#Esp since I've got friends coming who haven't seen it yet!!!
shima-draws · 11 months
Birthday Stream!!
Heya hiya it’s my birthday so I’m gonna be streaming Promare later tonight!! It’ll be a really fun time so I hope y’all come hang <3
I’m going out to dinner with my family so I don’t know the exact time I’ll start but I want to say it will be somewhere between 7:30 and 8 PM MST! I will post the link to the stream when we’re all set and ready to go.
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brackenfire · 3 years
thoughts on a light in the mist / the broken code arc
Okay. I've had two meals and a good night's sleep since I binge-read Light in the Mist in a Barnes and Noble yesterday, and I'm ready to talk about it.
pLEASE keep in mind that everything I'm going to be saying here is my own take. If you disagree, I'm more than happy to engage in discourse and hear other people's takes! but please don't attack me for my takes and opinions, they're just my opinions.
ALSO: I usually read warriors arcs as they are releasing, and then once I sit with them for a while I go back and binge them all in a row, so I can brace them up as an arc and not just as individuals. I haven't reread TBC yet, so my commentary on the past books might not be 100% accurate.
TL;DR, in no particular order:
1.     Bristlefrost/Rootspring
2.     Graystripe
3.     Shadowsight
4.     Ashfur (spoiler, I’m unhappy)
5.     “Firestar breathed”
The Broken Code has been one of my least favorite arcs. It’s just not been great. Book 1 was promising, but book 2-5 really kind of just…were disappointing, in a lot of ways, and the inconsistent writing was the least of its troubles. It had great potential but suffered in a lot of ways too. This book really helped mitigate that for me, and while it didn’t bring it back up a lot, it put it in par with AVOS for me (but my favorite arc is POT so like who am I to talk about plot).
ALitM actually kind of redeemed this arc for me. I left this book and this arc a shell of who I once was but, overall, satisfied. Of course, it’s not free of issues (what warriors book is, esp. recently), but I could stand for a reread.
1. Bristlefrost
Her death broke me. That whole chapter, with her despair turning into hope and love, and the flashes of what could have been really solidifying in her mind as memories because of course that’s what happened, how else could she remember if they didn’t happen, she loves Rootspring, and just ruin me why don’t you.
Time and again I’ve heard that the top ways to make a character’s death as devastating as possible are to make them die mid-character arc, have an unsatisfying recompense for those they were closed to, and describe their funeral in little detail if it’s described at all. All of those boxes (with the exception of the first? I’ll get to that) are ticked and ticked again. She’s not in the Dark Forest, she’s not in StarClan, she’s just gone and her family and friends and Rootspring just have to live with that. Ivypool didn’t even have a body to bury.
People are upset, and I get why. I am too! It felt anticlimactic, it felt like a last-minute decision at best, it was so heavily foreshadowed that by about the fifteenth time that Rootspring thought “if we get out of here” I just said “okay one of them is going to die, I don’t know who, but one of them will, there’s no way they won’t with how heavy-handed they’re being about this”. It felt like the Onestar-Darktail-underwater-lake-battle from AVOS but we got to see it under the water instead of on top of it.
Here’s thing, though—I’m glad it ended that way.
How many times have we seen female protags, or even female side and supporting characters, taken from their own individual character development to become “character trait: mother”? Female characters who lose their personality and/or social group upon having kittens and get reduced to “mother cat who has no personality of her own after popping out some babies and her only character development is seen only when it’s directly related to the development of her children”? Millie. Ivypool. Dovewing. Cinderheart. Sorreltail (!! Remember when she and Leafpool were best friends??). Ferncloud(? maybe?). Hell, half of Bluestar/Bluefur’s character arc is her avoiding becoming this trope! The only real examples of this not being the case is Squilf and Sandstorm!
Bristlefrost, by killing Ash, atoned for the time she spent (albeit unwillingly) assisting Ashfur in Bramblestar’s body, and the best atonement we could have gotten was what we got, with her killing Ashfur and dying knowing she’d served and protected her Clan (which she talked about all the way back in book 1).
What would have happened if she’d lived? We would have gotten Rootspring making a huge fuss out of leaving his Clan to join ThunderClan (growing their numbers even more, which they for sure don’t need), a little bit of outside-looking-in at Rootspring trying to settle into ThunderClan, then they have a handful of side character children and they both become boring happy background characters.
Did her death break all my bones? Yes. Am I glad that’s the ending she got? In a way, yes.
