cpt-bananaboat · 1 year
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How in the absolute flying fuck did I do this-
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I just now realised that the Feh calendar says that we're getting a legendary hero this month, despite getting one last month (Aka Legendary Robin)
Though it does make sense. We very randomly got 2 Mythic units back in January after all (Gotoh and Formortiis who we should be getting a free version of soon? Seeing as he won this year's AHR)
I'm both curious to see who this month's Legendary'll be... but seeing as we're about 2 weeks away from the baby banner and sometime afterwards the fallen banner (which just so happens to be my favourite banner), I'm really hoping it's not a character I'd want.
At the same time I have a bit of bad luck in accidentally predicting where characters I want appear in a future banner. So for all I know this month's legendary could be Male Corrin, Soren, or Male Shez. Like those are the only characters that'll make me summon on this month's legendary banner, I have zero interest in anyone else.
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childofaura · 9 months
Man, I’m not happy to say this, but I ended up buying one month of FEH Pass since my regular summons ended up getting to the free 5 star summon for the Legendary Alear banner.
I’m REALLY not proud of myself, but it was the cheaper option instead of using more money to risk not getting Alear.
I’ll definitely cancel before the time runs out though, I’m not making this a regular thing.
On the plus side though, I get to enjoy my son wearing his Muspell robes at least.
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iturbide · 2 years
So apparently, they're gonna add Shez to FEH, but while the male version gets the cool dual wielding, the girl version gets an axe. :/ I'm so sick of them doing this; Kris got a whole event where they were basically like haha girl not canon and i thought the only way they can come back from this is to have her be canon to Marth, but nah, he just said it didn't matter. Then there was that thing where Grima was like, girl me? weird. Like. Can they stop doing this to the fem protags for 5 minutes.
Yeah, that tracks for IntSys' treatment of their female protags.
This is pretty typical for how they treat their female protags on launch. M!Robin might have been a 3/4 star, but he was in the summoning pool from launch; F!Robin was a GHB, and therefore had limited access for ages. M!Corrin was in the 5-star pool at launch, even though he was eventually demoted to a 3/4 star; F!Corrin was 3/4 star from launch. I think the only launch exception was with Byleth: F!Byleth was the one included as a focus unit on the launch banner alongside the House Leaders, while M!Byleth was a free (neutral) unit for everyone that got Three Houses (and then he was in the 5-star summoning pool as well).
What's funny to me is how many times Heroes has reversed this as the female protag proves to be the more popular of the two. We still don't have a Legendary M!Corrin, but we sure do have a Legendary F!Corrin, not to mention a high-powered duo Ninja alt compared to his solo appearance on the same banner; F!Corrin was also the first of them to get a Fallen alt, and she got a Summer Feature on a banner compared to him as a TT reward for New Year's. From what I remember, the Grima thing was actually both F!Robin and M!Grima being a little surprised at seeing another version of themselves with a different gender -- but our Robin Legendary is F!Robin (as Grima), and we still don't have an M!Robin to speak of in that role. F!Byleth has a high powered Duo Summer Alt, while M!Byleth isn't named in his Halloween Duo: he's the support unit for Sothis, instead.
The only exception to this rule so far has really been Kris, and it's my understanding that she's had a rough time of it in fandom at large for a long time. I haven't played the remakes of Marth's games, so I can't speak on it, but I know I was sad for her when I saw those Tempest Trials dialogues. Meanwhile outside of FEH, F!Corrin was the Gleamstone Hero chosen for the original FE: Warriors and was featured over her male counterpart in the SSBU promotional material and Classic Mode murals, while F!Byleth features on the cover art of Three Hopes, which seems to imply that they've been chosen as IntSys' 'canon' avatars for their respective games.
So while it's frustrating that they keep doing this, I'm just going to wait and see whether they change their stance once again and decide that no actually they want to capitalize on F!Shez' popularity to siphon as much money from their playerbase as possible.
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tsukai22 · 4 days
FEH Stuff - 30/5/24
Legendary Male Corrin's cool, but the trailer cut off the music before the good part.
The banner having both Emblem Marth and Emblem Ike is fantastic for me - I don't have either, Emblem Marth would give my Soleil 1-cooldown No Quarter, and Emblem Ike is overpowered. It's a shame Legendary/Mythic/Emblem banners make it hard to go for a specific unit.
EDIT: The music part reminds me that I really want Sombron to be added. Not because of the character, but because he'd bring Last Engage (Prayer-Incantation) - my favourite song in Engage and possibly the whole series.
EDIT2 since it's still FEH-related: I just did the free summon for the Bridal Grace banner, and I was thinking I'd go red since I'd have a chance at getting Lapis (one of my merge projects). The free summon actually was Lapis! That's ridiculous luck! "Ask and you shall receive" actually applied here.
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rosecelebi · 8 months
FEH Barracks Tour: Jugdral games Part 1 (Genealogy of the Holy War). My Thracia units will be next!
(I reached the image limit...)
