#Especially given the past of little Yingxing
fragmentedblade · 1 year
I can't believe they made Blade ask with a broken voice why is it only abominations that come back over and over again. Blade, who can't die, who comes back to life again and again
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snoringkitty1 · 7 months
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Blade boyfriend headcanons.
Tw: none, just fluff, as usual :>
Just to kick off, Blade is very quiet, even more so than Dan heng. He communicates mostly through expressions and body language unless there is something you absolutely must know. He won't talk much.
That is unless you two are close enough to where you can ask him to talk a smidge more, to which he might respond negatively at the jump.
Give him a bit of time, and he'll talk more. Who wouldn't want to hear that amazing voice of his anyway.
I think he love language would be acts of service. This can range from doing simple little tasks for you to literally beheading someone for you.
Ruthless and gentle at the same time, while he might not have a soul, you definitely have won his cold heart.
I like to think that occasionally, you will dream of Yingxing, in a field of spider lily's where you two just talk.
Sure, he's a bit more arrogant and rude than you would initially expect, but he'll soften up eventually and would like to hear your thoughts on his present 'self'.
He would also love to talk about his past with smithing swords and other kinds of weaponry. A bit self-centered, but in the end, good-natured.
It had been a very long day, and you were craving the cuddles you would receive the moment you laid down in bed. The best way to relax, for you atleast, was to cuddle with the monster the public knew, as Blade.
He isn't much of a monster once you've figured him out. He, just like you, seeks the company of a loving companion. Though no one could truly see it.
"Blaade.." you muttered and flopped into bed beside him. She opened his eyes and glanced at you. He smiled slightly and moved his position a bit to support his head as he looked down at you.
"Rough day..?" He whispered, brushing his hand through your hair when you nodded your head. "Mhm.." You moved off your stomach and wrapped your arms around him, latching onto him like a koala to a branch. He blinked owlishly before laying his head against the pillow properly and wrapped his arms around you. "Sleep.." he urged softly, kissing the top of your head, only to find you were already asleep.
He may not show too much, but he adores when you wear any of his clothes. From his boxers to a hoodie or beanie he has stashed away.
I think his favorite way to receive affection or love would be sitting on his lap and being given kisses.
Especially when he doesn't need to ask at all. He loves it.
Blade stepped into your shared room, not letting out so much as a sigh as he leaned his Sword against the bedside table. You looked over, comfy in bed nestled in your pillows and a blanket, seeing him very clearly tired. He was not the type to admit he was tired, or even tell you. He would just come back to the room and flop onto bed, clocking out before even bothering to change. Of course, at your request, he would change if his clothes were overly dirty. Today seemed a little different though, Silver wolf and Kafka must've drained him completely. "Blade hun, sit up." You smiled when he turned his head to look at you, sighing before sluggishly sitting up and leaning back against the headboard. "My show can wait, here." You wrapped your blanket around your shoulders and sat yourself comfortably on his lap. Seeing his expression widen and the light return to his eye for a moment made you grin. "I'll be taking a nap here, you ok with that?"
He nodded fervently and smiled slightly before leaning his head back a bit and closing your eyes. You leaned onto his chest, a pretty cozy place to rest. Though you couldn't immediately fall asleep..you tampered with the button struggling to hold his shirt together, and the button broke pretty easily..whoops?
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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Thanks for reading.
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themindcrowave · 3 months
recurring jing yuan thoughts #2... a spiderverse AU
so i've been thinking about spiderverse jing yuan lately..... trying to decide whether he's a spider or a gwen/MJ
- if he was a spider he'd be able to travel dimensions,,, he'd definitely have a backstory similar to miguel o'hara's about trying to find a reality where everyone he loved was back together again, but unlike miguel, once that reality inevitably goes wrong he either:
- decides to really focus on his emotional healing and grief processing or
- becomes a compartmentalization master like he is in the game
because either way he knows he can't properly help others and be a leading figure if he can't move past his own grief first. he would rather gnaw through his own arm than push his old emotional scars onto the young spiders he's met and formed family with along his journey. he might have lost his first found family but he'll be damned if he loses his chance at another.
