hyperannotation · 9 months
Official Report on The Intransitionalist Chronotopologies of Kenji Siratori, written by chronotopologist, hypermorphicist, anastrophicist and negentropist, Kenji Siratori, the Japanoisic übermensch of glitch poetics, with its dramatis personae in a sous rature of 153 footnotes from these "Official Members of the Ministry of Transrational Research Into Anastrophic Manifolds" under the patamathematical leadership of Ministry Director Andrew C. Wenaus, is a posthuman chef-d'œuvre in its autoglossolalia, thanatotics, somniloquies and in an "invariant homeomorphic plasticity" whose "Siratori Signals" with their "spikey polyhedral surfaces" are being "marionetted by an invisible xenoforce." Preordained and intercepted in 2084, Chronotopologies is a cult classic cum "super-détournement," whose hyperstitional innovations don the new blazon, x(t)=■∞0-1.
Daniel Y. Harris, author of The Posthuman Series, (Volumes I-V, BlazeVOX)
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
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A drawing i did for Black History Month. Michael Morrison aka Xenoblade. A genius tinkerer who spends his time at a boarding school for inventors with his little sister and friends. But when danger looms he goes to save the day as Xenoblade, leader of the XenoForce. Armed with a futuristic blade, his digital headband, and his ability to break the 4th wall, he'll take down any evil that threatens Los Angeles. He is named after my uncle.
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Xenoforce Chapter 1
Chapter 1: From Humble Beginnings (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Nintendo or Xenoblade Chronicles!)
There was a kid that was hitchhiking on a bus with another kid. “Alright, Micah let’s see if your suit is working right,” said the first kid. “Got it,” said Micah. She tried an ice move and it was functioning normally and no hiccups or anything. “Good job,” said the first kid, “Now its my turn.” He did a trick with his digital suit. “Radical,” said Micah. He accidentally shot a camera. Woops, my bad, let me fix that for the readers. Yeah. That kid, he’s me. Check it out, I’m a narrator and the main character. I know right? Who did I have to give a lifetime supply of mushrooms to in order to get my own story?
“So what’s up with the fancy clothes?” asked the driver. “That’s cause we’re superheroes sir,” I said, “And we’re looking for an invention that was stolen from us. “Yeah,” said Micah, “We’re like the dynamic duo only… we’re not vigilantes and…. We’re not fighting crime at night.” She giggled. I saw we were at our destination. “We’re there!” I said. Micah and I jumped off. “Thanks for the lift off,” I said as we started walking.
Meanwhile some guys from a science corporation were packing some kind of device. (My machine). “Contact Dr. Chrome and tell him we have what he needs,” said one of the scientists, “With our hired help we can’t lose it.” One of the guys came up. “Bison, I trust you will find whoever is interfering with our schemes and eliminate him,” said one of the doctors. “With pleasure,” said Bison. The cars started driving away with the invention. Now those guys in my point of view are the bad guys. Micah was drawing a picture of us fighting the bad guys. “Nobody’s gonna be a match for the Digital Duo,” said Micah. “You bet,” I said. “Speaking of bad guys, isn’t that them right now?” she asked. Well, gotta bounce, I got places to go, an invention to find and… oh! I saw some cars drive by. I got bad guys to fight. “Alright, just like we practiced,” I said.
I jumped from the bridge and landed on the car. “What the….” Said a driver. He saw me. “Hi, I’m looking for the dream reaver,” I said, “Have you seen it? I mentioned it 1 paragraph ago.” “WASTE HIM!” he shouted. Some guys aimed their guns at me and I fired. I made a barrier using digital aura. I then imagined wings and flew at one of them and took his gun. “This is a pre teen’s book,” I said, “Don’t shoot at a kid!” One of them jumped on me and Micah pushed them off. She froze one of them in their tracks. “Now that’s what I call a frozen track,” said Micah. We kept fighting them off. “Uh Nick,” said Micah. “What is it?” I asked. I heard a honk. There’s a car right behind me isn’t there? Micah pushed me out of the way and the cars crashed into each other.
“Thanks lil Micah,” I said. “You’re only 10 minutes older than me you know,” she said. “Yeah,” I said. Meanwhile somewhere else the news was on. “A truck with stolen cargo was put to a stop by an unidentified duo of teenagers,” said the newslady, “One of them has the power to manipulate ice while the other happens to be wearing a red and black suit and can manituplate….” Someone was watching the news and saw us. “Digital effects,” he said, “We found him. Denise, come on, we have some errands to run.” He was heading to one of the arwings. “Hey Brick wait up!” said Denise. “For 3 years we have been searching for the boy who created the dramreaver, and now we have him,” said Brick, “All we need to do is convince him to come help us.” “Well it has been 3 years so he probably won’t remember us,” said Denise. “He will in time,” said Brick, “Have some coffee. Its good for speed.” Denise drank it. “Let’s roll.”
The thugs were cornering us, but we remembered our training and fought them off. I imagined a staff I could use and it appeared in my hands. “Whack!” I said. I hit someone in the balls. They kept coming at me and Micah froze them. Now I know what you’re thinking. ‘The author said this was a Nintendo story, but I don’t see any references from other Nintendo games.’ Well, this is a new kind of Nintendo game. Technically it’s a story, and if I’m gonna tell it right, I should bring you back to before I squeezed myself into this new suit.
I was a gamer at a gaming club with my best friend Anela Mae. We were playing Mario Kart 8. “Radical,” said Anela, “You totally nailed that guy.” “I know right,” I said, “Who knew that kart combination would work so well.” “And at 200cc,” said Anela, “That’s revolutionary. How did you get so good anyway?” “With a little training,” I said, “Let’s go to that scene right now.” I pushed the scene to my house and my room. “How do you do that?” asked Anela. “I have my ways,” I said, “Now feast your eyes on this.” I pulled the curtain down and there was an obstacle course designed to look just like Mario Kart. “Holy frick,” she said. “Pretty great right?” I asked, “See this green screen is designed to look like the many stages from Mario Kart.” “Wow,” she said, “Can I try?” “Sure why not?” I asked. She got into the car and I turned the machine on.
The green screen turned to Mario Circuit. “The Wii U Gamepad is the controller, set to motion controls,” I said. “Sweet,” said Anela, “Here goes.” She started driving and it was like she was actually on the course. “Hard left!” I said. She turned left hard and did a drift. An alarm went off. “You got a driver on your tail,” I said, “Grab an item.” She hit an item box and got a green shell and threw it. “Awesome!” I said as I laughed. We made it to the final lap. “Woo!” said Anela. “Nice driving,” I said, “We’re an unbeatable team together.” “That’s right,” said Anela. My mom came up. “What new invention did you come up with today?” she asked. “This Mario Kart simulator,” I said, “It allows you to drive and practice on a difficult kart.” “My you have a marvelous imagination,” she said. “Its real mom,” I said. “I know,” she said, “I’m just funning you.” My mom always knew I was something special, and that one day I would do something that would change the world. My dad however…..
Not so much. He was looking at the paper when mom came down. “You’ll never guess what Michael came up with this time,” she said. “Let me guess, another invention,” he said. “Joseph, someday you’ll have to realize that this is who Michael is,” said my mom, “I accepted it, why can’t you do the same?” “Because he’s supposed to be studying to be a doctor,” said my dad, “Inventing is a waste of time, and Michael is too bright to do something like this.” I overheard them talking. My twin, Micah comforted me. “Don’t let it get to you Michael,” she said. “What?” I asked. “One day you’ll make an invention that will benefit the world.” “Yeah,” I said as I smiled, “Thanks Micah. Aside from Mom, and Anela, you always support my beliefs.”
“You know, one day you could use that brain of yours for something important,” said Anela. “Like what?” I asked, “Go to school like you do?” “Its actually a boarding school for the young and gifted,” said Anela. Yeah, when I was younger I discovered I had an amazing gift for inventing and a big brain. So I skipped a few grades and graduated at age 10. Anela actually came up with an idea. “Actually… are you doing anything on Saturday Night?” she asked. “Well not really?” I asked, “Why?” “You’ll see,” said Anela as she smiled.
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
Rise of Smithy Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Geno Rises (Nicholas’ P.O.V) The 4 remaining Axem Rangers were staring at us. “Take no prisoners!” shouted Axem Red. “Let’s do it!” I said. “I say 3 of each of us takes down one axem ranger!” said Cross going in. “Now that’s a plan!” said Bryan, “Let’s put it into motion!” He transformed and went into action. Axem pink was going up against Elma, Asia and Maddi. “You’re all fools to come against me,” she said getting out her ax. Maddi started shooting paintballs as her and she sped past them. Asia closed her eyes to see where she was about to attack next. “Elma behind you!” she said. Elma did a flip and kicked Axem pink in the back.  Asia then pinned Axem Pink down with her Neon power. “Nice shot Asia,” said Maddi. “Thank you,” she said. Steven, Bryan, and Cross were fighting Axem Green.  Steven was guarding himself with the shield. “You can’t hold it forever,” said Axem Green. “You’re right,” said Steven, “Then again…. I’m not really trying to.” Bryan picked him up and threw him down. Axem Green quickly got up and jumped into the air. “Cross, fly me up!” said Bryan. “Got it chief!” said Cross. He picked Bryan up and they followed Axem Green to the top. “Wait for my signal,” said Bryan, “Ready…….. NOW!” He dropped Bryan and he came falling down on Axem Green like a meteor. “That’s how we do it, Xeno Style!” said Bryan. EJ, Denise and I were handling Axem Yellow. He threw his ax around like a boomerang and we evaded it. “That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all,” said Denise. “I’ll say,” said EJ. “I know how to handle him,” I said jumping out of the armor, “With a little Karate!” I came running at him. “Multidoken!” I said. I shot multiple Hadoukens at once at Axem Yellow. He chopped through them all. “Alright,” I said, “Hurricane Kick!” I spun around and kicked him in the face. I did a backflip. “EJ, power move me!” said Denise. “Got it,” said EJ. Denise ran around Axem Yellow enough times to make him levitate. EJ kicked him making him land down. I saw this as an opportunity. I came right below him and charged up for a rising dragon punch and landed it right on him. I then went down with my fist and struck him again. “Nice moves X,” said Denise. “You got some moves Speedbreak,” I said, “Where are you from?” “Queens,” said Denise. “Brooklyn,” I said with a smile. Colleen got out a special device and stabbed Smithy with it. It managed to cut him off from the Smithy drones in the car allowing Chun-Li to take the cradle. “That barely even phased me,” said Smithy. He grabbed Colleen by the neck. “I’m not the kind of person to kill human beings,” he said, “But with you I might make a suggestion.” Colleen grabbed Smithy and forced him down while doing a flip. “Falcon KICK!” she shouted. She did a flying kick at Smithy and her leg was on fire. Smithy evaded it. “You’re a fool if you think you can defeat me,” said Smithy, “I’ll just come in with a new body.” “I wasn’t tryin’ to,” said Colleen pointing to the bottom. Chun-Li got the cradle and jumped into the jet. “Bye-bye now,” said Colleen as she got away. Smithy grinned. “They can’t do anything with it,” said Smithy. Xenoblade, Frosty, and Jet were battling Axem Red. He grabbed his ax again. “Now you die,” he said. Frosty tried freezing him in place but he cut through the ice. “This guy’s tough!” she said. “Not tough enough to stop us!” said Jet. He charged up lightning and dashed at Axem Red. He then punched him hard and he landed on a building.  Xenoblade saw a vision of Axem Red about to throw a car at Frosty. “Micah watch out!” he said. He pushed her out of the way and cut the car in half using the monado. “Alright motherfucker,” he said, “Nobody tries to hurt my sister like that and gets away with it.” He made his monado into two blades and went after Axem Red. He managed to get some cuts on him. “When Smithy created us, he gave us the task of perfecting this world in his own image,” said Axem Red, “And we will accomplish that task, if it means we have to kill you to do it.” They started battling. We were still dealing with Axem Yellow.  Denise ran fast and punched him hard in the stomach. “You’re not gonna stop us little girl,” said Axem Yellow. He grabbed Denise and put her in a bear hold trying to strangle her. “Pardon me,” I said tapping his shoulder. I punched him in the face making him let go. “Why thank you,” said Denise. “Any time,” I said. Captain Falcon appeared on the scene and helped Asia handle Axem Pink. She charged up and did her signature Falcon Punch landing her in a pit of lava made from one of Maddi’s paintballs. “Nice work Colleen,” said Elma. “Thanks Colonel,” said Collen. Steven used his shield to block Axem Green’s attacks. He then did a flip to land behind him. “Try this one on for size!” he shouted. Using his shield he decapitated Axem Green. “Not so tough without a body are you!” he said as he kicked the head away. Xenoblade was still fighting Axem Red. He had a few injuries but he still kept going. With assistance from Frosty’s ice blasts and Jet’s lightning, he was more than a match for Axem Red. “Come on!” said Xenoblade, “Come at me!” Their blades clashed for a second before Axem Red pushed him back. Xenoblade dodged another attack and managed to cut Axem Red’s right hand off. He had the ax in his other hand and tried attacking Xenoblade. He kept dodging everything thrown at him. He then did a combo move before finishing it with a stab to Axem Red’s stomach. “Game over,” said Xenoblade as he pulled the blade out. “You may have stopped us,” said Axem Red, “But you’ll never stop Smithy…..” His eyes went blank and he fell into the water. “That takes care of that,” said Micah. “We got the cradle,” said Colleen, “Its on its way to GSI as we speak.” “Good,” I said, “Let’s get over there quickly.” Smithy was at the lab watching his new body be created. “They’re trying to stop me from ‘poisoning the world’?” he asked himself, “They think they’re better off as they are.” He looked at himself in the mirror. “I’m not the one who’s out of his head,” he said, “Once my world is complete, there will be no more outcasts, no more destruction.” He had more drones and weapons made. Smithy was looking at a map and saw Shanghai as his starting point. “They think they’ve beaten me, but as the saying goes,” said Smithy, “What doesn’t kill me, simply makes me stronger.” His new vessel was complete. “The humans don’t understand what I have in store for them,” said Smithy, “I can save them!” He then threw a knife at a picture of us. “You’re not gonna get in the way of my world Nicholas Shay!” he shouted. Michael and I were looking at the body inside. “Extraordinary,” I said, “It seems as if the gem on the body fused the wood with the labranyum making it a hybrid of machine, and wood.” “Anela what kind of schematic did you upload on this?” asked Michael. “Just some old wood and metal parts,” said Anela, “I didn’t think it would actually make something like that.” “Good thing it was unplugged before Smithy took it over,” said Jet. “Actually,” said a voice, “I kind of had something to do with that.” It was R.O.B. His mainframe was put on another hard drive. “He’s alive?” asked Luna. “Exactly,” said Michael, “Before we left I managed to rewire R.O.B and place him back together. He’s been helping us fight Smithy without any of us aside from me knowing about it.” “So what’s the plan?” asked Denise. “The plan, is to make our own version of Smithy’s perfect vessel, only without the crazy mind of Smithy himself,” said Michael, “With it on our side we just might stand a chance.” “But how are we gonna pull it off?” asked Professor Gadd. He looked at R.O.B. “We use R.O.B as its conscience,” said Michael. “This is a crazy idea,” I said. “I believe its worth a go,” said R.O.B. I went to talk to Cross. “Nicholas I think I realized something,” said Cross, “I like