#Events Bloggers in Delhi Gurgaon
delhifundos · 6 years
Bally Sagoo Live and Dinner at Punjab Grill Tappa - Lohri Celebrations at DLF
Bally Sagoo Live and Dinner at Punjab Grill Tappa – Lohri Celebrations at DLF
This time we had a bumper Lohri celebration. People returning home from their offices at Cyberhub on Friday, the 12th January 2018 were in for a treat. DLF Cyberhub got the renowned musician Bally Sagoo to an open house at its foyer that evening. We loved the setting – the colourful stage and the beautifully attired dholwalas who started the musical evening – like an invocation.
Meanwhile Sagoo…
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marcomavenue · 3 years
6 Tips to Attract Media Attention by PR Agencies in Delhi NCR
Today, businesses have evolved a lot to cater to the changing needs of the customers, and amidst this scenario, the only thing that a brand needs is to grab the attention of its potential target audience by any means possible. During this Covid-19 pandemic, all the businesses have expanded their horizon and tapped into digital marketing methods apart from traditional modes of marketing. Not just social media marketing, brands are trying to leverage every opportunity such as digital marketing ads, digital public relations, YouTube marketing, and more.
So, if you are looking to explore new avenues in Public Relations, here is a starter kit for you to grab your relevant media’s attention – which will help create magic for your brand!
As one of the best PR Agencies in Delhi NCR, we have created a list of 6 Tips that will help you grab your media’s attention and create magic for your brand:
Press Conference: Press gathering is perhaps one of the best approaches to pull in media attention. Be it digital or traditional media, one of the easiest and most strategic ways is to call journalists, writers, and bloggers from your domain to attend the press conference and have a clear idea about what your brand is, what you stand for, and what you have to offer. This helps build one-on-one relationships with your media and be seen or heard first and foremost.
Story Ideas: Every columnist needs story thoughts on various subject matters. On the off chance that you are adequately imaginative and can think like columnists, the work will turn out to be simple. Connect with the writers and offer them help. Offer them help to stand out enough to be noticed. Utilize a well-informed and innovative story point with supporting information. This way, one can assist a writer as well as keep a decent connection with the columnist that can help you later on. The Best digital PR Agency is generally furnished with an innovative and exploration group, and we at The Marcom Avenue bring you that.
Press Release: An official statement is an instrument that we use to declare or spread data. A very much recorded press unit is a weapon to infiltrate media consideration. Above all else, research about the media, individuals covering particular points, and afterward contact them with a press unit. This is a verifiable truth that the very best PR Agency uses to impact. Just the test in this action is to arrive at the privileged media faculty.
Twitter: One of the demonstrated approaches to stand out enough to be noticed by individuals is to utilize web-based media stages. Practically all online media stages are on-going stages. However, Twitter is the best platform. Making an extraordinary and energizing effort and reaching out to media houses and editorial managers’ handles can be attempted as one of the approaches to stand out enough to be noticed. Being one of the best PR agencies in India, this methodology has worked a few times for us.
Business/Networking Events: Journalists are always almost on the lookout to write on new and exciting topics and business/networking events is one of the most common places to find, meet and engage them. If you are new to PR, this step maybe a bit difficult – as you do not know whom to approach or where to go? But, if you a PR agency by your side, then you don’t need to worry at all!
PR Agency: Finally and most important, recruiting the best PR Company in Gurgaon can assist you with accomplishing the objective. A PR Agency is generally furnished with an inventive and master group. They can uphold a brand to turn out to be more obvious and make a review factor. Subsequently, to save time and energy, recruiting the Best PR Agency can end up being viable.
Are you looking to hire a leading PR Agency in Gurgaon? Connect with us – and avail the best PR services in town. We’ll drive media towards your brand and create story ideas that will draw customer attention and improve your brand equity in the market. So, reach out today!
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shineguide · 6 years
Sunday Lunch - New Menu at Whisky Samba
I love Whisky Samba – the vibe, the drinks, the food, the hosts and even the wallpaper in their loo. I had even celebrated my birthday here earlier this year. Didn’t share that n the blog but Naina did – you can see all of it HERE. So naturally, when they introduced Chef Vikramjit Royas their new chef with a spankin new food menu, I HAD to go try it out! It was quite a lovely Sunday afternoon and…
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deesayz-blog · 7 years
PVR launches ECX at Chanakya
PVR launches ECX at Chanakya
  It was a larger than life experience! Indeed it was truly an enhanced cinema experience last week when PVR Ltd., India’s largest cinema exhibition chain, launched the revamped, iconic, Chanakya cinema in South Delhi as the ‘PVR ECX’multiplex. The magnanimity of the brand PVR overwhelms you like no other. Since its inception in 1997, PVR is a name that has changed the way cinema is viewed in…
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
What the Bloomsbury India-Delhi Riots 2020 fracas highlights about the pernicious cynicism in Indian publishing
In 2014, Penguin withdrew Wendy Doniger’s The Hindus: An Alternative History after protests by right-wing groups led by the SBA (Shiksha Bachao Andolan). Among the lawyers who had filed the petition to ban Doniger’s book was Monika Arora. Six years later, Arora has found herself at the centre of another Freedom of Expression row.
Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story, a book co-written by Arora alongside Sonali Chitalkar and Prerna Malhotra, was initially supposed to be published by Bloomsbury India. Last week, Twitter users noticed an advertisement for a launch event for the book, where BJP leader Kapil Mishra (who delivered a hate-speech-laden tirade in New Delhi’s Jafrabad, shortly before violence erupted there and other parts of the city) was among the guests. The book itself sought to place the blame for the Delhi riots squarely on Muslim students, activists and other people protesting against the controversial CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) — a claim that wouldn’t pass muster with any fact-checking desk on the planet.
The ensuing outrage meant that Bloomsbury first washed its hands off the event, and eventually the book itself. This prompted several liberal commentators, filmmaker Anurag Kashyap among them, to declare that they were not in favour of a ‘ban’ on the book, no matter what its contents. Gurgaon-based Garuda Prakashan will now publish the book — they have a history of publishing Islamophobic texts, so presumably Arora and co. will fit right in.
A couple of quick points before we address the truly important issue here (namely, how lax are Indian publishing’s editorial and fact-checking standards?). First, the whole affair has been incorrectly perceived as a Freedom of Expression issue — it really isn’t. Freedom of speech does not include hate speech and it certainly does not include the right to a lucrative book contract or the privilege of being published by a major international firm. As Garuda Prakashan proved, there’s any number of avenues (including self-publishing) that the authors can use to disseminate their message. Secondly, the word ‘ban’ really should not be used lightly — we were among the first nations in the world to ban The Satanic Verses in the ‘80s, remember, and since then, state and national governments have banned a great many books in India, like Great Soul, Joseph Lelyveld’s biography of Mahatma Gandhi (which Modi banned during his time as Gujarat CM). Ergo, we should restrict the #FoE and ‘ban’ discourse to cases where the state has repressed a book using coercive action — this is very important.
Now, to the matter at hand: Bloomsbury India, and how it handled the entire affair. When an author or authors send a book proposal to a publishing house, this is what happens typically — first, the editorial team deliberates on the book. And if they decide to back the project, they then try and convince the CEO as well as the rest of the teams: Sales, Marketing and so on. And when all of these people agree to proceed with the project and the CEO signs off, the publishing house decides to make a formal offer to the author(s).
Therefore, in this case, there are editors, sales people, finance people and marketing people at Bloomsbury India who looked at this dangerous, malicious, Islamophobic text — fiction marketed as ‘untold truth’ — and decided, ‘Yeah, let’s publish this and make some money at the expense of some of our most vulnerable citizens.’ That, to me, is despicable behaviour.
However, I would also like to inform you that singling Bloomsbury India out for this is myopic. Yes, it’s true enough that Bloomsbury has a shitty track record of publishing Hindutva propaganda.
Here’s the thing, though — so does literally every other big player in English-language publishing. And it’s about time we started calling BS on all of it.
Both Penguin Random House India and HarperCollins India are quite happy to profit off the work of Jaggi Vasudev (better known as Sadhguru), who mixes heavy-handed, faux-scientific bunkum with good ol’ Hindutva talking points. HarperCollins has also published several (terrible) books by Rajiv Malhotra, the infamous US-based Hindutva ideologue who has been caught plagiarising many times (hilariously, he once claimed that plagiarism is actually just inspiration; the Anu Malik defense). Apparently, if you have enough followers on Twitter, your manuscript does not need to be original — or you know, follow even a modicum of ethical or journalistic standards.
