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PIC INFO: Spotlight on cover art to stoner/DOOM/psychedelic/sludge metal magazine/fanzine?, "Bad Acid" tab #2 (published September 1998), zine founded by David Gedge, Poole, UK. Cover Art by Erik Roper.
Source: https://archive.org/details/thewitchesbrew_images.
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leanstooneside · 6 months
A fool in a gown is none the wiser
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Dust Volume 8, Number 4
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Is this normal? After two years of upheaval, the world seems to finding equilibrium again, at least if you squint to avoid looking too hard at what’s going on in Ukraine. So we’re going out again on the regular, wearing masks (and you should, too), but otherwise like always, and oh my, are a lot of bands out on the road these days. A lot of them are putting out records, too, and as usual, we make an attempt to catch up with Dust, our monthly collection of short reviews. Read here for our take on country covers and Italian punk, crusty black metal and cosmic metal, improvisatory collaborations and fresh interpretations of music from farflung cultures. Contributors this time included Tim Clarke, Justin Cober-Lake, Jonathan Shaw, Bryon Hayes, Bill Meyer, Jennifer Kelly and Chris Liberato.
Caleb Dailey — Warm Evenings, Pale Mornings: Beside You Then (Alien Transistor / Moone)
Warm Evenings, Pale Mornings: Beside You Then by Caleb Dailey
Moone Records boss Caleb Dailey worked on this collection of covers of old country songs with some notable musicians, including Deerhoof’s John Dieterich, Nicholas Krgovich, and Kyle Field (Little Wings). At eight tracks clocking in at just over half an hour, it’s a short and lovingly rendered collection that rambles charmingly, featuring songs originally written by a range of country-rock luminaries, including Gram Parsons, Gordon Lightfoot and Blaze Foley. Even if you’re not familiar with the originals, all the songs sound appropriately well-worn and comforting, giving the listener space and reassurance to nestle in their melancholy. Dailey keeps things at a woozy, syrup-thick tempo, his low voice sounding like a 45rpm record accidentally played at 33 1/3. Though the songs unfurl slowly and simply, there’s plenty of space to weave hypnotic details into the mix. Early standout “Brass Buttons” swirls with lap steel, banjo and harmonium behind Dailey’s lackadaisically strummed acoustic guitar. “Dreaming My Dreams With You” features sparkling vibraphone over thick beds of organ and bass, and “If You Could Read My Mind” pulses with distant cosmic synths. Then, on closer “If I Could Only Fly,” featuring plaintive lead vocals from The Notwist’s Markus Acher, the album achieves lift-off amid a storm cloud of distortion, followed by a restatement of the song’s theme on piano by Dailey’s mum. Lovely.
Tim Clarke
 Deaf Lingo — Lingonberry (Lövely)
Italy's Deaf Lingo returns for their second album with as much energy as ever. The punk rockers add some increased melodicism to Lingonberry compared to their initial releases, but they haven't slowed anything down. After a heavier intro, single “Push It” has drifts toward skate punk as vocalist Sandro Specchia rants in favor of laziness. The track's irony lies not just in its decidedly not-lazy tempo, but also in its resistance. While the cut might ostensibly be about doing nothing, it considers that inaction as a form of resistance. Much of the album follows in this line, pairing a few different punk and alt-rock styles with concerns about disaffection or alienation. The group sounds its best when it leans into its poppier influences, but it would benefit — especially on its brighter tunes — from more separation in its production. The sound gets just a little muddier than suits the songs. Even so, Deaf Lingo feels like a band on its way up, catching its songwriting groove and finding its way with growing assurance.
Justin Cober-Lake 
 Feral Light — Psychic Contortions (I, Voidhanger)
Psychic Contortions by FERAL LIGHT
At its best, Feral Light’s new LP Psychic Contortions recalls the tuneful, crusty black metal of that terrific demo from Loss of Self that circulated about a decade ago, or the most blackened and melodic moments in Nux Vomica’s epic crust anthems. All of which suggests — accurately so — that Feral Light isn’t writing or playing anything particularly ground-breaking on this record, but the Minneapolis-based duo does this sort of thing quite well. See “Wells of Blackness,” which may have a title that’s just a little bit on the nose; it also has a riff with just enough roil, and crusty production that coats the music with just enough grime. The band has been kicking around since 2015, and Psychic Contortions is by far the best record they’ve released. “Self Disavow” might be the band’s best song, yearning and crunching in equal measure, and given over to intemperate spells of blasting intensity. If you like some blackened ash in your crust, give this a spin.
Jonathan Shaw
 High Alpine Hut Network — 727/16 (Ansible Editions)
727 / 16 by High Alpine Hut Network
The Toronto-based Idée Fixe imprint has spun off a sister label. With a name originating in science fiction, Ansible Editions is true to its mission to explore the jazz cosmos and adjacent sonic galaxies. The imprint launched with an introductory batch of three editions, and this pair of tracks from High Alpine Hut Network is certainly the most cosmic of the lot. Comprising multi-instrumentalists Christopher Shannon, Benjamin Pullia and Jason Bhattacharya, this trio explores the intersection of Berlin school kosmische, deep house and jazz-infected hard funk. For this, their debut effort, HAHN enlisted the help of friends. The collaborative roster includes pianist Robin Hatch, Tobin Hopwood on guitar, percussionists Lauren Runions and Nathan Vanderwielen and the lush reeds of Joseph Shabason. “727” is a voyage that originates in the cosmos before strutting into electric Miles territory and eventually landing in the club. The snaky “16” is a bass-forward affair, bolstered by Hopwood’s limber guitar exorcisms and a propulsive percussive pulse. Overall HAHN keeps it exciting and extraterrestrial, a winning combination.
Bryon Hayes 
 Instruments Of Happiness — Slow, Quiet Music In Search Of Electric Happiness (Redshift)
Slow, Quiet Music in Search of Electric Happiness by Instruments of Happiness
Sometimes, the times catch up with you. Tim Brady of Montreal has been working with guitar ensembles of carrying sizes for nearly forty years, culminating in a production in 2014 entitled, Instruments of Happiness — 100 Guitares Électriques. Four years on, he had an economizing notion: why not put four guitarists in a large, reverberant space, and let the room do some of the work? Brady and three other guitarists — Jonathan Barriault, Simon Duchesne, and Francis Brunet-Tucotte — presented the first performance of this four-piece sequence of roughly quarter hour-long, commissioned pieces in a Montreal church in February, 2020. Obviously, follow-up performances were not an immediate option, but what better year than 2020 to record a small number of spread-out musicians? It’s kind of a shame that the music couldn’t be made immediately available, because folks enduring cabin fever might have found comfort in the quartet’s evocations of expansiveness. E-bow elongations and a seven-second digital delay, which duplicates the original space’s echo, impart a sonic experience that corresponds to the album cover image of the eventual meeting of ocean and cloud cover.
Bill Meyer
Interesting Hobbies Club — Spring Cleaning (Self-Released)
Spring Cleaning by Interesting Hobbies Club
It's not entirely clear what would qualify as an interesting hobby, but I’m guessing that day drinking, buying too many records on Bandcamp Friday and jogging the occasional 5K would not. Perhaps forming a florid, emotionally stirring indie rock band would make the cut, perhaps not, but these four LA musicians have been at it, regardless, for two albums now. And why not? Their second, Spring Cleaning (the first was recorded as Zero Degree), spins in indolent circles, a slow rock jangle lit up by the near-operatic tenor of front person Jules Caspole, who swoops and wails and roars in a volatile, vibrato-laced timbre. The songs this time are tinged with reminiscence, the best “One Year Ago Today,” a country-rocking lament for the girl that got away. Caspole sings ruefully of finding an old photograph of a live-in lover, prompting memories of domestic pleasures: cooking together, planting a garden, dancing in the backyard. The band twangs and rollicks in two-stepping time, and the whole thing puts a gloss on ordinary life that seems a little brighter, a little more meaningful than it usually is. “Middle of the 110” likewise throws a bolt of electricity into an indie rock shuffle, letting concentrated feeling lift it out of the ordinary.
Jennifer Kelly
 Kostnatení — Ohen Horí Tam, Kde Padl (Mystíkaos)
Oheň hoří tam, kde padl by Kostnatění
We are told that D. Lyons, sole member of Kostnatení, has created this record by adapting traditional Turkish folk songs for dissonant, lush and very effective black metal arrangements. Knowing nothing about Turkish folk music, this reviewer cannot comment on the veracity of the claim, nor can he opine on the nature of the tribute or obscenity these musical renditions have brought into the world. But taken on its face, this is a terrific record. The playing is supple and forceful, the tunes are weirding earworms, the sensibility and scale of things somehow mystical and grand. To be sure, there’s something interesting, if perverse, about using black metal to interpret the folk traditions of a nation that has experienced such volatile relations to religious faith — to say nothing of black metal’s more customary deployments by seriously pale dudes with even more serious investments in the lore of northern whiteness (Viking metal, anyone?). This, by marked contrast, is the black metal of the Global South, played by a guy last located by the internet in Tennessee. Say what? Beats me. Play the music.