FE4 my beloved... I have 10 +10 units from FE4
Silvia: We love the dancers. I like her art and thought she'd be a fun unit to build. Her skills could use some updating, but she's got her niche with high HP infantry pulse
Seliph: I love his resplendent art. I've been updating his skills recently to catch him up with the meta and he's still a solid unit years later. Sigurd would be proud
Tailtiu: My GIRL. I love her, she deserves the world. She gets the fodder, the dragon flowers, everything. I love her resplendent art, the arcane tome is great on her, and she destroys things in her path
Scion Lewyn: To make up for me never getting copies of regular Lewyn (I only have him at +0) I had to invest in the more accessible version of him. I liked the banner theme and his art is great. He's a fun nuke unit.
Legendary Deirdre: One of my absolute favorite units in the game. I love using her so much. She's so good. She was a pain to +10 but it was worth it. I love her art so much and I love watching her destroy everything.
Lex: I was happy to see him added to FEH (still wish Azelle was also a demote though 🥲) so he became a pretty immediate unit to build for me. I love his goddess axe and speed stacking and watching him quad enemies is really fun
Deirdre: PRETTY MAGE GIRLS ARE MY WEAKNESS. I love her. I kinda prefer her base art to resplendent, but I keep the resplendent to differentiate her and the legendary version. Brave Soren gave her some amazing new skills so it's been fun to see her come back into use
Ced: So I don't remember what banner it was but I remember pulling this boy so many times when I was trying to get someone else (who? I don't even remember). Then he kept showing up in free summons and pity breakers so I committed to the +10. Then he didn't show up on a banner for almost a year so he was stuck at +9 for so long. I am very happy he's +10 now and especially with that new refine, he's better than ever.
Lachesis: I actually built her pre-resplendant because I liked her and I like clerics and I could excuse her not amazing art but wow that resplendent has made her so much more usable for me. Her art is great and I love the Hel theme for her. Once again ignore same build syndrome on my staff units. I'm aware it's an issue
Ethlyn: She was one of my favorites in FE4 gen 1 so I had to build her after I played it. Out of all my healers she needs some new skills the most desperately as she's struggling to do anything outside of heal, but these new OP healer skills are hard to come across.
Next time we'll review my Thracia +10 unit!
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teaveetamer · 2 years
My overall problem with yet another qol feature being added to the pass is that its designed to do it with the intent to make f2p and low spending players feel like they are missing out and that paying players have access to a better, more rewarding version - which they do. There are already people on the sub defending Intsys doing this by trying to spin it like people are angry they arent getting things for free, which is a very disingenuous take. Players have every right to be angry that 1/3
the qol changes they have asked for end up out of reach behind a predatory buisness model. FEH is pretty much splitting into two completely different games and which version you get is based on wether or not you want to buy the pass or not. Almost everything on the pass up until now was the type of changes that netted you some rarer rewards and made the game less grindy. And while you can still grind and get dragonflowers without the pass, summoning has always been based on rng 2/3
until this change that will allow a paying player to get up to twelve limited and hard to get units a year from mythic and legendary banners alone as long as they have at least 160 orbs compared to a f2p player who in comparison has no guarantee to pull their desired unit no matter how many orbs they save up. I understand that Intsys is a company but this is so far the only perk where players will be directly locked out of something really desirable because they arent paying. 3/3
I don't really want to go through this point by point like when I have my Reddit Assholesona on but I kind of feel like I have to or I will diverge into one heck of a tangent.
My overall problem with yet another qol feature being added to the pass
This isn't just a "qol" feature like autostart and rewind turn. Those are nice features to have, but they don't fundamentally change the game in some way. Adding sparks to legendary banners will fundamentally change how the game works in some way, which I detailed in my reblog of Ezra's post. Either they need to offset the lost money from banners, creating new banners or adding more units or giving you worse rates or giving out less free orbs to entice you to buy orbs or something, or they need to offset the lost money from banners by forcing you to pay for the privilege. If you think this a simple QoL change then I don't know what to say, other than you don't quite seem to understand the business model of a gacha if you think adding free sparks for everyone wouldn't rock this game's financial economy to its core.
its designed to do it with the intent to make f2p and low spending players feel like they are missing out and that paying players have access to a better, more rewarding version - which they do
You're just stating the fundamental business model of Gacha here. Yes, paying players get more than free to play players. That has been the business model of this game since the very beginning, it will be until it's death, and it will be for all gacha until the inevitable heat death of the universe or until an entity that actually cares about consumers regulates it. I'm not sure why you were expecting them to diverge from this now. If you want to play a game where F2P players and paying players can be on equal footing you are playing about the worst type of game for that.
There are already people on the sub defending Intsys doing this by trying to spin it like people are angry they arent getting things for free, which is a very disingenuous take.
That's exactly what you're angry about, though? They never promised you would get this feature for free. That was an expectation built up in the heads of the fanbase.
Players have every right to be angry that the qol changes they have asked for end up out of reach behind a predatory buisness model.
You're playing a gacha. It is inherently a predatory business model bent on exploiting the gambling addictions of young adults and children. I don't know why anyone was expecting any different when it was never promised to us.
FEH is pretty much splitting into two completely different games and which version you get is based on wether or not you want to buy the pass or not.
