#Jake is a Wild Magic sorcerer
theology101 · 4 months
I had two pretty distinct friend groups in High School and like… the concept of me going to aguefort and having to CHOOSE which one i want to be in an Adventuring party with?
It gave me a stress ulcer and it will literally never happen lmao. I just gotta wonder how isolating it is for “this is your party and by consequence the people you will constantly be hanging out with”
give me your high school party comp in the tags
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haharuspex · 5 months
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aaand one more emergency comm! it's my player's pc, 11th, and he's got an iiinteresting situation in my fantasy new vegas campaign :p
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asacredthebread · 28 days
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Behind The Curtain
Sub Jake x F!Reader - 18+
𝙸𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙹𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚑𝚒𝚖?
Warnings/Themes: Sub Jake, Getting eaten out, Handjob, Begging, Edging, Instructions
wc; 6037
Standing backstage, you were enveloped by the energy of the arena, a living, breathing entity thrumming with excitement. The lights flooded the stage like a thousand stars igniting, casting an otherworldly glow that made everything seem more vivid—more real. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, a tight knot of anticipation lodged in your stomach as you focused all your attention on Jake.
There he was, your Jake, the embodiment of passion and charisma, projected larger than life. His fingers danced across the strings of his guitar, moving with an intimacy you had come to understand as a true reflection of who he was. In those moments, he was a sorcerer conjuring magic, the sound waves flowing through him like liquid fire. You couldn’t help but watch him closely, captivated by every tiny movement, from the way his brow furrowed in concentration to the electric manner in which he engaged with the audience.
He flung his head back, that wild mane of hair catching the spotlight as he let out a powerful note, his voice carrying effortlessly through the pulsating crowd. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he strutted across the stage, weaving effortlessly between the musicians, his brothers, who radiated an infectious joy that only intensified as they fed off each other’s energy. To them, the audience was the blood in their veins, and you were just grateful to be an unassuming observer, a witness to this euphoric spectacle.
But it wasn’t just the music that held your attention; it was Jake's flirtatious demeanor. He leaned toward the audience, his posture relaxed but charged, as if each woman—or man—holding up a phone was a personal invite for an intimate moment. He winked at a group of fans, eliciting squeals of delight, throwing guitar picks as though they were tiny treasures meant only for his most devoted followers. You could see the way their eyes lit up, but amid that sea of gratitude and awe, there was a fire igniting in your chest, a possessive desire to reclaim the attention that felt momentarily borrowed.
You weren’t jealous in the traditional sense; you understood the allure of a rock star, the magnetic energy he radiated. However, you couldn't shake the sense of longing, knowing that behind the spotlight was a man who was entirely and uniquely yours. You took a deep breath as you leaned closer to the edge of the stage, your heart racing as you tried to catch another glimpse of the man you knew so intimately—who, beneath all the bravado, was still the person you loved so fiercely.
As the music surged, you noticed a subtle shift in his demeanor. It was almost imperceptible at first, a fleeting moment when his gaze swept backstage. Then, your eyes met. Time seemed to slow, and everything around us blurred. Your heart thudded loudly in your chest as you felt that electrifying connection between you. He blinked, and his confident demeanor faltered for just a second, replaced by a flicker of shyness. It was a slight lowering of his gaze, a thread of vulnerability peeking through the walls he usually built on stage.
You watched him swallow hard, a shy smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he registered my presence. While the crowd cheered him on, youryour soul ignited at the sight of your usually unshakeable rock star suddenly almost bashful. It was a thrilling, unexpected dynamic that you you cherished: the strong, commanding figure who could sway thousands, but who could turn towards you and melt into something softer, something uniquely yours.
It was moments like these that you craved; his confidence, tempered by the warmth of your connection. You held his gaze, silently assuring him of my unwavering support, and in that instant, you could tell he felt it too. He straightened his posture and took a breath, but a touch of nervousness still danced in his demeanor, a playful tension edging between you. There was something intimate, almost secretive in the way he glanced at you, as if he was silently acknowledging that beneath the rock star exterior lay a man who just wanted to be loved.
Finally, as the last notes of the final song pierced the air, culminating in a crescendo that electrified the crowd, he bowed dramatically. The thunderous applause echoed in your ears, an affirmation of his brilliance. He raised his guitar high in a triumphant gesture, relishing the jubilation, and then, as if breaking free from a spell, he turned and sprinted off the stage, his face lit with a mix of exhilaration and relief.
“Jake!” You almost yelled as he emerged from the haze of bright lights. Relief washed over him, that same, contagious grin plastered across his face. You could see in those expressive eyes how fulfilled he felt, how ecstatic he was with the performance he had just delivered. Yet, you also observed the energy begin to shift; the high he had derived from the stage started to fade as the reality of your personal connection took center stage.
His hair clung to him, a sheen of sweat glistening under the dim backstage lights, and he looked overjoyed yet slightly dazed. There was a satisfying mix of triumph and warmth in his expression as he approached you, and, at that moment, you understood that he had left the explosive energy of the audience behind him.
“Did you see me out there?” he asked, cheeks flushed with adrenaline.
“I did,” you replied, a teasing smile curling on my lips. “You were fantastic.”
He let out a laugh, the sound infectious, as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair. “I think I saw you cheering me on too,” he quipped, his playful bravado returning just a fraction.
Yet there was something in his eyes that revealed he was ready for what came next—something deeper that had been brewing the moment you first laid eyes on him on stage. This was merely the beginning, and you knew you had a world to navigate together, starting right here in this fleeting, stolen moment just before your connection shifted once more.
And then, he stepped closer, your energy converging, both of you aware that this was where the real magic began.
As Jake approached you, the electric air between us crackled, feeding the anticipation that made your heart race. He still radiated an aura of exhilaration, the remnants of the performance clinging to him like perfume, but beneath that rock star exterior was a man you cherished in ways that the crowd could never understand.
"That was some show, huh?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement, still misty from the stage lights. You leaned against the wall, crossing my arms with a playful smirk as you took a moment to appreciate him fully—a delightfully handsome, wild-eyed guitarist on the brink of exhilaration.
"It was impressive," you replied, tilting your head ever so slightly. "You were practically flirting with the entire audience out there. I half expected you to propose to a couple of them."
He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, a slightly awkward gesture that you knew meant he was feeling a bit exposed. "It’s all part of the act. You know how it is, right? Gotta keep the crowd engaged. They love it."
"Engaged, huh?" You leaned a little closer, narrowing my gaze playfully. "Is that what you call it? Because it looks like you were just trying to pick up a few new fans in the front row."
His confidence faltered for a moment, a hint of blush creeping across his cheeks. “Come on,” he protested lightly, though the smile tugging at his lips betrayed him. “I can’t help it if they love me. You know I have a reputation to uphold.”
"I know, love" you said softly, lowering your voice, letting the teasing tone linger. "But what about what happens when the stage lights dim? When the crowd thins out and it's just you and me? Because up there, you were commanding, dominant. But down here—you’re different."
He raised an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and challenge sparking in his gaze. "Oh? Different how?"
"Let’s just say,” you leaned in closer, allowing the space between us to shrink further, “the true Jake isn’t just the one who tosses out picks to adoring fans, flashing smiles and winks as if his life depended on it. The real Jake is the one who watches me intensely, waiting for me to give him permission to be himself."
A flicker of understanding crossed his features, and you could see the shift as he realized where you were going with this. “Oh really?” he replied, his voice dropping in pitch, teasing me back. “What are you trying to say—about the ‘real Jake’?”
