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foxofninetales · 9 months
How do public libraries choose which books to stock and which not to?
Somewhere, all of my coworkers just felt a shiver run down their spine because they KNOW what I'm like when I start talking collection development. Oh dear.
(As a disclaimer, I am answering this very specifically from the viewpoint of an adult fiction purchaser for a public library, because that's what I do. There are other considerations for nonfiction, juvenile, etc that I can't speak of with as much experience.)
The short answer is: our goal is to develop a collection that meets the needs of the local community.
The most obvious facet of this is purchasing, and the most obvious driver for purchasing is demand. How you calculate that demand varies: mine involves a combination of 1) fancy analytic software 2) pulling specific reports from our ILS data 3) patron requests 4) seeing what terms are being searched in our catalog 5) getting input from front-line staff about trends and chatter and 6) longterm knowledge of the general likes and dislikes of our community. Longterm authors are known quantities and pretty easy to predict, while new authors require reading reviews and evaluating their potential. It can vary from "this genre/author always circulate well in general" to "I know this book will be read by these three specific people". Bestseller lists are useful and you definitely need to pay attention to them, but those are national trends, and a good collection development librarian who really *knows* their community can look at two books that are selling almost identically nationally and know that locally they need to buy ten copies of one and one copy of the other. Heck, I buy for a multi-branch system, and I can tell you which genres and authors will do better at one branch versus another 20 miles away. Local means. *local*.
Anyway... another facet in meeting the needs of the community is providing representation. Here's where you get into fun things like GIS maps and census statistics and keeping up with local populations trends, etc., as well as just paying attention to who walks through the library doors, and who doesn't, and why that might be. Communities are diverse and you want everyone to be able to see themselves represented in your collection. This is where budgets really come into play, and how much money you have left after purchasing the must-have bestsellers. (See again: James Patterson rant.) This is also, unfortunately, restricted by what the publishers are putting out that is available to purchase - sometimes the representation you want to buy just isn't out there, especially if your supplier isn't good about small-press books.
"Quality" is a factor in purchasing, but sometimes people misunderstand this and think that this means that the library should buy nothing but classics and literary or educational books. NOOOOOOO. We evaluate books for quality before purchasing, but it's "quality as a representation of what it is" versus "quality against all books of all time". What this basically means is that yes, if the demand is there, we are going to buy that lurid potboiler that is written on a third-grade reading level, because that is that is what provides enjoyment for a specific level of reader, but it's going to be the best example of that genre that we can find. Those category paperback romances? Excellent examples of category paperback romances. The goal of fiction isn't foremost to educate, but I do get particularly excited when I find what I call "eye-openers", which are books that are absolutely typical genre fiction *except* they have one little facet that exposes the reader to something they aren't usually exposed to in that genre - a different race of protagonist, a queer sidekick, a facet of history that is looked at in a slightly more nuanced way.
Besides purchasing, another aspect is collection maintenance. For the most part, this is "weeding", which is the process of removing older books to make room for new ones. Collection space isn't infinite: for new books to come in, old books have to leave. This is comparatively simple for adult fiction, as it is largely based on what is still circulating and what has been gathering dust for three years, though the physical condition of the book also comes into play. For nonfiction, you also have to evaluate whether the information the book contains has become old/outdated/downright dangerous. Because i am fortunate enough to work in a library with ample collection space and a good budget, collection maintenance for our collection also involves strategic replacements where needed, not just of battered classics, but also of older series books that are still popular. (Agatha Christie is still one of our top 20 circulating authors, nearly 50 years after her death!)
The overall goal is to have a collection where everyone in your community will be able to walk through the door and find a book that appeals to them and is what they need right then, whether it provides a moment of startling revelation that shapes their life or just gives them the companionship to get through one more sleepless night.
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bigfrozenfan-fanfics · 6 months
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Chapter 71 - Captives and a war crime
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all Publishing cycle: around every 2-3 weeks
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks (try to use headphones). It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting and music.
“Open your mouth!” the captain barked at Albert, who was sitting on a chair in the castle guards' interrogation room. Three guardsmen stood around the two of them and did not take their eyes off their prisoner. Albert Monrad looked intimidated, but behaved surprisingly composed and calm.
          There was no escape here and if they proved even the tiniest detail of his involvement in the conspiracy, he would immediately be put in the brig of the next ship on his way to prison. Albert knew this and was fully concentrated without letting on. Thoughts raced in his head and he tried to look as innocent as possible.
          “You cannot make me believe that you, as Osvald Monrad's brother, knew nothing of his machinations. So out with it!” continued Einar. “Admit it that you had a hand in everything and were also responsible for the fact that a brig anchored right in front of the jetty of the castle garden, thus forcing us to escort your brother to the harbour where your allies were already waiting for us. You knew from someone that we were going to ferry your brother safely and unseen in a dinghy. Admit that it was all planned down to the last detail!”
          “Captain, I swear I had nothing to do with any of this. I am just an ordinary wine and spirits merchant, albeit an extremely well-known in Arendelle and beyond its borders. It's not my fault that the captain of my supplier's ship behaved like that. Please believe me,” Albert replied in the most convincing voice he was capable of in this situation. “I didn't know about any ambush either, how could I?”
          Einar had so far been leaning on the armrests of the chair with both hands, his face threatening just inches from Albert's . Now he straightened up again and looked at him sceptically.
          “Why is it that I cannot believe you?” he asked. “We haven't found anything incriminating in your house so far, but I think you are very cunning and would have had enough time to make all the evidence disappear in time. I have met a lot of people in my career and have developed an excellent knowledge of human behaviour, you must know. You can't fool me. You are hiding something and I will keep you here until I find out, be sure.”
          “But believe me! I am a blameless citizen. It is normal that over the decades I have made many contacts with the nobility and with anyone who can afford my exquisite wines, which I import from many kingdoms. Even the castle has been one of my customers for many years. Just ask in the castle kitchen. Olina knows me and also Kai, who is responsible for selecting the wines. Ask him, he can confirm it for you, Captain.”
          “Kai is not available at the moment, he is away for a few days, if not weeks. I cannot therefore ask him, and Olina, our cook is just that, a cook.” Einar pondered, not wanting to let up so quickly. With enough pressure, each respondent sooner or later gave in and revealed his secrets. It would be no different with Albert Monrad, even if he had good contacts with the upper class and had therefore learned to express himself in a chosen way. Besides, he is a trader and as such he also had to be able to haggle well and always be convincing. Einar was therefore not yet convinced of his innocence.
          “By the way, we discovered something very interesting when we searched your house, which is not exactly typical for such a well-known wine merchant as you claim to be. Tell me, why do you have a dovecote under the roof?”
          “The pigeons? Oh, that's a hobby of mine that I've been cultivating for over twenty years. As you surely know, I am not married and do not have a partner. I am very often alone, I am not overly busy and at some point I had the idea of having some pigeons delivered to me from the continent. I love birds and the pigeons are trusting enough that they are like a pet for me to look after lovingly, just like cats are for other people. I breed the animals, you know.”
          “Hmm … and you expect me to believe that? Aren't pigeons also used as messengers for news?”
          “That's right, you are well informed, Captain. They are called carrier pigeons, but ordinary pigeons are not suitable for this task and it requires years of training and partners who can devote a lot of time to help with it. It's certainly not easy, I can imagine, but it's not something I've ever really been interested in or had the time for, let alone friends who are pigeon fanciers like me. Or have you seen many pigeons in the capital or been able to watch them in flight?”
          Einar unfortunately did not know enough about this subject and therefore did not know how to answer. But what he didn't know, maybe someone else could tell him and he made a mental note to look into it very soon. How cunning could a wine merchant with pigeons on the roof be. Only it was Monrad's brother and betrayal perhaps ran in the family, who knows. Stella had proved it anyway, so why not Albert?
          “It's not over yet, Albert Monrad. You will be our guest for a while yet,” Einar said with an undertone of sarcasm, “Take him to the cell, men. We'll see you soon, Monrad,” Einar said, making a bored hand gesture to his guardsmen to get the prisoner out of his sight.
“I thank you for your attendance at this informative meeting, here in the castle's venerable council chamber,” Anna said, standing at the head of the large table around which everyone she had sent for this morning was now seated. She looked into each and every one of the faces that looked towards her in a friendly and expectant manner. Then she sat down with Elsa at her right and added, “Please help yourselves to drinks before we begin.” Several maids now went round asking for the guests' requests and promptly served everyone before leaving the hall again with a curtsey to the queen.
          “Well, firstly, I have to express our deepest thanks to Princess Mari and her father in absentia, King Jonas. Without her and her father's help, we probably would not have been able to deal with the precarious situation in the capital so quickly, not to mention changing the battle’s course at the Misty Pass! Mari, please tell your father that we will also visit you in person soon to thank him.”
