#Estate Agent Edinburgh
top10estateagentsuk · 7 months
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The Evolution of Property Hunting
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umegalettingsblog · 3 days
Edinburgh Letting Agent's Guide: Navigating the First-tier Housing Tribunal in Scotland
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Are you a property owner in Edinburgh who wants to comprehend the First-tier Housing Tribunal in Scotland? Understanding the legal landscape can be challenging, but it’s essential for ensuring your rights and responsibilities are upheld. 
This guide by Umega, Edinburgh letting Agent,  will be quite useful to those of you who thought that such aspirations are impossible. It will explain to you how the tribunal operates and what issues you should be aware of as a landlord.
Whether you’re dealing with disputes over rent, repairs, or tenancy agreements, understanding the tribunal’s role can help you manage your properties more effectively and confidently.
What is the First-tier Housing Tribunal in Scotland?
The First-tier Housing Tribunal Scotland is a particular type of court set up to settle disagreements between landlords and tenants in private lettings. It was created so that various disagreements can be resolved quickly and with minimal hassle to all the parties involved.
Prior to the establishment of the tribunal, these disputes were largely dealt with by the Sheriff Court which may be rather formal and thus intimidating. The tribunal however seeks to be more informal and less daunting hence assisting landlords and tenants to put forth their cases with ease.
The tribunal covers a wide range of issues, including:
Rent and rent increase disputes
Disputes stemming from failures in repairs and maintenance.
Contingent issues in tenancy agreements
Cases involving eviction.
The objective of the tribunal is to offer an effective and equitable means of dispute settlement instead of going through long and expensive litigation.
Benefits of Applying to the Tribunal
As an Edinburgh letting Agent, Umega is here to explain the benefits of applying to the First-tier Housing Tribunal if you’re a landlord. Here are some key advantages:
Fair Resolution One of the key benefits of making an application to the tribunal is the guarantee of fair settlement of issues. The tribunals are meant to be fair, with no renters or landlords being overlooked in the process. This aids in making constructive decisions that are beneficial to all the parties in the dispute.
Cost-Effective Making an application to the tribunal is cheaper as compared to making an application in the courts of law. With no no hefty legal fees, it becomes a cheaper means for the landlords who are in need of settling issues.
Less Formal The tribunal process is also less formal than litigation. It does, however, permit landlords to put their case across without seeking professional legal assistance. Umega, as an Edinburgh letting Agent in, can assist you through this straightforward process.
Faster Decisions The main purpose of the tribunal is that disputes should be tried in much less time when compared with the courts. That is, a decision can be obtained quicker and therefore you can resolve the concern promptly and get back to managing your properties.
Expertise in Housing Issues There are specialists in housing law and issues concerning the private rental sector who comprise the panel of the tribunal. Decisions thus arrived at are therefore reasonable and made on the basis of enough knowledge of the laws and policies.
Accessible Process The application procedure concerning the tribunal is specifically made uncomplicated. It is possible to fill in and submit the application form online and the tribunal provides clear guidance on what information is needed. Umega, as an experienced Edinburgh letting Agent, can assist in this process.
Support for Landlords Finally, the tribunal offers assistance to landlords at each and every step of the undertaking. It doesn’t matter if you’re having difficulties in comprehending the procedures or if you want to present your own case, help is on the way. Umega is always there for further help and guidance.
How to Apply to the Tribunal
As an Edinburgh letting Agent, Umega is here to guide you through the process of applying to the First-tier Housing Tribunal in Scotland. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you:
Gather Evidence:  It is prudent to gather complete evidence before making the application. It could be in the form of photographs, emails, letters, receipts or some other documents making the issue you are facing evident. 
Fill Out the Application Form: It is important to fill in an appropriate application, which can be accessed on the Housing and Property Chamber website. All necessary details including particulars of the complaint and particulars of the evidence gathered must also be given.
Submit the Application: When the form is filled, you can lodge it either online or by post. Make sure that every piece of information provided is right in order to avoid wastage of time for more information.
Wait for a Response:  After submitting your application, the tribunal will review it and get back to you. They will most probably request for more information and or evidence so be ready for that in case it comes up.
Attend the Hearing: Should your case go to a hearing you will be required to attend it and give the evidence you hold. The tribunal shall hear both parties before making its determination.
Umega, as an experienced Edinburgh letting Agent, advises following these steps carefully to ensure your application is processed smoothly. This process makes it more convenient for you to oversee your properties, as complaints will be settled quickly and fairly.
Final Words
Understanding how to deal with the First-tier Housing Tribunal Scotland is not impossible, although it may seem so at first. As an Edinburgh letting Agent, Umega encourages all landlords to embrace and apply this process. It is sensible to follow the steps and appreciate the advantages. You will keep disputes to a minimum to be resolved amicably. Let Umega, your dependable letting agent in Edinburgh help you face all the hard work.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Let’s assume for a second Meghan has been‘flagged’ as a fixated person or even a person of concern, can they be eligible for IPP? If she has been identified as a concern, can the government simultaneously give her that level of protection and access to intel?
This is all just speculation.
Disclaimer first: This is beyond my knowledge of national security.
Can a fixated person be eligible for IPP? Yes. Because everyone is eligible for IPP.
