#Ethan is either a forge cleric or an artificer
theology101 · 4 months
I had two pretty distinct friend groups in High School and like… the concept of me going to aguefort and having to CHOOSE which one i want to be in an Adventuring party with?
It gave me a stress ulcer and it will literally never happen lmao. I just gotta wonder how isolating it is for “this is your party and by consequence the people you will constantly be hanging out with”
give me your high school party comp in the tags
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Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus characters as D&D classes and races because I can’t sleep part 2
Part 1
I already did an intro in the last one, and frankly, I haven’t slept in 24 hours so I just don’t want to go through the whole shebang again. Just scroll down for the stuff.
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano: Human Samurai Fighter. I honestly wanted to make Reyna a ghostslayer blood hunter because she’s got the poltergeist patricide backstory, and she just fits The VibeTM, but I already established no hombrew, and if I make one exception then I’m going to start making more. So fighter seemed like the best choice, given her incredible battle prowess, as well as her mother being Bellona. Samurai because they get some roleplay abilities, which work great with her role as praetor of the Twelfth Legion. Samurai are very wisdom focused, and have strong willpower, which we see Reyna have. As for human, I simply don’t think any other race suits her that well. Maybe she could be an elf, but again, that’s just based on vibes, and I’ve been awake too long to judge the vibes of anything. Maybe I’ll edit this later.
Charles Beckendorf: Goliath Forge Cleric. I guess this one is going to have fewer multiclasses. Beckendorf’s race was a bit tricky to pin down at first, but he’s described as being absolutely huge, and Percy at one point says that he makes monsters cry for their mommies, so there ended up being no other choice but a goliath. He’s also one of our few clerics, as he doesn’t really have the finesse that artificers do, but he absolutely does have the brute force of a forge cleric. Proficiency in heavy armor, the ability to make any armor or weapon magical, and being able to just straight-up create non-magical items. He had to have been lower than level 17 though, as that grants you immunity to fire, and...well. Sorry.
Selina Beauregard: Eladrin Archfey Warlock/Whispers Bard. I think many children of Aphrodite would end up as warlock/bard multiclasses, and I think the subclass split would be relatively even across archfey, great old one, glamour, and eloquence. Silena, however, gets the college of whispers, considering that she acted as a spy for Kronos during the second Titanomachy. Honestly, I don’t think she always was, and may have been college of glamour even after Luke convinced her to be a spy, only switching to the college of whispers following Beckendorf’s death. 
Will Solace: Protector Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer. I didn’t want to make another aasimar, but unless I just made him human, nothing else fit. Sure, he doesn’t fly, but the healing hands ability that aasimar get, plus the light cantrip seem like they fit him better than human ever could. I had also considered making him a cleric, but the obvious domains, light and life, don’t fit him particularly well either. Life clerics favor heavy armor and martial weapons, something we never see Will using, and light is very fire-magic focused, something that also doesn’t really fit well. At the end of the day, Will is a healer, and a damn good one at that, with little in the way of true combat abilities. Thus, the divine soul sorcerer is perfect for him, allowing him to take any cleric spell he wants without having to force him into a domain that may not fit, and leaving him a backline caster rather than a frontline bruiser.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare: Githerazi Aberrant Mind Sorcerer/Divination Wizard. This is the first subclass overlap we’ve had that wasn’t intentional, but aberrant mind just doesn’t tell the future like a diviner does. Githerazi are inherently psionic, something that happens to Rachel as the series progressed, both with her clear sight and her becoming the oracle. While telling the future is certainly one of her primary abilities, I like the idea that the oracle has to be able to see into people’s minds to properly create prophecies, and so giving her psionics both through her race and class seemed appropriate, along with the foresight that is the school of divination.
Ethan Nakamura: Shadar-Kai Arcane Trickster Rogue. Ignore my previous statement where I said I shouldn’t be judging characters by vibes on this little sleep, because Ethan is all vibes, and not anything else. So let’s talk about this. Shadar-Kai live in the shadowfell, acting at the behest of the Raven Queen and existing between the states of life and death, a perpetual limbo. We don’t see a massive amount of Ethan, but I think this fits him incredibly well. He is trapped between a life he can’t have with the demigods at Camp Half-Blood, and a life he can’t have in the mortal world. In this case, the Raven Queen could be a stand-in for Nemesis or Kronos, but I like the idea of Nemesis better, given that she took his eye. As for his class, I know that we never saw him perform magic, but it’s the “trickster” bit of arcane trickster that does it for me. He’s no stranger to deceit and backstabbing, things the arcane trickster excels at. And the trickery domain doesn’t really work, considering its focus on stealth rather than manipulation.
