#or Junzumi ofc
ran-orimoto · 1 year
But why would you put Junpei in the fire group with Takuya? They never interacted in the series. But I support the idea of Junpei and Izumi as a couple mixing fire and light and their children being a mix. Bye
Because I hardcore ship them.
And because ATLA teaches us the danger coming from lightning and fire together.
Jokes besides, I’m not really saying the teams have got no logic, but I don’t like how Junpei’s speech about balance doesn’t really mirror the Fire group’s conformation: Fire is the only element acting as the powerful one needing to be dominated; Wind and Ice exstinguish it. If you take in consideration the Light group, instead, Thunder is supposed to generate light (for a second ,though, so it’s kinda…Forced🤣), while darkness turns light off. It works a little better, even though Junpei’s element should have been called Lightning and not Thunder. Isn’t thunder only the sound energy, after all? And why should I ask myself these questions to make my life more complex than what it already is?
Returning on the main topic, thunders can trigger fire and playing the destroyers role in the team would have been perfect for Takuya and Junpei, since they hold the most dangerous and untamable elements of the six kids, along with Izumi, I guess? Still, fire and thunders will always bring along risks, whereas wind can also blow in the shape of a kind and innocent breeze. So on a side you’d have Junpei and Takuya’s might knowing no control, on the other you’d have Tomoki or Izumi controlling that fire. In my opinion, it would have worked better if both groups had had a similar scheme. They should have originally picked an element that could have grown in might along with Fire, like, idk, something related to Sun since the Moon had a pretty important presence in Frontier…Again, mine is just wishful thinking.
I also find it interesting the Agni God from Hinduism, the one from whom Agnimon’s name (and concept too?) derives can assume three forms; On the earth He is fire, in the sky He is the Sun and in the atmosphere He is Lightning.
Moreover, when it comes to these teams, -which could have never existed in the story and we all would have been fine-, I would have loved it if the logic behind them had been based on relationships too, you know? I would have loved it if the kids in each group had been in that specific group because of a special development going on between them and the “leader”. Pff. Taking in consideration the elements thing didn’t really make that much sense, they could have taken this route, I suppose.
I frankly believe Izumi had more chemistry with Kouji than Takuya, not only because the very first drama and Izumi’s VA did make us understand she had a crush on Kouji, but also because Izumi and Kouji/ Lobemon and Fairymon had a history of collaboration behind them. I can think about Izumi’s infamous first battle where Kouji rescued her (…….) or the moment Fairymon convinced Lobemon to hold her hand. And, besides the fact Light and Wind were sealed together by Seraphimon (I remember?), even the movie seemed to like playing about hinting Izumi and Kouji were a team still missing its third member, while Junpei, Takuya and Tomoki were another one, already settled, with their dynamics playing in both directions:
-Junpei/Tomoki, who have always been considered as a duo even in cards.
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-Takuya/ Tomoki sibilings bond
And here comes it: me disagreeing with you about the fact they have never interacted and showing you Junpei would have been a great member for the Fire team.
Both have had very intense moments of fights and arguments. Junpei has always buttheaded with Takuya because, like I was saying before, their tempers clash and explode when they enter in contact XD, and also because Junpei has always been bitterly envious of him, kinda feeling inferior than him and utterly useless from the very first episode.
(Ahh the flavour of the first Frontier half🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥).
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This can also be applied to Junpei/Kouji, but their development limits itself to that moment when Kouji rescues him (unnecessary trash I can ignore) or to the one before the Kerpymon fight, but at the end of the day that scene was focused on Junpei cheering both Takuya and Kouji up. That was the testament of someone who had started off as an egocentric kid and had had to gradually accept to be a shadow in a show he believed it was his (main love interest lady *cough* included💔⚡️).
You see, Takuya’s and Junpei’s growth as people who respect each other but still retain their bickering had more potential than Junpei/Kouji. A friend of mine also reminded me how similar they are, which is hilarious because Takuya asks Junpei if he’s an only child, but he himself has always acted as such as well, a spoiled kid, no matter he has got a younger brother.
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In a certain sense, despite how much I dislike some writing choices thrown in there, the Dark Blitzmon episode also played a very good job at showing they had arrived so far in their relationship.