“Let’s not pretend,” you shot back, your heart racing at our playful back-and-forth. “You bring that stage persona home, and it’s all very... strong. But when you're away from the audience, you’re the one who comes to my side, who craves my approval. You’re not as tough as you seem on stage, are you?”
You watched him squirm for a second, the corners of his mouth twitching into a crooked grin as he processed your words. “Maybe you know me better than anyone else,” he admitted finally, a note of challenge lacing his tone. “But there are two sides to this, you know? Maybe I like having both.”
“Of course you do,” you said, your voice low as you stepped even closer, feeling the warmth radiating from him. “You love the thrill of everyone adoring you, but you also love coming home to me where you can let that go, where you can be vulnerable. That’s the real magic of it all.”
Jake’s expression softened, a blend of admiration and something else flickering in his eyes as he processed your words. It was like a light bulb had gone off in that moment, and you reveled in the look of realization that crossed his features. “It’s always a game, isn’t it?” he mused. “The stage, the crowd, the flirtation. It’s all part of the show. And then it’s just us.”
“Exactly,” you replied, emboldened, knowing you had struck a chord that had him thinking deeply. “You’re like a lion up there, commanding your audience’s attention. But down here, away from the flashing lights, you’re my playful kitten, waiting for me to pet you.”
He fidgeted slightly, laughing nervously as the teasing intensified. “So, what are you saying? That I’m not the king of the stage anymore?”
“Not just yet,” you countered, relishing the way his energy shifted at your words. “You still have the swagger and charm, but when it’s just us, I want you to remember who really gets to call the shots. You’ve convinced thousands of fans you’re in control, but we both know I have that special privilege backstage.”
“Privileged, huh?” he echoed, a playful glint lighting his eyes, but there was an edge of uncertainty in his stance. “And what kind of privilege are we talking about?”
“Let’s play with it, shall we? You strut around here like you own the place, but you can’t forget that I get to pull the strings when it’s just the two of us. You might be a rock star out there, but you’re my love—and that means we have our own rules.”
He shifted slightly, his confidence wavering but a smile still creeping onto his lips. “You think you can just use that against me? You know I have to put on this show every night—or else how will they remember me?”
“Does it really matter what they remember?” You challenged, my voice sharpening with playful defiance. “What matters is who you are when the lights go out and the crowd settles into silence. You can command their attention all you want, but what about my attention?”
"Okay, okay," he said, shaking his head, laughter bubbling at the edges of his words. “You’ve got me—caught between being this person up there and being... whatever this is down here.”
“And I love both sides of you,” you asserted, moving even closer, letting the air buzz with unspoken tension. “But I have to remind you that the charming rock god on stage isn’t nearly as convincing as the guitar-playing boyfriend who loves to succumb to my whims when it’s just the two of us.”
Jake's expression turned contemplative, realizing the weight and reality of your words. Here he was, the brilliant performer that lit up a crowd, and yet, in this moment, you could sense his innate softness, the way he let the masks of performance slip away in your presence. His breath caught ever so slightly, a hint of vulnerability dawning in his eyes as he processed how far your connection ran—how deep the layers of your relationship truly went.
“Okay, you’ve made your point,” he relented, that familiar crooked grin replacing the uncertainty that had edge-driven moments before. “Now what? How do you think I should behave when I step off that stage? Should I just bow down to you?”
“I wouldn’t dream of that,” you said smoothly, your heartbeat quickening, “unless you want to. But maybe we can start with you just listening to me, the way you do on stage, but instead of entertaining an audience, you’ll be entertaining... me.”
The suggestion hung in the air between you, a promise of something deeper to come, and you could feel the weight of colors swirling around you—his playful yet dominant stage energy still vibrant and alive, yet beautifully intertwined with the gentle whispers of vulnerability that always surfaced when it was just you two. He had played the rock god for the crowd, but now, your teasing words beckoned the man I adored to reveal himself fully, shadowed by an aching desire to explore every inch of the dynamic you had created.
As you stood there, waiting for his response, you could feel the simmering excitement—the thrill of discovering more about the true Jake who thrived in the aftermath of his powerful stage presence, ready to unfold perfectly in your hands.
The anticipation hung thickly in the air, electric with unspoken tension as you stood before Jake, the gleam of mischief dancing in your eyes. You could see how the playful teasing had fanned the flames between you and that your words had stirred something deep within him. He was your rock star, yet here, in this intimate setting beyond the bright lights, he was simply yours.
“Come on," you said softly, gesturing for him to follow you as you turned to walk deeper into the backstage area. The energy pulsing between you made you feel like you were floating, and you could sense that Jake was entirely willing to follow. He took a breath, clearly still riding the high of the performance.
“Where are we going?” he asked, practically bounding after you, his voice full of eagerness tinged with curiosity and something more. You shot a glance back over my shoulder, and the way he looked at you—like you were the only thing that mattered—sent sparks racing through your veins.
“To a place where it’s just you and me,” you teased, picking up your pace as I led him further away from the chaos of the stage and the cheering crowd. You snaked through narrow corridors lined with band posters, the sound of distant applause still echoing in your ears. As you rounded a corner, you opened a door to a small dressing room, dimly lit and quiet, a world away from the lights and noise.
“Wow,” he marveled, stepping inside and letting out a laugh, but you could see the slight quiver in his excitement. The room was littered with guitars and amplifiers, and the walls were adorned with personal mementos. Yet, it felt entirely yours in that moment.
Once inside, you closed the door behind us, shutting out the world and letting the atmosphere shift into something intimate and charged. It was time to explore the dynamic you had teased at earlier.
“Okay, then," you said, your voice steady as you turned to face him fully. "Stand there. I want to see how my rock god behaves when he’s not in front of an audience.”
He cocked his head to the side, intrigue flashing in his eyes. “Oh? And what exactly do you mean by that?”
A grin curled your lips, and you beckoned him with a subtle nod. “Right there against the wall. Lean against it, just like you did on stage, showing everyone your perfect angle. Let me see that side of you.”
His expression shifted to one of pure thrill, and without hesitation, he moved to comply, finding his place against the wall with an almost palpable eagerness. “Like this?” he asked, his voice embodying that familiar charm, but there was something deeper beneath it—a hungry anticipation that made my heart race.
“Exactly like that,” you said, relishing the sight of him, tall and confident yet waiting for your command. “Now, I want you to look at me the same way you looked out at the crowd, like I’m the only one who matters. Can you do that?”
He swallowed hard, his fingers curling into the wall as he focused solely on you, his eyes boring into yours with an intensity that left you breathless. “I can do that,” he murmured, the controlled vulnerability in his tone driving you wild with excitement.
“Good. Now, I want you to remember that while you were up there charming them, I was the one that held your heart. So how do you feel knowing I’m going to tease you just a little?”
He let out a shaky breath, and you could see the flicker of desire in his eyes deepen. “You can’t tease me and just leave me hanging, though,” he breathed, urgency spilling into his voice. “I swear, I’m begging you—please, just let me feel something. You have no idea how much I want you to touch me right now.”
There was a rawness to his plea that sent shivers down your spine. “Is that so?” You said airily, your playful teasing intensifying as you stepped closer, your body just a whisper away from his. “I seem to recall you having all that confidence on stage. How is it that my sweet rock star can beg so easily when it’s just the two of us?”
Jake tightened his grip on the wall, his mouth forming a frustrated line as you remained tantalizingly close but just out of reach. The tension radiated between you, a potent mixture of need and wanting. “I didn’t know it would feel like this, being so close yet too far away,” he admitted, his breath catching, longing evident in his gaze. “Please, just... touch me. I’ll do anything you want.”