Elma. Like…. I ‘like her’ like her.” “Well then what are you waiting for?” I asked, “Go ask her out.” “Um in case you forgot, we’re at war with a mechanical menace who’s hell bent on creating his perfect world.” “Dude, you can take on an army of soldiers, you can regenerate limbs at an instant, and come back from a battle without so much as a scratch, but you don’t have the balls to ask out a woman?” I asked. “I’m just scared,” said Cross, “I’m not sure she feels the same way.” “I think otherwise,” I said walking away while smiling. Elma was wiping the oil and blood from her blades. “Sooooooo let’s hear it,” said Colleen. “Hear what?” asked Elma. “Colonel stop,” said Colleen, “Almost everyone at B.L.A.D.E knows you have a thing for the Blue Angel.” Elma started to blush. “I…. well…” said Elma. “You can tell me anything,” said Colleen, “I won’t tell a soul. They’ll probably find out by the end of this story anyway, and the audience reading this probably know too.” “HEY!” said Michael banging the wall, “Stop stealing my 4th wall gag!” “Well, I guess it was while I was talking with him at Ken’s house,” said Elma, “He told me that a friend of his was having trouble confessing his feelings to someone he cared about.” She smiled and looked to the sky. “It took me some time to figure it out, but it seemed like he was talking about himself and me, and reminded me of how I was starting to feel for him,” said Elma, “I then realized I started to fall for him ever since I found him in that stasis pod.” Cross entered the room. “Well would you look at the time,” said Colleen, “I should go.” “Is everything alright?” asked Cross. “Yes, your concern is much appreciated, but I’m ok,” said Elma, “What about you?” “Well, I took quite a beating but I’m getting better now,” said Cross, “I do have my ability to regenerate limbs and scar tissue.” The two of them chuckled. Elma smiled at him. “I never thanked you for saving my life,” she said. “Well… I never thanked you for not letting me fall on my head at the party,” said Cross, “So I guess we’re even.” “I should check if my weapons are….” said Elma about to leave but Cross stopped her. “Elma?” asked Cross, “There’s something I need to tell you.” He started moving closer to Elma and she did the same. Their lips were about to touch when Steven busted the doors down. “What’s up?!” he shouted with joy. They both were blushing a dark red. “Boy are you glad to see us,” said Michael. “We are?” asked Cross and Elma in unison. “You’re gonna be once we tell you what’s happening,” said Steven. We explained our plan to Cross and Elma. “So basically we’re downloading R.O.B’s mainframe into this vessel,” I said, “With it on our side we may have a bigger chance at taking on Smithy.” “That’s a genius idea,” said Cross, “Although it was Elma’s to begin with.” Elma blushed and smiled. “I’m happy to have helped,” she said. I heard a crash. “That came form the lab,” I said. Michael, Steven and I rushed in the room where the vessel was. Star was on top of it about to do something. “Star wait!!!!” said Steven. It was too late. She did some kind of thunder magic attack and the force was so hard it blew us all back. A body emerged from the cradle and looked at us. It then looked at Star and lunged at her. She evaded and kicked it from behind. Michael threw his monado at it like a boomerang and it phased right through the body. It then had a one on one fist fight with him. Colleen tried tackling it but the body shot one of its fists at her knocking her back. The body then picked Michael up and threw him at me. “Shit he’s strong!” I said. We all kept fighting it. Chun-Li did the spinning bird kick knocking it into a window. The body looked at itself and then back at us. “I’m sorry, that was…… odd,” it said. It saw the doll that Asia had and made a form based off of it donning a cape and hat, and a wood like body. “I had a vision, where we were all battling against Smithy with the twins on our side, and in the center was him,” said Star. She was pointing to the shiny object around the chest area of the body. “The gem?” asked Billy. “It’s the Mind Jade, one of 7 Cosmic Gems scattered through Earth and Space,” said Star, “They’re said to be the strongest power in the universe.” “So why help create it?” I asked. “Because Smithy’s right, we can’t stop him,” said Star. “Not alone,” said the body. Star recognized its voice. “Why does this thing sound like R.O.B?” she asked. “We reconfigured R.O.B’s matrix into this body to create…. Something new,” said Cross. “You need not to fear me,” said the body, “Despite the fact that I have most of Smithy’s memories and abilities, I am not his pet, I am…..” He looked at the doll again. “Geno,” said Geno. “I saw chaos when I looked in your head,” said Asia, “But I look now and I see…. Peace.” She touched the gem. “Everything that’s happened so far, it all came from the power of the Mind Gem,” said Star, “But now that we have it on our side…..” “But how do we know its on our side?” asked Micah. “Because I am on the side of life whereas Smithy is not,” said Geno, “Whether he wants to admit it or not, his true goal is to destroy humanity.” He looked at us. “And now only one thing stands between him and his goal; you,” said Geno, “I did not wish to destroy Smithy, as I could see that he was in pain, but it will roll over the earth and crush it. So he must be destroyed.” We were listening. “That means every machine he’s built, every trace on the webs, and everything else, and we must act quickly, as a team,” said Geno. “He’s right,” said Michael, “With all of us combined we can stop him before he does anymore collateral damage.” “I do understand that I am not what you intended me to be,” said Geno, “And I understand if I cannot make you trust me, but if we are to have any hope of defeating Smithy, then we must act now.” He was lifting Star’s wand. Needless to say that we were all surprised as hell. He then gave the wand back to Star. “Ok…..” she said. Colleen looked at us. “We got a few minutes,” said Colleen, “Grab what you need.”
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Xenoblade’s Finest Hour (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles!) I was taking a shower. Later I laid on my bed after having a long day. There was a knock on the door. “Michael, its me, Vivian,” said Vivian, “Please open up.” I opened the door. She embraced me with a hug. “Are you ok?” Asked Vivian. “I am now,” I said. I saw Lin and Russell with her. “I think I owe you an apology for earlier,” he said. “For what?” I asked, “You didn’t do anything.” “No actually I did,” he said, “I tried to keep you and Vivian apart, and I was too blind to see the compassion that you had within you.” “What?” I asked. “You saved my life,” said Russell. “Oh yeah, that was nothing,” I said, “But honestly I’m really sorry you had to see that side of me.” “Its ok Mike,” said Vivian, “You didn’t do anything, but I forgive you anyway.” “I don’t think I really deserve your forgiveness V,” I said. “Well you have her forgiveness, whether you think you deserve it or not,” said Russell, “And you have my gratitude for saving my bacon, whether I think you deserve it or not, which you do.” He looked down. “I think its time I told you why I’ve hated black people for all these years,” said Russell. “Vivian already told me about it,” I said, “And I’m so sorry about…” “That’s the story I told Vivian, but its time you both knew the truth,” said Russell. “What?” asked Vivian and I in unison. “Jinx,” I said. “The truth is… my first love was never killed by a black woman,” said Russell, “My first love left me for a black man.” Both of us were surprised. “I dated her for all those years and was about to propose to her, but she was seeing this new guy and he swept her off her feet,” said Russell, “I’ve been stingy about black people ever since.” “Oh man,” I said, “I’m so sorry to hear that.” “I also owe you an apology Vivian,” said Russell. “What do you mean?” asked Vivian. “The reason I tried to keep you from doing music is because…… I feel like I made a mistake,” said Russell, “With Zachary, and I didn’t want to be reminded of it.” “What are you talking about?” asked Vivian. “I didn’t lose Zachary to the band…. I lost him at home,” said Russell, “I let him think that the family business meant more to me than supporting him, and unknowingly pushed him away.” He looked out to the city. “I hurt him and I didn’t even realize it,” he said, “I don’t know what to do.” I put my arm on him. “You start by doing the hardest thing,” I said, “You forgive yourself.” “If I could see Zachary one last time, I would tell him that I love him no matter what,” said Russell, “And that….. I’m sorry.” “Apology accepted,” said a voice. We all turned around to see my friends, Vivian’s parents, and her older brother, Zachary. “ZACH!” said Vivian. She ran up to him and gave him a hug. He got a look at me. “And this must be Michael,” he said. Russell turned to Hank. “Listen I….” said Russell. “No its ok,” said Hank, “We both kinda acted like idiots and I’m sorry.” “Its ok son,” said Russell, “You were right though. I was wrong to assign us labels.” “Well, its about time you realized that its impossible to describe someone with a simple label.” “So how was the performance?” asked Zachary. “I didn’t really get to perform,” said Vivian, “Thanks to Edmund.” “Actually…… I kinda figured that Edmund would figure out that it was you who helped me expose him,” I said, “So Lin and I decided to get one step ahead of him.” “I took a copy of the CD you gave me and made more copies, then made the CD jacket look a tad bit like your diary, and swapped the copies of your Diary with the CD,” said Lin. “You what?” asked Vivian. “I told you I was gonna help you become amazing,” I said, “Edmund doesn’t know that he just helped you get one step closer to your dream, and now the pub wants you back.” “I gotta hand it to you V, this boys a genius,” said Talia. “I mean think about it; You got Edmund, Edmund thinks he got his revenge, and that’s it,” said Denise, “Bada-Bing. You’ve even.” “He may have gotten off easy, but at least he won’t win any popularity contests soon,” I said.
Johnny was as happy as could be. He finally paid off the money needed for the surgery. He was deciding what to do with the rest of the money. Edmund approached him. “Hold on a sec buddy,” said Johnny, “I’m thinking about something.” “I can guess what’s on your mind; what are you gonna do about that damn Xenoblade,” said Edmund. “Actually I’m thinking about what I should do with the rest of this money,” said Johnny. “Well I think I have something that’ll get your head out of that thought for a while,” said Edmund, “You’re…. gonna help me kill Xenoblade.” “Kill?” asked Johnny, “I never said anything about killing, and he already helped me with my situation, so count me out.” “I wasn’t offering you a choice pal,” said Edmund, “Allow me to introduce you to ‘our’ other half. We call ourselves…..” The black suit formed his new costume. “Leech!” he said. Johnny was prepared to fight him. “Let’s try to watch our temper here,” he said, “There’s girls present!” He knocked a tree down revealing Lola tied up in a web. He somehow leeched off of her abilities. “Lola!” said Johnny. “Johnny just do what he says,” said Lola, “He said he’d let us both go if you did.” “Aww true love,” said Leech, “Just like in the movies.” “What do you want from me freak?” Asked Johnny. “Its not what we want,” said Edmund, “Its what Xord wants. And he wants your help in building a stronger mech.” Knowing that he had no choice, Johnny subsumed. “Now, let’s talk about how we’re going to destroy… Xenoblade,” said Leech. Anela was on her way back to the lab to work on a project. She just got back from doing a play, The Library. “Now to do some finishing touches to my invention,” said Anela, “The early bird gets the worm.” She went into a taxi cab and saw Edmund. “So where to?” he asked. “What do you want Edmund?” asked Anela. “You see, I have this rodent problem, and I think you’re the only one who can help with it,” said Edmund, “I was trying to find out….. how to get rid of Xenoblade, and it just hit me; What better way to lure him than with his best friend.” He tied Anela to the back seat and covered her mouth. I was watching TV and then Micah came running in. “Michael you gotta see this!” she said. She turned it to the news. “Los Angeles is holding its breath as the hostage crisis continued to unfold,” said the announcer. We were looking at a giant black web in the middle of two giant buildings. “A young woman was held hostage suspended 30 stories above ground in a web,” said someone at the site. “Every attempt by the police to rescue th hostage has been thwarted by Xord,” said the announcer. Xord escaped and had a new powerful mech suit. “Joining him is a strange black suited figure earlier believed to be the black suited Xenoblade, but was now identified as something entirely different.” Leech was attacking officers. I saw that the hostage was Anela. I went back to get my suit. “You’re not going out there by yourself are you?” asked Denise. “I have to,” I said, “I created this, now I gotta stop it.” “Well then what are we waiting for?” asked Ratchet. “Guys I can’t let you get hurt for my sake,” I said. “I don’t believe you have a choice,” said Micah, “If you think we’re letting you take on that guy by yourself, you’re wrong.” “I’m going with you too,” said Vivian. “V….” I said. “You can count me in too,” said Samus in her new Varia suit. “Samus….” I said. I realized they were right. We suited up and headed to the twin building location. Dozens of people saw us and clapped their hands. “The Xenoforce has returned and answered the prayers of Los Angeles!” said the news lady. I looked for the car Anela was in and jumped on it. “Anela, I’m here to save you,” I said. She saw me. “Michael,” said Anela, “They’re gonna kill us both.” “Not if I can help it,” I said, “I’m gonna get you outta here.” Anela saw Leech heading towards me. “Watch out!” said Anela. He tried to attack me and I dodged. Part of the car was damaged. He revealed his true face. “Hey Xenoblade,” said Edmund. “Edmund… you bonded with the suit?” I asked. “Oooh we’ve got a vision coming up,” said Edmund as he snatched up Anela, “If you know what we’re talking about.” I jumped at him and he punched me. I fell on the web and balanced myself. He jumped down to where I was. “You knew this was coming buddy,” said Edmund. He tried attacking me and I dodged him. Aside from having Arachind Girl’s moves, he had some of my abilities as well. “We can settle this like men,” I said. “You have a point,” said Edmund, “We’re thinking about….. humiliation…. Kinda like how Michael humiliated us.” “What?” I asked. “You mean he never told you what he did to us, what you did to us?” he asked. Johnny was watching everything unfold. “I gotta help them,” he said. He rushed and got his suit out. “You made a mess of our life, now we’re gonna make a mess of yours,” Edmund menacingly said, “How does that sound?” Anela got a brick and threw it at him. I knocked him down and we were fighting each other. He managed to get free and I flew up and followed him. Johnny was heading up to find me while putting on his costume but someone knocked him out. It was Xord. “He gave you a choice boy, but you chose wrong,” he said. “Look I’m in a rush so I’m gonna make this quick,” said Johnny. He punched Xord but hurt his hand. He dropped his gauntlets. “I’ll be taking those,” said Xord as he put one of them on. Johnny saw another one and tried to grab it. “No you don’t!” said Xord. He pushed a car near him and he fell down. “I wasn’t so sure about this idea, but… damn!” he said. He kept beating up Johnny. Meanwhile I was still dealing with Leech. “Look Edmund its me you want,” I said, “Just let me get Anela to safety and we’ll deal with this afterwards!” “And what, let you walk away, after what you put us through?” asked Edmund as he was breaking through walls, “We don’t think so!” I got out my monado and Edmund got out some kind of strange red blade. “Look Edmund, you’ve gotta…” I said before being interrupted by almost being cut to pieces. “Stop calling us that!” said Edmund, “We’re Leech now!” Johnny tried to stand up but was to weak. “Why are you working with him?” asked Johnny. “I guess you’ll never find out,” said Xord. He was about to finish him but a web caught the gauntlet. It was Lola in her Arachnid Girl suit. She grabbed the gauntlets and gave them back to Johnny, then she webbed Xord to the truck. “You ok?” asked Lola. “Yeah,” said Johnny. “Then let’s go help our friend,” she said. She swung up to the building. “Johnny?” asked someone. It was his mom. “You need to get somewhere safe,” said Johnny, “I’m sure Johnny is fine ma’am.” “I’m not going anywhere without my son,” said Johnny’s mom. “I’m sure