#Exo burn supplements
homedoctorebook · 8 months
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
THEME: Cyberpunk
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Yes, I've seen your ask, @efangamez. Here's my (first) list of cyberpunk game recommendations!
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24XX: Dire Pulse, by zebramatt84.
BUILD A BETTER TOMORROW – Only the Company stands between humanity and extinction. Help us reverse environmental collapse with Project Omega! Injured on the job? Unable to work? Our cutting-edge exoskeletal rig (Exo-Rig™) technology gets you contributing again. Sign up today! 
Enter a grim corporate future where humanity augments itself with neural interfaces, industrial exoskeletons and cutting-edge nanite technology. This is an original work loosely inspired by the The Surge series of video games by Focus Home Interactive. 
Standard of the 24XX Micro-game series, Dire Pulse is lightweight, easy to learn, and pay-what-you want. Your missions are dangerous and bloody, but rather than roll up a new character, your character gets regenerated by the Company in Exo-Rigs, which can be customized using the pieces of enemies that you’ll find never stop coming. If you like brutal, dystopian fiction with technology and massive creatures, this might be the game for you.
Balikbayan, by Rae Nedjadi.
It is the far future. Earth has been abandoned for generations. Humanity left for brighter stars, richer planets and shining colonies. To fuel their dreams of a better tomorrow, the humans turned to the Elementals and their magic. This magic is an invaluable source of power and labor. Machines were created to harness and enslave the Elementals . You were one of these Enslaved Elementals. You are machines that echo the legendary magic you once possessed. You and your friends are among the few who have managed to return to Earth. What remains of Earth’s cities is falling apart. The Corp won’t let go of you so easily either. But shining through the cracks is a magic that is ready to be reborn.
BALIKBAYAN is great for veterans ready for a more narrative experience, and perfect for people new to the hobby. Bring your dystopic post-Cyberpunk fantasies to life, revel in supernatural Filipino folklore, and dance along the threads between magic and technology.
If you’re interested in mixing fantasy elements in with your cyberware, you’ll want to check out Balikbayan. It can be played with or without a Game Moderator, and provides excellent advice for running the game either way. If you are newer to roleplaying games, or if your group doesn’t feel comfortable yet with a game that’s primarily narrative, you might want to have a GM for your first time playing this game. BALIKBAYAN uses a system called Belonging Outside Belonging, which does not rely on dice. Instead, it has a series of moves, called Strong, Neutral and Weak Moves. Strong moves require the use of a token and reflect success, Weak moves provide opportunities for failure and generate tokens, and Neutral moves move the story forward, without requiring or generating tokens. If you are interested in breaking free of the chains of your corporate overlords or burning yourselves out in the process, you should check out this game.
CBR+PNK (AUGMENTED), by Emanuel Melo (old version)
CBR+PNK (Cyber plus Punk) is a tabletop RPG for one-shot sessions in the cyberpunk genre. You play as a team of RUNNERS — mercs, criminals, activists living on the edge and running in the shadows of a gritty, ultra-violent world.
The game uses a minimalist version of the acclaimed Forged In The Dark system to produce cinematic action. No playbooks: characters are differentiated by their combination of approaches, skills and gear. Because it's more action oriented, there is no Downtime and Stress is relieved by a special action during the Run. There’s also some additional mechanics, called Cyberware and Glitches, which can add enhancements and complications to your play. 
CBR+PNK has a number of supplements available if you like customization, from nemeses, to heists, to extra rules. Both the player brochure and the GM handout are jam-packed with information, dice and rules. The old edition is no longer available, but the newest version, CBR+PNK: AUGMENTED, is available for pre-order thanks to a successful Kickstarter! 
FSG#4: Gay Crime, Sapphics Against Capital, by Evey Lockhart.
The everyday cruelty of petty market lords is a terrible enough thing to combat, but of course the rich assholes have magic too. Clues to the myriad death cults of capital lie nearly naked all around. It's safe to assume most folx with MBAs regularly sacrifice the poor not just as a source for wealth, but for immortality and other preternatural boons.
These are the queer women standing in the rich cultists' way. The time for direct political action is now. 
This is a deconstructed zine for use with the Troika! Tabletop Roleplaying Game featuring: 5 Backgrounds and a Modern Fantasy Microsetting, complete with an introductory assassination! Troika is a game system that allows for chaotic storytelling, both in narrative and in combat. It facilitates easy character creation and regeneration, should your character meet with a grisly end. 
The micro setting and assassination provided make this a great option for a one-shot. The playbooks are incredibly tongue-in-cheek, but may be a big draw for any queer-friendly table. If you like the idea of bringing revenge upon rich cultists, and if you’re interested in queer stories of resistance, this playset (and one of Evey’s other supplements, Cyber Explosions) might be worth checking out!
CY_BORG, by Free League Publishing 
The world is ending. Again and again and again and again and again….
A Nano-infested doomsday RPG about cybernetic misfits and punks raging against a relentless corporate hell. CY_BORG is a complete rules-light, rage-heavy tabletop roleplaying game based on and compatible with MÖRK BORG. Easy to play, easy to hack. It’s got quick and dirty character creation, an introduction to Cy (a megacity with neon cathedrals and a toxic industrial hell), and a d66 table full of headlines and plot hooks to get your characters invested from the get-go. 
CY_BORG is as modifiable as the tech it references; there is a plethora of rules and add-ons and supplements outside of the core rules - and even the core rulebook has optional rules that you can choose to add on or take away, depending on the kind of game you’re looking to run. The setting itself is gritty and unforgiving and dirty; with foes and villains attempting to thwart every step you take to bring down the rich and powerful. If you liked MÖRK BORG’s ruleset but want to bring it into the squirming, writhing future, then you should check out CY_BORG.
Repo Man, by Ziva McPherson.
In a poisoned world where illness and injury are the norm and corporate greed has reached a peak never seen before, a savior has emerged: CureCo. Led by the greatest medical minds in a century, CureCo has lifted us out of tragedy and answered our prayers with their artificial organs and miraculous cures.  But of course, everything comes with a price…and if you can’t pay it, CureCo sends the Repo Man to take back what’s theirs.
This is where your story begins. Your debts are due, and one way or another, CureCo intends to collect. Tonight. The Repo Man is on your trail, and you need to escape at all costs.
Repo Man is a cyberpunk horror zine game for 2 or more players inspired by Repo! The Genetic Opera. To play it, you will need 1 d6 per person and a copy of this game. Character creation is reliant on description: you’ll want to describe what you look like, a special skill or secret, and a thing they hold that is a reason for being hunted by CureCo, such as a replacement organ or a prosthetic. 
If you are looking for a game that combines the feeling of a clock running out with the creeping dread of something always catching up with you, Repo Man might be your cup of tea. Be warned however: in this cyberpunk hellscape, body horror and violence are all too common. You’ll want a robust set of Safety Tools at your side with this game, as with any good game table.
Boy Problems, by boyproblems.
It is many years into the future. A wealthy and powerful person (or persons) has claimed a rare and much sought-after prize: the “vault” of 200 unreleased songs from renowned Canadian pop artist, Carly Rae Jepsen. Hired by an anonymous sponsor, your team of highly trained individuals will raid a well-defended location to retrieve said item. From planning to set-up to execution, you will see this heist through to its completion, whether that be a success or failure. There will many twists and turns along the way, and don’t always trust the specialists by your side.
Boy Problems is a game whose mechanics are inspired by Lasers & Feelings, by John Harper. It’s been highly reviewed by a number of publications, so you might have heard of it already! There are roll tables for the GM to help you set up the plot in a few minutes, including some twists and turns that cause the players to alter their plans on the fly. The Quickstart has some great pieces of advice for folks who might be running a game for the first time. 
The creator has a Quickstart that is free. There’s also a paid option that gives you a larger, more fleshed-out game, and a Side-B supplement with new mechanics, new art, and three new heists! If you want an up-beat game that prioritizes problem-solving over combat, whether you want a one-shot or a multi-session storyline, and if you want a game with easy-to-learn rules and evocative playbooks, Boy Problems just might be for you.
Neon Black, by NotWriting.
Free an AI from their corporate prison. Hack a CEO's credit account. Rescue your friend's digital consciousness from a vending machine.Capitalism sucks. The rich are villains. Community rules.