Would they actually get it? Mm, probably not.
Let’s talk it out.
First, the kind of information that protected people get in this case is information about the security threats against them and details of security plans designed to keep them safe. They wouldn’t be getting information about other protectees unless they’re at the top of the hierarchy (like say Charles or William) or the other protectee is their minor child because the compartmentalization of whereabouts and security plans is part of the safety plan.
Could a fixated person extrapolate the knowledge from their security plans to make educated guesses about someone else’s plans? Yes, they could. So that’s a risk that would be taken into consideration while determining someone’s IPP status.
But by and large the issue with fixated people (as I understand it) is not access to information but access to the person of their fixation. Which is why security exists in the first place. As long as there’s a degree of separation and security - and there would be between Meghan and Kate because Kate is the Princess of Wales and that comes with a totally different security posture than, say, the Duchess of Edinburgh - that’s really all that’s necessary. The security posture could change if the fixated IPP is in the same room, for instance like at the Platinum Jubilee service of thanksgiving where William and Kate sat in the front row of Section A but Harry and Meghan were sat across the aisle in the interior third row of Section B with sleeper agents positioned all around them.
Second, all the IPP (Internationally Protected Person) designation means is that the person has diplomatic status worthy of a protection detail. That’s all. It doesn’t come with a special security clearance or unrestricted access to anywhere or anyone their cold black heart desires. There are still rules and procedures they have to follow because all being IPP means is that they’re protected from the public. IPP does not mean that they don’t have to follow the rules and procedures of *other* IPP.
So what does that mean? It means that if the IPP fixated person wants to go somewhere near the subject of their fixation, they still have to follow the rules and procedures of the subject’s security team. They don’t get to just waltz right through the security checks and get all up in Michelle Obama’s business (IYKYK).
In other words, just because Meghan is IPP doesn’t mean she has free access to Kate. She still has to follow the rules set by Kate’s security team and I would imagine that if Meghan were to return to the BRF, William would draw his family’s security net even tighter to block any chance of Harry and Meghan trying to get through. For instance, there’s renewed gossip that Harry wants to move into KP Apartment 1 and/or KP Apartment 7 (Apt 1 being the former Gloucester residence next door to William and Kate’s 1A apartment, which supposedly the Waleses have taken over for more office space, and Apt 7 being part of Diana’s former residence). William will mostly likely probably block that because his family still uses 1A. And likewise, he’d probably block the Sussexes from returning to the Windsor estate, since his family is there now as well. (Meaning Harry and Meghan’s only options is St. James’s Palace or a country estate outside of London…neither of which meet Meghan’s very exact specifications.)
Third, the last piece of the puzzle: the security risk and threat assessment. Everyone who goes up for IPP status (or heck, even just to take a job in the civil service - which, let me remind everyone, the BRF is. They’re essentially government workers who live very cushy lives supplemented by generational wealth) has to go through a security risk and threat assessment where everything from our families to our hobbies to our known associates to our health to our travel to our neighbors and home is investigated and assessed via background checks and investigations.
(And yes, this most likely means that anyone who marries into the royal family who does not come from a known associate - eg a family known to the BRF like the Spencers and Fergusons were - probably has had background investigations done for them to be able to meet principal members of the royal family. Kate and the Middletons probably had one, though perhaps not as in depth since she and William were together for so long, but there certainly was one done on Meghan when Harry got serious enough with her that he wanted her to meet The Queen.)
Now the thing about background checks and investigations, security clearances, and IPP status is that if you leave the civil service to go work in the private sector for a few years and then you decide to come back and be a fed again, your old checks and clearances aren’t there waiting for you like an old coat you buried in the back of your closet for 5 years. You have to undergo a total and complete reinvestigation. And if there are things that pop up in your reinvestigation over behaviors or diagnoses or actions you did while employed by a fake mental health startup and Netflix (for example) that have violated certain codes, standards, ethics, laws, or that exponentially increased your vulnerability to being exploited by foreign adversaries, or that have exposed you as a significant threat to the mental, physical, and social wellbeing of a principal staffer, well, then, you’re not getting that job and you can kiss your old security clearance or your old diplomatic status or your old RAVEC status goodbye. Even if you’re related to the principal staffer(s) in question.
So to sum up. A fixated person is eligible to be declared IPP. But they still have to go through all the checks and threat analyses to actually receive IPP status, and that’s where the issue is.
Ignoring “fixated person” (since again, that hasn’t actually been confirmed and is only just gossip and speculation), this is why Harry’s latest tactic is to say “if only my father would just give it back to me.” He is eligible for IPP just on the basis of being King Charles’s son, and he has Tier 3 (case-by-case) status because of that. But Tier 3 isn’t good enough; he wants Tier 1 (25/8 permanent) status, but RAVEC’s position is that Harry is disqualified Tier 1 because of his own behaviors and actions. Harry wants Charles to overrule the government and so far Charles hasn’t, because he’s likely read the report that bringing Harry back in poses more danger to the Waleses than leaving him out.
