#Evelyn De Sardet
commandermorgan · 4 years
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Holiday portraits for a few of my favorite people! I appreciate all of you so much and I hope you all have a wonderful new year! @iigoeyei @awkwardbirdnoise @kilaem @lifeisabouttogetstranger @dep-yo-tee @sleepfight
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oynon-ds · 5 years
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I wanna thank @sleepfight and @kilaem for my husband and wife.
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erarno · 5 years
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De Sardet December day 18
@kilaem ‘s Evelyn De Sardet
References from x (nsfw warning)
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assassintine · 5 years
Meet Evelyn de Sardet. Who happens to look stupid cute in her bandit hat.
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proph4031 · 3 years
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Tree monster escaped? Like most videogame problems, it can be solved with a gun.
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I was tagged by @noire-pandora, thank you so much for tagging!
I’ve decided to give two little peeks today - the first is some fun travel banter from the next chapter of Hearts Like Lions, and the next is from the opening chapter of Sides of the Coin, my upcoming Greedfall fic. The second preview will be under the cut!
“Making tea?” Dorian asked. “Good. Evelyn is a damned monster in the morning without it.”
“I highly doubt that.” Evelyn was known to be an early riser at Skyhold, when she had had a decent night’s sleep. Cullen remembered her confession about the little rest she got in the field. It was more likely she was simply tired.
“Have you seen that woman with a knife?” Dorian asked. Cullen paused in his stoking for just a moment before continuing
“Point taken.”
“So, what’s next on the agenda now that we’ve saved the Empress?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve been working with Leliana to hunt down Samson, but it’s turned up little so far. It doesn’t matter - he can’t hide forever, and when he slips up, we’ll find him.”
“Nasty business, that. All those Templars turning to red lyrium.”
“Corypheus exploited a weakness that the Chantry left them open to. I can’t say I don’t understand why they did it.” Cullen sighed. “It doesn’t make this any easier.”
“And you? How are you doing?”
Cullen looked at the mage in surprise. He certainly hadn’t told Dorian of his struggles, having only mentioned it to a select few people. So how…?
“Evelyn didn’t tell me, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Dorian explained. “I’m assuming she knows, of course. I haven’t discussed it with anyone. Any mage of skill would notice it - there’s been a distinct decline of magical energy around you. The kind of energy only put out by lyrium.”
“Some days are better than others. For the moment, I’m fine.”
“I know I mercilessly tease you, but I do consider you a friend. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Short of sharing your tent, again, that is.”
Cullen smiled. “I appreciate it. Though I think I preferred the teasing.”
“Thank the Maker, so do I. Does your hair always look like this in the morning? Is that why Varric calls you Curly? I’d always wondered-”
A scream - Evelyn’s scream - pierced the quiet morning. Cullen raced for the tent with his sword drawn and his heart in his throat. He hadn’t seen anyone approaching. Had he missed something?
He threw back the flaps and rushed in, finding Evelyn backed into the corner, cowering behind a fur blanket and pointing at the assailant that held her hostage - a small black spider.
“Cullen, get rid of it!” she shrieked.
“You’re… afraid of spiders?”
Cullen sheathed his sword, sighing in relief that Evelyn was in no immediate danger. She pressed backward even further as the tiny beast crawled along the ground.
Cullen scooped her attacker into his hands and set it free in the woods, fighting back laughter all the while. Evelyn watched him with eagle eyes to make sure it was far enough away.
“You are safe, my lady. Your knight has gotten rid of the beast for you,” Cullen teased, returning to where Evelyn stood at the entrance to the tent and placing a light kiss upon her forehead. She clutched a blanket tightly around herself, only her bare feet and the hems of her linen breeches showing.
“A knight would have slain it,” she grumbled, still staring into the woods.
“See? Cranky,” Dorian muttered to Cullen, handing Evelyn a mug. She slipped a hand through the opening of the furs to accept it.
“If it returns, I promise I will slay it,” Cullen grinned.
“If it returns, I’m setting this whole camp on fire.”
As suspected, the afternoon sun had risen high in the sky by the time Kurt was finished with her. Corinne sheathed the blade at her hip while Otto returned to his duties.
“It appears we’ve brushed up on the basics,” he said, apparently satisfied.
“It does, and I’d like to be on my way. I’ve quite the list of things to do before we depart.”
“Fair enough. You can always train in our barracks on the island if you’re feeling rusty.”
“Is this your way of telling me I’ll never be free of your drills and tutelage?”
“What, you thought that just because you’re Legate now you get to be lazy?” Kurt grinned.
