#enviromental journalism
7cfaherty · 11 months
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A dream?
Or the need?
Neither and both!
More the want,
To see and feel!
What is lost,
Within memories bank,
Never to be,
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selkies-world · 4 months
As artists, I believe it is important for us to know where our materials and tools come from. Whether that’s where our paint is from or who made it and what their values are, or who made the paintbrushes we use and how those bristles were sourced or what the handle was before it was a handle, I firmly believe it is our responsibility to know what and who created the very things we use to create art from.
Now more than ever, it is important for us to be self-aware of how our art impacts us and our community, but there are few times in history when it has been so important to be aware of the impacts our art has on people in other countries who we will never, ever meet or know. Art has always existed as a means of expression, and richer emotions have always led to richer, stronger moments in art. Whether we’re discussing the French Revolution, or a world war, or a social movement concerning human rights or oppressive governing systems being overthrown, or moments of awareness of the world around us… art has always been present, and artists have always been there in the riots and the chaos - some of us will be at the front, some of us will be caught up in the eye of the storm, but we have always been there. Art goes hand-in-hand with social changes; it always has and it always will.
We are in a climate crisis, which threatens all life on earth. All humans. All societies. All cultures. All animals. All plants. There is nowhere left on this planet to run to in order to escape it. Take a moment to absorb that: we still haven’t discovered every part of it. We still haven’t explored most of the ocean, and we still haven’t reached every nook and cranny of every forest or counted every rock on every mountain, or ran our fingers over every inch of every cave system… and yet none of that will offer us a sanctuary to escape the hell we’ve raised.
We can’t run, and we can’t hide. There are only two options left: 1: Cower, and wait for the day we burn alongside the rest of this planet - this planet which we have called home since the first living organisms existed on a lump of rock billions of years ago. 2: Fight to save this planet, and the lives which are lived on it every day - even if we’ll never personally witness the lives of those we save by fighting.
One of the biggest ways we can fight is to take responsibility for our impact. Be that the things we buy, how we travel, the foods we eat or the way we power our homes - it all has an impact and it all leaves a footprint. As artists, we often only think of the emotional impact viewing our art will have on the audience. But it’s time for us to consider the physical, economical and environmental impact of the things we use to create our art.
That is why I genuinely enjoy promoting A Good Company. Whether someone uses the affiliate links or not is secondary to me. I care more about informing people of the possibilities and good causes than I do about whether I financially gain anything from doing so. That is why I love talking about A Good Company and their notebooks made from stone paper. Limestone is what was used to create some of the most iconic classical statues in human history; now we have found a way to use it to create paper and notebooks and envelopes and boxes. Paper doesn’t have to be made from trees ever again - but most people would laugh at that idea.
Think about it: paper made from stone, pens made from grass, phone cases made from plants. How is that anything but incredible? By raising awareness of how A Good Company make their products, and the impact every single product has on people and the environment around the world, I can encourage more people to stop cowering as they wait for the world to burn. Because we’re not out of time yet - we can still fight to save our home, and the homes of every single life on this planet.
Crises aren’t solved by big, flashy action scenes like they are in the movies. The world doesn’t change in single, monumental ways.
Crises are solved by ordinary people doing small things to keep humanity’s soul intact. The world changes when trillions upon trillions of tiny, insignificant movements and changes add up to create colossal waves of change - whether for better or worse.
If the only way you can fight is to take responsibility for the products you buy, that will still add up to more changes than you will ever know. Maybe you fed a child who you will never meet and who doesn’t speak your language or know your name. Maybe you helped a girl graduate school. Maybe you gave a cup of clean water to someone who will never see your face. Maybe you planted a tree which will stand for another few hundred years and become home to generations of different animals. Maybe you helped make the air safer to breathe.
“It doesn’t matter what you buy.” Except it does. What you buy can make all the difference in the world. And isn’t that what art has always done?
Read the rest of this post HERE.
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firbetmakes · 3 months
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Silver's Journal Through Different Timelines ✨🦔✨
All the banners I made for the theme breaks in @silverfanzine, plus included as merch. I wanted to do some enviromental storytelling with what silver thought was important to note down, or what sort of stuff he would have at hand.
