#healthy sport weight loss
homedoctorebook · 8 months
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Eat your Vitamins :)
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stickthisbig · 5 months
Today's niche Mom Can't Cook knowledge is that while I was not a wrestler in high school, I was a competitive powerlifter, which is also relies on weight classes, and if you think they talked about it way past the point of tedium in that movie, it's way worse in real life.
Also, what's his name is a fuckin scrub for not being able to change his weight by 6 pounds
For our meets, and this was normal then, which was basically the same time the movie is set, we'd weigh in advance and then the coach would turn in the card with at least one lifter in every weight class. You always wanted to be as heavy as you could be without going into another weight class, because it gave you an advantage (don't know if that's also true for wrestling, but it seems like it must be)
And sometimes you get in there and the scale is 3, 4, 5 pounds off what you need it to say, and that is when The Bullshit begins. Girls taking off clothes, girls putting on clothes, girls shedding water weight, girls eating whatever was available, as long as it wasn't drugs or holding onto a literal weight, we'd do it
Six pounds?? Give me forty-five minutes and don't ask any questions
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Today's workout
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- Morning hike with my dog
- Yoga hit workout (belive me, it humbled me very quickly)
Trigger Warning
The following content discusses weight management and muscle definition for fitness and health purposes. It is not related to eat1ng disorders or unhealthy behaviors. The discussion focuses on fitness goals and personal well-being, and is intended for those looking to improve their physical condition in a healthy and controlled manner.
Moving on:
I'm working on regaining the muscle definition I lost since starting university and after an injury that caused me to leave gymnastics years ago (I practiced for 12 years).
I currently weigh 55 kg and am 167 cm tall.
For athletic purposes, my target weight is around 50kg, while maintaining muscle mass. Reaching this weight will enhance my yoga performance, which I am currently struggling with, and will also aid in my return to track events and running.
[1st photo mine, 2nd from Pinterest]
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mephistorismus · 7 days
you’ve been wanting to lose some weight lately, huh? we could put you on a special diet to help with that. I wonder how many calories piss and cum have 🤔 if you get bored eating the same thing everyday, you can always skip meals until you change your mind
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Food diary 🤍
1. Take out sushi on New Years - my favorite go-to when i don‘t want to cook, want something that‘s delicious and healthy 🍣
2. Crispy Chicken Bowl - went out to lunch in Nürnberg with my boyfriend and his sister and we tried a new restaurant, i‘m pretty sure we‘ll go there again, the food was great and the people were super nice! 🥗
3. Nachos with dips - we went to see the new Avatar Movie in a deluxe cinema and i really enjoyed it! The nachos were actually so filling that i didn‘t eat anything else for dinner that night 🧀
4. Brunch with my absolute favorite people in the world - my mom and my sister ❤️
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dietveg · 2 years
Exercise burns fat, builds muscle, lowers cholesterol, eases stress and anxiety, lets us sleep restfully. On this channel, we match resources to your exercise needs, healthy lifestyle, behaviors, healthy food, healthy weight to get our body and mind stay in good working order.
Visit our Natural Diet Fit Youtube Channel
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seawitchkaraoke · 3 months
it's just all so backwards. ppl work out not to primarily get stronger, but to lose weight or to get bigger, to look better, it's all about looks? people lose weight by any means necessary, even if it means putting their bodies through more stress, like? if you're gonna believe the whole being fat is unhealthy thing, shouldn't you still focus on living healthily? how healthy you actually feel? not what the number on the scale says? and doctors actively encourage this, sure, bc saying ''you need to lose weight'' is easier than actually looking more closely at a patients life and seeing what they can specifically improve to help their symptoms (get more sleep, eat more veggies, get more sun, exercise at least sometimes) or god forbid running some tests and seeing if maybe it isn't a lifestyle thing (especially if symptoms recently and suddenly turned up but the lifestyle hasn't changed y'know)
like... idk. i exercise bc i like it and enjoy it and makes me feel good, and then i also exercise (lift weights) to get better at the other exercise i do (cheerleading). I think exercise is good for you and everyone should at least move their bodies at least a bit if they can but like. Don't force yourself to do whatever a random influencer claims is ''the best sport for weight loss'' or whatever, find smth you actually enjoy doing! Sport is supposed to give you endorphins! it's gonna give you more of those if you don't hate every second of it!
