#Excuse me I just like making up random AU convos this is the perfect thing to start a new blog doing
coolmusesquad · 6 years
Heartswap Susie: And I, the Empress-because Princess sounds lame-and Lancer built this!
Heartswap Lancer: *gives Susie a teasing sweeping bow*
Heartswap Kris: ....I-I’m a prince too you know
Heartswap Lancer: Pfft! As if you’ve earned a bow!
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ancientechos · 4 years
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Summer Days
For @windup-dragoon, based on a bunch of random discord convos!
Hien/Kirishimi + Emet-Selch/Arianna ♡ 2192 words ♡ some kinda modern au
The scent of the sea is fresh and crisp, circling in Hien’s lungs as he takes in a deep breath. It’s warm, and sunny, and vibrant: a perfect day to visit the beach. Perhaps take to the surf, enjoy the waves...
Unfortunately (or not?), two of his trio of companions have a quite different idea of what “fun at the beach” looks like.
“C’mon, Hien! The day’s not gettin’ any younger!” Kiri waves a hand in front of his face impatiently, shouldering her bright yellow surfboard and gesturing toward the sea. “We’re gonna surf, yeah?” She follows his gaze toward the small construction of umbrellas and towels they’d left and gives a small laugh. “Just leave ‘em, they said they’re fine.”
Emet, lounging on his towel, notices them staring, and gives a hand movement he’d like to assume is a wave but is really more likely to be a shooing motion. The smaller figure a little ways away from him, meanwhile, has most of her face obscured by the hat upon her head and the book held up to her nose.
“Besides, Emet’ll probably break his bones if he tries goin’ surfing.”
Hien can’t help but snort at the woman’s exaggeration.
“And Ari, well -- she’s not really too fond of this sorta stuff.”
It still feels a little off to simply leave their companions -- though really he wouldn’t mind Emet not being here at all, he feels just a smidge bad for Arianna.  Whilst he cannot pretend to know the quiet, dark-haired woman very well, he at the very least knows of her through Kirishimi, and at best doesn’t want to seem rude...
But Kiri does know her, so he supposes he should take his chances and simply relax. They had all come here to have fun, after all. Even if their definition of such was not exactly the same.
That was still fine.
Exhaling softly, Hien drums his fingers along his own surfboard, a bright lime green colour.
“You’re right! Let’s enjoy ourselves -- ” No sooner has he finished speaking than Kirishimi has already launched herself across the sand, giving a loud cheer of victory.
“Well? What are ya waitin’ for, slowpoke?!” She turns to regard him, one hand on her hip, pale hair framed by the sun. But what does Hien Rijin in is the enormous, joyful grin that spreads across her face.
Rivalling even the gleaming star behind her, the happiness is enough to spear him straight through the heart. He remembers precisely why he’s fallen for her.
He has just never seen anyone more beautiful and genuine in his life.
“Sorry, sorry.” He lifts a hand in mock surrender. “I won’t keep you waiting.”
The sand grows damp beneath his feet, gets between his toes and he merely kicks them beneath the gentle laps of water. His girlfriend is already nearly knee-deep in salt and fighting to get ever further past the waves, to finally use her board.
“I bet I’ll catch a bigger wave than you,” the woman taunts with a sharp quirk of her lips, glancing back at him over her shoulder with one blue eye. Her black two-piece is already soaked by the water, some droplets courtesy of the children playing in the shallower waters.
“We’ll see about that,” Hien replies, with a tiny smirk of his own. If there’s anything his love can bring about him, it’s his competitive flair.
It doesn’t take them long to find a decent wave; the water here is good for surf, the wind bustling their hair and Hien’s swim shorts as they struggle to find their balance. A swell of water takes Kirishimi away from him -- brings her back just as quickly as he surfaces at the top of the wave and he sees her, arms outstretched, braid streaming out behind her.
He can’t see her face from this angle, but he’s certain that if he could, he’d see that bright, free smile again. Sure enough, she gives a delighted whoop as another wave curls above her, and she tumbles below the surf.
Hien can still hear her laughing and chuckling, but his stomach drops out from underneath him anyway as he sails downward, thoroughly soaked now as he falls into the water. He surfaces with a gasp, grasping for his board before it can bob away from him entirely.