Jonathan Shaw
 James Krivchenia — Blood Karaoke (Reading Group)
Blood Karaoke by James Krivchenia
Though you can hear clear links between the music of Big Thief and recent solo albums by frontwoman Adrianne Lenker and guitarist Buck Meek, drummer and producer James Krivchenia’s solo music is another matter altogether. Like having dozens of internet browser tabs open at once and switching randomly between them to sample whatever music might happen to be playing at the time, Blood Karaoke is a disorientating, bewildering and occasionally very funny listen. The easiest comparison is probably Oneohtrix Point Never, as the sounds of experimental electronica, vaporwave, and nu-metal collide, occasionally derailed by daft passages of yacht rock, smooth jazz or easy listening. It’s all very cleverly put together and can, at times, introduce moments of unexpected beauty and tenderness. However, as a front-to-back listening experience, it’s likely to leave you feeling a little frazzled and insane.
Tim Clarke
Nyles Lannon — Pressure (Badman)
PRESSURE by Nyles Lannon
Nyles Lannon played with Film School in the early aughts and has made several highly regarded solo albums, including Chemical Friends, named best folktronica album of 2004 by SF Weekly. Pressure was originally released in 2007; here Badman celebrates its 15th birthday with an expanded, remastered version with the tracks remixed to Lannon’s specifications (he never liked the original version). Not having heard Pressure the first time around, it’s hard to say how much the alterations helped, but this is a very good album of mostly acoustic indie folk-pop. Lannon’s voice is high and gentle, not too different from Elliott Smith, the mood bittersweet and the guitar/electronic accompaniments unassumingly pretty. “Better with Nothing” eddies and swirls around a melancholic melody, its pace quickened by scratchy, shaken percussion, its contours defined by bright, lucid guitar lines. A little bell rattles at the bridge as fuzz guitars spin off into psychedelic inquiry, the drama flares, then Lannon pulls it all back into the kind of tune you sing to yourself on rainy days just because.
Jennifer Kelly
 OHYUNG — imagine naked! (NNA Tapes)
imagine naked! by OHYUNG
Asian-American artist OHYUNG generously presents the receptive listener with nearly two hours of sparse, reflective ambient music on imagine naked! Mostly conceived and created across a single 72-hour period, the album is book-ended by 15-minute opener “my torn cuticles!” and 37-minute closer “releases like gloves!” Based on its duration alone, the album does feel like quite a commitment. However, step inside these welcoming musical environments and feel time slip away as the album’s unifying aesthetic becomes cumulatively transportive. Occasionally there are hints of Aphex Twin’s early records (“to fill the quiet!”), Satie’s minimal piano works (“yes my weeping frame!”), and Eno’s process-based experiments, such as Discreet Music. The album certainly fits Eno’s specification that ambient be “as ignorable as it is interesting” — play imagine naked! in the background, and let it gently color your mood, or don some headphones, listen closely, and become lulled by the music’s hypnotic repetition and deeply grained textures.
Tim Clarke
 Sote — Majestic Noise Made in Beautiful Rotten Iran (Sub Rosa)
Majestic Noise Made in Beautiful Rotten Iran by Sote
Iranian producer Ata Ebtekar composes in two different modalities. His electroacoustic constructions incorporate sounds from the traditional instruments of his homeland. Alternatively, he eschews acoustic instrumentation to focus on electronic synthesis itself. Majestic Noise Made in Beautiful Rotten Iran falls into the latter category, although the sheer physicality of the music belies its purely electronic origins. Mined from the same vein as 2020’s MOSCELS, this album is full of highly visceral, almost aggressive sounds modeled in clouds of electrons. Opener “Forced Absence” features the assault of machine gun percussion and collapsing clockwork mechanisms on unsuspecting string arpeggios that resemble harp strums. The urgent, almost video game-like rhythm of “I’m Trying But I Can’t Reach You Father” appears to originate from an orchestra of baroque instruments. That track’s successor, the gentle yet emotional “Life,” emulates a string quartet robbed of all its bows. Majestic Noise Made in Beautiful Rotten Iran is Ebtekar’s most personal collection of material thus far. He’s asking us to endure both the majesty and the noise that lie at its core. This is a challenge that’s worth accepting.
Bryon Hayes
The Web of Lies — Nude with Demon (Wrong Speed)
Nude With Demon by The Web of Lies
For better — and, in one instance, for worse — on Nude with Demon, Edwin Stevens and Neil Robinson pull moves that you don’t quite expect them to pull. The Scottish duo let their garage groove swing like a pendulum on “Receiver,” summoning the spirits of LAMPS and A-Frames, but they gussy the sound up with sly, folk-rock half-licks. Now we know what that sounds like, you’ll catch yourself thinking, and you’ll be damned: it works. As does “Yeah Yeah Yeah,” which chugs along like Spacemen 3 towards a tunnel through which it doesn’t quite fit. When someone finally yanks the emergency brake, it’s already much, much too late, and the track scratches, scrapes and squeals towards a comically slow halt lasting a full couple of minutes. It’s not the metaphorical train driver I want to go back in time and shake awake, then, given the chance; it’s whoever voted the throwaway “Best Friend” onto the album’s track list. Batting in the cleanup spot, the otherwise innocuous Silver Apples-style ditty stops the record’s momentum dead in its, ahem, tracks, as one bestie answers the other’s mumbled monotone call by repeating the title phrase, ad nauseam, in a cartoonish car horn voice that’s frankly exhausting. Luckily, the one tune is not enough to derail the album as a whole, which nonetheless has the potential to become a favorite of the year, for those who like to smile and nod along to the sounds of loud, off-kilter guitars and humans doing their thing.
Chris Liberato 
 Wet Tuna — Warping All by Yourself (Three-Lobed)
Warping All By Yourself by Wet Tuna
Matt Valentine’s space grooves take on more of an organic texture in Warping All by Yourself, at least compared to the wigged-out electronics of 2019’s Water Weird. “Raw Food” arises out of the sound of waves, then shuffles off in a twilight meadow hum, electric guitars sparking wild sprays of sonic color into a lulling haze. “Ain’t No Turning Back,” is funkier, faster and more playful, a bit of Zappa in its out there zings and blurts and pulses, a touch of Royal Trux in its nodding, dissolving choruses. “Sweet Chump Change,” bumps and rolls like a 1970s jazz-funk-fusion epic transported somehow to the fertile hollows of rural New England. Everything spirals in a dizzying, cosmic way, but nothing rushes. You could be here all week without moving. Valentine works mostly alone, bringing in acid folk compatriots like Samara Lubelski, Mick Flower, Doc Dunn and (his partner) Erika Elder for communal touches, but essentially following his own spirit through classic rock, soul, kosmiche music and funk. The whole experience seems like one of those changling folk tales, where if you eat the food, even a little bit, you’ll stay in the enchanted woods forever.
Jennifer Kelly
 Joe Williamson / Dennis Egberth — The Great Escape Plan (Tilting Converter)
Joe Williamson Dennis Egberth - The Great Escape Plan by Joe Williamson Dennis Egberth
When escape is the plan, it behooves the planner to avoid notice. This runs counter to the motivation for many musicians, which is to make sure that the audience’s neck and ears are craned in their direction. The tension between this intentions is the crux of encounter between two Stockholm-based musicians, percussionist Dennis Egberth and double bassist Joe Williamson. It is a studio recording, so the players’ needs for attention had to be met by each other. Their readiness to listen is evident though-out the album’s two vinyl-sized sections (titled, appropriately, “Plan A” and “Plan B”), and it contributes to the complementarity of these performances. Each muted cymbal tap, sizzling brush strike, thwack of the bass’ body or rustle of its bow is the punctuating gesture that completes what the other man plays. Hints of melody and rhythm arise discretely from constellations of mutating sound, like departing parties sticking their heads up to see if the coast is clear.
Bill Meyer
  Eri Yamamoto, Chad Fowler, William Parker, Steve Hirsh — Sparks (Mahakala)
Sparks by Eri Yamamoto, Chad Fowler, William Parker, Steve Hirsh
These four musicians had never played all together before, and they made no plans about where their collaboration would go or what it would sound like once they convened in a room, post-COVID, in New York City. Yamamoto, the classically trained pianist steeped in improvisatory jazz, had worked with bassist Willam Parker before. Chad Fowler, the reedist and proprietor of Mahakala records, has played in a variety of configurations with drummer Steve Hirsh. They call what they’re doing “improvised folk music,” but, really, it’s four skilled practitioners listening hard, finding synchonicity, then careening away from that accord into a wholly new set of considerations. It’s a wild ride, sometimes pensive and beautiful, with sweet, well-considered piano chords framed by bowed and plucked bass reverberations, sometimes turbulent and quick, drums kicking up furious eddies of swirling dust, saxello blowing wildly over the top. None of these principals are averse to finding the still, beautiful center, in long haunting sax tones or vibrating throbs of bass, but nor are they afraid to catch the exhilarating edge of chaos, hammering, squealing, thumping, pounding to stay on top of the wave. How beautiful is it then, when Yamamoto’s clear liquid runs of piano tumble over the rough tumult of Hirsh’s skittering, striated layers of percussion in “Taiko” or when Fowler’s saxophone swaggers across a punch-drunk melody in “Sparks,” peeling back a pristine tone to see what’s raw and ugly underneath. Sparks fly, indeed.