This game has always been two different games depending on how much money you are willing to spend on it. The truth is, even if the spark was added it would do very little to level the playing field. Why? Because you aren't going to acquire enough F2P orbs in order to fully utilize it on every single banner. The truth is, F2P players would acquire a handful of good new units a year, whereas whales will just have an easier time stomping you into the ground.
"So what!" you may say "that's more than we were getting before!" but the problem is, if F2P and the minnows and dolphins and whales start getting too equal, IS will need to do something else to un-equalize the playing field. Because that's how Gacha works. Be that decreased value on the sparkable banners, new banners that are better and unsparkable, lower rates on banners to encourage orb buying, or fewer F2P orbs to ensure F2P players can't catch up without spending money.
Almost everything on the pass up until now was the type of changes that netted you some rarer rewards and made the game less grindy.
And it wasn't worth the ten dollars it cost as it was. People have been complaining about that since it came out: it wasn't a good enough value to be worth the money. Truth is there's nothing they could add to make it worth the money without seriously pissing someone off. Better F2P players than the whales, because the people who don't spend money on the game don't fund the game.
And while you can still grind and get dragonflowers without the pass, summoning has always been based on rng
There's always been an RNG component, but if you have enough orbs the RNG is barely relevant. Enough pulls and you will eventually get what you wanted, and if you can buy pulls you can buy your way out of RNG. Which again, has always benefited people willing to spend money on the game as is the typical Gacha model.
until this change that will allow a paying player to get up to twelve limited and hard to get units a year from mythic and legendary banners alone as long as they have at least 160 orbs compared to a f2p player who in comparison has no guarantee to pull their desired unit no matter how many orbs they save up.
Like I said before, there have always been ways to buy your way out of RNG. This is just much cheaper and significantly more consistent. You can literally buy sparks on a seasonal and a Legendary banner for less than the cost of a single pull's worth the orbs. It's $13 to buy 20 orbs. It's $10 to buy essentially two really good units, assuming you have the orbs saved up.
I understand that Intsys is a company but this is so far the only perk where players will be directly locked out of something really desirable because they arent paying.
Frankly, that's just how this kind of thing works.
I hate to say it, but IS is only interested in you so long as you are paying them for their game or you could potentially be converted into paying them for their game or you make the game more fun for the people who are paying for it. A certain amount of F2P players are necessary, but never expect them to do more than the bare minimum or slightly more than the bare minimum to keep you.
I dunno if you've heard this one before, but "If you aren't paying for the product, then you aren't the customer, you are the product." Google is free because they sell your information to advertisers. The advertisers are Google's customers, you are Google's product. FEH is free because you aren't their customer, you're what they sell to whales as entertainment. Or they use your existence to sell their product to investors. Don't make the mistake of believing they care about you beyond what you can do for the people who actually pay them to keep the lights on, because they will choose money over you every single time.
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crystalelemental · 3 years
“alphakuriboh: I was also thinking arena in addition to Abyssals but that’s still a small section of resources. It ends up in a weird place because you do lose summon material in both games if you can’t beat higher content (a lot of event quest sets require specific challenges that are a bitch to beat, and can easily prevent you from getting the 200 or whatever gems for clearing all quests. Additionally, gems are generally slower to accumulate than orbs, so it does feel worse to lose a few.
Now yes, you can make the argument that summoning isn’t as necessary because the common units are pretty useful. However. Masters and Feh also both have a big draw in being able to use characters you like. So not being able to pull them on a sentimental level sucks a lot.  It definitely feels easier to save for a character you like in Feh then in Masters even if you can’t successfully gather all the resources. Neither of those compare to like, Dragalia who’s very very generous (they’re starting daily free tenfolds tonight for the 1000th day of the game lol) so on the casual level this is something that bothers me.”
That’s fair, and I’d argue that it’s easier to save for something in FEH solely because of spark...which means it’s only useful for New Heroes banners.  Seasonals and Legendary banners can absolutely fuck you no matter how much you have.  Masters at least allows spark on anything, even if that spark is like...obscenely high.  That’s really my biggest complaint with the game.
I have noticed some quests are just a pain.  Looking mainly at the Regirock quests.  I can’t even beat the Lv100 fight, I have no idea how I’m supposed to take the next step up from that, and somehow beat it with specific conditions allied, for those gems.  I haven’t been playing long enough to get a feel for the output of gems compared to orbs, but you may well be right about the orb output being better than gem output.
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christineluzrivas · 3 years
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Claude is pain. Claude is suffering. So I got a Naga REALLY early on and two special Siegberts, but nothing else. This was a harsh lesson in orb saving, tbh. I didn’t whale, but I did buy orbs. I mined story orbs. I’m so mad at myself for this, I wasn’t even invested in this banner until I kept not getting things, and kept not getting things, and kept not getting things ad infinitum. 😫 The other two did not give me nearly this much trouble. All of my Dimitris are +ATK and two of them came on free summons and both my Academy and Legendary Edelgards are +ATK. Meanwhile Claude’s out here embarrassing me. I’m not bitter about this at all. Either way though, time to save orbs like I used to! #feh #fireemblemheroes #fireemblem #fehbanner #legendaryclaude #gacha https://www.instagram.com/p/CMBNLrODYmT/?igshid=ruks83dovkf
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chromaji · 3 years
right so I should update my feh shannanigans and future plans.