You tilted your head, pretending to consider his words, watching as his pulse quickened. There was something almost intoxicating about the way he transformed in front of you. The flirty performer had slipped away, leaving behind a vulnerable, yearning man who craved not just a touch but something deeper, something that was yours alone.
“Anything, huh?” You pressed, enjoying the way his breathing grew heavier, feeling that lovely tension swell. “You have a reputation for being a king on stage, yet here you are, keen to submit to me. Tell me what you want and I might just see fit to give it to you.”
“Don’t, don’t tease me like this,” he begged again, his voice tipping dangerously close to pleading. “I want you to touch me, feel me—please.”
You could see the way he fought against the playful pull of the night, caught beautifully between who he was on stage and who he could be in this sanctuary you had created. And you ached to reach out, to close that distance, to remind him that he was safe with you, far away from the scrutiny of a crowd.
“Well then,” you said, a wicked smile spreading across your lips, “you better keep looking at me like that. Show me just how eager you are to have me touch you.”
Jake’s eyes widened a little, that familiar intensity sparking again, and you could almost see the battle waging within him between restraint and desire. “I’m yours,” he replied, his voice dropping to a whisper, rife with urgency, a certainty that brought a wave of exhilaration over you.
“Then let’s see just how obedient you can be. But I think you’ll find that I might have a little fun with this,” you warned, watching the determination ignite behind his eyes, and knowing this was just the beginning of exploring the extraordinary layers of your connection.
In that moment, you took in the sight of him completely—your Jake—as he stood, powerful yet yearning, the embodiment of devotion and desire. You both knew this playful dance would lead us to further depths, and as you moved closer, a daring spark ignited between us, waiting to explode into something utterly beautiful.
The atmosphere in the dressing room shifted, charged with an intensity that made my heart pound. You stood before Jake, reveling in the power you had over him in this moment. The rock star façade had shifted, leaving behind a yearning man who was absolutely at your mercy, and you intended to take full advantage of it.
“Jake,” you said softly, your voice laced with honeyed authority, “I want you to kneel for me.”
The request seemed to hang in the air, suspended between you, a tantalizing promise of what was to come. You watched as his breath caught for a moment, those expressive eyes of his filled with a mix of surprise and excitement. Slowly, he sank to his knees, the floor beneath him a stark contrast to the lofty heights of a stage.
“Good boy,” you murmured, the rush of satisfaction swirling in your chest as he settled, looking up at you with a blend of eagerness and longing. “But don’t think you can earn anything just yet. You see, tonight, you’re going to have to work for it.”
His anticipation was palpable as he shifted slightly on his knees, fingers curling into the fabric of the floor, eyes locked onto yours. “What do you want me to do?” he asked, his voice a soft whisper like a secret just shared between us.
“I want you to remember that you need to earn my touch,” you replied, deliberately drawing out each word to heighten the tension. “And if you want to feel me—that soft, electrifying feeling of my hands on you—then you’re going to need to do exactly as I say.”
Jake’s gaze darkened, a spark igniting deep within those expressive eyes of his. “Anything,” he echoed, conviction dripping from each syllable.
“Good. Now, I want you to see just how much pleasure you can give me.” You stepped closer, feeling the heat radiating off his body, and relished the way he trembled with uncontained desire beneath your gaze. “Kneel here, and I want you to do what you’re told. But remember, if you rush it or don’t follow my commands perfectly, you won’t get what you want. You have to show me just how devoted you can be.”
He nodded, eagerness shining in his expression. “Yes, I’ll be good,” he promised, the trembling edge of desperation creeping into his plea.
“Then show me,” you directed, spreading your legs slightly and drawing him nearer, relishing the way he hung on your every word. You could see him swallowing hard, the reality of the moment settling in as he positioned himself right before you, nervous energy crackling in the space between you.
“Start slow,” you instructed, your voice low and sultry. “I want you to kiss and tease your way up my thighs first. Build the anticipation. Make me feel every inch of your devotion.”
He immediately obeyed, leaning forward and planting soft, tentative kisses along the inside of your thighs. You could feel the warmth of his breath sending shivers coursing through you. Each gentle caress of his lips ignited your skin, drawing moans from your lips that escaped before you could contain them.
“Use your tongue,” you urged as he continued to kiss, pressing deeper into his tasks. “Let your tongue trace along the contours of my thighs, tease me just enough to make me want more, but don’t rush. Make every movement deliberate, like a promise.”
Jake’s eyes met yours, a fierce determination gleaming within him as he leaned in closer, his tongue flicking out to taste your skin, sending jolts of pleasure ricocheting from your core. You watched with fascination as he focused entirely on his task, weaving intricate patterns of lingering kisses and teasing licks, every touch igniting a fire within you.
“That’s it,” you whispered encouragingly, coaxing him to keep going. “Feel how much I’m responding to you. Savor it. You want me to take you in hand, to feel those sweet touches against you—then you need to earn it by giving me everything you’ve got.”
He nodded, absolutely enthralled, clearly eager to keep provoking that pleasure, with each kiss growing bolder, and the smoldering desperation evident in his gaze evident. “I want you,” he murmured against your skin, the words vibrating gently between you. “I’ll do anything, just don’t stop.”
You felt my breath hitch in response, and that rush of desire only amplified the connection you shared. “You want me to give in and give you what you crave? Then keep going just like this,” you commanded, your words leaving no room for disobedience. “Focus on my pleasure, let it guide you.
As he ventured further up, his warm mouth trailing closer to the apex of your thighs, you could see him absorbing the heat and softness before him. “Now, start to tease me with your tongue,” you commanded, firm yet filled with passion, “and remember, the more patient you are, the more rewards you’ll reap. Take your time, Jake. I want to watch you work to please me.”
And with that, he dove into his task, his tongue gliding deliciously against your skin, teasing and tempting as he followed every directive. You could see the determination fueling him, drawing him closer to your core, your breath catching as he begged without words with each lingering touch. He ate you out like he hungered for your very essence, and you revelled in the delicious mixture of the command you had over him and the way he craved your validation.
“Keep your movements soft and slow,” you directed, soaking in the intensity of the moment as he continued to lick and kiss with exquisite vulnerability. “I want you to learn just how to push my buttons. Build the pleasure. Show me how much you can make me squirm and beg without giving me what I want. Let me watch you.”
His response was a gentle groan of frustration—the very essence of a man caught between desperation and the pleasure he craved to give you. “Please,” he begged again, drenched in need, the vulnerability in his voice like music to your ears. “I’ll do anything—I want to feel you close.”
The desperation tugged at you, and you felt myself teetering on the edge of giving in. I could tell he was pushing himself, working to follow your commands flawlessly, a mix of urgency and devotion guiding his every movement. You smiled at him, the pleasure building within your sending waves of heat coursing through your body as he continued, his need palpable.
“Just a little more, Jake,” you encouraged, your voice like a gentle caress, yet filled with undeniable authority. “Let me feel you earn this moment.”
With those words, you could feel him pushing himself further, his tongue expertly gliding with every flick and tease, coaxing you closer to the edge. In that dim light, as you watched him kneel before you, you knew that this was only the beginning of your dance—a promise of a deeper connection waiting to unravel in ways neither of you could fully imagine. As you took in the sight of Jake before you, kneeling between your thighs, a rush of desire washed over me. His gaze remained locked on yours, filled with yearning and a hint of desperation that ignited a fire deep within. The way he devoted himself to his task was intoxicating, and you knew it was time to reward him for his efforts.
“Alright, baby,” you said, your voice low and sultry, laced with authority. “You’ve been such a good boy, and now it’s time for you to feel just how much I appreciate your devotion.”
