#Everyone fucking complaining they have no fucking staff then refuse to actually hire anyone! It's BAFFLING!
kylos-starlight · 5 months
I thought I had a possible job lead this morning :/ Nope. Just fucking incompetent people who make their online job listing different than the actual job requirements. Just venting under the cut : ) Job market is ass.
I've been looking into warehouse work (because that's where I feel most comfortable.) and the posting online said they were looking for someone to take inventory. Hi, Hello, I did that a lot at my old job so I'm well versed in counting very large quantities of things.
Also my old job we didn't have computers to do it so we would literally shut down production for 2 days to hand count E V E R Y T H I N G. Thankfully not individually but by boxes because everything always had the quantity on it unless we opened the box to pick from it THEN we would have to individually count the contents inside.
Online posting said had to be good using a tablets and what have you which again hello, hi I did with my side job being a merchandise associate, my nose was buried in a tablet more often than not.
Said they needed a year of experience. I was just shy of a year but gave it a shot anyways, sent them my resume and cover letter AND called them.
Guy on the phone says he has no idea what I'm talking about because the job posting is for a reach truck driver and I'm like uhmmmm nooo??? I'm literally looking at the posting that was posted literally yesterday and it says they're looking for people to do inventory work???
This guy fucking tried to fight with me on the phone and I was like "I'm going to email you AGAIN except this time with a screenshot of your own posting to prove it" He hung up on me and when I tried to send the email it didn't go through.
WHAT the FUCK is wrong with people!
Also more of the same bs from two other places of "No exp needed~" on the website but "you have to have at least 5 yrs exp" over the phone. FUCK OFFFFFFFF
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Mean (JJK x Reader) 💜☁️✴️🔞
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💸 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
💸 Genre: Mafia!AU, Single Parent AU!, Angst, fluff, Smut
💸 Warnings: bad language aka cursing, mentions of cheating, mentions of illegal business, manhandling and not the nice kind, tsundere Jungkook, it’s not like he likes you duh, guns, description of violence, restriction of movement and not in a kinky way, protected sex because dude he’s got one kid okay that’s enough, unconventional romance, choking, near death experience, angst did I mention angst
💸 Summary: Jeon Jungkook was kinda cute, you had to admit that- but he was also a massive douchebag with his head up his ass. And a cute kid.
A/N: First of all, I want to apologize to anyone I might dissapoint with this. I've changed up the story concept numerous times- and the first trailer is in no way a proper teaser anymore, since it has nothing to do with this story anymore. I somehow hope you still enjoy the story however. If not- I hope you'll stick around for future content!
Taglist: @drumsofheaven @yzkyzkuniverse @strwberrybtch @kirbykook @teresaisla @park-hera-gi @justzeera @taestannie @bambuzlee (there were several people I couldn’t tag- I’m sorry about that!) 
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Jeon Jungkook was facing his worst enemy.
Now, considering his work and all those rumors going on about him, this could be anything really; from an entire army storming his house, to readying himself for waterboarding. But no, this enemy he was currently standing across from was way more vile and difficult to get under control. The situation was slowly growing desperate on his side- this was a life and death situation.
"Mina, come on now." Jungkook pleaded as the toddler vehemently refused to raise her arms properly so he could slip on her dress for the day. He could understand her, to an extend- he wasn't a morning person either, but he had to overcome this in order to be successful- and she had to as well.
Well, success was not really that important at her age, but getting her to daycare definitely was.
"Mina I have a meeting soon and if you continue to be a brat I can't send you off again properly." He tried, knowing how much she hated him leaving in a rush like usually. He'd promised her the day prior as he'd tucked her into bed that he would, this time, at least stay until her friends had arrived, yet he couldn't have known that this situation would occur the next morning.
Sometimes being a single father was way worse than anything he was facing at his actual job.
"There we go!" He cheered as she finally caved in, pouting a bit before she giggled at the silly face her father was making in order to get her to smile. He hated sending her off in a foul mood, knowing that she could be an absolute devil's child if she felt like it. In a way, she was very similar to him, which was to be expected with her mother not being in the picture. He didn't mind it much, however- a cheating spouse was not really what he wanted by his side, if he was being entirely honest with himself. It was enough already knowing that almost all of his 'friends' and 'business partners' were shameless liars. He didn't need to live and raise a child with one as well.
"Tiger!" The young girl cheerfully exclaimed, as the both made their way into the kitchen. It wasn't just a random comment from her side, because her chubby hand already pointed at the cereal box designed with colorful images on the counter, way too high for her but perfectly reachable for her father as he chuckled, balancing her on his hip as he prepared a small bowl for her.
"No funny business though, young lady." He said, as he sat down with her at the table. "We don't have to hurry, but we can't waste time either." He explained, as he watched her eat her breakfast with a concentrated face. He smiled at the picture, sometimes wishing this would be how his days would always start. Sadly, that wasn't the case- most of the times really, her nanny took her to daycare.
Which was another problem.
Her nanny had recently filed in for her termination, her age getting to her as she finally made the decision to settle down for her last years of life, she'd said. He accepted it without much resistance, having build too much respect for the elderly woman over the course of time by now. It left him with a gaping hole however, one that he knew he needed to fill.
But with who?
He couldn't just hire anybody for Mina at this point in his life. People needed to be fully trustworthy to be even given knowledge of his child at all. Most didn't even know she existed- the public unaware of her relation to him. He kept the facade up that she was merely the child of a close friend, just to keep her out of range of any potential enemies he had gathered over time.
His life really wasn't fit for a child at all, but what was he supposed to do?
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"Y/N!" A small voice exclaimed behind you, making you look around from where you were cutting apples as the small child appeared.
"Mina!" You answered just as brightly, picking her up as she giggled excitedly. "Did you have breakfast yet?" You asked, as another daycare worker came inside.
"Yeah!" She said, and you looked at her surprised. "Daddy and I had breakfast!" She explained, as you placed her back down onto the ground. "He'ven brought me here today!" She said, and you hummed affirmatively,
"That sounds awesome!" You said, as she beamed up at you. "Why don't you go sit at the table, we're almost having our morning snack. You think you can eat some apples?" You asked, and she proudly nodded, before zooming off, stumbling a bit as she missed the slight gap of the door.
"He didn't come inside." Jenny said, as she watched the little girl sit down next to a boy her age. "I saw that he was sitting in his car, but she got out herself." She explained further, as you continued cutting the apples and making some cuts to have them resemble a bunny. "I swear to god-" She started, as you cut her off.
"We don't know what his life is like, Jenny." You said, as she huffed. "It's not our kid, it's not our life. She isn't unhappy, she's healthy, she's not mistreated. Case closed." You explained further as you discarded the scraps of apple unneeded in the trash, before rinsing the knife you'd used. "I'm not too happy about it either, but we're not her mother." You said, as you dried your hands.
Jenny sighed. "I know, but like-" She said, walking over to you to help you place the banana slices and grapes as well. "She's such a sweet kid. I don't know, but he seems like such a dick honestly. Like, have you heard his phonecall last week?" You snorted. Everyone did at this point.
Mina had had a minor incident, when she'd stumbled and fell. She'd scraped her knee, cried a little, but after a moment everything had been fine again. He however, had been livid upon finding out his daughter had been hurt, even though the scratches didn't even need a bandaid. Even though he'd only been on the phone with your superior, he'd made such a scene out of it that it became like local news around the daycare.
"I still don't know what the fuck that was about." Jenny exclaimed, taking a sip of her coffee as she kept an eye on the kids in the main room. "Like, yeah, she fell, but nothing happened." She said, and you agreed.
Shrugging, you grabbed some plates and napkins, and looked at Jenny. "Again." You reminded her. "As harsh as it sounds, you know me." Jenny sighed.
"I know."
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You took back everything you had said this morning.
This prick had the audacity to keep you waiting for more than two hours now, without reacting to any amount of phonecalls you'd done by now. Mina was almost asleep on your lap, and you were angry to say the least. This was supposed to be your last day of work for a week, you were supposed to be curled up on your couch in nothing but underwear and fluffy socks, hidden by a blanket and eating icecream while watching netflix. You were definitely not supposed to sit here at your daycare until even the janitor was about to go home. "Fuck it." You mumble, carefully balancing the young girl on your hip as you grab your bag and keys.
You wave the janitor and cleaning staff goodbye on their way out, and take out your phone for a bus or subway that could drive close to where Mina's address is- but you notice there is nothing in her jacket written that you could use as one. You instead simply call the number written down for emergencies, and wait as it rings.
You are a bit taken aback by the voice on the other line, masculine, but clearly not as old as you'd thought he'd sound. "Uh, yeah, this is Mina's daycare, you mind picking her up these days, or not?" You casually say, Mina moving around a bit as to bring her thumb close to her lips. You internally coo at her.
"Shit! Fuck- I, where are you?" He asks, and you furrow your brows. Where the hell does he think you are, or does he seriously not know where his daughters daycare is? Wait, is that even her father?
"I- listen, am I even talking to her father or who is this?" You ask, and suddenly you feel extremely uncomfortable. This was a bad idea, what if this isnt her dad at all? You could loose your job for this!
"Yeah, yes. Listen I'm gonna send someone to pick her up alright? Should be there in an hour or so." He says as if frustrated, and you scoff, making him question you on the other line as if he was just struck by thunder. "Excuse me?" He says, voice low, but you're not intimitated.
"First of all, I'm not convinced. Second of all, and pardon my french, but are you nuts?! It's already way too late for her to be up, and I've finished my shift hours ago!" You complain, and he clears his throat over the line, clearly unhappy about your lack of understanding.
"Jeon Mina has a small beauty mark underneath her lower lip, she hates strawberries for some reason, and her biggest secret is that she is actually scared of unicorns. There, happy?" He grits out, and you chew on your lip. He was good. "Second of all, Miss." He makes sure to pronounce every word. "You're getting paid to look after my kid. If that's all you want I'm paying you extra for the inconvenience-" Oh boy, there we go.
"If I cared about your stupid money I would've called authorities hours ago, S.I.R." You start, careful to tone your voice down as to not wake her up. "And you know what, thats a great Idea actually! Let me just-" You begin, but he cuts you off with a sound that sounds awfully like a door closing.
"Fuck you, I'm there in 20." He says.
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Jeon Jungkook was not too fond of woman.
That much was clear ever since he'd been cheated on and left with a kid, but it had always been like that. It wasn't like he was afraid of them, or didn't like them, it was more like, during his life, woman had been the reason for heartbreak and bad news all along. His mother had been an alcoholic, his dad desperately trying to get her back on track. His sister had been involved into shady business early on, a wild child that would do anything to get on peoples nerves. His aunt, which only ever visited to gain money. Women were bad news.