So first, todays the last day of the Wrath Banner and I wasnt able to +10 shannan.
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Next, my plan starting tomorrow is to start saving up enough orbs to finally summon on the Day of Devotion banner for some Alfonse’s and his wholeass milf ass mom JESUS i mean what—
after that, my plan it to save whatever meager orb amount I have so I can get legendary FCorrin.
... Whether I get her by hoping that she’s in the top 8 on A Hero Rises & gets to the top 4 in the Voting Gauntlet so I can spark her (or— and Im not holding my breath— but if she actually WINS the gauntlet and we all get one for free), or if I hope to get her by summoning on March’s legendary banner where she returns with Bramimond (THE GOAT. THE GOAT!!!!), then... Yeah. Lets hope I got enough orb for that.
ne way thats the plan foe the next month unless a new heroes banner with a character I like beats me to death along the way
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saviourkingslut · 4 years
my summoning luck has deadass been disgustingly good this month wtf, since the legendary banner ive had
- free pull shannan
- free pull veronica
- free pull lysithia
- free pull nagi
- free pull seteth (4* but i do actually want to 10+ build him so)
- and now b!edelgard (+atk/-spd???!) after 12 pulls. was pulling for guinevere but the green orb Just Felt Right and ive been wanting her anyway so
anyway the feh gods are out there and they listen to our prayers sometimes, apparently, good luck with y'all's pulls!
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dailydoseofcolor · 4 years
Taking Stock of Units in Fire Emblem Heroes, Part 2
Next! Let’s take a look at the merged heroes I have and feel some sort of affinity for:
My 5*+10s:
Nowi (+Atk): She still puts in WORK. My first 5*+10 and she is an evergreen feature on any Grand Conquest teams, first runs of Lunatic maps, etc. She deserves a kit upgrade sometime soon, but somehow LB/Aether/SB/QR/Threaten Res/Distant Def still get the job done almost every time. Sothe (+Spd): Sothe is one of the first characters I ever really fell in love with from Radiant Dawn. He was an easy +10 decision. Again, I need to upgrade his kit soon, I have Broadleaf Dagger+ fodder....I just feel like I have to choose between him and Matthew, and I adore Matthew’s personality and I feel like I just need to bite the bullet and just raise both. Ross (+Spd): I literally yelped when he was released. Favorite character from the first game I actually beat (played FE7 first but beat it after beating SS). Every major decision in summoning since his release was clouded by “but I should still summon on Green for Ross merges.” But he’s done! This little dude runs so many builds and is also a main staple on teams. The Almosts (Most of these I actually have the resources to +10 but have been holding off because of a need to keep resources on hand to remain competitive):
Lyon, +7: My sweet boy. Major staple on most teams for a while before he just...couldn’t keep up. He needs a refine BADLY. Sophia literally takes him behind the woodshed and beats him within an inch of his life. We all know he likes it. He was the first person I sacked a Counter skill to. I love him and I want the best for him...but not until I know what his refine is.
Mordecai, +7 (+Atk): Another soft boy. Honestly, I merged him up because I had them available and got drunk while playing PoR. He functions very well at this merge level. I’ll get him up one day, but he really can’t be a focus right now, given he serves a very similar combat function to Nowi.
Shigure, +6 (+Atk): This is one of those scenarios where the voice actor really drew me to the character. Matt Mercer kills Shigure’s voice lines and also I got pitybroken by him a LOT. He’s got a pretty balanced stat-line, but performs better as a player phase duelist....except I want to eventually use Valter instead. That’s 99% the only reason I’ve held off, the other is having Harmonic Lance+ fodder just in case. I have the merges for Shigure, but I have a feeling this is as far as he goes.
Micaiah, +5 (+Atk): Best girl from RD (we all know this). Honestly, I haven’t ever sniped for merges on her, these are all organic, which is impressive. But she deserves the +10 and I think I would rank her pretty high in terms of trying to achieve that. Too bad I just missed several good opportunities to do so. This is why I should have done this a while ago.
Nino, +5 (+Spd): I have uncovered a not-so-secret trend. I have a major bias towards characters from Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn and, to an extent, Awakening. These were the games I played growing up, so it makes sense that they stayed. ANYWAY. Nino, adorable and punches through everything. I find I don’t really have a ton of space for her on teams, though...she was easy to merge and offers no fodder. I have all the materials, but she’ll honestly have to wait, like Mordecai.