“Wasn’t that fun?!” Kirishimi yells at him excitedly a few feet away. Her laughter fills the air as another wave picks her up, sways her. “Let’s do that again!”
By the time they return to the beach, they’re thoroughly soaked. Hien’s hair is nearly coming undone from its ponytail, and Kiri has long ago lost her braid to the depths.
Emet and Arianna have for the most part not moved, the woman still curled up in her pale sundress. Through the shadows, it’s clear she’s wearing a swimsuit beneath, though she seems to have no inclination to actually put it to use. And the other, well...
He’s not entirely sure, but Hien thinks Emet’s eyes are closed beneath those dark sunglasses he’s wearing.
Kirishimi makes her way onto the towel nearest Emet, sighing loudly. They’ve both propped up their boards nearby to allow them to dry in the sun, doubting they’ll return to the sea for today.
“Man, that was tirin’,” Kiri proclaims, bunching up her hair. “We’re all soaked.” With this she squeezes -- allowing a series of water droplets to spray upon Emet as he reclines beneath the shade.
With a jerk and a stifled sound of annoyance, he pushes his sunglasses off; though Hien can cover his mouth with his hand as he turns away, he can’t quite stop his shoulders from shaking in mirth. Arianna shuts her book silently and eyes them both from beneath her hat somewhat warily; once it becomes clear neither Hien nor Kiri have any intention of spraying her, she relaxes somewhat.
“Couldn’t you have picked somewhere with less noisy brats running amok?” the older man hisses, narrowing golden eyes at Kirishimi in a way that implies he’s not simply talking about the little urchins clambering about the sand.
“Ahahah, sorry.” Not really. If anything, Hien finds seeing his former rival irritated like this amusing. “This just seemed the closest to all our residences...”
Not telling him that he and Kiri are actually, currently, “renting” one of the beach houses here.
…Which is actually owned by the Rijin family, though Kirishimi doesn’t know this, either. It’s fine for her to think it’s just temporary. For now.
Mentally patting himself on the back for being able to keep his composure, Hien finally turns back to his companions.
“Besides, we came here for a bit of fun, right? Stretch our legs a little, maybe let’s walk around -- I hear there’s a sand castle competition further up the beach. It might be nice to take a peek.”
Thus that’s how the four of them end up shuffling down the shoreline, toward the mass of sand and small crowd of people they can see milling about. The sun beating down on their sculptures allows them to harden and set, preserving them for at least until the moment they’re destroyed.
Most of them are quite impressive -- not all of them are grand castles and mansions. Some are cats, dogs, sphinxes, even dragons. It’s hard to believe they could simply be made of sand...
Beside the rows upon rows of majestic and interesting sculptures they’ve just walked through are a few children making their own play at sandcastles, though for the most part they amount to merely mounds of dirt.
“I bet ya couldn’t make anythin’ better than that, Mr. Architect.”
One of Emet’s brows twitches as he pauses mid-step to glare down at the highlander.
“Excuse me...?” His gaze flicks from the cheeky-looking woman to the sorry pile of sand currently being kicked about by a gleeful young boy.
“Ya heard me! I bet ya can’t make anything as cool as what we just saw,”
Privately, she mumbles under her breath that it hadn’t even really looked like sand anyway. Far too realistic...
The man scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“And why on earth do you think I care what you think?”
Once it becomes clear her attempt at challenging him isn’t working, the woman kicks it up a notch.
“Whoever builds a worse one’s gotta pay the tab at dinner later -- how about that?”
The expression on Emet’s face transforms from derision to vague amusement; he gives a shrug and filches a bucket and small plastic tools from one of the pairs of children puttering in the sand.
What seems like hours later to Hien but realistically can’t be, and his rival has already amassed a miniature crowd of his own, much to the discomfort of his date. Whilst Kirishimi and his sculpture is -- reminiscent of a castle, certainly, with no shortcuts taken for details...it’s lopsided and amateur, whereas Emet’s is most certainly...not.
The proudly tall, spiralling castle, decorated with small stones and other gathered trinkets, could well rival one of those built in the competition. Hien can hardly believe the thing the older man’s managed to create in such a span of time. Were it not made of sand, he’s sure it would gleam beneath the sun.
