#this fits in my rants and rambles category
mothzarellaman · 1 year
The Life Series and Eyes (A Headcanon Rambling)
hello traffiblr! Y'all voted to have me rant about the life series and my personal headcanons regarding eyes, so. Here we go!
So let me hit you guys with a quick overview.
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here's a quick reference. While these all depend on the individual, and the series, I'll explain what each general eye color means.
4+ Lives
People with 4+ lives fall into this category. Their eyes are a dark green, bordering on teal. I think it would be interesting if A. eyes act as a sort of weak gradient in terms of 4-1 lives. So, there's a bit more blue. 2. Personal headcanons regarding speakers, and their colors. 3. A sort of parallel to the Boogey eyes. both are very dark. So its harder to tell if they have 4+ lives somehow, or if they're boogey.
3 Lives
A classic. A nice, simple green. While the exact hue varies depending on the person (because of either violent or peaceful behavior/simply what looks good with them), greens have generally bright green eyes.
2 Lives
Similarly to 3, the exact hue depends on behavior of the individual. Someone who's more violent would be closer to an amber, while peace loving players lean towards more of a yellow-green. The eyes are always clearly yellow, though.
1 Life
While the others would go towards a color dependent on behavior, all bets are called off for reds. The hue is purely aesthetic. It is no longer a clue towards general behavior. There's rarely any allowance for personal preferences in reds. All they can see is violence and conquest.
Basically, I reject the idea of boogies having purple eyes or glints for symbolism with watchers. It's far more threatening to me if their normally bright colored eyes are chips of the void. Obviously, characters still have pupils, I just don't include them in my style. I can't decide if Boogies have pure black eyes, or if their eyes are a dried-blood color so dark it only seems reddish in light.
0 Lives / Dead
And finally, we have grey eyes. When it comes to deaths before the final death, the bodies disappear quickly, as soon as the person respawns, I'd wager. But after that final death, their body remains. Their eyes quickly lose all color, and end up as grey. This was chosen just out of design choice, the lifeless look, and also, by incident, Scar's red-life skin. It makes him completely greyscale, so a similar logic applies here.
Character Specific Colors
Here's a quick guide to character specific colors. Again, everyone has a unique one. Do note that most of these are simply what looks good, as I've only had the time to watch Grian's pov, and not anyone elses.
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Ik they don't really... look good and may not fit, but hey, I'm here to rant about design ideas, not actual colors lol. And you will not believe how hard it is to make 16 different palletes unique and at least kinda match the character while having the same main 4 colors. I will address Grian, dw. Boogey and dead eyes are the same color, regardless of character.
3rd Life
Alright, so, from the base rules, nothing changes. It uses the same logic mentioned up above. Green, yellow, red, and grey. There's no real special mentions here that are exclusive to 3L.
Last Life
Similarly to 3L, LL lacks any specific changes to eyes. The only addition are the new eye colors for boogey and 4+.
Double Life
Here, characters share eye colors. What do I mean by this? I mean, their signature eye colors are at a gradient with their soulmate's. So, for example, Pearl and Scott's Green eyes are mixed as a gradient with both are on green. This applies for every life, and every soulbond. It gives people slight clues as to who exactly their soulmate is, but its hard to tell. When scar showed up boasting purple eyes, everyone was confused, to say the least lmao.
Limited Life
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ok i'm definitely the happiest with this one. The idea is that everyone's eyes are functionally, like a clock. I illustrated it really badly, but the idea is cool ok. The idea is that like, idk, every 1/8 of someone's eye represents an hour. Every hour lost from the 'benchmark' turns to the next color. For example, if someone has 24 hours, their eyes are pure green. If they have, say, 18, they only have 1/4 (2/8) of green left, the rest of their eye being green. If they have only an hour left, they only have an 1/8 of an eye red, the rest being grey. The color of their current life slowly recedes in an almost spiral pattern as time goes on. If someone somehow had 24+ hours, same rule would apply to their 4+ life, so to speak. they'd only have a sliver of the dark green, with most of their eye being their 'normal' green.
okay, I know for sure people are questioning why Grian's eyes are neon purple. The reason why is on the simpler side. Watcher. He's the only one out of the players to be an actual watcher. Some people (like Pearl and BigB) definitely have some ties to them, but Grian's the only full blown watcher. (Martyn is tied to the listeners, who are green to me, so his colors are greener despite being prone to violence lmao. And Scott is tied more to the Speakers, who are blueish/cyan to me. Pearl, as Scott's soulmate in DL, has that bluish tint to a degree. )
But, you might ask, how do people not notice??? Well, its because of my Grian design.
This is old and it doesn't quite show my idea well, but alas.
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I've already made reference images for this and I can't find the motive to draw a Grian headshot lmao. The idea is taking the Watcher's face plate. You know the one. The mask. And taking that, and instead of having the Evo symbol, no, it has, guess what. Grian's weird freaking eyes. Yep. Whether this was his attempt at camouflaging himself among non-watchers, or if it was his basically middle finger towards them, refusing to show obvious alliance with them, idk. All I know is he basically vandalized his Watcher mask. Still, you might say, that doesn't explain why is eye color is purple. Well, if you take away his mask, it's either basically a void with purple eyes inside, or probably some sort of void looking crack through his face, as if it isn't actually flesh. He can choose to have 'normal' eyes, but they always remain that Alexandria's Genesis purple, and it messes with his sight. Basically he sees too much. (I'd elaborate in my Watcher/Listener/Speaker post if people wanted 👀)
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antlerkitty · 2 months
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Having a shitty day?
Hey there! I'm Antlerkitty, and here's some information about me:
Art side blog: @kitty-of-the-stars.
My pronouns are He/They, I’m transmasc bigender. I’m also a T4T lesbian and generally queer. I identify personally and collectively as cistrans.
I am autistic (LSN-MSN, verbalflux/semiverbal), an ADHDer, a disordered system, and more. I am mentally, cognitively, and developmentally disabled.
I have been going through autism regression since late 2022. The cause is currently unknown.
I am physically disabled, diagnosed with joint instability and chronic joint pain due to hypermobility. I have chronic GI issues that I am in the process of getting diagnosed, and strongly suspected dysautonomia. I use a cane and am hoping to get forearm crutches.
I am otherkin, my kintype is a cosmic goddess.
This blog is pro-endo and anti-radqueer (besides transspecies)
Tag system:
#antlerkitty rambles - This is for any somewhat informative post
#life of antlerkitty - For any life stuff
#antlerkitty sharing - Whatever doesn’t fit into the other categories, but I still write it myself
#antletkitty screm - Vents, rants, generally negative
I listen to those who are disabled/marginalized in different ways than I am, and I am always learning more! Please be patient if I do not understand something right away, and please tell me if I have accidentally said something incorrect/offensive.
I care about everyone who visits my account with good intentions, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! 💜
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applestruda · 2 years
So like
I know it doesn't fit with your design because from what I can tell Grian is probably a fairy or something similar in the fae category (there so many things that count as far man, gnomes, trolls, kelpies, selkies, among so so so many other things- well- I know for at least Celtic origins, you might be basing things off another belief system that has fae in it but that's just too much rambling and not focused on what I wanna say-) that naturally/biologically has wings
But also
But also but also but also
I had a very random thought burst into my brain because of your fae Grian
About Grian being a pixie (type of fae), which are very mischievous and love to pull pranks and tricks on people- but they don't have wings
And in my head I was omg could you imagine if Grian was a pixie who made himself an artificial pair of wings to look more like a fairy/other type of fae so people trust him more/won't immediately want to try and keep him away with iron (iron burns fae) (also like because of how dangerous and how fair pixies go with their "pranks" they're considered very very dangerous and should not be trifled with- plus mostly they're considered apathetic, and considered to have little to no empathy- and I feel like Grian would have empathy, and we all know he doesn't ever wanna like, he probably wouldn't want to scar his friends for like or entrap them in a deal that would force them to do his bidding for eternity- so like- that's why I'm like- he'd make himself some wings cause not only is flying really effing cool, but also it's probably really lonely to be a pixie he doesn't wanna go too fair, some pixies would probably consider him a buzz kill, and others probably wouldn't trust him- so what does he do? Become a fairy)
Okay I'm sorry for ranting in your inbox I'll leave now sorry if this is like stupid or if any of it is bad or makes you uncomfortable or anything
I'm soooorryyyyyy
This is so so cool!!!
also i love the slight grian angst,,,
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fereldanwench · 1 year
Totally agree with you on that. I'm just barely a millennial, being born at the end of the 80s, but I much more identify with gen X than I do my fellow millennials. There was a point when I got sick of people referring to me as a millennial, but now gen Z'ers and alphas call me a boomer and I honestly don't know which annoys me more lol.
