middle class. Labor, like anything in the market, falls under the forces of supply and demand. Wages are dear when employers have to compete for skilled labor that is scarce. Now that the U.S. southern border since 2021 has been opened to millions of illegal immigrants in the United States the pressure is always to renegotiate wages down, including those illegal immigrants who ironically have to compete with each other in the same bottleneck, keeping all of them out of a savings and ownership economy. The divide between the America First and George W. Bush influenced GOP became clear. Since retiring, Bush Jr. has been painting, including portraits of immigrants, and he provided his critique. "It's a beautiful country we have and yet it's not beautiful when we condemn and call people names and scare people about immigration. It's an easy issue to frighten some of the electorate, and I'm trying to have a different kind of voice. I would describe [the current Republican party] as isolationist, protectionist, and to a certain extent nativist." Nativist being a euphemism for racist. One can infer that there's a self-hatred going along with this line of reasoning, but it also ignores the parallel development in psychology to counter co-dependency, where it's common to hear healthcare workers admonished to take care of themselves better, say no, and have boundaries because you can't help others if you can't help yourself. One wonders when politicians around the world will catch on. Bush's view on immigration isn't a completely open border but it should be "pro-enforcement with a compassionate touch." He hinted a bit that he may also be out of touch in the Today interview when he conceded that "[the current Republican view] is not exactly my vision, but I'm just an old guy they put out to pasture, just a simple painter."
George W. Bush: Immigration System 'Needs To Be Reformed' | TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqJDPSPUZ44
Former President George W. Bush releases new book about America's immigrants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y1L-ZGDTuk
The quiet comfortable interview unfortunately blurred details and was also dated since the new administration has allowed unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants undocumented into the country, including in the years up to now. Bush's idea of having more courts and a new vetting system is just another thing that is imaginary but not actually a reality, like his ownership society, which ended up being a debtor society. Lower wages means slave wages, but all politicians would raise their hand if asked if they were against slavery. The topic of having people of different ethnic backgrounds working for cheap is hardly an image to advertise for immigrants who also want to be in the middle class. Bush's view goes back to the old story that certain jobs won't be filled because the wages are too low. "We need to change the work visas. There's a lot of jobs that are empty, and there's a lot of jobs that need to be filled, and there are people willing to work hard to do so." The plight of the middle class is ignored. Biden whispering "pay them more" is not going to magically raise the wages, especially when he opened the border wide open. The negative trade balance was also ignored in this interview. Illegal voting with easy-t0-get driver's licenses was not broached, including changes done in 2019 before the 2020 election. Illegal immigration, especially in the U.S. led to an increase in drug and human trafficking. There are also worries now after the war for Israel has begun that there maybe terrorists that have crossed the open border, which evaporated the entire purpose of Bush's Homeland Security initiatives. The Biden Administration even went further with a trial balloon to just merge the former NAFTA countries into an E.U. style regional government showing how settled their globalist view is.
Biden on Work Shortages, Tells Employers to Pay Workers More: https://youtu.be/h9wANPpPL98?si=5AvnKKKdCWzjRBf9
Governor Josh Shapiro announces switch to Automatic Voter Registration: https://twitter.com/GovernorShapiro/status/1704095982193877181
Lara Logan claims migrants are part of a globalist plot for a unified North American government: https://www.mediamatters.org/one-america-news-network/oan-lara-logan-claims-migrants-are-part-globalist-plan-unified-government
Trial Balloon Merger With Canada Mexico and the U.S - Tucker Carlson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jy1pIrWP44
Donald Trump upset this current establishment which responded with their fear of what reform meant for them and projected it onto the population, except for the fact the establishment didn't have, and still doesn't have, anything the general public would find exciting from them. Who wants debt slavery? Who wants stagflation? Who wants endless wars? In an emotional false-start resignation letter, General Milley made an assumption that Trump was "ruining the international order..." which he misinterpreted as being connected to the Greatest Generation in WWII, which I think would have a bone to pick with this current international order. I'm sure some did support the U.N., the Marshall Plan, etc., but I'm sure that many, if not most, were fighting for their country, and their children, not some nebulous and shifting international order with faceless bureaucrats that resist reforms. Regardless of political labels, this craven behavior should now be expected in any situation where there is a power differential and there's a threat of reform, meaning that people will lose their money and position with said reforms. Each side that reforms another side has a hatred of the people who are gumming up the works and wants them gone. Those who are to be fired feel castrated and mortified. The success or failure of any reform will have to rest with how many people it frees up and helps to thrive while at the same time removes obvious corruption, which always requires vigilance because for many people, corruption is a way of life and it seems unconscionable that enough money can be made with goods and services alone.
‘Your husband is the worst president. You owe us gas money’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQv5cMSFkdE
Dick Cheney calls Trump a coward "He Lost. He Knows It": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Nq9SpGzic 
😂 Posobiec: I present to you, my dramatic reading of the General Milley resignation letter: https://rumble.com/v1fmezx--posobiec-i-present-to-you-my-dramatic-reading-of-the-general-milley-resign.html
Gen Mark Milley: I Had My Resignation Letter Ready for Trump: https://rumble.com/v3ih4ck-gen-mark-milley-i-had-my-resignation-letter-ready-for-trump.html
When you have a weak population that is like a colony, under taxation without representation, what would it look like? We already covered what it looks like now, which is very compromised, but what would it look like if all dissident reformers are put in jail? The world got a taste of that when the former President of the PRC Hu Jintao was escorted out in a way that looked disconcerting and humiliating to western audiences. Chinese media stated that "When [Hu] was not feeling well during the session, his staff, for his health, accompanied him to a room next to the meeting venue for a rest. Now, he is much better." Some commentators joked that his aids told him "death is a serious condition if you're not careful." Other commentators felt it was more of a middle ground. "What we just saw was the making of an All Xi's Men team, the breaking of decade-long rules, and the birth of an unlimited supreme leader...He is now a truly modern emperor." Hu Jintao did make another appearance later at Jiang Zemin's funeral with Xi Jinping in Dec 2022 showing that at least he wasn't dead. I talked to one Chinese woman who immigrated to Canada about it and she said "we [were] not allowed to talk about that." She found it surprising in Canada when looking at Twitter and all the aggressive back and forth between debaters of different political stripes and how it was possible to criticize top leaders with unlimited sarcasm and derision. This would be a hint that complete freedom of speech would have to end in order to consolidate power to one political aim. Dissent would have to be hidden and kept in closed door meetings and each prospective leader would have to be subservient and then make power grabs at all the right times before ascending to leadership, usually when the prior dictator has gotten too old. Any missteps could lead to expulsion, house arrest or execution.