“Well,” Hien says with a nervous laugh as they push through the small row of onlookers, “I do believe you’ve lost your bet, Kiri.”
“Why didn’t ya tell me yer some kinda sand castle champion, Emet?! That’s cheatin’!”
“Mmm? Oh, I’m nothing of the sort.” The man’s tone simply drips with arrogance as he discards his final tool into the sand. “I’ve never built one before, and that was easy.” His smirk doesn’t fade as he grasps Arianna by one of her thin wrists, pulling her closer to him and out of the crowd. Hien pretends not to see the way his normally blade-sharp gaze softens as he presses a hand to her dark hair.
They’d all gotten time to change and get ready before heading out to the fancy restaurant. Halfway there, Hien can see Kirishimi beginning to brood about her supposed having to pick up the tab, and tries to reassure her.
“Listen, how about I pay instead? Anyway, it’ll be fine.”
“Huh? You pay? Nah -- it was my bet, Hien. And anyway, I’m not worried.”
Certainly not, that’s why the sun has left her gaze.
They all meet in the parking lot, Emet looking utterly bored whilst Arianna holds her cellphone in her hand. While she still doesn’t speak around him, Hien would at least like to think she seems a little less nervous in his presence than before.
Before they can set foot into the restaurant, Emet abruptly raises both arms, coming to a halt approximately a foot from the doors. The others stop in confusion.
“Do wait a moment.” The smirk is, once again, disturbingly palpable in his tone even without looking at his face. “I need to open the door.”
Comprehension seems to dawn on Arianna, as she rapidly begins to tap at her phone screen; if Hien strains his ears, he thinks he can hear Emet’s phone vibrating in his pocket, though the other man seems to have zero inclination in looking at it. In a last ditch effort to wheedle the man’s attention, Arianna grabs at the sleeves of his coat --
“Open sesame.”
-- just as he says this and takes a step forward.
The automatic doors, of course, open. He gives a ridiculous half-bow that has Arianna, for once, reeling away from him even after he attempts to coax her back. She merely gives a stiff shake of  the head, hiding her expression.
“Yeah? Of course it opened?” Kirishimi says aloud, seeming irritated herself.
“You’re very welcome.”
Though he doesn’t bother to explain, Hien has the suspicion that display had not really been for them.
Things are mostly quiet once they find their reserved seating, thumbing through overpriced menus. Hien can feel Kiri deflate slightly beside him, doing mental mathematics or perhaps concerned about her dress in comparison to the other patrons.
But the food is delicious; not even Emet’s subtle attempts to antagonise him can possibly ruin Hien’s mood. He can only be thankful that Kirishimi doesn’t seem to notice, too preoccupied by her meal. He even manages to trade numbers with Arianna, letting her speak to him as opposed to through Emet or Kiri.
And when the check arrives, Emet swipes it with an annoyed exhale before either he or Kirishimi can move.
“Perhaps next time, eh? I did choose the restaurant this time, after all...”
Hien isn’t sure there will be a next time, but nods graciously regardless. Despite his presence, after all, he did quite enjoy his day with Kiri. And perhaps he even has a new place to take her, where they might enjoy dinner together, without his jabs.