          “But of course, Anna and Elsa. I am already very much looking forward to your visit,” Mari returned with a smile in personal form of address. “I am glad that the capital of Arendelle is finally safe again and that all the agitators and conspirators will soon be brought to their just punishment.”
          “Thank you, Mari, you have also taken one of my concerns for today right out of my mouth. Captain Jordahl, you will leave today with the prisoners for the naval base to transfer them to the nearby penal camp. I hope everything is in order and you did not have too many problems with the … what was it … fifty-two prisoners?”
          Ole Johrdahl nodded, “Indeed, there are that many. Everything is going according to plan and after I have delivered them I will set sail tomorrow morning on the voyage to the other kingdoms you mentioned in your letter, Your Majesty.”
          “I will sail with him to the southern base today, Your Majesty,” Captain Holmstein added, “then we can set sail together tomorrow on the first fresh breeze, Ole.”
          “Excellent, gentlemen. You will be away for many weeks and hopefully return soon with ship's bellies bulging with food and animal feed. Please take good care of yourselves, I suspect the sea is treacherous at this time of year.” Both skippers nodded to her in acknowledgement.
          Anna briefly explained to the others present her plan to ask other kingdoms and trading partners for help with the lack of supplies in Arendelle. This and the prospective Crown Prince's trip to Snoob would be the first big step and she assured them of her great confidence that the problems would soon be solved.
          “Unfortunately Vakretta itself cannot spare anything, even we have just enough to feed our island population adequately in the cold season,” Mitya added to her remarks.
          “Please do not worry about that, Ambassador Mitya, I am already grateful that you are leading the traitor Wael to his fate, far away from Arendelle.”
          “Oh, and one more thing, Captain Holmstein, has Thord's former ship, the Jarls Pride, been refitted yet? We would also need a new name for the gaff sailer, but I have yet to think of one. If you have any ideas on that, let me know. I want to send it north to bring back men, equipment and prisoners, if General Mattias and Master Fabian have already succeeded. For that, I would need another candidate captain for the ship, who can also prove himself at this opportunity,” Anna asked, smiling at the captain.
          “Most of the work has been done, but for the latter I have no one who is ready,” he replied. “Do you perhaps have a candidate, Ole, whom you can spare?”
          “Indeed, I have someone in mind who also happens to be on board at the moment. I'll see to it as soon as possible, Your Majesty,” the other captain replied, inclining his head towards her.
          “Very well, the meeting today is progressing faster than I suspected, except for a few things I have touched on the most important. There is only one thing I would like to say, and that is our deepest thanks to you, Sorenson. Your idea with the hospital and its quick implementation has saved countless lives. You can therefore expect an official award of honour from the Royal House of Arendelle shortly and I would like to take this opportunity to ask you whether you would be willing to continue to make your services available in the future and to move your permanent residence here to the capital. We would be very happy to help with the move, so you need not worry about that, nor about finding suitable permanent accommodation. What do you think?”
          “I am very honoured, Your Majesty, thank you. But if you will allow me, I would like to think about this offer before I make a final decision,” the scientist replied with a thoughtful look. He seemed very surprised, but in a positive sense, it seemed.
          “No problem, take as much time as you need, Sorenson. Dr Magnus, our thanks also go to you, for your tireless efforts over the past few days. You have given new hope to farming families and in the process have been instrumental in saving lives, and that goes especially for you, Myrtha. Without your help and your … one could almost say miracle ointments, many of the people would not have recovered so quickly. Many, many thanks!'
          Both rose briefly and, surprised by these honest words, bowed before Anna and thanked her for this honour.
          “This brings me to my last and possibly most important point,” Anna said after a small pause. “It's about your people, Yelana, and yours too, of course, Myrtha,” she smiled, “Not only have you always been kind and helpful to us in all the time since we first met you … but since we know our mother was Northuldra, we both feel a strong connection to your people. You have become like family to us. Moreover, the Northuldra have played an immensely large part in the war and we will never be able to thank you enough for that. Our deepest regrets for the losses you have unfortunately suffered … I honestly do not have the appropriate words.”
          Silence reigned for a while and one could sense that each of those present had images flashing through their minds again as they recalled the terrible events before and during the war, images that were different for each of them and that recalled their personal involvement in the events to a greater or lesser extent.
          “Actually, I was going to bring this up a little later, but it seems like the right time,” Yelana said. “We will be returning to our camp shortly to see our relatives and friends again. Furthermore, there are some very important reasons why all Northuldra must return and I would like to invite you both to accompany us for a few days, Anna and Elsa. It's important and it affects Arendelle too.”
          “What is it that is so important?” asked Elsa curiously, bright-eyed.
          “I would rather discuss that with both of you in private, if you don't mind.”
          “If it concerns Arendelle, I need to know as well, Lady Yelana,” Captain Einar, who was also seated in the select group, spoke up for the first time. “Surely you understand that.”
          She nodded at him in understanding. “There is no danger, Captain, if you should suspect that. It is rather something … familiar, you might say.”
          “Oh … well then. Sorry, I …” but Yelana was already waving it off and he interrupted to apologise.
          “Captain Einar, I hope you don't think I've forgotten you,” Anna said, interrupting the somewhat awkward moment. “That is not the case. As far as I know, you have Albert Monrad in hot water. Is there any news on that and has he already confessed?”
          “Not yet, and unfortunately we haven't been able to prove anything so far. But I have reasonable doubts and will keep him in custody for the time being until I get more information or perhaps he wears down and makes a confession.”
          “I see … beyond that, has there been any progress, perhaps, in deciphering Thord's documents?” Einar shook his head regretfully.
          “Very well, thank you gentlemen. That should conclude our meeting. Yelana, Myrtha, please stay a little longer, then you can tell us everything that is on your minds.”
A day's ride away …
“General, general, our platoon is back and they have prisoners with them!” reported one of the volunteer soldiers from Arendelle as he ran excitedly towards Mattias.
          Mattias was sitting with some of his men and Honeymaren at dinner in the Northuldra camp and had been wondering when the first news would arrive or when the men would return. In less than an hour the sun was setting and it would soon be too dark to see anything in the woods, Honeymaren assured him. Mattias had been getting a little nervous in the meantime, but now he jumped up and faced the bearer of the good news.
          When the young man stopped in front of him completely out of breath and had to rest his hands on his knees in a stooped position, Mattias put a hand on his shoulder.
          “There, there, you didn't have to hurry so much. The few more minutes wouldn't have made me any more nervous. Come, sit down and take a deep drink of fresh spring water from the bucket over there and then eat with us,” Mattias reassured him and the soldier nodded before dropping to the grass and gratefully pouring two wooden ladles full of water into himself.
          The general remained standing, looking intently in the direction from which the man had just come, and others now rose to see something among the trees.
          Not a quarter of an hour later many men appeared, between them and on some stretchers they dragged behind them, more or less badly injured Northmen. It was Fabian's group that had split up to hunt the fugitive Northmen. The other group searched more to the southwest to find the rest of Thord's mercenaries. They manoeuvred the men who could still walk into an area enclosed by high wooden stakes and closed the door of the temporary prison. Then they called for healers and placed five stretchers on the ground in front of it. The Northmen on them were covered in blood and most of them unconscious. A few minutes later Northuldra healers attended to them.
          “I'll be off then and leave you to it. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about and I don't want to disturb you,” Honeymaren said and made her way to the centre of the camp after Mattias confirmed her 'All right, see you later'.
          “How did it go?” asked Mattias curiously of Fabian, who was pouring a ladle of water over his head and then taking a deep gulp from another ladle.
          “Quite well actually, the Northuldra trackers have served us very well. They see tracks where I only see scrub,” replied the fencing master.
          “Actually?” Mattias inquired.
          “Well, an incident occurred during our mission. At some point we had to split up to increase the search range, and someone in the other group tracked down this Juhvo. You remember that sneak attack when we had already pushed the enemies to the west up the mountainside? He was Kolgrimr's second sub-leader in the eastern section of the forest.”
          Mattias nodded, “How could I forget, that had cost us a lot of brave men.”
          “Well, when our two groups convened the others were standing around a tree staring upwards.” Mattias raised his eyebrows. “And there hung Juhvo, viciously tortured and then strung up.”
          “Who committed this atrocity?” the general asked angrily, standing up.
          “That's just it, nobody wanted to have seen anything or done it.”
          “This is a war crime, Fabian. Something like this should not have happened. Please stay on the case. I can understand the motives after what was done to us, but we have to find the person responsible and bring him to justice.”
          Fabian nodded, “It probably won't be that easy, but I'll find him. I already have a reasonable suspicion. It must have been one of the commanders whose company was hit hardest by this attack. I suspect his men are now covering for him.”
          “That sounds plausible, but raises some questionable issues if you are right. Proceed with appropriate caution, please, as direct action would probably only cause this group to close ranks and protect him even more from prosecution.”
          “I'll think of something, Destin. What's going to happen to those Northmen now, anyway? To Arendelle and off with them to the penal camp at the naval base?”