Neon Black is a role-playing game about a community of poor people fighting back against tyrannical corporations and the indifference of the rich, as well as surviving in a dystopian city state. It’s like real life, but in this world you can kill the CEO’s, rob banks to pay rent, and help your friends do the same. You'll help your community, go on dangerous heists, explore artificial realities, and encounter friendly and nefarious machines. We play to find out if the community can survive amidst warring corporations, an unforgiving climate, and the negligence of the extravagantly wealthy.
This is a rulebook full of advice, albeit not yet accompanied with art. It’s built on the structure of Blades in the Dark, complete with Clocks, Playbooks, Scores and Downtime. It also comes with a chapter on Drugs, Hardware and Software, all must-haves for a Cyberpunk game. At its root, however, Neon Black is about community: your characters will face hard choices and be forced to make sacrifices for the good of the people they care about. Right now the game is still in beta, but it shows an immense amount of promise - and it’s perfectly playable in the stage it’s in right now! It also comes with some well-designed Playkits, available for free in the game description. I recommend that you check this game out!
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fangsandforests · 4 years
Calcifer’s Story: One Year Later
Last October, I saw a post from our local reptile rescue asking for fosters for a pair of leopard geckos. The female was showing obvious signs of metabolic bone disease (MBD). The male had sores on his tail, swollen back feet, and since he was housed with the female, was likely also at risk of MBD.
Though at this point I’d never owned a leopard gecko before, I felt like I had done enough research on their care to help out at least one of the geckos, at least long enough to go through the medical treatments required. So I picked up the male, who I quickly decided to adopt. This is Calcifer’s story.
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Unfortunately, Calcifer’s story isn’t uncommon. I see this happen far too frequently, and it’s really depressing. People pick up reptiles from pet stores or wherever without fully understanding how to care for them. Then they quickly end up with MBD, stuck shed problems, burns, and other common health problems. 
Leopard geckos are pretty hardy creatures. They can even do well without UV-B as long as you provide the right supplements. (And supplements aren’t expensive!) Many people successfully house them quite cheaply. So it baffles me when people fail to provide even the bare minimum for these guys. This is why I always say if you’d like to get a leopard gecko and have done all the research, please look into rescues before buying from a pet shop or breeder. There are a lot of geckos out there who need a good home! 
But back to Calcifer... We started Day 1 with a chlorhexidine soak and a dose of antibiotics. And this was his routine for the next 10 days, even though his swollen feet were already looking less red and inflamed by the second day. 
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And he seemed to recognize that I was trying to help, at least enough to put up with the treatment. 
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His enclosure setup during this time was very simple and sterile -- paper towels/cage carpet as substrate, hides that were easy to clean, etc. This was not only to prevent infection but because all new animals should go through a quarantine period. To properly quarantine a reptile, you should keep them in a separate room from any other reptiles in the house and in a setup that allows you to easily monitor for issues like parasites and diseases.  
I was, however, experimenting with the heat source during his quarantine. I settled on the Deep Heat Projector, which you can read all about in my review. I also added a UV-B light and, once he was ready to eat again, started using Arcadia Earth Pro supplements. Due to the MBD issue, one of my priorities was making sure he was getting the best possible sources of calcium and D3. 
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For Calcifer, I knew his first shed in my care would help me gauge his progress, since his swollen feet came from stuck shed. And, much to my surprise, that shed came off perfectly -- not even the tiniest piece left behind. 
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He improved very quickly from there. His appetite came back in full force, and he started to associate me with food instead of foot soaks and nasty medicine. I started improving his enclosure, adding in natural rock, wood, and substrate. 
It took a few months, but eventually his back feet were back to a normal size and his tail grew back. Unfortunately, the stuck shed issues in his past caused him to lose the tips of some of his toes, but he gets around just fine.
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For a male leopard gecko, Calcifer seems to be on the small side. He averages about 45 grams. So even though he uses every inch of his enclosure, I haven’t felt the need to upgrade to a size up from the 18x24 Exo Terra he’s in now. (I'm not completely writing off the possibility though!)
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Out of all my geckos, Calcifer is by far the most personable. He’s very curious and regularly pokes his head out of a hide or comes up to the door when I’m in the room. 
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Would I ever rescue a second leopard gecko? Well, it was definitely worth it to see Calcifer make a full recovery and watch his true personality come out. I didn’t fully understand how wonderful leopard geckos are until I brought this guy home, and that’s what makes it even harder for me to grasp how people can fail to give them the care and attention they deserve.
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So, yes, when I have the space and resources available, I’d love to help out another gecko in need. 
And if you read all this and are now thinking you’d also love to rescue a reptile instead of buying one, that’s great! 
I’d encourage you to see if there’s a reptile rescue near you. Reptiles are becoming more popular, which unfortunately means that more of them aren’t taken care of properly. So if you don’t have a local reptile rescue yet, there may be a need for one soon!
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exoburn22 · 2 years
ExoBurn Review: Erase Extra Pounds from Your Frame
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Everyone deserves to feel happy, healthy and confident in their body. That's why we diet! If you're looking to lose weight quickly, you want to know about ExoBurn diet pills! It's the latest weight loss solution to hit the market. Especially for people that are struggling with their fat trimming goals, this supplement needs to be included with your diet! However, if you want learn what this supplement is all about and just how it could help you shed those kilos or excess fat, we'll tell you within our ExoBurn review! All you have to do is keep reading to learn everything you would to!
No one ever said that dieting is easy. In fact, many people struggle with how much loss. That's why products like this exist. They're here to help you lose weight and show amazing! The Exo Burn weight loss formula is crammed with everything your body need to melt those pounds out there. You can take our word for it and click those links right instantly! Or, if you'd prefer to know more, just keep reading our ExoBurn review! We'll tell you ease supplement does of your weight loss, what's in it, and far more! If you are ready to achieve your ideal body, we should get started!
ExoBurn Diet Pills Benefits
Not only will this be supplement supposed to support burn fat itself, it's also in order to set you up for success. By incorporating of these benefits, you'll be working harder toward excess fat loss goals than before before! According towards the official Exo Burn website, here's what should notice as well as taking this supplement:
Appetite Suppression
Boosted Metabolism
More Energy
Supported Ketosis
Increased Fat reduction
Fat Burning in Troublesome areas
Better Brain Health
Lean Muscle Maintenance
Exo Burn Ingredients
This supplement contains two ingredients can help pounds management possible goals. The first is referred to as BHB (or Beta-hydroxybutyrate). It's supposed enable early keto dieters see results within DAYS of taking the supplement. For dieters which usually are already in ketosis, BHB is supposed ot an individual see results faster when compared with dieting independently!
The second ingredients in Exo Burn + fat burning supplement is Garcinia cambogia extract. It's a pumpkin looking fruit from southeast Eastern medicine. The rind among the fruit possesses a compound called HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid). It's such their favorite weight loss ingredient simply because suppresses urge for food! That means reduced cravings and unnecessary munching!
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weightlosspillss · 3 years
Is Keto trim the new weight loss sensation or marketing hype that unfounded promises up to 10 kilos of weight loss per month?
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Keto Trim  Reviews Pills Price, Scam, Does it Work & BuY
 In Keto Trim  half of the adult population is overweight to some degree. The standard diets and slimming cures often only provide a disappointing temporary result. In recent decades, 85% of people who start a diet lose no or only temporary weight.
  The ways Keto trim stimulates your body to lose weight:
With the keto diet, however, a breakthrough seems to be taking place. The success rate seems to be significantly higher with the keto diet than with other weight loss methods. It is still too early to draw any conclusions, but it can at least be said that the keto diet is incredibly popular worldwide and intrigues more people than any diet.
What makes keto so popular is how effective the diet is. If you follow the keto diet in the right way, you can burn a lot of excess fat reserves in a short time. So you really burn the excess mass that you want to get rid of. Fat on your stomach, hips and wherever else it bothers you. While with many diets you mainly lose a lot of fluid and rarely tackle the fat in the most stubborn places!
Sounds good you would say. Unfortunately, the keto diet also has enough disadvantages. It's not a dream solution. First of all, it is very difficult to perform the keto diet in the right way so that your body burns fat reserves. In addition, the keto diet demands a lot from you physically and mentally.
However, Keto Trim wants to change that. With their supplement, they strive to make the keto diet easier, more comfortable and more effective.
Have the makers of Keto Trim reviews  succeeded in greatly reducing the disadvantages of the Keto Diet and amplifying the power of the Keto Diet? Find out in this review.
How Does The Keto Trim  Diet Work And What Is The Role Of Keto Bodytone?
