#Environment Expert
jacquelinelabtron · 11 days
Hello everyone we are on Environment Expert please like and add a review which will be very helpful. Please find the link
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shit-wcue-players-say · 7 months
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moderator, moderator! This person is not using asterisks to communicate their actions! Kill them!
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rangercorpstherapy · 9 months
I think @burnin0akleaves is a very interesting individual and I want to tell them but I get embarrassed cause I feel like a creep tbh
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howdoesone · 4 months
How does one convince an Olm that it’s okay to come out and see the light?
Introduction to the Olm: The Mysterious Cave Dweller The Olm, also known as the “human fish,” is an enigmatic amphibian that resides in the dark, underwater caves of the Dinaric Alps in Europe. With its pale, almost translucent skin and ability to thrive in complete darkness, the Olm is a fascinating creature of the deep. Its eyes are underdeveloped, a testament to its life in perpetual…
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#" is an enigmatic amphibian that resides in the dark#a testament to its life in perpetual darkness. But what if we could persuade this elusive creature to venture out and experience the light?#allowing the Olm time to adjust. Pay close attention to its behavior; if the Olm shows signs of stress or discomfort#almost translucent skin and ability to thrive in complete darkness#also known as the "human fish#and a gentle approach#and water features that mimic its natural habitat. Enrichment items that encourage exploration#but with patience#conservation organizations#encourage it to explore areas with slightly higher light levels. Create a gradient of light intensity in its habitat#even in the most extreme conditions. By embracing the challenge and celebrating each small success#gradually moving the food closer to the light. Over time#How does one convince an Olm that it’s okay to come out and see the light? Introduction to the Olm: The Mysterious Cave Dweller The Olm#it can still adapt to new conditions with the right approach. This lesson can be applied to other species and conservation efforts#it is possible. This journey is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of life#it may be necessary to adjust your approach. This could involve slowing down the rate of light increase#loss of appetite#low-light environment that it can retreat to whenever it feels the need. This ensures that the Olm does not feel trapped or stressed by the#maintain a stable#making it unnecessary to evolve beyond its current form. The lack of predators and constant conditions of the caves have made it an expert i#making sudden exposure potentially uncomfortable or even harmful. To convince an Olm to see the light#ongoing support and care are essential. Maintain a balanced environment that offers both light and darkness#or erratic behavior#providing additional hiding places#Rocks#such as exposure to light#such as increased hiding#such as tunnels and hiding spots#the Olm is a fascinating creature of the deep. Its eyes are underdeveloped#the Olm may begin to spend more time in the light
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chamerionwrites · 2 years
Ultimate tell of most USAmerican movies/shows being produced in California is when the foley artists put loon calls in scenes that are, in ascending order of hilarity, (1) during the dead of winter when all the lakes are frozen over, (2) way too far south, or (3) not remotely close to water of any kind
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anonymusbosch · 8 months
so. first of all I don't know anything. take everything with a massive grain of salt
second - this is talking about housing in a very capital-y framework which is not necessarily reflective of viewpoints I hold
I don't want to engage directly with the original post I'm responding to here, but re: private construction vs gvt-owned construction of housing - when it comes to affordable housing in California in particular (where around half of homeless people in the US live), there's an obvious(?) contributor - zoning laws that prevent housing from being built in sufficient quantity to keep prices low, market-style. some people respond to this with "if we relax zoning and incentivize private construction, the problem will fix itself". Then there's the "por que no los dos" approach to public vs private investment in housing, which seems kind of a no-brainer on its face (have state-sponsored construction alongside private construction) - but I think there's a major piece missing to that, which is that - even accepting the premise of that framing - scarcity, like, exists? And particularly in construction labor, particularly in California, supply is slow to respond to demand. For years there's been an diminishing number of construction workers (and in many cases plumbers, electricians, etc) as the pace of construction has been kept slow and things like computer labs have supplanted wood shop/metal shop in schools - AND as the cost of living has increased, it's been harder to get by on manual labor wages, pushing people already in the field out of it. Part of the reason housing is more expensive to build in CA, even when it's allowed, is that labor and materials are scarce. (This is ofc in addition to addl regulations, environmental review hurdles, etc.)
The other side of public v private construction that I don't think is acknowledged as much (among people already gung-ho about building more housing) is that when there's such a tight market, the first thing to be built with private capital is the thing which sells for the most money. Okay, that people talk about. But if the response is "but let them keep building and it will eventually get to an equilibrium/drive prices down" - I don't think that's very reassuring? The problem is present now. And say housing prices drop from $3000/month for a one bedroom apartment in SF to $2000/month - that's a significant enough drop to open the market to people who previously didn't move there because it's too expensive but not nearly enough to make the prevailing wage for, e.g., a city janitor ($17.29/hr) or a construction worker hauling material at a site ($22.50/hr) super tenable. More people move in, but the low end of the market doesn't budge until all the upper tiers have been satisfied - and meanwhile, the people building and taking care of those buildings still can't afford to live in them. This seems like it will keep the cost of construction fairly high for a fairly extended period of time, right?
one answer is to increase pay for construction workers - with the consequence of increasing the cost of construction and making the cheaper units even more unfavorable to build (for investors). this is already happening to some degree.
