#English Tutor
ididit-allofit-foryou · 11 months
Does anyone need any essays edited? I'm an essay writing tutor & have been since 2017, & I work with all grade levels!
Rates (prices usd):
1-3 pages: $30
4-6 pages: $40
7-9 pages: $55
10+ pages: +$5/each added page
I will make in-line edits for grammar, and will make detailed comments about any changes you need to make to structure or content!
I am able to work with essays on any subject, as well as creative writing & poetry!
DM me or email me at [email protected] if interested!
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romanticlandscape · 1 year
Всім привіт, друзі!
У цьому пості я хочу вас запросити на індивідуальні заняття з англійської мови зі мною🇬🇧:
Мене звати Єлизавета та я з радістю допоможу Вам у вивченні неймовірно гарної та корисної мови - англійської.
На заняттях ми:
Багато розмовляємо англійською, вивчаємо корисну лексику та практикуємо її, граматика пояснюється в контексті. Моя пристрасть - фонетика, тому за бажанням ми можемо робити акцент і на тренуванні британської вимови. Заняття проводяться в Google meet з використанням інтерактивної дошки Miro, аутенчтичних підручників (English file, Headway, Navigate, Vocabulary in Use, Grammar in Context і подібні) , відео та аудіо матеріалів.
Про мене:
Я студентка педагогічного факультету
в одному з найкращих університетів Чехії, моя спеціальність - англійська (перша) та іспанська (друга) мови з уклоном на освіту.
Я - поліглот і володію 5 мовами, тому точно знаю, як вивчати мови ефективно та швидко, в чому мені допомогають знання методики,педагогіки, психології та власний досвід.
Маю сертифікат рівня С1, практику праці в чеській школі та приватній школі іноземних мов, також кожного дня спілкуюся з носіями мови.
Проводжу заняття для дітей та дорослих від 14 рокiв
тут ви можете побачити приклади, як виглядають наші заняття зі студентами:
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Че��аю всіх бажаючих на пробному безкоштовному занятті:)💓
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Hello friend! Welcome to post TWO of
How not to fail English.
Today I’m going to teach you all how to tell the difference between a static and dynamic character!
A static character is one who DOES NOT go through character development, and has the same personality, morals, values, likes, dislikes etc. throughout the whole story. From beginning to end these guys are the same little guys.
A dynamic character is one who changes! It might not be a big change, but they still change nonetheless! They’re the ones going through character arches, changing their morals or their values because of something that happens to them in the story!
While it’s not too hard to learn the difference, it can be quite tricky spotting a static or dynamic character, so here’s an example!
The example I’m using is Edgar Allen Poe’s short story ‘The Cask of Amontillado’. I’m using this particular piece because it’s VERY hard to tell whether Montresor is a static or dynamic protagonist!
Step 1: Read the whole story. You might need to reread some bits, but it’s good to know everything before you start analyzing.
Step 2: read the first paragraph and the last paragraph. These are often where you can see definite changes in a character, but you’ll still have to keep an eye out! Here’s the first and last paragraph of The Cask of Amontillado:
“THE THOUSAND INJURIES of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged, this was a point definitely settled - but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved, precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish, but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the Avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.”
“No answer still. I thrust a torch through the remaining aperture and let it fall within. There came forth in reply only a jingling of the bells. My heart grew sick on account of the dampness of the catacombs. I hastened to make an end of my labor. I forced the last stone into its position; I plastered it up. Against the new masonry I re-erected the old rampart of bones. For the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them.
In pace requiescat!*”
*may he rest in peace
At first, Montresor seems completely static, as he did kill a man and leave him there in the catacombs seemingly without guilt. BUT my friends, if you read the first paragraph carefully you can see that Montresor is in fact, telling this story to someone other than the reader! Someone he knows quite well. “You, who so well know the nature of my soul..” he is confessing. And, in the last paragraph, “My heart grew sick on account of the dampness of the catacombs.” That sickness is not a sickness, but guilt! This means Montresor is a dynamic character, as now fifty years later he feels guilty about the death of Fourtunato.
This is how I was taught about static/dynamic characters and it remains my favorite way to learn! Hope this helped friends, and remember to drink water!
