thot-farm · 2 years
This was supposed to be a short thing about a current brainrot and then it turned into headcanons and you can read my motivation dwindle into nothingness.
I've been thinking about a poly relationship between Erwin, Levi, Eren and Mika. I don't even like some of these pairings individually, but together it's very intriguing.
I don't even know what to call this Eruererivamika? Erumikarenri? Ackerman's and their angry men? Mikasa's harem?
The idea of Eren and Mika lovingly annoying the shit out of out of the other two and vice versa is adorable.
Levi would never be cold, he would never get the chance. At least one of them would always be there to smother him with cuddles.
I can only think of 3 downsides to this rn. (Warning I bounce between scout and modern au and there is barely and structure to this.)
1. Possessiveness, but if they are as Possessive as each other would it still create problems? Levi is the only one I can't imagine being that possessive. The other 3 though...eh they are going to have to communicate about that...which leads me into the next problem.
2. Communication, I'M NOT SAYING THEY CAN'T COMMUNICATE WITH EACHOTHER!! they can, it's just not there strongest skills. They would definitely have to work on it.
I always saw Mikasa as someone who would bottle all her problems up till she exploded. Sadness, anger, anxieties, and all the other stresses from this kind of relationship, and being a scout on top of all that. All being thrown out at once the minute conflict starts. Probably not a great mix with Eren.
I don't see Eren bottling up his frustrations with them at all, probably the start of most arguments. another worry with him is well violence, now I'm not saying he would hit one, he would never (he would cry). But throwing something (not in their direction obviously) or breaking furniture, his phone, a wall...this isn't sounding great oof....ima come back to Eren after the other two...
Levi, he is good at communicating and problem solving, he'd never initiate it though. He probably doesn't get an opportunity to say what's frustrating him when Mika and Eren start either. I can either see Levi completely shutting down during a conflict or if one of them pisses him off, he joins in (probably Eren insulted Mika so Levi insults Eren and then this goes back and forth while Mika cries.) (I thought I was projecting a bit on Mika's but oh boy, anyways i love anxious ball of Levi.)
Now Erwin, the only good communicator in this relationship. The one who can deescalate the argument and help them all communicate their feelings calmly and clearly. Now I'm not saying this man would never get mad at them and argue, but he has a much better control over his emotions and can think up of a solution to Mika and Erens yelling contest and Levi's aversion to it.
I did say I'd come back to Eren, but now I'm over procrastinating what i was supposed to be doing before, and am now procrastinating this.
I could totally act like there was never a third problem that I forgot, but it's going to bug me so maybe I'll reblog and add it or something if I ever remember it.
Anyways the best solution to their problems is....therapy. All 4 of them need it desperately.
No promises of me ever actually coming back to this, clearly I have commitment issues.
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