And there's a million and one opinions on how to eat healthy, you can optimize the shit out of that too but also y'know. The main point of food is to keep your body running. Any food will do that. Like I try to get many veggies and protein and not too much sugar and salt and shit too but also i have adhd and cooking is hard, so my diet isn't as healthy as i guess it could be but guess what? a bag of chips is better than no food! cookies are better than no food! a frozen pizza is way better than no food, that stuff even has veggies and protein look at us, we're winning, and feeding my body so my brain and my muscles can keep doing their thing
am i at a healthy weight? idk man, i feel stronger and happier and have more endurance than i used to have 5 years ago. I'm also like 10kgs heavier and no it's not all muscle (though yeah some of it is, cheerleading has given me insane shoulders)
Fuck how heavy are you, fuck what's your body fat percentage, how do you feel? And if you feel less good than you'd like what are specific things you can improve beyond just ''lose some weight''?
Bc if your goal is ''lose some weight'', then yeah maybe you succeed and lose 5 or 10 or 30kgs and maybe that makes you feel better but maybe you still feel the same. But if you want to ''not have to breathe heavily after going up a flight of stairs'', that's a goal that if you reach it will definitely make you feel better (and is more actionable. do some cardio, start with just talking walks regularily. and maybe get your iron levels checked, get checked for asthma etc, sometimes it isn't a lifestyle thing actually). And yeah sure you might lose some weight in the process (or gain some! actually! that can happen!) but that should be the side effect not the main goal. The main goal should be to feel good in your body!
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supergloves · 8 months
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Check out this article on how beneficial gloves can be, get all these BOOSTS to your gym days by purchasing the best of the best - SUPER GLOVES
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Water is very important for our health. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water daily to keep the body well hydrated. Water helps transport nutrients throughout the body, regulate body temperature and eliminate toxins. Adequate water consumption can also help keep skin healthy and glowing. So don't forget to drink water regularly to keep your body in peak condition!
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kamelio77 · 9 months
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fitnessdivas · 11 months
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dynamic21 · 11 months
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Superfood Spotlight "Adding some superfoods to my plate today! 🥦🥑 Superfoods are packed with nutrients and are a tasty way to boost your health. "
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tomstoms · 1 year
A Journey to Health and Well-Being: The Essential Role of Consistency in Fitness
The secret to success in the quest for optimal health and wellbeing is consistency. Maintaining a regular schedule is frequently the deciding factor between people who succeed and those who fail when it comes to fitness. We’ll examine the critical role of consistency in fitness and how it improves general health and wellbeing in this post.
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Developing Healthful Habits:
Building and strengthening healthy behaviors is the foundation of consistency in fitness. It is simpler to stay on track and sustain your fitness objectives when you consistently incorporate exercise and a healthy diet into your daily routine. Because it’s just what you do, going to the gym or choosing a healthy lunch is no longer an effort.
Development Over Time:
Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Being consistent allows you to advance over time. Your strength, endurance, flexibility, and body composition gradually improve as a result of regular exercise and a healthy diet. You’ll notice observable effects when you commit to your workout regimen, which will inspire you to continue.
Mental Fortitude:
Fitness consistency cultivates mental resilience in addition to a strong physical frame. There will be times when motivation dwindles and life presents unexpected challenges. Remaining devoted to your exercise regimen in these situations fosters resilience. It teaches you how to get beyond problems, whether they are rigorous workouts or internal struggles.
Keeping Plateaus at Bay:
Without consistency, your progress may plateau, making it challenging to advance to the next fitness level. Your body adapts and improves as a result of consistency, preventing you from reaching a fitness plateau.
Increased Well-Being and Health:
Regular exercise is associated with better physical and mental health. Regular exercise improves mood, enhances energy levels, and lowers the risk of chronic diseases. It helps people feel better about themselves and live better lives.
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learn2ing-blog · 1 year
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healthyhypnosisau · 1 year
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