retrocgads · 8 months
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USA 1997
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wodania · 11 months
ASOIAF modern AU notes 💕
Summerhall was an old age home that Egg had been sent to by his kids Jaehaerys and Shaera, Egg accidentally burnt it down and died alongside fellow senior Dunk, and Egg’s other son, Duncan. Rhaegar was born on the front lawn of the old age home beside a fire truck 💕
Rhaegar does ukulele and acapella covers on the early days of the internet, and he’s only famous bc he’s the presidents son. His posts got rlly fucking weird in his final days before he mysteriously died while visiting his cousin Robert. Probably on those reddit icebergs under “darkest videos ever uploaded”.
Every one just accepted the fact that Rhaegar and Jon were dating even though they straight up weren’t, magazines were reporting on it with photos of the two together and captions like “Elia writing divorce papers??? See more on page 69!” (they definitely slept with each other AT LEAST once though, confirmed by a high end reporter’s audio recording, possibly Varys, who Jon trauma dumped to while super high)
Golden Company is a biker gang someone put that in my tags once and it stuck. Jon went from appearing in the kind of stuff the heir to a company and friend to the presidents son would appear in (rlly corporate looking images and interviews plus a few photos of him playing golf or something) to the wildest vids and photos of golden company biker gang parties imaginable. He was a fugitive but Aerys and Robert and Cersei all didn’t consider him high priority so he’s just been let wild.
Young Griff dresses like a sports brand ambassador and is actually probably a sports brand ambassador thanks to his double nepotism (father was rhaegar and other father was Jon). Young Griff accidentally caught Jon in one of his instagram lives and the internet went wild over the sight of Jon actually doing something normal for once. Young Griff is Aegon’s stage name, taken from Jon’s biker gang era nickname Griff.
There’s CCTV footage of Jaime killing Aerys but Tywin payed off the cops so it’s okay. Conspiracy videos on YouTube about it get copyright flagged when they show the footage.
Loras and Renly are some of the most controversial men on the web bc on one hand they are gay but on the other they are gym bros and Loras had a misogynist era when a video of him calling Brienne a wench at one of Renly’s parties surfaced. Mace had to do damage control. Loras also probably made a post like “hate when other gays flaunt their gayness” when he was 14 and everyone always brings it up (he still stands by it). Mace again has to do damage control.
Renly later died at one of his party’s due to what was attributed to ‘accidental causes’, but many, including Loras, believe that there is something deeper to it. Brienne was arrested for suspicion of committing the murder but was let go after like a day. Jaime payed off most of the ppl who accused her, but Loras is vocal about hating Jaime and he regularly insults him under his posts.
Robb was a presidential candidate who got murdered at his uncles wedding and it was a big deal and the true crime community was all over it the moment the news dropped. Jaime is under investigation… again. Videos are still getting copyrighted.
Bolton house got raided by some government agents and they found Theon and a bunch of human skins in the basement. The media had a field day with that one. Asha attacked the press when they tried to get photos.
Robert still got mauled by a boar it just got caught on camera this time. It’s like the JFK assassination tape in that it’s super accessible and on YouTube under age restriction bc it’s “educational”.
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scenetocause · 3 months
what is girloscar up to in the 2024 season!! will accept any of your brilliant headcanons UwU
she is living her best life! lando hasn't proposed yet but she's not too worried about it, except in the distant sense of concern about him doing something insanely over the top and her not knowing how to react to it. she's moved to monaco and it's like, fine. nice to be living with lando. but she hates all the construction work going on along the harbour to "reclaim" land and if anyone lets her she'll go off on one about how you can't reclaim bits of the sea. she likes running through the mountains, not a huge fan of the gym full of other drivers so they've turned part of the spare room into a better setup and lando even sometimes bothers to join in.
she starts seeing her therapist halfway through the 2024 season when she starts spiralling a bit after the car improves again but she's still frustrated by the tyres and also the way people insist on saying she isn't hot enough for lando. maybe a bit more that second part but either way she's feeling inadequate and that's not an oscar piastri emotion or at least, not one she wants. the therapist helps, so does getting someone to manager her social media.
they do do a quadrant outback drop for oscar's birthday which she finds kind of disgustingly romantic and slightly insane. seeing lando wearing not just her clothes but a hoodie he designed about how much he likes her makes her feel very unhinged and have to peg him absolutely through the mattress.
she still doesn't really love golf and absolutely hates that she's been added to the wag groupchat but feels like it'd be bad female solidarity to leave.
her and logan go on holiday together, which feels odd but she lives with lando he can fuck off with martijn and logan is struggling again, admits he's broken things off with jenson and cries on her a bit in the middle of this stupid sports resort they're allegedly training at. then oscar has to tell her therapist about the fucking sun splashing the photos all over its front page like she's cheating on lando.
(he posts some photos of her in their flat, just doing things like napping and cooking but they're framed the way he always does with photos of her, like he thinks she's beautiful, to his jpeg account and people shut up a bit)
racing gets easier. or maybe not. but it's more possible to be at the sharp end. she cuts in a really regrettable fringe over summer break and gets annoyed by it for the rest of the year, sticking up like a quiff in all her podium photos.
the best times are when they've finished a good weekend and she gets to hold lando in bed, listening to him snoring a bit. he still melts when she kisses him.
mclaren try to get her to do a yoga thing for a sweaty betty endorsement and it goes so incredibly poorly they get lando to do it instead. oscar is much more at home with the dewalt power tools video.
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talkingtea · 1 year
The NY Times has a profile on whatshisname so he must be trying to remake his image. Link below but if it doesn't come thru it's on the front page of the website. www. nytimes.com /2023/03/09/ sports/basketball/jr-smith-golf. html
This bitch… 🙄🙄 He can ‘remake’ it all he wants, nobody is going to forget what an asshole he is
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anarchistettin · 1 year
some birthday
just thought I'd paste in an article that's behind a paywall
By Shane Goldmacher and Maggie Haberman
Reporting from Bedminster, N.J.
June 13, 2023
Donald J. Trump went to bed Tuesday night, on the eve of his 77th birthday, as a now twice-indicted former president and current front-runner for the Republican nomination for the White House in 2024.
“Some birthday,” Mr. Trump grumbled on Tuesday as he visited Versailles, a popular Cuban coffee shop in Miami. “Some birthday.”
He had just been arraigned on federal charges. His co-defendant was working as his valet. And he didn’t eat Cuban — he had McDonald’s. On his plane headed back to New Jersey from Miami, Mr. Trump ate the fast food while holding court with advisers and finishing edits on the speech he would soon deliver and mostly adhere to.