“Words and diplomacy are a weapon of their own, Kurt!” Corinne goaded. “But surely a cold, hardened mercenary such as yourself has no need for such skills.”
Kurt snorted. “I think I’ll leave the dainty-schmoozing to you.”
“Are your bags packed for the great departure?”
“Yes. You know I get by with very little. Unlike you dainties.” Corinne playfully shoved his arm. “You’re not angry that I’m coming with you, I hope?”
“On the contrary! I am thrilled that both you and Sir De Courcillon are joining our party. A few friends at your side in unknown territory is a boon.”
Kurt tucked his sword into its sheath. “Don’t tell me the old school teacher is competing against me.”
“There is something about him,” Corinne teased. “Some find that sort of quiet intelligence incredibly attractive, you know.”
“Oh, please. Don’t even start with me. He’s much too old for you. You’ll give your uncle a heart attack if he hears you talking like that.”
“And what if I prefer an older man?”
“Then you’re a fool. There are plenty of young dandies around here for you to fawn over.”
“What, the ones picking fights with Constantin? I’d rather take my chances with Courcillon.”
I’m all about the banter today 😂
Tagging @hawkeish @kemvee @a-shakespearean-in-paris @kunstpause @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold and anyone else who would like to participate!
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sugarbubbleslove · 5 years
Update - Game wise
So I’ve kind of disappeared - Sorry! *update*
I’ve completed Greedfall but I’m currently working through my Fem!De Sardet a second time - mostly to get the last of the achievements (and to romance Kurt all over again. Seriously, I’m not sure what it is about Kurt but I can’t seem to stay away from him lol)
The next playthrough will be Male!De Sardet so I can get the last romance achievement. 
Not 100% sure if I will do ‘Nightmare’ Mode but we’ll see. I know I’m not gonna get the animal trophy because I’m having a hard time killing them when they are friendly.
(But seriously - why so little love for Kurt/De Sardet?)
Fire Emblem Three Houses are getting a new house! And it looks like we can join all three houses together so I will wait and see if this will give me the ending I’m hoping for (though I was really hoping for an option for Byleth to tell both Eldegard and Rhea to fuck off and burn in the hell of their own making, but hey, that’s what fanfiction is for.
Still gotta complete Golden Deer though and do Crimson Flower and Silver Snow. Meh, I’ll probably get a move on with that tmw.)
PS - was I not supposed to know that it was Rhea in the opening scene? Because seriously, I knew it was her yet I got the impression that we aren’t supposed to know it was her. If that was the case, then they should have actually made an effort into hiding the fact it was Rhea...
(again, so little love for Byleth/Sylvain)
Giving Code Vein a break. I HATE the wolf. I can handle the teleporting lost - they are quite easy to handle once you figure out their move set, like diving forward when they teleport toward you so you end up behind them and attack like crazy, but fighting that wolf in that tiny little space...fuck you.
At least I get to check out Louis with my Revenant *grins*
(and so little love for Louis/Revenant! You guys are killing me here!)
So...that’s it...so far. Eager for the New Persona 5 Game though, I cannot wait to romance Makoto again and hopefully, though I’m not holding out much hope, maybe I can romance Ryuji...I miss his pretty brown eyes but if I have the option to actually stick up for Ryuji against the track team boys and the adults, then I will take it.
if not, we’re going to need to have a chat Atlus. I do not want Ryuji to be anyone’s punching bag anymore!! Let me defend my boy!
I might end up picking up this game again. I still just have the one achievement to get - Futaba’s lines. Fuck that Achievement. they better not put it in the next one.
Plus I’ve been getting the urge to replay Mass Effect Andromeda but I’m curious - has anyone tried to romance both Suvi and Liam with the same character? I’m curious to know what the reactions are (If anyone has done it).
Countdown to Xenoblade Chronicles Remaster People! I am SO hyped for this game. I got the original with Pandora’s Tower and The Last Story and I can tell you this, I fell in love with Xenoblade Chronicles pretty much straight away.
The shocking scene that happens pretty much within 20 to 30 minutes, my jaw dropping when I saw Tephra Cave (So damn pretty!!) then my first thought the moment I stepped out in the first open land ‘I’m never going to get 100%)
Damn, I am so ready for this game. I love it with all my heart.
Plus I can’t wait to get Fiora back, she’s my fave!!
*hmm, I wonder if we will get some extra scenes...*
And non-game wise, Jurassic World keeps making me cry! I really do feel sorry for the I-Rex in the end. She just didn’t get the chance to grow. And the fact that my baby raptors are all but gone. Just Blue.
Screw you Jurassic Park series, how dare you hurt these dinosaurs!!