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poetsdarling · 2 years
i’ve been thinking about how i used to spend so much of my time scrolling through the dark academia and english literature tag on here when i was fifteen. now, i’m twenty years old and i’m officially transferring next semester to a university where i’ll be an official english lit major!! i’m also an english tutor at my current school. being an english tutor is one of the best things i’ve ever done because i can help people with my passion. it’s very rewarding. i’m doing things my younger self always dreamed of doing and it’s nice to know how much i’ve achieved since then <3 i’m living my dead poets society and mona lisa smile dream
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atxokirina · 2 years
seeing her again soon
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ankit12233 · 2 years
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gillsir-blog · 2 years
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ankitkumarapp058 · 2 years
online tutor
online tutor,IELTS,homework help,cbse,ACT,sat exam,igcse exam,online igcse,online sat,exam preparation,IGCSE Preparation,SAT Preparation,online sat tutor,exam help,online tutor,Physics Tutor,English Tutor,Science tutor,sat tutor
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reinhardtpoetry · 15 days
The Algorithm? SEO?! What Is This Nonsense?!
For the past week or more, I've been posting on social media every day to get noticed by the algorithms on different sites. However, I'll temporarily be posting a bit less.
Right now, I've decided to focus most on my website. I'll add some more content and will do my best to optimize each page for search engine results.
This will involve a lot of editing (and trial and error) but is necessary to get my site recognized!
The goal of my website is to empower others. Whether by offering services to educate in the intricacies of the English language, or by creating literary content to provide catharsis, I want to help.
My site is also a safe space where anyone can be themselves without fear of judgment or prejudice. And as a new creator, it would help me TREMENDOUSLY if you were to create an account on my website.
By becoming a user at JustusReinhardt.com, you can comment on my blog posts or on any other user-generated posts. You can also save payment methods for purchases or write your own posts to share your creations! Furthermore, I have a seasonal newsletter you can sign up for if you're interested.
I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you all SO much for your support and for taking the time to read this.
Peep the link below - My Account - Justus Reinhardt
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lilbutmightyenglishsg · 3 months
Tips for Choosing an Online English Tutor That Fits Your Needs
Choosing the right online English tutor is crucial for effective learning. Consider qualifications, specialization, reviews, trial sessions, schedule compatibility, communication skills, technology requirements, cost, and personal connection to find a tutor who meets your specific needs and enhances your English proficiency journey.
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English Tutoring
Are you looking for an experienced English tutor in Cranbourne? Stem Academic offers top-tier English tutors with extensive experience and deep knowledge of the English language. Our tutors hold master’s degrees and are dedicated to helping students achieve mastery quickly. With our expert guidance, your student will be well-prepared for a successful future.
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tutordoctorcom · 6 months
Finding the Best Language and Math Tutoring Near Me
Are you struggling with English or math and looking for a qualified tutor near you? Finding the right tutor can make all the difference in your academic success. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best tutor for your needs?
The Importance of Quality Tutoring:
Tutoring can greatly enhance your learning experience by providing personalized attention and guidance. A good tutor can help you improve your understanding of difficult concepts, boost your confidence, and ultimately achieve better grades. Whether you need help with English language skills or math problems, investing in quality tutoring can be a game-changer for your academic performance.
What to Look for in a Tutor
When searching for a tutor, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, look for a tutor who has expertise in the subject you need help with. For example, if you're struggling with English grammar, look for a tutor who specializes in English language tutoring. Additionally, consider the tutor's experience and qualifications. A tutor with a strong academic background and teaching experience is more likely to effectively help you improve your skills.
Finding a Local Tutor Near You:
One of the biggest advantages of in-person tutoring is the ability to work with a tutor face-to-face. This allows for real-time feedback and personalized instruction tailored to your learning style. To find a local tutor near you, start by asking for recommendations from teachers, friends, or family members. You can also search online for tutoring centers or independent tutors in your area.
Benefits of In-Person Tutoring:
In-Person Tutor Near Me offers several benefits over online tutoring. For one, it allows for more personalized interaction and immediate feedback. Additionally, working with a tutor in person can help keep you accountable and motivated to reach your academic goals. With a local tutor near you, you can easily schedule regular sessions and track your progress over time.
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Enhancing Language Skills:
If you're looking to improve your English language skills, working with a qualified English tutor can make a world of difference. A good English tutor can help you with everything from grammar and vocabulary to reading comprehension and writing skills. Whether you're a native English speaker or learning English as a second language, a tutor can help you reach your language goals effectively.
Start Your Tutoring Journey Today:
Don't let academic struggles hold you back. With the right tutor by your side, you can overcome challenges, improve your skills, and achieve your academic goals. Start your tutoring journey today by finding a qualified English or math tutor near you. Invest in your education and watch your academic performance soar!