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So I would have loved it if their development had had a good outcome, featuring Junpei, the one who has always refused to obey Takuya from the start by acting as an anti-leader, trusting him his powers. It would have been much more meaningful to me and that’s why Junpei will always be a member of the Fire group in my heart🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️.
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ran-orimoto · 4 months
[ Incredible how I will always forget to keep up with my crossposting (?) on Ao3 and Tumblr. I promise you I love you all and you are important to me. It’s just my brain wandering and jumping from a distraction to the following one and so forth. You’re not the problem.
By the way, this is the first one-shot of the year, so I welcomed your request with open arms, fighting against my cringe feelings. I love my Junzumi fankids, they are so important to me and they are *cough* my precious grandchildren. So, like other people say, I should snap out of my silly obsessions and write about them as well, without fear, embarassment.
Now that I have said this uselss stuff, let’s dive into things that matter. Junzumi are in their early fourties here and it’s an Izumi-centered one-shot, set years and years after she manages to open her restaurant in Milan, her Brezzo Petalo. She has received a great news but one that also will place her in front of a hard decision, especially now that her life has completely changed and her dreams have as well in their nature.
To a year full of Junzumi! ]
• Il vento fa solo pisolini •
“È tardi, Tesoro.”
She turned to the pink trail of perfume, to the cloudy halo veiling a pair of brown eyes trying finding her in that colourful mist. She felt so alienated from the whole world at a touch impregnated with a sense of urgence. It came from upwards and gave a delicate yet firm shove on her shoulders, so she could part from a chilly iron bar she had been holding onto for almost half an hour.
Nevertheless, she found it so hard to detach herself from there, her eyes from the bustling sight of people going back and forth and blending in a mosaic of different dialects. She was so annoyed by them, but she wanted to stay there, wait for them to go away one after the other and clear out the panorama stretching outside. A view made of nothingness and everything at the same time. Kilometers of heath and that was it.
But it was Fiumicino, part of Roma, part of her.
“ Izumi…Faremo arrabbiare Papà , se non ci sbrighiamo. Forza.”
The red-haired woman reached out again, this time piercing the smoky candy floss hovering in the air, swabs floating around mother and daughter and being noticed only by the latter. Due to the fact Izumi was feeling so ensnared by the sight of those slowly ascending to the celing, -hopefully, the child considered, to the sky too,- her dangling hand allowed itself to be caught more easily than it had the rest of that whole morning. It was no wonder the woman couldn’t help releasing an exhausted sigh when the success of her attempts finally arrived so unexpectedly.
Behind her hasty march, Izumi deeply sighed as well, which made her grow disgruntled and, most of all, extremely puzzled about the behaviour of her body. She could remember she had stayed up all night because she had had trouble falling asleep, as thrilled and restless as she was. She had also chosen her outfit after having almost thrown her entire wardrobe out of the boxes the clothes had been put in, - obviously driving her mother crazy and making her loudly yell despite the presence of the movers-. After all, not every girl on Earth, at the age of ten, has got the chance to start a new exciting life abroad, in the country they were born in but one they could barely recall: picking a special outfit was a must in that occasion and her choice had fallen on one giving her the appearance of the main heroine from a novel who is ready to set on a grand adventure, -large sun hat with a huge ribbon resembling the ears of a cat from a frontal perspective included-.
New house, new neighbourhood, new city, new breathtaking experiences, new classmates and friends: what else could she have ever asked to elicit the fluttering of her heart? To push her to run to the gate, so fast she imagined her feet leaving the ground, her trolley, her mother, her father in the horizon waiting for them with a shaking of his head, in contrast to his amused grin.
Maybe I don’t want to go, She gasped, but not because of that usual pressure of emptiness that will dominate your stomach whenever a plane takes off. It was because of a certain realization, of the fact it had just dawned on her she had already read that story way too many times.
And only during the first one she had happened to be an enthusiastic and, most of all, oblivious ten-year-old.
The day before she had received the best news of her life and yet…And yet there was she, sitting at the kitchen table, pensive, waiting for Junpei to come from their youngest’s bedroom.
It was early afternoon, the kids and him had just finished having lunch and she had just returned from the restaurant in a noisy hurry, right at the same time he was putting the children to sleep for their sacred nap hour.
“Give me five minutes,” He had winked at her on the stairs, his thumb on display with confidence, as if she had joined him backstage to plant a good luck kiss on his cheek.
