#Eric Lutes
catboyrichardkarinsky · 6 months
i made these
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+ bonus non citc one
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thetisming · 4 months
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dashboardonfire · 1 year
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Sam Alexander aka Lucas Till sighting in a BtS video screenshot of “The Collective”. 
Source: Tom DeNucci (YT)
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awesometothe3rd · 7 months
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spryfilm · 1 year
DVD review: “Caroline in the City” (1995-1999)
DVD review: “Caroline in the City” (1995-1999)
“Caroline in the City” (1995-1999)  Television Ninety Seven Episodes Developed by: Fred Barron, Dottie Dartland and Marco Pennette Featuring: Lea Thompson, Eric Lutes, Malcolm Gets, Amy Pietz and Andy Lauer Richard: “So, Donna, do you miss Rome?” Donna: “Oh, no. All that traffic and noise and pollution, and rude people.” Richard: “Oh, I can see why you moved to New York.” Released…
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
Good day !! Not sure if you write for Adam but could I request like general friendship hcs for him? Thank you !! :D
Platonic Adam x Reader headcanons
A/n: Adam !! I had a feeling I’d get a request for him sooner or later lolz
Warnings: Adam just kinda… being himself? Some degrading terms used.
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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🪽♔ I’m kinda going off of his friendship with Lute and just how he interacts with people in general… but Adam’s a douchebag and lowkey toxic 💀💀 please be aware of that before getting yourself involved in a friendship with him (he’s really just your average white dude guys I’m sorry)
🪽♔ BUT…. if you know this and CAN handle him, he’d be pretty entertaining to be friends with.
🪽♔ Bros a professional hater, would talk shit with you about the people in heaven you and him don’t like.
🪽♔ Side eyes you when those people do or say something (could literally be ANYTHING) and you both have to try really hard not to laugh your asses off
🪽♔ Makes very out of pocket jokes or comments in public that make you shush him, which results in him calling you a bitch and telling you not to shush him.
🪽♔ Basically Eric Cartman if he somehow landed himself into heaven if you squint…
🪽♔ Rip Adam, you would’ve loved South Park 😞
🪽♔ Does he call you by nicknames? Of course…! Affectionate ones? Well! Not really!
🪽♔ Calls you stuff like “Bitch”, “Slut”, “Whore”, “Cunt” but he probably doesn’t mean any of them. He can get pretty fucking creative with it too sometimes so it leaves you guessing.
🪽♔ Dealing with him takes patience and earning his respect, friendship and trust takes way more. You gotta work for that shit and be able to keep up with him.
🪽♔ Movie nights are a must, he’d love those. Pop some popcorn (add extra butter, that’s how he likes it), Dim the lights, Sit on the couch with him and put on a movie and he’s content.
🪽♔ He is a movie talker though so good luck getting him to shut up, he’d just throw popcorn at you if you tried.
🪽♔ On the subject of talking, Adam is literally the original yapper. He’ll yap on and on about anything and everything when you two hang out but he does actually make an effort to listen to you too
🪽♔ Isn’t big on physical touch.. you two only hugged like once and he just kinda awkwardly patted your back. Bro is NOT a hugger 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
🪽♔ But… he does really care for you. You’ve stuck around long enough to show him you’re not leaving and he values your friendship a lot
🪽♔ Would he ever tell you that? HAH NO.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/headcanons/writing without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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poitcast · 8 months
Moments from "Once Upon a Studio" that I adored
Mickey kindly offered Oswald to take first place in the group photo, telling him "After you!". Oswald happily thanked him by tipping his head to him.
That entire ending was perfect. I love how the "When You Wish Upon a Star" number began with Alan-a-Dale strumming his lute on top of the building, and then Scat Cat, Mirabel, and Junior join in before the singing begins. The build-up to Jiminy Cricket was great.
Belle and Beast singing together! In the original film, they had separate verses in "Something There" so it was nice that they shared a small duet. Paige O'Hara and Robby Benson did a great job!
Quasimodo singing! I'm glad to hear Tom Hulce in the role of Quasi again. James Baxter did a terrific job animating him once again.
Scuttle interrupts Ariel's verse only for Baloo to shut him up and share a sweet bonding moment with Mowgli.
There's something incredibly poetic about Snow White holding hands with Mulan and Asha as they sing together. Disney Studios owes a lot of its success to its princess characters, and it was cool to see three generations of female protagonists (the original, the Renaissance era in the 1990s, and the most recent era).
Winnie the Pooh's presence in general. I love how Christopher Robin and the others have to help him out of the picture frame, recreating the rabbit hole scene. Also, Pooh singing "Fate steps in, and sees you through" at the end and Tigger pouncing on him really got to me.
Cinderella and Prince Charming going down the stairs and Charming loses his shoe. The role reversal was cute enough, but after snatches the shoe, they go into silly mode with Prince Charming shouting "Eric, get your dog!" and Cinderella enabling the situation by saying "Go, Max, go!" It's incredibly endearing to see Prince Charming have a sense of humor and Cinderella happily going along with the shenanigans.
Antonio with the other animal characters and telling Joanna not to eat Jacques and Gus. Pluto coming in to save the mice was nice too.
Incorporating the archival audio from Robin Williams's recording as Genie.
The fifteen puppies watching the "Night on Bald Mountain" segment from Fantasia and Chernabog pops out of the screen. I also noted the various "Art of" books of their feature films on the cabinet surrounding the television.
Hearing Nathan Lane as Timon again and calling Olaf "Frosty".
Robin Hood and Little John snatching Scrooge McDuck's money bags and reveling in their victory. Oo-de-lolly!
The Wreck-It Ralph cameos! Vanellope on her race car, Ralph calling Mickey "Garfield" and Fix-It Felix fixing Goofy's camera. All in character and perfect.
Mickey's gang having their time in the spotlight. Donald trying to go down a crowded elevator, Goofy working as the photographer (may or may not be a subtle nod to his occupation in A Goofy Movie), and even Clarabelle has a moment.
It was nice seeing some representation for their shorts (Ben and Me, Johnny Appleseed) and their overlooked films (The Black Cauldron, Home on the Range, Chicken Little, and Dinosaur). Even if they didn't have any dialogue, their presence alone certainly counts.
Highlighting the artists that contributed to the studio. Burny Mattinson's cameo at the beginning was nice, and though Walt Disney himself was very much a complicated person (staunchly anti-union being one of them), the moment of Mickey staring at his portrait was genuine enough (Mickey says a simple "thanks" before he joins the rest of the characters). The framed photographs of various artists throughout the halls was also nice (I'm sure the actual building has those framed pictures of their former employees). I would have been a lot more critical of the short if many of the presence of the other artists weren't felt in the studio.