          “How do you know about that?” asked Mattias with a clearly astonished look.
          “I have my sources,” the fencing master smirked, “but don't worry, that information is safe with me.”
          “Of that I am certain, we know each other far too well for that. As for your question … they will be turned over to the Northuldra and returned back to the Northeast for questioning. Alena, this shaman, met them there in her summer camp and knows where they come from. They have better opportunities to squeeze them there, unlike us, their enemy. Know that they will receive a fitting punishment according to their traditions. Only Thord's men will come with us to Arendelle.”
          “That is good. We seem to have caught all of them too. The trackers couldn't find any more traces in the remaining directions. Oh, and one more thing … we also got Kolgrimr's main sub-leader, that Karrál.”
          “That's excellent news! But for now, rest and eat something, we have fried white fish or one of their traditional vegetable stews with flat bread to go with it. But the latter is baked with ground birch bark … not so much to my taste. But the fish is delicious.”
          “Thanks for pointing that out, because I'm starving.”
When Honeymaren came into the camp, the first thing she did was to ask some of her people about her father's funeral and what exactly had happened a few days ago. They told her about the fight and how Halvard finally died by Kolgrimr's hand. Honeymaren could literally see him standing in front of her during this account and could very well imagine how he fought bravely against his opponent. She imagined every single blow with his fighting staff and tried to put herself in her father's place. But even he with his fighting skills had no chance against Kolgrimr with his mental abilities. A tear stole from her eye as she thanked the Northuldra around her, for she knew from her own experience how deviously Kolgrimr could defeat him. Then she stood up and walked to the four monoliths to seek out his grave.
          It was not long before she found his grave. There were two graves side by side, both laid out in the traditional way, with a narrow opening at the head, formed of flat stones, between which the free soul of the dead could escape. There was no name on her father's grave, but his knife with its distinctive handle lay in front of the opening. She would recognise this carving, made by him, among thousands of knives. As she knelt down in front of his grave, her tears flowed freely down her face and it took her a little while to compose herself.
          "Hello, Papa. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get to you, but as I'm sure you can guess, I've been busy making life hell for Kolgrimr and his men, as the Arendellians would say. Elsa, Ryder with his new friend and I have defeated Kolgrimr and Ahtohallan is now free too. I only wish I had been by your side when you fought him, or that you had escaped in time. Why did you take him on all alone when you knew what skills Kolgrimr had?" Again a few tears flowed and she had to interrupt herself.
          "I hope your free soul is with your ancestors now and you look down on us all. Mother and your son are still in Arendelle at the moment, but they will surely return to camp soon. Then, with all our people, we will finally honour you properly and all mourn you for a whole day. Don't worry about us, it's all over now and all the enemies have been killed or captured. We are fine and normality is slowly returning to our lives."
          "Oh before I forget, Joná was able to escape that day along with Ikka and they made it onto a ship from Arendelle that your family was able to escape on. Can you imagine that? He told us everything that had happend. I'm sure you can imagine how mother reacted to that. It really devastated all of us and then that day I also made a plan."
          Honeymaren told her father everything that had happened since then. She spoke to him as if he was still alive, but that was the way it was among all Northuldra when a relative had died. Some even said they had seen the dead person's soul wandering around, which could well happen within a whole year. Only if it continued to happen beyond that did one have to worry and do something about it. Slowly, Honeymaren's mood lifted and she talked with Halvard for hours until it slowly became dark and she finally rose and said goodbye to him.
Later, Honeymaren walked across the camp, looked for Alena and found her, along with Árnason, sitting around a campfire talking to each other.
          “Hello, you two,” she greeted and sat down with them.
          “Honeymaren, how nice to see you. You've been away from camp all day and a few of your people have missed you already,” Alena greeted back with a smile and of course her young apprentice couldn't help but look at her in love. Honeymaren tried to ignore it.
          “I've had a lot to do with General Mattias and then visited my father's grave, but I'm here now. Have you noticed that all the men from the north-east have been caught?”
          “Of course, no one here missed that and many Northuldra would love to go over and cut their throats. But that would not be a solution, Honeymaren. They deserved punishment, no question, but I want them to realise first what lies they had succumbed to and how much they had been manipulated by Kolgrimr.”
          “That would be far too little for them, to be honest. They wanted to get involved, Alena, they could have refused to carry out Kolgrimr's brutal plan and slaughter people that way at any time.”
          Alena shook her head, “You don't know the North Peoples and you don't know what their families have been through. I have been listening since they came to our summer camp, Honeymaren, and I have learned something. They deserve to know the truth about their delusion and after that they will voluntarily take their punishment, I firmly believe that.”
          “And what if they don't? How will you make sure they don't escape?”
          “I will have to return in two or three days at the latest, for then all the families on the high plateau will abandon the summer camp, divide up the large herd of reindeer and return with them to the winter camp high in the north. By then I must have convinced these men of their great error, for you are unfortunately right about one thing, Honeymaren. I cannot tell the truth to my own twenty men, even if they were under the influence of a potion, unlike the others in Kolgrimr's retinue. I must keep the two groups separate, or this will end in disaster, and for my people.”
          “How do you imagine that? It will never work, or will you bring the prisoners back alone only accompanied by Árnason? Impossible! That borders on suicide.”
          “I honestly don't have a solution for that yet, Honeymaren. I'm afraid I'm in a dilemma and everything depends on the talks over the next two days.”
On the border with Snoob …
It had been a long and bumpy ride for Kristoff and Kai and Sven was happy to be on a long journey with Kristoff again. Sven remembered well the last time they had all been here, together with Anna and Elsa. Back then, the only bridge over the deep Gufen Gorge had collapsed behind them just as they were crossing it, and only by Elsa's quick intervention with her ice powers was she able to save them all with a big ice slide down into the valley.
          But by now the dilapidated bridge had been completely rebuilt, stronger than before with a sturdy stone foundation and thick wooden planks as a roadway. Sven made a loud snorting sound to draw Kristoff's attention. He was having an animated conversation with Kai about his brother Karl and what they could expect from him. Sven repeated it again, looking at him with wide eyes and nodding several times at the new structure.
          Kristoff looked up just as Sven drove onto the new bridge, but didn't notice what Sven was trying to say.
          “Hey, Sven, buddy, you see that? They rebuilt the old bridge! Looks great, doesn't it? Man, that was some adventure back then!”
          Sven shook his head in disappointment, because that was exactly what he wanted to tell Kristoff. Sometimes Kristoff was so lost in thought that you had to poke him in the nose first; thought Sven and rather concentrated on the way again, because the sun was already setting and it was still far to their destination.
          Some hours later, they finally reached Snoob, a small cute town in the middle of a winding valley. The lanterns were already lit in the decorated streets when they knocked on Karl's front door.
          Karl could not believe his eyes when he saw his brother standing in front of him. A second later, he was already hugging him and right after that, they both did their traditional greeting ritual, with Karl reciting a chant that was about birds and Kai finishing it, along with a special handshake.
          “Kai, I am so pleased that you accepted my invitation and now you are here. Won't you all please come in, we're just having dinner. Hello, Kristoff, or maybe I should say Your Highness now, right?” Karl laughed and made a welcoming gesture.
          Finally, when they were all seated and Karl's wife was spooning vegetable stew onto their plates, Karl mentioned the Autumn Festival.
          “You are actually already a bit late, because our Buferdsdagen autumn festival ended two days ago. Only the decorations are still hanging around everywhere, as you have surely noticed.”
          “Because you bring it up, Karl. Unfortunately, we had to cancel ours and I think you already know why. After all, you gave the invitation for Kai to the captain. Actually, we are here because we want to ask you, or rather the farmers of Snoob, for help,” Kristoff said.
          “I can guess why,” Karl replied, “the capital needs supplies for the winter season. Well, we had a good harvest and the silos are well filled. I don't see any problem there and we can take care of it first thing tomorrow.”
          “I have a request as well, Karl,” Kai added. “Can you get me an audience with the province’s baron? After all, I'm not just there for a holiday, I also have an assignment to fulfil for the queen. But I promise, this time I won't just stay for a day, if you don't mind, but I can be here longer.”
          “I'm so glad and you can stay with us as long as you like, brother!”
The evening had fallen in the castle of Arendelle and the sisters were sitting with Yelana and Myrtha in the fireside room in front of a crackling fire with a hot cup of chocolate, chatting comfortably together. Yelana had already told them the reasons for their return journey before they had dinner together, but had not been very forthcoming about details. The sisters were now suitably curious.
          “Well, Yelana, go on then and don't make such a secret of it,” Anna said, sipping her cup audibly.
          “Well, apart from the planned marriage of Joná to Ikka and to reunite our families and so on, my main concern is that I am no longer eligible to be the leader of our people. I'm already far too old and sooner or later I'll have to choose a suitable successor anyway.”
          “Let me guess, Yelana,” Elsa agreed, “you have Honeymaren in mind, right?”