As you leaned down, your heart raced with anticipation, feeling the magnetic pull between you intensify. You slowly wrapped your hand around him, feeling the warmth emanating from your body. The firm yet gentle grip was like a spark that connected you on a deeper level, sending shivers of electricity through both of you.
You began to stroke him slowly, maintaining a deliberate rhythm that matched the lingering tension of your earlier exchanges. Your palm glided over him, each stroke firm yet tender, giving him an exquisite taste of what was to come. Jake let out a low, shaky breath, his eyes widening as pleasure flickered across his features.
“Just like that,” you encouraged, relishing the way he responded to your touch, his body instinctively leaning into your hand. “Feel how good it is to be worshiped, to be shown the same devotion you’ve given me.”
He nodded, breaths hitching as you picked up the pace, teasing him with just the right amount of pressure. Your fingers moved in a steady cadence, exploring every contour as you found the perfect rhythm that drove him wild. You noticed his hips instinctively pressing forward, seeking more of that delicious contact, and it only spurred you on.
“Keep your focus on pleasing me,” you instructed, my voice dropping even lower as you maintained eye contact, wanting to see every flicker of pleasure dance across his face. “You’ve earned this, Jake. Answer me with your body. Let me feel how much you crave my touch.”
The way he responded to your commands sent waves of pleasure through you. He kept his gaze locked on yours, every bit of his attention devoted to the flow of sensation between you. “I’m yours,” he breathed, each word heavy with longing. “Just… don’t stop.”
With each stroke, you felt the tension building within him, the urgency of his desire practically palpable in the air around you. You leaned in closer, lowering your voice to a whisper, “That’s right. Let that pleasure wash over you. I want to see you lose yourself in this moment.”
The heat radiating from him amplified as you continued to stroke him, feeding off the escalating rhythm. You could see the dance of emotions flickering behind those expressive eyes of his—passion, vulnerability, need—all beautifully interwoven.
With each movement of my hand, you slowly guided him along, allowing him to feel the intensity of the connection you shared. “Now,” you said, teasingly, “I want you to remember what it feels like to crave—how it feels to want something so deeply that you’d do anything for it.”
He swallowed hard, a mix of pleasure and desperate need evident in the way his body responded to your touch. “I’m… I’m going to lose myself,” he gasped, the words spilling from him like a confession.
“Good,” you murmured, my own desire flaring brighter. “Let it happen. Just give in to it. But don’t forget—you have to keep your focus on me. Only when I say you’ve earned it will you have what you truly want.”
The air between you thickened as you quickened my strokes, coaxing him higher, feeling him inching closer to that precipice of pleasure. You leaned even closer, your lips brushing lightly against his ear as you whispered, “Show me how badly you want to earn my touch.”
The soft pressure of your hand, combined with his pleas and the way he moved to meet you, created an intoxicating blend of lust and control. Every stroke seemed to bring him closer, and you found delight in the way he surrendered to all those delicious sensations. Your hand moved with purpose, guiding him, enthralling him, all while reveling in the exquisite power you held over him in this moment.
“Almost there,” you teased, your voice thick with sensual promise. “Keep giving me everything you’ve got. Show me the depth of your need, and let it push you to that edge.”
His breaths turned into soft gasps, each one pulled from the depths of his being as he rode the wave of pleasure you were granting him, a mix of desperation etched into every fiber of his being. And as you continued to stroke him, you could feel both of you teetering on the brink, as if the world outside had faded away, leaving just the two of you consumed by this extraordinary connection.
As the pleasure radiated between you, your touches continued to coax Jake closer to the edge. You felt the tension building, his body responding eagerly to your every movement. Finally, as you sensed him teetering on the brink of release, you slowed your pace just enough to draw out his pleasure, wanting to heighten the anticipation.
“Not yet, Jake,” you whispered, leaning closer, your breath warm against his ear. “I want you to feel every moment before you let go. But first…”
With deliberate slowness, you pulled your hand away from him, relishing the way his body instinctively leaned forward, chasing that fleeting contact. You brought your fingers to your lips, wetting them lightly before lowering your hand down to him once more.
“Open.” You instructed, and his eyes widened with a mix of surprise and eagerness. He complied immediately, parting his lips, and you slid my fingers past them, feeling the soft warmth of his mouth envelop you.
You could see the way his eyes fluttered closed at the sensation, a soft whimper escaping his lips as he began to taste you. You guided him gently, urging him to take your fingers deeper, allowing him to savor the essence of your connection. “That’s it,” you murmured, your voice just above a whisper. “Feel how good it is to submit to me, to be enveloped in desire.”
He sucked on your fingers with a fervor, clearly lost in the moment, each flick of his tongue sending waves of heat flowing through you. You relished the sweet sight of him, so completely devoted, and felt a rush of satisfaction surge within you.
After a moment, you withdrew your fingers slowly, the slickness trailing as you pulled away, watching him with a smirk as he opened his eyes, a mix of longing and disbelief painted across his features.
“Get ready, Jake,” you said, standing up and brushing your hands down the front of your outfit, smoothing out the lingering tension from your exchange. A playful glimmer danced in your eyes as you looked down at him. “I’ll be waiting in the car.”
His response was an adorable whimper, pure need etched into his expression. You could almost hear the unspoken plea—his desire for more palpable in the air. His chest heaved with breaths that were unsteady, the aftermath of pleasure evident in every flicker of his gaze.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long,” you added, playful yet commanding, feeling the delicious power you held in this moment. You traced a finger along his jawline, lingering just a moment longer before stepping away.
As you walked toward the door, you threw a last glance over your shoulder, casting him a knowing smile. The sight of him, still kneeling and visibly eager for what was to come, sent a thrill racing through you. You could see the storm of emotion churning inside him—a blend of anticipation, excitement, and that hint of desperation.
“I’ll see you soon,” you said, your voice smooth as silk. And with that, you stepped out into the night, leaving him to linger on the edge of his desires, ready for whatever was to unfold next.
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crandairy-juice · 4 months
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alpha kids as dnd! its fun trying to translate their class. jane is a gnome like jade, while jake is an earth genasi like june is an air genasi (i guess theyre both gnome sized though) the strilondes continue being half drow.
jane is a order domain cleric, since healing and also crockertier joke (cleric of life felt too boring/on the nose, and tbh i even considered way of mercy monk). dirk is a soulknife for his prince of heart shenanigans, but i also thought about eldritch knight or bladesinger wizard (wizard is too wimpy/its funny to consider dirk with a strength of 8, but yeah lol). roxy is a gloomstalker ranger since it feels very voidish, but i was almost equally settled on shadow sorcerer since i think roxy would appreciate having so much magics. lastly was jake (earth genasi is a pain to draw tbh) but i went with wild magic barbarian with the raw power of crazy Hope, since gunslinger felt a bit meh and i dont think its an official class. (this also shifts my idea of wild magic sorcerer jade to instead graviturgy wizard jade, which takes better advantage of her planetary powers and intelligence in if being honest)
heres the beta kids post
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deconstructthesoup · 8 months
Some Adventure Time characters in D&D, 'cause why not:
Finn: I think he would start out as a Champion fighter, but then eventually switch to a College of Valor bard---fitting his more musical side while also keeping in line with his desire to be a hero and not making it all about violence---and maybe take a few levels of a Monster Slayer ranger for good measure. That last one is mostly due to the growth he goes through in Hall of Egress and him learning from Huntress Wizard, but I think it works. Also, he's still obviously a human.
