#Dino Nerds for Black Lives
strawberryscorp · 2 years
thanks for the tag @ace-aussie-asshole <33
hanks for tagging me @ace-aussie-asshole 🫶
Are you named after anyone?
no, but my full name is actually really pretty. its really uncommon as well, and i let a lot of compliments on it. i wish this wasnt the internet because if i could i would brag about my name all the time haha
When was the last time you cried?
just now, actually. i had my first therapy session ever and it was kinda scary, but my therapist was really kind and we didnt get into anything super triggering yet. she also had a squishmallow frog on her couch that i held the whole time, but there was a dino one on her desk and maybe next time i’ll ask if i can hold that one instead. i really like dinosaurs.
Do you have any kids?
nope, and i dont plan to. i dont think i could handle the pressure of raising a literal human being without fucking them up. i think i’ll just stick to babysitting instead
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
yes haha, but almost always in a joking setting. i try not to ever be sarcastic in a way that sounds rude, yk? i am very good at picking up sarcasm, however, and its really funny when i do. a lot of people seem mean and sarcastic when theyre actually just being funny and its a beautiful realization when that sinks in
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their facial expressions. i notice the way their face moves, and how they react to stuff. its jsut interesting for me.
What’s your eye colour?
deeep deep brown (the best color). they look almost black. someone told me that when i look in the sun i get little sparkles and my eyes look like the night sky, and thats stuck with me for a while.
Scary movies or happy endings?
well, im weak and i physically cannot watch anything scary. i dont think ive watched a movie that doesnt have a happy ending, if im gonna be honest. as you mightve guessed, disney movies are my favorite.
Any special talents?
i can hoola-hoop really well. my record is four at a time
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
reading, writing, listening to music, drawing. id like to get into crochet.
Do you have any pets?
no, but i want one so damn bad. i really love dogs, but the neighborhood where me and my family live doesnt allow them.
What sports do you play/have you played?
i used to play soccer. by play i mean i would pick flowers and stare at the clouds. but i had fun, and thats all that matters.
How tall are you?
not gonna lie i have no idea. im like, slightly less than medium height? lmao i dont really know
Favourite subject at school?
maths, i know i know im a nerd. im just really good at it right now, and a lot of my friends come to me instead of the teacher when they need something explained which brings me so much joy.
Dream job?
honestly? a youtuber or content creator. slightly more realistically, an artist. or someone that works with animals. im pretty open to a lot of careers
im not sure who else to tag so moots and followers feel free to do this too <33
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sapphirecrook · 10 months
[STORY] Call Me Fang - Chapter 2-2 Mounting Tension
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The document this is in, is like 30k words. A lot of that is spillover, surpluss, but there's an easy 20k of like, done in the last week. This is exactly how it went with that first idea, only with a lot more… I dunno. Stability? I'm having fun. Who CARES.
The hallways.
They are full of colors. 
Until now, I’ve only been exposed to a few people at a time. Or seeing blurs and flashes as the car speeds by. Or a mass of them crossing the street.
This world has fewer traffic lights than makes sense to me. Judging by Naser’s mannerisms while driving, I wager pedestrians won the war on cars and Naser will be shot out of a cannon if his bumper so much as grazes the tip of a shoe. 
The colors though.
Dinos in all shapes n’ sizes. All the colors of the rainbow. The student body mass occupying the school is best described as ‘phantasmagoric,’ a flowing mass of colors that I must painfully navigate. 
I see guys in skirts, ladies in pants, modest attire to punk to ‘that has no name,’ to one guy I am pretty sure is trying to boil himself alive in the sun. Too many layers, too much black. I salute him.
And quite a few seem willing to just talk to me. Compliments on my looks are so unusual I’m glad I seem to know only a few. Distantly. Fang has friends, and I can’t manage this. I try my best, and it seems to go well enough. It’s just that it kind of tears down my ego to be plagiarizing a person and get rewarded for it. 
I try to shrug off most conversations. This is all quite a lot without having to remember a slew of new names. 
The colors.
Wings, claws, horns, crests. Tall and small. They’re cute. And some look edible, like gumdrops. No shanking in the hallways, no nerds shoved in lockers. Perhaps those take time to get started, but for now, it’s all calm and I feel a weird ease and tension. 
Swimming through this sea made the act of finding my first class more difficult. Far more difficult. As did at least one person demanding to know what the make up was. Microglitter is a term I saw on the foundation. That’s what they got to hear.
I say that, not knowing their gender, though I’ve seen quite a few ‘actually they’ outside of Fang. People are more willing to be themselves? 
All the differences. They stand out. 
Like the technicolor nightmare that is the student body.
And the fact is quite a few people seem to joke about a certain “Dr. Giegler” in a tone of voice that implies they’re something to watch out for. Doctors do be like that. I know quite a few doctors with schemes that warrant distance. 
There’s also the detail that so many buildings around here incorporate greenery into their design. Private properties are more hit and miss, but the school, shops, etc. Public spaces just breathed fresh oxygen like crazy. Half the lockers were shrouded in plants. Which I have verified are real plants, not plastic crap, meaning someone here has to walk around to supply them with water. And soil. Whose job is that?
Probably whatever goes for a flower club around here. Solar punk has always been a style I hoped to see implemented at large. Organic forms in concrete, integrated greenery, solar panel patios. I wish I could high five the man who made this place. 
There’s only so many minutes to appreciate fine interior design.
Time to learn what homeroom is.
Ms. Roberts has a bit of a reputation of being the worst teacher in school. In terms of being stern, often unamused, and rarely allowing people to use their phones for more than a minute at a time. Her old fashioned style of dress compounds the aura of ‘no fun zone’ her manners radiate. As does her age. By far the oldest teacher in Volcano High, with ample rumors she’s intentionally delaying retirement so she can ruin more lives. 
But can you trust the rumor mill? 
Her room further reflects it. A tidy, well kept classroom, with plenty of posters and whatnot talking about the importance of setting your future, college applications, essay due and tips on various educational subjects. Her desk is pristine. Always. 
“And there you all are. In your last year of school, before you tumble from the nest and have to fend for yourself. I sure hope you have the wherewithal to make the most of it, because regrets are difficult stains to undo. Learn now, when it is easy and accessible, lest you have to learn harsh lessons in trying times.” Her voice was measured, deliberate, articulate. It almost sounded rehearsed, slathered in a deep professionalism.
“With some effort, and this is effort you are expected to perform as part of the year, you’ll find yourself a college to attend, a career to enter, or at least a direction or path in life to take by graduation. Now, I’ll repeat what I just said, because there are undoubtedly those among you who disagree. This effort. Is part of. The curriculum. While there is no final or grade associated with it, participating in extracurriculars, finding your skills and drives, engaging with the job fair, and leaving this place with a purpose? It’s a far greater boon than anything Lars can teach you about higher order algebra.”
Her stance in front of class was stiff, powerful. Towering over the others, her eyes often gazing over the golden reading glasses she wore. The thin chain that held it glittered in the morning light that came in through the windows. Her yellow eyes scanned the room, obviously marked by the darker lavender that made up spots around them. Silver hair in a simple bob, adding a mechanical feel, if you squint enough.
Those eyes were on the hunt. For anyone foolish enough to use their phones, or fall asleep, or otherwise disrespect the importance of her message. Many become lazy in the decades; Ms. Roberts used each year to sharpen every edge. 
“REED! Put that phone away.”
“Uhm, it started buzzing, first of the month, the emergency…”
“I am not a fool, Reed. The emergency broadcast system does test the first of the month. At noon. And it’s not September yet. So unless you want to read it aloud to the class. Pay attention.”
“Eh, whatever. I already know what I’m gonna do. Delivery work. I’ve been doing it for a while, and my bro’s in on it too.”
“That’s a good answer. Important, stable, necessary industry.” Her tone betrays not a hint of judgment in either direction. And thus, Reed slinks back into his seat, more alert during his illicit phone operations. 
“Hey. Fang, right?” The green dino next to me…
Is he wearing a green hoodie? The same as his scales… What the hell dude? Never wear flesh colors like that. 
“What’s up?” Do I know him? Not in the DMs of recent at least.
“Yea. Like, got a spare like… paper and pen?” He sounds like he couldn’t even understand the fashion faux pas. 
I look at my bag and fish around in it. I don’t recall packing any, but there might be some Fang left in there. Surprisingly, I fish out…
Oh, my god.
That is slightly embarrassing. 
An entire 5-pack of exercise books. Okay, that’s not embarrassing. That they’re all with a non-binary flag cover, is. It’s cute, I do like that flag, cool colors, but fuck if pulling out five of them, wrapped in plastic, out my bag like I’m doing a lottery draw isn’t…
I pull out one, and fish out a spare pen. A pansexual pen. I guess a nonbinary is necessarily pansexual, if at all, given the big three are all male/female binary related, huh? Pens are just like that.
Naser must’ve stuffed it in here, I think I saw him carrying this to the car? And a bunch of other ones too.
Whereas I just had a big moment, the recipient seems completely unphased, like the flags are meaningless colors. Good for him. Live life free of judgment, airhead. 
“Wow, coooool.” His eyes are red. His irises are green.
Man’s a walking plant, and I used to know a real one, so I’d know. 
The snicker tips off the guard. “Mx. Fang. Mind telling the class what’s so exciting?” 
Fuck, caught… helping someone? A true crime in this town.
“Just helping a fellow citizen, teach!” I give her a big smile and a wink, like I’ve plenty of other big guys back home do. 
“Hrm.” Her eyes stare daggers. I am immune to most conventional weaponry, so she’s free to exercise her efforts. Emotional damage hurts like hell though. “Harold, this is your final warning. Stop trying to make a call in class. What in the name of goodness makes you think that would ever work?”
I lean into my chair, giving the green guy a thumb’s up. He’s cute, in the same way a house plant is cute. He should wear brown shoes. Halloween costume: done. 
I turn to the window, with my duty fulfilled. I took a window seat for a reason. Been a while since old Sol graced me with his ample rays so freely. The world out there is so vivid. Bountiful greenery, bright blue sea, sparkling sands, clear sky, impeccable warmth. Warmer than I’d really like, though just being reminded of a world of light and life, it refills a part of me that I never knew was empty to begin with. 
It is then I am reminded of the pink raptor behind me, through the application of a paper airplane. 
The message? 
“Dude, wassup?” 
I am unsure what his deal is, but he is insistent on distracting me. He looks familiar. And only once I look over my shoulder and actually look at him do I realize that he resembles Reed. Because he is Reed. He was in several photos, you dummy.
Had to check my phone for that, which looks silly, I imagine. 
Once he caught on I’m listening, he leans in. 
“I just wanted to know how you’ve been.” His attitude is immediately obvious. His slight shrug, that polite, easy smile. That faint aura of smoke. The very loose top. Man’s a bro. I feel like I could tell him I’m not Fang, right here and now, and he’d just fist bump me and say ‘that’s radical, dude’ or something. 
“How have YOU been?” There, that gets him off my back.
“You know. Mysterious places, perfectly legal, enjoying a responsible amount of weed.” Not tobacco, but weed? Fair enough. 
“Do I look like a cop?” “Maybe. So, when were you gonna tell me about LJ?”
Tattletale Trish. “Tattletale Trish.” “More like ‘we’re in a band and I feel like you’d tell me the second you knew’? Not accusing you here, just figured you’d be running the halls to tell me. You finally cracked old LJ’s cold icy heart.” His playful attitude appends it with a wink. “Oh, yea.”
“So, when’s the next band meeting?” His smirk makes me feel like he already knows. Formalities, from a guy like him? “Today. I’ve been doing a big think.” “Always nice to use your noggin.” He taps his temple. The constant smile and those half-shut eyes, I’d believe anyone if they told me he’s trying to hit on me. Except, of course, for the complete lack of anything actionable. Just chill. He’s chill. “We have time anyway. Best use it surgically.” “Yea. Fine by me. I had a weird night.” “Why, bad sleep?” “More like, not used to sleeping on a soft bed. My van’s cot has a style and it needs unlearning. That, and mom and mom make healthy, nutritious meals made of real food, instead of easily digestible fast food. Shame.” 
I’ll be honest. I might be the pressing mystery, but Reed’s summer sounds like a story worth telling when I get home.
“My man, what the hell have you DONE all summer?” “Good times.” 
“Are we talking ‘five baby Reeds’, or ‘wanted in five countries?’ Because there’s a subtle difference.”
Despite the pressure, he keeps smiling. “Just good times with good friends, Fang.” The way he’s leaning in, and lightly tapping the table, his head on his hand. I just can’t tell if he’s hitting on me or if he’s putting on the pressure for a reaction. 
I guess prying too much would be hypocritical of me. And, if anything, embolden him to push back. So there’s two wins to be gotten by keeping skeletons in closets. 
“Eh, sorry. Just excited.” “No worries. Trish’ll have to write both of our ‘what we did in summer’ papers then.”
I roll my eyes. I turn back right on time, as Ms. Roberts has just gone into her next segment. A time she used to scan the room for inattentiveness, by the looks of it. And so begins her next segment “it’s never too early” and all.
Why do I have this weird gut feeling I’m going to hear this spiel again? From Naser? He just has that vibe, I guess. Class President. At school an hour early. Adds up.
Next up is History & Civics. Now there’s a subject I need to double down on. I imagine math is mostly the same, given this universe operates by similar language and whatnot. Or the translation in my dino brain does that for me. Fang’s body is doing a lot of heavy lifting. In fact, it is literally doing all the lifting so far.
But history? That’s gotta be eons apart.
Well, someone’s gotta call out my bad puns.
The teacher is a strange woman. Now, admittedly, I’ve had a history teacher that was athletic. This takes the cake. Judging by the whispers, she doesn’t even host any sports related activities or PE? A mysterious woman indeed. Just a very buff history teacher. 
I’ve also never seen a teacher wear a varsity jacket? 
Her opening spiel starts off about the importance of learning from history, and that history is ‘the here and now digested as the past’ or something. Which is accurate, and I agree. 
That’s what I would say with more sincerity if she didn’t immediately veer from school topics into what the finals and midterms and everything were going to be like. How to properly prepare for a test, and how to digest and critically implement her teachings into one’s life. 
She sounds like she’d rather never, ever see this class again over actually teaching anyone anything. Her words say that. Her energy feels like a coach about to hype up the team. The contrast dazes me. 
During my way in, I managed to snatch a seat a bit away from Reed. The trick was to wait. It seems Reed refuses to reserve seats, so I was ‘forced’ to not be near him. The texts were still coming. We were both in the back. Excuses were there to do so.
Pretty sure the teacher was too caught up to notice anyway.