          “Well spotted, Elsa. Despite her young age, she is the only person who comes to my mind and is best suited for this. I had had her in mind and my plans for her for a long time, but I think recent events have impressively proved to all of us what she is capable of. When I compare her with my own experience, she is superior to me in many respects, far even. Not only does she have great courage and love for our people, but she can also see far beyond the edge of a guksi and plan for the future. On top of that, she has great intelligence and exceptional physical abilities that make a good leader.”
          “I think that's a good choice too, Yelana,” Anna agreed, “but then what do you plan to do in the future? Serve as an advisor to her, to instruct and prepare her for her new role in the community? Does she even know about it yet and would she agree to it? As you said, she is still quite young and may have other plans or want to start a family.”
          Elsa paused in mid-motion to bring her cup to her mouth and had a certain thought because Anna had just mentioned it and she had almost stopped thinking about Honeymaren's love’s confession to her. But then wouldn't it be advisable for her and Anna not to accompany Yelana?
          “That may well be, of course, but I think I know that it will not happen.” Yelana, of course, knew all too well about Honeymaren's longing for her great love, but she also knew that it would not be a good thing for either nation, despite the good relationship with Arendelle. Yelana cast a quick sideways glance over at Elsa and their eyes met.
          At that moment Elsa realised that Yelana knew and after a few seconds of searching each other's eyes, she nodded to Yelana in a certain way. She received a knowing smile back in response. Then Yelana continued.
          “When I have cleared everything with her I would like to return to Arendelle, continue to serve as a councillor and settle permanently here somewhere in the countryside. Provided you both agree to that.”
          Myrtha had kept quiet so far, but at this statement, as the only other Northuldra present, she had to say something in response.
          “Yelana, while I agree that you have chosen Honeymaren as your successor, now that the threat of Kolgrimr is finally gone, I think you should stay with our people. You belong with us and they miss you. And as Anna said, it is necessary that you instruct Honeymaren and teach her what will be her new responsibilities. That takes time and apart from the fact that it's also quite beautiful in Arendelle, it's no comparison to our vast, sparse birch forests, the nature, the reindeer and ultimately the closeness to Ahtohallan and the nature spirits. Which brings me to another question.” With that, she looked Elsa straight in the face.
          “Will you return to us, Elsa? You have all your powers back now and you are still our Fifth Spirit.”
          With that, Myrtha had brought up two explosive matters. There was an awkward silence for a while and Myrtha had the undoubted impression that she had hit a sore spot. With all three of them!
          Anna and Elsa started to answer at the same time, but with gestures they could not decide who should speak first, when Yelana intervened.
          “You're right, Myrtha.”
          They all looked at her
          “But there is something else I have not yet mentioned, and that also requires Honeymaren's presence in Arendelle. At least temporarily, because I have a crazy idea about that. However, two things are necessary for this. Firstly, I have to show it to both of you first, Anna and Elsa, and secondly, it is ultimately up to you to be allowed to implement my plan. It will unite our two peoples like never before and open up unimagined possibilities for the future.”
Ole Jordahl let the ARN Crocus slowly steer around the island and navigate between other smaller islands offshore. No easy task in these somewhat treacherous waters in the increasing darkness. But the helmsman knew his way around like the back of his hand and steered the big ship to the harbour with somnambulistic certainty.
          The royal naval base was located south of Snoob on a small island that was only connected to the land at one point and otherwise surrounded by sea, small fjords and tiny rocky islands. In addition, the waters all around were interspersed with underwater rocks and often offered incalculable currents.
          Directly on the narrow land connection lay the large fort as a bulwark against possible attackers and constantly manned watchtowers stood about every fifty metres around the island. To the south, in a deep, protected indentation, lay the Arendelles shipyard and in the centre was the extensive penal camp with attached laundry, workshops and many other buildings that served to run the base. Finally, there were the closely guarded barracks for the prisoners themselves. So far, no one had escaped from here in the last decades, and the hull crew of the naval base comprised several hundred men, in addition to the changing ship's crews and the countless freelancers and suppliers from the mainland.
          When the Crocus was about to enter the harbour, the skipper had light signals sent out so that each of the guards knew there was no danger. The ARN Sunflower followed a few ship lengths behind them and was now closing fast.
          Despite his years on the base, Jordahl was always fascinated by the massive fort, which was built in a star shape and gave views in every conceivable direction. It was a bulwark with walls metres thick and the largest fortress that existed in all of Arendelle.
          Half an hour later, the skipper headed for his quarters on the island, shortly after which he threw his document bag on the table, made himself a cup of tea and dropped into his comfortable armchair. The rest, i.e. the removal of the prisoners to their cells, was now taken care of by others, as was the stocking up of supplies for the long journey that began tomorrow morning. Just enough time to take a bath, pack a few personal things and get enough sleep.
          Captain Holmstein was probably feeling the same way right now; Jordahl thought and looked through the royal documents again to plan the route.
Remark: I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know, except you are already tagged :-)
Tagging: @true--north @annaofthenorthernlights @dronning-formynder05
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Kay this is why you don’t post things at 1am, I realized the diagram and instructions required a lot of edits so I’m just taking down that post for now. I’ll make up for it by giving y’all a materials list for the Sea Guard Cadet Tunic:
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So. You want to make the Sea Guard Tunic. You will need:
2 yards of teal medium-weight linen or wool. All pattern pieces, excluding the cuff interlining, will be cut from this. I used linen from fabrics-store.com in the color “Sphinx.” For a fully screen-accurate wool tunic, use this wool from renaissancefabrics.net (currently sold out, but will probably be restocked)
1”x22” of a lightweight but stable fabric for interlining the cuffs. I used a different linen I had lying around. A plain cotton or something similar will work just as well. Silk organza is bizarrely good as an interlining but it is also ass to work with, so I don’t recommend it for this project.
Sewing thread. I used 50wt Kinkame silk thread from britexfabrics.com, color 47. You can use whatever regular sewing thread you have on hand, but you will have to wax your thread if hand-sewing with something other than a high-quality silk thread. Treat Gutermann silk sewing thread like it’s cotton.
4 small buttons (2 on each cuff). Mine were 1/4” diameter vintage shell buttons. You can also substitute these for 2 larger 1/2” diameter buttons, 1 for each cuff.
Size 8 or 9 quilting “betweens” (or whatever you prefer). These are shorter than regular sharps. Nicole Rudolph, who is an excellent historical costumer, uses embroidery needles, which are thicker and longer than sharps. This all comes down to personal preference and comfort. Betweens work for me, but they may not work fo you. Test out different needle types and invest in them when you find a good fit. I used the size 9 betweens from Clover.
Size 28 tapestry needles, if sewing linen. Just trust me on this. The blunt point will make all the seams so much less annoying, and you will need them if you want to do any embroidery. You may still find it necessary to fell the seam allowances using a smaller sharp needle. I use the ones from Piecemaker’s. Note: you can find these at a cheaper price from other online shops, and I can’t vouch for their shipping because I didn’t order mine from them, but I want to link to their shop directly.
Fabric scissors. I used embroidery scissors for everything. This is stupid. Do not do that, it takes forever and is deeply unnecessary. Use regular fabric sheers unless you’re a masochist like me and need everything to be perfectly on grain or you’ll go bonkers.
Beeswax, for waxing your thread. You don’t need this if you are using a smooth silk thread like Kinkame or Tire silk threads. You can get it from Burnley and Trowbridge. One thing of wax will last you forever and is a good investment even if you use silk for this project. I got mine many years ago from Whole Foods, in the…health and beauty aisle? The one with all the essential oils. It is also sold by various Indigenous-owned small businesses!
Embroidery thread of your choice. I used a size 12 perle cotton from Valdani in shade 152, and a size 16 perle cotton from Finca in shade 4074. Valdani perle cottons can be found on etsy, and I got my Finca perle cotton from roseground.com, a UK-based lacemaking supplier.
Beads, if you want some sparkle. Size 11 and 8 seed beads would work well, especially if trying to emulate the show’s aesthetic. I get beads from direct.auntiesbeads.com which sells them in little bulk-quantity baggies. I didn’t bead my tunic, but I may bead future TROP cosplays.
You may want to have a 0.65mm (very small!) crochet hook, if sewing with silk thread. Instead of using a seam ripper, I pull my stitches out and reuse the thread. You can do this with other threads but they will start to fray and fall apart very quickly. Kinkame and similar silks will not. The crochet hook helps speed up the process. Always remove stitches in reverse of the direction you put them in, on the chance you pierced your thread on the backside. This allows you to maintain the longest possible usable length of thread.
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johndpg · 8 months
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My most popular post by far to date has been the excerpts from a 1950s flyer for school canes. I only have it as a pdf so here are some final bits that you might find interesting. Before you ask—no I haven’t written this myself! If you follow my blog, you’ll know the writing style is completely different to my own. The above picture is one I've found to illustrate the different sizes of canes available: preparatory (ages 7-11), junior (ages 11-14) and senior (ages 14-18). The flyer is text only.