Jennifer Kelly
 Young Guv — Guv III (Run for Cover)
GUV III by Young Guv
Radiant power pop a la Teenage Fanclub, Guv III careens in trebly sweet tunefulness over spiked and raucous guitar work. Guv proprietor Ben Cook wrote this first of two COVID-era albums in the New Mexican desert, surrounded by stunning natural beauty. Yet the songs burst like Sour Patch candies with acid-sweetness. Guitars slash with New Wave swagger in “It’s Only Dancing” and pace with coiled Nick Lowe-ish tension in “Only Want to See U tonight,” as giddy pop vocals swirl and eddy around their contours. I’ve been listening to Matthew Sweet’s Girlfriend lately for no reason whatsoever, and this is in the same power pop family, soft and hard, yearning and joyful at the same time.
Jennifer Kelly
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tobacconist · 3 years
𝕋he 𝒫rophecies o𝒻  𝔐other 𝒮hipton
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖀𝖗𝖘𝖚𝖑𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖕𝖙𝖔𝖓, 𝖓é𝖊 𝕾𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖑; 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖆𝖘 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖕𝖙𝖔𝖓; 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝖔𝖋 𝕶𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖘𝖘. 𝕾𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊, 𝖆𝖓𝖉, 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉𝖑𝖞, 𝖇𝖊𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖘𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖊𝖒. 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖕𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖈𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖆. 1641, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆 𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖛𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖊𝖝𝖎𝖘𝖙.
𝒜nd now a word, in uncouth rhyme Of what shall be in future time
Then upside down the world shall be And gold found at the root of tree All England's sons that plough the land Shall oft be seen with Book in hand The poor shall now great wisdom know ... Great houses stand in farflung vale All covered o'er with snow and hail
A carriage without horse shall go Disaster fill the world with woe. In London, Primrose Hill shall be In centre hold a Bishop's See
Around the world men's thoughts will fly Quick as the twinkling of an eye. And water shall great wonders do How strange. And yet it shall come true.
Through towering hills proud men shall ride No horse or ass move by his side. Beneath the water, men shall walk Shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk. And in the air men shall be seen In white and black and even green
A great man then, shall come and go For prophecy declares it so.
In water, iron, then shall float As easy as a wooden boat Gold shall be seen in stream and stone In land that is yet unknown.
And England shall admit a Jew You think this strange, but it is true The Jew that once was held in scorn Shall of a Christian then be born.
A house of glass shall come to pass In England. But Alas, alas A war will follow with the work Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk
These states will lock in fiercest strife And seek to take each others life. When North shall thus divide the south And Eagle build in Lions mouth Then tax and blood and cruel war Shall come to every humble door.
Three times shall lovely sunny France Be led to play a bloody dance Before the people shall be free Three tyrant rulers shall she see.
Three rulers in succession be Each spring from different dynasty. Then when the fiercest strife is done England and France shall be as one.
The British olive shall next entwine In marriage with a german vine. ... Men walk beneath and over streams Fulfilled shall be their wondrous dreams.
For in those wondrous far off days The women shall adopt a craze To dress like men, and trousers wear And to cut off their locks of hair They'll ride astride with brazen brow As witches do on broomstick now.
And roaring monsters with man atop Does seem to eat the verdant crop And men shall fly as birds do now And give away the horse and plough.
There'll be a sign for all to see Be sure that it will certain be. Then love shall die and marriage cease And nations wane as babes decrease
And wives shall fondle cats and dogs And men live much the same as hogs.
In nineteen hundred and twenty six Build houses light of straw and sticks. For then shall mighty wars be planned And fire and sword shall sweep the land.
When pictures seem alive with movements free When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea, When men like birds shall scour the sky Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.
For those who live the century through In fear and trembling this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens To bog and forest and wild fens.
For storms will rage and oceans roar When Gabriel stands on sea and shore And as he blows his wondrous horn Old worlds die and new be born.
A fiery dragon will cross the sky Six times before this earth shall die Mankind will tremble and frightened be for the sixth heralds in this prophecy.
For seven days and seven nights Man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken To bite away the shores and then The mountains will begin to roar And earthquakes split the plain to shore.
And flooding waters, rushing in Will flood the lands with such a din That mankind cowers in muddy fen And snarls about his fellow men.
He bares his teeth and fights and kills And secrets food in secret hills And ugly in his fear, he lies To kill marauders, thieves and spies.
Man flees in terror from the floods And kills, and rapes and lies in blood And spilling blood by mankinds' hands Will stain and bitter many lands
And when the dragon's tail is gone, Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on To apply himself - too late, too late For mankind has earned deserved fate.
His masked smile - his false grandeur, Will serve the gods their anger stir. And they will send the Dragon back To light the sky - his tail will crack Upon the earth and rend the earth And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.
But slowly they are routed out To seek diminishing water spout And men will die of thirst before The oceans rise to mount the shore.
And lands will crack and rend anew You think it strange. It will come true.
And in some far off distant land Some men - oh such a tiny band Will have to leave their solid mount And span the earth, those few to count, Who survives this (unreadable) and then Begin the human race again.
But not on land already there But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare Not every soul on Earth will die As the Dragons tail goes sweeping by.
Not every land on earth will sink But these will wallow in stench and stink Of rotting bodies of beast and man Of vegetation crispt on land.
But the land that rises from the sea Will be dry and clean and soft and free Of mankinds' dirt and therefore be The source of man's new dynasty.
And those that live will ever fear The dragons tail for many year But time erases memory You think it strange. But it will be.
And before the race is built anew A silver serpent comes to view And spew out men of like unknown To mingle with the earth now grown Cold from its heat and these men can Enlighten the minds of future man.
To intermingle and show them how To live and love and thus endow The children with the second sight. A natural thing so that they might Grow graceful, humble and when they do The Golden Age will start anew.
The dragon's tail is but a sign For mankind's fall and man's decline. And before this prophecy is done I shall be burned at the stake, at one My body singed and my soul set free You think I utter blasphemy You're wrong. These things have come to me This prophecy will come to be.
I know I go - I know I'm free I know that this will come to be. Secreted this - for this will be Found by later dynasty
A dairy maid, a bonny lass Shall kick this stone as she does pass And five generations she shall breed Before one male child does learn to read.
This is then held year by year Till an iron monster trembling fear eats parchment, words and quill and ink And mankind is given time to think.
And only when this comes to be Will mankind read this prophecy But one mans sweets anothers bane So I shall not have burned in vain.
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tothedarkdarkseas · 2 years
a bit of a throwback question: out of all the AU's we've created with you, which one is your favorite?
Oh gosh, thank you for asking-- I've missed you guys!
I'm sorry not to have a clear answer, er, or to perhaps have a cheating one. I've tried to look through my archive and jog my memory but I did such a terrible job tagging or organizing things here that I've made it quite difficult to find anything again, haha.
While I understand and respect that AUs are appealing because they open up the doors to entirely unfettered possibilities, I'm a slave to the heart's desires and I do of course have a preference for very human things, very grimy rockstar things-- so my favorites tend to be things that are more canon-divergent, or ideas we've tossed about in a fleeting joke, probably not registering as "AU prompts" but they genuinely would be something I'd want to see.
One that comes to mind from not too too long ago was Murdoc being in another band pre-Gorillaz with a frontman who looked in some ways similar to Stu-- taller, lankier, probably not sporting the blue hair and black eyes. Murdoc ingratiating himself into the band scene with drugs and sexual favours and overtaking their existing bassist due to the, er, distinctly unplatonic role he's able to fill. I know this is probably wimping out as an AU pick since it's so close to canon, haha, but Murdoc's previous bands all seemingly feature him as the frontman and a laughable failure, so having very middling success for a short time and perhaps learning bass for the first time in this very underhanded, devious and fantastically grimy-queer backstory is a very fun rewriting of history.
That's not to downplay or discredit any other AUs we've discussed which featured elements more farflung from Gorillaz canon! This is just something that comes to mind. What's your favorite? Any new ideas you've been kicking around?
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randomvarious · 6 years
Farflung - “See You Up There” Area 51: The Roswell Incident 1997 Space Rock / Psychedelic Rock
Farflung are a psychedelic space rock band from Los Angeles that have been together for over 25 years. Music critic Ned Raggett describes them best:
Farflung have been at it often and long enough that by this point their jacked-up space boogie -- still audibly in debt to the patron saints of the whole shebang, Hawkwind, but no less enjoyable for that reason -- gives exactly what anyone who favors the approach would want: great album graphics perfect for black T-shirts, more echo slathered over the vocals than imaginable, and a feeling that everything and everyone involved in the creation of it are all collectively careening down a cosmic highway at light speed while screaming "YEEEAARRRRRGHHHH" out of the windows.