Former Tripura Governor Tathagata Roy, whose Twitter account reads like an Islamophobe’s bingo card, was published by Penguin Random House India in 2018; he wrote a biography of Syama Prasad Mukherjee, founder of the Bharatiya Jan Sangh, the progenitors of the BJP. Penguin was so eager to publish Roy that they were okay with the fact that Popular Prakashan had already published his book in 2012 (after which it sank without a trace) — it is usually very difficult  for previously published books to be acquired anew (this is different from a reprint, both in terms of scale and publicity). Rajat Sethi and Shubhrastha, who were electoral advisors for the BJP’s successful Assam campaign, wrote a book about the experience — called The Last Battle of Saraighat, it was published by Penguin Random House India. Again and again in the book, Bangladeshi Muslims and Bengali-speaking Muslim people in Assam are conflated — this is such a massive and basic fact-checking error that one fails to understand how or why Penguin did not edit those lines.
Basically, readers need to start holding English-language publishers accountable for the questionable and cynical decisions that they make. In February, I wrote an op-ed on the state of English-language publishing in India — the Jaipur Literature Festival had just dragged peaceful protestors out of the festival venue, and once again, the spotlight was on ZEE, the openly pro-BJP media conglomerate and title sponsor of JLF. Those words are just as true for the current Bloomsbury fiasco.
“The JLF and English-language publishing in general are labouring under the delusion that they can continue to be progressive/liberal darlings while behaving like corporate centrists — profiting off low-key controversies (while ignoring much larger, urgent, human rights-adjacent ones), cozying up to those in power, making editorial choices that keep perceived ‘outsiders’ and ‘undesirables’ at arm’s length.”
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2EFDeeG
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Google Adsence Course In Delhi
Google Adsense is one of prominent assistance for distributer by Google. It offers chance to site distributers procure cash by show their customers promoting on your site. Adsense is one of dependable source to gain cash from home with your site and blog. Best thing about it is you are procuring 24*7 hours in any event, when you are resting around evening time, and work 1-2 hours per day.
Everybody can acquire $1000+ consistently and that's just the beginning, here procuring potential is boundless dependent on your site traffic and quality. There are bunches of online free wellspring of learning adsense yet they take quite a while and novice do heaps of slip-ups those can't resolve. We have uncommonly plan this course for individuals who are arrangement about web based acquiring through Google Adsense and need to learn in snappy time with genuine adsense accounts.
Here is Google Adsense Course Content:
Essential necessities for Google Adsense account.
Quality rule of Google what to do and don't direct.
Information exchange, endorsement and address confirmation process.
Single and different site the board with one record.
Step by step instructions to make advertisement units and spot promotion cods in site or blog.
Permit and square promotions, pick appropriate advertisements with high significance.
Google Advertising quality rule for distributer.
Installment arrangement in India and other nation.
Installment limit, confirmation and filling charge data.
Fundamental terms and upgrades (Impression, CPA, CPC, CTR).
Promotion arrangement and streamlining rule
Google different items incorporate with adsense.
Nuts and bolts of site design improvement tips for high traffic and income.
Adsense gaining potential, endeavors and confinement.
There is no course confine you can ask any inquiry identified with adsense, we will assist you with solving all issues with live adsense record and how to endorse after object. You may likewise lean YouTube for increment your Adsense income. We will assist you with choosing fundamental and propelled tips from space determination with high income specialty to expand per snap cost.
W3trainig School give proficient blogging preparing in Gurgaon NCR for all understudies and people groups who need to begin winning cash through blogging with sharing their insight and tips or enthusiastic to composing individual blog for self marking.
What You Will Learn In Google Adsence Course ?
you will all things needed to be an expert blogger and increment traffic on your blog, yet just to produce substance does't make you proficient blogger. You should have to a few things to make it stands apart from the group and in this blogging course we help you to remain on top from the group.
WordPress/Blogger Platform For Blogging
This course contain most prominent blogging stage like WordPress and blogger, You will figure out how to make articles, posts, joins, pictures, contact structures and different things on these significant stages. We direct you to construct your own proficient wordpress and blogger blog on free facilitated and self facilitated stage.
Complete SEO Training For Increase Organic Traffic On Your Blog
Web optimization is most significant thing not for a blogger yet for each site, it help to produce parcel's of free traffic through natural inquiry. For Professional bloggers it's most essential to create traffic through web index and increment your blog nearness with reach on first position of your clients search. See the Complete insights concerning SEO Training.
Web based life Optimization Training For Branding And Regular Engaging With Your Audience
Web based life is incredible hotspot for produce traffic and make a normal commitment with individuals who are fascinating to peruse your blog entries. So we prepared the RSS Subscription direct with top informal communication destinations like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, google Plus, and some more. Web based life is best hotspot for marking your blog and expanding traffic, check total Social Media Training Details.
Cpanel And Web-Hosting Guide
To oversee web-facilitating and blogging stage we manual for blogger for altering and transferring documents through Cpanel. This guide assist them with managing things like registry, Sub Domain, email administrations and different things those are essential and valuable for any blogger. This guide help blogger to keep up their facilitating as well as tackle the server issue with simple way.
Member Marketing And AdSense Training For Earn With Blog
On the off chance that you are expounding on the things you know well overall and create parcel's of traffic and we include some cash in your wallet with your work, at that point it ought to be an inspirational factor for you to trying sincerely and standard for your blog. There are two simple approach to win cash with your blog, One is AdSense and another is member showcasing. We give total guide how to win cash through either setting advertisement duplicate or offshoot showcasing, Check Complete Affiliate Marketing Training Details.
Who Can Attend Professional Google Adsence Course
Any working proficient or housewife, who are searching for additional salary source with their activity or veritable approach to gain cash through home working low maintenance. Any individual who have great comprehension of essential PC aptitude and Internet can join this Course. Be that as it may, ensure you have great tolerance with consistency chipping away at your blog for good outcomes. Blogging is additionally an extraordinary open door for individuals who are searching for substance advertising and produce leads through substance mindfulness
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1trailersmove · 5 years
Starcast and Director of Chhoriyan Choron Se Kam Nahi Hoti Unveils its Music Album in Delhi
Veteran actor Satish Kaushik, Aniruddh Dave(Male Lead), Rashmi Somavanshi(Female Lead) and Director, Rajesh Amarlal Babbar launched the music album of their upcoming movie Chhoriyan Choron Se Kam Nahi Hoti in National Capital. The event was held at EPI Centre, Gurgaon. The film Chhoriyan Chhoron Se Kam Nahi Hoti will release on May 17, 2019.
The film brings into light the need for Women Empowerment and the concept of Gender Equality. The movie has been produced by Nishant Kaushik and announced by Zee Studios. The event witnessed music artists like Raju Punjabi and Vikas Kumar who have also given music for the film. Famous Haryanvi artist, Sapna Chaudhary has also given her voice for a song in the movie.
Present at the event, Actor Satish Kaushik praised the actress in movie and said “Rashmi Somavanshi has worked really hard in every field required for the role of a female cop. She being from Uttar Pradesh learned Haryanvi and trained herself in action, dance and I am sure she will become an inspiration to all the girls in the country.”
Tags: Chhoriyan Choron Se Kam Nahi Hoti
from Official Trailer – Bollywood Galiyara http://bit.ly/2LKzego from Blogger http://bit.ly/2VGd3fU Official Trailer – Bollywood Galiyara
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11 Embarrassing Intimate Wedding Venues Lincoln Ne Faux Pas You Better Not Make
Your type of marriage is the most significant element of your wedding place. Your wedding is going to be accentuated by the particular attention and care as we give our very best to fulfill your expectations. Before you've got that memorable wedding, you must plan all of the main pieces of your special day, and all that starts when you choose the perfect Chicago wedding place.