I think the company makes some good points, especially about the deterrent effect of the cane on both the recipient and other boys. I hope they were successful in selling lots of their canes! They were based in Haywards Heath in Sussex, but I can’t find any trace of them online, so I guess they’ve long since gone out of business.
Excerpt one:
Does the cane have a role to play in today's schools? Although a number of modern educationalists will answer that question with a resounding 'no', we are of the firm belief that corporal punishment, used in moderation, can make a useful contribution to the smooth running of a school.
As long established suppliers of goods to schools in the independent sector, we receive a certain amount of 'feedback' from the teaching profession. It is evident to us that one of the most urgent concerns nowadays is good order within the classroom. Effective teaching requires good order: but how is this best achieved? There are the familiar sanctions of lines, impositions and detentions, whilst some schools give offenders 'extra chores.' But all these punishments need to be supervised in one way or another and thereby make demands upon an already busy teaching staff.
However, there is one time honoured sanction which is both effective and time saving: the cane. We are pleased to be able to offer a range of high quality school punishment canes, manufactured to the highest standards. These excellent rattan canes are in no way vicious, being relatively lightweight, yet are capable of imparting a painful sting which the toughest of boys will find most disagreeable. There are three basic types, each of which is available with the traditional crook handle or with a straight handle. You are invited to order any combination of these three canes, with the proviso that the minimum consignment of any one type is one dozen.
Excerpt two:
We list here some of the most frequent questions we are asked about the use of the cane in schools.
What is the youngest age at which a schoolboy should be caned?
Seven years of age is not too early to begin corporal correction, provided that our preparatory school cane is employed. However, a maximum of two to three strokes should be sufficient for such a young boy.
And the oldest age?
Although, as a general principle, no schoolboy is too old to be caned if he deserves it, the corporal punishment of sixth formers should be discouraged unless all other sanctions have proved ineffective.
What should be the corporal punishment 'philosophy' of a school?
There are no hard and fast rules and each school will adopt its own approach based on local needs. However, it is useful to remember that if all boys know that the cane is kept and used when warranted there will be an immediate deterrent effect as regards bad behaviour. Corporal punishment should normally be given in private, after the offender has had a period of time to reflect upon his misconduct. However, in the case of junior boys it can prove very effective to keep one of our preparatory school canes in each classroom for immediate application to the palm of the hand in the case of minor breaches of discipline.
How firmly should the cane be applied?
When a caning is merited it is good policy to lay it on well to make the boy realise from the first stroke just how unpleasant the cane can be. The punishment is for his own good and he must learn that if he wilfully defies authority he will suffer for it. The boy will thereby greatly fear a repetition of the punishment and the deterrent effect of the cane will have been firmly established in his mind for the remainder of his school career.
It may well be that a boy is receiving his first caning. He will be somewhat frightened since he is well aware that the cane hurts, although he has not yet discovered just how much. Do not spare the rod, even with a new boy.
Are the canes guaranteed?
Guaranteed not to split or break in time? No. Guaranteed to be effective when used on rulebreakers? Yes! Each cane in our range is a most effective instrument of corporal punishment.
Surely the purchase of canes is an unnecessary expense when a slipper can be just as effective?
The slipper is not as effective as the cane! The slipper is clumsy, more difficult to apply and is regarded as markedly less painful than the cane by most boys. Our canes are not expensive and represent very good value for money when set against savings in valuable staff time.
Final excerpt:
Compare a caning taking a few minutes with the time involved to supervise a detention or extra work—and remember that each and every caning has a continuing deterrent effect on both the boy who has been punished and the other boys in the school.
As a final tip, headmasters, in consultation with their teaching staff, are recommended to draw up a list of offences which merit corporal punishment. A boy will know that if he commits such an offence he is liable to corporal punishment. But please ensure that none of the caning offences are trivial, otherwise the worth of the cane as the ultimate and feared sanction is devalued.
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The Importance of Choosing the Right Tools & Die Steel Supplier!
A Closer Look at Virat Special Steels …
VIRAT SPECIAL STEELS PVT. LIMITED , INDIA stands out as a beacon of excellence in the steel industry. With its headquarters nestled in the industrial hubs of #Gurgaon, Haryana, and #Ludhiana, Punjab, Virat Special Steels has carved a niche for itself as a premier supplier of high-grade steel products.
What sets Virat Special Steels apart is not just its extensive product range, which includes everything from Die Steel to High-Speed Steels, but also its unwavering commitment to quality. By importing Tools & Die Steels from globally renowned manufacturers.
The company's dedication to excellence is evident in its meticulous sourcing of raw materials from trusted vendors, ensuring that each product, whether it be Flats, Squares, or Bars, is of superior quality. This attention to detail is what makes Virat Special Steels a preferred dealer, wholesaler, and supplier for forging companies spread across various Indian cities.
Virat Special Steels' mission goes beyond mere supply; it aims to support and enhance the tool and steel products industry by empowering businesses with high-quality materials that are crucial for their success.
The company's product list is a testament to its diverse offerings:
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upyourfreedom · 20 days
How to Start a Dropship Business: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Start a Dropship Business
Dropshipping has become an increasingly popular business model due to its low startup costs and simplicity. By leveraging suppliers to handle inventory and shipping, entrepreneurs can focus on marketing and customer service. If you're looking to start a dropship business, here's a comprehensive guide to help you get started.
1. Choose a Niche
Selecting a profitable niche is crucial for the success of your dropshipping business. Consider your interests, market trends, and potential competition. Use tools like Google Trends and SaleHoo’s Market Research Lab to identify niches with high demand and low competition.
2. Find Reliable Suppliers
Reliable suppliers are the backbone of your dropshipping business. SaleHoo offers a directory of vetted suppliers, ensuring you partner with reputable and reliable providers. Evaluate suppliers based on their product quality, shipping times, and customer service.
3. Set Up Your Online Store
Create a professional-looking online store to attract customers. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce are popular choices for dropshipping businesses. Customize your store’s design, add product descriptions, and set up payment gateways.
4. Optimize Product Listings
Ensure your product listings are detailed and compelling. Include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing. SEO-optimized product listings will help improve your store’s visibility in search engine results.
5. Market Your Business
Effective marketing is essential to drive traffic to your online store. Utilize social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing strategies. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can be powerful tools to reach your target audience.
6. Manage Orders and Customer Service
Once orders start coming in, manage them efficiently. Automate order processing with tools like Oberlo or SaleHoo Dropship. Provide excellent customer service to build trust and encourage repeat business.
7. Analyze and Optimize
Regularly analyze your business performance using tools like Google Analytics. Track key metrics such as traffic, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs. Use this data to optimize your marketing strategies and improve your store’s performance.
Starting a dropship business is a viable and lucrative option for aspiring entrepreneurs. By following these steps and leveraging resources like SaleHoo, you can build a successful online store with minimal upfront investment. Remember to stay patient, persistent, and continually optimize your strategies for the best results.
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SaleHoo offers the eCommerce Accelerator which is the ultimate all-in-one solution for establishing and maintaining a profitable eCommerce business. This comprehensive product provides everything you need to succeed, including in-depth dropshipping and wholesale training, a powerful market research tool, a dropship management tool, an extensive directory tool, and eight valuable bonuses. Check it out now to get started
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think-and-write · 2 years
Why Should We Hire You: 7 Best Answers to the Interview Question
A job interview is a stressful situation for all of us. You will be face-to-face with a prospective employer and have to answer various questions about your qualification, skills, and work experience. One of these questions may sound like this: “Why should we hire you?”.
In order not to fail the job interview, let’s look at the mistakes that you need to avoid:
Lack of preparation. To feel confident during an interview, you need to take some time and prepare. Try to find those 3-4 skills that you can tell the employer about, and present them as your advantages over other candidates.
Do not respond with typical, generalized phrases: “I am smart, skilled, and driven, and I want to get this job.” Your goal is to stand out from other job applicants. But everyone can answer with such a template phrase.
Modesty. An interview is not the time or place to be modest. Of course, this does not mean that you need to immediately declare that you are an ideal candidate. Just state the facts: I won this award, I achieved this, I have 10 years of experience, I got a promotion, I broke a sales record, etc. Or you can quote a manager or employer: “The boss said that I…“.
Don’t talk too much about yourself. It is enough to list a few basic skills that meet the requirements for the position. Read post “Tell Me About Yourself”: How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview, Sample Answers.”
When comparing yourself to other candidates, it is important not to praise yourself and not to look like a self-conceited boaster. 
Example Answers to the Interview Question” Why We Should Hire You?”
Answer #1
“I have all the necessary skills and work experience to cope with the project manager’s responsibilities.
In addition to my successful experience in managing and implementing projects, I also have excellent communication skills: I have always found a common language with customers, developers, and suppliers. Moreover, for me, this area of activity is not just a job, this is exactly what I like to do.” 
