#probably forge tbh
theology101 · 4 months
I had two pretty distinct friend groups in High School and like… the concept of me going to aguefort and having to CHOOSE which one i want to be in an Adventuring party with?
It gave me a stress ulcer and it will literally never happen lmao. I just gotta wonder how isolating it is for “this is your party and by consequence the people you will constantly be hanging out with”
give me your high school party comp in the tags
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preqvelle · 8 months
Toblerone really said fuck that shit I'm out..
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fauxvvounds · 2 months
ofc i need to be unnecessarily reminded that Mobius is left-handed and has MMM as his signature. (In which i find it adorable LMAO)
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squuote · 5 months
i need to draw my narrator design like a lot. i need to draw him to death or until i truly get sick of this guy. proper narrator burnout
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
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fantastic. have a preview.
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andthebubbles · 2 years
i can’t decide which would be hotter: halbrand being just some middle earth dude (like we thought he might be pre-ep 8), or halbrand being sauron (which he is)
#rop#rop spoilers#halbrand#ramble.txt#i think i might be considering a fic grrrr where he is actually just halbrand some random middle earth dude#i really like him as sauron too and skdjfnkg he soldddd that reveal scene fuckkkk#but i also feel like we didn't get enough of halbrand from a fandom pov#if i wrote rop though i'd probably do what they did#esp with an 8-ep series#but if it was the old style of TV where you had filler eps and much more eps per series#well the reveal would've still been at the end of s1 but s1 would've been like at least 12 eps long#and we'd have more fun filler stuff#although galadriel is not very much in the mood for fun#idk what i'd have done differently if i'd written rop. probably not a lot tbh#the mystics felt a bit extra/resolved too easily#like they were just there to be a red herring... it was a bit meh#and i suppose celebrimbor and halbrand!sauron being buddies and nerding out could've been a bit longer/more developed#but also the way they did it with the time pressure the elves were under#what else were they gonna do once that setup was in place#celebrimbor never bothered to wonder why some random middle earth low man dude knew a fucktonne about forging lol#anyway i'm listening to the ep 5 soundtrack#specifically the second last track (the end of the ep before the credits) over and over again#i like the drum thingies sorta kickstarting/delaying the trumpet version of halbrand's theme#it kinda sounds like it trips... like your heart skips a beat when you see him dressed up all fancy#(and kinda looking like aragorn lol)#okay wow i rambled
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mangoisms · 9 months
google question related to the day (bc i cant rmbr) is if high school seniors who are 18 can sign themselves out for the day. which im pretty sure they can. i distinctly rmbr students doing that when i was in hs
HOWEVER. this also sparked another question of how did tim legally drop out of high school despite being 17. keeping in mind its been ages since ive read rr09 and have no wish to revisit it so if it was covered there im not remembering it. but like... did they (read: tim) make up smthing abt him being homeschooled for the rest of his senior year?
like if you are 18 legally speaking most of the time you are covered if you want to drop out. i think. but if you are a minor. i don't think this is the case. idk
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I just remembered this from middle school, and for once it’s not one of those hauntingly embarrassing memories.
SO my 8th grade US history teacher was great, and one of the things he did a couple times was debates.  They were completely voluntary and 1v1 not-parliamentary-style-but-structured in front of the class debate.  Now the very first one we did was on Valley Forge and whether we, as soldiers would’ve stayed or left.  He asked us a day or two beforehand, paired us randomly, and assigned sides randomly.  I was paired with this kid I kinda knew, we’ll call him Arthur.
So what Arthur, and probably the rest of the class, didn’t know was that I have had a special interest in the Revolutionary War since I was in 1st grade, and in formal debate and public speaking for about 2-3 years at that point.  I had also founded and ran the school’s debate club.  I was assigned to argue why it’s better to have left, which isn’t what I would’ve chosen but I was ready.  I went home and just had a ball formulating points and possible counterpoints, and doing my own research on historical temperature trends.  This wasn’t out of a place of competitiveness by any means, this was just love of the craft.
(For anyone curious Valley Forge refers to this one winter in the American Revolution, where the continental army wintered in a spot in Pennsylvania, with huge problems with supplies and pay and leadership, also small pox.  It was also when people were being asked to re-enlist)
Day of rolls around and we end up going first, as we’re heading up he makes some cocky joke about how well he thinks he’ll do.  We get up there and he fell into literally every counterpoint I had set up, I got all my fun facts out, and I left him speechless more than once.  I was giddy.  It was basically 10 minutes of an autistic kid info-dumping in class and being respected for it.
