#FFEU Phase 2
megamanx1994 · 6 years
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“Let's see how you look in it Connie." (Gives her the pink shirt)
"Um.... Ok Steven." (Puts it on) "
So what do you think?"
An echo drawing of an ask I requested from @buttonheart. Thanks again for doing my ask.
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Steven Universe: The Lost Gempire
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Sf3NMV
by Guitarhero909
Sequel to The Gem Awakens. After the Slipknot Invasion, Steven decides to spend some time on vacation. However his relaxing time is cut short when Akbar Shah returns to Earth to find a gem with a secret power that can bring Homeworld into Earth's atmosphere. With the help of a bounty hunter and a brash space pilot, The Crystal gems face their greatest challenge yet!
Words: 1306, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Fan Fiction Extended Universe Phase 2
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon), Metroid Series, Star Fox Series, Super Smash Brothers
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steven Universe, Connie Maheswaran, Garnet (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe), Pearl (Steven Universe), Samus Aran, Rodney Aran, Virginia Aran, Old Bird (Metroid), Ridley (Metroid), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Original Gem Character(s) (Steven Universe), Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad
Relationships: Connie Maheswaran & Steven Universe, Connie Maheswaran/Steven Universe
Additional Tags: Steven x Connie, Stevonnie - Freeform, FFEU Phase 2, fan fiction extended universe, StarFox - Freeform, Metroid - Freeform, Samus Aran - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Sf3NMV
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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An echo drawing of some art made by @michaela-artist . Marco has worked up the courage to confess his feelings to Star Butterfly only to find out she feels the same way. Starco forever!
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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An echo drawing of an ask done by @nerdyjello . Steven and Connie walk home after a concert where he played guitar. Nothing makes Connie happier than being with her boyfriend. It looks like she wants her rockstar to sign her shirt. But does she mean the Mr. Universe shirt or the pink shirt? It also looks like Steven likes the pink shirt on her better.
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
Stevonnie Christmas
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A redrawing of an ask made by @flower-from-the-garden . Steven and Connie give each other a nice warm Christmas hug. And Connie tells Steven the three magical words.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
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Steven is at a Christmas party and finds himself with Connie under a special Christmas plant. Looks like Steven's gonna get some smoochy smoochy.
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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Smithy: Nicholas and Michael’s creation for Asami’s Future Industries Presentation. It was designed to be a weapon that can create anything out of special Labranyum and was armed with a hammer. However he had developed a mind of his own and planned to end war by annihilating all threats to Earth. With an army of robots such as The Axem Rangers at his disposal he had planned to turn all humans into machines, and had originally taken one of Anela’s projects to create a new body. Luckily, Mega Man and company managed to make his last creation to be on their side and unplugged Smithy for good.
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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Star and Marco enjoy their Valentine's day. Marco surprises Star by taking her to see Aurora clouds in the night. No doubt Star was happy with her gift. I've been working on this for an entire week and wanted to have it done on Valentine's day. Hope you enjoy.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
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A little moment from chapter 5 of The Lost Gempire. Steven warms up Connie by putting his pink shirt on her. Isn't that sweet?
This is based off my ask by @connieotaku. 
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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Mechanic, fix it gal, and inventor. Lin is the adopted little sister of Vivian. She spends most of her time making technology in hopes of one day helping the XenoForce catch bad guys and join the team. As young as she is, Lin is one of the brightest minds of her school. Lin is inspired by, you guessed it; The Xenoblade X character of the same name!
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
Rise of Smithy Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Heroes United! (Disclaimer!) We were getting prepared for the final battle against Smithy in Shanghai. Steven was putting on new armor designed by Luna. Michael and his team were putting on their armor. “Alright Cross, I got something for you,” I said, “I’ve upgraded your Blue Angel Armor into something new.” He transformed into Blue Angel. “Focus your mind and think of anything that comes inside of it,” I said. His right arm turned into some kind of blade. “Whoa!” he said. “I know right?!” said Luna, “I call it, Stream Edge armor.” “Its gonna be fun having you in battle after a while,” said Steven talking to Star. “Well looks like we have more allies as well,” said Star. Steven got a text from Connie. It read ‘Star told me everything. Just be sure to come home safe, cause we have a surprise for you. Good luck, and Mom says hi. I love you Steven. Love, Connie.’ “We all have to work together on this,” I said, “If even one of his goons survives, it all starts over again.” I turned to Michael. “Sure you’re up for this?” I asked. “I don’t have any plans tomorrow,” he said. “I’ll handle Smity,” I said, “I’m the guy he really wants.” “That’s true, he hates you the most,” said Geno. “Our top priority is evacuating everyone from the battle area,” said Colleen, “And as it turns out, one of B.L.A.D.E’s soldiers, Lao is rounding up any soldiers from Shanghai to assist us in the fight, probably to show gratitude for saving his wife and daughter.” “The more the merrier,” I said. We were in Shanghai evacuating the city. “The city is under attack, so clear the city!” said Denise. She ran out of the building. The people still stood there. Jet ran in and fired a rifle. “Get off your asses,” he said. I was out of costume getting people’s attention. “Ok everyone listen up!” I said. I took out my Japanese sayings book and found what I thought meant get to safety. “Daremoga anata no mottomo surudoi naifu o mitsukete, watashi no bōru o kezutte kudasai, right now!” I said. They all stared at me like something was wrong. Chun-Li face palmed her head. “What did I just say?” I asked. “You just asked everybody to find their sharpest knives, and shave your balls,” she said. “………I said that?” I asked. “Yes,” she said, “I’ll take it from here. She evacuated the city.  