#customizing the learning experience.
stepseduworldblog · 2 months
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Unlocking Opportunities: How a Trusted Education & Career Coach Facilitates Study in the UK
In the vibrant city of Dubai, where innovation meets tradition, the journey of Trusted Education & Career Coaches and consultants unfolds with promising opportunities and transformative innovations. As Dubai continues to position itself as a global hub for education and business, students in the region are witnessing a dynamic evolution in the way they learn, explore career paths, and prepare for the future. In this blog post, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of education and career opportunities for Dubai students, from emerging trends in learning to the diverse pathways in the professional realm.
Virtual Reality Classrooms: Stepping into Tomorrow
Imagine students donning VR headsets, transported to ancient civilizations or exploring molecular structures up close. Virtual reality classrooms are revolutionizing learning, turning textbooks into immersive experiences. In Dubai, where innovation is a way of life, VR classrooms are poised to reshape traditional learning paradigms.
One of the defining characteristics of modern education in Dubai is the integration of cutting-edge technologies that enhance learning experiences. Virtual reality (VR) classrooms have emerged as a game-changer, offering students immersive and interactive environments that transcend traditional teaching methods. Imagine a history lesson where students can virtually visit ancient civilizations or a science class where they explore complex molecular structures up close. VR classrooms not only make learning engaging but also foster deeper understanding and retention of concepts.
#AI-Driven Learning Platforms: Personalized Pathways to Success#Meet your digital mentor: AI-driven platforms that adapt to your learning style. From personalized lesson plans to instant feedback#AI enhances the educational journey for Dubai students studying in the UK. Imagine an AI coach guiding you through challenges or recommendi#Alongside VR#artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing education through personalized learning platforms tailored for students studying in the UK.#adaptive assessments#and real-time feedback. Dubai students benefit from AI-powered tools that cater to their unique strengths and areas of improvement#paving the way for personalized learning journeys that optimize academic success.#Global Networking Opportunities: Connecting Dubai to the World#Networking is key in a globally connected world. Dubai students access a vast network through virtual conferences#collaborative projects#and cross-cultural exchanges. The world is at their fingertips#broadening horizons from their classrooms.#Dubai's cosmopolitan environment opens doors to a rich tapestry of global networking opportunities for students. Through virtual conference#and cross-cultural exchanges#students in Dubai connect with peers#experts#and mentors from around the world. This global network not only expands their academic horizons but also nurtures valuable relationships an#Blended Learning: Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide#Welcome to blended learning#where traditional meets digital. Dubai embraces hybrid models#combining in-person interactions with online resources. This approach caters to diverse needs#customizing the learning experience.#Moreover#blended learning equips Dubai students with essential digital literacy skills#critical thinking abilities#and adaptability to thrive in the digital age. As technology continues to evolve#the integration of digital learning tools and resources enhances Dubai's education ecosystem#preparing students for success in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.#Skills of Tomorrow: Nurturing Creativity and Critical Thinking
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kedreeva · 3 months
Do you know things about peacock pheasants that you could share? (Any variety, I think they’re super cool and would love to keep some someday maybe)
I do not know very much about peacock pheasants, since I've never kept nor wanted to keep them, but I know that they are a very uncommon, expensive, difficult-to-keep pheasant regardless of which species. I have a friend that keeps a pair, or was keeping a pair of palawans (I think she lost the hen this winter), and even though she keeps peafowl and a few other types of fowl, and has kept himalayan monals before even, these were worse. My understanding is that they need a lot of space, and are delicate, wild birds.
