#random convo in my head
flamingpudding · 10 months
Damain: Drake.
Tim: Demon Brat.
Damian: ...
Tim: ...
Damian: I require access to your power points.
Tim: Oh?
Damian: There appears to have been a slight oversight in regards to Daniel.
Tim: An oversight? About Danny?
Damian: yes.
Tim: ...
Damian: ...
Tim: Which one do you need?
Damian: Hero 101.
Meanwhile in Dukes room.
Duke: Danny why are you hiding under my bed?
Danny: I am not hiding.
Duke: ...
Danny: fine! I am hiding from Dami.
Duke: Why?
Danny: He said I need to have a talk with him when he learned that I go by Danny Phantom in the field and even go out without a mask.
Duke: So, it's not a stabbing threat?
Danny: He called me dearest little brother when he said that.
Duke: ...
Danny: ...
Duke: Dick or Cass?
Danny: Can you ask Jason if I can camp out in one of his safe houses?
Duke: Sure.
Damian: Daniel, I know you are in Thomas's room.
Danny: Hiek!!!
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randomwriteronline · 6 months
"Pohatu - fancy seeing you here."
Nokama smiles a little more when the Toa turns to her. He sits slightly hunched on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea, powerful legs swinging idly in the emptiness that divides the rocky wall from a plummet into the ocean, completely unafraid; the unusual shape of his Kakama Nuva greets her wordlessly.
"I hope I did not bother you," she continues gently: "You seem so caught up in your thoughts, these days..."
A comfortable silence follows the pause she allows to hang.
For a moment a sense of dread creeps along her spine, around her arms, ensnaring her neck: Pohatu, whose voice rattles the mountains, stares at her eerily quiet with a terrifyingly blank gaze and a lack of emotion in his expression.
But he blinks, and his eyes widen, and he says: "What?" as he leans his head forward. "I'm sorry Turaga, I was not listening."
She exhales, amused, as the broken tension allows her shoulders to sag a little: "I only mentioned that you seem very distracted as of late - even during Vakama's tales."
"Ah," he replies with a slightly embarrassed laugh: "I guess my head likes to be in Lewa's domain far more than my feet do in Onua's."
Nokama laughs with him: "May I?" she asks.
He gestures to his side amiably, inviting her to sit with him: "Of course, of course."
It's surprising how little he's worried. Even her head starts to spin from vertigo when she dares to look down at the swirling waters, and she is the furthest thing from the infamous Po-Matoran hydrophobia; yet he sits there without the barest hint of concern despite knowing very well he would sink to the depths of the ocean horribly easily.
Pohatu looks again to the horizon.
He's unusually unreadable.
"I've spoken with the Mahi of Po-Koro, on one of my visits," she tells him - her Rau's abilities have already been unmasked by now, so it's less strange than it could be - "They've told me you quite love to pamper them, more than the Hapaka."
His laugh vibrates out of him, but she notices he does not smile as wide as the sound would imply when he simply shrugs: "I like horns."
They've told her that, too.
"What troubles you, Toa of Stone?"
He glances back at her: "Nothing."
"Yet your mind is so often elsewhere, and you almost don't look like yourself. I've come to know you, Pohatu - I wish to help, if I can."
Nokama's gentle worry makes him sigh deeply: "You're as good a teacher as Toa Lhikan thought, Turaga," he replies with a heavy tone. "Very attentive."
She looks to her feet: "Vhisola was proof otherwise," she mutters.
Pohatu tilts his head: "Then it just means you've gotten better."
The Turaga smiles: "You're always too kind."
He does not reply to that.
His fingers sink into the stone of the precipice to rip a chunk out of the cliff like it's nothing; he tosses the rock from palm to palm absentmindedly, neck craned back to look at the sky.
"I'm just thinking of Po-Metru."
Curiosity, then. "It's only natural," she soothes him: "Your siblings wonder about Metru Nui too. Gali has asked me about Ga-Metru and the Great Temple quite a lot in the past few days. I'm certain Onewa will not be too shy to answer your questions."
She watches him pull one knee up to lean his chin on it: "I don't have many, to be honest - not about the city."
A shrug: "Turaga Vakama is very good at descriptions."
"Ah... Yes, he is, isn't he."
The Toa does not smile back at her; he keeps looking further away into the endless sky, as if to pull on the rest of the ocean with his mind until the other side of the island appears on the horizon.