At some point in the 90s, they released an alternate mix of their song “See You Up There” on a super rare 12″ whose release year I’m unable to find. That same alternate mix was included on a compilation of theirs and Cleopatra Records’ psychedelic / space rock / industrial, sci-fi themed Area 51 compilation.
The song basically breaks down into two distinct and separate parts, opening with intersections of distorted and scratchy guitar chords, supplied by Michael Esther and lead vocalist Tommy Grenas. Brandon LaBelle then establishes a backing drumbeat and Grenas begins to sing in a sort of hushed, monotonous, creepy tone with some reverb. The back end of the song consists of an instrumental jam session with Esther playing wobbly, yawning chords as well as distant solos beneath a pile of noisy guitars, synthesizers, and pounding drums.
“careening down a cosmic highway at light speed while screaming ‘YEEEAARRRRRGHHHH’ out of the windows” indeed.
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woodpeckermastering · 4 years
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Music project born as a tribute to Paul Simon’s farewell show in London. Performed and arranged by Sara Ardizzoni (Dagger Moth) on main vocals and multiple layers of electric guitars, Max Corradi (Quickspace, Snowpony, Esther) on drums, Debbie Googe (My Bloody Valentine, Thurston Moore) on bass and Michael Esther (Farflung, Esther) on backing vocals and guitar. Released August 28, 2018 Credits: Sara Ardizzoni (Dagger Moth): main vocals and multiple layers of electric guitars Max Corradi: drums Debbie Googe: bass Michael Esther: backing vocals, guitar Engineered by Michele Marelli and mastered by Daniele Salodini. Written by Paul Simon. Link: https://youtu.be/ZmPHjGRSlmQ . #paulsimon #thesoundofsilence #single #band #analog #mastering #studiolife #classicrock #mybloodyvalentine #shoegaze (presso Woodpecker Mastering) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoRMH_kgpvs/?igshid=176rsrab9g9s1
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berserk-confessions · 7 years
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If Miura does another farflung backstory, it should be about Judeau! I very much want to see this “traveling troupe of entertainers and performers” that keeps getting mentioned in Berserk. We saw them firsthand in Volume 12 when they along with Puck escort Rickert to the border, and Puck mentions them right off the jump in Volume 1. I’m sure Judeau and Puck got into several hijinks! Above all else, we can finally see what motivates Judeau to leave his life as a busker to join the Band of the Hawk.
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gdrunplugged · 5 years
#RUSSIANROLETTE Il nostro Filippo Guaitamacchi accetta una #SFIDAIMPOSSIBILE per il #GIOCHIAMOA di martedi 24 settembre! Leggere e facilitare uno A CASO tra questi 794 (SETTECENTOVENTIQUATTRO) GIOCHI!!! STASERA ALLE 18 L'ESTRAZIONE CASUALE IN DIRETTA!!! #telegram #twitter #Feminism (Misha Bushyager, Lizzie Stark, Anna Westerling et al., 2017) 100 Creepy Things... (Risorse) 1001 Nights (Meguey Baker, 2012).zip 13th Age (Rob Heinsoo _ Jonathan Tweet, 2013).pdf 14 Days (Hannah Shaffer _ Evan Rowland, 2015) 3_16 - Carnage Amongst the Stars (Gregor Hutton, 2008).pdf 44 - A Game of Automatic Fear (Matt Snyder, 2009).pdf A Cool and Lonely Courage (Alex White, 2019) A Cozy Den (Kira Magrann, 2018) A Dirty World (Greg Stolze, 2008) A Gift Arrives (Anna Anthropy, 2018) A Green and Narrow Bed (Jason Morningstar, 2018) A Nocturne 0.9 (Calum Grace, 2018) A Pizza the Action (Anna Anthropy, 2018) A Place to Fuck Each Other (An Sheep _ Avery Mcdaldno, 2014) A Single Moment (Tobie Abad, 2016) A Thousand Years Under the Sun (Matthijs Holter, 2011) A Wish for Something Better (Anna Anthropy, 2015) A World of Dew (Ben Woerner, 2014) Across the Endless Sea Action Movie World - First Blood (Ian Williams, 2015) Adventure Skeletons (Grant Howitt _ Chris Taylor, 2018).pdf adventurers!.rar Aegis v. 1.2 (Alberto Tronchi, 2011).pdf After the War (Alasdair Stuart _ Jason Pitre, 2019) Age of Arthur (Paul Mitchener _ Graham Spearing, 2013) Age-of-Anarchy-Manuscript-PROGRESS-4-13.pdf Agents of Dice-ception (Doug Levandowski _ Tim Devine, 2019) Agon (John Harper, 2006).pdf Alas for the Awful Sea (Hayley Gordon _ Vee Hendro, 2017) All My Exes Are in Mechsuits (Anna Anthropy, 2019) Alone in the Ancient City 1.0 (Takuma Okada, 2018).pdf Alone in the Void (Samantha Day, 2019).pdf Alone on Silver Wings Always-Never-Now (Will Hindmarch, 2013) Amaranthine (David A. Hill _ Filamena Young, 2011).pdf Angel Project - Cute Girls Save The Galaxy! Anima Prime (Christian Griffen, 2011) Annalise (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2008-2010) ANocturne_0-7-2(1).pdf Apocalypse World 2nd ed. (D. Vincent Baker _ Meguey Baker, 2016) Apocalypse World_ Dark Age Apocalypse World_ Fallen Empires Archipelago III (Matthijs Holter, 2012).pdf Archives of the Sky (Aaron A. Reed, 2018).pdf Armour Astir - Advent Ars Gladiatoria (Alberto Tronchi, 2013-2016) Ars Magica 5th ed. (Jonathan Tweet _ Mark Rein•Hagen) As Blossoms Fall (Luke Jordan, 2018) Atlas (Tom Fendt, 2016).pdf Attorneys at Jaw ((Chris Longhurst, 2019).pdf Austral Avant la fin (Francesco Rugerfred Sedda, 2013).pdf Avarice (C. Steven Ross, 2019) Awesome Adventures (Willow Palecek, 2011).pdf Babes in the Wood bacchanalia Baker Street (Bryce Whitacre, 2014) Band of Blades (Stras Acimovic _ John LeBoeuf-Little, 2019) Band or Album (Kenneth Hite _ Jeff Tidball, 2015) Barbaren (Frank Tarcikowski, 2009-2012).pdf Be Not Afraid (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf Beast Hunters (Christian _ Lisa Griffen, 2007).pdf Beast the Primordial Beat to Quarters (Neil Gow, 2009).pdf Beath the Boss (Doug Geisler, 2019) Beautiful Space Pirates in “The Galaxy_s Most Dangerous Funeral!” (Grant Howitt, 2019).PDF Becoming - Roads Less Traveled (Jason Pitre et al., 2014).pdf Becoming (Brian Engard, 2013).pdf Bedlam Hall - A Depressing Role-Playing Game About Horrible People Behind the Masc (Brie Sheldon et al., 2018).pdf Belly of the Beast Beloved (Ben Lehman, 2011).pdf Beneath Cursed Moon (Michael Mazur, 2018) Best Friends (Gregor Hutton, 2007).pdf Better Angels (Greg Stolze, 2013).pdf Better The Devil Who Serves You Between Dreams BFF! (Ross Cowman, 2019) Black Mass (Will Jobst, 2019) Blackout - A Game about Women & The Blitz Blades in the Dark (John Harper, 2017) Bliss Stage (Ben Lehman, 2007).pdf Blood Red Blossoms (Emanuele Galletto, 2018) Blood Red Sands (Ralph Mazza, 2012).pdf Blowback (Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, 2009-2010) Blubeard’s Bride (Whitney “Strix” Beltrán, Marissa Kelly _ Sarah Richardson, 2017) Bootleggers - Smuggling Run Boy X Boy (Jake Richmond, 2011).pdf Breakers - World of Dungeons Turbo Breakfast Cult (Paul Matijevic, 2016) Breaking the Ice (Emily Care Boss, 2005).zip Brewin_ USA Broken Worlds Bubblegumshoe - Core Rulebook.pdf Bury Mary - The Great Lich's Bake Off Busty Barbarian Bimbos (John Fitzgerald, 2013) BX Essentials (Gavin Norman, 2017) By the Author of Lady Windermere’s Fan (Ed Turner, 2017) Caitlynn Belle - Bundle Calipso