I guess it’s not a bad idea. Reed seems chill. And a friend or bandmate, so gaining rapport and building something of a relationship is going to happen eventually unless I want to burn Fang to the ground. I’ve yet to see any matches.
Cool, he’s sending trivia. Love me some trivia. 
# Reed (Friend/Bandmate? He/Him) 
> R: “did u know that volcano high got its name from the founder not knowing calderas are *inactive* volcanos?”
> R: “some say it was intentional, a joke, but the jury’s out on that”
> R: “u have now learned more than this entire hour will”
> F: “Exciting facts”
> F: “I’m voting for you for Teacher of the Year.” > R: “we all know that prize goes to either John or Quintin.”
> R: “you can’t beat cooking class in terms of bribery through treats”
> R: “and you can’t beat the man who fired a functional railgun and proceed to make out on top of it”
> R: “pretty sure he’s the only teacher not allowed to be near another teacher exclusively to avoid PDA complaints”
> F: “Public Displays of Affection, or does Quintin throw around palm pads?” 
> R: “knowing quintin its probably both” 
> R: “which is weird given Roberts does computer science” > R: “did you know Roberts apparently wrote like, part of the stuff that goes into .snd codec and .pht compression?”
> R: “Not the recent ones, but, like, whichever ones they had when she was 30”
> F: “Prehistory.” > F: “Of course she’s a mathemagician.” > R: “it’s how she can smell our phones”
Wait what the fuck
There’s a guy who makes RAILGUNS in this school? This world may have more in common than I initially thought. Perhaps he knows someone who is into Dimensionology or Portals. 
Trivia always helps spice up conversations. The teacher hardly noticed. She’s on a tirade about proper note taking and the importance of learning intermittently. Like, piecemeal. A little bit at a time, to soak it in. And how tests are structured and you can cheese it. 
I wonder if other teachers will be this distracted by senior year?
# Reed (Friend/Bandmate? He/Him) 
> R: “by the by, trish n rosa wanna do a thing thursday”
> R: “at the mall”
> R: “u in?”
> F: “I’ll probably be preoccupied with band stuff.”
> F: “Maybe next week, after the auditions blow over.”
> R: “0 rush” > R: “remember to hydrate and smoke two blunts a day”
> F: “Screw off.” 
> R: “okok” > R: “only two blunts, no water”
Okay, okay, fine, he got a snicker from me. It’s the speed that gets me.
Also, I feel strangely affable? Like I’m holding my own in these conversations. I guess being myself works well enough. At least, in these more freeform contexts. I doubt being me will work when I have to play music, since I wouldn’t. 
Thinking about it, an audition? Gives me the chills. I’ve never played, and now… ugh. It’ll come when it comes. 
I decided to put my phone aside and look at the teacher. She’s getting really animated now. Is this her redemption tour? Compared to Ms. Roberts, it's quite amusing. Class flies by when you get a show for free. I’ve even returned to my old habit of leaning the chair back.
And my sense of balance has only grown since I last did that.
One day I’ll grind one of these babies down the rails at the front door. 
Maybe one day I’ll stack it three high and show the world the true karmic balance of my inner life. 
Or just maybe, with a little luck, I’ll cross a tightrope on one. 
Bell rings. That was a solid period of nothing but a teacher looking desperate in a varsity jacket. Art, unintentionally so, is still art. 
Or maybe not. There’s that one guy who wouldn’t shut up about art being an intentional expression of self, not expression in its own right. But that would include a recording of this. Thus this isn’t art until someone bothers to add that tiny spin of intention? 
I deftly hoist myself up, swing my bag over my shoulder and go. Then I stumbled, as the backpack swung right into my wing. Ow. Fang, would it kill you to have only four limbs in places that are workable?
Once outside the class, I excuse myself from Reed, so he can move on while I think about what’s next. Lunch, right? 
Oh, wait. 
# Trish (Friend/Bandmate? She/Her)
> T: “okay, took some fist fighting”
> T: “And running”
> T: “Choir team can suck it” > T: “We’re in the music room”
> T: “So come on, we gotta hear the big news!”
> F: “First band meeting, ho.” 
Fate has given me a goal. Time to puff out that chest and do the big move of the day. If I play my cards right, it’s just this, the announcements, and then sneak off during free period to begin working on the stuff. A mental distraction will help normalize and keep busy. 
Just gotta keep moving. 
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 4 years
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WHAT: A charity stream designed to raise funds for bailout, BLM organizing, and black community projects 
WHO: The A-Dinosaur-A-Day Team and tons of guests from the paleontology community!
WHEN: 6PM Pacific Daylight Time on June 19th through Midnight Pacific Daylight Time on June 22nd 
WHERE: https://www.twitch.tv/dinonerdsforblacklives 
HOW: Q&As with Paleontologists, Art Shenanigans, Dinosaur gaming, and general foolery with rewards and incentives for donations! 
WHY: We ALL have to do our part to raise funds and help the current push for black safety and equality around the world today. Sadly, the field of paleontology does not have many black members. While we work on a variety of initiatives and programs to correct this grave error of access and equity, we’re also donating our time and attention to help raise funds to increase quality of life for our black siblings as quickly as possible, and to support the protesters as they speak truth to power. 
Join us - for a little, for a lot, for the whole time - it’s up to you! And we hope to raise as many funds as we possibly can for these causes. 
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Incidents and Reflections Episode 67 - 06/21/2020
For anyone who missed or wants to re-experience the Dino Nerds for Black Lives stream back in June, you can now watch a recorded version of our one-time revival, as well as almost 40 hours’ worth of other paleo presentations! Article links
Prehistoric Road Trip [02:26]
Ensonglopedia of the Human (recorded stream of WIP performance) [05:13]
Life Through the Ages II [08:31]
PhyloCode, Phylonyms, and RegNum [11:33]
Ontogenetic dietary shifts in Deinonychus [18:21]
Thermal comfort of Triassic dinosaurs [27:51]
Aquatic stem myriapods [36:27]
Peopling of the Caribbean [44:22]
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doorbloggr · 3 years
Wednesday 16/6/21 - Cool Dinosaur Feather Facts
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Microraptor, @Microrapterr on twitter
Hey Dino-Nerds. Rather than organise a structured information piece every time I wanna talk about Dinosaurs, I thought I could cover this topic more often if I just did a fun information dump every now and then. Today I will focus in on dinosaurs feathers, how and what we know about them, and just some cool factoids you may have not known.
How we know about feathers
A lot of sceptics will rag on modern dinosaur reconstructions with the preface of "all we have are their bones, so we have no way of knowing what they looked like in life." Well the thing about fossilation is that it's a game of chance on how well the remains are preserved. While it is true some species are known only from single bones, other species won the lottery and we have even soft tissues fossilised in what palaeontologists refer to as "dinosaur mummies".
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Top: Borealopelta "Mummy", which preserved true skin and armour shape, as well as stomach contents of its last meal Bottom: Edmontosaurus "Mummy", which preserved forelimb "hoofs" and skin over the animal's face and back
Feathers actually preserve better than most soft tissue, and the first dinosaur understood to definitely have them had traces of feathers surrounding their bones (Archaeopteryx).
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Left: the first discovered fossilised feather, Top Right: Archaeopteryx skeleton with the shape and impressions of feathers surrounding arms and tail, Bottom Right: the parts of the wing this primary feather likely came from.
Even when feathers aren't preserved, many dinosaurs with advanced wing-like arm feathers (called primaries and secondaries) had marks on their arm bones called Quill Knobs that would have served as an anchor point for these larger feathers in a living creature. The presence of Quill Knobs confirms feathers in species even when there are no specimens with visible feather preservation.
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Quill Knobs in modern birds vs Dakotaraptor, a dromeosaur "raptor" dinosaur
It wasn't just the Bird Dinos!
I've previously said that feathering was a trait probably ancestral to all dinosaur groups. But when I say feathers, I don't mean the fully structured fan shape of modern bird feathers. Many scientists refer to them as protofeathers, or quills, because they would've been simple soft spines jutting from the animal's skin.
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Psittacosaurus, Emily Stepp
Simple quills have been found preserved in many dinosaur groups, not just the meat eaters close to birds (therapods). The basal ceratopsian (horn faced) dinosaurs Psittacosaurus and Protoceratops have fossils of a brush of quills on their lower back.
Lord of the Spear
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Ubirajara, Gabriel Ugueto
This tidbit is specifically about a recent dinosaur discovery. Ubirajara (Tupi for Lord of the Spear) was described in 2020 and was found to have what authors described as "spikes" on their shoulders, and a mane of feathers on its neck, back, and arms. There was no practical defensive use for these large quills and its feather mane, and most scientists agree that Ubirajara wouldve used them exclusively for display; a Cretaceous Peacock! This has excited many palaeontologists on how extravagant other feathered dinosaurs could get in their displays.
Dinosaurs Not Green Confirmed
In the best preserved feathers, we can observe the microscopic details of the actual structure of the integument. Scientists determined through comparison with feathers of living birds, they could determine pigmentation of some ancient feathers by the shape and size of the molecules making them up.
Microraptor was an oddball flying dromeosaur with wings on its legs too. And we now know they had feathers of iridescent black, like a raven.
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Microraptor, Emily Willoughby
Anchiornis was a small paravian dinosaur that we know had black and white feathers on most of its body, and a red crest on its head.
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Anchiornis, (my own art)
Sinosauropteryx was a small agile dinosaur with very primitive feathers. It had a very long tail that was striped white and orange like a red panda.
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Sinosauropteryx, Gabriel Ugueto
Thanks for Reading
Anyway that's my dinosaur post for the week. Thanks for reading. If you wanna read more of what I have to say about dinosaurs, here's links to my past discussions on the topic:
Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong; A Brief Guide
Your Pterosaurs Are Wrong
Your Dinosaurs Are Not Dinosaurs
Edit: One last fun fact, @Microrapterr highlighted to me that some Microraptor remains display signs of sequential moulting, an adaptation necessary for a species that flies a lot. Pretty interesting stuff, read more here: Microraptor Moulting
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sandalwoodhusbands · 4 years
we are citizens of halloween town || 6k 
There’s a pile of books glaring at him from the coffee table. Three books, all neatly set one on top of the other, notes in black ink surrounding them. Lucas reaches for the thickest one.
It’s ugly. Brown and worn around the edges, kinda smelly like any book from the library this old would be. The bane of his existence, really, hate at first sight, some would say.
He glares back, nose scrunched up, before-
Well. He lays on it, okay?
He takes the fucking book, curls his arms on top of it and rests his head on the crook of his elbow. So what. It’s not like anyone’s going to judge him for it.
His boyfriend is drawing with crayons in the seat opposite of him. Give him a fucking break.
Fucking October.
He’s not someone particularly mindful of the seasons of the year (he’s not his ridiculous nerd of a boyfriend), would even say he enjoys autumn. But there’s something about October – the change in the weather, suddenly you blink and it’s night and you have five assignments due that you swear weren’t there before.
There’s no break from summer going into another school year. There’s sun in the afternoons, all warm, but not scorching hot, and whispering in your ear to come out and play, enjoy it before it’s gone. But you’re stuck inside, staring out the window trying to finish your fucking bio essay.
And then it’s night, and it should be chilly, because it’s autumn, but somehow it isn’t and either you have your boyfriend wrapped around you, or a blanket, but you can’t have both. But you kinda want both. So you settle for your boyfriend on top of you, and try to shield the uncovered parts of your body from the cold as much as you can.
It’s always fucking October.
So he’s tired, napping on a suspiciously smelly book because he’s earned this, alright? Just a little break.
“You good there, baby?” asks Eliott, because he’s a fucking angel.
“Hmm.” He says, words slurred against the table. “Just chilling.”
Eliott laughs lightly at that, and Lucas smiles into his forearm. The laughter warms his skin up, like a breath of summer wind, all the way from his belly and down to the tip of his toes, right where they wiggle against the fuzzy carpet through the hole in his sock.
He’s so ridiculously enamored.
Eliott hums from the other side of the table, catching Lucas’ calf with his feet and trapping it between his legs. “You do look very cozy right now.”
Lucas tilts his head up slightly, flashing Eliott a tired grin. “Shh.” He tuts. “I’m sleeping.”
Eliott laughs again, this time louder.
“Oh, alright. My bad” he says, but his legs keep playing tug with Lucas’ under the table. “Baby needs his rest.”
Lucas bites his lip to keep the laugher in his throat, as to not give himself away – although Eliott already knows. He always does, when it comes to Lucas.
It’s then that a little voice decides to make itself known.
“Eli!” the voice chastises quietly. Lucas hears a light thud, and then a shushed voice that says “use your inside voice, Lulu’s sleeping!”
Through closed eyes, Lucas can picture the little boy at the other end of the table. Shaggy brown hair, messy and way too long at the front, because he refuses to get a haircut. He can imagine the boy tugging at Eliott’s shirt, or maybe smacking his small palm flat against Eliott’s arm, big green eyes that match the color of his dino pajamas staring up at his big brother.
A silent snort, and then a gasp. Lucas buries his smile on his forearm.
“So you’re saying I have to be real quiet, so we don’t wake up Lulu?”
“Okay.” Eliott agrees, and there’s enough mischief in his voice that it makes Lucas open his eyes. He barely has time to raise his head up to see the way his boyfriend picks his brother up by the waist, fingers diving to his sides.
Loud giggles erupt across the room, happy and carefree, and Lucas can only watch fondly as the little boy squirms in Eliott’s hold, eyes bright with laughter and cheeks dusted with pink.
“But Jules!” Eliott says between shrieks of laughter. His eyes shine when he looks down at his brother. Lucas falls just a little bit more in love. “You have to be quiet too!”
Eventually, the laughter dies down, leaving the living room in a state of comfortable quietness. Jules pouts up at Eliott “You cheated.” He complains, petulantly. In a way only a kid could.  
Eliott chuckles airily, pushing strands of curly hair off Jules’ eyes with an amused shake of his head. His eyes find Lucas’ over Jules’ head, happy and clear. Lucas smiles at him, and Eliott grins back.
Jules’ cheek is smushed in the crook of his brother’s neck. He’s quiet for some time, eyes droopy as Eliott resumes back to his sketchbook. Both he and Lucas follow the line of Eliott’s hand in wonder.
“Ma said to ask if you’ll take me trick or treat this year.” He speaks softly. There’s every ounce of innocence in his tone when he asks. “Please?”
The question makes Eliott freeze. He immediately turns to look at Lucas, bottom lip caught between his teeth, and Lucas knows what he’s thinking. Emma’s party.