"What is it, then?" Nokama nudges him. "What doubts take hold of your focus?"
He does not answer immediately.
The rock falls back in his hand perfectly each time he juggles it.
He does so halfheartedly, distractedly - in the same way he sits at the Amaja circle and looks at her brother speak as though he could see right past him, through him.
"The Matoran come from there," he finally says.
She nods.
At last, his strange nearly impersonal gaze returns upon her mask.
"Do you know where we come from?"
It takes her a moment to understand who he speaks of: "You come from the canisters," she answers, because that is nothing if the truth. "You come from the sea."
"The sea bears life - the sea bore us," he says under his breath at that, as though he is repeating a memory. It sounds a lot like Gali.
She nods: "That is as much as we Turaga know."
"And nothing else?" he insists. His words don't hold any desperation, but there is something in them she can't explain with any other term. "Did we have anything before that?"
"No, nothing. Nothing that we know of."
"You were Matoran. You became Toa. Do you not remember us?"
"No - you were never in Metru Nui. We never could have met you there, not even as Matoran."
"It remains we must have been Matoran. Isn't that right?"
His tone is... It strikes her enough to make her stagger before she can offer a response.
He sounds like...
He sounds like them, in a way.
He sounds like he is testing her - to see if he can trigger a specific reaction from her.
His tone is somewhat methodical, scientific, like a researcher interrogating a subject to observe the effects of whatever he's administered them; it is that of calculated questions that one already knows the answer to. His mask is unreadable, incomprehensible - not for a blank anonimity but instead an overwhelming amount of minuscule tells and signs that muddle the waters of his emotions, obscuring them within their own cacophonic confusion.
If only she too knew the answer.
If only (she assumes) he had not forgotten it.
"I imagine as much," Nokama finally replies. "But you six are special, Pohatu."
"You were chosen by Mata Nui himself," he interrupts her. The kindness in his voice is nearly an afterthought, but he masks that fact well. "I would say you too are not necessarily as ordinary a bunch as any Gukko flock might be in Le-Wahi."
She chuckles despite the strange atmosphere: "Oh," and then she laughs, and she laughs some more, bent over herself to try and stifle the giggles that bubble in her chest, "Oh, be careful not to say that in front of Tamaru or Kongu, lest you want a very angry lecture on how the Gukko force is so very different from their wild siblings."
Pohatu's smile is lukewarm.
The Turaga recomposes herself quickly when she takes in his lack of amusement: "But you are different," she insists. "You are something more than what we were or could have hoped to be."
"That sort of thing doesn't spring out of the ocean from nowhere."
"That sort of thing is what legends and prophecies are made of. Your arrival was foretold in stars that cannot be rewritten; you came to aid us, delivered upon our shores by the elements themselves; you battled against the Great Spirit's most insidious, terrible enemies, and defeated them. You are special. And perhaps you had no need of a Toa Stone to become who you are."
The reply she gets is a silent stare.
The rock creaks from within the Toa's grip.
If she were looking at it she'd notice the liquid manner it behaves.
"It's a sad idea," he finally says, "To be born only to fight."
The Toa protect, for that is their duty; the Matoran create, for that is their destiny.
Her hand lays on his arm with a kind, humid pressure.
"I may very well be wrong," Nokama reassures him now. "I've told you, not even we Turaga know much."
"You know prophecies."
"Those can only get us so far. And they can't see the past."
"I wish they could," Pohatu says with a focused gaze.
His eyes are locked onto her own.
"I will pray the Great Spirit to bring you answers soon, Toa of Stone," she promises - because what else can she do? How else can she reply to the perfectly still stare that seems to pass through her, carving holes within her head with the precision of a sculptor? "So that you and your siblings will never have to feel as you do now again."
He does not move.
Then, at last, his head tilts with a tired, relieved smile.
"Thank you, Turaga," he tells her earnestly. "I hope so too."
Nokama grins back at him, so gentle, so sweet - so glad that the disquieting spell is over and the Toa is once again fully himself.
She raises herself from her seat with a bit of a struggle, helped upright by his powerful arm. Another burst of vertigo makes her sway for a moment as she catches sight of the long fall into the waters, head feeling light before she imperiously shakes the sensation out of it: there is nothing to fear, the cliff won't fall. Even Pohatu has gone back to swinging his legs in the nothingness with the carefree movements of a Matoran dangling from a jungle vine, and if he is not afraid then she has no reason to be either.