Now, I think I should list out every character with at least +1 merge, to sort through who should be a priority. So this will go in descending order:
Mia, +3 (+Res): One of the only speedy sword girls I actually give a shit about (unsurprisingly). I would love a +10 eventually. Masked Marth, +3: A product of a bygone age. I never spent any real fodder on her, so I’ll chalk this one up to *meh*. OG Eliwood, +3 (+Atk): I have all the resources to +10 him. He’s my favorite Lord. He’s incredible in combat. He has amazing Resplendent Art. Why the fuck have I not finished him. I’ve failed my boy. Forgive me Eliwood. He’s clearly a high level priority. What have I been doing. Astram, +2: He’s a strong unit and has a great niche but I just....don’t care about him. I built him for this week’s Arena needs. His cost is just way too high as a Grail unit. He’ll stay at +2 for now.    Joshua, +2: He was almost my first grail merge project and I...held off. Idk, his cost is so high. but I love his personality and he’s near the top of the grail pile that deserves a refine. I might wait until then?? Idk, I’m torn. I think he could put in good work if I took the time to kit him properly. I need to put more thought into him. Eldigan, +2 (+Def): Multiple pitybreakers that have been merged. Garbage. Next. Donnel, +2 (+Atk): Donnel’s another character I’ve always really liked, but held off, because my Blue Enemy Phase Infantry slot remains filled. His new refine gives him an interesting niche, but is he worth the resources? I have the merges and feathers, but I’m hesitant to pull the trigger. Hawkeye, +2 (+Def): Another random decision I made months and months ago for...no particular reason? He’s got a great refine, but there’s nothing he can do that Ross or Brave Ike can’t. Brave Ike, +2 (+Atk): Speaking of...amazing typing, amazing refine, I sacked my only Nailah to him in order to finally make it to T21 in AR. I have one more waiting in the wings, because I worry that I might need Steady Breath for someone in the future. But I think the ship has sailed on SB’s hey-day. An extra merge for survivability is likely better. Rath, +2 (+Spd): I love Rath so much. His personality, his art, all great. He got SHAFTED stat line wise but....we shall prevail. I have a +Atk waiting in the wings, but I think I’ll keep the +Spd. Speed is king and will remain king until something drastic changes in the meta. He could be +7 with the copies I have, so I’ll likely up his merges soon. Lissa, +2 (+Res): I love Lissa. She’s so cute and she was the first true defensive healer, and I LOVE healers...but she’s incredibly outclassed at this point. Resplendent Lissa when??? I don’t see this going forward without some kind of refine/Resplendent. Adult Tiki, +2 (+Atk): Tiki has the misfortune of just not appearing as fast as Nowi did in terms of merges. I don’t love all dragon teams, and Nowi has the better color. Plus her refine isn’t amazing. She’ll remain here for now. Y!Marth, +1 (+Atk): I am on the fence about whether I feel regret for not pulling more for Y!Marth. His weapon is so strong, he’s got great stats, and not great fodder. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I decided +1 was better than trying for the +10 and getting mad when I spent money on orbs. But he puts in work. I love him as a unit. OG Alm, +1 (+HP): Funnily enough, as an almost day-one player, I didn’t pull an OG Alm until halfway through his availability as a Limited-Time Divine Code option. He was a free pull on some random banner and obviously got a merge afterwards. I like his character, but I don’t know if I will ever make an effort to +10. Saber, +1 (+Atk): One of my absolute favorite units. One of the characters I had Summoner Supported for a period of time. His refine is very interesting and allows for some really interesting builds. I might need to make more of an effort for him in the future. Ayra, +1 (+HP): I’ll be honest, I don’t love Ayra. I don’t like the speed arms race she kicked off, and I’m bummed I didn’t just use her as Swift Sparrow fodder. Whatever. Black Knight, +1: Big surprise here: I love the Black Knight. I think he still holds up as a viable option for Red Armors. His cost remains high as a Grail unit, but I think it might be worth it, given how many armor skills exist now. Elincia, +1 (+Atk): The trend continues: character from PoR and RD that I love. She’s got amazing player phase capabilities, and eventually she’d be a great +10. Lukas, +1 (+Atk): The OG physical tank. Great personality and solid niche, but I have others who do the same thing. Nephenee, +1 (+Spd): The Halberdier class in PoR still ranks as one of my all time favorite character ranks. Nephenee languished as -Spd for a long time before I snagged another merge. I love her character and need to prioritize her builds. I’d love for her to demote one day (lol), but she’ll go on the list of 5* exclusive merge desires. OG Azura, +1 (Neutral): I feel like OG Azura is still outclassed, even with her Resplendent stats. Although she has a strong niche as a triple Chill support unit. I need to actually build her and deploy her before I sink any real assets into her. Legendary Ephraim, +1 (+Res): I pulled Legendary Ephraim long before I ever pulled OG Ephraim. He finds use mostly as a Grand Conquests lead. Which makes me realize that I don’t have a ton of lance cavaliers....or really any that I would really love to build. I’ll look into this. Altena, +1 (+Def): I adore Altena. She’s one of those characters that FEH really introduced me to and I fell in love with her personality, and she’s got a great kit. I’d love for her to be 3*/4*, but I find myself thinking I should pull for Blue on random banners, just in case I pull extras. She’s a high priority merge project. Halloween Dorcas, +1: Another case of a strange decision made without any real thought. Especially since Hack-o’-Lantern+ is a solid axe to have in a unit’s back pocket. I’m suddenly mad at myself for doing this. Minerva, +1 (+Atk): You know, Minerva was the third 5* I ever pulled in this game, and I never really found a use for her somehow. I