For example, Zhao Ziyang, the leader who was more favorable to the students at the Tiananmen, lived under house arrest and was allowed some freedoms while being watched intently. His views on Communism grew more towards freedom as time passed. "We needed to establish multiple channels for dialogue—with various social factions, forces, and interests. Decisions on major issues should be made with ongoing consultation and dialogue with various social groups, not just within the Communist Party, and not only after merely consulting once with key figures of other political parties...We had to permit social groups to exist; otherwise, how could dialogue be conducted? Most important, we needed to change the situation in which all social groups—including workers’ unions, youth organizations, women’s organizations, chambers of commerce, and others—were all in monotonous unity with the Communist Party. They should not be treated like the Party’s royal instruments. They have to be able to truly represent the people they are meant to represent. Only dialogue conducted with groups of this kind would carry any real meaning. In other words, their function as intermediate organizations should be fully developed. The Communist Party should not take control of everything or interfere so much in their affairs, and should give them room for independent activities...We must establish laws that guarantee the protection of specific aspects, for example, freedom of association, assembly, demonstrations, petitions, and strikes. All these should be protected by specific laws." Of course these reforms never came to pass. His son Zhao Wujun said that "Zhao lived to see the consequences of rapid, unfettered economic growth in the absence of checks on government powers–rampant corruption, crony capitalism, one of the widest wealth gaps in the world and widespread social discontent...The things he wanted to do were abandoned…more than a decade of his sweat and blood was ruined in an instant...We have missed a huge historical opportunity to transform society. I don’t know if history will give us another chance."
Hu Jintao's Removal - CCP 20th National Congress: https://archive.ph/20221022153634/https://twitter.com/XHNews/status/1583829797297598465
Xi Jinping and Hu Jintao were on hand to bid farewell to Jiang Zemin: https://www.zaobao.com.sg/realtime/china/story20221205-1340592
Son of purged reformer Zhao Ziyang tells of China's 'shame', 25 years after Tiananmen: https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2014/05/son-purged-zhao-ziyang-tells-chinas-shame/
AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY - Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MYFOzP6Xns
Getting centralized control to give up power is one of the most difficult knots to untie for any reformers in any country, and this was not lost on presidential candidate Javier Milei who described leftist politics in his country as being seduced by Antonio Gramsci. Tucker in a couple of episodes also interviewed an Argentine economist and a business owner about what the economy is like in Argentina, before getting Javier's take on the situation. "We are 47 million people, out of which 11 million people have what you call a job. Slightly under 3.5 million people work for government, and 7 million people work in the private sector. So 10 to 11 million people out of 47, 25% of the people, [if you take out government workers], 1/7th of the population will have a private job...7 million people are working to support the other 40 million people. 60% of the children are poor...In Argentina the incentives now are so perversely inverted that many people decide that it's not worth working. They can make more money sitting home idle." To a restaurant owner this was due to high taxes and expensive union dues. The psychological impact of this kind of system was described by Javier like the typical Cycle of Abuse and The Battered Wife, where "politicians are kind of sociopaths. They want to believe that we are mentally disabled, disabled in every way, because we cannot live without them. In fact, they are the ones who cannot live without us." One of the ideas he warned Tucker about was "the idea that where there is a need there is a right. It's a problem because there can be infinite needs but someone always has to pay for those rights, and the resources for that are finite. That sparks a conflict between infinite needs and finite resources...Under my administration...they should have no reason to complain. There won't be any layoffs in the first round of reforms, and when the second round of reforms takes place, they will be able to leave behind their public sector jobs, because they will have an incentive to do so, and they will be paid better." Considering that Bolsonaro in Brazil and Donald Trump in the U.S. are currently under lawfare by their opponents, I think Javier will have to put on his seatbelt if he thinks the opposition will make it easy for him to just walk in and make changes.
Argentina's economy - Tucker Carlson: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1702079713622299100
Javier Milei. Who is he? - Tucker Carlson: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1702442099814342725
Bolsonaro Again Ruled Ineligible to Hold Public Office by Brazil Electoral Court: https://news.yahoo.com/bolsonaro-again-ruled-ineligible-hold-232806102.html
Trump’s presidential ballot eligibility on trial in Colorado and Minnesota: https://www.axios.com/2023/10/31/trump-14th-amendment-trials-colorado-minnesota
Prosecutor files case against Argentina’s frontrunner Javier Milei days before presidential election: https://apnews.com/article/milei-picardi-peso-fernandez-argentina-02db52be25b493ca0f1d10fec9d6f017
It's best not to forget that when you trade with people, or if you are involved with people in friendships or intimate relationships, you are receiving strong signals from people who need repeated confirmations that they are respected. Many others need confirmations that they are special and superior. China expert Jack Posobiec worked in China and remembered how focused the Chinese were in wanting to turn the tables on the U.S. "I'll never forget this one. These are people I worked with by the way, and they weren't saying this in a hateful way or an angry way. They were just saying it matter of fact. They said 'we want to see a world where Chinese parents are one day adopting American babies.'" It's safe to assume that when you deal with people there are always hidden concerns in the background about power, self-esteem, envy, jealousy, and resentment.
China is going to eat our lunch - Jack Posobiec: https://rumble.com/v2r7ocg-jack-posobiec-chinas-going-to-eat-our-lunch..html
Even if reforms seem clear that there should be more work and production, with a reducing of some government spending, along with a reduction of interest rates, and how that will resurrect an economy, some of these economic principles are going to be challenged by the incoming developments of Artificial Intelligence (A.I). If the technology develops as quickly as developers contend it will, you'll have a situation of overproduction when the newly unemployed can't buy any products produced by the A.I. that replaced them. If there's a minimum income introduced, and if taxes are implemented to replace all the wages lost, what will life be like? Will a universal basic income allow the same human freedoms as before? What would psychology look like if one just pursued hobbies and didn't have to go to work? Would the lack of power when there are no wages or labor to negotiate with lead to another form of slavery?
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momental · 6 months
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At Crocus City Hall in Moscow, a horrific attack unfolded when four men stormed the venue, shooting victims as they fled, capturing the chaos on their cell phones. The assailants set fire to the auditorium, leading to a devastating blaze that claimed 137 lives, marking Russia's deadliest act of terror since 2004.
This violent incident, reminiscent of past European attacks like the Bataclan theatre tragedy in Paris, holds political significance in Russia. In a country led by Vladimir Putin for over two decades, security lapses challenge the image of a strong, protective state he portrays.
An ISIS affiliate, ISIS-K, claimed responsibility for the attack, targeting Russia due to its military actions in Syria and against militants in Muslim-majority regions. This grim event starkly contrasts Putin's narrative of unity and strength against external threats.
