#geoff finally uses more of his mutant powers
wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
Chapter 11: Gopher babysitting
Day 8
Ezekiel couldn't wait to get back to the cave, he had collected some berries and raided some sugar from Chef's kitchen, so he was obviously planning something special for Geoff.
He just couldn't stop thinking about him! Geoff was cool, funny, sweet, and REALLY cute. Now that he'd spent a few days with the boy, he just didn't know what he'd do if he lost him. Now that Geoff had mutated, Ezekiel's little crush on him had increased tenfold.
A year ago, Zeke probably would have scoffed at the idea of being attracted to a boy, but he had changed since then. The fact that Geoff trusted him enough to tell him about his identity made his heart pound in his chest. Geoff trusted HIM!!!
Thinking about Geoff made him even more excited to get back to their cave. THEIR cave!!
Ezekiel scurried through the tunnels with nothing but thoughts of that gorgeous gator boy running through his mind.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached their cave, though.
Geoff was gone, but all their stuff was there. He put his bag down and rushed over to where Geoff would usually sleep. He had left his lucky hat here. He'd never leave his lucky hat unless he was planning on coming back. Ezekiel scampered all around the cave, looking for clues as to where Geoff had gone, but something caught his attention. Part of the wall had crumbled nearby, and that could only mean one thing.
He had to find Geoff.
Without any hesitation, Ezekiel bolted through the same exit Geoff had gone through.
Geoff sat on the hard stone floor of the cave, holding the mutated baby gopher in his arms with a firm grip. "It's just you and me in here, little buddy.. Just us.." Geoff murmured. The gopher squeaked in response. "Hopefully not for long."
He felt so stupid, Zeke probably had no clue where he was or if he was even alive. If he had just stayed in the cave, he'd be safe and comfortable, basking in the warmth of a nice fire. What an idiot he was!-
No. He couldn't be thinking like that right now. Right now, he needed to find some way out of this cave and return this baby gopher to it's mama.
Geoff stood up and began to claw and scrape at the walls with his free hand, searching for any evidence of weaker stone in them. It was like he was acting on pure survival instinct.
As he scraped his claws across the surface of the boulder that had trapped them there in the first place, little bits of rock crumbled away.
Geoff took a few steps back, turned, and smacked his tail against the rock with all of his might.
With a loud noise, the boulder broke apart. Geoff repeated his actions with the other rocks in the way.
Now that the rocks were smashed apart, Geoff could escape with his gopher buddy.
It squealed and squirmed in his arms, but he honestly found it adorable. The poor thing was probably terrified, though. All the more reason to get out of here!
As he continued his adventure through the cave, he spotted a ray of light shining through a gap in the rocks ahead of him.
An exit!
Geoff ran towards the gap and clawed through it until he was in the sunlight once more.
Now, he needed to find some food for him and the gopher.
Scott wandered through the lush forest in pursuit of that invincibility idol. Once he got his hands on it, those suckers wouldn't be able to touch him! He snickered to himself as he walked. Chris had probably buried it under a tree or something, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.
He had woken up early and skipped breakfast to look for this idol, but he didn't mind. The idol was way more important. Attending breakfast wouldn't keep him from being eliminated, but the idol would.
He could always eat some dirt if he got too hungry.
While he was digging a hole, he heard a rustle. A jolt of fear shot through him, was it Fang?! A mutant animal?! No time to think about that, he abandoned the hole he was digging and dashed away. He ran through the woods as fast as he could, but he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight up ahead.
It was tall and scaly with a tail and sharp claws. It was more than twice his size, meaning it could easily make a meal out of him. The ginger squeaked in terror and clamped his mouth shut, realizing that any noise he made would alert the beast.
Too late.
It's head whipped in his direction.
Geoff stared down at the short ginger boy standing a few meters away from him.
He looked kind of pathetic, if Geoff was being honest.
He was shaking like a leaf, looked like he was about to piss his pants, and was covered in dirt.
Oh no, this was one of the CONTESTANTS. What if he blabbed to Chris?!
Geoff reached to grab the ginger boy but before he could close his fingers around his slim body, the boy darted off.
That wasn't good.
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colombinna · 3 years
Fine, here's how you read the comics for Wandavsion:
So from my accounting there's around 35 to 50 issues worth reading in all of the scarletvision timeline (the stuff kinda went down when Bendis joined marvel and it still hasn't gone back up). Here they are, in what I hope is a comprehensive list:
TL;DR listing of all the best 616 scarletvision comics to be found here. If you want to know why I excluded some issues mentioned in other reading guides, or which specific ones you can skip or skim through, read the text under the cut.
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(special thanks to @userpym for the banner art and their correct opinions)
So, let's start with their first solo appearances:
Wanda makes her debut in X-Men issue 4, way back in 1963 (she's one of marvel's OGs!). She and her brother are coerced into joining Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, before they decide to leave. Read X-Men vol 1 issues 4, 11 and 17 (I think). The twins join the Avengers in Avengers vol 1 #16 and stay there until issue 49.
Vision shows up first in Avengers vol 1 issue 57, and it's really good. Seriously, whatever you think of the Age of Ultron movie, this one is infinitely better. Read issues 57 to 62 and you can get a good initial look of his character.
Now, onto the romance:
It starts on Avengers 76 when they first meet (wanda is in less than ideal circumstances. The late 60s were sure a time) and imo you should keep it going up to Avengers 135 when they're about to get married. So, Avengers vol 1 issues 76 to 135.
It feels like a lot but most of them really only have one or two scenes worth of their story each, so you can just skim through those issues until either wanda or vizh are in scene.
(Except for the kree-skrull war which I paid more attention for the captain marvel storyline cause i wanna see how that unfolds in the future with their son and his boyfriend. It's also fun to draw parallels between the boys and their parents).
Do be aware though that there's a bad love triangle arc with Mantis after she joins the Avengers in between those aforementioned issues, so when you stumble upon it, I wouldn't reccomend paying much attention to it. Just skim through those or outright skip the issues if it bothers you too much. (Except for Avengers issue 128, that focus on Wanda's witch training and shows Agatha Harkness for the first time in an Avengers comic. Do keep an open mind for her, btw).
Then they get married at Giant-Sized Avengers 4 which isn't really that fun to read in its entirety. But hey, it does tells vision's origin story (which John Byrne retcons 15 years later, and Geoff Johns explains further 15 years after that). And also Wanda beats the shit out of Dormammu at age 23 and as newly-trained witch using nothing but sheer determination and the power of love (why yes she should've been sorceress supreme for a long time now), so that was pretty nice too.
After that, I didn't really read much because I felt Avengers got kind of samey. However both Wanda and Vision do get important arcs for their respective backstories until the decade ends. (but I have to mention that it is still the 1970s so Wanda does get treated badly in hers)
Vision's story happens in Avengers 151 and goes all the way through Avengers 160 (which is sooo good btw. I really really really love the construction of his character during Bronze Age); while Wanda's are in issue 181 to 188.
Then you can just skip to their duo series from 1982, The Vision and the Scarlet Witch vol 1, and read issue 252 of avengers just because the reflections made in it are really good imo.
And then you get to the main attraction, The Vision and The Scarlet Witch vol 2 (1985). Read all the 12 issues alongside the crossover in West Coast Avengers, I guarantee you it's a hella fun time.
When the series is concluded they kind of go into ice for a few years while they take care of their newborn twins, until West Coast Avengers 33, where a conflict from Vision/Witch vol 2 is finally resolved. It's a really nice series up until issue 42 when Byrne takes over the book and decides to turn Wanda's life into an endless hell, killing Vision and assassinating Simon Williams' character in the process.
The entire overarching plot starting in issue 42 doesn't end with the Vision Quest - no, it actually drags on for over 20 issues and it's just time after time Wanda being traumatized and fucked up. If you're looking for a good time with comics you absolutely do not need to read those.
However I WILL say, if you're into character analysis and all that, and you wanna get a good understanding of the character's relationships and decisions from that point on you should at least read up till the Mephisto arc (West Coast Avengers vol 2 issues 42-53).
Again, if you want to just have fun you don't have to, but if you like to discuss comics and all you should read them, because I will NOT have more people who didn't read the comics claiming Vision was an "absent father" when he was actually fucking dead from day one. So, West Coast Avengers vol 2 issue 42 to 62 if you want to get deep into the characters and discuss them.
Moving on, most of Wanda's mystical role as a powerful sorceress and as a nexus can be understood reading The Scarlet Witch vol 1, which in my opinion is a much better take on almost the same concept, and West Coast Avengers Annual 7 feats an amazing story explaining what happened in John Byrne's WCA, Wanda's feelings about the whole thing and with some of the best character work I've ever seen for Wanda.
Then, since Vision is dead until 1994, there really isn't much to work with, however we do get a pretty cute scarletvision story in Marvel Fanfare vol 1 #58
And we do get Vision's thoughts on life with Wanda and the death of his children (and his own) during Vision vol 1 (1994), when he finally comes back to life.
Unfortunately not much long after that (in 1998) he goes into Kurt Busiek's Avengers (vol 3) and that man either doesn't know or doesn't care about any established canon whatsoever - so Vision's character is just a weird contradictory mess for a while.
So besides the Ultron Imperative graphic novel (which is so so so fucking good because it's done by a lot of long time marvel writers like Steve Engleheart) (don't bother with Ultron Unlimited though), I wouldn't waste my time with anything Avengers related up until Geoff Johns hands us little blessings of scenes over 19 issues. Besides the romance and how cool Wanda is throughout all of them, he's just really good at writing avengers stories in my personal opinion. I had a lot of fun with them.
So read Avengers vol 3 (1998) issues 57 to 60 (order/chaos arc), and 61 to 76. (Plus his Avengers Icons: The Vision miniseries, which focuses on Vision's relationship with the Horton side of his heritage, and is fucking amazing.)
You can keep reading avengers vol 3 until ends with issue 84, it's nice overall, but there's really no need if you're interested only in the couple.
After that, the meteor hits. Bendis takes over Marvel for some reason, and starts what I like to call The Late 2000s Bullshit Crisis. He villifies disabilities and mental illnesses in a mess of a story arc only to turn Wanda into a supervillain in Avengers Disassembled and its much, much worse sequel, House of M. (Children's Crusade ends the evil trifecta by being Allan Heinberg's worst comic ever to date. Do not read any of those if you want to keep your peace of mind.)