I do hope we see more of Rootspring learning to cope with that in the next arc
2. Graystripe
It was his time. His death was really sad, although it was great to see him get to see Millie and Briarlight (I thought it was so funny how angry Silverstream and Feathertail were at them even though it’s absolutely on par with Silver’s characterization we got in Leopard’s Honor), we got to see a lot of the funny, quirky Graystripe we haven’t seen in a while (haha he’s a chonky lad), and he’s reunited with Firestar.
2a. Firestar
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-Image: a zoomed in picture of a book page with the phrase “Firestar breathed” circled in red, with the caption “*INCOHERENT SCREAMING IN THE MIDDLE OF A BARNES AND NOBLE*” from Snapchat-
I just love my pretty orange boy okay I missed him ;^;
3. Ashfur
*inhale* Okay.
This was unsatisfying, anticlimactic, and where the FUCK WAS HOLLYLEAF?? We don’t even get the “book Voldemort death, where someone broke Ashfur’s neck and we see his body and it’s poetic because he was just a bad icky cat who was just an asshole and then we watch him dissipate like Darkstripe and Darktail”, we get the “movie Voldemort’s death where he explodes into sparks because he’s the big bad” but he just evaporates because he’s so bad he can’t be killed legitimately?
Glad he’s gone. Wish it could have been a little more satisfying.
4. Shadowsight
We have a meddy cat who doesn’t believe in StarClan, sure, but it’s so cool that they gave us the medicine cat who fully believes and loves his ancestors and simply cannot. He’s attached to the Dark Forest! That’s SO COOL! I so hope they do more with that in the next arc, please StarClan please let’s see more of our little dark baby boy please
5. Changes to world structure/warrior code
I’m so glad they addressed this.
It’s something that’s needed to happen for a long time, and it’s refreshing that they finally addressed it, and I’m surprised they actually did. I’m looking very forward to see how that goes in the next arc (and hopefully more changes follow in its footsteps).
All in all, this was a tragically satisfying binge read. I had a good time with it, for sure. Could be better but could have been far worse. 8/10.
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retvenkos · 2 years
Hi I am v annoying and we haven't like chatted in a while so I wanted to pop in and ramble honestly idk this is not gonna be structured and say HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII <3 miss you bestie,, sowwy I missed your cym thing (honestly though cym as lines of your writing I would DIE). I have NOT started bridgerton s2 yet… hopefully soon though love like honestly the show is trash but it's MY trash aksjsjsjsj. When you have time you should watch Alice in Borderland cause it's a FANTASTIC J-drama and we're getting s2 this year!!!1!! Do you have a bias of bts yet?? I can't listen to Bastille now without thinking of you if you made me a playlist of songs that remind you of me I would literally kiss you on the mouth hahaha anyways! Miss you lots bestie!! I got a new book the other day and I'm so excited to read it <3 <3 I would love to go to a bookstore with you and buy books and come back and read in each other's laps… eating oranges and almonds like we're in the freaking 19th century akdjsjdj
lindsay my bestie!!!!!! my k-drama enthusiast!!!!! my bookworm extraordinaire!!!!! my wife (no, i will not let you forget - even though i looked it up and i can't gain citizenship in canada based off of marriage status alone, smh)!!!!!!
honestly, this ask ran me over like a lawnmower it's so unhinged, but i love you for it, asdghjhgfdsdfgh.
i hope you get to watch bridgerton s2 soon! i just started episode 3, and i hope to watch more later tonight and this weekend. we'll have to see how it goes, but from what i can tell you spoiler free - i simply missed the shenanigans. so many great characters,,,,, so many perfect dynamics,,,,, so many hilarious lines and occasionally heartfelt moments..... there are definitely times where it is not..... the best show ever, but this season is already sO much fun. i was a little taken aback by the use of a classical version of material girl by madonna,,,,,,,,, it felt like a cover that stuck out more than the others, although, perhaps it's just because of my familiarity, but hey! that's just bridgerton for you <3.
and alice in borderland!!!!!! yes!!!!! i've been meaning to ask you about that - it seems really interesting, and kinda something i want to get into, but i've been told to watch squid games instead by a few friends. i only trust your opinion, though, (esp. since i don't think they've seen alice in borderland?) and which one i should prioritize - alice in borderland or squid games? i'm leaning toward alice in borderland, ngl, but i just know squid games is a Thing™ for a reason,,,,,,,
and as for a bts bias, i'm going to be 100% real with you and tell you i'm still trying to figure out who it's going to be (honestly, i feel like i need to watch interviews with them or something because outside of the context of their music, they're still such an abstract in my mind), but, i have to say i'm leaning toward namjoon. i just think he's neat.
and you associate bastille with me???? that is such a compliment, lindsay, and i have given you lindsaycore bastille songs before (poet? you mean lindsay???) but!!!!!! i must also say you align with pompeii quite nicely. idk what it is exactly, but those vibes just remind me of the vibrancy of you.
and omg,,,,,, watch me make a playlist with songs that remind me of you <3. i have thoughts already,,,,, wait until i put them down in your inbox.
and lindsay!!!!!! what i would give to go to a bookstore with you! we'd have to go to one that's in a shopping center so we can go shop to shop, stopping in the clothing store to try on jackets and dresses we aren't going to buy, browsing through lipglosses at a makeup store and buying overly-priced scented hand lotion, getting specialty ice cream and giggling in bookstores,,,,,,,,, i am yearning.