Maybe she should have wished him buona fortuna for real, judging from those five minutes that became ten and then fifteen. Still, as strangled by her deep sighs as she was, she wasn’t paying that much attention to the speed of the running clock hanging on the wall. It was spinning continuously just like those nagging thoughts of hers that had been marching in her mind since that morning, since the first second her eyes had opened and met the ceiling.
“Uh, today has been hard, but there is nothing, I say nothing, a wizard can’t do!”
Junpei finally barged downstairs with his rumbling enthusiasm and a silly twirling dance.
She was already expecting him to approach her and pull her on her feet, but that correct prediction didn’t help her keep herself from striking a forced and fake smile at him. While he was holding a hand of hers and rocking it, pronouncing a bizarre formula he was clearly inventing on the spot, she couldn’t help feeling annoyed, even disgruntled.
Therefore, eventually, at the sight of a little pin shaped as a graceful lillac star appearing on her palm from nowhere, she could only stare at it with a grimace, an imaginary, too sweet smell dominating her nostrils.
“I-I…” Junpei blinked, but didn’t show any sign of disappointment, somehow. He mostly looked surprised about her behaviour, which still made her chest drown in a lake of guilt as that obviously wasn’t the right reaction to a present. “Have you talked to that dandy dude?”
“Yes, I have,” She nodded, averting her gaze. Her fingers flew onto her forehead, pressing themselves against its shifting skin. Of course, when someone has got a fantastic announcement to make, they won’t frown and feel so emaciated, but Izumi was, especially now that she was standing in front of pots of honey and their shiny glass. “He told me he wants me to go to Tokyo.”
“But this is the best day ever, Cara !” She had also foreseen the way his arms would extend forward to encircle her waist and lift her. As soon as she felt his big hug warmly conveying his excitement from her back to her whole body, she began wishing his clumsy movements could throw her out of the window, into the misty sky, far from her problems, from the upsetting emotions she was going to pour on that dear person of her life.
But she had to tell him and she was sure he would understand. He would, like always, because he was aware in her life she was the only one who knew what was the best choice for her. He would often give her precious advices, but he had never demanded her to follow them, take them in consideration, and she appreciated that so much.
“Maybe it would have been, if I had told him I will go.”
But the fact was that in that matter she wasn’t only making personal decisions.
Agreeing to inherit a restaurant in Japan, take her, no, their Brezzo Petalo to a completely different world would have consequences involving their whole family, which she couldn’t allow to happen.
Junpei gently accompanied her to the floor again, his mouth opened and his brown irises pulsing with perplexity.
“I thought over his offer and I think it’s better if things stay the way they are.”
“Even if we are talking about your dream?”
“Even if…” At the sound of his blunt question, she struggled to find the right words to use and preferred to sit again. She was glad Junpei did the same, placing himself at the opposite end of the table, eye to eye with her and her vacillating…Lie.
The kitchen was an important place to her, to them. It was the area of the house they had painted of that soft violet she loved; that corner they had firstly shared in two, successively in five, -six if they didn’t want to ignore their cat-, that niche that had been trusted with their recollections made of laughters and tears. If she turned, she would find herself chuckling at all the drawings the children had hanged on the fridge, the sign of green Kou had permanently engraved near to the dishwasher, the pink butterfly sticker Ran had attached onto a chair, the train toy Toto had begged Junpei to put on the kitchen hood like an ordinary knick-knack.
If she was going to go through that conversation, there wouldn’t be any other room in which that was supposed to happen.
“Izumi, are you really sure this is what you want?” She hadn’t realized her orbs had really escaped onto each of those details of her beloved surroundings, led by petals of a fragrant breeze. She did only when the beats of her heart found an echo in his serious yet tender voice. “If it is, I will be fine with that, of course, but it’s just that…It’s just that you have wanted this for years, since we were in university. This is your chance to do that: to spread the colours and joy of your food with your own wind. Do you remember? You chose to call the restaurant Brezzo Petalo in honour of Fairymon.”
“I do, but I’ve realized I can do that by staying here, meeting tourists, attending to events abroad when I’m invited to them. It’s enough, it really is.”
Her tone had become way too loud for a house hosting three dormant children, so she regained her composure, also exploiting that mute moment to give some pats on her blonde bob, some caresses down her locks: it seemed the whirlwind infuriating in her bosom had managed to disastrously mess up her hair.