Vision dies in the middle of Avengers Disassembled, and stays dead until 2011 when he has an underwhelming comeback in Avengers Shattered Heroes.
However, we were blessed with Fred Van Lente deciding to bring him back in 2010 for a special tie-in in a crossover event called Chaos War Dead Avengers. You don't need to read anything from Chaos War (honestly I find it kinda boring) to understand Chaos War Dead Avengers and this is so far my favorite Vision comic ever. Fred van Lente may not have known how to deal with Amadeus Cho in my personal opinion but god does he know how to deal with Vision.
And, if you want some more scarletvision family material, there's always Young Avengers volume 1 (issues 1 through 8, Young Avengers Special, then YA 9-12). This is where the boys come back, in all their queer glory in one of my favorite comics of all time. Despite the main book only having 12 issues, the young avengers were everywhere in the Avengers franchise in the late 2000s; they show up in all events, complete with multiple YA one shots, special issues and crossovers - but to our goal over here the only ones that matter are Young Avengers Presents, the Runaways/Young Avengers crossover miniseries that happened in the events of Civil War and Secret Invasion, and my personal favorite) Siege: Young Avengers.
Some people dislike the runaways crossovers, and the civil war crossover is definetely not a light read, but I personally can still enjoy them. (And if you want to see Simon Williams bring more harm to members of his family, read the whole Civil War event)
Meawhile, Runaways/Young Avengers: Secret Invasion expands even more on the kree-skrull related circumstances that the Pym-Maximoffs seem to always find themselves in somehow.
That is mainly it for them in their best characterization. And if you're wondering "what about vision 2015" we do not talk about Vision 2015. That's our Heroes in Crisis, that's our Batman Wedding (because they were all written by the same shitty guy lol). It's a bland, hollow and mostly ooc take on the character we all agree on collectively forgetting it ever happened.
To close this post, an update on their state in current comics (which I'm still not caught up on, which is why this list mainly consists of older stuff): As far as I'm aware nowadays they went back to that will-they-won't-they stage so we have some one off cute scenes whenever an author feels like it. But also Wanda's got a boyfriend and Vision is just hoeing around ig, but it's comics so consistency isn't really a thing, so you never really know how the next author might feel towards them.
if you have any questions feel free to just ask, either here or on my ask box
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
New X-Men Xtrospective Part 1: E is For Extinction “They Will Need Us”
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I am SO fucking excited for this one. As might not be obvious to ALL of my readers but should be obvious to some, I fucking love the X-Men. They are one of my favorite superhero teams period as are several of their spinoffs such as X-Factor (All versions), New Mutants, and Marauders. I love the wide cast, the hugely vast universe within the already vast and wonderful marvel universe, and the sheer amount of GREAT stories. I own all 11 movies, have several action figures, and two posters from Jonathan Hickman’s current and utterly dynamite run right above me right now as I work, as well as a marvel 80′s themed poster behind me that’s at least half x-men for good reason. I love this gang of mutants and I have not talked about them enough. 
I”ve done some X-Men stuff sure: I’ve talked about hickman’s time as head writer of the books a year in earlier this year, I did a few scattered reviews back when I did single issues of comics, and then we get to the one I beefed big time: covering ALL of X-Men evolution. While it’s a noble endeavor I freely admit to overexerting myself: I recapped the episodes way too closely, gave myself no real schedule and did so while I was already covering two shows a week at the time. My point is it was a good idea, but the timing was REALLY fucking bad and if I do it again, I intend to do it right and iwth a proper place in my now properly paced schedule. I also planned to do the movies which, unlike evolution, I have solid plans to do once I clear out some of my projects. Point is I burned bright and then exploded and took a whole projecet with me phoenix style. 
I had until this moment yet to do a really big x-men project, something digging into the comics, something that could help fans both of the comics and not get familiar with something really good, and help me dig into both the good and bad of something. I jsut needed the right start. 
Then Christmas gave me that spark, that project that gave me the idea for a butload more x-men content on here and was the perfect starting point for some. See my friend Marco lives in Honduras, and so since i couldn’t afford to send him anything for christmas in the mail, as i’m not exactly rich, I instead offered him three reviews of anything.l He still hasn’t taken up two of them, nor one I gave him for graduating college, but the first one was a doozy, something he hadn’t read due to not liking the art, which is fine as I have some art in comics I don’t like everyone has diffrent tastes, at least for the first arc, and something VITALLY important to x-men as a whole and that’s the backbone of hickman’s current run: the first arc of new x-men, e is for extinction. And given New X-Men is one of my faviorite comics of all time I not only lept on it.. but decided fuck it I’m covering the whole thing. So every so often on here from now until I finish, i’m going to be covering Grant Morrisons ground breaking, mind shattering, status quo destroying run on the children of the atom. This.. is going to be fucking awesome. Buckle up. 
New X-Men came about in 2001. Stop me if you heard this one: The X-Men, once marvel’s best selling title and one of i’ts most beloved, had been set adrift in a seal of editorial bullshit, bad writing, bad storylines and a stale continuity where not much could change or grow and things always reset to about the same place it was last week. If this sounds familiar it’s because it somehow happened AGAIN thanks to Ike Perlmutter’s bullshit, hence the current hickman run, but we’ll get into all of tha tsome other time. Point is as it was in 2018, so it was in 2001: The x-men were in bad straits and marvel reached out to a host of various creators to swing for the fences and find a new direction, something to bring sales and life back to the book. To my shock they actually took a LOT of diffrent pitches in before Morrisons won and from huge names: Geoff Johns, who had not yet returned to DC never to leave, Alex Ross, Keith Giffen.. all huge creative types. but in the end the best man won.
For those unfamiliar with him, Grant Morrison is a gloriously batshit scotsman with a long, storied and delightfully insane history in comics, mostly at DC before and after this comic. This is for good reason: DC scouted Morrison specifically because of his early work at 2000ad. See at the time Alan Moore had hit it really big with Swamp Thing, taking a d list, so so book and making it into an utter masterpiece and giving it thoroughly interesting mythology. Given it was a blockbuster hit that’s still widely loved and discussed, as it should be today, DC decided to repeat the strategy of asking British indie comics creators to come do the same to another property. This same experiment is why Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman exists, so.. yeah it was actually a great strategy and naturally Grant had their first big hit with Animal Man, a metafictional take on a b-list hero that made him a loveable family man, while also putting him through hell and playing with the medium and dc’s vast history, the last two being Morrison’s trademark from then on out.
 They’d next go on to reinvent one of my other faviorite teams: THE DOOM PATROL!  The patrol are a bunch of victims of strange accidents who got powers out of them that are basically curses... and Morrison solidified that concept, taking over after a weak run that ironically enough was trying to imitate the x-men’s success at the time. Instead Morrison just went all out with his weird shit for the first time and made them a team of broken but likeable people with weird powers fighting just the weirdest most incomprehensible shit, a run i’ll likely be digging into eventually along with the team as a whole. It’s also, along with Gerard Way’s recent run, the bedroock for the current and utterly masterful doom patrol series I need to catch up on. They also apparently once wrote a satrical comic starring and lik mocking hitler... a fact I somehow JUST learned but naturally doesn’t surprise me at all. 
Morrison’s career at dc, after doing some creator owned stuff there when Vertigo opened up, hit it’s peak in the late 90′s as they were given the go ahead to reinvent the Justice League, with the wildly successful and awesome JLA, another book I probably need to take a look at that put the big 7 back into the team.  And by now your probably getting the point of me covering his career pattern.. besides giving morrison the praise they deserve, and they’d have some really great runs after this.. and some terrible ones but no one’s perfect. My point is that at this point in their career Morrison’s greatest skill was taking something that had grown stagnant or been forgotten, blowing it up and reworking it into something glorious and new. Taking what worked, scraping away what didn’t and on the whole making something fucking glorious out of it. So here we are. The X-Men needed a new coat of paint and uncle grant had their lcd laced psycadelic paint bucket and brush shaped like a pidgeon at the ready. And for better, way better and admitely sometimes here and there worse,they changed the x-men for good. Some changes were rolled back out of spite, others finally got their chance after said rollback recently, and some were just outright thrown on the grown and smashed with a hammer. But for the most part Grant left a huge impact on the x-men and i’m here to show you why, warts and all. To me my x-men, this is new x-men.  Now naturally there’s even more exposition but i’ts more in what COULD’VE been. Originally while Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey and Professor X were all part of the team the other two members of the slim roster for this run, Beast and Emma Frost.. weren’t. Originally Morrison was going to have Colossus and Moira Mactaggert, long time team ally, token human until very recently, and now thanks to hickman one of the most important x characters peirod and long before that a fan favorite of mine, on the team, with Moira taking over for beast. 
This.. didn’t pan out since Marvel apparently either didn’t give a shit about their plans or already had things in motion as the climax of the longtime legacy virus storyline killed both off. Colossus until Joss Whedon, bastard he may be, brought him back for his terrific Astonishing X-Men, and Moira SOMEHOW stayed dead until House/Powers of X. See this speaks to one of the big roadblocks morrison faced: Jonathan HIckman currently has absolute power and all his writers working in concert, a new way of doing things comic companies shold honestly copy en masse as it’s really working wonders. Grant.. was just one of many writers and one of three main x books the others being Chris Claremont’s XTREME X-MEN, basically “let the legend do what he wants since he can’t get freedom on the main book” and another writer on uncanny... before eventually chuck austen took over and I will tackle that horrible mess some other time. Point is while Morrison was setting the tone, costume style and making the big waves, they still didn’t have full power and thus had to play nice with eveyrone else.  So their next idea was Rogue, making mer more like her x-men evolution version.. except Chris wanted her, so that was out, though being a decent enough guy he willingly gave up Beast since the moira thing meant Morrison needed a science person. As for Colossus replacement, as it turned out a fan had suggested Grant do something with Emma Frost since Gen X was canceled and while Morrison had zero intention for it clearly Emma clicked with hthem and she was soon both a main part of the cast and one of their biggest contributions to X-Men as a whole.
As for what I think of the needed changes.. they ended up being for the best. I do like Moira... but Hank ended up being a much better fit for the team dynamic wise and power set wise, while Emma was the same. While Colossus, Rogue and Moira are all fantastic characters, I think what we ended up with was just a better mix overall. I DO think the team is incredibly white, but that’s a general x-men problem, even with having an assload of diverse and intresting characters, so it’s not entirely his fault. All in all it’s a fantastic roster: four of the x-men’s best, their leader in the field for the first time in forever, and a new and intresting wild card. IT’s a nice ballance of characters and we’ll get more into it as we go. Now all the expositions done, we can finally dive head first into new x-men. I hope you survivie the experince under the cut. 
