#FF2 twitch
lorddegroot · 11 months
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HAHA i am now 1 year older 😈🍷
🎂Your invited mortals >:) 🤌
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alconteh · 2 months
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Woo! We're back live and I'm playing more of Final Fantasy 3!
I have a vague idea on where to go based on information I got last stream so come through and chat, chill, laugh and lurk while we explore off this continent!
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rickofgames · 1 year
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Continuing my Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster journey with Final Fantasy II! Part deux... OVER! I was WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING! Come watch me on Twitch!
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energonalucard · 5 years
(Story) Love Yourself First
This is a small and cute/angsty story I wrote in my grief of Valentine’s Day, so single’s united that day by doing anything else. I was in class and writing at the time. Now, post-Pride is a bit of a shocker for posting this. It’s about body dysphoria, but not in the Trans or Neutrois kind of way, but the Evil-Medic-Slapped-My-Head-On-A-New-Body-But-That-Body-Was-My-Friends-Old-Body kinda thing.
Yeah, it stories about Spyper. The Freak from TF2/FF2. :’)
So, I think I’ll just get into it!
story in tribute to @girzapata6​ / @freak-n-ready​ my freaky pal who always just allows me to get away with things! Weird things sometimes! 
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Spyper & Intelligent Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
Spy & Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
Spyper & Sny (Team Fortress 2)
Spy & Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Spyper (Team Fortress 2)
Spy (Team Fortress 2)
Intelligent Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
Sny (Team Fortress 2)
Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags:
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day Fluff
Body Dysphoria
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
TF2 Freaks
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Spyper feels uncomfortable on Valentine's Day. In his own body.
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The day was cold where he was. Spyper looked around as he sat on top of his flying camper van and watched the cool weather force the fighting men below to either bundle up a bit more or sweat some heat into their person. He was alone, and his van was covered by a tree that had grown to the highest it could go and its large branches were wide and thick enough to house a number of leafs to hide his van as he watched from over top of the foliage at the fight. He had his van parked so no noises drew the fighting men to his position and reported him to the Administrator or worse, a Capture Team.
He watched a Heavy come out from spawn and get backstabbed by a cocky Spy spawn camping the poor giant. The Heavy threw his hands up in the signature backstabbed pose and fell over dead in front of spawn as the Spy got away. Spyper felt his mouth twitch in disgust as he remembered a far off time, when he was able to wield a knife as well as that Spy had and been able to backstab as efficiently and as scummy as he had just done. It wasn't a fond memory, as he remembered paying for it during the humiliation round but he at least gained a bit of humility. This Spy does not have it, and probably has not been taught the rough way seeing as the Heavy had a team of Pyro´s who didn't seem too good at their job and only one Sniper on the team had Jarate. And that Sniper… was running back to spawn, strangely.
Spyper watched as the Sniper abandoned the high ground with his partner and retreated all the way to spawn, Jarate in hand. He threw it at the ground about ten meters from the spawn door as Heavy came out and managed to catch the Spy trying to get away from the blast radius. It failed as the Spy was covered in it and Heavy revved up his Natasha and fired. The Spy barely got away, but at least Heavy was able to leave the spawn, and whoever came out next didn't have to suffer that fate too.
The Sniper did not seem pleased as the Spy got away alive, but Heavy was laughing and setting his gun down to slap his knee in a jovial manner. Sniper gave him an awkward glance before the Heavy said something to cause a smile to form in its place. The Sniper began to laugh as Heavy pulled out mittens and made a boxing motion in the air and they probably teased about the Spy's soon demise. They didn't stay in such a place for long as the Sniper used a resupply cabinet to refill his Jarate and Heavy picked up his gun and called out for his Medic partner as he went off. The Spy didn't show up the entire time it took Heavy to find Medic and get back to shooting.
Spyper chuckled. While it wasn't perfect, it was at least a deterrent from picking on your counter class. He looked at his hands and… his hands weren't his…
The Sniper's hands looked back at him and he felt the phantom shadow of his old hands. Skinnier, thinner then this and good at picking locks and holding things still at a distance. He could remember how his fingers would pinch his cigarette familiarly, now he felt like a giant when he could get his hand on an old cigarette type he liked. His knuckles were thicker and he couldn't see the bone of his fingers anymore. His old hands were naturally cold when he wasn't doing anything with them, but these hands were always warm now…
Wait, these hands? They were his hands… or, were they? He rubbed his thumb over his index finger and felt the small ridges on the distal phalanx, where the fingerprint was. He rubbed them together slowly, not his fingerprint… Or was it.
He suddenly felt wrong. Something was wrong here. He hadn't felt this way in years, he hadn't felt so bad in years. He looked at his hands and followed to his arms. He  would never show this much skin as a Spy… he was a Spy, wasn't he? He was Spyper after all…
He let his arms wrap around himself in a self-hug. Something wasn't right. It didn't feel right. Why today?
He pulled something from his pocket as he dropped one arm to let himself go, his heart beating with emotions he'd rather not deal with. He pulled out a card, a card you see in a convenient store rack with tourist stickers above it. It had the traditional Happy Valentines Day on the front in bright red with pink and purple hearts leading all the way across the front and back. He opened it and his heart lightened naturally at seeing a photo of Intelligent Heavy smiling and giving a thumbs up to him. On the page that was opposite of it, was his friends message…
Spyper have a good Valentines Day, and as soon as your trip is done, I hope you meet us in Dustbowl before Halloween. This year will be great but I will not spoil surprise.
Your friend forever,
Intelligent Heavy
He smiled at the thought of the big lug waiting patiently around Dustbowl for him to return from exploring. But the image was saddened by the fact he still had a ways to go, and his heart and brain agreed they could not return to his friends anytime soon. He had a purpose traveling, and he wasn't okay with going back now.