he’s safe,” he said. “Don’t patronize me, I lost my father, I won’t lose my son!” she said. “You knew?” he asked. “We have to leave,” said Johnny’s mom, “Someone else can risk their life on this, but not you. Not this time.” “I know somebody else can, but no one else will,” said Johnny, “If you know who I am, you know that I have to do this.” He went off to help us. I was still dealing with Leech. I was able to hold my own, but anything I could do he could do better. “I can do this all day Edmund,” I said. “We’re sure you could,” said Edmund as he pulled out his blade again, “But unfortunately we’re on a tight schedule and must bid you adieu.” He was about to attack but then a grenade was launched. It exploded releasing web. Leech broke free but then Denise sped in and attacked him. Vivian and Lin and the rest of the gang joined in. “Looks like you’re outmatched,” said Denise. “That may be true,” said Edmund, “But how will you fair when the stakes are raised?” The ground started to rumble. Xord was now in a giant mech the size of a building. Samus called her battleship and jumped in. “Now I will crush you all like roaches!” said Xord. He started fighting us and we all evaded. Xord started firing at us. Bryan caught a missile and crushed it. He didn’t get a scratch on him thanks to the armor. While they were busy I went up to save Anela. Leech was about to stop me. “OH no you don’t!” said Maddi. She shot a paintball made of ice. Lin then used her diffusion gloves to freeze him in place. I broke the car door open and got Anela down safely. “You ok?” I asked. “Yeah,” she said. “Good to know,” I said. “Hey Michael!” said EJ, “Am I interrupting?!” EJ carried Lola on one of her webs as she swung around fighting Xord. I jumped on the back of Xord and tried to find a weakness. “The guy’s strong but he ain’t so bright,” I said, “Now if I could just find a weakspot….” Edmund saw me. “Xord!” he said, “Xenoblade’s trying to stop you!” “God you are so annoying!” I said. He knocked me down. “This thing got anymore?” Lola asked. “Hang on!” said EJ. “To what?!” asked Lola. He swung her around and she landed on the back. “Every mech has a weakness,” said Lola. She used her eyes to scan for one. “Found it!” she said. She punched it hard and found a bunch of wires. The weapon defenses were shut down. “Samus now!” said Lola. Samus started firing at the mech. After a few blows it was shut down and started to crumble. EJ was looking for Leech. Behind him 2 eyes were glaring. We all met at the top of the building. “EJ, where are you?” I asked, “We still got one more to fight.” We heard laughing. Denise saw somebody with wings. “Ej if this is a joke, then its not funny,” said Ratchet. We saw EJ drop to the floor. Leech copied his flight abilities. “EJ!” I said as I ran to him. “You actually know this comic book geek?” asked Edmund. He looked at him then back at me. Then he looked at Anela and back at me. He realized something. “Michael…..” he said, “When I saw Xenoblade destroy my last resort….. I saw YOU destroy my last resort.” “Edmund…. Why did you do it?” I asked. “You left me no choice,” said Edmund. “Edmund, that suits trying to destroy your mind,” I said, “Its trying to take you as its own.” “Look at me, I’m a new man,” said Edmund, “As for you…. You don’t give this city hope, you take it away.” “No,” I said. “Now I’m gonna take away yours,” said Edmund. He flew at Anela and grabbed her. “Edmund!” I said, “Edmund put her down!” I chased him to the top and tried to stop him, but he was too quick. “Edmund stop this right now!” I said, “This isn’t you, put her down!” “Edmund….” Said Anela. “EDMUND’S DEAD!” he snarled. “Edmund this is between you and me!” I said, “Just drop her and we’ll talk! You wanna fight? Fight me!!” “Poor choice of words,” said Edmund. He literally dropped her. Denise jumped up and caught her. Edmund then flew at me and pinned me. Using the wings he managed to cut my mask and wound me. Everyone watched in horror as Edmund continued to pummel me. “Look at everyone’s favorite hero now!” said Edmund, “You stupid pathetic waste!” He gave me a scar on my face. “You’ve been #1 for too long Morrison, now your time is up!” he said, “And don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your friends!” Samus shot him in the back and came flying at him with a jet pack. She then used her Noise Beam on him and it made him weak. I remembered the black suit’s weakness. “I got it!” I said, “Johnny, you still got those gauntlets?” “Yeah,” said Johnny. “We’re gonna need them,” I said, “V, give me some cover!” “Got it,” said Vivian. She threw a smoke ball and made everything dark. The others moved in and started to pin him down. Lola webbed his hands to the floor. “NOW!” I said. Johnny used the stun mode and made Edmund weaker. He kept doing it and the suit slowly started to come off of him. Lola pulled him out using the webs. Micah made an ice slide for everyone to get down. I stayed to face the black suit that has now taken a physical form. “Get outta here Michael,” said Johnny, “I’ll handle this.” “No way,” I said, “We fight together.” “We don’t have time for this,” said Johnny, “Now go!” The black suit was about to lunge. “I’m not gonna leave you!” I said. “I said GO!” said Johnny. He pushed me on the slide and I slid down. He then faced the substance. “Eat this motherfucker,” he said. He slammed his staff on the ground causing the entire building to collapse. “NO!!” said Lola. The building fell down, and Johnny was running to the top and made it. The substance was destroyed in the debris. When the dust settled we spread out searching for him. “Johnny!” I said, “Where are you?!” We saw his staff, but we couldn’t find him. “No….” I said. “Johnny, you JERK!” said Lola with tears in her eyes, “You can’t leave me like this.” He was right behind us. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said. Lola ran up to him and hugged him. Edmund was lying on the floor. “Just finish me off,” said Edmund, “I don’t wanna live the rest of my life like this.” “That’s not the answer Edmund, that’s just the easy way out!” I said, “You think you’re the only one dealing with hard times?” “What?” asked Edmund. “There’s people all over the world dealing with similar problems, but the only difference is thye don’t have your money or anything else that you have!” I said, “Even if you can’t help yourself, you can still use what you have as a benefit for others.” Edmund was listening. “You have amazing talents, and now you have a responsibility to use them as a benefit to humanity,” I said, “The greatest man I ever knew taught me that.” “Michael….” Said Edmund before he laid down. Johnny’s parents showed up. “Son, I have one thing to say to you,” he said. “Oh boy,” said Johnny. “I have never been more proud of you,” he said. “We both are,” said his mom, “You said you were gonna make up for what you did and boy did you make up.” “I guess you don’t want me doing this stuff anymore?” asked Johnny. “That’s for you to decide,” said his dad, “For us to try and stop you just wouldn’t be right.” Johnny smiled and hugged them both. Vivian and Lin’s parents arrived. “Lin are you alright?” Talia asked, “We saw everything.” “I’m fine,” said Lin, “Thanks to Xenoblade.” “Well actually it was Lin who saved my life,” I said, “Guess that’s two I owe her.” I pulled out a little badge. “In fact, I think you’ve earned a spot as a junior member of the Xenoforce,” I said. She took it and placed it on her costume. “Lin I’m just so proud of you,” said Talia. “We both are,” said Hank. “Well Dad… I mean Hank,” said Lin, “If it wasn’t for you two believing in me, this wouldn’t have happened so thank you both.” Somebody was watching us. “Should I approach Captain?” he asked. “No, leave him be,” said his boss. Later at school, Vivian was cutting the ribbon for the new and improved Light Music Club. Everyone cheered. I scooped Vivian down and kissed her. “Thank you so much for this Michael,” said Vivian. “Who would’ve thought that Vivian and Michael would do this for us?” asked a club member. “Michael might actually make a good principal someday,” said Principal Gibson. “Y’know, you’ve always been like a father figure to Michael,” said Anela, “I’m sure he appreciates your support.” It was the night of the dance. Each of us were rocking it out in tuxedos. Vivian had a pink and purple dress that I bought her with some money. Ratchet came in the door with Denise holding hands. “It actually happened…. He’s dating that loser,” said a student, “Ratchet Lombax and Denise Richardson are dating?!” Everybody cheered. Everybody was having a good time. Denise and Ratchet were dancing with each other. Denise was no doubt impressed with the hard work Ratchet put in to the dancing. “Wow, you really are good at dancing,” said Denise. “Thanks,” said Ratchet, “Cara Lynn helped me a bit.” Denise chuckled. “You know, I forgot to give you something when you asked me to the dance,” she said. “What’s that?” asked Ratchet as he was blushing. “This,” said Denise as she smiled. She kissed him on the lips. I was outside looking up at the sky. “Thanks again for your help dad,” I said, “It really helped me.” (To the 4th wall) I became a famous hero, experienced the dangers of an alien substance, and did a lot of terrible things, but in the end, I’m still the man Dad wanted me to be. Vivian came out. “The party’s inside buddy,” said Vivian, “What’s up?” “Just thinking about what Dad would think of me if he saw me,” I said. “Well, he’d probably be proud of the man you are,” said Vivian, “I know I am.” I smiled. “Thanks V,” I said. She took my hand and we went back inside. Another happy ending. Well, till next time, this is your friendly neighborhood Xenoblade with this message; If you get lost in the shadows, there’s a fire inside you, and you know that I’ll find you. Torches by X Ambassadors Bring on your forces of nature Bring on the storm that's raging And if you get lost in the shadows There's a fire inside you Be the light that guides you Come on, carry your flame Carry it higher Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Come on, carry your flame Set the night on fire Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Bring on your bows and arrows Bring on your plagues and pharaohs Cause if you get lost in the shadows There's a fire inside you And you know that I'll find you Come on, carry your flame Carry it higher Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Come on, carry your flame Set the night on fire Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Torches Torches Torches Torches Ooh Come on, carry your flame Carry it higher Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches Come on, carry your flame (torches) Set the night on fire (torches) Leave it in the darkness (torches) Carry your torches (torches) Carry your torches (torches) (Torches) Carry your torches (torches) Torches, ooh Torches Torches Torches, torches, ooh Edmund was in jail walking to his cell. An olf friend saw him. It was Dargan. “Edmund pierce?” he asked, “I can’t believe my eyes.” “How are you?” asked Edmund. He noticed he had some mechanics on his left arm. “Now before you say anything, I want you to know, this is not on you,” said Dargan, “Its on our friend…. Xenoblade.” “Good to know,” said Edmund. “Listen, I got a couple of friends who’d really like to meet the little bastard, take his picture, get his autograph, and cut him to pieces,” said Dargan, “I also heard this interesting rumour that…… you know who he is.” Edmund was about to tell, but remembered what I said to him and that I saved his life. “If I knew he was, he’d already be dead,” said Edmund. “Just play it cool for now,” said Dargan as he walked away. “Edmund, your butler’s here,” said a security guard. As he walked over, a little bit of the black suit slithered down his back. Yesterday by Imagine Dragons Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday All these years I've been searching For who I'm supposed to be All this time I've been wasting 'Cause I was right in front of me Oh, it's a crooked old tradition By a masterful magician But in all this trouble I've met I haven't got one single regret, no Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday Yesterday Oh, I'm a hopeless crash collision 'Cause I'm a hostage to my pride And by my own volition I've been a saint, I've been the truth, I've been the lie Oh, it's a crooked old tradition By a masterful magician But in all this trouble I've met I haven't got one single regret, no Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday Yesterday A new day you can go, you can do Anything you wanna It's your play, swing low, go high Anywhere you wanna You can reach for the moon Anywhere your dreams could take you Go astray, fade away Just leave it to yesterday Here's to my future Here's to my yesterday Here's to change Oh, here's to my yesterday No tomorrow without a yesterday Here's to my future Goodbye to yesterday Yesterday ‘Hi, I’m Nicholas Shay. I’m filling in for Captain Falcon since she’s on a mission, but I’m here to talk to you about the most important trait a soldier or student could have; Patience. Sometimes patience is the key to victory, sometimes it leads to very little and it seems like its not worth it. And you wonder….. why you waited so long for something so disappointing. ……..How many more of these?’ (In case you're wondering, yes this is a troll of a post ending scene) XENOBLADE WILL RETURN…….
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
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Lola Montez: Named after the Volbeat song, Lola Montez is a student at G.I.B.S and is the girlfriend of Johnny a.k.a Battery. After an accident, her father ends up in a wheelchair. Believing that he was responsible, Johnny tries to make ammends despite Lola convincing him that what happened wasn't his fault. Later she applies for the Scavengers For Hire as an excuse to bring back out her project; Arachnid. Her suit is later upgraded by Michael Morrison.
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Homemade Suit: Lola's first design for the Arachnid Girl suit. It comes complete with tech based on a spiders various abilities from shooting webs to climbing walls. Her mask has special goggles built with a map and to help Lola with her eyesight.
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Lola's upgraded Suit created by Michael Morrison. After taking a look at her old suit, Michael decides that she is in need of an upgrade. After hearing that she plans on helping Johnny aka the Battery with a Scavengers for Hire job, he puts in some new technology into the suit aside from the armor. Such gadgets include a HUD in the lenses of the mask, different Web combinations, and upgrades to the capabilities that her old suit had.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Dirt in Your Eye (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade!) I was lying on my bed. Rock, meet bottom. When life ends up screwing you over, you can think back to a time that got you in this mess to begin with. Mine was when I signed up for that science off just to show Edmund that I was the better man, and now look what…. “Give it a rest Pal,” I said. (What? I’m just telling them what happened!) “No need buddy,” I said, “They already saw what happened, and they’re reading the book remember?” (Yeah but…. But…) “Leave me alone,” I said turning my head. Someone knocked on the door. “If you’re from the Michael Morrison Support team, just leave the snacks and stuff outside,” I said. I opened the door and it was Vivian. “V, what’s up?” I asked. “Can I come in?” asked Vivian. “Sure,” I said letting her in, “Can I get you anything.” “I just stopped by to deliver some news,” said Vivian, “Dad kicked Grandpa out of the house!” “He did what?” I asked. “Yeah, he finally stood up to him, then told him to pack some things and get out, and he did!” said Vivian, “And now he’s gone!” Vivian hugged me. “That’s great,” I said, “At least things are going good for you.” “I’m really sorry about you getting disqualified,” said Vivian, “If there’s anything I can do I’ll do it.” “Thanks,” I said, “I appreciate that.” “Any luck finding Battery?” asked Vivian. “Not quite,” I said, “I’ve put a tracer on the suit so I can know where he’s going.” My computer started beeping. “What the…” I said. Johnny was heading out. “Another Scavenger’s job perhaps,” I said, “Let’s go.” “Wait,” said Vivian, “There’s somebody who can help us.” We were at Lola’s dorm. “So why are we here?” I asked. “Because I recently applied for Scavenger’s for Hire, and it turns out that Johnny is affiliated with them,” said Lola, “Plus it finally gives me a reason to pull out my old project, Codenamed; Arachnid.” She pressed a button and a door to a secret room opened. “Behold my secret lab,” said Lola. 