I find a lot of the generational bickering, especially online, to be absolutely obnoxious, tbh. 😅 So much of it is cyclical--There have been and probably always will be old people whining about The Youth and vice versa. Anyone middle-aged or older is out of touch and regressive; anyone under 30 is self-absorbed and lazy. It's all the same shit, just repackaged with new lingo and new things to be pissy about.
And then any actual valid concerns, like the detrimental influence of social media on young minds or how younger people are continually losing access to the same resources/support systems as previous generations, get pushed to the side in favor of petty squabbling. It's exhausting.
Plus the generation cutoffs are so nebulous in some areas that the divides can get really confusing, not to mention for a while it seemed like the general public discourse acted like there were only two generations: Boomers and Millennials. A lot of the stereotypes directed at Boomers and Millennials would be more "accurately" directed at Gen Xers and Zoomers as well.
But with my experiences specifically: I'm a late-80s baby who was born to two working-class/lower middle-class Boomer-Gen Xer cuspers who were very pop culture savvy during the 70s-90s and not particularly quick to embrace the technology of the early 00s and onwards.
I grew up with a lot of 70s-80s media, didn't have access to cable until I was 10, didn't have access to a home computer until I was 13, was always at least one generation behind in the video game console wars, didn't have a cell phone until college, was a latchkey kid starting in elementary school--My childhood actually looks a lot more like my husband's, who was born in the early 80s and sits in the Millennial/Gen Xer cusp, than it does a lot of other people my age. (At least amongst my peers where I live and work--Like I remember all my friends in high school having a cell phone, and my parents were always like what do you need a fucking cell phone for, you have a phone at home, lmao.)
But I do very much feel like an average Millennial in how every major milestone in my life seems to coincide with some kind of major catastrophe that is making it incredibly difficult for me to have a comfortable fucking life. Like graduating college in the middle of the recession in 2009 or being ready to advance/shift my career right as the pandemic started.
And of course, the thing about trying to shoehorn people into little categories to neatly describe how their major life experiences coincide with major events is that it's not gotta fit for most people. Everyone's life is full of unique circumstances, and I feel like things like family wealth, for instance, will also play a huge role in whether or not someone experiences certain generational markers. I certainly had a very different childhood from Millennials who grew up where money wasn't a regular family stressor.
Anyway, lmao. 😅 This kind of turned into a rambling rant, but yeah. Generation discourse always gets me a little heated, I guess. We now resumed your regularly scheduled fangirling posts, haha.
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sobeksewerrat · 9 months
My Tags!!
[More tags to be added soon -☆]
Blog Tags:
#sobek freakposting -> Shitposts ◇
#sobek rants -> Rants, essays, etc. ◇
#sobek graffiti -> My art ◇
#sobek stims -> Neurodivergent stuff ◇
#sobek yes -> Asks ◇
#writing rats -> My writing stuff ◇
#brainingsewer -> Random thoughts that occur to me ◇
#sewer dump -> Headcanons ◇
#sobek's dumpster -> Anything that doesn't fit these categories atm ◇
#sobek lore -> IRL stuff ??? ◇
#elvina's rambles about al kabeer -> My posts about the Egyptian sitcom "Al Kabeer-Awi" ◇
#argo yelling about weirdcore botany -> My posts about TWOMP/MaF because I don't really wanna be involved in the fandom anymore ◇
#kinposting lmao -> Anything about my kins ◇
#arabic posting for once -> Posts in my native language (arabic) or about SWANASA stuff ◇
AU/Work Tags:
#tmf × ace attorney / #freak attorney -> TMF Ace Attorney AU ♤
#misadventures of lettuce chan / #doki doki lettuce -> TMF OC stuff relating to the fictional in-universe anime ♤
#the arab freaks / #arab freaks au -> TMF AU where the Jomies + Milly are Arabs (co-created with @roryheart ) ♤
#burning flame -> iykyk ♤
#hailey austin vs the world/ #hailey austin takes off -> TMF Scott Pilgrim AU ♤
#trans genesis au -> AU where the Eden quartet and a bunch of other Hazbin Hotel chrs are trans (co-created with @an-theduckin) ♤
#drake's apple-> TMF n Hazbin Hotel crossover where Drew n Jake are Adam n Lucifer reincarnated (created by @roryheart but I post about it frequently)
#narrator swap -> AU where the Narrator from TSP and the Narrator from TWOMP swap places (co-created with @an-theduckin) ♤
#hazbin swap au (till we get a better name) -> Swap AU of Hazbin Hotel (well, to be fair it's mostly a swap TGAU) co-createx with @an-theduckin ♤
OC Tags:
#kutuku taloyes
#taifuauu taloyes
#marko/markus daniella
#huches karkovedes
#gerses haunem
#jaida'a amer khalil
#ashlene-aljamila williams-yazarifa
Character Tags:
#the only guy in the bible -> Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
#missing moon milf -> Lilith (Hazbin Hotel)
#◇angsty teen with a spear◇ -> Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
#the crow and the rock -> Cain n Abel (Hazbin Hotel)
#white boy jumpscare from heaven -> SAINT PETER
#raspberry bear 🐻-> Drew (TMF)
#devil in pink -> Milly (TMF)
#mvkay super slay-> Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney)
#franny von karma-> Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
#best boy cedric -> that-fruitier-emo 's oc Cedroc
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hi Franky! How are you? How is your day going? I am sending many chill and comforting vibes your way. So umm I wanted to ask if you are comfortable writing for a muslim reader? To clarify a muslim is someone who practices Islam? And a muslim reader who wears a hijab (headscarf)? Also rant incoming sorry. Because there are no, if any at all, fics or content for muslim specific readers and yes I know it’s very specific and I can get as to why nobody writes for that category but it’s one of those things where when I do find content like that I’m like “OH MY GOD CONTENT RELATED TO ME SPECIFICALLY ARE YOU SERIOUS YESSSSSS” like anyone else would react with chubby reader or short ready or adhd reader etc you know? It’s just something special to me whenever I find fics that I specifically myself can relate to you know? I mean this isn’t uncommon but like idk it’s different because it’s so underrepresented. Anyways, sorry for that ramble you can ignore this if you want. I hope you have a good day!! *sends many virtual hugs*
So, I've asked many people for help on this, some wonderful people reached out on both anon and DMs and I have ran this piece by them for the check and it passed. HUGE thank you to the following amazing and helpful people who checked for me, imparted information about the culture and basically held my hand through this.
@hi-mimosa @jin-supremacy01 and @mikuisasmash
Disclaimer: I am a white little dude, but I tried my best for this piece, I did some reading, talked to people above and I mean full respect and hope you can enjoy this piece. I also have been told this doesn't fit strict rules of dating.
I picked three characters but I would be willing to do more in the future.
Someone even sent me tag suggestions and I hope they are all good. I hope I didn't offend anyone and anon I hope this was the sort of thing you wanted and were hoping for.
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It might take him a minute to understand certain traditions and rules but he listens and asks questions.
He knows to keep things simple, not to go too fast, offers you his hand, and doesn’t make a move until you take it.
He bought you a bright orange hijab, it matched his hat and he was very excited to give it to you.
His smile is bright as you look the hijab over and feel warmth, he wanted to match and that was so sweet to you.
He gets up, letting you have privacy to change, he leans down and kisses your forehead.
You look at yourself in the mirror as you gently collect up all your hair, putting it away in the gifted hijab, and smile wide when you admire it in the reflection.
The fabric is soft and feels nice on your skin, it also smells like him, like cinnamon and firewood.
Something to always remind you of him when he’s away.
He comes back, a knock on the door which you tell him he can open.
“Wow, it looks really nice on you, it compliments your eyes.” Ace says with a hum and sits down next to you.
He offers you his upturned palm and you place your hand in his.
“Thank you, Ace.”
Marco and Sabo undercut!
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He’s watching you sit there reading, a look of concentration on your face as you look over words, absorbing the story.
You huff when a strand of hair slips out from your hijab.
It was always the same rebellious lock that always insisted on peeking out.