He does not move to follow her.
"I shall return to Ga-Koro now," she tells him: "Soon enough we'll have to carry the boats to Kini Nui, and I ought to make sure they're nearing completion."
"Call Taipu when you need to move them, if my brother is too busy listening to stories - I'm sure he'll be happy to help," he suggests.
Her smile confirms that his poison is mistaken for a lighthearted jab: "A good idea. I will ask Whenua to send him to us, if he is not busy enough already and wishes to lend us a hand. You should be off too, listening to stories like your siblings, should you not?"
Head thrown back and legs stiffened, the Toa whines like an annoyed child: "But Turaga," he exaggerates his whimpering drawl to kick a laugh out of her shoulders, "I don't wanna!"
"Neither do I want to go fetch Nixie out of her observatory for the eleventh time today, but duty call us all the same."
He huffs and pouts dejectedly as his body slumps on himself in a comical manner; his furrowed brow clears into a simple smile as Nokama hiccups chuckle after chuckle at his stellar performance.
"There's still a little while," he bargains with her.
"And will you be at Kini Nui on time?"
"Am I ever late?"
No, she can't argue with that. Her eyes shine with affection as she lays them on him again.
"Alright," she pretends to concede with a sigh, as though she were doing him a big favor. His grin amuses her to no end. "But make sure to be there."
He places a hand on his heartlight: "I will be."
"And try to focus, as best as you can."
"I will try my hardest. I just need to clear my head a little more, and then I'll be the most captive audience Turaga Vakama has ever had."
"I'm certain you will. I hope the sea brings you solace, Pohatu."
"Thank you, Turaga. Goodbye."
She does not see his cheerfulness drop in an instant as soon as her back tells him she will not turn to look at him again, smile flattening, eyelids drooping, eyes hardening. He watches her until she disappears from view with a face devoid of love and a sizzling in his heartlight that almost makes him feel sick; the stone in his hand squeezes through his fingers like putty, slithers between them, takes a slug-like shape as it coils around his digits squirming like a worm emerging from a fresh tomb into a summer downpour, before he lets it collects itself in his palm once more.
He crushes it gently and looks down only when he opens his palm again. It looks like a Kane-Ra bull. He tries again: this one is a Makika. A Fikou. A Dikapi. A Tunnel Stalker. A Husi. A Fusa.
A Turaga with their mask shattered.
Without a word he presses the rock with both hands to somewhat shape it back into a proper sphere, carefully, taking his time.
He kicks it as far into the ocean as he can. His eyes follow its trajectory until the distance turns it far too small for him to distinguish it against the flickering gleams of the waves in which it no doubt sinks. He continues to look at the calm waters, legs swinging idly much like branches in a light breeze.
The sea bears life, Gali said; the sea bore us.
Pohatu looks into the cradle of his siblings' rebirth thoughtlessly, quietly, hating it as much as he hates them for not swallowing them whole.
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rewritingcanon · 2 years
Dean: here comes the hurricane, bitch.
katrina! katrina! katrina!
Seamus: who tf is katrina
Dean: the hurricane dumbass
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avionvadion · 4 months
Robin: “Why don’t we go to the Training Tower? I’d like to see how you give commands and handle the flow of a battlefield.”
Irene: *sweating profusely*
Robin: “What’s wrong?”
Irene: “…I haven’t been this nervous since my last high school ISTEP math test a couple years ago. And I failed that hard. Oh gods, you’re going to be judging me. Oooh no. Ooooooh, this is gonna be so bad.”
Robin: “…Didn’t you ask me to help you?”
Irene: “I have test anxiety!!!!!”
Robin: “This isn’t a test!”
Irene: “It feels like one!!!”
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tearsoftime0086 · 1 year
Thinking of wild AU concepts tonight and came back to the Amalgam AU idea I had for Resident Evil. It lifts a lot of System Shock 2's dynamic with SHODAN and the Many, but essentially Leon nearly dies in Gaiden after his solo encounter with the B.O.W. parasite. Turns out that parasite had just beaten up the newer, second parasite, so the new parasite clings and melds itself into Leon in order to stay alive. That's why the cut on his throat bleeds green in the ending. Leon just thinks he passed out and is unaware of most of this.