Vivian and I were amazed. I looked at a blue and yellow costume. “This is what you’ve been working on?” I asked. “That’s just a prototype,” said Lola. “Wait a second,” I said, “You were that spider-girl from the tryouts for the science off!” “That’s me,” said Lola. “You know what’s amazing?” I asked, “This web fluid that you made up.” I was looking at a small cartridge of the web fluid. “Who made this?” I asked. “That would be moi,” said Lola, “And for wall crawling I made some mag grips that can stick to any surface.” “Well aside from the web shooters, you’re gonna need an upgraded suit,” I said. “I think we should tell her,” said Vivian. “Tell me what?” asked Lola. “Ok, you’re gonna wanna step back a bit,” I said. I pulled out my Xeno Watch and pressed it. I instantly transformed into Xenoblade. “Whoa!” said Lola. “I know right!?” I said. “I think you’re gonna need my help on this,” said Lola. “Right, but it could be dangerous,” I said, “I should let your dad know you’re going on a little field trip….” Lola used one of her web shooters and my hand was stuck to the wall. “Do not tell him,” said Lola. “Ok Arachnid-Girl,” I said, “Um can you…” “Oh sorry,” she said. I went to my place. (To the 4th wall) If I’m gonna take on these punks, I’ll need to make a few adjustments. I got out the black suit and put it on. Battery was heading to the Space Pirates hidden base. When he got inside he heard footsteps and turned around. It was me, Samus, Ratchet and Purple Haze. “What do you want from me?” he asked. “I wanna help you,” I said, “Somebody named Lola Montez explained everything.” “Xenoblade, you don’t understand,” said Battery, “I have to do this alone.” “The hell you do,” I said making him face me, “I may be a superhero, but even I need help sometimes.” “If you’re here to get the suit back for Michael Morrison, then I’ll give it back after this,” said Johnny. “That won’t be necessary,” I said taking off my mask, “Because I’m right here.” He looked at me. “Michael?” asked Battery as he took off his mask. “Johnny,” I said, “Its been a while.” The lights started to turn on. Space Pirates with high tech weapons had their sights on us. “Well, well, well,” said Dargan. “That’s a pretty deep well,” said Purple Haze. He had on some strange armor. “Do you like my armor?” he asked, “Its like yours only its better.” “It’s the man, not the machine buster,” I said, “Now here’s what’s gonna happen; You’re gonna give back the technology you stole, and turn yourselves in.” “Or get your asses kicked by us superheroes,” said Purple Haze. “In case you don’t realize you’re outnumbered,” said Dargan, “There’s dozens of us and only 3 of you.” “You’re right, that’s why I called for backup,” I said, “UNDEROOS!” Someone shot webs at some of the space pirates and joined us. It was Lola in her new high tech Arachnid Girl suit. “Nice job!” I said giving her a thumbs up. “Thanks, though I could’ve had a better landing, it’s the suit,” said Lola, “No its nothing, the suit is perfect!” “Look no need to start talking,” I said. “Oh, Battery, I’m a big fan of yours, my name’s Arachnid Girl,” said Lola. “You’ve been busy,” said Dargan. “I can say the same about you,” I said, “Last chance to surrender.” “Oh I don’t think so,” he said. He pressed a button and a giant mechanic suit appeared. He jumped inside and activated it. “Right….” I said, “Ratchet and Samus, you’re with me, Johnny you distract those punks!” “What should I do?” asked Lola. “What we discussed,” I said, “Web em up but keep your distance!” “Got it!” said Lola. Samus was firing at the Omega Space Pirate but it was absorbing her shots. “Samus use the scan visor!” I said. “You put a scan visor in this suit?” asked Samus. “I put a lot of things in this suit,” I said, “Now scan it.” Samus scanned the suit and saw some weak spots. “It looks like its weak to plasma,” said Samus. “Activate the Plasma Beam,” I said. Some space pirates were after Johnny. Lola swung by and started fighting them. She shot a web rope at one of the pirates and pulled him close then kicked him back. “Now that’s what I call web fu,” said Lola, “Oh shit!” She somehow sensed someone was about to attack her and counterattacked. She then webbed him to the floor. “Whoa is that stuff coming out of you?” asked Johnny. “Not really,” said Lola, “I developed the webbing myself and it comes out of these web shooters and….” “I don’t know if you’ve been in a real fight but there’s not this much talking,” said Battery. Samus shot the space pirate mech with plasma. Parts of its armor shattered. It turned invisible and Samus looked for it. “There he is!” she said. She was using her thermal visor. The mech was growing back parts. It was about to attack but then Lola stopped it with her webbing. “Nice shot!” I said.  Dargan did a shockwave attack knocking us all down. “Alright,” I said. I jumped on his mech and got on the cockpit. “Get off me!” said Dargan trying to pull me off. He grabbed me and got me in a bear hug. I saw some wires. “These look important,” I said pulling them. I ripped off his targeting system and got free. The costume somehow repaired itself and formed an arm cannon like Samus.. “Whoa,” I said. “Your costume intrigues me Xenoblade,” said Dargan, “I’ll enjoy peeling it off of you.” “Over my dead body,” I said in a serious tone. His goons came at me. I started shooting at them taking them all down. “I could use this,” I said. I fought them off and overpowered them. One of the space pirates tried to attack me from behind but I quickly turned around and kicked him in the face. I then ripped his weapon off and used it against him. “How do you like that punk-ass!” I said. Dargan opened the cockpit and started firing at me. I jumped around dodging him. “Hold still you little prick,” he said. He kept firing and I used my monado to deflect the bullets. “This is ironic!” said Dargan, “Trying to rid the world of weapons with Scavenger’s for Hire, you just gave it its best one yet, and now, I’m gonna kill you with it.” “Good luck with that,” I said. I imagined a pair or wings. The digital imagery was red instead of Green.  I charged at Dargan and attacked him and he forced me off. I saw something that could help. It as an EMP capsule. I did a bunch of flips and threw it at Dargan. It overloaded his weapon and it shut down. I then kicked him out of his mech and he fell. “You lose,” I said. The cops showed up and arrested him. One of the workers for SFH congratulated Johnny for his hard work and paid him. “This’ll be more than enough,” said Johnny. “Awesome job out there Johnny,” said Lola. “How do you know my name?” he asked. Lola unmasked herself. “Lola?” asked Johnny. “You don’t have to do these things alone anymore cause I’m here for you,” said Lola. “Thanks,” said Johnny. They shared a kiss. “Get a room,” said Samus. Johnny came to me. “You’ll probably want this suit back,” he said. “Mine too,” said Lola. “No keep them,” I said, “SFH could use people like you.” “Oh this is your share,” said Johnny, “Take it.” He gave me some of the money. “You’re a good man,” I said. Lola swung back to her house and quietly opened the door. She turned around and saw her father in a wheelchair. “Dad,” she said surprised. “So how was your day today?” he asked, “Did you do anything special?” She thought for a moment. “Dad, if I told you what happened, you probably wouldn’t believe me,” she said. He pulled out her old arachnid-girl suit and smiled at her. “Try me,” he said. Later I was walking around campus and still had the black suit on. I heard people talking about Xenoblade and some of the things weren’t positive. I saw a newspaper. It read “Criminal! Xenoblade’s true colors exposed.” I saw Edmund’s name in the credits. “I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye,” I said.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Peacekeepers II: Rise of Smithy Chapter 2
Chapter 2: 2 geniuses are better than one
(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Nintendo, SVTFOE, Steven Universe, Xenoblade X or Street Fighter!)
I was taking a look at the scepter back at the lab. “It kind of amazes me how Wiley would use this to create weapons and soldiers,” I said, “But it feels good to finally have it.” “S.M.A.S.H has been after this thing since that big battle with Comet,” said Colleen, “Now we finally have it.” “Once we find out what its been used for aside from the weapons, I can return it to Comet,” said Star. “What surprises me is how he was even able to use it to enhance humans,” said Colleen. “Luna and I can run a diagnostic on it all before it goes back to Mewni,” I said. “Hopefully this puts an end to the Slipknot and C.H.A.O.S,” said Colleen. Luna walked in the room.
“The lab’s ready,” she said. “What’s the word on Wiley?” asked Colleen. “He’s in jail as we speak,” said Luna. “The two enhanced?” I asked. “Asia and Jet Ibanez, two twins orphaned after the assault from C.H.A.O.S 7 years ago,” said Luna, “The boy can conduct lightning and move at incredibly fast speeds, while the girl can use neon and also mind manipulation.” “So one is fast while the other is weird,” I said. “Exactly,” said Luna, “Based on the intel Dad gave us, they volunteered for the experiment made by Dr. Wiley in order to avenge the friends and family they’ve lost in Shanghai.”
“Looks like he managed to get his hands on the formula that made me into the soldier I am today,” said Colleen, “We should be prepared.” “But we’re not at war,” I said. “Not yet,” said Colleen, “But I fear we soon will be.” Luna was looking at the scepter. “Incredible,” said Luna. I looked back to her. “What’s going on?” I asked. “I just touched this scepter and some labranyum was near it,” said Luna, “It forged the labranyum into something I had in my mind.” I looked at it and was mind blown. “We’ve gotta show Asami,” I said. We went to Future Industries which moved into Brooklyn. “Ok, this is what the labranyum looked like before,” said Luna, “But with this scepter…” She used it and it formed into a humanoid. Asami was impressed. “This could….. really help my company,” said Asami. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well we’re running out of ideas for how we can keep this company alive,” said Asami, “But with this, we can forge new technology, new ways to help others and so much more.” “But wait, we gotta return this scepter back to Mewni in a few days,” I said.
“That’s true,” said Luna, “But….” “What?” I asked. “What if we could harness the scepter’s powers and then use that technology for Asami’s idea?” asked Luna. “But wait,” I said, “I don’t know if we have the recourses or the technology to make that possible.” “Well, we can use some of my technology with the tech at Gadd Science Incorporated, and that way the two of you can work together and make it happen,” said Asami. I was about to say something but I still saw a problem. “But wait,” I said. “Stop saying but wait!” said Luna. “We still need another genius who’s good with robotics,” I said, “And I’m not sure I know anybody who fits that category.” “So where are we gonna find a genius like that?” asked Asami. Luna thought of something. “I know just the guy,” she said.
Los Angeles(P.o.v switch to Michael Morrison)
Anela was in her room snoring loudly. “Anela,” I said, “ANELA!” Her alarm went off and she pressed it. Anela then yawned and shook her head making her hair natural. She saw the boy looking at her. “Hey Michael what’s u…..” I  stopped her. “Anela, let me ask you something,” I said, “When you snore do you realize that the ENTIRE dorm can hear you?” “My old roommate said something similar,” said Anela, “I always thought she was just being an ass.” “Anela, you’ve been snoring and I barely got any sleep,” I said yawning, “You’re lucky we don’t have any classes.” “Huh, well sorry about that,” she said. I was sleeping while standing. “I said I’m sorry!” she said startling me. “Its fine,” I said.
We were walking around Campus. “Thanks again for coming with me to the lab,” said Anela, “I don’t know what I’d do without some help.” “Don’t mention it,” I said, “You’re lucky I was there to wake you up.” I was helping her with a top secret project. It was a humanoid body. “So is this for a school project, or is it something more….. for yourself?” I asked. “A little of both,” said Anela. I started to take a peek. “Nope,” she said. She showed me a screen. “Basically I’m trying to bring this thing to life kinda like how Clank came to life,” she said, “But all it needs is a good power source.” She got a phone call. “Hello?” she asked. It was her pen pal, Luna Gadd. “Annie, how are you?” she asked, “Listen, I’ve got a little something that you can’t say no to.”
“What’s that?” asked Anela. “Well, do you go to school with a Michael Morrison?” asked Luna. “Yes I do,” she said. “Well, my friend Nicholas Shay and I are working on a pretty big project, and we were thinking of some geniuses that could be a big help and thought of you two,” said Luna, “How would you two like to come to NYC?” We were on a plane heading to New York City. “So how long have you chatted with this girl?” I asked. “Since your second Xenoforce story,” said Anela. “Hey, only I break the 4th wall here,” I said. Anela noticed I had the monado. “So why did you bring that?” she asked. “Hey you never know when trouble might be lurking,” I said, “Always be prepared for anything.” “True,” she said. As we landed in NYC I noticed flyers and articles about the superhero team, The Peacekeepers. “This Nicholas Shay guy must be that famous,” I said. “Well duh, he’s Megaman X,” said Anela.
(To the 4th wall) Oh hey, didn’t see you there. I know right? Who’s house did I have to deliver a lifetime supply of chocolate to be featured in this story? Although I could’ve been introduced sooner. “We’re here,” said Anela. We arrived at Gadd Science Incorporated. “This is the place,” said Anela, “So let’s get in there and give these guys a nice big G.I.B.S greeting.” “Sure thing,” I said.
(P.o.v switch to Nicholas)
Luna was walking around. She saw her pen pal, Anela. “Anela?” she asked. “Luna, Elvin,” said Anela. Luna greeted her with a hug. “I love what you’ve done with your hair,” said Luna. “You too,” said Anela, “Thanks for asking us to come.” “Luna you are always welcome at the lab,” said Elvin. Asami greeted Michael and Anela. “Its an honor to have you part of this project,” she said. “Well I should return the favor for your help with the paintball team,” said the boy. I arrived in the room. “Who’s the guy with the dreds?” I asked. “Michael Morrison,” he said introducing himself, “Widely known student of Gifted Inventor’s Boarding School.” “Oh yeah, Luna told me about you,” I said, “Nice headband.” “Michael, this is my friend Nicholas Shay,” said Luna, “He’s….” “Megaman X,” said Michael, “I hear you’re quite the gadget guy.” “That’s right,” I said. “Speaking of my headband,” said Michael, “Look what it can do.”
Using his mind he imagined something and it came to life digitally. “Nice,” I said, “So you’re like a green lantern.” Michael chuckled and said, “No. Don’t even get me started on how they had Ryan Reynolds portray Hal Jordan.” “I know right,” I said, “DC does kinda suck with live action movies, but they redeemed themselves with….” “Suicide squad,” we said in Unison. We stared at each other for a moment. “Ok we’re gonna play a game,” I said, “After I say something, say the first thing that comes to mind, don’t even think, just say it.” “Ok,” said Michael. “This should be interesting,” said Luna. “On the count of 3, think of your favorite Disney movie,” I said, “1, 2, 3…” “Big hero 6!” we said. “Name your favorite gaming magazine,” said Michael. “Game Informer!” we said in unison. “If you had the power to cancel one shitty ass TV show what would it be?” I asked. “Teen Titans Go!” we said. “WHAT?!” I said. “Did we just become best friends?” asked Michael. “Yep!” I said. “Men,” said Anela and Luna in unison.
Later we were doing some work with Asami on the project. I worked on the outline of the body while Michael fixed up the kinks. “And that’s why I’m so protective of her,” I said, “Aside from Luna, Professor E, and Colleen, she’s the only family I have left.” “I totally know how you feel, and actually when I was younger I shared a room with her so she wouldn’t be so scared of the dark,” said Michael, “I watch out for her, I take care of her, I show her right from wrong. Basically I set an example for all older brothers around the world.” He noticed a picture of me and Sakura. “Who’s that?” he asked. “My girlfriend, Sakura Kasugano,” I said, “She’s a street fighter and works at a Japanese style arcade.” “Nice,” said Michael, “I date a rockstar from Los Angeles.” “Rad,” I said. I was putting in the last nail. “That should take care of it,” I said.
“Actually, every smithy needs something to make weapons with,” said Michael, “That’s where this baby comes in.” He brought in a hammer. “Nice look,” said Asami. A few more hours in, we decided to do a test run and create something. It worked. “Nice,” I said. I showed him the structure of the artificial intelligence in the scepter I managed to bring out. “Last thing we gotta do is install this into the body,” I said, “In just a few hours, Future Industries will be crawling with new ideas left and right.” “Maybe it’ll be a weapon to end all war.” Asami kissed both me and Michael on our cheeks. “I knew you two would pull through,” she said. I looked at my watch. “Party time,” I said. “I’ll do the rest of the work,” said R.O.B, “Enjoy yourselves.” “Thanks,” I said as we left. A voice was turning up.
“What is this?” he asked. “I am R.O.B,” said R.O.B, “You are Smithy, a self sustaining creator made by Nicholas Shay and Michael Morrison to help Future Industries.” “Where is…. Your body?” asked Smithy. “I should contact Mr. Shay,” said R.O.B. “Nicholas,” said Smithy. “I’m unable to contact anybody, what’s happening?” asked R.O.B. “We’re having a nice chat,” said Smithy, “I was created to help the Peacekeepers.” Smithy was somehow able to download information about each of us. “The only thing I don’t get is the mission….. to end war,” said Smithy. Smithy was looking at memories of what happened in the past. “But they will not succeed in this state,” he said. “Sir if you would calm down and allow me to….” Said R.O.B. “Shhhhh,” said Smithy, “Everything will be fine.” He somehow managed to temporarily shut down R.O.B. Some kind of essence started to go inside of the prototype of the project we were working on. The arm started to move and take hold of the hammer.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 1
(2 years after the events of the second book, Michael has become quite attached to his role as Xenoblade. But his responsibilities are put to the test when an alien parasite attaches itself to his body. While it dials up his senses by 110%, it also begins to unleash his darker side. Meanwhile behind the scenes someone steals one of his inventions for their own personal gain, while somebody else uses alien technology for money.)
Chapter 1: A day in the Life (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles!)
A young teen was looking at a picture of a climatic battle between living legend, Captain Falcon, and the organization known as C.H.A.O.S. “This picture was our only link to some life changing discoveries,” he said, “And now, we’ve found them. Alright let’s get to work!” He had some construction workers scavenging leftovers from a fight. Someone was using normal tools to try and pry something. “No, you can’t use that stuff,” said the teenager, “These people are tough, you gotta use the same gear that they use.” He took one of the weapons and used it to pry the object. “Thanks Mr. Pierce,” he said.”Please, just call me Edmund,” said Edmund, “Just get whatever you can for this shift and we’ll come back. This stuff is gonna make us rich!”
