#Evandra Vailia
ot-hoe-me · 1 year
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Hopping on the picrew bandwagon and am presenting my MCs for three of Dakota’s IFs.
Top Left: Alina Rhys from @fallenlightsif - is primarily an illusionist mage, and is on the Florian/Emil poly as well as the Florian/Orion poly (haven’t decided which is her ‘canon’ route though.) ((Outfit isn’t accurate but it was the closest I could get rip))
Top Right: Sana Ahmed from @disenchantedif is a nephilim with raven-coloured wings who is in love with both of her best friends, Viktor and Theodore.
Bottom Left: Juliana Coppola is also from @disenchantedif and is a siren whose gills are always visible, and shifts to have a blue and green mermaid tail and scales in water. Lucia is her ex-girlfriend, and Avery is her ‘canon' endgame boyfriend. Her primary nickname is Julia, but she’ll answer to any diminuative of her first name.
Bottom Right: Evandra Vailia is from @reapersbayif along with being the last remaining heir to House Vailia, and the rightful crown princess to the Navran throne; Evandra has also cultivated a reputation as an informant of repute over the years as well as honing her skills with a blade and pistol - although she much prefers the latter. Her sole goal in life is to avenge her family, and doesn’t give much thought to her own fate or Navra’s after everything is said and done - at least, not at first. Andra is on the Kai/M!Finn, Kai/Adrianus, and Kai/Laurie poly routes. I don’t know which will be her ‘canon’ route yet, so I’m just going to have to wait and play first to be able to decide. ((’scuse the outfit not being period accurate, the clothing options were mostly modern so I had to choose according to vibes lol.))
My Unseelie MCs will be in a separate post once I figure out names and all the routes I’ll be playing.         
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ot-hoe-me · 1 year
OCs as Planets
I was tagged by @stephschoices​ and @dakotawritesif​ to do this uquiz for any OCs of my choice. The free online banner maker I used is here.
I tag anyone who wants to do it!
Now, one OC for every planet, in order of creation:
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Valencia Talward is my MC for @shepherds-of-haven​
optimistic. hopeful. generous and compassionate. you are the guardian angel. you are 4:44 am and a sense of being watched over. you enrich the lives of others just by existing and caring for them. you give as many blessings as you receive and there is always more to go around. be careful not to become too over-confident in these abilities. what makes you jupiter is your belief that ego has no part in caring and love. you are softness and the smell of almond coffee.
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Dorothea Fairchild is my MC for Perfumare: Avulsion by @pdrrook​
innovative. unpredictable. resourceful. imaginative. creativity in science and disruption. oh, uranus. you were dealt the cards that don't have much to offer, but luckily you can always make them work. you are acrylic paint that has been plastered over the same canvas so many times that it is starting to have those little grooves of texture. you are ever-changing and suddenly it stops. and starts again. keep moving. nothing is wrong with not wanting to sit still.
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Ella Wiseman is my MC for Mind Blind by @mindblindbard​
clever. intelligent and witty. wisdom, sharpness, anxiety and indecisiveness. you are the comedian. the "make someone laugh if they are crying" kind of lover. you don’t want to think too much about anything because that stops you from just having fun, but your brain doesn't ever shut off. you are curious and never ending. forecast and shadows. the smell of clean sheets.
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Evie Amell is my MC for The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction​
nurturing, generous and caring. introverted, tolerant, honest and trustworthy. you are "my phone is always on, call me any time." you are "i feel like i'm everyone's therapist." you are impressive with your stability and peacefulness. you are wallpapers of cows and fields of ever-growing seeds. you are the best friend. mother nature. ice cold water and the smell of rain.
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Cynuise aka The Harbinger of Calamity is my MC for Fell Star by @justpked​
patient. stable. reliable. persevering and diligent. your capacity to hold focus on something you choose to is unmatched by all other planets. you were made for hard work that you love and that you know is rewarding. you are the shoulder that everyone wants to cry on, so remember you can lean on yourself when it seems there is no one else. there is nothing wrong with being self sufficient. you are justice and evenly balanced scales.
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Asteria Violette Gaudare is my MC for Beyond the Spider Lilies by @justpked​
passionate. romantic. loving to be loved. courtship. adoration and taste. you are your own personal aesthetic. you are hand written love letters in copper ink. you are "let me show you just how much i can love you." you are royalty and class. love has no bounds with you. your heart is wrapped in chocolate tin foil. you attract what you manifest so keep believing in love. it is you and you, it.
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Evandra Vailia is my MC for @reapersbayif​
passion. energy. drive. determination. you are in tune with yourself and your body and if you don't already feel it, please try to tune into it because it is so powerful. you are at war with yourself and life and it doesn't always have to be so hard. anger is not a useless emotion but do not let it control you. love is more powerful than hatred will ever be. you are the smell of fresh cut grass and the satisfaction of a job well done.
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Fallon Rose is my MC for Underfell IF and Mafiafell IF by @darkpetal16​
mercy. kindness. sweet. forgiving and compassionate. you are second chances and sometimes third. you are "its ok because everyone makes mistakes." you are "i forgive you as long as you are learning." you are not held down by the demands of your ego. you believe in right and fair. open mindedness and friendship. you are mystical and magical, observant and the smell of warm bread in the morning.  
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