A keto diet or ketogenic diet is a diet where you eat very few carbohydrates and a lot of fats. This in combination with an average amount of proteins. It has many benefits for weight loss, health and performance, as evidenced by more than 50 studies. ( 1 ) 
The greatly reduced carbohydrate intake puts your body in a metabolic state called ketosis, where fat, from your diet and the fat stores in your body, is burned for energy. You use this energy to do everything. Like reading this article for example.
With a normal Keto trim diet, however, you rarely get into a state of ketosis because you often consume too high amounts of carbohydrates.
However, what is that state of ketosis? And why does that bring so many benefits if you want to lose weight?
Keto trim is the state in which your body switches to fat reserves as its main source of energy. When this happens, your body becomes very efficient at burning body fat for energy.
By eating hardly any carbohydrates, you force the body to switch to another source of energy, namely fat.
In order to burn fat for energy, our bodies must first convert the fatty acids into compounds known as ketones.
Ketones are thus the result of fat burning in your body and are the fuel form that the body uses as an energy source.
The ketones your body makes are called endogenous ketones. The Keto Trim  means that something is produced in your body, while the prefix "exo" means that it is produced outside your body (as in a supplement like Keto BodyTone).
While it can take up to 10 days (7) without the use of exogenous ketones before you have enough endogenous ketones in your blood to reach ketosis, using exogenous ketones found in Keto Trim pills can quickly increase the amount of ketones in your body . This can help you get into ketosis significantly faster ( 2 ).
Without enough ketones, your body cannot enter an effective state of ketosis, and thus cannot activate the famous keto fat burning.
The Power of Keto Trim cost 
Getting into ketosis on your own, without using exogenous ketones, is a slow and generally uncomfortable process and only works if you stick to the keto diet very strictly. Which is too much of a task for most people.
However, with their supplement based on exogenous ketones, Keto trim scam makes it much more accessible and faster to reach ketosis and burn serious fat with a Keto diet.The ways Keto trim stimulates your body to lose weight:
Why should you use Keto Trim supplement?
The Exogenous Ketones contained in Keto Trim are very valuable when eating a strict keto diet is not feasible or when you want the benefits of the Keto diet without the extreme restrictions on the number of carbohydrates you can ingest.
While it's better to burn ketones that your body produces itself (endogenous ketones), there are times when almost anyone can use a nudge to increase the amount of ketones in your blood. Below are some cases where increasing your ketones through KetoTrim secure has a clear benefit:  
To reach a state of ketosis faster. Which we have just explained in detail.
If you pass the 50 grams of carbohydrates per day . This can be both structural and one-off. Normal functioning on 50 grams of carbohydrates turns out not to be feasible for everyone in practice. By taking the exogenous ketones in Keto trim weight loss, you can follow the keto diet a little less strictly. Pay attention! This is not a license to take large amounts of carbohydrates.
Vacation and travel : When you travel or go on vacation, it is often not feasible to eat a maximum of 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. In these kinds of cases, Keto Bodytone can be a godsend.
When your energy is low : This happens to many people who switch to the keto diet. In the phase in which your body has to switch from burning the glucose from carbohydrates to ketones, many people feel weak and lifeless. The use of Keto trim scam can then boost your mental and physical performance.
Between keto meals : The exogenous ketones in Keto Body fitness can lower your energy levels when you're feeling down.
For athletes who mostly rely on carbohydrates for their performance, Keto Body fitness can then provide an efficient form of energy that gives you the energy you need for your training session.
If you want to relieve side effects like the Keto Trim weight loss
Keto Trim  is a promising supplement that can help you get a leaner body, especially in combination with the keto diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Are you curious what Keto Bodytone can do for your body weight? Keto Trim  can be ordered online from the supplier's official web store.
At the time of writing, they have a special offer running. Click on this link  or the button below to have Keto Body fitness care delivered to your home for the lowest price.
Are you struggling to lose weight and have you come across the Keto trim supplement? As you may already know, the keto diet, also known as the ketogenic diet, is a promising and very popular weight loss method followed by many.
Several scientific studies have also shown that the keto diet is more effective than traditional forms of weight loss. ( 1 )
In simple words, the ketogenic diet activates your body's fat-burning mechanisms.
However, reaching the state of ketosis can take a long time and is then difficult to maintain. However, Keto trim  can offer a solution. Keto trim  is a blend of powerful ingredients that helps your body reach the state of ketosis naturally, quickly and safely.
In the next few minutes, you'll find out how Keto trim  accomplishes that.The ways Keto trim stimulates your body to lose weight:
What is a Keto trim Diet? And what is the role of Keto Trim Weight loss in that?
We've always believed that our need carbohydrates to survive. In fact, we've been told that our brains cannot function without a constant supply of carbohydrates.
But is this the truth?
The truth is a lot more nuanced than that. Our bodies can function with small amounts of carbohydrates. Eating an abundant carbohydrate diet is the reason for the western obesity epidemic.
The ketogenic diet has shifted our focus from carbohydrates to fats, which are a rich source of energy.
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. Due to the low carbohydrate content, the ketogenic diet switches on a chemical probodies cess in your body called 'ketosis'.
When you make a change in your diet and take in a few new carbohydrates, your body quickly burns the remaining carbohydrate reserves and then switches to burning fat as a source of energy. When your body breaks down fat, it produces chemicals called ketones, which serve as a source of energy.
This all sounds very nice, but we have to realize that it can take a very long time before you reach the state of ketosis. Also, the process can come with some side effects like bad breath, keto flu, nausea, vomiting, and so on.
The long breath that you have to take before you reach ketosis breaks many people and that is exactly where Keto Trim  can offer a solution.
Keto Trim  is a supplement based on Green Tea Extract, Raspberry Ketones, Cider Vinegar, Lemon Pectin, Kelp and Caffeine.
The main idea behind Keto Trim weight loss is that it helps you quickly reach the state of ketosis and provides you with vitamins and minerals that are less abundant in the keto diet than in a standard diet.
Let's take a closer look at Keto Trim health care and determine per ingredient how and to what extent it contributes to achieving Ketosis so that you can burn excess fat.The ways Keto trim stimulates your body to lose weight: To get more info visit here:https://www.buyhealthyhub.com/keto-trim/
 KetoTrim Ingredients and the 3 Ways They Help You Achieve Weight Loss
So how does Keto Pro enhance the weight loss benefits of the ketogenic diet? Here are the top three ways Keto Pro can help you get the maximum benefits from the keto diet.
#1: KetoTrim Fat Burning
As mentioned, the biggest obstacle to following the ketogenic diet is reaching the state of ketosis. This is exactly what Keto Trim  is designed for.
Keto Trim  is a combination of powerful ingredients that are specifically aimed at fat metabolism. These ingredients are raspberry ketones, cider vinegar, caffeine, kelp and green tea extract.
Once your body goes into fat metabolism hyperdrive, it becomes easier for you to reach and maintain the state of ketosis.
How safe is Keto Pro?
In general, Keto Pro is safe to use. However, beware of the side effects listed below and for safety's sake avoid this supplement if you are pregnant or trying to conceive.
abdominal cramps
Bloated feeling
Changes in blood pressure
If you are in any doubt about the ingredients of this supplement or experience any side effects from its use, stop taking the supplement and seek medical attention.
 Keto Trim is a promising supplement that can help you get a leaner body, especially in combination with the keto diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Update: Keto Trim is no longer available for the time being. Keto Trim is an excellent alternative that is at least as powerful as Keto trim pills 
Keto Actives can be ordered online from the supplier's official web store. At the time of writing, they have a special offer running. or the button below to have delivered to your home for the lowest price
Are you struggling to lose weight? And are you ready for a weight loss solution that actually works?
Traditional weight loss methods don't work for most people. a particularly powerful slimming supplement, can offer a solution.
A short story that probably sounds familiar to you.
You have recently started a diet, you are committed, focused and full of motivation to say goodbye to those excess pounds.  
For the first few weeks
For the first few weeks, the scale will reward you with a lower body weight . Full of enthusiasm you carry on, but what is that? After a few first weeks of success, you will no longer see any progress. You do everything the same way as before. You follow a strict diet, you go to the gym, and you drink gallons of water daily to stay hydrated.
What went wrong? You are perplexed and understand nothing of it.
Chances are that the diet you followed was effective in expelling (excess) fluids from your body. Which caused you to lose weight in the first place. After a few weeks, that trick no longer works.