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doli-nemae · 3 years
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Siora and Evelyn De Sardet just chilling in woods alone BECAUSE THEY DESERVE THIS >:...C
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whimsyswastry · 3 years
First Lines
I saw @elveny post this a while ago and just now got time to do it :)
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
I don't post on AO3 until it's finished (at least, not anymore, I felt too guilty leaving everyone hanging all the time) -- so these are my most recent 10 WIPs instead. Starting with the most recent:
1. Untitled (cinnamonroll!mReyder, Andromeda)
Scott flopped onto his so-comfortable-he-might-as-well-be-dead mattress and took a deep breath.
2. In the Flicker (bitter!mReyder, Andromeda)
The landing pad is thick with the nervous chatter of families and friends saying goodbye before the 1.8 thousand humans from Earth Sector 17 loaded into the sardine can shuttles that would take the lucky chosen to the Hyperion Ark orbiting two-hundred and twenty miles above us.
3. Untitled (Mevecon, Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker)
The last thing Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia expected when she returned home from the Royal Summit of the North was to see several columns of black smoke rising high in the eastern valley, but here she was, standing in her horses’ stirrups to survey the problem more thoroughly.
4. Masquerades & Mysteries (Kurt/De Sardet, Greedfall)
Captain Kurt Brossard of the Royal Continental Guard rested on his elbows as he leaned over the stone parapet and bit into a hard, green apple.
5. The Hot Zone (cinnamonroll!mReyder, Andromeda)
He was speechless. Scott Ryder, human Pathfinder, golden boy of the Andromeda Initiative was speechless.
6. Leviathan (fShenko, Mass Effect)
Ambassador Udina’s office is just shy of clinical; the air smells vaguely of alcohol, although I’m not sure if it’s a cleaning solution or Udina’s breath after his liquid lunch.
7. What Pride Had Wrought (Trevelyan/Cullen, Dragon Age Inquisition)
Evelyn winced as her knees scraped the damp cobblestones.
8. Mark of the Assassin (mHawke/Fenris, Dragon Age 2)
Twilight finds its way to the Hightown market which has closed early due to some holiday celebrating the dead.
9. Forgotten (Treveylan/Cullen, Dragon Age Inquisition)
Cullen couldn’t believe how much his soul ached for her presence; it was as if all the oxygen in the room had been burned away and he was left clutching his chest, waiting for a reprieve from the pain.
10. Unharrowed (Trevelyan/Cullen, Pre-Dragon Age Inquisition)
Cullen bolted awake and retched into an empty chamber pot.
So, just a warning, I'm terrible at critiquing my own work. It's not that I think it's all great (of course it isn't), but I just have a hard time finding patterns because I can practically recite these I've looked at them so often. They all blur together after a while.
But what I gather from these ten sentences is:
I can't pick which tense I prefer (1st vs. 3rd)
I always start one of two ways: either with a short action to get the ball rolling or a description long enough to let the reader see what type of character they're dealing with.
Also interesting is that the prologue for both Cullaria (Cullen and my OC Ellaria) stories start from Cullen's POV before shifting to Ellaria.
I will update with links when they're posted on AO3.
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kilaem · 5 years
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because why have one de sardet when you can have two?  evelyn is mine van is @dexterous-sinistrous‘s
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commandermorgan · 5 years
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Unfortunately can’t post the full version of this drawing because it’s a little suggestive so have the cropped version! Kurt and Evelyn De Sardet for @kilaem as a gift for the AO3 Happy Greedfall exchange. 

Tomorrow I’ll open my eyes, and I will whisper to my wife, “I belong to you.” - “I Belong to You”, Jacob Lee
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greygerbil · 5 years
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A sketch of @kilaem‘s Evelyne De Sardet with her lover Kurt.
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ok so um dont listen to evelyn evelyn and think of it as constantin and de sardet,,,,it starts out when they’re starting to grow up and having arguments because theyre both so miserable that they can’t not lash out,,,,and then with the build-up following constantin’s loss of control and emotion as the malichor spreads through his body until they’re both just tearing each other apart bc uh thats exactly what i did and its way too early for my heart to hurt the way it does right now
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assassintine · 5 years
*points a marble rifle at you* tell all about your De Sardets
(Throws hands up in surrender) Hooooooo boy luv, talk about putting me on the spot!
There are three of them... Marquis, who is my original DS is exactly the poised Legate he is supposed to be. He fell in love with Vasco, helped the various peoples of the island and saved Teer Fradee (I'm so sorry Constantin). He'd rather be a lover than a fighter but considers himself both and would do any and everything for the people he cares about, even if it means putting himself at risk in some form or the other.
