#Epigraph of the Closed Curve
rougeprunea · 1 year
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Steins;Gate: The Epigraph Trilogy
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 month
IT'S NEVER OVER | s.crosby
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Sidney Crosby and Nat Brooks loved each other once. They'd loved each other through the most crucial parts of adulthood: Sid becoming a hockey superstar and Nat leaving for college in New York.
And then it fell apart.
But perhaps the most painful part of it all was that they still understood each other. Years had passed, and with that came breakups, marriages, failed relationships, changed careers...they'd lived completely separate lives for fourteen years, strangers in every sense of the word. They were different people, but the very core of their soles were still tangled.
Sometimes you just needed a little bit of courage. And what did it matter if they'd lost each other during the race if they crossed the finish line hand in hand?
note: f!oc x sidney crosby; exes to lovers/second chance romance; single mum trope
sneak peek | prologue | pinterest board
if anyone asked sid, he wouldn't say that he liked pittsburgh more after meeting nat. no, that would be absurd.
chapter one - of all people
nat was about to repaint her house when she got the call from the school: evan had another scare. sid had been coaching a small group of kids from a local school when one of them was pulled out by the school nurse. the next time he'd see him, evan would be sitting on the reception desk with nat...the nat brooks, of all people.
chapter two - rex records
coming soon!
chapter three - girl talk
coming soon!
chater four - carnegie museum of natural history (i don't know what you like because you kept saying you weren't bothered)
coming soon!
chapter five - untitled
coming soon!
" i will love you if i never see you again, and i will love you if i see you everyday
i will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively
i will love you until your face is fogged by distant memory. i will love you no matter where you go and who you see, i will love you if you don't marry me. i will love you if you marry someone else and i will love you if you never marry at all, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and i must say that on late, cold nights i prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios i have mentioned. that is how i will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way."
an excerpt from lemony snicket: the beatrice letters
<all photos taken from pinterest>
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skycladobserver · 6 years
holy crap how many s;g mangas are there exactly?? Like what's the epigraph manga, babel of the grieved maze and steins;gate! ? and by any chance do you know if there's any translations (even partial) or even jp scans somewhere? I had no idea I was missing out on so much content lmao
Yeah, there’s a lot of S;G manga. Unfortunately, most of them have only been translated only partially or not at all. As for the ones you asked about...
The Epigraph manga is a manga adaption of the S;G novel ‘Epigraph of the Closed Curve.’ The same novel would later become the basis of the story of Steins;Gate 0.
Babel of the Grieved Maze is based on the drama CD of the same name, but contains various additions. I think you can find a subtitled version of the drama CD on youtube.
Steins;Gate! is a lighthearted manga which seems to be based in alpha. I really like it because the stories are cute and funny, and it has one of my favorite art styles among S;G manga.
As for where to download them, I don’t remember exactly where I downloaded mine, but I’m sure you can find them if you just search for manga or raw manga download sites. And if anyone wants the untranslated first volume of Steins;Gate!, send me a PM and I can upload it for you.
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dotheygeteaten · 6 years
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Steins;Gate 0 - Episode 2:  Epigraph of the Closed Curve: Closed Epigraph
Do They Get Eaten? - No.
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rovertino · 5 years
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hey! I just watched Steins;Gate 0 1x02 "Epigraph of the Closed Curve -Closed Epigraph-" https://t.co/6KbK3aqvfu
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Fixed Stars Govern a Life- Credence Barebone x Reader
A/N: Just a trigger warning for depressive tendencies and an attempted suicide, it’s nothing too graphic, but if it does make you uncomfortable, feel free to keep scrolling past. The fic will also be under the cut for convenience. Also, the Q x Reader fic and the Chekov x Reader fics should be on the way sometime in the next week. I just need a little bit more time to polish off.
Title: Fixed Stars Govern a Life (Sylvia Plath, Ariel- Words) Words:1100+ Masterlist: (x) Prompt List: (x) Mixtape Archive: (x)
Fixed Stars Govern a Life
“Nam Sybillam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum pueri illi dicerent: Στβμλλ τί Θέλεις; respondebat illa: άπσΘνειν Θελω.”
(translated) “With my own eyes I saw the Sybil of Cumae hanging in a bottle; and when the boys said to her: Sybil, what do you want?” she replied: “I want to die.”
-T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland (Epigraph, Part 1, The Burial of the Dead)
“Ma’am,” Credence’s heart was palpitating, beating a thunderous pace against his tight chest. He well and truly should not have been on that rooftop, Ma would hate him for it. But he had crept u the fire escape anyway, keeping close to the wall and hidden by shadows.