To which I say yes, that’s true, but bringing Harry in means they can better control him and what he does, so it’s a safer security posture to begin with. The issue is Meghan, who has proven time and time again that she doesn’t play by anyone’s rules but her own and has no interest in being on a team. In that case, it’s a safer security posture for her to be on the outside and away from everyone where it’s easier to monitor her so that her arrival or appearance can be more easily and more carefully planned for.
Which is ultimately the core conflict. Harry wants Meghan. The BRF doesn’t (or can’t). So Harry will emotionally blackmail everyone to force them to accept her. They refuse. Meghan says “it’s me or Kate and if you don’t choose me, you’re all racist.” The BRF laughs and chooses Kate anyway. They go on a worldwide tour of privacy to declare everyone is racist. No one cares. So they go crawling back to the BRF. The BRF says “only Harry, no Meghan.” But Harry wants Meghan. The BRF doesn’t. And around and around and around we go.
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scotianostra · 18 days
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September 2nd 1834 saw the death of Sir Thomas Telford, the pioneering engineer, road, bridge and canal builder.
Telford was the Scotsman who laid the foundations of industrial Britain, the Colossus of Roads, the godfather of civil engineering, Thomas Telford even had a town named after him, albeit an English one!
Born at Glendinning, Westerkirk, Dumfriesshire, on 9 August 1757, Thomas Telford never knew his shepherd father. He dies four months after the boy is born. His single mother can’t afford to raise him so relatives do. But such is Thomas’s vitality that he’s soon known as ‘Laughing Tam’.
Thomas leaves school and aged 14, he apprentices to a stonemason. He helps build new roads and a farmhouse on the estate of a local duke. Despite the nature of his day job, with its intensive long hours, Thomas studies at night to learn all there is about construction. By 25, he’s worked in Edinburgh and is off to London. He meets with two Scottish architects, one of whom, Sir William Chambers is building Somerset House. Telford secures work there.
And so began his long career seeing him build everything from canals to bridges, roads to harbours, Thomas Telford – the first President of the Institution of Civil Engineers – worked or advised on hundreds of important civil engineering projects in his lifetime .His expertise was so renowned that people from all over the world – including the Swedish and Russian governments – consulted him for their major civil engineering projects.
Telford’s most famous canal works include the 60-mile Caledonian Canal (1804-1822) and Ellesmere Canal.
In the Highlands of Scotland, Telford was responsible or about 1,200 miles of new or improved roads.
His main achievements in road-making were the London to Holyhead and Bangor to Chester roads. The road in North Wales has been designated a ‘Historic Route’.
Bridges also played a large part in Telford’s career, with the Menai wrought iron suspension bridge over the Menai Straits in Wales being one of his most famous designs.With an unprecedented span of nearly 580ft, it was considered the most outstanding bridge development of the early 19th century.
In 1783, he first started working for William Pulteney, the first Earl of Bath and MP for Shrewsbury, restoring Sudborough Rectory in Northamptonshire.
Pulteney was a strong influence on Telford’s career, and helped establish him as an engineer.
Telford worked on a number of infrastructure projects in Shropshire after being invited there by Pulteney to restore Shrewsbury Castle in 1786.
He worked on local church restorations, private houses, improved streets and drainage.
After he restored the castle in a Gothic style, Telford lived in and practised as an architect from the castle.
When Pulteney became director of British Fisheries Society in 1790, Telford advised on the improvement of numerous harbours in northern Scotland. The largest was Pulteneytown at Wick.
He also helped spread the use of Roman cement in facing, pointing and brick-jointing mortars to stop water penetration.
The aluminous hydraulic cement, patented by James Parker, set to a “very considerable extent” in about 20 minutes.
Telford’s civil engineering career started to take off from 1793 when he was appointed as general agent, surveyor, engineer, architect and overlooker to the Ellesmere Canal. The standout structure on the canal is the Pontcysyllte cast iron aqueduct over the Dee.
In terms of road construction, Telford’s roads were well-drained and had a hand-pitched stone foundation under a layer of conventional road metal.
Although they were more expensive to build, their higher quality meant that maintenance costs were lower.
Telford planned, built or advised on several thousand masonry bridges throughout his lifetime.
His first major bridge was over the Severn at Montford from 1790 to 1792, using convict labour.
Other infrastructure Telford worked on included drainage of the Fens in eastern England, the improvement of more than 100 harbours, docks or piers, and water supply schemes such as a piped supply to Liverpool from springs at Bootle.
Telford was invited by the King of Sweden to be the consulting engineer for the Trollhatte Canal’s eastwards extension to the Baltic at Soderkoping.
He was also consulted by the Russian government, and North American canal schemes.
For his achievements in civil engineering, Telford has been dubbed the ‘Colossus of Roads’ and ‘Pontifex Maximus’.
A liver problem, referred to as a “bilious derangement”, caused his death on this day 1834. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.
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0shewrites0 · 2 years
Chat to your fav LI’s | LITG edition
Will update as new LI’s come in!
If you have a request for a LI you’d like to chat to (female or male!) please send me (@0shewrites0) or @libelle949 an ask 🤍
If you have a request for another fandom (like RC for example) send them in too! @libelle949 and I will do our best to set all of them up step by step 🥰
LI’s available to chat with so far (30+):
Just tap on the character you want to chat with!
