starheirxero · 5 months
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mainfaggot · 11 days
- couldn't sleep last night (took over an hour to fall asleep. I take sleep meds bc otherwise it would take 3 hours. goddamn)
- woke up 45 mins before my alarm bc of stress. couldn't fall back asleep
- wasted time talking to my mom and got to the bus stop late
- cried once bc my mom said something upsetting to me. cried again bc I was late to the bus stop.
- got to campus and couldn't find anywhere to sit for 25 mins bc everyone and their mom is here during the first 3 weeks of classes before they give up on pretending to be studious. #real studiers (the word is student i know.) like me get annoyed . #academia (-> likes suffering❤️ is bad at everything but reading, writing, and memorizing + and cant go into trades)
- not enough time to study the entire chapter for the class i missed last week (#fake studier. i am no better than the campus crowd of posers rn unfortunately) before the class i have at 1 pm
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fever-dreamer97 · 4 years
Let’s Try This Again
Chapter 2: Memory Lane Can Burn
Damn, how is it already getting so fucking hot? Katsuki tugged at his collar as he continues his walk towards the meeting point with his gang of idiots. Even with his first button undone like it always is, there is no escaping this annoying-ass heatwave.
Hopefully, it will die down soon. Katsuki just started his second year at UA a few weeks ago, and he doesn't want his first few months dying of fucking heatstroke. He also hates the feeling of sweating all over his body.
With workouts and any other physical activities, he didn't mind because it cooled down his body. But he found the feeling just disgusting and suffering when it was just walking to school.
He keeps his leisurely pace to the coffee shop as he hears the loud honking of traffic and random useless chatter from extras he passes by on his way. Damnit, he should have grabbed his headphones before he left his house; he hated endless noise. Of course, he hated any noise.
"WHOA! LOOK HOW COOL ALL MIGHT LOOKS! ISN'T HE THE COOLEST, HIEKO-CHAN?!" A small, high-pitched voice rings out.
At the mention of the familiar name, Katsuki stops and snaps his head over to two little small kids gushing over a movie poster of the upcoming new All Might movie. One kid is a girl with wild cardinal hair, cerulean eyes, and pale skin, while the other kid is a boy with cropped white hair, blood-red eyes, and dark skin. Both looked to be in kindergarten and wore their respective school uniforms.
"LOOK AT HIM PUNCH THAT BAD GUY! HE CAN DROP ANY VILLIAN IN A MINUTE!" The boy shouted as he threw some air punches and air kicks. 'Hieko-chan' giggled and cheered at the boy's antics.
Katsuki guessed that was the boy's name because the boy's face suddenly bursts into a bright shade of red.
"O-Of course! I'm your best friend, baka! W-Why wouldn't I see it with you?!" He grinned with pride. The girl wasn't fazed by the slight insult but instead giggled some more at his comment. The two then went into a more raucous conversation about 'how cool and super powerful All Might is' and 'why he is the best superhero in the world.'
Katsuki stares at the two and was hit by the nostalgia of the scene. Slowly, everyone and every sound around him fade as he keeps his gaze on the two young children.
He's super cool, neh? A feather-like voice giggled in his mind and a hazy image of a radiant, wide smile and glowing, speckled cheeks filled his head.
Immediately, Katsuki chokes at the memory and snaps out of his daydream, his heartbeat filling his ears. He cursed under his breath, snapped his head away from the two brats, and stomped his way back onto his path.
Katsuki decides to deny how much hotter his face suddenly feels and just blames this stupid-ass heatwave.
But then before he gets the chance to cool down, he hears a recognizable yelp of "BAKUBRO!" and gets jumped on from behind.
"Oi, Shitty Hair! Get off! I'm burning up enough as it is!" He yelled at his idiot best friend as he elbows him in the face. Katsuki hopes to God that his best friend's observation skills are below par as usual, and he won't notice the change of color in Katsuki's face.
"OW! Damn, dude! You got my nose!" Eijirou says as he rubs at the sore spot. Katsuki lets out a 'tch' before he looks to his best friend.
"Shut up! You've fucking dealt with worse from me, so stop whining like some wimpy-ass bitch!"