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raysofcrosby · 2 years
If you don’t mind me asking how did you come up with the character of Caroline in WLTAY? Like was there anyone who inspired/drew inspiration from to create the character/take character traits from or was it your own thoughts/ideas of how you would like to have seen a character?
Personally she is my favorite character out of all your pieces of work because you really see her develop and transition throughout the story from being a young teenager to being an adult. While keeping very true to how that journey goes in the real world of not really knowing what you are doing in life and just trying to find your way through the best way you can and not every decision you make is the best or right one but you have to deal with the choices you have made and navigate them as best you can.
honestly, it's been so long since i started planning the story i don't really remember if there was a certain inspiration!!
the fic in general is v much inspired by the movie forever my girl [i haven't read the book yet and i believe there's differences between the two] and was going to be a baseball fic, but got more inspired once i started writing more on tumblr and it just transferred!!
in terms of caroline, i think it was a good mix of pulling traits from different characters in books i've read, along w traits from myself and my friends or own family and then along the way adding things that i would/could picture her doing/saying/thinking, etc!!
like the sibling dynamic between her and andrew is drawn from my own friends and their siblings, a lot of ethan's personality is drawn from my experiences of being around friends relatives/kids of the same age and then the small stuff of shows she likes [greys, glee and 20/20] are really just my favs 💀
that really means a lot that she's your favorite character, bc i can understand just how frustrating she and her choices throughout the story regarding matt and their past can be!! but i really was focused on trying not to just let her cave once matt comes back around and didn't want to immediately brush her choices under the rug and act like they never happened. i really wanted the consequences to come around even after things have been "concluded" yk?? all in all, she wasn't a perfect person and i think she's one of my fav characters i've ever written just bc she is flawed on that aspect!!
also i'm sorry for replying to this late, i like to hold onto messages sometimes esp when it comes to ones about fics bc i like to read them over and over bc it feels so validating that someone enjoyed the fic so much they send detailed messages 🥺🥰
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alltomevibes · 2 years
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I posted 300 times in 2021
46 posts created (15%)
254 posts reblogged (85%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.5 posts.
I added 142 tags in 2021
#alltomevibes - 22 posts
#the big leap - 16 posts
#fanfic - 15 posts
#911 fox - 14 posts
#eddie diaz - 14 posts
#ao3 link - 13 posts
#ao3fic - 13 posts
#911 on fox - 12 posts
#ao3 - 12 posts
#victorious - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#stop acting butthurt cus ur fav looks miserable while zayn is our here living his life with his baby and his other baby pls
My Top Posts in 2021
me: writing and editing that carlos fic so I fan finally post some new chapters
brain: yo, but what if eddie & buck were in a queer-platonic relationship?
me: ...but the UST-
brain: 👁👄👁 they're in a qpr :)
me: ... *opens new word document*
17 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 07:23:22 GMT
my "the big leap" thoughts (SPOILERS):
- paula, my heart, my darling.
- not the cane
- mike is freaking adorable plssss
- oh wow, gabby is absolutely gonna break reggie's heart
- mr.a 🤮
- the way nick pushed that chinese food tho had me goneeee😭 his "oops"? pls sir-
- mike + friends j loveeee it
- I want more mike & paula neowwww
- more reggie in general pls
- naw, but the homecoming ask scene? we stan/love simon
- gabby's dnce hit different, I feel like she's a better choreographer than dancer 100%
- just everybody. even brittany. chick needs serious therapy but like, all the characters on this TV show make me laugh and they're just real.
- mike's eyes in the bar scene. that's jt. they had me hooked.
18 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 00:18:10 GMT
can I just say that I just recently started watching sense8 for the first time and I'm literally only on episode 4 of season 1 but you can bet that I've read through every ao3 fic that makes sense to me canon wise, have written ideas upon ideas for these characters, and have cried for these characters only to find out it got cancelled in season 2. and now there's a book coming out and you can already bet i'm going to buy it because this story has already had me balling my eyes out AND IM NOT EVEN ON THE FIFTH EPISODE OF THE SHOW YET ! anyways, that's all to say my tumblr is, at some point in the future, going to be a sense8 blog.