So his own surprise had been very prominent when he spotted you on the bench with his kid in your arms,her chubby arms clinging onto you like a koala. You seemed to be reading something on your phone, careful not to point the device too close to Mina so she wouldn't be disturbed. You were pretty, he had to admit that, even from far away- and you seemed like a confident person, from what he'd heard over the phone. You suddenly noticed him as he drove a bit closer, car tires crunching the gravel and snow underneath while his headlights shut off, to not blind you both. He stepped out, as you woke Mina up to announce to her that her father had finally arrived.
"Daddy!" She screached sleepily, running towards him with stumbling legs. He picked her up with a smile before he turned around, having every intention to buckle her up in his backseat as you came closer.
"Huh. Mind telling me why I shouldn't inform authorities about this?" You asked, and he huffed out a breath with a roll of his eyes, pulling out his wallet. You simply stood there, arms crossed, not at all fazed by the amount of money he held in front of you- you simply raised your eyebrow. "I mean, if money could talk I'd ask your bills, sure. But that right there isn't an answer." You replied, and he gritted his teeth, jaw clenching. Why were you being so difficult.
"Okay, how much?" He said, and you suddenly moved, shifted, as if absolutely offended by his offer.
"Do I look like a streetworker to you sir?" You said, and he closed his eyes for a moment, until another car seemed to pull up.
"You're getting picked up." He says, ready to step into his car as you look at him with confusion. "You don't know them?" He asks, and you shake your head, having every intention to check as he notices something familiar peeking out of one of the car windows. As if on autopilot, he rips his passenger side open, pushes you in, and runs to get inside the drivers seat.
There are shots fired, Mina is holding her hands over her ears as she simply stares at you, who is absolutely shell-shocked.
What the hell just happened?
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So yeah, that's how you got here-
In a room that looked awfully like the interrogation rooms in your late night netflix crime shows. There was someone sitting in front of you- Mina's father, watching you, like you were going to do anything. But you were as quiet as a mouse, not saying anything.
"So you didn't know them? At all?" He questioned for the second time in the past ten minutes, and you shook your head. "Hard to believe. Then again, why would you ever tell me that your Dad's brother was sentenced to two years for escorting drugs- only getting two years because he snitched." He said, and your eyes widened.
"Okay what the hell-" You started, but he cut you off.
"Oh, I hit a nerve-" But you weren't having it.
"Oh an I'm gonna hit your pretty nose if you don't stop cutting me off!" You said, making him smirk. For some reason, this was quite entertaining to him- the only woman he ever had in here were so keen on keeping up that shy and innocent facade, that you were a breath of fresh air. "Listen, I don't know why you decided to dig up things that happened when I was literally a TODDLER- or how you even got that information - I swear to god I will really break your nose!" You ended as he had tried to speak again, making him chuckle.
If you weren't being held captive after getting your night ruined you might as well would've thought that was pretty hot.
"I was five years old- I had nothing to do with it, and my dad had no contact whatsoever with his brother after what had happened." You explained. "If you can find that, you can also find that I haven't had contact with my family in years either." You said, leaning back, as he spoke.
"I did. Which is quite confusing to me." He said.
You suddenly went stone cold on him. "It really isnt that deep." You said.
"Were you avoiding them?" He asked. "Because of what happened? Or because your dad got involved into something?"
"Because they're dead." You said.
Well. This was something that made him actually stop and think for a second. He did dig into that nasty part of your family, but he never looked further- their death was something he had overlooked. And by your reaction as you said it, the way you said it, he knew that you weren't lying. "Alright." He said. "But you do realize that I can't just let you go like that, right?" He said.
"Figured." You said. "So, should I stand facing against the wall or with my back against it so you can aim better?" You said, and he took a deep breath. Technically, yes, that would be a logical outcome.
"Neither." He said, and you raised your eyebrow. "I have an offering." He said, and your entire body went stiff, arms crossing in front of your chest. A pure sign of whatever he was going to say, your first reaction would be no. "I need a nanny for Mina." He said, and your lips parted, confusion clear on your face.
He almost thought it was kind of cute.
"You what?" You said.
"I need a nanny for Mina." He repeated. "It's a win-win situation for both of us if you think about it. You get to- in a way- keep your job and a bonus in terms of payment, and I will have someone to take care of Mina. And I also don't have to put a bullet into your pretty little head." He said, leaning forward with the last words.
"This isn't really a question, isn't it?" You said, and he laughed.
"You're smart- I like you."
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„But that’s not how daddy does it..“ she wonders, as you tie her shoes for her, before looking up into her eyes. She really does resemble her father. Well, a more innocent version, that is.
„Well everyone does it differently.“ you say, well aware that there were numerous ways to tie a simple bow. „Your daddy probably has learned it from someone who does it like he does. I learned it from my dad.“ you explained as you went to pick up her backpack, carrying it for her as she took your hand.
„yours looks prettier tho!“ she exclaimed happily, a skip in her step as she kept looking at her shoes with a smile. You grinned, a sense of pride filling you. „Daddy‘s always looks crooked on one side-„ she said, before a voice broke through the sweet moment.
„You hurt me Princess. You always said they look nice.“ he hummed from his spot in the doorway, leaned on the frame, looking at you with something you could only describe as unsatisfied, while shooting his daughter a smile.
What the hell have you done wrong now?
This had been something going on for months now. Ever since you started working for him as a nanny, Mina had been nothing but a ray of sunshine- but he, he was not even a raincloud. He was the angry grinch miltiplied by a hundred, ready to piss everyone off twenty-five-eight. Somehow everything you did wasn't up to his standards; the way you cooked for Mina, the way you dressed her, hell, even right now with the way you tied a fucking bow.
You really hoped next time he washed his hands, his sleeves would roll down.
"There's an emergency gun underneath the back-" He started as Mina was out of listening-reach.
"I won't use it." You said.
Jungkook had tried to get you trained at least in the basics of guns- but you practically had an allergy to it, refusing to so much as touch one. He didn't quite know what your problem was, but after a while, he had given up on it- simply sending one of his guards with you whenever he could. By now, you were an easy target as well if found alone, so you had joined him in his place, occupying one of the larger guest rooms. He had said that it was to keep an eye on you, but internally, he simply didn't want you to get hurt.
And yeah, at first that was because he didn't trust you, at all- but by now, somehow, you had sneaked your way into his heart, in a way. Even though he himself would always grumpily comment on it, he loved how you made Mina smile and the entire mansion light up. Things felt a little brighter, a little less tense, and a little less lonely with you around. It felt as if you were an actual family.
And that scared the shit out of him, because in no way was he going to fall for his daughters nanny.
And, after all; you hated his guts.
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If Jungkook knew the situation you and Mina had gotten yourselves into, you don't know if he would be proud of her or kill you.
Turns out that the guard Jungkook had sent you out with wasn't actually following his orders at all, but words from a different person entirely- you imagined they were highly likely the one's out to shoot you back when you first met the tall mafia boss and father. Now, the only thing they definitely did not get right however, was that you were Mina's mother- and someone Jungkook valued enough to give up his safety. This was true for Mina; the young child was his everything, and he'd cut off his limbs just to know her safe and sound- but you? That was just absolutely stupid. Sure, you've been living together for quite some time now, and he stopped trying to mentally push you down the stairs every morning as well. But there was nothing more than a mild case of friend- and partnership. You weren't being emo; Jungkook had, after all, said it again and again that he had crossed out the dating game. He's got enough trouble with Mina and you, he had said.
Well, seemed like one of those issues would solve itself.
"Again, what're you gonna do?" You say, as Mina looks at you from out of the vents above you had helped her into seconds ago.
"Crawl where the nice air is, call daddy- and don't look back." She repeats proudly, but you can see it clearly that she's just as scared as you are.
"Exactly, good job princess." You praise, and she nods with a pout. "Once daddy gets you, you'll be safe." You promise, and she wants to complain- but you don't let her, closing the vent again as you hear her shuffling away. This was fine. Mina would be safe, Jungkook would have one person less to worry about- he could move away, bring her to a different part of the country where no one knew her, and she could simply go to school next year and forget all of this ever happened.
You were just a bit sad that you'd never get to see it.
Of course you weren't her mother- but it was hard not to let her inside your heart, with the way she was. The charms her dad didn't have, she got them times ten. She was just so sweet, and you were around her all the time, it was hard not to somehow grow fond of her. You just hoped she'd be alright.
"Where's the kid, whore?!" A guard yelled after noticing you were the only one left in the room. You simply smiled, not answering, before he grabbed your neck, pulling you up as much as he could as he fumed. "Save that stupid grin for your son of a bitch at home." He barks, and you desperately try to breathe- unsuccessfully so, until he forcefully pushes you back down, the back of your head hiding the concrete floor with a sickening crack. You squealed out in pain, holding onto the spot for dear life as if that would somehow help it- but it didn't. "I knew sluts like you have to be tied up. You're all just trouble." He says, pulling you by your legs as another set of people come in, binding your legs and hands. You can already feel your fingers getting cold from how tight your wrists are tied- but you black out from the kick to your stomach before you can quite dwell on it.
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"Fuck!" He yells, before he gets up, hands in his hair to somehow help himself not punch the laptop on his table. He's seen it, seen it all- from the moments you would shield Mina like a fearless lioness, the second you had lifted her up into the vents even though he knew your shoulder had to be in horrible pain, to the very moment you had faced the consequences of your actions. He hated that he had to wait, that he had to simply sit here in his office like a coward just to watch you take the beatings.
Because here was the thing with Jungkook; even though he liked to portray himself as someone who always takes the upper hand in things and troubles, when it came to his own personal life far away from his criminal business he ran, he couldn't seem to ever make up his mind. It was like a repeat of his past love affair- but instead of his ex-wife cheating and leaving him with a child, there was you, in some way fighting like a true lionness in order to keep said child safe and sound, even though you didn't even had to. Technically, this would've been the perfect opportunity for you to finally get your freedom back in a way. Because without Mina, there was no use for you being in his grasp anymore. Without her, there was no agreement between the two of you.
And yet there you were. And yet again, he simply watched, simply did nothing.
The entire mansion was already on high alert by now; his most trusted friends Seokjin and Yoongi already out to your location- he could wait. He could wait. He could wait.
Everything would somehow turn out to be just fine by the end of this day. He would successfully take his daughter into his arms, Yoongi and Seokjin would get you out of there, and after a good nights sleep and some first aid for you, things would just return to normal.
But what was normal at this point?
He didn't want things to continue like they did currently. He wanted change, for the first time in his life. He wanted to tell you about his inner thoughts, about his desires concerning you and his future. He wanted to tell you that he didn't just want you to be at his home and with him and his daughter just because of some stupid agreement. He didn't want you to stay with him because he forced you to.
His phone began to chime, your face greeting him as the caller ID as he accepts it. "Daddy-" His heart sinks down to the floor as he hears Mina sniffle on the other side of the line. He has to wait, he thinks, repeats like a mantra. He has to somehow calm her down, tell her everything's alright- "They're hurting mommy!" Mina wails, and somehow, those words make him snap.