Answer #2
“After reading the job ad for a programmer, I realized that I meet all your requirements. 
I have four years of programming experience. At the same time, I have good communication skills. For a long time, I worked directly with senior executives. That is why I am 100% prepared to work on large interagency projects. I will join the work process on the first day, and will be very glad to have this opportunity."
Answer #3
"That's a good question! You have a slight advantage as you know exactly who you are looking for.
But from the vacancy announcement, I understand that you are looking for someone who can quickly and effectively solve customer problems.
In this case, I want to say that I am a great fit for this position. And in confirmation, I would like to say that I repeatedly faced difficult clients at my last job who were extremely categorical and wanted to immediately terminate the service contract.
But I was able not only to persuade them to stay but also to convince the client that we are the best on the market. Thanks to this, at my previous work, I have received the honorary title of "best employee" for two years in a row."
Answer #4
"Firstly, I have the necessary experience - this is 2 years of work on television. And, secondly, a great desire to try as a producer's assistant.
In the last years of study at University X, I began to undergo training at... Later I was invited to stay there to work. I am familiar with all the processes of TV production and even participated in the editing of several episodes. I have a reputation as an employee who can quickly complete any task, even with a smile.
I like this field of work, this is exactly what I want to do next.”
Why Should We Hire You? Answer #5
"As far as I understand, your company is looking for an experienced marketer to create an effective strategy for distributing and selling products at new market segments. 
While working at Company X, I was able to achieve a 25% increase in sales by implementing targeted advertising on social media.
I would like to help your company achieve the same results because I have the necessary knowledge and experience. I can analyze competitors, I can choose the right strategy for development and I can identify free niches for distributing your products.”
Answer #6
"The ad says you are looking for an employee who is patient, organized, and has excellent communication skills.
While volunteering for the National Paralympic Committee, I have learned to be patient, loyal, and kind to athletes and Paralympic participants. I organized and coordinated various events for athletes. It helped me to develop the communication and planning skills that are needed for the work at your company.”
Answer #7
"I think I'm suited for the position of Restaurant Manager. I have five years of experience. During this time I was able to increase profits for the restaurant owner by 27%, as well as optimize the purchase of products and, thus, reduce costs.
In addition, I am familiar with all the stages and processes that are somehow connected with the restaurant business. I went through several stages before becoming a manager: I started my career as a waiter, and after six months I was promoted to shift manager.”
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book-my-crop · 6 months
Boost Your Agriculture Business The Go-To Suppliers for Produce in Gujarat
Boost Your Agriculture Business The Go-To Suppliers for Produce in Gujarat
In the heartland of India, where fertile soils meet skilled farmers, Gujarat stands as a powerhouse for agricultural production. If you're in the agriculture business in Gujarat, you understand the importance of reliable suppliers for your produce and inputs. In this blog post, we'll explore the key players that can elevate your agriculture business to new heights.
1. Wheat Buyer in Gujarat: Ensuring Quality from Seed to Harvest
Wheat, a staple in the Indian diet, holds significant importance in Gujarat's agricultural landscape. Choosing the right wheat buyer is crucial to ensure the quality of your harvest. Look no further; our recommended suppliers guarantee top-notch wheat procurement services. From seed selection to harvesting, these suppliers prioritize quality at every step. Trustworthy, reliable, and committed – these are the qualities that define the perfect wheat buyer in Gujarat.
2. Agriculture Produce Suppliers in Gujarat: Nurturing Growth in Every Crop
Whether you're cultivating fruits, vegetables, or other crops, having a dependable agriculture produce supplier is key to success. Our recommended suppliers in Gujarat specialize in a wide range of crops, offering diverse options to meet your specific needs. From organic produce to conventionally grown crops, these suppliers prioritize freshness and quality. Elevate your business by partnering with agriculture produce suppliers who share your commitment to excellence.
3. Agriculture Input Buyer in Gujarat: Sourcing the Essentials for Success
To thrive in the agriculture business, having access to high-quality inputs is non-negotiable. Our list of recommended agriculture input buyers in Gujarat ensures that you get the best seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other essential inputs for a successful harvest. These buyers understand the importance of using top-notch inputs to maximize yield and profitability. Choose a partner who values the success of your agriculture business as much as you do.
Why Choose Our Recommended Suppliers in Gujarat?
Quality Assurance: Our recommended suppliers prioritize quality across all aspects of the agricultural supply chain.
Reliability: Trust is the foundation of a successful partnership. Our suppliers are known for their reliability and commitment.
Wide Range of Products: From wheat to diverse crops and essential inputs, our suppliers offer a comprehensive range of products to meet your requirements.
Customer-Centric Approach: Your success is their success. Our suppliers prioritize a customer-centric approach to ensure your satisfaction.
In conclusion, to boost your agriculture business in Gujarat, partnering with the right suppliers is paramount. Choose quality, reliability, and a wide range of products by selecting our recommended wheat buyers, agriculture produce suppliers, and agriculture input buyers in Gujarat. Elevate your business and cultivate success with the best in the industry.
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sirenjose · 9 months
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2 Theories involving Jose's 2nd Letter
Theory #1: Villhelm Lamb targeted Sam?
Jose in his 2nd letter comments about seeing a “signature” belonging to “a person by the name of ‘Bourbon’” which he saw “on my father’s ledger of goods once before”.
This should be the same “shipment of goods” to be put as “collateral and [given] to the [Villhelm Lamb] for safekeeping” referenced in Wu Chang’s 4th letter. On the “list of goods”, it says 2 things are circled: “an antique umbrella from China” aka Wu Chang’s umbrella, and “a signature that reads ‘Bourbon’”.
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The “Bourbon” signature is likely to belong to Sam.
Does this mean Villhelm wanted Sam as collateral (along with the umbrella)?
Villhelm may also be interested in Sam’s “masterpiece” (as the manor owner refers to it in Demi’s 3rd letter) aka dovlin and/or the drugs him or the manor owner are developing. We know he was using Alice as an experiment and subjected her to “prolonged medication and physical therapy”. He was likely the “kind individual” from Orpheus’ letter who “put together an excellent treatment package designed exclusively for Alice”, the same letter that Orpheus wrote “LIAR!” in red on, with the person described as “clearly furious”. Orpheus likely hated Villhelm for taking Alice. There’s also a chance Villhelm is the individual the manor owner refers to when he says at the end of Demi’s 3rd letter “[Demi] is an outstanding pawn in experiments, but I’m not the only player. But perhaps I’m the better one. After all, I found my answer in the end, and he may never find out… The problem we seek to solve has never been the same”.
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Another thought, but if Villhelm is also performing experiments, and may be interested in the drugs Sam and/or the manor owner are developing, is it possible he could be behind Joaquin’s and the crew’s hallucinations in Jose’s 1st letter that lead to their deaths? Sam may have been involved with Joaquin in case Jose’s father was supplying Sam and the owner with Delphi for their experiments (or whatever “things” Sam extracted “9 samples” from back in Demi’s 1st letter). Villhelm may have gotten involved then maybe purposefully caused their deaths (potentially making it seem like an accident, or like he had no involvement at least) so he could keep the collateral, which could’ve included the stuff Joaquin was supplying Sam and/or the owner with, or if the only collateral Villhelm took was the umbrella and potentially Sam, maybe his goal was Sam or whatever he knew?
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What if Villhelm is the “traitor” Sam and/or Demi references in Demi’s 1st and 2nd letters that “stole” 1 of the samples that “met your expectations”? In which case, Joaquin may be the supplier of the things “they brought back from the Mediterranean Sea” and thus might’ve been working with Sam and/or the owner for some time? Or at least more than once? Maybe Villhelm “stole it” during/as part of the mission when Joaquin and his crew perish?
Maybe rather than take Sam he took 1 of his “samples”?
What if Villhelm is also somehow behind Sam’s disappearance?
Sam should be at the manor considering Jose says the “handwritten note” in the lobby is the same handwriting as the person who signed “Bourbon” on his father’s list of goods. He is also likely the 2nd set of handwriting referenced in Wu Chang’s 3rd letter. So there’s a good chance Villhelm never took him, especially as it sounds like Sam was still working at the manor on dovlin for some time after Joaquin died. I just can’t help thinking/wondering anyways.
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Theory #2: Sam wrote the note stating 1 person must drink the poison
The handwriting is the same as a “handwritten note” that “appeared in the lobby some days ago”.
What if the “handwritten note” was the 1 that stated 1 of them had to drink the “poison”?
Vera’s and Patricia’s 2nd letters, which take place on the 1st night, do not mention the poison. Only Kevin’s 2nd letter does, which is stated to be the 3rd night.
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Jose’s 2nd letter says the note appeared “some days ago” and we know from Vera’s 3rd letter there were at least 5 nights total before the game started. Jose’s 2nd letter seems to be right before the game starts, in which case there would be “some days” between the 3rd and 5th nights.