This fact has also been scientifically researched and proven. Researchers have proven that up to 60 percent of the initial weight loss in many diets is due to fluid loss ( 1 ).
Chances are that this has happened to you one or more times. What is the solution?
The solution is to put your metabolism (metabolism) in turbo mode to get your body to turn on the fat-burning engine. Because only expelling fluid from your body is not a sustainable way of weight loss. Fat burning is essential.
Keto trim can help you get your body into a true fat burning mode . In this review you will discover why PhenQ is so exceptional, superior to 99% of the other weight loss supplements and why it has helped more than 100,000 users with a slimmer body.The ways Keto trim stimulates your body to lose weight:
1. Fat Burning
Perhaps the most important property of Keto trim is that it stimulates your body to burn fat by boosting your metabolism. Keto trim Secure  stimulates fat breakdown by stimulating fat oxidation and lipolysis.
Are you curious how Keto trim weight loss realizes a powerful cross-pollination between fat burning, appetite suppression, fat reduction and energy stimulants with their unique formula? The secret? it lies in the ingredients , about which Keto trim  is completely open-minded. You know in advance exactly what is in their formula. Unlike other supplements that hide behind a mix of ingredients? without naming the specific ingredients or even communicating no product label at all.
Overweight plagues over 39% of the adult world population. In Western Europe, according to the World Health Organization ( 1 ) , this percentage is above 50%. It is therefore no wonder that many are looking for the ideal solution to get a slimmer and healthier body. Perhaps that also applies to you and you are the ?a slimming miracle? Keto Trim   encountered .
Keto Trim     is a slimming product based on natural Bentonite clay. This is 100% natural clay with a fine and soft structure, which is used for various medical and cosmetic purposes.
The manufacturer of claims that you can lose up to 10 kilos per month with their slimming product. However, how realistic is that claim? And how likely is it that you can achieve your target weight with Keto trim? Are there any dangerous side effects to be aware of?
In this review, Bentolit and the user experiences of this product are examined, so that you can better consider whether this product is worth it.The ways Keto trim stimulates your body to lose weight:
What does the Keto trim Formula consist of? How does it cause weight loss?
Keto trim trim has been put on the market to help you slim down in a very accessible way. After all, the manufacturer realizes that d
Slimming down with Keto trim is certainly accessible. You can make the slimming drink in 4 easy steps. Only once a day. Easy right?
But does it really work? To gain a better understanding of this question, it is important to study the ingredients. Because what is actually in Keto trim pills And what effect do the ingredients have on your body?
Keto trim  consists primarily of purified Keto trim  clay and is supplemented with natural extracts such as coffee bean extract, fennel seed extract, ginger root extract, dandelion root extract, oat fiber and soy protein isolate.
Below we map the effect of these ingredients, in which special attention is paid to the fat-burning capacity of this clay. The ways Keto trim stimulates your body to lose weight: To get more info visit here:https://www.buyhealthyhub.com/keto-trim/
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gguksgalaxy · 7 years
Engraved 17
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Masterpost <– Engraved 16.5 | <– Crowned 3 | Engraved 18 –>
Short: You’re a tattoo artist for a gang known as EXO who own a club down town. (read synopsis at masterpost) Words: 6771 Notes for Update: 40 Warnings: Anger, fighting, blood, so much foreshadowing an vagueness XD whoops. Pairings: D.O. x Reader, slight Chen X Reader A/N: pls don’t kill me….talk to me!
AFF link
Angel pov
Suho was laying in the back of the car, his eyes closed and breath slow. There was an emergency kit in the trunk and you were not trying to put in an IV so that you could give him blood before he bled out. “Are you sure you can do this?” Minseok asked, trying to hide his panic at the lifeless body of his best comrad, holding his vest against the wound in his side. You didn’t look up and pushed the needle through into his arm hitting the vein just right. “Shut up.” Quickly you attached the blood bag and held it up high. “Chanyeol go, drive. Minseok call Lay.” Chanyeol sped away with the car but took care around the turns. Suho was lying with his head in Minseok’s lap and his legs over yours, there was no other way. “Lay? He’s been stabbed, lost a lot of blood. Left side. I don’t know if it’s deep, there’s a lot of blood. Artery?” Minseok talked on the phone and then turned to you. “Do you think they hit an artery?” 
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You looked down to the place where Minseok still held the wound. “He could’ve but seeing his still alive I don’t think they did. I’m not sure. I can’t inspect anything like this.” “Not sure. Just fix it okay. No I didn’t. I don’t know. Yixing just fucking go get ready. Don’t talk back to me. YIXING!” that’s when Minseok hung up the phone, gritting his teeth and mumbling something. Chanyeol made eye contact with you in the mirror and you gave him a short nod. Junmyeon’s pulse slowly pulled up a little, but it never got where it was supposed to be before you reached home. Minseok and Chanyeol carried him inside while you hurried with holding up the blood bad. His body was oddly limp and it scared you, he was so pale and cold to the touch. Lay was waiting by the room, with someone else, a woman. Probably someone he worked with. He had his own contacts when it came to fixing up people from worse injuries, other doctors who worked on the illegal side. The woman took the bag from you and you stayed outside while they carried him in. Kyungsoo was the first to find you from the living room, swiftly followed by Jongdae. “Hey Angel, what happened?” You sighed deeply, relaxing your shoulders. Kyungsoo reached out for you, brushing his finger over your cheekbone that came back with a little smudge of blood. “Oh, someone got at me with a knife. They’re dead now, let’s hope it won’t scar.” Jongdae frowned. “They kidnapped Suho?” “They did, cornered him at the opera house, put him in a car probably. He must’ve tried to fight them and got stabbed as reward. They were after Xiumin for some reason, there was about 8 of them, we made quick work of it.” Chanyeol exited the room, but Xiumin didn’t. “Hey, let’s get her out of the car.” “Who?” Jongdae and Kyungsoo asked in unison. You rolled your shoulder that had taken a good swing. “We took their leader, she’d tied up in the trunk. We’ll take her downstairs and make her wait for when Lay’s done. After what she did to Suho she definitely deserves it.” The two of you walked back to the garage where the lady was probably out cold in the back. Or so you thought, the moment the door fell shut she started screaming. Not that she really could while she was gagged, but she made enough nose, banging her body against the insides of the car too. Chanyeol opened the trunk. “Hey, don’t ruin the car yeah?” He hoisted her out of there and set her on her feet. She immediately struggled but with her hands tied at her back and to her body she didn’t have enough strength. So he was no match for her and easily held her in place. You took a good look at her, but didn’t recognise her, snapping a picture with your phone to send over to Gio later. “Let’s go.” You took her other arm and together you pulled her through the large warehouse room, into the cellars where Lay’s room was. Suddenly you felt sick to your stomach at the idea of having to go in there, to actually come to face with what he does in there. And you didn’t want to, at all. Chanyeol turned to you, the woman still trying to scream. “You’ve never been in there?” You shook your head no. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I can tie her down.” He looked at you a little concerned, probably confused because of you seemingly being scared to go in there. There was a part of you that considered just coming with him, but your mind told you it was a bad idea. “I’ll stay here. If it goes sideways just give a yell.” Chanyeol frowned a little but nodded, he was an annoying dork most of the time but he really was caring. So you waited as he unlocked the door with the keys Minseok gave him and pulled the woman inside. Who immediately began to trash violently at whatever she saw. Before the door closed behind them you caught a glimpse of a chair in the middle of the room, with ropes hanging down from the ceiling. It was an old wooden chair, with cuffs near the ankles and wrists. You shivered at it, and you leant against the wall to turn away from the door. Your thoughts were swirling on the idea of sitting in that chair, tied up, Lay doing to you what he does best. Torture others. It was no secret in the group that his expertise laid in breaking the body and not fixing it. Your legs were shaky and you slid down the wall to sit down for a little. All your hairs were standing up and you had goosebumps on your skin. It was cold down in the empty hallways, and you tried to calm your racing mind. Tried to stop wondering about what was going to happen in there. What could happen to you if you ended up in there. A threat that hung over your head too often to ignore. “Angel?” Jongdae was skidding down the stairs and ran over to you, a little out of breath. He knelt down beside you and touched your forehead. “You’re warm, are you okay?” His eyes flickered to the door where the woman started making more noise and something was heard falling to the floor. You should go help him. “I’ll go.” Kyungsoo said, following down the stairs, looking at you with concern and going through the door. Your attention was with Jongdae though, who was trying to clam you down by rubbing his hand up and down your arm. “Did you go