Overall, it was a great short! It was a beautiful love letter to the animation studio and its characters. I'm glad that they didn't incorporate any Pixar stuff and even flaunt their acquired assets (Star Wars, Marvel, etc.). It was just about celebrating their original animated works and the large catalog of characters. The animation was also fantastic and it was cool seeing the 2-D characters interact with the CG characters in a way that felt natural. I greatly appreciate the effort and love that was put into the short.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 12 days
i said i'd be writing more for this au and i literally cannot stay away any longer - they have consumed me
tagging some folks - @xxluckystrike @latibvles @p-polaroid @thoughpoppiesblow
word count - 2.5k
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"the honourable thing" -> demarco x susie (wars of the roses au)
The Great Hall of the Lamb family manor was alive with laughter and music, the sound of minstrels' lutes and fiddles filling the air and echoing off the immense, arched ceiling. A tapestry ran along the far wall, ladies in tapestries and men astride horses, hounds circling at their feet and trees forming a canopy above, the colours in the thread fading from decades up on display. This place had belonged to another family before the war. He'd visited once as a boy, he was sure of it - but as Bernard looked out across the merry wedding party, he found the memory eluded him.
It was a strange thing, to be a married man. He had imagined he would feel different - that something would shift within him, opening outwards to create space for the soul that stood beside him. And yet he seemed unchanged. The day continued to roll on by, the world did not stand still - no one waited for him to grow accustomed to the state of having a wife.
"Brother!" An all-too-familiar voice jeered, and Bernard downed the last of his wine in preparation as his eldest brother came bounding towards him. Cheeks already flushed from drink, there was a distinct glint of mockery in his grin. "Well, this is a match indeed."
Clearing his throat, he looked to his brother with a frown. "And where is your wife, Eric?"
"In her confinement, of course. We shall have a son any hour now."
And yet here you are.
"It's certainly a shame," Eric continued. "That it's you who father has chosen to humiliate in such a way. I mean, marrying an untitled woman is bad enough, but a Lancastrian? Anyone would think you were being punished."
Jaw tightly clenched, Bernard turned to address his brother's remark. But, before he could utter a word, their father had interceded, appearing far less dour than he had been the first time they'd entered this house in search of Susannah Lamb. "We are a united nation now, my boy. I won't hear any of it. If you insist on becoming a drunken fool at every feast, at least do it out of earshot."
Eric let out a laugh, the sound startlingly girlish. "Goodness, Father sounds like he's preaching from the gospels."
Something in him snapped, and Bernard slammed his goblet down upon the table with a clatter. "If you truly refuse to be with your wife, brother, then at least don't pollute my wedding with your nonsense. If you find you cannot walk by the end of the night, sleep it off in the stables."
Their father had begun to manoeuvre Eric away from the festivities, a firm grip on each shoulder. As bothersome as the man could be, he would have never resisted their father's hand. Stumbling on his own feet as he backed away from the table, he called back one last time. "At least introduce me to her!"
"Not tonight," He replied stiffly, and as his brother retreated, he allowed his gaze to go in search of his wife. Susannah had begun the festivities firmly at his side, but her seat at the high table had now been empty for quite some time, a marked void left in her absence.
A flicker of blue caught his eye, and there she was, standing in the wedding gown her mother had once worn, sapphire-coloured fabric pooling around her feet as she chatted away to one of their guests, goblet in hand. Her hair remained pinned up just as it had been, although her veil was long discarded, and even from here he could spy the ring he'd given her mere hours before, glinting on her finger. They'd stood on the front steps of the church, reading back their vows to one another under the priest's watchful eye. She'd scarcely looked at him the entire time, meeting his eye for the briefest of seconds only as he presented her with the ring - only once there was no way out.
Susannah turned as her sister approached, Eleanor's expression creased in an ecstatic grin. From here the resemblance between the pair was almost alarming, only exacerbated as Susannah mirrored her smile, seemingly glowing the moment she noticed her sister's arrival. Among these people, she was at ease. Alongside her husband, she was anything but.
She felt her sister's hand at the crook of her elbow the second she noticed her arrival, the warmth of her grip a welcome intrusion. Sliding her own palm over it, Susannah returned the gentle squeeze as their hips bumped against one another, standing inseparably close. "Managed to escape your admirers?" She teased. Eleanor had always been able to captivate a room in a way Susannah never could, and there had practically been a crowd encircling the younger girl since the moment the festivities had begun.
Eleanor shrugged. "I wanted to see you. You know, I've never had a party this grand."
"You will when it's your turn - hell, yours will be even better. You'll be a noblewoman."
Her sister grinned, bouncing on the balls of her feet and fiddling with the wedding ring as Susannah reached out for her cup. It pained her to think of her baby sister's betrothal - to imagine her married and living so far away. But now it would be she who left first, who abandoned Eleanor for the home of her husband. Here, their bed chambers were separated by nothing but a single wall - but by this time tomorrow, it would be miles of road and countryside, an impenetrable distance keeping them separate.
"Why is he staring?" Eleanor's voice tugged her from her thoughts, and Susannah followed her gaze, spying her husband, still standing beside the high table. He certainly had been looking, but the moment their eyes met he turned swiftly away, suddenly preoccupied with his wine and his guests.
She snorted. "I imagine he's hatching a plot to smother me in my sleep tonight," She teased, flinching as Eleanor smacked her across the shoulder.
"Don't say that!" She cried, pausing as she waited for Susannah to stop laughing, the comfortable silence lingering between them as she took a long sip of wine. "... Will you tell me how it is?"
"How what is?"
"You know... tonight."
Susannah scoffed. "No. No, I won't."
"Oh, come on," Eleanor whined, tugging at her sleeve. "You'd be doing me a favour and you know it."
"I will tell you what you need to know, as and when you need to know it."
"Ugh, you're a terrible sister," She groaned, but her grip on Susannah's arm tightened, an unspoken longing for the pair to remain together. Tilting her head, she pressed the briefest of kisses to Eleanor's temple, lips parting in a grin.
"I know."
Gale Cleven glanced up as his friend approached, sitting down on the bench beside him with a sigh, elbows propped up on the table. Sitting opposite, John raised a brow - it was clear he wouldn't be the first to speak. "So... Pleasant wedding?"
"This is bleak," Bernard grumbled, staring into his cup. "My wife despises me - and I have no intention of fixing it because I find her utterly insufferable."
"That sounds like most marriages to me," John shrugged unhelpfully, ignoring Gale's glare as he refilled his wine. Towards the other end of the table, Majorie conversed merrily with the other ladies, casting her husband a warm smile whenever he caught her eye.
"How do you do it?" Bernard asked, turning to Gale. "I mean, I have scarcely ever seen a marriage like yours."
Resisting the urge to smirk, he shrugged. "Keep your wife happy? I know most men will tell you that's not important, but if your household is content, you will be too. Even if it means never speaking to each other and living on opposite sides of the house, if that's what you must do not to agitate her."
"Is she truly how people say?" John asked, staring across the hall to where Susannah was stood, arm-in-arm with her sister. "I heard you're the fourth suitor her mother's tried throwing her at."
Since their first meeting, the pair had scarcely spent an hour together in any one go, and they seemed unable to breathe the same air without bickering. That piercing glare of hers always seemed enough to put him on edge, and after that, it only took a single timely remark for the two of them to collapse into a spat.
"She is... strong-willed."
"I thought you usually liked that in a woman."
"She's also intensely irritating."
"Ah." John seemed unconvinced.
Chuckling, Gale reached out, giving Bernard's shoulder a reassuring shake. "You'll do fine. Give it some time - I'm sure you'll warm up to each other."