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After an utterly gorgeous and striking cover, the one used up top, we get one solid page to introduce us to Morrison’s mission statment, how  they feel and how good Frank Quitely’s art looks
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I cropped it best i could for tumblr but this one image immidetly says a lot. Our heroes are just.. easily taking down this sentinel, an old model... the same one we’ve seen a dozen times. What were once the grim, possible destroyers of an entire race of beings in days of future past and devistating killing machines in the present.. had become stale easily defeated murder bots There had been noble attempts to really make the sentiinels work again like the horrifying omega sentinels, humans forcibly converted into sleeper agent killing machines, during operation: zero tolerance, but otherwise they were mostly just a prop for the x-men to knock down. And that.. really is morrison’s whole point. Lampshading and mocking the fact the x-men had grown stale, things hadn’t really progressed.. and that it was time to move on. But to Uncle Grant’s credit, they not only uses this as a mission statment but it’s plot relevant: this mission will both be explained soon and explains why Logan and Scott are out and about enough to end up where the plot will soon need them. It also helps, via the sight of the syndey opera house establish something Morrison made a staple of their run: the X-Men going global. While the x-men were never really NOT global post claremont, Morrisons run has them handling rescue missions and what not worldwide far more often than most runs before it sans Claremont, and really made it feel like they weren’t just another super team but a global force of good with a specific goal and mission. More on the global aspect next time, as that’s where it really comes in but I felt it was important to show it was there for minute one. 
So yeah before we move onto the first full scene of the run, let’s talk about the costumes. 
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We’ll talk about Emma’s later since she’s not introduced to the story for a while but yeah. There’s a sharp, obvious and immediate change just in the outfits, which take after the movie’s more military look, having the x-men not only look more like a unit but more like a professional orginization. Someone to come and help when needed. While this would take on more siginifigance in a bit, we’ll get to it, it also fits Morrisions own views that the x-men were less of a traditional superhero team and more something different on the edges that fought things out there, sorta what like he did with doom patrol. And it’s honestly a valid interpretation as the x-men are often seen as outlaws and misfits by society for beingn well.. mutants. Not as trusted as the avengers. So having them adopt this look played into that: Having them look more professional and focused as The X-Men have a less blanket mission statement than the avenger.. but also mildly threatning. Something to alarm the humans. It’s an utterly brilliant look thrown best together by the big yellow x’s, still giving it a nice flash of color to show off and show this is still a comic and this is still damn colorful.. this just isn’t your AVERAGE supherhero comic or the x-men your used to. IT’s a real shame the only fox x-men movie to use it was fucking dark phoenix.. a film where it didn’t even fit as xavier was getting flashier and more reckless so why wouldn’t he have more garish and colorful and more traditional superhero outfits. They did look good in their variants in first class though. Props there. Point is this is a classic, utterly stunning look, and tha’ts coming from someone whose fine with goofy superhero outfits and perpetually bitter hawkeye is almost never allowed to wear his actual comic outift and is instead stuck with shades instead of you know.. a mask. Or anything resembling an actual good looking costume. This though this is how you do a less superheroy costume: practical and realistic, but still cool looking and comic book friendly. 
We cut to a mysterious lady, we’ll come to know her as Cassandra Nova and while I know her origin... i’m saving it for later as the comics themselves explain it eventually, and a simpering dolt she brought with her, Donald Trask, a distant relative of the creators of the sentinels who, via holograms she’s showing cro magnons slaughtring the neanderthal. Her point is that Mutants are going to do this and she’s clearly fearmongering him and trying to talk him into genocide: to wipe them out before they wipe out humanity. And it’s here we get one of hte most important plot points of Morrisons run and one of the most intresting: according to cassandra’s research Humanity will be no more in 4 generations. Mutankind is on it’s way to overtaking them at last.. i’ts still a few decades off.. but it’s coming. It’s sometihing that the whole decimation nonsense sadly snuffed.. and John Hickman has thankfully brought back. I’ll get to his run once i’ts complete in a few years, but point is it’s an utterly marvelous plot hook: Humanity, whose already attempted genocide a few times, is now in real danger of what their petty, racist, fearful attacks have been about: being replaced. It’s one of the central themes of the work the other two being “Just what IS mutantkind and what will it be”. WHat are they as a people? We’ll dig into these as we go but the threat of exctincion is the backbone of this arc... and will lead to something truly ghastly. 
It’s then we get our title page.. which nothing really to add it just looks really good and helps show off who are cast is and what they can do with striking simple art. 
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And since we’re already talking the art of the book, let’s take a moment to discuss an intresting detail of this run: despite it’s short length there’s quite a few diffrent artist, who we’ll talk about of course as we get to each one. The most common and notable though is Frank Quitely. Frank Quitely is one of Morrison’s closest and best creative partners, having a unique, squishy art style.. i.e. the one my friend didn’t like which is why i’m covering this. And while I like the art style quite a bit, I do get why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea: His art is squashed, weird, and admitely some faces can be good god no incaranate. But it’s also why I like it: his characters feel unique, each body and figure feels like it was custom made and thus feels.. real. Like this is a person before you. And given comics can often surrender to having everybody look the damn same, this is nice. His faces may sometimes look similar but his bodies are where the action is. But while having a realistic feel his work also has a weird alien quality that perfectly fits Morrison, and thus his run on x-men. I will say while I love All-Star Superman, his art fits less there in the more hopeful silver agey story, so he’s not an artist for EVERY STORY OF EVERY TYPE.. but when it comes to sci fi weridness, he fits it like a glove so i’ts unsuprising he and morrison are practicaley soul mates, nor that his art sets the tone perfectly for the run: this is something new, diffrent and strange.. and what says x-men at it’s best more than that?
So after our opening titles we cut to the mansion where Hank is showing off his latest and greatest invention: Cerebra. Cerbebra is a massively upgraded version of Cerebro, aka Professor Xavier’s iconic helmet that allows him to track mutants to help them out.. and covertly backup their conconousness for his long game plan, but shhhh, don’t tell anyone yet that’s not going to be retconned in for a few decades. Though i’m damn certain if Morrison has heard about the current era of x-men and how it both builds on what he built, shatters the status quo and is incredibly weird, he’d be damn proud. As for how it’s diffrent Cerebra not only has a large dome around it but said dome allows the machine to amply Charles powers to a global reach. He can now see mutants all over the world anywhere in the world, something I didn’t realize wasn’t ALWAYS a thing because it seems so simple. It’s also likely to bring it more in line with the movies. And while marvel has done TERRIBLE with bringing things in from the movies or in line with them in recent years, i.e. making star lord more like his movie self while forgetting that’s how he already used to be in canon before later writers thankfully did hte better step of merging the two, Hawkeye’s outfit, Cap’s outfit or Nick Fury Jr.  But for every mistep there’s also been tons of times it’s worked out really well such as here, as well as bringing hulk into the avengers for the first time since the founding, making tony stark more like the mcu version and less like a nightmarish self righetous dicktator who rightfully gets beat up and called out a lot, making Scott Lang prominent since he became prominent in the MCU, Wakanda being a major force in the marvel universe as it always should have been and various titles that have popped up to tie into movies, often bringing back a team or property that hadn’t had a book in some time like Ant-Man, Black Panther, and Shang Chi just to name a few. It’s not always hawkeye looking all jeremy renner is what i’m saying.. though thankfully comics clint isn’t that uninteresting. Hopefully the series will change that. 
So yeah along with a bigger shinier cerebro we’re also introduced to a big change in Hank whose taken on his lion form rather than his classic gorilla with a weird haircut or his return to that except bald. Here he’s more like aslan in a human body and I.. love it. It looks great, helps sell hanks delima of being brilliant while looking like a beast and makes sense: he kickstarted what was likely his own secondary evolution by drinking the potion that made him bestial, so it only makes sense his body wouldn’t be all that stable even if it took years to change again. And even that makes sense as hank was breifly turned back to his original hairless ape mutation during x-factor, easily one of the books.. worse decisions honestly and one that louise simonson thankfully later undid. That probably bought him some time hence why it’s only mutating further now.  It also adds an intresting wrinkle which the run will explore further: how far does this go? Will he regress? and how much hank will be left? And how will society treat his new form? 
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For now he’s actually extatic. While he’s going through hormonal changes, and giving out some excellent banter with Jean
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Which also includes one of the greatest lines in comic book history, one that’s been in my head for decades and made me absolutely love henry mccoy. 
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He’s just great is what i’m saying. As you can tell it’s stuff like this why i’m glad Moira fell through. While I love her.. Morrison’s hank is just a delight and one really questionable subplot aside, we’ll get to that, he’s one of the highlights of this run with an intresting internal struggle, and great chemistry with EVERYONE. And that is the main reason i’m glad Moira fell through as his history with everyone but Emma, who he still has a great raport with, means each interaction has weight. He’s close friends with both scott and jean and thus serves as their needed confidant, while still being able to buddy and banter iwth good old weapon x, and speak with his mentor charles as an equal. While I love moira... Beast just fits into the cast too perfectly and I 100% suspect Morrison was only using her because, while she’s awesome, Claremont wanted her and thus gladly snapped her up when he no longer had a science person. I’ll get into his Jean soon enough but she’s likewise fantastic and easily my faviorite version of the character.. not that until very recently there was much honest competition. 
So Cerebra fires up showing a massive cloud of mutants, showing just how much of a huge spike theirs been with Xavier wondering what it all means.. and Hank seeing a weird flare on the mointor for just a second with his special eyes. But since Xavier isn’t stupid and isn’t the kind of idiot who just dismisses it as a fulke, and since Scott and Logan are in the field, he decides to confrence call them in to see if they can go take a look. 
And naturally we get to see what their up to and get context for what the hell happened in the first page. Our heroes were on a rescue mission to save Ugly John, tha’ts what people called him, a three faced mutant who ends up passing out as they head out of the atmosphere for a second. Wolverine is regenerating and smoking out of his neck becaue he could still smoke back then before marvel decided “he’s setting a bad example”.. in a comic meant for teens and adults. 