Flash-forward to RE4 and Leon's asking Ashley if she's hearing the weird multiple voices speaking in her head too. Ashley's confused because she isn't, and there's differing symptoms of infection between her and Leon. They chalk it up to plaga behavior, but it really becomes noticeable when Leon successfully gets Ashley treated and passes out.
Ashley wakes up to Leon on the ground, looking more emaciated than normal... like he's lost a significant amount of flesh. Is that even possible?
Then a shadow flits across the wall.
She screams when there's another Leon - a younger, bloodied, Leon, asking her to help "our host".
The Amalgam tells her that they had reached a symbiotic relationship with their host, until this intruder began to ruin their union. "If you repay our favor, then our unity shall be restored. Our intruder shall live as one with us."
Ashley is trying SO hard to not panic because there's one version of Leon speaking like a hive mind with nosism, and the other one is passed out looking super plaga infected at this point. She asks what the Amalgam is, and they politely recite their backstory.
"And what will this... unity mean for Leon?" she asks.
The younger copy's dull eyes seem to look puzzled. "We have always been one. We will return to our harmony, together."
Okay, so this... thing was in Leon the whole time? How come it didn't present itself before? And what's cooperating with it going to do to Leon.
The copy smiles.
"But you fear us. We hear your thoughts - and they rage for the one you believe dead. But he is not. He sleeps in us."*
She eventually agrees, and the copy... merges back into the other body? And when she props Leon up and runs the machine, it malfunctions mid-way. But the inky veins vanish, and Leon opens his eyes.
Cloudy, dull eyes.
Ashley grabs a nearby scalpel before Leon dissuades her. It's the same professional, slightly awkward tone he'd had for the entirety of their time here, which lets her relax, a little. In fact, Leon's the one who's most startled when the Amalgam mentally projects their gratitude to Ashley, now with another voice in their choir.
Anyway, the rest of the AU would be the events of RE4 where Ashley and Leon have to deal with Leon's secret dual parasite hivemind that's now part cruise-ship parasite and plaga. With body double fun times too, because that's a thing Leon can do now.
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The weird ass argument my friends had in elementary but it’s TR
Mikey: Oh? So remind me who looked for the skin that came off your elbow that you were crying for when you were 5?
Mikey: Yeah that was me!
Draken: *sitting there uncomfy*
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elisedonut · 11 months
I don't think Luna should be too "human"
that sounds weird but saying normal doesn't feel right either anyway I have projected mental illness onto her and have decided she should make people feel unnerved and off and like she'd been replaced by a fae when she was a baby
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rainia · 1 year
just discovered that apparently there’s workplace a gossip who’s been spreading all kinds of shit?? dude. Dude. 1) this feels like the kind of thing that happens in movies wtf and 2) honestly what does a person gain from this 😭 we are all underpaid here,,,, why would you just go around lying for fun 💀
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l0rd-0f-c0ws · 4 months
6 degrees of freedom pussy
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miraculousnat · 1 year
When you think to yourself, which language do you use? Is it your native language, English, or any other language you know?
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whisp3roftheheart · 1 year
you know what bugs me? I am not that interesting yet I have people pursuing me when I don't want anyone to!! Leave me alone!! Please! I am not that interesting I am so boring! My two favorite things are theology and the muppets/puppetry I promise I'm not very fascinating.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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cosmosis · 1 year
MOVED TO @seratopia
miguel o’hara x reader (fluff) - call
miguel calls you because he misses you
. . .
“Call y/n.“
“What do we say?“
“Oh my god, just call her. Please.“
“You’re in your office, call her yourself.“
Lyla scoffs, flickering in and out in a flash of cream and pink. Miguel rolls his eyes, watching as a module is pulled up in front of him.
Lyla flickers in, pressing the obnoxiously green “call” button on the screen as Miguel subconsciously fixes his hair. The screen starts to dial, and Lyla chuckles to herself. 
“What?“ Miguel asks, crossing his arms together. 
Lyla’s hand runs up to her mouth. “Pfft. Nothing.“
And with that, she disappears. 
The screen dials for a few more seconds, and finally, you answer the call. A video calling of you, looking down at at the camera on your watch. You’ve got your spider suit on, chaos seeming to be crashing in the background as you zip through a metropolitan city with your webbing. 