But was it a greater sin to lie and return home late, or to watch helplessly as his attention was caught by a falling pearl-drop earing, belonging to a wisp of chiffon sitting tentatively upon the edge of the fifth-storey, stark white against the grimy greys of the city.
“You dropped an earring,” Was all he had managed in the end, words strangling to get out of his throat. The elegant droplet in question had brushed past his face, falling to the sidewalk in a dull clatter of shattered glass. It was ephemeral, he guessed, all that remained was the delicate golden clasp.
And the girl still refused to turn around, and now the panic began to rise in Credence’s throat, his Adam’s apple bobbing tightly against his usual tie and shirt.
“They’re not real, it doesn’t matter,” Her voice, quavering in tears and in fright, drifted on the fast-paced breeze, whipping curls and the scent of heavy perfume. “They’re only glass, Sir.”
“But you’re not,” He noted quietly, his eyes tracing the gentle curves of billowing chiffon that from close, he could now see was streaked through with bold pieces of silver and gold. She was an angel for all the world to see.
“I may as well be,” Her voice trembled and he swore his heart stopped for a second as she turned around to face him, for she shifted ever closer to the sharp drop. Credence shuffled a little further closer to the girl, his head still somewhat bowed and his shoulders hunched. But it seemed she wasn’t moving and he could feel the intensity of her gaze upon him. She looked like an imperious screen siren, the likes of Louise Brooks and soulful eyes rimmed with kohl.
“I didn’t know I was being visited by Rudolph Valentino,” She smirked, though the teasing didn’t reach her eyes. Credence thought that if it had, she must have looked mischievously pretty.
“Don’t worry, it’s your bone structure,” She shook her curls before turning back to examine the sprawling skyline before her. “There’s no point in the Follies anymore, and I’m not screwin’ some big boss to get the job.”
“You’re a dancer?” Credence had other pressing questions as he stood beside her now, but he decided it may have been best to try and drag on the conversation. Just plead with her and coax her.
“Yeah. Ballet, jazz, waltzes, Charleston- the whole shebang.” She laughed a little, her breath releasing a delicate puff of fog against the cold night. Surely she was cold? The chiffon covered hardly any of her figure and her tights were already torn in several places. “I threw away my life for a dream, and it’s…”
“Beautiful?” Credence tried.
“Empty. Everything’s empty and cold and painful. And I feel numb.” She said, directly making contact with his own eyes now. And he couldn’t help but wonder at how so much brightness and clarity could produce so much sadness. She was beautiful, that was for sure, kindness written all over her features and striking him to the core.
Because as her eyes continued to linger on him, he realised that she never viewed him as a freak-
“It takes one to know one,” She said quietly, as if reading his thoughts. “No, I don’t read minds.” She smiled wryly, answering his unspoken question.
“How did you know?” Credence felt that sliver of confidence slide away from his grasp.
“It’s easy to notice once you’ve lived through the signs.” She admitted quietly, her eyes turning back to the glittering skyline and the bustling people below in search of their next ‘hedonistic ritual’ as his mother would murmur. “Who hurt you?”
“My ma,” Credence decided to respond honestly, the truth almost getting caught on the tip of his tongue.
“Oh… I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-“ She tried back-pedalling, her moon-lit eyes wide in apology.
“She’s only my adopted ma, I don’t even remember mine,” Credence responded easily, though the pain still hurt him deeply. Just as much as the things Ma would tell him about his real mother. That she was a slut, a wicked woman destined to burn in hell along with her numerous sins.
But the greater implication, he thought, was that she was most likely a witch. For Ma never spoke harshly about any of his sisters’ mothers; though he remembered toddling about a grimy alley-way filled with tired women counting out cash from a hard night’s work (and a curly-haired little girl so innocent and out of place beside her dying mother) and being dragged to a filthy tenement to take a starving infant home.
“But why haven’t you ended it all? If you don’t mind me asking,” He shook his head, wanting her to go on, just to live for all things. Even if it was for the shallow things Ma hated. “After all you’ve seen? I just want the pain to end, I just want it all to just… stop? Is it too much to ask for silence? Not another counted beat or another paper I have to turn in or another table I have to wait or another pathetic man I have to push away or-“
It broke his heart, really, to hear her beautiful voice to desperate and hurried, the tears building at the edges of her eyes and threatening to fall down and disturb the immaculately powdered face below.
Blinding, hot panic began to rise in Credence now, unsure if he was doing the right thing as his own trembling fingers crept towards hers, frozen against the concrete.
Yes, their hands were both ice-cold. And no, there was no magic about it all.
But Credence liked to think that perhaps, for once, he was doing the right thing. The thing his Ma didn’t want him to do.