The History Of Small Wedding Venues Lincoln Ne
When you're designing a wedding, you want to be aware that the venue you have chosen is among the best open event spaces in Chicago that makes it possible for the customization that you wish to do to be able to correctly design your event space. If you believe you would like to make the wedding a great one then you merely need to bring a couple of innovative ideas therein. If you are somebody that want to host your wedding in a distinctive fashion, you can choose destination venues or hotels. Organizing a wedding is not a easy task, and it's one that often has a variety of factors which you should think about, and you will need to remain flexible so as to control every aspect of planning your weddingas issues inevitably crop up. Firstly, choose. There are tons of folks who would choose destination weddings too. So, destination wedding is always a great idea because it is going to be a relaxation and family bonding time for everyone.
Whenever there's something want at your wedding, pick the location that will allow you to get it. Wedding is the best moment in everybody's life. Weddings are special events which should be the manner by which the wedding couple want it to be. So, nearly all of the people would love to get a distinctive and memorable wedding.
Some people have themed weddings concerning food, together with Chinese Buffets or American type offerings only to generate the day a little different, but you truly must make a decision regarding what you fancy then determine which venue is going to be prepared to offer it. Weddings are traditionally one of the most expensive events of your own life, and that means you'll want to get a budget set up for each of the wedding elements and decorations. Choosing to receive your wedding in Boston is best.
You may look for wedding venues at Gurgaon in case you're close to Delhi. Wedding places are almost always busy but if they're well prepared to talk with you and answer your queries that's a plus on their side. Some indoor wedding venues hold many receptions at precisely the same moment. Picking the ideal wedding venue is important for the wedding couple. You have to be sure you've obtained the appropriate approach to choosing potential wedding places to grow your short list and excursion, and you need to comprehend which standards to concentrate on to permit you to choose the best wedding reception venue Chicago at the conclusion of the day.
Why You Should Forget About Improving Your Romantic Wedding Lincoln Ne
When you go trying to find a venue to hold your wedding there are two or three crucial things you need to search for when inspecting the place. In exactly the same time, you want to safeguard your wedding venue isn't overly large. Wedding places and meeting rooms in Victorville CA would be the most frequently encountered Outside Wedding Lincoln Ne search among individuals searching for somewhere to stay, however there Small Wedding Ideas Lincoln Ne are lots of accommodations for any need you might have.
Last, you'll have assessed a fantastic deal of venues without getting close to finalizing anyone. You dint want to rent a venue that is too large for you wedding. Also, you also need to book the place that has ample parking space to permit the guests' park vehicles readily. Find the venue right Selecting the suitable wedding venue in Mumbai or a different place Simple Wedding Lincoln Ne may be an overwhelming undertaking.
Make sure together with the chosen date you've booked for the place so they can be obtained for you. Deciding upon the perfect venue is not simple, as it entails a whole lot of hunting, deciding and finally choosing the place which suits the bill. So do not eliminate expect in case you don't locate the perfect wedding venue straight away. Now there are lots of fantastic upscale bowling venues that will have your wedding being a fantastic occasion.
15 Best Wedding Locations Lincoln Ne Bloggers You Need To Follow
Some will want to push all the way so that they get to your place. The biggest venues are extremely impressive except if your wedding guest list is small. Booking venue has come to be the most necessary task that has great effect on the occasion. In case your preferred wedding site is unavailable on the stated date, but should you need to take vows together with your spouse in the exact same venue, then you need to alter the wedding date or the venue. Otherwise, you may even elect for a stunning wedding venue which has an adequate quantity of space to get room for the your reception and service in the very same budget.
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cameronwjones · 6 years
2018 Marketing Conferences: The #1 Marketing Events Guide
Attending conferences is one of the best ways to stay ahead in the ever-changing marketing industry. At these events, you will learn from the top industry executives while networking with marketing professionals just like yourself. 
We've compiled a list of 70+ marketing conferences, summits and other events that focus on a wide range of topics from SEO, to social media, to content marketing. 
Let's review the type of events you'll see in this list:
Conferences - Conferences are large scale events that bring together people in the same industry to learn more about marketing.
Summit - Similar to conferences but usually smaller and features higher-level executives. 
Expo - A global event that strives to promote progress and foster cooperation.
If you are organizing an outstanding marketing event and would like us to add it to the Bizzabo Blog, click here to submit your event, and it will be reviewed shortly. 
2018 Marketing Conferences
January Conferences February Conferences March Conferences April Conferences May Conferences June Conferences July Conferences August Conferences September Conferences October Conferences November Conferences December Conferences 
  January Conferences 2018 
Name Location Start Date Description Affilate Summit West 2018 Las Vegas, NV 1/7/18
More than 6,000 digital marketers from over 70 countries will gather in Las Vegas for the performance marketing industry's premier global event
Superweek  Budapest, Hungary  1/29/18  SUPERWEEK conference is a unique, annual gathering of digital marketing professionals, analysts and thought leaders of the measurement industry. The Connected Marketer Summit and Awards San Francisco, CA January TBA The Summit will feature leading brand marketers and MarTech providers sharing perspectives and insights on how they are making connected marketing a reality. Learn Inbound Dublin, Ireland January TBA Network with some of the brightest minds in the Inbound Marketing industry and learn about the latest tools, tactics and strategies.
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February Conferences 2018 
Name Location Start Date Description Growth Hacker's Conference  Los Angeles, CA 2/6/18  Find out what is required to develop a high-performance growth team and program across the disciplines of product, design and marketing.  Alaska Inbound Marketing Summit Anchorage, AK 2/8/18 The Alaska Inbound Marketing Summit (AIMS) welcomes business owners, marketing agencies, CMOs, web developers, content writers, bloggers, and others looking to make your brand stand out.  Content Marketing Summit Gurgaon, India 2/15/18 Savvy brands, renowned publishers, and innovative technology enablers from across the world come together to explore the exciting world of content marketing. Content Marketing Summit Asia 2018 New Delhi, India  2/15/17  Content Marketing Summit is a premier event where some of the greatest minds, savvy brands, renowned publishers, innovative technology enablers and leading practitioners from across the world come together to explore the exciting world of content marketing.  B2B Conversion to Content Conference Scottsdale, AZ 2/19/18 A must-attend for performance marketers managing the complex sales cycles and group buying realities common in B2B industries. Digital Summit Phoenix Phoenix, AZ 2/21/18 Brilliant speakers bring phenomenal content on Marketing Strategies, UX & Design, Email, Search, Mobile, Video, SEO and so much more. Pubcon Austin 2018 Austin, TX 2/21/18 Pubcon Austin will take place in the technology capital of Texas for a great day filled with the leading social media, search, and digital marketing speakers sharing the latest research. NAB Show Ad Innovation Lab  New York, NY    2/22/18   Join leaders from the media, advertising, and entertainment commuties to explore the growing significance of TV and radio in this on-demand economy.  Digital Marketing for Financial Services Summit West  San Francisco, CA 2/23/18 Build trust and differentiate your brand at the largest digital marketing forum for financial services in the western U.S.  Social Media Week: Hamburg Hamburg, Germany 2/26/18  This event brings together some of the industry’s leading brands at the intersection of entertainment, marketing and technology. Social Media Week: Lagos Lagos, Portugal 2/26/18  This event brings together some of the industry’s leading brands at the intersection of entertainment, marketing and technology. Traffic and Conversion Summit  San Diego, CA  2/26/18  Learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s actually working RIGHT NOW in digital marketing. Digital Strategy Innovation Summit  New York, NY  2/27/18  This summit will gather the world’s most dynamic and high-level executives in digital strategy. Mobile Innovation Summit New York, NY   2/27/18 The premiere for those looking to utilize new technologies and digital capabilities within their mobile team, whilst learning how to implement an effective platform strategy. 