ISIS-affiliated social-media channels have released gruesome body-cam footage showing a terror attack in Moscow. The attackers fired at people in a hall, slitting a wounded man's throat while shouting, “Kill them! Show no mercy!” and “The infidels will be defeated.”
U.S. intelligence warned of such attacks, with the U.S. Embassy in Russia monitoring reports of extremists planning to target large gatherings in Moscow. The National Security Council confirmed sharing intelligence with Russia.
Putin dismissed the intelligence alert as blackmail. He focused on Ukraine at a meeting before the attack, linking terrorist threats to Western efforts to weaken Russia.
The attack challenges Russia's sense of security. Putin's focus on regime protection clashes with the ISIS attack, as he associates threats with Western influences rather than addressing the security breach.
In February, a report by the investigative-news site Proekt counted ten thousand people who faced criminal prosecution in politically motivated cases in Putin's current term, surpassing figures under Soviet leaders. Ruslan Leviev, a researcher, noted the oppressive environment in Russia, stating, 'In a country where special forces chase commentators from the Internet, terrorists will always feel free.'
Putin has linked the recent terror attack to Ukraine without naming ISIS as the responsible group. He mentioned the suspects heading towards Ukraine and alleged contacts there. The Kremlin reportedly urged media to highlight Ukrainian involvement. The attack is seen by some as a false flag operation by Russian security services.
Following past attacks, Putin focused on consolidating power rather than security reforms. After the Beslan attack in 2004, democratic reforms were rolled back, signaling a pattern of using tragedies for political gain.
Despite the recent terror attack, the Kremlin is under scrutiny for potentially empowering the F.S.B. and undermining Russia's democratic institutions. With ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and domestic concerns, Putin may divert attention from the tragedy at Crocus City Hall by creating new enemies or focusing on survival tactics.
Source Link: How Will Putin Respond to the Terrorist Attack in Moscow?
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carolinemillerbooks · 6 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/8000-years-of-mysogeny/
8000 Years Of Mysogeny
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I’ve given up worrying about the existence of God.  Discussions about diety I leave to the young. After decades spent thinking about the inscrutable, all I gleaned from religious precept was that misogyny rises from it like a noxious odor.  I’m not alone in this opinion. Donna Nolan Fewell, a scholar of the Old Testament writes, The Bible, for the most part, is an alien text (to women), not written by women or with women in mind. Christopher Hutchins cast a withering eye on the Scriptures, as well, and arrived at an ancillary conclusion. The cure for poverty has a name; it’s called THE EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN.  Now, name me a religion that stands, or ever stood for that. Feminist writer Barbara G. Walker also added to my knowledge.  She pointed out that Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine held grudges against women and that holy father John Scotus Eriuge made men the following promise. ..when the heavens finally open in glory, women will be eliminated. (“Does Religion Make People Kind, Generous?” by Barbara G. Walker, FreeThought Today, March/April. pg. 14.) A prediction like that makes God irrelevant to the future of womankind and raises a question.  If the weaker sex is to be barred from heaven, why can’t men be more charitable to them on earth? So far, the patriarchal doctrine has done nothing except insist that women are inferior creatures unworthy of simple justice Honor killings are an example. That a woman who has been raped should pay with her life while her attacker goes free is perverse.  What’s more, the myth that sustains it is absurd.  Reason balks at the suggestion that all women should be punished because one plucked an apple from its branch. In Western societies, Honor killings aren’t prevalent, but other injustices prevail. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a heinous example.  No longer allowed to control their bodies, women in the United States have been returned to the status of chattel. After 8,000 years of brainwashing, it’s not surprising that many women have accepted their inferiority, helped by Judas Goats who betray their sisters for a smattering of patriarchal privileges.  Phyllis Schlafly, an attorney in the 1960s, is an example.  She railed against the Women’s Movement and warned equality was the enemy of domesticity.       Amy Coney Barrett, U. S. Supreme Court Justice, appears to follow in Schlafly’s footsteps. Her religious conviction that a husband is his wife’s master made her vote to overturn Roe v. Wade inevitable. Katie Britt, U.S. Senator from Alabama, may be another of their ilk. That she chose to deliver the Republican response to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address from her kitchen is noteworthy.  My comments about these women may seem unfair. Nonetheless, I’ll wager none of them found the time to make biscuits from scratch. If they are or were to be blind to their hypocritical positions, I must blame 8,000 years of patriarchy.     Masculine paranoia predates the Women’s Movement, so I’m inclined to question the conclusion of a 2024 study laying blame for misogyny at women’s feet. If true, the cause and effect is unclear to me. Why should a woman’s desire for equality disconnect men from society and send them into private lives of underachievement, underemployment, online addiction, and white supremacy?   I propose we search for masculine hostility within the male psyche. At the subliminal level, is it possible men doubt their superiority or harbor the fear that nature favors women? Consider this solitary fact as evidence. The male-defining Y chromosome is disappearing. The fault has nothing to do with women. It lies within the human genome.  The female X chromosome reproduces through genetic recombination, but the Y chromosome uses a cut-and-paste procedure. The latter is inferior to recombination because it produces errors that cannot be corrected.  Over time, these flaws accumulate so that, according to scientists, within another 4.6 billion years women will find themselves alone in the universe.  Let me hasten to assure my male friends that neither I nor a majority of women rejoice in that outcome. Nonetheless,  nature is experimenting with unisex reproduction. Enter the Japanese spiny rat, the first among mammals to shed its Y chromosome yet continue to procreate.       And so, my male cohorts, given your prospects for the future, it’s time to consider the olive branch.  Women are willing to forgive 8000 years of neglect if over the next 4.6 million years you join us in peace.  Together we can confront a deaf, dumb, and blind universe confident that we are unique because we know how to love. If any man doubts the generosity of this offer, let them remember this.  A woman’s voice is the first sound a child hears in the womb. At the closing, a woman’s tears may be the last sound a man hears.     
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captainconvey · 2 years
The U.S. government has funded an elaborate network of NGOs and think-tanks whose researchers call themselves independent “disinformation experts.
The biden regime aggressively courts both the domestic news media and platforms like Twitter, often becoming both the sources for news stories and/or the referring authorities for censorship requests.
In the Twitter Files we see correspondence from state agencies and state-sponsored research entities describing everything from support of the Free Palestine movement to opposition to vaccine passports as illicit foreign propaganda. Some of this messaging devolves into outright smear campaigns.
The twitter files reveal the weaponization of social media, FBI, DOJ and other us "Ministry of Truth" agencies including congress.
George Orwell
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.
War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.
True freedom is the right to say something that others don't want to hear.
From the totalitarian point of view, history is something to be created rather than learned.
Click on picture or link below to watch the entire movie 1984.
It is a preview of the matrix of deception we are living in today.
‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ (Book) - Written in (1949)
In the novel, Orwell gave readers a glimpse into what would happen if the government controlled every detail of a person's life, down to their own private thoughts.
The twitter files reveal the weaponization of social media, FBI, DOJ and other us "Ministry of Truth" agencies including congress.
Captain Convey Note
I have asked several people if they are aware of the "twitter files" that expose the weaponization of the federal government against Americans.
Some say yes.
Some say no.
Some say they don't use twitter or read tweets on twitter etc.
The "twitter files" provide links to extensive documentation proving the federal government considers Americans a threat to their existence and power.
To read how the modern day "Ministry of Truth" controls the media and other government agencies you will need to take the time to become informed.
Capsule Summaries of all Twitter Files Threads to Date, With Links and a Glossary
For those who haven't been following, a compilation of one-paragraph summaries of all the Twitter Files threads by every reporter. With links and notes on key revelations.
Read Matt Taibbi summaries of the weaponization of the federal government against you.
Matt Taibbi is a solid and inquisitive research journalist.
Some people will not want to learn the truth about the us government and how it has become the "enemy from within" that works to keep itself in power at the total expense of the American people.
These people will live in denial just like the other people who got the deadly covid jab believing it was safe and effective not knowing it can cause blood clots etc.
In 2023 we are living in the predicted time written in the book 1984 where the truth is turned into a lie.
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
What do you believe?
If you only read and watch what the 2023 biden regime "ministry of Truth" produces you will be deceived.
Almost everything in the news media is a lie produced by agencies in the biden regime.
The news media is controlled like a herd of cattle by the biden regime intel agencies and various corrupt government agencies that produces propaganda to deceive you every day.
Not only is the fake news media controlled like a herd of cattle, so are you if you only believe the biden regime propaganda.
If your not careful you will fall for this deception.
There are a few real news sites that are not under the control of the biden regime censorship.
If you only watch the major network news on tv, radio or social media controlled by the biden regime propaganda machine you will not hear or see the real news nor the real truth.
So whats it going to be?
Are you going to stay in denial?
Will you continue to believe the lies of the biden regime?
(As of 2/13/2023 the biden regime now wants you to believe the balloons and other "unidentified objects" are maybe UFO aliens or something.)
For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, a UFO is not an alien from outta space. UFO means its just unidentified bubba.
Furries and now this. A black man identifies himself as a white man.
This is just one example of people living in the matrix of deception and promoting the matrix of deception.
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It’s hard to keep up with Florida’s official enemies list.
Just when you think we’re running out, Gov. Ron DeSantis dreams up a new imaginary villain. It’s impressive.
Move over college professors, “woke” corporations, tech companies, trans kids, “corporate media” types, and racial injustice historians.
There’s a new kid on the block: People coming to Florida in “out-of-state cars.”
Seriously. America’s tetchiest Governor has a message for you.
“The free state of Florida has a new license plate for pre-order that benefits the Florida Veterans Foundation and sends a clear message to out-of-state cars, ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ or Florida,” DeSantis tweeted.
I didn’t know that “out-of-state” cars required a clear message — other than to be apprised that about 20% of Florida drivers don’t have auto insurance and the state is second in the nation when it comes to motorists killing pedestrians.
The no-treading-allowed message seems odd. Isn’t that what tourists do? Eventually, they park their cars and then they literally tread on Florida until it’s time to go, leaving a trail of dollars in their wake.
I thought that was supposed to be a good thing.
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The newly proposed state specialty license plate features a coiled rattlesnake that was first pictured in the Gadsden flag, an historical American flag waved as a protest against government tyranny.
These days, that Colonial-era relic has been co-opted as a popular symbol for U.S. Capitol insurrectionists, right-wing militia groups, QAnon crackpots and Koch-funded tax protesters.
It serves as a valuable tool for the rest of us to identify the chuckleheads in our midst. So, for that reason, I’m all in favor of giving people the option to put it on their state license plate.
(And good news: For one lucky “Don’t Tread on Me” motorist, the personalized licensed plate “DUM AZZ” is still available from the state.)
It’s more than amusing to discover that “out-of-state” cars have somehow been added to Florida’s naughty list.
After all, aren’t those out-of-state cars filled with out-of-state tourists, whose presence in our state during the pandemic has been a point of pride to DeSantis, and apparently worth all the needless loss of life among Florida’s old and vulnerable residents.
Way to take one for the team, Florida grandmas!
The state is spending $50 million this year to promote out-of-state tourism through Visit Florida. DeSantis announced that during the peak winter tourist season this year, Florida welcomed 34.1 million domestic visitors.
“Economists originally projected that Florida tourism wouldn’t fully recover until 2024 but quarter after quarter, despite the Biden administration’s utter failure to manage inflation and the nation’s supply chain woes, Florida’s visitation numbers continue to break records and defy conventional wisdom,” DeSantis said in a prepared statement.
“Florida’s tourism industry begins 2022 with incredible strength, proving that freedom-first policies will always win, especially when combating the inept economic policies coming out of D.C.”
Oops, there was utter failure in that message to mention that the allegedly hampering federal government gave Florida $30 million in stimulus money that the state used to promote tourism this year.
It’s an understandable omission. That’s because the federal government is one of DeSantis’ cartoon villains.
I know. It’s confusing.
So many enemies, so little time. As for this new group, we like tourists, I guess, even though some of them apparently need to be warned that they better not “tread” on us while they’re here.
It’s a mixed message, at best.
At first, I couldn’t figure out why any self-respecting veterans group would even want the “Don’t Tread on Me” message on their license plate. It’s more of a cousin to the Confederate flag at this point.
But maybe it’s because saluting veterans in Florida is a crowded landscape, with the state already offering eight different license plates that appeal to military veterans. There are individual specialty plates for all the branches of service — the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard.
There’s also an American Legion specialty plate, another one that says “Support Our Troops” and a general one that says “Florida Salutes Veterans.”
The trick with getting a new specialty license plate is that you need to get enough pre-orders from motorists before they’re put into production.
So, in this case, 3,000 Florida drivers will have to pay for the new plate before it becomes viable. I suspect that the real audience for the “Don’t Tread on Me” license plate won’t be actual veterans, who already have better options.
The new plate will appeal to Florida’s prodigious supply of Meal Team Six commandos, and your average Florida hothead, who is angry, armed and looking for an excuse to act out.
So, if you’re an out-of-state visitor reading this, don’t be offended. This is just typical Florida stuff. It’s just DeSantis sowing division again.
You're just the latest target.
I recommend you make it a valuable learning opportunity: Consider it another gentle reminder that you’ve entered a state that’s mostly “free” of reason and brimming with silly, contrived belligerence.