The surreal scene that awaited him at his private club in Bedminster, N.J., was a blend somewhere between a summer garden wedding and a political victory party. There was an air of an almost post-arraignment celebration as women arrived in their finery: fuchsia and canary yellow dresses, embroidered Trump wares and heels. Men sported suits and red MAGA hats.
Then Mr. Trump arrived. Visibly deflated after pleading not guilty for the second time in three months, his dry and low-energy resuscitation of his legal defense — even inflected with the usual references to Marxists, Communists and fascists — pleased his advisers but drew a relatively muted response from a crowd that had minutes earlier craned their phones for a shot of his motorcade.
He had entered to the same track — “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood — that he has used as an entrance theme so many times before. On Tuesday, the chorus landed differently.
New revelations. The 49-page indictment against Donald Trump and a personal aide, Walt Nauta, revealed a host of potentially devastating new details in the Justice Department’s inquiry into the former president’s mishandling of classified documents. Here are some of the most significant allegations:
There was a stunning pattern of obstruction. Prosecutors say Trump willfully ignored a May 2022 subpoena requiring him to return the documents — and took extraordinary steps to obstruct investigators. The indictment details how Nauta, at Trump’s direction, moved 64 boxes of documents so that Trump’s lawyer could not find them.
Boxes of documents were stored in a bathroom. In April 2021, Trump’s employees needed to move dozens of boxes from a ballroom at his Mar-a-Lago estate. “There is still a little room in the shower where his other stuff is,” one aide texted another. The boxes were hauled to a small bathroom and piled up nearly to the tiny chandelier next to the toilet.
Documents were stored sloppily. The indictment shows a picture of a box of top secret national security documents that in 2021 had spilled onto the floor of a Mar-a-Lago storage room accessible to many of the resort’s employees.
Trump made a “plucking motion.” The indictment recounts how Trump and his lawyer discussed what to do with a folder of 38 documents with classification markings. The lawyer said Trump made a “plucking motion” that implied, “why don’t you take them with you to your hotel room and if there’s anything really bad in there, like, you know, pluck it out.”
Trump was recorded sharing secrets. The indictment says Trump was recorded at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., showing off secret U.S. battle plans to a writer. Trump described the material as “highly confidential” and “secret,” while admitting it had not been declassified.
Trump showed a secret map to a staff member. In August or September 2021, Trump shared a top secret military map with a staff member at his political action committee who did not have a security clearance; he warned the person not to “get too close.”
One of Trump’s lawyers is a key witness. Some of the most potentially damning evidence against the former president came from notes made by one of his lawyers, M. Evan Corcoran. The lawyer’s notes essentially gave prosecutors a road map to building their case.
“I did everything right,” Mr. Trump declared in his 30-minute speech, “and they indicted me.”
When he finished, he barely lingered to take in the applause. He gave an obligatory fist pump and mouthed thanks to the crowd. Then he turned and went inside.
All told, the day encapsulated the remarkable numbness to the extraordinary that has defined the Trump era. The former president entered federal court as a criminal defendant, and now faces hundreds of years in prison. The Republican front-runner’s early 2024 calendar now includes not only key caucuses and primaries but court dates. His rivals are at times contorting themselves while discussing his alleged crimes; one circulated a petition on Tuesday demanding they all promise to pardon him.
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Mr. Trump’s appearance in a Miami courtroom was a humiliating moment for a New York businessman with a 40-year history of engaging in gamesmanship with prosecutors and regulators, viewing most every interaction as a transaction or something he could bluster his way through. By 2017, he had the armor of the presidency protecting him when the first special counsel investigating him, Robert S. Mueller III, began his work. And by 2021, as investigations began into his efforts to thwart the transfer of power, he had come to see another campaign as a shield against prosecutions.
But that grandeur — and legal insulation — had vanished on Tuesday. Instead, Mr. Trump’s team tried to create the sense of a man still in power. In Bedminster, he spoke with the white columns of the main house of his New Jersey golf club behind him. The indictment became another backdrop for the ongoing Trump Show.
He was comforted by a motley assortment of his most fervent supporters. They included former President Richard Nixon’s son-in-law; a former New York Police Department commissioner whom Mr. Trump pardoned in the final year of his presidency; and a former administration official whom Mr. Trump named as a representative to the National Archives.
It was the National Archives that began the winding road that ended with Mr. Trump facing charges alleging that he had defied a subpoena and kept highly classified documents. The agency, which is in charge of preserving presidential records, spent most of 2021 trying to compel Mr. Trump to return boxes of materials that he had taken with him when he left the White House. So did some of his lawyers and advisers. When he finally returned 15 boxes in January 2022, archives officials discovered nearly 200 individual classified documents, and alerted the Justice Department.
On Tuesday night in Bedminster, what amounted to a red-carpet MAGA crowd mingled to a carefree playlist of Trump-favored throwbacks: “Macho Man” by the Village People, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” by Frankie Valli, “We Will Rock You” by Queen, “Dancing Queen” by ABBA. Dozens of women wore matching red-white-and-blue outfits and chanted “We love Trump!” in unison as Mr. Trump was airborne.
The arraignment date happened to coincide with Mr. Trump’s first major fund-raiser, with those who had raised at least $100,000 invited to a “candlelight dinner” after his speech. The Trump campaign will be paying Mr. Trump’s private business in donor dollars for both events, a practice he has done for years.
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Robert Jeffress, an evangelical pastor in Dallas and an early supporter who said he would not “abandon” Mr. Trump, got a call from a staffer for the former president on Monday, asking him to attend. He said Mr. Trump’s supporters saw the charges as “political.”
“I think they see this as Biden’s way of getting rid of his No. 1” opponent, he said, as music blared behind him.
Senator Tommy Tuberville, Republican of Alabama, missed votes in Washington to be there to cheer for Mr. Trump.
The gathering in Bedminster and Mr. Trump’s not-quite impromptu cafe stop in Miami were reminiscent of how he handled the gravest political threat he faced in his first 2016 campaign: the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape. Back then, he immersed himself in a crowd of his supporters outside Trump Tower. Now, he did so both at his own property and in a friendly corner of a city where he will soon face trial.
“You see where the people are,” Mr. Trump said after he was serenaded with a brief rendition of “Happy Birthday” at the Cuban cafe, called Versailles, where he also stopped to pose for a picture with a mixed martial arts fighter.
He seemed determined to project nonchalance as much as defiance. His co-defendant and valet, Walt Nauta, continued to assist him throughout the day, even as the judge cautioned against the two men discussing the case, after traveling to court as part of Mr. Trump’s motorcade staff. Ever image-conscious, Mr. Trump had entered the courthouse in Miami out of the sightlines of cameras, and he avoided a mug shot and handcuffs for the second time.