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March Conferences 2018
Name Location Start Date Description C3 2018 New York, NY 3/7/18 Known as the "World's Biggest Organic Marketing Conference", C3 offers the right mix of marketing inspiration, innovation, and insight for marketers. Engage Conference  Portland, OR 3/8/18   A one-day digital marketing conference, presenting multiple informative learning tracks and panel sessions. SXSW Austin, TX 3/9/18 Celebrating the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries. Path to Purchase Summit Chicago, IL 3/12/18 P2PSummit exists to re-imagine the future of commerce in this transformational state; it’s where leaders come to learn what lies ahead on the path to purchase. SMX West  San Jose, CA 3/13/18   Search Marketing Expo is the leading conference for SEO & SEM professionals, helping marketers succeed with actionable tactics. SMX: Munich Munich, Germany 3/20/18 Europe's leading conference on SEO, PPC and online marketing. Intelligent Content Conference Las Vegas, NV  3/20/18   Featuring knowledgeable and engaging speakers who will deliver two full days of presentations, case studies, and panel discussions. ad:tech Sydney Sydney, Australia 3/22/18 The original industry authority for marketing and media technology, where marketing, technology and media communities assemble to share new ways of thinking. Online Marketing Rockstars Festival Hamburg, Germany  3/23/18  Be part of the action and experience two epic days filled with marketing knowledge, industry networking and entertainment.  Adobe Summit Las Vegas, NV 3/25/18 The premier event for digital marketing professionals, Summit has the latest insights from the world’s leading digital marketing experts. SearchLove Conference San Diego, CA 3/26/18 Power up your skills over two days with cutting edge digital marketing presentations. Midwest Digital Marketing Conference  St. Louis, MO 3/27/18 MDMC18, the largest Digital Marketing Conference in the midwest, is a full, two-day event that boasts speakers from companies such as Google, Buzzfeed, GoDaddy, Facebook, and Pinterest.  Social Media Marketing World San Diego, CA 3/28/18 Join 5,000 fellow marketers and creators at the mega-conference designed to empower you with business-building ideas. CX Live Austin, TX 3/28/18 Join CX for a 3-day long growth & conversion optimization event for mid to large sized enterprises Napa Summit Nappa Valley, CA 3/29/17 Leave the crowds behind and discover a conference series that is devoted to developing your skills as a SEO/SEM professional. Network with industry thought leaders, learn their advanced tactics, and bring back actionable data that will improve your success! Revenue Summit San Francisco, CA  March TBA Gain insights on how to drive revenue through account-based best practices and discover the latest tech that will help you run these programs at scale.    
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April Conferences 2018
Name Location Start Date Description Canadian Internet Marketing Conference Squamish BC, Canada 4/5/18 Learn and connect with the biggest names in marketing and leave with practical ways to harness the power of digital in your business. Marketing United  Nashville, TN  4/9/18  Marketing United is an annual three-day event packed with hands-on sessions to help marketers from around the world get better at what they do. I-COM Global Summit  San Sebastian, Spain  4/9/18  This is the world's leading Marketing Data & Measurement Strategy even where the who's who from Smart Data Marketing gather from around the world to Inspire, Connect and Develop.  Digital Summit LA Los Angeles, CA 4/10/18 Brilliant speakers bring phenomenal content on Marketing Strategies, UX & Design, Email, Search, Mobile, Video, SEO and so much more. Pubcon Florida 2018 Fort Lauderdale, FL 4/10/18 At Pubcon Florida attendees will learn the most effective strategies in SEO, PPC, social media, content development, social media advertising, local search, Google Analytics, mobile, video and more. Marketing Innovation Summit San Francisco, CA 4/11/18 Discussing and discovering the latest trends in Account-Based marketing. Digiday AI Marketing Summit Santa Barbara, CA 4/11/18 The Digiday AI Marketing Summit will cover how marketers can understand and use artificial intelligence and machine learning. We’ll discuss how to use AI for customer service, content curation, internal data organization -- and how to set up your organization to make all of this possible. Marketing Analytics and Data Science Conference  San Francisco, CA 4/11/18 The 2018 Data Science & Marketing Analytics Conference will focus on how Data can be used to drive specific business purposes.  Hero Conf Austin Austin, TX 4/16/18 Here, PPC fanatics, new and old, gather to share a passion, collaborate on solutions, and simply have fun while learning about the latest trends in PPC.  Digital Summit Seattle  Seattle, WA 4/17/18  Thousands of professions work directly with industry leading brands learning practical, actionable solutions they can immediately apply back at the office. Digital Marketing & Strategy Innovation Summit  Hong Kong, China  4/18/18 Gathering the most dynamic digital marketers who are leading innovation through developing their brands marketing, social & content strategy. MarTech USA: San Francisco  San Francisco, CA 4/23/18  MarTech provides a unique program that blends graduate-level marketing, technology and management topics.  The Marketing Summit Boston, MA   4/23/18  The Marketing Summit is a complimentary business networking event catered to senior-level marketing professionals (Directors, Vice Presidents, and CMO's), that will help you make the choices that will drive your business forward. Social Media Week: New York  New York, NY    4/24/18  This event brings together some of the industry’s leading brands at the intersection of entertainment, marketing and technology. BrightonSEO Brighton, UK 4/27/18 BrightonSEO is a one-day search marketing conference and series of training courses. The Marketing Nation Summit San Francisco, CA 4/29/18  The Marketing Nation Summit brings together the best and brightest in the digital transformation of marketing, advertising, IT, services, and beyond. COLLISION  New Orleans, LA  4/30/18 Collision is “America’s fastest growing tech conference” created by the team behind Web Summit, gathering CEOs of top startups and enterprises. Neighborhood Marketing Conference   Chicago, IL  April TBA Today's fragmented world requires brands to be more authentic, credible, and relevant. Neighborhoods can be your best strategic asset, if you know how to use them. You will, after attending one of Chicago's best marketing events of 2017.  
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May Conferences 2018 
Name Location Start Date Description Content Marketing Conference Boston, MA   5/2/18 CMC’s core focus is to deliver the tactics and techniques you need to grow your business organically–the content marketing way. RampUp2018 San Francisco, CA 5/5/18 RampUp is the premier conference for Leaders in MarTech. MarketingSherpa Summit Las Vegas, NV  5/8/18   Discover how-to details and strategies for fast, measurable digital marketing success at our twelfth annual conference.  SiriusDecisions Summit 2018  Las Vegas, NV 5/8/18 Join more than 3,200 of your peers for four full days of data-driven best practices research, unveiling of new innovations across the b-to-b space and networking with an elite community of sales, marketing and product leaders.   Next10x Conference 2018 Boston, MA 5/9/18 You’ll leave this conference with actionable ideas to help prepare yourself and position your company to survive and thrive in the changing digital marketing landscape. DIGIMARCON East 2017 New York, NY 5/10/18 Sessions will focus on building traffic, expanding brand awareness, improving customer service and gaining insight into today’s latest digital tools. Gartner Digital Marketing Conference  San Diego, CA 5/15/18  This conference provides the insights senior marketing leaders need to deliver results in a fast-paced environment. Loyalty Expo Orlando, FL 5/15/18 Loyalty Expo is a true Voice of the Customer-driven, best practice-focused customer loyalty and reward conference. By attending, you'll have the opportunity to network with hundreds of your fellow marketers and hear how they are reaching their customer relationship-building goals.  Digital Summit Kansas City Kansas City, MO  5/16/18   The premier digital strategies forum transforming the future of the digital commerce ecosystem – including Marketing, UX & Design, Search, and more. Marketing Analytics Conference Atlanta, GA 5/16/18 At the 2018 Marketing Analytics Conference, keynotes by C-Suite executives combined with detailed case studies and collaborative problem-solving sessions will provide you with the tools you need to establish or improve upon a truly data-driven approach to your organization’s marketing. Digital Growth Unleashed  Las Vegas, NV 5/16/18  The premier event for conversion strategies and metrics that will take digital marketing professionals to  the next level. Confab Central Minneapolis, MN  5/21/18   Our conference program covers a broad range of content-related topics, all focused on substantive value and actionable takeaways. Incite Group Marketing Summit  San Francisco, CA  5/30/18  The best brand-focused marketing conference in the USA returns to NYC. CMOs and marketing leaders from over 60 innovative brands map out the future of marketing. SEJ Summit 2017 Chicago Chicago, IL May TBA Original, first-run presentations from SEO rockstars on hot topics like link building, on-page SEO, and content strategy. Marketing Analytics Innovation Summit: Chicago Chicago, IL May TBA The Marketing Analytics Innovation Summit provides a platform to share unique insight into the innovations that are driving success in the worlds leading  organizations. Spark (by TrackMaven) Washington D.C. May TBA Bringing together a group of digital and content marketing leaders to explore the future of marketing, analytics, and technology-assisted creativity.