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tomfooleryprime · 4 years
The Deep Space Nine episode “Statistical Probabilities” is my favorite Trek story of all time. Don’t remember it? That’s not surprising.
There are more than fifty year’s worth of articles listing the best episodes of Star Trek across the various series with passionate defenses. The same episodes generally top these lists, even if the order shifts around. Does “City of the Edge of Forever” or “Inner Light” deserve top billing? Or should it be “Yesterday’s Enterprise” or “Far Beyond the Stars?”
Perhaps the reason no one ever considers this episode is it’s less of a story and more of a thought experiment. In today’s highly polarized environment, this inconspicuous DS9 episode feels more salient than ever.
In 2020, social media fights devolve into reductive arguments where everyone is assumed to be either a nationalist or a socialist and depending on your worldview, one of those words is a dirty slur and the other is a badge of honor. Even everyday discourse outside of social media has seen us turn words like “patriotism” and “treason” into weapons to suit narratives, with both sides firmly believing they are the true patriots while the other side is comprised of traitors.
I get caught up in this myself. I don’t want to get into my own political views or start a “both sides” argument, so this is where I turn it over to Star Trek and Dr. Julian Bashir, who finds himself caught in an impossible situation that calls into question the very nature of patriotism and treachery and shows how easily the line between those two concepts can be blurred.
A little background if you’re not familiar—in the year 2374, the Federation is made up of thousands of member planets. War is rare, poverty has been eliminated, aliens of all different species live in general harmony with each other. Then the Dominion, an interstellar military empire run by shape-shifting aliens shows up and wants to annex the Federation under its control.
The Federation, understandably miffed at the Dominion’s plans for stripping them of their autonomy, tells the Dominion to kick rocks. A war breaks out. Unfortunately, the Federation is outclassed, outgunned, and outnumbered in just about every way. It’s tough to win a war against an opponent with a larger force, superior technology, and aliens who can shape shift into literally anything, from a table to a Federation starship captain, making them able to easily swipe any intelligence they want on a whim.
It’s also important to note that the Dominion, while an imperialist superpower, isn’t necessarily out to break, exploit, and subjugate the spirits of the people under its control. For planets willing to peacefully submit to Dominion rule, life for the average citizen probably continues on more or less the same—people probably still have barbecues and go to church and do whatever they did before—they just trade one government for another. For planets not willing to yield, punishment is swift and severe.
And this is where “Statistical Probabilities” comes in. Dr. Julian Bashir is tasked with working with several genius “augments” to develop a statistical model to predict the outcome of a Federation-Dominion War. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take the augments long to recognize the Federation will never win with its current resources. They determine if the Federation fights back, it will suffer the loss of hundreds of billions of casualties and Dominion reprisal for their resistance will make life very brutal for the survivors.
However, they calculate that if the Federation peacefully surrenders, there will be no casualties and no Dominion reprisals—the only thing that will functionally change is who people make out their tax checks to. Not only that, with the saved lives and resources of averting a catastrophic zero sum war, the Federation will position itself to develop technologies within a few generations to successfully defeat the Dominion and re-declare independence in the future.
So the augments recommend immediate and strategic surrender. Dr. Bashir is disheartened to hear this, but he sees the logic in temporary capitulation because he’s a medical doctor and the idea of saving hundreds of billions of lives has to fit into that “first do no harm” ethic, surely. So you know what’s coming.
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So he tells his higher ups what they’ve discovered, and you can imagine how that goes.
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So the augments’ next play is to go full WikiLeaks. They calculate that if they were to give the Federation’s battleplans to the Dominion, the war would be short, casualties would be minimal, and the Dominion would still treat them relatively well once all the member states learned to toe the line.
This is the part I’ve chewed on for decades. When is treason not treason, or at least, when is treason the better option?
I served in the U.S. Army. I took an oath to protect and defend the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The idea of freely giving the enemy all the actionable intelligence they need to defeat my country makes me nauseated. The only thing that makes me sicker is the thought of most of my fellow citizens being senselessly murdered if I didn’t go all Benedict Arnold on their asses.
The dictionary says treason is “the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.” But is betraying your country and betraying your government always the same thing? A country is made up of people, and a government is made up of a few people who should, in theory, support what is best for the greatest number of citizens. So what is to be done when a few people in power decide they would rather die free than live in subjugation, even if it comes at massive cost to the citizenry they have a duty to serve? A conversation that goes like this.
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As an American, I fully appreciate that many of my fellow citizens have a lust for freedom that borders on psychopathy, but I personally accept that most of life is lived in shades of gray and not in black and white. There’s a pretty wide spectrum between total freedom and total slavery and life at either of the extremes would be pretty bleak. But there’s also no apparent consensus on what even constitutes independence or oppression.
Just look at the debate over masks in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. On the one hand, you could argue being required to wear a mask is a total violation of your personal freedom. On the other hand, you could argue we wear masks so that you can be free to live your life as safely as possible. Perhaps the truth is actually somewhere in the middle—wearing a mask is a small concession of individual freedom for the greater freedom of everyone.
I’ve thought about “Statistical Probabilities” and Dr. Bashir’s conundrum a lot in recent years. Would he be a patriot for supporting his government, even if he knows it would result in unimaginable death and suffering in the name of the theoretical ideal of freedom, or would he be a patriot for betraying his government for the sake of a practical outcome, which is saving the lives of hundreds of billions of people and ensuring the quality of their lives is bearable? 
And the reality is he’ll be a traitor no matter what he does, but what kind of traitor is better? I have a sneaking suspicion that how people answer this question is probably a powerful predictor of their political affiliation, and how quickly they answer it is directly correlated to the amount of wisdom they possess.
I won’t tell you how he gets out of this awful pickle because of course he does. Dr. Bashir is fictional and exists in a universe where everyone gets a tidy copout in the end. Us mortals in the real world are rarely so lucky and we’re doomed for eternity to grapple with impossible questions, each of us more convinced than the last that our solution is the right solution and everyone else it’s everyone else who’s the traitor.
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davebuckleslefthand · 3 years
RIP brave men
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Thank each one of you for the service and ultimate sacrifice you provided so that we, in America can be free more than destined.  We will Honor you all.
X's for Eyes attempted to sound the alarm years ago. at the time not one influencer heard U.S., now we [Something…]
WE ARE at the The Valley Before THE MOUNT
or are we just wimps that gono place to do nothing?
WERE YOU.What will you have to be HONESTLY PROUD OF if none
What does Semper Fidelis mean to all people? “always faithful.”
What are some Marine Corps sayings?
A play on the Marine Corps motto of "Semper Fidelis (Latin for "Always Faithful"), Semper Gumby for Marines means "Always Flexible.". This phrase is often used when you are told to do one thing, then told a different thing, then told to just stand by, then told to go back to doing the original thing. What is the Recon Marine motto?