You heard Marco chuckle and glanced up, seeing him open his drawer, grab something and walk over.
“I almost forgot I got this on my list trip for you.” He said with a hum and knelt down, he unwrapped a beautiful blue and gold pin.
You took a breath as he carefully tucked your hair back, using the ornate pin to slide your hijab into place.
He sat back on his haunches and admired how you looked.
Marco places a finger under your chin, carefully, admiring your eyes and how your lips curled into a smile.
Touched by such a gentle gesture you mumbled a shy thank you as he moved away, a hand resting on your shoulder, a firm squeeze of affection.
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He knows there are a lot of rules you have to follow and he never makes it hard for you, he does his best to understand and be a good partner.
And you love him for it.
He always offers you his arm, and you are often happy to take it. You rather hold hands when it’s just you and him.
You walk along with him, across the shore and the wind picks up, there's a nasty gust that pulls at your hijab and he quickly blocks the wind as best as he can.
Despite how panicked the situation is, how the rush of wind takes you both by surprise.
He’s so gentle with how he grasps the fabric, helping you keep it secured.
Sabo makes sure your modesty isn't compromised as you adjust and let out a sigh.
“Thank you,” you say with a sigh and he smiles at you.
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imanes · 1 year
hi imane! i hope ur doing well <3 i just wanted to ask: what do you do during times of uncertainty? im a uni student abt to go on placement and I've been applying for part-time jobs that's centred around my field but to no avail sadly :/ i wanted to save up at least so i wouldn't stress during placement and everything's so overwhelming.. there are other external factors that's making me feel this way too like a friendship break-up i had few months ago and its affected me quite badly but im starting to pick myself up again. anyways sorry for the rant and i hope ur day is lovely x
hey! just sat down after hours of procrastination to work on my dissertation and i wish i were done already akjdkfgj but it could be worse!! ok it's gonna be long and probs unhelpful but i know that you wanted to vent more than you thought i was holding some solution so I'll just ramble and hope something resonates with you lmao <3
for me uncertainty makes me feel like my life is in shambles, it's hard to cope with things going south and not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but during my yearly flop era in march/april i had a talk with a friend who's much older, wiser, and more experimented, and basically it helped me put things into perspective and learn how to let go. there are only so many things that you can control so i split my different issues into different categories for a more systemic approach to my problems lol: things that i can actually somewhat control (my emotions, my reactions, my efforts, what i can do moving forward to alleviate some of my stress), things that are out of my control (how people misconstrue me, external stressors like shitty coworkers, refusals from jobs i was applying for) and things (and people) that i don't need in my life. learning to let go of things for me internationally infamous control freak was not easy but it was liberating, idk if you're religious so if you aren't the next part isn't going to be helpful lol but i don't think i should be chasing things because i am exactly where i am meant to be, and if i start clutching at the things that aren't meant to be in my life, it's just my ego getting in the way, and i prayed that Allah just lets me find the place that i would fit better in and that He'd take me away from it if i wasn't going to be doing or feeling good there. i guess the non-religious version would just be to trust the process and understand that things in life wax and wane, whether it be job opportunities or relationships. obviously there's like a plethora of other factors like what do i do if i can't pay the bills and stuff? that was how i was thinking just a couple of months ago when my dissertation was not writing itself and nobody was hiring me! but a few weeks have passed and looking back on it i was starting to chase things again and it made me feel like i was stuck in a rut when in fact it's normal for things to take some time to settle down and for opportunities to arrive.
so basically whether you stress about it or not, literally nothing is going to change except the way you frame it in your head. for me i just continued applying and gave interviews my all while also being detached enough to simply trust myself to find the space that i was meant to occupy eventually, and after many many many rejections i finally found something a week ago, but it took a couple of months of steady job application to get there. looking from the other side of the mirror it's easy to say things like "don't get discouraged!" but it is true that if you keep throwing shit at a wall something's going to eventually stick, hence the power of consistency and of never giving up.
i'm glad you're slowly building yourself back up after your friendship break-up, i know how much it can drag you down but again some people are meant to be with you for a season only and at the end of the day with the effect of time making things more bearable and by working on your self-esteem and knowing that you can do things that you set your mind to, whether it is finding a part-time job or picking yourself back up, in a few weeks you're gonna look back on where you were mentally at when you sent me this message and where you'll be then and you'll thing "well i guess things DO pass huh who would've thought!!" lol life is a cycle of stability and unsteadiness, doesn't matter how much you prepare something's always going to go sideways but another truth is that things fall back into place again and you have to have faith in that, in yourself, and maybe in something else like i am w/ my relation to religion if u need extra help. speaking of help if you have a support system, confide in them and let them carry some of that weight for you!! you'd do the same for them so don't feel like you're a burden for needing help when you are facing instability. wishing you the best of luck and i really hope you find a good part-time job before your placement babe
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harley-the-pancake · 1 year
Alright, I'm procrastinating again, but I wanna post my datemate's Life series ramble
I'll put it under read more since I know it is rather long lol
The Traffic Life SMP has an interesting composition of different people, and they each have their own "purpose" within the series as well as a distinct way their videos feel. In this essay I will explain these categories and some of my reasoning behind why I believe their series all feel different.
Actually, though, it is super interesting seeing how each person fits into this series, seeing as how they are all very different people with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. I should preface this with the fact that I have not watched every point of view for every series, but I have watched at least one perspective from each of the main alliances within each series.
Starting with the categories I mentioned earlier, I took this idea from Hermitcraft. In general, everyone in Hermitcraft is either a builder or a redstoner. There is overlap, of course, but these are the main two categories of strength in a server where everyone can plan and work on projects extensively. In the Life Series, however, builder and redstoner does not encompass everyone. The four categories I have come up with instead are builder, redstoner, pvp-er, and funnyman. (I think of these like Pokemon types, some have one while others have a few.)
Builder is one of the most obvious, but even though it is easily seen in series like Hermitcraft or Empires, it is not as clear cut in the Life Series. The most prominent example I can think of is Scott. He is such a builder it is not even funny. He will absolutely wreck shop in pvp if given the chance, but he generally does not actively seek out combat. His series feels like an independent building lets-play rather than an SMP. Additionally, other builders such as Grian, Scar, and Bdubs are not nearly as focused on building during the Life Series as they are in Hermitcraft. They are certainly still good at building, but that is not their main focus. Other builders on the Life Series include Joel, Impulse, Cleo, Lizzie, and Pearl.
The second category, redstoner, is one of the most interesting ones in my opinion, simply because of the differences between making functional redstone contraptions and traps. What I have noticed from the Life Series is that those who are super confident with redstone such as Etho or Tango, tend to make fewer traps but more "practical" redstone constructions such as Etho's mob farm from Limited Life. Those who are not as confident, however, make a bunch of traps but do not use redstone otherwise. All traps are cursed in the Life Series, but even so, with throwing traps into the mix, I would consider Grian to be a redstoner more than a builder in this series (although, again, this is Pokemon types so he is definitely some of both). Of the other redstoners in the Life Series, Etho, Tango, and Mumbo are of the former, more practical redstone users, whereas Grian, Joel, and Lizzie are of the trap sort.
After building and redstone, there is another major factor that contributes specifically to the Life Series that tends not to come up in other series, namely pvp. These are the people who, through whichever means, can get kills when they need to. There are also a few subsections of this group as well, since some people are better or worse at pvp, and are more or less interested in fighting people. For example, Scott has a good track record of getting kills when it counts, but he rarely initiates fights and generally seems uninterested in killing people. Grian and Joel tend to be bloodthirsty, but can also actually get kills most of the time. I would also like to take a moment here to mention Etho and Cleo specifically, because I think they are somewhat similar when it comes to pvp. I will not go in to my whole Etho rant at the moment because that could be an essay on its own, but from what I have seen he tends to be all or nothing when it comes to the Life Series. On one hand, he was a fearsome boogeyman in Last Life, and tends to be very good at survival when the odds are against him, but on the other, he has died to a creeper multiple times. He is good at surviving big things but not little ones. Cleo has a similar vibe, in that she does not necessarily think she is good at pvp, but they are pretty good at getting consistent kills when it counts. I would consider both of them to be in the pvp category, even if they might not lol. I am also putting Skizz firmly in this category, since he is quite good at getting kills and swings wildly between bloodthirsty and an angel (3rd Life vs Limited Life).