Asia assisted Chun-Li with her magic. I looked around for Smithy. “You’ve come to meet your demise?” asked Smithy. “No,” I said, “I’ve come to stop you.” “There’s no need to stop me Nicholas,” said Smithy, “All these innocent people losing loved ones every day to the jaws of war. But I can save them, maybe even cure them.” I saw him and he had new armor. I also saw something behind him. “This is my purpose; to save the humans from their lust for war, and make them strong enough to fight,” said Smithy, “Its what’s best for them whether they understand or not.” Xenoblade appeared on the scene. “I want you to know that I understand your intentions, but you can’t change the world like this,” he said. He chuckled. “I like your grit,” said Smithy, “I can see why the world treats you like heroes.” HE looked at us. “But you need to understand that I’m doing this for you all, to stop anymore innocent lives from being lost,” said Smithy. As the others were evacuating the civilians, Smithy drones started to rise from the ground. “You may think of me as a madman but that’s not the case,” said Smithy, “My true intention was to save as many humans as I could.” “Your methods are pretty understandable,” I said, “But your way of carrying it out and our way are different.” Colleen was fighting off the Smithy drones. Asia made a shield to keep the drones from attacking the people. “Run!” she said. “This is where conflict ends, and peace in our time begins,” said Smithy. “Smithy,” said a voice. It was Geno. “My vessel,” said Smithy. “Only without your vision of saving the world,” said Geno. “They really did take you from me,” said Smithy. “You set the terms, and you can also change them,” Geno explained. “Alright then,” said Smithy. He pushed Geno to a wall, but Geno grabbed him then shut him out from all of his drones. “Smithy has been cut off,” I said, “And he’s being cut from the net!” “You think that matters?” he asked, “I’ll still finish you off by myself if I have to!” We were fighting off Smithy. Jet saw Smithy drones attacking civilians. “Time to do what I do best,” he said. He charged up electricity then ran around the road taking them down one by one. “Fuck he’s fast,” said EJ. “Whether I have what I need or not, I will destroy all of you,” said Smithy. “Not if I can help it,” said Xenoblade, “Monado, EHCNANT!” He made us stronger and able to withstand Smithy’s attacks. Smithy tried attacking us with his hammer but I managed to block it. Chun-Li and Elma were back to back fighting Smithy’s drones. “You up for this?” asked Elma. “You know it,” said Chun-Li. She did a spinning bird kick knocking a few drones to the side. Denise was fighting a Smithy drone that looked like an Axem Ranger. It knocked her into a bush. “Time to finish you off,” said the drone. Steven jumped in the way and shielded her with a bubble. “Steven keep that up!” said Denise, “I’ve got an idea.” Denise pushed the bubble and started running. Meanwhile Bryan and EJ were fighting off more drones. A Yardiovich drone was facing off against Bryan. He decided to go for a concrete armor. “Concrete?” asked EJ, “I didn’t know you liked to play dirty.” “As Churchill said, there comes a time where all men must….” He said before he picked up Yardiovich by the legs. He then spun him around and threw him at a wall. “Oh you get the point!” he said. EJ was fighting a smithy drone and cut off its arm. It regenerated. He tried cutting him down to pieces but to no avail. “Alright,” he said. He kicked the drone in the groin. “Grow those back,” said EJ. Bryan threw Yardiovich in the air and finished him off with a megaton smash. As he was falling Cross caught him. “Ride’s not over yet,” he said. “My man!” said Bryan. Asia was using all her courage to fight off the Smithy drones with Bowser giving a hand. Crowds of people were cheering her on. Cross took on a Smithy drone. “How do you like me now?” it asked. It formed into a clone of him. “Ok,” he said. They clashed at each other with photon sabers. “Your copying me is a knockoff,” said Cross. “Your head is a knockoff,” said the drone. Cross knew that Elma was behind it. “Can I say one thing?” asked Cross, “Think fast!” Elma did the side slash while Cross did the assault hammer. He then picked it up. “You’ll never….” It said before he threw it at a wall shattering it. “I’ll never what?” he asked, “You didn’t finish!” Cross saw Lao fighting off the soldiers. “You’re the guy who saved my family,” he said, “Figured I’d return the favor.” “Thanks,” said Cross helping him fight off the drones. “I’m Lao by the way,” said Lao, “Lao Huang.” “Nice to meet you Lao,” said Cross. “Nice to meet you too Cross,” said Lao. He grabbed his javelin and slammed it down causing an earth shake around the area and demolishing a lot of the drones. “Damn,” said Cross. Smithy saw Star fighting off the Smithy drones and grabbed her. “You’re a nuisance and a distraction,” he said. He dragged her to where me and Xenoblade were. I grabbed one of the weapons used by his drones and used it against them. Jet brought Asia over to where Lao was to give him a hand. “Hold your fire men!” he said. Asia charged up neon and shot a beam at the drones. One of the soldiers accidently shot Jet in the arm. “Sorry,” he said. Jet shook it off and healed fast. Star was dealing with Smithy. “You think you’re saving people?” asked Smithy, “All you’re doing is making them face their demise!” He knocked Star in the face. “If you want a perfect world, you should think like I do, and take risks you fear,” said Smithy. “I am Star Butterfly, princess of Mewni, and as long as I have life in my breast….. I’m starting to run out of things to say,” said Star looking at Geno, “Ready?!” Smithy looked but he was too late. “It was at this moment that Smithy knew…… he fucked up,” said Xenoblade breaking the 4th wall. Geno whacked Smithy using the wand as a club. “This thing is terribly well balanced. I was flying around fighting off the air based drones. Pit was giving me a hand with Rock. “Now this is a Megaman story,” said Rock. “Yeah if you live to tell it,” I said. Cross saw Elma struggling with Smithy Drones. “Elma!” he said. He