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June Conferences 2018 
Name Location Start Date Description Smart Social London London, UK  6/5/18   From the reality of social care to the power of creative data analysis, Smart Social London will cover every tenet of how to prove the value of social across your organization.  SearchLove: Boston Boston, MA 6/7/18 This conference will discuss the latest in search, analytics, content creation, optimizing your website, paid promotions and more. Content Marketing Academy Edinburgh, Scotland 6/7/18 The UK's leading content marketing, social media, and business growth conference. Fifteen Seconds Festival Granz, Austria 6/7/18  Europe's leading tech conference for inspirational learnings and quality networking. With speakers from industry-shaping companies such as Netflix and Disney, this conference will be sure to impress. UnGagged  London, UK 6/11/18   UnGagged covers an extensive breadth of internet marketing topics for the intermediate to advanced – topics include SEO, Content Marketing, Links, Social, Reputation Management, CRO and more. SMX Advanced Seattle, Washington 6/11/18 SMX Advanced is the only conference designed exclusively for experienced search marketers. Sessions are fast-paced, Q&A-packed, always informative… and don’t stop to cover the basics. VidCon Anaheim, CA 6/20/18 VidCon is an annual conference for people who love and make online video. Top digital leaders will share strategies for success that will inspire you to build your own success, and top execs from the leading video platforms will present and answer your questions as well. ICON Scottsdale, AZ 6/20/18 ICON is Infusionsoft's marketing, automation, and leadership conference focused on solving challenges for small business. Mn Search Summit  Minneapolis, MN  6/22/18 The MnSearch Summit is a full-day event consisting of learning from industry thought leaders delivering the most forward-thinking digital strategies and tactics.  World Domination Summit  Portland, Oregon  6/26/18 A full week of amazing events all centered around the question: How do we live a remarkable life in a conventional world? Interact Conference Columbus, OH June TBA Gathering industry leaders to dissect, discuss, and establish the future of digital marketing. DIGIMARCON West 2017 Santa Monica, CA June TBA Sessions will focus on building traffic, expanding brand awareness, improving customer service and gaining insight into today’s latest digital tools. Digital Elite Camp 2017 Tallinn, Estonia June TBA Bringing you 100% practical, actionable content, delivered by highly-sought after experts, and infused with hardcore networking. DIGIMARCON Latin America 2017 Live streaming  June TBA Whether your goal is to reinforce customer loyalty, improve lead generation, increase sales, or drive stronger consumer engagement, DIGIMARCON LATIN AMERICA 2017’s agenda will help attendees enhance their marketing efforts.
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July Conferences 2018
Name Location Start Date Description  MozCon Local  Seattle, WA  7/9/18 Come to enhance your understanding of local strategy, citations, reviews, SEO local link building, content creation, and more. Digital Publishing Innovation Summit  New York NY 7/11/18 This summit invites you and your industry leading peers to come together in candid conversation to discuss common challenges and establish real strategic solutions to build on your success.  Amsterdam Affiliate Conference Amsterdam, Netherlands 7/17/18 The sessions will focus on SEO, marketing, acquisition, regulation and compliance, and much more. Digital Summit Denver Denver, CO   7/17/18  The premier digital strategies forum transforming the future of the digital commerce ecosystem – including Marketing, UX & Design, Search, and more.  2018 ANA Digital & Social Media Conference San Diego, CA 7/25/18 The Association of National Advertisers gathers to discuss the future trajectory of digital marketing and advertising. CommerceNext New York, NY 7/25/18 As the go-to digital marketing event for the summer, CommerceNext is a two-day conference bringing together top-tier retail and ecommerce companies to share, learn and evolve your customer acquisition strategy.
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August Conferences 2018
Name Location Start Date Description eTail Boston, MA   8/6/18  eTail is at the cutting edge of multi-channel and eCommerce. Experience electric keynotes and tailored networking in the heart of historic Boston. Digital Summit Portland  Portland, OR  8/12/18  The premier digital strategies forum transforming the future of the digital commerce ecosystem – including Marketing, UX & Design, Search, and more. Digital Summit Minneapolis Minneapolis, MO 8/22/18 The premier digital strategies forum transforming the future of the digital commerce ecosystem – including Marketing, UX & Design, Search, and more. Call To Action Conference Vancouver, Canada 8/27/18 CTAConf is carefully curated to teach you next-level, actionable marketing tactics you can utilize the very next day. Digital Summit DC  Washington D.C.  8/27/18   The premier digital strategies forum transforming the future of the digital commerce ecosystem – including Marketing, UX & Design, Search, and more.  Unbound CTAConf Vancouver, CA 8/27/18 CTAConf is carefully curated to teach you next-level, actionable marketing tactics you can utilize the very next day. World class marketing experts will be covering a wide array of topics, such as conversion optimization, email marketing, copywriting, landing pages, PPC, analytics, content marketing and much more.  iMedia Brand Summit: Goa Goa, India   8/29/18 An intimate environment for senior brand marketers to converge, debate and discuss the major strategic issues they face.  The Email Design Conference Boston, MA August TBA The Email Design Conference brings the email community together to celebrate their craft and give email professionals a platform to learn, share, and grow.
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September Conferences 2018 
Name Location Start Date Description Content Marketing World Cleveland, OH 9/4/18 CMW is the one event where you can learn and network with the best and the brightest in the content marketing industry. INBOUND 2018  Boston, MA  9/4/18  Join thousands of marketing and sales professionals from around the globe for the world's most remarkable business event. Digital Marketing and Strategy Innovation Summit Shanghai, China 9/5/18 Our summit brings those who are leading digital strategies, implementing new marketing technologies and delivering cutting edge content strategies under one roof. Digital Marketing Innovation Summit  New York, NY 9/12/18   The Digital Marketing Innovation Summit offers a platform for speakers to openly share their industry challenges and strategic solutions. Digital Marketing Innovation Summit San Francisco, CA  9/12/18   Insights, opinions, future trends & case studies discussed from the pioneers and brightest minds in digital marketing. Digital Marketing World Forum   Amsterdam, Netherlands  9/19/18   DMWF Expo Europe will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to address your future challenges in Digital Marketing. Confluence Oklahoma City, OK 9/20/18 The industry's best leaders come together to offer insight on the ever-changing trends of the digital marketing world. The Agents of Change Digital Marketing Conference Portland, ME 9/20/18 Do you wish to rank higher at the search engines? Want to build your audience on social media? Looking to engage your customers using mobile marketing? Discover the solutions to these challenges and many more at AOC's annual digital marketing conference.  Brand ManageCamp Las Vegas, NV 9/25/18 ManageCamp Inc. is dedicated to helping companies big and small create and grow strong, vibrant, profitable brands through Fresh Thinking. They accomplish this by delivering world-class learning experiences through top marketing conferences as well as by providing brand and strategy consulting services. Eventful Forum New York City, NY   September TBA  Eventful Enterprises presents the 2nd annual gathering of the Eventful Forum, an executive conference addressing the future of business through the world's converging industries.  Marketing Loves Sales  Portland, OR September TBA Generate more revenue. Refocus on sales. Learn from other B2B marketers. Discover what strategies and tactics most effectively drive revenue.  The Design Gurus Summit   San Francisco, CA  September TBA  Come learn from the people leading the charge and shaking up the industry. Expect to discover new ideas and gain different perspectives on design, both as a speaker and attendee. 
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October Conferences 2018 
Name Location Start Date Description LeadsCon  New York, NY 10/3/18   Best practices designed to help you operate more efficiently, save money, and significantly build your sales funnel. &THEN Las Vegas, NV   10/8/18 A data & marketing event where science and creativity drive increased customer engagement. Festival of Marketing London, UK 10/10/18 The Festival of Marketing is a unique experience where ambitious marketers can discover, learn, celebrate and shape the future together. Seattle Interactive Conference Seattle, WA 10/17/18 A two-day event celebrating the convergence of online technology, creativity, and emerging trends in one of the world's most innovative cities. LavaCon New Orleans, LA 10/21/18 The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference was started in Hawaii (hence the name) to give content strategists, documentation managers, and other content professionals an opportunity to get away from the office and tend to their professional development. Mobile Shopping Rancho Mirage, CA 10/24/18 Mobile Shopping is where the top minds in mobile commerce at America's most successful companies meet and learn. State of Search Dallas, TX October TBA The greatest minds in digital marketing will be sharing their knowledge in an intimate setting presented by the Dallas/Fort Worth Search Engine Marketing Association.