We step outside when we’re done so the class could talk about strengths and weaknesses on both sides and vote on a winner.  Arthur and I exchange good jobs, and he kinda peers in through the door’s window and reports back “oh, I think I won by a landslide, sorry” while kinda trying to suppress his own smile and that is when I started caring about whether I won.  This man was so cocky, and I knew that I had talked circles around him.
We get called back inside, and Arthur has a bit of a strut, and then our teacher says that I won.  And I’ll be honest I kinda started giggling, and it was so funny watch the realization dawn on Arthur.  We shook hands and everything and he wasn’t mortified.
So the moral of this story is to not get cocky when you’re doing classroom debates because you never know if you’re debating with an autistic kid on their special interest.
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faeriichaii · 8 months
Greetings 🤗 could I requested how the fellowship would realise their feelings for reader and how would their behaviour change towards them? Thank you! <3
The Fellowship and how they would realize their feelings
A/N: I am finally back!! I am so happy to be able to write again and I apologize that you had to wait so long for your request :( omg I never got like a headcanon (??) request and like I am so excited!! Especially cause it's kinda a big group and like I never wrote anything for the hobbits or like for Aragorn or Boromir hihi <33 (Tbh it was like so hard cause I really noticed I don't really know much about their characters or well I don't really know much about them?? idk idk... so some could be a little bit off so I apologize!!) But I still hope you like this!!!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff (maybe some ooc behaviour) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.3k in total ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ
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I think he would notice his growing feelings for you rather quickly. He would probably notice this after watching you argue with passion about some kind of topic with another person. The way you stand behind your opinion and fight for the things you love and adore. The passion that lines every single word that passes your lips. The way your eyebrow raises at your opponent and their silly sentences, that absolutely make no sense to you. Honestly, I doubt that much changes from his behaviour because he already is a caring person. Maybe his hand would sometimes hold onto your hand to make sure you know that he stands behind you and your decisions. Maybe he also tends to polish your weapons for you and maybe he also prepares a few arrows for you if you decide to use a bow. And maybe, just maybe he shows you a few tips and tricks with the sword in order to make sure that nothing could harm you. Because he knows, that you can handle yourself in any kind of fight. But practice still helps to ensure your safety, especially in the case that the both of you get separated.
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Like Aragorn, he would catch onto his growing fondness for you rather quickly. He probably would notice his feelings after catching you being so incredibly sweet and kind towards one of the hobbits. The way you immediately tried to help Frodo through his doubts. How you tried to cheer him up by telling him that he will make it. That all of you will make it and finish the quest at hand. You always try your hardest to brighten everyone’s day with your positivity and your cheerfulness. Legolas couldn’t do anything else than fall for you head over heels. The warmth that you always spread around captured him and his heart. He would probably (definitely) ask to braid your hair (in case you are totally unaware of the custom behind it). But he would probably also try being constantly close to you. Not in a clingy way. Well, more like a moth that was drawn to a flame. (Maybe a tiny bit in a clingy way). And oh as soon as the quest is over he will try to find any kind of artistic measure to capture your heart with.
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Listen, he definitely takes a while to realize his feelings. But he would totally notice some kind of admiration after you beat him in battle. The way you just jump from one enemy to another and rip them apart. Your strength and the way you just push through them with ease. (He still will huff after you declare that you definitely killed more enemies than he did). He would also try his best to deny his feelings and try to act indifferently or like ‘he doesn’t care’ (Even though he definitely cares). He would definitely clean your weapons and sharpen them for you. After returning home he will forge an axe or sword for you. Maybe even a courting bead if the time has come for him to stop battling his feelings and just face them.
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I think he would take a little while to notice his feelings towards you. Probably due to the fact that he mostly is being occupied by the power of the ring or maybe due to the pressure of the quest that lays heavily on his shoulder. He knows it is an important journey. So his heart did stutter after you reassured him with your kind words. The way you spoke with him and the way you just would listen to his worries. It felt like you really cared for him and his wellbeing and he really just needed someone to talk to. Someone who was willing to listen to him (especially because I feel that some people tend to misunderstand him). And you just happen to really want to listen to his worries and try to push him through it. Try to show him that you would be by his side while he follows the path of the journey. After he realized his feelings for you he would definitely try his best to take care of you the way you did for him. He would support your decisions and if you happen to have a bad day he would stand by your side and listen to your worries and just do the same things you did for him. Care for you and give you the support you need.