flew over to help him but was shot down by a Smithy drone. He quickly got back into balance and flew after it. One of them was flying a plane and had a target on Elma. It fired a missile at her. “No!” said Cross, “Not this time!” he said. He flew right in front of her and the missile fired. Elma had her eyes closed then opened them again. Cross formed a shield protecting them both using the stream edge armor. “Always there in the nick of time,” said Elma. We were all doing our part in taking on the Smithy drones. Chun-Li was driving a truck piling all of them down. Pit had out his bow and arrow and was pepared to shoot. Geno went in the way and demolished them all without breaking a sweat. “What…. The fuck?” asked Pit. We were all meeting at the same place where Smithy way. “You really think those tin cans tan take us all down?” I asked, “They barely stood a chance.” “Yes, and now you face the final boss,” said Smithy. “Is that the best you can do!?” asked Star. A giant machine appeared before us. It had a bigger hammer and was menacing. “You had to ask,” I said. “This is the best I can do, my strongest weapon against all of you,” said Smithy, “How do you intend to stop that.” “Like Megaman X said,” Xenoblade said, “Together.” He summoned more drones while Cross and I handled Smithy. The head turned into a tank and started firing missiles at us. I cut them to shreds. Micah froze most of the drones in their tracks while Bryan and Bowser smashed them to pieces. We were all working together. “You’re bothering me Nicholas Shay,” said Smithy. He knocked me out. I woke up and I saw one of the Axem ranger drones that had an ax. “Wait a second,” I said, “Jet, Geno come here!” They both came to where I was. “I have an idea,” I said, “But I’ll need your power Jet.” The gem on my helmet copied his ability to conduct lightning while Geno put his own touch on the ax. Asia was helping Chun-Li fight them off. “Shanghai is our home!” she said, “Anyone who messes with it deals with us!” Thunder was brewing. It was Geno using the new ax. “Holy shit!” said Xenoblade. “Rock, did you and Pit clear out the people?” I asked. “The whole city,” said Rock, “We checked every spot and nobody was there!” “Good, cause I have an idea that’s gonna end with a bang,” I said, “If you know what I mean.” Geno kept fighting them on and the ax was starting to glow. “The ax is starting to glow,” said Geno. “That means its time!” I said, “Just like I told you!” Geno flew high into the sky and aimed for Smithy. “Geno WHIRL!” he said. He threw his ax and it spun around aiming straight for Smithy. When the ax hit, a tremendous explosion appeared. It leveled the city demolishing all of the Smithy Drones. Cross saw debris about to hit Elma as she tripped. “ELMA!” he said. He quickly flew to her before the debris hit. When the dust settled, Elma opened her eyes and saw she was being held bridal style by Cross. “Are you ok?” he asked. Elma smiled at him and answered, “I am now.” She then hugged him. I went to check on the others. “Is everyone alright?” I asked, “I don’t wanna haul my ass home solo.” “We’re all good,” said EJ. Colleen helped Jet up. “Can you stand, soldier?” she asked. “I just need a minute,” he said. “Fate dealt us these cards, so we have to play them,” said Cross. Smithy was crawling from the debris. He was half beaten up and missing half his face. “You know…. With a benefit of hindsight….” He said. Bowser punched him so hard he landed on the other side of the city. “He had a mouth,” he said. A jet was going up and Smithy was on it. “There’s information about Smithy and his weapons on there,” Anela said, “If he gets to that lab the whole thing starts over again!” “We can’t even let him get close,” I said, “Cross, Geno, you’re on me. Let’s….” Before I could finish Bowser jumped up on the buildings. He kept jumping until he got into the jet. “Oh for God’s sake!” Smithy said. Bowser threw him out. When Smithy awoke he saw Geno. Bowser saw us on screen. “Ok Billy you did good,” said Steven, “Now I need you to turn this plane around.” Bowser didn’t listen. “Billy, can you hear me?” asked Star, “We’re depen…….” The signal was lost. Geno approached Smithy. “You’re the last of your kind,” he said. “You were supposed to be the last,” said Smithy, “Nicholas wanted someone who would bring peace, but settled for what he had.” “I suppose we all have our flaws,” said Geno, “Your intentions were good nonetheless, however they were carried out wrong.” “How would you know?” asked Smithy. “We were all born in different ways, and yet we cannot be ashamed for who we are,” said Geno, “Our skills, gifts, and abilities can be a gift, or a curse depending on the choices we make.” He looked up to the sky. “In order to achieve our goals, we must also realize that they will not always go as we planned, and yet we cannot give up,” said Geno, “Because we are only human.” “You are so naïve,” said Smithy. “Well…… I was just born a day ago,” said Geno. Smithy went after Geno and Geno finished him off. “Rest now Smithy,” he said. It was finally over. The civilians cheered for our heroic actions. Elma turned to Cross. “Sooooo wasn’t there something you wanted to say?” she asked. Cross looked around and saw us. “Now’s a better time as any,” said Cross. He turned back to Elma. “So you know when you said you have some things you wanted to tell me later?” asked Cross. “I do,” said Elma. “Well, I also had something I wanted to say, and I’ve been meaning to tell you since the party, and maybe even before it,” said Cross looking down to the floor, “However given everything that was going on I didn’t think it was the right time.” He looked back to her. “And now, I kinda feel like an idiot for not telling you sooner, but now that its over, I can finally say it without any regret or fear,” said Cross as he looked into Elma’s blue eyes, “Elma…… I love you.” Elma blushed. Cross started to turn away. “I actually said it,” he said to himself, “I understand if you don’t…..” Elma made Cross face him. “Cross, there’s always been something about you that I’ve never seen in anybody else that I’ve worked with,” said Elma, “When I’m around you, I feel like everything is gonna be ok, no matter the situation, and I’ve tried to find out the reason for all of it.” She looked at Cross’ hand on top of hers. “And now its all clear to me as to why that is,” said Elma as she smiled at Cross, “…..I love you too Cross.” Cross was surprised. “Well since we love each other,” said Cross, “Maybe I could…. Maybe we….” “Cross?” asked Elma. “Elma?” asked Cross. Elma smiled and said, “Stop talking.” The two of them closed the distance between each other. Their lips met and they kissed. After