Fuck waiting.
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In a way, Mina was a smart kid. She had been nothing but understanding when Jungkook and her mother had broken up- divorced, and fought until she eventually left for good. She had been a little sad for a long time, thinking it had somehow been her fault; but he had assured her, and later on, explained, that Mommy simply didn't love Daddy anymore. In Daycare, she was one of the most well behaved kids ever encountered- careful, and calm. Of course she got excited and happy and sometimes made a mess; but she also was very careful who she interacted with, what kinds of friends she made, and how much she talked about home. She never complained, never threw public tantrums.
Jungkook truly was lucky- that the only thing left of his shattered marriage had been her.
He never had relationships after that- never dated, never truly searched for someone. No one, in his eyes, was worth the risk- and even after meeting you, that was his opinion. But as cliche as it sounded, you were quite different from anyone he'd ever met before.
You spoke your mind; always saying what bothered you, never beating around the bush. Yet, you weren't being a bitch about things. No, you actually could be pretty cute if you wanted to be- be it the moments he had caught you and Mina sneak a taste of her birthday cake in the middle of the night, or the one time he had been sick.
You had been such an angel to him.
Helping him towards the bathroom, never even scrunching your nose in distaste whenever he had to throw up. You simply rubbed his back, helping him towards the sink to rinse, just to lead him back into his bedroom. You had aired the room out, made the bed, made sure that he was staying hydrated and at least tried to eat every day- all without any complains.
Maybe that was the moment his perspective of you shifted into dangerous territory.
He had somehow become hyperaware of the things you did. How well you got along with Mina, how easy going you were becoming with him- how confident yet nurturing and sweet you were, gently scolding him sometimes to not overwork himself. You always made sure his kid felt happy and was healthy, never so much as whined about your past friendships lost; you had simply accepted the new situation.
In a way, you were what he silently dreamed of at night.
Because as much as he loved the sight of you holding Mina whenever she had a nightmare and couldn't sleep, he somehow also craved to be held throughout the night by your arms. Just like he held his daughter in that moment after she had climbed out of the vent into his arms. He could make out some of her words as he simply let himself feel her tiny body in his arms for a moment. Just to make sure she was really there, really alright, really out of harms way. She kept on crying out for you, for him to help you, to save you-
So it was only natural for him to jump out of his car and run after Seokjin, Yoongi, and their squad, as they entered the building.
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Sometimes at night, when you got aware of all the different sounds of the room, you heard the blood rush inside your brain.
Just like now; but now, it was so loud that you could barely hear anything else. Things seemed hazy, fuzzy, your ears stuffed with cotton wool drowning out any sounds might happening around you. Your eyes stayed closed, light way too bright for your raging headache- and the stale metal taste on your tongue wasn't helping either. Your hands had started to tingle long ago, and your knees were hurting from being in the same position for this long. But the moment someone touched you next, it wasn't forceful. It was so gentle, and almost- scared?
You couldn't hear, but you could feel. How the rope was cut, blood rushing painfully into your hands and legs again, pins and needles making them hypersensitive as you were suddenly held- moved, carried?
It smelled like home, that was something your dizzy mind was able to properly make out. It smelled like Jungkooks mansion, and a bit like his office- a faint vanilla hitting your senses, making you faintly smile as your hand reached out, unknowingly grabbing his shirt, holding the fabric as tight as you could as you moaned out in pain when he placed you down again, warmth surrounding you.
Maybe you were dying?
Or maybe not.
Because after some hazy and confusing dreams, you slowly came back to your senses. Eyes opening slowly, there it was; the curtains you knew so well, the balcony opened, air crisp and fresh around you as the door opened. You wanted to move your head, but the fear of triggering another headache was too big.
"Y/N?" Jungkooks voice asked, warm, and almost hesitant. You hummed, and he snapped his head around, noticing that yes- after days of sleeping and slipping in and out of consciousness you were actually awake again. He walked into your field of vision, looking so casual; his white button up undone at the first two buttons, sleeves rolled up as he sat down close to you, palm on the blanket covering you as he-
"W-" You had to cough a bit before clearing your throat. "Who are you and what have you done to Jungkook?" You said, and he chuckled, sighing in relief- you had, after all, not lost your charm.
"I think past Jungkook had a moment of self-reflection." He said, watching you as his hand placed itself onto yours, warmth spreading over your skin. "I'm glad you're okay." He admitted. "And thank you. For keeping.. Mina safe." He ended, and you smiled.
"That's literally my job." You said, and he got more serious.
"No, and you know what I mean." His voice was deep and rough, yet held no authority like usual. "You had chances to tell them who you were. That you had no connection to me other than through her; yet you didn't. And we both know why." He said, and you looked at him.
"There are more reasons than just one." You said, eyes drifting to his now empty ring finger on the hand resting on his thigh.
"Does it matter which one I mean?" He asked, and you wanted to scoff.
"It does to me." You said, and he shifted closer after a second, properly holding your hand now as he looked at yours- still a little scratched, but nothing that wouldn't heal.
"You did it because that's the reason you live here." He said. "You also did it because you adore her just as much as I do. And you.." He began, but grew unsure.
"And I?" You smiled, and he looked at you with his typical seriousness.
"And you somehow got stuck in an emotional mess." He explained. "You somehow, deep down, wanted it to be true." His thumb moved over the back of your hand as he spoke. "You wished that.. maybe there was more to it than just, partnership." He said, and you still smiled gently.
"Did I now?" You teased, but to your surprise, he was still looking straight at you.
"I know I did." He humms out. "I still do."
"You're stupid." You said, and he laughed bitterly, taking your words the wrong way as he slipped his out of yours.
"I know." He said, getting up to leave but stopped as you spoke.
"Good." You said, chuckling before coughing. "What, no kiss for me after all I've been through?" You giggled as his wide eyes stared at you. "Rude." You said, and he suddenly realized that no- you weren't rejecting him. You were accepting.
You felt the same.
Noticing his own awkwardness, he leaned over, hands supporting his body as he leaned down, properly placing his lips onto yours. You had never imagined what kissing Jungkook would feel like, but you certainly would've never guessed how gentle and absolutely loving it would be. One of his hands moved towards your cheek, holding it, as if you were the most precious thing he'd ever seen.
"Mommy!" Came Mina's excited voice, cries instantly noticable as she jumped onto the bed, burying her head into your chest as you held her, a few tears in your eyes from her jumping.
"Mina baby, be careful okay?" He said. But your words were the reason that he ended up tearing up, at the end.
"Mommy's still hurting baby." You said. "But she'll get better soon."
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Not even during the first few magical months of being together with his past ex, had it ever felt like this.
He was euphoric almost; with the way you felt, moved, breathed. It all felt like so much to him, made him feel so.. He couldn't explain it. He had his hands on your hips, fingers careful not to press too hard, but having enough force to move you back and forth over his lap- his length moving in and out of your heat, making you whine, as he watched your breasts in front of him. You fit so perfectly like this, felt so amazing, managed to make him feel needy instead of the other way around.
He turned you over slipping out of you sloppily as he moved positions, now above you as he spread your legs, entering you again easily. He pulled you by your thighs, holding you in place as he began to thrust again, your eyes closing with every movement of his hips.
He loved the sight of it.
Deep down he wanted to take the condom off; he wanted to fill you up, cum inside over and over and over until your cunt would overflow. Not only just to claim you in a weird animalistic sense, but to also make his family complete. He had cut his ties to his illegal activities by now, had settled down with you- and he knew, there was no other person he'd ever have a child with again than with you. "I want to cum inside." He said breathlessly, making you whine in return. "Hm, you'd like that?" He asked teasingly, his thrusts gaining more strength as if to underline his statement. "Stuff you full of my cum, make you leak it and mess up the sheets.." He continues, hand reaching between the two of you to find your clit. "just to make love to you over and over again. I wanna make you cry." He gritted out, suddenly moving you around face down. He pulled up your lower body, entering you again, gliding in easily with the amount of slick you were leaking. "And you'd take it wouldn't you?" He asks, making you nod and groan out as he grows more desperate, faster, harder- throwing you off the edge but never stopping. "You're gonna take it until I cum, don't you dare move away from me." He scolds, holding you tightly, making you gasp out in overstimulation as he continues on, chasing his own high.
He reaches it with a loud groan, burying himself deep inside as he holds you, peppering kisses onto your spine. "I love you, hm.." He whispers out. "So good, so pretty.. all mine.." He huffs, simply falling onto the mattress with you in his arms, cock still buried inside you.
There was a moment of silence, until he spoke again. "I really do mean it though." He said earning only a tired humm from you. He simply chuckled at that, holding you close as he decided to maybe bring that topic up when the timing was a bit better.
For once, he felt like a normal person. Right next to you, in your arms, as you turned around to pull him close, burying your face into his chest.
Right where he belonged.
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
Moonbow at it yet again with a new Mcyt AU-But like what else am I supposed to do?I got so much positive feedback for my royalty AU that I decided to come up with a new AU! Plus I binged all the Ocean's movies and like the main one that inspired me was Ocean's 8,that movie slaps!If you haven't watched it yet you definitely should!!Anyway-Like I said my family and I just moved and I'm getting an extreme haircut today(lmao) so I'm pretty busy but don't worry the first chapter of "Royal Buisness" is going to be out in a few weeks/months!!Love u all and hope u like it <3💤💙
📷Target Spotted💻 (Mcyt Spy AU)
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Sleepyboisinc(S.B.I) -> my absolute favorite bois ♡
-The sleepyboisinc originally started of as a joke.A few five year olds have the dream of becoming secret agents and start their own Buisness.
-No one really took it seriously back in the days when the three boys would draw and write down ideas for advanced technology devices and gadgets,I mean c'mon it's only natural for kids to grow up with dreams.The childish roleplaying on the playground eventually stopped but the dream stayed.Everyone simply thought that the trio would forget about their ideas in a few years and "grow up".
-Well they were wrong.Nobody could have predicted that the three of them continued with their "shenanigans" through all of their years in highschool-
-Techno,Phil and Wilbur stayed in touch while growing up. The three of them developed such a stron brotherly bond that at some point they left out everyone else and only shared their time with eachother.Their families informed them that they should be more open and extroverted but the three of them are stubborn.
-Time skip to College.Techno went on to study Psychology and English,Wilbur went to start a musical career and Phil- he just kinda disappeared?He didn't tell them where he went to college or what he was doing after school.
-So after two years of somewhat going their separate ways and two years of Phil missing without a single trace,both Techno and Wilbur decide to meet up and look for him. What the two didn't expect is that that night their childhood dream would become reality.
-Turns out that Phil,during those two years,secretly developed the S.B.I foundation.Techno and Wilbur couldn't believe that he managed to do all of this by himself and honestly?They were more than impressed and happy.It was their life long dream afterall and the fact that Phil made it all possible was absolutely overwhelming and appreciated.