And he must have been right, for the smile that graced her scarlet lips, nearly split her face in two, brightening everything in the universe.
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Steins;Gate 0 - Episode 2 - Epigraph of the Closed Curve -Closed Epigraph-
Steins;Gate 0 – Episode 2 – Epigraph of the Closed Curve -Closed Epigraph-
After a chance encounter with Maho where they discover knowing someone in common, Okabe has his first face-to-face with her special AI, Amadeus.
Source: Crunchyrol
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rougeprunea · 1 year
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Steins;Gate: Epigraph of the Closed Curve
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29989 · 7 years
“The idea that something so simple and, really, so aesthetically uninteresting—which for me meant you pass over it for the interesting, complex stuff—can actually be nourishing in a way that arch, meta, ironic, pomo stuff can’t, that seems to me to be important.”
“the last thin patina of rebelliousness has fallen off.”
“I get the feeling that a lot of us, privileged Americans, as we enter our early 30s, have to find a way to put away childish things and confront stuff about spirituality and values. Probably the A.A. model isn’t the only way to do it, but it seems to me to be one of the more vigorous.”
He explained that endnotes “allow . . . me to make the primary-text an easier read while at once 1) allowing a discursive, authorial intrusive style w/o Finneganizing the story, 2) mimic the information-flood and data-triage I expect’d be an even bigger part of US life 15 years hence. 3) have a lot more technical/medical verisimilitude 4) allow/make the reader go literally physically ‘back and forth’ in a way that perhaps cutely mimics some of the story’s thematic concerns . . . 5) feel emotionally like I’m satisfying your request for compression of text without sacrificing enormous amounts of stuff.” He also said, “I pray this is nothing like hypertext, but it seems to be interesting and the best way to get the exfoliating curve-line plot I wanted.”
“No single instant of it was unendurable. . . . He hadn’t quite gotten this before now, how it wasn’t just the matter of riding out the cravings for a Substance: everything unendurable was in the head, was the head not Abiding in the Present but hopping the wall and doing a recon and then returning with unendurable news.”
“I believe I want adult sanity, which seems to me the only unalloyed form of heroism available today.”
“Bliss—a-second-by-second joy and gratitude at the gift of being alive, conscious—lies on the other side of crushing, crushing boredom. Pay close attention to the most tedious thing you can find (Tax Returns, Televised Golf) and, in waves, a boredom like you’ve never known will wash over you and just about kill you. Ride these out, and it’s like stepping from black and white into color. Like water after days in the desert. Instant bliss in every atom.” On another draft sheet, Wallace typed a possible epigraph for the book from “Borges and I,” a prose poem by Frank Bidart: “We fill pre-existing forms and when we fill them we change them and are changed.”
“He said, ‘It’s going to take me, like, two weeks to learn everyone’s name, but by the time I learn your name I’m going to remember your name for the rest of my life. You’re going to forget who I am before I forget who you are.’ “
“They’re rare, but they’re among us. People able to achieve and sustain a certain steady state of concentration, attention, despite what they’re doing.” It did not escape him that his failing to write the book was rising to a meta level—that he could not write it because he could not himself ignore the noise of modern life.
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skycladobserver · 7 years
(This is an Okabe monologue from the Epigraph Extract Scenes drama CD. But it fits S;G 0 just as well as it did Epigraph.)
Even if the fate of the world really lay in my hands, even if I could bring peace to the world with my actions, what would be the point? She won't come back. Her retorts, her angry tone, the way she smiled even as she sighed, and... the warmth of her lips will never come back.
Steins Gate never existed from the start! I don't need a future that just wears down my emotions. I've had enough. I threw away the future, along with her life. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Kurisu... Don't look at me like that. I can't do anything for you. I don't expect you to forgive me. But feeling this way is the only thing I can do... So, I'm sorry, Kurisu.
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mister-pleiades · 11 years
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Matthew 18:7 "Temptations of Sin" Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
Matthew 18:9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
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skycladobserver · 7 years
(This is a Kurisu monologue from the Epigraph Extract Scenes drama CD. But it fits S;G 0 just as well as it did Epigraph.)
Where am I? I can't see anything. I can't hear anything. It's just a cold, dark world. There's no past, or future. There's no time, just a world of nothingness that goes on forever. I feel like something very important happened. But I can't remember. Even though, I feel like there was someone very important to me.
Hey, who are you? Will you save me from this darkness? Why are you crying? Why do you look so pained? ...I see. No matter how much I call out, no matter how much I yell, my voice won't reach you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry... your sorrow is probably... my fault, isn't it? I'm sorry for still tying you down. I'm sorry for still causing you pain. Feeling this way is the only thing I can do now... So, I'm sorry, my beloved.
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