In conclusion, finding the best English and math tutoring near me is crucial for academic success. With personalized attention, expert guidance, and in-person support, a qualified tutor can help you reach your full potential. Don't hesitate to invest in quality tutoring – your future self will thank you for it.
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Hi!! Welcome to the first post of
How to not fail English.
Today I’m going to teach you guys the basics! I often find myself forgetting things such as the difference between Theme and Values. For me, nothing helps more than simple, right to the point descriptions. Here they are:
Theme: a main idea or message. It can be stated or implied and is usually the whole, overarching lesson a story is trying to tell you. (Ex. The theme of the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carl is “Don’t eat too much junk food”).
Values: What does the protagonist value? Usually it is not stated directly, but not always. (Ex. In the short story ‘The Scarlet Ibis’ the narrator values normalcy). A value can vary depending on how you interpret the text, as it is tied to the protagonists personality.
Hopefully I will continue to post things such as this every other day, if not more. Comment suggestions (if this reaches anyone, haha) and good luck with school you freaking goober!
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anaworld99 · 6 months
Navigating the World of Homeschooling: Tips and Insights
Over the last few years, homeschooling has actually gotten popularity as a feasible choice to traditional education. Households are progressively choosing homeschooling to tailor education to their children's distinct requirements and rate of interests. This educational approach provides flexibility, customized finding out experiences, and the chance to develop a dense family environment for discovering. Nonetheless, navigating the world of homeschooling can be overwhelming for both brand-new and experienced homeschooling families. In this article, we will certainly discover practical ideas, sources, and understandings to help you efficiently start your homeschooling journey.Whether you are thinking about homeschooling for the initial time or wanting to boost your current homeschooling experience, this article will supply important information to sustain you along the road. From educational program choices and time monitoring techniques to creating a favorable discovering setting in your home, we will cover a range of subjects to aid you prosper in your homeschooling journey. In addition, we will certainly dive into the advantages of homeschooling, such as cultivating solid household connections, promoting independent reasoning, and nurturing a love for long-lasting learning. Join us as we explore the world of homeschooling and find exactly how you can develop an enriching and satisfying educational experience for your children.
Read more here secondary english tuition near me
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scarlet-tamara · 6 months
Navigating the World of Homeschooling: Tips and Insights
In the last few years, homeschooling has gotten popularity as a viable alternative to conventional education. Family members are significantly selecting homeschooling to customize education to their kids's distinct demands and passions. This educational approach offers adaptability, customized learning experiences, and the chance to create a dense family members setting conducive to finding out. Nonetheless, navigating the world of homeschooling can be frustrating for both brand-new and knowledgeable homeschooling family members. In this article, we will explore functional suggestions, resources, and insights to aid you effectively start your homeschooling journey.Whether you are taking into consideration homeschooling for the very first time or aiming to boost your existing homeschooling experience, this article will provide valuable info to sustain you along the road. From educational program selections and time administration approaches to producing a favorable discovering setting in the house, we will certainly cover a series of topics to assist you prosper in your homeschooling experience. Furthermore, we will certainly look into the benefits of homeschooling, such as fostering solid family relationships, promoting independent reasoning, and nurturing a love for lifelong knowing. Join us as we delve right into the world of homeschooling and uncover how you can create an enriching and satisfying academic experience for your youngsters.
Read more here english tuition for primary 1
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zombievalkyrie · 6 months
Navigating the Globe of Homeschooling: Tips and Insights
Over the last few years, homeschooling has actually acquired appeal as a feasible alternative to conventional schooling. Households are progressively going with homeschooling to tailor education to their youngsters's special needs and rate of interests. This educational strategy provides flexibility, personalized discovering experiences, and the opportunity to create a dense household environment for finding out. Nonetheless, navigating the world of homeschooling can be overwhelming for both new and experienced homeschooling families. In this article, we will discover practical tips, sources, and insights to help you efficiently start your homeschooling journey.Whether you are taking into consideration homeschooling for the very first time or wanting to improve your current homeschooling experience, this post will give beneficial info to sustain you in the process. From curriculum selections and time monitoring strategies to producing a helpful learning atmosphere at home, we will certainly cover a series of topics to help you prosper in your homeschooling adventure. In addition, we will delve into the advantages of homeschooling, such as fostering solid family members connections, advertising independent reasoning, and supporting a love for lifelong understanding. Join us as we explore the globe of homeschooling and find exactly how you can create an improving and fulfilling educational experience for your youngsters.
Read more here primary english tuition
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