stardustpinkart · 1 month
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From my mate @swanpit , who is a fabbo artist seriously.
"Thumbelina AU", Hector has been kidnapped by Ernesto, not only for his musical talents, but as a husband! Announcing to a crowd they'll be married without even asking Hector first.
Leaving him trapped on a lily pad while he fetches the preacher, but if you think Hector is gonna take this lieing down, you'd be wrong
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tylerxm · 7 months
here we are!
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— "Ernesto, what are you doing?"
— "Seizing my moment."
aaaand a little close up.
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que majetes son :3
and a little headcanon!↓
Héctor has this little tic that when he's nervous, uncomfortable or even scared he hides his hands, like, in his pockets or behind himself, it depends of the situation.
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swanpit · 2 years
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commision from @pengychan for this fic (mind the tags!)
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appatary8523 · 1 month
Ernesto x Héctor
ERNECTOR OTP| love it | like it | meh | neutral | dislike it | hate it | cant stand it
Of course you know I like this one!! I love them so much! Of course, I prefer to keep this ship away from the canon events of the movie for obvious reasons(?). I love them, from best friends to boyfriends, also if there's some angsty scenario, i love them in every way(?)
(Shipping ask meme)
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paolly · 1 year
My recent works here!
I posted these Coco fics on AO3 these days. All of them are translations of works I wrote in Japanese before.
Suddenly I'm into this movie again…this is 5 years since screening in Japan. I don't know what to do with this feeling.
The story of how Ernesto and Héctor met and parted ways. Angst. Completed. (Ernector and Imector)
Literally, 5 stories that could have been. Comfort. Completed. (Héctor, Ernesto, Imelda, and Miguel)
The story of Ernesto and Imelda, who usually don't get along with each other, working together to protect Héctor from a girl like the devil. Fluf. Completed. (Ernector and Imector)
Read them if you want…
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pencopanko · 6 months
La Revolución de la Familia Rivera (A Revolutionary Girl Utena-inspired Coco AU)
Summary: Future matriarch Rosa Rivera and her brother Abel are tasked to find their missing musician cousin Miguel and bring him home before music fully corrupts him. But it's easier said than done when it turns out that: 1. Miguel has not aged in four years; 2. Nobody can leave Escuela de la Cruz; and 3. They have found themselves at the center of a family mystery that has lasted for one hundred years. Fortunately, they have their ancestors to guide them, including Mamá Imelda herself! And that one lanky ghost named Héctor who always follows Miguel around.
Stuck in what seems to be some sort of pocket dimension, Rosa and her cousins must defeat a number of duelists in order to solve their family mystery, including de la Cruz's snarky great-great-grandson, Marco. Gifted with Blessings (enchanted weapons) from their ancestors, hopefully they can all break the curse... and trigger a... "Revolution"? Whatever that may be. (Cross-posted from AO3)
Long ago, in a town called Santa Cecilia, lived a family of three. The papá was a musician who dreamed of playing for the world, while the mamá was an aspiring shoemaker who loved music just as much as her husband. They had a small daughter together, and the three of them would sing, dance, and count their blessings.
One day, the papá left home with his guitar. And never returned.
Outraged and heartbroken by his disappearance, the mamá banned music from her family. Nobody was allowed to play music, listen to music, or even hum a single note. She also forbade her family members from even uttering the name of her husband. She considered him dead, and she put up their family photo on their family’s ofrenda with his head torn off. Nobody was to remember him. Ever.
The mamá did not have time to cry, however. She rolled up her sleeves and focused on her shoemaking business, turning it into a family affair. She taught her brothers, then her daughter, then her son-in-law, and then her grandchildren. The business grew and grew, and they became known for making the best shoes in town.
Music had torn the family apart, but shoes put them all together.
That is the legacy of Imelda Rivera. Mother, grandmother, shoemaker.
Music shall never enter our family again, she had decided. But was that really such a good idea?
30 de diciembre, 1942. Ciudad de México.
It was a night to remember.