He let out a huff of laughter. "If she doesn't murder me first."
A tense silence hung upon the house as the celebrations drew to a close, their guests departing with their horses and carriages until the courtyard lay bare, nothing but the smell of spilt wine lingering in the air. The rest of the Lamb family retreated swiftly to bed, ensuring themselves out of the way for when the inevitable had to take place. As Susannah stared back at herself in the mirror's reflection, peering at the embroidered hem of her nightgown, she felt terribly sacrificial - all dressed up for some purpose everyone deemed more important than her own. The drink had left a thrumming sensation behind her eyes, and all she truly wanted was to go to sleep.
The creak of a door opening behind her caught her attention, turning her head as Bernard entered the room, his frame stiff and uncomfortable. He couldn't quite meet her eye as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him and pausing in the middle of the floor. In the golden candlelight, her hair almost looked as though it had caught alight, auburn curls cascading freely down her back. Susannah lacked many things when it came to him - warmth, regard - but beauty was never one of them.
"This isn't your chamber, is it?" He asked, glancing about the bedroom they had been given. The place was grand, but impersonal - it lacked the comforts of a space truly lived in.
"No," She shook her head slightly.
"... Do you want to go back to your chamber?" Bernard spoke cautiously.
Susannah scoffed. "You want me to leave, is that what you're saying?"
"I-?" He paused, expression contorting in annoyance. "No, that's not what I'm saying. It's just that neither of us are exactly interested in doing... this. Now."
Her frown turned more sour by the second, and for a second he thought she was going to hurl something at him. Anticipating this, Bernard took a step backwards.
"If you're planning on backing out of this, I swear I'll kill you myself."
"Because if we don't do this, they'll say we're not properly married. And if you fuck off somewhere, I will be ruined forever."
His brow furrowed, fighting offence that she could even think he would do such a thing. "So... you do want to?"
"Not particularly!" Susannah huffed, throwing up her hands in despair. "But I have no assurances otherwise."
"Susannah," He said firmly. "I don't like you, but that doesn't mean I have any intention of damaging your reputation. If this doesn't happen tonight-" Bernard continued, gesturing between the pair of them. "-then no one has to know except us. As far as I'm concerned, the moment you put on that ring, you became my wife. That doesn't mean we have to enjoy each other's company, but it does mean that I won't betray you. So if you need me to pretend the marriage is consummated, I will."
For a moment, he swore he could've spotted the ghost of a smile curling her lip. It must have been the first time she'd met his gaze without contempt. "... Very well," Susannah nodded tersely, a hint of sincerity lacing her tone. Crossing the room towards the bed, floorboards creaking beneath bare feet, she lifted the sheets, practically collapsing against the mattress with a sigh, curls splayed out across the pillow.
He was silent for a while, simply staring over at her as she burrowed further into the warmth, turning onto her side so that he couldn't see her face, just the slow rise and fall of her shoulders that came with each breath. Here he felt like an intruder, the sensation making him squirm. Coming into her house, her chambers - standing here just watching her. It all seemed illicit somehow. Bernard could imagine what his father would say to him how - his callous, ungentle tongue spilling forth a dozen ways he 'should' treat the woman before him - all of them wholly repulsive to him.
"... What are you doing?" He asked after a moment.
The bedsheets rustled as Susannah moved to face him, propping herself up on one elbow. "Well, we can't exactly leave. If we're going to lie, you have to stay." He resented her for being right, but even worse, he hated what he had to do because of it. She turned her back on him as he shrugged off his doublet, getting into bed beside her and feeling the warmth of her body thaw his the moment they lay beneath the same blankets.
Bernard blew out the candle at his bedside, immediately plunging the room into darkness, if only so that he could pretend she wasn't there. But he could hear her breathing pierce the silence, one faint sigh after another, the constant reminder of another presence beside his preventing him from succumbing to sleep. This time tomorrow they'd be in their own house, sleeping in separate chambers - he reminded himself of this over and over, if only to relieve the tension in his shoulders. Gale was right - he would simply leave Susannah to herself, and all would be well. He only had to stick it out for tonight.
"Tomorrow I'll give you your wedding present," He blurted before he could think better of it. Even his soft words seemed monstrously loud in the dark quietude.
She did not speak for a moment, and he wondered briefly if she had already fallen asleep.
"I don't think you were expected to get me one."
"... Oh."
She had given him a dowry, a chest piled high with coin - what had he given her? A ring. It seemed so meagre in comparison that he hadn't thought twice about giving her more. His hands folded across his stomach, he stared blankly up at the void where the ceiling would be, listening to Susannah breathe once more, until she finally spoke.
"... What is it?"
"A dog."
The sheets rustled again, and even in the pitch-blackness, Bernard could feel her turn to stare at him.
"... You bought me a dog?"
He shrugged. "Yes?"
"I-" She cut herself short, trailing off into silence with a sigh.
Neither of them spoke another word that night. Bernard didn't sleep a wink.
But he never heard her turn away from him.
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lydiablackblade · 9 months
Okay. So. Okay. I'm nervous, but... I have this stupid crazy movie stuck in my head for days and ... so ... here it is
Crowley was pulled down again to Hell to torture him because they came to know he did something which turned out to be good deed.
Aziraphale finds this out and lastly, after so many years, he loses his mind. Totally, completely, abso-fucking-lutely loses it. He takes off his bowtie, throws it onto his office desk, picks up his flaming sword and catches the lift to downstairs.
Once he is down there, he kicks the door in, while the background music is Down with the Sickness from Disturbed, and like the damned lovechild of John Wick and Constantine he starts searching for Crowley, bones are cracking, blood is spilling, lights are on and off on the way he goes. Finally one poor Eric shows him where Crowley is captured. He is injured and barely can move but Aziraphale helps him and drags him to the lift and they manage to get into the safety of the bookshop.
But meanwhile Aziraphale started to change. His hair and wings became darker. His teeth are sharpen, some flaws on his skin appeared and his eyes, oh his eyes are now not blue or purple but very, very dark red.
They've flung themselves through the door of the bookshop. They are both exhausted and just fallen to the floor. But Aziraphale is still trembling with rage. It looks like he will never stop shaking. Crowley takes Aziraphale's one hand and pulls his angel's head to his shoulder. "It's all right Angel. It's all right now. I'm here." he whispers to Aziraphale until, after long time, he calm down. His hair is blond again, his skin is flawless, eyes are the brightest blue all the changes are gone except a few feathers on his wing which will remain dark forever.
Sooo that's it. I let it out. I know an animation would be waaaaay too much to ask, but if someone likes the idea and can write a proper fanfic maybe? Please?
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imsotallsettos · 2 months
Eric Lutes
he’s cunt in like the silliest of ways
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 8 months
this specific photoshoot my absolute beloved
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ctheathy · 1 year
Communities & the cast I shall be writing for~! Though I'm willing to make exceptions, just ask me about the character in my askbox first and I'll decide whenever or not I'll make a special case =}
These next dots shall indicate how I’ll write for particular characters. Despite it completely depending on the request itself and although ageing them up is also very much possible, some just cannot be written off as romantic and/or suggestive. I assure you understand that.