- and then just like in-game, jing yuan will meet the people of his past again... i'm thinking dan heng is a spider from a parallel universe where dan feng's weakened consciousness ended up after he was completely wiped from jing yuan's dimension, so basically dan heng was always his own person of course but then he started having visions of a lifetime parallel to his own lived by someone who looked exactly like him (insert my gwen stacy theory bc WOW does it fit him)
- blade would be kinda like the usual spiderman villain setup where his undying situation is all because of a terrible science accident and his main motivation is to find the ones involved in what happened to him (the og high cloud quintet friend group) and exact vengeance so that maybe he can finally disappear in peace (basically the same as in-game)
- baiheng's death was probably jing yuan's first devastating "canon event". i think he wasn't around to save her when she died (and he couldn't have been, he didn't even know where she was or what happened to her until he heard the news) and that guilt will forever eat away at him... i'm thinking she died in an aircraft accident but i haven't decided what kind yet
- dan feng was a genius scientist. he experimented with a lot of things that he probably shouldn't have and always pushed the boundaries of scientific possibility,, especially after baiheng died. he started secluding himself in his lab and only yingxing ever had any success at visiting him there for any substantial period of time... which is exactly how yingxing got caught up in dan feng's plan to bring baiheng back (think kingpin bringing his family back with the alchemax super-collider) and subsequently cue the horrible accident which turned him into the immortal blade
- oh and then of course jing yuan, being spiderman, has to track down and apprehend dan feng for what he did and decide his sentence (life imprisonment) but dan feng's family clan had him assassinated in prison for reasons jing yuan was never able to completely uncover (and a nagging little part of him will always feel like dan feng's fate was his fault)
- i think jingliu was jing yuan's superhero mentor... not sure if she was a spider too, or just another masked hero in the area who took him under her wing when he was new to his powers. just like in-game, she was the one who introduced him to the rest of the group, and just like in-game she will go completely berserk and become a vigilante with no clear morals or objectives after baiheng dies. like with dan feng, jing yuan has to track her down and try to get her back. unlike with dan feng, jingliu decides that given her shattered mental state the safest option for society as a whole would be for jing yuan to defeat her then and there, once and for all, simultaneously saving the day and proving his graduation from her mentorship. and, well. he did.
- there's yanqing (young spider, official mentee, and unofficial son of jing yuan) thoughts rattling around in here too, but words are difficult so unfortunately you'll have to put your full imagination to work here and just try to feel the "i'm-putting-this-character-in-a-jar-and-shaking-it-like-a-mixed-drink" vibes for yourself! cheers
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thoughts for 2.4 below! obvious spoilers are obvious, everything plot related is under a readmore.
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wow, what a great update! there's so much i have in mind and ultimately i'll be going off of the things at the top of my head, because i didn't bother to record much (it takes me out of my immersion if i'm focused on capturing screenshots). i'll try my best to sort through my thoughts as concisely as possible, but man there is so much bouncing around going on in my head, so i'll be hopping in and out of things in no particular order.
firstly, my god. i love the generals so much. i thought huaiyan would be a little more stern than he is but no he's just a sad tired old man who wants to retire even more than jing yuan... ah, grampa,,,,,,
i had a feeling that feixiao and huaiyan were going to be on his side from the getgo, but man feixiao did really have me on the ropes for a moment and i appreciate that
the way that my heart sank when jiaoqiu mentioned the 'spectacular' view of scalegorge and i realized that yaoguang must have read luocha's mind by now. it's no wonder that they summoned fu xuan to the yuque after that for further questioning.
speaking of, i mentioned it before but i very much enjoyed seeing feixiao's implication that yaoguang and youwu are more severe and strict, and likely less fond of jing yuan due to his actions. given that yaoguang is the seer strategist and probably one of the best diviners, and the xuling is implied to be one of the realms of the ten-lords, their idea of justice and abiding by rules would naturally be far more severe. i really hope we get some more lore for them soon.
the fact that jing yuan was appointed general after the sedition by the marshal, who stood firm in their support of him 700 years ago but now wavers because of all of the doubt and dislike sowed against jing yuan......... ough my heart my pain. i said this before too but i am absolutely delighted at the emphasis throughout the entire update (including lingsha's comment to yanqing) that trust in him has been a delicate thing from the get-go and he has had things set up against him since his very promotion, which was after every other surviving member of the hcq met tragic fates. naturally he would be placed under suspicion! and naturally the preceptors would try to get rid of him, when he has been one of the biggest hindrances to them getting their hands on dan feng's fate and, later, dan heng's as well. not to mention the attempted assassination of bailu, and him coming in to interfere with that, too.
huaiyan coming to defend jing yuan hit different, it really did. i'd always hoped that he would have a soft spot for jing yuan, especially since they've known each other for so long and likely got to know each other quite well thanks to yingxing, but hearing the way that he reassured and encouraged jing yuan and professed his belief in him? fuck. that really hit different, knowing that jing yuan has sought his advice in the past, knowing that huaiyan has effectively watched him grow up, and seems to be just as proud of jing yuan as he would have been of yingxing. it twists my heart so much. i'm also incredibly relieved to know that huaiyan doesn't resent jing yuan or dan heng for what happened to yingxing, though i wonder if he's just... too old, weary, and sad for grudges. i guess that's one of jingliu's failings by comparison.
