#Ezekiel and his little crush 🥺🥺
wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
Chapter 11: Gopher babysitting
Day 8
Ezekiel couldn't wait to get back to the cave, he had collected some berries and raided some sugar from Chef's kitchen, so he was obviously planning something special for Geoff.
He just couldn't stop thinking about him! Geoff was cool, funny, sweet, and REALLY cute. Now that he'd spent a few days with the boy, he just didn't know what he'd do if he lost him. Now that Geoff had mutated, Ezekiel's little crush on him had increased tenfold.
A year ago, Zeke probably would have scoffed at the idea of being attracted to a boy, but he had changed since then. The fact that Geoff trusted him enough to tell him about his identity made his heart pound in his chest. Geoff trusted HIM!!!
Thinking about Geoff made him even more excited to get back to their cave. THEIR cave!!
Ezekiel scurried through the tunnels with nothing but thoughts of that gorgeous gator boy running through his mind.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached their cave, though.
Geoff was gone, but all their stuff was there. He put his bag down and rushed over to where Geoff would usually sleep. He had left his lucky hat here. He'd never leave his lucky hat unless he was planning on coming back. Ezekiel scampered all around the cave, looking for clues as to where Geoff had gone, but something caught his attention. Part of the wall had crumbled nearby, and that could only mean one thing.
He had to find Geoff.
Without any hesitation, Ezekiel bolted through the same exit Geoff had gone through.
Geoff sat on the hard stone floor of the cave, holding the mutated baby gopher in his arms with a firm grip. "It's just you and me in here, little buddy.. Just us.." Geoff murmured. The gopher squeaked in response. "Hopefully not for long."
He felt so stupid, Zeke probably had no clue where he was or if he was even alive. If he had just stayed in the cave, he'd be safe and comfortable, basking in the warmth of a nice fire. What an idiot he was!-
No. He couldn't be thinking like that right now. Right now, he needed to find some way out of this cave and return this baby gopher to it's mama.
Geoff stood up and began to claw and scrape at the walls with his free hand, searching for any evidence of weaker stone in them. It was like he was acting on pure survival instinct.
As he scraped his claws across the surface of the boulder that had trapped them there in the first place, little bits of rock crumbled away.
Geoff took a few steps back, turned, and smacked his tail against the rock with all of his might.
With a loud noise, the boulder broke apart. Geoff repeated his actions with the other rocks in the way.
Now that the rocks were smashed apart, Geoff could escape with his gopher buddy.
It squealed and squirmed in his arms, but he honestly found it adorable. The poor thing was probably terrified, though. All the more reason to get out of here!
As he continued his adventure through the cave, he spotted a ray of light shining through a gap in the rocks ahead of him.
An exit!
Geoff ran towards the gap and clawed through it until he was in the sunlight once more.
Now, he needed to find some food for him and the gopher.
Scott wandered through the lush forest in pursuit of that invincibility idol. Once he got his hands on it, those suckers wouldn't be able to touch him! He snickered to himself as he walked. Chris had probably buried it under a tree or something, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.
He had woken up early and skipped breakfast to look for this idol, but he didn't mind. The idol was way more important. Attending breakfast wouldn't keep him from being eliminated, but the idol would.
He could always eat some dirt if he got too hungry.
While he was digging a hole, he heard a rustle. A jolt of fear shot through him, was it Fang?! A mutant animal?! No time to think about that, he abandoned the hole he was digging and dashed away. He ran through the woods as fast as he could, but he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight up ahead.
It was tall and scaly with a tail and sharp claws. It was more than twice his size, meaning it could easily make a meal out of him. The ginger squeaked in terror and clamped his mouth shut, realizing that any noise he made would alert the beast.
Too late.
It's head whipped in his direction.
Geoff stared down at the short ginger boy standing a few meters away from him.
He looked kind of pathetic, if Geoff was being honest.
He was shaking like a leaf, looked like he was about to piss his pants, and was covered in dirt.
Oh no, this was one of the CONTESTANTS. What if he blabbed to Chris?!
Geoff reached to grab the ginger boy but before he could close his fingers around his slim body, the boy darted off.
That wasn't good.
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For You
Characters:  Ezekiel Reyes
Pairing: Ezekiel  Reyes x Reader
Fandom: Ezekiel Reyes, Mayans MC
Warnings: I’m not the best when it comes to following writing rules. I pretty much write how I want to, so if you’re a stickler for grammar and what not just ignore it or don’t read loll (I’m nice I promise.)
A/N: This is my first time writing from the ‘YOU’ perspective or second person view so please go easy on me. It seemed like the best way to write this drabble and I hope you guys like it as much as I do. I don't usually write non smut or fluff so I hope this is good 🥺
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Ezekiel's heart skipped a beat whenever he laid eyes on you. To him you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He thought maybe his crush was based on the fact that he'd been in jail for so long but once the feeling persisted he knew it was real. Your smile, your touch, your voice all warmed his heart and body. His heart ached for you. Needing to be close to but never being able, with you being Bishop's niece and Alvarez’s daughter. EZ knew it was a terrible decision to fall for you. Who could blame him. All the members wanted you, none of them had the guts to ever act. EZ was different; he knew you were worth the risk.
EZ walked into the club as the loud music caused the walls to vibrate. He scanned the party for a few moments before spotting you near the bar drinking a beer with Angel and Coco. He took a deep breath before walking over to greet everyone. After a little small talk he asked you to talk somewhere private. Tonight was the night he was going to lay it all on the line for you.
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