Unless you have a lot of experience keeping pheasants in general, I'd pick a different, hardier breed that is a bit cheaper, like some mutant ringnecks or even varieties of golden pheasant. They're both sought after for pelts and/or meat, and pretty widely available. Even silver or amhearst are easier finds, easier to keep alive, and cheaper to acquire than peacock pheasants (and I mean like, there's a COUPLE of peacock pheasant breeders in the entire US and babies are HUNDREDS of dollars and you'll be on a waitlist, vs if you have $5-20 and are willing to lose sleep for a night you can go get a ringneck or a golden pheasant morph from a bird swap or livestock auction basically every weekend in the summer here) and less of a loss to the community of keepers as a whole if you make mistakes and lose a bird. Obviously no one wants to lose any bird, but the impact to the breeding pool for peacock pheasants is so much greater a loss than it would be for the others, it's just not worth the risk to try to start there, both for you and for the birds.
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vyxated · 1 year
didn't want to deal with EA's base rig so instead I overcomplicated things and made one myself. haha.
things it has & can do for anyone curious:
alternate between IK & FK at anytime, they both can be controlled without having to deal with snapping FK to IK and all that stuff
custom bone shapes! easier to pose your sims when you can see what you're controlling 😗
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locked position for the eye (in vid), foot & hand
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copied rotation on spine0-2 and head/neck that makes sense for a human being
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moving IK foot won't cause wacky things to the leg
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zevrans · 5 months
#it's my last shift in 2 days and then i'm leaving this job i'm actually so happy i no longer has to work there! 🎉#i need to find a new one asap of course but i never had energy to do so on my off days so i'll focus on that now#i've endured the hardest shifts with freezing -25-30 °C where the heater conditioner did absolutely nothing#shifts with the roof leaking trying to not let the orders of customers get wet constantly wiping shelves throughout 2 days on top#of everything i has to do#these past 2 days sewage system froze and i had no water to wash my hands or use the restroom properly..🤦‍♀️#i know the wet hand wipes are bad for ecology but man they continously saved me and also i had to wash my hands using water from kettle and#i had to do it outside freezing of course because the sink and restroom are in another building and i didnt have time to constantly walk#there.. and this on top of 2 last weeks of december being especially batshit crazy stressful and having heated karen encounters each shift.#and it was so hard on me because i am a nonconfrontational person and i don't like arguing with people#but i learned so much in these months of working there and for that experience i am still grateful :")#it's bittersweet that i won't see the friendly regulars that were always kind to me anymore tho 😔 and my coworker came yesterday#and we spoke for like an hour or so and he said he is is sad that i'm leaving because i'm such a nice person and a great coworker 🥺#ngl this made me sad too but life goes on.. he said he'll be leaving in a month too#said he didn't think that i'll leave first 😂#i woke up almost an hour ago from 3 bg3 related dreams in a row btw 😂🤦‍♀️ i need to play 🙈 ok i need to get up first..😭#tbd
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orcelito · 3 months
As per the last post's tags: stuff I got / am getting from my family
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My grandma gave me this heirloom the other day. 14k gold. I don't really intend to wear it, but it's so pretty & I wanna have it hung up in my room maybe. It'd be a shame for it to live in a bag all its life.
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Found this candle yesterday at my dad's place & I can't take it Yet (bc we're not allowed to take anything of potential worth from the estate until probate is settled) but my sister said I could have it. So. 🥺
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luvsavos · 4 months
I just found your blog today and I’m curious: what’s your favorite monster hunter game, and your favorite monster (excluding elder dragons)?