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irisvseyelash · 4 years
[Part 1] B-But my thingsss is just either sleep, eat, having existensial crisis while doing nothing (esp during this lockdown), staring at my ceiling for hours, checking any Batarou content for hours too, or making super random hcs. So yeah, I'll do it anyway! It's already halfway done, btw✌ Also good chance to try how that submit button will work I'm honestly curious, too 😗 Lmao the teachers had already fed up for these 2 rascal kids, they're so done with all shoujo love drama between them 😂
[Part 2] I believe Bang will pester Garou by asking anything about Badd EVERYTIME like a nagging father. Bang: "When will you make Badd my son-in-law?", Garou: "I'M NOT EVEN GRADUATED FROM HIGHSCHOOL PLZ CHILL, OLDMAN!!". Zenko: "Ma, bigbro has a new bf. That's why he insisted to make extra lunchbox every morning", Badd: "Zenko NO-", Mom: "WHA-, BADD WHY YOU DIDN'T TELL MA, HUH?! NOW CALL YOUR BF HE MUST GOING TO DINNER WITH US TOMORROW". They adore Garou very much in the end. Good! 😆
[Part 3] It's OK to write our emotion out! Sometimes I also write comfortfic/sickfic when I'm depressed, depended my mood atm. But happy end always there, even it's in "twisted" way, huehehehe~ *suspicious evil laugh* 😈 When I make my OTP die: "oh no poor soul.. let me do it in a quick merciful way 😢😇". When I make my disliked charas die: "YASS SWEET PAINFUL DEATH TASTED SO GOOD, MMHMM.. NO MERCY FOR YOU OHOHOHO-- 💀😈" (and yesss plz talk more about your Batarou Hanahaki!AU 👀✨)
[Part 4] Aww THANK YOU, IRIS! I'm glad that you think I'm one of the best anon or I've provided good Batarou hcs this year, I feel honoured too tysm I LOVE YOU TOO aaaa-- 😭🙏💖💗💘💕💞💝🌸 (wha? I never joined any discord, only lurking around on tumblr as anon or ao3 as Little1993lamb lol 😜). Also, I'm glad that I could meet you in this fandom. Because what? TWOSET GANG!! SOUTH-EAST ASIAN GANG!! FELLOW BATAROU FANS!! YOOO~ WE (and the rest of fandom members) ARE AWESOME!! 🙌🙌
[Part 5] OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION, Temperans-sama made another DemonAngel Monster!Batarou again it's so magnificent I'm fangirling at it rn I'M CRYING I'M MELTIN-- *incoherence babling mess*. Lol sorry for that, but seriously plz checked on her newest art! Despite labeled as nsfw, there's no actual explicit content in it. Only implication, the rest is our imagination.. 😏 Badd's wings in the art, bro.. I can't stop looking at his soft fluffy wings. The lighting made him looked like HOLY BEING 😳✨
Me: Hm... Wonder if Dyan's replied yet
This 5-Part ask: hELLO THERE
Me: *literally startled enough to drop my phone*
Ah yes anyway, your things is indeed a big mood but don't you have like... Work, to do? I mean mine's just a mountain of assignments and schoolwork ( ;- ;)
wEll I guEsS NOt ¯\(°_o)/¯
It's halfway done? 👀👀👀👀👀 can't wait to reaaaad ugghhhdhdhdh and looks like the mystery of a post submission is gonna be solved soon wheeEEEEE
Okay but the teachers being So Done™ with the two of them is a big mood like who wouldn't be if they were probably the type to literally skip class just to escape school and hang out at the arcade or the manga store or sumn (*cough* Date *Corona*)
Also, your little convo of the typical teen and their s/o is PERFECT I CAN SEE IT HAPPENING 😂😂😂😂👌👌👌 Bang's just going "I want to see grandchildren before I die" and Garou just going "dAD NO—" AND BADD'S MOM GOING ALL "LET ME SEE MY FUTURE SON-IN-LAW *SCREECH*" and Badd just looking around at the shopping centre like "Mom.. Mom stop... Mom people are looking sTOP" because they would be at the grocery store looking for the ingredients to buy and his mom dragging him because she wants to know ALL about this charming young man that successfully charmed her hard-head of a son
And when they meet one another they just. CHARMED. CHARRRRMMMMEEDDDDDD YOU HEAR MEEEE
Garou's arrival would be like *steps into Badd's mom's view* *imaginary roses start appearing out of nowhere because he REALLY DRESSED UP for this* and his mom turning to Badd like "If you're not gonna marry him I will" and then Badd just proceeds to choke because this old woman wants to marry an 18 year old like no bro nooooo
And Badd would be just. Baby. He's baby enough that Bang would fuss over him so much that Badd accidentally snaps at him and Bang goes all "Oooooh feisty. You chose a great one, Sonny" and Badd has his back almost folded in half by how hard Bang smacked him and Garou just flusters and stutters amd is just overall Embarassed™ not for himself but for his 'Dad' whose making Badd a little overwhelmed at how he's acting
Idk man my teacher said writing with the ink called emotion's not good. Like the readers can see that you utterly despise or adore that character or situation. Which in my opinion is great, but I guess not
But yess killing off that one character you hate the most just gives you so much satisfaction that you just... Can't help but grin when you write out their death.