Angie Chandrasekhar
29. paramedic. scorpio. tattoos. proud lesbian.
Arjun Khatri (by anon)
24. dog groomer. influencer. loves cheeky winks.
Bobby McKenzie
24. baker. happy kiddo. loves to laugh. weirdo.
Bruno Kaminski by @libelle949
25. standup comedian. jokester. sweet. positive.
Carl Sullivan
29. tech entrepreneur. geeky. loyal. quiet.
Chelsea Edwards by @notaviirgo
24. interior decorator. charismatic. fun. diva.
Dylan (whatever) (by anon)
28. swansea. ambitious. pro volleyball player.
Eddie Harris (villain!)
24. model. feminist. no time for boring. flirty.
Gary’s Nan
73. charity work. temper of thunder. heart of gold.
Gary Rennell
23. crane operator. down to earth. blokey bloke.
Harry Zhong
21. student. nerdy and proud. gamer. ambitious.
Hazeem Salmani by @notaviirgo
25. landscaper. plant daddy. early exitee himself.
Henrik Bergstrom
23. climbing instructor. relaxed. goofy. weirdo.
Hope Biala by @notaviirgo
26. retail ambassador. hotter than a spark.
Iain Stirling by @mrsbsmooth
hilarious narrator locked in shed. has got tea to spill.
Jake Wilson by @mrsbsmooth
29. chef. strong silent type. deeply romantic.
Jakub Zabinski by @ariendiel
Johnny by @libelle949
21. theater student. drama king. momma’s boy.
Kassam Maleek
26. DJ. cynical. cold. passionate about music.
Lottie Campbell by @notaviirgo
24. makeup artist. obsessed with the color black. dramatic.
Lucas Koh
27. physiotherapist. passionate. loves danger.
Marisol Lopez Trujillo by @notaviirgo
24. law student. latina goddess who likes both genders
Noah Alexander by @ariendiel
25. librarian from romford. loves books. quiet.
Oliver Tan
26. tattoo artist. drama-free. “friendly giant”.
Priya Kumar by @notaviirgo
29. real estate agent. bisexual bad gyal.
Suresh (Frazer) (by anon)
27. an Edinburgh based corporate lawyer. wanderlust.
Tai Kahu
28. rugby coach. proud kiwi. 193cm of love.
Tim Burton (Big T)
23. DJ. wannabe rapper. loyal. funny. short king.
Tom Beresford-King by @notaviirgo
22. finance worker. people’s prince. little bit nervous.
Willem (Will) Kimura by @libelle949
26. artist. free spirit. creative. aloof. cute.
Youcef Nassiri by @libelle949
27. french. model. charming man. philosopher.
Characters by @thisiskhayeanne - tap here to get to them!
Rocco, Hannah, Blake, Elisa, Shannon, Ibrahim, Jo, Meera
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p-redux · 11 months
You wrote he dated a Danielle, do you mean Danielle Brandon??? They have followed each other for a couple of years but they never dated!
NO, Anon, NOT Danielle Brandon--I never heard of her until today. Not sure why you're getting so riled up ! about it. And you must be new. When I mention a Danielle in relation to having dated Sam, I mean Danielle Kling. She was a yoga and fitness instructor/real estate agent from Hawaii, who briefly dated Sam in 2019.
Sam posted from Hawaii in February of 2019. 👇 This pic doesn't say Hawaii, but it was confirmed later that's where he was.
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For those living under a rock, Ruby Rose was his costar in the movie SAS Red Notice...and is out as lesbian...so nothing to see here about her comments to him. Anyhoo, Danielle changed the name of her iG account but this is her around the same time Sam was in Hawaii. 👇
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It's been so long, that I can't remember HOW we got confirmation that Sam and Danielle had seen each other while he was in Hawaii and after, but we DID.
Then, a few months later, in May of 2019, a Brazilian fan spotted Sam walking around Edinburgh with a woman that looked suspiciously like Danielle. Danielle used to wear her hair in braids exactly like that. And the height and slim body build match her. 👇
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Back then, I posted pics of Danielle showing the same hairstyle. Sorry for the blurriness, but these are screencaps of screencaps. 👇
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Here's another example. 👇
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As is ALWAYS the case anytime Sam dates a woman who is NOT Cait, Extreme Shippers came out in droves to create sock accounts and BULLY Danielle. But, despite all her zen and usually calm demeanor, Danielle wasn't having it, and she posted an IG story calling out the haters and their comments to her. 👇
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That was YEARS ago, Danielle is now partnered up with a great guy, and recently had a baby girl.
I don't think I ever coined a couples name for Sam and Danielle, so, I guess it makes it harder to search for past info on them. But that's it. It was short lived.