"What's wrong, man? Didn't get your eight hours of sleep? I guess geezers like you can get pretty cranky when you don't go to bed before nine." A laughing Eijirou teased at his blonde firecracker of a best friend.
Katsuki quickly flipped him off before the two kept on their walk to the coffee shop. Secretly, Katsuki was glad that Kirishima managed to come at the right time, so he doesn't drift off into any more pointless daydreams and stupid memories.
"Seriously, though, what's up?" Spoke too soon.
"None of your fucking business, Shitty Hair."
"Eh? Come on, man. You seem a bit hotter under the collar than usual."
"I'm hotter under the collar because of this damn, fucking heatwave! Damn idiot."
Eijirou lets a sigh, deciding not to poke the bear further. "Alright, man. If you say so."
After this little back-and-forth, the two second-year boys get into a discussion about the mixed-martial-arts match the both of them watched last night and boasted how cool and fluid the moves were before they find themselves in front of the 'Kamui Woods' Coffee Shop'.
Both walked into the place and were hit by the overpowering scents of fresh coffee and pastries. Katsuki gagged a bit at the overly sweet pastry scent but is willing to ignore it if it means that he can get his usual Spicy Woodlands coffee drink.
"YO, GUYS, OVER HERE!" A boisterous female voice screams.
Situated over at a giant table in the corner of the shop, there was the rest of Katsuki's idiot gang: Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari, and Hanta Sero.
Mina waved with no shame at how loud she was being as Denki and Sero hovered over some textbooks and notebooks scattered across the table. Denki looked to be in massive pain as he stared over his textbook, his hand buried in his electric blond hair as he rubbed his head in frustration. Meanwhile, Hanta giggled and snickered at the blonde's situation.
"Dude, I told you not to procrastinate last night with the English homework. It's harder this time." Hanta snickered.
"Bro, I was not gonna waste an opportunity to see Kyouka at that soccer match last night. She looked so damn hot." Denki said with a goofy smile.
"Yeah, but considering English is 1st period, you just screwed yourself."
Denki groans before he slams his forehead into the textbook.
"What up guys!" Kirishima yells back before rushing over to the table. Katsuki takes the opposite approach as he lazily scrolls behind.
As Eijirou reaches the table, he fist-bumps Hanta and drops his backpack beside the table before looking over at Denki.
"...Jirou had a soccer match?"
"Yep and this guy decided he would go and drool over his mad crush and take an L on today's English assignment." Mina giggled mischievously.
"Come on guys, give me a break! You would have done the same thing if you had the chance to watch your girl go kick some ass."
"Would make better sense if she WAS your girlfriend, you fucking idiot." Katsuki snapped as he hovered next to the table.
"So mean! I'm working on it!"
"And that tally is at Month 17 and counting!" Eijirou laughed.
Denki mumbles out a 'fucking traitors' and goes back to trying to figure out Yamada-sensei's boring English work. Mina, Hanta, and Eijirou laugh some more while Katsuki scoffs at the blonde's hole he dug himself into.
"Don't know why you would waste time with something so pointless as romance." He spats out.
Mina and Denki quickly snap their heads up to address their Satan friend.
"ROMANCE ISN'T POINTLESS!" They both cried.
"Guys, remember how you're talking to. This is the same guy who never hesitates to take his lighter out and burn any confession letter he is given." Eijirou explains.
"And most of the time, he does it in front of the person who's confessing." Hanta puts his hand over his chest as a sympathy grab.
"Shut up! I don't have any fucking interest in that type of shit!" He said. Denki just sighs before propping his hand upon his cheek.
"Come on, man. I don't think even you can go through life without some sort of partner. If you do, that's one sad path to go down on."
"I kinda agree, Bakugo, it seems a bit lonely." Hanta chimes in.
"Of course it's sad! How can anyone scoff and give up the opportunity to be with their one-and-only soulmate?!" Mina faked cried with slight tears and hands clenched together.
Eijirou laughed uneasily. "Soulmate is a bit much..."