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Oh he would totally catch onto his feelings quickly. Probably after receiving your praise for how well he had prepared dinner that night. The way your eyes lit up at the first taste of the soup and how you hummed in approval at the flavour. He definitely would blush and smile dumbly while stirring the pot (definitely lost in the thought of your beautiful smile). He definitely would be more fidgety and bashful around you. He would probably also share some of his portions of food with you (In case you are hungry or you already finished your food for the trip). And maybe he would give you just a little bit more food if he was the one preparing the food (either for breakfast or dinner or the portions for travelling idk idk). (And maybe just maybe he would carefully prepare like a cute flower crown or smth for you.)
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His feelings for you were definitely the last thing on his mind. He would definitely notice them however, after you carefully hold him close to you after another one of his nightmares he had. Gently stroking his hair while holding him towards your chest, mumbling to him that everything will be alright. He didn’t even notice the way he had clung onto you. But you didn’t mind that. All that you wanted to do was reassure him and try to give him the strength he needs to push through this. His heart filled with warmth at your kindness and at the support you lend him. Every time when he struggles, he just looks at you and he immediately feels better. He will definitely try to reassure your worries and try to be there for you the way you always seem to be there for him.
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I think he would be a little like Pippin when it comes to the realization of his feelings. Like, he would definitely not notice his feelings at first, but after you did protect him from a few Orcs, he couldn’t help but admire you. He wanted to get stronger (and maybe protect you too yk?) So he will definitely learn a few sword fighting skills from Boromir and Aragorn, but he will mostly try to practice with you. To understand the way you swing your sword and to understand the fighting tactics you use. (He also just wanted to spend more time with you) And maybe just maybe when the time has come, he will raise his sword against an Orc and protect you.
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Oh he would definitely take his time realizing his feelings. But he does realize them, after he notices that you seem to be one of the only people who was not completely mad at him for his constant clumsiness. Yes, he made mistakes. But that is normal, isn’t it? Everyone makes mistakes and you try to explain that to him. The way you try to make him understand that even Gandalf or Aragorn took wrong turns in their lives made him feel a little bit better. You would explain to him that mistakes need to happen in order for him to grow as a person. Nobody is perfect, is what you told him with a beaming smile. But he couldn’t believe your words if you sat in front of him and just existed. He would definitely try and make you laugh as much as possible. Especially if the days or nights are rough and maybe everything is grey, he definitely still will try to brighten your day with either very silly harmless jokes or pranks.
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were-wolverine · 11 months
random wayne family shenanigans
the entire family gaslights the public into thinking tim and cass are and have always been twins. they forge birth certificates and everything
tbh this is probably canon but dick is damian’s second legal guardian after bruce. and for the period bruce is gone he’s the first and alfred is second
the kids try to convince gotham that all of bruce’s children are his biologically. people believe dick jason tim and cass but then there’s steph and duke. they still insist both of them are bruce’s bio kids. steph plays along bc she thinks it’s funny and duke just rolls his eyes whenever a reporter asks him (damian is obviously already confirmed to be bruce’s bio son)
bruce once asks tim to spread some misinformation so people get less suspicious of him when he disappears to do batman stuff. tim makes a ‘tell-all’ article about how bruce wayne and batman are secret lovers. he gets quotes from dick and babs. bruce regrets asking
when dick is first adopted he pretends not to know english so he won’t have to talk to reporters or do interviews. bruce definitely lets him bc he doesn’t want dick to be uncomfortable and the media is unrelenting otherwise. jason and damian absolutely copy this idea when they are first introduced to the public
tabloids keep accusing dick of cheating on babs until he does a interview where he says “we haven’t been dating for like a year, we decided we are better as friends and now i’m dating a guy and she’s dating a girl so…” and the media loses it. he also timed it so it’s during pride month bc he’s extra like that
they convince the public that jason’s death was faked so that he could live a normal life despite being adopted by a billionaire. it works surprisingly well. they tell everyone he left to travel the world so no one can confirm or deny where he was at any point during his “death”
(a part of the reason this is so easily accepted is that people write it off as ‘weird rich ppl shit’)
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blackkatmagic · 3 months
Somehow, my (lust) brain was so focused on blacksmith = muscles and man who knows what to do with his hands that I just now realised how extra attractive someone who knows how to make weapons and armor would be to any Mandalorian...