e Odisseo (Carlo Antonioli, 2012).pdf Call of Cthulhu Calling the Quarters (Kira Magrann et al., 2015) Candidate (Dale Elvy, 2016).pdf Candycreeps (Nick Licata, 2008).pdf Caper (Dale Elvy, 2017).pdf Capers (Craig Campbell, 2018).pdf Car Lesbians (4 chan’s _tg_, 2011).pdf Cards Without Master Carolina Death Crawl - Rules (Jason Morningstar, 2013).pdf Carry - A game about war - revised edition (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2006-2016) Cartel Catch the Devil (Sage LaTorra, 2019).pdf Changeling the Lost Characters Welcome (Jeff Stormer, 2019) Chess - Two Kingdoms 0.3 (Takuma Okada, 2018).pdf Chronicles of Skin (Sebastian Hickey, 2011-2012) Circle of Hands (Ron Edwards, 2014) Circles of Power (Jason Pitre, 2019) City of Judas - Dark Fantasy AW hack City of Mist - A Detective Role-Playing Game in a City Classroom Deathmatch (Jake Richmond, Matt Schlotte, Nick Smith, 2007).pdf Clink (David Schirduan, 2017) Codex Codex Zines Cold City (Malcolm Craig, 2006-2010) Cold Shadows (Alan Bahr et al., 2017).pdf Cold Soldier (Bret Gillan, 2012) Colonial Gothic (Richard Iorio II, 2007-2012).pdf Community Radio v. 1.2 (Quinn Murphy, 2015).pdf Companion’s Tale (Laura Simpson, 2018) Comrades (W. M. Akers, 2019) Conclave (Willow Palecek, 2019) Conspiracy of Shadows - Apprentice (Keith Senkowski, 2012) Conspire (Alexander Jerabek _ Jake Breish, 2017).pdf Contenders (Joseph J. Prince, 2006) Covenant (Matt Machell, 2006).pdf Crowsmantle Crush the Rebellion (C. Steven Ross, 2015) Cthulhu Confidential (Robin D. Laws, Chris Spivey _ Ruth Tillman, 2017) Cthulhu Dark (Graham Walmsley, 2010-2017) CthulhuTech - Blue Horizon (WildFire, 2011).pdf Damn the Man, Save the Music! (Hannah Shaffer _ Evan Rowland, 2017) Dance ’Til Dawn (Barak Blackburn, 2019) Dangerous Times (Michael Bacon, 2019) Dangers Untold (Shoshana Kessock, 2014).pdf Dark Darkmoor_Gioco_di_Ruolo_(9834758).pdf David Kills Goliath (Hayley Gordon _ Vee Hendro, 2019).pdf Dawning Star - Fate of Eos (Justin D. Jacobson, 2017).pdf De Profundis (Michał Oracz, 2001).pdf Dead Are Among Us (Giacomo Vicenzi, 2016).pdf Dead of Night 2nd ed. (Andrew Kenrick, 2010).pdf Dead Scare (Elsa S. Henry, 2017) Dead Teenager Death of Legends (Dale Elvy, 2015) Deathroll (Conor Kennedy, 2019) DeathwatchApocalypsePlaytest.pdf Dee Dee’s Seattle Survival Guide (Tony Dowler, 2013) Deep Love (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Deep-Forest.pdf Delayed Blast Gamemaster (Philip Reed, 2019) Demon the descent Den of Thieves Deniable - A Game of Unwitting Spies Tempted by Easy Money Dethroned (Mallory Strout, 2018).pdf Deus Opera (Giovanni Micolucci, 2013) Devils _ Black Sheep (Christopher Ferguson, 2019) Di Cosa Hai Paura (Fear Itself) Dialect (Kathryn Hymes _ Hakan Seyalıoğlu, 2017) Diaspora (T. Dyke, B. Kerr, C.W. Marshall, B. Murray, 2009-2010).pdf Die Laughing (Craig Campbell, 2019).pdf Dies Illa (Paul Riddle,2016) Dino Wranglers Dinosaur Princesses (Hamish Cameron _ Dana Cameron, 2019) Dirty Secrets (Seth Ben-Ezra, 2007).pdf Do - Pilgrims of the Flying Temple (Daniel Solis, 2011).zip Doctor Who Dog Eat Dog (Liam Liwanag Burke, 1012) Dogs In The Bark Dogs in the Vineyard (D. Vincent Baker, 2004).pdf Doll (Josh T. Jordan, 2013) Don’t Lose Your Mind (print) (Benjamin Baugh _ Fred Hicks, 2008).pdf Don’t Rest Your Head (Fred Hicks, 2006).pdf Don’t Walk in Winter Wood 2nd ed. (Clint Krause, 2011).pdf Donjon Pak B1 (Clinton R. Nixon, 2003).pdf Downfall (Caroline Hobbs, 2015) Dread (Epidiah Ravachol, 2005).pdf DreadHouse Dream Apart Dream Askew Dreaming the Devil (J. Dymphna Coy, 2018).pdf Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat, 2010-2015) Dungeon World (Sage LaTorra _ Adam Koebel, 2012) Dungeons - A Solo Adventure Game (Shane Garvey, 2012).zip Dungeons o f Dekkom 0.1 (Mazur _ Goats, 2019) Durance (Jason Morningstar, 2012).zip Dusk City Outlaws Dust Devils - Revenged (Matt Snyder, 2006).pdf Dust Wardens (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf Dust, Fog & Glowing Embers - A Roleplaying Game of Alchemical Adventure Eden (Marc Hobbs, 2017).pdf Effigy (HB, 2019) Ehdrigohr (Allen Turner, 2012) Ekphrasis (Barak Blackburn, 2019).pdf Eldritch High (John Wick, 2011).pdf Elfs (Ron Edwards, 2009).pdf Embers of the Forgotten Kingdom Endless Waltz (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf Engine Heart (Viral Games, 2010-2013).pdf English Eerie (Scott Malthouse, 2017).pdf Entra il Vendicatore (Raffaele Manzo, 2013-2014).pdf EotE Beginner Game.pdf Epimas 2014 Epitaph (Anna Anthropy, 2019).txt Epyllion (Marissa Kelly, 2016) Escape From Dino Island (Sam Tung _ Sam Roberts, 2019) Escape from Tentacle City (Willow Palecek, 2009).pdf Esoterroristi (Robin D. Laws, 2008-2011).zip Eternal Contenders - screen (Joe J. Prince, 2012).pdf Everyone is John (Michael Sullivan, 2002-2019) Executive Decisions Exodus (Erika Shepherd, 2019) Exploding Kittens Explorers v. 1.2 (Daniel Comerci, 2015-2016) ExSpelled (Andrew Miller, 2017) Extreme Earth - Fate (Jon Gibbons _ Joe Bardales, 2015).pdf Eyes and Hands Facade (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf Faith - Daniel Hodges.pdf Fall of Magic (Ross Cowman, 2015) Familiars of Terra Backer Preview.pdf Fantaji - Universal RPG.pdf Farewell to Fear (David A. Hill _ Filamena Young, 2012).pdf Farflung - Sci-Fi Role-Play After Dark Fastlane - Everything, All the Time (Todd Crapper, 2004).pdf Fate Core Fate of the Norns Ragnarok - Second Edition (Andrew Valkauskas, 2013).pdf FateLess (Alessandro Piroddi, 2015-2016) Fates Fickle Winds (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2014).pdf FELINE DREAM-O-NAUGHTS AND THE GREAT CAT NAP! Fellowship (Jacob Randolph, 2015-2017) Feng Shui 2 (Robin D. Laws, 2015).pdf Fiasco (Jason Mornistar, 2009) Fiction (Elin Nilsen _ Ole Peder Giæver, 2013).pdf Finley _ Hayden (Jaon Morningstar, 2018).pdf Firefly (Margaret Weis Productions, 2014).pdf First Ride_Last Ride (Jason Morningstar, 2017).pdf Flame (Valentina Monacelli, 2019) Fleshscape (Emanuele Galletto, 2017) Flotsam (Joshua Fox, 2019) Follow (Ben Robbins, 2017).pdf For the Dungeon (Jordan Palmer, 2019) Forest Keeper (Giovanni Micolucci, 2012).zip Fortune’s Fool (Jay Stratton, 2012).zip Four Ways to Die in the Future (P. H. Lee, 2019).pdf Fragment (Dale Elvy, 2016).pdf Freemarket (Luke Crane _ Jared Sorensen, 2009).rar Full Moon (Paul Stefko, 2013).pdf Funnel World.pdf Game Poems (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf Ganakagok (Bill White, 2006) Gang Rape (Tobias Wrigstad, 2008).pdf Gate Watch (Christopher Allen, 2019).pdf Gazetteer - A Gygaxian Storygame (Kimberley Lam _ Levi Kornelsen, 2019).pdf Gears of Defiance (Ryan Schoon, 2019).pdf Geiger Counter EN (Jonathan Walton, 2008).pdf Geist the Sin-Eater Genesys - Core Rules.pdf Ghost Lines Gilded Age (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2014).pdf Gioventù Bruciata (Robert Bohl, 2010) Girl Underground (Lauren McManamon _ Jesse Ross, 2019) Glass Free Games - Jerkform Anthology Vol. 1 (David Hertz et al., 2016).pdf Glow in The Dark Goalposts & Gridirons Golden Sky Stories (Ryo Kamiya _ Tsugihagi Honpo, 2006) Good Society - A Jane Austen RPG (Hayley Gordon _ Vee Hendro, 2018) Grey