They’ll all remain •• unless if specified otherwise.
• = Platonic and/or Pet-like
• = Romantic
• = Suggestive
• = NSFW
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My organized list 🤌🏻 :
UTAU + Vocaloid [+AUs from any song. Example: The Court Jester!Fukase] :
Hatsune Miku ,, Kagamine Rin ,, Kagamine Len ,, Luka Megurine ,, Meiko ,, Kaito ,, Gumi ,, Fukase •••• ,, Utatane Piko •••• ,, Flower ,, Oliver
Matsudappoiyo ,, Kugutsushi Utau ,, Kazehiki Utau ,, Kuzuda Rou ,, Kuzuda Yone
The Evillious Chronicles [Daughter/Servant of Evil] AU:
Riliane ‘Rin’ Lucifen d'Autriche ,, Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche // Allen ‘Len’ Avadonia ••• ,, Kyle ‘Kaito’ Marlon ,, Michaela ‘Miku’ ,, Germaine ‘Meiko’ Avadonia
Baldi's Basics :
Baldi ,, Arts and Crafters ,, Playtime • ,, 1st Prize ,, It's a Bully ,, Principal of the Thing ,, Gotta Sweep ,, Cloudy Copter ,, Beans ,, Chalkles ,, Dr. Reflex ,, Mrs. Pomp ,, The Test ,, Null // filename2 ,, 0th Prize ,, PlaceFace ,, Bladder ,, Johnny
The Powerpuff Girls :
Blossom ,, Bubbles ,, Buttercup ,, Professor Utonium ,, Bunny ,, Dynamo ,, Bullet • ,, The Mayor • ,, Miss Sara Bellum ,, Miss Keane ,, Robin Snyder ,, Blisstina ‘Bliss’ ,, Bell ,, Breannin ,, Barasia
Mojo Jojo ,, Brick ,, Boomer ,, Butch ,, Princess Morbucks ,, Fuzzy Lumpkins ,, The Amoeba Boys ,, The Gangreen Gang ,, Sedusa (+Ima GoodLady) ,, Rainbow the Clown//Mr. Mime ,, Abracadaver ,, The Sandman ,, The Gnome ,, Dick Hardly ,, Knock-off Powerpuff Girls ,, Him (+MIH) ,, Owlie Boop ,, Allegro ,, Chelsea ,, Sapna Nehru ,, Packrat ,, The Powerpunk Girls [Berserk, Brat and Brute] ,, The Rowdyright Boys [Blake, Bash and Breaker] ,, The RowdyRouge Girls [Bellicose, Bedlam and Bruiser]
Power of the Force Girls AU:
Babbles ,, Petal ,, Peanut ,, Profesor Yoddle ,, Major Grievance
Pokémon :
Ash Ketchum ,, Pikachu • ,, Misty ,, Brock ,, Ghost of Maiden's Peak [+Gastly] ,, Sabrina ,, Jessie ,, James ,, Meowth ,, Giovanni ,, Sakura ,, Satsuki ,, Sumomo ,, Koume ,, Tamao ,, evil Togepi • ,, Wally ,, Ingo & Emmet ,, Serena ,, Aria ,, Miette ,, Clemont ,, Bonnie • ,, Trevor ,, Shauna ,, Tierno ,, Penelope ,, Jessica ,, Elise ,, Korrina ,, Valerie ,, Lysandre ,, XY Malamar ,, Hau ,, Hala ,, Ilima ,, Olivia ,, Sophocles ,, Lana ,, Kiawe ,, Mallow ,, Acerola ,, Hapu ,, Lillie ,, Gladion ,, Lusamine ,, Team Skull Grunts ,, Plumeria ,, Guzma ,, Nebby • ,, Hop ,, Bede ,, Milo ,, Nessa ,, Kabu ,, Allister ,, Bea ,, Melony ,, Marnie ,, Piers ,, Opal • ,, Raihan ,, Leon ,, Sordward & Shielbert
Creepypasta :
Bloody Painter // Helen Otis ,, Hobo Heart ,, Candy Pop ,, Kagekao ,, Homicidal Liu // Liu Woods + Sully ,, Ticci Toby // Tobias Erin Rogers ,, Frankie ,, The Puppeteer // Jonathan Blake ,, Jason the Toymaker // Jason Meyer ,, Julius the Dressmaker // Julius Doherty ,, Suicide Sadie // Sadie Marie Benette ,, Pure Evil ••• ,, Lazari Natalie Swann • ,, Oliver Henderson •
Monster Hunter Stories :
Lute ,, Cheval ••• ,, Lilia ,, Mille ,, Hyoro ••• ,, Genie ••• ,, Itsy-Bits ••• ,, Dr. Manelger • ,, Debli ,, Avinia // Ayuria ,, Gale ,, Kayna ,, Ena ,, Alwin ,, Zellard ••• ,, Reverto ,, Kyle ,, Yoomlana
South Park + Hellpark :
Eric Cartman ,, Stan Marsh ,, Kyle Broflovski ,, Kenny McCormick ,, Leopold “Butters” Stotch + Professor Chaos + Marjorine ,, Craig Tucker [+Hellpark] ,, Clyde Donovan [+Hellpark •••] ,, Tweek Tweak [+Hellpark •••] ,, Thomas [+Hellpark •••] ,, Tolkien Black ,, James “Jimmy” Valmer ,, Timothy “Timmy” Burch ,, Scott Malkinson ,, Jacob Hallery ,, Brimmy ,, Nate ,, Dougie O'Connell • ,, Karen McCormick • ,, Scott Tenorman ,, Wendy Testaburger ,, Heidi Turner ,, Bebe Stevens ,, Red McArthur ,, Nichole Daniels ,, Leslie Meyers [+Hellpark] ,, Rebecca Cotswolds [+Hellpark] ,, Cosette
Goth Kids
Michael [Tall Goth] ,, Henrietta Biggle ,, Georgie “Firkle” Smith • ,, Pete
Foreign Kids
Gregory of Yardale [+Hellpark •••] ,, Philip “Pip” Pirrup [+Hellpark •••] ,, Herbert Pocket [+Hellpark •••] ,, Christophe The Mole ,, Damien Thorn [+Hellpark •••] ,, Estella Havisham [+Hellpark •••]
Corpse Party :
Satoshi Mochida ,, Yuka Mochida • ,, Seiko Shinohara ,, Naomi Nakashima ,, Ayumi Shinozaki ,, Yoshiki Kishinuma ,, Mayu Suzumoto ,, Sakutaro Morishige ••• ,, Yuuya Kizami ,, Naho Saenoki ,, Sachiko Shinozaki •
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun :
Hanako // Amane Yugi ,, Yashiro Nene ,, Kou Minamoto ,, Teru Minamoto ,, Mitsuba Sousuke ,, Aoi Akane ,, Akane Aoi ,, Sakura Nanamine ,, Natsuhiko Hyuga ,, Tsukasa Yugi ,, Tsuchigomori Ryūjirou
Super Mario Bros :