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November Conferences 2018 
Name Location Start Date Description Smart Social Summit Austin, TX  11/5/18  500+ social media leaders from every industry gather to discuss the ever-changing social landscape. Smart Social Summit is two full days of content including 24 ground-breaking breakout sessions, inspiring keynotes, and unmatched networking.   Web Summit Lisbon, Portugal 11/5/18 Web Summit has become “Europe’s largest and most important technology marketplace”, a crossroads  for the world’s largest buyers and sellers of technology. B2B Marketing Forum San Francisco, CA  11/13/18  Leaders, innovators, and people who make things happen gather to learn about the latest in B2B marketing and share the secrets to success. Internet Summit Raleigh, NC 11/14/18 Internet Summit fills your brain and professional toolkit with thought leadership and practical solutions  designed to supercharge your customer strategies.
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December Conferences 2017 
Name Location Start Date Description An Event Part: SF San Francisco, CA  12/10/18   An Event Apart San Francisco is three days of intense focus on digital design, UX, and more. Digital Summit Dallas Dallas, TX December TBA The premier digital strategies forum transforming the future of the digital commerce  ecosystem – including Marketing, UX & Design, Search, and more. Next Case Rishon LeZion, Israel December TBA Listen to the most inspiring digital marketing stories of 2017 while learning real, actionable insights through 20 minute case studies from leading marketers. 
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Wrapping Up: The right marketing event for you
Hopefully you found a marketing conference or two that you'll be attending next year. These conferences are a wonderful opportunity to learn new skills in an engaging way and be inspired by great people. We will be updating this 2018 marketing conferences directory constantly, so be sure to check by often for new events!
Interested in check out more awesome conferences? Check out our:
Women in Tech Events Directory
Tech Events Directory
Event Industry Conferences Directory 
If you feel like we're missing an event or you'd like your own event featured, click on the button below and apply to have your event featured on our list. 
Now with all this newfound knowledge, go out there and attend some awesome events! 
   from Cameron Jones Updates https://blog.bizzabo.com/marketing-events
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delhifundos · 6 years
Prowl with Tiger Shroff this summer
Prowl with Tiger Shroff this summer
Dates: 26 March 2018 Venue: DLF CyberHub, Gurgaon
Summer is here with its pressure to shed the winter party weight and shape up. While we are all trying to fit into our tees and shorts, DLF CyberHub has already got the pulse of the season. And how. Last evening, the DLF CyberHub amphitheatre was converted into a makeshift fitness zone for the CULT FITNESS PARTY with Bollywood rising star Tiger…
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marcomavenue · 4 years
Plan your 360 Degree PR Strategy to Transform your Business
There was a time when any PR was Good PR, and the PR strategies were mainly created with just Press Releases, but like everything else, Public Relations strategies have evolved and are now capable of offering wider results, specific analytics and greater Return on Investment. So, while setting up your PR strategy it is time to set your objectives and create a well-defined plan that will lead your business towards an overall transformation.
As the leading PR company in Gurgaon, we have curated a list of some effective tips to plan your complete Public Relations strategies to grow your business:
Plan a News Release Chart:
It is great to begin with a roadmap for the press release that you intend to issue throughout the year. Also, it is very significant to understand that this plan needs to be flexible as you might have to revise this calendar as you keep going through the year.
It is a great way to have an initial structure and direction to follow and also keep you motivated and focused to generate news.
Stay open for “mediable” activations with digital amplification:
An effective advice to create a buzz is host events, but there is more than just on-site media coverage to take from such events. The best PR agency in Gurgaon realizes the opportunity to take this buzz to a wider audience.
One effective tactic to do so is making use of some attractive event pictures combined with call-to-action which can improve your engagement with your customers.
Media Outreach is still Trending:
Pitching your story or placing your articles in news is still the essence of PR. Before you get into execution, while planning your PR strategy, spend good time on your research and dig out some of the key reporters with their contact details and organize them according to their value for your organization (in terms of their reach to your targeted audience).
Implement experiential marketing:
Being a business owner, you probably already understand the value of a good experience and great products, so now you can do your strategy that incorporates both.
Create your own customized list of the top bloggers, editors and influencers from your niche to events and offer them to experience your products/services. Once they are impressed by your brand, they will take care of the rest for you.
Crisis Planning:
The digital PR agency in Delhi NCR explains that any PR strategy is incomplete without a proper crisis management. You need to keep account of all the possible negative events and your plan to stand against them.
Guarantee that different individuals from your business know about emergency strategies, and set aside effort to do a trial to help iron out any irregularities or gaps in your arrangement.
Create a Personalized Relation:
Having a media relationship outside the business is a must. Connect with the top journalists, media influencers personally. Try to analyse their likes and dislikes, and what makes them interested in your stories.
Do not just pitch in generalized stories, try to create a more personal relation with the media industry which would put you in the limelight.
With a great number of different opportunities coming up consistently in the Public Relations industry, it is hard to keep track of the updated trend and currently effective strategies. So, it is a perfect time to seek support from the experts.
Being one of the top PR agencies in Gurgaon, The Marcom Avenue stays focused on creating efficient PR strategies and simultaneously keeps a keen eye on the latest strategies to ensure maximum results for your business growth.
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worldremark4 · 6 years
Cricket Summer Camp In Delhi 2017.
Cricket Summer Camp In Delhi 2017. : Hey Guys, Welcome to the worldremark. Cricket  is very activate sport game, In today's world, cricket is the most popular game of the game. And more people are interested in cricket. Some people try some academy to play and learn cricket, and some people go to a summer camp and Some children also visit the kids cricket club. So today we will talk about cricket summer camps in this article. So you can read this article "Cricket Summer Camp In Delhi 2017" carefully.
Cricket Summer Camp In Delhi 2017.
   1. Summer Camp - Sehwag Cricket Academy.
Are your children interested in cricket, and they want to be super star. If you want to use summer vacation, do not hesitate, because the Sehwag Cricket Academy has organized a summer camp, which works for kids 6 and older. On the behalf of the Sehwag Cricket Academy, we assure that your children will be kept in full focus here. Virender Sehwag's internationally renowned panel and Virender Sehwag will guide their children on a regular basis in this academy. Students will be fully cared for to make progress, and they will be tested by video recording.
 Event Information
Activitis             : Tennis, Swimming, Cricket, Football, Summer Camps
Organized BY    : Sehwag International School
Timings                : 10:00 AM
Age Group         : 12 to 18
Other Information : Timings 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM
Contact Person : Ms Pallavi Farewall
Contact No.       : 9729598545
Address             : Silani Kesho 7 km stone, Main Gurgaon Jhajjar  Road                            Jhajjar Road Jhajjar Sehwag International School
Email ID            : [email protected]
Visit US             : www.sisj.in
2. Summer Cricket Camp By Balaji Cricket Academy.
Do you know who was inaugurated by Balaji Cricket Academy ?? This academy was inaugurated by Indian great cricketer Kapil Dev, and it was founded by Rakesh Chandra Shukla, he is a former cricketer of India who, in 1982 Test match was played.
The Balaji Cricket Academy is working for the summer camp for children aged 5 to 18 years old, this academy is trained in young academics by good specialists and experienced coaches. The children here are also invited to get information about cricket, and to complete the summer camp, certificates are also distributed to all children.
Event Information
 Activitis                : Cricket, Summer Camps
Organized BY        : Balaji Cricket Academy
Timings                : 7:00 AM
Age Group            : 5 to 18
Other Information : Timings 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Contact Person : Team Balaji Cricret Academy
Contact No.       : 7827002107
Address             : Sector 11, Behind Mother Dairy, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad
                           Vidya Bal Bhawan Public School
Email ID            : [email protected]
Visit US             : http://ift.tt/2BNXtQY
3. Madan Lal Cricket Academy Summer Camp.
   Madan Lal Cricket Academy is the Extremely good cricket academy in Dilhi.The Madan Lal Cricket Academy organizes summer camps every month in the month of January, which is for children aged 8 or older. Children who are interested in cricket can fill their form and book their place by registering. The Academy is guided by children from Australia's High Performance Coach.Event Information
 Activitis                : Cricket, Summer Camps
Organized BY        : Madam Lal Cricket Academy
Timings                : 7:00 AM
Age Group            : 8 to 18
Other Information : Timings 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Contact Person : Madan Lal Cricket Academy
Contact No.       : 9711665171
Address             : Siri Fort Sports Complex, August Kranti Marg, Khel Gaon,
                           New Delhi
Email ID            : [email protected]
Visit US             : http://ift.tt/2BP8jWO
         "If you like post Than share and Follow Us.."
