#Especially if caretaker is the hardened gruff type
whumpdaydreamerx · 4 months
That moment when Whumpee overwhelmed with the pain of their injuries, screams and yells Caretaker’s name in desperation. And all Caretaker can do to stop their agony and writhing, is gently quiet them before getting started on treatment.
The “Shh, shh, shh. I know…I know” as they take a moment to brush a hand through Whumpee’s hair or cup their cheek. Softening their features to comfort them.
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
Hi! What are some of your favourite story tropes?
Finally have the energy to answer this.
I'm gonna break them down by types.
Grumpy x Sunshine
It's a classic trope that plays so well with so many settings and other characters archetypes. It's an opposites attract that doesn't typically lean unrealistic or abusive.
Found Family
It's perfection. Every single one of my fandoms has a found family in it. Ever piece of media I've even remotely been interested in. Batman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Young Avengers, X-Men, Avengers/MCU, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Voltron, 6 of Crows, Sleepy Bois Inc., etc. It's a trope one turns to form a little hope in people that always delivers.
Hidden Relationships
When I say this, I mean where they don't really hide it or actively hide it, I should say, but people don't realize they're in a relationship. The comedy and confusion that results from this trope are always fun and leave less room for uncomfortable ethics.
Has always known x Just realized
The exasperation of waiting for someone to realize that they love you when it can be clearly seen is heartwarming and hilarious.
Jaded Caretaker and Innocent/Feral Child
It's such an interesting dynamic that can be interpreted in so many manners. It's typically seen with a gruff father figure and a teenage girl, but my preference is an older sibling figure. Bonus points if the child is horribly traumatized but acts like it's normal or brushes past it.
Story Settings
A little crime never hurt anyone, especially if it's all fiction anyway. It's a perfect setting for found family and more jaded characters.
One can really play with character development here due to college naturally being a place that people change and grow. In fanfiction, it can also be a place to further flesh out a character or delve into their interests more
Whether it's music or band or just general famous people, it's so fun to see people react to fame and public vs. private personas.
Character Types
Aloof with a soft heart
This can be in a lot of directions, whether it be hurt too many times but still willing to try, hardened after a long and hard life, or the eldest kid in a bad situation. No matter how you take it, it's a wonderful cup of tea.
Horribly traumatized but kind and happy
The ability to do good and be good despite it all hits really hard to home for me. So it's always nice to see characters in that situation.
Bonus: Story Formats
Social Media/Text fics
Listen, it's so much story for so little work (other than formatting the work itself, I'm sorry). There's so many ways to show off a characters personality with how one texts or sets up their social media. I find it fascinating.
Thank you for the ask!
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