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newsintheshell · 2 years
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#i got a cheat skill in another world and became unrivaled in the real world too
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"La storia ha luogo in un mondo feudale dove un grande impero negli anni ha soggiogato e annesso vari regni. Chi si è opposto strenuamente al suo dominio è Van, leader dei guerrieri schierati contro l’invasione. Finito in catene, è diventato uno schiavo assegnato alle miniere di sale. Una notte un branco di lupi entra nelle miniere seminando il panico. Tutti coloro che vengono morsi finiscono per essere infettati e morire, tranne Van che riesce a scappare e durante la fuga salva una bambina, Yuna, anche lei misteriosamente sopravvissuta al “mittsal”, la piaga portata dai lupi. Assistito dal medico e ricercatore Hossal inizia così ad indagare sulla malattia, che nel frattempo ha colpito anche la corte. Ma proprio il sangue dei sopravvissuti potrebbe costituire la base per la tanto sospirata cura, e per questo Van e Yuna saranno oggetto di una frenetica caccia all’uomo."
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Four Knights of the Apocalypse: anime in arrivo per il sequel di The Seven Deadly Sins
Il 7° volume del manga uscirà in Giappone la prossima settimana.
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Con il film “The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh”, in arrivo su Netflix nel corso dell’anno, era solo questione di tempo prima che venisse confermata la serie animata di “Four Knights of the Apocalypse”, la nuova avventura fantasy firmata da Nakaba Suzuki, che fa da sequel a “The Seven Deadly Sins” e mette in campo nuovi personaggi, fra i quali anche Tristan, il figlio di Meliodas ed Elizabeth.
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18 note - Postate 10 maggio 2022
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Il lungometraggio tratto dal popolare manga slice of life di Afro uscirà in Giappone in estate.
19 note - Postate 21 gennaio 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
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La commedia romantica tratta dal manga di Keigo Maki arriverà in simulcast su Crunchyroll. 
L’adattamento è diretto da Ryota Ito (My Senpai Is Annoying) presso lo studio DOGA KOBO (Asteroid in Love, Selection Project).
20 note - Postate 6 gennaio 2022
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athena4455 · 1 year
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🌟 Unearth the Celtic Charm: A 14-Day Journey Across Ireland, Northern Ireland & Scotland 🌟
✨ From High-Tea in Scottish estates to searching for Loch Ness's mysterious inhabitant, this is the Celtic vacation of a lifetime!
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 In Scotland, Revel in Royalty and Whiskey 🥃
Sip on traditional High-Tea at the prestigious Ardgowan Estate near Glasgow.
Discover Edinburgh, home of the Royal Mile, Edinburgh Castle, and Scotland’s Crown Jewels!
Cruise through Loch Ness and maybe spot the elusive Nessie.
🇮🇪 Ireland Awaits with its Historic Elegance ☘️
Wander through Dublin’s cobbled squares and marvel at the ancient Book of Kells in Trinity College.
From the Cliffs of Moher to Galway's music-filled pubs, Ireland will leave you spellbound.
📆 Your 14-Day Itinerary 📆
Day 1: Hello Ireland 🍀
Day 2: Discover Dublin 🏰
Day 3: From Kildare to Cork 🌳
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Day 5: Embrace the Ring of Kerry 🌄
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drtinttauranga · 1 year
Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent: Why ELC Sales and Lettings is the Right Choice
When it comes to finding the right real estate agents in Edinburgh, look no further than ELC Sales & Letting. As trusted professionals in the industry, we offer unparalleled expertise and a commitment to delivering exceptional results. Our team of experienced real estate agents in Edinburgh understands the local market inside and out, ensuring that you receive accurate and up-to-date information. Whether you're buying, selling, or renting a property, we strive to provide personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs. With our extensive network, innovative marketing strategies, and dedication to client satisfaction, ELC Sales & Letting is the top choice for real estate services in Edinburgh. Contact us today to experience the difference for yourself.
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top10estateagentsuk · 7 months
Today all you have to do to secure a home in a place, say like Edinburgh is to simply connect with the best estate agents in Edinburgh and everything else from there is smooth sailing.
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branmer · 2 years
edinburgh real estate agents presenting a run down shack you wouldn't use to house a horse, let alone a human: such a bargain - only 150k!
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umegalettingsblog · 14 days
Leaving Your Rental? Edinburgh Estate Agent Tips for Maximising Your Deposit
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Are you ready to move out from your rental accommodations and you are sceptical about whether or not you will get the whole deposit? As an Edinburgh estate agent, Umega appreciates that this can be a rough and stressful time. But don’t fret, we have got your back!. In this guide, we will put forward some simple and practical tips to help you ensure you get all of your deposit back. By following these, you can leave your rental home in great shape and be ready to begin the next chapter of your life with ease.
Tips to Maximise Your Rental Deposit
Check Your Lease Agreement
Before you pack and prepare to go out looking for better options, examine your lease agreement thoroughly. It will explain or detail what your responsibility is going to be when vacating the house. There may be some additional requirements such as cleaning carpets or painting. Ignoring such chances can lead to deposit deductions. Umega, Edinburgh estate agent, suggests however that you should try very much to follow the terms of the lease so that you are not caught off guard at a later stage.
Review the Inventory
Assess your property and compare it to the inventory list that was handed over to you during the move-in. Ensure that you have satisfactorily covered everything on the list. Even if you decide to walk away from the property, any differences need to be compensated. This step is necessary in order to make sure that no unfair deductions are made from the security deposit. Umega, an experienced Edinburgh estate agent, helps clients and recommends keeping a copy of the inventory for your records.