Mario ,, Princess Peach Toadstool ,, Luigi ,, Polterpup • ,, Poochy • ,, Dorrie • ,, Plessie • ,, Yoshi • ,, Toad ,, Captain Toad ,, Toadette ,, Princess Daisy ,, Rosalina ,, Luma • ,, Donkey Kong ,, Diddy Kong ,, Wario ,, Waluigi ,, Dreambert ,, Sprixie Princesses ,, King Bowser ••• + King Koopa ••• ,, Dry Bowser ,, Bowser Jr. • ,, Kamek ,, Boom Boom ,, Pom Pom ,, Motley Bossblob ,, Nabbit ,, Birdo ,, Petey Piranha ,, Piranha Plant [+fire Piranha's] • ,, Shy Guy ,, Blarrg • ,, Cheep chomp • ,, Chain Chomp • ,, Chargin' Chuck • ,, Dry Bone • ,, Buzzy Beetle • ,, Spiny • ,, Wiggler • ,, Hammer Bro ,, Lakitu ,, Wart ,, King Bob-Omb ,, King Boo ,, Draggadon • ,, Wingo • ,, Fawful ,, Dimentio ,, Best Fitness Friends [Dieter, Beef and Kaley]
The Koopalings + DiC cartoons
Larry Koopa ••• + Cheatsy Koopa •••
Ludwig Von Koopa •••• + Kooky Von Koopa •••
Morton Jr. Koopa ••• + Big Mouth Koopa •••
Wendy O Koopa ••• + Kootie Pie Koopa ••
Lemmy Koopa ••• + Hip Koopa •
Iggy Koopa •••• + Hop Koopa •
Roy Koopa •••• + Bully Koopa •••
The Broodals
Topper ,, Harriet ,, Rango ,, Spewart
Kirby :
Kirby ,, Bandana Waddle Dee ,, Meta Knight ,, Galacta Knight ,, King Dedede ,, Scarfy • ,, Marx + Marx Soul + Manga Marx ••• ,, Magolor ,, People of the Sky ,, Taranza ,, Sectonia [+Queen form] ,, Susie ,, President Haltmann ,, Star Dream • ,, Galactic Nova • ,, Prince Fluff ,, Shadow Kirby ,, Dark Meta Knight
Banami-luv gijinka AU:
Kirby ,, Meta Knight ,, Marx ,, Galactic Nova ,, Galacta Knight
Care Bears + Movies :
The Care Bears • ,, Care Bear Cousins • ,, Auntie Freeze • ,, Professor Coldheart • ,, Frostbite ,, No Heart ,, Beastly ,, Shriekeline “Shreeky” No Heart
The Care Bears: Adventure in Wonderland
Alice ,, White Rabbit ,, Caterpillar ,, Cheshire Cat ,, Mad Hatter ,, Stan the Jabberwocky ,, Princess of Wonderland ,, The Wizard of Wonderland ,, Dim & Dum
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
Dark Heart ,, Christy ,, Dawn ,, John
Happy Tree Friends :
Cuddles ,, Giggles ,, Toothy ,, Lumpy ,, Petunia ,, Handy ,, Nutty ,, Sniffles ,, Pop ,, Cub • ,, Flaky ,,The Mole ,, Disco Bear ,, Russell ,, Lifty & Shifty ,, Mime ,, Cro Marmot ,, Flippy + Fliqpy ,, Ka Boom ,, Splendid ,, Splendon’t ,, Lammy ,, Mr. Pickles,, Truffles ,, FatKat
Chikn Nuggit :
Chikn Nuggit ,, Cheezborger ,, Iscream ,, Slushi ,, Fwench Fwy ,, Sody Pop • ,, Sassparilla ,, Cofi ,, Hawt Saus ,, Bezel ,, Beta!Fwench Fwy ,, Beta!Slushi ,, Beta!Hawt Saus
Angry Birds :
Red ,, Chuck ,, Bomb ,, Matilda ,, The Blues ,, Jake, Jay, Jim • ,, Bubbles ,, Hal ,, Silver ,, Ice Bird ,, Terence ,, Corporal Pig ,, Foreman Pig ,, Chef Pig ,, King Pig ,, Prince Porky ••• ,, Stella ,, Poppy ,, Luca • ,, Willow ,, Dahlia ,, Gale ,, Handsome Pig ,, Artist Pig
Littlest Pet Shop :
Zoe Trent ,, Russell Ferguson [+Cyril McFlip] ,, Minka Mark ,, Penny Ling ,, Vinnie Terrio ,, Sunil Nevla ,, Pepper Clark ,, Buttercream Sundae ,, Sugar Sprinkles ,, Mitzi ,, Shahrukh ,, Madame Pom ,, Delilah Barnsley ,, Scout Kerry ,, Sweet Cheeks ,, Cashmere Biskit ,, Velvet Biskit ,, Blythe Baxter,, Brittany Biskit,, Whittany Biskit
My Little Pony :
Twilight Sparkle ,, Rarity ,, Pinkie Pie ,, Apple Jack ,, Fluttershy ,, Rainbow Dash ,, Spike ,, Sunset Shimmer ,, Starlight Glimmer ,, Trixie Lulamoon ,, Moondancer ,, Coco Pommel ,, Coloratura ‘Rara’ ,, Maud Pie ,, Limestone Pie ,, Marble Pie ,, Flutterbat ,, Chimera ,, The Diamond Dogs [Rover, Fido, and Spot] ,, Discord ••• ,, Lord Tirek ,, Flurry Heart • ,, Cozy Glow • ,, Snowdrop • ,, Nightmare Moon ,, Daybreaker ,, Queen Chrysalis ,, Unreformed Changelings ••• ,, Thorax ••• ,, Pharynx ••• ,, King Sombra ,, Tantabus ,, The Sphinx ,, Pony of Shadows // Stygian ,, Grogar
Grimdark AUs:
Fluttershy [Shed.MOV] ,, Pinkamena Diane Pie [Cupcakes] ,, Rainbow Dash [Rainbow Factory] ,, Lil Miss Rarity ,, Starlight Glimmer [The Friendship Test] ,, Fluttershy [My Little Amnesia] ,, Rainbow Dash [My Little Amnesia] ,, Pinkie Pie [My Little Amnesia]
G1 AU: >>>
Megan Williams ,, Spike • ,, Danny Williams ,, Molly Williams • ,, The Moochick ,, The Bushwoolies ,, The Furbobs ,, The Stonebacks ,, The Grundles ,, Sludge ,, G'nash ,, Dinah • ,, Squire Alonzo ,, The Crabnasties ,, Mayor Camembert ,, The Sheriff of Muensterville ,, Prince Edgar • ,, Sunny • ,, Puck ,, Pluma [+The Ghost of Paradise Estate] ,, Grandpa Ruff • ,, Woebegone ,, The Witch ,, Prince Phillip ,, Garth ,, Mayve • ,, His Elevated Eminence •