Jake: Astral Self monk, Swashbuckler rogue. His whole deal as a stretchy, half-alien dog is very difficult to translate into D&D terms, but I think it'd make sense for him to be a changeling and a werewolf, keeping the whole canine aspect while also adding in the shapeshifting and the, uh... well, the whole "we have a kid who is definitely from somewhere else but we're keeping him anyway" thing.
Bonnie: I think her whole deal speaks to her being a textbook Alchemist artificer, and her princess nature, long lifespan, and a somewhat loose grasp on the concept of morality absolutely reminds me of high elves (no shade meant to PB, I love her and her emotional growth). However, just making her a high elf isn't enough---the fact that she was literally born from a mutagenic gum formed in the wreckage of a ruined world can easily translate to her also being a Reborn. Fitting, for a mad scientist.
Marceline: She's quite clearly a bard, and I think College of Spirits suits her the best---she's got a lot of connections to ghosts and undead things in AT canon, after all, and seeing as she survived an apocalypse, I think it's fitting that her college of choice would be one that's all about singing the songs of the departed. And, well... tiefling vampires are probably a thing in D&D, so. Yep.
BMO: He's an Inquisitor rogue and a lil' autognome. 'Nuff said.
Flame Princess: Circle of Wildfire druid, for reasons that are kind of obvious. And a Fire genasi. For reasons that are... also obvious.
Huntress Wizard: Um... a Hunter ranger. Probably an Eladrin due to the forest-like appearance, though I have no idea what her season is.
The Ice King/The Ice Thing/Simon: So, the Ice King, to me, is an eeeeeeeexcellent portrayal of a Great Old One warlock---specifically, a Pact of the Talisman warlock---gone horribly wrong. While the crown might not seem very classic GOO at first, the fact that using it literally gambles away your sanity is pretty in-line with the risks of that patron.
Gunther, pre-fusing with the crown, is really just a Great Old One on his own, albeit one that's been stuffed into a safe and squishy container. After fusing with the crown, and likely losing his memories of his time as Orgalorg for good, I think he probably became a Storm Sorcerer, as what powered his ice magic was now (almost) irremovable.
And Simon... honestly, between his nerdiness and his low constitution, he's just your classic wizard, really. Probably Chronomancy, due to his penchant for bouncing through time and multiverses.
Betty/Magic Betty/Golbetty: Order of Scribes wizard, who eventually became a Wild Magic sorcerer, who eventually became the Greatest Great Old One that there ever is. And yes, that makes Magic Man a Wild Magic sorcerer, because of course he is.
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tea-earl-grey · 10 months
DS9 character dnd classes
continuing from this
Sisko: cleric. i mean pretty easy given that in canon he's literally the emissary of some gods. but also cleric fits Sisko the best because unlike captains like Picard and Janeway, Sisko isn't really focused on being the champion of Federation ideals but instead on protection. he also literally performs acts of divinity and communes with gods pretty regularly in ds9. in terms of domains... war domain might fit just because of the content of ds9.
Kira: paladin. eaaaasy. Kira is incredibly devout, a fighter, and devoted to protecting those in need. you would be hard pressed to make a character who's more like a paladin. i would also probably say at the beginning of the show she serves under an oath of vengeance but maybe that changes over the seasons.
Odo: paladin. Kira and Odo as paladins with a very different outlook makes sooooo much sense. while most paladins might champion moral righteousness, Odo is very much the champion of justice and law to the extent that he has a crisis of faith when he realizes that his sense of justice can be corrupted (Things Past).
Jadzia: sorcerer. while Jadzia is obviously very intelligent and could be a wizard, Trills are such an annoyingly good analog for sorcerers. like literally gaining skills through a mystical bloodline stored in the symbiont. also yeah Jadzia is clearly a high charisma character.
Bashir: warlock. Bashir has a wizard energy sure but also he gets his abilities from being genetically engineered which seems analogous to me to a forbidden warlock's pact.
Quark: rogue. what more explanation do you want? i will say rather than being dextrous, Quark as a rogue would depend much more on deception and cunning than dexterity and whatnot.
Jake: bard. he's a writer and he has the personality to match.
Ezri: sorcerer. fits the sorcerer model even better than Jadzia tbh. like all of her erratic behavior after joining is just like wild magic effects.
O'Brien: fighter. O'Brien is the only character i'm kind of struggling with a bit and i know i said that science/engineering skills translate to being a magic user but also O'Brien very much has the energy of a very tired fighter in a party with only magic users and he's trying his best alright.
Worf: paladin. (already in my tng summary)
gotta say making dnd classes for the ds9 characters was much much easier than tos and tng characters. maybe if i'm feeling inspired i'll come back to do some secondary characters.
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incendiaglacies · 3 months
Dream Movie 2024
Pages of Peril
In the quaint town of Stonebrook, the local library stands as a beacon of knowledge and mystery. Jake and Max, two inquisitive teenagers, are drawn to its ancient shelves and whispered legends. The librarian, Naomi Sinclair, remains an elusive figure, rumored to possess extraordinary knowledge.
One day, an enigmatic traveler named Declan Connor arrives in town to solve an unknown mystery. Excited to meet a newcomer, Jake and Max accidentally end up with Declan’s phone during their roughhousing. Suddenly, the phone rings with a plea for help from the library.
As they explore the dusty stacks, the teens discover an ancient tome hidden behind a forgotten shelf. Within its pages lies a peculiar doodle of Henry Mason, seemingly trapped within the book's confines. Realizing they must save him and other trapped souls, the boys team up with Declan and Jade Li, an older girl they both admire, to unravel the mystery. Throughout their mission, they strive to keep their activities secret from the librarian and Jake’s mother, Victoria.
Unknown to them, the librarian harbors a dark secret. Years ago, she made a pact with an ancient sorcerer, learning the ancient ways of magic before trapping his soul for immortal life and eternal knowledge. Now, she seeks to ensnare others to continue her life force.
Using the magical phone to contact the trapped souls, the group works to defeat the evil librarian. In a surprising twist, they discover that Victoria was the one who initially called Declan for help.
Main Cast:
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Simone Ashley as Naomi Sinclair: Once an apprentice to a great sorcerer, Naomi Sinclair now serves as Stonebrook’s sinister librarian. Her thirst for forbidden knowledge led her to make a dark pact, sacrificing her soul in the process. Now, as the curse consumes her, she seeks to trap others within the library's mystical tomes.
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Colin Morgan as Declan Connor: Declan Connor is a mysterious traveler who arrives in Stonebrook with an enigmatic purpose. His passion for solving mysteries draws him into the library's supernatural intrigue. Declan's expertise and magical phone become crucial tools in unraveling the town's dark secrets.
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Steve Martin as Henry Mason: Henry Mason, a renowned architect, is the latest victim of the library's curse. Trapped within the pages of an ancient book, his presence is reduced to a peculiar doodle. Henry's predicament becomes the catalyst for the teens' adventure to save him and other imprisoned souls.
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Larry Saperstein as Jake Thompson: Jake Thompson is the more adventurous of the two teenage friends. His curiosity and boldness often lead the group into exciting and dangerous situations. Jake must balance his thirst for adventure with the need to keep their mission secret from his mother.
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Ali Hadji-Heshmati as Max Turner: Max Turner is Jake's more cautious and analytical friend. He prefers to think things through before taking action, providing a balanced perspective to the group. Max's thoughtful approach often helps the team navigate tricky situations and decode clues.
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Jessie Mei Li as Jade Li: Jade Li is a popular and athletic girl at the boys' school who becomes intrigued by the mystery surrounding the library. Her curiosity and desire to learn more draw her into the adventure. Jade's popularity and physical prowess make her a valuable asset to the team.