Clean Thoroughly
A clean property is more likely to get your full deposit back. Focus on deep cleaning areas like the kitchen, bathrooms, and living spaces. Remember, do not leave appliances and windows and floors dusty. It would also be wise to actually hire a cleaner if need be. Umega, your reliable Edinburgh estate agent, has other options where it is easy to take receipts for any cleaning services offered.
Fix Any Damage
For any changes that you may have done to the property, like putting up pictures and shelves, repair any damage caused. Cover holes with filler or patches and repair scratches, some parts might have been broken and you would need to mend those. Making these repairs the right way will help you cut costs. Umega, a leading Edinburgh estate agent, mentions that these problems should be dealt with at the start as opposed to when everything is in motion and there is no time to do anything.
Check Appliances and Fixtures
Identify each appliance and fixture in the house to ensure they are all functional. All burnt out bulbs must be replaced in addition to making sure there are working housed batteries in the smoke sensors. In case any of these things are malfunctioning, notify your landlord about it. According to Umega, one of the best Edinburgh estate agents, tenants have to make sure that all the items are left in a good condition so that minimal deposit deductions are made.
Remove All Personal Items
When going out for good, pack everything you have with you.his includes furniture, personal items, and trash. Leaving items behind can result in extra charges for disposal. Umega advocates ensuring everything is packed before leaving by doing a final walkover.
Return Keys and Provide Your New Address
On the due date for vacating the premises, all garage keys, keys for locking and opening, as well as garage openers and access cards should be returned. Make sure that the older landlord has your new address. This is especially related to the return of the deposit to the tenant. Umega, your dependable Edinburgh estate agent, reminds you to complete this step to avoid any delays in getting your deposit back.
Ask for Your Rental Deposit
When all is said and done, you are ready to make the move of requesting your rental deposit back. Reach out to your landlord or letting agent to request the return of your deposit. Also give them a new address so that they know the correct place to send it. If there are any disputes, try to resolve them amicably. Umega, your trusted Edinburgh estate agent, can assist you in communicating with your landlord to ensure a smooth process. Remember, being proactive and polite can go a long way in getting your deposit back promptly.
About Umega
Umega, Edinburgh estate agent, serves both landlords and tenants with a customer-oriented approach and good service. Umega has broad work experience in the property market of Edinburgh and undertakes provision of quality guidance to make the process of renting smooth. Whether it’s moving in or out, Umega, Edinburgh estate agent, has the resources you need to assist you for any such circumstance. Trust Umega to make your rental journey hassle-free and efficient.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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The surgeon and explorer John Rae was born on 30th September 1813 at the Hall o'Clestrain in Orphir on Orkney Islands.
Orkneyjar, a great site I use for sourcing information on the islands states that “John Rae is undoubtedly one of Orkney’s greatest unsung heroes.” and who am I to argue, they also point out that although his memorial is prominent in St Magnus Cathedral, few Orcadians, and indeed Scots in general, have heard of him.
John Rae was the son of John, factor on Sir William Honeyman's estate, and his wife Margaret (Glen). His father was appointed Orkney agent for the Hudson's Bay Company.
After qualifying in Edinburgh as a surgeon young John served on a Hudson's Bay vessel travelling to Canada. Ice forced him to stay over winter there and he loved the area and the wild type of life so much he remained as surgeon at the Moose Factory post on Hudson Bay.
He studied the ways of the local Cree Indians, gathering knowledge and skills from them. The Inuit called him "Aglooka" as he was the best snowshoe walker of his time. In 1849 he took over the Mackenzie river district at Fort Simpson and charted unknown territories on the north Canadian coast. He succeeded in proving the existence of a North West passage (a navigable route across the Arctic from the Atlantic to the Pacific) and searched for the lost Franklin expedition, who were also searching for the passage. Information from the Inuit given to Rae showed that Franklin's men had all perished and the bodies showed signs of cannibalism.
Of course his report made him very unpopular, author Charles Dickens published articles rejecting Rae’s conclusions and the manner in which he had reached them. According to Dickens, it was unthinkable that the English Navy "would or could in any extremity of hunger, alleviate that pains of starvation by this horrible means". The Englishman wrongly pointed the finger at the Inuit, whom he viewed very negatively, as evidenced by his writings, are more likely to have killed the expedition's survivors.
Due to the backlash from London Rae’s achievements were largely ignored for some time.
He retired in 1856 but continued exploration and work for telegraph companies to find routes through Greenland, Alaska and British Columbia. In 1860 he married Catherine Thompson. He died in London on 22nd July 1893 and his body was taken by steamer to Kirkwall for burial.
I revert you back to the OrkneyJar website for a much bigger picture of the life of John Rae http://www.orkneyjar.com/history/historicalfigures/johnrae/
Another dedicated site for the Orkneys also has a full account, concentrating mainly on his search for the Franklin mission, with more pictorial content https://www.orkneyology.com/john-rae.html
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mariacallous · 2 years
Dundee, the sometimes troubled, often picturesque city on Scotland’s east coast, has generally carried a reputation for affordability. Even in the city’s plush west end, it wasn’t unusual during the 2010s for two people on fairly modest wages to be able to split the rent on a two-bedroom flat in a handsome, enduringly solid Victorian tenement.