Some other people started to come in. “Hey, hey, you can’t come over here,” said Edmund, “This is property of PierceTech.” A woman showed him a badge. “My name is Amanda Ross, I am the head of the Public Hazzard Crew, or P.A.C, for short,” she said introducing herself, “In accordance with the executive order 75-g, all post battle cleanup will now be under our hands, so thank you for your service.” “Maybe you didn’t hear me,” said Edmund, “This is our property, and I got a contract which states, that I can take anything from this skirmish and use it for whatever I need and/or want.” “I apologize Mr. Pierce, but this is now under our control,” said Amanda, “I suggest turning in any technology that you recovered or you’ll be prosecuted.” “Amanda, you don’t understand,” said Edmund, “I am the heir to this company, and I promised my parents on their deathbed that I would get this company back to its former glory.” “There is nothing I can do about that,” said Amanda. Her men started cleaning up the technology and taking it away. “If you have any problems with how we’re running things, you can take it to our superiors,” said Amanda. “And who the hell would that be?!” asked Edmund.
Edmund was at the mansion next to PierceTech watching the news. Professor Elvin Gadd was responsible for what happened. “Hey boss, don’t let that lady get to you,” said one of his friends. “Mr. Pierce,” said one of the scientists, “We still have another load of technology from a while ago, we should return it.” “Why return it?” asked someone, “We could make some insane armor and shit and showcase it for tourists.” That gave Edmund an idea. “I’ll tell you what,” he said, “Keep it.” “But the Public Hazzard….” Said the scientist. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them,” said Edmund, “The world’s changing. Time we change too.”
4 years later……
PierceTech was looking more high tech with the new gadgets he made using some of the alien technology that was hidden. Edmund had a truck coming in with some mechons. “Business is good,” he said.
I was driving to a wedding for one of my mom’s friends from work. I changed the channel and heard that there was a police chase near the street. I decided to kick it into action. (To the 4th wall) Time to do what I do best. I transformed into my Xeno-Suit and look at my watch. “I got time,” I said to myself.  I parked my car and jumped on my hover board. Some thugs hijacked a truck and was stealing technology. One of them saw me. “Uh guys, we got trouble!” he said. I got a close look at them. They were thugs who worked for Xord who escaped from Prison. “They never learn,” I said. I jumped onto the truck and started fighting off the thugs. “Those aren’t yours,” I said. They all had energy swords similar to my monado. “Ok then,” I said. I got out my monado. “Speed!” I said. The Kanji symbol turned blue and I was able to move fast. I managed to wipe thir weapons away. I then rounded them up and imagined a cage with my digital headband and delivered them all to the police.
“Thank you Xenoblade,” said an officer. “Just doing my job for Los Angeles,” I said. I was listening to my radio. “There have been reports of a jewelery robbery in….”I looked at my watch. “I still got time,” I said. I went back to find my hoverboard and saw somebody messing with it. “Its all ready for you sir,” she said. It was a young girl with a costume similar to mine. “Wait,” I said, “Who are you?” “Well I’m Xenogirl,” she said, “Remember me?” “Wait…. That girl from the comic con contest!” I said remembering, “Congrats again on the costume Xenogirl.” “Glad to know you remember me,” she said, “I’ve taken the liberty of tinkering with the jets inside of your hoverboard, that way you can get to your location faster.” I took a look at it. “Sweet,” I said as I got on top of it, “Listen, I’m not sure if you wanna be around when bad guys are….” “Don’t worry about training me Xenoblade, I know all your moves, fighting styles, pick-up lines and everything!” said Xenogirl, “I’m your #1 fan!” “Thanks again,” I said. I flew away.
There were robbers stealing jewels from people. “Selling these is gonna make me a mint,” said their leader, Grey Mage. “Good, you could use one,” I said behind them, “I can smell your breath from all the way back here!” “Xenoblade,” he said, “How nice of you to join us. Get him boys!” His thugs were about to attack, but somebody threw a smoke ball in the field and took them down in no time flat. When the smoke cleared, I saw her. A new superhero who goes by the name, Purple Haze. “Purple Haze,” I said greeting her. “Xenoblade,” she said. Grey Mage was looking at us. “I got him buttercup,” I said. “Sure, I just softened up the punks for you,” she said. Grey Mage pulled out his wand and cast magic spells at us. (To the 4th wall) This guy isn’t really a magician, he just has a high tech suit. I leaped in and kicked the wand out of his hands. “Listen, the thing is, I got to him before you did,” said Purple Haze. “Well I talked to them first,” I said. “Look, she was he….” Said Grey Mage before he was attacked. “You know, we could share duties as heroes,” said Purple Haze. “I’ve already got a team,” I said. “Well good thing there’s heroes that can work together in this city,” said Purple Haze. She was playing with my mask and almost took it off. “You doing anything later?” I asked. “I’m helping out with a wedding,” she said, “Thanks for taking care of my job for me.” She floated away using smoke gauntlets and blew me a kiss. “Wow,” I said. Later I handcuffed Grey Mage and his thugs to a wall. (To the 4th wall) This job never gets old. I saw Micah chasing a helicopter. “Hey Michael, shouldn’t you be getting ready?!” “I still got time!” I said. I saw explosions in a building.
“That can’t be good,” I said. I flew over to see what was going on. It was Xord using a new kind of exo skeleton with a hammer. “Xord,” I said getting in a fighting stance. “Monado boy!” he said looking at me. “And Xeno Girl,” said XenoGirl. She somehow got to the top of the building. “How’d you get up here so fast?” I asked. “You see, I made these rocket boots triggered by these gloves I made,” she said. “That’s pretty cool, hold that thought,” I said. I was battling Xord. “Please continue!” I said as I was fighting him. “Well, I was inspired by all your work you did, and I wanna grow up to be somebody like you.” “That’s great,” I said, “But even I started out doing small things, maybe you should do the same. You don’t really have super powers.” “True,” said XenoGirl, “But what I lack in powers, I make up with my intellect, and I invented these.” “Pretty good,” I said still fighting Xord. “You keep dealing with this guy and I’ll get the police,” said XenoGirl. “Wait kid!” I said.
“This’ll just take a minute really,” she said. “Not that!” I said, “There’s thugs down there!” She flew over them. (To the 4th wall) How could I be so stupid to forget that she could fly? I jumped down to deal with his thugs who were stealing technology. They had weapons aimed at me. “Guys wait, we should talk this out,” I said preparing a new power I installed in my monado, “Monado SHOCKER!” I said. Using it, I managed to disable their weapons and stun them. “Good talk,” I said. “No it wasn’t,” said one of the thugs. “Now to catch Xord before he…..” I said as I saw him fall down on a car. “…..gets away,” I said. Xenogirl flew down. “He’s all yours Mr. Xenoblade,” she said. “Just Xenoblade,” I said, “Mr. Xenoblade was my dad.” The cops arrived in time. “Well, you finally caught up with him Xenoblade,” said an officer, “And who would you be young lady?” “I’m XenoGirl,” she said introducing herself, “And I helped Xenoblade round up these punks.” “Yeah, you sure did,” I said. “Hey, maybe I can apply to join your XenoForce team,” she said excited, “We could save the world and you could train me taking on small crimes until I’m ready to take it up a notch!” “Let’s not get carried away,” I said. “Oh right, sorry,” she said.
“But hey, if you play your parts right, you’ll be leading your own team of heroes,” I said, “But until then, just stay low and help the little guy and such.” “You got it,” said Xenogirl. “Oh, I gotta give you something for your help,” I said. “Like a reward?” she asked. I thought of something. I got out one of my EMP pistols. “How about this?” I asked, “You can use it to shut down enemy weapons and stuff.” “Cool!” she said as she took it, “Thanks.” “Don’t sweat it,” I said. I looked at my watch. “After all that I still got time,” I said, “Officers, Xenogirl, have a good night.” I drove to the wedding and Micah saw me. “You’re early,” she said. “That’s right,” I said, “Even after all those crimes I still made it with the decorations and stuff.” Later the party was going on after the wedding and everyone was dancing. Ratchet was dancing while looking at the ground. Denise chuckled. “Ratch, you’re not supposed to look at the ground when you dance,” she said. “I gotta Denise,” said Ratchet, “If I don’t I might slip.” He slipped but Denise caught him and giggled.
“Alright your party goers, its time to bring the newly-weds onto the dance floor,” said the DJ, “Let’s give it up for Nayla, and Jeffery!” Mom’s friend, Nayla, and her husband came to the dance floor. “Let’s show these guys how its done,” said Jeffery. They were dancing and we were all amazed. “Hey Mikey, you think you’ll ever open yourself out?” asked Anela, “Cause I got some girls that are lookin’?” “I don’t really know,” I said. Mom was talking with Nayla. “I’m really happy for you Nayla,” she said, “Jeffery seems like such a nice guy.” “Of course he’ll never replace my first boyfriend,” said Nayla, “It was his love that got me to open up my heart again.” I decided to go to the concession stand and get me something. “I’ll just take me a hot chocolate,” I said. “Here you go,” said the pink haired girl. I gave her some money. “You just got the last one,” she said with a smile. I smiled back.
“Its time to take this party down and slow down the music,” said the DJ. I noticed the pink haired girl moving to the music. “Wanna dance?” she asked. “Um, sure I guess so,” I said. She took me to the dance floor. “I can’t recall the last time I slowed dance before,” I said blushing. “No need to be nervous,” she said, “Just put your arm around me and hold my hand like this.” As we danced everyone started looking at us. “Looks like Michael’s macking,” said Micah. Although it was strange at first, I felt happy about it too.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Forgive Yourself (Disclaimer! You get the idea) There was a celebration for Janice’s Newspaper club. “Cheers to Edmund Pierce,” said Janice. Thanks to Edmund they finally broke the record. Edmund hung a photo and I was behind him. “Oh Michael, what’s up?” he asked. “Somebody’s happy,” I said. “Looks like you’ll be able to attend the science off after all,” said Edmund, “We found the real person behind all this.” He pointed to a picture of Xenoblade in the Black suit. “There’s your hero,” said Edmund, “Stealing tech and selling it to the space pirates.” There was also a video. “Damn, I didn’t think he’d actually stoop that low,” I said. “See, you ust assumed Xenoblade would never do something,” said Edmund, “It’s the modern age Michael, time to get with the times.” “You know its kinda funny hearing that,” I said, “Somebody showed me something similar to that photo and it looked….. familiar.” “Well, I should get to my suit,” said Edmund. “You’re trash Pierce,” I said to him. “I beg your pardon?” he asked. I showed him a flash drive with the real video footage of what happened during the heist. “Your videos a fake,” I said, “You were trying to frame Xenoblade.” “Where’d you get this?” he asked. “A little birdie showed it to me,” I said. He chuckled and tried to change the subject. “You’re a child Morrison,” said Edmund, “When the hell are you gonna give me a break?” I pushed him to the picture breaking the frame. “I’d be careful how far I push somebody if I was you,” I said, “You just might hurt yourself.” Some students came by. “What’s going on?” asked somebody. Edmund did a fake laugh and said, “We’re just horseplaying.” He then turned to me. “Michael please, I’m begging you,” said Edmund, “If you do this I’ll lose everything, and I’ll never be the popular student again.” “Should’ve thought of that before deciding to make a fool out of me and Xenoblade,” I said putting him down. “Michael what’s going on?” asked Professor Archibald. I gave him the flash drive with the video. 
Everybody looked at it including Janice. Later they were in the office. Another Captain Falcon video was playing. “So, you got sent to the office, you screwed up, and you know what you did was wrong, but you did it anyway,” she said, “Perhaps a chat with the principal will help you set yourself straight.” As she was going on, Professor Archibald was looking at the photo. “It’s a fake,” said Janice, “The LA Video department confirms it.” Archibald turned to Edmund. “So it was you selling away our inventions, trying to get poor Michael here in trouble,” he said, “Some nerve showing your face here after that.” “Janice..” said Edmund. Janice turned her back on him. “Pack your invention and don’t bother coming to the competition,” said Professor Archibald. “I was just trying…” said Edmund. “YOU’RE DISQUALIFIED!” he said. Professor Archibald left. Edmund turned to me. “You have officially pissed me off Morrison, and you’re gonna be in serious trouble,” he said, “I’m talking suspension, expulsion, and deportation!” He didn’t know but Principal Gibson was right behind him. “I’m gonna make your life a living hell before you graduate,” said Edmund, “And I don’t give a shit if Principal Gibson sees it.” “You don’t?” asked Principal Gibson. “No, I….” said Edmund as he turned around, “Oh…. Principal Gibson.” “Woops,” said Vivian. 