a few minutes their foreheads were touching as they smiled at each other. “Well its about time,” I said with a grin. Most of the Peacekeepers had returned to their homes to take a vacation. Steven went home and got greeted with a kiss from Connie. Jet and Asia were taken in by Dr. Light. Elma was given a medal for her hard work. Chun-Li went back to Interpol work. Michael, Star, Colleen and I were walking around a building. “As of now the rules have changed,” said Colleen, “It looks like we’re about to be dealing with something new.” “Like Geno’s AI,” I said. “He’s a machine made to look like wood,” said Michael. “So he doesn’t count?” asked Colleen. “He’s a person,” I said, “A person that can somehow lift Star’s wand, and an all around nice guy.” “Exactly,” said Michael, “But what about the Mind Jade.” “As far as I’m concerned, if he can weild my wand, he can keep the gem,” said Star, “I feel as if it’ll be safe with him.” “Good thinking,” I said, “But if you put it in the elevator would it still go up.” “I doubt it,” said Michael. “I will miss the conversations we had,” said Star, “But for now, I gotta return what’s left of my cousin’s scepter, then meet up with my husband.” “You don’t have to leave you know,” I said. “But I don’t have a choice,” said Star, “There are other Cosmic Gems out there with great power, and like all great power, there may be someone who wants to use it for evil.” We were outside. “Someone’s been using us as pawns, but once the stones are set, the answers will be clear,” said Star. “You think you can find the answers?” asked Colleen. “I don’t think I can, I know I can,” said Star, “Until we meet again Nicholas.” She teleported back to Mewni. “I’m sure gonna miss her,” said Michael. He saw his teammates in the van. “A lot of manful tears at the end of the story,” he said breaking the 4th wall, “But I’ll be back in Xenoforce IV.” “I will miss you Michael,” I said, “I had a hell of a time working with you.” “I do feel kinda bad for Asami though,” said Michael, “She doesn’t have anything ready for the conference.” “Actually about that….. Mako proposed to her on stage,” I said. “Get outta town!” said Michael. “I’m serious,” I said, “He came up with it on the spot.” “Lucky dog,” said Michael. “Alright,” I said, “Bring it in.” We gave each other a hug. “Hopefully we’ll have another ultimate crossover like this one,” said Michael. He got in the car and they drove off. Colleen was staring at a wall. I came in. “It’s a great wall,” I said, “You look at yourself in the mirror, and you see two different sides of you; Who you were before and who you are now.” “I know,” said Colleen, “Back then we were just kids with dreams, and now…. We’re Earth’s line of defense.” “Our parents would be proud of how far we came,” I said, “I know I am.” Colleen gave me a hug. “Thanks for always being there for me man,” said Colleen. “Through thick and thin,” I said, “Nothing can separate the dynamic duo.” “So are you two gonna talk all day, or are we gonna start training the new team?” asked Cross. “So how do we look?” asked Colleen. “Well we’re not the Justice League,” I said. “We got some good members though,” said Colleen. “They’re good,” I said, “But they’re not a team yet.” “So let’s beat them into shape,” said Cross. We opened the doors of the Training Room. There we met the new members of the Peacekeepers. Cross, Colleen and I were the veterans. One of the newcomers was my younger sister Daisy Shay a.k.a Stretch Girl. The 2nd new member was Lola Montez known in LA as Arachnid Girl. All her abilities come from her technology and her athletic ability. Pit was our 3rd new member armed with a new bow and arrow. The last member was none other than Geno. They all looked at us. “Peacekeepers,” I said, “Mo…….. THE END…….. Back in Mewni, Comet had Dyntos the forger of weapons recreating his scepter. “Here you go sonny,” he said, “This is the best I could make.” “And it’s the best I’ll take,” said Comet. He grabbed the scepter and placed the space sapphire in one of the holes. “There’s no time to lose,” he said. Heroes by Gang of Youths I, I wish I could swim Just like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim But nothing, nothing will keep us together Yeah, we can beat them, forever and ever 'Cause we can be heroes, just for one day I, I will be king And you, you will be queen And nothing can drive us away We can be heroes, just for one day And we can be us, oh, just for one day And I, I can remember Standing, by the wall And the guns, the guns shot above our heads And we kissed, as though nothing could fall And the shame, was on the other side Oh, we can beat them, oh, forever and ever Then we could be heroes, oh, just for one day We, we can be heroes We, we can be heroes And we, we can be heroes, just for one day We can be heroes Meanwhile in the city of Amity Park, a young kid was watching his parents. They were creating a machine that would open a portal to the ghost world. “Alright Maggie, this is it,” said the dad, “After all these months of preparation, its finally about to happen!” “I’m prepared, Jack,” said Maggie. Maggie pulled the switch and nothing worked. “I don’t get it,” said Jack, “All that hard work and it….. it doesn’t work….” They both went upstairs. The young kid went inside to see what had happened. One of the plugs was undone. The young kid smiled to himself. “Time to prove my worth,” he said. THE FAN FICTION EXTENDED UNIVERSE WILL CONTINUE IN PHASE 3
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
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Connie takes Steven on a night walk to gaze at the stars while talking about stuff and junk. Steven couldn't be more happier to be with his girlfriend. This took all day to make and I'm satisfied with the end result.
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