“Improvise, adapt and overcome, improvise, adapt, overcome!”
What is the Marine Corps Creed - Marine Creed Meaning
The first line of the creed opens with the idea of a marine’s rifle and the notion that there are many like it, but that this exact rifle belongs to that one particular marine. It goes on to declare that the rifle is his best friend and that is his life. Just like life itself, has to be mastered by him.
The creed further declares that his rifle useless without him. On the other hand, he is also useless without his rifle. Because of this, he should use his rifle in a true manner. He must shoot better and straighter that his enemy who is trying to kill him. The creed tells the marine that he must shoot his enemy before his enemy shoots him. The Marine creed goes on to declare that he will do exactly this.
www.quora.com › What-are-the-meanings-of-Semper-Fidelis
What do you think Hugh McColl would do about a southern border?
davidbucklelefthand davidbucklelefthand davidbucklelefthand Chesty Puller would not let the stuff ion Texas continue,maybe ’m just a frustrated dependent of a 30 year Veteran Provost Marshal that has no say in anything, but i do have the attention of the whole country and maybe this WWW, i think. No, money has never been an aim of my/our web-sight’s - in this frustration that is still erupting at that no United Staters Marine acting upon their duty of protecting America’s borders this hope: to at least let the people see how the better of all four services does not feel or seem to think the responsibility that they swore to theGod, Their Corps, OR THEMSELVES to defend U.S. against ALL ENEMIES - FOREIGN A N D DomestiC is at all a duty. now what? davidbucklelefthand X'sForEyesTx X's For Eyes was the only reggae band in Huntsville, Texas
circa 1990-1992. Lee went on to play in the Grown Ups and
spent a few years as SOUNDCLOUD What is the answer Marines say to ‘Semper Fi’? www.youtube.com › watchSemper Fidelis - YouTube Semper Fidelis is the official march of our, (all of U.S.)
United States Marine Corps. It was composer: John Philip Sousa
in 1889 and immediately became the official marcH. Views: 2.1M
SemperFi! en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Semper_fidelisSemper fidelis - Wikipedia Semper Fidelis ( Latin pronunciation: [ˈsɛmpɛr fɪˈdeːlɪs])
is a Latin phrase that means “always faithful” or “always loyal”.
The motto of the United States Marine Corps, usually shortened to "Semper Fi". It is also in use as a motto for Towns, Families, Schools, and their Military Units. www.marines.com › Semper Fidelis | Marines Is Latin for “Always Faithful,” Semper Fidelis is the motto of every Marine - The
Eternal and collective commitment to the success
of our battles, The progress of our Nation, and the not regression as is the case with
THE INVASION of OUR south Texas border!!!
Source: bourbonbeerandblues 1,332 notes Sep 23rd, 2021
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September 11, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
On the twentieth anniversary of the day terrorists from the al-Qaeda network used four civilian airplanes as weapons against the United States, the weather was eerily similar to the bright, clear blue sky of what has come to be known as 9/11. George W. Bush, who was president on that horrific day, spoke in Pennsylvania at a memorial for the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 who, on September 11, 2001, stormed the cockpit and brought their airplane down in a field, killing everyone on board but denying the terrorists a fourth American trophy.
Former president Bush said: “Twenty years ago, terrorists chose a random group of Americans, on a routine flight, to be collateral damage in a spectacular act of terror. The 33 passengers and 7 crew of Flight 93 could have been any group of citizens selected by fate. In a sense, they stood in for us all.” And, Bush continued, “The terrorists soon discovered that a random group of Americans is an exceptional group of people. Facing an impossible circumstance, they comforted their loved ones by phone, braced each other for action, and defeated the designs of evil.”
Recalling his experience that day, Bush talked of “the America I know.”
“On America's day of trial and grief, I saw millions of people instinctively grab for a neighbor's hand and rally to the cause of one another…. At a time when religious bigotry might have flowed freely, I saw Americans reject prejudice and embrace people of Muslim faith…. At a time when nativism could have stirred hatred and violence against people perceived as outsiders, I saw Americans reaffirm their welcome to immigrants and refugees…. At a time when some viewed the rising generation as individualistic and decadent, I saw young people embrace an ethic of service and rise to selfless action.”
Today’s commemorations of that tragic day almost a generation ago seemed to celebrate exactly what Bush did: the selfless heroism and care for others shown by those like Welles Crowther, the man in the red bandana, who helped others out of danger before succumbing himself; the airplane passengers who called their loved ones to say goodbye; neighbors; firefighters; law enforcement officers; the men and women who volunteered for military service after the attack.
That day, and our memories of it, show American democracy at its best: ordinary Americans putting in the work, even at its dirtiest and most dangerous, to take care of each other.
It is this America we commemorate today.
But even in 2001, that America was under siege by those who distrusted the same democracy today’s events commemorated. Those people, concentrated in the Republican Party, worried that permitting all Americans to have a say in their government would lead to “socialism”: minorities and women would demand government programs paid for with tax dollars collected from hardworking people—usually, white men. They wanted to slash taxes and government regulations, giving individuals the “freedom” to do as they wished.
In 1986, they had begun to talk about purifying the vote; when the Democrats in 1993 passed the so-called Motor Voter law permitting people to register to vote at certain government offices, they claimed that Democrats were buying votes. The next year, Republicans began to claim that Democrats won elections through fraud, and in 1998, the Florida legislature passed a voter ID law that led to a purge of as many as 100,000 voters from the system before the election of 2000, resulting in what the United States Commission on Civil Rights called “an extraordinarily high and inexcusable level of disenfranchisement,” particularly of African American voters.
It was that election that put George W. Bush in the White House, despite his losing the popular vote to Democrat Al Gore by more than a half a million votes.
Bush had run on the promise he would be “a uniter, not a divider,” but as soon as he took office, he advanced the worldview of those who distrusted democracy. He slashed government programs and in June pushed a $1.3 trillion cut through Congress. These measures increased the deficit without spurring the economy, and voters were beginning to sour on a presidency that had been precarious since its controversial beginnings.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, hours before the planes hit the Twin Towers, a New York Times editorial announced: “There is a whiff of panic in the air.”
And then the planes hit.
“In our grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment,” Bush said. America had seemed to drift since the Cold War had ended twelve years before, but now the country was in a new death struggle, against an even more implacable foe. To defeat the nation’s enemies, America must defend free enterprise and Christianity at all costs.
In the wake of the attacks, Bush’s popularity soared to 90 percent. He and his advisers saw that popularity as a mandate to change America, and the world, according to their own ideology. “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists,” he announced.