in there?” You shook your head at him, and he wrapped his arms around you to pull you close. His chin rested on the top of your head. “What did you see?” “Chair.” You mumbled softly. “It’s okay.” He ran a hand over your hair, smoothing it down. “It’s okay.” You just sat there, enjoying his warmth and breathing to the sound of his heartbeat. Nobody had ever been able to comfort you like Jongdae did, his embrace, his smell, his voice, it calmed you. The door opened again and Jongdae let go of you immediately, sitting up straight. “Hey you okay Ang?” Chanyeol asked, looking at you. “You look a little pale.” You nodded. “I’m fine, I just felt a bit lightheaded.” “Did you take your meds?” Jongdae asked, frowning. To your surprise you realised that you didn’t. “I think I forgot.” Your best friend sigh, and Kyungsoo coughed. “Meds?” he asked. You stood up with Jongdae’s help. “I take iron supplements when I’m on my period. Otherwise I get very drowsy and lightheaded. I probably forgot with things going on.” He nodded, and you all walked back upstairs. Leaving the woman and her exasperatedly muffled screams behind you. It was a little warmer upstairs and Jongdae took you to the living room, sitting you down on the couch where Kyungsoo took place next to you. You leant against him, head on his shoulder, tired and worn out from the fight and lack of iron probably. Soo wrapped an arm around your waist and let you sit like that. Baekhyun entered the room and frowned but didn’t ask, you probably looked sick. Jongdae came back quickly with a spare bottle of pill you had in this place. “Here.” He said, opened up and handing you two red capsules. “I’ll get you some water, and something to eat.” He returned again, handing you the glass so you could take the pills and a banana. Which you peeled and ate slowly. They turned on the tv, and you sat much in silence. The question on Junmyeon’s wellbeing hanging between all of you. Baekhyun was the first to ask. “Is he okay?” You looked up with tired eyes. “I’m not sure, they’re probably still working on him. He lost a lot of blood, he got stabbed in the side and it turned into a pretty deep cut. He’ll be out for some time.” “I hope he makes it.” “So do I.” But all of you knew that there was a chance he might not make it. Lay couldn’t fix everything. If Suho died right now, the woman would have to face Xiumin’s wrath, and not just Lay’s. You weren’t sure which one was worse. That’s when Sehun barged through the door, eyes wide and bloodshot. You had no idea where he came from but he’d obviously heard about what happened to Suho. With a bit of shaky legs you got up from the couch and walked over to him. He fell onto you, wrapping his lanky arms around your shoulder and you comforted him. To Sehun, Suho was the older brother he never had, and you knew he’d be the most affected by this. He cried a little, and you sat him down on the couch. Jongdae came back with a cup of tea for him, and you wrapped one of the blankets around his shoulders. “Sehun where did you come from?” you asked. He swallowed thickly. “I was out scouting someone. Baekhyun called me, I ran all the way back here.” That explained why he was so sweaty and burning hot. You put a hand on his leg, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “Lay’s taking care of him now, let’s hope for the best.” “Ho-how far gone w-was he?” Sehun hiccuped. “We managed to give him blood in the car while he was unconscious. He never regained consciousness, but he had a decent pulse when we came back here.” You weren’t going to lie about it, the chance that he wouldn’t make it was definitely there. “I’m sorry Sehun.” He shook his head. “Y-you did what you could. I just don’t want…I don’t want to loose him.” You rubbed his back up and down. “Shhh, we know Sehun, we know.” Everyone in the room was silent again after that, you, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, even Sehun. You felt tired, and just really wanted to sleep. “I’m going to go to bed, it’s late.” You stood up and Kyungsoo followed you, hand resting on your lower back. Sehun looked up at you, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eyes. “We’ll stay up with him.” Chanyeol said, meaning him and Baekhyun. “You look like you could use a good night sleep.” You nodded with a soft smile as you and Kyungsoo left the room, Jongdae’s eye worryingly meeting yours for a second. He smile at you as you left. “What really happened downstairs?” he asked when you reached his bedroom. “Huh?” “Angel…” You frowned. “I really did get lightheaded, I really do take iron supplements. I can’t probe the first but I can prove the last, I could also prove that I’m on my period but I think that’s uncalled for.” He pursed his lips, and you cupped his cheeks to kiss him. “Don’t fret, it’s alright. I happens sometimes.” Kyungsoo nodded, sitting down on the bed and stripping off his shirt. You reached out, trailing a finger over his collarbone. He shivered and you smiled. “Don’t tease me, not if you ain’t gon owe up to it.” You arched an eyebrow. “Is that an invitation.” “I’m not having sex with you on your period.” “I can do other things.” He squinted. “You almost passed out.” “I’m standing right now.” “Angel.” “Kyungsoo.” “Don’ t.” “Okay.” You shrugged and walked towards the bathroom. “Where you going?” he asked. You turned around to look at him. “As mentioned, I’m on my period, I need to go to the bathroom or shit will go down in your bed. Trust me, you don’t want that.” He scrunched up his nose and motioned for you to go. It was funny, most guys would’ve cried at the word period, he seemed to be okay. Points for Kyungsoo. You found Xiumin sitting in the hallways, by the door of the sickroom where they were operating on Suho still probably. His hands were fisted in his hair, his head leant back against the wall. His feline eyes closed, his clothes still stained with blood. Without saying anything, you sat down beside him with your legs outstretched. “He’s alive.” A deep sigh of relief passed your lips. “But he’s still critical, the night will decide.” He whispered, a tear in his voice audible in the large empty warehouse. It echoed and you looked at him, his eyes were still closed, his lips parted. There was a smear of blood on his forehead, and fine flecks on the line of his neck. “Minseok.” You breathed. “You should go to sleep.” “I’m not sleeping till I know he’s okay.” “Minseok.” “What?” “Do you know the woman who did this.” He paused, opened his eyes, and looked at you. “No, I’ve never seen her before. And no, she’s not one of his known associates.” You nodded slowly, you felt bad for him. He’d lost enough members, loosing Suho would tip the scales. He was too important to the team. There was sorrow in Xiumin ’s eyes, something you rarely saw but weren’t unfamiliar with. “You can’t do anything whether you’re asleep or awake.” “If it was Jongdae would you willingly go away and sleep?” He hit it right on the spot and you chewed your cheek looking at him. “I’m sorry.” There was a curt not and then the sound of a door. The two of you looked up, finding Lay taking of his surgical gloves and the woman he was with following him. With her hair now down she looked younger, maybe your age. “What?” he snarled at you. You rolled your eyes and got up. “I’m going to sleep, let’s hope he makes it.” Lay opened his mouth, probably about to say something about your involvement. Xiumin pointed a finger at him. “If you go and fly at her now I’ll fucking snap your neck Yixing. I’m not in the mood for this. Leave your fucking feudal bullshit for another time.” The younger set his jaw and moved walked the girl downstairs where he saw her out. Only to come back up and enter his room with a way too loud to be accidental slam of his door. “You’re pale.” Minseok noted, inspecting you. “You’re sad.” “Go to bed y/n.” He grumbled, not having any intention of moving from his spot. You stood up and walked silently into the living room, where Sehun was sleeping on the couch and Baekhyun and Chanyeol were playing a game on the playstation there. You didn’t recognise it, but reached into the cabinet to pull out two blankets. One you draped over Sehun’s curled up form on the couch, Suho had to pull through, if it was only for his sake. “Angel?” Chanyeol whispered, looking at you with big eyes. “Why did Xiumin save you today?” You frowned, thinking back to the fight at the abandoned building. In the rush someone had taken you to the floor aiming a knife for your neck and you had to fight him off with the length of Chanyeol’s rifle that you had plucked from the floor. You remembered how it had tipped dangerously close to your throat. And you remembered how easily Minseok had taken the man out by sliding his knife flawlessly between the man’s back ribs straight to his heart. “Don’t worry about it Chanyeol. We made it out, that’s what matters.” He nodded and went back to his game, Baekhyun looked at you momentarily, but didn’t speak up. It was only a matter of time before everything would fall apart and they would all know. You couldn’t let that happen, it would ruin everything. “He needs me, even though he won’t admit it. Jobs like this, if Suho gets taken out, I take his place and fix everything where I can.” “So if Suho dies…You’d take his place?” Baekhyun asked. You shook your head, looking at your feet. “It’s not my place to be here permanently like that. I help out where I can, but I’m a rogue at heart. I work best on my own.” Neither of the boys spoke anymore after that, and you left the room. Without another word and a heavy heart you walked past Minseok. You dropped the blanket in his lap and moved on. God damn angry at the man, at his actions and ruin, how he was using everyone for his own stupid games. This wasn’t part of the plan. You went into the bathroom finally, taking a shower, and went back into Soo’s room. “You took long.” “I got held up halfway.” You said, slipping under the covers and enjoying the warmth of his skin against yours. “Suho’s is alive, but critical state still. They’re monitoring him. We won’t know till the next day comes. “Then we sleep.” He said, kissing your temple and holding you close.