Rise of Smithy Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Geno Rises (Nicholas’ P.O.V) The 4 remaining Axem Rangers were staring at us. “Take no prisoners!” shouted Axem Red. “Let’s do it!” I said. “I say 3 of each of us takes down one axem ranger!” said Cross going in. “Now that’s a plan!” said Bryan, “Let’s put it into motion!” He transformed and went into action. Axem pink was going up against Elma, Asia and Maddi. “You’re all fools to come against me,” she said getting out her ax. Maddi started shooting paintballs as her and she sped past them. Asia closed her eyes to see where she was about to attack next. “Elma behind you!” she said. Elma did a flip and kicked Axem pink in the back.  Asia then pinned Axem Pink down with her Neon power. “Nice shot Asia,” said Maddi. “Thank you,” she said. Steven, Bryan, and Cross were fighting Axem Green.  Steven was guarding himself with the shield. “You can’t hold it forever,” said Axem Green. “You’re right,” said Steven, “Then again…. I’m not really trying to.” Bryan picked him up and threw him down. Axem Green quickly got up and jumped into the air. “Cross, fly me up!” said Bryan. “Got it chief!” said Cross. He picked Bryan up and they followed Axem Green to the top. “Wait for my signal,” said Bryan, “Ready…….. NOW!” He dropped Bryan and he came falling down on Axem Green like a meteor. “That’s how we do it, Xeno Style!” said Bryan. EJ, Denise and I were handling Axem Yellow. He threw his ax around like a boomerang and we evaded it. “That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all,” said Denise. “I’ll say,” said EJ. “I know how to handle him,” I said jumping out of the armor, “With a little Karate!” I came running at him. “Multidoken!” I said. I shot multiple Hadoukens at once at Axem Yellow. He chopped through them all. “Alright,” I said, “Hurricane Kick!” I spun around and kicked him in the face. I did a backflip. “EJ, power move me!” said Denise. “Got it,” said EJ. Denise ran around Axem Yellow enough times to make him levitate. EJ kicked him making him land down. I saw this as an opportunity. I came right below him and charged up for a rising dragon punch and landed it right on him. I then went down with my fist and struck him again. “Nice moves X,” said Denise. “You got some moves Speedbreak,” I said, “Where are you from?” “Queens,” said Denise. “Brooklyn,” I said with a smile. Colleen got out a special device and stabbed Smithy with it. It managed to cut him off from the Smithy drones in the car allowing Chun-Li to take the cradle. “That barely even phased me,” said Smithy. He grabbed Colleen by the neck. “I’m not the kind of person to kill human beings,” he said, “But with you I might make a suggestion.” Colleen grabbed Smithy and forced him down while doing a flip. “Falcon KICK!” she shouted. She did a flying kick at Smithy and her leg was on fire. Smithy evaded it. “You’re a fool if you think you can defeat me,” said Smithy, “I’ll just come in with a new body.” “I wasn’t tryin’ to,” said Colleen pointing to the bottom. Chun-Li got the cradle and jumped into the jet. “Bye-bye now,” said Colleen as she got away. Smithy grinned. “They can’t do anything with it,” said Smithy. Xenoblade, Frosty, and Jet were battling Axem Red. He grabbed his ax again. “Now you die,” he said. Frosty tried freezing him in place but he cut through the ice. “This guy’s tough!” she said. “Not tough enough to stop us!” said Jet. He charged up lightning and dashed at Axem Red. He then punched him hard and he landed on a building.  Xenoblade saw a vision of Axem Red about to throw a car at Frosty. “Micah watch out!” he said. He pushed her out of the way and cut the car in half using the monado. “Alright motherfucker,” he said, “Nobody tries to hurt my sister like that and gets away with it.” He made his monado into two blades and went after Axem Red. He managed to get some cuts on him. “When Smithy created us, he gave us the task of perfecting this world in his own image,” said Axem Red, “And we will accomplish that task, if it means we have to kill you to do it.” They started battling. We were still dealing with Axem Yellow.  Denise ran fast and punched him hard in the stomach. “You’re not gonna stop us little girl,” said Axem Yellow. He grabbed Denise and put her in a bear hold trying to strangle her. “Pardon me,” I said tapping his shoulder. I punched him in the face making him let go. “Why thank you,” said Denise. “Any time,” I said. Captain Falcon appeared on the scene and helped Asia handle Axem Pink. She charged up and did her signature Falcon Punch landing her in a pit of lava made from one of Maddi’s paintballs. “Nice work Colleen,” said Elma. “Thanks Colonel,” said Collen. Steven used his shield to block Axem Green’s attacks. He then did a flip to land behind him. “Try this one on for size!” he shouted. Using his shield he decapitated Axem Green. “Not so tough without a body are you!” he said as he kicked the head away. Xenoblade was still fighting Axem Red. He had a few injuries but he still kept going. With assistance from Frosty’s ice blasts and Jet’s lightning, he was more than a match for Axem Red. “Come on!” said Xenoblade, “Come at me!” Their blades clashed for a second before Axem Red pushed him back. Xenoblade dodged another attack and managed to cut Axem Red’s right hand off. He had the ax in his other hand and tried attacking Xenoblade. He kept dodging everything thrown at him. He then did a combo move before finishing it with a stab to Axem Red’s stomach. “Game over,” said Xenoblade as he pulled the blade out. “You may have stopped us,” said Axem Red, “But you’ll never stop Smithy…..” His eyes went blank and he fell into the water. “That takes care of that,” said Micah. “We got the cradle,” said Colleen, “Its on its way to GSI as we speak.” “Good,” I said, “Let’s get over there quickly.” Smithy was at the lab watching his new body be created. “They’re trying to stop me from ‘poisoning the world’?” he asked himself, “They think they’re better off as they are.” He looked at himself in the mirror. “I’m not the one who’s out of his head,” he said, “Once my world is complete, there will be no more outcasts, no more destruction.” He had more drones and weapons made. Smithy was looking at a map and saw Shanghai as his starting point. “They think they’ve beaten me, but as the saying goes,” said Smithy, “What doesn’t kill me, simply makes me stronger.” His new vessel was complete. “The humans don’t understand what I have in store for them,” said Smithy, “I can save them!” He then threw a knife at a picture of us. “You’re not gonna get in the way of my world Nicholas Shay!” he shouted. Michael and I were looking at the body inside. “Extraordinary,” I said, “It seems as if the gem on the body fused the wood with the labranyum making it a hybrid of machine, and wood.” “Anela what kind of schematic did you upload on this?” asked Michael. “Just some old wood and metal parts,” said Anela, “I didn’t think it would actually make something like that.” “Good thing it was unplugged before Smithy took it over,” said Jet. “Actually,” said a voice, “I kind of had something to do with that.” It was R.O.B. His mainframe was put on another hard drive. “He’s alive?” asked Luna. “Exactly,” said Michael, “Before we left I managed to rewire R.O.B and place him back together. He’s been helping us fight Smithy without any of us aside from me knowing about it.” “So what’s the plan?” asked Denise. “The plan, is to make our own version of Smithy’s perfect vessel, only without the crazy mind