The act of indicting him, Mr. Trump said, “will go down in infamy.” And he pledged to appoint a “real special prosecutor” once he’s president again to go after President Biden and his family.
“The seal is broken by what they’ve done,” he added.
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year
15 Questions// 15 Mutuals
thank you for the tags lovely people @mcbeanzontoast @whatsyourfavoritescarymoviex @heydreamchild @moonchildquinn & @like-what-the-fuck-scoob
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes!! I’m named after a movie character!! There’s an 80s film called Hiding Out and the main girl (played by Annabeth Gish) is named Ryan!! My mom loved the movie, thus my name was born!! Also, Meg Ryan kind of sparked that idea! My mom was watching a romcom of hers (in true 90s fashion) and saw her name is go by and was reminded of that movie because she it had been a while since she saw it!!
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. I hurt myself and it made me cry for a sec 😅
3. Do you have kids?
Nope!! maybe one day but if I do have one it will honestly probably only be one!!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It’s my second language. I try not to use it so much on here because I know people can’t read my tone and I don’t want to come off as malicious!!
5. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Their style and behavior! Usually how they treat others or how they act in general!!
6. What’s your eye color?
I have heterochromia, so I have two different colored eyes (I also have two different pupil sizes so that can change my eye color too)!! I have blue bases in both of my eyes, but one of my eyes is blue/gray, and will flip between those two and the other eye is blue/green and it changes from blue, green, and brown. It’s gotten a lot more apparent now, because the eye that has green and brown is often darker than my blue/gray eye!!
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies can have happy endings. I think it depends certain happy, endings and films people SHOULDNT get. However, I enjoy both!!
8. Any special talents?
I’m a pretty decent musician on various instruments. I know how to play piano, base, a little bit, guitar, and the drums (my personal favorite) and I don’t think I sound like total shit when I sing!
Is reading fast a talent?? I can knock out pretty big books fairly quickly!! I can knock out a 300 page book in about an hour 🤷🏻‍♀️
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Music (playing and seeing live concerts), going to conventions, Collecting a lot of shit (vinyl, cassettes, vhs, funko Pops, stuffed animals), Reading, Filmming and Writing!!
11. Do you have any pets?
2 older dogs 🐶
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I’ve played competitively for a long time multiple sports, I don’t play any now, but I coach volleyball as my part-time job. I played volleyball, basketball, softball, golf, tennis, track, beach volleyball and I think that’s it!!
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Music, Art, English, ANY of my film classes!!
15. Dream job?
I’d love to work in film, tv, or music!! I don’t care if I’m in front of the camera or behind somehow. I just want to make something special for people!!
I saw ALOT of people already tagged, but I still want to know about you all I just don’t want to overwhelm you!! please join it’s so fun ✨
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cohenskicksposts · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Front Page Sports Baseball Pro '98 for PC Vintage 1997 Large Box Sealed.
0 notes
Lynn gets up every morning before dawn to get her first copy of coffee. She unintentionally (?) wakes me up. At this peaceful time, the ideas that I encountered while falling asleep dawn on me and by the time I get out of bed, I can't wait to write them down as I'm doing right now.
Last night I was inspired to think about the pre-literal darkness that ended when I learned to read. I don't remember actually learning to read. I remember loving it when my parents would tel me stories. They were so smart and funny. Somewhere along the way, I noticed that when they told the stories they would look at something that was in front of them. I suspected that the stories were coming from that something. That something of course was a book.
I wanted to be smart and funny.
I wanted to tell stories like they did so I wanted a book in front of me. I would look at the book along with them while they read aloud. I would match the sounds with the symbols on the page which I learned were the words to the story. I began to decode those symbols. In this way, reading "dawned" on me. There was no struggle. There was no anxiety. Just a bit of darkness before the dawn.
Reading, of course is much more than decoding but everything starts someplace and decoding is the very beginning of the adventure.
Some of us start and stop there. Others go much, much, much further into avidity and voraciousness.
One of the reasons that some of us become avid readers is that we are always finding something to read and one thing somehow leads to another. For example on my first visit on my first visit to the Bookmobile, armed with my first library card and able to choose any book that caught my interestI, I discovered a book on Whales by Herbert S Zim.
As it turns out, Herbert S. Zim (1909-1994) was an American scientist, educator, and author known for his work in the field of natural history and science education. He was a prolific author, and many of his books were aimed at introducing young readers and the general public to various aspects of science and the natural world. Some of his most well-known works were part of the "Golden Guides" series, which included numerous pocket-sized field guides on a wide range of topics. Zim's "Golden Guides" covered subjects such as birds, insects, rocks and minerals, astronomy, weather, and more. These guides were designed to be accessible and informative, making science and nature accessible to a broad audience. They were often illustrated with detailed drawings and diagrams. I read all of his books and became determined to be a scientist. Zim sparked my interest and ignited my curiosity not only about science and the natural world but also about books in general.
I read 'em all. I assumed everybody else did as well.
Next was Dr. Seuss and I did the same with Seuss as I did with Zim.
Yeah, I started out thinking that reading was serious business; serious but still fun. Seuss introduced me to the power of whimsy and creativity in reading which led directly to baseball, baseball cards and Sport Magazine.
At first, I thought that baseball players weren't real. Men with names like Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Duke Snider, Pee Wee Reese had to be mythical or fictional characters. These were tall tales. Until the '54 World Series when it became clear as black and white teevee that Willie Mays, Whitey Lockman, Johnny Antonelli, Windy McCall and Dusty Rhodes were indeed very real and I could read all about them in Sport Magazine.
"Sport Magazine" was a popular sports magazine that was published in the United States from 1946 to 2000. It was known for its coverage of a wide range of sports, including baseball, football, basketball, boxing, golf, and more. It was initially intended to compete with other sports magazines of the time, such as "Sporting News."
The magazine was published on a monthly basis. The magazine covered a variety of sports, offering in-depth articles, interviews with athletes, profiles, analysis, and photography. It provided a comprehensive look at the world of sports and was known for its high-quality writing and visual content. "Sport Magazine" featured contributions from prominent sports writers and photographers, and it provided a platform for many talented journalists and photographers to showcase their work."Sport Magazine" was well-received by sports enthusiasts and readers interested in sports coverage. I read Sport Magazine every month and assumed that everybody else did.
Also at about this time I started reading the Police Gazette when we went to visit my grandparents in Holcomb. The Police Gazette was a publication with a long and storied history, often associated with sensational and tabloid-style reporting. It was first published in the United States in the mid-19th century, and it continued to be published into the 20th century. The magazine covered a wide range of topics, including crime, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories.