The final category is the last one I distinguished between, and it was mainly due to two players: BigB and Jimmy. The other categories were easy to pick out, but when I was done thinking through who might go in which category, I realized neither of them really fit. However, they are both vital members of the server, and I was trying to figure out why that was. Eventually, the answer hit me that they are both just enjoyable people to be around. They are always so kind, but they are also super funny people to watch interact with others. I maintain that these series would not be nearly as fun if everyone was serious all the time, and as much as I love the amount of talent showcased in series such as Hermitcraft, the Life Series always felt a bit different to me. In any case, BigB and Jimmy are absolutely in the funnyman category, as are Martyn, Skizz, Joel, Ren, and Lizzie.
I also wanted to talk briefly about the idea of "Jack of All Trades", because it is one theme that I've found is lacking in many of these discussions. I formed this theory when talking with a friend about a few different series, specifically the Dream SMP and the Life Series (back during Last Life). I was asking about how good everyone was at pvp, since I figured that was a decent measure of how good people would be at these specific series, and I knew my friend was much better versed in the pvp side of Minecraft than I was. For the Dream SMP, I knew that people like Sapnap and BBH were on the more skilled side of pvp, while Tubbo and Tommy tended to be on the less skilled side, and for the Life Series I knew Scott and Grian were pretty good while Jimmy and BigB were not as much. So, I asked specifically about Philza and Etho, since I had not heard much about their pvp skills, and I got a similar answer for both. My friend basically said, "Well, they have been playing Minecraft for a very long time, so they are going to have some level of skill in any aspect of the game no matter what. They are not as good with 1.16 combat, since they are not focused on pvp at the moment, but I know they were good with 1.8 combat mechanics." Having learned more about them both since these conversations, I highly agree with this assessment, but one thing I took away was the idea that many of these people are skilled in a bunch of these areas even if they are only known for one or two. In the Life Series specifically, I feel that this applies most to Etho and Joel. They are good at the game all around, and I feel like that deserves some recognition.
Finally, I wanted to talk a bit about how each person's perspective feels different. (I will not go through all of them, but I had a few I wanted to touch on in particular.) As I mentioned before, Scott is very much a builder. He is building cute little houses and having fun with his friends, and it really does just feel like a building lets-play. Grian's point of view, in stark contrast, feels like the hunger games. He is setting traps and killing people, and as much as he is joking around he is also causing chaos. In between these two extremes, Etho feels somewhere in the middle. He is playing survival minecraft with friends and trying not to die. He is messing with people and getting kills, but he is also cracking jokes and having fun with the different groups. Joel's perspective feels similar to Grian's in that he is playing survival games, but if survival games was also about building fun houses and traps. Ren is playing on a roleplay server. Bdubs can't decide if he wants to build, roleplay, or cause chaos. He chooses all of the above. BigB, however, is another interesting one. He is playing on a semi-independent survival politics server. He mostly keeps to himself and his alliances, and doesn't try to seek out kills. However, when he does end up talking to other players, it always feels like he is on a minefield. He is such a sweet and kind person, and most of this feeling is probably the effects of not wanting to upset his friends, but whenever he talks to others he makes the effort to stay happy and civil the whole time rather than messing with them or making threats like some of the other players on the server. I just think it is super interesting how the feeling of each point of view differs from person to person.
Maybe someone can combine these feelings and the aforementioned categories, but I'm too tired to do that right now. Anyway this was a rambling mess but it was a rambling mess that contained some sort of character study maybe so I'll take it! I hope you enjoyed the nonsense :)
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[FAQ/ Info about this Blog]
I have set up a few rules for myself to follow while writing for this blog, if you wanna know about them feel free to go ahead and read them. If not that’s totally fine :)
#1 I will post in chronological order of first showing/release of each film/show.
#2 For now I’ll write only about movies/shows that have Michael Sheen acting in it.
#3 For now I’ll write only about movies/shows that have Michael acting on screen. (See faq below)
#4 I don’t have a set guideline of how I write and what points I write about. I just write whatever comes to mind.
Who are you?
I’m Cosmo, just a silly little guy online. He/Him. In my mid twenties. My main blog is cosmo-64.
Why did you start this blog?
Short answer: Because Michael Sheen
Long answer: After watching Good Omens 2 I was curious about Sheen’s past work and started watching a couple of films he’s been in. I had a lot of thoughts about them and so I did what a normal person would do and shared those thoughts on the internet. (That was supposed to be a joke but it’s actually true nowadays wtf) Anyway, here we are now.
My actual secret goal/side quest is to eventually have the biggest Michael Sheen gif library in the whole world
Do you have any experience in writing about media?
Absolutely not. I’m sorry if my rambling is a bit confusing sometimes, it’s often literally just my first thoughts about something. But I do take the time to think about what I actually want to say about the shows/films. Sometimes it’s just gonna be a rant tho.
Do you even know anything about movies and acting?
Not even the slightest. I do like to watch interviews with actors and bts stuff and have seen some great plays. But that’s pretty much it. See this blog as a viewer and fan commentary. I think that’s a valid view. I will be biased probably, but if I don’t enjoy something I will say it. I don’t claim to know anything about anything tho
Your blog name is Everything by Michael Sheen, so wdym you’ll write only about movies/shows that have Michael acting on screen?
Exactly that. For now. I do plan on incorporating his voice acting and other audio performances eventually, but they are sort of different from on screen acting so I’ll have to figure out how to tackle those first. Also if I did incorporate absolutely everything all at once I fear I’d completely loose track and loose motivation, because it’s like…a lot of stuff. Movies and shows are easier to get into and write about imo. Maybe I’ll do like a special every once in a while. I know that will break up the whole chronological thing of it all, but you gotta break the rules occasionally, am I right?
Wdym only movies/shows that have Michael Sheen acting in it?
No documentaries, no quiz shows and stuff like that. I’m aware that There’s something about movies somehow fits in both the “quiz shows“ and the “have Michael acting in it“ categories, but I’m not sure if that counts…I will decide what to do with this one separately.
If you like Good Omens, why only Michael Sheen and not Davis Tennant aswell?
I loooove, love, love David Tennant‘s work. I have since I was a little Whovian. Buuuut my Tennant phase was back then. I did watch a lot of his stuff and I might’ve had enough enthusiasm to do something like this, but I was still a kid so I didn’t have even nearly enough patience for it. Now it’s Michaels turn and we’re lucky enough to have me have the patience to sit down and write several pages about a BBC tv drama series that hardly anyone remembers today and nobody I know irl has ever even heard about. (Example)
You ranted a lot about (insert post here) don’t you like it?
I probably did! I have only one rule that has to be true for me to like a movie. I have to have fun watching it. For whatever reason, that doesn’t matter. A story can be bad and I still have fun. I am frustrated with the fate of a character and I still have fun. Two things can be true at once. But If I had fun watching the movie, it does what it’s supposed to and that’s incredible! Nothing is perfect and that is absolutely fine aswell. I still have so much respect for everyone who is involved in realizing such a project and even if my words might sound harsh occasionally nothing will change that. Anyway tbh if a film or show has Michael Sheen attached it will probably be very difficult for me to not have fun even just a little bit. Call me a fanboy but currently that’s just how it is.
How often do you post a new entry?
As often as I can? As I’m writing this I have enough stuff to post weekly, but I know I won’t be able to keep that going for long. In the future it will depend on what it is and how much I obsess over it. If Michael has a major role and/or I’m obsessed over it, it might take some time. If not it might be out quicker.
Do you watch everything in chronological order?
No. I would’ve loved to, but that was doomed from the start. I’m waaay too curious to keep that up. I’ll try to set up some sort of list so if anyone is interested they can check what I’ve seen already.
How do you handle TV shows?
If Michael is in only one episode, I’ll watch only that episode and give you context as to what that show is about. If he’s in more than one episode I’ll try to watch at least enough understand the context of his character. If I like it enough I may watch all of it but write only about the part that’s relevant to this blog. For shows that have Michael featured as a main role I will watch everything of course and then write about them season by season. Each season will be placed in order of first TV or online release. For these I don’t know yet If I will actually write about every episode or just give an overall synopsis and write about the character. We will see when the time comes. It will be a while from now.
How do you deal with possible mature or upsetting contents?