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I mean I get it on some level as the x-men cartoon was a huge thing in the 90′s and Ben Grimm is basically a giant children’s toy with the mind of a surly 40 year old jewish man from yancy street, but stilll it’s just.. why. I may not like smoking but it’s not like it was SPIDER-MAN saying
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It’s a grown man.. whose not a sterling roll model and who Claremont went out of his way to have Logan point out his healing factor means it really dosen’t hurt him in the long run and when Kitty, an actual teenager, tried one of his cigars she choked. I know it’s a weird thing to get hung up on but while i’m all for keeping kids from smoking, this was a really clumsy way to try and hehlp that that made no sense and will never make any sense. 
One tangent later we find out that Cassandra was showing Trask a simulation on a flight to, unsuprisingly, south america, to a sentinel blacksite. Between covertly funding civil wars as they do, the US Goverment naturally founded an experimental sentinal project, and a second master mold during the production of the first line... when larry trask asks where it could possibly be well...
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Subtly was not the trasks strong point.. or common sense... or.. not realizing their creations would dominate humanity too or not dying. 
Anyways we then cut back to the x-men, as their having a psychic zoom meeting with Charlie giving one of his patnted big speeches.. and like a lot of this comic it’s too damn good not to use 
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The reason I couldn’t should be obvious: This one speech sums up the x-men, why their great and why their necessary in a nutshell: in a world full of prejucided morons.. there’s plenty of scared kids who NEED the x-men to protect and guide them, and with a surge in the mutant population, their needed now more than ever. We also get a good explanation in universe for the uniform change: Charles had them in the superhero outfits hoping humanity would accept them if they were packaged as something they know. Since that clearly hasn’t worked he’s trying new ways to reach out and thus going with a diffrent more rescue team approach to the uniforms. He assigns Wolvie and Cyke to go check out the flair as you’d expect and the meetings over. On the blackbird we get our first hint at a subplot as Logan noticed Cyclops couldn’t wait to get out of there, and is being a tad distant to his wife. He actually has reasons for being kind of cold for once instead of just bad writing as he just came back from being possed by apocalypse. Yeah that happened. So the experience has rattled our boy some what. More on that as we go. But Jean ducks the subject with hank but does breach the fact that Charles has been going kind of crazy with the spending, new uniforms and ambition lately. Hank explains it perfectly: After all the death, suffering and misery the x-men have endured lately, the aforementioned deaths I talked about that took Colossus and Moira off the roster, have lionzed Charles to make sure it was all worth something and look towards the future. 
But enough hope time for horror as Cassandra makes her first direct move, trying to take over Charles brain , make his body her own and use cerebra to kill lots and lots of mutants. We then get one of the best moments of Morrisons run with Charles response to a horrifying monster trying to take his brain
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While it is shocking to find out Charles has a gun..it’s a grim but kind of understandable precaution. The guy once got fully taken over by a brood, assembling the New Mutants in part because the brood wanted to create more of i’ts kind with more super powers. You’d be paranoid too if some of your beloved students were brought together partly due to your good intentions and partly because a space monster wanted to make more space montsters out of helpless teens, and even horribly gaslighted one of them. We’ll get to that some day. Point is Charles brain is one of the greatest weapons on earth and if the wrong person got a hold of it, it’d be the end of said earth. Thankfully Charles does not need plan gun, as Jean yanks Cerebra off him but the sheer HATE Charles felt from Cassandra, the sheer power has rattled him.. and also told him she’s in Ecuador and his X-Men need to be warned NOW. It’s a great way to set up just HOW powerful Cassandra is.  Speaking of which as our first issue of the arc ends, we find out two things: Cass faked being int he government but really just used dead soldiers as prop.. and just what kind of sentinels are out there.. wild sentinels. Easily my faviorite variant of the old killing machines and one that’s barely used despite being really damn awesome. Their adaptive killing machines, designed to mutated just like their pray and take tech from around them, as a result they look like a jumble of guns and parts.. but not only does it give them a unique, cool look.. but it makes them ten times deadlier as instead of being big bricks of robots that while intimidating, the x-men know how to kill... their unpredictable variable killing machines. You can figure out how to kill one sure.. btu the next might be entirely diffrent. They are one of morrisons best creations and I hope someone uses the idea again.. aka hickman. Please use it jonathan I know your focused on nimrod but come on. 
And we end on one of the best lines of the entiire run as we close out the issue
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Yeah it goes without saying but i’ll say it anyway; Morrison is really damn good with dialouge and being damn quotable. 
So we open with another great quote “When I got up today I didn’t expect to kill 20 million people”... and Cassandra being aware Wolverine and Cyclops are on their way and sending the Wild Sentinels to dispatch them. Also our heroes brought Ugly John along while while a dumb move, Wolvie does point out how dumb it was to divert to Ecuador with a civlian in tow.. after the plane crash of course. As for “wait what plane crash’, the sentinels attack and start picking it apart... and since letting them have such good tech is a terrible idea, Scotty blows up the damn plane. So to recap our heroes are stuck in ecuador, surrounded by murder machines, and oh look their there and knock off cyclops viser. Fantastic. So yeah our heroes are fucked. And naturally captured by the enemy.
The rest of the x-men are doing SLIGHTLY better. While beast makes a note for his girlfriend, more on that later on, Charles is in bed, half alive, explaning the rationale I gave for why he has the gun with Jean refusing to let him get back out of bed and you know.. put on the device that just nearly killed him. But when beast announces they lost contact with our boys.. yeah that ceased being an option. 
Back in the Ecuadorian Genocide Factory, Cassandra does the obvious and kills donald trask as his real purpose..was to stick around and be stupid for a bit while she copied his dna so she could have full control of her new murder toys.She soon uses them, having a horrifying death chamber slaughter john.. or at least flash fry him. Wolverine takes it how you’d expect and since the sentinels need to “perserve trask dna”.. they can’t fire on him without killing her. Scott escapes.. and in a heart wrenching scene mercy kills john.. before getting badass. 
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To anyone who says Scott Summers is boring, unintersting, or a stupid asshole idiot head I present exhbit shut the fuck up. Morrison gets scott just right, deconstructing his emotional suppression, while showing him off as a dedicated, companionate man who gets the job done and who seconds after tearfully having to mercy kill an innocent mutant whose death was partially his fault, wastes no time making it painfully clear to the person responsible she WILL die if she tries that again. Logan however realizes she’s already won in some fashion as she’s grinning.. and yeah never a good sign when a genocidal madwoman is grinning like a loon.. and when we find out why.. it’s even less good>  We cut to Genosha. A lot of you probably know what happned to Genosha but in case you don’t know what it is it was once a horribly racist country that genetically enslaved mutants and used them for slave labor. It was freed, but still struggled to truly move on.. till Magneto showed up, took the country for himself and made it a home for all mutants. When we last saw him he once again tried to take over the world leading to Logan seemingly killing him. Right now though Emma Frost finally enters the scene teaching some mutants.. when a young one named Negasonic Teenage Warhead.. yes that one and yes she was entirely chosen for deadpool for her name, reveals, via precognition, that their all going to die.. right as the sentinels attack. 
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Genosha.. is gone. In an eyeblink 16 million mutants are dead, a possible future gone, and one of their greatest leaders is no more. Yeah Magneto WAS alive.. but paralyzed so he could do nothing when his island was utterly slaughtered. Only a handful of mutants will be revealed to survive. Humanity had done a lot to mutants before .. but for once.. they’d succeeded in wiping a massive chunk out. What was an x-men location for DECADES at this point.. was now a smoldering crater. A what could of been that would hant the x-men ever after, even now into utopia it remains the darkest day in mutant history outside of hte decimation. It is a truly horrific moment.. and if the changes already hadn’t made it clear this is morrison saying “NO character is safe, nothing is safe, and nothing will be the same and I damn well mean that”. In one act of hate the world has changed. And it hasn’t finished changing yet. 
Issue Three opens hammering in things, as Jean and Beast are in the ruins of genosha, with Xavier having found ONE surivor among the rubble, and our heroes sturggling to find even them, though Jean eventually picks them up and uses her TK to sift through the rubble. 
They find Emma who emerges from a bunker in shock, clutching NTW... and not realizing she’s dead until later and revealing she now has diamond skin, her own secondary mutation. Secondary Mutation was a birlliant idea, new powers sprouting up within established mutants.. it’s just morrison barely used this great idea as did hardly anyone else. Only X-Men Blue ever really dug into it and those were artifical at that. IT’s a great idea..it’s just barely used and at most heavily implied to explain changes in powers like Jamie Madrox Multiple Personalities later on or Doug Ramsey’s vast increase in power. Disapointing. 
While Charles takes in the tragedy and the fact his old frienmie is dead, the x-men wonder what the fuck Cassandra is and what to do with her.. why did she kill 16 million people, and what the fuck is she. I mean I know, but as I said i’ll explain that when the story does.  IN the other room Beast tends to Emma who wants none of not fucking killing Cassandra.. and is utterly right. Bitchy, because i’ts Emma, but right: she killed 16 million people. Say what you want but while it may not be up to the x-men to kill her.. she shoudln’t be living much longer. She commited genocide. Emma decides fuck that and prepares to leave summoning a cab and making peace with being a glorious living fabrige egg. Emma did apparelty change in generation x.. but Morrison is responsible for returning her not only to being a bitch, but a gloriously delightful one And really I don’t think they reset her character entirely: she’s not the heartless monster she started out as: she has empathy, grace, and caring.. she just buries it under a lair of absolute bitch and after you know, surviving a fucking genocide who can blame her? And honestly.. I love their verison of her. She provides a nice contrast to the more idealistic, even logan, x-men and a nice contrarian voice in the room without being obnoxious and her style and sacrastic swagger makes her endlessly entertaning. Thanks to morrison she’s stuck around to this day and went from a pretty good character.. to a great one. And what makes her this way, or as jean puts it “such a bitch?”
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With that settled, Hank explains what Cassandra is: a competing species. As he puts it sometimes evolution takes a quantum leap forward.. and Cassandra is the result. Thus she wants to wipe out the compettition and is so far above humanity, she dosen’t need them... especially since she knows what Hank now knows: humanity is at an end. As hank puts it we have an E Gene, one that basically shuts off a race.. and thus the x-men now know what we learned earlier and that cassandra wasn’t lying: in 4 generations there are no more humans and something has to repalce htem. And Cassandra wants it to be her. 
