ran-orimoto · 1 year
But why would you put Junpei in the fire group with Takuya? They never interacted in the series. But I support the idea of Junpei and Izumi as a couple mixing fire and light and their children being a mix. Bye
Because I hardcore ship them.
And because ATLA teaches us the danger coming from lightning and fire together.
Jokes besides, I’m not really saying the teams have got no logic, but I don’t like how Junpei’s speech about balance doesn’t really mirror the Fire group’s conformation: Fire is the only element acting as the powerful one needing to be dominated; Wind and Ice exstinguish it. If you take in consideration the Light group, instead, Thunder is supposed to generate light (for a second ,though, so it’s kinda…Forced🤣), while darkness turns light off. It works a little better, even though Junpei’s element should have been called Lightning and not Thunder. Isn’t thunder only the sound energy, after all? And why should I ask myself these questions to make my life more complex than what it already is?
Returning on the main topic, thunders can trigger fire and playing the destroyers role in the team would have been perfect for Takuya and Junpei, since they hold the most dangerous and untamable elements of the six kids, along with Izumi, I guess? Still, fire and thunders will always bring along risks, whereas wind can also blow in the shape of a kind and innocent breeze. So on a side you’d have Junpei and Takuya’s might knowing no control, on the other you’d have Tomoki or Izumi controlling that fire. In my opinion, it would have worked better if both groups had had a similar scheme. They should have originally picked an element that could have grown in might along with Fire, like, idk, something related to Sun since the Moon had a pretty important presence in Frontier…Again, mine is just wishful thinking.
I also find it interesting the Agni God from Hinduism, the one from whom Agnimon’s name (and concept too?) derives can assume three forms; On the earth He is fire, in the sky He is the Sun and in the atmosphere He is Lightning.
Moreover, when it comes to these teams, -which could have never existed in the story and we all would have been fine-, I would have loved it if the logic behind them had been based on relationships too, you know? I would have loved it if the kids in each group had been in that specific group because of a special development going on between them and the “leader”. Pff. Taking in consideration the elements thing didn’t really make that much sense, they could have taken this route, I suppose.
I frankly believe Izumi had more chemistry with Kouji than Takuya, not only because the very first drama and Izumi’s VA did make us understand she had a crush on Kouji, but also because Izumi and Kouji/ Lobemon and Fairymon had a history of collaboration behind them. I can think about Izumi’s infamous first battle where Kouji rescued her (…….) or the moment Fairymon convinced Lobemon to hold her hand. And, besides the fact Light and Wind were sealed together by Seraphimon (I remember?), even the movie seemed to like playing about hinting Izumi and Kouji were a team still missing its third member, while Junpei, Takuya and Tomoki were another one, already settled, with their dynamics playing in both directions:
-Junpei/Tomoki, who have always been considered as a duo even in cards.
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-Takuya/ Tomoki sibilings bond
And here comes it: me disagreeing with you about the fact they have never interacted and showing you Junpei would have been a great member for the Fire team.
Both have had very intense moments of fights and arguments. Junpei has always buttheaded with Takuya because, like I was saying before, their tempers clash and explode when they enter in contact XD, and also because Junpei has always been bitterly envious of him, kinda feeling inferior than him and utterly useless from the very first episode.
(Ahh the flavour of the first Frontier half🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥).
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This can also be applied to Junpei/Kouji, but their development limits itself to that moment when Kouji rescues him (unnecessary trash I can ignore) or to the one before the Kerpymon fight, but at the end of the day that scene was focused on Junpei cheering both Takuya and Kouji up. That was the testament of someone who had started off as an egocentric kid and had had to gradually accept to be a shadow in a show he believed it was his (main love interest lady *cough* included💔⚡️).
You see, Takuya’s and Junpei’s growth as people who respect each other but still retain their bickering had more potential than Junpei/Kouji. A friend of mine also reminded me how similar they are, which is hilarious because Takuya asks Junpei if he’s an only child, but he himself has always acted as such as well, a spoiled kid, no matter he has got a younger brother.
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In a certain sense, despite how much I dislike some writing choices thrown in there, the Dark Blitzmon episode also played a very good job at showing they had arrived so far in their relationship.
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So I would have loved it if their development had had a good outcome, featuring Junpei, the one who has always refused to obey Takuya from the start by acting as an anti-leader, trusting him his powers. It would have been much more meaningful to me and that’s why Junpei will always be a member of the Fire group in my heart🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️.
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