I put up trigger warnings right on top of the post, so people who don’t want to read about potentially upsetting stuff can skip it. Also I try to tag any posts with upsetting or mature themes as heavily as I can. If you think I’m missing a tag please tell me so! I will not show explicit voilence, gore or sexual scenes in gifs. But there might be some depictions blood (properly tagged ofc) in gifs. If any mature themes are important to the story I will describe them, but that’s it (again, this will be tagged). Personal, less serious note: If the tone and situation allows it I will make jokes, maybe inappropriate ones sometimes. Please let me cope in peace.
What do you do if you can’t find a movie or show?
Luckily hasn’t fully happened yet. I sort of had this with problem Lost in France, but thanks to one nice VCR uploader I found one episode of it online, so I had at least an impression of what it is. If this happens I will write what I can find out about it and make a note of it. Maybe it will turn up someday later.
Which of Michaels roles are your favs?
Rn they are, in no particular order: Aziraphale (the og), Lucian ( the underdog), Colin (the sweet moonchild), Robbie (the first), Miles (the icon), William Masters (the walking relationship problem, like holy shit communicate for once, sir) aaaaaand James lol ifkyk
Disclaimer: I will try to be funny occasionally, sorry about that.
If you have any other questions or just want to chat my dms are always open!
Thank you for reading!
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drunkleech · 2 years
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this might be long i will try to not rant too much but you chose my biggest cope ever so
my favourite band ever is radiohead but i have a lot of bands that I really really like and the list would be too long. i also love vocaloid music but that also fits too many different genres and artists since it's literally a vocal synth software and anyone can make music on it. yes you can make fun of me for being whiny or a weeb i agree.
most of the music i listen to fits into the rock/eletronic genre (or sub-genres) I'd say i really like trip-hop and post-punk too. i like many different branches and again it would take too long to list all these small categories. i also like other genres but i feel i don't know enough about them to say i like them just yet. im always eager to try new music and i love album listening :)
again i didn't clarify a lot because it would be tooo long i think but if you want a small top 10 i can do that. i guess. sorry for rambling
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thot-farm · 2 years
This was supposed to be a short thing about a current brainrot and then it turned into headcanons and you can read my motivation dwindle into nothingness.
I've been thinking about a poly relationship between Erwin, Levi, Eren and Mika. I don't even like some of these pairings individually, but together it's very intriguing.
I don't even know what to call this Eruererivamika? Erumikarenri? Ackerman's and their angry men? Mikasa's harem?
The idea of Eren and Mika lovingly annoying the shit out of out of the other two and vice versa is adorable.
Levi would never be cold, he would never get the chance. At least one of them would always be there to smother him with cuddles.
I can only think of 3 downsides to this rn. (Warning I bounce between scout and modern au and there is barely and structure to this.)
1. Possessiveness, but if they are as Possessive as each other would it still create problems? Levi is the only one I can't imagine being that possessive. The other 3 though...eh they are going to have to communicate about that...which leads me into the next problem.
2. Communication, I'M NOT SAYING THEY CAN'T COMMUNICATE WITH EACHOTHER!! they can, it's just not there strongest skills. They would definitely have to work on it.
I always saw Mikasa as someone who would bottle all her problems up till she exploded. Sadness, anger, anxieties, and all the other stresses from this kind of relationship, and being a scout on top of all that. All being thrown out at once the minute conflict starts. Probably not a great mix with Eren.
I don't see Eren bottling up his frustrations with them at all, probably the start of most arguments. another worry with him is well violence, now I'm not saying he would hit one, he would never (he would cry). But throwing something (not in their direction obviously) or breaking furniture, his phone, a wall...this isn't sounding great oof....ima come back to Eren after the other two...
Levi, he is good at communicating and problem solving, he'd never initiate it though. He probably doesn't get an opportunity to say what's frustrating him when Mika and Eren start either. I can either see Levi completely shutting down during a conflict or if one of them pisses him off, he joins in (probably Eren insulted Mika so Levi insults Eren and then this goes back and forth while Mika cries.) (I thought I was projecting a bit on Mika's but oh boy, anyways i love anxious ball of Levi.)
Now Erwin, the only good communicator in this relationship. The one who can deescalate the argument and help them all communicate their feelings calmly and clearly. Now I'm not saying this man would never get mad at them and argue, but he has a much better control over his emotions and can think up of a solution to Mika and Erens yelling contest and Levi's aversion to it.
I did say I'd come back to Eren, but now I'm over procrastinating what i was supposed to be doing before, and am now procrastinating this.
I could totally act like there was never a third problem that I forgot, but it's going to bug me so maybe I'll reblog and add it or something if I ever remember it.
Anyways the best solution to their problems is....therapy. All 4 of them need it desperately.
No promises of me ever actually coming back to this, clearly I have commitment issues.
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reidsaurora · 2 years
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Navigation ☆ About Me
About Me:
hi! my name's emily, but i go by emmy and mills as well <3
i'm nineteen (19) years old
i'm a Christian first and foremost.
my pronouns are she/her.
leo sun/libra moon/aquarius rising ☆ enfp ☆ gryffindor ☆ 2w3
i have five autoimmune diseases: crohn's disease ☆ hidradenitis suppurativa ☆ arthritis ☆ fibromyalgia ☆ psoriasis
i am a suspected neuro-divergent. i suspect i have adhd and/or autism, but have never had a proper diagnosis.
About My Interests:
something to know about me is that i will fall in love with pretty much anything placed in front of me, hence why i am in so many different fandoms! but i will list the main ones below :)
my favorite tv shows are criminal minds and supernatural, though i have only watched the first four seasons for religious reasons.
my favorite movies are the harry potter series, the twilight series, the princess bride, and a week away.
my favorite musicians and bands are one direction, niall horan, bts, and noah kahan. there's loads more but these are just the main ones.
my comfort movies are the princess bride and monsters inc. my comfort tv show is alexa & katie.
i am currently taking a gap year. i will be attending college in the fall to major in english/creative writing, but will be attempting to also get a theatre certificate, in hope of becoming an actress and/or director, alongside my true dream, becoming an author and/or screenwriter.
About My Blog:
this blog welcomes anyone and everyone! i think niall horan puts it best: when you're with me, no judgement, you can just be yourself!
this blog welcomes minors and over 18s! anything that is 18+ will have either "(NSFW)" or "(Slightly NSFW)" in the title, but just in case i have forgotten to mark anything, always check the content warnings first. please feel free to message me if i've forgotten a cw or forgotten to mark something as nsfw.
please remember that all feelings are valid here. never be afraid to call me out if i have written anything that makes you uncomfortable or have missed cw's in my posts.
despite having extrovert in my mbti, one thing to know about me is that i have a hard time reaching out first. however, i love making new friends so if you'd like to start talking, feel free to send me a dm!
also feel free to put anything and everything in my inbox! any prompts ideas, imagine requests, questions you have concerning me or my blog, and anything else you can think of! even if you just wanna say hi <3
Links and Such:
criminal minds masterlist
supernatural masterlist
requests form
taglists form
mutuals form
beta reading sign ups
mutuals list
old pinned post
side blog for fic recs -> @paperbackprettyboy
blog for icons i've made -> @scrapbookspence
stranger things blog -> @honeysuckleharringtons
#ofwilliamandwalter - all my writings
#emmy interacts - anything related to my asks/inbox
#emmy watches cm - any rambles pertaining to my watchthrough of cm
#emmy's cm rambles - random rambles about criminal minds or the cast
#emmy's spn rambles - random rambles about supernatural or the cast
#emmy rambles - random rambles, as one would expect
#emmy writes - any rambles pertaining to my writing endeavors
#emmy writes music - rambles pertaining to writing songs
#emmy's 🐏bles - any rambles pertaining to my college experience
#emmy rants - me complaining
# emmy reads! - bookish rambles
#emmy reads fanfics! - fanfic rambles
# emmy's crohnicles - rants and rambles about my chronic illnesses
#emmy's being inappropriate - (slightly) nsfw rambles
#emmyfromowaw - anything that doesn't fit into a specific category/random posts
#thanks anon! - answers to inbox q's of ppl who aren't following me/are anons
#thanks moot! - answers to inbox q's from all my moots <3
#bet queue wanna love me now - my cute lil queue tag, inspired by sab carpenter <3 (even if i don't know how these tags work)
Random Stuff:
the icon in the collage featured above is by @catsadams.
my current pfp is by @catsadams.
my current header is @rinadragomir.
all other photos in the collage above and all my other collages are from pinterest unless stated otherwise.