He then turns to Katsuki and reaches up to clap a hand on his shoulder. "I think you just haven't met the right girl yet, bro! She's out there somewhere!" He encourages with a bright smile.
Katsuki clicked his tongue and smacks off his hand. "Whatever. I'm getting my damn coffee." He spats.
He spins around before stomping over to the front counter, ignoring the gang's continuing conversation about relationships and new hookups this year.
What do love and romance have to do with anything remotely important? Katsuki doesn't need some damn bitch dragging him down with meaningless dates, pointless anniversaries, and overbearing 'pay attention to me!' conversations. All he needs to do is focus on his studies, train, graduate, and climb his way to the top of becoming the youngest MMA fighter to reach number one in the ranks.
You're so brave and cool, Kacchan!
Katsuki freezes and grits his teeth.
Damn it, get out of my fucking head!
"Um...sir? A-Are you okay?" A mousy, fearful voice squeaked out. Katsuki's fog gets clear once again as he looks to see the fidgeting cashier waiting for him to put in his order.
"Spicy Woodlands, medium. Extra hot and extra spicy." He demanded before slapping the money down on the table.
"Y-Yes, sir!" The poor cashier squeaks out before ringing him up and rushing away to get the order done.
Katsuki scoffs before stepping from the counter and gets out his phone to waste time before his drink is ready.
"Oh, ho? Is that you, Bakugo?" A nasal voice drags out.
Katsuki looks up annoyed at the voice and finds some random extras in third-rate school uniforms. The one who spoke out was lanky, pasty-skinned, and oily-looking while the other was short, heavy, and had horrible acne.
"Who the fuck are you, idiots?" He snaps.
The lanky one just lets out an annoying nasal laugh. "Of course, you don't remember me. You are always so self-centered even back in middle school."
At the mention of middle school, Katsuki freezes before anger starts to bubble. "Listen, fuckfaces, I don't know who the hell you are, and I couldn't care less about what you want, so get out of my face before I destroy you." The heavier set friend was a little fearful at the threat and put his hands up in surrender. "Y-Yeah, of course, dud-de! N-no problem!" He said before he tugged on his friend's arm. "Tadami, stop it..." He whispers.
"Oh, but Daichi, you have to hear about the great Bakugo Katsuki! He was pretty famous back in the days, you know?" Katsuki's stomach dropped at the tone in his voice. "He was famous since back in grade school in fact!" Oh, this shit-stain wasn't going there, was he? Katsuki started to see flashes of red as the brave soul kept talking.
"Back when we were nine, he told some girl to go off herself and you know what? She disappeared the very next day! Weird, right?" he explained. Katsuki tightened the grip on his phone. "Maybe she actually went and did what he said? It wouldn't surprise me, I mean he did bully and beat her up every single day..." He smirked.
Katsuki's insides started to melt and burn as memories started to flood him full-force. Memories of a small crying girl covered with scrapes and cuts while a boy laughed cruelly with pride at the pain in her big, doe eyes.
Daichi froze at the story and looked between his friend and Katsuki before he swallowed. "Ta-Tadami, let's just go, dude..." He offered meekly.
Tadami just shrugs with another smirk and walks pass Katsuki with a bump to the shoulder before he and his friend left the shop.
Katsuki stood there unmoving only breaking out of it when the cashier brought him his coffee in a wood textured mug. He grabs it from them with a slight, soft 'thanks' before just continuing to stand there and stare into the brown, scorching liquid.
A hand clapped upon his back for the third time that day by Eijirou.
"Hey, dude, what's takin-" He stopped when he sees the brooding look on Katsuki's face. "Bakugo? Are you alright?" He says with genuine worry.
Katsuki just offers a twitch of a nod.
"I'm fine."
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katsukikitten · 5 years
what about bakugou with an s/o that is a bad influence (she manipulates him, makes him mad/jealous for fun, says his friends talk badly about her even though they dont, etc) and his friends are having none of that so they talk with bakugou and make him realize what kind of person his s/o is
Anon I hope I wrote this to your liking enjoy!! Sorry it took forever
You dodge a searing punch from the ash blonde just in time to catch his wrist. Both of you are breathing heavily. Both of you fighting for over twenty minutes.