After the 21st anniversary of the establishment of Escuela de la Cruz (or De La Cruz Academy, if you are not a native Hispanic), the most famous musician in Mexican history and the namesake of the school himself, Ernesto de la Cruz performed his biggest hits for his beloved students and fans alike. He opened with “El Mundo es mi Familia”, made the crowd clap and sing along with his upbeat songs like "Un poco loco", stunned the audience and even the stage crew with his ballads, and ending with arguably his biggest hit: “Requérdame”.
As Ernesto went up the escalator all the way to the top of the stage just below the bell, everything was going well. The fireworks were shot at the correct time, the dancers were on beat, Ernesto was singing with his powerful vocals, and the crowd was pleased. The skull guitar was shining and reflecting the lights, as if it was celebrating along. Just before he was about to belt out his final note, Ernesto handed over the guitar to a stage crew, as rehearsed.
Unbeknownst to most, except for a small number of people behind the stage, one of the staff was leaning on a lever that controlled the bell. Perhaps it was a slip of the body, or perhaps he was leaning too much on the lever, but it all happened so quickly that some were convinced it was almost as if the musician was somehow cursed.
30 de diciembre, 1942. Ciudad de México.
Ernesto de la Cruz was crushed by a giant bell. There was silence followed by screams of terror and panic. The screaming only got worse when suddenly the concert hall turned dark before anyone could do anything. People were bumping against each other and against furniture, tripping over cables, and the students were rushed out of the arena back to the Academy.
After a staff member was able to turn the lights back on, somehow things took a sharp turn to the mysterious. There was indeed debris atop the escalator where the bell was dropped, but there was no bell. And the oddest thing of all: Ernesto de la Cruz’s dead body was nowhere to be found. Yes, there was blood, but other than that and some tattered fabric, he was nowhere to be seen. The skull guitar had also disappeared.
30 de diciembre, 1942. Ciudad de México.
It was a night to remember. For better or for worse.
1 de noviembre, 2017. Santa Cecilia.
Not so long ago, there was a young boy. He came from a family of shoemakers who hated music. For as long as he could remember, music was banned from entering the family. Not a whistle, not a tune, not a pluck of a guitar, not a finger tap, not even a hum. His grandmother would even yell at passerby’s who sang outside of their home.
And yet, out of everyone in his family, he was the one who fell in love with the forbidden art. He knew that his family loved him and that he loved them in return, but he too knew that he was different from the rest of them. His love for music was strong enough to the point of creation. He would record himself secretly playing music up in the hidden attic. He would write songs that he would hide in-between his books and other personal belongings in his room and in the attic as well. He even managed to created his own functioning guitar from a broken one he found amongst a pile of trash. All of this he kept a secret, except from his great-grandmother.
And up there in the same attic was also where he kept his stash of Ernesto de la Cruz memorabilia. De La Cruz was his idol, his mentor, his hero. If the boy were a rat in Paris, De La Cruz would be the imaginary chef guiding him everywhere he went. It was through his music and films that the young boy would come to love music himself. Ernesto de la Cruz came from Santa Cecilia, just like he did. He played in the plaza when he was young, just like how the boy wished he could do. He wished to do what his idol did: to seize his moment and play for the world.
Then, on a fateful Día de Los Muertos, the Day of The Dead, he found an opening. Up on top of his family ofrenda was a photo of his great-great grandmother, her daughter (the boy’s great-grandmother as a child), and an unknown man whose head was ripped off of the photo. The family only knew him as their great-great-grandfather, El Músico. The Musician. The man who left his family for music. A Xolo dog whom the boy liked to play with accidentally made the photo fall from the ofrenda, revealing a folded over portion of the photo.
It was De La Cruz’s guitar. A pristine white guitar, as if made out of marble, with a skull headstock and markings at the bottom of its body. There was no other guitar like it! He couldn’t believe it! Ernesto de la Cruz was his great-great-grandfather! With this revelation, he announced to his family that he would become a musician. Alas, his dream was rejected and his guitar was destroyed.
Heartbroken, with only his loyal Xolo at his side and the family photo in his clutch, he ran into the night.
1 de noviembre, 2021. Santa Cecilia.
Four years has passed since. Miguel Rivera has yet to come home.