support banners on all writing posts are by @maysdigitalarts
Thank you all so much for visiting my blog. I hope I have something that suits your fancy here! Feel free to make yourself feel at home here and as always: Treat All People With Kindness. ☆
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wasflypaw · 3 years
Shout out to a bunch of random blogs I follow!!! :]
Not mentioning anyone I havent like,, had an interaction with bc that would be awkward. If you're not in here i probably either forgot to follow you, (I only started following ppl like 2 weeks ago except for the few I followed when I first started this blog) didnt know if u would be okay with a shoutout or just skimmed over ur name
@businessbois and @zeta-in-de-walls !! OG Tommy fans who have Also been there since the beginning and post a lot about that. Businessbois posts a lot of clips too!! First Tommy blogs I really found on here, Zeta specifically being the first DSMP blog I followed
There r some Wilbur centric blogs I follow like @general-light, @thespoonisvictory, @strawberiitea, @the-redeemed-anon, @patchwork-rambles who also post a lot of c!Wilbur analysis n sympathetic stuff
People who post a lot of analysis/rants I agree with: @embermc, @stellocchia, @daggryet, @quicksandblock, @farfran (c!Sam centric) @tobi-smp (really long but good analysis posts) @sajdd, @squareupgod, @cube-cumb3r, @crunchcrunchmunchmunch, @lucemferto, @rainbow-kitten-5
Idk how to fit you into a certain category/I forget the specific reason I followed but I enjoy seeing u on my dash or in my notifs: @relaxxattack, @inniter, @dogin8, @terrible-ass-always, @netheritenugget, @mcmoth, @smaragdine, @lovebotbrian, @bonesposts, @moriphyte, @skilatilu, @atomiclightcycle, @willowwispflame, @wrigglebrains, @art--harridan, @roboticsorcerer (the last three all have Really good art), @condorclaw
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marimopeace · 3 years
there's a limit on how much you can be an isekai intellectual...
a bunch of analyses have been popping up before me all day so i wanted to throw my hat into the ring. all love to ppl who are exercising their creative minds + ppl like geoff here who just talk about these things because of fan interest but i feel like there reaches a point where exploring the "types" of isekai is pointless? i've seen ppl list out the different types of villainess revenge isekai or fantasy mmorpg isekai but eh why fit them all into separate boxes like that?
i think it's easier to think of isekai as a "type" (genre) of itself with only two categories: 1) a focus on isekai (lit. another world) 2) tensei (lit. to be reborn). this allows for a variety of applications and thus tropes that ppl see so many trends of!
with isekai - in another world
you see everything from:
pure fantasy (inuyasha, digimon wait maybe not the best example but in my childhood mind i count digimon as pure fantasy, fushigi yugi)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (.hack//legend of twilight, sao ugh, log horizon, overlord (LOVE OVERLORD!)
otome game-esque worlds >>> this is where it gets complicated with "villainess routes" since i admit there are multiple villainess tropes but this is why it's nice to not think of this as a "sub-type/genre" bc it frees you from those complications! (the saint's magic power is omnipotent, the white cat's revenge as plotted from the dragon king's lap soso cute!, the savior's book cafe in another world, i'm a villainous daughter so i'm going to keep the last boss wait i can't remember if she's reborn in this one lmaooo see this is why rules make everything hard)
with tensei storylines - being reincarnated/reborn in another world as *insert character/role*
you see...
the same tropes!!
pure fantasy (a returner's magic should be special, reminiscence adonis, the lady and the beast, light and shadow, i can't think of a manga off the top of my head for this ah)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (so i'm a spider so what i stan kumoko so hard, her majesty's swarm, can't name another off the top of my head ah i hate lists shorter than two things...)
self-insert based games/novels (fiance's observation log of a self-proclaimed villainess, who made me a princess, death is the only ending for the villainess, the villainess wants to marry a commoner, honestly games vs novels are different applications but i'm not in the headspace to try to remember a bunch of both lol)
*insert line break to give random ppl a break from scrolling but tl; dr just enjoy things for what they are no need to micro analyze*
similar variations occur in both genres (if ppl want to be super technical i guess i'm arguing that isekai itself is a massive genre that has the "another world" subgenre and "reincarnation" subgenre tl; dr) so i think it's honestly a huge pain to try to separate all these trends into so many different types of stories. for me personally it's easier to not get overwhelmed by this gigantic umbrella of "isekai" that spans light novels, manhwa, manga, and mobile games by just stripping each story down into its trademark tropes (aka character archetypes, story structures) and slapping "oh this is a person going to a world that's not ours" and "this person gets reborn as blank in another world". none of this "omg this power fantasy is such a this kind of isekai moment" or "there are 14 different types of villainess revenge stories and this series fits into this" bc AH labels! limitations! circle-jerks via ppl trying to compartmentalize everything and sound smart for leaving a comment on story analysis instead of ooh-ahhing over a character's face! dividing things into light novel manga vs manga vs korean manhwa ft. female characters!
the last bit is mainly why i feel frustrated by ppl's insistence to group everything?
the video linked at the beginning of the post (honestly good video essay, i enjoyed it, i just kept thinking in my head the whole time "marimo these are tropes do not take the genre talk literally") has a baby comment thread talking about "korean isekai manhwas" as a genre featuring nothing but reincarnated villainess' and i can't.
like i cannot acknowledge that as a genre of any sort. the energy i felt reading through some of those insights takes me back to 2012 when all yt americans discovered k-pop and deemed all korean music k-pop from then on! (ppl still do this now, yes you are seen and don't talk to me pls i don't like you. k-pop is korean pop music and nothing less and nothing more. take a few seconds and try to parse apart aspects of korean culture instead of slamming everything into a monolithic label that has the letter k and a hyphen.) it feels so odd to see a bunch of young ppl on ig and tiktok acknowledge korean media that happens to be in the form of a webtoon as "oh stories all about young girls becoming villains in stories they made/played" bc it feels so reductive u.u
(positionality disclaimer that i'm praying isn't actually necessary: i am a 3rd-generation korean of japanese descent do not fite me i am exhausted irl of ppl asking for validation/verification bc massive shove off.)
breaking news! korean manhwa...is just as multifaceted as japanese manga...bc how can comics as an art-form not have multiple genres...huh such a shocker?!?! same likely applies to media in other parts of the world like chinese manhwa and french comics--not my place to explain either of those i just know those industries exist bc of wakfu and donghua shows by Tencent.
at the end of the day it's not like analyzing any kind of isekai is wrong--absolutely not!! i think it can be super fun to think about how isekai elements complicate a story (MCs trying to go back home, ppl from the og world, reincarnation plot-twists) or maybe even bash a series for including some kind of other world element when they could have just written a super fun fantasy.
insert marimo's brief ramble that hey you can get sick of truck-kun's hitting disillusioned guys who happen to be super duper smart or girls who happen to be master chefs/craftsmen but transporting a fully-grown being into a fantasy setting is the ultimate cheat code for making mundane modern technology seem cool and overpowered, and being reincarnated as a fully grown person in a world with a pre-made story/game set-up completely bypasses the need for an author to slowly flesh out world-building in a natural progression so isekai is actually a really smart writing tool it's just that there are some series where the author didn't use it well at all and it's cheesy or clearly isekai was misused as a vehicle for character/story development and it was pointless *DEEP BREATH OUT*
in this essay i will argue...lol i am such a culture studies major!! if i were an english major i would be talking all about writing but here i am having a side-tangent about world-building via someone being reborn wow i love this for me (don't get me started on when an author has someone reincarnate as a baby and the story is mostly them having warm fluffy moments with their family--typically father figures--and getting lots of powers i could and would and probably will rant about east asian toxicity)
but anyway am i crazy????? like yes for being passionate about the technical use of a word like genre (i am a scorpio rising let me be fussy pls) but i don't think it's a lot to ask for ppl to not unironically see "villainess revenge isekai" as the definition of korean manhwa.
idk as someone who resonates with why japanese isekai is so popular domestically + why a lot of korean manhwa feat. the same tropes (it's not for great reasons lads it's actually depressing tbh) i'm just starting to feel kind of pained by the generalization and need to separate "cute japanese girl in an otome game"/"japanese boy finds a harem in another world" from "korean girl dies and comes back as a villainess" bc they are just! applications to the same story device!!
recommendations for any who makes it this far down below <3
// also gladly recommend any of the examples i've listed in the above rant as i've read/watched all of them and adore them v much! //
save me princess
super refreshing fantasy manhwa ft. a princess and her ex-boyfriend having to save the world!
