Incidents and Reflections Episode 67 - 06/21/2020
For anyone who missed or wants to re-experience the Dino Nerds for Black Lives stream back in June, you can now watch a recorded version of our one-time revival, as well as almost 40 hours’ worth of other paleo presentations! Article links
Prehistoric Road Trip [02:26]
Ensonglopedia of the Human (recorded stream of WIP performance) [05:13]
Life Through the Ages II [08:31]
PhyloCode, Phylonyms, and RegNum [11:33]
Ontogenetic dietary shifts in Deinonychus [18:21]
Thermal comfort of Triassic dinosaurs [27:51]
Aquatic stem myriapods [36:27]
Peopling of the Caribbean [44:22]
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albertonykus · 5 years
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I'm a big fan of science communication through music, and among the most impressive examples that I know of is John Hinton's show "Ensonglopedia of Animals", which features 26 songs about animals, one for each letter of the alphabet. Doing a musical alphabet of animals is not in itself a novel idea (I can think of at least two other examples off the top of my head), but "Ensonglopedia of Animals" is the only case I know of that orders its animals phylogenetically instead of alphabetically. Furthermore, Hinton actively limits himself to only six songs about mammals (indeed, vertebrates only account for less than half of his lineup), thus putting focus on the vast diversity of invertebrates that are far more rarely sung about. Slugs, leeches, tardigrades, hydrozoans, and sponges all get their turn in the limelight. I honestly think it's brilliant.
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drmacoffee · 7 years
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An interesting introduction to FOH in J2 with Ensonglopedia of Science! #cambridge #junction #ensonglopediaofscience (at Cambridge Junction)
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albertonykus · 4 years
Ever wanted a song about the Jehol Biota? Well, there's one now! Topic suggested, fact-checked, and featuring a drawing by me. Between my pedantic nitpicking and Amazon's incompetence, John had to put up with a lot to make this one. You, too, have the chance to get a song written about a science subject of your choice, just leave a suggestion with Ensonglopedia!
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albertonykus · 4 years
In which I (not very successfully) attempt to sing a song from the brilliant Ensonglopedia of Animals. (I’ve linked to the digital album there, but it also happens to be one of the songs that isn’t included in the digital version of the show...) Probably the only song I know to invoke sympathy for a leech.
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