YES. The fact that Agen is a legit weaponsmith, and the weapon he forges is lightsabers, probably only adds to the appeal tbh.
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vairsmania · 11 months
trick or treat?
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HIII SORUSHING! TY FOR THE ASK :D i love the lil drawing with the pumpkin basket WAHHH
i pick treat! i hope this is how the ask game works im not 100% sure but here are some WIPS :) )
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a hiccstrid tribute that i'm currently rendering (4 pieces total)
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a lil throwback to the rob/dob days (5 total)! the first one is hiccup and snotlout jumpin into a pond!! i wanna say it was done on impulse because they're both fully clothed but i just thought it would be fun to render them that way :)
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the twins doing what the twins do
probably caused a mess at gobber's forge
tbh i haven't worked on the rob/dob one since september but hopefully if i pick it back up the future i'll be sure to finish it! there's three more pieces that go with it :)
happy halloween!
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thorias · 5 months
So I know I've been fixated on this, but the more I think about it, the more signs are pointing to the timeline getting reset. Upon rewatch, there are just so many things about the events of ep5 that simply don't add up if this was meant to be permanent.
First, there was that weird psychic blast that hit Madelyne/Jean right before the attack. What was that about? Could it have been Cable? Possibly. But it seems awkward when it happens right before he shows up in the flesh anyway, so my guess is it had to do with someone else. But who?
It might be a stretch, but given what happened in ep6 with Xavier on his way back to Earth now, I could see it being Charles trying to warn them from the future via time travel tech. I might be way off base on that one, but we've certainly seen weirder things happen.
Also, Rogue wearing a version of her famous first-date-with-Remy dress in the comics only to dance with Magneto while Remy dies without knowing that she'd chosen him is a detail that stands out like a sore thumb. That didn't happen by accident. This was a very deliberate choice by the writers and unless the point of it was to just be intentionally cruel to Gambit AND Romy fans, (and I kind of doubt it was) this is going to come back somehow. These writers have been very reverential to the comics and they had to have known how fans would react to that. If those events aren't going to change so Rogue dances with Gambit instead, (paying off that line in ep1 about suffering her hand for a dance) then why do it this way? To heartbreakingly end one of the most iconic and popular relationships from X-MEN TAS, which was built up over 5 seasons, with no payoff at all? How is that an ending that would satisfy anybody?
Maybe I've got my tinfoil hat on a little too tight right now, but I just don't see any way that this is going to stick. I don't know if the attack will be prevented entirely, (probably not, tbh) but something about that night is going to be changed. You don't establish that the whole reason Cable's here is to stop the attack and then have him completely fail at stopping it.
Maybe Cable, Xavier and Forge put their heads together, get Cable's tech working properly and manage to warn everyone in time to make a difference.
In fact, I read a brilliant theory the other day that Xavier would use Madelyne/Jean as psychic conduits to make the X-men and everyone at the gala remember what happened before the attack starts, giving them enough of a heads up to save themselves. And ep5 was literally titled 'Remember It'; I mean, it could be more perfect.
AND since Sinister was behind the attack, how fitting would it be for Cable (the product of Sinister's machinations) to be the one who thwarts him?
What if Cable and Xavier manage to warn everyone in time, all the mutants of Genosha band together with the X-men to take the Wild Sentinel down and then afterward the gala happens, but with Rogue dancing with Remy this time?
I don't know... that's probably wrapping things up too neatly (and the teases of Remy becoming Death are piling up fast, so we can't rule that out) and I'm sure there are going to be consequences to the Sentinel attack that stick even if they do reset things, but narratively, this would make a lot of sense, not to mention finish the story in a way that doesn't leave Gambit/Romy fans utterly depressed and miserable.
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hellcheckers · 11 months
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tier list of all the hours in cultsim based on how horny I think they are
S Tier: The Grail - Self explanatory
The-Mare-In-The-Tree and The Malachite are canonically rumored to fuck nasty in the woods despite it technically being illegal to fuck if you’re immortal
A Tier: Mother of Ants - im biased because I think she’s hot. the fact that jesus is one of her names won’t deter me from trying to hit that.