Free to use - reblog is appreciated! :D
You can download the zine now for free over at >> chaosquillcollection.itch.io/kaleidoscopic-absolution <<
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my rankings of community episodes so far
not a very finalized list
Comparative religion s1 ep12
Football feminism and you s1 ep6
Enviromental science s1 ep10
Community s1 ep1
Social physiology s1 ep4
Advanced criminal law s1 ep5
Spanish 101 s1 ep2
Investigative journalism s1 ep13
Introduction to statistics
Politics of human sexuality s1 ep11
Home economics
Introduction to film
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a-study-journal · 10 days
intro post!!
hi!! i've made this blog as a sort of journal for my studying to keep myself accountable :]
about me ᯓ★ ☆ call me A ☆ senior high school student ☆ i play euphonium! (look it up, its super cool)
subjects ᯓ★ ☆ music 2 + extension (composition major) ☆ earth + enviromental science ☆ advanced maths ☆ advanced english ☆ pdhpe ☆ visual art
favourite things ᯓ★ ☆ euphonium ☆ gustav holst: 'the planets' ☆ fairy lights ☆ dinosaurs
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panzerkatzee · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Journal Day VIII
Good morning folks!
I just slid past creative burn out, struggling like hell to write yesterday… still managed enough words… yet, I was feeling aweful.. Sooo I did what I learned in therapy.. and had some social interaction, via the phone, while going on a very nice long walk and doing some grocery shopping.
I should probably also clean my room, but I'll get to that aaafter writing for the day~
First up.. my plan for the day… is write. Nothing fancy.. If I get stuck, I will do some fancy sorting stuff on Obsidian, in hopse to make editing easier on me later, by putting all chapters into single files and splitting them up in scenes already. Obsidian has the neat function to fold up all the text beneath a headline, so that will break it down into even more manageable pieces. Last time, the sheer volume of what I had written and what had to be edited, overwhelmed me completely.. soo lets hope this new method works.
Ahh also a nice side effect of going on the walk, is that I woke up suuuper early today and I hope, I can turn this into my new wake up time, despite liking the night, it gives me more time to enjoy the light, which is quite the challenge for me in fall anyway…
Sooo.. Song of the Day: Serj Tankian - Borders are
Why is it on my Playlist? "Fear is the cause of separation"
Serj Tankian, ex-singer (or again singer) of the Armenian/American Metalband System of a Down, uses his voice as a solo-artist, to make political statements, questioning war, the enviromental crisis, capitalism and… nationalism.
The last, comes to bear in the song I talk about today, which beside one other, is on this playlist. It's about the artificial seperation of the world. And its complimented, by a very simple yet poetic video, showing a map of the world, every country painted a different shade, seperated by black lines, signfying borders between countries. Over the course of the song, the black lines fly up towards the viewer and disappear. I love this, because the different hues remain. Which I choose to interpret as an abolishing of the actual borders, while keeping our cultural heritage. Embracing unification without sacrificing what makes a culture or nation unique.
This… is not possible, as long as people are afraid. I came to this conclusion in parts thanks to Tankians song.. and in parts through learning about different cultures, their history. Immersing myself into it, helped me to concieve how a culture or a nation has become the way it is today. And this freed me of a lot of fear and made me realise… we are all humans. Which.. sounds like a no-brainer at first… but its something, I struggled with a lot and didn't really recognise until the fear was gone.
For example: When I moved to a bigger city with a high count of people who belong to the diaspora of muslim countries, my dad told me: "Be careful, daughter, don't smart mouth them, the men will have no qualms punching you in the face or stab you and leave you for dead." Only after actually talking to people from the cultures, getting to know them, I realised it to be utter bullshit. And I also realised, my Dad didn't say this, because he wants to be a racist… or is a bad person. No he was afraid.. Because all you hear in media is how a "Muslim immigrant stabbed his sister because she was in a relationship to a German man" or "Stabbing in XYZ might me a terrorist attack" "Immigrants take your doctors appointments" Sooo much the readily accessible information for the average German in form of news and media, usually only talks about the shitty stuff… because DUH… only the negative stuff actually sells.
Soo yeah.. It still might seem like fiction at this point… but that's why I write. I hope the people, who will read my books in the future, might agree with me on that, try to learn from it and maybe attempt to challenge their own fears about other cultures. Which is what this song is about… and also it wildly anti capitalist… but thats something for another day.