-Phil explained everything.He told them that he didn't expect it to actually turn out this good and work functionality but it did!Phil also didn't accomplish it by himself but he hired a few poeple they could use on their side.At this point Techno and Wilbur were even more in love with their new jobs that they immediately dropped out of their previous occupations.
-He showed them around and the two of them were awestruck.Phil couldn't help but smile and laugh at their reactions since he only expected it to be this way.Phil didn't have to show them how things work becouse they created and designed all of this together,Phil was only the one who made it reality.
-Everything looked like from their drawings.The whole aesthetic of the building the S.B.I was located in was amazing.The outside looked like nothing special,and that's the way it's supposed to be.People weren't ment to get suspicious and curious.So making it look like a simple buisness was perfect.
-The only thing Techno and Wilbur weren't familiar with was the new staff so Phil gladly introduced them to eachother! Techno could already tell that there are a few poeple who he clearly won't get along with aswell as people he sees himself working with quite okay.As Phil watched them interacting he couldn't help the wide smile forming on his lips: The sleepy bois are finally reunited :)
Techno N.(Blade):
Techno is one of the best if not the best spy and the one with the biggest amount of action going on.His loyalty and dedication to his job are insane.Even back when they were kids Techno was always the one to stick up for Phil and Wilbur and make sure that the kids who bully them never show their faces again.
Techno is tough and clever.He thinks before he acts.His movements aren't exactly the most precise ones but they are definitely swift.Not to mention that there are times where instead of intimidating the target into getting out the information they need Techno turns to violence.He does apologize for it afterwards though so it's chill.
Techno is a professional at his finest.Getting caught?Never. Messing up?Not Techno.Tricks or traps?Don't work- During his training arc Techno learned the ways of a spy in and out. When Techno wants something to happen or go his way he only focuses on said thing and leaves it aside once he achieves what he wanted.
Techno prefers to work alone,he is extremely shy and introverted so it isn't easy working with people he's not comfortable around or familiar with.His social anxiety is not really a big help either- (Protect him) Another fun fact is that Techno's ADHD makes him struggle with his big focus ability.But everyone in the company knows it and they know that he can't do anything about it. •Accepting friends am I right? :)
Techno is the only employee that Phil let's in on the biggest news and insights first(Apart from Wilbur) and he is also the only one he trusts with the more dangerous weapons.Techno is really good with those!
Techno's missions are the ones that mostly need to be taken care of at night-His sleeping schedule is messed up so Phil gave him the night shift.Of course Phil has days where he strictly tells Techno to take them off so he can take care of his health and sleep.Techno refuses but knows that it makes Phil happy so he takes days off for him (I love their relationship <3)
Techno's job is his number one priority.Due to the fact that he used to study and specialize in psychology as well as in English and it's History Techno is very smart. His intelligence and usage of certain words tend to confuse other people and Techno would do it on purpose just to see the expression on their faces.
May I add that Techno is very calm and sarcastic.He also tends to be very polite and cold which makes poeple uncomfortable sometimes.His ego and confidence are both massive aswell which has it's ups and downs!
Techno is really good in cartography(Maps).During highschool Techno unintentionally desroyed everyone in Geography.He didn't like the subject he was only a natural at it.(If you couldn't figure it out already I obviously had to put in an SMP Earth reference)
Techno is one hell of a pilot.Poeple seriously question themselves how he is so good at flying planes or helicopters.Why complain though?A talent like that could come in handy any time when needed.
Phil W.(1ZA):
The boss and founder of the Sleepyboisinc(S.B.I)
Phil was the one who made all of their childhood dreams come true,and he's very proud of how far he himself and his friends have come!
Phil goes on missions on very rare occasions.His main job is to stay in his office and make sure that things run smoothly and the way they are supposed to.
He counts and is known as the information center and the backup for his agents.Him going on missions is very risky since he always has to be available during everything.His main priority is that all of his agents and friends come back safely and most importantly alive from their jobs.
Becouse Phil is mostly stuck in his office busy with paper work,he can read his agents like an open book. Phil's ability to instantly make someone feel welcomed and loved can either be seen as comforting or scary.One look at you and Phil knows exactly what topics to talk about.He can't but choose to use that ability to his advantage.
Phil is a very caring and kind person.He is the definition of wholesome!S.B.I is pretty lucky to have such a understanding and nice boss to work with.
Phil tends to keep his eyes on the troublemakers(I will get to them later 👀)and Techno especially.The first one is pretty self explanatory since the nickname says it all.Techno on the other hand is in Phil's sight not becouse he's a brainless idiot but of his health issues.
He is a very patient and empathetic person it isn't in his nature to be angry or mad at someone but when he is it gets scary.To have Phil actually mad it you,you would have to fuck up big time.Poeple who have experienced Phil being angry with them have nightmares till this day.He won't be violent and he won't insult you but he will hit you where it hurts the most,he will fo under the deepest parts of your skin. (Not physically but mentally)
Phil knows the right time to be serious and the right time to have fun and joke around with his friends.After a successful mission the crew would go out and celebrate their victory.Phil has to make sure that all of his idiot agents don't get too drunk so that no laws will be broken and no unnecessary information will be spread around.Gotta keep up a good rep am I right?
Everyone in the company sees Phil as a big father figure.I mean who wouldn't?The vibes he gives of remind everyone of an overprotective dad.Whenever somebody of his agents has a problem their first instinct is to go and talk to Phil about them.Phil will gladly listen and cheer them up when he needs to <3
Wilbur S.(Dirty Crime Boy):
Wilbur is the S.B.I's decoy and undercover specialist. His biggest flex is that becouse he is so handsome and charming,Phil decided to let him be the distraction. This guy could flirt with anyone and he would have them wrapped around his finger in no time.
There is just something so exciting and addictive to taking on different personalities and outfits.Wilbur can pull out any look or personality trait.His favorite one would have to be a musician,he doesn't have to act around too much since he's in his natural habitat. Wilbur sometimes has way too much fun with his job.
There are times where Wilbur is asked to perform somewhere so that Techno or whoever is on a mission with him is able to do what they need to do.He will get caught up in the moment and forget that he is on a mission so when Phil tells Wilbur's partner to drag him off stage and calm him down they immediately do so.
Apart from that,Wilbur is extremely good at what he does.You know those guys in movies who will drug other poeple's drinks and stuff to either rob them or drag them someplace else?Yeah that guy is Wilbur. His suave attitude and velvety voice makes everyone want to have a drink with him :)
Wilbur has the power of blackmailing on his side.This guy knows everything about everyone.You smoked weed with your ex on a highschool party?Wilbur knows it all.Some shit you did when you were home alone three weeks ago?Wilbur has all the details.He knows so much shit that people who work with him are genuinely scared to get close to him just couse they fear that he will know all their secrets.
Somehow Wilbur is able to get any information that is required for a certain mission.Your grandma's name?Blood type?Favorite type of cacti?Wilbur has it all memorized in his head.Phil may have all the needed information but Wil has the dirty secrets and past shit someone has gotten themselves into.
Wilbur's favorite person to work with has to be Techno.Not only becouse of their brotherly bond but becouse Wil knows that if he's stuck somewhere Techno is always around and will get him out.Wil simply enjoys Techno's company,he doesn't talk much so it gives Wilbur enough time and silence to talk about his day or something stupid that pissed him off.
Becouse Wilbur has to work undercover and make sure that he doesn't get recognized,he is fluent in multiple languages,his most requested ones are: German,French and Spanish!!(My personal headcanon I know Wilbur doesn't speak all three of them fluently)
Wilbur is the one who gets send onto missions that require to travel to a different country.Most of the time Wilbur happily agrees but on rare occasions where he feels as if something might go wrong or when he has a bad feeling about some place he will desperately try and get Phil to send someone else.
Tommy S.(Innit) ->Proud Inniter btw <3
Sixteen years old and already a spy?Tommy is living the dream of surely everybody in his highschool.Being light and quick on his feet Tommy's job is sneaking in and pickpocketing.Need a unique antique located in a safely secured safe?Tommy's got you.A wallet with a credit card or ID?Tommy already has it.Maybe it's a watch or a jewelry piece?It's Tommy's now.
Tommy's outgoing and energetic personality is a huge boost to the company.Whenever an agent backs down from a mission,Tommy will immediately call them out for being a coward.Tommy has the mouth of a sailor so him calling you a piss baby or bitch boy is completely normal to everybody working in S.B.I
They are pretty much used to it that Tommy has no filter when it comes to his opinion on something.He is brutally honest and isn't afraid to call you out for you bullshit.Tommy can be a little too open minded from time to time which gets him into dumb situations.
Tommy has the stupid ability to make everyone hate him the moment they meet him.Tommy tends to start fights or arguments against multiple people who are way stronger and taller than him.He doesn't think before he acts and just dives head in.
Almost 99.9% of the complaints Phil receives from other companies or his familiars are from Tommy.Even though Tommy promises Phil to stay out of trouble and keep his attitude to himself,he still manages to break those promises the moment someone insults his friends or makes fun of him.Phil seriously needs to teach him some proper manners-
"The business bay" is a small alliance that Tommy has formed in S.B.I,long story short it's all the younger agents (Tommy,Toby,Bitzel,Deo and Luke)in the company working together in a group.(Mostly just becouse all four of them go to the same School and Tommy needs people to steal homework from-)
Tommy seeks attention and admiration in any shape or form.Call him an "Alpha male" and you've got your name secured on "Keep them safe" list.The only other person Tommy admires,apart from himself is Techno. Literally the smallest "good job" or "well done" sends Tommy's ego over the edge.He will brag to everybody who is stupid enough to listen to him.He will constantly try and impress Techno in any way,which ends up in Tommy getting too ahead of himself and getting embarrassed for being so clumsy.
Wilbur and Tommy have a wierd relationship.One minute they are normally interacting with eachother and the other they are trying to kill eachother.Tommy complains about Wilbur all the time,about how annoying he is and that he thinks that he's best- Though when it comes to having eachother's backs that rivalry is put aside and they work together to save both of their asses.
Neither Techno or Wilbur will admit it but when Phil sends either of them to get Tommy's ass out of some shit he has gotten himself into the two of them are worried and get very protective over him.Sure Techno teases and ignores Tommy to no end and Wilbur annoys the living shit out of him but both of them make sure to take care of Tommy like their little bro.
AHHHHH IT'S FINISHED!!ANOTHER AU HAS BEEN WRITTEN QJSJWKKQ-Sorry guys I'm very excited about this AU,I have been working on it for a few days now and I had to write down all my headcanons and ideas!Don't worry my royal AU is still a work in progress so keep in mind that the first chapter will come out soon!I hope you guys enjoyed my Spy AU and ofcourse any kind of feedback is welcomed! Love u all <3 <3
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hellomissmabel · 6 years
For Infinity (II)
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Pairings: Tony x Muse!reader
Warnings: None.