And Imma write up the Hanahaki AU in the reblog of this post... Soon. Cause I needa finish reading Azfa Hanani (my literature book) for tomorrow's quiz D': AND YES DYAN YOU DESERVE ALL THE LOVE FOR WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW I LOVE YOUUUUUU
*squints suspiciously* that wink looks very sus and even if you ARE in the discord gang, Fiji is the twosetter there and YES TWOSET GANG (wait a damn minute) ASEAN GANG AND BATAROU GANG WE COOL (EVERYONE TOO)
Temperans-sama's art is ✨magnifique✨ and is just simply on a whole other level. SO I TOTALLY GETCHU.
*clears throat* Excuse me. Anyways, since I'm a little restless today, my mind made another au but Azfa Hanani style and I can't wait to finish the story so I can just write a whole AU for my boys :')
So anyways when I've seen the art I will simply simp harder for them I see 👀 I am unprepared but then again just when are we, amirite?
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hefzyisback · 5 years
for every 🥝 i get, i’ll recommend a blog i love
Thank you nonnie because i needed this ask.
Now excuse me whilst i talk about my three ultimate ships.
Recently moved blogs but everyone thats been with me for long enough KNOW how much i love them. Ree is my friend, they’ve been there through the pretty and the not so pretty. When i wanted to quit, they have been, more than once, my reason to stay
The relationship that Hefzy and Ramsay developed was so natural, so… perfect. Their mere existence makes me develop my character, makes me want to be a better writer. Ramsay is canon in my muse’s life. I dare to say. Within asoiaf, Hefzy wouldn’t be much of a thing without him.  I can’t stress enough how deeply rooted in my heart is this ship. THE ship.
I need to say as well that even despite all my anxiety and endless list of insecurities they always have the right word, the right thing to say. 
We made our blogs more or less at the same time, and our kids grew up more or less together. I tell you people, Hefzy is what she is because of them. They get the credit for a lot of what she is.
If someone should have more followers and deserve all the attention in the world, that’s Ree. So much talent in a single person.Like how is that even possible?
No but seriously do i even need to say this? Just in case it is not obvious, there was an instant click here. This is another match made in hell and my heart burns with love for this.
Our trash clicks so well that it soon became obvious that it was going to be something special. And it was …almost accidental you know? one of those “hola idk you let me look at your wishlist” kinda thing and here we are with…man idk how many threads. More than 20 for sure. So many aus, so many WHAT IF THEY WERE NINJA TURTLES IN THE OUTER SPACE WITH A KINK FOR CUM random 2am convos that for some reason become an actual thread and gosh like how does she manage to bear with me and not tell me to go fuck myself with my crappy ideas? That takes effort i tell you.
Also, i have to mention this because this is important. Even when i am a total bitch, and even when i have like zero knowledge of how to express myself, Michelle still sticks with me. And i fucking appreciate that. So quickly, so naturally, i began to consider her my friend. 
In a rpc where people considers calling someone your friend over here “stupid” and “needy” i don’t care to proclaim from the rooftops that she is my friend. She knows more of my day by day crap than most people. I honestly don’t care what people thinks. She deserves all the love.
@coinflippedhumanity /  @dysfunctionaljoy / @glitchworthremembering
Now Jay is not even a romantic ship per se…or is it? but not really
Why do i mention them here then? Because they are the living proof that smut is not the only reason why two people should write together and there’s way much more to roleplaying than just romantic ships.
The relationships that my muses have developed with their own are so deep, that they fill my heart with joy. Every single time i see a single reply on my notifs my day is better. I get so excited when i see their name in my notifications you can’t imagine.
My favorite threads, i will always say so, are with them.
They are among the most important ships i have because SHIPS DO NOT NEED TO BE ALL KISSES AND SEX AND YOU KNOW WHAT  I MEAN? 
Don’t you dare to tell me Hefzy doesn’t love dam because i will punch you in the face okay? like she risked her life for him and it took months for them to even be able to touch each other in general without angst and whoever tells me that’s not a real connection can and should unfollow me right meow.
And all the innocence involved with Ben being human like excuse you?
Yes. Those are ships and they are not romantic at all and THAT makes them special and  ugh, i’m probably their biggest fan 
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