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2y9uIM2
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travelure · 7 years
For me, it was an eventful July this year. Actually, just calling it eventful would be an understatement, as I became a part of 2 new India records that were set up. These will be featured in the next release of India Book of Records. Read on to know the details – Road Tripping to Khardung La for the #HighestBloggerMeet.
This article has been carried in September 2017 issue of Smart Photography. 
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The Records and The Brains Behind Them
In the last week of June, Vineet Rajan of ScoutMyTrip (SMT) called and invited me for a road trip to Ladakh. During this preliminary call, he did not divulge the details. All he mentioned was the involvement of a hospitality chain. Although it was going to be my third trip to Ladakh, the excitement of road trip through this rugged terrain immediately engulfed me.
Our convoy of SUVs
It was in a subsequent call that he talked about ScoutMyTrip’s ambitious plan of holding a travel blogger’s meet in Khardung La. OYO Rooms was sponsoring this never-before initiative. A successful execution of the plan would mean the creation of the records for the ‘First Blogger Meet at Khardung La’ and the ‘Highest Blogger Meet’ at an altitude of 17,562-ft. (Khardung La has wrongly attributed an altitude of 18,380-ft.).
An apt hashtag – #AageSeRight
The Roller Coaster of a Road Trip
A convoy of SUVs set out for Khardung La on 11th July 2017. SMT’s scouts were driving these vehicles. Their cumulative driving experience exceeded a million kilometres – much of it on tough mountainous terrains across the length and breadth of India.
One of our SUVs traversing the tough Ladakh terrain
The planned route for this 11-day trip was – Gurgaon-Jammu-Sonamarg-Kargil-Leh-Hundar-Pangong Tso-Tso Moriri-Keylong-Manali-Gurgaon. OYO Rooms had organised our stay along this entire itinerary, mostly in their own properties.
But as the saying goes – Man proposes; God disposes. While there was a planned itinerary, the turn of events along the way ensured not all would go as planned. Did I mention a roller coaster of a trip?
Sonamarg welcomes us
Come, travel with me
Our first day on the road was long as we made our way from Gurgaon to Jammu, with mandatory ‘Parantha’ stop at Moorthal. Once we reached Jammu, we heard the news of landslides after Banihal Pass. Despite that, next morning, we drove off early.
Entrance of Kargil War Memorial
In memoriam – Kargil War Martyrs
We got past the 9.2-km long Chenani-Nashri Tunnel (also called the Patnitop Tunnel) that was inaugurated by our Prime Minister in April 2017 and reached Ramban in good time.
And it was here that our plan changed. The J&K Police had stopped all traffic in Ramban because of continuing landslides between Ramban and Anantnag. Our Day 2 was mercilessly cut short!
Day 3
After spending a night here, we moved out the next morning ditching our plan of staying at Sonamarg, and instead, decided to drive straight to Kargil. Besides a brief stop at Dal Lake in Srinagar, we also stopped by at the Kargil War Memorial to pay obeisance to the Kargil War martyrs. This was the day we crossed the famous Zoji La (Zoji Pass).
Campsite for Amarnath pilgrims – Zero Point
En route, near Sonamarg, we witnessed an overwhelming sight. From a viewpoint called Zero Point, we looked down and saw thousands of tents pitched along the River Drass. This encampment was a makeshift arrangement for the Amarnath pilgrims who had chosen this route over the usually followed Chandanwadi climb. As my friend Kuldip mentioned, this scene was an unusual combination of faith and fury.
Mulbekh Monastery
As we drive on
The next day saw us driving towards Leh. Our first stop was Mulbekh (altitude: 10,839 ft.). Mulbekh is known for its 8th-century Chamba statue of Maitreya Buddha. It is one of the more revered sites for the Buddhists of this region.
Namika La
Our next stops were the two passes on this route – Namika La and Fotu La. Both equally scenic! Incidentally, Fotu La is the highest pass on Srinagar-Leh Highway.
First glimpse – Lamayuru Monastery
Ladakh vista from Lamayuru
Prayer time – Lamayuru Monastery
Prayer Wheels, Lamayurur Monastery
By lunchtime, we were in Lamayuru Monastery (altitude: 11,520 ft.) – one of the largest monasteries in Ladakh. Over 150 Buddhist monks have permanent residence in this monastery.
Before reaching Leh, we made two more stops – the Indus-Zanskar confluence and the Magnetic Hill.
The road less travelled…
Indus meets Zanskar
Our Ladakh Story
The next day was our acclimatization day in Leh. Also, it was the day for the organisers to plan for the big event in Khardung La! Most of us took it easy catching up on social media and emails since we got access to Wi-fi after many days. For those who may not know, the Internet access in J&K is restricted often because of security reasons.
Some of us visited Thikse Monastery and Vishwa Shanti Stupa. These places are within a few kilometers of Leh. And these rank high – both, as Buddhist as well as tourist attractions.
(I had been to these places earlier. You may read about it in my earlier post – Ladakh – A Travel Photographer’s Delight).
Next morning, armed with skullcaps, sunscreens and earmuffs, we were to make our way to Khardung La.
Highest Blogger Meet
Here it was – the big day! For some of us who were to return after the meet, it was our last day with the group. ScoutMyTrip and OYO Rooms had immaculately planned this day. While all those who were proceeding to Hundar (Nubra Valley) after the meet loaded their bags, we just hauled ourselves out of our respective rooms and loaded ourselves into the vehicles.
View from Khardung La
During our drive to Khardung La, we gave lift to a bike’s pillion rider. Their bike was groaning with the strain of the steep climb to what is touted as the highest motor-able road in the world!
At Khardung La, after some photo clicking, the meet started at the signage that marks the highest point of the pass. The core of the discussion here was the record setting we were all involved in. After being there for the permitted 20-30 minutes, we all moved the venue a little away from the narrow mountain pass.
Tsolding Buddha Park near Khardung La
The meet continues
Our discussions continued at the Tsolding Buddha Park, an idyllic location that had a Buddha Temple and a small rivulet. As soon as we reached there, we spotted a dozen or so yaks crossing the little rivulet! Though we had climbed down a bit, the air still was rarified. While we chatted about the various blogging related issues, some helping hands cooked Maggi for us.
Yaks crossing a rivulet. Tsolding Buddha Park.
Here, OYO Rooms unveiled a unique programme for bloggers – OYONauts! This programme helps bloggers stay with OYO Rooms free of charge so long as they share their experience of the stay and being in the city on their blog.
After spending another 90 minutes here, the meet ended. Those who were proceeding on the road trip from here to Hundar, Pangong, Tso Moriri, Keylong, Manali and Gurgaon got into the #HighestBloggerMeet SUVs and continued, while the others made their way back to Leh in taxis, to get back to Delhi. It was the 16th of July 2017!
Spiti Glaciers – as viewed from Leh-Delhi flight
We reunite
While I returned to Delhi on 17th, the entire set of bloggers who were on this record-creating odyssey reunited once again on 22nd July in Gurgaon. This was a big day! Ashok Kumar Sharma, Editor of India Book of Records was there to curate whether a record had been created. While we waited with a collective baited breath, he announced that we had created not one, but two records – the first-ever bloggers meet in Khardung La, as well as the Highest Blogger meet at an altitude of 17,562 ft.
Reading this little tale, I hope you would agree with my opening statement – July was truly an eventful month for me!
Here is the published article
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Road Tripping to Khardung La for the #HighestBloggerMeet #OYORooms #ScoutMyTrip #Travel #Travelure For me, it was an eventful July this year. Actually, just calling it eventful would be an understatement, as I became a part of 2 new India records that were set up.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Motoziel forms JV with Austria's Edelweiss to offer bike tours
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/30/motoziel-forms-jv-with-austrias-edelweiss-to-offer-bike-tours/
Motoziel forms JV with Austria's Edelweiss to offer bike tours
NEW DELHI: Motorcycle traveling firm Motel and Austria’s EdelweissBSE -zero.Seventy-nine % Motorcycle Travel nowadays announced a joint undertaking employer to provide Motorbike visiting packages in the home in addition to global locations.
The joint challenge firm — Motel Edelweiss Pvt Ltd — will offer motorcycles from brands like Harley Davidson and Triumph for excursions ranging from few hours to 14 days, priced between Rs 5,500 to Rs 2 lakh for a 14-day trip.
