#Everett Criss
sillyname30 · 6 months
I just listened to the latest episode of and that's what you really missed on Glee.
Jenna said there may have been a hick-up. We may have thought there wasn't gonna be time, but we made it.
Darren: I didn't want to. But now that we're sitting here I admit that this is a re-do. This was supposed to happen last week and it just slipped my mind. I feel so bad. It was the last week of my run of  Little Shop of Horrors. And there was this deluge of people reaching out. Family and friends coming from all over the place. I spent my entire day doing like schedule tetris, ticket tetris. I'm sitting all day doing this and there was that one Wednesday afternoon that seemed to like subside and  I look on my calendar and I'm like 'I don't know how but there is nothing on my calendar here' and it felt really strange. I was watching Curb You Enthusiam (with Mia) and I felt weird because 'I'm supposed to be doing something. Something isn't right with it.'
Darren: The summer before senior year (college) I decided to visit friends in Los Angeles. Through a series of circumstances I met some agency people, casting director people that sent me on an audition for that would be the pilot of Glee.
After senior year Darren moved to Los Angeles and booked a TV show named Eastwick.
Later Darren put a video for something like an open call for Glee on My Space.
Darren used to go by his full name „Darren Everett Criss“. But in Starkid he was just „Darren Criss“ and he kept it that way because of the popularity of Starkid. (that was new for me)
Darren on the auditon for Blaine: I'm blindly aware of the importance of this audition. The idea of a new character being Chris' love interest was being picked up. I'm the kind of guy – like any audition I get I stalk every person involved. I learn everything about the casting director, everything about the show, trying to learn everything I need to know to maximize my chance of being involved in it. The breakdown of the person was Tom Ford. I got a haircut. I wore a prep school outfit for the audition.
Darren: I booked this huge thing. I didn't even watched the show a lot, but my then girlfriend now wife loved the show and watched it.
Darren: They flew me first class to New York to record this record (Teenage Dream). And I got to see the girl I was dating who lived in New York. There wasn't a guide track. So I kind of decided what to do, how I wanted to do it. I made suggestions. There were a lot of choices in it that were very deliberate from me.
Darren: I even didn't like the recording that I had and ended up recording at home with a buddy a redo of the vocals for one of the songs.
What I got from the first part: Darren had a totally different experience than Kevin and Jenna. Different audition process, different recording experience for most of the Warbler songs.
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fromkenari · 9 months
I can't believe you missed out on the insanity of Glee Tuplet games. I get a thousand-yard stare just thinking about them.
Glee Tuplet games were where every Glee character had at least a twin, but usually, it was more like 5 of them (because everyone wanted to play these characters, so they made multiples), and everybody had sex with everybody, including incest, but that wasn't the only drama point. People would fight over names they gave the tuplets or concepts (and even birth order!) Certain tuplets were just naturally known like Everett Anderson because Darren Criss' middle name is Everett (knowledge I now have against my will.) It was fucking hell trying to find a game that didn't allow Glee Tuplets or that wasn't the sole premise.
People in Teen Wolf indie roleplay used to act like people with OC siblings were bad. No fucking way, man. Glee Tuplets were the worst.
(C&P from a message to @dear-indies )
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porterblt · 2 years
New year, new babe
Whew, time to dust off the Tumblr PPD diary again!
Not really. But I am postpartum (again), and I am sad (again).
Little Owen came with us almost a week ago. I don’t know if it was just the suddenness of it all, or the earliness, but it still feels not quite real. I remember waking up in the hospital on the 28th and just looking around my room in some weird disbelief. My sleeping newborn was next to me in the bassinet, but it somehow felt like I hit a fast-forward button accidentally and was stuck in this new reality.
Coming home has been hard. Looking at Everett and interacting with him has been hard. I’ve been so focused on getting through each day and week leading up to the due date that I feel like I almost wasted those last few days with him, and that makes me really sad. The saving grace is that our last day together was really special. I cry every time I think or talk about it for some reason. It was a normal Thursday; I don’t even remember what we did the first half of the day. Everett got up from his nap, we ate a snack, then we went to this part of Crump Park that has a few sports fields and these empty train cars. Everett and I just walked about the trains for about an hour, and it was the sweetest time. He was so happy and inquisitive, and I was just there watching him have fun. I held his little hands as he walked up and down the brick half-wall, and helped him climb on and off of the train cars. I walked on the repaired cracks in the asphalt with him that criss-crossed across the parking lot like spider webs. As the sun was setting he looked up at me and said, “It’s getting dark outside, mom!” “Your’e right, buddy, we need to go to the car and go home soon.” He’s just so sweet and takes everything in. He’s constantly making little observations and goes out of his way to show us things over and over again. He’s my little boy, and I’ve just been processing so much grief over losing our life as a family of three.
Because he’s grown so gradually, it didn’t really hit me until we got home just how big he’s gotten. Owen is so little, and seeing Everett’s newborn things just unlocks this tidal wave of sadness. Those early days with him were so terrible and so dark. He was just this tiny little beacon that both made the darkness worse but then helped pull me back out again, day after day. 