Immediately, the administration focused on strengthening business. It shored up the airline industry and, at the advice of oil industry executives, deregulated the oil industry and increased drilling. By the end of the year, Congress had appropriated more than $350 billion for the military and homeland security, but that money would not go to established state and local organizations; it would go to new federal programs run by administration loyalists. Bush’s proposed $2.13 trillion 2003 budget increased military spending by $48 billion while slashing highway funding, environmental initiatives, job training, and other domestic spending. It would throw the budget $401 billion in the red. Republicans attacked any opposition as an attack on “the homeland.”
The military response to the attacks also turned ideological quickly. As soon as he heard about the attacks, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld asked his aides to see if there was enough evidence to “hit” Iraqi president Saddam Hussein as well as al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. In fact, Saddam had not been involved in the attack on America: the al-Qaeda terrorists of 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates.
Rumsfeld was trying to fit the events of 911 into the worldview of the so-called neocons who had come together in 1997 to complain that President Bill Clinton’s foreign policy was “incoherent” and to demand that the U.S. take international preeminence in the wake of the Cold War. They demanded significantly increased defense spending and American-backed “regime change” in countries that did not have “political and economic freedom.” They wanted to see a world order “friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.”
After 9/11, Bush launched rocket attacks on the Taliban government of Afghanistan that had provided a safe haven for al-Qaeda, successfully overthrowing it before the end of the year. But then the administration undertook to reorder the Middle East in America's image. In 2002, it announced that the U.S. would no longer simply try to contain our enemies as President Harry S. Truman had planned, or to fund their opponents as President Ronald Reagan had done, but to strike nations suspected of planning attacks on the U.S. preemptively: the so-called Bush Doctrine. In 2003, after setting up a pro-American government in Afghanistan, the administration invaded Iraq.
By 2004, the administration was so deeply entrenched in its own ideology that a senior adviser to Bush told journalist Ron Suskind that people like him—Suskind—were in “the reality-based community”: they believed people could find solutions based on their observations and careful study of discernible reality. But, the aide continued, such a worldview was obsolete. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore.… We are an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
The 9/11 attacks enabled Republicans to tar those who questioned the administration's economic or foreign policies as un-American: either socialists or traitors making the nation vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Surely, such people should not have a voice at the polls. Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression began to shut Democratic voices out of our government, aided by a series of Supreme Court decisions. In 2010, the court opened the floodgates of corporate money into our elections to sway voters; in 2013, it gutted the 1965 Voting Rights Act; in 2021, it said that election laws that affected different groups of voters unevenly were not unconstitutional.
And now we grapple with the logical extension of that argument as a former Republican president claims he won the 2020 election because, all evidence to the contrary, Democratic votes were fraudulent.
Today, former president Bush called out the similarities between today’s domestic terrorists who attacked our Capitol to overthrow our government on January 6 and the terrorists of 9/11. “There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home, “he said. “But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit. And it is our continuing duty to confront them.”
In doing so, we can take guidance from the passengers on Flight 93, who demonstrated as profoundly as it is possible to do what confronting such an ideology means. While we cannot know for certain what happened on that plane on that fateful day, investigators believe that before the passengers of Flight 93 stormed the cockpit, throwing themselves between the terrorists and our government, and downed the plane, they all took a vote.
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
It’s Sin  (Prophecy Update)
By Daymond Duck    Published on:  August 29, 2021
On Aug. 17, 2021, LifeSiteNews reported that conservative Bishop Joseph Strickland warned that “we are suffering as a world because of our sins (promoting abortion, homosexuality, and oppressing ordinary citizens) and failing to recognize God as the Creator and true author of life.”
Strickland urged Christians to stand for the “truths of the faith” and said, “They (godless world leaders) can kill us, seriously curtail our freedoms, but they can’t take away the very essence of who we are: free beings that can choose to say yes to God or not.”
This writer agrees with the bishop.
America’s problem is sin: political corruption, judicial corruption, moral corruption, the Church is lukewarm and declining, etc.
We’ve thrown God out of our schools.
We’ve thrown God out of our courts.
We’ve thrown God out of our government.
We’ve thrown God out of our homes.
We’ve thrown God out of our churches.
We’ve drenched our land with the blood of innocents (abortion).
We have openly blasphemed our God for ages, in books, movies, and the media, but even Christians have come to regard it as ‘normal.’
We have elected unbelievers to rule over us that want to establish a godless world government and religion.
These are not the characteristics of a Christian nation or sins that a holy God will tolerate forever from a nation that was created under God.
Payday has arrived for America and the world, and it is our own fault.
There is still hope for individuals that have truly accepted Jesus as their Saviour (the Rapture), but there is no hope for those that have joined the Church without truly trusting in Jesus (unless they do it before they die or before the Rapture).
Hopefully, this writer is wrong, but it is possible that America has reached a point of no return, that God has already decided to bring our sin-filled nation down, and it’s possible that America will never recover.
One, concerning the impact of Afghanistan’s fall on world government and wars and rumors of wars:
Many Americans don’t believe Biden is in charge, and there are calls to remove him, but removing him won’t remove America’s godless shadow government (the CFR and their minions) or alter their efforts to establish a one-world government by 2030 or sooner. If the shadow government orders Biden removed, it will be because they are afraid he will cost them control of the House and/or Senate, and they don’t want to risk that.
The debacle in Afghanistan has convinced many world leaders that America can no longer be relied upon to lead the free world (America’s military is still strong, but America’s civilian leaders are corrupt, inept, and unreliable. U.S. Sec. of State Blinken admitted receiving a cable from about two dozen diplomats warning that the Taliban could seize Afghanistan in a hurry if Biden removed the troops. An Audit uncovered by the group called “Open the Books” listed 600,000 weapons; 75,000 Humvees, armored personnel carriers, tactical vehicles, mine-resistant vehicles, etc.; $200 million dollars worth of drones; 208 planes/helicopters in Afghanistan).
China now believes it can attack Taiwan and get away with it.
North Korea now believes it can attack South Korea and win because America’s leader is weak and indecisive.
Russia, Iran, and Turkey now believe they can march into Israel, and the U.S. will do nothing.
China, Russia, and Iran have now scheduled joint military drills in the Persian Gulf for later this year or early next year.
Israel now knows that her enemies no longer fear her number one ally (the U.S.), and Israel must now act in Israel’s own best interests.
The EU now knows that something is wrong in America, and the EU must build up its military if the EU wants to remain free.
America is no longer the world’s number one superpower, and the decline of America is just what the globalists needed to bring in their godless one-world government and religion. (George Soros gave millions to the campaigns of the Clinton’s, Obama and others who were in favor of weakening America to eventually bring in the NWO. George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and the Rockefellers were also strong supporters of the NWO.)