You were awoken by the door opening and thudding lightly against the wall. So you blinked your eyes open and found Xiumin leaning in the opening. His shoulder against the post, hair falling over his forehead, arms crossed over his chest. He looked younger like this, less harsh. Wearing sweatpants and a long sleeved white shirt. “He’s asking for you.” Kyungsoo woke up behind you at the voice of his boss and startled, pulling the covers closer. “Excuse me?” “Oh don’t try, I already knew. I’m not in a mood to go into this,” he said, motioning at the two of you, “right now. We’ll discuss that later. Angel, Suho’s awake, he’s asking for you.” You nodded and stood up quickly, snatching your jeans from the chair and quickly pulling them on along with Kyungsoo’s sweater. Minseok walked out in front of you, leading you to the room. Suho was in the hospital bed, hooked up to various threads and machines that showed his vital functions. Lay was checking something, and of course looked up annoyed at your presence. The other however, smiled weakly at you and motioned you close. “Lay can you leave, I need to talk to her.” He asked, voice extremely hoarse and weak. The surgeon narrowed his eyes at you but did as his friend asked, and left the room with Minseok. “How are you feeling?” you asked, looking at him. He chuckled dryly. “Considering the circumstances? I think I’m alright. The morphine works to keep the pain at bay but I can feel how weak I am, I lost a lot of blood I heard. I’ll pull through, nothing I haven’t done before, this.” You thought back to the time when Suho got shot and practically died, bleeding in the corner of a garage. Till today you were still unsure of what had happened, but you remembered it. “You wanted to talk to me?” “Yeah.” He tried to sit up a little but groaned loudly at the pain. “I need you to call Jangmi and tell her what happened. I ditched her because they were following me, had her call a cab. She didn’t take it too well, I’m a little worried.” There was obvious worry in his voice, and this was important, you’d have done it without him asking because you knew she probably didn’t know. You were glad she got away safely. “I’ll talk to her.” “Tell her not to worry.” “Junmyeon, she loves you, she’ll worry.” “Then tell her I’ll call her as soon as I can.” “Does Xiumin know yet?” He sighed and looked at the door. “I need to tell him don’t I?” You nodded. “He’s your best friend, he cares about you whether he shows it or not. If this is getting dangerous, and if they saw her, they might come after her. We can never know if we took out everyone. I’m sure he’ll…understand.” “He’ll get angry.” “At first, trust me when I say that he’ll understand. Explain it to him, tell him you love her. That you need her. That you trust her, tell her I trust her. If he’s a good boss he’ll let it slide, if he’s a good friend he’ll be happy for you.” Junmyeon coughed, groaned, and sighed again. “I told him about you and D.O.” “He already knew.” “What?” “He’s not stupid, to be honest he probably suspects you’re dating someone.” “He didn’t tell me he knew when he sent me out.” He grumbled. You chuckled. “He probably thought we were just fucking or whatever. The boss can only see so far.” “You’re telling me he saw through you?” With a roll of your eyes you told him; “If he find me wearing D.O’s clothes in D.O’s beds he can put 1+1 together. But my feelings are a little harder to read.” “Just…please call Jangmi. I need her to know that I’m okay, that she’s okay. For all I know they went after her and…god.” He closed his eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this afraid.” You touched his shoulder. “She’ll be fine. If they really were after Minseok they’re not going to get anything from going after her. It’s useless.” “You know they can do it out of revenge.” “I’m going to go and call her okay. Once I get a hold of her I’ll be back.” “Thank you Angel.” “You should thank me, watch me try and save your relationship again. I should be payed.” He chuckled and shooed you away. Outside the door Xiumin was waiting for you. “What?” you asked. The boss narrowed his eyes. “What did you talk about?” “None of your business.” “My group, my business.” “If you’d been nicer you’d have already known.” You shrugged. “But you like to pretend to be a dick, so that’s what you get. They start looking for other people to talk to.” He pulled you back by your arm when you tried to walk away. “Are you saying they need you?” “They need someone who cares Minseok,” you said, roughly pulling your arm from his grip. “Where are you going?” he called when you were halfway down the stairs. You turned around. “I’m going to get Suho’s girlfriend.” You left Minseok with his silent stare, hoping he’d not go inside and talk to Suho. That wasn’t your intention. The fact that he didn’t immediately come after you told you he probably already knew indeed. When you reached your bike that was parked in the garage, you put in your earpiece and dialled Jangmi’s number before you drove off. The phone rang a few times before she picked up. “You know most people hang up after the phone rings for 8 times.” “You know most people don’t pick up at all when people like me call.” “What do you want?” She snarled You chuckled as you took a sharp turn. “Are you home?” She was silent for a little. “Why do you care?” “That’s a yes, I’m coming to pick you up, don’t go anywhere.” “I have work in an hour.” “Don’t think so.” You mused, stopping for a red light. “Wait for me, I’m taking you to Suho.” “I don’t want to see him.” You sighed, and pulled the gas up again when the light turned green. The wind was catching at your exposed neck and you should’ve worn a scarf or something with your jacket. “Jangmi, please just wait for me. You’ll understand when I get there.” “Hang up the phone Angel.” “I can’t I’m driving.” “You can reach.” “I’m on a motorbike.” Another pause. “I’m not getting on the back of your motorbike.” “Jangmi god damnit. Please just wait for me, come with me, it’ll explain itself.” She rudely hung up the phone without saying anything else, and you sped up a little, passing some cards, so you’d get there sooner. Jangmi’s apartment was in the centre of the city, and you wondered if she really had that good of a job or if Suho helped her pay for it. You rang her doorbell, and to your surprise, she opened the door for you. Not to her apartment, but to the complex. She had been waiting for you downstairs. “I’m not letting you into my home.” “Fair enough.” You said. “Tell me his lame excuse for ditching me last night before I get on the back of that thing.” She motioned towards your bike that was neatly parked in front of the building. You sighed and handed her a helmet. “He was being followed, he noticed, sent you home to save you. He got kidnapped, they stabbed him, we were there just in time. But he lost a lot of blood and needed to get fixed. He crept through the eye of the needle Jangmi.” Her eyes were wide and she clasped a hand over her mouth. “I…I’m…I feel so bad.” You touched her arm lightly. “I understand how you reacted. But it was for your own good. Understand that situations like that might happen more often. He’s really concerned for your wellbeing. And until we figure out who this group is it might be better you stay with us.” “His boss, he can’t know.” She whispered. “We’ll take care of that, for now it’s important that you’re safe, and that he’s safe.” You lead her to your bike. “Xiumin isn’t going to harm you.” “Minseok?” “Yeah, Minseok.” “What about all the others?” she asked, when you stepped on. You chuckled. “They’ll be more excited about having a girl there. You’ll get a low of questions, they’ll take you in like family. Trust me. Just watch out for the one with the messy black hair and the side shaves. Probably reading a book, grumpy. He’s a bit of a…rarity.” She nodded slowly and you helped her get on behind you. “Is this safe.” She put the helmet on. “Just hold on tight,” you laughed as you drove off into the day.