Emma’s party, the one they had planned weeks ahead. Because when you’re in uni and every one of your friends have chosen a different degree it’s harder to match plans. Because they probably won’t see everyone until Christmas break again.
Jules follows Eliott’s line of vision, startling when he finds Lucas most definitely not asleep. He smiles at first, all big and sweet, like every time he sees Lucas, before his face sets in a look of determination. Jumping off his brother’s hold, he circles the glass table until his knees bump with Lucas’ shins.
He holds his arms up wordlessly, and Lucas picks him up on autopilot.
Bony knees dig into his stomach, but he doesn’t care. Doesn’t care, doesn’t care when Jules spreads his small hands across Lucas’ cheeks and looks at him with big, glassy eyes, asking “uncle Lulu, will you pretty please take me trick or treat this year?”
How could he say no? Not to this boy cradled in his arms, the sweetest kid he’s ever met. A little Eliott, so small when he first met him that he fit in the crook of Eliott’s elbow. He was just four months old then.
Four years later and many, many babysitting sessions later – because date night is a very serious thing within the Demaury’s. Every Demaury. Except maybe baby Jules, for now – he’s never loved a kid as much as he loves him. He never thought his heart was capable of holding so much love inside, for Eliott, for this family.
For he considers himself part of it, and he thinks (knows) it’s mutual.
So it’s no surprise. Not to him, or to Eliott, maybe even to Jules, when he answers “of course we will.” And then, because Jules is grinning, and Eliott is too, and he’s got his family in his arms and his world staring at him, he boops Jules’ nose. Because he’s so fucking happy this is his life. “Anything for baby Jules.”
Jules scrunches up his nose, eyes going crossed, before lying his head on Lucas’ chest. Eliott is already waiting for him to look back, sketchbook forgotten in the corner.
There’s a light in his eyes that Lucas is all too familiar with. He gets it himself every time he sees Jules riding in Eliott’s back, or sleeping against his shoulder on long car trips.
Do you think about the future?
I do.
And, in that future…?
It’s never finished, the question.
And in that future, am I in it? Do you see us in your future? Do you see me? Do we make it? Do I?
It’s never said, but they both know it, because one hour later, or two, or one breath away, when they find themselves holed up in their room, their duvet up to their shoulders and Eliott tracing lines across Lucas’ bare stomach, there’ll be a stupid tv show playing on the laptop, and they’ll look at each other in the dark with a smile.
I think you’d be a good dad.
Yeah. You would, too.
And that’s the end of the conversation, every time, because one second later Lucas would have his mouth over Eliott’s, a hand to his neck, and all thoughts would fly out the window at the finger trailing down his back softly.
“I want cookies for dinner.” Jules says tiredly against Lucas’ shoulders. His eyelashes flutter when he speaks, hand closed in a tight grip on Lucas’ sweatshirt.
He hears Eliott’s quiet groan. “God fucking damn it.”
They have cookies for dinner.
Eliott has been going on about the differences between spandex and latex for the last 20 minutes.
There’s only so many times you can hear the words “lycra suit” being thrown in a conversation before you get the need to push your boyfriend up against the wall and kiss him senseless to shut him up.
He just wants to take a nice shower. Make out a little, then eat dinner in bed. Eliott’s already rid of his shirt, so he stands in the middle of the room with a bare chest and black track pants hanging low on his hips.
He’s very appreciative of his boyfriend’s beauty, even when said boyfriend is running his ear off.
He’s sitting on the desktop table, back turned to the window. He’d been revising some notes when Eliott had barged into the room like a hurricane. He hadn’t questioned Lucas’ choice of study location (it’s not the first time. He doesn’t have a problem with chairs. It’s not a gay thing, Basile. The table is just comfier- shut up), just had shoved his phone in Lucas’ face, rambling about delivery dates and costume prices.
Lucas had blinked, very much confused, but had wasted no time in trapping Eliott’s waist between his legs. Eliott had just given him a happy look and continued talking.
Now he sits here. His legs are still wrapped around Eliott’s hips, arms circling his middle, and he’s long given up on keeping his back straight, or understanding what’s going on, so he pillows his head on Eliott’s stomach. With every word that Eliott says, the vibrations travel down to his ear.
“This is nice.” Lucas murmurs against Eliott’s stomach, when Eliott finally goes on a rant break. He rubs his cheek on the warm skin, smiling a little. His boyfriend smells nice, like their body soap and a hint of cranberry juice that he’d spilled on his pants during lunch.
Eliott looks down from his phone. He drops a kiss to Lucas’ hair, tightening his grip on his shoulders with his free arm. “You’re nice.”
“You’re nicer.”
“And you’re lucky you’re cute, because I know you haven’t listened to a word I’ve said for the past twenty minutes.”
Lucas snickers to himself, snuggling closer to Eliott when he feels fingers drawing shapes at the nape of his neck.
“Yeah, but what did you expect when my shirtless boyfriend is right here?” He says, and kisses softly between Eliott’s pecs to seal his words. “C’mon.”
Eliott tuts. “I know what you’re doing, Lallemant.”
Lucas turns his head up to grin at Eliott, fitting his hands on the small of Eliott’s back. He presses one kiss to his stomach. Two, three, tip of his tongue peeking out from between his lips in the last one.
“What am I doing?”
Eliott exhales.
“You’re trying to distract me with sex.”
“Yeah.” Lucas breathes. No use in denying the obvious. He looks at Eliott through his eyelashes, slowly leaning in to leave another kiss to the expanse of his chest, teeth grazing the skin teasingly. “Is it working?”
Eliott shudders, and one blink later Lucas has a face full of Eliott’s hand.
He gives Lucas a disapproving look, spread palm covering his mouth. Whatever made him think that would help his case, he doesn’t know. Still, Lucas gives in this once, only because he looks very cute under their bedroom light right now.
He makes a muffled sigh against Eliott’s hand, rolling his eyes jokingly as Eliott retracts his hand back. Eliott squints at him. Lucas squints back, neither of them moving.
At the end it’s Lucas who breaks. He sighs again, looking up at Eliott and curling his arms around his neck. “Okay. What is it?”
Eliott laughs loudly, a sound that makes their bodies shake and Lucas’ face break into a smile even if he’s not sure what they’re laughing at.
“You really have no shame, do you?” Eliott laughs again, and he goes to slide his hands under Lucas’ ass to lift him up.
Lucas secures his grip on Eliott’s waist and neck as his body leaves the desktop table, flashing him a shit-eating grin. “You already know I wasn’t listening. No surprise.”
“Yeah, but don’t say it to my face.”
He presses teeny, tiny kisses to Eliott’s cheek as an apology. “Sorry, baby. I promise I’ll listen this time.”
“You fucking better.” Eliott threatens. He walks them around the apartment like the boy wrapped around his body fucking weights nothing. It’s a really fucking cute habit – albeit a bit weird at the beginning, when Eliott would just pick him up out of the blue at the most random times.
It helps me think, shush, Eliott had said the time Lucas had asked him about it. And that’d been it.
He’s his boyfriend’s personal light bulb, he supposes.
“I was talking to my mom this afternoon, and I think Jules is going through a Spiderman phase.”
Lucas smiles internally at the image of little Jules tricking his parents into buying anything Spiderman related he sees at the store.
He can imagine how the conversation went down. A blankie? He needs it, because it’s cold. And a toothbrush, because it doesn’t matter if he has one already! Two toothbrushes means more teeth-brushing time, and that’s good. That t-shirt, please mama, and maybe the pajamas too? The mask?
Wait a fucking minute.
“Oh hell no-“
“He’d lose his mind if we got him a Spiderman suit. Can you imagine? And to make it even better! Wouldn’t it be fucking cute if we matched? Like mini and maxi Demaury? So I’d get one too, and then-“
“I am not wearing Spandex.”
Eliott shushes him, sitting them on the edge of the bed. “And then I had a brilliant idea.” Lucas doubts that. He’s already dreading the next words that will come out of Eliott’s mouth. “Deadpool! Me as Spiderman, you as Deadpool, the fucking hottest couple of all Paris.”
Ah, there it is. He can’t even pretend like he didn’t see that one coming.
He drops his head to Eliott’s shoulder, an amused little huff falling from his lips. He knew he had lost the battle the very second Eliott entered the room.
“You in?” Eliott asks, bumping their heads together softly.
He’s one beat away from saying ‘of fucking course I’ll be you your better superhero half, you fucking beautiful dork’ when a weird thought flashes across his mind.
“Wait, what? Since when do Deadpool and Spiderman go together?”
Eliott pulls him back by his shoulders, frowning. “Are you serious?” His mouth gapes at Lucas’ blank stare. “My God, Mika really taught you nothing.” He murmurs.
“What? Eliott, I’ve seen all the movies. I can assure you I’ve never seen Deadpool and Spiderman in a scene together.”
“Well yeah, I mean the comics?” Eliott asks, like it’s obvious, and for one second he looks confused. Then realization dawns on him. “Lucas Lallemant, you haven’t read the comics?” The disbelief in his voice makes Lucas’ cheeks turn pink, his silence being enough answer. Eliott squeaks in outrage. “And you call yourself a fan?”
“I just never found the time, okay.” Lucas defends himself, pulling on Eliott’s hair weakly.
“I have so much to show you. So. Many. Gay. Superheroes, Lucas.”
The glee in Eliott’s voice turns Lucas’ smile into mush. “You’re ridiculous.” He says, but doesn’t mean it.
Eliott kisses him then, as if he can see through Lucas’ words. He kisses him soundly, hands cupping Lucas’ face and lips moving against Lucas’ at a slow pace. Lucas kisses back, digs his knees into the mattress to push himself against Eliott, smiling when he feels Eliott’s smile on his lips.
“But,” he says between kisses, panting. Eliott whines, like it’s a personal offense that Lucas stopped kissing him “isn’t Deadpool like, pan?”
Eliott gives him a dirty look that screams you did not just stop kissing me for this.
He kisses the side of Eliott’s mouth to make up for it.
“Yeah, so?”
“So, why aren’t you Deadpool and I’m Spiderman?”
Eliott takes Lucas’ face in his hands, bringing their faces impossibly closer together. From that distance their noses rub together with every breath, heavy and shallow. “Because you, baby,” Eliott whispers, thumb moving to press down on Lucas’ bottom lip wetly to prove a point “are my little merc with a fucking mouth.”
Lucas smirks proudly, parting his lips. “And a mouth I have.”
Eliott pulls him into another kiss. It’s a little rougher around the edges, but they’re both smiling into it. Eliott’s tongue slides between his parted lips, and Lucas catches it with his teeth. He pushes at Eliott’s shoulders until they’re both lying on the bed, chest to chest and Lucas’ knees on either side of Eliott’s waist.
Eliott has his hands spread across the curve of Lucas’ ass, and Lucas has been going at his neck for a while when Eliott starts shaking his head. He pulls back to look at Eliott, confused.
“I just can’t believe you’ve never read a Marvel comic.”
“And I can’t believe I’m surprised that you have.” Lucas grumbles back.
Eliott shoots him a lazy grin, raising one eyebrow. “What was that?”      
“I’ll wear the spandex?”
Eliott’s grin turns wicked. He’s already regretting this.
He regrets it. For a series of numerous reasons.
Okay, regret is a heavy word. He just… Halloween wasn’t a thing for him growing up, that’s all. When he still lived with his mama she’d always shut down the windows and lock all the doors three times, just in case, because she’s always had a struggling relationship with demonic creatures.
And Lucas, well, he’s always had a struggling relationship with the dark. It’s just fucking scary, okay? It’s scary, and lonely, and everyone always tells you ‘oh don’t worry, there’s nothing there!’ But you can’t fucking see that, can you?
See where this is going?
So yes, he hates the fucking dark, and everywhere he looks there’s shadows lurking in the corner and people in costumes that are fucking ugly, and fuck his life. Fuck his life, and also Eliott Demaury for, on top of everything, making him wear the tightest piece of clothing he’s worn in his life.
He thinks he’s funny, shooting Lucas knowing glances every time he flinches at a loud noise, looking ridiculously beautiful in that stupid Spiderman costume. Although, if he has to be appreciative of something, is the way Eliott’s long torso looks in the red and blue fabric.
He’s got his face mask in one hand, same as Lucas, so the costume only reaches up to his neck. His hair is all messy, grey eyes shining bright under the last rays of sunshine, and Lucas thinks his sexual awakening would have gone a lot smoother had this been the version of Spiderman he grew up with.
Or maybe he’s just in love.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself.” Eliott says in his ear as they walk past a group of kids with their brains in their hands. “Seriously, relax. It looks like you’re sucking on a lemon. Not a good look on you, baby.”
“Oh, shut up.” Lucas laughs, dragging his gaze away from them. “You love me in any shape-“
A loud thud behind them makes Lucas gasp. He turns his head around so fast he’s impressed he didn’t snap his neck, and the sudden coil in his stomach eases when he sees it’s just a near neighbor taking out the trash.
God, he’s a loser.
“Fucking hell.”
Eliott doesn’t laugh this time. He just bumps their shoulders together quietly, offering him a soft smile before resting his hand on the small of his back, dangerously close to his ass.
That’s another thing. For some reason, his boyfriend has decided in the past three hours that he’s really into Lucas in this costume. Really into it.
He’s lost count of the times Eliott has slapped, kneaded and squeezed his ass since they left home. He had to physically hold Eliott’s arms around his waist on the subway because Eliott’s hand kept traveling south. After the fifth time it happened Lucas slapped his hand away.
“I can’t help that you’re so hot!” Eliott had whined.
“Well, you’re gonna fucking have to.”
He would have been more concerned if the attention hadn’t been 100% on him.
(And Eliott does have a point. These costumes really leave nothing to imagination, and it makes their bums looking fucking great.)
Just then Eliott’s hands drops one inch lower, slender fingers brushing against the swell of Lucas’ ass. Lucas narrows his eyes, taking one step away.
Reaching behind his back, he grabs at one of the swords strapped to his back. “See this? I’m gonna poke you in the eye with it if you don’t stop touching my ass” he hisses under his breath, tilting Eliott’s chin up with the tip of the plastic sword. “There’s kids around.”
Eliott points to it. “You should use that to fight the trashcan from earlier.”
“I hate you.”
Eliott pouts, looking at him pleadingly. Lucas straps the sword back with a sigh and puts Eliott’s hand back on his ass. He can’t even pretend to be grumpy when Eliott looks so damn happy as they keep walking.
“You know I’m only kidding, right?” Eliott says suddenly, sliding his hand from Lucas’ ass to curl around his waist. He drops a kiss to Lucas’ cheek. “I love you, slight apprehension of the dark and all.”