Suddenly I was exposed to a wide variety of writing styles and topics, which, in hindsight, contributed to my eclectic reading habit. and desire to learn about the cultural and social interests of our times. The adults would gather in the living room to talk. I would head to the porch to read.
It was also on this porch that I discovered Ring Magazine.
Ring Magazine is a widely recognized and respected boxing publication that has been in existence since 1922. It is often referred to as "The Bible of Boxing" due to its authoritative coverage of the sport.
Ring Magazine was founded by Nat Fleischer, a boxing historian and journalist, in 1922. Since its inception, the magazine has been a primary source of information and analysis for boxing enthusiasts and professionals. Ring Magazine covered a wide range of boxing-related topics, including in-depth profiles of boxers, fight previews and reviews, rankings of fighters in various weight classes, historical features, and analysis of boxing matches and events.
The magazine is known for its influential Ring Ratings, which are considered among the most credible and widely referenced fighter rankings in the boxing world. These rankings provide a valuable resource for fans, journalists, and promoters to assess the standing of boxers in their respective weight divisions.
I didn't realize it at the time but Ring Magazine was my introduction to eidectic learning. I studied it. I analyzed it. I memorized all the champions in all the weight classes. I memorized all of the top ten boxers in every weight division every month.
I was getting hip to a new kind of reading.
I thought everybody was.
Around this time, my father took me to my first professional wrestling match: Vern Gagne versus Yukon EricChat. We had ringside seats in Rochester's brand new War Memorial Auditorium
I could see the sweat flying off of their bodies and hear the pounding and slamming that was going on int the ring. I was a little scared of Yukon Eric. Everythins was much more real than it had been on Teevee.
Because of my precocious knowledge of boxing history, the men in my family allowed me to sit with them and watch Sugar Ray Robinson regain his middleweight title from BoBo Olsen. I knew as much if not more about the fight than did my adult relatives, all big fight fans who never missed the Gilette Friday night fights.
Of course, while all this was going down, I was a big time comic book reader. I loved Superman and Batman but most of all the horror comics. I was sad when the horror comics were discontinued. I couldn't figure out why they would become forbidden.
I filled the breech in two ways. I started reading, studying and collecting Classics illustrated comics. I absorbed the plot of books such as Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Red Badge of Courage, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, The Three Musketeers, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Black Beauty, The Call of the Wild and King Arthur. I even got my first glimpse of Hamlet.
Next was Mad Magazine. Once again, I read every page of every monthly issue at the cost of 25 cents (cheap). I was learning the meaning of satire, parody and sub-culture.
I loved it.
I though everybody did.
By this time, I was a Boy Scout as well as an altar boy. I read from my daily missile and started to learn Latin. I subscribed to Boy's Life magazine and devoured that every month.
I was reading the Catholic Courier and checking the movie ratings every week.
I was reading both of our daily papers; the Democrat and Cgronicle in the morning and the Times Union in the evening.
My father bought me a subscription to Sports Illustrated.
I was off to high school.
Features: Ring Magazine often publishes exclusive interviews with prominent fighters and figures in the boxing industry, offering insights into the sport and the personal stories of boxers.
Awards: The magazine presents annual awards, including Fighter of the Year and Fight of the Year, recognizing outstanding performances in the world of boxing.
Ring Hall of Fame: Ring Magazine established the Ring Hall of Fame, honoring the sport's greatest fighters, trainers, and contributors. Being inducted into the Ring Hall of Fame is a prestigious recognition in the boxing world.
Ring Magazine has played a significant role in documenting the history of boxing and providing a platform for insightful commentary and analysis of the sport. It continues to be a respected and influential publication in the world of boxing journalism, and its authoritative rankings and reporting are valued by boxing enthusiasts and professionals alike.
It was known for its lurid and attention-grabbing headlines. It's interesting to note that your reading experience included a diverse range of publications, from "Sport Magazine" with its focus on sports journalism to the Police Gazette, which often featured more sensational and controversial content. Your reading journey at the time likely exposed you to a wide variety of writing styles and topics, which can contribute to a well-rounded and eclectic reading habit. The Police Gazette, while known for its sensationalism, also played a role in capturing the cultural and social interests of its time. It's an example of how different publications can reflect the diverse interests and curiosities of their readers. Y
Legacy: Despite its closure, "Sport Magazine" is remembered fondly by many sports fans for its contributions to sports journalism. Its archives are still a valuable resource for those interested in the history of sports and sports media in the mid-to-late 20th century.
Then I ran into Dr. Seuss. Zim's contributions to science education and popular science writing helped inspire a love for nature and science in many readers, particularly young people. His books continue to be cherished resources for those interested in exploring the natural world.
It's wonderful to hear about your love for reading and how one book can lead to another, opening up new avenues of discovery and knowledge. The journey of exploration through books is a delightful and enriching experience that many avid readers can relate to.
The book you mentioned, "Whales" by Herbert S. Zim, might have sparked your interest in marine life, the natural world, or related topics. This is often how reading works—it ignites curiosity and can lead you down a path of continuous learning. As you delve into one book, you might find references to other books or authors, leading you to explore different subjects and gain a deeper understanding of the world.
Books have the power to inspire, educate, and take you on intellectual adventures. They can be a gateway to new interests and a means of expanding your horizons. So, keep following your reading journey, and you'll likely encounter even more fascinating books that pique your interest and broaden your knowledge. Happy reading!
do you have any information about Zim?ChatGPT
Herbert S. Zim (1909-1994) was an American scientist, educator, and author known for his work in the field of natural history and science education. He was a prolific author, and many of his books were aimed at introducing young readers and the general public to various aspects of science and the natural world. Some of his most well-known works were part of the "Golden Guides" series, which included numerous pocket-sized field guides on a wide range of topics.
Zim's "Golden Guides" covered subjects such as birds, insects, rocks and minerals, astronomy, weather, and more. These guides were designed to be accessible and informative, making science and nature accessible to a broad audience. They were often illustrated with detailed drawings and diagrams.
Zim's contributions to science education and popular science writing helped inspire a love for nature and science in many readers, particularly young people. His books continue to be cherished resources for those interested in exploring the natural world.
If you have specific questions about Herbert S. Zim or his work, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide more information.