“Motorbike fanatics in India or vacationers searching for massive Bike Tour enjoy thru the sub-continent terrains, can now choose a massive Motorcycle in their choice, a pre-designed excursion bundle or personalize it as in keeping with their desire and revel in the fun beneath guidance of international experts,” Motel Co-Founder and Handling Director Kalyan Mazumdar instructed newshounds right here.
The JV firm has 74 per cent fairness coming from Motel and the relaxation from the Austrian accomplice.
Inside the first spherical of the investment considering that its inception last 12 months, Gurgaon-primarily based Motel had raised USD 2.6 million.
“Being from India, we bring terrain information even as Edelweiss brings in their know-how of the enterprise and operations to the joint task entity,” Motel Co-Founder and Govt Director Biswaroop Banerjee said.
He introduced that the business enterprise, Inside the first section, could awareness on North and North East elements of u. S . A ., and later visit organize excursions in South India in addition to neighboring nations.
Evaluating the Market to Decide on a Price to Offer
The easiest way to attain such data is from a certified actual property agent. They can offer you with details about latest apartment sells and the charges they sold for. This includes the place so that you can evaluate expenses for diverse neighborhoods. Such records are public record so you can get it in your very own too if you aren’t using a realtor. It does take the time to compile even though.
Get it in Movement
You don’t want to tug your toes in relation to getting one of the condos on the market in, though. Maximum of them do not stay in the marketplace long in any respect. in case you wait, the expenses are going to retain going up. You also danger the places in which you would like to live not supplying lots. Top places such as the downtown area promote very fast!
Evaluating the marketplace to discover what the rate variety is will help you to make a suggestion. You want to get the nice deal you could. Keep away from emotionally making a proposal due to the fact you cannot stand the idea of now not getting the belongings. in case you cannot afford it, you’ll be careworn very month approximately the charge. don’t put yourself in a function wherein they might likely foreclose on you.
Offer As opposed to Asking rate
You can expect the demand for condos for sale in the method the dealers can set the asking price and they constantly get it. This is why you want to do your homework before you region a proposal. If a vicinity is priced heaps more than what others inside the vicinity have lately sold for, you want to impeach why. Does it Provide more fee or is the vendor after more money?
You can not blame the sellers of condos on the market in for seeking to get the Most money They can for his or her belongings. If a person is inclined to pay it, they’re going to ask for it! However, Maximum of them are also inclined to simply accept an affordable Offer that involves them. if you placed that Provide out there, they’ll receive it!
What in the event that they don’t?
One of the fears is the vendor may not receive your Offer. You do not have to worry an excessive amount of about that whilst you try to shop for one of the condos for sale in. Simply positioned the reasonable Offer available as a place to begin and spot what takes place. if they do not receive it, are they willing to barter in any respect?
If the solution is not any, you need to decide in case you are willing to pay the price they’re asking. If now not, you need to examine one of the different properties to be had and repeat the method. if they provide you with a counteroffer, it will be someplace among what you offered and what they requested for. you can take delivery of it or you can give some other counter Offer.
This manner can preserve until you compromise on a charge or till one in all you is now not inclined to budge. This procedure takes a chunk of time, but it could save you a wonderful deal of money on one of these condos on the market in excessive in demand. It truly would not hurt to provide it an attempt!
The High-Technology Secret of the Edelweiss
There can be few flowers a 5 as the Edelweiss, but few would think to look for this wooly white, Alpine flower for a source of the technological idea. Now, however, scientist Jean-Pol Vigneron of the University of Namur in Belgium and his colleagues in Budapest, Meise, and Stanford suppose they’ll have discovered just that.
While the researchers investigated the micro-shape of Edelweiss plant life, ultimate January, they have been surprised to find a peculiar extremely-violet-soaking up shape in the dense white hairs, which cowl the complete Edelweiss plant. The hairs are especially abundant on the modified silver-white leaves that shape the Edelweiss’s “plant life”. Vigneron and his fellow scientists without delay found out that there could be a wide variety of business makes use of for synthetic variations of the shape, but the prospect of truly production Edelweiss-inspired systems regarded faraway.
We determined that the surface of every hair is blanketed in tiny, often spaced fibers, running parallel to every different along the duration of the leaf hairs,” explains Vigneron. “each fiber is simply one hundred eighty-millionths of a millimeter in diameter. Because of their small size and notably ordinary arrangement, these fibers together made up a shape,
Which absorbs ultraviolet mild. It does no longer have an effect on seen mild in any respect because it has longer wavelengths than ultraviolet, so isn’t disturbed by using the structure. With mathematical modeling strategies, we had been capable of showing that after ultraviolet waves fell at the structure, they were guided through it and eventually absorbed, either in the partitions of the hairs or, in all likelihood with the aid of a material inside the middle of the hairs.”
The scientists had been in a position to test their calculations by way of taking measurements of the way a lot of the light falling at the silver-white Edelweiss leaves become meditated, and how much became transmitted and surpassed via them. Positive enough, they found that little or no of the ultraviolet mild falling on the plant was reflected or transmitted, rather,
It changed into almost all absorbed by means of the hairs covering the leaves, simply as their mathematical model had anticipated. The hairs seem to defend the plant leaves under them from destructive U.V.A. Radiation.
How to Use Blog Tours to Attract Your Ideal Audience
In the end finished your manuscript and feeling done?
Before you get away the bubbly and begin celebrating your latest literary achievement, it is vital to start considering how you may get your e-book into as many palms as feasible. Because as a self-posted writer who writes for a living, robust book sales are one of the greatest markers of fulfillment.
Ask any marketing professional and they will inform you the equal issue. The very best manner to promote a particular product to as many human beings as feasible is to offer it to those who absolutely want it.
Appears apparent, but pretty many authors have no concept how to connect with the people who could be ideal candidates to shop for their e-book, additionally called their ‘audience’.
The key to Powerful ebook Promotion
An Effective method for purchasing the word out approximately an idea, someone or maybe an e-book is through relentless exposure, which is the manner of bringing interest to a subject with the aid of distributing information about that problem to a receptive target market.
Reflect consideration on the remaining blockbuster film you definitely had to observe.
How did you find out about it? Why do you need to peer it? Why that film and not one of the many others?
Solution these questions and you’ll locate that all of it comes lower back to 1 keyword: publicity.
But whilst you don’t have the promotional budget or social clout of a prime film manufacturer, how precisely do you promote your new book and get readers as enthusiastic about your offering as you had been about your final cinematic enjoy?
The answer: Blog tours!
What’s a Blog Excursion?
A Weblog Tour is absolutely a string of publicity stops at diverse well-set up blogs for your niche with a goal to promote yourself and your ebook.
it’s quite much like the book tours that many authors do to sell their contemporary offerings, minus the stress of bookings, public speak and the grueling travel agenda that typically comes with it.
There are several extra blessings to doing Weblog excursions to launch and sell an ebook.
Weblog tours assist you to spread the word about your book by using networking with set up bloggers who already have readers who might be interested in your paintings.
It presents leverage that can take your e-book from completely unfamous to an in a single day achievement whilst completed efficaciously.
Blog tours harness the viral nature of the net and you normally locate your Promotion spreading ways beyond the scope of your efforts. In other words, the content you distribute for the duration of the Weblog Excursion has an amazing chance of having picked up through search engines like google, shared through social media and discussed among new and existing lovers. Most significantly, Weblog excursions assist in getting readers excited about your book so they’re keen to buy it on release day.
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delhifundos · 6 years
The Global Gate Project - A Cultural Exchange Initiative
The Global Gate Project – A Cultural Exchange Initiative
Christmas is the season of giving. DLF Cyberhub is all decked up for the festival season. While visitors are busy taking selfies in front of huge installation at Cyberhub, there is a unique project going on in the foray: The Global Gate Project.
DLF Cyberhub has organised a cultural exchange festival “The Global Gate” in association with One World Foundation. The featured country…
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delhifundos · 6 years
Delhi Food Truck Festival 2017
Trucks have always been about carrying goods from point A to point. That seems to be prehistory now. They are a source of all sorts of innovative ideas such as truck art and food trucks. It is exciting to see how passionate people are moving out of cushy jobs and are bringing food to the consumers in trucks. These beautifully designed food carriages park at designated places and have their…
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