Lucas raises Eliott’s hand up to his mouth and kisses it wordlessly. He smiles against the cold skin.
He swears he just heard a wolf howl, but he doesn’t tell Eliott about it.
Eerie music comes from the big speakers propped up in the Demaury’s yard. There’s a big pumpkin at the front door and spider webs hanging from the doorframe and windowsills. There’s a small sized sticker of a ghost plastered to the wall, looks like it’s barely holding on in there – probably put there by Jules. It makes Lucas smile.
Jules squeals when the sees them. He’s dressed in a black Spiderman suit, a literal small version of his older brother, and when they stand together it makes Lucas warm.
“Lulu, you look so cool!” Jules squeaks excitedly, hugging his legs. Lucas crunches down to pick him up, letting him touch everywhere in wonder. Eventually he finds the swords strapped to his back and looks at Lucas with wide eyes. “Can I play with the swords?”
Lucas laughs, dropping Jules to the floor to grab the swords.
“Be careful though.”
With that, Jules sets off running. Never too far away from them, he walks ahead on the street. The swords rattling across the pavement make an unsettling noise, and Lucas holds on tighter to Eliott’s hand when the cross a park with no streetlights.
For being the city of light, they should fucking invest on some streetlights.
Jules clinks one of the swords against something metallic, and Lucas jumps.
“I fucking hate Halloween.” He groans into Eliott’s shoulder.
Eliott just laughs.
They walk so many houses Lucas’ feet start hurting. Jules’ pumpkin bag is brimmed to the brink with very sweet candy that gives Lucas cavities just by looking at it. They make quite a trio, the three of them.
They pass groups of high-schoolers and little kids with their relatives - Lucas sees a lot of questionable costumes. Some of them he wishes he could unsee. It’s less scary like this though. Despite the theme, the streets are full of people. Loud laugher and the occasional shriek, nothing scary about a five year old wearing a skeleton costume and making ‘boo’ noises at them.
It makes Lucas relax.
Since Jules isn’t tall enough to reach the doorbell, he takes turns in dragging him and Eliott by the wrist to call at the door for them. They get complimented for their costumes a lot – someone says they make a beautiful family, and it makes Lucas blush and Eliott say thank you. Jules keeps himself busy nibbling on a strawberry licorice wheel.
On the way back, when it’s much, much later – much darker, and much colder – a girl stops them. She looks older than what they’ve seen all evening, and there’s a small group of them, girls and boys alike standing a few feet away from her, dressed similarly to her.
“Sorry to bother you guys, but I love your costumes.” She says excitedly. Guess you don’t see two grown ass men in expensive costumes going trick-or-treat in the suburbs of Paris, Lucas thinks. “I’ve always loved this pair.”
Eliott turns to look at him with a ‘I told you so’ grin. Lucas huffs amusedly, and Jules looks at them confusedly from his place in Eliott’s hip.
“Thank you.” Lucas says politely, “love your costume too.”
The girl’s grin widens. “Do you mind if I take a pic?”
They look at each other through the masks and shrug at each other.
Eliott drops Jules to the ground and Lucas walks over to him, wrapping one arm around his shoulder and shuffling closer. Stupidly, he smiles behind the mask, as though it’ll make a difference for the picture. He stays still.
A moment later Eliott is spinning him around, hooking his fingers under Lucas’ mask and lifting it over his nose before pressing their lips together. Lucas loops his arms around Eliott’s neck automatically, and Eliott wraps his around Lucas’ hips.
He hears someone whispering something that sounds a lot like ‘oh my god they look so fucking hot’, and it makes them smile into the kiss.
“Yuck!” Jules says all of a sudden. He goes to tug at Eliott’s leg. “I’m tired Eli, can we go home now?”
Lucas muffles his laughter in Eliott’s shoulder.
Eliott picks Jules back up again and secures him on his hip, saying goodbye to the friend group.
Jules spends the whole way there, with the candy bag gripped tightly in his hand and his head drooping to Eliott’s chest every few minutes. Eliott carries him with one hand and holds Lucas’ with the free one. When they drop Jules off at home he’s been asleep in Eliott’s arms for a while.
The person from the house two blocks away was right: they make a beautiful family.
It’s darker than it’s been all evening, or at least that’s what Lucas thinks. They’ve decided to walk to Emma’s after dropping Jules off at Eliott’s parents’. It’s a cold night, and he’s seriously considering putting his mask back on to fight the biting cold hitting his cheeks.
It’s quiet for most of the walk, no kids screaming (probably eating their Halloween candy as dinner) or cars rushing through the streets (on the way to getting passed out drunk at a bar or in some house party). Just the sound of their steps and their voices being carried away by the wind.
Eliott’s got his hand in Lucas’ and he’s telling him about something he saw on a store glass a few blocks back. His fingers are cold, because he got the only Spiderman costume in the store without the hand gloves, and the tip of his nose shines pink every time they walk under a lamppost. He looks like the cutest Spiderman Lucas’ ever seen.
Eliott stares mid-rant when he notices Lucas staring at him. He looks back funnily, tilting his head to the side with a small smile.
Lucas shrugs, matching smile of his own. “Nothing.”
Eliott squeezes his hand.
”What time is it?”
The question is sudden, and Lucas looks at Eliott curiously. After a beat of silence he just reaches inside the pocket on the costume’s belt, where he’s got both his and Eliott’s phones. The phone screen lights up their faces when he unlocks it.
Eliott’s expression turns solemn.
“Can we go somewhere before going to Emma’s party?”
He doesn’t have time to think what any of it means when Eliott is suddenly tugging at their joined hands, rushing them through the empty streets. Lucas keeps his gaze set on the back of Eliott’s head as they run; they’re both panting, the cold air turning their breath into white smoke, and they’re both laughing a little although he’s not sure why.
The tight fabric of their costumes accentuates the curve of Eliott’s back, the muscles underneath flexing and relaxing while they run. Lucas understands Eliott’s fixation a little better.
They’re standing in front of a gate Lucas knows all too well when Eliott asks him to close his eyes.
“Run and keep my eyes closed at the same time? Shit, love, I know you like to skip class but you must have heard about self-preservation.”
Eliott grins at that.
“No running then.”
Eliott walks behind Lucas, wrapping one arm around Lucas’ shoulders and covering his eyes with the other. Lucas thinks he could tell Eliott that he doesn’t need to cover his eyes for him, that he wouldn’t peek anyway if Eliott asked. But he likes Eliott guiding him better, so he keeps his mouth shut.
He thought his heart would stop beating this fast every time they walk in here after such a long time, but it still does.
“This is spooky,” Lucas comments quietly. Branches tweak and crunch under their feet, and breaking the silence feels like an offense. “Is this the part where you finally murder me? Very Halloween-y.”
Eliott’s warm chest rumbles against his back when he laughs. “Yeah, I’ve been playing the long game. No one will suspect me.”
Lucas hums. “Very smart of you.”
“I know.”
They walk a few more steps until Eliott finally stops. He stays still as Eliott circles his body. His eyes stay closed even when Eliott removes his hand, waiting for instructions.
“Wait here.” Eliott whispers. His breath hits Lucas’ mouth, and Lucas reaches forward to grab his hips. “With your eyes closed.”
Lucas lets go of Eliott in surprise.
“Eh, no!? I’m not keeping my eyes closed, Eli, what the fuck? It’s dark and it’s Halloween, and hell fucking no.”
Eliott grabs him by neck and kisses him silent, before whispering against his lips “Just for a second.”
Then his touch is gone. Lucas’ heartbeat fucking skyrockets.
The sound of faint branches cracking makes the hairs at the back of his neck stand. He tells himself that it’s just his idiotic boyfriend doing fuck knows what, but when you can’t see it’s really hard to convince yourself of something you can’t check.
A particular loud squeak makes him jump, and he bites on his tongue to avoid yelling. He moves forward at the noise, in search of Eliott’s body. When he finds nothing but air he’s this close to saying fuck it all and open his eyes, to the cost of Eliott’s disappointment, because he’d rather live, thanks, and he’s sure Eliott would appreciate a boyfriend to be disappointed in than no boyfriend at all.
But then Eliott says “okay, you can open them now.”
And when Lucas does, Eliott’s face is looking at him upside down.
Eliott is hanging from a thick tree branch with a self-satisfied grin on his face. Lucas’ mouth drops open.
“Oh my fucking god.” Lucas breathes. “Oh my god, you fucking idiot, get down here! You’re gonna break your fucking neck.” He says, waving his hands above Eliott’s body without touching, afraid the wrong touch will make him fall.
Eliott surges his hand forward to cup Lucas’ face, beaming. “It’s fine.” He pulls Lucas closer, palms fitting over Lucas’ cheeks and grey sparkly eyes staring into Lucas’, and Lucas breathes.
He breathes, wrapping his fingers around Eliott’s wrists, and smiles up at Eliott helplessly.
Eliott makes a sweet sound. “Trick or kiss?” he whispers.
“You’re an idiot.” He whispers back, but he moves his hands from Eliott’s wrists to his cheeks and brushes their lips together softly. Eliott sighs into the kiss, brushes his knuckles across Lucas’ cold cheeks, fits his thumb under Lucas’ chin.
He lets Eliott sneak in a couple more kisses - to the corner of his mouth, to his nose, then back to Lucas’ lips again – before taking a step away.
“Okay, get back down now.”
Eliott’s eyes flutter open at the sound of Lucas’ voice. He looks like he had forgotten where he was for a second, and it takes everything in Lucas to stop himself from walking over and kissing him again.
Smiling dopily, Eliott crunches up to hold the branch with his hands. He flips one leg over the branch, sitting on it for a second before moving down a branch, and then another one. His feet gets stuck in between two, and Lucas snorts.
“Some Spiderman you make…” Eliott shoots him a death glare, shaking his feet free before crunching down on the closest branch to the ground. “If you fall and die, I won’t cry at your funeral.”
Eliott hops down easily, moving to curl his arm around Lucas’ neck with a smirk. “Liar. You’d cry the most.”
“You dumb fuck,” he says, but he rubs his cold nose on Eliott’s neck before looking up at Eliott. “You cute, dumb fuck.”
Eliott kisses him soundly. “Merc with a mouth.”
They kiss again, Lucas tipping his body forward and curling himself closer under Eliott’s arm. He moves his hand to press against Eliott’s jaw as Eliott’s tongue slips between his lips, sliding it up and down the smooth material covering his chest. He sighs softly into the kiss when Eliott’s hand goes to the back of his head, scratching a little.
They pull back to catch their breathing. There’s red in Eliott’s cheeks, from the cold or the kissing, Lucas isn’t entirely sure, and he raises up on his tip toes to leave a kiss under his eye.
It’s then that a loud fucking metallic noise comes from inside the bridge.
Lucas looks up at Eliott with wide eyes. “Should I bring out the swords, or…?” He jokes weakly, but his knuckles turn white under the costume where he’s gripping Eliott’s arm.
Eliott frowns, looking behind him before looking back at Lucas. “Let’s just get out of here.”
And well, Lucas isn’t about to argue that.
Later, when they’re back outside and the lampposts light up the streets and Lucas has stopped clenching his jaw every time he hears a noise, Eliott says conversationally
“I’m gonna make a movie about you.”
Lucas grins up at Eliott. “Oh yeah?”
Eliott hums. “Yeah, wanna know how I’m gonna call it?” he asks, waiting for Lucas’ nods. “The hero who was scared of the dark.”
“I thought I was supposed to be an anti-hero?”
Eliott stops, and with him Lucas. He puts his hand in Lucas’ neck. Brushes Lucas’ cheekbone with his thumb, small smile like he knows something that Lucas doesn’t. “Nah. Not for me.”
Lucas kisses him. He keeps their hands intertwined all the way to Emma’s party.
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livelivefastfree · 4 years
So I read "supersynthesiac" and loved it. I was wondering about the other Burners and their powers/costumes? And how Mike knows them! Its such an epic AU
Aw, thank you!  the sequel to THAT fic is also still in the works!  Just very....very slowly, like so many of my projects right now.  OKAY WELL giant glut of vigilante superhero Burners and worldbuilding stuff under the cut I guess lmao
As far as powers go:
Chuck’s a telepath, that one’s pretty straightforward and covered in the first fic.
Mike is faster and stronger than a normal human at baseline, but he can also reach out his power to his allies and boost them, and get a return boost of power, which he can continue to give to people--a feedback loop of strengthening and encouraging his friends, basically. Nerd
Texas is already a strong, sturdy dude, but also he can essentially Hulk out into a giant, scaly rhino-dino-man AKA Stronghorn.  
Dutch controls metal ala Magneto from Xmen, but his use for it is usually much more subtle because on the side he’s also an inventor/mechanic/genius.  It takes a lot of strain to lift your enemy’s car into the air and smash it, but if you know how cars work it’s a lot less effort to reach in and unscrew all his spark plugs and then also jam his guns.  
Julie has the ability to make illusions, which are more solid and effect the world more, the harder she focuses and practices them. 
How they met Mike:
Dutch fixes Anything That Goes out of his garage; Mike brought in his motorcycle, and Dutch noticed pretty much immediately that he was Mike Chilton, because he doesn’t have a superhero alias and barely bothers to pretend he’s not the same guy who’s wanted by the cops.  There was some edgy negotiating and then it turned out they were both vigilantes and then they were bros.
Texas and Mike tend to show up to similar crime scenes because they’re both very strong and live in a similar area, and they bonded at fights and then Texas was like “you seem cool, let’s go get pizza” and then they were bros.
Julie knew Mike from a distance when he was one of her dad’s cops, and then saved his ass when she found him losing a fight one day months later and eventually very slowly established trust with him.  And then they were bros.
Chuck has a personal interest in clearing weird old superpowered/arcane artifacts off the streets, and he was following Julie’s tip to a weird psychic silver skull when the dude he was grudgingly working with went and touched it like an idiot.  While escaping the skull’s weird psychic test/trap him and Mike accidentally brain-bonded and then (eventually) they were bros.
Also polyburners, they’re all together idk what to tell you. 
I don’t have much for you about costumes, especially since Kane’s Detroit Of The Future in the Supersynesthesiac verse is not very welcoming to superheroes, so capes and costumes aren’t as much a thing; reinforced underarmor in a variety of colors and designs, usually covered by normal clothes are about the most superheroesque that people get.  
Texas shreds everything he wears on a pretty regular basis, so he just goes out there in like, the cheapest T-shirts and tanks he can find and probably like.........jeans or big sweatpants. He bulks up somewhat more on his upper half and is a lot more spiky up there, so sometimes if he wears stretchy enough pants he can get in and out of a fight without his pants ending up structurally unsound.