The Forge of Days - Quite literally caused a millennial calamity via killing the Sun-In-Splendor because she was afraid that they would get too horny, would put in S tier but she did kill her lover so.
The Moth - Listen having one of the ways to ascend as the carapace cross is to be a stripper and lapdance in several occult locations. The moth may not fuck be they sure as hell don’t mind that.
The Sister and Witch + The Witch and Sister - these lesbians are literally intertwined with two different versions corresponding to different aspects. Which one is the witch and which one is the sister? I don’t fucking know and neither do you. One drowned after the other and if that doesn’t scream tragic sapphic sex idk what does. also they probably sent the recipe to the sex in the beach cocktail to some random bartender as a prank good for them.
B Tier: The Flowermaker - While I don’t know much about them, I do know that those flowers a definitely drugs. Not horny enough to bone but horny enough to make Acid 100000.
The Thunderskin - Bro got flayed because The Grail and him fucked to the point that he was the sacrifice bc they just really boned that much.
The Beachcomber - While this avian hour does not have any lore behind its sexual preferences, it is said to “collect the secret liaisons of the hours and gloat”. Fucking voyeur.
C Tier: The Elegiast- He is not the kindest hour, but he does not forget. This may or may not extend to the liaisons of mortals. Best not to ask him about it.
The Colonel and The Lionsmith - Gonna be honest these two are too caught up with trying to one up each other via eternal strife to actually think about committing the crime of the sky. Shoutout to the theory/headcanon that The Colonel and The Mother of Ants are secret lovers though.
The Vagabond - Has probably fucked in her lifetime, but is definitely too salty over being banned from the Mansus to think about sex.
The Velvet - She’s too busy digging in the dirt and hiding juicy gossip and world ending secrets. Understands consent as she did say No to the Glory.
D Tier: The Sun-In-Rags - I don’t think any of the technical children of The Sun are too happy about being born via failed and lethal sex. Definitely don’t think the Sun-In-Rags is happy about visiting what’s essentially his mom when it’s the spitting but depressed image of his dad.
The Door in The Eye - I don’t think medieval LASIK is hot tbh but that might just be me. Other than the fact that Teresa is within its vicinity, there are no horny vibes here unless you count blood.
The Meniscate - Child of The Sun, see above. However, bonus points to how she’ll take in the dancer if they are too symmetrical to be sorted under heart or moth.
The Madrugad - Probably the least traumatized of The Sun’s children. Also probably has the level head to not get involved with anything that has to do with The Crime of The Sky.
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mychlapci · 1 month
this has been on my mind in terms of mechpreg. Do you believe a really horny and baby fever riddled mech could impregnate themselves on purpose? Just overload all over their own hands and stick their fingers up their valve after? What would the baby look like? Would it just be their clone? Would it just be based on other bots in their life, or their parents if they had any? Imagine the crazed speculation on who knocked them up, the shock and drama. The disappointment when the answer was themself and not some other mech everyone was betting on. I bet it happens a lot actually.
I have thought about that before, tbh i would imagine that there’d be something stopping mechs from impregnating themselves, like the transfluid is just not compatible with the forge like that, there always has to be an additional set of coding.
But… If it was possible for a bot to knock themself up, that would absolutely happen so often ahshsahwuhsh. It would probably be a clone, the cna shared between the parent and offspring is exactly the same, but I don't think that would be too big of a problem. I can honestly see Rodimus doing something like this… maybe on purpose, but most likely it was a huge accident and now everyone is betting on who the daddy is, and what pops out is just Roddy 2.0
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So Im currently trying to write my first big story - big as in I'm trying to make it a book - But im overwhelmed with what to do:
I want to write, but first I have to work out the acts and plot. But to do that I have to do some research as it's historical fiction. And that's where I'm failing, because I'm making very slow progress and it's frustrating. It also takes away the last of my motivation.
Do you have any tips on how I should proceed now or what might help?