Before Logan can do what he does best, and asks why she looks like charles, Cassandra escapes, and Scott briliantly urges them to fight only on instict as she’s a telepath. A damn awesome fight insues including Cassandra donning Charles Psoonic battle armor, Scott being put in his black bug room and the general good looking chaos you’d expect from a superhero fight. While this goes on Emma has an ephinany and realizes she likes to teach, the x-men have a school.. and she shoudln’t give up on helping kids just because of what happened and turns around. 
Cassandra is near victory, slipping her way to Cerebra.. and planning to kill only one mind before getting to the millions she wnats, a horrifying slug manifesting around her.. only...
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So the x-men accept this and cassandra rises.. seemingly saying “I am charles” Huh... and then charles uncaracteristiacally shoots her saying things must change
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We’ll get to what all of that means next time as we close on Jean and Scott in bed. Scott explains why he’s been so distant as what I said earlier: fighting off apocalypse stripped away a lot of illusions about himself and he’s having a hard time walking back from that but Jean is willing to help.. but before they can resolve their  issues.. charles has an annoucnment to make and grant has one last whopper of a suprise to end his opening arc on, and just like genosha...it’s a game changer of titanic proportions
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No longer is Xavier’s School hidden. Their walking into the light now and so is charles. Hope they surivive the experince. Obviously this move is brilliant: while it removes the veil of saftey the x-men had it also brings on tons of new possiblities and unlike secondary mutation, this one not only stuck but would impact the x-men for good: no longer would they hide and cower.. their mutant and proud.. and their here to stay.  E For Extinction is one of the best x-men stories period. Blisteringly paced, full of great character, great concepts and utterly terrifying and terrific moments that would impact the x-men all the way to present day. It’s beautifully drawn, well paced, and a masterwork. I highly recommend it and it’s a great kickoff to a great run. Shame the run couldn’t of ended on this kind of high but.. we’ll get to that. For now this is a masterclass in how to start a run and if you haven’t read it do so NEXT TIME ON NEW X-MEN: A bunch of weirdos try to harvest mutant organs, the x-men get a brain in a jar and a new teamate, and Scott maybe cheats on his wife. Until then, goodbye goodbye goodbye. 
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weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
Wonder Woman 1984 Review: How Does Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins’ Sequel Stack Up?
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There’s a saying that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone, a saying that could also best represent 2020, a year in which so much has been taken away from moviegoers… like getting to see movies in theaters, for instance. While you might not necessarily miss everything that’s been taken away this year, maybe the decrease in the surplus of superhero movies has given new and indie filmmakers a chance to be discovered by avid movie fans.
After two weaker comic book offerings this year in Bloodshot and The New Mutants, we’re finally getting a sequel to Patty Jenkins’ 2017 movie Wonder Woman, but if nothing else, Wonder Woman 1984 makes one realize that the lack of innovation when it comes to the “superhero genre” is not something we’re going to see very soon.
As you might guess from the title, it’s 1984 and Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) has a job at the Smithsonian Museum in D.C. as an expert on antiquities. Her new klutzy co-worker Dr. Barbara Minerva (Kristen Wigg) has just started and is immediately jealous of Diana’s beauty, her intelligence plus all the attention she gets from the men around her. One such man is oil magnate Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal), who is looking to invest in the Smithsonian. He’s particularly interested in an item that Minerva is studying that turns out to grant those who hold it a single wish. What could possibly go wrong?
I enjoyed Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman just fine, although I never really bothered to see it a second time, which would have been the case if I truly loved the movie rather than just liked it. Working from a script co-written with former DC head honcho Geoff Johns and David Callaham (writer of the 2014 Godzilla), Jenkins faces obstacles faced by every sequel when you’re working against having to raise the stakes from an original movie without losing everything that made the first movie so loved and special.
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The general lack of action might not be so obvious right away, because it begins with a pretty pointless sequence on Themyscira with Diana as a young girl taking part in an American Ninja Warrior style obstacle course competition against older Amazons – just to reiterate that her mother Hyppolyta (Connie Nielsen) doesn’t want Diana training to be a warrior. Again. It makes for a semi-redundant opening scene that doesn’t really add much in the way of setting up what happens later in the movie.  We then get a scene of Wonder Woman in a DC mall taking on a bunch of burglars using all her powers, basically to remind us that she’s a superhero in “Man’s World” six decades after the events in Wonder Woman.
That’s all the action for almost an hour, because the movie then shirts to introduce the new villain characters, and we spend a good hour seeing how they interact, as well as seeing how their relationships are affected by a historical artifact, essentially a “wishing stone.” I won’t spoil how Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor, who seemed to die in the first movie, is back in the ‘80s to play Diana’s love interest again – I’m sure you can figure that out -- although he does get more into the action this time, rather than just being an Amazonian boy toy. Regardless, the scenes between Pine and Gadot tend to be the best parts of the movie.
I’ve generally been mixed on Wiig as an actor for a long time, and she doesn’t do that much as Minerva that changes my opinion, while Pascal tends to veer into the hammy acting we’ve seen from far too many actors playing DC villains. Sure, there have been exceptions, but Maxwell Lord hasn’t even really been handled very well in the comics other than his early appearance in the DeMatteis-Giffen-Maguire Justice League from from the ‘80s. I’m a little surprised by the attempts to turn him into a major DCU villain ala Superman’s Luthor, but Pascal plays Lord more like a sleazy oil magnate version of Luthor, which is what this version essentially is.
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Jenkins tries so hard to instill the movie with a light, care-free tone but the humor feels forced and often feels flat. For instance, there’s only so many times you can make jokes about Trevor being a fish out of water before it gets tired even if it’s meant to be played off of Diana’s own adjustments in the first movie. The action is generally okay, a lot of awkward wirework combined with some of the Zack Snyder style of using time-control to make it seem more exciting. One of the better action setpieces takes place in Egypt that comes across a bit Indiana Jones but generally works better than all the action that comes before or afterwards.
Wonder Woman 1984 has the same general problem as movies like The Dark Knight Rises, Batman Returns, Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 where Jenkins is once again adding too many villains to the mix and making the movie more about interconnecting their origins rather than keeping the spotlight on Diana. Fans of the comics might also be disappointed with how long it takes for Minerva to actually transform into the Cheetah and how little we actually get to see of her in that guise. It just adds to a superhero movie problem that we’ve seen countless times before.
As far as how Wonder Woman herself evolves, we do get to see her flying in the movie – both alone but also with a nod to her famous plane --  although the idea of having her use her lasso to wrangle onto lightning bolts for steering might not have been the most well thought-out idea. And yes, that golden armor with wings, something probably more appropriate for Hawkwoman, does show up and is put to use in one of the fights, but it’s also something that (like a lot in this movie) serves very little purpose.
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Despite all the issues, where Wonder Woman 1984 excels is its ending which really pays off in a great way after turning what seemed like a simple premise into a full-on global crisis, and it almost makes you forget some of the sillier bits from earlier.
Wonder Woman 1984 is neither a terrible superhero movie nor necessarily a bad sequel – it’s not as bad as Suicide Squad or Justice League, for example. Saying that, Wonder Woman was the very first full Wonder Woman movie, so you can understand why expectations for a sequel might be high. Unfortunately, while good, this sequel might not live up to many of those expectations, although like everything else these days, mileage may vary.
Rating: 7/10
Note: There is a mid-credits sequence you might want to stick around for, though it feels like more pointless fan service than anything needed to enhance the movie or even set anything up for future films.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 15 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #4 hurtles towards the end as Glob, Armor, and Rockslide attempt to track down Anole before he does something stupid. Everything’s really starting to fall together in these minis as the lie of the world starts to unravel. It’s also interesting how Ed Brisson portrays the cultists fighting back against the “no love” edict as just as deluded and indoctrinated by X-Man’s change of reality.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #48 begins Arthur’s quest to recover his past in the first part of “Mother Shark”, with one hell of a twist for an ending cliffhanger. The high level of the quality of art on this series continues as Viktor Bogdanovic and his Greg Capullo-inspired style (with Jonathan Glapion and Daniel Henriques providing additional inks) join Kelly Sue DeConnick, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman #71 is part two of “The Fall and the Fallen” from Tom King, Mikel Janín, Jorge Fornés, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles. With the heavy reliance on dream sequences and simulations lately, it certainly makes me wonder who’s gaslighting who, whether anything in the story is real or if King is just playing us. Great art, though.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bloodborne #12 concludes “A Song of Crows” from Aleš Kot, Piotr Kowalski, Brad Simpson, and Aditya Bidikar. This arc has been even more surreal than the first, embracing that odd mix of depression and existentialism that seems to permeate the franchise. This is going to take a few more readings to really sink in.
| Published by Titan
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Calamity Kate #3 gives us a look into the disastrous relationship between Kate and Sandra. Though the accuracy of events might be a bit nebulous, given some missing time and an appearance that not everything is happening as we see it, this paints Sandra as a particularly resentful, hateful person. Also, another clue in Kate’s rival. Great action art from Corin Howell and Valentina Pinto, with an interestingly designed tentacle monster.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Daredevil #5 is the gut punch. As great as everything that Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles have delivered in the first four issues (and seriously it’s some of the best Daredevil since Miller and Mazzucchelli), this one tops it. A reckless, dangerous Daredevil, a hazard to himself and everyone around him, having it dawn on him what he’s been doing. And all of the Catholic guilt, shame, and judgement, not just on himself, but on the revelation that he’s seemingly oblivious that all of his friends have also been in his situation.
| Published by Marvel
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Fairlady #2 is another great issue from Brian Schirmer, Claudia Balboni, Marissa Louise, and David Bowman. The blend of fantasy and police procedural is seamless, presenting a completely believable world, building up bits of supporting characters and elaborating on the setting as the story unfolds. Also a great shift into a kind of storybook art style from Balboni and Louise during one of the flashback sequences.
| Published by Image
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Guardians of the Galaxy #5 sees the other shoe drop. Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, David Curiel, and Cory Petit deliver an excellent set-up for the finale of the “Final Gauntlet” here as Hela makes her move and we find out what the game actually was. Also, more hints about Rocket that don’t seem pleasant.
| Published by Marvel
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Immortal Hulk #17 goes hard for thriller first before leaning back into horror as Bushwacker stalks Banner through the “abandoned” lab. Very interesting new “rules” that Al Ewing is laying out as what makes up a Hulk keeps consistently changing.