I just recently got into the series so I’ve only played Rise and 4U (haven’t even finished either one yet) and it’s all I can think about lately XD
as of yet i have only played world and rise, and world is by far my favourite and likely always will be (though i have hopes that wilds could potentially surpass that), but i plan to try and play like. literally all the games eventually i am very normal about this series
as for favourite non-elder? my top several monsters are elders BUT one big top fave that isn't an elder is my wonderful murder puppy ebony odogaron! incredibly fun fight with both of my main weapons, incredibly cool design, and one of my first mh ocs was oneーi will always absolutely adore ebony odo
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Local libraries getting rid of physical medias such as newspapers, magazines, cds, dvds, and audiobooks is turning experiencing art into a privilege instead of a right but I don't think you guys are ready for that conversation
#the 95 year old lady who takes the city bus from the old folks home three times a week doesn't have spotify or a smartphone or a computer#how is she going to listen to her johnny cash cds#do you know how many kids I attended school with didn't have internet or wifi???#that wasn't even that long ago#they do not have streaming services stop getting rid of dvds and stop not buying new ones#also there are so many people who have a smart phone and the only thing they know how to do is call or text#if they want to keep using audiobooks let them! It's not killing you that they're not using libby#yes libby and hoopla and kanopy are great but the latter two have limited checkouts and the former usually has long waits#its not fair to expect older people and children learn how to use them if they don't want to or can't!#also magazines are basically unreadable online#so many girls will not be able to experience borrowing american girl magazines from the library because the library doesn't have magazines!#also don't even get me started on no newspapers#sorry I don't have the money for a monthly subscription to a newpaper guess I just won't know the news now#this is why everyone is getting fake news from twitter!#"but everyone has spotify and streaming services and audible and wifi and internet and smartphones and ipads and laptops#newsflash! they don't!#getting rid of physical media from libraries is actually very classist and ageist but people don't want to hear that#I love local libraries and think they are an amazing resource in so many ways#and that's why it hurts so much that they would leave such a large portion of their customers high and dry to maybe save a few bucks#rant#tags so long they probably could've been their own post lol
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dreams-in-daylight · 24 days
Keeping a sharp eye out during walks for rogue seedlings sprouting on sidewalks or by the road
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blueish-bird · 9 months
got so caught up in the joy of music that I forgot being left-handed is particularly alienating and expensive when you’re trying to learn electric guitar/bass.
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bahadurislam011444 · 2 months
Unveiling the Best SEO Worker in Bangladesh: Driving Digital Success
#https://dev-seo-worker-in-bangladesh.pantheonsite.io/home/: With years of experience and a deep understanding of search engine algorithms#[Insert Name] possesses unparalleled expertise in SEO strategies and techniques. They stay abreast of the latest trends and updates in the#ensuring that clients benefit from cutting-edge optimization practices.#Customized Solutions: Recognizing that each business is unique#[Insert Name] tailors their SEO strategies to suit the specific needs and goals of every client. Whether it's improving website rankings#enhancing user experience#or boosting conversion rates#they craft personalized solutions that yield tangible results.#Data-Driven Approach: [Insert Name] firmly believes in the power of data to drive informed decision-making. They meticulously analyze websi#keyword performance#and competitor insights to devise data-driven SEO strategies that deliver maximum impact.#Transparent Communication: Clear and transparent communication lies at the heart of [Insert Name]'s approach to client collaboration. From#they maintain open lines of communication#ensuring that clients are always kept informed and empowered.#Proven Results: The success stories speak for themselves. Time and again#[Insert Name] has helped businesses across diverse industries achieve unprecedented growth in online visibility#organic traffic#and revenue generation. Their impressive portfolio of satisfied clients serves as a testament to their prowess as the best SEO worker in Ba#Continuous Improvement: In the dynamic landscape of SEO#adaptation is key to staying ahead. [Insert Name] is committed to continuous learning and refinement#constantly refining their skills and strategies to stay at the forefront of industry best practices.#In conclusion#[Insert Name] stands as a shining beacon of excellence in the realm of SEO in Bangladesh. Their unw
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
The Indispensable Lessons I Learned from Working in Retail
Shaina Tranquilino
February 4, 2024
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Transitioning from full-time retail work to a career as an educational assistant at a school was undoubtedly a significant change for me. However, even with my reduced hours in retail, I quickly realized that the valuable lessons learned during my years of working in customer service continue to shape and enhance my professional growth. In this blog post, I will delve into how my background in retail has proven to be an invaluable asset in my current role and beyond.