“You’re what?” Baekhyun asked with wide eyes, looking at Jangmi who was kind of hiding behind you. Jongdae slapped him across the back of his head. “Leave her alone, let her see Suho. I’m sure we’ll get an explanation later on today. “ You smiled at your friend, and guided Jangmi towards the room Suho was in. She looked around with big eyes at the warehouse. “You all live here?” “They do, I don’t.” “Well, she sort of does.” Minseok said coming around the corner. He had a light smile playing on his lips and extended his heavily ringed hand towards her. She skeptically looked at it, but took it. He kissed the top of her hand. “Xiumin, it’s nice to finally put a face to the girl.” She looked baffled and you had your eyes trained on him. “Jangmi.” She replied. “You knew?” “I had an idea. He did a good job at hiding you though, I must say. We’ll leave the formalities for later, he’s waiting for you.” Jangmi looked from the door to you, and you gave her a short nod to show her everything was okay. She entered the room, and then quickly let the door fall shut. You could hear there voices, elated and worried. “How long have you know?” he asked you, leaning on the balustrade. You came up beside him, looking down at the boxes and chairs and cabinets.  “A few months.” “Was he scared to tell me.” “You don’t allow it.” “It’s for their own good Angel, you of all people should know that.” You chuckled. “I do, I really do. But I also know what it’s like to need someone to love and love you. You know that too Minseok. Everybody needs a shoulder to lean on and a heart to hold.” He breathed out. “And you have two.” “Are you going to lecture me now.” “We agreed on this, you and I.” You clicked your tongue. “Would you rather have me date someone outside of the group again?” He turned around, leaning with his back against the railing and giving your a skeptical look. “Angel, I’m not telling you this to play one of your guessing games.” You cocked your head to the side. “You want me gone, I know, I understand. But I wouldn’t be here if they didn’t need me, if you didn’t need me. I’m already way too much part of their lives, and me not coming here will only have them coming to place. You’re still not understanding that trust is rewarded with trust. In both ways, because I give you my trust, and I don’t get yours back, but you also don’t see that if you trust them you’ll gain theirs. They follow you blindly and they’re partially stupid for it. If I was them I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t follow my boss on a blind mission. As a rogue I always make sure I know every detail before I jump into it. You’re slipping up, and they’re catching on.” “I’m not slipping up.” “Chanyeol suspects something, he’s worried. And if Chanyeol is worried it won’t be long before Baekhyun and Sehun are in on it.” You said, and tapped your fingers against the metal bar. “If anything happens to them on your watch Min, I’m not forgiving you.” He scoffed loudly. “Now you’re being hypocritical.” “I’m not!” you snapped. There was anger bubbling beneath the surface now, for both of you. “Angel, for fucks sake. You know why I don’t want you to do this. Because you’re nothing but trouble. I keep you around for jobs, because strangely, you’re good at what you do. But when it comes to relationships, you tend to be quite inadequate of sustaining safety. Now I don’t care about Jongdae, as I mentioned before, but Kyungsoo, you can’t have him.” You cracked your knuckles. “Don’t accuse me, ever, of knowingly endangering anybody. Don’t you dare. What you’re doing right now, and what I did are not the same thing.” “Not?” “Don’t you dare Minseok, you’re purposely trying to aggravate me and I’m not having it. You know this is dangerous, and you know you’re involving them. I never asked for your help, that you got hurt because of me is of your own choice.” A door opened, you heard it behind you. “Yes Angel, and that’s why I said I should’ve left you for dead when I had the chance.” A warm hand circled around your wrist, familiar and large. “Angel?” Jongin mumbled. You didn’t turn around to face him, looking down on Minseok. “What is it Jongin?” your voice was a little too harsh and you felt him flinch. “Sorry.” You turned your back to Minseok, who you heard walk off shortly after that. He stepped a little closer and wrapped his arms around you for a hug, leaning his head on your shoulder. “M sorry, I could just…I was in my room and I could hear everything.” It kind of baffled you, you managed to forget that you were right outside Jongin’s room right now. You wrapped an arm around his waist and cupped the back of his head with the other. “I’m sorry Jongin, I…It’s alright. Let’s go sit for a second.” You pulled him into his room and you sat down on his bed. He pulled up his legs, sitting like a little kid. “What’s going on.” Sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Listen, if I tell you this, you can’t talk to anybody about it but me and Jongdae. You got that?” “Not even Kyungsoo?” “No, especially not him.” Jongin nodded slowly. “Do you remember the man I told you about, the one we chased away, some over 3 years ago?” Another slow nod. “Xiumin is looking for him.” A gasp. “He’s looking for revenge.” Silence “Jongin?” “Yeah?” “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to let him hurt you.” Jongin’s full lips parted, chocolate eyes stared into yours. “Why would he do that?” You took his hand in yours. “Sometimes, you can’t let go off things until their settled.” “I remember, when I just joined, it hadn’t happened that long ago. Even though it took another good six months for me to figure out what had actually happened. I remember, what Xiumin was like then. He was a lot more….vicious when I just joined, it was to a point where it was scary. Over the years he became better.” “He did, but he can’t let go.” “Do you think he’ll find him?” “I don’t think he needs to find him, he just needs to get on his radar. That’ll be enough to get him here.” “Aren’t you afraid? After everything?” You smiled sadly. “I am, but if I need to be strong if this is really going to happen.” “Do you think Suho’s attack has something to do with it?” That was something to think about really, but you just spoke out your first train of thoughts. “Logically thinking it could be. But he’s not that stupid and not that forward. He won’t come straight for them like that. It’ll be disguised, proper work, planned out well, thought through. He’s thorough, he only works with the best, but he’s messed up in a way that is hard to understand. He gets whatever he wants, no matter what he has to do for it. He won’t be so sloppy to kidnap Suho in public, probably alert his girlfriend, have him in the car with a tracker, and then get beaten. If he comes for us, it’ll be out hardest fight yet. And the chance that we’ll loose someone is bigger than that we’ll all make it.” There were tears in Jongin’s eyes. “I don’t want to.” He whispered, voice cracking. You pulled him close, leaning your chin on his head. His arms around your waist, fisting the back of your sweater. “I promise you Jongin, you won’t stay long enough to see this fight. Even if it’s the last thing I do. I’ll get you out of here before that happens. He won’t touch a hair on your head, I won’t let that happen.” Jongin sniffled, and you felt a tear against the side of your neck. He was afraid, trembling, this was past his boundaries. He slept with women, he tricked them, he could pickpocket like no other, and Jongdae taught him some other traits in thievery. But fighting, fighting something like this wasn’t for him. How he managed to shoot the guy that tried to attack you on that raid was really beyond you. You’d never seen him shoot someone so easily. It must’ve been reflex, or purely for the point of saving you. He wasn’t in danger, so it was probably fear for you. This was fear for himself, for all of you. This was too big for all of you to handle. “I-I still see the face of that guy I shot, who tried to attack you.” Typical Jongin, always on your train of thoughts. “Shhh. It’s okay, you did it to save me, it’s alright.” “No more.” “No more Jongin, I promise.” You held him until he fell asleep in your lap, and then you pulled the covers over him and propped a pillow under his head. With a smile you ran your fingers through his hair, soft and thick. He was so peaceful when he slept, lips parted and nose occasionally scrunching up. Little mumbled and tiny snores. You were worried for him, because of how close you were to him. He’s a target, a big red target with no defences. The door very, very slowly opened and you looked up from Jongin’s sleeping form. It was Kyungsoo. You pressed your finger against your lips to tell him be quiet, and with a heavy feeling in your chest you followed him outside. “What happened?” he asked when you were in the hallway. You shook your head in desperation. “It’s all a little much for him.” “He told me, you know.” And those 3 first words made your heart skip a beat and breath stick in your throat. Suddenly your nerves were on high and you were afraid. “About how he got in here.” Relief, thank god. “He did?” “Yeah…I feel bad for him. He’s not made for this place. Almost like Baekhyun, but worse. He has the wrong assets, I don’t understand how he does it, with all the women.” Kyungsoo luckily didn’t know every part of the story, because that wouldn’t end well. “He manages, but he’s at the brink. He shouldn’t be here.” “He shouldn’t.” Kyungsoo said, looking down at his feet. “But there’s no way out is there?” You bit your lip, doubting about whether you should give this away. “There’s always a way.” “You’re kidding?” “It’s easier for some than others, it’s possible. With the right people doing it, and the right person wanting to leave.” Kyungsoo took your arm and forced you to look at him, instead of sheepishly looking away. “You’re telling me you’re capable of getting someone out of this life?” “Yes, I am, okay?” “Would you?” “What?” “Get Jongin out of here?” Strangely enough you found yourself nodding. “But I need to get through your majesty Minseok first. I can’t just poof him out of here. I’ll need his approval, it’s easier to do with rogues.” Kyungsoo looked baffled. “Jongdae told me you can’t leave.” Oh, that explained it, you felt kind of bad about that. “I, personally, as in me, I can’t leave. My ties are a little too deep for that to go safe. I mean I could but I’d live tucked away in dark corners for the rest of my life. But Jongin’s notoriety count is low, It’ll be easier.” “Angel.” Xiumin’s voice appeared behind you. “What?” you snarled, very harshly so. “My office, now.” “Get lost.” “Now, Angel, or I’ll drag you by your hair.” With a groan you faced him. “You sound like my father.” He arched an eyebrow at you and you realised what you’d said. “Get lost.” “Angel, I’m not asking you again. We need to talk business.” You clicked your tongue and clenched your jaw. “Fine, Kyungsoo make sure that like…if Jangmi comes back, that the dogs don’t eat her alive.” “Will do,” he said, and walked off slowly. But you didn’t budge, staring down Xiumin. “Please don’t tell me you found him.” “Lay got something out of her.” “I don’t want to know, I really don’t.” You shook your head. “It’s about Jongdae.” You paused, a little too long. “Don’t use him against me, don’t you dare lie to me about this.” You growled lowly. He shrugged. “I could also not tell you, but she knew things. Things that I didn’t know. So I wonder where she got it.” There was that blazing sense of anger bubbling under your skin again. It was a looming sense of danger, a sense of betrayal, of wrongdoing. “You’re playing me.” “His mom was a singer, his dad was a woodworker.” You stopped, everything stopped, everything except fear. Fear, your heart pounding, noise rushing through your ears. “Minseok.” You said with a shaky breath. “You know something I don’t Angel?” he smirked lightly. “If she knows that, then she works for him.” His smirk faltered.