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Darby Stanchfield as Victoria Thompson: Victoria Thompson is a dedicated historian who has spent years researching the strange disappearances in Stonebrook. Her knowledge provides crucial background information to the young investigators, even if she doesn’t realize it.
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Harrison Ford (Wild Card) as Richard Sterling: Richard Sterling is the powerful sorcerer who originally made the pact with Naomi Sinclair. His ancient magic is the source of the curse that plagues the library and its victims.
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Item - Phone: The phone allows a method of contact between the imprisoned souls and the young investigators. It is what starts the whole mystery.
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atlas-valleys · 1 month
Here are some descriptions of the sub classes
I should've done this for Gabby and Tom (But like Gabby as a druid is perfect I guess that was alright)
-College of Lore Bard (COLB), they are known for roasting lol. As a bard they are known for the arts and stuff. COLB are usually known for social encounters and supporting the damage dealers. She could give buffs to Gabby (and debuffs to jake).It would be very funny to see Ellie annoying jake with instruments and vicious mockery.
Jake (╬▔皿▔)╯(ㆆ_ㆆ)🎺 Ellie
-Wild Magic Sorcerer (WMS), this is the subclass for gamblers, They can give buffs, and other stuff. They can of blow themselves up, dealing BIG damage, buff allies, debuff enemies and other stuff. Also good in social stuff.
-Order of Scribes (OOS), known for their knowledge, very good at casting spells and recovering spell slots.
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my conplete thoughts on what each race and class each bmc character would play in dnd 5e and why
okay, first off we have jeremy. jeremy would play a tabaxi rogue, why? the rogue’s are THE edgiest class, jeremy would always play a character who’s parents are dead. he would play a tabaxi because a) they’re a good class for rogues and b) they’re cat people. He also might be a warlock, warlocks have high charisma and get their magic from making a pact with a higher being (cough cough the squip). Also warlocks are one of the edgier classes.
michael would either dm (runs the game) or a dragonborn paladin. Paladin’s are heavy hitters and they get magic from their oaths. there’s no deeper meaning to my choice for michael i think the vibes just fit him.
Jenna would dm because dms play all the npcs and i feel that seems a bit ironic because the popular kids all kind of treat her like someone just to get information from (literally the role of a lot of npcs)
Rich would play a half-orc bard. half-orcs aren’t usually bards but they are huge and really strong and Rich would totally choose to play them. The reason Rich would play a bard is because bards are easily that most charismatic class, meaning that they have crazy high charisma. They also have bonuses to pretty much everything and are stereotypically the loudest and flirtiest class.
Chloe would play a sorcerer high elf. Sorcerer’s are also a charismatic class, and you can choose to get proficiency in deception, persuasion, or intimidation. (you actually choose proficiency in two skills from a longer list including those options) Sorcerers can either be born with magic or have wild magic. Chloe would play a wild magic sorcerer, which basically means you get your magic from “the wild forces of chaos” She would play a high elf because high elves are graceful and elegant and of course she would play a fucking high elf.
Jake is the only one i’m unsure with, he would either play a human fighter because it’s the simplest and he would also have a really simple backstory because he doesn’t seem dramatic enough to have a super edgy character with a really theatrical backstory. But humans get a plus one to everything so i fell that jake would choose the class for that feature. That, or he would play a joke character that would be a dwarven barbarian that he plays with a really REALLY bad scottish accent.
Christine would play a gnomish cleric. Clerics are wisdom casters meaning they use their wisdom for spell casting. They also get proficiency in charisma and wisdom saving throws. Clerics are known as healers but they can also fuck shit up. You get either a mace or warhammer when you start and can deal serious damage if you want. Christine is small and mighty and so are her dnd characters.
Finally, Brooke. Brooke would like play a circle of shepherd druid half-elf. circle of shepherd druids are not in the player’s handbook but they an official source so whatever. druids are the animal lovers or dnd and circle of shepard druids can call on sprits of beast and fae for help. Brooke is 100% an animal-lover and druids get to turn into animals. She would play a half-elf because they get a plus 2 to their charisma and their general vibes match Brooke’s.
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dearlawdimasimp · 2 years
Hey, just re-read your stories with Sorcerer!Reader with the Moon Bois and Khonshu, I absolutely love them! So I saw you were looking for ideas, and I remembered an idea I had a while back when MoM came out regarding this exact same pairing. If you’re willing to write it that is.
So regarding Wanda’s attack on Kamar-taj, the reader is called to defend the temple. The reader prepares to leave, and while trying to explain what’s happening to the boys, mentions the Scarlet Witch. Now, lets assume Khonshu knows a little about the Scarlet Witch and her chaos magic. So when the reader tells them that they're going to be defending the temple against her, he tells her not to go, in fear that they will die. The reader of course declines his request, and Marc/Steven/Jake get into an argument with the reader about going (“the world and the multiverse are in danger” blah blah blah “you shouldn’t have to risk your life” blah blah blah “there’s a child’s life on the line” blah blah blah- you get it). Long story short, the reader ends up going after the argument (or however you want it to end up). In the end, the reader (hopefully) survives, whether it surviving in the rubble, or traveling with Strange and America through the multiverse. And they reunite with Marc/Steven/Jake and Khonshu.
Let me know what you think about this and if you’re willing to write it. Hopefully it gave you some inspiration!
hi, hello, hola
First of all, thank you for re-reading my fics that's just so sweet🤧💞
Second of all, I deeply apologize for taking a long time to answer your ask bc you see--
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your idea is so fucking amazing that i immediately went and watched MoM through a shitty copy just so after that i could writehyperfixiate your amazing amazing idea-
your idea did not just gave me some inspiration, dear jupiter, but it gave me a bucket of 'em-
im not yet even done but we've already reached 6 fucking thousand words
so buckle up, bitches(affectionate)- it's going to be a wild emotional ride when i post this fic
Thank you, once again for your idea and love, dear @jupitersmoon167 I owe my brain to you
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crickwater · 3 years
thoughts on the initial c3 character pitches?? — bevthefifth
!!! okay so. I love a lot of the ideas they brought up. jake's character seems like fun, I love him having a coddling overprotective family - loved the way Jake played hardwon's relationship with Lydia and I'm really hoping he'll go for a full mama's boy. originally I was kinda skeptic of playing an icy elderitch knight since iirc they don't have that many icy spells but you can def reflavor some stuff, plus they have so few spells anyways that it really doesn't matter. also whole the name calder is v cool it's also gonna be so fucking confusing I'm kinda hoping he'll change it.
Caldwell seems to be the most excited abt Astral self monk (understandable) and if he goes for grung playing a monk would be v fun with the poison, but I have to say I am kinda rooting for him to go for bard. like my personal bard caldwell agenda aside, if caldwell plays a monk it means emily is the only one with any healing capability which really restricts her in combat, plus there's been a lot of situations in the past where they would've been absolutely fucked if only one person had healing capabilities, so I just feel like it's better for the party composition. that being said I would love him either way, I fucking love monks so much.
emily's characters were all v fun (of course) but I really am rooting for the rainy eladrin. the bard paladin build is fun and I love the character concept but i agree with murph and emily that it doesn't make as much sense narratively. the rainy eladrin who got dumped and has a duck following her feels so classic emily and I would love to see that so much! I do hope murph and emily find some alternative wild magic surge tables if she goes for this character and build, I love wild magic sorcerers so much flavor wise but the table is so underwhelming and I know murph said they feel like they've already seen it all with d20, but there are some interesting alternatives online that I think could solve that. I really like the idea of her swapping subclasses when she changes seasons, that's just v fun and I did spend a lot of time today just looking at sorcerer and cleric subclasses to see which ones work well together.