27 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 22:52:00 GMT
this is so sick - I really didn't hate the episode, I thought athena's storyline was interesting esp. some of the rapist's lines like "ur a cop who happens to be a mother" I wish more people wrote about that because it's so interesting esp. w/ athena's last & her relationships. . and the Michael + Athena dynamic is literally my favorite. and I didn't think Bobby was out of character?? Harry is literally his child + his traumatic backstory with his other children? of course dude wilded the fuck out. I don't know. this episode got a lot of hate (which I understand because of the copganda) but alot of people j wanted to get back to buddie which is annoying. this show is an ensemble and I haven't seen significant Harry & Michael scenes in a long time.
eddie & ana's scene had me in tears - they had more chemistry in those 3 minutes than they're entire relationship and now I want fics where Ana and Eddie stay friends pls. I really feel like they would be bomb buddies. hate on the actress all you want, but I feel like Chris & Ana was amazing. and while I don't hate the fact that the actress is leaving, I do hate the fact that Ana is not going to be mentioned at all after this. I just wanna hear mentions like (buddie-centric since that's all people care about nowadays) Eddie & Buck going on a date and Chris hanging out with Ana for the day or sum like that. and don't even get me started on Maddie & Chimney. That lowkey traumatized me. my heart was literally hurting and then I had to go eat some comfort food because chimney and maddie had my heart breaking. wish maddie didn't go out like that, like other people have been saying, but j do understand why she did it even that doesn't make what she did right. but yeah.
I'm glad the big leap came on afterwards because I needed a reboot and something to laugh at (even tho that episode was wild !!!)
28 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 02:45:57 GMT
anyways, somebody write me a 5+1 fic on outsiders being confused on the dynamics of the Grant-Nash-Hale household PLEASE and thank you :)
38 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 03:25:36 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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fluffybunnybadass · 4 years
Not really much of a sup, but for a few years now, I've been wondering if I've been Ace. Some of the posts you have, I resonate with, and I decided to try out the label over the past few days to see if I like it. I haven't told anyone until tonight, and got a confused reaction from my friend. I was especially thrown off guard when I told him that I might not be interested in sex. Granted, my friend is a guy, but at the same time, I can't help but feel very hurt by it? If that makes sense. 1/2
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[Images for the first ask might get left in cuz i'm on mobile app and it cuts asks off at like one line of text and i have terrible memory]
First off, it's very normal to feel hurt by his reaction. You shared a part of yourself and were rejected. Feeling hurt about that is VERY NORMAL. You also know yourself best and what you're comfortable with and what you're not. "What if--" is the future, what you are now is more important. I forget specifically how it was said, but just bc you might be comfortable elsewhere later, doesn't mean you have to be uncomfortable now. You might want kids in the future, but that doesn't mean you have to want them now. [Fwiw, i'm vehemently unwilling to have kids, and if that ever changes, there's adoption, being an auncle, etc]. As for your friend....
ICK DUMP THEM jk i dunno what your relationship with them is like, and i've been that ignorant, uninformed person before, also assuming that one day i might be into it, esp with the assumption it would happen after sex, as your friend and our hypersexual society would assume. I haven't had sex yet, and I don't plan to anytime soon, even if when I get a partner. And I know that I don't experience it, bc as fangirling around me got more and more sexualized the older I got, the less and less I was into that? So when I finally saw relatability posts on tumblr about asexuality, it finally click for me, and i was SO GLAD there was a word for it. I've always been diff when it came to "who i like/found cute" on the playground, and I never considered it to be any more weird when high school and college happened. [I had more important things to worry about and I also wasn't on anyone's radar or expected to be], so i just. Not wanna say "i knew" but more like "i expected" it. Or i assumed i was more mature about dating, fuck if i knew, i sure wasn't when i had like 1 datemate for 3 days
Also like, guys are more expected to be hypersexual fiend hounds, so even if he doesn't really feel that way, he might be expected to espout that. Or he could honestly think that way. I don't know and it doesn't sound safe for you to pry about him to find out.
As for the other two, i've seen it suggested on @/fuckyeahasexual and other ace blogs to beat around the bush if you want to come out to people but aren't sure if they are safe to? I forget specifically how, since i'm able to be so vocal about my asexuality offline.
I've been writing this while walking to and from my psych appt so i apologize if i have missed anything or misanswered anything.
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[Sorry, i found those while trying to grab some different ace gifs and thought they were important]
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Welcome to the asexuality club, you're welcome to stay if you find it suits you, and it's no big deal if it doesn't. Here's your complimentary, ace-colored invisibility cloak
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