of Smithy himself,” said Michael, “With it on our side we just might stand a chance.” “But how are we gonna pull it off?” asked Professor Gadd. He looked at R.O.B. “We use R.O.B as its conscience,” said Michael. “This is a crazy idea,” I said. “I believe its worth a go,” said R.O.B. I went to talk to Cross. “Nicholas I think I realized something,” said Cross, “I like Elma. Like…. I ‘like her’ like her.” “Well then what are you waiting for?” I asked, “Go ask her out.” “Um in case you forgot, we’re at war with a mechanical menace who’s hell bent on creating his perfect world.” “Dude, you can take on an army of soldiers, you can regenerate limbs at an instant, and come back from a battle without so much as a scratch, but you don’t have the balls to ask out a woman?” I asked. “I’m just scared,” said Cross, “I’m not sure she feels the same way.” “I think otherwise,” I said walking away while smiling. Elma was wiping the oil and blood from her blades. “Sooooooo let’s hear it,” said Colleen. “Hear what?” asked Elma. “Colonel stop,” said Colleen, “Almost everyone at B.L.A.D.E knows you have a thing for the Blue Angel.” Elma started to blush. “I…. well…” said Elma. “You can tell me anything,” said Colleen, “I won’t tell a soul. They’ll probably find out by the end of this story anyway, and the audience reading this probably know too.” “HEY!” said Michael banging the wall, “Stop stealing my 4th wall gag!” “Well, I guess it was while I was talking with him at Ken’s house,” said Elma, “He told me that a friend of his was having trouble confessing his feelings to someone he cared about.” She smiled and looked to the sky. “It took me some time to figure it out, but it seemed like he was talking about himself and me, and reminded me of how I was starting to feel for him,” said Elma, “I then realized I started to fall for him ever since I found him in that stasis pod.” Cross entered the room. “Well would you look at the time,” said Colleen, “I should go.” “Is everything alright?” asked Cross. “Yes, your concern is much appreciated, but I’m ok,” said Elma, “What about you?” “Well, I took quite a beating but I’m getting better now,” said Cross, “I do have my ability to regenerate limbs and scar tissue.” The two of them chuckled. Elma smiled at him. “I never thanked you for saving my life,” she said. “Well… I never thanked you for not letting me fall on my head at the party,” said Cross, “So I guess we’re even.” “I should check if my weapons are….” said Elma about to leave but Cross stopped her. “Elma?” asked Cross, “There’s something I need to tell you.” He started moving closer to Elma and she did the same. Their lips were about to touch when Steven busted the doors down. “What’s up?!” he shouted with joy. They both were blushing a dark red. “Boy are you glad to see us,” said Michael. “We are?” asked Cross and Elma in unison. “You’re gonna be once we tell you what’s happening,” said Steven. We explained our plan to Cross and Elma. “So basically we’re downloading R.O.B’s mainframe into this vessel,” I said, “With it on our side we may have a bigger chance at taking on Smithy.” “That’s a genius idea,” said Cross, “Although it was Elma’s to begin with.” Elma blushed and smiled. “I’m happy to have helped,” she said. I heard a crash. “That came form the lab,” I said. Michael, Steven and I rushed in the room where the vessel was. Star was on top of it about to do something. “Star wait!!!!” said Steven. It was too late. She did some kind of thunder magic attack and the force was so hard it blew us all back. A body emerged from the cradle and looked at us. It then looked at Star and lunged at her. She evaded and kicked it from behind. Michael threw his monado at it like a boomerang and it phased right through the body. It then had a one on one fist fight with him. Colleen tried tackling it but the body shot one of its fists at her knocking her back. The body then picked Michael up and threw him at me. “Shit he’s strong!” I said. We all kept fighting it. Chun-Li did the spinning bird kick knocking it into a window. The body looked at itself and then back at us. “I’m sorry, that was…… odd,” it said. It saw the doll that Asia had and made a form based off of it donning a cape and hat, and a wood like body. “I had a vision, where we were all battling against Smithy with the twins on our side, and in the center was him,” said Star. She was pointing to the shiny object around the chest area of the body. “The gem?” asked Billy. “It’s the Mind Jade, one of 7 Cosmic Gems scattered through Earth and Space,” said Star, “They’re said to be the strongest power in the universe.” “So why help create it?” I asked. “Because Smithy’s right, we can’t stop him,” said Star. “Not alone,” said the body. Star recognized its voice. “Why does this thing sound like R.O.B?” she asked. “We reconfigured R.O.B’s matrix into this body to create…. Something new,” said Cross. “You need not to fear me,” said the body, “Despite the fact that I have most of Smithy’s memories and abilities, I am not his pet, I am…..” He looked at the doll again. “Geno,” said Geno. “I saw chaos when I looked in your head,” said Asia, “But I look now and I see…. Peace.” She touched the gem. “Everything that’s happened so far, it all came from the power of the Mind Gem,” said Star, “But now that we have it on our side…..” “But how do we know its on our side?” asked Micah. “Because I am on the side of life whereas Smithy is not,” said Geno, “Whether he wants to admit it or not, his true goal is to destroy humanity.” He looked at us. “And now only one thing stands between him and his goal; you,” said Geno, “I did not wish to destroy Smithy, as I could see that he was in pain, but it will roll over the earth and crush it. So he must be destroyed.” We were listening. “That means every machine he’s built, every trace on the webs, and everything else, and we must act quickly, as a team,” said Geno. “He’s right,” said Michael, “With all of us combined we can stop him before he does anymore collateral damage.” “I do understand that I am not what you intended me to be,” said Geno, “And I understand if I cannot make you trust me, but if we are to have any hope of defeating Smithy, then we must act now.” He was lifting Star’s wand. Needless to say that we were all surprised as hell. He then gave the wand back to Star. “Ok…..” she said. Colleen looked at us. “We got a few minutes,” said Colleen, “Grab what you need.”
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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A few of the stars from the Fan Fiction Extended Universe wish you all a Merry Christmas! Star, Marco, Steven and Connie get together to make a nice Christmas card.