Ranks EN (Jason Morningstar, 2007).pdf Gruel Truck! (David Kizzia, 2017).pdf Guts _ Glory Hack the Planet (Fraser Simons, 2019) Hack-Enhance 0.2 (Eric Mersmann, 2019).pdf Hair Metal Horror (Aaron Frost, 2019) Halfway Home Hamlet_s Hit Points.pdf Happy Birthday Robot.pdf Harder They Fall (Jay Iles, 2018) Harsg Generation (Emily O’Neil, 2019) Haunted (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2013).pdf Haven Heads of State (Mark Vallianatos, 2012).pdf Headspace (Mark Richardson, 2016) Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse (Derek A. Kamal, 2018) Hell 4 Leather EN (Joe Prince, 2010).pdf Hell for Leather (Sebastian Hickey, 2010) Hero Kids - Fantasy RPG .pdf Hero’s Banner (Tim C. Koppang, 2006).pdf Heroine (Josh Jordan, 2013) Heroines of the First Age High Plains Samurai (Todd Crapper, 2018) Hillfolk (Robin D. Laws, 2013) Hogshead - Puppetland _ Powerkill.pdf Hogwats RPG Hollowpoint 1.1 (C. W. Marshall _ B. Murray, 2011).pdf Home by Dark (Jason Olsan, 2017).pdf Honor Bound (Randy Lubin _ Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf Hot Guys Making Out (Ben Lehman, 2013).pdf Hot War (Malcolm Craig, 2008).pdf House _ Home (Jason Brown, 2019).pdf House of Reeds (Sam Kabo Ashwell, 2015) Houses of the Blooded - Blood _ Honor (John Wick, 2010) How to Host a Dungeon (Tony Dowler, 2008).pdf How We Came to Live Here (Brennan Taylor, 2009).zip HQ 2.0 - Nameless Streets - A Supernatural Noir Game (alg0200).pdf Huddle (Gaia Sicolo, 2019).pdf Human Contact (Joshua A.C. Newman, 2011) Hunt the Wicked (Ben Dutter, 2016) Hunter the Vigil Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai (Julia B. Ellingboe, 2012).pdf I Am a Survivor (Zachary Wolf, 2011).pdf I Hate This Town (Renee Reeves, 2019) I_Miti_di_Korcol_(7714024).pdf I’d Like to Go Home Now Please (Tom Fendt, 2016).pdf Icarus (Spenser Starke, 2019) Il Mio Fantasy (Giovanni Micolucci, 2014) Il Mostro della Settimana (Michael Sands, 2012_ Narrattiva, 2013).pdf ilrichiamodigatthulu Imp of the Perverse (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2019) Impulse Drive (Adrian Thoen, 2019) In a Wicked Age (D. Vincent Baker, 2007).pdf Incidental Chain of Worlds Indie_Mixtape_Megamix_(10398951).zip Inept Sorcerers.pdf Infected (Levi Kornelsen, 2018) Inglorious.pdf Innocents (Manuel J. Sueiro, Ángel Paredes, Javier Santos, 2007-2017).pdf InSpectres (Jared A. Sorensen, 2002-2003) INTERIM Interstitial Into the Woods (Morgane Reynier, 2017).pdf Into_The_Odd_Print.pdf Iron Edda (Tracy Barnett, 2014-2015) Ironsworn It Came to Town That Night (Tracy Barnett, 2014).pdf It’s Complicated (Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, 2007-2010) Itras By (Ole Peder Giæver _ Martin Bull Gudmundsen, 2012).pdf Jack’s Trick (Matthew McFarland, 2019).pdf Jadepunk.pdf Journey Away (Jacob S. Kellogg, 2018).pdf Juggernaut (Jason Morningstar, 2015) Just Heroes KaGaymatsu Kagematsu (Danielle Lewon, 2009).pdf Katakumbas Manuale Base.pdf Katanas _ Trenchcoats—Pre-edit Build.pdf Kazekami Kyoko Uccide il Kublai Khan (Jonathan Walton, 2006).pdf KDL QSR Alpha 0_1.pdf Kerberos Club (Benjamin Baugh _ Mike Olson, 2009-2011) Kids on Bikes Killshot - The Director’s Cut (Todd Crapper, 2012).pdf King of the City (Alessandro Piroddi, 2015-2016) Kingdom (Ben Robbins, 2013) Kingdom of Nothing (Jeff Himmelman, 2010).pdf KingdomsofOoo WoDhack ALPHA.pdf Kintsugi (David Schirduan, 2016-2017) Kiss Her Before the World Ends (Alice Grizzle, 2019).pdf Kobold Endeavour (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf Kult - Divinity Lost L’Amore al Tempo della Guerra (Mario Bolzoni e Luca Veluttini, 2012).pdf La spada e gli amori (Antonio Amato, 2017) Lacuna Part I. (second attempt) (Jared A. Sorensen, 2006).pdf Lady Blackbird ITA (John Harper, 2009-2010).pdf Lamentations of the Flame Princess Lasers and Feelings (John Harper, 2015) Last One Standing (Stephen Bretall, 2015) Le Notti di Nibiru (Daniele Fusetto e Luca De Marini, 2017).pdf Le Straordinarie Avventure del Barone di Munchausen (James Wallis, 1999).pdf League and Fathom (Levi Kornelsen, 2016).pdf Left Coast (Steve Hickey, 2015) Legacy 2e - Life Among the Ruins Legend of the Elements (Max Hervieux, 2016) Legends of Anglerre (Chris Birch _ Sarah Newton, 2010).pdf Legends of the Deep (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf Legends of the Guard Les Petites Choses Oubliées ENG (Sylvie Guillaume _ Christoph Boeckle, 2015).pdf Letter Bearer (Speak the Sky, 2019).pdf Letters that Will Never Arrive (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf Leverage - The Roleplaying Game (Margaret Weis Productions, 2010).pdf Life on Mars (Ross Cowman, 2013) Light on Stone (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf Liminal (Paul Mitchener, 2019) Little Fears (Jason L. Blair, 2001-2009) Lone Wolf Adventure Game (Joe Dever _ August Hahn, 2015) Lonely Timbers (Jason Pitre, 2018).pdf Lonely World - A Story-Telling Game of Survivalist Horror At the End of Everything Lord Scurlock (John Harper, 2015).pdf Lords Of Gossamer _ Shadow - Core Rulebook.pdf Lost in the rain Scan.pdf Love in the Time of Khvareneh (Matthijs Holter _ Jason Morningstar, 2016) Love in the Time of Seið (Matthijs Holter _ Jason Morningstar, 2010) Love Letters from the Baker House Band (Meguey Baker et al., 2019).pdf Lovecraftesque (Joshua Fox _ Becky Annison, 2016) Loving Fiercely (Kate Bullock _ Ryan Macklin, 2019) M.N.S.T.R. (Indigo McDonald, 2019) Machine of Death (David Malki, 2013).zip Madcap - Screwball Cartoon Role-Play Mage the ascension Magical Fury - A Magical Girl RPG Magicians (Kyle Simons, 2013).pdf Magister Lor (John Harper, 2015).pdf Maid (Ryo Kamiya, 2004-2008).pdf Malandros (Thomas McGrenery, 2016) Mall Kids (Matthew Gravelyn, 2019).pdf Mars Colony MASCHINE ZEIT - MAP0001.pdf MASH Moms in the PTA (Renee K Reeves, 2019).pdf MASHED (Mark Plemmons, 2017) Masks (Brendan Conway, 2016) Masks of the Mummy Kings (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2016).pdf Maze of the Blue Medusa Maze Rats v4.3 (Ben Milton, 2017) Mecha the RPG- Core Rules (Chris Perrin, 2010).pdf Mechnoir_120801.zip Meridian (Christian Griffen, 2016) Metempsychosis (Dymphna Coy, 2019).pdf Microfiction (Luca Bonisoli, 2017) Microscope (Ben Robbins, 2011-2015) Milkshake (Chris Longhurst, 2019).pdf Millenial Apartment Hunters (James D’Amato, 2016).pdf Misericorde (Boss Emily Care, 2013) Missing Files.txt Misspent Youth (Robert Bohl, 2010-2018) Mist-Robed Gate (Shreyas Sampat, 2007-2008).pdf Mobile Frame Zero - Firebrands Monster of the Week Monsterhearts 2e - A Story Game About the Messy Lives of Teenage Monsters Montsegur 1244 (Frederik J. Jensen, 2009).pdf Mortal Coil (Brennan Taylor, 2006-2008).pdf Motobushido (Nathanael Phillip Cole, 2013) Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game (Luke Crane, 2008).pdf Mummy the curse Murderous Ghosts (D. Vincent Baker, 2011).zip Murders And Acquisitions Musha Shugyo (Luca De Marini, 2014) Mutant Chronicles - Core Book 3rd Ed. - Modiphius.pdf Mutant Year Zero.pdf My Fantasy (Giovanni Micolucci, 2014) My Favorite Plaything (Eduardo Caetano, 2014).pdf My Jam (Eric Mersmann _ Jeff Dieterle, 2019) My Life with Master (Paul Czege, 