Calypso: High Elf Abjuration Wizard. Calypso was difficult to figure out. High elf seemed like it fit more than well enough, due to her long lifespan and some inherent magical ability. Her class, on the other hand, took me a while. We know she can cast unseen servant, so she must be a bard, a warlock, or a wizard. I ended up making her an abjurer, but I don’t think she is because she wants to be. The island of Ogygia is naturally warded, and someone living there for a very long time would likely come to understand the wards and how they work. However, I also think she studies the school of abjuration as a defense mechanism. Heroes come to Ogygia, but ultimately, they can never stay, and she is constantly hurt by it. Perhaps the wards, shields, and countermagic of an aburer is the kind of thing that one would want so they could protect themselves not from physical pain, but from the emotional wounds that carve much deeper. I could also see her being a genie warlock, and the entire island is her vessel. That’d be sick as hell.
Gleeson Hedge: Satyr Beast Barbarian/Drunken Master Monk. This one isn’t as sad as the others, and was also a lot easier to come up with. Just like Grover, he’s a satyr because he’s a satyr. And of course he’s a barbarian and a monk, given how often he screams, “Die!” and his fascination with mixed martial arts. It’s his sublasses that were a bit trickier, but not too terribly tricky. I was going to make him a berserker and an open hand, and while I do think those both fit, beast and drunken master add so much more flavor to him then just the base “take what the class does and make them do it better” subclasses. (Not that there’s anything wrong with those, of course. Several characters in part one have subclasses like that, and they are cool as shit.)
Chiron: Centaur Hunter Ranger/Ancients Paladin. As with Hedge and Grover, race is very easy. Chiron is centaur, which makes Chiron centaur. Perhaps best centaur. God, I’m tired. His class spread is interesting, though. He is absolutely a ranger, but nothing but hunter seems to fit him at all. He is a skilled healer and bowman, and also has a very high wisdom. No real tricks, no gimmicks, just straight goodness. But I also couldn’t shake that he feels like a paladin to me, his oath being that he would continue to train heroes until they no longer needed him. I think ancients fits him the best, given that he made this oath millenia ago to the gods, as well as his connection to nature. However, I could see arguments for devotion and redemption, seeing as how he has devoted his life to this cause, and he wants to learn from his mistakes and not lose any more heroes.
Octavian: Baalzebul Tiefling Eloquence Bard. To quote Mordenkainen’s Tome Of Foes, “Baalzebul...excels at corrupting those whose minor sins can be transformed into acts of damnation. Tieflings linked to this archdevil can corrupt others both physically and psychically.” Yeah, that sounds a hell of a lot like our resident fandom punching bag, Octavian. He is the perfect evil eloquence bard we’ve been looking for, as he is an expert talker and neogtiator, and was instrumental in getting Camp Jupiter to wage war on Camp Half-Blood with the fervor and zeal that they did. Plus, bards have access to some alright divination spells that he can use to perform his duties as augur (except augury, unfortunately). I don’t have more to say about his race or class, but did anyone else notice that he’s never given a last name? What’s up with that? Why don’t we know it? What does his family have to hide?
Zoë Nightshade: Wood Elf Horizon Walker Ranger/Stars Druid. Zoë is a wood elf due to her past as one of the Hesperides, she and her sisters guarding the golden apples. I couldn’t not make her a ranger, though I wasn’t going to make her a horizon walker at first. Due to the apples also being guarded by Ladon, I was going to have her be a drakewarden, but thought it was inappropriate for how she is presented in the series. (This may be another case of “was the other subclass at one point, but is this one by the end of their story,” in this case becoming a horizon walker when she joins Artemis’ hunt.) Horizon walkers guard the world from the threats they don’t even know about, the ones that may bring harm through terrible magic to those with no way to combat it. This seems like a great description of what we see of Artemis’ hunt, as we see with them hunting Thorn, and Zoë insisting that she accompany Artemis to hunt the ophiotaurus. As for the circle of stars...
Anyway, that’s going to be it for this one! As far as just PJO/HoO goes, I think I’ve hit most of the characters that matter (I won’t do Tyson until/unless there comes a playable cyclops race, because I can’t bear to just make him a goliath), but let me know if there’s any others you’d like to see, or if you disagree with my decisions! I’d love to know where you’d differ. See you on the flip side!
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