“I see…I guess I can say the wind has settled, can I?” Junpei absently commented while contemplating her waving gestures with affectionate enchantment. She had no doubts on Earth only her husband could relax in awe, in the middle of such a big chaos developing before his spheres.
“ Mamma !”
The only being that could quickly distract him from her gorgeous figure couldn’t be anyone else but a smaller, -more capricious, vainer, much more pigheaded-, version of her.
“Mimì-Chan, you told me you would sleep if I told you that story!” Now Izumi was the one growing agape after having assisted to that astounding scene: was he really scolding her over a skipped nap? This was so new to her and she found it hard not to smirk, amused.
“You didn’t tell me how it ends, though,” The kid started swinging back and forth, her arms partly hidden behind her fucsia overall, her green eyes almost seeming to be enlarging to look more innocent than a deer’s. “I can’t fall asleep without knowing how a story ends, Papà. You are unfair.”
“Ehh, in truth I would get so frustrated as well…” He nodded, bringing his index on his lips and looking up, before finding a solution with a cheerful and large grin. “I will reveal you that tonight, then!”
Izumi raised an eyebrow at him, at how fast he could change his mind after having been manipulated by their naughty gremlin. Why do I keep on fooling myself…, She shook her head in an attack of fond exasperation, their chattering continuing in the background.
“Su , Ran. What is it? You arrived here and called for me, not for Papà.”
“Oh,right,” She froze with her arms raised in the man’s direction, making his blissed expression fall when she suddenly ignored his splayed ones. “I want to wash my hair, so I was looking for the hairdryer. Where is it?”
“You aren’t allowed to use the hairdryer. And your hair is fine: you washed it yesterday. Of course it is!”
“It’s not true,” She pouted, crossing her arms with indignation and searching for a support in Junpei. “My hair looks like the fur on the head of the baby camel from the zoo, isn’t it true, Papà? All sloppy and ruffled.”
“Wh-What? Why would I say something so despicable about your beautiful hair?”
“Because she’s right.”
Junpei jumped on his chair and almost fell off it: a stout boy, who was sporting a nest of dark blonde strands and orbs matching his in colour and liveliness, had attempted to whisper in his ear, but had failed because of his hiccuping laughters.
“Why are you two not tired today? Not enough school?” The man muttered, feeling like a poor, unfortunate soul having been just caught by the storm. Both Izumi and him were in desperate need for an umbrella!
Actually, the kids jumped in another bursting argument, even worse, more tumultuous than the one they had had the evening before. Junpei and Izumi had no sibilings, so they weren’t used to those dynamics at all. With nostalgia, Junpei often liked comparing the bickerings between Kou and Ran with the ones that would happen between Izumi and Takuya in the past, with the difference that the Izumi from the new generation was younger and shorter than its Takuya. Nevertheless, the fights still felt so similar to him and to Izumi too, though she would get a bit embarassed about admitting it.
“Instead, your hair will soon receive visits from birds!”
“I love birds, so I wouldn’t care! Try again!”
“Well…A-A whole tree will grow on your head and you will become more stupid than you are now. Pirla !”
“Now, you two…” Izumi stood up and dragged Ran away from her brother. Her puffy cheeks had been washed by a visible red, the shade of those who were aware they had already been cornered at the beginning of a fight.
“ Basta , Koujirou e Miranda, ” Junpei reticently completed her warning and the kids fell tacit at once. Because when the thunder roared, it meant it was better to find a good shelter below which to hide and from which to look at the wuthering sky.
In silence.
Absolute silence.
At least, until that minute of initial scare passed and some brave traveller dared to challenge the might of unbridled natural forces, maybe to check if it was still raining.
“It’s late!” Thus, Ran melted the stillness with a scowling glance she gave at the clock. “It’s late! I have to go to my lesson!”
“What are you talking about ?” Izumi gave a playful slap on the girl’s tense shoulders, helping them sag along with the general mood of the room. “It’s still half past two, mia Fatina stupidina.”
“But I want to wash my hair and it always takes a lot! I don’t want to arrive at lesson late!”