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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One of Smithy's new creations that the Peacekeepers will soon face. They were born for one purpose; to serve under Smithy and destroy all who come in his way. Armed with saber axes, they'll chop down anything in their paths
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
Rise of Smithy Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Go, go Axem Rangers! (Disclaimer!) Asia was watching the body being put together with Labranyum. “I can read him,” said Asia, “It feels like he’s dreaming. “No so much dreaming,” said Smithy, “But soon he will have my memories and thoughts.” As Smithy was explaining everything, Asia came closer to the body. She touched the cradle and then had a vision. The world was being destroyed and humans were turned into robots or weapons of destruction. She screamed and Jet comforted her. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I saw terrible things,” said Asia. She then looked at Smithy with fright in her eyes. “Why?” she asked. “Why what?” asked Smithy. “You said we were gonna make a better world,” said Asia. “Trust me it will be a better world,” said Smithy. “When you destroy all humans?” asked Asia. “That’s not exactly…. Humans have every opportunity to evolve, but they don’t take it because of fear,” said Smithy, “They’re scared of change.” “So you believe this will show them not to be scared?” asked Jet. “I don’t suppose you see any option,” said Smithy. He pressed a button and 5 robots with different blades were released. They were all based off Smithy’s information about Xenoblade.“Your time has come my creations,” said Smithy, “Go have some fun.” A scientist entered and the red one killed him. Jet grabbed Asia and ran. “No wait!” Smithy exclaimed before he stopped himself. He then looked at the cradle. “They’ll understand once they see what I’ve created,” said Smithy, “I just need more time.”   We were explaining to Captain N our plan to stop Smithy. “That’s our plan,” I said, “But the only thing I don’t know is how to pull it off.” “Well you’ll find a way,” said Captain N, “You may think you don’t have much, but you have each other, your wit, and your will to save the world.” We were all listening. “Smithy claims he wants to save the world, but whether he believes it or not, his true plan is to destroy it,” said Captain N, “But he wants something more.” “To be better,” answered Colleen, “Better than us.” “To evolve,” said Elma. “Well we won’t let that happen,” I said. There was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it,” said Steven. He answered the door and screamed. “What is it?” I asked. It was the twins. Steven and Chun Li got into a fighting stance. “We’re not here to fight,” said Jet. “We need a place to stay,” said Asia. “I’m very tempted not to give you one,” I said. Michael stopped me. “We can trust them,” he said, “I don’t know how but they’re gonna help us in the future.” “How do you know that?” asked Chun-Li. “This may seem impossible to believe, but I can see in the future,” he said. “Its true,” said Anela, “Its thanks to his visions that we got to where we are today.” “We came here to tell you about what Smithy’s plans are,” said Jet. He showed us a photo of the cradle and a body made entirely out of labranyum. “Is that a gem?” asked Steven. “It was located inside the scepter,” said Asia, “It was the power source that gave us our powers.” “So that explains why Smithy took the scepter,” I said. “If it pleases you, we’d like to help you stop Smithy,” said Jet, “Its what our parents would’ve wanted.” “Then you’re like me,” I said, “You’ve lost family.” “You could say that,” Asia answered. Chun-Li was still injured from a fight. “Smithy sure packs a wallop,” said Chun-Li. “I can help with that,” said Asia. She used her neon ability to heal her wounds. “Whoa,” said Chun-Li it doesn’t hurt anymore.” “Then its settled,” I said, “Tomorrow we head out to find Smithy.” “You know, if Teen Titans Go actually had story and villains like Smithy, then it would be a popular show,” Michael said, “But nooooooo. You think the president of Cartoon Network would throw us a bone, but they keep showing that shitty ass garbage shit show every day, multiple times a day.” “Agreed,” said Steven Universe, “If this were a show it’d be way better than Teen Titans Go.” “He sees my point,” Michael said, “The original Titans have something that Teen Titans Go will never have; Story, character development, and..... story.” “You said story twice,” said Anela. “That’s because it has twice as much story as character development,” Michael said, “Whereas the new show only has lousy acting, lazy animation and toilet humor, not to mention they turned our favorite heroes into bumbling retards.”
 He looked at the 4th wall. “You hear that Cartoon Network?” he said breaking the 4th wall, “You show sucks, SO STOP SHOWING IT!!!!!” “So what’s your story?” asked Jet. “I beg your pardon?” I asked. “What made you the man you are today?” asked Asia, “We’re curious.” I started explaining how I became Power Man/Megaman X. “Whatever that cerium did to me, made my body totally indestructible,” I said, “Cross is the same way only he can heal body parts in a split second.” “Wow,” said Jet. “I was enhanced by a cerium that turned me into a super soldier with enhanced endurance, speed, and strength, and I can conjure fire,” said Colleen, “Probably a side effect.” “All my powers come from a gem,” said Steven, “And another teammate uses a magic wand.” “I just decided to become a cop,” said Chun-Li. “Come on Chun-Li,” said Elma, “Tell them the truth.” Chun-Li sighed. “My father was murdered by a man named M. Bison, and I swore to avenge him which is why I took on Kung Fu,” said Chun-Li, “But then I learned vengeance wasn’t the answer.” “Well we were almost consumed by it, but it’s a good thing we didn’t let it take us,” said Jet. Billy climbd up a tree and fell asleep. “Sooooooooooooo about this show ‘Silly Moments with Daisy’,” asked Jet. “Yeah?” I asked. “There was one episode where she had the younger Toph Beifong on the show,” said Asia, “How did she manage to get her on that episode.” “Trust me on this one; you don’t wanna know,” Chun-Li said. She then turned to me. “Nicholas, don’t tell them,” she said, “You shouldn’t have told me but you did, and now I’m telling you, you don’t wanna know.” The next morning I was asleep and fell off the bed. “Ow,” I said. I looked out the window and saw Chun-Li playing with Mel and Ken. “To be young again,” I said smiling. Steven barged through the door. “Nichoals you gotta see this!!!!!” he shouted before realizing he just barged it, “Oh… sorry.” He stepped out then knocked. I let him in. “Nicholas you gotta see this!” he said. “What is it?” I asked. He turned the TV on. Some robots in clad colors were wreaking havoc in Chicago. They were controlled by Smithy. “He’s back,” I said, “We have to stop him.” I called Luna. “Luna is the Mark XI ready for deployment?” I asked. “Already on its way,” she said. “Good, cause I’m gonna need it,” I said. A capsule landed near my location and I went to it. It was armor similar to my X armor but with streaks of white and gold. I started to put it on. “Don’t think you’re the only one with an upgrade Nicholas,” said Michael. Xenoblade’s P.O.V I came out with some new armor. “And check this out,” I said. I pressed a button and I was invisible. “Whoa,” said Steven. “That’s right,” I said, “I pictured if Smithy was gonna evolve we might as well too.” “Good thinking,” said Nicholas, “You have quite the brain for new ideas Michael. It keeps reminding me why we became friends in the first place.” We all got into the jet. Anela was looking at a screen. “It looks like Smithy is inside some kind of truck,” said Anela. “I could fire at the truck to