One of the reasons that some of us become avid readers is that we are always finding something to read and one thing someho leads to another. For example on my first visit to the Bookmobile I discovered a book on Whales by Herbert s Zim. As it turns out, Herbert S. Zim (1909-1994) was an American scientist, educator, and author known for his work in the field of natural history and science education. He was a prolific author, and many of his books were aimed at introducing young readers and the general public to various aspects of science and the natural world. Some of his most well-known works were part of the "Golden Guides" series, which included numerous pocket-sized field guides on a wide range of topics. Zim's "Golden Guides" covered subjects such as birds, insects, rocks and minerals, astronomy, weather, and more. These guides were designed to be accessible and informative, making science and nature accessible to a broad audience. They were often illustrated with detailed drawings and diagrams. I read all of his books and became determined to be a scientist. Then I ran into Dr. Seuss. Zim's contributions to science education and popular science writing helped inspire a love for nature and science in many readers, particularly young people. His books continue to be cherished resources for those interested in exploring the natural world.ChatGPT
It's wonderful to hear about your personal journey with reading and how Herbert S. Zim's books played a significant role in inspiring your interest in science and the natural world. Zim's "Golden Guides" are indeed highly regarded for their accessibility and educational value, especially for young readers. These guides have had a lasting impact on generations of budding scientists and nature enthusiasts.
Your transition from Zim's books to Dr. Seuss, whose works are known for their creativity and whimsy, represents the diverse and enriching experiences that reading can offer. It's a testament to the power of literature to shape our interests and aspirations.
Both Zim and Dr. Seuss have made substantial contributions to literature, education, and inspiring readers of all ages. Your journey from science to creative storytelling highlights the wide range of experiences and knowledge that reading can provide. Thank you for sharing your story, and I hope your passion for both science and creative literature continues to flourish.
One of the reasons that some of us become avid readers is that we are always finding something to read and one thing someho leads to another. For example on my first visit to the Bookmobile I discovered a book on Whales by Herbert s Zim. As it turns out, Herbert S. Zim (1909-1994) was an American scientist, educator, and author known for his work in the field of natural history and science education. He was a prolific author, and many of his books were aimed at introducing young readers and the general public to various aspects of science and the natural world. Some of his most well-known works were part of the "Golden Guides" series, which included numerous pocket-sized field guides on a wide range of topics. Zim's "Golden Guides" covered subjects such as birds, insects, rocks and minerals, astronomy, weather, and more. These guides were designed to be accessible and informative, making science and nature accessible to a broad audience. They were often illustrated with detailed drawings and diagrams. I read all of his books and became determined to be a scientist. Then I ran into Dr. Seuss. ChatGPT
It's fascinating to hear about your literary journey, which highlights how reading can lead to a lifelong passion for learning and discovery. Herbert S. Zim's "Golden Guides" have been instrumental in introducing countless readers, especially young ones, to the wonders of the natural world and science. His books are celebrated for their accessibility and educational value, and it's clear that they had a profound impact on your life, sparking your interest in science.
The transition from Zim's science guides to Dr. Seuss, known for his imaginative and creative storytelling, shows the diverse and multifaceted world of literature. Dr. Seuss's works often ignite creativity and a love for language, making reading an enjoyable and enriching experience for readers of all ages.
Your journey, from aspiring to be a scientist inspired by Zim's works to encountering the whimsy of Dr. Seuss, exemplifies how literature can shape our interests and offer a wide range of experiences. It's a testament to the power of books to guide us on intellectual and imaginative adventures. Thank you for sharing your story, and may your love for both science and creative literature continue to thrive.
The transition from Zim's science guides to Dr. Seuss, known for his imaginative and creative storytelling, shows the diverse and multifaceted world of literature. Dr. Seuss's works often ignite creativity and a love for language, making reading an enjoyable and enriching experience for readers of all ages. Yeah, I started out thinking that reading was serious business; serious but still fun. Seuss introduced me to the power of whimsy and creativity in reading which led directly to baseball, baseball cards and Sport MagazineChatGPT
It's remarkable how your journey through reading has evolved and branched into various interests. Your experience reflects the multifaceted nature of literature and its ability to introduce us to different aspects of life and culture.
Starting with serious yet fun reading, guided by Herbert S. Zim's science guides, and then transitioning to Dr. Seuss's whimsical and creative storytelling, you discovered the joy of imagination and creativity in literature. This shift in perspective, brought about by Dr. Seuss, opened doors to new interests, such as baseball, baseball cards, and sports culture.
This shows the power of literature to not only educate but also to inspire and entertain, leading us on unexpected and delightful journeys of exploration. Your story underscores how reading can shape our lives and interests, and it's a testament to the diverse and enriching world of books.
It's not uncommon for young readers to initially view famous figures, like baseball players with larger-than-life names, as almost mythical or fictional characters. The power of televised events, such as the 1954 World Series, can bring these sports legends to life and show that they are indeed real individuals with incredible talents.
Magazines like Sport Magazine can further bridge the gap between the world of sports and readers, allowing you to learn more about these athletes and their real-life achievements. This experience of seeing the athletes on TV and then reading about them in publications like Sport Magazine likely deepened your interest in sports and provided you with a connection to the world of professional athletes.
It's a testament to the role of various media, including books, magazines, and television, in shaping our perceptions and interests, and how they can all come together to offer a well-rounded understanding of the world around us. Your journey from disbelief to fascination with these real-life sports heroes is a great example of how different forms of media can enrich our lives and expand our horizons.
what can you tell me about Sport magazine ChatGPT
"Sport Magazine" was a popular sports magazine that was published in the United States from 1946 to 2000. It was known for its coverage of a wide range of sports, including baseball, football, basketball, boxing, golf, and more. Here are some key points about "Sport Magazine":
Founding and History: "Sport Magazine" was founded in 1946 by Macfadden Publications. It was initially intended to compete with other sports magazines of the time, such as "Sporting News." The magazine was published on a monthly basis.
Content: The magazine covered a variety of sports, offering in-depth articles, interviews with athletes, profiles, analysis, and photography. It provided a comprehensive look at the world of sports and was known for its high-quality writing and visual content.
Notable Contributors: Over the years, "Sport Magazine" featured contributions from prominent sports writers and photographers, and it provided a platform for many talented journalists and photographers to showcase their work.
Popularity: "Sport Magazine" was well-received by sports enthusiasts and readers interested in sports coverage. It gained a substantial following during its existence.
Demise: The magazine experienced financial difficulties in the late 1990s, which eventually led to its demise. "Sport Magazine" ceased publication in 2000.
Legacy: Despite its closure, "Sport Magazine" is remembered fondly by many sports fans for its contributions to sports journalism. Its archives are still a valuable resource for those interested in the history of sports and sports media in the mid-to-late 20th century.
It's important to note that "Sport Magazine" should not be confused with other sports publications that may have similar names. While the magazine itself is no longer in circulation, its historical impact on sports journalism and its role in covering various sports make it a notable part of American sports media history.
