scienza-magia · 5 months
Fotografata l'onda quantistica di fotoni intrappolati
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Questa foto mostra gli atomi che si trasformano in onde quantistiche, come previsto da Schrödinger. Grazie a una nuova tecnica, gli scienziati sono riusciti a catturare gli atomi di litio mentre si trasformano in onde quantistiche. Per la prima volta in assoluto, i fisici hanno catturato un’immagine chiara dei singoli atomi che si comportano come un’onda.
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L’immagine mostra atomi fluorescenti che si trasformano in piccole “macchie” confuse di pacchetti d’onda ed “: è la dimostrazione del fatto che gli atomi esistono sia come particelle che come onde, uno dei capisaldi della meccanica quantistica. La natura ondulatoria della materia “La natura ondulatoria della materia rimane uno degli aspetti più affascinanti della meccanica quantistica”, spiegano gli autori dell’articolo. Aggiungono che la loro nuova tecnica potrebbe essere utilizzata per immaginare sistemi più complessi, fornendo spunti su alcune questioni fondamentali della fisica.
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Credit: Verstraten et al. Proposta per la prima volta dal fisico francese Louis de Broglie nel 1924 e ampliata da Erwin Schrödinger due anni dopo, la dualità onda-particella afferma che tutti gli oggetti di dimensioni quantistiche, e quindi tutta la materia, esistono sia come particelle che come onde allo stesso tempo. L’equazione di Schrödinger L’equazione di Schrödinger afferma che gli atomi esistono come pacchetti di probabilità simili a onde nello spazio, che collassano poi in particelle discrete dopo l’osservazione. Sebbene sembri controintuitiva, questa bizzarra proprietà del mondo quantistico è stata dimostrata in numerosi esperimenti. Per immaginare questa dualità, i fisici hanno prima raffreddato gli atomi di litio a temperature prossime allo zero assoluto bombardandoli con fotoni provenienti da un laser. Una volta che si sono raffreddati, altri laser li hanno intrappolati all’interno di un reticolo ottico. L’esperimento degli scienziati Con gli atomi raffreddati e confinati, i ricercatori hanno acceso e spento il reticolo ottico, espandendo gli atomi da uno stato confinato di quasi particella a uno simile a un’onda, e viceversa. Una telecamera al microscopio ha registrato la luce emessa dagli atomi nello stato di particella in due momenti diversi. Mettendo insieme le immagini, gli autori hanno ricostruito la forma di quest’onda e osservato come si espande nel tempo, in perfetto accordo con l’equazione di Schrödinger. Fonte Read the full article
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unfoldingmoments · 7 months
Life and Death and the Quantum Wave Function
I have met others like us,’ Hugo said. ‘You see, I have been in the in-between state for a long time. I have encountered a few other sliders. That’s what I call them. Us. We are sliders. We have a root life in which we are lying somewhere, unconscious, suspended between life and death, and then we arrive in a place. And it is always something different. A library, a video store, an art gallery, a casino, a restaurant . . . What does that tell you?’ Nora shrugged. And thought. Listening to the hum of the central heating. ‘That it’s all bullshit? That none of this is real?’ ‘No. Because the template is always the same. For instance: there is always someone else there – a guide. Only ever one person. They are always someone who has helped the person at a significant time in their life. The setting is always somewhere with emotional significance. And there is usually talk of root lives or branches.”
And there is always an infinite range of choices,’ Hugo went on. ‘An infinite number of video tapes, or books, or paintings, or meals . . . Now, I am a scientist. And I have lived many scientific lives. In my original root life, I have a degree in Biology. I have also, in another life, been a Nobel Prize-winning chemist. I have been a marine biologist trying to protect the Great Barrier Reef. But my weakness was always physics. At first I had no idea of how to find out what was happening to me. Until I met a woman in one life who was going through what we are going through, and in her root life she was a quantum physicist. Professor Dominique Bisset at Montpellier University. She explained it all to me. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics.