Chuck grew up on comic books, was really quietly excited about the thought of being a Real Superhero, so he does have the blue and gold under-armor, but he’s also got a bulletproof vest and gloves and jeans and goggles because it’s a dangerous city out there and skin contact is A Lot for him.
Mike just really likes his jacket so he wears that around a lot of the time, it’s basically his normal courier outfit but without the T-shirt over the green and black under-armor.
Dutch has a family and a job and can generally stop crimes without people even realizing that he’s the one doing it, so he dresses like a normal person most of the time.  He’s fully capable of pulling together a scrap metal mask and gauntlets or a staff with metal clinging to the ends and going to town if push comes to shove, though.
Julie’s got the under-armor look, but she dresses in very plain, dark colors and uses illusions to give herself a very feline face, yellow eyes and cat ears.  It’s distracting enough that most people never even think to look at anything else, and then Julie’s gone and they know nothing about her.  Also, she thinks it’s very cute.  So win-win.
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sorenskyhigh · 4 years
Pets They Would Have pt. 2
Hisashi Kinoshita
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Hisashi is a Train Company Employee. This means he works a lot of hours and just does not have the time to take care of, love and train any other pets
Fish are a really easy to take care of
All you have to do is remember to feed them and have a water filter to constantly clean their aquarium
Some fish, if handled when young, can get big and will let and love for you to pet them
But, they also are just very nice to have
Just to watch them swim around all of the plants with the light on at night
As I said, they don't need alot either
Hisashi could just let them be
They wouldn't beg or need constant love and attention like a mammal (dog, cat, rat, bird)
They also don't need constant vigilance for health issues or specialized diets like amphibian and reptilian pets
Hisashi is going to be tired when he gets home from work, so he needs a pet that is more ornamental than a chore
I feel if Hisashi were to have fish, he'd get the weirdest ones in the pet store
Hisashi seems to have a very strong inner child
So he would want either the flashiest fish, or the ones that cause a double take everytime their passed by in the store
He may get only one or two or get a whole tank full
I honestly feel like it could go one of two ways:
A- He has an aquarium for a wall in his house filled with his wild choice in fish or
B- He has a small, round, spherical bowl with two fish in it
It'd be funny if he had just the two fish to start with then they had babies even though the worker said they were both female
Obviously they weren't
They laid eggs and he had to transfer the female and daughters to one large tank and the father and sons to another so they wouldn't keep having babies
After this he has like 14 fish in total
Then he keeps finding himself at the pet store looking at the "ugly" fish no one wants
He buys these fish and ends up having two tanks that cover a whole wall
One's for his male fish the others for the females
But he screws up and learns the hard way that clownfush can change genders to help make babies
I'm being terrible to this poor guy let me stop
He so would be that fish owner to get real plants and "not those toxic plastic ones, how do they not hurt the fish???"
I honestly love the thought of Kinoshita just spacing out in front of his fish as he just watches them swim and do their own thing
Or if he were to only have a couple fish and he lets them get really big and pets them
Kazuhito Narita
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Now, I know what you're thinking
Aren't Ferrets incredibly high maintenance?
Not really
Kazu ends up working at a Realty Firm
Generally their work hours are supposed to be around 40 hrs a week
But they often have to stay longer considering most clients can only meet up on weekday afternoons
So this means Kazu has to work a lot
Ferrets may be mischievous and a little destructive, but that's easy to fix
If a ferret is to be left at home alone for hours at a time, just get it a really big cage and tons of toys to play with
Plenty of food and water too, of course
But ferrets are honestly pretty chill
All they need is for you to clean out their cage around once a week, some light grooming here and there, and some time to run around
Apartment or house doesn't matter with ferrets
They love to just mess around and only need a couple hours of free time a day
They sleep most of the day, 17 to 20 hours usually
They also aren't very vocal
They have a specific noise they make when excited thats barely heard by most human ears
Fun fact about ferrets is they actually have pretty poor eyesight, but their sense of smell and hearing more than make up for it
The only real problems Kazu would have to worry about are hairballs getting lodged and dental issues, no different than a cat
I didn't pick a cat though bc, Kazu seems like the kind of person to have something that doesn't get riled up on a whim like a cat
Cats often have unpredictable moods, ferrets on the other hand can be energetic but won't get into a bad mood at the drop of a pin
They're generally very fun loving
Though, it is always recommended to get a pair
Ferrets are highly social animals, so they would need a buddy for when your not able to be there for them
Kazu would probably get one almost all white ferret and one almost all dark brown ferret for the symbolism
I love the thought of Kazu wrestling with one ferret, it wrapped around his hand, and then the other one if climbing on his back and sliding down the back of his shirt in playful retaliation
Tobio Kageyama
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I really really wanted to give Tobio a turtle, but with him being a volleyball player in his adult life, that just won't work
Turtles need very specific temperatures and surroundings so they can live happily and healthily
I honestly feel in terms of personality, nothing but a cute little Eastern Box Turtle would fit him perfectly
I honestly struggled to find something that, to me, fit Kageyama Tobio but also would be manageable for him as a pro athlete
He's a very complex character and something with fur or feather just did not seem to suit him to me
The only problem is.......reptiles and amphibians are generally really demanding pets
From the food they eat, the the temperature their home has to be set at, its a lot of constant care
Some of them may not like constant physical touch, but they still need to be cleaned and have a constant watchful eye to check for any skin abnormalities
I decided on the African Fire Skink after much much MUCH consideration
These lizards don't get large, onky around 14-15 inches
And, unlike many reptilian nd amphibian pets, they don't require any specific heating or lighting
As long as your house isn't like consistently hot or cold or constantly changing between the two, their fine
They do need a substantial amount of dirt to dig and hide in
They mostly eat insects and one very rare occasion would appreciate a pinky mouse
These lizards are also shy and like to be admired from a distance
They don't like to be touched too much
They also have few and far between health problems uike other lizards
The only real problem is you can't find them at local pet stores but, they generally sell for around 25-70 USD
They also live for around 15-20 years
I feel like Tobio would have gotten his lizard as a middle schooler bc he didn't have very many friends, but he also didn't want a really needy pet since he doesn't know how to socialize well
Since this lizard like to be left alone, he could admire it from afar and this lizard could help him learn how to social better
Imagine Tobio at a table in his room, doing some homework and the little Skink is just lazing about in a sunspot next to him 😍
Shoyo Hinata
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At first for Shoyo I thought, okay maybe a hamster or a Guinea Pig or something like that
Ya know, something small but mighty and also, incredibly cute!
But I took a look at a list of pets that travel well and one of pets that can be left at howm for days with a proper care taker
I nearly shot myself bc I totally forgot that Hermit Crabs can be pets!!!!!
And they suit Shoyo so well!!!
They are small and sturdy
They fight back and pinch when threatened but can be very nice little pets to have
Hermit Crabs also love, sadly, for only around 10 years and can grow up to 6 inches long
Also, three to five shells per crab should be available
I am living for the idea that Hinata bought a bunch of shells for his crabs and painted them with little volleyballs and crows and ornage and black 🥺
These are good bc as long as you have someone reliable to feed them when they need to be while you're gone
Usually, if they're small, they're tiny wittle claws can't grab onto pellet food, so heir is a specific kind of almost dust like food for Hermit Crabs
Also, dark leafy greens like kale and broccoli or fruits like apples, bananas, and grapes are good too
Just choo them up really really tiny
They also need 2-3 inches of soil, silica play sand, and (optional) coconut fibers for them to burrow in when they molt
They also need a place for water to keep their little shells moist
They also need specific temps and maybe even mist their terrarium with water now and again
Something that us important and why Shoyi would need someone to come in and check on them is bc they are every vulnerable when molting
When a Hermit Crab molts they need to be separated from others so they don't get hurt
Like with many smaller pets you also have to thoroughly wash your hands before and after you touch them
Shoyo would fight Tobio when Tobio said his Crabs are boring and go into a long detailed argument about how each Crab has his/her own personality and how interesting they are
Kei Tsukishima
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Did you expect this Dino loving nerd to have anything else other than a reptile?
I tried to find one, as you can imagine, that would fit his adult life schedule but also his personality
I really wanted to give him an Iguana or Chameleon butbthey were really demanding with care
Now.....I know
Anole are native to the Southern US and Southern Hispanic countries such as Mexico, Clolombua, and Venezuela
They are around 20cm long and only live a very short 3-5 years
Also if you own many most should be female and only one should be male if you choose to have any males at all
The males get very territorial and will fight one another
Also the males flair our their dewlaps (skin flap under their chin) in defense and when they feel threatened
The dewlaps are usually pink, red, or on the rare occasion blue
Females have these as well but don't flair them out as much
Anoles are very high energy but don't care to be touched too much
These lizards also can't be picked up by their tales as they have evolved to lose their tales and grow them back
Kei would like these as they are so odd
They're not only descendants of Dinosaurs but they can lose their tales and grow them back at will???
I feel like Kei would constant have new ones
His massive tank (you need big ones for these guys, they are very active and will resort to cannibalism if their space is too small) is never empty, always at least three
He has analbum on his phone of all of the Anoles he's owned and maybe even has a picture book with their names on it
Yamaguchi to this day is the o ky one that has had the privilege to see said book
Yamaguchi is also the only person Kei trusts to take care of his precious Anoles
And when one dies he has really small but none the less grand ceremony for a descendant of the mighty race of Dinosaurs
Yamaguchi always helps him set these up
I fell like he would give them really weird names as well
Like twig, stick, sock, glove, kneecap or some weird shit idk
I'll have Yamaguchi, Yachi, Yui, Natsu, and Saeko in the next one
My requests are open and I hope you enjoyed
@popcorntime-doodles @multifandombrainrot @kneecapstealingalien @jiheonity @weareallhumans123 @smallmangi @canadian-crow @just-jellyfish @immiamarais @i-need-coffee-now-pls @shadowsbutdead @ghostexhibit @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @all-around-fandoms31 @thatfunnysprout @itsallgonnabokayihope @g00s3 @boreateo @backalley-astrologer @vaniatslover @lil-mellow-bunbun @strawberrymakki @beelziee @taiyahhh @sakusasgerm @cr4z3d-cl0wn @brendanfkelley @mainnews32 @beelshumanworldburger @mehreenackerman @detective-bakugou
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ren1327 · 4 years
Sweet Survivor Ch.9 Final
He moaned as he woke up, hearing a loud but steady beep to his left.
Why was his right side so warm?
He took another deep breath and heard a hum in his ear from the warmth under him.
His vision cleared and he found Ben pressed against his side in robe matching his, legs and feet bare.
Ben had bruises on his collar and a cut on his lip. But he was smiling at Kenji so brightly, Kenji swore he had never seen him look so beautiful.
Kenji was in a bed with him curled against his side, an arm around his neck.
If this was heaven, he would enjoy eternity in Ben’s arms.
“Did I die?” He asked him, leaning close to kiss him.
“You better had not!” A voice said from over them, startling them apart.
Kenji looked up to see a short plump woman with mocha skin, her curly black hair put up in two panda buns. Her soft cotton shirt that said “Property of Kon Incorporated” stretched over her baby bump. Her soft green eyes looked down at him in worry and he wanted to cry as her always warm hands stroked over his cheeks.
“Mijo, you scared me!” She crooned and took Kenji’s face in her hands and kissed his forehead. Ben moved back to give them space.
Kenji sniffed as she used her thumbs to brush away his tears before they fell.
“Candy?” Kenji asked. “Where am I?”
“You passed out from blood loss, Kenji.” She said, voice shaky. “Your father got you and your friends private rooms. Ben is technically supposed to be in that bed over there, but…”
She chuckled and hugged him. “Neither of us could leave your side.”
The Puerto-Rican smiled sweetly, eyes shining with unshed tears. “I want to tease you, but I’m just so happy you’re safe. Your father was a mess and little Carmen kept kicking as if to tell us her big brother was still…”
She sniffed loudly, looking up and fanning her face. “Dios mio…”
Ben smiled at Kenji, who finally looked around to see he was in a large private room, a bay window looking out over a busy city. He and Ben were in hospital robes, the lights turned low and a curtain most likely hiding the other bed and the door where he could hear people passing by.
“You’re in San Jose, Papa.” She said. “We’re staying at my old apartment.”
“We’re…We got away.” Kenji said.
“We did.” Ben said. “And Bumpy is okay from what I saw…”
Ben shook his head, schooling his anguished face into a shaky smile.
“Candy was telling me how she and your Dad met when he first came here to see Jurassic World.” Ben said. “And we just kept talking.”
“Yes.” Candy said, sitting on a plush armchair with a groan and stroking her belly. “Your Dad went to go pick up your friends families. Ben told me about Toro and Bumpy and the suck-os.”
“Suchos, Mom.” He said and Candy squeaked.
“Baby boy, you’re lucky I can’t get up right now or I’d smother you with love.” She said with a blinding smile, reaching out a hand and waving it like a fan.
Kenji took the hand she offered, noting her nails were bitten and chipped. He looked at her again, noticing how red her eyes were. How tired she looked.
“So,” She said. “I’m assuming I’m going to be getting use to my future partner hanging around?”
“What?” Kenji asked.
“Ben here has some amazing ideas for new products. A white tea mask with carob seed extract? I had no idea it could be a daily moisturizer!” She said. “That nice girl, Yazmina? She had packed a lot of things in hers and Sammy’s bags, including a book Ben said you gave to him and he has been going off about how different plants can be crushed, or oils extracted. I always get so bored when my scientists tell me this and that, but Ben really has a zest for this!”
She waved her free hand around excitedly. “I’m thinking a new daily skin care line! The launching off point of my new and improved company!”
Ben smiled up at Kenji. “She likes my ideas.”
“And I need to try that banana carob loaf.”
“Ben!” Kenji exclaimed with a blush.
“I’ve was working on that vest of yours, honey.” She said and held up his vest with thick black stiches holding the claw marks together like torn flesh. “I can get it repaired at home.”
Kenji laughed, imaging Candy struggling with the needle and her excited face when she would make the thread connect the two sides.
“Thanks Mom.” He said again.
“Oh, Baby boy.” She said as the door opened.
“Candela?” Mr. Kon called.
“Kosei!” She called. “They’re awake!”
A woman with a messy brown braid threw the curtain open.
“Ben!” She yelled and gathered Ben in her arms, picking him up like he weighed nothing, holding him like a toddler. She was petite and thin, but obviously had hidden strength.
“Whoa! Mom—" Ben said, holding on tight to her shoulders.
“Oh, my baby! I’m so sorry! I will never ever force you to do something you don’t want to ever again—”
“Sandra, he might be injured!” A broad blond man in a rumpled and stained button up said. The poor guy looked like he lived off coffee and pure anxiety.