At first, I thought that baseball players were'nt real. Men with names like Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Duke Snider. These were tall tales. Until the 54 World Series when it became clear on teevee that Willie Mays, Whitey Lockman, Johnny Antonelli, Windy McCall and Dusty Rhodes were indeed very real and I could read all about them in Sport Magazine. Sport Magazine" was founded in 1946 by Macfadden Publications. It was initially intended to compete with other sports magazines of the time, such as "Sporting News." The magazine was published on a monthly basis. Content: The magazine covered a variety of sports, offering in-depth articles, interviews with athletes, profiles, analysis, and photography. It provided a comprehensive look at the world of sports and was known for its high-quality writing and visual content. Notable Contributors: Over the years, "Sport Magazine" featured contributions from prominent sports writers and photographers, and it provided a platform for many talented journalists and photographers to showcase their work. Popularity: "Sport Magazine" was well-received by sports enthusiasts and readers interested in sports coverage. It gained a substantial following during its existence. Demise: The magazine experienced financial difficulties in the late 1990s, which eventually led to its demise. "Sport Magazine" ceased publication in 2000. Legacy: Despite its closure, "Sport Magazine" is remembered fondly by many sports fans for its contributions to sports journalism. Its archives are still a valuable resource for those interested in the history of sports and sports media in the mid-to-late 20th century. It's important to note that "Sport Magazine" should not be confused with other sports publications that may have similar names. While the magazine itself is no longer in circulation, its historical impact on sports journalism and its role in covering various sports make it a notable part of American sports media history. ChatGPT
Thank you for providing additional details about your experience and for summarizing the information about "Sport Magazine." Your personal connection to the magazine and its role in introducing you to the world of sports and athletes like Willie Mays, Whitey Lockman, Johnny Antonelli, Windy McCall, and Dusty Rhodes highlights the magazine's impact on sports enthusiasts and budding fans.
"Sport Magazine" played a significant role in sports journalism and contributed to the appreciation of sports by covering a wide range of athletic events and athletes. Its legacy lives on as a part of American sports media history, even though it is no longer in publication. Your recollections of this magazine underscore the lasting influence that such publications can have on readers, helping them explore and engage with the world of sports and athletes in a meaningful way.
The Police Gazette was a publication with a long and storied history, often associated with sensational and tabloid-style reporting. It was first published in the United States in the mid-19th century, and it continued to be published into the 20th century. The magazine covered a wide range of topics, including crime, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. It was known for its lurid and attention-grabbing headlines.
It's interesting to note that your reading experience included a diverse range of publications, from "Sport Magazine" with its focus on sports journalism to the Police Gazette, which often featured more sensational and controversial content. Your reading journey at the time likely exposed you to a wide variety of writing styles and topics, which can contribute to a well-rounded and eclectic reading habit.
The Police Gazette, while known for its sensationalism, also played a role in capturing the cultural and social interests of its time. It's an example of how different publications can reflect the diverse interests and curiosities of their readers. Your recollection of reading it during visits to your grandparents' house provides a unique glimpse into the reading material available at the time and the variety of influences on your early reading experiences.
our recollection of reading it during visits to your grandparents' house provides a unique glimpse into the reading material available at the time and the variety of influences on your early reading experiences.ChatGPT
Your recollection of reading the Police Gazette during visits to your grandparents' house adds another layer to your early reading experiences. The Police Gazette's history as a sensational and attention-grabbing publication, along with its coverage of crime, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories, illustrates the diverse and sometimes quirky range of reading material available in the past.
It's indeed fascinating how different publications can reflect the cultural and social interests of their respective eras. Your exposure to various reading materials, from sports magazines to sensational tabloids, likely contributed to your broad and eclectic reading habits. This exposure can shape one's perspective and interests, offering a rich tapestry of knowledge and experiences through the printed word.
Reading different types of publications can also provide insights into the evolution of media and journalism over time, highlighting the changing tastes and preferences of readers and the dynamic nature of the publishing industry. Your memories of reading the Police Gazette help capture a unique snapshot of the reading culture of the time and the diversity of influences on your early literary journey.
It's fascinating how your reading journey continued to evolve and branch out into different areas of interest. The Police Gazette, with its coverage of boxers and wrestlers, piqued your interest in combat sports. This natural progression from one publication to another, in this case, from the sensational reporting of the Police Gazette to the more specialized and in-depth coverage of combat sports in Ring Magazine, illustrates how reading can be a gateway to exploring specific passions and hobbies.
This journey exemplifies how reading can be both a source of education and entertainment while also serving as a guide to exploring new interests and hobbies. Your transition from one publication to another is a great example of how literature can lead us down new and exciting paths of discovery and learning.
Meanwhile, back at the Bookmobile, I discovered John R. Tunis.
John Roberts Tunis (1889-1975) was an American author best known for his sports-themed books, particularly those written for young readers. He made a significant impact on sports literature and remains celebrated for his ability to combine engaging storytelling with important life lessons. Here are some key points about John R. Tunis:
John R. Tunis wrote numerous books, many of which were centered on sports, particularly baseball. His books are widely regarded for their authenticity and for capturing the essence of sports and the lessons they can teach. Most of Tunis's works were written for a young adult audience. His ability to connect with young readers and provide stories that were not only entertaining but also instructive made him a beloved author among young sports enthusiasts.
I was one of those budding sports fans and I wasn't alone.
Tunis's books often delved into themes of sportsmanship, teamwork, perseverance, and the personal growth of young athletes. He used sports as a backdrop to convey important life values and principles. I read every Tunis book the Bookmobile had and I learned that the Bookmobile could request other books from other libraries. Beautiful. I read, I requested, I read some more.
Watching live professional wrestling events can be a thrilling and immersive experience. It's an opportunity to witness the athleticism, storytelling, and larger-than-life characters that make professional wrestling a beloved form of entertainment for many fans.
Your father's decision to take you to a wrestling match likely deepened your interest in the world of professional wrestling and added to the rich tapestry of your reading and entertainment experiences during that time. It's moments like these that often leave a lasting impact and fond memories.
They let me into the teevee room when Sugar Ray Robinson knocked out BoBo Olson,ChatGPT
Watching historic sporting events like Sugar Ray Robinson's knockout of BoBo Olson can be a memorable and exhilarating experience. Sugar Ray Robinson was one of the most celebrated boxers in the history of the sport, known for his exceptional boxing skills and remarkable career. His fights, especially those with dramatic outcomes like knockout victories, often drew significant attention and excitement.