Erwin Schrödinger . . .’ ‘He of the cat.’ ‘Yes. The cat guy. He said that in quantum physics every alternative possibility happens simultaneously. All at once. In the same place. Quantum superposition. The cat in the box is both alive and dead. You could open the box and see that it was alive or dead, that’s how it goes, but in one sense, even after the box is open, the cat is still both alive and dead. Every universe exists over every other universe. Like a million pictures on tracing paper, all with slight variations within the same frame. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics suggests there are an infinite number of divergent parallel universes. Every moment of your life you enter a new universe. With every decision you make. And traditionally it was thought that there could be no communication or transference between those worlds, even though they happen in the same space, even though they happen literally millimetres away from us.
But the point is, there are others like us. I have lived so many lives, I have come across a few of them. Sometimes just to say your own truth out loud is enough to find others like you.’ ‘It’s crazy to think that there are other people who could be . . . what did you call us? ‘Sliders?’ ‘Yep. That.’ ‘Well, it’s possible of course, but I think we’re rare. One thing I’ve noticed is that the other people I’ve met – the dozen or so – have all been around our age. All thirties or forties or fifties. One was twenty-nine, en fait. All have had a deep desire to have done things differently. They had regrets. Some contemplated that they may be better off dead but also had a desire to live as another version of themselves.’ ‘Schrödinger’s life. Both dead and alive in your own mind.’ ‘Exactement! And whatever those regrets did to our brain, whatever – how would you say? – neurochemical event happened, that confused yearning for death-and-life was somehow just enough to send us into this state of total in-between.’ Why is it always just one person that we see? In the place. The library. Whatever.’ Hugo shrugged. ‘If I was religious, I’d say it was God. And as God is probably someone we can’t see or comprehend then He – or She – or whichever pronoun God is – becomes an image of someone good we have known in our lives. And if I wasn’t religious – which I’m not – I would think that the human brain can’t handle the complexity of an open quantum wave function and so it organises or translates this complexity into something it understands. A librarian in a library. A friendly uncle in a video store. Et cetera.”
“So,’ Nora said, ‘whatever exists between universes is most likely not a library, but that is the easiest way for me to understand it. That would be my hypothesis. I see a simplified version of the truth. The librarian is just a kind of mental metaphor. The whole thing is.”
“But what if one day there is no video store?’ Nora thought about Mrs Elm, panicking at the computer, and the flickering lights in the library. ‘What if one day you disappear for good? Before you have found a life to settle in?’ He shrugged. ‘Then I will die. And it means I would have died anyway. In the life I lived before. I kind of like being a slider. I like imperfection. I like keeping death as an option. I like never having to settle.’ ‘I think my situation is different. I think my death is more imminent. If I don’t find a life to live in pretty soon, I think I’ll be gone for good.’
She explained the problem she’d had last time, with transferring back.
Oh. Yeah, well, that might be bad. But it might not be. You do realise there are infinite possibilities here? I mean, the multiverse isn’t about just some universes. It’s not about a handful of universes. It’s not even about a lot of universes. It’s not about a million or a billion or a trillion universes. It’s about an infinite number of universes. Even with you in them. You could be you in any version of the world, however unlikely that world would be. You are only limited by your imagination. You can be very creative with the regrets you want to undo. I once undid a regret about not doing something I’d contemplated as a teenager – doing aerospace engineering and becoming an astronaut – and so in one life I became an astronaut. I haven’t been to space. But I became someone who had been there, for a little while. The thing you have to remember is that this is an opportunity and it is rare and we can undo any mistake we made, live any life we want. Any life. Dream big . . . You can be anything you want to be. Because in one life, you are.
'But you will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life,’ he said, wisely. ‘You’re quoting Camus.
Excerpt From: Matt Haig. “The Midnight Library.”
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jamieroxxartist · 1 month
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Birthday Remembrances. Today, Aug 12, 1887 – #ErwinSchrödinger, Austrian physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1961) was born.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Schr%C3%B6dinger )
a #Custom #Commissioned #Cat #Painting I painted a couple of years ago:
‘Casper the #BlackCat at Home in the #Chaos’
2019, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 16"x20" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx ( www.JamieRoxx.us ) This Sold Painting is Not Available.