“David!” She hissed, making him flinch back. “I thought my son was dead yesterday!”
“Ma’am?” Kenji asked.
Her big blue eyes snapped to Kenji. Her husband came up next to her.
“He has a bruised tailbone, so he should take it easy.”
“O-Oh…Was he in the same bed as you?” She asked, looking very confused as Ben hugged her back and swung his legs down to stand. His father pulled him into a hug too.
“Hey, Son.” He said, voice thick as he rubbed Ben’s back.
“Hey Dad.” Ben sniffed and turned to hug his mom again. “I missed you guys so much!”
Mr. Kon sat next to Kenji and stroked his hair.
“Mrs. Pincus?” He asked in his stern voice.
Ben’s mom looked at the man in the clearly expensive business suit. “Oh, yes, Mr.…?”
“Kon.” He said. “Kosei Kon.”
“Of Kon…” She swallowed. “Kon Incorporated?”
“Yes. I am very sad to hear of what happened to Simon.” He said, face falling as he bowed his head.
“Yes. He was a good man.” She said softly. “It’s going to be hard without him. And I know it will displace a lot of good people who loved him, loved working for him…”
“Do you have a resume handy?” Candy asked from her seat.
“Candy!” Mr. Kon scolded lightly.
Candy blinked at her husband and pouted. Kosei stared her down and her bottom lip wobbled a bit as she stroked her baby bump. The older man’s cheeks reddened at the sight of her big eyes practically begging for something unspoken between them, and he sighed.
Ben was impressed with how she was able to break down such a stern looking man.
“Mrs. Pincus. My wife would like to rebuild her own business after our daughter is born and I…we were wondering if you would be able to help by joining her employ.” He said. “I was planning on asking you after our children had rested enough, but now seems as good a time as any.”
“I’m sorry, but how do they…how do they know each other? From the camp?” Mr. Pincus asked.
“He’s my boyfriend, Dad.” Ben said, making Kenji’s head snap in his direction.
“Kosei Kon’s son is your...” Mrs. Pincus said.
She sat on the bed.
“Yeah. We kinda confessed after I survived falling from a monorail when Pteranodons attacked us. After almost dying, like, more than once,” Ben said with a tilt of his head. “We thought it best to just be honest about our feelings.”
Mr. Pincus sat down next to his wife.
“Oh.” They both said at the same time.
 “You’ll come visit, right?” Sammy asked as Yaz’s Dad loaded her backpack in the backseat of their cab and her Mom hugged both of Sammy’s Dads.
“Well duh.” Yaz said, taking her girlfriend’s hands. “Gotta come see my sponsor’s new investment!”
Sammy smiled and kissed her cheek, hugging for the umpteenth time.
Darius waved as his mom hugged him close.
“Don’t forget to message me!” Brooklynn called.
“Every day!” He promised her, sliding in his own cab behind his brother.
Roxy gave Brooklynn a big hug as her mom and aunt thanked Dave and Claire over and over, her aunt still crying happy tears.
Kenji held Ben’s hands as their parents waited for them in separate cabs.
Kenji rubbed his thumb over Ben’s bruised knuckles.
“It’ll only be a few months, right?” Kenji asked.
“Well, we need time to pack, pick a house and settle.” Ben said softly. “Besides…still…a little fast for me.”
“Scared of the B word?” Kenji joked.
“Scared of the expectations that come with being a boyfriend. Not to mention all the new things.” He said. “I mean, realistically…we might not even last.”
“Don’t worry.” Kenji said. “When you move to California…I’ll drive over whenever you want to see me and give you space when you don’t.”
Ben blushed and gave him a blank look.
“Who are you and what have you done with Kenji Kon?” Ben asked, making a face.
Kenji kissed the wrinkle over his nose. “I’m still Kenji. Being the best at everything. Including boyfriend.”
Ben leaned up and kissed his jaw. “You already are. No expectations needed.”
“Back at you.” Kenji said, kissing him softly. “Besides. I think my Mom and Dad love you too much for me to mess this up.”
Ben chuckled and smiled softly up at him. “See you later?”
Kenji put on his rose-gold aviators.
“You betcha, Sweet thing!”
Ben wrinkled his nose, but couldn’t hide his smile as they parted.
 The shrill beeping of his phone went off.
Kenji took a deep breath and tried to sit up, but two arms refused to let him budge.
“Seriously, what’s with this grip?” Kenji whispered, trying to peel off his boyfriend’s fingers.
“No…” Ben whined, adjusting to hug him around the waist, the thin sheet covering their bodies falling to expose more of Ben’s skin.
“Baby, I gotta get my phone.” He said and Ben whined again, hugging a pillow.
He sat up and reached over to get his cell, seeing Brooklynn and Darius’s picture on it. He swiped it and sighed, seeing it was four am.
“What is it, Dino-Nerd?” He asked. “Ben has class tomorrow and I got a meeting I gotta shadow with my Dad—”
“Is Ben there?” Darius asked.
“My boyfriend of three years who lives with me? That Ben?”
“Yes! Ben is here!” He groaned and Ben sat up, pulling the sheet up to his chin. “Aren’t you supposed to be at Claire’s office or—”
“Put me on speaker.” Darius said.
Kenji tapped the button and sighed. “Done.”
“Yeah?” He asked sleepily. “Did the relocation go okay?”
“Bumpy was moved.” Darius said, sounding out of breath.
“Yeah, you told me Zia said they were gonna be relocated to—”
“She wasn’t relocated to the island!” Brooklynn’s voice said suddenly. “We came to check up and—oh my god, they’re getting away!”
“What?!” Ben yelled, and Kenji hugged him close.
“I can see Claire and Owen!” Darius said in the background.
“Guys? Wait, then where is she?” He asked.
“She’s on the mainland!” Brooklynn said. “She was taken to Lockwood Manor and—Darius, duck!”
They heard a squeal. “We’re okay.”
“Lockwood Manor?” Kenji asked.
“She’s not the only one!” Darius said. “There’s so many! Wait is that…Toro?!”
“Get in the car, get in the car!” Barry yelled over the phone. “We’ll recon around the property and pick them up.”
They heard a far-off roar and the sound of an engine.
“Guys!” Ben yelled.
“We’re okay! But you need to spread the word! Get your families up north as soon as possible! We’re going to stay and help Claire and Owen!” Darius said. “There’ so many and I know Owen and Claire are going to need help. We hate to ask you…”
Kenji looked at Ben. His boyfriend nodded; determination set on his face.
“We’re in.”
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Gaming - My frustrations and my bad misjudgement!
So, I’m voicing my frustration once again this dinosaur/survival game I bought called The Ark, has left me so frustrated I’m dying all the time 😩 I mean it’s pretty much puts you to the test of “can you survive in a dinosaur ridden world”! Me:
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Literally, all I do is get fucked up by every goddamn dinosaur, well except for most of the herbivores that is 😂 they all chill…..well except for one! On the first day of playing The Ark I learnt the hard way that the Therizinosaurus will fuck you up for simply looking at it wrong, they are a herbivore! Now they look like this:
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Not very herbivorous looking right?! well they are they are herbivores, I know this because I was a real dinosaur nerd when I was a child(still am to some extent 😂)! Anyways, I’m minding my own business I see it and go “ahh just a Therizinosaurus a herbivore I’m A ok” so I carry on scavenging berries, and the Therizinosaurus was like “it’s on sight bitch” and then proceeded to fucked me up!
Now, onto my oh so lovely Raptors that I have tamed, they lovely and they loyal and they get me places a whole lot quicker. However, they also are TOOOO protective? Loyal? I don’t know, but they have screwed me over a lot 😡🤬! I finally managed to bag myself a Carnotaurus, which is one of these:
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It’s a big carnivore and would be handy to have as a bodyguard, or a hunting partner! I’m in the process of taming it, and obviously it’s growling at me and roaring. My bloody raptors then proceeded to kill it, I could have screamed it took me hours getting that Carno! I even had a name ready for it! So I will kindly say “fuck you Black Mamba & Raiden fuck you”! I mean honestly, the raptors they are great and they have saved my ass a good load of times, but I could have killed them! Now, another devastation I felt while taming or should I say about to tame, came about when I stumbled across this beauty:
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It’s a Baryonyx - another carnivore and is actually mostly a fish eater! Anyways, it’s also a British Dinosaur and with me being British myself I was like “this beauty is most definitely going to be my partner in crime”! So, I’ve got all the gear to capture it and tame it, I’m setting up the trap and as I’m setting it up. The Baryonyx gets into a fight with a Stegosaurus, I watched helplessly as the Stegosaurus killed the Baryonyx! I was devastated 😭 because I really REALLY wanted that Dino and like with the Carno I even had a name picked out for it!
Now finally onto my last ramble, The Ark is a survival game like you know you have your survival needs! The whole need to eat and drink, you’re character can get too hot or too cold and has stamina and so on. So anyways, I’m exploring and my character gets thirsty so I rush to the river, and as I rush a Sarcosuchus aka Sarco for short(basically a prehistoric crocodile) lunges out of the lake and kills me! Now first off, it was so fast and second off it scared the living shit out of me 😂! I didn’t even have time to react, and I basically ran straight into it’s mouth! Pretty sure it was like “oh my that was an easy meal”! This game is brutal and because I’m new to it I’m getting fucked up nearly every play, I’m getting the hang of it but damn as of right now me is failing at it hard!
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Because Why Not?
@idontgettechnology​ tagged me because she knows that I fall more in love with her and our friendship every day  🥰
👽 Do you believe in aliens? Yes’m
👽👽   If so, what do you think they look like? Depends on the environment of whatever planet or system they’re in.  It also depends on whether or not they’re carbon-based or something else.  There are theories that ghosts in our world are actually interdimensional beings/aliens that we physically can’t perceive because we can only understand the world around us in a certain amount of dimensions.  tldr; I don’t know that we could know what aliens look like, depending on where they’re from
🤡 Do you have any phobias? Skunks, failure, being forgotten
💀   What is your favorite thing to do? Read, sleep, spend time with loved ones
☕ Name the tastiest hot beverage. There’s a sexy sweet citrus mocha at my new favorite coffee shop that I love
🥛 Name the tastiest cold beverage. Something fruity but not too sweet
😇 What do you believe is your most angelic quality? Compassion
👹 What do you believe is your most devilish quality? Dark humor
🧜‍♀️   If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be and why? Look, bud, probably the root reason of why I love redheads is 1000% due to The Little Mermaid (1989)
😻   Describe the sweetest moment you have had with a pet. Anytime a cat comes to sit on me and does that slow blink thing, and anytime a dog rests their big goofy head in my lap
🌎 What is your most far-fetched ‘bucket list’ item? As I get older, fighting someone
🤔 Describe the most influential person in your life. My dad
🤯 Do you have a mental illness? Hahahahahaha YES
🦄 If you could shape-shift into an animal at any time, what would it be and why? Anything that hibernates through the winter, so I could live out my dream of eating anything and everything and then immediately going to sleep for a few months
🍣 Are you a sushi connoisseur? Nope.
🤓 Do you consider yourself a nerd? Yup.
📆 Have you set goals for your life? To not die unfulfilled.
📆📆 If you have made goals, name a few. Become a full-time professor.  Publish a book.
📆📆📆 If you’re living life in the moment, explain away. We live in the worst possible timeline, my profession is notorious for not making a ton of money, and the area I live in is one of the most expensive places to live in the world.
🤩 Name a famous celebrity you dream of meeting. Abbi Jacobson
🌙 Are you a moon or sun person? Moon
🚀 If you could travel back in time to any era, where would it be? If I could pass as a very tan Eastern European, maybe the 20s or 40s.  Just to visit and enjoy the music
🚀🚀 What kind of life would you want in this era? A brief one.
🦕 Do you wish dinosaurs existed in our modern world? Not now, thanks.  That just adds an extra layer of stress.
🦕🦕 If so, would you want a dino pet? Name the kind. Stegosaurus
🎃 Name your favorite holiday. Chrimmas and 4th of July (say what you will about the second one, it reminds me of barbecues and fireworks with my dad).
😊 What do you believe is your most redeeming quality? Fucking compassion, I hope.
😴 Do you get enough sleep? Noooope
🏈 Are you a sport enthusiast? SF Giants, baybee
🦂 Describe your best friend. Goofy, funny, intelligent, loving, sweet, and the absolute love of my life.
🥑 Fruits or veggies? Porque no los dos?
🤞 If you could snap your fingers like Thanos from The Avengers, what would you make happen? I’m gonna have to side with Emily and make Bernie have won the 2016 election
😎 Do you consider yourself a cool kid or a total square? In no lifetime have I EVER been a cool kid
🍭 Do you have a sweet tooth? Of course not, she says, as she finishes the last pieces of chocolate orange in the house
🏥 Do hospitals freak you out? Not really.  I know they should, because body fluids freak me out, but not really.
🍕 What’s the best pizza topping? Sausage and olive
🧘‍♀️ When was the last time you did something just for you? Couple weeks ago, I stayed at a hotel by myself, got naked and ate my weight in pesto pasta in bed while I watched Captain America flex his muscles trying to keep his best friend (boyfriend) from fleeing the country
🎣 Have you ever been fishing? Yes
👶 Do you want to have children someday? Someday
🥔 Name your favorite form of the potato. Au gratin
🌵 Do you have a green thumb? Not at all
🐩 If you have one, name your dream dog(s). A pibble
🍂 Winter, spring, summer or fall? Summer
🐳 Does the ocean freak you out or entice you? Mama ocean calls to me every time I see her
🐚 Ever been scuba-diving or deep-sea fishing? Nope
📸 Do you take a lot of photos? Not really
🎵 Name your three favorite artists/bands. ABBA, The Beatles, and Louis Armstrong
🎵🎵 What about your three favorite genres? Alternative, big band swing, and R&B
🎸 Can you play an instrument(s)? Just the throat and the lungs
🔬 What was the best class in high school? English
🔬🔬 What about the worst class? Math
🕹 Name the video game you have wasted the most time playing. The Inside Out game on my phone
🕹🕹 Name your favorite video game. *swoons* RDR2
🔪 Do you have an interest in serial killers or do they just freak you out? Depends on the serial killer.  I have more interest in Martinis and Murder than any serial killer in particular.
🦗 Do bugs give you the heebie-jeebies? They’re fine as long as they’re not on my face or body without consent
🎱 Confess the last wish you made on a magic 8 ball. I do not remember.
😑 Describe the most annoying thing ever. Willful ignorance.
☺ Describe the greatest thing ever. Falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.