The note that 1 of the participants has to drink poison is the only “note” we know so far that the manor owner would’ve written to that group, so there’s a good chance that’s the note Jose was referring to.
In this case, as Jose says the handwriting of that note matched that of the person who signed “Bourbon” on his father’s list of goods, that means Sam may have been the 1 to write the note that stated 1 of them had to drink “poison”.
This “poison”, if the note was written by Sam could have actually been Sam’s “masterpiece” aka the dovlin he had been trying to perfect for Demi. If so, that would explain why Kevin didn’t die after drinking “poison”.
It would also relate to Kevin from the summer event, in the endings involving Demi if he drinks too much Sea Salt Mocktail, where either he knows the secret to her drink and helps Demi manage the bar or he doesn’t know the secret and stays with her to keep drinking more Sea Salt Mocktail (as he’s now become addicted).
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Maybe Kevin was Sam’s experimental subject to test if he’d perfected his drink before he sends his recipe to Demi. This could fit considering Kevin’s and Jose’s game (game 5) is almost right before Demi’s game (game 6b)
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Enhancing Security and Style with Shop Front Shutters Near Me
When it comes to safeguarding your business and adding a touch of style to your shop front, shop front shutters are an ideal choice. These versatile installations not only provide security but also contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of your storefront. If you're in search of "shop front shutters near me," you're in the right place. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of shop front shutters and how to find the perfect ones in your vicinity.
Security and Peace of Mind
First and foremost, shop front shutters offer robust security for your business. Whether you're located in a bustling urban area or a quieter suburban neighborhood, protecting your storefront from potential break-ins and vandalism is crucial. Shop front shutters act as a formidable deterrent, making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access to your premises.
Customized Solutions
The availability of "shop front shutters near me" means you can choose from a wide range of options to suit your specific needs. These shutters come in various materials, including aluminum, steel, and even transparent polycarbonate, allowing you to find the perfect balance between security and visibility. Additionally, you can customize the design and color to align with your brand's aesthetics.
Energy Efficiency
Modern shop front shutters are designed with energy efficiency in mind. They provide an extra layer of insulation, helping regulate the indoor temperature. This means you can reduce your heating and cooling costs, which can translate into significant savings over time. Plus, a comfortable interior environment can enhance the shopping experience for your customers.
Weather Protection
Shop front shutters also serve as excellent protection against adverse weather conditions. They shield your storefront from heavy rain, strong winds, and even hail, ensuring that your merchandise and interior remain safe. This added layer of protection can prevent damage and save you from costly repairs.
Privacy Control
Depending on your business type and location, you might value privacy during off-hours. Shop front shutters allow you to control the level of visibility into your store when you're closed. This can be especially valuable for businesses that display high-value items or sensitive merchandise.
Finding the Right Shop Front Shutters Near You
Now that you understand the benefits, how do you go about finding the perfect shop front shutters in your vicinity? Here are some steps to consider:
Local Search: Start by conducting a local search online using the keywords "shop front shutters near me." This will provide you with a list of nearby suppliers and installers.
Check Reviews: Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of service provided by these businesses. A good reputation is a strong indicator of reliability.
Request Quotes: Contact multiple suppliers to request quotes. Compare prices, materials, and customization options to find the best fit for your budget and needs.
Visit Showrooms: If possible, visit showrooms or offices of the shutter suppliers to see their products up close and discuss your requirements with their experts.
Ask for References: Don't hesitate to ask for references from past customers. Speaking with others who have used the same services can provide valuable insights.
when searching for "shop front shutters near me," you're not only investing in security but also enhancing the overall functionality and style of your business. Take the time to explore your options, compare quotes, and choose a reputable supplier to ensure that your shop front shutters meet all your expectations. With the right choice, you'll enjoy peace of mind and an attractive, secure storefront for years to come.
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ecommerce-yourguide · 11 months
How do I become an Amazon seller?
Here are the exact steps to become a seller on Amazon:
Research and Choose Your Product: Conduct thorough market research to identify a profitable product niche. Consider factors like demand, competition, and profit margins. Once you've selected your product, source it from reliable suppliers.
Legal and Tax Obligations: Register your business entity and obtain any necessary licenses or permits required to operate in your region. Determine your tax obligations as a seller, and ensure you comply with all relevant tax laws.
Create an Amazon Seller Account: Go to Amazon's Seller Central website (Welcome to Amazon Seller Central) and click on "Register Now." Choose between a Professional Seller Account (for high-volume sellers) or an Individual Seller Account (for lower-volume sellers). Provide all the required information, including your business details, bank account, and credit card information.
Product Listing and Optimization: Create product listings that attract buyers. Use high-quality images, write clear and compelling product titles, and provide detailed product descriptions. Incorporate relevant keywords in your listings to improve visibility in Amazon's search results.
Set Pricing and Shipping: Determine your product pricing strategy, taking into account production costs, competitor prices, and desired profit margins. Choose your shipping options, and decide whether you want to fulfill orders yourself or opt for Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service.
Manage Inventory: Keep track of your inventory levels regularly to avoid stockouts and overselling. Utilize Amazon's inventory management tools or integrate with third-party inventory management software if needed.
Promote Your Products: Utilize Amazon's advertising options, such as Sponsored Products, to increase visibility and drive traffic to your listings. Additionally, consider external marketing channels, social media, and influencer collaborations to expand your customer base.
Provide Excellent Customer Service: Offer top-notch customer support to build trust and foster positive reviews. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and resolve any issues to ensure a positive shopping experience.
Analyze Performance Metrics: Regularly monitor your performance metrics on Amazon Seller Central. Analyze data such as sales, conversion rates, and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine your selling strategy.
Stay Compliant: Adhere to Amazon's seller policies and guidelines at all times to maintain a good seller rating. Keep yourself updated with any policy changes or updates from Amazon to avoid potential issues.
By following these exact steps and staying committed to your selling journey, you can set yourself up for success as an Amazon seller.
Remember, it's essential to continually adapt and improve your approach based on market trends and customer feedback.
Good luck with your Amazon selling venture!
Once done, connect with CedCommerce for a seamless selling experience with its https://bit.ly/43ZfOqR
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hogan-24 · 11 months
How to make money online ?
As we mentioned above, there are a variety of ways that you can make money online. Read on to discover  5 ways to make money online.
Find freelance work
Freelance work is when you work for yourself and complete projects on a contract basis. Even if you take on a contract to work for a company, you are still self-employed when you are a freelancer. And there are plenty of freelance jobs online. In fact, there are plenty of freelance websites that list jobs.
Be sure to check out Upwork. They are the world’s largest freelance marketplace. Upwork offers a large volume of remote freelance jobs. You’ll see listings for freelancers as web designers, project managers, writers, graphic designers, and other specialties. Over 15 million freelancers get their work from Upwork and it’s free to join. There are also over 2 million jobs for freelancers listed on Upwork.
FlexJobs and SolidGigs are also excellent sites for freelancers who are looking for work. In general, you will not have to worry about any scam jobs at FlexJobs. They research the jobs very thoroughly and monitor everything very closely. You can find many niche jobs on FlexJobs.
Time is always money, even for a freelancer. If you need work fast, check out SolidGigs. They filter out all the jobs fast and then send you the best ones, thereby vetting the opportunities for you. With SolidGigs, you won’t waste time scrolling through dozens of jobs listed.
Start a YouTube channel
There are many ways to make money online with a YouTube channel. The most popular way is to add AdSense ads to your videos. Every time someone clicks on your ad, you make money.
You can also promote products in your videos on YouTube by wearing or using certain products in your videos. Add a link to your online store to get people to visit your store and buy your items or contract with third-party companies to promote their products. Just make sure you have a compelling offer for your viewers.
Another way to make money on your YouTube channel is to create sponsored content. This way, you can make a profit by endorsing branded products or creating content marketing videos.
Start a dropshipping business
Dropshipping can be a simple (and profitable) business model. You don’t have to pay for storing your inventory; instead you act as the go-between. Find suppliers online who will sell you products wholesale, then mark it up and earn a profit for yourself.
From computers and clothing to jewelry and health food, there are thousands of suppliers who can provide you with your inventory. When you do this, you will need to have an website and/or e-commerce storefront of your own to market and sell the products.
Take online surveys
Believe it or not, you can make money online by taking surveys. There are online survey websites where you can take a survey in your spare time and earn gift cards or cash. Just keep in mind that some paid survey sites are better than others.
Branded Surveys is one way to earn money online by taking surveys. It’s also a favorite of many. They have a sign up bonus, competitions, a loyalty program, and competitive payouts. You can earn up to $5 for each survey that you complete.
Create a blog
Blogs are a popular money-making tool because they’re easy to create and offer many routes for monetization. If you have some knowledge on a subject, you could create an online course and sell your expertise to people who come to your blog. Or, maybe you’ve got a blog that specializes in a particular topic, You could sell digital products related to that topic—like guides, templates, ebooks, and more—to folks that visit your blog.