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imaredshirt · 6 months
Because I can't keep anything to myself these days and I'm too excited about this fic, here's a summary for a little Ernector thing I've been working on for a couple of months.
With the holidays approaching, the Rich and Remembered decide to hold a charity event for the Nearly Forgotten, and Héctor Rivera is chosen as one of the very few Shantytown residents who actually get to attend as a guest. But he’s going with a goal in mind – to smuggle supplies out of the host’s pristine mansion and into the hands of the countless other Nearly Forgotten who were left to watch from the sidelines. When he ends up running into the one celebrity he’s trying to avoid, Héctor is sure that decades-old anger and resentment will ruin everything – until he realizes that, with his new, donated fancy clothes and fancy hair style, he’s completely unrecognizable to his old friend. As far as Ernesto de la Cruz knows, he’s flirting with a stranger.
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tomorobo-illust · 3 years
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See hi-res version here: patreon.com/posts/57583148
Has this been done already? I did it anyway. Based on this meme >u>
I also swapped Hector and Ernesto’s usual assigned colour mostly to see how they would look.
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killmes-stuff · 3 years
Hector: fuck this i'm out-
Ernesto: i'mma fuck somthing before you leave
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reidluna · 3 years
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Feliz día del amor y la amistad :D Some quick doodles to celebrate Valentine’s day. I won’t be home tomorrow so I’m posting early.
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ricemilkie · 3 years
Your honor, Ernesto De La Cruz was a closeted gay man. Why else would he be so shocked at Miguel claiming to be one of his descendants? Unless he was a gay man and only did it with men.
Not to mention, how a lot of Disney/Pixar villains are already queer coded.
He also acted like a scorned lover when Héctor chose Imelda over him and fame.
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stardustpinkart · 7 months
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Coco "Thumbelina AU!". This is based on the Don Bluth version, but I will make some refs to lesser known or diffrent versions here and there :)
This is just a colour character model sheet, in time I hope to put some scene redraws up.
Hector is just a happy tiny little person, still loves to dance and music. But he is a lil lonely becuase he seems to be the only little person in the world... Untill meeting Princess Imelda of the fairies.
Unfortunatley for the lovestruck couple, the wicked Ernesto has his eye on the talented musico too. And not just for his music...
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tylerxm · 7 months
just a mini drawing of these two!
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love em. <:)
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swanpit · 3 years
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https://katartchive.tumblr.com/post/88186113437/skeleton-praying-c-1600s-skeleton-pleading-c happy birthday for @pengychan
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appatary8523 · 1 month
Diamondchance, Ernector, Imector, Sarnesto and Tres Leches!
DIAMONDCHANCE 💎🎲 (Montague x Nolan Chance (Fortnite)) OTP| love it | like it | meh | neutral | dislike it | hate it | cant stand it
I LOVE THEM SO MUCHCHCHCHHC THEYRE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER. I know It's a rare pair but its my favvvv! of course Nolan Loves Monty and Monty Loves Nolan and they kiss and hug and love each other so much I'm so happy when I think about them msamsmsajh I mean they both are thieves, they both like luxury, is right there guys!! DiamondChance is real, baby!!
IMECTOR (Héctor x Imelda (Coco)) OTP| love it | like it | meh | neutral | dislike it | hate it | cant stand it
Yes i know they're canon and they have one kid and everything, and I like them but they're definitely not my fav(?)
SARNESTO (Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco) x Sartana De los muertos (El Tigre) OTP| love it | like it | meh | neutral | dislike it | hate it | cant stand it
I don't know much about them but sign me the fck up as long as Ernesto is happy (?) evil guitars singing for love(?)
TRES LECHES (Manolo x Maria x Joaquin (The Book of life) OTP| love it | like it | meh | neutral | dislike it | hate it | cant stand it
I have to be honest, i didn't know which one this was (?) I don't really ship them, but i dont hate it either!
(Shipping ask meme)
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paolly · 11 months
I posted new Coco fic on AO3. This is also translation of work I wrote in Japanese.
This is a genderbent fic. Héctor appears as a woman named Helena and Imelda as a man named Imelio. And Ernesto is even more of an asshole than the original.
It is intended for adults and should not be read by minors.
Have fun!
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