suppose I avoided flying units for a long time, just because they were always physical, and usually less useful than infantry or cavalry units (what a time). She’s merged because of a pity breaker. Young Minerva, +1: Ironic, I know. Y!Minerva is near the top of my list for Grail projects. She’ll likely get a +10 eventually, it’s hard to top the skills she has available. And I’m weirdly a sucker for tiny children who destroy enemies. I love this unit. Legendary Alm, +1 (+Def): My first pull of L!Alm was -Spd, which was a major fucking bummer. I ultimately decided I needed to fix that when I pulled one a while back, it was a good decision. I am never going to have the resources to pump more into him, though. So his base kit will do for now. Matthew, +1 (+Atk): Let’s talk briefly about how fucking bad Matthew’s attack stat is. At lvl 41 with a 14 mt dagger equipped and attack boon he has 43 attack. Literal garbage. His refine makes him useable and I want to +10 him so badly because I love his character, but again, it clashes directly with the Sothe I already built, who only loses out on the defense that Matthew’s packing. It’s hard to justify, ngl. Kagero, +1 (+Atk): I am only human. Every once in a while, I am susceptible to the pull of a waifu or two. Cool refine, solid niche, but hard to justify when I have characters that do the work better. Julia, +1 (+Def): Another character I didn’t have for literal years, and got in back to back banners long after she had a hey-day. Crystalelemental on Tumblr loves Julia and, honestly, that love kinda rubbed off. She doesn’t even have skills equipped, but I’ve been on the lookout for a way to deploy her. She’ll get a good kit eventually. Legendary Female Fallen Robin, +1 (+Spd): Describing some of these characters becomes a mouthful. Solid niche, and she got a merge because she kept pitybreaking me on the road to Bramimond. The rest were sacked for Res Smoke fodder. She’s useful from time to time, but not a favorite. Lethe, +1 (+Def): I always liked Mordecai more than Lethe, but she hits a lot of criteria for me. Her typing holds her back a little bit, though. I also don’t run all beast teams very often, and that’s where she really shines. It also doesn’t help that her first appearance was as -Atk. Sometimes heroes with bad IVs that you love kinda lose their luster, which is sad. Kaden, +1 (Neutral): Both times a pitybreaker. Great niche as a unit, sees plenty of use when I’m running Bonus Doubler shenanigans. Doesn’t see a ton of use outside of that.
Phew. That was a lot to write. If you read through that....I am deeply impressed. I think next is taking stock of what I actually want in terms of unit niches, and which ones would fill those roles that I could target. 
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abenignsmile · 4 years
Some Reinhardt Posting
Reinhardt has quite a.... unique place in Ciela’s place and story, and I’ve kinda been making some stuff about him with Ciela, especially following the resplendent art I made of him recently.
Stuff’s under cut. CW for yandere content.
Reinhardt is basically the first five stars that Ciela got (either him or Brave Ike, who was my first free unit since I started due to CYL I think), and this made him hold quite an important spot in Ciela’s place. Initially I thought of him being like the nice guardian/older brother kinda thing since canonly in Ciela’s Askr-verse, him with Performing Arts Azura (who happens to be my first seasonal unit) were Ciela’s sorta... guardian, older siblings, retainer thing. She sort of projects her thoughts about her elder siblings (who were the only nice people she remembered from her world) into them and that’s how their relationship has been thus far. 
With Reinhardt though, he’s actually falling into the side quite a bit, esp after I stopped playing FEH for quite some time after the first anniversary (I think I stopped right after the TT with Sigurd, Quan, and Ares). Returning to it when CYL2 drops and I got Veronica and many other newer units such as Laegjarn or Legendary Robin, Reinhardt is really untouched for many times, until recently (or like late last year) I started giving him more attention and made him a +10 unit. He happened to be the first unit I +10-ed too. 
Once I get the right build and team for him, he really is becoming as powerful as how he works in the meta. The introduction of resplendent heroes and how he gets to have that form in the story also sort of furthers his use in my team.  So I just thought how this narratively would work in Ciela’s story, and so... Yandere Reinhardt sorta born that way =))
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Some analysis done by some pals in the FEH summoner discord server talked about him being so.... reliant on being dependable. He has a noble disposition and great persona liked and hated by people at the same time, and seemed to relish on being someone dependable. He was sort of shafted when Ciela met Brave Veronica, but with him getting back into play, let’s say that he’s just very glad he could get Ciela’s attention back too, eventhough she’s been having him as her “brother” all this time, but I guess it may never be enough for him. 
That’s why he started to plot to take over Ciela’s attention and trust back along with his rising power. 
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Also, someone gave me this meme then saying, “This is Reinhardt, but Myrrh is Veronica”.
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And I guess like, that’s not wrong!! That’s probably one of his attempt into coaxing Ciela’s trust back since quite a funny thing happened recently. 
So I saved a lot of orbs (over 100 ish) in order to save for spring banner. Then FEH Anniversary happened and they announced CYL banner reruns. Having Brave Veronica only at +3, I decided to use the orbs there so I can at least have several more merges of her. So it happens that I got her on my 3rd round of pulling after 2 full rounds to build up pity rate. I just had good feelings that I can get more of her, and I still have quite a number of orbs left. 