| Published by Marvel
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Joe Golem: Occult Detective - The Conjurors #1 picks up with our dead hero being nibbled by fish, and it’s just downhill from there for Molly, Simon Church, and all of existence due to Dr. Cocteau’s meddling. Great art from Peter Bergting and Michelle Madsen.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Justice League #24 is the penultimate chapter of “The Sixth Dimension” and amidst the dire situations, heroic sacrifices, and stunning betrayals, there’s a great opening sequence about the little disappointments that Superman feels when he lets someone down. It’s like Catholic guilt amplified immensely, but it raises some interesting questions about how superheroes deal with depression. Or not deal with it, as it were. Great work from Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sánchez, and Tom Napolitano.
| Published by DC Comics
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Little Bird #3 is another incredible instalment in this story, with some interesting revelations about Little Bird and Gabriel, from Darcy Van Poelgeest, Ian Bertram, Matt Hollingsworth, and Aditya Bidikar. The artwork from Bertram and Hollingsworth is mind-bendingly awesome.
| Published by Image
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Livewire #6 continues the PSEP arc from Vita Ayala, Kano, and Saida Temofonte as Amanda discovers more about the organization and gets introduced firsthand to the academy bully enforcer. The art from Kano, from the characters through the layouts, is next level.
| Published by Valiant
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Naomi #5 explains everything. Mostly. Sure, there are still questions, and there’s likely a huge battle coming for the final issue, but we get a full-fledged explanation as Naomi tells her newly-learned origin story to Annabelle. And it’s brilliant. Wonderful parallels to other tales and a hint at implications for the DC Universe as a whole. Also, drop dead gorgeous artwork. Seriously some of the best ever to grace the comics page. Brian Michael Bendis, David F. Walker, Jamal Campbell, and Wes Abbott provide another excellent issue here. Highly, highly recommended.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Oblivion Song #15 is one hell of a page turner. Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Annalisa Leoni, and Rus Wooton barely give us a chance to breathe in this one as the Faceless Men attack, both those who’ve chosen to stay in Oblivion and the exploration teams jaunting back and forth from Earth. Great tension.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Pearl #9 is another visually stunning issue from Michael Gaydos. Seriously just look at this beauty.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Sabrina the Teenage Witch #2 throws even more chaos Sabrina’s way as it seems like everything in Greendale is something supernatural or paranormal or straight out of weird science. Kelly Thompson is delivering some great humour, while the art from Veronica and Andy Fish remains perfect for anything and everything in Archie’s world.
| Published by Archie
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Superman #11 swings back around to Zod after Superman unceremoniously left him being beaten by Rogol Zaar as this arm of “The Unity Saga” continues, delving further into the battle consuming Jor-El at the moment, but not really explaining anything. This is chaos, but it looks pretty.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #3 is worth it just for the glorious artwork from Mateus Santolouco and Marcelo Costa. The monster designs are incredible and the red, surreal glow of the colours just give life to the strange and deadly nature of this hellscape. 
| Published by IDW
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Transformers #5 suggests that there’s a whole lot more going on under the surface of Cybertron and the mystery of the death of Brainstorm that we thought. More interesting things going on with Rubble too, as he gets kind of lost while Bumblebee’s off doing other stuff.
| Published by IDW
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Uncanny X-Men #18 adds again to the body count as things continue to fall apart. The nihilism, darkness, and depression in this series has really been getting to me these past few issues. With announcements for House of X and Powers of X, this is starting to feel like a “throw the X-Men down a hole before rebooting” type of story. I’m still not sure if I like it, since it’s putting me in a sour mood.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms #4 drills down on Freyja’s defence of the Black Bifrost, intent on taking away its use from Malekith. All of the art on this series has been phenomenal, but Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson somehow take it up another notch. This is epic.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Giant-Man #1 kicks off another front in the War as Freyja tasks Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, and Atlas to infiltrate the Frost Giants’ bastion on Earth and get revenge, from Leah Williams, Marco Castiello, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Joe Sabino. Very nice bits of humour and wonderful artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Spider-Man & The League of Realms #1 opens up another front as Spider-Man leads the members of the League of Realms into New Heven territory, from Sean Ryan, Nico Leon, Carlos Lopez, and Joe Caramagna. It’s great to see more Ryan-penned Spider-Man, even if he only ever seems to get to write the event tie-ins. He’s got a great handle on Spidey, effortlessly displaying that humour and humanity of the character every time.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Strikeforce - The War Avengers #1 is the second Strikeforce one-shot elaborating on encounters spinning out of War of the Realms #3. This one focuses on Captain Marvel’s motley crew of Avengers as they try to strike at the heart of Malekith in Britain from Dennis Hallum, Kim Jacinto, Ario Anindito, Java Tartaglia, Felipe Sobreiro, and Joe Sabino. Some nice Deadpool humour and art in what is one of the more bonkers tie-ins.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #4, Amazing Spider-Man #21, American Carnage #7, Battlestar Galactica Classic #4, Bettie Page #5, Black Badge #10, Black Widow #5, Cinema Purgatorio #18, Farmhand #8, Firefly #6, Gideon Falls #13, Go Go Power Rangers #20, High Level #4, Infinity 8 #12, Ironheart #6, James Bond 007 #7, Kaijumax - Season 4 #6, Kick-Ass #14, KISS: The End #2, Last Stop on the Red Line #1, Life & Death of Toyo Harada #3, Low #22, Lucifer #8, Lumberjanes #62, Marvel Action: Spider-Man #4, Morning in America #3, Old Man Quill #5, Orphan Age #2, Planet of the Nerds #2, Port of Earth #10, Princeless - Book 8: Princesses #2, Spider-Man: Life Story #3, Star Wars #66, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Lando Calrissian #1, Star Wars: Tie Fighter #2, Teen Titans #30, Xena: Warrior Princess #2
Recommended Collections: Batgirl - Volume 5: Art of the Crime, Bitter Root - Volume 1: Family Business, GI Joe: A Real American Hero - Volume 22, The Horror of Collier County, Immortal Hulk - Volume 3: Hulk in Hell, Jeepers Creepers - Volume 1: Trail of the Beast, Justice League Odyssey - Volume 1: The Ghost Sector, MCMLXXV, Mister Miracle, Outer Darkness - Volume 1, Outpost Zero - Volume 2, RuinWorld: Eye for an Eye, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Heroes, Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet, The Whispering Dark
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d. emerson eddy wishes there were more hours in the day in order to write about everything.
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allspark · 6 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Transformers: Unicron, Lost Light, Optimus Prime, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and much more! All coming your way for September 5th!
John Barber (A/CVR B) Priscilla Tramontano (CVR A) Kei Zama
The battle against Unicron forces Optimus Prime’s colonist soldiers to contend with a brutal reality-they have no homes to return to. But when they make a move against Trypticon, the human-controlled home of the next generation of Cybertronians… can the end be far behind?
James Roberts (A/CVR A) Jack Lawrence (CVR B) Geoff Senior
The final battle is here! Bots will live, bots will die, and the craziness can only increase! We’re halfway through a finale six years in the making! And if you’ve ever loved a bot, you won’t want to miss this.
John Barber (A/CVR A) Alex Milne (CVR B) James Raiz
Unicron sets his sights on Earth… but is anyone left to defend it?
(A) Tony Fleecs, Sara Richard, Brenda Hickey, Agnes Garbowska (A/CVR) Andy Price
From the pages of IDW’s many popular My Little Pony comic book series comes this very special collection. Your favorite artists are back to reveal their secrets and show you more of the pieces they love! See Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and all their friends throughout Equestria captured in each artist’s unique style! Discover what each artist enjoys most about drawing and painting the beauty, kind-heartedness, and fun that is MLP!
Jeremy Whitley (A/CVR A) Tony Kuusisto (CVR B) Sara Richard
Rainbow Dash decides the elderly ponies of the retirement village could use some more excitement in their lives. So she invents EXTREME BINGO! What could go wrong?
•   A touching tale of crossing the generational divide!
Erik Burnham (A/CVR A) Dan Schoening (CVR B) Tim Lattie
The Ghostbusters need every missing ghost back to properly recalibrate their rapidly malfunctioning containment unit, and so far, they’ve recaptured them all! But this time, something stands in their way-and his name is Louis Tully! The Ghostbusters mega crossover event continues here!
Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz (A/CVR) Dave Wachter
In the wake of total destruction, the exhausted Turtles must prevent catastrophe, as disparate forces converge on New York and a sinister power-play takes shape. Following the Triceratop Invasion, New York is in ruins. Various groups jockey for control in the power vacuum, each with their own agendas and goals. But there is one who doesn’t care about power or victory, only chaos… the Rat King! Will the TMNT be able to stop him from doing the unspeakable? Collects issues #81-85 of the ongoing series.
•   Featuring new cover art by Frank Fosco and TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman!
Gary Carlson (A/CVR A & B) Frank Fosco (CVR B) Erik Larsen
TMNT Volume 3 continues in all-new four-color glory as creators Gary Carlson and Frank Fosco take the Heroes in a Half-Shell on some of their most amazing and dangerous and bizarre adventures ever! In this issue, as Master Splinter uncovers shocking revelations in Warlord Komodo’s compound, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo hatch a daring rescue mission… but they won’t be on their own. An old friend is coming to the party, and he’s bringing some deadly new toys…
•   Advance solicited for October release
Andrea Castellan (A) Andrea Castellan (CVR A & B) Andrea Freccero
Gorm Transgaard, Byron Erickson, Lars Jensen o Freddy Milton (a) o Andrea Freccero (c)
Joining the “Brotherhood of Bad Luck,” ever-jinxed Donald could win big by winning bad-so how could he possibly lose? Then “Goofy’s Monster” storms Mouseton… but there’s more than one scare out there!
  Join the IDW Hasbro Shared Universe related conversation here in our Comics Discussion and Reviews section and here for all other franchises, superheroes, or general comic book discussions! Not a member? Join our community by creating your own free account here! Or jump right into the live chat on our Discord server or our Facebook Group!
IDW Comics Shipping List for September 5th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like 
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1251
Monday, February 25, 2019
 It was so windy last night that it blew over our amaryllis flower that was inside the house. That was the crash I heard overnight. Actually, this amaryllis bulb produced a mutant flower stem that was the tallest I've ever seen. We got two stalks, each almost 2 feet tall, topped by three huge red blooms each. I had rotated the pot regularly so that they wouldn't grow at an angle but there was enough of one to make them topple. I should have supported them sooner.