Word count: 3k
Summary: When Hades kidnapped Persephone and took her with him to the Underworld, the Goddess Demeter cursed the muses because they were unable to stop Hades. She casted them out to Earth where they would die slowly, as muses can’t live on Earth for longer than a few days at a time. But Zeus showed his daughters mercy and granted them a powerful amulet. It allows them to remain on Earth, unharmed, as a human, for one whole year. But if they wish to continue their life on Earth, they will have to find their soulmate within the next year. If they don’t, they’ll die.
A/N: My prompt was “Life taken, life given”. Someone also requested a shy reader, so here ya go :) Written for @shurios aka @shamptain-shmerica
Series masterlist can be found here
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Gamora found her soulmate.
When your eldest sister Peggy called you up in the middle of lunch with your sister Sif, you had a very hard time faking happiness, Hermes’ warning haunting you still. Apparently his name is Peter Quill and he also works at the faculty of Astronomy where Gamora is a teaching assistant. He just got hired and on his first day of work, they asked Gamora to show him around. It didn’t take long for Gamora’s amulet to light up in a vivid blue and when she touched it, the colour spread through her veins.
That was about two weeks ago and everything has been very uneventful ever since. No end of times, no big volcanic eruption of some sorts, no alien invasion in New York. It makes you wonder if Hermes truly is delirious after all. You never know with those Gods, always drunk on elixir. Nevertheless, you keep an eye out on Gamora just in case. Even though she’s found her soulmate, nothing bad happened – yet.
“So how’s work?,” you ask your sister Sif, who is the muse of History, currently working at the New York Public Library.
Sif brushes away a curly strand of dark hair, chuckling happily. “Really good, actually. There are two guys that come in regularly, one a blond and the other has long, black hair. I’ve already established eye contact with him. As for the blond, we’ve had a short discussion about Greek Mythology. Of course I won. My amulet even lit up afterwards!”
She winks cheekily and you laugh with her. “Of course you did.” Taking a huge bite of your bagel, you remember you still have to ask her for her car keys. “I wanna drive to Stark Tower. Can I borrow your car?” You try to act as innocently as possible, giving her your sweetest smile, but Sif isn’t oblivious.
“Stark Tower?,” she hums impressed, pointing her knife at you before taking another forkful of her tuna salad. “What are you up to?”
Considering keeping it a secret for a little while longer, you eventually tell her anyway. “I’ve got a job interview!”
Sif’s face breaks into a sincere smile. “Look at you!” And then she gives you a matter-of-factly look. “Finally, though. You’re the last one to get a job.”
“I don’t have it yet,” you defend yourself, a little hurt by what your sister thinks of you. “But it’s a step in the right direction. Last week I was complaining to Wanda about that audition that didn’t go well. And then the day after I get an e-mail from my agency that someone’s looking for a personal assistant and that they expect me for a job interview at Stark Tower today at four.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little odd?,” Sif comments on your story,” Stark Tower? Tony Stark? The guy you told me about you met at Starbucks, when your stone was glowing so much?”
Your eyebrows crunch up in confusion as you don’t really see the connection. “What’s that gotta do with anything? I only talked to him for like, five seconds?”
Rolling her eyes, she puts down her cutlery and leans her chin on her hands, studying your reaction. “I’m not saying this man, Tony Stark, is your soulmate, but that you’re invited to a job interview at his tower… isn’t that at least a little bit suspicious?”
As it starts to dawn on you, you forget about your bagel and screw the cap back up on your water bottle, throwing it in your backpack. “Yeah, it is.” Getting up, Sif stands up from her seat as well, unable to get a read on you. “I’m going over there now.”
“Don’t do anything stupid,” your sister advices you but from that sparkle in her eyes you can tell she’s all up for the idea. “Take my car. But bring it back to me at five, that’s when I get off work.”
“Deal,” you smirk while pecking her skin and giving her a quick hug. “Wish me good luck.”
When Sif got her job at the library, they gave her a small budget to get a car. Of course she managed to track down a second-hand vintage car and with a little magic, she restored the vehicle to its former glory and now her car is your favourite car, too.
On the drive from Brooklyn to Manhattan, you keep your mind busy with questions about Tony Stark. Is Sif on the right track? When you stop in front of  a red light, you look down at the amulet. It’s a dull red now, but it has stayed red every since that meeting. It shifted to blue when you were with your sisters at the apartment, when you read the e-mail and burst into a fit of giggles.
It’s not easy to find a parking space, but as soon as you do, you rush into the building and tell the lady your name. She looks at her computer and nods. “Ninth floor, ma’am. You can just join the other candidates and wait until they call for you.”
So there are other candidates. Perhaps Sif is wrong after all. The elevator opens on the fourth flour first and then on the fifth, sixth, seventh and you’re starting to really lose your patience. So when the elevator opens on the eight floor, you pinch your nose and sigh loudly.
“Someone’s in a bad mood.”
You know that voice. You recognise that voice. That voice gives you chills. And turns you into a fucking tomato as well. What is it with this guy that he can make you feel all warm and fuzzy and at the same time anxious and on edge?
“Fuck,” you mumble under your breath, your hands shaking a little when you lock eyes. “Hi, Tony.”
He grins at your weak voice, finding it adorable. “Hi, Y/N. Fancy seeing you here.”
“I – I was invited for a job interview,” you tell him with a tight-lipped smile, trying not to show him you’re nervous. “Got an e-mail saying I should be here by four but I’m – euhm, a little early.”
“For the assistant position?” You nod and the corners of his lips tug downwards, his eyes losing their shine and shifting int a dull brown. “We already got someone for that position, love. They hired her just now.”
Stuttering in surprise, you see the elevator opens on the ninth floor. But you don’t get off, you’re glued to the spot, your eyes searching Tony’s for an explanation. “I told the girl behind the desk to send everyone home like, maybe a minute ago?”
“Oh,” is your only response. Seems like you just missed your shot. “Yeah, I think she already sent me on my way before she got the call.”
Tony feels incredibly sorry for you, especially since it’s the third time you’re running into each other and he does think you’re quite cute, even more so when you blush. Clearing his throat, he tells you that if he had known you were invited as well, he would’ve been there for the interview.
“My staff informed me that her name is Pepper and that I’ll be meeting with her for dinner this evening to get to know each other a bit better,” Tony says and now you truly feel as if the ground is crumbling under your feet.
“She must’ve been very convincing, or my staff wouldn’t have hired her straightaway…,” he mumbles in an attempt to keep the conversation going, getting jumpy himself as he’s never acted this awkwardly around any woman ever before.
The door to the elevator closes again, but you don’t notice. The only thing you do notice is your amulet, pulsating through your clothes and leaving a small burn mark on your skin. “Auch!,” you exclaim, your fingertips quickly unclasping the necklace and stuffing it in your pocket.
“You okay?” Tony’s brows furrow in concern, but you moved too swiftly for him to catch any more than a glimpse of your ruby.
“Yeah,” you release a shuddering exhale, the stone now burning a hole in your pocket and eventually falling through the seams. It clatters loudly on the elevator floor, drawing Tony’s attention instantly.
Obviously you can’t pick up the stone as it’ll leave a nasty wound on the palm of your hands. Thinking it’ll burn Tony as well, you yell out a high-pitched “no!” as he leans down to pick it up – effortlessly. The stone doesn’t hurt him, it doesn’t burn his hands and neither does Tony understand why you just screamed “no!” on the top of your lungs.
Bouncing the stone from one hand to the other, he studies you curiously. “It’s a lovely necklace. Shame it’s broken, but I can fix that for you? The stone’s quite a stunner, too.”
How is it possible the stone’s too hot for you but not for Tony? And you seem to remember that Pepper, your sister whom he just hired as his assistant, thought the stone was too hot either? What’s the deal with these stones? You’re getting increasingly confused by them.
“No, you don’t have to fix it.” But Tony sees this as the perfect excuse to take you down to the lab and has already pressed the right button before you can refuse.
Tony takes you down to his shop where he is constantly working on new Iron Man armour. You are practically gawking at all the suits on display as he walks you through his desk, his hand splayed on your back and a cocky smile on his lips. Tony pulls out a chair for you and sits you down while he looks around his tools for the right ones to fix your necklace with.
“So, Y/N,” he says softly as he throws a look at you over his shoulder, “What kind of job are you looking for? And I mean, really looking for, because I know being a secretary isn’t exactly anyone’s dream job, right?”
He is back to his confident ways, inspecting the delicate golden necklace and deciding the best approach to fix it. He doesn’t want to touch the stone in fear of damaging it, but he’s very skilled and can be very precise, so he starts working on it anyway. Pocking his tongue out in concentration, Tony keeps his ears attentive as you speak.
“Well,” you clear your throat and put a little more volume behind your voice, afraid it’ll be overpowered by Tony’s tinkering. “I love music and poetry. I’ve been to a fair share of auditions but nobody wanted me, not even as an extra. I’ve been doing some odd jobs here and there to help pay for rent, food and clothes too if necessary, as I live with two of my sisters and don’t wanna take advantage of them for much longer.”
“How many sisters do you have?,” Tony asks you curiously, admiring his work, his back still turned to you while finishing up on your amulet.
“Eight sisters.”
Tony’s head snaps in your direction, his voice sounding a little scandalous. “Eight???”
“My father… he… He has mastered the art of cheating.” Your reply prompts a chuckle from Tony’s lips, who hands you back the necklace. Smiling gratefully, you accept the stone but have to clench your teeth at the warmth still radiating from it.
Tony doesn’t seem to notice as he offers to help you put it on. “No, it’s okay. I’m afraid I’m going to lose it anyway, so I’m just gonna put it in my backpack for now.”
Nodding with a sly smile, Tony leans against his desk and plays with a screwdriver. “So, eight sisters. How does that work? You all live in New York.”
“We split up in groups of three. I live in Brooklyn with my sisters Gamora and Wanda. My youngest sister Shuri lives in Queen with Peggy and Sharon. Sif, Maria and…” Biting your lower lip, you’re unsure if you should tell him Pepper really is your sister, but there is no way back now. “And Pepper live in Manhattan.”
You cross your fingers in the hope that he doesn’t make the connection, but Tony is a genius and as he does a facepalm, you gaze down at your hands in your lap. “Pepper is your sister…,” he mumbles under his breath. “Why didn’t you say so right away?”
You chew on your lip a little longer, until he puts away the screwdriver and crouches down in front of you, lifting your chin with his finger. “Because she deserves this job more than me…,” you eventually whisper quietly.
His smile is warm and understanding, his fingers squeezing yours tenderly. “Musical is more your thing, am I right? So how about I ask around for ya?”
