#F for Pete
ep2nd · 8 months
Business Cats AU
The Court Case
Now if ya seen the previous post about this AU, you know that we left off on a cliffhanger where Joey, Pete, and Scar, and Joey's parents, went to court- for Joey's custody
Now I ain't getting into details here so here's the summary:
Pete fucking wins
That raps up this part have a lovely day!!!
Lol I'm kidding, mostly
Yeha Pete wins, Joey gets a good father and a brother and they live happily ish ever
But Joey's parents are mad and are gonna do everything in their power to ruin Pete's life- unsurprising when your really rich billionaires it's not that hard
F in the tags for Pete
Let's all remember Pete is a principle oh no-
And share any ideas you have for this AU!
Whether random headcannons, characters you wanna see, or world questions!
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emmedoesntdomath · 2 months
middle aged veterans and history buffs whose special interest is planes 🤝 gen z girls and gays who know that an f-14 is a plane because of top gun
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croppedfobmemes · 2 months
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treadthatfineline · 22 days
Can you imagine if Ice was actually part of the VFA-25 squadron that had never flown an F-14 and they made him sit in the cockpit not knowing what to do even if his life depended on it? That's my first thought every time I watch the movie and see the insignia on his suit and jet.
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And then, on the morning of Hop 31, we can see jets with the true insignia of Ice's squadron, VFA-213. Go figure!
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By the way, at the beginning of the movie, we can see Iceman and Maverick's jets taking off and landing on the USS Enterprise. We can even see Maverick's helmet. I don't know about you, but since an aircraft carrier can hold up to 9 squadrons, I'm sure in some parallel reality the two of them are on the Enterprise before TOPGUN. Can you imagine the friendly rivalry between the squadrons because I could. It would be hilarious.
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Another interesting fact about jets.
Pilots don't have "their" jets, even if we sometimes see their names written on the side of the canopy. The names of all the pilots in the squadron are written on one side of the planes. On the other side is the name of the aircraft crew chief who will launch and recover the jet, and is responsible for the technical condition of the aircraft.
In reality, the pilot flies what is airworthy on the day, or a jet that is prepared for a specific mission that day. So it's cool to fly on a plane with your name on it, but it's a relatively rare coincidence. Unlike the pilot, the crew chief goes where the plane goes.
The exception is senior leadership. The Wing commander, for example, has his own aircraft. It has his name written on it, but instead of a squadron insignia, a sign/logo can be seen on the tail which is associated with the respective Wing's home base.
This aircraft can in turn be flown by another pilot if the commander is not flying that day and the aircraft is needed for sorties.
Ten points to Gryffindor if you can tell me if that's Ice or Slider with outstretched arms in the upper right corner. It should be Slider, but it looks like Ice.
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Finally, here's a photo of half-naked pilots, just to cheer you up.
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Thanks for coming to my very short TED Talk.
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do you see my Vision
original tweet:
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explosiongifd · 1 month
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They have such a beautiful relationship ❤️
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helenascorpse · 2 months
How the writing of Sugar went down.
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kazanskys-mitchell · 5 months
“if you were directly above him, how could you see him?”
“because i was inverted.”
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alonetogether · 1 year
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pete finding patrick endearing: 22 years and counting
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paxdracona · 4 months
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Chaos in 3... 2...
Quick ballpoint sketch of Ice 'seizing the moment', so to speak. Guess both of our intrusive thoughts won uwu
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3lostyears · 7 months
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half-doomed; it only gets better when it hurts dance miserable [2011] | so much (for) stardust [2023]
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thatsrightice · 8 months
Slider and Iceman fist bump after their flights.
Hollywood gives Wolfman a fist bump after their flights but Wolfman always responds with an open palm shouting “Turkey!” because they’re flying the turkey.
Maverick and Goose high five after their flights because they can never agree coordinate who’s the head and who’s the tail of the turkey.
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unlawfulchaos · 1 year
[After Mav's gotten injured while doing something stupid, and Ice has to be called back from the conference tour he was on]
Mav: I can't believe Ice is coming home after all this time.
Mav: You know what I'm getting tonight.
Slider: You don't seriously thi-
Mav: Yelled at, Slider. I'm getting yelled at.
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cruisecel · 23 days
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tom cruise (top gun 1986)
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big weekend for the mentally ill <3 
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