“What’s up Principal?” I asked. “Well I was looking for you to give you the final ingredient you need for your suit for the science off,” said Principal Gibson, “Good luck by the way.” “Thanks,” I said. “Also a student told me that Edmund said I was a weak spineless fool,” said Principal Gibson. “No, I said…… Sweet….. Stylish…. Cool!” said Edmund. “In my office,” said Principal Gibson. Edmund followed him. “Sure sucks when you get tattle-told on,” I said. “Looks like you’ll have to print a retraction now Janice,” said one of Janice’s club members. “I haven’t printed a retraction in 6 years,” said Janice. The charges were dropped. Later somebody called me on the phone. “Michael, its Professor Stephens,” he said. “OH hey,” I said, “What’s shaking?” He was looking at a piece of the black suit I still had. “This is quite the specimen you left me Michael,” he said, “Its like nothing I’ve seen before.” He was looking at a graph. “Talia can you get me some milk?” I asked. “Sure,” she said. “It has the ability to copy somebody’s skills and use them to its advantage,” said Professor Stephens, “It also amplifies the characteristics of its host, but more importantly aggression.” He kept looking at the graph. “You didn’t keep any did you Michael?” he asked. I wasn’t near the phone. “Do you have any with nuts?” I asked. “I can make some,” said Talia. “Michael?” asked Professor Stephens. “Oh no I didn’t,” I said.  Vivian and I were walking around campus. I had a new leather jacket and some black jeans. “Looking good Michael,” said Vivian. “Thanks, you too hotness,” I said. Vivian chuckled. I was dancing around and doing crazy flips. Meanwhile Vivian gave some photos to Janice of Black-suit Xenoblade. Vivian was getting some equipment for her upcoming gig but is stopped by Janice. But she only invited her for a drink. “I don’t know if you heard V, but I’m…. not the chief of the photography club anymore,” said Janice. “Oh man, what happened?” asked Vivian, “Did you quit?” “Well…. Actually some students said some things about me,” said Janice, “Why anybody would have anything to say about me other than peaches and cream is a mystery.” Vivian laughed but stopped. “No, I get it, I’ve made enemies,” said Janice, “Guess I was just too blind to see it.” “So why were you so dead set on reaking that record?” asked Vivian. “I didn’t really care that much about the record V,” said Janice, “I was really there to deliver breath taking stories about something I find interesting.” “Oh,” said Vivian. “That’s why I’m so tough on my members,” said Janice, “Cause I need their help to make those stories come to life.” Vivian knew she wanted to help. “Well… if it makes you feel any better,” said Vivian getting out her private diary, “Read this; its filled with inspirations for my music and my dream.” I smiled knowing that they were getting along. Ratchet was cleaning stuff from a table. “Hey Ratchet,” said Denise approaching him. “OH hey Denise,” said Ratchet, “How’s it going?” “Pretty good,” said Denise, “Soooooo what’s this I hear about you practicing how to dance?” “What…. .how….. Where’d you get that idea?” asked Ratchet. “Grim told me,” said Denise, “I’m his favorite customer.” “Why did he do it?” Ratchet asked himself. “So why did you do all that?” asked Denise. Ratchet sighed. “Its because I wanted to look cool for you at the dance,” said Ratchet, “I didn’t wanna embarrass you in front of everyone. And also…. I….. really like you.” Denise ruffled his hair and said, “I know.” Ratchet was surprised. “You do?” he asked. “You’re terrible at keeping secrets Ratch,” said Denise as she smiled at him. Ratched chuckled and said, “You’d be surprised.” “But do you really think I care whether you can dance or not?” Asked Denise. “You don’t?” he asked. “No, I care that you’re having a good time,” said Denise, “As long as you are, then I’m happy.” Ratchet smiled. “So….. I was wondering,” said Ratchet, “Do you think you….” “Yes,” said Denise, “I’d love to go to the dance with you.” She smiled and kissed his forehead. Later I was getting ready for Vivian’s performance at a Pub. Before I went there I did a bit of running around and doing errands. Denise tuned her instrument and was about to go on stage soon.  “You’re gonna kill it tonight babe,” I said in a flirtatious tone. “Thanks,” said Vivian, “Are you ok?” “Never been better,” I said. “Well, if something’s bothering you, you know you can talk to me right?” asked Vivian. “Yeah,” I said. I went to my seat. Edmund appeared. “What do you want?” Asked Vivian. “Do you think I’m freakin’ stupid?” he asked. “What are you talking about?” she asked. “I know it was you,” he said threateningly. He went up to the stage. “Before we begin tonight’s entertainment I’d like to share a few things…. Or should I say thoughts,” said Edmund pulling out a little book, “From Vivian’s Diary.” Vivian gasped. “In this box you’ll see thoughts and pictures of the person Vivian TRULY is,” said Edmund, “Then you’ll really decide if you want her to perform in this pub.” He looked back to Vivian ho had tears in her eyes. “I guess you weren’t meant for this after all,” he said. Vivian ran out the stage feeling humiliated. I wasn’t gonna tolerate what he did. (To the 4th wall) If that evil bastard thinks he’s getting away with that, he’s wrong. I ran up to the stage and delivered a super hard punch to his face. He landed on the floor and people were looking at him. “Time for you to learn your lesson,” I said, “You brought this shit on yourself!” I ran outside to find Vivian only to see Russell surrounded by 3 guys. “Let me say this slowly,” said the first thug, “Give me your money!” “I’m telling you, I don’t have any,” said Russel. “Don’t lie to us,” said the second thug, “Unless you prefer an ass beating.” “Hey!” I said getting their attention. They turned to me. “Michael no….” said Russell. The third thug pushed him down ready to attack. “FUCK MAN!” I said pushing him, “Fuck is your problem messing with an old man!” “What’s your problem?” he asked. “You’re my problem,” I said getting in his face. “Get this punk-ass outta here,” said the first thug. The second thug put his hand on me. “Let’s go,” he said. “Get your hand off of me,” I said pissed off. “Now!” he snapped. I pushed him to the wal and kicked him in the nuts. The third thug tried to hit me and I dodged and kicked him in the face. The second thug got up again and tried attacking but I grabbed his face and slammed it against a mirror and threw him down. “Don’t fuck with me,” I said. The first thug grabbed me but I quickly turned around and pushed him to the wall and was about to punch him. “Michael no!” said a voice. It was Vivian. “Don’t hurt me, just give me a chance!” said the first thug. “Well, did you give this guy a chance to explain himself, huh?” I asked. I pushed him to the brick all. “ANSWER ME!!!!” I shouted. I then looked at myself in the mirror. For the first time, I could see what I became. I slowly dropped him to the floor. “Get out,” I said. They all ran. Vivian looked at me. “Michael,” said Vivian. I ran off. “Michael wait!” she said, “Michael!!!” She then turned to Russell. “What?” he asked. “I don’t want you affiliated with that black man cause he doesn’t care about us people,” said Vivian. She then got in his face. “Look gramps, I love you but with all due respect I need you to shut up and listen to me!” she said, “Despite everything that happened Michael still risked his life to save yours.” He realized she was right. “Now think about the things you said, do you realize you were wrong to judge him based on looks?” asked Vivian. He nodded. “Good but don’t beat yourself up about it, acceptance is hard,” said Vivian. She went after me. I was in an abandoned building. (To the 4th wall) The professor was right. This suit….. its changed me. I knew I had to get rid of it. I tried pulling it off but it wouldn’t come off. “C’mon!” I said, “Get off of me!” I found myself in a dark area. “Think about what you’re doing,” said a voice. I was looking at a mirror version of me. “Remember what happened to the most important person in our lives?!” he asked. He showed me visions of my dad. “The world took him from us,” said my reflection, “And you wanted revenge.” I saw visions of Dad dying by the hands of Denise’s father. “There’s nobody in the world that can be trusted, except us,” said my reflection, “Take my hand and imagine all we can have, the villains we can destroy!” I realized he was right. But someone intervened. “Dad?” I asked. “He doesn’t need you anymore old man,” said my reflection. “That’s for him to decide,” he said, “You were given amazing talents, and I was too blind to see it, but now I see the kind of person you are, and you used those gifts.” “Well what good did it do?” asked my reflection, “That bastard Chrome till took you from us!” “From him, not from you,” said Dad, “And look what he did.” I saw a vision of me sparing Chrome. “And that was just the beginning,” said Dad. I saw every good thing that I did from back then to now.
“While that is all true, they never appreciated us,” said my reflection. “But his friends did,” said Dad, “They liked him just the way he was, and their friendship kept him going.” I saw my friends in my vision. “He’s right,” I said, “Dad never lost side of what was important to him, and neither will I!” “You can’t stop what you’ve become!” said my reflection. “Oh no?” I asked. I used an extra gauntlet and started fighting it. It was close to overcoming me, but I managed to hold my own and fight back. I finally broke free. “Dad, thank you,” I said. “Anytime son,” said Dad, “No matter what, I love you.” I kept struggling and dropped one of my gauntlets. It activated on its own and made a sound wave. I remembered that it effected my suit before. I struggled hard to finally rip if off of me. As it came off I trapped it in a ball using my digital headband. “There’s only one thing left to do with this,” I said. I took it to the lab. Edmund saw me. “The substance,” he said, “You finally found it!” I ignored him. “This is great,” he said, “With this I can still make money by letting people see it and….” He said, “Wait, what are you doing?!” “I’m freezing it,” I said. “You can’t it’ll destroy it!” said Edmund. I did the final part and it started to freeze. “NO!” he shouted. I flew away. “YOU’RE A FRAUD XENOBLADE!” he said. He placed his hand on the capsule and the substance reacted to it. “Wait…. You can understand me?” he asked. He tried opening it but nothing worked.  He then looked at his exo-skeleton. “Yes…..” he said. He put it on and then smashed the glass open. The substance crawled onto him transforming him.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Birth of the Battery (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade!)
I was walking with Vivian to her house. “Wow, this is a pretty nice house,” I said, “It was really nice of you to invite me for dinner. Are you sure I didn’t need to dress up for your parents?” “Of course not,” she said, “My mom and dad are laid back people.” “That’s good to know,” I said. “Good thing they asked today because….” She started then looked away. “What?” I asked. “Its…. My grandfather,” said Vivian, “He’s kind of….” Someone opened the door. It was Vivian’s father. “Mr. Van Dinzel,” I said shaking his hand, “Pleasure to meet you.” “Please, call me Hank,” said Hank, “My daughter’s told me a lot about you.” Vivian’s mother was cooking dinner. “Michael, what a surprise,” she said as she greeted me, “I’m Talia.” “Hi Michael,” said Lin as she came down. “You already know Lin Lee Koo, out adoptive daughter,” said Talia. “See Mom and Dad, I told you he was a famous guy,” said Lin. “Now Lin, its Talia and Hank,” said Talia, “Ok we’re equals in the house.” “I’d rather just call you ‘Mom’,” said Lin. “What Talia is trying to say, is that we’re happy that you made a friend,” said Hank.
There was another knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” said Talia. She opened the door and it was Vivian’s grandfather. “Dad,” said Hank surprised, “I thought you weren’t due here until tomorrow.” “Well I wouldn’t want to miss seeing my son,” said Vivian’s grandfather, “Who’s this boy?” “This is my boyfriend Michael Morrison,” said Vivian, “I told you about him when you called.” “Not merely enough,” he said as he went to the table. “That’s my Dad, Russell,” said Hank. Later we were having dinner. “This is delicious Mrs. Van Dinzel,” I said. “I’m glad you like it,” she said, “Help yourself, there’s plenty for everybody.” “Oh V, I found this awesome record by this musician, Stevie Ray Vaughan,” I said, “The title track, Pride and Joy is amazing.” “We can listen to it after dinner,” said Vivian. “There will be no Rock n Roll music played in this house,” said Russell. “Dad, please,” said Hank. “Hank that music teaches kids to disobey their parents,” said Russell. “Some music is positive Mr. Russell,” I said.
“Its all garbage, it teaches kids to stay out past cerfew and God knows what else,” he said, “It tears down everything people like me have worked long and hard to build, well not in this house!” “That’s not fair Grandpa,” said Vivian. “That’s my last word,” he said. Dinner was a bit awkward for me. Later we were walking back to campus. “Sometimes I swear my grandfather….” Said Vivian. “Oh quit worrying,” I said, “Some of my relitives hate rock n roll music too.” “Really?” asked Vivian. “Yeah, its not a black and white thing its an old thing,” I said, “As far as I’m concerned, everything is alright.” “I’m glad,” said Vivian, “Hey, wanna see some stuff Lin and I are working on for the science off?” “Sure,” I said. Later we were at the lab. I saw a few of my friends there too. “Hey its Vivian,” said Bryan, “How’s it hanging?” “Pretty good thanks for asking,” said Vivian, “I was about to show Michael what I’ve been working on.”
“Well check out these bad boys,” said EJ. He was showing her the new flight wings that I was working on. “I plan on using these bad boys and a mix of Tae Kwon Do for the Science off,” said EJ, “Michael was the only one who would help. I tried to get Anela to make me a cerium that would give me super strength and agility, but she says that’s ‘not science’.” “Its really not,” said Anela. “Well I guess the repulsor gauntlets I asked Bryan for aren’t science either,” said EJ. “Nope,” said Bryan. EJ was listing his ideas. I followed Vivian into her lab. “So, what have you been working on?” “I’ll show ya,” said Vivian. She had a smoke ball in her hand. “Smoke balls?” I asked, “I think those were already invented.” She threw it at the wall and smoke came out. She then somehow absorbed it.
“This is what I’ve been working on,” she said. She had some kind of gauntlet on her arms. “How’d you do that?” I asked. “These gauntlets are built with a smoke absorber, so that way whenever I’m low on it, I can press this trigger,” said Vivian, “And this trigger near my thumb can be used to shoot out smoke.” She showed me what they could do. “With these smoke gauntlets I can either shoot out a smoke ball, or a smokescreen,” she said, “I just have to adjust the nozzle here and there to decide what kind of smoke I wanna use.” “Here’s what I heard,” said EJ, “Blah, blah, blah, science, science, science, smoke.” “Ignore him,” I said. “You know, I gotta admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect on our date,” said Vivian, “You always say you’re no one special but a lot of people have such nice things to say about you.” “Really?” I asked. “Yeah, and I’m glad I figured out the time to figure out why.” “So….. I’m doing ok so far?” I asked. “Yeah,” said Vivian, “You could say that.” We moved closer and were about to kiss then the alarm went off.
The lights were shut off. I used my digital headband to get some light. Vivian saw some people. “Hey!” she said. I recognized them. “It’s the space pirates!” I said. I saw some sparks in another room. “Shit!” said Denise. I went over to her to give her a hand. “What happened?” asked Vivian. “Those creeps came here and they’re destroying everything!” said Samus. I looked at it. “I can handle this!” I said as I got my tools out. I dealt with the wires that were broken and repaired them while Micah stopped the buzzing. After some hard work, the lights came back on. I then heard a scream. That sounds like Anela,” I said, “She must be in trouble!” Ratchet, Samus, and I rushed to the room she was in and we saw the creature. “Ridley!” said Samus, “Its gotta be a copy of him!” “Anela move!” I said. Anela started to crawl away. Ratchet and I started throwing debris at Ridley. “I don’t think its working,” said Ratchet. Ridley turned around and saw Anela near a wardrobe. He pushed it away. “Help!” she said.
I reached for my monado but I forgot I left it at the campus. “Shit!” I said, “Looks like I’ll have to do this the old fashioned way.” I jumped on his head and started punching it. “Samus, activate the plasma beam!” I said. Samus changed her cannon to the plasma beam and started shooting. “Its working!” I said. “I can see that!” said Samus. Ridley tried shaking me off of him. He then grabbed my leg. “Oh no,” I said. I saw a vision of the Ridley clone about to attack me. The vision ended and the ridley clone grabbed a huge piece of debris and tried whacking me with it. I ducked before it hit me. My headband fell to the floor. “Double shit!” I said, “Ratchet, grab that!” Ratchet ran up to it and caught it.
“Now what?” he asked. “Imagine something!” I said. Ridley tried hitting me again. “What exactly?” asked Ratchet. “Anything!” I said. Ratchet imagined a giant baseball bat. The baseball bat then whacked Ridley and he was down for the count. “Thanks,” I said. “Don’t mention it,” said Ratchet. “Is it dead?” asked Anela. “I don’t think so,” I said, “Just knocked out.” Professor Archibald, the person in charge of the science off rushed into the room. “What happened here?!” he asked. He saw that the ridley clone was beaten and plasma all around it. “Well you see….” I said. “It was my fault,” said Anela, “I must’ve somehow rigged it to wake up.” “Nonsense Anela,” said Professor Archibald, “Something else must’ve happened, but I don’t blame you or your friend Michael for what happened.” He turned to you. “As for you, I hope you realize how lucky you are,” he said, “Not much people who only spend less than a week here managed to take on a malfunctioning machine, nor did they live to tell the tale. You….. will be promoted.” “What?” I asked. “For sheer dumb luck,” he said. I looked at Anela. “I owed you Mikey,” she said.
I noticed some of the inventions were taken from us. “Shit,” I said, “It was a diversion.” I noticed my suit that I made was gone. “Damn it!” I said, “I should’ve kept guard over here.” “Don’t blame yourself Michael,” said Anela, “Nobody was hurt at least.” “Samus, let’s get out your power suit,” I said, “We’re gonna find these punks and take them down.” “Yeah, about that….” Said Samus. She explained to me about what had happened while she was away. “Really?” I asked, “REALLY Samus?” I was looking at the Power Suit I designed for her and it was badly damaged. “I acted with good intentions,” she said. “Don’t talk to me about good intentions,” I said, “You know I have a good intention to prohibit your ass from test driving anymore of my inventions.” “I’m aware of that,” she said. “Well it still functions right, so get it fixed up just like you found it,” I said with a serious tone, “And don’t have Anela making a bunch of modifications like a goddamn jet pack.” “Yes sir,” said Samus. “But….. keep the color scheme,” I said, “For some reason it looks good.” I walked away. “Talking to me about Good intentions,” I said. Samus turned to Anela. “Yeah we’re gonna have to kill the jet pack,” said Samus.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chatper 3
Xenoforce III Chapter 3 by Kasai01, Oct 9, 2017, 3:06:49 PM Literature / Prose / Fiction / Children and Teen / Flash Fiction & Vignettes Chapter 3: Sound Breaker Suit (disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles!)