I'm also really happy they're starting out all knowing each other! whenever they've done it before it lead to some truly great party dynamics (trinyvale, hexbuds, bon freres) and it allows them to get right into the adventure. idk I'm just v excited abt this campaign in general and I trust that it'll be as fun as always
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highchalowwis · 4 years
top five classes with your favourite subclasses for each one!
1. ranger lovelove. you know this it’s about the idea of Home as your core. favorite subclass is probably fey wanderer because charisma bullshit but i also do enjoy just straight up hunter! if i was playing a really crunchy dnd game i would probably play a hunter conclave because just. Numbers
2. sorcerer! for magic and emotions reasons i think they are very neat they would probably be my favorite but i am so scared every time i play them because sometimes they Are just squishy. favorite subclass is my bullshit wild sea homebrew i’ve done for cas but favorite Real subclass is divine soul i think
3. monk simply is. very good to me i don’t know exactly why i just think it’s a neat class (wotc lore dni sorry about it). favorite subclass is either way of the drunken master for silliness reasons or way of the sun soul for radiant reasons
4. bard! it’s about the act of creation Is magic and the things you love are the things that make you powerful. also i’m a theatre kid (derogatory). favorite subclass is probably eloquence but glamour gets an honorable mention because assigned glamour by osw.
5. y’know. the rest. i only have emotions tm about so many classes is the thing so i guess make me have emotions tm about other classes and i’ll consider it 
honorable mention goes to fighter for jake hurwitz naddpod reasons
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jq37 · 5 years
Saw someone ask drinkingdeadpeopletea this so: what are your favourite subclasses, schools, oaths etc within the primary classes?
Very flattered that you think my opinion on the matter is worth asking on the level of @drinkingdeadpeopletea‘s (and looking forward to checking out that list after I’m done with this one so I don’t subconsciously influence my answers). 
I haven’t actually played too much D&D (not for lack of will) and I’ve never played for long enough to get a sub-class so this is all based on secondhand knowledge. That being said:
Wizard: Gotta be the School of Divination. Is there any sexier possible D&D action than telling your DM, “Actually you roll a Nat 1″? There is not. Portents are OP as hell and also an super cool way to translate an in game ability to an out of game mechanic.
Monk: Way of the Four Elements. I’m not gonna play a monk and then *not* be the Avatar. Are you kidding me? I will say though, not an official class but I really like Cobalt Soul monks. Smart jocks are my jam.
Ranger: Beastmaster. I want a pet. Next.
Barbarian: Totem Warrior and Zealot Barbarians both really appeal to me. I will never be free of my Animorph reading Power Rangers watching younger self that desperately wanted animal based powers and cared too much about wolves. But also, the concept of getting divine power and instead of using it in a very measured, traditional, Paladin/Cleric-y way, just SMASHING things? Just, like, sometimes god(s) needs a sniper and sometimes a bazooka is more in order? I love that concept.
Fighter: I can’t see myself playing a fighter because I’m not playing D&D to do things I could hypothetically do in real life* (verrrrrry hypothetically, lbr) so I’d probably go Eldritch Knight or Arcane Archer. I like Arcane Archers a lot because (1) hyper specific arrows are just cool and (2) I like that it acknowledges that some of the stuff going on with elven archery is straight magic BS. Like, come on. You’re telling me you did all those trick shots with just a normal weapon and no magic? That was all physics? Come on.
*Seriously, big ups to Jake and Lou on Hardwon and Fabian because I feel like fighters are basically as generically heroic as you can get so you really have to do a lot of character work to come up with something memorable. Especially Hardwon. I can’t believe how much I love Hardwon.
Cleric: I love clerics so much (actually, I love all the divine touched classes/subclasses but we don’t have time to unpack my psyche right now so, moving on). There are really so many good options. I’ve heard that clerics are a class people don’t like to play and people are always insisting clerics are good in a way that makes it seem like people are saying they aren’t, but are they saying that? They can hit, they can spell cast, they can heal. Where’s the downside? Now, I’m a big fan of the classic, divine golden healing light cleric which I guess would be a Life or Light domain cleric? But I can’t say that’s my favorite after being introduced to Trickery, Grave, City domain clerics this year. Like, those are all so good! I love that Jester’s a cleric who almost forgets she can heal people sometimes because half the time she’s Invoking Duplicity and spying on people. I love that Kingston gets his powers from just the entire city of NYC instead of a god. I love Caduceus just being this super chill dude who’s also like, “Yeah, death comes for us all.” (He’s like a not-neurotic Ned the Piemaker). Personally, I’d like to play a Knowledge Domain cleric. I don’t know how much utility they actually have but I love the flavoring (and I think it would probably help me unpack some of the aforementioned stuff we’re not getting into).
Rogue: I’m *dying* to be in a D&D Leverage style campaign. All heists all the time bay-bee! The Mastermind I think would be an ideal subclass for that. It’s all about the social interactions which is really what I play the game for (or what I would play the game for if I could get a game going. fingers crossed 2020 y’all.).
Paladin: See Cleric preamble re: divine powers. Anyway, I would love to see someone *else* play an Oath of Redemption Paladin but I would love to play an Oath of Vengeance Paladin. Like, I’m guessing it’s really easy to fall into edgelord traps playing a vengeance based character so idk if I’d do it well but I’d love to just go full Django for a campaign.
Bard: Oh man I’ve never played a bard but I wanna play a bard so bad. All of the options are so so good flavor-wise! I think I’d most likely play a College of Lore bard, but the College of Glamour is extremely cool.
Warlock: Celestial, no question. Doing a deal with the devil with God is hilarious to me. How is this different than being a Paladin/Cleric? Is it like, “OK God, I’m gonna take your powers but this is strictly a business relationship.” I want a cleric and a warlock to the same god in the same party. Like, “Ah yes, if it isn’t my beloved daughter, Cyndel and my employee Dragthar.” I love it.
Druid: Hey, I already told you I wanna be an Animorph (without all the trauma and horrors of war of course). Circle of the Moon all the way.
Sorcerer: Again, I’m a sucker for divine magic so Divine Soul has a lot of appeal (it also scratches that long dormant Percy Jackson obsession from middle school). I’d also like to try and handle the chaos of a Wild Magic sorcerer one of these days. I don’t know if I’d love it or hate it but it would be one of the two. 
Artificer: I barely know what this is but I just looked it up and I’m gonna go with Artillerist because I saw the word canon a lot and I like any world where I have access to a magic canon and the ability, nay, the responsibility to use it.
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ratthumbsup · 5 years
I want to see Caldwell and ally play together sometime bc I feel like they’re opposites. Caldwell tries for chaos but mostly doesn’t succeed and almost everything all does ends up chaotic no matter what their intentions were
all of the d20 cast guesting on naddpod and vice versa is literally the dream and i’m really hoping caldwell or jake are part of the cast for this next sidequest 
but yeah i definitely agree, i think just by virtue of ally’s characters, gay cleric with a crisis of faith and disaster wild magic drug dealer, there is just a level of chaos that can’t be avoided. but it’s not usually with the intent to do something wild. and so it’s funny to me that they chose to be a wild magic sorcerer because all of the wild magic rolls and stuff are causing mechanical chaos rather than rp chaos and it seems to be stressing them out a little (though wild magic rolls would stress anyone out) but in general ally’s just got the chaos vibe i think. 
whereas like caldwell is constantly trying wild shit, from the bullywug mating call to doing a bad accent to hide in lower galaderon to playing a trick on a literal god, and he is actively, on purpose causing chaos (even sometimes when he fails rolls) like even more than emily, imo. and his choices have a lot of mechanical consequences. he is a chaos agent for sure.
but for sure i think they, and emily, would be a part of a dream chaos team 
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dungeondork85 · 6 years
If the Nine-nine played D&D
Wassup nerds, I'm back! And I've brought more of my ridiculous nerd bullshit with me! So what would it look like if the detectives of the 99th precinct played Dungeons & Dragons? Let's find out!