In the end, go check out Serj Tankian, he's amazing and deserves more ppl, listening to and understanding his music!
As this venture into music/politics/philosophy, was quite the long write - I excluded like at least a thousand words and saved them for later-, I will skip the daily challenge today and get into writing.
Okay… I started to procastinate at 10:20.. it's 11:00 now… lets eat something and stop procastination~
Sooo a little over two hours later, I am done for the day.. energy waning already… well it has a few reasons, one being my mother wanting to meet up in an hour or so, which means, I have a minor deadline, that tells me, I have to stop soon.
Also.. I am not really feeling it right now… therefore, I am going to do some selfcare and then get started on the whole ordering of chapters thing :D And after meeting my mum... its room cleaning time... like the saying goes... tidy home tidy mind.. or what ever :D
Never cared for these pithy wisdoms.. but I came to realise, cleaning up, whilst a hated task, is actually beneficial for my well-being, despite all within me recoiling at the prospect of having to clean anything..
I end the writing day for now at 1545 words… which is still above the word goal, which by now has dropped to under 1000 per day. Whoop!
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What is the significance of this object? I can use a pen and notebook to write down cool scriptures, random thoughts throughout the day, to do lists, improvements i have noticed i need to make in my self and inspiration.
How has this artifact provoked new thinking and connections? This is a place where i can get all my thoughts out on paper and help me remember them and to reflect on them so when i am interacting with people i can, in a way, refer back to what ive written down and see what i should be doing more of or need to improve
Can you see evidence of a personal/opinion/point of view? Personally like keeping a journal, helps me retain thoughts i find useful and same for scripture
Interpret, compare, contrast and evaluate visual elements Just need paper and pen or pencil very simple elements
What are the compositional, material or formal qualities? Paper, pen, pencil, brain. Lines can be helpful to keep writing in a straight readable line
Are there technical components, processes or challenges? Challenge is actually writng in the journal before bed as we live in a hurry driven world so feel like i need to go to bed as fast as possible so i can have more time tomorrow to do 'more important' things. So hard to prioritise above tomorrows duties.
What contextual (historical, social, cultural, enviromental and contemporary) findings are useful? My dad first gave me a gratitude dairy which is where you write in 20 things u were grateful for that day and do it eveyr day or every night. This ended up crossing iwth journaling as well as i could relfect on what was good and there was also a scetion on where i thought could have been better
Are there relationships to work you've made? I like the scribbly style as it is more personal so have used a bit of my own hand writing in personal work
Why is this important to your project? A dairy/ pen and paper can be and has been very useful in self development and development with God
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minastrawberry · 1 year
what do they do for jobs?
yasmine - a library keeper. works under an old woman she doesn’t care for. spends too much time at work for someone who isn’t friends with their coworkers.
zan - an educational assistant at his college, it was part of his practicum. he’s a teacher and a tutor as well for math and science. he enjoys it. it’s consistent enough for him. he's not the best at explaining though.
jj - works odd jobs around the city randomly, he has a hard time working and keeping a job. zero stability. he volunteers fairly chaotically and is always up to something new.
nia - unemployed so she can focus on dancing. relies on others to get her things. it works.
chiara - also unemployed. has never stepped foot into a retail shop looking for employment. doesn’t get things for free like nia, just has rich family.
bianca - works 3 jobs: dental assistant, tattoo receptionist, massage parlour supervisor. obsessed with working and providing. is rarely home.
matisse - she’s a hairstylist but she has social anxiety, so she's a hair influencer online. she’s autistic enough to make it work for her. a wigstress of sorts. she is always home.
gia - a restaurant server. she makes crazy tips every Friday where she does shots with the customers. her manager tells her not to do this.
anastasia - he works with gia at the same restaurant and helps cover up her bad behaviour. he mostly helps out with his family’s fruit farm & orchard business, as he will be taking over one day.
sterling - a youth football coach who also works at organizations providing exercise opportunities for kids. he still believes he can be professional though.
nice - part-time journalism student, part-time flower girl at a grocery store, part-time club kid & dj. never sleeps, evidently. is part of the gay club scene.
feyros - an astrobiology student still studying to get their masters. will go for their phD probably. so busy. they are also part of an enviromental research team at a private research institution.
milton - WFH IT programmer for a large company. he's also apart of an underground robotics research team & spends lots of time creating robotic sculptures. he's also known for creating a fully sentient robot girlfriend.