@oh-beyond @xingtrash @chenbootysoo @nunchiwrites @bootyfulohsehun @littlekatlizzy @xiubaek13 @melyyexo @yeollieollie @wheredidmylifego-ohyeahbtsandexo @yourseth @white-in-angel @exosmutxoxo @paark-haaraa @k-reativewriting @soobadnoonecanstopher @suedetonkin
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bibiko0838 · 7 years
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CH.2,   CH.3    CH.4    CH.5     CH.6    CH.7     CH.8     CH.9     CH.10    CH.11
I feel like throwing up. I don't want to do this. I really do not want to marry him. I love him too much for far too long to settle for this mockery of a marriage. My hands are cold as ice, and though I am standing right next to him listening to the serious looking official who is forever sealing my fate, I feel alone. 
This is stupid. I took a step back ready to run for it. But he quickly put a hand behind my back, supposedly to steady me, but in reality so he can remind me to stick to the plan. He threw a quick sideways glance at me which made me swallow in fear. I can see a hint of anger in his eyes. He doesn't want this either but we have to stick to the plan. 
I should be delirious with happiness right now. I'm marrying the man I love. I'm having his baby. But everything just turned into a nightmare. I heard a cough and noticed the official seems to be waiting for me to say something.
"I....I....ddddd...do?" I stuttered in confusion. It was a blur after that. Did I just marry him? Am I lost in another one of my fanfics? Can I wake up now? 
I felt his lips touch mine. Time stopped and I forgot to breathe. This is is what lead us here. His kiss was my downfall. Before I can shame myself even further by kissing him back, he straightened up and gave a fake smile for the cameras. Hell just started.  
I worked part-time on and off through the years for SME. That's where I met him. He was young but very talented. No doubt he had a bright future ahead of him. I doubt if he ever noticed the mousy girl, with the big eyeglasses standing in the background. But that was okay. I was content being a fangirl. I worked to supplement my scholarship so I can finish school. I was never a trainee at SME. I was one of the hundreds of busy workers that make their artist stand out.
What I am good at is organizing anything and everything. I can pack up an entire group's wardrobe and never have a single hairpin missing. My goal was to be one of the office based assistants. I wanted permanency in my life which I never had growing up. I had an absentee father, an overworked and often distracted mother, and no siblings. Too introverted to make friends easily, I tend to be alone a lot. 
That's how I met him. It was lunch break and I was sitting in a corner quietly eating. I looked up and there he was smiling at me. I swear I saw a halo on him for a second. He was friendly and noticed me sitting alone and decide to strike a conversation with me. Before I knew it, he had me throwing back my head and laughing until tears run down my cheeks. Sadly, I don't think I was that memorable. After that day, I seldom saw him in person but his face is everywhere. After all, he is Byun Baekhyun of EXO, my bias, now my husband and my baby's daddy. 
I'm foggy about the details. I can't even blame the alcohol. I barely had an ounce of soju. What I remember is being tired and sleepy. I barely had six hours of sleep in the last two days prior to the party. I was studying for my finals and working at the same time. I was in short, burned out. I got dragged into the party by the PD who was extremely happy at me for finding one of his precious top secret "game plan" which in all honesty was in the freezer of his office fridge. How it got there was another long story. 
I was seated on the sidelines biding my time until I can politely take my leave. Exhaustion caught up with me. I closed my eye for a second and woke up to the smiling face of Baekhyun. 
"You're cute when you sleep. Do you know you snore too?" He was teasing me. I slapped a hand over my mouth and quickly sat up. A sudden dizzy spell had me flailing and grabbing to the first thing I could grab. I felt a sudden small flick on my face. I cautiously opened one eye only to squeeze it shut again. I had grabbed Baekhyun's shirt and just tore it open. The flick on my face was his button popping. 
"Sorry, sorry....I will pay for the shirt...sorry, sorry" I muttered with my head bent in shame. "Yah! Not that I don't love my sunbeanims, but you do know that I'm in EXO, right?" He was chuckling as he gently released my fingers that were still clutching at his shirt. I nodded my head vigorously knowing that my cheeks are probably as red as a tomato. How can he be laughing when I'm dying here?
"You okay now?" He tilted his head a little to get a better look at my red face. I felt something light brush my ear. I jerked slightly, tickled by the sensation. He was tucking my hair behind my ear. He suddenly smiled brightly like he found a hidden treasure. 
"You've got ticklish ears!" For a split second, I saw a glint of pure mischief in his eyes before he quickly leaned over and blew in my ear. 
"Yah!" I covered my ear and looked at him like he lost his mind. I wasn't sure whether I should be offended or to start laughing. He looked a little afraid that he went too far. This is war! I pulled his head down and quickly blew on his ear too then just as quickly released him. He automatically covered the ear I blew on and stared at me with his eyes wide. Now I'm the one wondering if I went too far. His lips started twitching and I had to look down afraid I will start laughing and end up offending him. 
My mistake was making eye contact with him. That's when we both lost it and started laughing our heads off. I was still laughing when he blew on my other ear making me squeak like a mouse. I tried to do the same thing to him, but it was impossible since he was taller than me. Inexplicably, I ended up kissing him. His lips grazed mine and I was so surprised I didn't move. He raised his head cautiously and looked down on me before he dipped his head again for another kiss. 
My eyes fluttered closed, lost in the warmth of his lips, the strength in his embrace. Patiently he pressed his lips lightly over my own, teasing me to open mine as he flicked out the tip of his tongue ever so often. Shyly I parted my lips for him, and he boldly swiped his warm tongue inside. I gasped, taken aback by this sweet onslaught to my senses, he lifted his mouth a few inches away but like a fool, my lips chased his. I felt his smile rather than saw it, before he responded by kissing me again, this time a bit more boldly as he slanted his mouth over mine. 
Again he coaxed me to part my lips, which I did without any resistance, and gently slipped his tongue inside my mouth as his tongue sought, found and teased my own for a sensual dance. I couldn't help but moan. He tightened his embrace and drew me closer to him. I ended up sitting on his lap facing him. Our lips were still fused together, my hands buried in his hair, his hands busy caressing my skin beneath my shirt when the door suddenly opened. 
"Baekhyun, time to go what's taking so..." Chanyeol's eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw what Baekhyun and I were busy doing. He turned around so fast he walked in on the door that closed behind him. 
Wordlessly, Baekhyun lifted me over to the chair beside him and took off the shirt that was missing a button. He tenderly draped it over my shoulders. He looked me over once more with a satisfied smile on his face to make sure I looked decent, before walking over to Chanyeol who was sitting dazedly on the floor. 
"Can I borrow your jacket?" He asked the younger male. Chanyeol handed over his jacket without any questions. Baekhyun pulled it on but it ended up swallowing him since Chanyeol was so much taller than him. He came back to pull me up to my feet. 
"You okay?" He asked me. I've died and gone to heaven! Hell yeah I'm okay!
"I'm fine" I was back to being my awkward self thank you very much. 
"Can I take you home?" Boy you can keep me in your pocket forever if you want. 
I smiled back at Baekhyun instead.
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