Applejack ,, Bow Tie ,, Bubbles ,, Cotton Candy ,, Ember • ,, Firefly ,, Glory ,, Medley ,, Moondancer ,, Twilight ,, Heart Throb ,, Lickety-Split ,, Posey ,, Powder ,, Sparkler ,, Skydancer ,, Starflower ,, Majesty ,, Sundance ,, Gusty ,, Buttons ,, Fizzy ,, Ribbon ,, Galaxy ,, Mimic ,, Gingerbread ,, Scoops ,, Magic Star ,, Shady ,, Cherries Jubilee ,, Cupcake ,, Truly ,, Sweet Stuff ,, Wind Whistler ,, North Star ,, Paradise ,, Surprise ,, Lofty ,, Locket ,, Whizzer ,, Twilight [Pegasus] ,, Masquerade ,, Princess Tiffany ,, Princess Primrose ,, Princess Royal Blue ,, Princess Serena ,, Princess Sparkle ,, Princess Starburst ,, Quarterback ,, Salty ,, Slugger ,, Tex ,, Steamer ,, Trucker ,, Baby Cotton Candy • ,, Baby Glory • ,, Baby Moondancer • ,, Baby Surprise • ,, Baby Lickety-Split • ,, Baby Gusty • ,, Baby Lofty • ,, Baby Ribbon • ,, Baby Shady • ,, Baby Sundance • ,, Baby Bouncy • ,, Baby Cuddles • ,, Baby Fifi • ,, Baby Half Note • ,, Baby Heart Throb • ,, Baby North Star • ,, Baby Quackers • ,, Baby Tic Tac Toe • ,, Baby Tiddley-Winks •
Seawinkle ,, Sealight ,, Wavedancerran ,, Baby Backstroke • ,, Sand Dollar ,, Sea Mist ,, Whitecap ,, Baby Sun Shower • ,, Baby Water Lily • ,, Ripple ,, Beachcomber ,, Sea Shimmer ,, Sun Shower ,, Surf Rider ,, Water Lily ,, Morning Glory ,, Rosedust ,, Forget-Me-Not ,, Honeysuckle ,, Lily ,, Peach Blossom
Scorpan ,, Tirac ,, Beezen ,, The Duchess ,, Knight Shade ,, Zeb ,, Erebus ,, King Charlatan ,, Niblick ,, Draggle ,, Reeka ,, Hydia • ,, Ahgg ,, The Smooze • ,, Squirk ,, Crank ,, Frazzits • ,, The Flores ,, Jewel Wizard ,, Lavan [+crystallized form] ,, Sting ,, Queen Bumble ,, Princess Porcina ,, The Raptorians ,, Crunch the Rockdog ,, The Sqree ,, Somnambula ,, Kyrie ,, Bray ,, Grogar
Popee The Performer + Chinchikurin :
Popee + Hanabishi Kuruwaya •••• ,, Kedamono + Keita Ookami ,, Marifa + Mariha Kuruwaya ,, Papi + Nichiteru Kuruwaya ,, Alien ,, Mirror Popee // Eepop •••• ,, Mirror Kedamono // Onomadek
Seito Kure ,, Boron Makuroshi ,, Toru Garakuta ,, Haruma Neko
The Amazing Digital Circus :
Pomni ••• ,, Caine ••• ,, Bubble • ,, Ragatha ••• ,, Jax ••• ,, Zooble ••• ,, Gangle ••• ,, Kinger ••• ,, Gloink Queen • ,, Dr. Football ,, Moon ,, Sun ,, Paine ,, The Bone Pastor
Abstracted characters [Digital+abstracted form] :
Kaufmo ••• ,, Queenie ,, Rett (yellow dog) ••• ,, Wriggle (worm on a string) ,, Doz (purple dinosaur) ,, Blonk (pink cyclops) ,, Moppsy (mouse sockpuppet) ,, Yucko (yellow rabbit-like creature) ,, Bizz (polka-dot covered clown)
Fan-made names by Sunnie_Daies on Reddit
Lego Monkie Kid :
MK ‘Monkie Kid’ •••• ,, Mei ,, Tang ,, Pigsy ,, Sandy ,, Mo • ,, Redson •••• ,, Demon Bull King ,, Princess Iron Fan ,, Bull clones • ,, Lady Bone Demon •••• (+disguise form) ,, Bai He • [Little girl] ,, Spider Queen •••• ,, Huntsman •••• ,, Goliath [Strong Spider] ,, Sun Wukong ‘Monkie king’ ,, Macaque ,, Syntax (+pre-corrupted/human form) •••• ,, Mayor (+chief of war) •••• ,, Yin & Jin •••• ,, Guardians of Knowledge ,, Lion Guardians • ,, Demon Accountant ,, Nezha/Third Lotus prince ,, Scorpion Queen ,, Azure Lion ,, Peng ,, Yellowtusk ,, Chang'e ,, Tang Sanzang ,, Zhu Bajie ,, Sha Wujing ,, Ao Lie •••• ,, Ao Guang/Dragon of the East ,, Master Subodhi ,, Attendant ,, Kui Mulang ,, MK [Party clone] •••• ,, MK [Artist clone] •••• ,, MK [Delivery clone] ••• (he won't be obese here...) ,, MK [Backup clone] •••• ,, Store Owner
Ferdinand :
Ferdinand [+young form] ,, Paco ,, Nina • ,, Juan ,, Valiente [+young form] ,, Guapo [+young form] ,, Bones [+young form] ,, Lupe ,, Angus ,, Maquina ,, Una ,, Dos ,, Cuatro ,, Hans ,, Greta ,, Klaus ,, El Primero
Disney :
Snow White ,, Cinderella ,, Tinkerbell ,, Alice • ,, Aurora ,, Ariel ,, Melody • ,, Belle ,, Jasmine ,, Pocahontas ,, Esmeralda ,, Mulan ,, Tiana ,, Jane ,, Anna ,, Elsa ,, Rapunzel ,, Merida ,, Megara ,, Moana ,, Elena ,, Raya ,, Sofia •
The Beast ,, Lumière ,, Cogsworth ,, Mrs. Potts ,, Chip • ,, Aladdin ,, Genie ,, Carpet • ,, The Prince [Snow White] ,, The Seven Dwarfs ,, Prince Charming ,, Fairy Godmother ,, Jaq & Gus ,, Grand Duke ,, The King [Cinderella] ,, Cheshire Cat ,, Mad Hatter ,, Caterpillar ,, White Rabbit ,, Prince Phillip ,, Flora, Fauna & Merryweather ,, King Triton ,, Prince Eric ,, Sebastian ,, Flounder • ,, Tarzan ,, Terk ,, Kala • ,, Flynn Rider ,, Hercules ,, Phil ,, Sisu ,, Tuk Tuk • ,, Princess Amber ,, Prince James ,, Baileywick ,, Princess Hildegard ,, Princess Clio ,, Oona ,, Charlotte ‘Lottie’ la Bouff ,, Prince Naveen [+frog form] ,, Li Shang ,, Mushu ,, Yao, Ling & Chien Po ,, Ting-Ting, Su & Mei ,, King Fergus ,, Queen Elinor ,, Hamish, Hubert & Harris ,, Lord Macintosh [+young] ,, Lord MacGuffin [+young] ,, Lord Dingwall [+wee] ,, Quasimodo ,, Clopin Trouillefou ,, Maoi ,, Chief Tui ,, Gramma Tala • ,, Te Fiti • ,, Hen Wen • ,, Gurgi ,, Miss Bianca ,, Bernard ,, Jake ,, Cody • ,, Wilbur ,, Marahute • ,, Kovu ,, Kiara ,, Vitani ,, Carl Fredericksen [+young] ,, Ellie Fredricksen [+young] ,, Russell • ,, Kevin • ,, Miguel Rivera ,, Abuelita Elena • ,, Mamá Coco • ,, Papá Julio • ,, Tía Victoria ,, Tía Rosita ,, Héctor •••• ,, Mamá Imelda ,, Óscar & Felipe ,, Chicharrón ,, Pepita • ,, Kristoff ,, Olaf • ,, Bruni • ,, Riley • ,, Joy ,, Sadness ,, Disgust ,, Fear ,, Anger ,, Bing Bong ,, Luca Paguro ,, Alberto Scorfano ,, Giulia Marcovaldo ,,