This is no longer the case. At the start of the month, new figures showed that rents had soared 33% in a year, putting the city behind only Sunderland as having the steepest increase in the UK, with the average monthly cost of a room in Dundee now £587.
This was not the plan in September 2022, when Nicola Sturgeon announced a six-month rent freeze and an eviction ban, as part of emergency legislation brought in to deal with the cost of living crisis. To renters in, say, England, even such muted radicalism sounds unimaginable. It has indeed meant – however temporarily – an added degree of security for Scottish renters during a period of immense economic strain, as well being as a proactive attempt to tackle the issues head-on.
The small print, though, to the Cost of Living (Protection of Tenants) (Scotland) Act 2022 contained important caveats. For one, the freeze would only apply to existing tenancies across Scotland – there was no cap on what could be charged for a flat put on the market. Social tenants with arrears of more than £2,250 could still be evicted. And a temporary freeze was assuredly not the same thing as long-term rent controls in a nation that, like the rest of the UK, has a wildly overheated rental market.
For many Scottish housing campaigners – and indeed everyday tenants – the news was welcomed with enthusiasm, along with the sense that more could be done. It was reported last year that average rents had increased above inflation in seven Scottish areas before the freeze came in. It’s fair to question the effectiveness of a freeze that simply locks in what are, for many, already unaffordable rents. This is in a country where about 37% of households live in rented accommodation.
Demand has long been an issue, at 2.5 times the UK average (one Edinburgh estate agent recently spoke in the trade press of two newly listed flats receiving more than a thousand inquiries each in 48 hours). And just like the rest of the UK, the last decade and more has seen the cost of Scottish social and private rental accommodation go in one direction: up.
How long can it be sustainable, for instance, to live in Glasgow when the average rent of a one-bedroom flat has jumped 48.3% between 2010 and 2022? Several people I spoke to in Dundee described the situation as a bad joke: stagnant wages, chronic uncertainty, the looming threat of having to move from an already unaffordable rent to an impossible one. The consensus is that while the freeze was sorely needed, it wasn’t enough alone. This is a view echoed by Matt Downie, the chief executive of the homelessness charity Crisis UK. Though it welcomed the Scottish government’s decision to take action to protect tenants, “the rent freeze contained in the emergency legislation represents a sticking plaster on a much bigger problem”, says Downie.
Leòdhas Massie, a Green councillor based in Glasgow’s southside, who could barely afford to live in the constituency he was elected to represent, told the Daily Record in September that the measures just weren’t enough. He summed up his party’s more radical ambitions by describing the freeze as a good opportunity to implement lasting, legally viable rent controls.
But, of course, there’s been opposition – from Scotland’s landlord lobbies. Their argument was that the freeze was unfair on those in their ranks struggling with the cost of living crisis themselves. They also warned of a potential landlord exodus, further increasing demand issues. But for all the “good landlords” out there who don’t price-gouge and who maintain their properties well, there are many tenants for whom these arguments won’t evoke sympathy: in 2019, the Scottish house conditions survey showed that 52% of privately rented homes in Scotland were found to be in a state of disrepair.
In late January, the Scottish housing minister and Green party co-leader Patrick Harvie announced that the legislation would be extended for at least a further six months, from April to the end of September. Only now, the private-sector freeze would be scrapped and replaced with a 3% cap (the freeze on social rents will also end in April, with the voluntary agreement that landlords keep any increases to below inflationary levels of 11.1%). Despite this fairly bold U-turn, broadly interpreted as a concession to the landlord lobby, there is still an extreme unhappiness among landlords. Reports have circulated about an upcoming judicial challenge to the extension of the bill.
The political situation remains delicate, and few begrudge even the flawed efforts of the Scottish government to get a grip on its housing crisis. But there is room for more sustainable action to combat a deeply entrenched problem that has been allowed to fester over the last decade and more. Campaigners across the country have viable long-term controls, sustained housebuilding and urgently needed retrofitting on their minds. Who knows, further action may even inspire legislators elsewhere in the UK, where the housing crisis remains as dire as ever.
At the end of my trip in Dundee I spoke to a friend who was thinking about moving when his tenancy expired later in the year. He’d been used to paying a reasonable enough rent – about £500 a month – for the duration of the years in his current flat. Rightmove, he told me with a sigh, wasn’t showing much in the same area for anything under double that.
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edinburghlawyer · 2 years
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Extremely attractive, first floor, traditional tenement flat with generous proportions and period features, situated in the sought-after Blackhall district in Edinburgh close to excellent local amenities and transport links. With a well-kept communal stair, rear garden and very nicely decorated throughout this is an ideal family home.
Full details can be found on our website:
Please get in touch to book your viewing appointment.
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coraofwales · 5 years
How the royals gave Harry and Meghan everything they wanted - but they still wanted more
Camilla Tominey
9 JANUARY 2020 • 9:00 PM
It was the outburst that first put Prince Harry at odds with his grandmother over the way he and his wife intended to run their royal lives.
Telling one of the Queen’s most senior aides: “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets”, in the run up to their Windsor wedding in May 2018, the ill-tempered comment is understood to have prompted a rare rebuke from the 93-year-old monarch.