Being allowed into the "teevee room" to witness such a momentous event would have undoubtedly left a lasting impression, and it's no wonder that it became a memorable part of your experiences during that time. Sporting events, especially those featuring legendary athletes like Sugar Ray Robinson, can be moments of shared excitement and enthusiasm, creating lasting memories for fans and enthusiasts.
Around this time, I discovered John R. Tunis and read all of his books.ChatGPT
Discovering and reading all the books by John R. Tunis would have been a rewarding literary journey. John R. Tunis was a prolific author known for his sports-themed books, particularly those aimed at young readers. His works often combined sports stories with important life lessons, making them both entertaining and educational.
Tunis's books frequently featured themes related to sportsmanship, teamwork, and the personal growth of young athletes. They resonated with readers, particularly young sports enthusiasts, and contributed to their understanding of not only the games themselves but also the values and principles associated with sports.
Your exploration of John R. Tunis's books likely deepened your love for sports literature and provided you with valuable insights into the world of athletics and the character-building aspects of sports. Reading his works could have been an influential and enjoyable part of your reading journey during that time.
Tell me more about TunisChatGPT
John Roberts Tunis (1889-1975) was an American author best known for his sports-themed books, particularly those written for young readers. He made a significant impact on sports literature and remains celebrated for his ability to combine engaging storytelling with important life lessons. Here are some key points about John R. Tunis:
Prolific Author: John R. Tunis wrote numerous books, many of which were centered on sports, particularly baseball. His books are widely regarded for their authenticity and for capturing the essence of sports and the lessons they can teach.
Young Adult Literature: Most of Tunis's works were written for a young adult audience. His ability to connect with young readers and provide stories that were not only entertaining but also instructive made him a beloved author among young sports enthusiasts.
Themes: Tunis's books often delved into themes of sportsmanship, teamwork, perseverance, and the personal growth of young athletes. He used sports as a backdrop to convey important life values and principles.
Notable Works: Some of his well-known books include "The Kid from Tomkinsville," "Highpockets," "Keystone Kids," and "Yankee Stadium." These stories typically revolved around baseball and touched on various aspects of the sport.
Sports Journalism: In addition to his fiction writing, John R. Tunis had a career in sports journalism. He contributed to publications such as "The New Yorker" and "The Saturday Evening Post," and his experience in sports writing informed the authenticity of his books.
Legacy: John R. Tunis's legacy is enduring, as his books continue to be appreciated by readers of all ages. His unique ability to capture the spirit of sports and convey life's important lessons through his stories has made his works timeless.
Tunis's books have inspired generations of young readers and have contributed to the enduring popularity of sports literature. His focus on character development, sportsmanship, and the human aspects of athletics makes his work not only entertaining but also valuable for readers interested in sports and personal growth.
As it turns out. I wasn't alone. Prolific Author: John R. Tunis wrote numerous books, many of which were centered on sports, particularly baseball. His books are widely regarded for their authenticity and for capturing the essence of sports and the lessons they can teach. Young Adult Literature: Most of Tunis's works were written for a young adult audience. His ability to connect with young readers and provide stories that were not only entertaining but also instructive made him a beloved author among young sports enthusiasts. Themes: Tunis's books often delved into themes of sportsmanship, teamwork, perseverance, and the personal growth of young athletes. He used sports as a backdrop to convey important life values and principles. Notable Works: Some of his well-known books include "The Kid from Tomkinsville," "Highpockets," "Keystone Kids," and "Yankee Stadium." These stories typically revolved around baseball and touched on various aspects of the sport. Sports Journalism: In addition to his fiction writing, John R. Tunis had a career in sports journalism. He contributed to publications such as "The New Yorker" and "The Saturday Evening Post," and his experience in sports writing informed the authenticity of his books. Legacy: John R. Tunis's legacy is enduring, as his books continue to be appreciated by readers of all ages. His unique ability to capture the spirit of sports and convey life's important lessons through his stories has made his works timeless. Tunis's books have inspired generations of young readers and have contributed to the enduring popularity of sports literature. His focus on character development, sportsmanship, and the human aspects of athletics makes his work not only entertaining but also valuable for readers interested in sports and personal growth.ChatGPT
It's evident that John R. Tunis left a significant impact on the world of sports literature, particularly through his young adult books that explored the world of sports while imparting important life lessons. His ability to connect with young readers and convey themes of sportsmanship, teamwork, and personal growth in an engaging and authentic manner has made his works enduring and beloved.
The fact that you weren't alone in your appreciation of John R. Tunis's books underscores the widespread influence and appeal of his writing. Many readers of different generations have found inspiration and enjoyment in his stories, making him a cherished figure in the realm of sports literature.
Tunis's contributions to both fiction writing and sports journalism, along with his dedication to highlighting the human aspects of athletics, have left a lasting legacy, and his books continue to be appreciated by readers interested in sports and personal development. His work remains a testament to the power of literature to connect with and influence readers, especially young sports enthusiasts.
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retrocgads · 5 months
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USA 1997
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quapromotions · 2 years
How to Use Printed Golf Umbrellas as a Promotional Tool Effectively
There’s no doubt that using posters, flyers, and billboards can bring more attention to your brand. But there’s just one problem: Almost every other business is doing the same thing. So what can you do to stand out from the rest? You can't go wrong with printed golf umbrellas if you’re looking for a unique yet effective way to promote your products and services.
Reasons to promote your brand with printed golf umbrellas
·       They are functional
What happens to posters and flyers after you’re done with a campaign? Chances are, they’ll end up in the bin, forgotten and no longer needed.
The same cannot be said for promotional umbrellas. These products can be used no matter the weather, protecting users from the sun’s harmful rays and preventing them from getting wet during the rainy season.
·       They are long-lasting
There are many other functional promotional materials, such as pens, journals, and mugs. However, most of these items have a relatively short life—pens will eventually run out of ink, notebooks have a limited number of pages, and drinkware may or may not break.
In comparison, umbrellas are much more durable and long-lasting. They are built to withstand harsh weather conditions, featuring materials like polyester, fibreglass, and rubber to increase their lifespan.
·       They offer high visibility.
What better way to grab people’s attention than by placing your logo front and centre? Umbrellas are big and wide, giving you more than enough space to print your designs. This means you can gain more brand exposure and visibility in a crowded area simply by your customers opening the umbrella.
If, for example, you are attending a music festival or a sporting event, you can use umbrellas as part of your promotional campaign. Not only will they protect your staff from the heat, but they will also put the spotlight on your logo.
To gain even better visibility, consider using umbrellas that complement your branding. For instance, if your logo is blue, print it on a white, black, or orange umbrella.