So it seems, especially with the time it takes to get additional people into the construction industry, like the #1 priority should be public funding for the type of housing least attractive to investors and most consequential for the people who need it most - low-cost affordable housing. other priorities should absolutely be re-incentivizing the trades, rezoning to allow much denser housing in the sprawl, etc. but in terms of the massive deficit of housing and homelessness crisis, it really seems like priority one should be building cheap now. b/c the longer it takes to get housing, the more expensive it'll get.
(sidebar: gvt-owned housing also may allow the government to avoid some funding/paperwork issues like what's happened with the Cecil Hotel, though given how much of a trainwreck they made of it, I don't know how much hope I can have)
(sidebar 2: don't have the links handy but I'm reminded of two studies - one that showed that median rents in an area increased when rent control was implemented, one that found that rents increased when rent control was removed.)
@triviallytrue I don't know if any of this is of interest - thoughts?
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bloodmoonlich · 4 months
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ruvviks · 4 months
spins nathan around and spins nathan around and spins nathan around and spins nathan around and spins nathan around and sp
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apotelesmaa · 5 months
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I’m finally free… no more ifuudoudou…
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stepseduworldblog · 6 months
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Unlocking Opportunities: How a Trusted Education & Career Coach Facilitates Study in the UK
In the vibrant city of Dubai, where innovation meets tradition, the journey of Trusted Education & Career Coaches and consultants unfolds with promising opportunities and transformative innovations. As Dubai continues to position itself as a global hub for education and business, students in the region are witnessing a dynamic evolution in the way they learn, explore career paths, and prepare for the future. In this blog post, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of education and career opportunities for Dubai students, from emerging trends in learning to the diverse pathways in the professional realm.
Virtual Reality Classrooms: Stepping into Tomorrow
Imagine students donning VR headsets, transported to ancient civilizations or exploring molecular structures up close. Virtual reality classrooms are revolutionizing learning, turning textbooks into immersive experiences. In Dubai, where innovation is a way of life, VR classrooms are poised to reshape traditional learning paradigms.
One of the defining characteristics of modern education in Dubai is the integration of cutting-edge technologies that enhance learning experiences. Virtual reality (VR) classrooms have emerged as a game-changer, offering students immersive and interactive environments that transcend traditional teaching methods. Imagine a history lesson where students can virtually visit ancient civilizations or a science class where they explore complex molecular structures up close. VR classrooms not only make learning engaging but also foster deeper understanding and retention of concepts.
#AI-Driven Learning Platforms: Personalized Pathways to Success#Meet your digital mentor: AI-driven platforms that adapt to your learning style. From personalized lesson plans to instant feedback#AI enhances the educational journey for Dubai students studying in the UK. Imagine an AI coach guiding you through challenges or recommendi#Alongside VR#artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing education through personalized learning platforms tailored for students studying in the UK.#adaptive assessments#and real-time feedback. Dubai students benefit from AI-powered tools that cater to their unique strengths and areas of improvement#paving the way for personalized learning journeys that optimize academic success.#Global Networking Opportunities: Connecting Dubai to the World#Networking is key in a globally connected world. Dubai students access a vast network through virtual conferences#collaborative projects#and cross-cultural exchanges. The world is at their fingertips#broadening horizons from their classrooms.#Dubai's cosmopolitan environment opens doors to a rich tapestry of global networking opportunities for students. Through virtual conference#and cross-cultural exchanges#students in Dubai connect with peers#experts#and mentors from around the world. This global network not only expands their academic horizons but also nurtures valuable relationships an#Blended Learning: Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide#Welcome to blended learning#where traditional meets digital. Dubai embraces hybrid models#combining in-person interactions with online resources. This approach caters to diverse needs#customizing the learning experience.#Moreover#blended learning equips Dubai students with essential digital literacy skills#critical thinking abilities#and adaptability to thrive in the digital age. As technology continues to evolve#the integration of digital learning tools and resources enhances Dubai's education ecosystem#preparing students for success in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.#Skills of Tomorrow: Nurturing Creativity and Critical Thinking
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goldlightsaber · 1 year
Kind of wild that like. Lawrence Yee hates Kendall but likes Roman. Because Roman is no less of a jerk or a Roy than Kendall? So why does he like him. And then Lawrence meets up with Roman with his gay partner present. And then I was like. Ohhhh so Lawrence is aware that Roman is repressed, isn’t he. Have people talked about this?