“Miguel, baby, you know I’m busy.“ You say, the man watching on his screen as you simultaneously glace down the watch and look back up to swing your webbing against random architecture. 
“I know. Sorry.“ He says, and you look expectantly down at your watch. 
“Did you need something?” You ask, and your watch suddenly drifts over towards behind you, an anomaly chasing behind you. 
“How long will it take for you to be back?“ He asks, hand slithering to the back of his neck. Even from the shitty camera quality, you can see the slightest tinge of blush on his cheek. 
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, sighing to yourself as you bustle through skyscrapers and towers galore. “Is this really was this was about?“
“Yeah, I wanna see you.“ He states. You watch as he starts tapping on the holographic screen, seemingly zooming in on a particular picture. 
You watch as Miguel already goes to grab his spider mask, clutching it in his hand while he taps at his own watch. “Where are you, honey? I can take them off your hands.“
“It’s fine, Miguel. I got it.“
“But I wanna see you.“
“You can wait a little longer, right? Jessica sent me out on this mission.“
“No. I’m going out there, where are you?“
You sigh. “Fine, I’m at Earth-681, Queens.”
“See you in a sec, hun. Love you, bye.“
“Love you. Bet I can finish this guy off before you can even make it down here-“
You hang up, and the call screen flickers dark. Miguel yanks on his spider mask, leaping off his office until...
Lyla sputters in front of Miguel, laughing to herself in a doubled over position. She flashes in a few more times, each one a different frame of her laughing. Miguel tries to ignore her, speeding up into a run whilst tapping at his watch.  
“You’re really that whipped!“ She exclaims. 
“What does whipped even mean?“ Miguel asks, obviously annoyed. 
“You’ll find out later.“
“Oh and, just so you know. That entire convo was recorded. Thanks!“
Miguel groans, and Lyla vanishes as soon as she came in. 
. . . 
Miguel dives headfirst into the inter-dimensional juncture, leaping directly into the skies of Earth-681. There’s millions of skyscrapers below, all of them almost identical to any other Earth he’s been on. 
He webs a nearby building, slinging himself through Queens in search of you. His spidey-sense picks up, detecting you to be in his far right. Faster than ever, he slingshots himself through buildings, his heart quickening in his chest at the thought of seeing you. 
Unexpectedly, you aren’t where you’re supposed to be. 
Miguel pauses himself onto the head of a gargoyle, eyes flickering left and right to try and find you. You’re supposed to be hugging him, kissing him, teasing him about dates and what not. 
Miguel doesn’t even flinch, but he’s more excited than ever to see you. He misses you so much. 
You laugh to yourself, taking a few steps forward to Miguel. He rolls his eyes, and you can even see it through his mask. 
“Haha, very funny.“
“I know, I’m the funniest.“
Miguel wastes no time, hastily tugging you into him by your waist, until you’re close enough to hear his heartbeat. You tug your mask off, revealing the face that Miguel knows and loves. 
Tenderly, the man presses you into a kiss, savoring the taste of your lips for a moment longer than he should’ve. You can feel the poke of his fangs on your bottom lip, and you yelp a little in his mouth. 
“Ah, I’m sorry.“
“It’s fine-“
And he a presses a few more gingerly kisses to your cheek, stroking your other with his thumb. His big hand lingers on your lower back, threatening to ghost his fingers against your behind. 
“See, told you I’d finish him off before you’d come.“ You say, indulgently resting your chin on his chest. 
“Can’t believe Jess sent you out here, on your break day too.“ Miguel scowls, “Wanted to take you somewhere special.“
“Welp, now I’m free.“ You shrug, and Miguel leans the both of you against the concrete walls of the tower. 
Something sparks in Miguel’s mind. 
“Hun, what does whipped mean?“
“Mhm. Lyla mentioned it earlier.“
You chuckle a little. 
“It’s what you are, Miguel.“
“And what, exactly, is that?“
“Absolutely in love with me. Like you’ll do anything, k’know?“
Miguel grumbles to himself, releasing you from his embrace. 
“I hate that she’s right.“
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miguel gets jealous oneshot (same universe)
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lawbloodfreak · 1 year
random blonde woman talking in public setting me off into a weird event where I get freaked out and kind of feel like she’s talking at me ish type thing #3 (
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harrylights · 1 year
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