First of all, as always: the DM. In this case, I think the best qualified to be the DM would be Kevin. Yes, I said Kevin, he's ridiculously smart and knows how to put up with his husband's cop crew's bullshit. (As a side note, I think the next best choice would be Doug Judy, who I have to admit would be actually really entertaining.)
So, on to the players. Jake Peralta would 100% instinctively go with a Paladin, Oath of Vengeance, to be named Wruce Billis. Unfortunately, as soon as he tells literally anyone else this plan, they tell him Paladins have to follow a whole bunch of rules, at which point he scraps that idea and just makes a Bard. But not wanting to give up his melee abilities, he chooses College of Swords to make him the best Bard he could be to uphold justice and goodness without sacrificing his loose cannon behavior (or his fun).
Amy Santiago automatically gravitates toward the Wizard class, since they're the traditionally smart, organized ones. But she also knows that Captain Holt would also be inclined to play a Wizard, and she would rather die than step on his toes. She talks it over with Rosa, who challenges her to play a Rogue. She can't even fathom this until she and Jake watch Raiders of the Lost Ark and she realizes Indiana Jones is a Rogue, and he's exceptionally clever and fun. She chooses the Arcane Trickster archetype as she gets down the road, and feels very satisfied that her fantasy students learn a lot from her in her off time from traveling and adventuring.
Rosa Diaz wants to play a badass, so she chooses to play a Monk because Fighter is too obvious. She loves punching guys right in their dumb faces. Way of the Open Hand, obviously, because a badass can do whatever and doesn't need a single tool or weapon to do it.
Charles Boyle decides to play a Cleric. It's in his nature. And not just any Cleric, no no. He decides to play a Life domain healer Cleric. Because he couldn't be more Charles if he tried. There isn't a ton else to say about him, he's the second least inclined to play a character that's different from himself irl. He did decide, though, to write up a while genealogy of his character going back five generations, and he constantly references his character's cousins and other extended family members. The stories are so elaborate no one knows quite where they all came from.
Gina Linetti wants to be the class that would connect her the most to her spirit animal, the wolf. So naturally she decides the best class is the Druid, because what better connection to a wolf is there than turning into a wolf? She goes with Circle of the Land, although she insists it's really the Circle of the Beach. Insight is her favorite skill, not because she mistrusts people, but because she wants to find out all their secrets and use them for her own gain.
Terry Jeffords decides to be the one who protects all his friends, prompting him to make a Barbarian that definitely totally isn't based on a character from his favorite book series, shut up. He decides on Path of the Totem Warrior, since his rage can essentially double his hit points (and he already went Variant Human for Tough, so he has a lot). Out of combat, his character is incredibly gentle but he accidentally intimidates people a lot because he's as huge as Terry.
Captain Holt is drawn to the Wizard class, as they're the ones who pride themselves on knowledge, but he knows Amy would want to play one, and he doesn't want to stop her from having fun, so he asks Kevin to make his character for him. Kevin knows exactly what Ray needs to understand for this to be any fun for himself or anyone else, so he makes him a Halfling Wild Magic Sorcerer. Ray is initially not very pleased, as it seems unnecessarily silly. He's grumpy up until the first time his wild magic surge turns everyone into sheep, at which point he decides, in tears from laughter, that this is a very fun game indeed.
I also have some other ideas about general gameplay that I wanted to include here:
They all realize at the same time that Jake is accidentally the party leader. None of them know how to handle it, least of all Jake, but he eventually realizes it shouldn't change the way he plays and it all makes sense from there.
Rosa didn't see the value of Charisma until session 3, when she realized people didn't find her intimidating bc she didn't have any points in Intimidation. Kevin won't let her change her stats to fix this mistake.
Kevin initially underestimates the party's dedication to the story and assumes they would only want to mindlessly kill things, but after a few sessions he realizes they all really like the story and are deeply involved in the politics and society of the world. He's very impressed, and immediately starts to work those themes more heavily into the campaign.
Hope this was a good post! Enjoy!
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nerdarchy-blog · 6 years
Time to slip into some Nerdarchy home brew D&D lore. With this piece of lore we’ve got some ideas for creating either a 5E D&D sorcerer or warlock subclass. Maybe even both, but for starters we throw it to the Nerdarchy community. We start off by discussing the land and monsters that spawn our concepts. Whether we go with a D&D warlock or sorcerer they will be steeped in chaos. We took our inspiration from the chaos giant miniature from Pacesetter Games & Simulations. We had former intern Jake paint them with some Vallejo Paints. You can find pictures below.
Sorcerer or Warlock? D&D lore out of the chaos
Not a Wild Magic sorcerer, but a D&D sorcerer chaos origin
Many of our viewers voted on our poll for us to create a sorcerer or warlock. So far the warlock is crushing it. You can vote here.
Last I checked the warlock was crushing it over the sorcerer. The most common comment was the 5E D&D sorcerer had the Wild Magic Sorcerous Origin so the warlock could use some chaos love. I don’t think we did a great job of conveying of our intent with a chaos sorcerer.
Nerdarchist Ted and I were thinking more about our experience with D&D lore. When we think chaos we were thinking more along the lines of the Far Realm or Xoriat from Eberron. While these places are planes of chaos, they are more than that. They are loaded with aberrations and the embodiment of madness.
Whereas I see Wild Magic having more to do with chance and randomness. For our warlock and/or sorcerer I think we will be focusing a bit more on madness and aberrations than randomness.
One of the fun things about being a Dungeon Master is adding in a bit of your own D&D lore to a campaign setting — homebrew or otherwise.
Fields of Discord history
A great Gen War took place, with one of the nastiest battles taking place where the Fields of Discord now stand. The rampant use of magic allowed the weakening of barriers, unleashing the first chaos storm upon the realm of Ulthe-Ganya. The storm had a sentience of its own and used the magic of the warring gen to transform them into amalgamations of djinni and efreeti. Generations of breeding has far removed them from the sultans and sultanas they once were. Now they roam the Fields of Discord serving the will behind the first chaos storm.
Now that place is full of raging chaos storms and mutated horrors. The only thing holding back the chaos and many of the horrors is a series of towers around this wasteland. The custodians of these towers are psychics and mystics that must remain ever vigilant against the encroaching chaos.
This piece of lore comes from a combination of elements of our Chimes of Discordia campaign setting and inspiration from the Pacesetters Games & Simulations Chaos Giant miniature.
We are running a contest sponsored by both Vallejo Paints and Pacesetter Games & Simulations. We are giving away both painted and unpainted chaos giant miniatures as well as the paints to paint with. Enter contest here. Hopefully they will inspire your own D&D lore.
[amazon_link asins=’B01CDQAHO2,B00NTMC49G,B0775K3XKS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’nerdarchy-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’9933ce53-dd85-4310-82ce-646d7623c192′]
Shaking up the natural order with a storm of chaos and the chaos giant that inspired a new origin. Or patron. Help us decide! #DnD Time to slip into some Nerdarchy home brew D&D lore. With this piece of lore we've got some ideas for creating either a 5E…
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