🏠 Growing up, how was your home life? Taken for granted
😜 Are you silly or serious? Silly, for the most part
🥩 Steaks: Well-done, medium-rare, or still mooing? Medium-medium
🍄 In your opinion, are mushrooms tasty little morsels or just a dirty fungus? Gross, unless they’re the fun kind mixed with sour candy
🥑 Best way to eat an avocado? Made into guac with lots of citrus and black pepper
⛪ Are you spiritual? In a way, I guess.
⛪🕌 If so, describe your beliefs. Make the world a better place, do what you can for the people who can’t do for themselves, and occasionally reach into chance and/or tarot cards for insight.
🍔 Burgers or dogs? Either, as long as I can have cheese on it.
😤 Describe something that gets under your skin. Looking stupid.
🧟‍♀️ Do you think the world will end in zombies? At this point, I wouldn’t be that surprised.
🐉 Is there a dragon you chase? Acceptance and legacy.
🥞 In your personal opinion, should food be free to everyone? Yes, because unlike Mitch McConnell I’m not a fucking monster.
🐍 What animal are you scared of, if any? Skunks, as stated above
Tagging @ibelieveinturtles @iamartemisday @dresupi @snailsarecute @wheresarizona @hollandeiram and anyone who wants to play <3
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Fifty: In the Shed ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku ] [ SasuHina, pregnancy ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
He’s looked for it everywhere. And yet, to no avail. H even goes so far as to call his parents, asking if they recall seeing it anywhere around their place. Mikoto gives a thoughtful hum, trying to remember while her husband gruffly assures her there was no way it was there.
“Well honey, I’ll look around, but honestly I don’t think there’s too much of your stuff left here. You’re sure it’s not there with you?”
“I don’t think so...at least, not that I’ve been able to find. You’re sure there aren’t any boxes of mine left there?”
Another sound of contemplation carries over the phone. “...well...if there are, we’ve probably moved them to the shed. That’s where most of the more random things get stuck anymore. Ever since we did all those remodels, it’s become a bit of a hub for lost things. If you want, you can head on over and check. Why all the fuss about it?”
That gets him to pause. “Just...feeling nostalgic. Been a while since I’ve seen it. Y’know, the older I get, the more I tend to kinda...look back and remember.”
Mikoto can’t help a laugh. “Oh believe me, you have much more of that to look forward to, dear. It’ll only get worse from here!”
Chuckling in tandem, Sasuke smiles against the receiver. “Well...if I have some time this weekend, maybe I’ll drop by and look.”
“All right, honey. We’ll be home, so any time is good.”
“Thanks, Mom. See you then.”
Ending the call, Sasuke considers his mobile for a long moment before stuffing it back in his pocket, mulling the conversation over. Odds are it is somewhere in that shed. Hopefully nothing’s gotten to it...moths, or mice.
“What was that all about?”
“Asking Mom if she knew where it was.”
“Did she have a clue?”
“Might be in the shed there. Which...is a bit convenient, seeing how they’re going to be home.”
Stepping up beside him, Hinata tilts her head curiously for a moment before brightening in understanding. “...oh! That’s a great idea! I’ll go with you, then.”
“Yeah. We’ll just hint we were on our way somewhere else, decided to swing by and look. They’ll never suspect a thing.”
A hint of mischief shines in Hinata’s eyes. “I n-never thought you’d be so underhanded.”
“Oh, please - it’s not like there’s going to be any harm. Just a little surprise.”
“I know, I know. Just teasing you. Anyway, I was going to fix some lunch - hungry?”
“For your cooking? Always.”
The rest of the week passes in typical fashion. Hinata heads back to work as a first grade teacher, always eager to get back to her class and the job she loves. Sasuke, on the other hand, remains at home. It’s where his office is after all, as an independent architect. His days are spent emailing clients and working on new models, occasionally traveling for expos to pick up new ideas and learn about the newest materials and styles. But this week is rather tame: nowhere to go, and most of his current projects toward the end of their development cycles. A few more weeks, and he can open up again to a new round of bids.
But first, the weekend arrives.
The drive to the other side of town isn’t exactly strenuous, and the pair embark in the late morning after Sasuke texts his mother and announces their travel plans. Her reply reveals she’s excited to see him - doubly so when she hears Hinata will be joining him. Already she assures him there will be a hearty lunch upon their arrival. Or...after their perusal through the shed in search of his desired object.
“Do you think she has any clue?”
“Nah...doesn’t seem like it. She’s pretty shrewd, so...honestly, if she thought something was up, she’d have said something by now.”
“Oh, I hope not...I want to see the look on her face. And this is the perfect way to do it!”
“I hadn’t even thought of that when the idea struck me to dig it out. Honestly it all just had me sort of nostalgic.”
“I’ve been the same way...maybe I should dig out some of mine. I think my father still has those boxes at his house. Couldn’t really take them with me to college!”
“Yeah, same. I mean, I didn’t have that many, but...I’m pretty sure what I did have is over there.”
“Well...guess we’ll find out.”
“It better be...otherwise, I have no idea where else to look.”
“There’s no chance you...got rid of it, right?”
“Nope.” The admittance makes him go ever so slightly pink, though he knows he has no reason to. “I don’t think I ever could. And I looked through all my unpacked boxes, so...either it’s at my parents, or...I dunno. Maybe Itachi ended up with it.”
“That would be weird…”
“I’ve run across some of his stuff with mine every so often. We just swap.”
The conversation idles on until their reach the proper neighborhood. The house, from the outside at least, looks pretty much the same as it did growing up for him. The only real difference is the addition of a front porch. It’s the inside where Mikoto and Fugaku have done the most work renovating.
Much of it is Sasuke’s own designs, his parents eager to help support his career.
Mikoto makes her way out to greet them, burying them both in hugs. “It’s so good to see you! Gosh, you two just don’t make it over here often enough!”
“Well, we’re not retired yet,” Sasuke jokes in reply. “Some of us still have jobs and mortgages.”
That earns a hearty laugh. “I know, I know...now, do you want to go digging first, or eat?”
“Dig, I think. We’ll work up our appetites braving the shed.”
“Oh, please - it’s organized! Just dusty - we hardly ever go in there. But there’s nothing to worry about. If the boxes are there, you’ll find them no problem.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Hinata follows as Sasuke makes his way to the back yard, whereupon sits a rather unremarkable shed. At one time it had served as a playhouse for the brothers, but now is a glorified storage container for things no longer suitable for the house. “All right...let’s see what we’ve got.” Undoing the latch, Sasuke lets the door creak open.
Two rows of shelving divide the space, all chock full of boxes and loose paraphernalia. Every box, to his relief, has a label on the front in black marker. “All right...you take that wall.”
“Got it.”
Scanning the box fronts, Sasuke sees mostly his parents’ belongings: stuff packed out after the remodels to help minimize clutter. A few have his brother’s name on them.
“...I think I found them!”
Glancing over, Sasuke sees his wife point to a few boxes, one of which has the sublabel he’s looking for. Grinning, he opens the flaps, digs around...and pulls out a dusty, slightly-worn dinosaur plush.
“...mister Roary.”
Hinata beams. “He’s so cute!”
“I was such a dino nerd as a kid…”
“...should we head in, then?”
“Yeah.” Closing the box back up, Sasuke considers it a moment. “...should we take the rest?”
“Hm...maybe another time. We k-know where it is, now.”
“Yeah, true.”
The pair then head into the house, smiling as the Uchiha pair greet them fondly. Well...Mikoto is a bit more exuberant than her husband, who gives acknowledging nods.
“Oh, you found it!”
“Yup. Right in the proper box.”
“Oh good, good...it’s been so long since I’ve seen that stuffed animal…” Mikoto looks to it fondly.
“Yeah, me too…” Considering the plush in his hands, Sasuke glances to Hinata before offering, “...figured he was in good enough condition, might as well let him have a round two.”
Expression a bit uncertain, Mikoto tilts her head. “...what do you…?”
Fugaku, ever sharp, stiffens before his wife does.
“Round two, I…” After a pause, her eyes go wide. Staring at her son, she then looks to Hinata, resting dainty hands on her shoulders. “Are...are you saying…?”
“We’re going to have a baby!” Hinata blurts, unable to take the tension any longer. She and Mikoto both burst into excited laughter as Sasuke and Fugaku exchange a look, and a nod.
Latching onto her son, Mikoto beams. “I was wondering what brought this on! You sly thing!”
“You know me,” he replies, embracing her back.
“When are you due, Hinata dear?”
“August. Around the twentieth or so.”
“Another Summer baby, oh good! Boy or girl?”
“We’re leaving it as a surprise,” Sasuke replies.
“Oh, I hope for a girl...I always wanted a girl,” she muses. “But! Either way, it will be so exciting! I won’t be able to stand the waiting…”
“How do you think we feel?”
“You have to indulge your mother, dear. Have you told Hiashi yet?”
“No, not yet.”
“Oh, I bet he’ll be thrilled! Happy to see the family growing again.”
Hinata gives a soft, somber smile. “...yeah.”
The pair stay for lunch, enduring all of Mikoto’s questions as Fugaku lets his wife do all the talking. Only once they’ve exhausted her are they allowed to leave.
“Bye you two! Take care, and make your way across town more often, all right?”
“Will do,” Sasuke calls back before getting in the car.
“Well...I think that worked out perfectly,” Hinata praises.
“Yeah, it was definitely worth the drive. Hope you’re prepared to be hovered over until August.”
“Oh, I’m sure that’ll be the least of my worries.”
     Well, it's...very late, and I'm very tired. Had a very bad, stressful day so...it was nice to end it with some fluff, but I'm exhausted OTL I dunno if the mystery was much of a mystery, but...I tried? lol      I live for Mikoto gushing about her future grandbabies. Heck you canon for taking that from me xD      Anyway, I...reallllly need to go sleep - thanks for reading!
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
The Costume (Chapter 1)
Warnings - Someone gets drugged. One trap, but no gore/violence
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Y/N ran up to her friend, Dokyeom, holding a pair of golden shorts, laughing at his reaction of confusion bordering on disgust.
“Oh, this one’s cute!”
“Rocky! From Rocky Horror Picture Show! You’d be great as him,” Y/N teased Dokyeom, wiggling her hips at the boy, “make all the girls swoon.”
“No, thank you,” Dokyeom hung the shorts back up, Y/N disappearing into the rows of costumes, “Seungcheol already has the shorts only department covered.”
“Who’s he going as?” Y/N popped out of a circular rack, a short, green dress thrown over her regular clothes, “I could always go as Tinkerbell!”
“Classic choice,”Dokyeom kept looking around, nothing catching his eye, “We could always try a different place, or maybe I could just do what Dino’s doing. He’s dressing up as a member of Orange Caramel, you know the Catallena dresses?”
“The party is three days away, you’re not going to be able to get a costume made in that short of time. Dino’s been working on his for at least a month trying to get it perfect.”
“I could go as Bruce Banner!”
Y/N threw a fake Thor hammer at Dokyeom, the tall boy stumbling back into a rack of horror movie costumes, “I thought you said Seungcheol was going as Hulk, and you already dress as a nerd. That’s cheating!”
“Fine, how about this one?” Dokyeom pulled out a puppet costume, “This thing?”
“Billy from Saw? Have you ever seen one of the movies?”
“There was more than one?”
“Dude, there was 9 movies and I think they’re making a new one,” Y/N pointed to the dressing room, “Go try it on!”
Dokyeom bumbled over to the dressing room, the suit dragging on the floor, Y/N walking around the store.
"I see the lovely couple is looking for costumes!" The storekeeper, Mr. Ye, came to Y/N, his glasses dangling on his nose, "I see you're Tinkerbell, is your boyfriend going to Peter Pan?"
"Oh, oh, oh no, we're not dating," Y/N felt her facr heat up, "we're just friends. He chose Billy from Jigsaw."
Mr. Ye bowed his head, "I've had that costume in here for a while. I'd be happy to see it go, a pain in my ass every day."
Dokyeom came out, the costume over his arm as the cheeky smile he always wear showed, "I'd like this suit, sir."
"Are you sure? I know I'd be happy seeing it leave, it's been here for such a long time, I just feel lik-"
"I said I'd take it," Dokyeom slammed the hanger on the counter, Y/N touching his arm, confused as to why Dokyeom became aggressive over a costume he didn't want at first, "I'm sorry, I'd like to buy it."
The owner handed Dokyeom the receipt, a dreadful look on his face watching the pair leave the store.
"God save his soul."
"So you picked the Billy costume?" Y/N swung her bag back and forth, walking downtown with Dokyeom, the street lights flickinger yellow as the bars start to open for the partiers and the lonely souls, "very spooky."
"Once I tried it on, I knew I had to have it," Dokyeom watched Y/N stare at the lights on the light poles, "thanks for finding it for me."
"No problem," Y/N stopped in front of the tall male, bopping his nose, "I just hope I get to help with your makeup."
Dokyeom tugged Y/N's arms, trapping her in a hug, "you just want an excuse to look at my lips."
"Where the hell did that come?!" Y/N gasped, her jaw dropping at her friend's forwardness.
Y/N slapped Dokyeom with her bag, the singer running ahead of her as she chased after him, passing the costume shop from earlier.
Mr. Ye shut off the open sign, waving goodbye to his last customer, a little girl and her older brother buying a Rainbow Dash costume.
He had turned around to get a broom, wanting to sweep out the leaves, only to be greeted by a man in a pig mask, stabbing him in the neck with a needle. The owner fell to the floor, the masked man dragging him to a car.
"You shouldn't have sold that costume."
Mr. Ye caught a small glimpse of the man demasking, blacking out before he could get a good look, the car starting up with a soft rumble.
It took a while, but the man finally got to the warehouse and started placing the knocked out storeowner in a trap, his arms and legs being chained up with a pendulum hanging out of the ceiling, ominously swaying in the light breeze. Starting a clock, 4 days. The unmasked man started a live feed on an old computer in the room, the infamous Billy mask appearing on the screen.
The reason you're in here is you selling that costume, knowing it's been cursed, knowing that the one who dons the suit will become possessed. You could've locked it up, but you now have doomed all of my friends, you've doomed me. In 72 hours, people will come here to start setting up for a party, I will be with them, setting up my traps. You will be released when the set-up is done. Your goal is to prove to everyone your insane mumblings are true, while looking like you're on the doorstep of death.
Have fun.
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That’s right folks, we’re back for one night only! 
As part of a weekend-long paleontology-themed stream, Dino Nerds for Black Lives, Albert and Joan will return to bring you the latest exciting discoveries from the world of nature. And, as an added bonus, viewers who donate to the fundraising campaign will be able to submit science-themed questions that we’ll happily answer for you! 