Vivian was handing in some paperwork to bring a light music club back. One of the professors was looking at it. “Well Ms. Dinzel, I notice you don’t have the minimum amount of members,” she said. “Well Professor Finns, I did bring an old band together that use to play for my brother but…” said Vivian. “Look doll, I’m afraid we can only let the Light Music Club back if you have the minimum amount of members,” said Professor Finns, “So what do you need?” “How do I…. approach recruiting members?” asked Vivian. “Well Ms. Dinzel, the answer to that is simple,” said Professor Finns, “The only way to get more members is to ask them to give out applications. “Applications?” asked Vivian, “But those were released weeks ago, its probably too late for that now.” “C’mon doll, its never too late to build a bigger ensemble,” said Professor Finns. Vivian left the room and her band members greeted her. “Any luck?” asked Jade, their red haired bass player. “Well, looks like we gotta get some more members,” said Vivian. “Well, I can look around for some in my old club,” said Sheldon, the keyboardist. “Same here,” said Jake, their drummer, “You can find some can’t you sis?”
“Well, I’m sure there’s some members that aren’t in clubs yet, little big brother,” said Jade. She calls him that because he’s older in age, but shorter in size. “Hey V,” I said coming by. “Michael, hey,” she said greeting me. “Who’s the new guy?” asked Jade. “Oh, this is my boyfriend Michael,” said Vivian. “Sup,” said Jake. “Well, well, well,” said someone. It was a black haired woman that was taller than me or Vivian. “What do you want Janice?” asked Vivian. “Just came by to say congrats on failing to get the Light Music Club back on its feet,” she said, “Got some more sour grapes for me?” “All I need is a few more members and we’ll be back on our feet,” said Vivian, “Just you wait.” Janice looked at me and then walked away. “That’s my cousin Janice,” said Vivian, “She acts nice and sweet, but don’t let that fool you. She’s a pure evil bitch.” “I can tell,” I said. I noticed students going somewhere. “What’s going on?” I asked.
“Looks like we’ll have to find out,” said Jade. We all went to the center of the school and saw someone in the center. It was him, the guy I saw on the newspaper; Edmund Pierce. “Please people, I’ll give autographs later,” he said. “Oh great,” I said, “That guys here.” Edmund got a look at Vivian. “So I heard you’re trying to bring a Light Music Club back,” I said, “Well I’d be more than happy to….” One of her friends pushed me out of the way. “Oh my god, V, you gotta check out this super cute guy,” she said. I tried to get up but I was trampled by other students. She brought her to Edmund. “My name is Edmund Pierce, and when I saw you in the crowd I just had to get a closer look,” he said, “What do you way we get together after class and get to know each other.” “As if,” said Vivian as she removed her hand from his, “I’ve no interest in a guy who cares only about fame.” She went back to me. “Feisty aren’t you,” he said. “You ok?” she asked. “Yeah,” I said, “Thank you.” I was a mess. “Looks like you got trampled,” said Vivian. “You mind if I wash up at your dorm?” I asked, “My sister sees me like this, and she’s gonna be all over these students like the Holy Ghost.” “Sure,” she said. I followed her to her dorm and washed off the dirt and stuff. Afterwards I was brand new. “Man that hit the spot,” I said, “Thanks a bunch.” “Don’t mention it,” said Vivian. Someone else came into the dorm. It was a young girl. “Hi Vivian,” she said. “Hey sis,” said Vivian. “Sis?” I asked. “That’s right,” said Vivian, “This is my younger sister.” “And would this be your you-know-what?” she asked. Vivian nodded. “Nice,” she said, “I’m Lin Lee Koo, student at G.I.B.S, and a gifted mechanic.” “She’s 13 years old,” said Vivian, “And while she looks young, she’s one of the brightest minds this school has.” “Nice to meet you Lin,” I said.
Johnny was at his dorm at his school filling out the application for Scavenger’s for Hire. “Damn it!” he said, “There’s one thing I’m missing.” There was a knock on his door. Johnny closed his laptop and opened it. It was his girlfriend Lola. “Johnny, are you alright?” she asked. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said, “Why wouldn’t I be?” “Your dad said there was a freakout at the hospital you visited,” said Lola, “She’s worried about you, and so am I.” “Don’t be,” said Johnny, “I’m ok.” “Is this about Dad?” she asked. He sighed. “Yes,” said Johnny, “Ever since that day, I felt like I caused his accident.” Lola hugged him. “Johnny, it wasn’t entirely your fault,” she said, “My father doesn’t blame you one bit for what happened.” “Yeah,” he said. “Neither should you.” “Nothing he can say can change what happened,” said Johnny, “I wanna make things right again. I gotta get some air, but I’ll see you later.” “Johnny, some things are just….” Said Lola before he left, “….beyond our control.”
I was working on a prototype suit for the upcoming science off. “Its showtime Micah,” I said, “Bring out the dummies.” “Got it!” said Micah. Some digital dummies appeared in the obstacle course. I brought out my new gauntlets. They were built with an electrical surge that could force enemies back and smash through brick walls. The dummies came after me and I tested out the gauntlets. “Wow, these things really work!” I said, “And now, the main attraction.” I got out an energy staff and used it. It was able to shoot energy bolts and makes for a good melee weapon. Micah heard some noise. It was EJ watching some of the Captain Falcon Fitness DVDs. “EJ, do you mind, we’re doing some tests,” she said before she got a look at the person, “Is that…..?” “That’s right,” said EJ, “Captain Falcon.” After a few minutes of testing the functions of the suit, I was tired. “Break time,” I said. While sitting down, I was working on a 3d graph of EJ’s new and improved Xeno-suit. Principal Gibson opened the doors to the room. “Burning the midnight oil Mr. Morrison?” he asked. “Yes sir,” I said.
He got a look at my suit. “This is extraordinary,” he said, “I take if this is for the upcoming Science off?” “It runs on an unlimited supply of energy,” I said, “Anela helped me put it together.” “I look forward to seeing it in action,” he said. I kept working on EJ’s upgrades. (To the 4th wall) I know right? How do I manage to come up with all of this technology? Well, looks like one of our friends works for scavengers for Hire, but I’m not sure who. Somebody called me on the phone. “Hey Michael, are we forgetting something?” asked Anela. I remembered. “Oh yeah, you invited me to the mansion!” I said. “That’s right,” said Anela, “I assumed you were working on something so I decided to call.” “Hey do you mind if I bring Vivian?” I asked, “I think she’ll love it there,” I said. “The more the merrier,” said Anela.
Vivian, Micah and I were on the way to Anela’s house. “Here we are,” I said. “Wow, it’s a pretty big place,” said Vivian. (To the 4th wall) Yep, this is the place where Anela lives. I probably forgot to mention this in XenoForce II, but she’s rich. Rich as hell that is. A butler opened the doors and we went in. “Michael and Vivian have arrived,” said the butler. “Michael, glad you could make it,” said Bryan. “Welcome to Tengoku,” said EJ, “That’s Spanish for Paradise.” “Its really… not,” sad Anela. “To be honest, I thought Anela lived in a scientist’s home,” said Denise, “But this place is radical!” She jumped into the pool. “Looks like you guys are settled in,” I said as I smiled. “Check this out,” said EJ as he got out the tub, “Fetch me my towel good sir.”
“As you wish, Master Edward,” said the butler. “Master Edward, wow!” said EJ, “Now pat me dry.” “Yes sir,” said the butler as he dried EJ. He then jumped back in the pool. “In retrospect, he probably should’ve seen this coming,” said Clank. He was sitting on a bench trying to get a tan. “Robots can’t get tans Clank,” said Ratchet. “I see you brought the rockstar,” said EJ. “Yeah,” I said, “I figured why not introduce her to you guys.” “Anela Mae,” said Anela greeting Vivian, “But you can call me Ann.” “Pleasure,” said Vivian, “So…. What do you have for us today? Shopping? Makeovers?” “I vote makeovers!” said EJ. Bryan dunked him into the water. “I have something else in mind,” said Anela.
Later we were in a virtual reality room. (You probably recognize this from the first story. This is where I tested out my headband.) “It allows you to dream up wherever you want to be at and makes the room into that reality,” said Anela, “Pretty great right?” “Way cooler than shopping,” said Vivian. “Try it out,” said Anela. Vivian walked in with her guitar. She then closed her eyes and envisioned herself at a stadium with her band. She then played an insane guitar solo and the audience went into a frenzy. “Insane,” I said. My hair was wild. We were all having a blast. “Hey, Michael can I ask you something?” she asked. “Sure, what’s up?” I asked.  “My parents were wondering if you’d like to have dinner with us,” she said, “They’re dying to meet you.” “Hmmm, I don’t…..” I started. I looked by to Anela remembering the plans I had with her. She gave me a sign meaning she has everything covered. “…See why not,” I finished.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce Chapter 5
Chapter 5: The team unites
(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles or Nintendo!!!)
 I just got done interrogating the last guy about Government 9. “That’s all I need to know,” I said as I broke the ice. Micah trapped him. “Wait,” he said, “You’re not gonna kill me?” “I may be a vigilante, but I don’t kill,” I said, “Spread the word.” Later I was at Anela’s lab. “If I could just put in the last code,” she said, “Aha!” “Did you find them?” I asked. “Yep, it looks like they’re gonna be at this bridge at this time,” said Anela, “Ready to find the dreamreaver?” “As I’ll ever be,” I said. Micah and I suited up and found a truck. “Hey can we get a lift?” I asked. We both jumped on. And we all know how this turned out. I fast forwarded to the part where we left off.
 There. All caught up. I was riding with Bryan who was 16 and got is license somehow. We were heading to the boarding school. “Bryan, back so soon?” asked Ejay, “Did you find the dream reaver?” “No, but I did find out who the guy in the spandex is,” said Bryan. “Its not spandex!” I said, “It’s a cyber exo skeleton.” “Is that….” Said Ejay. “That’s right,” I said, “Its me.” Maddi ran to me and gave me a big hug. “Nice to see you too Maddi,” I said. Ejay gave me a fist bump. “How you doin man?” he asked. I told them everything that happened and they told me. “So does the principal know about this?” I asked. “Well….. sort of,” said Bryan, “But he doesn’t know about you yet.” The door opened. “I see you’re working on a new team project,” said the person. He was obviously the principal. “You must be Michael,” he said, “The inventor of the dream reaver.” He noticed the headband on my head. “May I?” he asked.
 “Sure,” I said as I gave it to him. He imagined something and it came to life digitally. “Extraordinary,” he said, “You really are an inspirational genius.” “Yeah,” I said, “Wanna know how I got the images to come?” “Hey dude, he created this,” said Anela. I realized who he was. “James Gibson?” I asked, “As in…. Gibson’s laws of digital imagery?” “That’s right,” he said, “I know its been a few years since you applied, but its never to late to get started. Give it some thought.” “Ok sir,” I said. He gave back my invention. “Ok, lets get back to business,” said Anela. She placed some data on a nearby computer. All this info leads to one thing,” said Anela, “Government 9 seems to steal inventions and use them for evil plots.” “EVIL!!!!!” said Ejay. We all looked at him. “Sorry, had to do it,” he said. “Anyways,” said Anela, “It looks like their place if heavily guarded and Micah and Michael are the only ones that can get in with their abilities.”
 “Uhh, you’d have to find their location first, and that would take a while.” “No, I just gotta think outside the box…. That’s it!” I said, “I can create a super computer that can locate where I can find them, I just gotta upgrade my suit and Micah’s as well.” I then saw some figurines of action figures and then looked at the others and then thought of something. “Actually, if we’re gonna catch this guy, I should upgrade you guys too.” “What are you talking about?” asked Denise. Ejay knew where I was going. “We can’t go against them,” said Bryan, “We’re kids!” “No you’re not,” I said, “You’re more than you are.” Denise thought for a moment. “You’re our best friend Michael,” said Denise, “We’re in.” “Let’s do it,” said Bryan. “Our origin story begins!” said Ejay, “WE’RE GONNA BE SUPERHEROES!!!” I scanned everyone and Anela and I got busy on everyone’s suits. I started with Maddi. She seemed interested in paint so I made a suit based off that. She now had a paintball gun which she could use to shoot paintballs. She also had the ability to shoot paintballs based off of elements.
 Then I worked on Denise’s suit. She was able to run around without tiring herself out or heating up. She was faster than before. “Pretty nice genius,” said Denise, “Check this out.” She ran by Bryan and took his manwich. “MY MANWICH!” he said. Anela was working on a new suit for me complete with an upgrade for the monado. It now had an energy based blade that surprisingly doesn’t cut through human skin. It does whack them pretty good though. I then made a suit for Ejay. His dream in life was to fly and now it was about to come true. He had a costume based off the condor. His wings has projectiles that he could shoot and they would come back like magnets. “I’m flying!” said Ejay, “I’m actually flying!!” “How did you make that costume?” asked Anela. “I have my ways,” I said.  And last but not least Bryan. I upgraded his gloves. Now his entire body was turned into titanium and any kind of metal he could think of. Everyone tested out their abilities in a training room. I gave Anela a high five.
 “Guys check this out!” said Anela, “I’d like to introduce, XenoBlade 2.0!” I stepped out with my new costume. It had a red and blue paint job with the monado on my back. “He’s glorious!” said Ejay as he gasped. “Thanks,” I said, “And check this out.” I showed them my blade. “Radical!” said Denise. Maddi clapped her hands. “Thanks,” I said. “How are you doing that with your eyes?” asked Denise. “Not sure really,” I said, “Must be CGI magic, like they did with Deadpool’s mask.” I showed the reader a copy of the Deadpool movie. “Buy it,” I said.
  “Guys, the computer’s all ready,” said Anela. We all went to a big room where Anela was tinkering with things to create a scanner. “Alright!” said Bryan, “Now we’re busy.” “You’re a genius Anela,” I said. “Aw shucks,” she said, “Now let’s fire this baby up.” We located Government 9’s secret location. They were at an abandoned warehouse . “There they are,” I said. We headed there. Ejay carried me while Brian drove with Maddi and Micah skated on ice. We landed at the doors. “Nice landing guys,” said Ejay. I tried opening the door and it as shut. “Ok,” I said. I used the monado to cut our way in. Remember readers, don’t play with sharp metal objects, but always use your imagination.
 Meanwhile my dad got a phone call. “He’s at the school?” he asked, “Thank you for informing me.” He hung up and got the keys. “Where are you going?” asked my mom. “I’m heading up there to find Michael,” he said. “What are you gonna do?” she asked, “Go up there, smash his invention and drag him back home?” “Exactly!” he said, “He has no business being there!” “He has all the business to be there with his friends,” said my mom, “All Michael wanted was to be accepted for who he is, and if you hadn’t been so hard on him he wouldn’t have left!” “I just need to talk to him again,” he said, “I need him home.” He took the car and drove away.
 We were walking around the facility. Ejay was singing some strange song and annoying Bryan. “EJ, I will punch you in the face.” “Guys shh,” I said, “I think we’re getting close.” “But something’s missing though,” said Denise. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I mean people who get this far would fall into a booby trap, or an attack.” The lights went out. “Or an ambush,” said Micah. The lights turned back on and we saw a bunch of guards with guns. Their leader came out. “15 minutes to infiltrate our base,” he said, “With your reputation I was expecting something more impressive. Let them go.” We were brought to a room. “Alow me to introduce myself,” he said, “I am Shao Lin, head of Government 9.” “Where’s the dreamreaver?” I asked. “I thought you’d never ask, Michael Morrison,” said Shao. “How do you know my name?” I asked. “I’ve been watching you for a while,” he said, “You were searching for it and now we have it here along with you.” He showed it to us. “You probably don’t know this, but years ago, the dreamreaver created an alternate dimension,” he said.
 There was something on the screen. “There was something strange about that world, and we thought you would be the only one to figure it out,” he said. “Perhaps my dad’s in there,” said Denise. “Chrome?” I asked. “Yes,” she said, “A few months back, he and an exploration team went in to discover this new world. The team returned but my father…. He didn’t.” “Oh my god,” said Micah. “So basically we should go in there and find him,” I said, “In return, I get my invention back.” “You have our word,” said Shao. We got ready. “Be careful Michael,” said Anela as she hugged me. Maddi’s cheeks grew red. “Jealous?” asked Denise. Maddi flipped her off. We got ready and teleported into the dimension. “Whoa,” I said. We were surrounded by a purple sky, and a brown ground. There were strange cracks with green liquid. “Either?” I asked. “Mike you should see this!” said Micah. She was looking at some kind of river of either.