Though you intend to turn him down gently, a small smile breaks through your shy expression. “No, I can’t ask you to do that.”
Smitten by your bashful smile, Tony gives you a wink and pretends to agree even though he will most definitely make a few calls once you’ve left. He holds your gaze just a little longer until he senses you’re getting uncomfortable and then he gets back on his feet again, speaking into the void to a voice you have no clue where it originated from.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. would you please reschedule my meeting with Pepper?”
“No problem, sir. How about Thursday evening instead?,” the gentle female voice replies.
“Perfect.” Tony clasps his hands together and gives you a gleeful look. “I wanna spend some more time with another sister first.”
“Tony – what are you doing? That’s not fair!”
Extending his hand, Tony swings you off your seat and you softly collide into his chest. “I rescheduled, darling, I didn’t cancel.” Releasing you again but still holding your hand, he grabs one of the many keys hanging from the wall.
Tony guides you through his car collection and towards his Audi R8. “Now, you strike me as a shy girl but I bet…” He stops in front of the driver’s seat and turns to you. “I bet you like fast cars just as much as I do.”
He tells you to hold out your hands and as you do so, he drops the car keys in them, much to your surprise. “So let’s take this baby for a spin!”
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @reniescarlett  @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @milkywaybarnes @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @persephonesinferno @hollycornish  @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger   @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thefanficfaerie @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @holomasque @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67 @cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasurahe13 @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725  @true-queen-of-mischief @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @ugh-supersoldiers @me221187 @california-grown
Tag list for “For Infinity”: @yourpal-yourbuddy-yourbuckyy @thevanishedillusion @thequeerishere555 @shamelessbookaddict
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@klimtsmistake hope you love it!
Salope and Branleur
The alcohol soaking his tongue was achingly sweet, the taste turning bitter as his body struggled to filter the acidic beverage for nutrients. There weren’t any. Alcohol in general wasn’t constructed to provide nutrition. Drinking such a thing—no matter what had been added to it or how watered down it was—was designed to tear down and destroy the body. Bring upon the consumer a flighty high and numbness. Normally, Uryū wasn’t one for drinking. He had a glass of wine here and there, but they were so few and far in between that they rarely counted and he never exceeded a single glass. Today, however, merited a strong beverage.
Practice shows always put the designer on edge. It was one headache after another. He knew to expect last minute alterations to clothing and that models—no matter how seasoned—could still stumble and risk breaking their necks while trying out heels they hadn’t worn before. Jewelry was always missing. Make up artists struggled to sooth the frayed nerves of new models just so they could finish their work. It was an endless train of disaster and Uryū despised it every time. Unfortunately it was a necessary evil. If they didn’t perfect their show now there would be chaos on the runway. While Uryū did want his designs to be discussed, he didn’t want them to be a side note in rich snobs’ gossip or pictured on the front page of a newspaper for the wrong reasons.
Right on schedule a hysterical assistant started screeching in panic as she searched for a priceless necklace gone missing, the ruckus causing everyone to grow tense. Uryū sighed heavily through his nose and took another swig of his drink. He had no fucking clue what was in this drink but at the moment he couldn’t care less. He just needed to get a little tipsy and relax—otherwise there would soon be a lot of well dressed dead bodies in the room.
“Oi! Salope! Don’cha do any work around here?”
Uryū’s brow twitched as his throbbing headache suddenly split his brain in two with a violent bolt of anger. Of all things in the world that he needed, this bastard was not one of them.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, a new model who he had mistakenly hired a month ago, sauntered towards him with a broad grin stretched across his face. Uryū hated that smile. There was no sincere emotion behind it. The smile was there for intimidation and irritation and he used it as a weapon. In fact everything about this man screamed predator. The best comparison Uryū had was that of a panther. He was gorgeous—his eyes a breathtaking shade of blue, emphasized by wild teal tattoos and pale skin glowing with a golden hue, high cheekbones and a sharp jaw with perfect teeth to compliment his natural beauty. He was graceful—his startlingly tall body bound with thick muscle that was used efficiently and turned every movement he made into an art form. He was elegant—his makeup as flawless and pristine as his choice in clothing, creating ensembles that even Uryū would be proud to showcase. The man was a living, breathing aesthetic. However, Grimmjow was also cruel and malicious. His narcissistic ego made him to believe that he was the gift from the gods—actually he was worse than that. Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez believed himself to be a deity. Possibly the deity. He treated everyone around him as lesser beings and even refused to let anyone besides himself do his makeup. Granted his work was amazing—sometimes even unparalleled—but it was still beyond rude for him to mock and spit insults in the face of other professionals. At least the nice ones Uryū employed. Only a month with the Frenchman’s presence and Uryū has received twelve resignation letters. Beautiful or not, the man was a demon.
“What are you doing here, Jaegerjaquez? And stop calling me that word,” Uryū demanded as his grip tightened on his glass.
Grimmjow’s grin shrank down to a lazy smirk as he stood before the designer and pushed his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “You don’t even know what it means, salope,” he teased.
“If it is coming from you then I know it isn’t flattering. Now answer my question, what are you doing here?” Uryū repeated, his nails scratching the smooth glass in his grasp.
“Thought this shit was mandatory?” Grimmjow scoffed as his smirk dropped, all amusement gone from his voice. The model had the quickest temper Uryū had ever seen, and that’s saying something when considering a certain someone.
“Yes. It is mandatory. Which is why I asked why you are here. You never show up to anything mandatory. Much less a runway practice. You refuse to model in anything besides a photoshoot and I won’t allow you to do anyone’s makeup because you insult everyone just for existing.”
If he weren’t under contract Uryū would have fired his ass on day one.
“Runways are boring as fuck and it’s not my fault they all bitch, complain, and squirm when I’m trying to make their face look remotely human,” Grimmjow retorted with a snort.
“You still haven’t answered my question,” Uryū said. He was growing tired of this.
The model’s eyes narrowed at his insistent ribbing, but the hostile glare soon changed to a mean smirk. “This shit is comedy gold, man. Have you seen these clowns? Half the models have no fucking clue what they’re doing and at least 90% of the clothes seen on a runway are hideous.”
Uryū frowned. “So you came here just to mock others for putting effort into their work?”
“No. I came to mock others for offending my eyes with their ridiculous attempts at playing god and kickstarting a dud of a Renaissance. I’ve seen better excuses of art from kindergarteners,” Grimmjow scoffed.
“Well, you are French,” Uryū offered with another sip of his drink. This goddamn awful drink had to be strong for him to even attempt making a joke.
Although the slightly pained, deadpan stare on the model’s face was highly amusing.
“I dunno how you pulled that stick outta yer ass but you need to shove it back in because that joke wasn’t even slightly clever,” the man replied dryly.
“Says the man who is only here to mock young artists. If you’re going to stay at least sit down so I can continue surveillance. Also, grab a drink while you’re up. You need something to keep your mouth busy,” Uryū ordered with a wave of his hand.
That infamous grin was back. “Never pegged you to be so direct, salope. Aren’t you supposed to take me out and flash what’s inside your fat wallet before you tell me to get on my knees?”
“I doubt you’re the type of man that would resist bending over if the opportunity presented itself to you,” Uryū said cooly.
Grimmjow looked mildly surprised by the sharp comeback, but the sadistic grin upon his lips only widened. “Y’know, you’re almost tolerable when you stop hiding behind that businessman facade.”
“It’s only because I’m speaking the same ape dialect you are. Now sit down or leave, and if you stay please get a drink. Your voice is grating on my nerves.”
A snicker squeezed through perfect, deadly white teeth as Grimmjow opened his jacket and removed a silver flask from a hidden inner pocket. “I’ll stick to my own poison. Yours looks like it came from the bladder of a unicorn.”
Uryū wrinkled his nose at the description. He hated that Grimmjow was right.
When he had begrudgingly invited Grimmjow to sit down he had expected the man to sit a few seats away, or even behind him just to pester the designer, but instead the model chose to sit right beside him on a cushioned fold out chair. Right beside him. A black, jean clad thigh pressed against a much thinner and far less impressive thigh, which caused Uryū’s breath to hitch as his fingers threatened to shatter the glass in his hand. Why was Jaegerjaquez sitting so close? Was this how seating was going to be on the big day? He needed to speak to Yoruichi about this. This was far too friendly of a seating arrangement. Grimmjow was practically in his lap. Uryū forced his eyes away from those overwhelmingly muscular thighs and glanced at the model. Grimmjow’s intense eyes were glued to the stage and the frantic workers dancing upon it as he took a deep gulp from his flask, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed and a pink tongue running across alcohol stained lips. Despite all of his obvious shortcomings, Jaegerjaquez was still a mystery to him. In fact, no one really knew anything about him at all. He was beyond efficient in his job. Uryū had never seen the man take a bad photo, not even once, which is a wild phenomenon that many insistent involved witchcraft and deals with demons and devils. He was a total asshole but outlandishly professional when it came to his job. He acted like he had the biggest dick in the world but never used that confidence to flirt with anyone on staff. Grimmjow was an odd one. He always seemed to do the exact opposite of what others expected of him.
It made him interesting, to say in the least.
“Holy shit look at that train wreck!” Grimmjow said excitedly, momentarily choking on his drink as he snickered and leaned in.
And by leaned in Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez leaned towards Uryū and draped his arm over the back of the designer’s chair. Uryū jolted at the foreign feeling of a muscular and warm arm pressing against his back, his heart stuttering when Grimmjow’s face hovered beside his, their cheeks moments away from touching while Grimmjow’s cruel finger stabbed at the air as he sneered.
“That’s one fuckin’ hot mess—and not in the fun, daddy issues kind of way. You have to agree with me on that,” Grimmjow said.
Dear lord this man smelled amazing. Uryū had never realized that Jaegerjaquez even wore cologne. Most people drowned their bodies in the stuff but he wore such a faint amount that it was only noticed at a close proximity. Uryū could easily imagine how the model used that technique to ensnare unsuspecting morons who dared to get that close to someone so obviously dangerous. A euphoric scent that overwhelmed the senses when one fell into his embrace, automatically linking him to a positive and desired emotion. It was genius. Possibly even diabolical depending on how and where he used it.
“What are you talking about?” Uryū grumbled, trying to clear his mind by holding his breath.
“What am I—are you shitting me, Ishida? Look at that garbage! How could you allow something like that to appear on your show!” Grimmjow sputtered as he gestured ludicrously at the disaster currently struggling to walk across the runway without tripping over the intricate designs of the dress.
Uryū blinked as he slowly digested the outfit stabbing him in the eyes. The fabric was rough and its life expectantly, the material wore down far too easily. The colors were flat and lifeless; a wonderful rainbow of boring. The shape and design of the dress itself...it really didn’t have one. It looked like the model was encased in a slimy blob of goo. It was horrific.