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7cfaherty · 1 year
When the forest dries, totally. The snow cap no longer exist. Glaciers explode, no longer resisting. Then the maimed minded wealthy, their political rogues, and the illiterate mental lackeys will know. The earth is drying, dying, with little note.
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entrepalabrasmx · 2 years
La felicidad en cada viaje de manera personalizada
El destino que quieras a tu medida, nosotros te llevamos y tú solo dedícate a disfrutar
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La agencia de viajes DetcoTravel, busca impulsar los viajes personalizados al interior y exterior del país, otorgándoles una experiencia de calidad y manteniendo los estándares de sanidad para que se sienta seguro en su travesía. Se busca reactivar la economía del país y mantener a flote a más de 100 personas que colaboran con ellos, de esta manera las pymes podrán retomar el crecimiento que habían tenido en los últimos años el sector turismo.
Durante 2021 más de 35,000 empresas del sector se vieron afectados, de acuerdo con datos de Confederación de Cámaras Nacionales de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo (Concanaco-Servytur) y se busca que este año mejore la participación del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) Turístico nacional, alcanzando un 7.1% en la economía nacional, y para el cierre de 2022, se retome la participación por arriba del 8.3%, tan solo tres décimas por debajo del 2019.
DetcoTravel siendo una empresa mexicana que cuenta con diversas marcas dedicadas a atender a sus diferentes tipos de clientes y sus diversas necesidades, desde el mexicano que quiere viajes cortos, el que gusta de exclusividad, pasando por el empresario que necesita viajes corporativos y eventos empresariales; hasta el que pertenece a la comunidad LGBTTTIQ+, y finalmente, también atiende al público que requiere tener una atención médica en el extranjero.
Rafael del Toro, fundador y Ceo de Detcotravel menciona que “un viaje siempre te trae felicidad y DetcoTravel busca ser la hacedora de felicidad de sus clientes para hacer un mundo más feliz”.
De acuerdo con el estudio publicado en el International Journal of Enviromental Research and Public Health asegura que viajar reduce el estrés, las personas se sienten menos ansiosas, descansadas y mejoran su humor.
DetcoTravel hace llamado para que las personas retomen los viajes para apoyar el sector turístico mexicano y reactivar el crecimiento que en los últimos años se había presentado, de esta manera empleados directos e indirectos, proveedores y la gente que hace posible los viajes, obtengan un beneficio de la derrama económica en el país.
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todropscience · 6 years
 I wrote this as part of a workshop at the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, MSU :) hope you can give a view
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mindful-air · 3 years
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05.07.21 , exploring is exciting
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universi-tea · 4 years
major aesthetics
biology: white walls, messy notes, staying out late at the library, pressing flowers in the pages of books, hiking with friends
classics: floral sundresses, sunlight shining through white curtains, tulips in a vase on the mantel, watercolor paintings of your favorite buildings
english: tweed jackets, reading by the fire, old journals stacked on a nightstand, chai lattes, tells the best stories
environmental science: flannel shirts, camping trips, a water bottle covered in stickers, old maps hung on the wall, always ready for an adventure
history: thrifted sweaters, the smell of old books, overalls, the silent study area of the library, daisies in a glass soda bottle, rainy days
journalism: black coffee, group texts, wrinkled shirts, running for class, late nights chatting with friends, a stack of 7 identical journals
law/poli sci: iced vanilla lattes, pocket-sized copy of the constitution, an “i voted” sticker on your laptop, strong opinions, coffee shops
global studies: studying on the quad, drinking coffee from a mason jar, walls covered in ticket stubs and photos, camera always in hand
fine arts: always covered in paint or clay, late nights in the studio, finding the best clothes at a second hand store, fruit smoothies, lo fi music
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brushgale · 3 years
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august 1
this was my habit & sleep trackers for the month of february. i tracked how many hours of sleep i got as opposed to when i went to bed and woke up. this also ft. my collapsible straw that i’m in love with
ig, @littlewhitebookshelf
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
I think I like being an English Major.
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