Izumi plunged her chin in that meadow of sunrays, losing herself in the scenario of the ever flowing time. She was so endeared by Ran’s passion for ballet, by her excitement she would show them whenever she had lesson after school. That had been going on since she was three and Junpei had given her an illustrated book of the Nutcracker as a present. Four years that felt like an eternity to their spirits, as if their Ran was already a little star of the stage in her adorable tutu.
There was no way…There was no way…
“Listen,” She felt the impelling need to speak to clear her hoarse throat. “I promise I will make your hair look splendid in your chignon, if you try sleeping a bit. We won’t need to wash it.”
“Really?” Ran started marching on the spot. “And how will you do that?”
“What questions! Of course , with a pinch of magic!”
Despite her jovial answer, the girl seemed less convinced than before, so hesitant and suspicious.
“But you aren’t Papà.”
“I lent Mamma a bit of magic dust long time ago!” Junpei intruded in the conversation with an improvised melody.
“What?!” Kou pulled his tongue out and put his hands on his hips, pouring every single drop of his skepticism on his father. “If you can really use magic, give some to me too!”
“Maybe we will talk about it, when your grades at maths improve.”
The kid threw his tongue out of his mouth again, in utter disgust this time.
“I will need to find Doraemon or something similar to become good at that. And I will also ask him to show me your high grades from when you were my age”.
Junpei’s pallor got fortunately shadowed by Izumi delicately pushing Ran ,and now Kou too, in the direction of the living room. She didn’t seem too shocked when she found their youngest, Tomoki, sitting on the stairs with a bored fashion, ears of wheat lazily dozing against the wood railing. Who would manage to sleep with that ruckus coming from downstairs?
“You three. In your beds. Now,” She clapped her hands making the trio grumble, displeased.
“If Mamma wants me to take a nap, I will,” Resigned, Kou shrugged while suffocating a huff: he wanted to look like a well-mannered kid in front of her, after having disappointed her with his insults and teasing. “Mamma always says I will score more goals if I have my daily nap. No matter I’m nine and I’m a man now.”
Like that, after a fleeting hug, he brought himself on the stairs, followed by the little Tomoki who could only yawn and rub his drowsy emeralds. All of a sudden, though, Kou stopped, and looked back at his sister who didn’t seem that willing to leave yet.
“ Scusa, Ran ,” He said, scratching his strands because of a spike of abashment that made him rapidly flee, not caring about checking what the girl’s response had been or hearing his mother commending him.
“Ran, you promised…” Swiftly, Izumi’s focus took a nosedive on the remaining child.
“Will you really comb my hair and make me look splendid with magic?” Ran pressed, still not completely persuaded about what the woman had told her in the kitchen.
“If you go napping, the magic will work even better,” She snapped her fingers, wishing she could be as skilled as Junpei in that field of jokes and play pretend.
That was the reason why she was glad he decided to collaborate with her once more that day…By adding a theatrical aura to her speech.
“I’ll give her even more of that dust, if you are not convinced. Here, look,” She didn’t immediately recognize the identity of what he had found in some cupboard, but whatever it was, it ended up on her face and made her sneeze.
“ Davvero ! I will really look like a fairy princess today, then!” Ran squealed while hopping on the carpet, the motley butterflies printed on her overall seeming to be fluttering in harmony with her heart. “La Maestra Chiaki will be so impressed! Sogni d’oro, Mamma e Papà”.
And up she went, at a faster speed than her brothers, reaching her bedroom in less than a minute.
“She won’t close her eyes even for a second, I assure you,” Junpei commented, standing still in front of the stairs as if he was expecting the petite blonde to show up again, sooner than soon.
“ Really, Junpei? Saffron powder?” Izumi spat those minuscule granules that had attached themselves to her palate and glared at him, even when he promptly provided her with a handkerchief he took out from one of his many pockets.
“Oh c’mon, now you should have understood kids don’t need to see you flying like Peter Pan to believe you can take a stroll on stars at nights. You will see your chignon will turn a little camel into a little swan. Trust me.”
He had never lost that eccentric way to babble about such weird suff. Indeed, it had been worsening day after day, since that far past moment he volunteered to help her at the restaurant in his own style . Apparently, playing the role of a temporary waiter had never been that satisfying to him, so he decided to become the entertainer of the Brezzo Petalo; the saviour of the bored kids huffing at the tables ; the funny, friendly, always grinning man in a big apron, who would come up with something different everytime he was in Milan and could give a hand to the chef.