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alewyren · 1 year
possibly a hot take but I think a lot of people are way too comfortable with STEM illiteracy.
Thing is, the way math and science are often taught in compulsory education sucks. Way too much time spent on busywork largely made redundant by modern technology, not enough time spent understanding concepts--frankly, I’m beginning to wonder if splitting math and physics into two separate subjects is a mistake, because you really can’t understand one without the other. Straight up, modern technology has made the busywork part of math mostly obsolete. Doing basic operations over and over again, memorizing formulas without any insight into their deeper meaning, is boring.
And sure, some people who struggle with STEM have actual learning disabilities that make it difficult if not impossible to process basic math operations. I don’t mean to throw those people under the bus here. But nearly every person I’ve met who’s said they’re “just not a math/science person” was actually, like, fine at it. They were just taught it terribly. I remember my mom complaining about how she was taught trigonometric ratios and had no idea what they could ever be used for, then proceeded to have her mind blown when I explained that they can directly measure gravity on a slope. You really don’t need to be an intellectual to learn math/science, you just need to be properly told what the hell you’re doing and why.
The needlessly stressful grading system also plays a huge part in discouraging people, frankly. Mistakes related to number-crunching details (ie: forgetting a minus sign) have very little to do with how well you understand the concepts, and time constraints make it worse. And some teachers are just straight up assholes who will give you a 0 for not showing your work exactly the way they want even if you clearly show enough to prove you understand the concepts (forever holding a grudge against my calculus I professor for this). None of this means you’re bad at math. Hell, I’m good at math but still don’t get, like, super amazing grades.
And it sucks that so many people get taught badly and then discouraged, because honestly? Math and science are cool as shit. Math is literally the language of the physical world, and once you learn enough to really start broadening your understanding, it will come up in ways you never could have expected (my physics coursework once saved an entire batch of pasta, I am dead serious). And the scientific method itself is applicable to all avenues of life. Seriously, if nothing else, learn how to not only cite sources, but vet their credibility.
And look, okay, I’m not gonna force you to do something you hate. But the problem is that STEM subjects come up all the time in life, and so many people don’t know how to engage with them properly. This is how you get pseudoscience MLMs, or faulty studies that get disseminated to push political agendas. Or on a more mundane level, why billions of people around the world use the internet every day and don’t know the first thing about cybersecurity. People want the security of a strong scientific grounding, but aren’t independently driven or encouraged to engage with the subject properly.
And yeah, I think we do need to restructure STEM education from the ground up, but broadly my point is this: if you’re living in a country that speaks a language you don’t understand, it’s generally advisable to try to learn as much of that language as possible. We all live in the physical world. We all use technology. Why are we so content to rely on other people to be our interpretors?
(obligatory khanacademy plug in case I’ve struck a nerve with anyone reading--great resource to brush up on subjects completely free! I would not have been able to pass calculus without it lmao)
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walrusmagazine · 2 years
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Ask an Ecology Expert: How Is the Climate Crisis Changing Our Seasons?
Early springs and long, hot summers are disrupting migration and mating patterns
Over the past few decades, climate change has been driving what scientists refer to as “season creep” in some parts of the world: winters are getting shorter, spring is coming earlier, and summers are longer and hotter. Besides disrupting human life, these changes to the seasons are having a profound effect on animals. We asked Madhur Anand, a professor of ecology at the University of Guelph’s school of environmental sciences, what rising temperatures mean for our ecosystems.
Read more at thewalrus.ca.
Illustration by Irma Kniivila (irmaillustration.com)
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proto-language · 11 months
a question for people who are in/have been in academia: how do you get past the absolutely awful fear that you are going to do badly at this thing you are incredibly passionate about?
like. i am (meant to be) working on a dissertation. i can't even express how insanely cool and interesting and exciting the topic is to me. if i end up getting a bad mark in it, it's going to (a) kill my career aspirations (i have not wanted to do anything except academia since i was about 13) and (b) kill... i dunno, my will to live? if i can't do well in this thing that i am passionate about over everything else, what good am i?
it's not like i don't have other stuff that i love - i have got plenty of hobbies and interests, i'm involved in more extracurriculars than i maybe should be, and of course i have people whom i adore - but linguistics is the thing that's obsessed me for the entirety of my teenage years (which are finally beginning to draw to a close, lmao). and the thought of being told that i'm not actually that good at it is enough to make me never actually want to do this work.
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fly-sky-high-09 · 2 years
Slugs are both sexes simultaneously therefore I like referring to slugcats as such but in the same time it doesn't matter since they aren't defined as anything in game which is also what I roll with, both is fine and cool (but the intersex slugcats idea is fun to me to apply)
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hannahchronism · 9 months
"anyone can be hypnotized" false!
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