And well, you can say that what happens after that is just, not great. Overall when the banner ended, I got two Brave Hector (he’s great though), and then got pitybroken twice by Jaffar and Elise. But before that, in my desperate attempt to grab orbs, I decided to grind some multichallenge maps that I didn’t do (mostly so they become my back up orbs reserve) with newly built Reinhardt. I got quite a lot of them and pulled a lot but still no Veronica in sight. 
Someone then pointed, that Reinhardt just prevented Veronica to come home. And it just, clicks so well. He literally cursed the orbs we got so Veronica stopped growing stronger and becoming more threat to him to win Ciela’s affection.
So the whole thing revolves around that basically. Reinhardt being smitten with Ciela and trying to coax her out of her fascination with Veronica. She’s so hard to get, why she’d bother? He’s powerful and can do a lot of things for Ciela. 
Of course, Veronica won’t take this slander. She catches his ploy right off the bat (this is actually a sequel to the resplendent Reinhardt comic I posted above)
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Veronica would probably show her overprotectiveness (or even goes yandere herself??) to prevent Reinhardt swiping Ciela from her. Her PDA probably grows stronger than before and she just glares over him so many times.
Recently with how I use the units in my barrack again, and ended up S-Supporting Thrasir (since meta wise she’s one of the units I used the most recently) I thought how such change would reflect in the story. So I guess maybe Veronica and Reinhardt’s tension has gotten quite... unbearable to Ciela so she just ran away and hide behind Thrasir.
Thrasir just called these two people stupid. She probably made them wear the getalong shirt and hold hand together the whole time until they stopped snarking each other. Will they ever stop? We don’t know yet =))
In reality I think nothing would probably ever turn Ciela from loving Brave Veronica since (1) Ciela is a full blown lesbian and (2) I don’t think Ciela’s Reinhardt would ever go that hardcore to get her attention, but according to a friend, sometimes “you just want to indulge in stinky behavior” and it’s ok so... I guess that’s Reinhardt posting for now XD 
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faireth-reed · 5 years
Guys! (Feh advice/petition)
This will be long, but it has to be done. If there ever is a second event like the one that gave us a free Ike (a hero rises, was it called?), please don't vote Surtr or Veronica. Why?
Even if their skills are good, they are going to be nullified. I think Veronica's will start tomorrow, and it's quite easy to avoid Surtr (the "hard" thing is only attacking him).
Veronica is super easy to get, and Surtr appeared in a 2-character banner, so people who wanted them may have already pulled.
Lots of unique staff users have appeared lately, and there are various good axe fighters (the Hectors, Dorcas...).
If Aether Raids and Arena are already bad, they will become even worse if everyone has a free Surtr. I don't have him, so it's not as if I were trying to be the only one with him.
Surtr doesn't have personality at all? Voting him might confuse IS so they add alts of him or make similar characters. And there are lots of people who hate him.
Veronica would be easy to mimick for someone who may be able to sacrifice other staff units, such as Mikoto, bride Lyn, Genny, C!Eirika... Perhaps a few buffs would be lost, but I'm sure that the weapon refinery will give more options for staff users in a future.
So... What can we say?
I personally wouldn't recommend a legendary Hero. Even if I love Hector, for example, I'm going to bring him back someday. Legendary heroes are rolling every month, and they don't have many unique skills that make you go crazy.
What do people need? Mainly, beast units. Probably Nailah, but any of them would be fine, I guess.
Why her? Have you seen her skills? Either as a unit or as fodder, she'd be a good option that would make people happy.
We're going to have Selkie for sure (she ranked 6th, if I'm not mistaken) in a Fates banner with Velouria and their dads.
Probably Panne and Yarne too, but with other characters that people want from Awakening, such as Emmeryn or even Gangrel. Well, Aversa's there, you know.
The fateswakening characters sadly have more chances of having alts. I think there was a Panne reference in the Easter banner, so...
I know the post was pretty obvious, but I wanted to expose all of my points (I think I haven't forgotten any). I don't know what I'll do with the banner, probably I'll make a full summon session for every ticket that I get. And I'll promote Naesala, he seems an interesting guy. Well, everyone seems so. Reyson reminds me of Lucius.
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shiroselia · 2 years
My summoning hopes for my FEH accounts second year (I’m technically a day 1 player, but my original account got nuked with my iPad committing not live in Summer of 2019, and I made a new account almost exactly a year ago, and that’s the one I’m sticking with now)
I want atleast one of the seasonals I’m trying for (Best result would be me getting Scion!Julia, but if I manage to snag some others that’d be epic) Please FEH let me get Nyx in 2022 she’s the only regular pool unit I wanted in 2021 I didn’t get Brave!Veronica would be a gift from heaven Likewise, either Deirdre or Julia I hope I get any of L!Celica, L!Micaiah, or Elimine, I don’t think I’ll manage all of them, because 8% banners are cruel and evil and hate me and I refuse to get FEH pass for only the spark
Other than that I hope AHR will be good (which is to say not feature Fallen!Edel), and maybe someone I want will be on there (As in, Duo!Catria, Duo!Lysithea, or a good legendary, because this year, considering the options, I think I’m going to save for a spark there) And I’ve already decided that Tiki will be my free pick of CYL6, because I love Awakening!Tiki so so much
The real debate is really if I should do another Bridal!Nailah summoning considering how that went last time, especially because I’m for sure going for Bridal!Ninian this year
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inthedusksynria · 6 years
honestly I want Canas to get Ayra's because best boi deserves to be +10 merged at optimal IV;s, and if he's free he's probably going to have no Prf weapon
Hi!! Sorry for the late answer!(also sorry for the lenght)
I can definitely understand wanting to +10 him, heck it was what i was planning to do, before seeing the trailer. i was so ready to drop my orbs for both him and legault  are absolute favs!