She had eventually got his same disease by dint of peeking out from the counter and watching his magical shows, listening to his whimsical tales about men turning stars on thanks to special, suspended light switches; curious cats studying from musical sheets below sparkling nights…
“So, have you found this pin on the Moon?” She hadn’t forgot about his present. She had just let it rest in a warm place on her chest, where it had been patiently waiting for her genuine appreciation.
“On Venus, in truth!” He exclaimed while straightening his back, as if he could give more emphasis to that answer by acting like some comical, plastered toy soldier. Until his well-know awkwardness got the best of his intents, at least. “Which is…Which happened to be…A shop forgotten by the world behind the Duomo. I’ve also bought one for Ran. It looks like a butterfly and I think I will give it to her as a lucky charm.”
“You can’t really resist the temptation to spoil her everytime you go out, hm?”
“I…I…I know what it means to stand on a stage, tremble in front of your audience. I want her to go there without too much anxiety, have something to look at that can make her feel only excitement and determination.”
Without adding anything for that instant, she grabbed his hand and beckoned him to join her on the sofa. She was aware he had noticed hers was sweaty and slightly unstable, but she couldn’t find a single puff of air around her that could allow her to speak. She had inhaled and was keeping them all inside her shaken spirit, allowing them to pinch her vocal chords like if they were harp strings. There was nothing else but a melody in there; an ambiguous one wanting to tell too many different stories at the same time and being unable to do so for a while. It needed the right notes. She needed the right words.
“I think the wind settled when we decided to have three kids,” She started, after an undefined interval spent looking at each other with a mix emotions. He was a bit confused yet he was prepared to discover what the missing puzzle pieces were. From experience, he had learnt Izumi liked opening up gradually, step by step, like shy gusts occasionally sneaking among the leaves of a tree, singing a very slow lullaby to the man having a snooze below it. Unlike when it came to him, she didn’t need a person by her side, a stubborn one extrapolating confessions from her throat. She only needed someone who was patient enough to wait for her to make up her mind, sit next to them and release whatever she wanted to get free of. Out of blue. “I can’t. We can’t, Junpei. They have got a life here, things and people they are affectionate to. Kou has got his football practice, Toto that trains museum he loves going to so much, Ran…”
“Not only that!” He risked to fall backwards because of the impetus laced with her desire to correct him. She wished that energy could have soaked her facial traits as well but, on the other hand, her eyebrows unfortunately started twitching, her lips searched for an intimate contact between their two sides, her orbs filled with a sea of contrasting emotions. “She has got La Scala and she has been working so hard to enter the academy. What kind of mother would I be if I clipped her wings like that?”
“When I lived in Roma, I used to go to rhythmic gymnastics lessons.”
“This is a news to me,” He encouraged her to continue like that, attempting to keep himself from slipping closer and hugging her, as she took the lid off the sealed jar.
“Well, it never bothered me. It never did until I got a daughter holding onto a precious dream. Mine wasn’t a dream, but I would have fun in there. In all modesty, I was also pretty talented.”
“This, instead, doesn’t surprise me in the least,” It was becoming even harder to restrain himself from cradling her in his embrace, but he endured because she wasn’t quite done yet. She would have slapped him with her usual “ Flatterer ”, if that hadn’t been the case.
“I don’t want Ran to give up on ballet because of me.”
“She wouldn’t, Izumi. If you decided to go further in this, we would look for a good school for her in Japan. The best one. Japanese ballet dancers exist: Chiaki is an example, isn’t she?”
He gasped when her following question broke in a row of segments. Izumi abruptly lowered her head and the wavering fist on her thigh clenched the pin he had given her.
“And what if…What if…I went further in this…? What if…They couldn’t make new friends in Japan or, even worse, got isolated by everyone? Just like…”
She might be tripping on the last shred of her externation, but he was certain it wasn’t necessary for him to press her to go on. She didn’t have to force herself to take herself there , either. It was enough.
The brief rest of his spheres and the sigh generated by who knew what kind of vision represented the ending of his enormous feat.