As Jan Markel so often says, “Things are not falling apart; things are falling into place” (lining up exactly the way the Bible says they will at the end of the age).
Update one: On Aug. 18, 2021, the U.K. Parliament held Pres. Biden in contempt for withdrawing from Afghanistan and called his decision “catastrophic” and “shameful.” This reflects the thinking of one of America’s strongest allies.
Phase 1 of the Globalist plan to establish the New World Order was to create trading blocks of nations, and many trading blocks are now in existence.
Phase 2 of the globalist plan to establish the New World Order is to remove America as the undisputed leader of the free world and replace it with leaders from ten groups of nations (Ten Kings). It is the opinion of this writer that America has been deliberately disgraced, world leaders will soon say Biden is not mentally capable of leading the free world, the U.S. must be replaced – they will select ten leaders from ten trading blocks of nations, and the U.S. will be in the trading block known as the USMCA (United States, Mexico, and Canada).
Phase 3 of the globalist plan to establish the New World Order is for the Ten Kings to empower one man to rule over the entire world. This will be done after the Rapture.
In addition to seeing the global development and advancement of technology and policies that will lead to the Mark of the Beast – forced compliance, development of passports or passes, a demand for government databases to track people, a demand to prevent the unvaccinated from entering stores to buy or sell, the spread of anti-Christian rhetoric, etc. – we are seeing the development of the government that will use that technology and force the Mark upon the world.
Remember that the goal is to have it up and running by 2030 or sooner if possible.
It is likely that Satan’s man with a plan is alive and well right now.
This writer also believes that God is showing us these things to remind us of what Jesus said in the Book of Revelation, that He knows the end from the beginning, and there is a great need for us to repent of our sins.
Two, the Bible teaches that the Kings (plural) of the East will invade the Middle East during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 16:12).
The Bible doesn’t identify the Kings of the East, but many prophecy experts have long expressed the opinion that they will include China, North Korea, and other nations.
China now has the largest navy in the world; China is expected to soon be the number one economy in the world; China has built a railroad and highway to the Middle East; China has already reached out to the Taliban government in Afghanistan; and China is seeking to negotiate a deal with the Taliban to mine an estimated one trillion dollars of essential minerals in Afghanistan.
Three, on Aug. 20, 2021, it was reported that even though the Biden administration says it is evacuating people from Afghanistan for free, a State Dept. official admitted that they are charging U.S. citizens up to $2,000 per person to get them out (more for non-U.S. citizens).
The Taliban has taken over the banks and emptied the ATMs, so some evacuees are being forced to take out a loan from the U.S. government.
Four, concerning persecution, on Aug. 22, 2021, it was reported that Christians are facing imminent death in Afghanistan, women and young girls are facing rape, beatings, and forced marriages (candidate Biden said he is a good Catholic and he loves women and children).
Five, concerning persecution and the days of Noah (great wickedness): on Aug. 24, 2021, the Head of the UN Human Rights Council said she has received credible reports that the Taliban is executing civilians and members of the Afghanistan Security Forces.
The blood of these victims is on the hands of those (the shadow government and Mr. Biden) that have deliberately weakened the U.S.
Six, concerning the refusal to let people buy and sell unless they take the Mark of the Beast during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 13:15-18): on Aug. 20, 2021, it was reported that some very large French supermarkets in areas where there is a high rate of Covid are requiring people to show a valid government-issued Covid pass before allowing them to enter to purchase food.
The only two ways to get a valid government-issued Covid pass are: 1) proof of vaccination, or 2) proof of a negative Covid test in the last 72 hours.
For years, Bible prophecy teachers have been saying this is coming.
Some French citizens are refusing to be vaccinated, and thousands are protesting by marching and demonstrating.
During the Tribulation Period, those that refuse to take the Mark will be killed.
Seven, concerning peace, Israel and the Arabs: on Aug. 13, 2021, Israel and Morocco announced that they will open reciprocal embassies within two months.
Eight, concerning deceit:
we were told that candidate Biden didn’t know anything about Hunter’s business dealings with other nations (Hunter’s laptop proves otherwise);
we have been told that America is back (but America is going down);
that domestic terrorists plotted to take over the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, (but the FBI found little to no evidence of that);
that there is no crisis on our border (but children are in cages and Covid is being deliberately spread from there);
that there is no crisis in Afghanistan (but it is now a terrorist state);
that U.S. military leaders advised Biden against pulling our troops out of Afghanistan before he removed our people and weapons (but he trusted the Taliban instead of trusting our military leaders);
that there was no election fraud (but the Arizona audit proves there was);
that masks offer no protection (but everyone should wear a mask);
that a vaccination will protect us from Covid (but we need a booster shot because vaccinated people are getting Covid);
Climate Change is the greatest threat to America (but sin is the greatest threat to America);
Biden will unite America (but he says all white Republicans are racists), etc.
There is no reason not to tell these whoppers because big tech and most of the media ignore them.
The Satanic Antichrist will have to be terrible to out-deceive this administration.
Think about it; Democrats impeached the previous president over something he didn’t say in a phone call.
Nine, here is some of this writer’s thinking on what we may be seeing:
Islam believes in world government and world religion, but the Radical Muslims want it to be an Islamic world government and world religion.
They are fighting and dying to accomplish that.
God will allow a world government and world religion to rise and exist for seven years (the Tribulation Period), but it will not be Islamic.
Some Muslims will perish in the Psa. 83 war (if that is an end of the age prophecy, and this writer believes it is).
Some Muslims will perish in the destruction of Damascus (Isa. 17).
Some Muslims will perish in the attempted Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel (Ezek. 38-39).
Some Muslims will perish when the Antichrist plunders Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia during the Tribulation Period (Dan. 11:43).
It is likely that some will perish when the Kings of the East invade the Middle East during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 16:12).
Russia and China are already wooing Afghanistan, and this writer is not sure which group Afghanistan will wind up in (the Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel or the Kings of the East), but this writer is sure that Afghanistan will wind up in the right group and Jehovah will not allow Allah to have His (Jehovah’s) glory.
Jehovah could even be drawing the Taliban into a coalition that will soon be defeated and an embarrassment to Allah.
This writer believes that Russia, China, Iran, and other radicals will now think an evil thought (America is weak; America is preoccupied with Covid, Climate Change, the Woke culture, etc.; it is time to strike; time to plunder Israel; time to create an Islamic Caliphate, etc.).
The prophesied end of the age wars and rumors of wars could be on the horizon.
Biden abandoned billions of dollars of high-tech weapons in Afghanistan; some are already finding their way to Russia and China, but they are nothing compared to the power of God.
The globalists will use the defeat of these nations to establish a world government and religion under the Antichrist and False Prophet.
America’s problem is sin, and I believe we are the only generation in history that could be the terminal generation.
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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