If you don’t have your own goods to sell, you could become an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money online by promoting other people’s goods on your site. Whenever someone clicks on the link, you receive a commission from the sponsoring company. There are plenty of affiliate networks that have an extensive list of companies for you to join and become an affiliate marketer with.
Another way to make money with your blog is to put AdSense ads on it. Every time someone clicks the ad, you make money. It can be a great way to earn passive income.
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moeghourani · 1 year
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Starting an e-commerce business with a low budget and focusing on dropshipping can be a good way for beginners to enter the world of online entrepreneurship. Here are some tips to help you get started:
Choose a niche: Select a specific product category or niche to focus on. It's easier to target a specific audience and establish your brand identity within a niche. Research popular trends and products to find a profitable niche with a reasonable demand.
Conduct market research: Identify your target audience and analyze their preferences, needs, and purchasing habits. Look for gaps in the market or untapped opportunities that you can exploit. Use tools like Google Trends, social media platforms, and keyword research tools to gather insights.
Select reliable suppliers: Find trustworthy suppliers or manufacturers who offer dropshipping services. Research and compare their product quality, shipping times, pricing, and customer service. Platforms like AliExpress, Oberlo, and Spocket can help you connect with suppliers.
Set up an online store: Choose an e-commerce platform like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce to set up your online store. These platforms provide user-friendly interfaces, pre-built templates, and various customization options. Optimize your store for mobile devices as well, as many customers use smartphones for online shopping.
Create compelling product listings: Write detailed and persuasive product descriptions that highlight the benefits and features of each item. Use high-quality product images and videos to showcase your products from different angles. Make sure your listings are optimized for search engines with relevant keywords.
Develop a marketing strategy: Promote your store and products through various marketing channels. Utilize social media platforms, email marketing, content marketing, influencer partnerships, and paid advertising to generate traffic and increase brand awareness. Experiment with different strategies and track their effectiveness.
Provide excellent customer service: Offer exceptional customer support to build trust and encourage repeat purchases. Respond promptly to inquiries and address any issues or concerns. Positive reviews and satisfied customers can help establish your reputation and attract more business.
Optimize for conversions: Continuously monitor and analyze your website's performance using analytics tools. Identify areas of improvement, such as website speed, user experience, and checkout process. Implement A/B testing to optimize your product pages, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns for better conversion rates.
Build a brand: Focus on building a strong and unique brand identity that resonates with your target audience. Use consistent branding elements, such as a logo, color scheme, and voice, across your website, social media accounts, and marketing materials.
Learn and adapt: Keep up with the latest e-commerce trends, industry news, and consumer behavior. Stay open to learning from your experiences and adapt your strategies accordingly. Continuous improvement and staying up-to-date will help you stay competitive.
Remember, starting a successful e-commerce business takes time, effort, and patience. Be prepared to learn from your mistakes, adapt your strategies, and constantly iterate to achieve long-term success.
Also check out my ebooks (social media marketing and shopify dropshipping) its on 70% off sale!!
Have a nice day🌹
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tubetrading · 1 year
ERW Pipes in Solar Panel Mounting Systems: Design, Benefits, and Installation Techniques
As the world continues its shift towards renewable energy sources, solar power has emerged as a prominent player in the quest for sustainable electricity generation. Solar panels, with their ability to harness the abundant energy of the sun, have become a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications.  However, the successful installation and longevity of solar panels heavily rely on the quality and durability of the supporting structures. One crucial component in solar panel mounting systems is ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) pipes.  Let's explore the design, benefits, and installation techniques associated with ERW pipes supplied by Tube Trading Co. – an excellent ERW Pipe distributor in Gujarat, concerning solar panel mounting systems.
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ERW pipes, supplied by Tube Trading Co., a leading ERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat, are widely used in solar panel mounting systems due to their excellent structural properties and affordability.  These pipes are manufactured using the electric resistance welding process, which involves passing a current through the edges of a steel strip, heating it to the point of fusion, and forming a continuous weld.  This welding technique ensures a strong bond between the edges, resulting in pipes that are highly resistant to deformation and corrosion. 
One of the primary design considerations for ERW pipes supplied by Tube Trading Co. – a renowned ERW pipe provider in Gujarat for solar panel mounting systems, is their load-bearing capacity.  Solar panels are exposed to various forces such as wind, snow, and the weight of the panels themselves.  ERW pipes, with their inherent strength and structural integrity, provide reliable support for the panels, ensuring stability and longevity. The quality ERW pipes supplied by Tube Trading Co. undergo stringent quality checks and comply with industry standards, making them a trusted choice for solar panel mounting systems. 
The benefits of using ERW pipes in solar panel mounting systems: 
The benefits associated with using ERW pipes in solar panel mounting systems, listed by Tube Trading Co. – a reliable ERW Pipe distributor in Gujarat are as below; 
●       Strength and Durability:  ERW pipes are known for their high strength and durability.  They are capable of withstanding various external forces such as wind, snow, and the weight of solar panels.  This strength ensures the stability and longevity of the mounting structures, providing a secure foundation for the solar panels. 
●       Corrosion Resistance:  ERW pipes are manufactured with protective coatings and finishes that make them highly resistant to corrosion.  This is particularly important in solar panel mounting systems, as they are exposed to outdoor elements for long periods.  The corrosion resistance of ERW pipes helps maintain their structural integrity over time, reducing maintenance requirements and extending their lifespan. 
●       Flexibility in Design:  ERW pipes are available in a wide range of sizes and thicknesses, offering flexibility in design.  This allows for customized mounting structures tailored to specific project requirements.  Whether it's a residential rooftop installation or a large-scale solar farm, ERW pipes can be easily adapted to different layouts and configurations. 
●       Lightweight and Easy Installation:  ERW pipes are relatively lightweight compared to other materials commonly used in solar panel mounting systems, such as structural steel.  It, being lightweight, simplifies the installation process, reduces labour costs, and saves time without compromising on structural integrity. 
●       Cost-Effectiveness:  ERW pipes are an affordable option for solar panel mounting systems.  They are cost-effective compared to materials like stainless steel or aluminium while providing comparable strength and durability.  This makes them an attractive choice, especially for large-scale solar installations, where cost considerations are crucial. 
●       Availability and Supply:  As an ERW pipe distributor, supplier, and provider in Gujarat, Tube Trading Co. ensures the availability of high-quality ERW pipes for solar panel mounting systems.  Their expertise in the industry and reliable supply chain ensure that customers have access to the required ERW pipes to meet project timelines and specifications. 
Installation techniques: 
Installation techniques play a crucial role in ensuring the stability and reliability of solar panel mounting systems.  When using ERW pipes, it is essential to follow proper installation practices.  Firstly, the pipes must be accurately cut and measured to achieve the desired dimensions and angles.  Tube Trading Co., being an experienced ERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat, can provide pipes that are pre-cut to specific lengths, simplifying the installation process.  Next, the pipes should be securely anchored to the ground or supporting structures using appropriate clamps or brackets.  This ensures that the panels remain firmly in place, even during extreme weather conditions. 
Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of solar panel mounting systems.  While ERW pipes are inherently resistant to corrosion, periodic inspection and cleaning are recommended.  Any signs of damage or wear should be promptly addressed to prevent structural issues and ensure optimal performance. 
Final Thoughts: 
ERW pipes are an essential component of solar panel mounting systems.  Tube Trading Co., as a reputable ERW pipe provider in Gujarat, offers high-quality pipes that meet the structural requirements of solar panel installations.  With their excellent load-bearing capacity, flexibility in design, lightweight nature, and affordability, ERW pipes provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for mounting solar panels.  By following proper installation techniques and conducting regular maintenance, solar panel systems utilizing ERW pipes can achieve long-lasting performance and contribute to the sustainable energy transition.
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Why Virat Special Steels? At Virat Special Steels, we are more than just a steel supplier – we are your trusted partner in quality and reliability.
With a strong foothold in the industry, we are known as a preferred dealer, wholesaler, and supplier of top-notch Steel Blocks.
Our comprehensive range includes Flats, Squares, and Bars, all manufactured using quality-tested raw materials sourced from reliable vendors in the market.
What sets VIRAT SPECIAL STEELS PVT. LIMITED , INDIA apart is our commitment to excellence. We import Tools & Die Steels from the world's top manufacturing companies, including M/s. Schmiedewerke Groditz Thyssen and Deutsche Edelstahlwerke from Germany, and M/s. Thyssen Krupp from France. This ensures that our customers receive only the best quality products that meet international standards.
We supply steel bars to forging companies across #Ludhiana, #Faridabad, #Bhiwadi, #Sonipat, #Rohtak, #Haryana, #Punjab, #Jamshedpur, #Trichy, #Aurangabad, #Pune, #Gurgaon, #Noida, #Ghaziabad, #Indore, and all locations in India.
Our goal is to support the tool and steel products industry by providing high-quality materials that enable our customers to excel in their businesses.
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