2003) My Shadowed Heart (Jamila R. Nedjadi, 2019) Mystic Empyrean (D. Brad Talton Jr., 2011).pdf Mythender Roleplaying Game Mythic RPG Mythos Tales (Josh B. Mannon, 2013) Mythos World (Russel Brown, 2018).pdf Nahual_Quickstart.pdf Never Tell Me the Odds (David Somerville, 2019) Nicotine Girls.pdf Night Forest (Mo Golden _ Ross Cowman, 2018) Night Witches (Jason Morningstar, 2015) Nights Black Agents.pdf Nine Worlds - Aristeia Edition (Matt Snyder, 2005).pdf No Country for Old Kobolds (Steve Wallace, 2016) No More Room In Hell (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf No Stone Unturned Nobilis.pdf Nod (Simon Carryer, 2014) Noir World (John Adamus, 2018) Noirlandia (Evan Rowland, 2016) Non andare nel bosco d’inverno.rar Nova Praxis (Mike McConnell, 2013).pdf Numenera (Monte Cook, 2013) Ocean (Jake Richmond, 2009).pdf Of the Woods - Lonely Games of Imagination (Brie Sheldon, 2017).pdf Okult (Wilhelm Person, 2013).pdf Omen (Daniel Comerci _ Alberto Tronchi, 2016) On a bed of moss (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf On Mighty Thews (Simon Carryer, 2011).pdf One Can Have Her 7th ed. (Jonas Ferry, 2007).pdf One Shot (Tracy Barnett, 2013) OPUS [Wizards Powered by the Apocalypse] Orgoglio e Pregiudizio (R. Grassi, 2013) Other Magic (Jesse Ephraim, 2019) Our Haunt (Jamila R. Nedjadi, 2019) Our Last Best Hope (Mark Diaz Truman, 2012) Our Mundane Supernatural Life (Vee Hendro _ Hayley Gordon, 2018).pdf Out-of-Dodge.pdf OVA_The_Anime_Role-Playing_Game_(6182477).pdf Over the Edge (Jonathan Tweet _ Chris Lites, 2019) Pacificadora! Pack of Strays (Phillip Wessels, 2018).pdf Pandemonio Panty Explosion.pdf Parsely (Jared A. Sorensen, 2018).pdf Pasion De Las Pasiones - Ashcan Edition Pataphysic Wander (Alberto Tronchi, 2017).pdf Perfect (Joe Mcdaldno, 2010).zip Perfection (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Perseverant (Ben Dutter, 2017) Phasers + Photons Phones of Glory (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf Pickets _ Blinds (Kevin Allen Jr., 2011).pdf Pigsmoke (Chris Longhurst, 2017) Playing Nature’s Year (Meguey Baker, 2015).pdf Plunderground Zine Poet Glorious (Kimberley Lam, 2018).pdf Poison’d (D. Vincent Baker, 2007).pdf Polaris (Ben Lehman, 2005-2009) Posthuman Pathways (Jason Pitre, 2014) Praxis PreciousPDF__BR.pdf Pressure Drop (Eric Mersmann, 2019).pdf Primetime Adventures.zip Prism (Whitney Delaglio, 2018).pdf Project Ninja Panda Taco.pdf Promethean The Creater Psi Run italiano.pdf Punk as F__K (David Kizzia, 2018) Punks and the Fever Pitch (Linda H. Codega, 2019) Purgatory House (Robert Turk, 2018) Questlandia (Hannah Shaffer, 2014) Quilt Of Shadows Radioactive Bison (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf RavenDeath IT (Iacopo Frigerio, 2008).pdf Ready, Willing, Prepared (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf Red Like Roses Pt. III (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf RedMarkets.pdf Reflections (Jim McClure _ Tobie Abad, 2016).pdf Remember Tomorrow (Gregor Hutton, 2010).pdf RESISTOR Vol. 1 (Elissa Leach _ Kira Magrann, 2016).pdf Retrocalypse-8-18-11-Final.pdf Retrocausality (Paul Matijevic, 2019) Reunification (Travis D. Hill, 2019).pdf Revenant (Paul Stefko, 2012).pdf Revenant World Ribbon Drive (Joe Mcdaldno, 2013) Riders - A Game About Cheating Doomsday (Caias Ward, 2015) River Knife Trilogy Robber's Kin Romance Trilogy (Emily Care Boss, 2016).pdf Route Clearance (Andrew Millar, 2017).pdf Royal Blood v. 5 (Grant Howitt, 2016).pdf Ruma - Dawn of Empire (Martin Greening, 2017) Ryne Ryuutama - Natural Fantasy.pdf S-Lay w-Me (Ron Edwards, 2009).pdf Sagas of the Icelanders - A Roleplaying Game About the Lives Icelandic Settlers in The Saga Period Sail_the_Stars.pdf Scarlet Heroes Scarlet Wake (Ben O’Neal, 2017) Scheda Questlandia Italiano.pdf schedewip.pdf Schism (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf School Daze (screen) (Tracy Barnett, 2012).pdf Scum And Villany SCUP Preview April 2017.zip Sea Dracula (Nick Smith _ Jake Richmond, 2008).pdf.pdf Seat Five (Jason Morningstar, 2019) Seco Creek Vigilance Committee (Keith Stetson, 2018) Secrets _ Lies - Hardboiled Triple Feature (Daniel Bayn, 2011).pdf Seppuku (Emanuele Galletto, 2018) Serpent’s Tooth (Ross Cowman, 2012) Sertão Bravio Seven Wonders (Becky Annison et al., 2016) Sexytime Adventures Shahida (Ron Edwards, 2012) Shards - Worldbuilding Zine (April 2019).pdf Sharp Swords _ Sinister Spells (Diogo Nogueira, 2016) Shelter - Wartime Survival Shock - Social Science Fiction 1.2 (Joshua A.C. Newman).pdf Shooting the Moon (Emily Care Boss, 2006).pdf Short Film (Josh T. Jordan, 2016) Showdown (Seth Ben-Ezra, 2014).pdf Sign (Kathryn Hymes _ Hakan Seyalioglu, 2016).pdf Singularity (Caitlynn Belle _ Josh T. Jordan, 2016) Sixty Mile Sky - A Sci-fi Tabletop RPG by Ben Arndt Skew (Ben Lehman, 2013).pdf Skill Points (Daniel Kwan et al., 2019) Sky Deck (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Smallville Roleplaying Game - The Watchtower Report (Margaret Weis Productions, 2011).pdf Sognami (Vas Quas, 2013).zip Solar System 1.1 (Eero Tuovinen, 2008).pdf Solipsist (David Donachie, 2008).pdf Something_to_Hide_(8879650).pdf Sorcerer Soth (Steve Hickey, 2015) Space Post (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Spark (Jason Pitre, 2013) Spione (Ron Edwards, 2007) Spiralis - Lovecraftian Roleplaying Spire (Grant Howitt _ Christopher Taylor, 2018).pdf Spirit of 77 (David Kizzia _ Bob Richardson, 2015).pdf Spirit of the Century (Leonard Balsera _ Rob Donoghue _ Fred Hicks, 2006).pdf Spirit of the Season Upgraded Edition - cover (Atomic Sock Monkey _ Evil Hat, 2007).pdf Sporchi Segreti (Seth Ben-Ezra, 2007-2009) Star Crossed (Alex Roberts, 2018) Star Wars World Star Worlds - Streets of Mos Eisley Starblazer Adventures (Chris Birch _ Stuart Newman, 2008).pdf Steal Away Jordan - revised (Julia Bond Ellingboe, 2007-2008).pdf Stealing Cthulhu (home-edited).pdf Stories of Love in Manila (Jamila R. Nedjadi, 2019).pdf Story War (Brad O’Farrell _ Tom McLean, 2013).zip Strange Magic - Il gioco di ruolo fantasy old school (Stuart Robertson, 2016) Strange Nations (White Marble Block _ R. James Gauvreau, 2016).pdf Strangers (Hannah Shaffer, 2019).pdf Strings (Barak Blackburn _ Ellie Hillis, 2019).pdf Summer in Woodlake Summerland - Revised and Expanded Edition (Greg Saunders, 2009.pdf Summoner's Fate Sun and Daughter (Freeman Owle, 2019).pdf Super Destiny High School Rumble!! Super! (Chris Rutkowsky, 2008).pdf Superhuman Support (Wendy Gorman et al., 2016).pdf Swansong (Joe Prince, 2006).pdf Sweet Agatha (Kevin Allen Jr., 2009-2016).pdf Sword’s Edge (Fraser Ronald, 2017) Swords _ Wizandry Swords Without Master Synthesis (Riley Rethal et al., 2019) Tale - The Roleplaying Game Tales From The Loop.pdf Tall Pines (Miles Gaborit, 2017) Tears of a Machine (Russell G. Collins, 2013) Technoir - Player’s Guide (Jeremy Keller, 2011).pdf Ten Candles (Stephen Dewey, 2015) Tenra Bansho Zero (Andy Kitkowski, 2013) Terribly Beautiful - Graham MacLean.pdf Terrosaur (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf The ’Hood (James Mullen, 2014) The Academy (Wilhelm Person, 2015) The Art Crowd (Anna Anthropy, 