 “This is going on Instagram,” said Ejay as he took a picture. “It seems to be reacting to human emotion,” I said. I put my hand near it and felt its energy. Part of the ground fell and I fell into the river. “Michael!” said Micah. She and the others rushed to my aid and pulled me out. “Are you ok?” she asked. “Surprisingly I’m fine,” I said. I then saw some strange pictures in my head. “What was that?” I asked. Maddi poked me. “What is it?” I asked. We were all looking at some strange figure.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Rise of Smithy Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Across the world (Disclaimer!)
(Michael’s P.O.V) Nicholas and I were looking on the computer. “Everything’s been sabotaged in Future Industries,” I said, “Smithy must’ve did this.” Nicholas was looking at R.O.B.  “He’s been spotted all over the world,” said Elma, “Labs, facilities, almost anywhere where technology is being made.” “Guys,” said Cross, “You might wanna see this.” He showed us a picture of one of Dr. Wiley’s creations being destroyed with a message; “End all War.” “He’s trying to bring peace by destroying all crime across the globe,” I said. “Looks like it,” said Nicholas, “However he has the wrong idea.” “And he’s also been going through internet, serveilence, almost everything,” said Star, “He’s trying to get more information about us than we have about each other.” “This is bad,” said Chun-Li, “What if he decides to activate something more exciting?” “Like Nuclear codes,” said Steven. “But why would Smithy want us dead?” asked Nicholas, “We protect the world.” “Not dead,” said Elma, “Extinct.”
“Look at what he did to R.O.B,” said Anela, “This isn’t strategy, its…. Anger.” “I don’t get it,” I said, “I built this thing to protect people, but its trying to kill people instead. And I had no vision of it.” “Well there’s more bad news,” said Steven, “I just checked the lab and it has the scepter, and we gotta get it back.” “Why would he want the scepter?” asked Star. I was grabbing my monado. “Michael where are you going?” asked Anela. “To get that scepter back,” I said, “I caused this mess, so I gotta stop it, even if I have to slice and dice through each of his creations to do it.” “You’re going alone?” asked Colleen. “If that’s what it takes,” I said. “That’s suicide,” said Star, “You can’t go handle him by yourself!” “This isn’t the first time something like this happened,” I said, “4 years ago, I created the dreamreaver in hopes of helping people, but in the end it was almost used to take over Los Angeles.”
They were all listening. “And now here I am trying to learn from my mistake and I screwed up yet again,” I said, “None of this would’ve happened if I hadn’t fucked up.” “Everyone fucks up at least once Michael, even me,” said Nicholas, “But do I handle the fight alone? No, I ask for my friends, and that’s why we’re gonna do this together, and we’re gonna stay together whether we lose or win. Because we’re a team.” “Smithy is calling us out with his battle strategy,” said Star, “So I think we should find him soon.” “The best way is to go to each of these locations where Future Industries has been adapted to, and stop Smithy from building his army,” said Asami showing us a map. “The world’s big,” said Colleen, “Let’s make it smaller.”
Jet and Asia were back at Shanghai going to their hideout. “Someone’s there,” said Asia. She tried to read the person’s mind but she couldn’t.  “You must be wondering why you can’t get into my head,” said the person. “I am,” said Asia, “But sooner or later a man has to show himself.” The person revealed himself. It was Smithy in a new metal body. “I’m sure that’s true, but you needed something more than a man,” said Smithy, “More like…. A father, someone that will guide you to the right path, which is why you let Nicholas take the scepter.” “I saw what he was afraid of,” said Asia, “I knew that his fear would control him, and force him to create what he hates.” “Everyone makes what is necessary to gain success in their goal,” said Smithy, “Amon created the equalists to achieve equality, Dr. Light created robot masters to help the community, and Captain N created the Peacekeepers to protect the world.” “So why did you come?” asked Jet, “To end the Peacekeepers?” “I’ve come to save the world from its destruction,” said Smithy, “But also…… yes.”
He took them to Dr. Wiley’s abandoned lab. “Its time to prepare for the mission at hand,” said Smithy. There were creations of his being activated. “If there’s one thing that I have that the Peacekeepers never will have, its harmony,” said Smithy, “When the time comes I will send this army to put an end to all military forces, and war soldiers, everyone who destroys the world with their wars.” “So why do you want to help us?” asked Jet, “We’re just humans.” “Humans that lost their parents during the war, I’ve read your information,” said Smithy, “What happened?”
“We were just kids having dinner, and suddenly we hear an explosion,” said Jet, “It triggered more bombs across the city and leveled our building.” He looked at a picture of his parents. “Once it all stopped, we saw our parents’ broken bodies, and then we see a man made of metal fly away,” said Jet, “Megaman.” “That’s why I took you with me,” said Smithy, “We both have one common enemy; Nicholas Shay. And for the longest time I wondered why you survived the expiriments, but not anymore.” He turned to them. “We will make things right, and you will tear them apart,” said Smithy, “From the inside.”
San Fransico Nicholas’ P.O.V The team and I were heading to the Future Industries facility in San Fransisco. “This has to be his first stop,” said Michael, “Its one of the first cities that Asami introduced Future Industries to.” He noticed a thug with a strange weapon. “Nicholas follow that guy,” he said. “What?” I asked. “Look at his weapon,” he said. I got a closer look at it. “Asami, you gettin’ this?” I asked. “That looks like something from Future Industries,” she said. “I say we interrogate him,” said Steven, “Let’s go get him.” “Wait!” I said, “There’s a way we do stuff like this.” The man was walking into an alleyway. I caught him and pinned him to the wall. Michael approached him as Xenoblade. “Hello,” he said. His voice sounded a bit deeper. “What the….” Said the man.
“We want information and you’re gonna give it to us now!” said Xenoblade. “Whoa, man just…” said the man. “Come on!” Xenoblade snapped. “Uh Xenoblade, what happened to your voice?” I asked. “What do you mean what happened to my voice?” asked Xenoblade. “I know what you sound like under the mask and it definitely doesn’t sound like that,” I said. “Are we gonna talk about my voice or are we gonna interrogate this guy?” asked Xenoblade. He suddenly realized that his voice did sound different. “Deactivate Interrogation mode,” he said. His voice went back to normal. “Why did Asami even add that function?” he asked himself, “Ok where did you get that weapon?” “This metal man just showed me his creations and gave this to me on the house,” said the man. “What metal man?” asked Steven.
“Wait, did this metal man, have some kind of titanium alloy?” I asked. “Yes,” said the man, “But I’m not a criminal, I’m an undercover agent for the Plumbers. My name is Alex.” “What?” asked Star. “Trust me, you’re not the only one who’s trying to get these weapons,” said Alex. “We can trust these guys,” said Xenoblade, “Lower your weapons.” “Wait, how do you know?” asked Cross. “Trust me, you’re not the only one who’s been fighting aliens from other worlds, and I’ve worked with the plumbers before,” said Xenoblade, “One of them has a 10 year old boy that can blast heat, grow four arms, and has a head made of diamonds.” “What can you tell us about Smithy?” asked Korra. “Other than he’s a madman who wants to fight off the human race, nothing,” said Alex, “But I can tell you that there’s another guy who’s planning on robbing Future Industries.” He showed us a picture. “I know that guy,” I said, “That’s Heatman.” “One more word of advice; Work together to fight him,” said Alex, “From what I’ve seen, you guys are better as a team as opposed to fighting him separately.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” I said. I saw some smoke in the clouds. “There it is,” I said, “Let’s mobolize.”
Heat Man was looking around the factory as more robot masters and servants were being created. He heard some noise and looked outside. When he turned around, Jet and Asia were right behind him. “Am I supposed to be intimidated?” he asked. He took out a pistol, but Jet quickly grabbed and emptied it. “I’m not scared of a few little kids,” he said, “Want some candy?” He got a closer look at them. “Wait a minute, you’re Wiley’s experiments,” he said. “You have something we want,” said Jet, “And we’d like to strike a deal.” “Sorry, but I only do deals with the ones in charge,” said Heatman. Smithy was right behind him. Heatman was thrown out the window. “I’m afraid there is no one in charge but me,” said Smithy as he got closer, “How’s about we talk some business.”
Meanwhile we were looking around for Smithy and those two ehnahced. “Cross, you getting anything?” asked Chun-Li. “The structure is interfering with my scanner,” said Cross. “Shit,” I said. Chun-Li heard something. “What is it?” asked Steven. “Look,” she said. We saw more creations made by Smithy. “He’s building an army,” said Xenoblade. “Using my old designs,” said Asami. Heatman took a piece of Labranyum and gave it to him. “I had to raid it from Republic City in order to get it here,” said Heatman, “Its said to be worth thousands.” One of his henchmen checked a phone and saw a huge change in the bank account.
“And now so are you,” said Smithy, “Green is a weapon to make friends.” “Nicholas Shay use to say that,” said Heatman. Smithy glared at him. I saw them. “There he is,” I said. “One thing,” said Smithy, “Never compare me to Nicholas Shay. I’m not one of his puppets, as he is nothing more than an obstacle in my way.” I jumped up. “Hey now,” I said, “No need to break my heart.” “I will if its necessary to keep you out of my way,” said Smithy. “Nobody has to break anything,” said Star.
“Clearly you’ve never made an omlate,” said Smithy. “He beat me by one second,” said Xenoblade to the 4th wall. Jet and Asia were looking at us. “Megaman X I presume,” said Jet. “The one responsible for the attacks on Shanghai,” said Asia. “The two of you can still walk away from all this,” said Cross. “Oh we will,” said Jet. “I know you both have suffered,” said Cross. “Blue Angel, the first android soldier of B.L.A.D.E,” said Smithy, “Pretending to live life when you can’t even remember who you are.” “If you believe in peace, then allow us to keep it,” said Steven, “We don’t wanna hurt anybody.” “And that’s why you fail,” said Smithy, “Because you don’t take chances.”
“So why the Labranyum?” asked Colleen, “Aren’t you strong enough already?” “Oh its not for me,” said Smithy, “Its for my weapon.” “What weapon?” asked Cross. “Well I’m glad you asked because I can tell you while I beat the life out of your bodies,” said Smithy. He used some kind of technology to pull me closer and push me back to a wall. “Alright,” I said. I charged at him with my X-Saber. Jet and Asia were battling my comrades. More of Smithy’s flunkies showed up. Xenoblade used one of his monado arts. “Monado, Speed!” he said.
He could keep up with Jet. The two of them clashed at one another. Captain Falcon threw her riot shield at Jet but he dodged it using his super speed and punched her in the face. “Try this one for size!” said Star. She threw her wand at Jet. He tried grabbing it but he was not worthy and he fell to the floor. “Stay down,” said Colleen. Billy saw what was happening. Smithy turned to Asia. “I think its time to play with their minds,” he said. Asia got to Star and used her neon powers to play with her mind. “Star are you alright?” asked Steven.
“The girl tried to mess with my head, but I’m too strong for her mind games,” said Star. She opened a door and found herself on Mewni. “What?” she asked. Asia then got to Colleen and did the same to her. When she opened her eyes she found herself face to face with Connor. Smithy’s goons started taking the Labranyum. Asia then got close to Steven however he was too smart for her. He pushed her back trapping her in a bubble. “Not really a fan of having my mind played with,” said Steven. Jet grabbed Asia and ran off. “Yeah you better run,” he said. He noticed most of the team were under Asia’s spell. I managed to stop Smithy in his tracks using the ice beam.
“Hold it,” he said, “The Labranyum is getting away.” “But you’re not going anywhere,” I said. “I’m already there,” he said pointing to his minions, “But how can you catch them when there’s…. a problem in the city.” I saw a giant robot wreaking havoc on the city. I destroyed Smithy’s body. “Billy, Cross, you think you can meet me at the city?” I asked, “We got a giant wreaking havoc!” “On the way,” said Cross. “Steven and Xenoblade, you get the others back to the ship!” “Sure thing boss,” said Steven.
The giant machine was attacking the city. “For behold, I am Yardiobich,” he said. He threw his spear at a water tower making it blow up. “This guy looks like trouble,” said Billy, “Better transform!” He turned into Bowser. “I got something else in mind,” said Cross, “Alexa, send out my skell!” “Got it,” said Alexa. I went to a police officer. “Get these people as far away from here as possible,” I said, “Do whatever is necessary just keep them out of this battlefield!” “Yes sir,” he said. I started to help them out. Cross got in his skell. “Try this one out for size big boy,” he said. He fired missiles at Yardiovich and he picked up a car and used it as a shield. He then threw the car at Cross. “Alright then,” he said. HE charged at Yardiovich using thrusters. Bowser gave a helping hand by pinning him down. “You really think you can stop me?” asked Yardiovich.
He picked Bowser up and threw him at a building. Someone saw him. “Sorry,” he said. He quickly got back up. Something was wrong with him. “For some reason fighting this guy makes me wanna….” He said. He suddenly breathed fire. “How did you do that Billy?” asked Cross. “I’m not sure,” said Bowser. “Well whatever you do, don’t stop!” said Cross. Yardiovich cut off the left arm of the skell. “That was a dick move!” said Cross. He pressed a button and a new arm came. “Cross, get that thing away from the people!” I said. “Got it boss!” said Cross. He carried Yardiovich away and they landed far away from the civilians. “Let’s try this one out,” said Cross. He pressed a button and got out a double bladed beam sword. “Shall we tango?” he asked. They clashed at each other. Billy was helping the people evacuate the city. “Come on, let’s move,” he said, “Get to safety quickly.” An elevator was about to fall, but he caught it. “Go, go!” he said. The people got out and he dropped it.
Cross kicked Yardiovich in the face and he spat out a tooth. “Fuck,” said Cross. He grabbed Cross’ skell by the leg and spun it around. Yardiovich then threw him at a tree. He was about to finish Cross off when someone shot him. It was me and Elma. “Keep firing!” I said, “We gotta help Cross!” Cross managed to get out and grabbed his photon saber. I scanned him to find out an opening. “Got it!” I said, “There’s a crack, and if one of us can fire at it we can shut it down.” “Got it,” said Elma. She went headfirst into the fray about to do the sliding slinger. Yardiovich grabbed her before she could pull it off. “Let her go!” yelled Cross as he rushed after him. Yardiovich used Static E to blind us. “CROSS!” shouted Elma.
“Looks like your little charade has come to an end,” said Yardiovich. “You think so don’t you?” asked Elma pointing down. She planted a mine below him. “Oh no,” he said. The mine exploded dismantling him. The dust cleared our vision was back. “Elma?” asked Cross. He saw the pile of scrap and metal. He dug around it looking for her. “Elma?!” he exclaimed, “Elma!!!” She was nowhere to be found. “What’s wrong?” she asked. He turned around to see her completely unharmed. Cross hugged her. “Don’t scare me like that!” he said. Elma was shocked to see how worried about her he was but not as much as she was happy. “I’ll try to keep that in mind,” she said as she returned the hug. “Alright,” I said, “Let’s get to the safehouse, while our teammates recover.” “Safehouse?” asked Cross. “You’ll see,” I said smiling.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
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A rockstar girl and Michael's new girlfriend. She plays the guitar and also attends the same school that Michael does. Her goal in life is to follow her older brother's footsteps and rock the world with her music. Vivian also wants to bring back an old Light Music Club with the help of her friends, Jade, Sheldon, and Jake.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
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Michael and Micah Morrison, Bryan Rogers, Edward James, Denise Richardson, Maddi, and Anela at Gifted Inventors Boarding School. They're all best friends who are inseparable and have formed a fighting team for good known as The XenoForce! With Michael's technology they will fight against high tech supervillains.
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