A muffled snicker squeezed past Uryū’s lips as a faint smile graced his. “Okay, yeah, that’s pretty damn bad. You know I don’t screen all of their works, right? I can’t exactly tell them what they can and cannot show.”
“These people pride themselves on being designers. You’d think these dumbasses would screen their own work! That’s got to be the ugliest dress I have ever seen and that’s a lot coming from me,” Grimmjow said with a shake of his head and another drink from his flask.
The model retreated to a safe enough distance that Uryū felt he could breath once again, but Grimmjow’s arm never moved. Nor did his thigh. A smirk twisted Uryū’s lips as he used his glass to gesture at the additional models joining the stage. “Don’t judge too soon. That dress has contenders.”
Uryū tried his damnedest to refrain from laughing when he watched the five stages of grief roll across the man’s face. Although the model never did reach acceptance.
“What the fuck is going on in that guy’s head? He has to be kidding! Those colors don’t match at all! Was his goal to make the audience hate him? If it was then his plan is going well,” Grimmjow huffed.
“You’re ranting a lot for a guy who claimed this is a source of comedic relief for you,” Uryū said, grinning as he finished off his drink.
“There’s a difference between being a shitty artist and insulting what we do for a living. That guy is an embarrassment to the profession. Why the hell did you let this guy in on your gig? Humiliation?” Grimmjow asked.
“I’m not that cruel, Jaegerjaquez,” Uryū said with a roll of his eyes, “A lot of these designers have potential. They merely lack in experience. I’ve seen some of his other designs. He has passion for what we do and within a few years he’ll be fairly accomplished in our field.”
“He just has to be humiliated first,” Grimmjow reiterated will a dull, unimpressed look.
It was Uryū’s turn to grin like a maniac. “It’s the only way some of them learn. Normally I’m kinder, but that kid has an attitude and an ego far larger than it should be. I don’t cater to spoiled brats.”
Grimmjow mirrored his smirk. “Harsh. I like it.”
Uryū smiled sincerely before groaning when his eyes returned to the terror unfolding before them. “Don’t look now. Somehow it got worse.”
Ignoring his words Grimmjow turned his gaze back to the models and stomped his foot in anger. “Oh come on! It looks like you wiped your ass with that! What the fuck are you doing!” Grimmjow bellowed.
Uryū snickered, watching as Grimmjow’s insults grew louder and cruder while struggling not to burst out laughing. He usually had a good hold on his tongue and was polite to most of the people he met. Grimmjow was different. The exact opposite of the designer. Jaegerjaquez had no filter and no shame in his words or actions and did as he pleased. While it was frustrating on a workplace level, it was entertaining as hell when personal. Before long the two were caught in a fit of laughter: Grimmjow’s a hissing cackle and Uryū’s a strangled attempt at being quiet and polite.
“What a fucking idiot,” Grimmjow snorted as he settled back in his chair.
The brute sat with his legs spread far apart, taking up more room than he needed with his arm still invading Uryū’s personal space. It was beyond rude, but oddly charming. If anything Grimmjow seemed to be aloof to his actions. Almost as if he had no clue that his actions inconvenienced others. Lacking consciousness of the impact his body held on others. Uryū’s nose wrinkled. Okay, he wasn’t so aloof that he didn’t know how good he looked. Grimmjow boasted that he was easily the best looking model Uryū employed. Year round employees, certainly. However, when special hires were included he would always come in second place to him.
Uryū frowned and licked his dry lips. His throat was suddenly parched. He needed another drink.
“Thank the heavens your designs aren’t from the bowls of my nightmares. You actually have artistic taste,” Grimmjow remarked as he finished off his flask and slipped it back into his jacket.
Uryū blinked in surprise. “Did...did you just compliment me?”
A confused look crunched Grimmjow’s sharp features. “The hell are you talking about?”
“You said I have artistic taste. You like my designs?” he asked in bewilderment.
“What the fuck are you on? Of course I like your designs. That goes without saying,” the model said, his confusion and temper beginning to mix.
“Uh, no, it definitely needs to be said. You don’t like anything but yourself. You’ve never said anything about my clothes before. What makes you think that I knew?”
“I’m working for you, aren’t I?” Grimmjow snapped.
Uryū blinked again. “What does that have to do with anything?”
Suddenly, the Frenchman’s face was both very tired and very cold. “Are you shitting me, salope? You seriously think that I would work for someone who makes shitty clothes? I won’t work for anyone who creates shit I wouldn’t be caught dead with. Unlike what people think I actually take all of this seriously. You’re one of the few who actually puts heart into your work and it shows and I respect that. Posers like them piss me off. It spits in the face of what we do—it’s practically sacrilegious. Do you know how rare people like you are? You have passion. It’s not a way for you to make money, it’s a way of life. Why do you think I decided to move overseas? You were the only person worth modeling for.”
Was this moment real? Were these wonderful compliments actually pouring from Grimmjow’s beautiful lips, or had the alcohol taken over his soul and sanity? Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez was complimenting him. He was praising Uryū’s work. He respected the designer’s work. Why did hearing such words make him feel so dizzy? He could blame the dizziness in his mind on the alcohol...but his heart was a whole nother story.
Uryū now remembered why he hired the man in the first place. Jaegerjaquez’s agent wasn’t a slacker by any means. Nelliel was an amazing agent who could sell anything to anyone. She lied so easily about her clients, but she never lied about their beauty. She knew Grimmjow’s selling points and exploited them insistently to make him stand out. Tall, muscular, and beautiful models were a dime a dozen. Conventional beauty was easily replicated and dull. Normally someone like Grimmjow wouldn’t even stand out to Uryū, but Nelliel knew just the buttons to press to open that door. An Adonis Grimmjow may be, but the man wasn’t a carbon copy doll made of cheap plastic. Many models avoided inking their skin due to difficulties presented in photoshoots, but Grimmjow’s body was swallowed in them. Sleeves engulfing his arms and prominent chest. Foreign words scrawled along the sharp V of his pelvis and inner thighs. An array of panthers ranging from mountain lions to tigers to smaller feral cats stamped upon his upper back and guarding his broad shoulders. The trademark teal tattoos below those cyan eyes supported by the frightening panther jaw etched into his right cheek. His piercings extended well past his ears to various parts of his body; his face, his chest, his stomach, and places he had only seen the outline of. Then there was his hair. Aside from the marks under his eyes, Grimmjow’s hair was notorious for being a vibrant shade of blue that married perfectly with his intense eyes. No one knew the natural color but discovering the truth was impossible when the man’s whole body was hairless and primped to the point of being spoiled. It was the quirks that had caught Uryū’s interest. By reputation he was known to have models of all sizes, shapes, backgrounds and ethnicities and he despised limiting his clothes to only those with a figure like his. Everyone deserves to look and feel good about themselves and Uryū would be damned if his clothes were used to state otherwise. He had hired Grimmjow just from seeing his pictures. He knew nothing about the man’s personally. Their first meeting hadn’t gone well; all clashing egos and pride suffocating their lungs. Now...now Uryū wasn’t so sure about his opinion on the model.
It was possible that he had thought wrongly about Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
“Holy fuck,” Grimmjow purred, a sleezy grin stretching his pretty face when he pulled his arm away from Uryū and licked his lips, “Now that is a masterpiece. Why’s something that priceless walkin’ around here without security? That’s hella dangerous.”
Uryū’s brow furrowed. “What are you-,” the designer’s breath became trapped in his throat.
As always all eyes were glued onto his lean body. Each set of irises silently praising the angelic man in their presence. Uryū swears those skinny jeans become tighter every time he sees his old friend. Not to mention v-neck shirts he wears look as if they should be illegal. Soft, freckled skin a warm, sunkissed hue. Those gorgeous and inviting androgynous features. His blonde hair that rare vibrant orange—so bright that it seemed he was the offspring of a sun god--framing his face and falling in front of those eyes. Those vivacious cinnamon brown eyes drizzled with honey and a collection of small golden stars laid within like cubes of sugar in the sweetest tea. The most beautiful man Uryū temporarily employed.
Ichigo Kurosaki.
Swallowing dryly, heart drumming a panicked beat, Uryū began to nervously pick at his nails when he found himself unable to look away. Especially when that heaven sent man smiled at him, purposely trying to kill him. Was it always going to be like this? Unable to exist with him and unable to exist without him? It had only been two months since Kurosaki left for New Zealand to finish filming the latest movie he starred in. Why did it feel like years? Why was he so pathetic? When was Ichigo going to stop letting his hair grow out because it was sickening to watch something so perfect become even more perfect, could Uryū even handle another inch?
He hated himself for falling in love with his best friend.
“He ain’t got a collar,” Grimmjow chuckled, his voice heated and enthralled and his eyes glowing with hunger, as he pressed his thumb against this naked ring finger to explain what he was speaking of, “It means he’s up for grabs.”
Up for grabs…
Uryū’s stomach twisted violently as his heart released a pained wail. Grimmjow wanted Ichigo. Of course he would want Ichigo. There wasn’t a person on this planet who didn’t—even sexual identities didn’t hold up against Kurosaki. Goddamnit. Grimmjow was just Ichigo’s type, too. Tall and outrageously beautiful—covered in tattoos and piercings and lethally dangerous. An asshole that was undoubtedly amazing in bed and sure to leave bruises in his skin. Uryū couldn’t even begin to compare to either of them. For fuck’s sake, they even had the complementary colors and fire versus ice cliches going for them.
He needed another drink.
“Hey, Uryū. How’ve you been, man?” Ichigo asked, stopping a foot shy of Uryū’s chair as he tucked bangs behind his ear and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his red wine inked jeans.
Shit. Ichigo had piercings. Small gauges in each lobe to be precise. He must have gotten them done while he was away. He always wanted to get them done. The looked better than Uryū expected, and he expected them to look good. Everything Ichigo wore tended to do that.
“I-Ichigo…you’re back,” Uryū’s soft face twisted into a rough frown, “You were supposed to call me when you were on your way home and when you landed. I was going to pick you up.”
Ichigo’s smile became uneasy and nervous as he shrugged in return. “Sorry, Yū. I didn’t want to bother you so I drove here on my own.”
“We’ve been friends since birth. You bothering me is part of my daily routine,” Uryū replied sarcastically.
“Okay, yeah, that’s true,” Ichigo chuckled, a hand snaking free from his jeans to rub the back of his neck.
His scowl softened. Ichigo returns and the first thing he does is berate him like a parent. He really had issues.
“Ichigo? My Japanese may be a bit rusty, but doesn’t that mean strawberry?”
That age old scowl Uryū hadn’t seen since high school marred Ichigo’s face as he turned his attention to Grimmjow with a haughty look in his eyes. “And you are?”
“Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. I’m--.”
“A model.”