2018) The Artifact (Anna Anthropy, 2018) The Beast (Aleksandra Sontowska _ Kamil Węgrzynowicz, 2016) The Bite (Dan Enders, 2016) The Black Hack (David Black, 2016) The Blue Way (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf The Burning Wheel The City Between(Ambientazione di Jason Pitre per Spark, 2016) The City of Judas (Davide Pignedoli, 2015) The Clay That Woke (Paul Czege, 2014) The Climb The Cloud Dungeon (Andrew Miller, 2015) The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries (Eric J. Boyd, 2007).pdf The Dance and the Dawn (Dev Purkayastha, 2009).pdf The Day We Leave Our Forests To Die In Beautiful Silence The Dead 2nd ed. (Kreg L. Mosier, 2005-2009).pdf The Deal (Todd Crapper, 2019).pdf The Demolished Ones - Fillable Character Sheet.pdf The Demon Collective, Volume 1 (David Shugars et al., 2019) The Dread Geas of Duke Vulku The Dream (Jason Morningstar, 2018) The Dungeon Zone The End of the World (Fantasy Flight Games) The Esoterrorists - Corebook - 2nd Edition.pdf The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen 3rd e. (James Wallis, 2008).pdf the farm- a roleplaying game of hunger and horror.pdf The Fictional Memoirs of Harriette Wilson _ Her Sisters (Hayley Gordon, 2019).pdf The Final Girl (Bret Gillan, 2011).pdf The Forest Books (Jason Morningstar, 2019) The Forgotten (Andrew Medeiros, 2016) The Frost Papers (Eugene Fasano, 2016).pdf The Fugue System (James Wallis, 2015).pdf The Future We Were Promised (Anna Anthropy, 2019) The Great American Novel (Christopher Grey, 2019) The Guest Star - A Dungeon World Playbook for Extra Players on Game Night.pdf The Habitition of the Stone Giant Lord (Jon Peterson et al., 2013).pdf The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth (Christopher Grey, 2018) The Hour Between Dog and Wolf (Matthew Gwinn, 2015) The Imposters (Josh T. Jordan et al., 2017) The Journey to the Whispering Tree The King is Dead The Known World (Samantha Day, 2019) The Ladykillers (Matt Snyder, 2013).pdf The Last One (Alberto Tronchi, 2012).pdf The Madstone (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf The Marquis of Ferrara (Pompey Crew Design, 2013) The Melon Child of Radnor (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf The Ministry Initiative (J. R. Blackwell, P. J. Schnyder, 2014) The Misery Index (Rudy Johnson, William H. Duryea, 2014).pdf The Mountain Witch (Timothy Kleinert, 2005).pdf The Name of God (Alessandro Piroddi, 2016) The Nightmares Underneath The NO Press RPG Anthology (Luke Crane et al., 2004).pdf The One Ring (Cubicle 7, 2011-) The Page I Didn’t Write (Lauren Bryant-Monk, 2019).pdf The Plant (Jason Morningstar, 2009).pdf The Princes’ Kingdom (Clinton R. Nixon, 2006).pdf The Queen’s Men (Matt Machell, 2018) The Questing Beast (James V. West, 2003).pdf The Quiet Year (Joe Mcdaldno, 2012) The Regiment The Reliquary The Rustbelt (D. Marshall Burns, 2010).pdf The Shab-al-Hiri Roach.rar The Shadow of Yesterday (Clinton R. Nixon, 2005).pdf The Skeletons (Jason Morningstar, 2016) The Sky Is Gray and You Are Distressed (Josh T. Jordan, 2016) The Society of Dreamers (Matthijs Holter, 2010).pdf The Sprawl (Hamish Cameron, 2016) The Starship from Hell (Rafael Chandler, 2013) The Streets of Karazun (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf The Strings of Fate 0.1 (Takuma Okada, 2019).pdf The Sundered Land The Sundered Land (D. Vincent Baker, 2013).pdf The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power (Todd Nicholas _ Thomas J., 2018) The Tribe - Humanitys Last Hope The Veil (Fraser Simons, 2016-2017) The Very Important Task (Storybrewers, 2017).pdf The Ward - Acute Care Edition The Warren (Marshall Miller, 2015) The Warring Woods (Dimitri Balcaen, 2015) The Watch (Anna Kreider _ Andrew Medeiros, 2017) The way you make me feel The Weight She Carries (Anna Anthropy, 2018) The Whispering Road The Witch is Dead (Grant Howitt, 2016) The Zombie Squad - Death Row Edition The_Nightmares_Underneath.pdf They Became Flesh (Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, 2011-2012).pdf This Is Not a Place of Honour (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf Those Who Play (Daniel Boyle, 2014).pdf Thou Art But a Warrior (Anna Kreider, 2008-2012).pdf Threadbare - Stichpunk RPG Threadbare (Stephanie Bryant, 2017) Three Black Crows Three Dead Men (Brennan Taylor, 2010).pdf Three Days (Avery Alder, 2013) Three Dooms (Michael Sands, 2017) Tides Of Gold - Piracy, Magic, And Trade Wars Time _ Temp (Epidiah Ravachol, 2010).pdf Time Cellist (Megan Pedersen _ Todd Nicholas, 2015) Timestream (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2005).pdf Tiny Dungeon 2nd Ed. Torchbearer (Thor Olavsrud _ Luke Crane, 2013) Trail of Cthulhu (Kenneth Hite, 2007) Transit - The Spaceship RPG tremulus (Sean Preston, 2012-2015) Trollbabe 2nd ed. 2nd rpt. (Ron Edwards, 2009).pdf Trouble for Hire (Kevin Allen Jr., 2018) Turn (Brie Beau Sheldon, 2019).pdf Ultranormal Encounters (Nick Wedig, Ryan Ó Laoithe, James Iles, 2016) Un penny per i miei pensieri (Paul Tevis, 2009-2011) Uncanny Echo (Fraser Simons, 2019) Uncharted Worlds (Sean Gomes, 2015) Under My Skin (Emily Care Boss, 2008-2009).zip Undying (Paul Riddle, 2016) Unframed - The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters (Martin Ralya, 2014) Universalis - Revised Edition (Ralph Mazza _ Mike Holmes, 2011).pdf Unknown Armies - 3rd Edition Unwritten (Scott L. Hamilton, 2015) Urban Shadows - Political Urban Fantasy Urban-Heroes-Core-Rulebook.pdf Usagi 02-Oct-2005.pdf Vagabonds of Dyfed (Ben Dutter, 2018) Valiant Girls (Meguey Baker, 2013).pdf Vampire - The Masquerade 5th ed. (Kenneth Hite _ Karim Muammar, 2018) Vampire the Requiem Velvet Glove - Notebook Edition ViewScream (Rafael Chandler, 2013).zip Vornheim Vow of Honor (Ben Dutter, 2015) Wallis-BaronMunchausen.pdf Wands in the Aether (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf War Birds (Moyra Turkington et al., 2016) Wayfarer - Things Beyond Wonder (Ill Gotten Games, 2014).pdf We Are Abandoned (Karl Larsson, 2016).pdf We Made Them Look Like Us (Takuma Okada, 2019) We Used to be Friends - Ashcan Edition Werewolf the Forsaken What Ho, World! What Will I Do When You‘re Gone (Takuma Okada, 2019).pdf While the World Ends 2nd ed. (Wilhelm Person, 2017).pdf Wicked Lies _ Alibis.pdf Wild Strawberries (Giulia Barbano _ Luca Ricci, 2012) Winterhorn_digital_edition Witch - The Road to Lindisfarne (Kevin Barthaud _ Richard Lacy, 2012-2017) Witch Scouts - Magic, Friendship, And Making Mistakes Witch_House.pdf With Great Power - Master Edition (Michael S. Miller, 2016) Witness the Murder of Your Father and Be Ashamed, Young Prince (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2011).zip Wizards Aren't Gentlemen Wolfspell World of Darkness World Wide Wrestling - The Professional Wrestling RPG of Narrative Action Worlds in Peril (Kyle Simons, Adam Bosarge, Jason Faulk, 2015) Wraith the oblivion Wrath of the Autarch (Phil Lewis, 2016) XXXXtreme Street Luge (Ben Lehman, 2008).pdf You & I (Josh T. Jordan et al., 2018) You Are Autumn (Hannah Shaffer, 2018) Zombie World (Brendan Conway, 2019)
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