I know these feelings of baby blues are “normal” and there’s nothing I can really do except hunker down and weather through the worst of it until things inevitably even out.
For some reason I’ve been thinking about my own mortality a little bit. There’s a man at Third who took his life this past week. It’s been so sad. I never knew him, but it was a big shock to everyone who did. When I was faced with the impending delivery, I started to wonder what it would be like if things went sideways during the delivery. If something happened to me. I usually never let myself dwell on that kind of thing, and always just envisioned heartbroken friends and my family. Then enters Chris. He would be a widower, which feels strange to think about. Now Everett. I’m a mom, and if something were to happen to me, it would blow a hole open into his little life. And Owen. He’d grow up never even knowing what having a mother is like. I’d leave so much grief in my wake, and things feel so much more at stake now than they did a few years ago.
I don’t know where I was going with that. I guess I’m realizing that I’m not super young anymore, and I’m starting to identify more with my parents, knowing how they must’ve felt when they were my age. Life is such a strange thing. In a way i wish the “circle of life” were kinder and longer. But I also realize that the things I love most dearly wouldn’t quite exist the same way if things were different.
Anyway. Enough for now.
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sugarzamofficial · 2 years
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d-criss-news · 4 years
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guyslikedarren · 4 years
It hurts.
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How can a VIRTUAL concert sell out in seconds??
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darrenhasmyheart · 6 years
Darren Criss out here wearing a floral suit and dedicating his award to his Filipino mother while making a subtle reference to the thousands of Starkids who love him like what a man.
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deziahx · 5 years
Would anyone want to plot with Everett? I’ve had a lot of muse for him lately. He’s a bad boy that acts like he doesn’t give a shit and punches first and asks questions later which usually winds him up into trouble. He’s sarcastic and stubborn as hell and a bit of an asshole to hide a vulnerable side after he got his heart broken by a girl a while back. He’s very loyal and passionate about his brother and the people he cares about. Ev knows he;s a pain in the ass but prefers it that way to not get close to people in case he gets hurt again.
Everett really needs a girl that is stubborn as hell like him and won’t put up with his bullshit. I had an rp partner for a while that was great and the two of them would argue all the time, be on again/off again and would make each other jealous when ultimately the two were just crazy about each other but just didn’t want to get hurt again. I’d like to find an rp partner that has a muse similar to this for him. These are links links to old rp accounts that we used to rp with them if anyone’s interested but obviously things would be different with another muse.
Anyways, message me if you’re interested!
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brandyovereager · 5 years
Anybody else just get Darren’s phone number in an email cause this feels like a scam?????
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I just have to say I’m so extremely proud of Darren Everett Criss. I fell in love with him about three years ago, maybe a little more or less, and he means so much to me. He’s 100% my favorite actor of all time. The thing is about Darren is that he becomes his roles. I joke he never looks at the script so he’s always winging it, but even if that were true, the fact that he can do so shows how into the character he becomes. I will always prefer Darren over any/all his roles, but his most known (Harry, Blaine, Andrew) will hold a place in my heart. Darren is so incredibly talented that I sometimes don’t see him on my screen. In American Crime Story, he fully became Andrew. I don’t know what was more terrifying, knowing Andrew was a real person who was a murderer, or how well Darren became him. He did such an incredible job, I wouldn’t have chosen anyone else for any of the roles he was given. I’m so unbelievably proud of him for winning this Emmy. Yes, I love Benedict Cumberbatch as well, but this definitely belonged to Darren. Darren becomes a complete different person when he’s acting. He takes his roles and adds what I like to call a “Criss Twist” where I notice a little bit of him in every character he plays. Of course, no character is played exact by every person. Every person adds a unique characteristic to their role, but Darren does it in such a way that it makes you fall for the character, no matter how evil or twisted or awful they may be. I’ll admit, I haven’t seen every role Darren has had, but from what I have seen, it’s some of the best acting I’ve ever seen. He truly makes you believe he’s that character, instead of he’s an actor playing a character. You can tell Darren enjoys every role he has. It may be stressful for him, but you can definitely tell he loves acting. You can tell he loves Mia too, no matter how you feel about her, tonight definitely showed he loves her. She’s his world. Darren Criss deserves the world for his talents and kindness, and nothing will ever make me regret loving him. Thank you, Darren, for making me a happier person and giving me light when there is darkness. You’re a star, and you definitely will go down in history.
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Happy New Years Eve, Jess! @bloody-gorgeous-rps
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michonnegrimes · 6 years
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I’m glad nobody here is being like, “Just so you know, Darren was horrible on set.” Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans.
FX’s ‘The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story’ For Your Consideration Event panel
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Darren Criss in American Crime Story Season 2: The Assassination of Gianni Versace 
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spider-murdock · 7 years
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Darren Criss: A Summary
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mariepotapova · 7 years
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