Grimmjow looked surprised, Uryū had a hard time keeping the smirk off his face as smug pride welled in his chest. Despite his appearance Ichigo was not someone to fuck with. No matter how angry or dangerous Grimmjow thought himself to be he would never reach Ichigo’s level. His friend had to go through hell and back just to wear a smile without feeling guilty and ashamed for being happy. Uryū had seen his darkest years. He remembered how those faint scars on his knuckles appeared on his skin. Whatever chance the model had before no longer existed.
Grimmjow regained his composure and smirked, leaning back in his seat as if presenting his whole body to Ichigo. “So you know of me?”
“Know of you? Not necessarily. I only know who you are because all you models are the same. Choking on your own egos and failing to impress me with your status,” Ichigo said with a dismissive, dramatic wave of his hand.
“Impress you? Please. I don’t need you to be impressed to have you choking on my ego, so to speak,” Grimmjow scoffed as he crossed one leg over the other.
The corners of Ichigo’s lips twitched and Uryū’s heart plummeted.
“You’re a foreigner, aren’t you?” Ichigo asked.
“What tipped you off? The European complexion or the two foot height disparity?” Grimmjow said, his face expressionless once more.
“You’re accent, actually. French, right?”
Life brightened Grimmjow’s face and Ichigo smiled softly in response. Uryū chewed the inside of his cheek as his manicured nails started to tear.
“Pantera. That’s the name you go by, right? I’ve seen your work before when I last traveled to France. You were pretty popular there. I swear your face was plastered on every fashion magazine in town,” the blonde continued, “I recognized the tattoos under your eyes.”
“If you knew who I was, why’d you ask?” Grimmjow asked with a quirked brow.
Uryū hadn’t seen that mischievous smirk in ages. He couldn’t believe he missed it. That smirk only spelled trouble.
“I just wanted to watch you squirm.”
Now they were both grinning like they had swallowed hangers. Where was there more alcohol because Uryū could really use that right now.
“Fuckin’ bastard. Alright, you know who I am, but I have no idea who the fuck you are,” Grimmjow said as his body relaxed further into his seat, “Am I supposed to?”
Yes; Uryū thought bitterly. Everyone knew who Ichigo was.
“Not really. It’s not like I’m anyone important.”
Uryū nearly rolled his eyes right out of his skull.
“Name’s Ichigo Kurosaki. I’m an actor. Sometimes I dabble in screenwriting and directing.”
Dabble. Uryū wouldn’t call Japan’s top three best selling and heavily awarded films something Ichigo dabbled in. That was like Leonardo Da Vinci claiming his work to be a mere doodle.
“An actor? One of those drama queens, eh?” Grimmjow teased.
“Hardly. At least on a personal level,” Ichigo admitted.
That was a lie. Kurosaki wasn’t dramatic, but the shit that surrounded his life sure was. For instance, his best friend being in love with him and the best friend’s nemesis loving the same guy. This was getting a little too Wuthering Heights for Uryū’s taste.
“You been in anything good?”
That tone...where was Jaegerjaquez going with this?
“There were a few that bombed but most of them did fairly well.”
A sly grin split Grimmjow’s face in two. “You been naked in any of these movies?”
Ichigo was caught off guard by the question, evident by the blush that quickly consumed his cheeks as he sputtered for an answer.
“Jaegerjaquez, that’s enough!” Uryū spat, glaring at the model beside him, “Either you shut your loud mouth and stop with the inappropriate comments or you leave. There’s no reason for you to be here anyways.”
Grimmjow glanced between the two of them unimpressed. “Fraise looks older than eighteen. I think he can handle a few big boy questions.”
“It’s still wrong to ask complete strangers questions like that!” Uryū snapped.
“Uryū, it’s okay, man. I mean, he’s right. I’m twenty-five, I’m not completely foreign to nudity or sexual topics,” Ichigo coughed to clear his throat before he met Grimmjow’s eyes, “Um, yeah, there are a few. None of them were full on nudity, but some of them were more explicit than others due to sexual context. Why do you want to know?”
Uryū really hated the model’s smile.
“I’m gonna need the names of those movies. Especially the ones with sexual content. I think I should watch those first,” Grimmjow said.
“Jaegerjaquez, out. Now,” Uryū ordered, snarling the man’s name through his teeth.
The model only regarded him with a glance and snorted, the smile on his face sleazy as he slowly climbed to his feet and stood at his full height. He was so much taller than him. Uryū hated men taller than him—Ichigo being the only exception.
“You’re alway so serious, salope. And here I was thinking you might actually be fun,” Grimmjow sighed as he started to walk away, “Designers are always such a tense, grouchy bunch.”
Suddenly Grimmjow came to a stop just behind Ichigo and spun around, snaking his arms around Ichigo’s small waist and placing his lips at Ichigo’s ear while his sharp eyes stared at Uryū pointedly.
“I need those names, fraise,” the man murmured, lips brushing against the sensitive skin on a pierced lobe, grinning maliciously at the enraged glare on Uryū’s face.
Still blushing and oblivious to the territorial battle taking place, Ichigo gave Grimmjow a cocky grin and replied, “You’ve gotta put some work into this, Jaegerjaquez. I’ve been in thirteen movies. You might wanna get to work.”
Grimmjow chuckled, his large hands consuming Ichigo’s stomach and teasing the blonde’s shapely hips. “You better not be a disappointment, fraise. I don’t like wasting my time.”
“We just met, but you and I both know that of all things I could be a disappointment is not one of them,” Ichigo chortled.
Ichigo was flirting back.
Ichigo never flirted with anyone.
It was official. Uryū despised this man with every fiber of his being.
Grimmjow hummed in agreement, his teeth grazing the sore flesh of Ichigo’s earlobe, smiling when Ichigo released an unwanted whimper that caused his blush to darken. Slowly, the model’s hands retreated as he took a step back and stuffed his hands back into his pockets. “See you tomorrow, salope. And I’ll be seeing you tonight, fraise,” he said with a cocky snicker and walked away.
Ichigo and Uryū both watched the man leave, one looking slightly lost while the other envisioned throttling a pale neck.
“He’s...something,” Ichigo admitted as he brushed his fingers over his ear.
“He’s a jackass,” Uryū grumbled.
“Yeah...but it kinda makes him interesting.”
Jaegerjaquez better stay far away from him for a while.
Otherwise Uryū couldn’t promise that his vast selection of sewing needles won’t end up poking many, many holes into tattooed skin.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Ok so major vent/fuck coworkers post because I swear if I don't I'm going to punch this fucker's teeth in. Its long without a tl;dr so im sorry viewers There is this slimey mother fucker at my work... lets name him Graig... and he is that insufferable "teacher's pet" kind of person (read as: the store manager's bitch), and hes that fuck that will kiss everyone's ass and act really nice and polite but then actively talks shit and tries to snitch on u for something u may or may not have done the moment ur back is turned. But he talks the most shit on people who are "in his way" (ie: people whi arent managers but are still in a higher position than him) and he actively tries to sabotage blue shirts because he thinks that if the one in front of him is gone they have no choice but to make him a blue shirt. In every case he successfully pisses off a blue shirt to the point they leave, my manager just hires another blue shirt Here's a little segway to explain how the heirarchy of Dankin Doodoos works. At the top of a specific store is the manager who wears a red shirt in the middle are the shift leaders who wear blue shirts and at the bottom are the crew who wear white shirts Now backstory for Graig so this will make sense: at this point he is a White Shirt and hes pissed because he is p much the store's bitch and all he does is complain about how he doesnt have a Blue shirt, how he deserves a blue shirt even tho he takes waaaaay too many short cuts, actively ignores when Blue shirts ask him to do something or tell him to move to a different station, actively creates and perpetuates rumors to cause discourse, is very rude to customers, didnt know how to do most stuff that ur p much supposed to learn in training, literally fucks up most of his drinks, etc the list goes on and on for why he shouldn't have one and shouldnt even work here for that matter and we were all even told by our District Manager (a big higher up) he will never have a blue shirt. I came to work at this location after him but as a whole I was an actual manager at my old store so i was immediately put in a blue shirt position. He was not happy about that one fucking bit. I didn't care. I was nice to him, hoping if i didnt give him anything to bitch about hed eventually fuck off and do his goddamn job. Now onto the reason I say fuck Graig. I used to stream myself playing video games on twitch on my off time from work, which was A) a great stress reliever and B) something I've wanted to make a career for a while now. My manager knew I used to do this because I'd gush about how much I loved doing it so much. Id given a lot of my coworkers my twitch url and told them to come watch some time and it was all fun! But then one day my manager calls me into the office (with, of course Graig pretending to need shit out the office every 5 seconds so he can eavesdrop) and she tells me that someone had sent the url of one of my stored videos on twitch to my the district manager. It would have been all good, because i literally never say anyone's name and i never say i work for Dankin, it was just a fun stream i did with my friend and honestly my hair was long and i look way different with my hair pulled up so i might not have even been recognised so any of the foul language and dicks and stuff i joked about wouldnt have even mattered. But of course they absolutely had to try and get me with something, so they saw my shirt, which said DankinRonpa (a parody of Danganronpa) on it with a bear on it was close enough to the Dankin Doodoos design that I was representing my location and decided that everything i was doing was inappropriate so I was literally almost fired. And my district manager even made the comment that she had saved the url to my page so that shes going to check in from time to time to make sure im not doing anything inappropriate. Thankfully my manager saved my ass by pointing out it was a first time offense, i didn't know that my shirt would let people know where i work, promised it wont happen again etc etc I was so upset i still havent back streaming because im terrified shell keep her promise. So now if i want to continue streaming i have to abandon my current twitch channel (and all 200 followers) and start fresh. Of course after my shift is over my actual friend that worked there at the time also as a blue shirt let me know that Graig decided he had "had enough of me" and decided to prove that he had "eyes everywhere" and sent the link to my district manager. And the kicker? The real fucking kicker? He got a job as a assistant manager at a dollar corporal and he had put in his two weeks in the same fucking email he sent my twitch url in. He legitimately had no fucking reason to do it other than to be a petty piece of shit. Oh and even after he left, he kept calling the store, asking whoever answered the phone how much they were making, then told them they could make more at his dollar corporal like are you fucking serious? And what hes doing is trying to convince people to leave their job here and to come work under him. And from what the other managers say, its because he acts like hes a fucking bigshot and yells at everyone and hes already driven off half the staff. And wouldnt you know it, because of that they severely cut his hours to the point where he came crawling back this past week. But because right now, my store is so severely understaffed because all the hires have additudes and refuse to come in on time, they damn near handed him a blue shirt. But he always nags me when i dont let him touch my drawer or count the safe, or let him in drive thru. "Oh why dont you trust people?" And then try to guess why: "is it that rumor i heard about you getting in trouble over youtube?" And honestly that pisses me off even more because he was there when i had the conversation with someone esle i worked with and even asked questions about it, so he knows. And one of these days hes going to catch me when im not in uniform and not in the store and im gonna whoop his fucking ass if he doesnt leave me alone
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