1. Effective Communication Skills:
One of the key takeaways from my retail experience is the ability to communicate effectively. Whether it's interacting with customers or collaborating with colleagues, strong communication skills are crucial. My time in retail taught me how to listen actively, empathize with others' concerns, and express myself clearly and concisely – all traits that have been invaluable when assisting students with their unique needs and facilitating effective teamwork among educators.
2. Adaptability and Resilience:
Working in retail often meant dealing with unpredictable situations and challenging customers. This environment forced me to learn how to adapt swiftly while maintaining composure under pressure. These skills have proved essential when faced with unexpected situations within the school setting, such as handling emergencies or adapting lesson plans on short notice. The resilience developed through countless encounters with demanding customers has helped me remain calm and focused during high-stress moments.
3. Customer Service Excellence:
Customer service lies at the heart of any successful business, including schools, where parents and students are our valued "customers." My previous retail experience ingrained in me the importance of providing exceptional service by going above and beyond expectations. This mindset now translates into ensuring that every interaction I have within the school community is characterized by attentiveness, understanding, and dedication.
4. Problem-solving Abilities:
Retail work constantly presents challenges that require creative problem-solving skills. From resolving conflicts between customers to finding alternative solutions when faced with product shortages, I honed my ability to think on my feet and find practical resolutions. These problem-solving skills are transferable to my role as an educational assistant and other areas of my life, where I encounter various obstacles daily, such as addressing behavioral issues or adapting teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learners.
5. Time Management:
One of the most valuable lessons from working in retail is understanding how vital efficient time management is. Balancing multiple responsibilities simultaneously while adhering to strict deadlines is a skill developed through years of organizing inventory, handling customer requests promptly, and managing shifts effectively. This proficiency has proven invaluable in juggling the demands of both my school job and part-time retail position without compromising quality or effectiveness in either.
While transitioning from full-time retail work to a career in education was a significant shift for me, it's clear that the experiences gained during my time in retail continue to shape and enhance my professional growth today. From effective communication skills to adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving abilities, the lessons learned have seamlessly integrated into my educational assistant role, providing me with a unique perspective and a well-rounded skill set. Embracing these learnings has not only enriched my interactions with students but also empowered me to excel in various aspects of life beyond the workplace.
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I feel so goofy saying "I am a customer service professional with 9 years of experience" but it's literally true can you all please just listen to me I know what I'm talking about
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mtariqniaz · 10 months
The Transformative Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
Title: The Transformative Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most revolutionary technologies of the 21st century. It involves creating intelligent machines that can mimic human cognitive functions such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. As AI continues to advance, its impact is felt across various industries and…
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glorified-red · 11 months
Your majesty frothing at the mouth? Well I’ll be damned.
but the thing is … passion twists don’t last 💔 but I know box braids will last 1-2 months. Then again, then mfs hurt!
you could be talking about Havana twists, or maybe Senegalese twists
-knight anon
I could go on an entire rant about how much I love natural hair and their styles.
I actually looked into the braiding styles and wanted to learn how to do them because you never know. I want to foster so I want to do everything I can to make sure any person in my life feels seen and safe. Hair is just an extension of safety so 🤷‍♀️
And yes!! I actually think my favorite style is this one
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Tbh they could be passion twists (they look like them). They're just so bouncy!! I wanna stare at them forever. I think women with this style hair just look like goddesses I'm sorry, they're so regal and everyone looks hot with them in.
Ugh 😩
Ngl, I know pricing and time is a huge thing when choosing hairstyles but idk which ones are more expensive or more time consuming. I just know that braids hurt and owie.
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cryolyst · 1 year
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baekuras · 1 year
Feeling like you hate your artstyle and want to go work on it in the middle of drawing at 2am isn’t something I expected from my brain but really should have
It’s also very much a case of “I only dislike it in this specific instance” because I do also wanna do more sharp stylized art but I also wanna do a bit more realistic art but I also wanna be able to do the nice squish of more cartoony art
so whatever the end-result of that combo is....yes
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