He wrenches free and both of you disengage for the time being.
"What's aaahhh wrong aaahhh Y/N?" Bakugou keeps his hot smug ass smirk despite having to pause to speak.
"Hhhhaaahh aahhh Nothing Suki. I think you can't handle all of this." You gesture to your body mockingly while his smirk goes wider. He rolls his shoulders before getting back into fighting stance.
"Looks to me like there isn't much to handle."
You lunge, ready to punch that smug ass look off of his face.
"BAKUGOU KATSUKI!" A shrill voice yells out and he looks away at the last second catching your fist with his strong jaw.
Oh here we go.
You topple on top of him, having expected him to be braced for the blow. His hands rest on your hips before another scream is let out. Bakugou's girlfriend stomps in her red bottom heels your way.
"What the hell are you doing with that slut? I told you not to hang out with her you stupid shit? AND NOW SHE'S SITTING ON YOU!!!"
Katsuki lifts you by your hips and places you on your feet as he stands.
"Does she ride your dick too?" She screams and you roll your eyes, "Or is that apart of your endurance training?!"
"Oh shut up. You know God Damn well Katsuki is too loyal to cheat on you." You roll your eyes again, nerves frayed at the end from her presence alone.
Bakugou cuts you a look as his girlfriend fumes.
"Babe. Enough."
"Enough? She just talks badly about you and tries to beat the shit out of you. She's trash. She makes everyone in the dorm turn against you. I should leave you for that cutie Deku." A blush settles over her boojee cheeks. Bakougu's fingers twitch with subtle pops.
"Hey I'm right here. If you have something to say then say it to my face." You snap, hating this vile woman that Bakugou has been dating the past three months or so. Sure she was hot as fuck, long hair, dressed nicely, gorgeous face and ass for days but damn.
She was just such a bitch. You grind your teeth, wishing you had been braver four months ago.
Bakugou again gives you a sharp look.
"Oi." But there is more to it. He wants you to stop because he knows she will get in your face and she WILL get her ass whooped.
At least that's what you tell yourself.
"Fine." You snarl, Bakugou says nothing and slips his hand to the small of her back.
"Have you been hanging around Kirishima too? He's a bad influence and *below* you. And stop talking to that ugly bitch, Y/LN. She clearly wants to take you away from me." She goes on even as he guides her away.
You thought that would be the last straw on the camels back, that he would break up with her after speaking so lowly over his two best friends.
But Monday morning proves other wise.
You enter class and spy Katsuki already sitting at his desk. Delight fills you when you see that stank ho Emi is no where in sight.
You thank Kamisama she is in a different class.
You assume your normal spot when she isn't there, hopping onto Katsuki's desk top, bitching about the paper that is due.
Bakugou says nothing as he glares up at you before he places his palm beneath the desk, settling off an explosion large enough to flip it. Your heart tears into pieces, hurt painting your features as the ejection from your seat goes in slow motion. Its inevitable, you're gonna land on your ass.
Strong arms catch you princess style and instinctively you wrap your arms around a thick neck.
"Bakugou..." Kirishima sounds disappointed as you cling to him, "She could have gotten hurt."
"She shouldn't have sat on my desk. She should've had her guard up. And why the fuck do you care what I do?" He growls as he flips his desk upright with his feet pressing against the back legs. Your eyes narrow to slits and for the first time in a long time your feel real rage burning in your stomach towards Bakugou.
But your rage does not burn as badly as the tears forming in your eyes. You know exactly why he is acting this way.
"Emi is such a bad influence on you Baka!" You yell, gripping into Kirishima to keep yourself in check, "We've been over this a thousand times. Please. Listen to us, she's making you a paranoid asshole!"
"Don't be so harsh about the seat, Katuski. Y/N is right. She's manipulating you for some reason. We're saying this as your friends." Eji says softly, still not putting you down onto your feet, which was probably for the best considering what comes out of Bakugou's mouth next.
"Neither of you are my friends so fuck off and die." His voice holds real disgust when he speaks and you hold your breath, counting down slowly to keep that temper of yours in check.