Evelyn is a graceful as she is deadly and has no problems making the hard decisions. She would be the first to volunteer for a suicide mission then be annoyed because it wasnt much of a challenge after all. When she loves, she loves fiercely and will protect that love with everything she is. (Yes, she romanced Kurt). She's also intelligent and would love nothing more than to spend time with Siora and Aphra as they study plants, animals and make potions together.
Finally, there's Graviir the bastard... and that should say it all. He's cold, calculating and would kill you for looking at him wrong. There IS a soft spot to him if it can be found, but the right thing or person hasn't come along yet... He and the other DS' do not get along, but after the events with Constantin he has no problem hunting down his father and any others who lied and helped make their lives miserable when they were.
Annnnnd I think that wraps it up..? Graviir is a major work in progress who I have minor AUs for but don't quite fit into the above...
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proph4031 · 3 years
@jiwoonsea said, "What if Evelyn... but colonial fashion?"
And I said "I'm listening."
And I was listening:
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Introducing Evelyn Fey De Sardet
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I did... something 😂
This is the first attempt I’ve made at writing fic for a couple other than Cullen and Evelyn. Somehow what was supposed to be a smutty one shot turned into a sexually charged sparring match. I think this will end up being the first half of a one shot. No lemons yet, but there will be!
This is untitled as of yet, and I just felt like sharing since this is the first I’ve ever written for Greedfall. Enjoy a preview of my first ever work for Kurt and Corinne De Sardet! Back to your regularly scheduled Dragon Age content soon 😂❤️
Corinne De Sardet hit the ground with a thud. She coughed as the dust kicked up around her and rolled to her side, rubbing gingerly at her tailbone.
“Your footwork is sloppy today, Greenblood. You’re lucky it’s me and not someone who really wishes you harm.” Kurt stood above her, his tricorn blocking the beating sun as he offered her a hand. Corinne begrudgingly accepted, her pride far more bruised than the darkening patches on her skin.
She retrieved her own fallen tricorn and returned it to her head, covering the worst of the mess of her disheveled braid. She did her best to wipe the dirt from her shirt and trousers. Her overcoat and ascot had been removed long prior in the midday heat.
She and Kurt had been at it for hours. Corinne felt stiff and store as she bent to retrieve her rapier, having been disarmed by her Master at Arms again.
He was right, and that only annoyed her more. She was sloppy today, clumsy even, and though it was just she and Kurt in the Coin Guard’s training yard, she felt embarrassed by her poor performance. Though she probably shouldn’t - Kurt was the first to ever put a sword in her hand. He had certainly witnessed worse performances.
That had been back in Serene, however, and things had changed a great deal since then. While Constantin had struggled even prior to his affliction to adjust to his new role as governor, Corinne had proved herself a capable diplomat. She had created allies in unlikely places, thwarted an attempted coup, and faced fearsome beasts without a second thought.
Why, then, couldn’t she concentrate on a simple sparring match?
The truth, though she hated to admit it, was that her mind muddled around Kurt as of late. What had started as an old childhood infatuation had become something else entirely upon their arrival in New Serene. Corinne was no longer the youth he had trained at the behest of her uncle, but the Legate of the Congregation. They had made painstaking discoveries together about each of their pasts, dismantled corruption within the Coin Guard and uncovered the truth of her roots.
Now, as beads of sweat dripped down her face, she knew how she had gotten so distracted. Kurt was looking at her again with that look - the one that excited and confused her and, ultimately, pissed her off.
That look was not the look of a teacher studying his student. When his eyes wandered over her, they were the eyes of a man drinking in the sight of a woman. Eyes that held a hint of curiosity, admiration, and - dare she think it - wanting.
But Kurt always put a stop to things before they could get any farther than uncomfortable stares, preferring instead to revert back to their old ways and ultimately making her feel utterly infantilized.
How long had she been staring? Corinne couldn’t be certain, but she was now very aware that she had been standing with her rapier aimed to the ground, staring awkwardly. She lifted the weapon in front of her, preparing to go again.
“‘Sloppy,’ is normally reserved for Constantin,” she said as they began to circle one another. They tested each other with a few swings, metal scraping together.
“Constantin is always sloppy. For you, on the other hand, this is unusual. Something on your mind, Greenblood?”
His sweaty face glistening in the afternoon heat, for one thing. Just what that glint in his eye indicated was truly going on in his head, for another. The ease with which is muscles moved as he swung his blade-
Corinne jumped back too late, rapier once again flying from her grip as the point of Kurt’s blade pointed at her throat.
“I’ve… just had a lot to think over lately, is all.” She swallowed hard, trying to ignore the intensity with which he stared at her down his blade.