the beginning after the end
an AMERICAN web novel turned into a comic (but see it being not korean/japanese doesn't really matter when you just consider isekai as a genre...isn't it nice to not overthink it?) ft. a super-powerful wizard king reincarnated into another world and starting from scratch--gives mushoku tensei vibes but huge twists!
the reason why raeliana ended up at the duke's mansion
love love LOVE this story--read the title and you'll learn how this girl reincarnated as the character raeliana in a book gets married to a duke!
trash of the count's family
such a good novel!! a guy gets reborn as a lazy oaf and he takes the hero of the story under his wing...plot twists come up later on!
this time i will definitely be happy!
v good and refreshing for a shorter series! she's been reborn 3 times and remembers every time the hero's stabbed her in the back, and now she just wants to break up with him!
silver diamond
older manga but v good adventure w intrigue! a boy who loves plants get sucked into a desert world with demonic lizards and a mysterious bodyguard by his side. shonen-ai not BL but wonderful vibes nonetheless + great side characters!
the princess imprints a traitor
adore everything in this from the world (not in that way this society makes me so angry) to the machinations at play and the dynamic between the fl and ml
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mostlydeadallday · 3 years
Pure Vessel and Sealed Vessel, perhaps? Oh, and how about the classic-for-people-who-like-Hollow, The White Palace?
oh you are ON to me
Pure Vessel
*If I like it: Listen when I found out PV had their own arrangement of the theme I went nuts. I don't normally like choir-forward pieces but the bells and the subtle strings really put this in its own category for me. And how reserved and held back the whole thing is when compared to Sealed Vessel really fits the character so, so well. The arrangement of the main theme somehow feels both regal and uncertain and the quiet piano at the ending makes me wanna bawl every time
*What vibes it gives me off-context: I would not think this was the music to a boss fight. I'd think this was a cutscene or an NPC interaction or smth (like the White Lady's track) but it surprisingly fits the fight really well. Also it really does give off a "church-y" vibe but in a totally different way than the Soul Sanctum.
*Favorite part: Hands-down 1:58 where the instruments change and the choir fades out. It feels like a question that never gets answered.
*If I like the scene(s) where it shows up: I have never gotten that far and probably never will, but I love watching other people fight PV because the entire fight is impeccable. The design, the moves, the beautiful spells, the glimpse of Hollow in their prime, just ugh
(more under the cut since this got long)
Sealed Vessel
*If I like it: You just had to pick my favorite track in the game. I have cried and jammed out and conducted entire orchestras in my car to this track. I have listened to it on repeat for hours on end. I have ranted and rambled to my uninterested friends about this track. You can take it away from me when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
*What vibes it gives me off-context: TBH exactly the vibes it gives me in-game. A climactic moment that turns unexpectedly tragic. A struggle that's drawn out and drawn out until the last moment and then satisfied. A bittersweet closure. An unhappy ending--but at least it's over.
*Favorite part: 0:59, where the violas(?) and the bells play the stretched-out main theme while the upper register goes nuts. Or 4:03, where you finally get the resolving note of the entire theme in the background, but the rest of the track goes on to pile even more angst on top before the final climax.
*If I like the scene(s) where it shows up: Not funny. Cried.
but for real the first time I lost that fight was because when Hollow turns their own nail on themselves I just sat there with my mouth open and let them kill me afterward.
The White Palace
*If I like it: *through gritted teeth* yes I like it so much and I can't stop please help me. After I first heard it I didn't shut up about it for days. It's just so masterful and such a gorgeous exploration of the Pale King's theme. The build! The chord progression! The added and subtracted instruments! The HARP!
*What vibes it gives me off-context: I listened to both White Palace and Sealed Vessel before I played either scene and White Palace just struck me as incredibly sad. Like, it's so beautiful, but also wistful in a way that feels like mourning for something incredibly valuable that's been lost forever. And it has such an air of refinement and luxury along with that sadness that it really does feel like a portrait of a decaying society, a rich and beautiful culture with a tragedy at its core.
*Favorite part: 2:56 when the cellos show up. It sounds a little bit menacing there, hinting at something darker than the rest of the song, and I think it's very fitting for the area and the circumstances. And 1:54 when the main theme fades away and transitions to the brief build with those harp arpeggios. *chef's kiss*
*If I like the scene(s) where it shows up: buzzsaws go brr
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter three.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader (insert gif of elmo with flames behind him here)
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 2.3k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, jimin propositions the reader accidentally, taehyung is a menace, noona kink jumps out A LOT, chaotic ot7, talk of poly relationships, overall kinda smut free (the next chapter should quench fuel your thirst)
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Three
“It means that we’re going to date the shit out of you.”
We’re going to date the shit out of you.
We’re. Going. To. Date. The. Shit. Out. Of. You.
Those words play on a constant loop in my head for the rest of the week. After Namjoon had dropped that bombshell on me, I’d kind of freaked the fuck out, faked an immediate illness, and ran at full speed.
When I had told Luna about it later that night, she had been just as shook as me. Surprisingly enough, she had also given her full support of whatever I decided to do but “would have her banana slicer on standby and would order six more if need be”.
It appears that she had drunk-ordered a banana slicer off Amazon when the last boy she talked to pissed her off. I had apparently drunk-approved the decision. Rad.
Jenni’s reaction had been even better. We’d been in the library on Monday and her screech of “he said what!?” had led to multiple events:
An abundance of shushes from every student within a 50-yard radius
Her continued rant: “Your own personal harem! Can you say goals? Maybe I should infiltrate EXO and collect my own...”
Us getting kicked out by our ancient librarian
For the rest of the week, I had Luna and Jenni both giving me shit about the BTS boys. It had helped that I hadn’t run into them at all on campus between classes. But I had known it wouldn’t be long before my luck would run out...
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Quinn Library – 2:31pm
Typically, I don’t spend my Friday afternoons deep within the stacks of the library’s quiet floor. Yet, here I sit typing frantically due to my incapability to stop procrastinating. My fingers fly over the keys of my aging MacBook in hopes that whatever spur of productivity I had going on is captured in its fullest.
General education classes could burn in the pits of hell as far as I'm concerned. If I wanted to be a psychiatrist, why did I have to take – and pay for – an art elective that I would likely never utilize in the workforce? Plus, the only class within the category that fit my schedule ended up being “Writing About Dance”.
Yeah, I’m still a tad bitter, but in all honesty the class isn’t that bad so far. It mainly consists of watching different dance performances and learning how to write about them in different styles.
Today’s assignment is to write critical commentary on videos of the university’s dance team that the professor provided for us. Sighing, I finish my review of the second to last dance video provided by the professor, take a quick second to stretch, and then open the link to the last video on the assignment page.
“Park Jimin – Final Performance Solo, Spring 2019”
Slack-jawed, I fall into wonder as Jimin moves through his routine flawlessly. He dances like it’s easier than walking to him. His movements are somehow precise and fluid all at once. I barely realize a few tears have run down my cheeks until the video cuts off, signaling the end of Jimin’s performance.
Jesus, (y/n), get it together. I laugh lightly as I dig in my backpack for a tissue. How could I possibly capture the ethereal beauty that Jimin exuded into words? Am I even worthy of commenting on such exquisiteness?
Definitely fucking not. And before I can second guess myself, I type: “Park Jimin is art in its purest form. Watching him dance is like watching the sun rise over the ocean – raw beauty accompanied by the hopes brought with a new day. His performance left me wanting for nothing except an encore.”
Boom. Submit Assignment.
As my email pings with the confirmation that my assignment is turned in, my eyes widen in realization. Park Jimin of BTS is a dance god, and he – allegedly – wants to date me? That is just ridiculously unfathomable.
Namjoon must be off his rocker.
Closing my laptop, my phone suddenly vibrates with an incoming notification from snapchat...
President_RM has added you!
Before I can even comprehend the absurdity of Namjoon adding me, my phone bursts into a series of buzzes. Cursing, I switch my phone to silent and check my screen.
minsuga93 has added you!
jhopeworld_ has added you!
handsomeJIN has added you!
JKookie97 has added you!
vantae_BTS has added you!
95jiminie has added you!
Are they serious? How did they even get my SnapChat username?
vantae_BTS has added you to a chat!
Curiosity wins out over aggravation as I swipe to open the chat.