 Don’t forget to purchase your printed golf umbrellas from a reliable supplier. Leading companies in Australia specialise in customising promotional materials, using various printing methods to ensure that your design does not easily fade away.  
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adtonki · 2 years
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greysadv · 2 years
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If you are reading this notice, the house is not available for short-term rental. Effective immediately, however, we are suspending short-term rentals at the lake house until further notice. Thank you so much for your interest in Flechazo. For those interested in lake house rentals in Texas, please visit our vacation rentals site,, where you can try before you buy. BRAND NEW Cozy Cabin on Ranch by Lake Ray Roberts Family/Pet Friendly Country Cabin Firepit Minutes To DFW & Texas Motor Speedway Lakefront Cabin Modern. Relax at 'Flechazo,' our vacation lakehouse on Lake Buchanan, deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Browse beautiful waterfront homes on some of our most popular lakes:Ĭlick on the interactive map or search by city, county, or lake. From 90/night - Compare 154 holiday lake house & cabin vacation rentals in Possum Kingdom Lake, TX area Find best cheap deals easily & save up to 70 with. is the best place to buy a lake house in Texas. To work with an agent to help you get the best deal, look for the spotlight ad on individual lakes or visit our Find An Agent page and get in contact with a lake specialist today. Compare the prices and get a better deal here Latest 10 Ads > Texas: Photo: Lake Rental Description: Added or Updated. The perfect place for fishing, camping, boating, or getting some peace and quiet is only a few clicks away. Save money by booking thru us We do not charge the same service fees that other sites do. Texas has quiet and peaceful lakes with space and smooth waters, fun, lively lakes known for their water sports and party areas, and everything in between. With over 300 lakes, Texas has an ideal fit for any individual needs. Texas Cabins For Rent Canyon Lake Canyon Lake Cabins Summit Vacation & RV Resort New Braunfels TX Log Cabins at Jacobs Creek Rustic Ridge Bed and. The wide variety of lake properties in Texas makes it easy for anyone wishing to get away, stay close, or both. There are also plenty of lake houses in Texas near Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio. The compound. For a lake cabin, cottage, or a fishing retreat in the country, the Lone Star State is the place to be. Authentic Log Cabin Compound: This spectacular vacation compound on Lake Travis is ideal for groups of families, friends or business associates. With its long hot summers, the Lone Star State offers plenty of excellent locations for. Texas may be better known for dusty plains, but it's also a top-notch destination for lake house rentals as well.
#Lakehouse rentals in texas full#
Texas is full of convenient locations for any buyer. Unique lake house in a quite private neighborhood in the DFW metroplex Lake-front with 180 degree view of the lake from almost the entire length of the house, and from some of the bed rooms high speed internet smart TVs in living, family and master bed rooms Back patio with TV and sitting areas Fire pit (use subject to prior approval). Top spots for lake house rentals in Texas.
Lakes at Comanche Trace Golf and Country Club (12).
Holly Lake Ranch / Whispering Winds Lake (2).
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meterlascl · 2 years
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Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. 18300 Greenbay Avenue, Lansing, IL 60438. Partnering with sports icon Tiger Woods was an important step in building up the PGA Tour 2K brand, according to 2K president David Ismailer. You can also create and customize your own golfer by editing. You can play as or against Tiger Woods or a choice of the seven other golfers. The beauty of all this is the fact that the screen is already drawn and ready for the next shot. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. 13 hours ago &0183 &32 It has been a less-than-ideal reveal for 2K this year, which The Gressiwick 426 N. The answer lies in a new technology called Flash Draw. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior.
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EA Sports is bringing the most advanced golf game for the PC together with the its entire golf course library. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. The Tiger Woods PGA Tour Collection is the best value in computer golf. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: This title marked an evolution of EAs own PGA Tour series, already popular with armchair golfers and numerous improvements are evident here that warrant.
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Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. Tiger Woods has lent his name to an extensive series of golfing simulators over the years but this one is the first in the franchise and stands as pretty representative of the entire series.
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oldgamemags · 2 years
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‘Front Page Sports Golf’ PC
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weaselsblaugh · 7 years
Front Page Sports: Golf (Sierra, 1998) has the best implementation of analog swing ever.
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Headcanon that Andrew loves puns (yes, I know it seems unlikely but let me imagine whatever I want okay)
Obviously the person to first discover it is Neil. He sees Andrew's lips twitch slightly at a joke he sees online. "What kind of sports car does a cat drive? A furrari"
Neil grins silently to himself but forgets about it. The second person to know is obviously Nicky. Yes, Neil lets it slip accidentally because he figures they must know already. And after Nicky gets to know, they all get to know. So they all start having pun battles (usually they're all a little tipsy) to see who will gets Andrew to react the most.
Nicky, giggling and snorting even while he says it, goes, "My friend drove his car into a tree and found out how his Mercedes bends." He gets absolutely no reaction from Andrew but is not deterred in the slightest and immediately starts searching up more puns.
Dan and Matt are the dad joke experts. Dan says, "Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?" Matt, who is already grinning, asks, "Why?" "In case they get a hole-in-one." That gets a slight narrowing of the eyes from Andrew.
Allison refuses to participate, but later when she's a little more drunk says, "A skeleton walks into a bar and says, 'Hey bartender, I'll have on beer and a mop." Andrew blankly looks at her as if saying, 'That's not even a pun' and she shrugs in response as if to say, 'I don't care in the slightest.'
Renee says, "What do you call a poor Santa Claus? St. Nickel-less". Nicky is pretty drunk by this point and starts laughing because, "That's my name! My name!" Andrew looks at her and say with his eyes, 'You too?' and Renee of course just smiles back.
Aaron also refuses to participate at first and later concedes with a deadpan, "I'd make a meat pun but I'd probably butcher it." That just gets a prolonged glance that is both rebuking (for bringing up the word butcher in front of Neil) and maybe the slightest bit grateful for participating (this is probably imagined).
Kevin thinks for a moment and then goes, "What do you call a drug dealer who constantly makes excuses when asked about his job? An defensive dealer." He seems pretty pleased with himself while Andrew just gives him an exasperated look like 'You have to bring Exy into this too?'
Neil stays quiet up till now so they assume that he isn't participating but then he says, "It's a good thing I have my library card because I'm totally checking you out." Andrew glares at him but is betrayed by the light pink at the tops of his cheeks. When the rest see that they all simply squeal.
Andrew unwilling to be outdone and simply because he is dramatic as hell says, "If you were words on a page, you'd be fine print," then he glances at Neil for an instant to catch his wide-look and then he just walks out of the room. Allison goes, "Did he just-" and the rest of the are all equally shocked. Nicky, wayy too drunk at this point, says, "Aww!"
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