“I know things have been… a lot for you, lately. I understand why you’re distracted. But you can’t be fighting like this. You’ll get yourself killed.” He lowered his rapier and retrieved hers from the ground, holding it by the blade and extending the hilt toward her. “Again.”
Corinne huffed as she grasped the blade, then took up position for what must have been the hundredth time. Though this time she hadn’t been knocked on her ass, it was still just as embarrassing a loss.
“Kurt, clearly I’m useless today. Perhaps we should try again tomorrow. I’m sure I have enough bruises for one day.”
“Anyone who wants you dead won’t care if you’re distracted and bruised. I’m not letting you get yourself killed because you’re having an off day. I can’t always be there to watch your back. You need to be able to save yourself. Now raise your blade and try it again.”
She lunged toward him, but he easily parried the strike, which had been performed more in irritation than any thought that it may be a good idea.
“Still sloppy.” He advanced on her, and Corinne barely managed to swat away his strikes with her blade, stumbling backward on exhausted legs.
“Come on Greenblood, defend yourself! I know I taught you better than this! What would your uncle think of this performance?”
She swung hard, meeting Kurt’s blade with unexpected force and pushing him back. She advanced on the offensive, landing blow after blow as he frantically parried aggressive strikes.
His unusual use of her name did nothing to dissuade her assault as she hailed down upon him. She was an indomitable storm, striking mercilessly as Kurt did his best to block without harming her.
“Corinne, what are you-“
“Stop… treating me…. like a…. child!” she panted through her onslaught.
“I’m not!” Kurt yelled as their blades clashed. They pushed against one another, eyes meeting across the steel. “I’m treating you like someone I don’t want getting killed!”
“You’re talking to me the same way you did when I was fifteen! What are you going to do, tell on me to my uncle? Go ahead! He’s months away by sea!”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” Kurt shoved hard, both of their blades swinging wildly to the side as they both stumbled backward. “I don’t understand why you’re so angry!”
“Because I am a grown woman, Legate of the Congregation of Merchants, and the only reason Constantin hasn’t destroyed the colony yet, and you’re talking to me like a teenager with her first blade!”
“Because you’re fighting like a teenager with her first blade!”
Blinded with rage, Corinne swung far too hard. Kurt seized the opportunity and used the force to disarm her again, but this time, as the rapier slid through the dirt, Corinne let the force of the motion take her as well. She crashed into Kurt, sending the two of them to the ground.
They tumbled in the dirt, hats flying and struggling for dominance as both refused to yield. Corinne was lighter and quicker and slipped out of his grasp a few times, but in the end Kurt was stronger. He flipped them as they brawled, pinning her wrists with his hands and her body with his own. She writhed beneath him for a few more moments but had no choice but to concede that he had beaten her.
They panted, gasping for breath as the dirt stuck to their sweat soaked forms. Kurt’s bright blue eyes searched her stormy gray ones for answers, confusion still evident on his face. He smelled of sweat and musk, his body readied in case she was preparing to strike at him again.
“What have I done to upset you so much, Greenblood?” he asked, still breathing hard. His hips were pressed into hers. Corinne struggled not to squirm.
“I am no longer a child,” she said simply. Kurt’s eyes flicked from her face to where her shirt had fallen slightly open and back, swallowing hard.
“I… know that, Excellency. I apologize.”
“I may have been your student, and I may be Legate, but I am still a woman.”
“I know.”
“I won’t be treated like a child.”
“I know.”
“After all we’ve been through-”
“I know.”
They remained that way in silence for… seconds? Minutes? Corinne couldn’t be sure, too distracted as she watched Kurt’s gaze wander from her eyes, to her lips, to her chest, still rising and falling deeply from the exertion. Eventually, Kurt seemed to realize the position they were in, and more importantly, where they were in such a position, and clambered to his feet.
“I… can I walk you home?” he asked awkwardly, helping her up and then gathering their hats.
“No. I think I can handle the walk from here up the street on my own, thank you.” She placed the hat on her head, uncaring that it was still covered in dirt, then grabbed the remainder of her belongings and turned to leave the training yard.
“That’s not what I-“
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Kurt.”
Though her name on his lips tugged at her heart, she didn’t wait to see if he had anything more to say.
Since this will be my last WIP of the year, I wanted to thank some friends I’ve made! @chaotic-citrus @hawkeish @dreamerlavellan @noire-pandora @kemvee @aspiritofcompassion @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold are just a few of the lovely people I’ve had the joy to find since starting this blog, and I see and appreciate your continued support. Thank you so much, and Happy New Year to all of you!
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