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Heart pounding, I fight the urge to chuck my phone into the depths of the bookcases winding around the room. What did those idiots want with me?
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(y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 9:45pm
“What do those idiots want with me?” the decibel my voice has risen to is shocking even to my ears.
Luna cringes, accordingly, “I can’t tell if that’s a rhetorical question...”
I steamroll onwards, “And don’t even get me started on how they could have even gotten my snapchat. It’s a complete invasion of privacy!”
“You could just ask them,” Jenni’s voice cuts through my rambling tirade.
I pause, “No, I couldn’t—”
...Or could I?
Turning on my heel, I rush into my room and head straight for my closet. Grabbing the nearest sweatshirt and pair of leggings, I tug them on and then grab my keys from my nightstand.
Whirling back into the living room, I storm past a dumbfounded Luna and Jenni, “Be right back.”
Opening the apartment door, Luna shouts, “Wait! Where are you going? You’re not even wearing shoes!”
Whoops. I glance at my feet and note that she is, in fact, correct.
Jenni bounds over to me holding my Doc Martens, “Here, babe. You’re going to the BTS house, aren’t you?”
I nod grimly and salute my two best friends as if I'm going into battle. “I won’t be long. I just have a small errand to run.”
“Well, you’re not going alone,” Luna declares, pulling on her sneakers.
Jenni snorts and shoves her feet into her beat-up Converse, “No way am I missing out on this action.”
As we head out the door, I link arms with Luna and Jenni, “Have I mentioned I love you both recently?”
“Right back at you, bitch,” Luna laughs.
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Greek Row – 10:17pm
Ten minutes later, we reach Greek Row. Fraternity and sorority houses dot the street on both sides. Personally, I think of this street as home to the chaotic rich, and I tend to avoid it at all costs – except tonight.
The line to get into BTS is so long it wraps around the block. Students dressed in the latest fashions converse as they wait, huddling together in their groups. I glance down at my outfit of a worn university hoodie and leggings.
“Well, shit. We’re underdressed, huh,” Jenni deadpans, causing all three of us to burst into laughter, “Do you think they put you on the list, (y/n)?”
Pondering that thought, I shrug, “Maybe,” and begin marching past the line of waiting students towards the front door of BTS, “But I sure as fuck am not waiting in that line.”
“Hey, there’s a line here!”
“Yo, bitches! What are you doing?”
“What the fuck?”
Paying the hecklers no mind, I saunter right up to the BTS pledges guarding the door, “Hi, I need to talk to Kim Namjoon.”
The pledge on the right rakes his gaze over me incredulously and then makes the same assessment of Luna and Jenni, “You know this is a party, right?”
I don’t deem that comment worthy of a response and instead cross my arms over my chest. He shrinks under the collective glare of me, Luna and Jenni.
The pledge on the left awkwardly clears his throat, “Names, please?”
My answer barely escapes my lips before the pledges visibly straighten, looking at me with new eyes, “You’re (y/n)? Why didn’t you just say so?”
And before I can answer, the front door swings open for us.
People are everywhere. A haze of smoke looms in the air, and rap music blares from the speakers. The bass is turned up so loud that the beat seems to take over the rhythm of my pulse. That cannot be healthy.
Turning to my friends, I do my best to communicate, shouting, “I’m going to find them! Are you going to be here?”
Luna and Jenni exchange a look and nod. Jenni shouts back, “We’re going to get some drinks. Might as well capitalize on free booze! Text us when you’re ready to go.”
And with that, we part ways.
Maneuvering around the sea of gyrating bodies in the main living room area, I scan around for any signs of my seven menaces.
“Do my eyes deceive me? Or is that my future wife?” The deep voice booms from behind me.
I sigh, recognizing the voice, and turn around.
Kim Taehyung is striding towards me with his arms outstretched, smiling like the damned fool he is and looking like he just stepped off the runway for Gucci. “Come to daddy.”
An idea forms. I smile sweetly and walk to meet Taehyung halfway. His boxy grin widens and just as he thinks I'm going to let him wrap his arms around me, I grab him by the ear.
“Ouch!” He cries, “Devil-woman!”
Ignoring him, I drag him behind me towards the stairs.
“If you wanted to get me alone, you could have just asked—OW!”
My hold on his ear tightens as we arrive on the second-floor landing, “Where are your brothers?”
“I don’t know, n-noona!” Somehow the honorific coming from Tae sounds divine, but I file that thought away for another time.
Removing my hold, I corner him against the wall of the hallway, “Okay, Kim, here’s what is going to happen. You’re going to point me in the direction of your room, go find your six idiot brothers, and then report back here so I can finally understand what the fuck is going on. Got it?”
My chest heaves as my directions conclude and I realize how close together we are. Taehyung stares at me with an indecipherable expression before breaking into a slow smile, “Noona is bossy.”
“Noona is going to shove her foot up your ass if you don’t get moving,” I growl.
“Kinky,” he laughs, backing away from me and my brewing anger, “Last door on the left is my room. I’ll be back with the six idiots.”
As he thumps back down the steps, I close my eyes and count to ten, trying to steel my nerves and rein in my anger. When I open them, my eyes are met with the amused gaze of Min Yoongi.
Slapping a hand to my heart, I wait for my pulse to settle from being scared out of my wits, “Motherfuck—how did you even move that silently?”
“It’s a skill,” Yoongi drawls, nodding towards to end of the hall, “So, group meeting in Tae’s room?”
Shooting him the best side-eye I can muster, I stalk past him, steadfastly ignoring the chuckles and light footfalls that follow behind me.
Throwing open the door which Taehyung indicated was to his room, I pause, taking in the horde of photos and art taped to the four walls. The light blue wallpaper barely peeks through the absolute massive amount of artwork.
“It’s overwhelming at first, isn’t it?” An angelic voice shyly breaks through my reverie, “Tae likes to collect pictures and things he finds beautiful.”
“Ah, so that’s why we’re friends.” The joke is followed by a laugh that can only be compared to the sound of a windshield wiper squeakily moving back and forth.
I shift my eyes from Taehyung’s walls and onto the two newcomers – Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin.
Meeting Seokjin’s gaze first, I cannot help but agree that he is a very, very beautiful man. With pushed back dark hair, mischievous brown eyes and impossibly broad shoulders, Seokjin can easily be mistaken for an idol. And, oh fuck, I’m still staring.
Shooting my eyes back up to his, I crinkle my nose at his shit-eating grin. Before he can even comment, I turn and lock eyes with Jimin.
“Your dancing is gorgeous,” I blurt out and immediately want to crawl under a rock and live out the rest of my life as Patrick Star.
Yoongi and Seokjin are cackling as Jimin’s face lights up at my embarrassing compliment, “You really think so?”
“There's no shutting him up now,” Yoongi is in tears, “Watch out, (y/n). Jimin loves his fans.”
“Shut up, Yoongi-hyung!”
Jimin looks ready to swing, but luckily Taehyung chooses the right moment to return, “What have we missed? Why is Jiminie about to fight Yoongi? I’ll put $10 on hyung.”
Gasping in betrayal, Jimin sits on the edge of Tae’s bed and pouts.
The rest of the boys file in behind Taehyung as he flops down onto his bed and reclines like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
“Hi, (y/n). Good to see you again. I’m glad you’re here,” Namjoon greets me with a slight bow, a crooked smile and wicked eyes.
He’s followed closely by Jung Hoseok, the only BTS boy I hadn’t met thus far, “(y/n)! It’s so nice to meet you in person! Wow, you look so pretty tonight!”
“Noona always looks pretty,” Jungkook cuts in, throwing an arm around Hoseok’s shoulder, “She’s bae.”
A collective groan arises from the rest of the boys. “Sit your ass down, JK,” Yoongi grumbles, “(y/n)’s going to break up with us before we even start dating.”
“Dating—!” I break off that train of thought. Other matters need to be attended to first, “No, I didn’t come here tonight to say ‘hi’ or to be your ‘bae’. I came here to get answers.”
I take my time making eye contact with each boy.
Taehyung is still spread out on his bed and Jimin has now joined him. Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook are sprawled out on the floor at the foot of the bed, while Namjoon and Yoongi slouch against the opposite wall of the bedroom facing me.
“Alright,” Namjoon lifts his chin, meeting my stare head on, “What do you want to know?”
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a/n: sorry for the cliffhanger, hehe. i wanted to get something up for y’all! hopefully next chapter won’t take too long to finish/edit :)
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