I definitely understand to wanting to get him powerful too! Fuck, if any set ups say he needs some skills i am ready to destroy my blyn, takumi, halloween sakura and some others for him! It would be so awesome if he got the legendary weapon, especially to make him viable! (He is on my board of only summon for if this unit is in it )
Anyways, we will have to see his stats and weapon(tho i think it will be red owl tome) to see which roles he can feel. However, thanks to powercreep and the pletora of characters available currently, it is possible for him to get a unique weapon or skills. 
Check some of our TT rewards, and most recently Kaze(CG reward, which i will be assuming will be how Canas will be distributed), and you will see that the powercreep, even with free to play units, helped them! 
Kaze comes with barb shuriken with is basically slayer dagger, which no dagger character had before, iceberg(best special with his high res), awesome speed, and generally, incredible stat spreed. If a free character was like that, then i am sure Canas will have something and even if he doesnt… The power of the red + tomes availables is immense! there is a reason most of mage fliers and cavalry and armors, use the blade/owl weapons even with original special weapons 
Add the fact that some limited weapons can be inherited can make him great for many roles! Raurblade, Red owl tome, and possibly in the future Redserpent(With comes with distant def in it AND the ability to refine it, fucking broken, i want 10) Can be and help him to fill a shit ton of roles. Add skill inhetance into the mix and the sheer amount of skills we have available currently, it is possible to make him a monster even if his original skills are bad. 
Even with special weapons, look at all the characters that have awesome weapons *will smith pose* and yET if you fight with them in tier 20 +10, you will see them using weapons that arent their own
-> Said by someone who every fricking arya i encounter is using slaying sword + to proc her fucking regnal astra.(ps: i am in tier 20, fighting defense teams that have at least 2 units +10 units, and scoring 728, ) 
Which means that even if he was to have a legendary tome, sometimes the best tome for him/for his future role would be a completely different one.
Anyways, having said all of this, what i want to say: Is that no matter what character, a arya situation again(Separated banner, sharing color with someone else) is just bad. Because it is BLANTLANT baiting the fanbase and make a great deal of F2P have to decide between favs and grind their teeth to choose which banner to summon from when they could have been easily on the same one and it is blatantly a move to make people spend money. And if they saw that hey! people are spending the money and not sending angry feedback, they would continuing doing so for every single fourth character. What about the people who love both and then have to choose between one banner to summon them from? because if the arya situation happens, it means that regardless of which banner you pull, as the banner will be happening in the roughly same time as the other, the other units wont be available at the pull, and then you will be faced with a decision between them, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A F2P WHOSE ORBS ARE LIMITED AND NOT GUARRANTEED TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING. 
I just.. i am bad with words but i love the FEH and i find it highly enjoyable and one of those parts is that it lets you use the characters you love and gives you some characters for free, which allows you too make a decision to not pull on every banner if you want to keep playing or pulls the carpet below you, so it forces you to keep summoning or to pay money to be able to get what you want. The arya situation causes me a lot of anxiety because it would mean that you would have to be even more extremely cautious and frankly it would make things a lot less enjoyable and prioritize even more P2P players than the F2P ones, being left in the dirty. 
The thing is: my biggest fear with the arya situation is that the prioritazing of P2P players gets more important, to the point where the game would be highly frustating to play it. 
-version more tl dr here below
Solution for this situation : Dont ask for a arya situation, but for a way to have acess to multiple copies. See those GHB rotations? Canas and others TT rewards/GC rewards could be re-run on quests on some way. Maybe use the Tab Battle as a way to rerun them(As, with no quests, it is basically abandoned), add a 5k more score on the 60k of the TT+, where the rewards are the older prizes, make monthly events or maps where you can get them if you complete them. Maybe even put them as rewards for rerun GHB or BHB(example: Berkut rerun GHB, the reward is tobin or clive; julia and seliph, the reward is arden(fin?); BhB of corrin and azura, the reward is kaze)
There are multiple ways to rerun the F2P units! That wouldnt involve we having to /have/ a arya situation, since even if a unit has busted weapons, sometimes the best weapon for them is other(Example:arya herself, every single mage flyer who wants colorblarbe more and etc). I think if we all send a feedback, asking for it and showing interest in more quests, they would give it to us as they would win having more interest in daily plaaying the game or re-completing a map you had already done!
Thanks for the question! I hope i was able to express what i meant. I am…not good at wording what i mean :/  i tried but i cant put the sheer fear i feel (and felt) should a arya situation happen again. Sorry for the long answer! 
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