speaking of yingxing, it's really interesting to see the difference in how huaiyan and jing yuan treat blade. huaiyan regularly talks about yingxing, and seems to still regard him with so much pride and love. meanwhile, jing yuan refuses to speak his name, or refer to him as 'blade,' unless he absolutely must. if you fuck up a question during feixiao's interrogation, she'll bring up blade and the heavy sigh that jing yuan lets out -- that was PAINFUL. i am reminded that we still have no idea what went down for them to have such a rift, what with blade saying jing yuan "always knew the price" and jing yuan wishing blade would "forget everything." what the hell happened!!! and huaiyan STILL defended jing yuan after that!!
tangent, but dan heng's jealousy when the tb gets to play flirt with jing yuan was really something. i adored that
dan heng's desire to help jing yuan no matter what was wonderful, and seeing his character development and ability to accept dan feng as his past but still move forward as his own person.... 🥺 there was also the way that jing yuan corrected huaiyan when he erroneously implied dan heng was the luofu's high elder, and jing yuan emphasized that bailu is the high elder, not dan heng, but dan heng didn't seem to mind or get offended by it. waugh!! i loved dan heng throughout this entire update, he's so brave for facing his own trauma for the sake of defending jing yuan. he didn't have to. jing yuan wouldn't have made him at all.
feixiao understanding this was also appreciated on my end (even if she did interrupt jing yuan SDLFJKHADS), i love that she didn't make him ask dan heng to go to the shackling prison and instead did it herself. everyone sees jing yuan's soft spot for dan heng it's kind of silly
onto the woman herself! i am. head over heels for feixiao. the fact the one thing i got majorly wrong about her is her calmness is not lost on me, and is really funny, but i honestly like her even more for it now. jiaoqiu still describes moze's job as "curbing [Feixiao's] eagerness" so i have no doubt in my mind her energy levels are still high, but i wonder if her chronic illness is what makes her so calm on an ordinary day, so she conserves her strength and doesn't relapse or suffer an attack? we get a snippet of her speed in the cutscene where yanqing and yunli duke it out, and it's apparent she moves so fast that the world around her seems to be in slow motion. i think this, coupled with jiaoqiu's prescription readable, falls in line with why she needs treatment for her eyes and mind. i really liked seeing that.
feixiao's condition being heavily emphasized as a chronic illness that has serious impacts on her health my absolute beloved. i love love love that she is a disabled general, and got this far despite her affliction, and she's honestly quite humble about it too despite her brimming confidence. she's accepted she'll likely die young and i just. aughguhg she's so cool.
i really really want to see more of the dynamic between the yaoqing trio. it seems to be implied that feixiao freed moze from the shackling prison on the yaoqing? and we know jiaoqiu's history with feixiao from his backstory. his desperation to save her -- to the point of using hoolay's body to create medicine (note how very borisin-like this mentality and line of thinking is, it's fascinating) to cure her affliction really caught my attention. i didn't expect him to be so deadset on refusing to let her go, but given his backstory i really understand. he doesn't want to see her die, especially not in such a painful way. augh i want more
she's so charming, i love that she clearly states her approval and is so cool and i asdlkdgjhafdlkdjhafdbgnfgsljfkgvbasgnflkja i fully had to stop playing and just fangirl a bit in a voice call i'm sorry i'm cringe i know.
feixiao commands a room in a way jing yuan doesn't and it's so interesting to me. their methods of carrying their authority is so different. while jing yuan is subtle, feixiao is direct and up front, and that's super cool to me.
feixiao mentioning that smell is a factor she uses to discern honestly was also not lost on me. i was so pleased to see that i was right about her sense of smell.
jiaoqiu and moze are chaotic as fuck FLKGAJHDSFLKHJADSSA oh my god. idk how many of you finished the march event but jiaoqiu is actually unhinged and it took me out. i adore his clever and quick thinking and gOD HOOLAY GET YOUR BIG MEATY CLAWS OFF OF HIM
hoolay's hot i'm sorry i cannot lie. i love me a good villain
no shuhu box........... i'm so stressed about that specifically, but also seeing dan feng's empty cell was cool
i am cheating the character limit for A FEW MORE THOUGHTS by making a new block.
seeing yanqing's growth was such a delight. you can tell that he's had a lot of time to do some introspection after facing jingliu and also succumbing to the heliobus (i forget their name. apyra?). being able to talk about it out loud to jiaoqiu seemed to help him recenter his goals too. i love that he wants to share in jing yuan's burdens but rather than rush off like he did with blade, he's taking the time to reflect and also start to seek out others. he's really matured a lot. i love my boy...
i.. honestly really, really want hoolay to fall by jing yuan's hands. like. i know 2.5 is going to be feixiao's moment, but the luofu is jing yuan's ship, jing yuan is the one on the ropes and needs to prove his loyalty, and the one who first defeated hoolay was jing yuan's master. jing yuan was the one who mentioned washing away the dregs, and feixiao wanted to assess his momentum. i think it only feels right for hoolay's final defeat to be at his hands, especially when everything on the luofu is his responsibility, and he bears the burdens of jingliu's legacy.
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