 Black Widow #2 - Jen & Sylvia Soska (writers) Flaviano (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I like this new Natalia who doesn't have to hold back like she has a license to kill now. Her mission to shut down a torture porn site based in Madripoor is a good story but a couple of things bothered me about this issue. Clayton Crain's cover is very nice but you couldn't tell that one of the women was the Black Widow in disguise compared to what's shown inside. I thought the veil Nat wears was dumb and the next issue teaser spoiled the last panel. A better match on the hair colour would have fixed the cover problem and a different image for issue #3 in the next issue ad page would have been nice.
 Catwoman #8 - Joelle Jones (writer) Elena Casagrande & Fernando Blanco (art) John Kalisz (colours) Josh Reed (letters). Something Smells Fishy part 2. We find out what the Penguin wants Selina to do and she goes and does it. This story isn't too complicated and I expected better. I didn't like the facial expressions that the artists used when Selina was puling off the heist. I thought that it was an amateur imposter trying to steal the artefact. Catwoman should never look like she's afraid. I hope the next issue is better.
 The Unstoppable Wasp #5 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Gurihiru (art) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This is a wonderful issue dealing with mental health. Nadia needs help but will she reach out before it's too late? Read this great issue to find out.
 Stronghold #1 - Phil Hester (writer) Ryan Kelly (art) Dee Cunniffe (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). Meet Michael, just a cog in the wheel of life. Or is he? The Stronghold is a sort of cult and their mission is to protect Michael from the Adversary. The mystery of what Michael really is and what happens if he is awakened is more than enough to make you want to keep reading. This is a good comic book about people with super powers without the spandex posturing.
 Auntie Agatha's Home for Wayward Rabbits #2 to #4 - Keith Giffen (writer) Benjamin Roman (art). I fell in love with the art and the quirky characters after reading the first issue and I want to thank my Jee-Riz partner Chris for lending me his copies to read so that I can finish this story. There aren't many funny animal comic books on the racks other than the Disney stuff so this one is a rare gem. It's a great David versus Goliath story.
 Hulkverines #1 - Greg Pak (writer) Ario Anindito (art) Morry Hollowell with Andrew Crossley (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). It's good to see Weapon H back on the racks and a classic Hulk villain being their evil self. This new book is blatantly targeted at die hard old Marvel Zombies like me but it's well written and well drawn. Read the title page to catch up with what's going on in Clay Cortez's life and then jump right in to watch as Hulkverine and the Hulk duke it out in a battle to the death. The last page surprise made me pine for the next issue.
Naomi #2 - Brian Michael Bendis & David F. Walker (writers) Jamal Campbell (art) Carlos M. Mangual (letters). I like how the mystery of Naomi's true self is progressing naturally. There aren't any leaps and cuts in the origin story that I find annoying. Please give this book about an adopted daughter looking for answers a try. You won't be disappointed.
 Sharkey #1 - Mark Millar (writer) Simone Bianchi (art & colours) Peter Doherty (letters). I can't pass up a comic book with those names in the credits. This sci-fi series is about an interstellar bounty hunter. The art is out of this world. Sharkey is going after a huge bounty but the competition is fierce. It's going to be fun to see who wins.
 Love Romances #1 - This $3.99 US anthology of "love stories that can only be told in a comic book" should have hit the racks February 13 in time for Valentine's Day but it's still worth reading. All stories were lettered by VC's Travis Lanham.
"The Widow and the Clockwork Heart" by Gail Simone (writer), Roge Antonio (art) & Jim Charalampidis (colours) takes place in a Steampunk future where robots mend broken hearts.
"Heartbroken from Beyond" by Margaux Motin & Pacco Dorwling-Carter (story & art) & Lee Loughridge (colours) is a haunting ghost story of love and loss.
"French Quartered" by Dennis "Hopeless" Hallum (writer), Annapaolo Martello (art) & Jim Charalampidis (colours) is about an overprotective father in old New Orleans.
"Gone Like the Wind" by Jon Adams (story & art) & Tamra Bonvillain (colours) is a love lost and found story.
Each story has a clever twist that makes them special. Give this to your sweetie as a belated gift.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #2 - Donny Cates (writer) Geoff Shaw (art) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The Final Gauntlet part 2. Team books can be unwieldy but this isn't a real team book anymore. There are many factions trying to either stop or facilitate the resurrection of Thanos. This involves either killing or saving Gamora. There are many good guys and bad guys to keep track of but Donny and Geoff do a great job of keeping everybody straight. I'm happy to put this book back on my "must read" list.
 Batman #65 - Joshua Williamson (writer) Guillem March (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Steve Wands (letters). The Price part 3 of 4. This story is all about Gotham Girl wanting to resurrect her dead brother. I didn't read part 2 in the Flash and didn't feel like I missed anything. I don't care what happens to Claire Clover/Gotham Girl so I'm not going to read part 4 either. I'm sure some of the buying public doesn't like being coerced into picking up a couple of extra comic books off the racks that they don't normally read to get the full story. DC should have spun this story off of the Heroes in Crisis books instead of interrupting the Tom King story. I can't wait to get back to that.
 Wolverine: Infinity Watch #1 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Andy MacDonald (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). These new Infinity Stone stories hurt my head. I read the first one where Thanos got them all with the Gauntlet and the Avengers stopped him from killing everything but after that, every time these gems showed up things got more confusing. Now the stones all have souls thanks to Adam Warlock and they are inside humans. The Time Stone is still on Earth and that's not good. A big bad alien named Warbringer has landed and wants the stone for himself. Cue Logan's involvement. He's supposed to protect the hapless human. The appearance of Loki and Phoenix Force Wolverine was fun and since Logan was dead during the Infinity Wars, this will be a way for him to get caught up with Marvel continuity. If you're a fan of Wolverine being the best at what he does then you'll want to get in on this 5-issue mini.
 Doctor Strange #11 - Mark Waid (writer) Jesus Saiz with Javier Pina (art) Jesus Saiz & Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The Dread Dormammu, what a doofus. Stephen defeats the demon again and all is well. The Doc had a little help from his friends with one friend returning as a big surprise. I'm looking forward to the bad guy on deck in the next issue. He's big, he's red and he's hungry.
 Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3 - Tom Taylor (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Mother of Exiles part 3. Wow, talk about an underground society. Welcome to Under York, miles below New York City. Spider-Man and the Rumor mount a rescue mission which is sort of successful. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
 Avengers #15/LGY #705 - Jason Aaron (writer) David Marquez (art) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The team is caught in the middle of a Vampire Civil War and one of their own has been forced to switch sides. Can the Ghost Rider break his evil bondage? I'm guessing yes. I loved the devil dog riding in the ghost car with its head out the window. It's artistic touches like that that adds enjoyment to reading a comic book.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #3 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The team-up with the Rhino and Captain America ends with fighting a new super villain. Snatcher is a lame super villain name but the good guys still have a tough time taking him down. There sure were a lot of expletives deleted in this issue.
 Avengers LGY #709: No Road Home #2 - Al Ewing, Jim Zub & Mark Waid (writers) Paco Medina (pencils) Juan Vlasco (inks) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). It's the big fight issue with Voyager and her team trying to beat Nyx, goddess of darkness. She just killed all the gods of Olympus so good luck with that. Fortunately for the good guys, Nyx reveals her plans, which saves the heroes from certain death. This issue has a running narration by Hawkeye and it takes a surprising turn in the last few pages. This twist makes me glad that the next issue hits the racks in a week.
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saffrongamer · 6 years
Bioshock Remastered Review
Bioshock remastered is a fresh take on the 2007 hit by Take-Two Interactive. The original game received a lot of praise and awards throughout the industry. I completely missed the boat on it at the time since I didn’t own a PS3 or an Xbox 360. I was too busy with Pokemon Diamond and Mario Galaxy. I decided to enjoy the game for the first time through the remake of the original game. The remastered version can run at 1080p vs the original’s 720p. And that’s all I know about the differences. I will be judging it purely on my impressions of remastered.
The story of Bioshock involves your plane crashing over the ocean and you finding a mysterious entry to an aquatic elevator down to the town of Rapture. As your ride takes you down fathoms of water you are treated to a voice recording from Andrew Ryan; the city’s creator. He gives you a dramatic  speech of hard work and integrity as we gaze upon the stunning undersea city and the surrounding marine life around it. As we arrive, we see a man named Johnny killed by a mutilated woman with hooks for hands. She tries to break into your safe bubble, but she has no luck and decides to leave. You hear a some static on the radio near you and a voice asks if you would kindly pick it up. He introduces himself as Atlas and promises you that he’ll help you get away if you help him save his family. You come across a strange needle and put it into your arm. Atlas tries to calm you down as your fingers are sparking with electric and you fall over the banister and go unconscious. You lie there as two splicers investigate and then flee as a little girl and a monster come to look at you. Only to pass you up because you’re still alive while mentioning about something called ADAM. When you wake up, you discover your ability to shoot lightning from your fingertips. Which allows you to proceed through the hallway.
As Atlas guides you, you come across a monster rescuing a little girl from splicers. You’re told that they are big daddies and little sisters. They collect ADAM from corpses. A mysterious woman named Brigid Tennenbaum appears and offers you a deal. Save the little sisters and she’ll make it worth your time, while Atlas urges you to kill them for their ADAM. The ADAM functions as a means to upgrade yourself as you explore rapture. In this town it’s seen as a source of power and strength.
You proceed through the next parts of Rapture performing a laundry list of tasks to advance. Kill  a mad surgeon, take photos of mutants, and try to save Atlas’ family. As you arrive, Andrew Ryan destroys the bathysphere that his family was hiding in. Enraged, asks you to help him take revenge on Ryan in exchange for his escape.
Now that Ryan is very aware of your interference, he wants you out of his way. As you reach Arcadia he has all the trees killed. Destroying the oxygen supplying Rapture. You must then save the forest by collecting the necessary parts.
When you save yourself and rapture’s few inhabitants, you and Atlas are ready to confront Ryan. You hop in your bathysphere with intentions to take down the big cheese. Unfortunately you are intercepted and taken to Fort Frolic. A mad artist, known as Sander Cohen, offers you escape for helping to realise his artistic vision. His magnum opus. You take photos of his 3 traitors and he’ll grant you your freedom. He lets you go mostly unharmed, but you should be glad you’re not trapped in plaster like his other works of art.
As you’re reunited with Atlas, you’re back in the hunt for Ryan. However in order to enter, you’ll need to shut down the power plant as the entrance won’t let you through otherwise.