The wind picked up and blew his paper and hat. His hat stayed on his head but the photo taped to the card shook in the breeze. Strange, Intelligent Heavy always made sure the photo was taped down so the photo and card were both preserved and Spyper didn't just take the photo by itself… He liked Spyper keeping the sentimental cards to show the occasion. And Spyper indulged him. Sometimes. Spyper didn’t really like the cards, they were mostly clutter.
But why was this one different? He flipped the card over and actually let out a vocal, “Huh?” Before remembering the handwriting.
It was his old handwriting, neat and practised it had been, strange and alien with weird pulls against the muscle memory of the L's and the T's. But it was his own handwriting. Sny? Sny had written to him in this letter? He read it cautiously.
You and I aren't a lot alike as we originally thought, and we've already had this discussion before. You learned before I did about how this new existence of ours isn't so bad, but isn't perfect as I made you understand. I hope you don't plan to wallow in pity forever, cause we all gotta love ourselves eventually.
P.S. What the hell is your writing style, I oughta smack you bloody Spook for your fancy penmanship.
He almost let out a snide and laugh when the match below began to simmer, and he didn't want to be caught. He let the image fold over and looked at his dear friend on the front. The big smile was genuine as it always was. And Sny's words rang in his head as his heart welled up to see them. But not now.
He kicked his legs in joy. His legs. He let his thumb rub over the cover of the card and smiled. His thumb. He guessed, even if Sny was a cynical jerk sometimes when talking about what happened to them, he knew his literal other-half cared for him a little more then he showed. And that was great. He and Sny hadn't been close before… Before…
Never mind all that. His murderous thoughts for the Medic who did this to him can wait.
Right now, he just wanted to enjoy himself. And being himself.
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jrpencil888 · 7 years
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648 - Firion
Just did a quick count. 11/28 Characters done. Workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
#FF #FinalFantasy #FF2 #FinalFantasy2 #Dissidia #DissidiaFFNT #Firion #Chibi #iwantodraw5chibiaday
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papakennmedia · 7 years
I've been considering what I want to do over at the Twitch channel, and I'm currently caught between two possibilities: Playing Cuphead and trying to work my way through the rest of the game (still only on Island 2), or begin my journey through the Final Fantasy games of my youth with Final Fantasy IV (Originally FF2 in the US). Thoughts/Opinions???
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spacesaway · 8 years
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2017 is the 30th anniversary of Final Fantasy and there are a couple of celebrations going on this year. The first is the US premier of the 30th Anniversary themed Distant Wolds concert in Chicago this September.  R-Type and I got tickets and I will be flying up to the UP to spend a few days with him before driving down to Chicago for the concert. It’s going to be a blast and I’m really excited to send some time with him in addition to seeing what this special concert has in store!
The second is something I came up with and is being revealed right here, right now. It’s what I’m calling The Year of Final Fantasy. My goal for 2017 is to beat all of the numbered games in the series before the start of 2018. As part of the goal, I want to beat each game on as close to the original game release as I can. For some like FF3 this will be difficult so I plan to use one of the English release for each (DS for FF3, origins for FF2, etc).  Given that’s it’s almost April you could say I’m a little behind, but I have already started!
I’m not necessarily going to play them in order of release, but I did start out with FF1 for the NES and am at the final dungeon with my Fighter, Fighter, Red Mage, Red Mage party. While I plan to stream as many of the gaming sessions as I can on my twitch channel I haven’t streamed any of my FF1 play though so far. The current plan is to finish up FF1 as soon as I can and then jump into FF4 on the SNES.
Welcome to The Year of Final Fantasy and I hope you checkout my play through sessions over on my twitch channel: twitch.tv/sniper_bano. I’ll also be posting updates right here on my blog so keep an eye out for them. I have a lot of work head of me if I’m going to get through them all before the end of the year but am looking forward to completing all of the games in the series I love so much!
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alconteh · 2 months
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I'm live and we're gonna be tackling the end of Final Fantasy II!
Come through and chat, chill, laugh and lurk as we find out who's behind all of this.
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alconteh · 2 months
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It's a new week and we're finishing a few things and starting new ones!
Final Fantasy II and Kingdom Hearts are closing up while I'm going to start playing Supermarket Simulator on stream on Saturday and starting Jack and Sherry's story with @temnemp4 on RE6 on Sunday!
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alconteh · 2 months
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I'm live and playing more Final Fantasy II!
It seems our princess is still captured so we're going to have to get her back somehow. Come through and chat, chill, laugh and lurk while we figure that out!
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alconteh · 2 months
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I'm live and we're back on Final Fantasy II!
We're going to be looking for the Dreadnought that got away from us so come though and chat, chill, laugh and lurk while we look for it.
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alconteh · 3 months
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I'm live and we're starting our Final Fantasy II adventure!
Come through and chat, chill, laugh and lurk while I see the story of Firion for the first time!
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evgaming · 7 years
Hey surrpise I’m streaming!   
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jrpencil888 · 7 years
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647 - The Emperor The amour is outrageous! #FinalFantasy #FinalFanrasy2 #FF2 #Dissidia #DissidiaFFNT #TheEmperor #Chibi Website : http://Jrpencil.com Online Shop: http://Jrpencil.storenvy.com Instagram: http://Instagram.com/Jrpencil88 Facebook: http://Facebook.com/jrpencilpage Youtube: http://Youtube.com/Jrpencil Artstation: http://Artstation.com/jrpencil Twitch: http://Twitch.com/Jrpencil Patreon ❤ : http://Patreon.com/Jrpencil . 微博 | Weibo : http://Weibo.com/5706352192
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