But that dumb ass method never worked.
Kirishima glances down at you and sees your reddening face. You try to push off of him harshly but he keeps his grip tight as he brings you to your seat in the back of the class room. Knowing full well what would happen if he put you down.
Someone was going to get a punch in the face. Whether it be Katsuki or Emi he wasn't sure.
"Thank you so much Izuku-kun for the training this past Sunday." Nails grate over a chalk board as Emi comes to view at the door, "Can we train again sometime soon?"
"Sure." Izuku replies, unkowningly digging his own grave.
Anger swells in your chest as quickly as Bakugou reacts. Practically jumping to the door and grabbing Deku by his shoulder.
"What kind of fucking training?" He clamps a live hand onto Deku's shoulder. Small explosions burst onto the emerald haired boy point blank. He hisses out a cry but knows better than to provoke an already enraged Kaachan.
"Oh babe don't be so dramatic. It was simple basic training. You know similar to what you so with that slut." She smiles her petty smile before adding, "Let's try for tomorrow Izuku-senpai!"
She hugs him full on even with Bakugou gripping onto his shoulder. She is sure to press her boobs against Deku's chest earning a full face of blush. Red lingers on his throat before she let's go not even a word of goodbye to her ACTUAL boyfriend.
You bite your tongue and remind yourself that he said the two of you weren't friends.
Days meld into weeks as Bakugou trains alone, relishing the solitude for the first week and a half. But one day he catches your laughter and when he sees you training with Kirishima he begins to watch daily.
Keeping an eye on the competition or so he says.
At first you two are all laughs lightly sparing and heavy on the cardio.
He knows you suck at cardio. He's been trying to build your endurance since the two of you met.
Don't get it fucking twisted, he wants to be number one.
Will be number one.
But he wouldn't mind you being a close second.
So to watch you having such a good time with his other "best friend", the very same best friend that came to rescue him during that league of villains arch.
The best friend who risked his life, teamed up with shitty Deku and held out his hand for him had his stomach twisting in knots.
Bakugou knew that Kirishima saw his heart, his true heart and that deep down he wasn't such a bad guy. He cared for his equals deeply and once Bakugou acknowledged that care he would do *anything* to keep them safe.
But did you know that?
I guess it didn't fucking matter. Bakugou was sure to fuck it up anyway.
Like he did all of his good relationships. I mean look at Deku...
Katsuki didn't know he was going to manage to really fuck this one up especially not the very next day.
"I'm serious babe. She's spreading rumors that I'm sleeping with everyone in my class. You know I would never." Emi cries, literal tears flooding down her cheeks. Even managing to hiccup at the end. Katsuki feels torn he knew you could be petty but this low?
He looks down at his red faced girl friend and wonders for a fraction of a second.
Could someone fake cry this well?
He thought not, so he stomps to his class room during this break to confront you.
Since Bakugou's last comment you had wiped him from existence.
At least that's what you tell yourself. Careful to avoid him during class and free time. Trying and failing as Aizawa shamelessly pairs the two of you together often.
So break is your only time for peace considering Bakugou always goes to her classroom.
Confusion twists your features as you see a fuming ash blonde making his way to you.
You bite your lip to keep from lashing our and look away, giving Kirishima your full attention once more as he asks for your advice on Mina.
Bakugou doesn't care that he is interrupting as he slams popping palms onto your desk, the wood beneath charrs with snaking black fissures.
"Are you talking about my girl Y/N?" He snarls, eyes narrowed in on you.
At first you're taken aback in disbelief?
Where in the fuck would he get that idea?
And why the fuck would he believe that *you* would shit talk Emi behind her face?
Because you were brave enough to say it to her fucking face.
The very same face who stands in the hall peeking in, mascara running but her lips reflect something else.
A smile pulls at her lipstick coated mouth, twisting it upward with malice.
The dots connect themselves, glaring her down before you meet the heated gaze of your *former* best friend.
"Ah no Suki, I don't speak her name because I don't like the taste of *shit* in my mouth." You say calmly, even leaning away from him. Hands resting behind your head. Angry pops echo around the room before he shoves the desk into your unguarded gut.