Upon your visit to Ryan’s office he has set the core to self destruct. He believes that the city is either his or no one’s. You head forward to Ryan and discover a wall of photos and red letters that read “WOULD YOU KINDLY”. A recording by Dr. Yi Suchong has the doctor instruct a little boy to kill a puppy after saying “would you kindly”.
As you try to understand the circumstances you proceed to confront Ryan. He reveals who you are in a dramatic monologue. He explains that you’re controlled by the phrase “would you kindly” And then ordered you to kill him.
After you kill Ryan you run over and turn off the self destruct. Atlas breaks character introduces himself as Frank Fontaine. He thanks you for your help taking down Ryan and he sends the security after you. You escape with the help of Tennenbaum and the little sisters.
Tennenbaum tells you what you need to do and you start your adventure towards Fontaine. Unfortunately this is where the story begins to feel like it’s already wrapped up. At this point in the plot, in my mind, I felt that you were simply getting beefed up to take on Fontaine. You receive the majority of your weapon upgrades and are even showered with supplies right before the final fight. This was the first time I had maxed out my wallet, and I didn’t even have anything to spend it on. We do get to explore a chapter where we learned about where the big daddys and little sisters came from. But that only leads right into the conclusion of the game.
Frank Fontaine appears and as you defeat him, a swarm of little sisters appear to purge him of the last of his ADAM. Depending on if you saved the little sisters or not, you will receive different endings. If you saved them all, you will get a cutscene where you escape rapture with the little sisters and live out as a father. You receive what none of you ever had; A family. However if you kill any of them or all of them, you view a cutscene where you take the power that you’ve gained and rise up on the surface with the splicers. Implying that you attacked the surface.
The most powerful aspect of Bioshock is it’s presentation. It’s such a stunning experience to see Rapture as you travel from level to level. Everything in this sci-fi horror tells you that you’re at the bottom of the sea. From the leaky halls, dilapidated rooms, and 1940s style architecture. The horror in this story directly comes from the atmosphere of the game. I was definitely creeped out for quite a while. But It dies down very hard after you defeat Sander Cohen. The first chapter is definitely the spookiest. I backtracked for supplies once and found a room that I missed. Then was jumped by a splicer that I immediately once shot on trigger.
Throughout the game, you come across recordings that citizens of Rapture have left behind. This is the main way that you are told the story of its people. The struggles of the lower class. The ideals of Ryan. And the power of Fontaine and his rebels.
My favorite recording is the demise of Dr. Yi Suchong. As we hear him speak of his failures with the big daddies, we hear him overcome and murdered. And we can look directly to a corpse eternally pinned to a table by a dusty drill.
Andrew Ryan was such a thrilling antagonist for the game. His dramatic speeches that he showered on you in your story made every moment more exciting. I quote him to my friends sometimes just for fun. I know Fontaine was the final antagonist, but he just seems to take a backseat to Ryan. But it is thrilling to know that there never was a family for you to find, and Fontaine called for you just to use you to rise up. After all, everyone thought Fontaine was already dead.
Lastly they leave director’s commentary film reels littered throughout the game. As you find them, you unlock the ability to play them from the main menu. I feel they should have been unlocked from the start or after you finish the game. They just kinda get in the way as you explore and take you out of the experience. I don’t want to go hunting for them while I go through the game. I’m usually only thorough in exploring on my first playthrough. But they do offer some cool insight into the development of the game and how some concepts came to be. And if you like giant commercials, Geoff Keighley hosts the interview.
My only other gripe with the presentation is the little quips that you hear from enemies. They’re creepy sometimes, but mostly just annoying. They can be very obnoxious when you are fighting a horde of splicers. Occasionally you can hear them through walls. Which I know is supposed to be atmospheric in some situations, but sometimes it felt like it was a bug that I could hear them
The mechanics of Bioshock are simple. You like magic sci-fi powers and guns? Well here we go. You get an array of guns and weapons at your disposal. I personally like using the shotgun, with occasionally the pistol or crossbow. You also have a chemical thrower, tommy gunn, grenade launcher, and your trusty wrench. All of these function exactly as you would expect. You’re given several upgrades to these weapons that can be quite helpful if you like that weapon. Such as power, ammo count, or knockback decrease.
Your other abilities stem from your plasmids. You can get abilities like electricity, fire, ice, telekinesis, wind, etc. Most of which range from being useful in combat to acting like a key to progress through the chapter. These plasmids are what gave power to the lower class to rise up and start a war within Rapture. And explain why there was such a desire for ADAM.
The game introduces you early on to the idea of hacking. See a security camera? Shock it to open up a hacking minigame. Then you can have security bots summoned to defend you from splicers. You may also hack turrets to shoot splicers for you. I feel that the hacking was used very ineffectively. You see you have to arrange the pipes to cause a flow of green something to get to the end of the course. It’s an easy enough minigame that only presents challenge when the developers increase the amount of traps or the speed of the flow. I think they should have introduced new ways to do hacks or more new pieces as the story went on. Instead you can only get upgrades that reduce flow speed or traps on screen. And tapping all these boxes to see what's inside doesn’t make it more fun to play. Don’t make me do that.
Combat wise it’s fairly basic. You see a mook. You shoot ‘em until they’re dead. Rinse and repeat for the entire game. Occasionally, you’ll come across a big daddy that requires some patience for you to defeat. Which is where the game shines when you have to struggle to take them down.
I noticed that the developers make some mooks easier to kill then others. I know it’s not me and my gun getting stronger. As the splicers in one room are weaker than in another. Sometimes taking just a single shot to kill, vs several shots.
By far the biggest offender is the final boss. Which apparently I’m not the only person to have complains about. Frank Fontaine appears like Jesus Christ from his cross while pumping himself full of ADAM. This final fight looks cool and all, but it’s extremely easy and Fontaine goes down with little issue. I think this boss needs a redesign or something.
Overall I feel that Bioshock is a thrilling adventure with impressive presentation, an interesting story, and a charming cast of characters. The original and the sequels had no impression on my opinions of this game. And I’m absolutely going to give them a fair shake as well.
This has been Saffron, thank you for listening.
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allspark · 6 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Optimus Prime, Lost Light, Transformers: Unicron, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Star Trek: Discovery, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and much more! All coming your way for August 8th!
John Barber (A/CVR A) Kei Zama (CVR B) Sara Pitre-Durocher
END OF THE ROAD! Trapped between Shockwave’s attack and Unicron’s onslaught, Optimus and the Autobots struggle to make sense of what’s left of their world. Shockwave reveals ancient truths-as an old friend tries to reconnect with Cybertron.
James Roberts (A) Jack Lawrence (CVR A) Nick Roche (CVR B) Geoff Senior
The final battle begins-and when it’s over, nothing will be the same. Everything that Lost Light-and More Than Meets The Eye before it-has thrown at you, from the biggest plot twist to the smallest incidental detail, has been leading to this: all your favorites, arm-in-arm, hand-in-hand, ready to go out in style.
John Barber (A/CVR A) Alex Milne (CVR B) James Raiz
Unicron approaches Cybertron, so Windblade enacts a desperate plan-one neither Optimus Prime nor Starscream agree with! Has Windblade outmaneuvered Shockwave’s machinations-or played right into his deadly hand?
Larry Hama (A) Herb Trimpe, Don Perlin, Mike Vosburg
This omnibus edition collects the first 12 issues of the Marvel Comics run, introducing classic characters such as Hawk, Scarlett, Stalker, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Snake Eyes, Cobra Commander, Baroness, The Oktober Guard, and more. Follow along as Cobra causes havoc around the world and The JOEs thwart them at every turn.
Paul Allor (A/CVR A) Tom Kuusisto (CVR B) Sara Richard
Pinkie Pie finds a magical apple that gives her extraordinary abilities! Will she use her new power for good… or fun?
Andrea Castellan, Joe Torcivia, William Van Horn (A/CVR B) William Van Horn, Andrea Castellan (CVR A) Andrea Freccero
It’s another IDW supersize Disney quarterly-with more of the fan-favorite creators you want! Cease all motor functions! In the conclusion of “The Terrifying World of Tutor,” a planet of giant robots has captured thousands of Earth’s animals-and it’s up to Mickey to rescue Pluto! Then, in “The Line,” mad artist Donald wants to draw a real-life horizon line across Duckburg! William Van Horn and Andrea “Casty” Castellan are back with new-to-USA Disney adventures!
Jim Zub (A) Ramon Bachs (CVR A) Max Dunbar
The Baldur’s Gate heroes return to the city at last, but their time adventuring in Ravenloft and the frozen northern reaches of the Realms have changed them. Each of them must face great trials ahead before they’ll be ready to embrace their destiny.
The beast within Nerys Kathon has lain dormant for weeks, but now its hunger must be satiated. Can the Baldur’s Gate heroes save their friend or is death the only answer for one of Kelemovor’s chosen?
Mike Johnson, Kirsten Beyer (A/CVR) Tony Shasteen
Journey back in time to a decade before Captain Kirk and the Enterprise set out on their five-year mission, when the United Federation of Planets is locked in conflict with the mysterious Klingon Empire. But just who are these formidable foes? Delve into the shocking world of the Klingons in a story you can only find in this miniseries, which ties directly into the show.
Ben Bates, Dustin Weaver (A) Ben Bates (CVR A) Nick Pitarra (CVR B) Dustin Weaver
When Bebop and Rocksteady run into a major roadblock, they’re forced to do the unimaginable-get real jobs!
Carol McGreal, Pat McGreal, Frank Jonker, Paul Hoogma (A) Giorgio Cavazzano, Freddy Milton (CVR A) Andrea Freccero (CVR B) Maartin Gerritsen
“Mismatched Mentors.” Scrooge McDuck is forced to teach business skills to a bratty little kid-on the same day that Magica De Spell is tutoring a young apprentice in black magic! How many ways can this go wrong? DuckTales favorite Magica De Spell is back-and so are fan-favorite creators Pat and Carol McGreal and Giorgio Cavazzano! Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #442!
Bruno Sarda, Giorgio Figus, Enrico Faccini, Vito Stabile (A) Lino Gorlero (A/CVR A) Enrico Faccini (CVR B) Andrea Freccero
“Fear Factory!” Uncle Scrooge’s McDuck Intelligence Agency sends stalwart spies Donald and Fethry to infiltrate a shady mountain town-where fake McDuck products are manufactured by the multitude… or are they? By popular demand, Scrooge McDuck’s McDuck Intelligence Agency is back in action-with wild spy capers for his unlucky nephews!
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IDW Comics Shipping List for August 8th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like 
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