Captain Hook ,, Cruella de Vil ,, Jasper & Horace ,, Jafar ,, Maleficent ,, Diablo • ,, Gaston ,, Queen of Hearts ,, Ursula ,, Hades •••• ,, Pain & Panic ,, Lady Tremaine ,, Anastasia ,, Drizella ,, Mother Gothel ,, Scar ,, Zira ,, Nuka ,, Shenzi, Banzai & Ed ,, Si & Am • ,, Mor'du ,, The Evil Queen ,, Doctor Facilier ,, Yzma • ,, Kronk ,, Randall Boggs ,, Chef Skinner ,, Amos Slade ,, Percival C. McLeach ,, Joanna the Goanna ,, Claude Frollo [FUCK HIM UP!!] •••• ,, Clayton ,, Big Bad Wolf ,, Buddy Pine//Syndrome ••• ,, Mirage ,, Jangles the Clown ,, Namaari ,, Prince Hans ,, Tamatoa ,, Te Kā • ,, Ernesto de la Cruz
Misc. :
- Reisuke Houjou • [Mirai Nikki // Future Diary]
- Rococo [Omori]
- Lucian Abbot ••• [R.I.P aka Really Introverted Producer]
- Tobey McCallister [WordGirl]
- Dr. Sylvester Ashling [Epithet Erased]
- Postman // Victor Grantz (+ _____ skin) [Identity V]
- Ahmanet (+alive Ahmanet) ••• [The Mummy]
- The Lamb // Lambert [Cult of the Lamb]
- ENA (+ _____ form) [Joel G]
- The Collector [The Owl House]
- Blommy // Bloomy [Fluffffpillow's oc]
- Sun [Two Face ,, GH'S Animation]
- Scooby-Doo [Velma Meets the Original Velma]
- Patchy the Pirate // Flying Dutchman [SpongeBob SquarePants | The Time Travelling Ghost Pirate Theory] •••
- Senpai (+Spirit) [Friday Night Funkin]
° Rio Ranger (+Laizer)/Toto Noel •••• ,, Sei Satou ••• ,, Kai Satou •••• [Your Turn To Die]
° Monaca Towa ,, Nagisa Shingetsu ,, Jataro Kemuri ,, Masaru Daimon ,, Kotoko Utsugi [Danganronpa // Warriors of Hope]
° Isaac “Zack” Foster ,, Rachel Gardner ,, Edward “Eddie” Mason ,, Daniel “Danny” Dickens ,, Catherine “Cathy” Ward ,, Abraham Grey [Angels of Death // Satsuriku no Tenshi]
° Satou Matsuzaka ,, Shio Kōbe • ,, Asahi Kōbe ,, Taiyō Mitsuboshi ,, Sumire Miyazaki ,, Mitori Tajima ,, Shōko Hida ,, Satou’s aunt • [Happy Sugar Life]
° Eun Sian ,, Chae Yul •••• ,, Chae Yuri ,, Hyun Yujin ,, Min Hyunee [Secret Alliance]
° Aoi Mukou ,, Miyuki Sone ,, Haru [You and Me and He // Totono]
° The Angel •••• - The Demon •••• - The small Demon • [Avogado6]
° Say Carnes ,, Arc Carnes [The Chattering Lack Of Common Sense/The Chattering Of Teeth and Lack Of Common Sanity]
° Kennith Simmons ,, Stephanie Glass ,, Greg Hoffman [The Colorbars Broadcast of 1987] •••
° Andrew Graves •••• ,, Ashley Graves •••• ,, Julia [The Coffin of Andy & LeyLey]
° Justine Florbelle ,, Aloïs Racine (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Basile Giroux (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Malo de Vigny (+pre-torture +mid-torture) [Amnesia: Justine] ••••
° Radiant_Day ,, Unstable_Day ,, Scary_Day ,, Great_Day ,, Dreadful_Day ,, Benevolent_Day ,, Emotionless_Day [Days Union]
° Rush ,, Hide ,, Seek ,, Eyes ,, Halt ,, Ambush ,, Screech • ,, Figure ,, Jack ,, Glitch [Roblox Doors]
° Amethyst van der Troll ,, Ruby Trollman ,, Sapphire Trollzawa ,, Onyx von Trollenberg ,, Topaz Trollhopper ,, Simon (+Garnet Trollovski) ,, Snarf • [Trollz]
° Sharko ,, Marina ,, Zig ,, Bernie ,, The Ghastly Ghost ,, Manic Mermaid ,, King Neptune [Zig & Sharko]
° Oh ,, Gratuity ‘Tip’ Tucci ,, Pig • ,, Gorg ,, Kyle ,, Captain Smek ,, Boov [Home]
° Pound (+Monstar form) ,, Bang (+Monstar form) ,, Nawt (+Monstar form) ,, Bupkus (+Monstar form) ,, Blanko (+Monstar form) [Space Jam // The Nerdlucks]
° Charmander ,, Squirtle ,, Bulbasaur ,, Leader Caterpie ,, Whiskers ,, Gastly • ,, Haunter ,, Flareon [Starter Squad by Shippiddge]
° Freddy Fazbear ,, Foxy the Pirate ,, Chica ,, Bonnie ,, Mangle ,, Springtrap ,, Fredbear ,, Toy Freddy ,, Toy Chica ,, Toy Bonnie [FNaF Tony Crynight]
° Kitsunami the Fennec ••• ,, Dr. Starline ,, Infinite the Jackal ,, Rookie the Wolf [Sonic the Hedgehog]
- [Any Tails variant will do tbh] •••• ➴
OG Miles ‘‘Tails” Prower • movie Tails • boom Tails • Anti-Miles • SH/TSAA Tails • (There's something about Knuckles) Tails • Blacksmith • (Tails’ Dark Diary) Tails • WWMH Miles • Nine • Mangey • Sails • Tails.EXE • starved Tails • Inner Tails • Ali Baba • Tailsop • Tails-Zilla • Tails Doll • Metal Tails • Luther • (Tails Gets Trolled) Tails • AOSTH Tails • Zails the Zone Cop • pinball/brainwashed Tails • Requital (The Sonic Oddities) • (Sonic Prime) Tails • (The Ankh) Hologram Tails/Hollow • (Operation Crimson) Tails • (Operation Crimson) Flor • Tails emo AU (Kayla Green)
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May add more in the future ...