#PopArt #Portrait #AnimalArt
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penyezperev · 4 years
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Herakleitos bir toplumcu değildi; ama eğer herhangi bir aristokrasiye mensupsa, ona belki " faşist " denebilirdi. #doğaveyunanlarbilimvehümanizm #erwinschrödinger #babilkitap https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPbbwAgDCaegQofHxY11HewuBUSPX0bvwGKKQ0/?igshid=18kfiht86j143
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"Qual è l'aspetto caratteristico della vita? Quando è che noi diciamo che un pezzo di materia è vivente? Quando esso va «facendo qualcosa », si muove, scambia materiali con l'ambiente e così via, e ciò per un periodo di tempo molto più lungo di quanto ci aspetteremmo in circostanze analoghe da un pezzo di materia inanimata." - Il libro che ha ispirato la scoperta del DNA. . . . Tanti nuovi arrivi sul sito 😎 www.seunanottedinvernounlibro.it #libro #libri #libreriaonline #libreria #book #books #bookstagram #cit #citazione #seunanottedinvernounlibro #saggi #saggistica #libriusati #librirari #instabook #instabooks #bookshop #bookpride #letteratura #erwinschrödinger #adelphiedizioni #adelphi #leggere #lettura https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQ67UanFyU/?igshid=1uk4cykgyhxch
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ascendant-sama · 5 years
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Yeah Erwin, I would love to stay home with you and sleep more. But I have the night shift for three more nights... 🌃 . . . . . . #nightshift #erwinschrödinger #mycat #sleep #blackcat https://www.instagram.com/p/By5umX2iyZS/?igshid=mqhqc5v1n1lc
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exogesis777 · 4 years
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#nottwo #erwinschrödinger #thefaithlesspath #nondual #quantumphysics (at Cahuilla Mountain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIRWzc4nrTc/?igshid=1pm74rdphp5di
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Lonely Tinder No. 17 #atom #lonelytinder #tinder #democritus #johndalton #jjthompson #ernestrutherford #nielsbohr #erwinschrödinger #jameschadwick #untrustable https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFv1BblT2P/?igshid=qlox9h1b0iw7
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cityscout · 4 years
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#berlin #streetart #berlinstreetart #streetartberlin #erwinschrödinger (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwC096lG0y/?igshid=1wanovdvmmrpf
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year
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Birthday Remembrances. Today, Aug 12, 1887 – #ErwinSchrödinger, Austrian physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1961) was born.
a #Custom #Commissioned #Cat #Painting I painted a couple of years ago:
‘Casper the #BlackCat at Home in the #Chaos’ 2019, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 16"x20" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) This Sold Painting is Not Available.
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penyezperev · 4 years
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Demokritos ve Epikuros arasındaki fark şudur: Demokritos alçakgönüllülükle hiçbir şey bilmediğinin farkındayken, Epikuros ise her şeyi bilmesine ramak kaldığından oldukça emindi. #epikuros #demokritos #doğaveyunanlarbilimvehümanizm #erwinschrödinger https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPum2Rgs5nalo6B_-1RuwNe-Q8KJDG0uLH_rU0/?igshid=rkwp5613evil
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atomstalk · 4 years
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Very True . . Follow @atomstalk . . . . #sciencequote #sciencequotes #quotesofthoughts #quotesofinsta #quotesofday #erwinschrödinger #schrodinger #schrödinger #bestquote #bestquotesever #bestquotesoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CCm7dBpjgck/?igshid=1j3vyep9ebq86
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negiup4 · 5 years
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Died #OTD in 1961, #ErwinSchrödinger was awarded the #NobelPrize in Physics (1933) for the formulation of #Schrödingerbequation. He was the author of many works in various fields of #physics and is also known for his "Schrödinger's cat" thought-experiment #negiup #science #negiup_original #original #chemistry (at Negiup ProductIons) https://www.instagram.com/p/B68gr6tBPWH/?igshid=b66a9ohk31pe
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jboquiren · 5 years
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A portrait of the quantum physicist and enemy of cat lovers everywhere, Erwin Schrodinger. Graphite pencil on Bristol board. #erwinschrödinger #schrodingerequation #schrodingerscat #quantumphysics #physicist #josephboquiren #portrait #sketch #illustration #graphitepencil #bristolboard https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVUyH_l8R1/?igshid=11qn1pwo12l0c
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Erwin is ready to rumble! 😸 . . . . . . #blackcat #erwinschrödinger #mycat #readytorumble https://www.instagram.com/p/BxK6efPn9IT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mf3q9mru614h
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