ruthbancroftgarden · 1 year
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Eriosyce curvispina
To round out my assortment of dark-bodied cacti from Chile, here is one of the many forms of Erisyce curvispina, showing off its beautiful pink flowers.
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yellowgnomeboots · 10 months
sorry this cactus is so dusty, but I wanted to show you - it is flowering :O
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wenbochenphoto · 2 years
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Alpine regions and deserts are the two types of habitats you are most likely to see plant camouflage or cryptic colouration. In the Atacama Desert of Chile, Eriosyce napina demonstrates this mimicry perfectly as shown in the pictures below:
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Eriosyce rodentiophila
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velveteengreen · 1 year
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Decided to try my hand at more cacti and succulent type plants! (Bonus points for being hardy / prickly cause the cats don't mess with them as much) Here we have two lil guys I picked up omw home from work. The best ID match I could find was on the left: "Echeveria Dionysos" which is a hybrid originating from Echeveria Purpusorum. On the right: SOME SORT OF Eriosyce the best match being "Eriosyce Heinrichiana" and there looks to be a million hybrids of those! Both of them drew me in because of the deep purply / red tones 🏜️ I don't particularly lean towards or reach for hybrids but I love these two nonetheless!
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cactario · 2 years
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Nombre común: Quisquito
Nombre científico: Eriosyce Subgibbosa
Familia: Cactaceae
Origen: Endémica de Chile
Distribución: Entre las regiones de Atacama y del Biobío
Características botánicas:
Magnitud: planta de cuerpo globoso a cortamente columnar de 10 a 25 cm de diámetro,de  hasta 1,5 metro de altura, 14 a 25 costillas con gibas .
Hojas: espinas 16-30 alrededor de las areolas, 1 a 16 centrales, de 1 a 5 cm de largo, cubriendo densamente el tallo.
Flores: flores tubulares rosadas, de entre 2,5 a 7 cm dependiendo de la variedad, con los tépalos internos cubriendo los estambres.
Frutos: frutos cilíndricos de 1,3 a 5 cm de largo, huecos, con numerosas semillas pequeñas que son liberadas por un poro en la base del fruto
Épocas de floración: Floración primaveral, otoñal en algunas formas nortinas.
Fecha de recolección: 30/09/2022
Usos: Planta de buen valor ornamental y paisajístico 
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Eriosyce sp. I got from Annie Wolf in January.
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mavicchen3 · 4 years
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todropscience · 6 years
 I wrote this as part of a workshop at the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, MSU :) hope you can give a view
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cultivodecactus · 5 years
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Eriosyce aurata Origen: Abundante en el norte de Chile. Resistencia al frío: -5°C. Cultivo: Crece muy lentamente, y es muy sensible al exceso de agua, el sustrato tiene que tener más drenaje que la mayoría, proveer sol pleno. Tiempo de floración desde semilla: 15-20 años. Número: 0424 comprado en G. Knittel.
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ruthbancroftgarden · 1 year
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Eriosyce occulta
For comparison with the Copiapoa humilis just posted, here is a rather similar-looking dark-bodied cactus in the gnus Eriosyce, also from the coast of northern Chile, but from a completely different genus. Another of the amazing array of cacti to be found in Chile.
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urbangreen · 3 years
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🦔 4 month old Horridocactus Curvispinus 🦔
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wenbochenphoto · 3 years
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Found a "rabbit" in Llanos de Challe National Park of Chile. Not sure which Eriosyce sp. this is.
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Eriosyce eiosyzoides v.domeikoyensis
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Cactis🌵😆 #tephrocactus #eriosyce #escobaria #tephrocactuspapyracanthus #bud #gardener #eriosycenapina #cactus #succulent #garden #plantporn #flower #escobariamissouriensis
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simplynefarious · 2 years
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My favorite entries for Greenskeeper’s! Y’all are so talented ;v;
Reclaimed Marble by Laughing Idiot / Forest Bathing by isennin
Lost But Not Lonely by Eriosyce / (untitled) by eearz
Valley Celebration by StarryWoodsy / Our Roots Run Deep by kyat
Sekhtit by Natron / Malum Immortalis by Vanitatum
Apiarist’s Dream by ochresparrow / Gumblossoms by TinyGryphon
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