Yet ever since that glittering ceremony at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, the royals have been uncharacteristically accommodating of the Duke and Duchess of Sussexes’ demands - which makes their decision to step down as senior royals without consultation all the more baffling.
It started before the couple had even got married when the Queen broke with royal tradition to invite American divorcee Meghan to spend Christmas at Sandringham in 2017, even though she was only engaged to Harry at the time.
Recognising that the former Suits star had not just moved to the UK but also given up her blossoming acting career to marry into the Firm, the royals bent over backwards to make Meghan feel as welcome as possible - as did the British public.
The Cambridges even allowed the lovestruck pair to stay at Anmer Hall, their private bolthole on the royal estate in Norfolk and the ‘Fab Four’ were famously captured by amateur photographer Karen Anvil walking arm in arm to St Mary Magdalene Church on Christmas morning.
When their big day arrived, Harry and Meghan got the multicultural service they craved, the carriage procession and the star-studded reception, away from the prying eyes of the world’s media.
When cracks started appearing in their relationship with the Cambridges amid rumours of a rift between the royal brothers - and a tearful incident between the sisters in law at a bridesmaids dress fitting for Princess Charlotte - efforts were made behind the scenes to patch things up.
The Duchesses put on a united front in the Royal Box at Wimbledon a couple of months later, and the Sussexes agreed to spend a second Christmas at Sandringham - albeit staying at the ‘big’ house rather than Anmer Hall.
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Credit: Ben Curtis /AP
Soon after it was announced that the royal household shared by the brothers at Kensington Palace was to split, a move engendered by Harry and Meghan amid fears they were being overshadowed by the Cambridges and their growing brood.
Moves to renovate a larger apartment for the couple at the royal residence synonymous with Diana, the late Princess of Wales, were abandoned and £2.4 million of taxpayers' cash was instead ploughed into the refurbishment of Grade II listed Frogmore Cottage in Windsor.
Although the Queen and Prince Charles denied the couple the chance to set up their own ‘court’ in Windsor, preferring instead for them to be kept under the auspices of Buckingham Palace, their wish to set up their own charitable foundation was granted - as well as their own Sussex Royal Instagram page and social media platform.
And when their son Archie was born in May 2019, the Queen agreed that the newborn should not have a royal title but inherit the family surname Mountbatten-Windsor.
They were allowed to keep the location of the birth secret (until it was later revealed on the royal baby’s birth certificate) as well as breaking with royal protocol by also keeping the identity of his godparents under wraps.
And when it came to their first royal tour as a family - following a hugely successful visit to Australia in 2018 - the Sussexes were permitted to take Archie to Harry’s beloved Africa last autumn.
Almost everything that Meghan (and Harry) wanted, they got. And yet it still didn’t seem to be enough. Giving an interview to ITV’s Tom Bradby during the African tour, Meghan hinted at a lack of support from her royal relatives, tearfully declaring: “Not many people have asked if I’m ok.”
Harry later issued a statement attacking the press for “bullying” Meghan - without the prior knowledge of the Queen or her successors in a growing sign of what was to come.
According to one former aide: “They always wanted autonomy and saw it as a huge disadvantage to be in with all the others at Buckingham Palace. They think the world is against them. Harry has always complained about being sidelined by William”.
But in wanting the cake and eat it scenario of being “financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen,” the couple now appear to have issued a demand too far.
With both Buckingham Palace and Clarence House pushing back on the idea of them continuing to hold onto their royal titles and receive money from the Duchy of Cornwall while ��stepping back’ as senior royals, the couple has never looked more isolated.
And not just from their nearest and dearest but their own advisers. Their PR chief Sara Latham now appears to be playing second fiddle to US based master of the dart arts Ken Sunshine, David Beckham’s former publicist Izzy May and talent agent Nick Collins - all of whom now appear a part of the Sussexes’ inner circle amid claims royal aides have been “frozen out”.
“The couple have been ignoring the advice of their palace staff,” revealed an insider.
A power vacuum following the sudden departure of the Queen’s former private secretary Sir Christopher Geidt in 2017 has not helped matters. Some have suggested that Harry and Meghan have capitalised on the absence of the highly respected former Scots Guard, reportedly forced out by Prince Charles and the Duke of York, who “ran a very tight ship”. With the Queen turning 94 in April and the Duke of Edinburgh, 98, now retired from public life and recently in ill health, the “Sussex situation” appears to have lacked proper management.
The complex relationship between Harry, William and Charles - which was tested heavily during the commemorations to mark the 20th anniversary of Diana’s death in 2017 - has made it difficult for both father and brother to assert their authority, with William’s attempts only serving to further drive a wedge. (The heir and second in line to the throne are only mentioned twice on the Sussexes's revamped website).
As Bradby, who knows both couples well, mused in the aftermath of Wednesday’s shock statement: “With families, we all know stuff happens, things are said.
“And also a family dispute within a family firm - you are working in a big family firm, everyone has their wishes and desires and ambitions and they have to be balanced up - and it’s very hard.”
Or as that understated and rather curt Buckingham Palace response put it: “These are complicated issues”.
The simple truth is, in giving them what they wanted, the royals only succeeded in leaving Harry and Meghan wanting more.
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