“We will be fine. They will, and do you know why? Because if you hadn’t moved back to Japan, I would have never met a blonde girl wandering in a station all alone, driving me crazy and making me want to follow her in a dangerous place of fantasy. If it is what is supposed to happen, us returning there so you can achieve a life dream, I feel…No, I know they would find something special there too, just like it happened to us. Trus-“
She abandoned herself in his chest without complaints, her arms stretching as far as they could go to cover his large frame with her whole thankfulness. He pressed her heart against his so vehemently she grew convinced she could transfuse the dream, the nightmare of what felt like hundred nights in some ventricle of its’.
And maybe she really managed to do that, judging from how tighter the hug suddenly got; from how his rotund cheek squished against her boiling ear and wet her ear like a solitary drop of rain.
“I honestly thought it had already done when you married me.”
“The wind settling. Hadn’t it already done that when you married me?”
“It absolutely hadn’t,” At first she reluctantly stirred, but as soon as she met his lucid honey, she found the warmth she didn’t want to leave back. Indeed, it was an even more powerful one, engulfing her like the duvet of a bed. “ Because I desperately wanted to divorce you on our honeymoon, when you ate all the chocolate you found in the hotel. A whole plate of chocolate in a day!”
“They just were seven and were so small. It’s not that serious. The bread I ate on the plane made me gag. I needed something tasty in my mouth and I didn’t want to wait any longer”.
“Okay, fine, I won’t carry around this grudge any more, then,” Winking, her eye itched because of a salty feeling lying on its base. “ I will forgive you after years.”
“G-Grazie, Cara”.
“Prego, Caro.”
They blinked at each other. One, two times. The amount of rain still sleeping in the clouds above them finally woke up and began falling on lovely slopes.
Starete bene, The yawning wind in her spirit reassured her, before opening its wings and taking off.
The wind never settles. It just takes naps.
Italian notes~
• È tardi, Tesoro: It’s late, Dear
• Fiumicino is Roma’s airport but it’s also the name of this big suburb of its’.
• Izumi…Faremo arrabbiare Papà , se non ci sbrighiamo. Forza : Izumi, we will make Dad angry if we don’t hurry. C’mon.
• Buona fortuna: Good luck.
• Basta: enough
• Mia fatina stupidina: My little silly fairy (affectionate XD)
• Scusa: Sorry
• Maestra is our Miss/Sensei XD
• Sogni d’oro is used when we want to wish someone a good sleep. Literally it is “Golden slumbers (?)”
• Starete bene: You will be fine
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ran-orimoto · 4 months
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In December someone asked me for more Fatinamon, my Fairymon rookie Fakemon, and I can’t find the ask any more. I want to 🌊cide. I plan to draw more for Fatinamon this year and I’m currently working on a stupid piece that will feature her too in a certain sense, but for now, whoever you are, I hope you can accept messy recycled sketches for some months ago I have never shared here.
It’s a bit of Fairyblitz ofc⚡️🍃, but Fairyblitz in their rookie forms because I love drawing my lil wind and thunder bugs. And it’s also a bit of my Junzumi fankids lmaoooo, because each of them has got their special relationship with their Digiparents (🤣?), ehm, or better, their parents’ Digimon. Fairymon loves perching on Kou’s head to give him pep talks about how to treat girls properly (because he is a disaster at that and she is the feminist icon of the household for sure along with Izumi), and Kou isn’t pleased ofc. Instead, when it comes to Ran, since she loves butterflies and likes being considered as a butterflies expert (she wishes)….It’s…Love at first sight with Fairymon’s rookie form. Now it’s Fairymon’s turn not to be pleased but there are times Ran and her can bond over music, because in my hc Fairymon eventually becomes (*returns) blind after a while and hearing, melodies, the whistles of the winds become the colours painting her dark life.
Bonus: Kou asking Blitzmon to help him with his maths homework because Kou might not have a Doraemon, but now has got a man of science at home. LOL. Hate myself 🤣.
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ran-orimoto · 10 months
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I’ve sketched this for my friend Joey. Since we are having so much fun with this crack shipping and she loves Chiaki very much, WE WILL GO DOWN WITH IT (along with Junzumi ofc). So, I don’t mind sharing it here as well. Chiapei🥹… Rain x lightining 🌧️ x ⚡️. Junpei is not amused by Chiaki’s *cough* Ranamon-like teasing personality, but, at least, she doesn’t call him pathetic over thunders. She just likes ✨making him flustered✨.
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