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tejedac · 8 months
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Gérard Le Vot
Troubadours & Trouvères · play album
Gérard Le Vot (voice, harp, percussion, direction)
Dominique Ferran (portatif organ), Marion Chauvineau (hurdy-gurdy), Paul Fustier (hurdy-gurdy, recorder), Marcello Ardizzone (fiddle, rebec), Julien Skowron (fiddle, rebec), Jean-Claude Trichard (lute), Patrick Verdié (recorder, shawm, string tambourine), Eric Montbel (bagpipes, shawm), Anne-Marie Lablaude (voice), Elisabeth Renault (voice), Jean-Blaise Roch (voice), Dominique Vellard (voice).
Tracks 1-8: Agosto-septiembre, 1980 Tracks 9-16: Agosto-noviembre, 1981 Edition: 1993
* Lp info
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Robert Morton (c. 1430 - c. 1479) - Le Souvenir De Vous Me Tue· ·
Asteria : Sylvia Rhyne, soprano
Eric Redlinger, tenor & lute
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awesometothe3rd · 10 months
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adultswim2021 · 23 days
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job #42: “Puberty” | March 8, 2010 - 12:30AM | S05E02
Tim and Eric explore the saltier side of growing up in “Puberty”, an episode that is roughly thematic. The wraparounds for this episode involve Eric going through puberty, resulting in a deeper voice (augmented with the high-tech computers found at Abso Lutely studios), and a fresh new mound of pubic hair bulging out of his khaki shorts. The set is a treehouse, Tim & Eric's hangout and what would turn out to be the last vestige of their respective boyhoods. Thanks to Eric’s raging hormones, these halcyon days are in severe jeopardy, with Eric feeling very ready to replace his childish playtime with sexual encounters with cheap, disgusting women. Will their partnership survive?
The cold open of the show is for a nightmarish children’s “toy” called the Cinco I-Jammer, which children can engage with by e-bumping. E-bumping seems like it’s just a direct dopamine-spiker by way of a high-pitched frequency that creepily causes the children’s eyes to roll back into their heads. It’s also equipped with “Oh-Hungee”, which is a tube that deposits a bland-looking gruel into children’s bare hands. Kids are encouraged by the ad to replace their parents’ meals with “oh-hungee”. The ad is effective in mimicking hyper-active commercials aimed at children as well as giving off a trademark Tim & Eric style sinister vibe. 
I like this one quite a bit. The little girl in the ad who has most of the lines is a very funny actor. She gives a spirited delivery that is hard to be pissed off with. I went down a brief rabbit hole to see if she pursued comedy after this. I found three potential matches and one of them is doing art in Denver, CO. One of them is sadly dead. A third one stopped posting on instagram around the time the other one died, so they might be the same person. I hope she’s the alive one. RIP to a proper legend if not. 
OF NOTE: The DVD contains an alternate version of the I-Jammer sketch. It's about 70% the same, with some alternate jokes and Bob Odenkirk doing the voice-over. I think the as-aired version is stronger.
Next up: DLH sings a song about Puberty. I think the overall subject of puberty for comedy’s sake is pretty worn out, but Tim & Eric have a way with words that elevate the material. But this song resembles a low-effort comedic take on the subject by somebody with less talent. But, that’s sorta DLH’s whole deal, isn’t it?
I feel like you can categorize DLH’s various songs into a few different styles: bat-shit crazy alien stuff, earnest-seeming educational offerings, and then this: a song you where you get the sense that he’s trying to be actually funny. Overall, I’m just glad that this is brief, and there are small moments that are actually reasonably funny, like him mildly botching his lines and correcting himself during the preamble. This one seems like they included it more out of duty to keep the DLH quotient up, as well as help prop up the theme of the show. 
Forting with Will features Will Forte (hey, that’s sort of a pun!) playing Will Grello (NOT a pun), teaching a small group of children how to make pillow forts while he goes off the rails with tangents about his dark childhood, particularly his relationship with his father. This one is lightly thematic; forting is a childish pastime (Tim & Eric’s wraparounds are from a tree house, an equally classic type of fort), and we’re witnessing a man whose own puberty was pretty traumatic. This one does little to shine above previous Will Grello installments, but it’s still funny. The most significant running gag in this one is Grello becoming so distraught reliving his trauma that he pees his pants. His enraged sarcasm when he asks for a towel, waits a beat, and hollers “yeah, NOW!” has been in my head for a while. 
Finally, the other bit of substance is a Morning Meditation sketch, which I've crowed about being a less-than-favorite of mine. This one has a truly unsettling reveal, that the man we're watching trot around on camera is actually on stilts. This is enough to make me declare that this could be the best Morning Meditation sketch of all time. Only took them two seasons to get it right.
Tim & Eric’s wraparounds are pretty significant in this one, and have a lotta memorable bits and funny lines. Eric’s low-pitched voice aids the deadpan delivery of certain lines. Lotta great disgusting phrasing about his “mushroom tip”, and exploring “wet holes”. They really make sexual intercourse sound unappetizing. Tim affably lamenting “unfortunately I’m still boy” got me laughin'. Eric calling Tim a “fag” (bleeped out) also got me. I also need to highlight the part where Tim says “I guess I’ll go play with myself”, which is followed up by a light touch of tepid studio audience laughter.
Tim’s problems are solved by seeing a commercial for the Cinco Man Shake, which is fronted by a pitchman with a slightly grotesque muscle man physique. I feel like Tim & Eric are very good at casting people whose attractiveness fall into that uncanny valley; hyper masculine or feminine people whose bodies mostly reflect a conventional ideal but are slightly strange-looking. The guy they got for this fits that bill, while also delivering a spirited and genuinely compelling performance.
The shake in question requires adding a "fistful" of your friend’s pubic hair to the concoction, which Tim harvests from Eric’s thicket. Eric jocularly pretending it hurts and then giving a sheepish “just kidding” to the camera is great. Eric’s strengths are especially played to in this episode.
Tim attempts to hork down the shake, which contains a glob of Eric’s wet hair. Even though I’m intelligent enough to understand that little Timmy is sucking on sterile wig hair, it’s still one of the grossest things the show has ever shown me. Tim, with a mouth full of hairy goo, looking to the camera and saying “just a little more left to go and I’ll be a man” is another one of those moments that has never left my brain. The result is Tim essentially becoming a werewolf. “I’m a man now no more playtime for me” Tim drones in a borderline incomprehensible guttural tone. 
Overall I really like this one. It’s imperfect, but most of these episodes are. I can see this one coming off as an unimpressive exercise playing with low-hanging fruit, but it’s low-brow and juvenile humor paired with really funny/weird line deliveries really sells this one for me. Good ep!
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #93: “A PE Christmas” (series version)
I already covered this episode, because it originally aired around Christmastime, 2009, but it was a slightly different version from this one. This is the version that included additional scenes at the end, with Meatwad at Chuck D’s mansion. I am pretty sure the original version ends with Shake’s gastro-intestinal eel infestation causing him to die in a jail cell. The stronger ending, in my opinion. Also if anyone has a HQ copy of the 2009 version of A PE Christmas, please let me know! 
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