(I might want to add that I'm working full-time outside and often can only work on weekends on it)
De-Motivated by Story Research Prior to Plotting
Research prior to plotting can be overwhelming and frustrating, so here are some tips that might help:
1 - Start with a General Summary - Before you worry about plotting out scenes and figuring out the different acts, try writing a beginning to end summary of what you want the story to be. Don't worry so much about specific details like dates, places, proper terminology or events, etc. Use general terms to fill those in. It might look something like this:
[[ SPOILERS for the novel Outlander by Diana Gabaldon ]]
A former English military nurse in the 1940s travels to Scotland and inadvertently travels back in time, to the 1700s, via standing stones near the inn where she's staying. There she encounters a band of smugglers and is taken captive and brought to the local laird's castle. Despite the suspicions of the laird and his war chief, they see her value as a healer and she settles in as the castle's healer-in-residence. During this time, she tries to figure out a way back to her own time, but also forges a friendship with one of the smugglers she patched up when she was first captured. Eventually, she is summoned for questioning by a British captain (who happens to be an ancestor of the husband she left in the 1940s) who suspects her of being an English spy, and the highlanders try to protect her by having her marry the highlander she patched up. Despite her attachment to her new husband, she runs away to the standing stones but is caught and imprisoned by the British captain. Once she is rescued by her new husband, they return to the castle where she gets wrapped up in a witchcraft accusation and narrowly avoids being burned at the stake. Finally, she and her new husband travel to his family castle, but since her husband is a fugitive, he is captured by British forces and taken to prison. The nurse is able to rescue him with the help of some of his clan, and they eventually escape to France.
While this is a fairly complete beginning to end summary of the first book in the Outlander series, it leaves out a lot of specific details related to time, setting, world, character development, etc.
However, going through this summary, it would be easy to see places where research needs to be done. Just looking at the first part of the summary, we can already see a lot of questions we could ask about specifics:
A former English military nurse in the 1940s travels to Scotland and inadvertently travels back in time, to the 1700s, via standing stones near the inn where she's staying.
-- Who is this woman? (Where is she from, where did she serve? Why does she go to Scotland?)
-- Where are the standing stones? What do they look like? How do they transport her back through time?
-- Specifically what year in the 1700s does she travel to? What is happening during that time?
This would give you some ideas about what, specifically, you need to research. Breaking it up in this way not only makes it less daunting, but gives you specific things to research instead of trying to learn a bunch of unnecessary data.
2 - Learn How to Research Historical Details - My Guide to Internet Research offers some general research pointers (though I probably need to update it, tbh). Also, I have a post specific to Researching an Historical Topic. Furthermore, there are some good books that guide you through researching historical fiction, as well as helpful books about specific time periods that are geared toward writers.
3 - Make Use of YouTube - I can't express enough how helpful YouTube can be when researching historical details. For example, if Diana Gabaldon were preparing to research and write the first Outlander book today, she could find videos about British nurses in World War II, specific places in Scotland where the book is set, videos about the history of the Scottish highlands, video about Scottish highlander culture, videos about clothing and fashion in 18th century Scotland, videos about the history of witchcraft in Scotland, videos about the British occupation of Scotland, videos about 18th century healing and medicine, videos about healing herbs of the Scottish highlands... you name it.
4 - Know Your Time and Dedicate Accordingly - One of the hardest things to remember when researching, plotting, and writing long fiction is that there is a certain amount of time it's going to take you, no matter what, and if you overestimate how much time you actually have to dedicate to your WIP in a given day, week, month, or year, it's very frustrating and de-motivating. One thing you might try is taking an honest look at your calendar for a particular week or month. For each day, subtract the number of hours you'll spend sleeping. Then, subtract the number of hours you'll spend working, commuting to work, traveling for work, etc.. Finally, subtract the number of hours you know will be dedicated to other necessities, like taking care of family, doctor appointments, workouts, etc. This may only leave you with barely an hour a day, but knowing you have that hour to dedicate to writing is important. Not only can you block off and fiercely guard that hour, but you can be more realistic about what you'll get done with the hours you have available in a given week.
5 - Don't Feel Like You Have to Rush It or Figure It All Out Now - We have a tendency to imagine a ticking clock where one doesn't exist. If this is your first long fiction story, especially, there is no reason to feel like you need to get this done post haste. Give yourself grace to take the time you need to get it done. Putting unnecessary pressure on yourself only demotivates you. Instead, try to look forward to that hour a night where you can dive into learning about the time, place, and world of your story. Also, don't feel like you have to know every specific detail before you start plotting or even writing. It's okay to research as you write--as you come to things you need more information on--or even to use placeholders in your first draft, allowing you to go back and fill in the research later.
Happy researching and writing. You've got this! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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