We hope you’ll stop by and show your support! We’ll be streaming 1pm EST, on Sunday, June 21, 2020.
For more information about the stream itself, please go here
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kny111 · 5 years
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I know I haven’t really updated on here. Fatherhood can be really tiring and time consuming as it is a blessing and will change who you are for the better, at least for me. I’ve been away from a lot of the subjects I used to normally post about until recently, that’s because I picked up the energy and interest for science journalism again. To say I went off to have a long waited talk with nature is to minimize greatly the kind of transformations I’ve undergone. The mysteries she’s shown me far greater than any cosmic unknown that I could have ever imagined of. I know a lot of the folks who used to follow this blog might be surprised to know that within that journey I’ve seen, experienced and have been in communion with some really influential spirits of old. Nature’s hidden variables. Whatever you want to call it. Something occurred when I decided to take more seriously the religions and spirituality of my ancestors. Something that only reinvigorated my love for science and the unknown, physics, art, and expression of these things for beneficial communal use. I’m from Quisqueya, the first testing grounds for colonialism and subsequently the evolution of neo-colonialism. Not too long after and we become one of the first pit stop for the trans-Atlantic slave trading markets to proliferate and spin the rest of the world off into the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy hell branch of a reality we know of today. Our little island has undergone so many transformations and inclusion of peoples, cultures, so many I only recently found out of like how Haitians took in Jewish refugees during the time of Hitler’s nazism. Because I still deal with mental health issues and depression being one I’ve had since childhood, I sometimes don’t have near enough energy to convey how have things been going since my last big update here. My spiritual and religious journey, finding comfort in myself and closure in ways I no longer adhere to. That said I found it beyond amazing how earlier today on October the 14th ‘Indigenous Peoples Day‘ I was drumming away to Tainx music without realizing what day today was without looking at my social media feeds yet. Here I was normally thinking I’m so tired, down and out of trying to keep these cultures alive and I was already doing so instinctively in the truest way I know how.
Like I mentioned, I decided to take more seriously my Afro-Indigenous roots and what it meant to be a Black Dominican Haitian Taino American. It took me on the wildest ride with the unlikeliest subject ranging from seeing quantum entanglement examples right before my eyes, seeing living breathing afrofuturism through my Vodun, Catholic, Christian roots and the functionality of Vodun to incorporate so many ancient parts of being Black into what intuitively led me down a road of self and outward knowledge on the cosmos around me. To then blend these epigenetically installed formulas of spirituality embededd in me by history and nature, incorporate them into my expression of art and self which is one has been like achieving a life long dream I didn’t even know I had. I did so much intuitive shit that was so clearly linked to my identity as an Afro-Indigenx American immigrant along the way that I had erected an altar without knowing it was an altar. I would section and compartmentalize this prototype altar so beautifully and had no clue I was paying respects to my ancestors and spirits of the world until more recently a few months back. When I realized this, it was like a Cambrian explosion occurred in me. I don’t want to get into the details of the abilities it brought out that I already had in me due to prying eyes (ahem surveillance capitalist patriarchy is still outchea at large) but to simply meditate and think on my folks has given me such a renewed and strengthened sense of intuition and appreciation for the past and future that I never knew existed. Sometimes I’ll legit write and prophesize shit out the ass like it’s a normal day it’s wild, shit I never believed in but the science seems to check out with quantum physics and what not. That’d be an explanation for another time. The altar has now evolved to a place I can really go to and express but at the same time it’s something I’ve learned to keep within my own self so that it’s not the altar that’s important, rather the changes I’ve gone through to get to such a place. I write, dream, visualize, laugh, act, improvise, predict based on science, meditate, heal, rehabilitate myself there. But conversely the world speaks to me there, the spirits of old, new, those to be. I know it sounds type wild but it’s gotten normal for me to experience something my old science nerd ass self woulda made fun of me for. But when you get into a connection with ya ancestors like I have and reach the conclusions and deductions I have on the systems that control the planet it gets clearer to see that the Indigenous were right all along on colonialism, it’s gotto go. There’s no place for it in the future if we’re to survive a planet seemingly becoming another Venus. I’d like to think we not gone be fighting each other while some catastrophe bop our asses one time like they did the dinos. That’s one of the main messages they keep tellin me and it’s hard to refute. I’ll try and continue this update on another day as there’s so much in between and concepts and ideas I wanna share about how to move forward on activism and using art to get our ideas about those movements across. The above images span from months, just small droplets of the cool ass journey I been on just trying to maintain some normalcy while playing my part in not helping oppressors of any kind continue proliferating their systems of domination and subjugation. So this first image is from the week not too long ago when I had 2 honey bees flying in and checking out the altar. Then I left an old jar of honey that still had some and they’d return and eat some for like a good week or so. At one point, this matrix-like moment happens when one of them goes into the jar and makes this cool sound I never heard before. The bee had gone in there before many times and never made that specific sound, it was like a lower frequency conch shell or something. When I checked the time it was like 1:23pm or 1:11pm one of those. I was like..... get Neo!! shit was so cool. This next image is really a culmination of my search to learn more about my Afro-Indigenousness which led me to learn more about my Haitianness and the spirituality and religion. From painting Papa Legba paintings before I even knew him, to giving respects to all types of 21 division spirits and Vodun loa before ever even knowing of them. It was as if each part of these religions was trying to show me how much of them was in me in how intuitively I’d gravitate towards these religions despite being still very devoted to science and scientific literacy worldwide. Idk it’s just been a really cool blending of a lot of things I never thought could come together. I found this moth around the time I was reading and thinking deeply on the creator entity in Vodun and some African religions, Gran Maitrex. I’ve always had an interest in creator stories and beings so  when this Golden Moth popped up in the altar (right on the mat I have laid in front of it, facing it, as if it came there to spend its last moments) I was like a little kid. To me it reminds me of those mysteries we’ve yet to discover that can help us in our path to heal ourselves and others if we chose to. The following two are from my walking meditating sessions by the river. They have slightly deeper stories to em about relaxation, overcoming obstacles, predictions I made that day about the sky that I wont get into on here cause it’s exhausting lol. The next image with the wooden branch I brought in from a forest walk is of one of the bees I spoke of flying around the Afro-Indigenx/ Ancient Egypt/ West Africa section of the altar. It did this several times enough for me to note that it liked that particular area. Following non repeating image is of the portrait I did a while back for the Heath Gallery in Harlem on Rein-visioning Brown and Black Bodies in Scifi: Story of 4 Tainx sisters calling for their descendants to help them from the demonic wrath of colonialism. This picture I took when I finally got to take my ass out to jog after a whole day of being a dad. I found a neat tree to try and climb at night and found this beautiful bright green grasshopper right by the branch I picked. Grasshoppers always remind me of giant leaps I could be taking forward. The following image I took during another forest walk when I looked up and saw this cool cross shape juxstapositioned among the trees. Last image I took during the Medieval festival they hold at Fort Tryon every year. It’s where I sold my awesome Medieval chicken paintings (which have now taken place at altar where I give em much love) last year dressed as Obi Wan Kenobi. This year I decided to just enjoy it with bae and did so dressed as Jedi Jesus posing as a Dominican Fryer. More pics on that to come. Just wanted to update yall on the spiritual in case anyone could use these words to benefit em. Yall take care. - Ken
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criminalcobris · 5 years
You died. Tragically, some might say, but that isn't the point. You died and you couldn't do shit but wait in a long fucking line. One that you were decently sure wasn't moving. Like, at all. In a small, dank room with peeling wallpaper, you sat slumped in a rickety wooden chair mis-matched from the rest of the standard doctor's office waiting room chairs. Straightening in your chair you held the already yellowing ticket at arms-length. You, the lucky number 420,323,842,009,138 are going to die here, again. "Um, excuse me," You jerked violently to one side and looked up at the tall,  slender, bluenette ghoul that tapped you on the shoulder. She didn't seem very impressed with your current state, but who would be? In the immortal words of Kanye West, drowning's a bitch. "Can I borrow your handbook?" "Oh," You let your body flop forward to reach under your seat and retrieved the small hard-backed book. "Here, I doubt I'll need it for a while" you chanced an awkward laugh and handed the book over. The saucy ghoul gave you a withering glance and proceeded to walk to the receptionist's window. At the same moment a stripped blur came crashing through the adjacent door and knocked her to the ground. "You're a doll, babes, you won't regre--Ooh shit sorry toots didn't see ya there." A man--well a corpse if his presence here was any indication--looked down at the done-in California dime sprawled across the floor in pieces. You couldn't help but notice his gaudy bedazzled red tux and top hat, not to mention the dead black rose hanging limply from the breast pocket. Wild, yet obviously coiffed green to black rooted locks swayed in the non-existent breeze. The guy cackled and hoisted a dismembered leg while stroking down the fishnet pattern with a sleazy grin "here, I'll give you a-" "Save it, Beetlejuice" the leg kicked out of his grasp and onto the floor while the woman dragged her disembodied torso and arm toward her head, which had rolled close to your foot. You scrambled to your feet and picked up the head, face flushed from containing inappropriate laughter. Brown eyes caught yours as the head leaped from your hands and onto the woman's neck. "Unholy hell, you [Y/n]?" You flinched but nodded dumbly. The man grabbed you by the ears, looking over every detail of your face before reeling back and clapping his hands. "[Y/n] a beautiful name and an even better sound! C'mon, the air's better outside. Let's do lunch." He gestured with one hand while taking you by the shoulder and pushing you toward the door, and the back of, again, an extremely long line. "Wait a fucking se-" "Shh, shh, shh don't worry you're in good hands, babes. Arguably the BEST hands in the Nietherworld." He wrapped a hand around yours and used it to open the door and proceeded to slam it behind the two of you. "Sorry, corpse germs, ya know I hate 'em." You tried to speak but as soon as the door shut he flung his arms wide and turned in a slow circle, nearly smacking you in the mouth.  He beckoned you forward as he set a brisk pace, marching forward into the deserted street. "What about my handbook?" You glanced back at the door and the crumbling gray building. You hadn't had the mind to read the whole thing, but you were certain that you were to proceed directly to that building upon death. And you were walking directly away from it. Fuck, this is just like high school. "What about--why--who the fuck are you?" You grabbed onto his suit jacket and spin him around. The ghost(?) gave a feral grin and shed the garment. His arms seemed to extend endlessly like long, stripped firehoses as the top hat turned--Is that a fucking carousel? "Babes, I'm the Ghost with the Most, the King of forget Mufasa, ghost zombie Jesus, demon STRAIGHT, heh, from Hell, I'M-" You cut and ran, or rather you tried to. One of the stripy fire hoses caught your ankle and pulled you up to meet the ghost(.) eye to eye. He coughed politely and looked at you over a pair of comically small reading glasses. He began in a posh English accent, "Not so fast, old chum. If I may, a letter from the office of one Juno, head of the Nietherworld New-Arrival Affairs Office. It reads thus; I hereby grant Mr. Lawrence Beetlejuice [REDACTED] asylum in the confines of the jurisdiction of this county and the world of the living on the condition that he, the afore mentioned Lawrence Beetlejuice, attend to the care and integration of the recently deceased party,  [Y/n] [L/n], into the Nietherworld. Upon satisfactory completion of said task(s), to be assessed and determined by committee, Lawrence Beetlejuice and [Y/N] [L/N] will both be granted the right to walk both planes, that of the Niether and Living worlds, free of supervision beyond the degree of a typical citizen." He whipped off the glasses with a flourish and jabbed the butt of an ornate fountain pen at you, before making a perfect copy of your signature with your own hand….attached to his wrist. As soon as pen left paper the document rolled itself up and disappeared in a puff of black smoke. You looked down and saw that your [dominant] hand was missing, a clean slice like the limb was made of plastic. Were you not already dead and facing much more confusing situations, you'd blame the blood rushing to your head. You  were dropped only a few inches from the ground and sat up, rubbing the hip that had hit the ground first. "So, what, you're my parole officer or something?" You sighed in exasperation. "Sweets, I'm your new best pal! And you, coincidentally, are my ticket out of the Pound." A fabulous array of fireworks ignited behind and raucous studio-audience applause boomed all around him as he took an exaggerated bow and extended toward you a hand, again it was your own. You looked him up and down, pushed yourself to your feet and yanked your hand back, reattaching it with relative ease. It was probably bad that you were already used to that. "Honestly, you’re the shadiest person I’ve met....like ever. I think I'll take my chances waiting in line, sorry." You spun on your heel and inevitably were tugged back by the damn striped tentacles. "Alright, I don't usually do the begging in the relationship, but yoU DON'T UNDERSTAND I NEED THIS." He clung to your thigh, oddly viscous tears wetting your jeans. You grimaced. That would for sure stain. The second of hesitation you provided was all he seemed to need as he rose and threw his arms around you neck and gave just your head a bear hug. You caught a whiff of his underarms and coughed violently. The demon smelled like a fucking long-overdue grease fire broke out in a defunct McDonalds with a hint of freshly mown grass. Against your better judgement, you groaned and tried to duck out of the hold. Two more of your own hands, this time featuring his own chipped, high shimmer black nail polish, appeared at your hips, pulling you toward him as he continued to babble. "Seriously, I have a family! Two kids, and a dog and a dumb white fucking picket fence-ass life and all that shit. You're my last hope! I NEEDA HE-" "If you stop screaming and stealing my hands, I'll hear you out, not promising anything else." You muttered against his hair, which threatened to poke your eye out if he didn't stop. The extra hands and tentacles disappeared as he pulled back to really look at you, tears still in his eyes. "R-really? You'll do it?" You rolled your eyes at the display. What a baby. "I don't even know what it is." You swatted his hands away from your face. "Oh, I'm SO glad you changed your mind!" He appeared behind you a firmly grasped your shoulders. "I'll explain the details over that lunch I promised! Hope ya like pasta." In an instant the world shifted in a blur of color and your stomach did somersaults with it. You landed in grass….well not exactly. It was the vibrant green of astroturf but had the texture of cheap foam that hatch and grow dinos are made of. More foam, brown and more dense, hit your cheek as Beetlejuice flailed around in the hole next to you. Ignoring him, you stood and looked directly up at the large wooden rafters of a well-kept attic. The room had a newly-renovated quasi-modern feel to it that was home-y but still more interior decorating that anyone you had known would do. After all, you hung with a bunch of broke twenty-to thirty-somethings with the same passion for nerd shit as you. If it didn't have convention value, why keep it? "Admiring the view? A-dog and B-town are pretty much boring as dry dog shit, but they make up for the lack-luster décor in sexiness. You'll see what I mean."
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