keep it from getting away,” said Elma. “Negative,” said Colleen, “If the car crashes then that gem could level the entire city. I think we should distract him.” “That’s gonna be a problem because of those 5 guys,” said Steven. “Well some of us can take care of those goons while the rest of you deal with Smithy,” said Billy. “Can I just say one thing?” asked Chun-Li, “MISSILE!!!!!” A missile was shot at us and we were falling down into the city. Nicholas took the wheel and got us all to safety. “Looks like they knew we were coming,” he said. “Aren’t you the clever one,” said the red robot. “Who the hell are you?” asked Chun-Li. “We fight for evil,” said the red robot. “We live for disorder,” said the black robot. “We struggle for chaos,” said the pink robot. “We like what we do,” said the green robot. “We are…” said the yellow robot. “The Axem Rangers!” “So you’re servants under Smithy’s boot,” said Colleen. “Isn’t it lovely?” Asked Axem Pink, “The humans cowering in fear.” “What’s happening right now is only an interlude, and an amusement,” said Axem Black, “Maybe amusement isn’t the right word….. more like a satisfaction, cleaning Earth of those who want to tear it down or keep it the same.” “Evolution is the true cure for this world,” said Axem Red, “And we were born to assist Smithy in it.” “Its not satisfaction if you’re destroying God’s people,” I said. “I think you’re the one responsible for that, trying to creating an invention that helps people, but instead you made something that would bring them all to an end,” said Axem Red looking at me, “And it’s a good thing you’re here because you get to watch as everyone around you gets killed.” I started to get angry. “I could kill you right now but where’s the fun in that?” asked Axem Red, “I’d much rather see the look on your face, quivering in fear as everyone you care about gets destroyed, as you scream in agony and….” I threw my monado at him like a boomerang and it came back at me. “That’s enough out of you, you metallic freakshow!” I said, “Enough of your talk, enough of the pain. The only agony would be suffering you any longer.” I got into a fighting stance. Colleen saw Smithy’s truck. “You go,” said Nicholas, “We’ll take care of these goons.” “The red one is mine,” I said. We started fighting them while Colleen grabbed a motorcycle and chased after Smithy. Elma got out her twin pistols and started firing at Axem Black. He used his ax to chop the bullets in half. “Shit he’s fast,” said Cross. “Team move?” Asked Elma. “Team move,” answered Cross. He picked Elma up and they flew up to the sky. “Now!” said Elma. They spun around while Elma fired multiple bullets. Nicholas was fighting Axem Green. They clashed with their blade and ax. “Try this one for size,” said Axem Green. He did a magic move sending dozens of shooting stars at him. Nicholas used a shield to block them all. “Steven, give me a hand?” he asked. “Got it!” said Steven. He summoned a shield and started fighting with him. Colleen jumped on the truck Smithy was on. “Insect!” he said as he got up, “You will not stop the evolution.” He tried firing at Colleen but she was quick. “Well he’s definitely unhappy,” she said. Anela was following them on the jet. “You wanna know what’s in that cradle?” asked Smithy, “Evolution, but why does that terrify you?” “You and I see evolution differently,” said Colleen. She summoned her energy riot shield and started fighting him. The flames inside her started heating up. “Alright Chun-Li we got a window!” said Anela. Chun-Li got on a motorcycle and started following them. I was fighting Axem Red. “I thought taking you down would be hard,” he said, “But I kinda like it!” Axem Yellow and Pink joined the fight. “You really think you’re a match for us?” he asked, “Well let’s see if you’re a match for this!” He threw his ax at a train track and the train started to fall down. “Shit!” I said. I jumped to it and used my digital headband to make a hand to stop the fall. A carier truck was on the other side. “Hold on Xenoblade!” said the driver, “I’ll bring the car right under there!”  Axem Red was coming at me. “If you can’t stop what you’ve created, then maybe you’re not the hero everyone thinks you are,” said Axem Pink. She attacked me and I almost lost my concentration. The children in the train were scared and screaming. “I can’t let it fall,” I said, “I won’t let it!” “Oh yes you will,” said Axem Yellow. He hit me with a hard punch. The train started to fall again but I caught it in time. Axem Yellow and pink continued to beat on me. Cross and Elma were having a hard time with Axem Black. Elma was held down by Smithy drones. Axem black grabbed Cross by the wings and spun him around. “Cross!” said Elma. One of the drones kneed her in the gut. He then started to rip the wings off while keeping Cross pinned. “Time to ground this bird,” he said, “And then I’ll make you watch as I kill your pretty friend.” One of the drones had a blade near Elma. “Over my dead body!” said Cross. He ignited his photon saber and cut Axem Black’s right hand off. They were fighting and Axem Black still used his left hand to carry his ax. “Alright,” said Cross, “Try this on for size!” He did his signature photon saber move, the Starlight Duster cutting him to pieces. “Wings might need to heal for a bit,” he said. Cross then attacked the Smithy drones and saved Elma. “Now we’re even,” said Cross as he smiled. Elma hugged him. “Thank God you’re ok,” said Elma. People saw me taking a beating from the Axem Rangers. My concentration was starting to break. “Its time to die!” said Axem Red. He came charging at me but someone threw an object at him. “Up here tough guy, come and get a piece of us!” said someone. “We ought to kick your fuckin’ ass!” said somebody else. One of the students was Chuck Quark from school. “Leave Xenoblade alone!” he said, “You gonna pick on a guy trying to save a bunch of kids?!” “I got somethin’ for your ass!” shouted another student as he threw a crowbar at Axem Pink, “You mess with Xenoblade you mess with the Xeno Crew!” “You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!” said Quark. Jet and Asia came to help me out. Jet ran in and out of the train getting the kids out while Asia helped me balance the train. I managed to get the  remaining kids to safety. People kept throwing objects at the Axem Rangers. “Enough,” said Axem Red, “Enough!” Someone threw one more object at him. “I said ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!” he said. He slammed his ax on the ground causing a groundshake. He then turned to me. “You’re all gonna watch as your precious hero dies before your eyes,” said Axem Red, “Then its your turn!” He got out his ax and stabbed me with it. Or…… so he thought. (To the 4th wall) People really need to do their research. I turned back to Axem Red. “Smithy studied me well,” I said, “But he hasn’t learned everything!” I pushed him off, and the others joined me. “Axem Black wasn’t that much of a match for us,” said Cross. “You may have taken down one of our brethren, but we can still take on 7 of you!” said Axem Red. We all got into a fighting stance. “How about 12 of us!” shouted someone. I looked up to the sky and saw the other members of the Xenoforce. “It can’t be!” said Steven smiling. “Cool!” said Cross. “Oh yes it can,” said Nicholas. My teammates jumped down. “Anela called and thought you could use some help,” said Micah. “Well what are you waiting for?” I asked, “Join in and help!” They all morphed into their xeno costumes. The Peacekeepers and the Xenoforce together against the forces of evil. (To the 4th wall) I’d like to see Teen Titans Go’s shitty movie compete with this! Ya hear that CN?! We’re better than Teen Titans Go!
(I’ve got no regrets trash talking that garbage reboot! Fuck you CN! :P)
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