"Cut the shit smart ass!" He snarls, looking down his nose as if you were the garbage that stood gazing into the classroom. Watching what her web of lies has spun.
You see red and like a bull you charge.
"You want ME to cut the shit? But your girlfriend with her half ass head game is perfectly fine to manipulate you and spread lies?" You stand, slamming your hands against the desk, splitting it in two.
He grabs onto your collar, pulling you past the fallen desk.
"You're pushing it, Y/N." His free hand pops in warning and you snarl.
"Good. That's exactly what I want to do." You hiss and he shoves you away, slamming you into the cinderblock wall behind you
"Guys." Deku and Kirishima say in two different tones, "Let's calm down."
"CALM DOWN?" You yell, slamming your fist into the wall behind you. A hole crumbs and the kids in the back of class 1B peek through the three foot tall and two foot wide hole.
"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CALM NOW!" Air whips around you as your power swirls in the small class room.
The special thing about your quirk was the angrier you were the stronger and faster you got.
The only down fall after your heart rate reaches a certain rate it will take hours for you to think logically.
"Oh shit!" One of them exclaims as you lunge fist reared for contact, Bakugou side steps at the last second, letting a large point blank explosion to erupt near your face.
When the smoke clears red eyes are met with glittering dangerous eyes. He smirks, he should have know that blast wouldn't have knocked *you* out.
Fists are exchanged and blocked by both parties. One fueled with pure rage while the other is backed by heated blasts. The ash blondes forearms are starting to turn into a sickening blackish blue but his snarl never wavers.
Both of you slide back a few feet, huffing hot breath.
"Azaiwa Sensei is going to be here soon!!" Kirishima shouts, "Bakugou you can't afford another demerit!"
His voice goes unnoticed by both parties as you both lunge.
Kirishima sees what Bakugou does not, you've been storing some of your rage, a lot of it for Katsuki himself, and you're about to unleash it in a deadly final blow.
Ejirou rushes, hardening his skin to its highest level as he steps in front of Bakugou, forearms crossed and braced for impact.
Your fist finds rock hard flesh, knuckles sliced before you push harder growling aloud as you do.
Harden skin chips before a sickening crack rings out, causing Kirishima's left arm to go slack as both the red head and the hot head slam hard into the chalk board, almost busting though the wall.
At this point you don't know when to stop, the blood dripping from Kirishima does not put a falter in your step as you jump fist raised again.
Aizawa enters the room at the right time, activating his quirk but it cannot dissipate the rage that you feel.
Hot tears well in your eyes as you continue to beat your fists against jagged skin.
Shredding your hands against the sharp rocky flesh.
"Fuck you Bakugou. Fuck you. You're so God damn blind!" A raw scream escapes your throat but still you take it out on Kirishima, "She's laughing even now! You're nothing but a hot toy to her!"
Two sets of red eyes look at you with hurt, one more so than the other before they glance at Emi.
Who struggles to switch her facial expression from delight to shock.
Scarlet eyes narrow with new found rage.
"Y/LN!" Aizawa says darkly, sending out his scarf to pull you from Kirishima as if you were a rabid dog, when he pulls you to him he clamps a strong hand on the back of your neck.
"I think you need to be in isolation for a few." He squeezes the colum of your neck and you snarl, still ready to fight, '
"Kirishima, Bakugou, meet me in my office in ten.
It had been a long time since you've been put in the isolation chamber but somethings never change as the same person that pushed your temper enough to send you there the first time is the cause of it again almost two years later.
They will keep you quirkless until your heart rate has significantly lowered.
Emi stands petrified, not only from your power but from you calling her out. Kirishima passes her with out a second glance but Bakugou stops, eyes averted.
"Bakugou, Baby I can explain. Sh..she's jealous.." She stammers reaching for him but he shoots a deadly glare to her. She physically shrinks back, taking a small step as if his gaze was smoldering up close.
After a moment he speaks in a tone much darker than you've ever heard, pops echoing down the hall carrying the venom of his tone along with it.
"Hope this is what you wanted. Fuck you we're over."
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