formulagrafica · 1 year
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Williams Racing FW45 livery
Hi! The first wallpapers of your favorite teams this season are finally available on the blog! 🏎️📱 If you like these wallpapers, don’t forget share it with your friends and download your favorite 🏁
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f1cars · 1 year
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Alex Albon drives Williams-Mercedes' FW45 during qualifying for the 2023 Canadian Grand Prix
Dan Mullan
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photos-car · 1 year
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Formule 1- Williams FW45 2023 avec son nouveau sponsor Gulf
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formula1-universe · 1 year
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Cuando te das cuenta que ni con auto nuevo, saldrás del fondo... 😳 🏎️💨 Formula 1 Universe 🏁 #F1 #F1U #F1Universe #Formula1 #Formula1Universe #Williams #WilliamsF1 #WilliamF1Team #WilliamsRacing #AlexAlbon #Albon #AlexanderAlbon #FW45 #MemeF1 #MemeF1U https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVDopuO6dP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gpfansnl · 1 year
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Het team van Williams heeft zojuist officieel het doek van de FW45 getrokken. Wat vinden we van de kleurstelling voor 2023?
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raceweek · 10 months
alex saying the williams car felt the best today that it’s ever felt seconds after saying he thought he was going to crash seven times and the race was a continuous stream of sirens explosions and screaming
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bastet55 · 7 months
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f1 · 1 year
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gentlyweeps-world · 3 months
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always with you
summary: they promised to always visit you.
pairing: logan sargeant x fem! reader | oscar piastri x fem! reader
warnings: death
genre: angst | sad
notes: oops? I was feeling something sad 😋
words: 820
follow up
No one imagined that in 2023 something like this would have happened.
The driver's safety had evolved, thanks to Jules Bianchi, no one expected another fatal death after his. Sure injuries, but certainly not a death.
Logan and Oscar didn’t expect it. You had been one of, if not the most, determined person they have ever met.
It was only your rookie year. Just one year.
You three had known each other since karting, and through the ranks. Constantly battling each other and hanging out.
Then you guys made it to Formula One, everyone’s dream. It was unbelievable.
You had made history, well- and Logan.
Oscar to McLaren, Logan to Williams and you to Alpha Tauri.
It was finally coming together.
The season went well for the most part, you had scored some points, not many, but that was expected.
Although there was one race you were dreading, Qatar.
“Guys…it’s way too hot out for this..” You say with a groan, leaning into Logan.
“Yeah so don’t lean on me..” Logan mutters out, gently shoving you off him. In response you let out another groan, just leaning back into him.
“Shut up..” Oscar mumbles out, scrolling through his phone, looking at something.
“Hey Osc..we qualified well, right? Do you think we could get on the podium?” You ask, looking over at the Australian.
That night you guys didn’t get on the podium.
“Y/n, do you need to retire?” Your engineer asks, concern evident in his tone. You didn’t sound good, you didn’t feel good and you weren’t driving well.
“No! No- I’m okay, I need to do this..” You respond, head already starting to spin as you grip at your steering wheel.
“It’s okay to retire, Sargeant did..”
You wish you had listened.
“No I’m okay”
You weren’t okay.
“Right, just let us know if anything is wrong”
Everything was wrong.
“I will don’t worry”
You didn’t.
The ringing in your ears got louder, you could feel the sweat start to drench your balaclava. It was disgusting.
You could hear the thump of your heartbeat, even your breathing as you gasped for air in the humid atmosphere.
Your hands started to shake, dark spots forming all around as you let yourself relax. You needed the rest, didn’t you?
Your foot stayed on the pedal, it didn’t matter, you were all the way down to P17 (last with the dnfs) with seconds, actually minutes, separating you from the pack.
In the moment you felt peaceful, well you had passed out, but it was peaceful.
You couldn’t hear the worried shouts from your engineer, or the questions from the commentators.
You couldn’t see the barrier you were about to crash into at full speed.
Numbness. That was the one word to describe it.
Every driver pitted. The race was off, really it should have been off in the beginning, it was too dangerous and it showed.
Logan freezes in his place, still in his FW45 in the garage, watching the TV show your AT04 in flames and in pieces.
The TV cut to black, it was too visual.
Oscar didn’t know what to do, actually no one did.
Maybe it would be another miracle? That’s what Haas hoped.
It wasn’t. It didn’t look like it.
It dawned on Oscar and Logan, they had lost you.
Logan didn’t get to confess his love.
Oscar didn’t get a chance to share a podium with you.
It didn’t feel real. Everyone was silent.
Logan unclenched and clenched his fists, tears forming in his eyes as his throat tightens up, he wanted to scream, he wanted to help you. He didn’t want to be useless anymore, he didn’t want to take up space.
They knew what happened. They knew the halo couldn’t have saved you this time. They knew.
“Hey Y/n…it’s been a year..we miss you, everyone does..” Logan says, voice cracking as he tries to contain his emotions.
“Osc and I are doing well…he’s doing much better than me but hey- you’d probably do way better than us..”
He lets out a sigh, “I miss you Y/n. Oscar does too, he didn’t want to come visit, didn’t want to bring down your spirit, whatever he means by that..”
“I had so many things I wanted to tell you..” He mumbles out, voice starting to break once more. Logan takes in a deep breath, blinking away his tears. “I wish- I wish I could have held you in my arms once more..”
“If only you knew..” He whispers out, finally setting the flowers down by the barrier.
“Osc and I will do better for you, we’ll always be with you Y/n, we’ll always visit you..” Logan says with a sad smile, looking longingly at the barrier before he walks away.
Everyone missed you. Even the guys on the grid you didn’t talk to.
They wanted to witness you make history.
radio 🪩: no comment
permanent taglist: @cixrosie @amajixi @i-wish-this-was-me @nelly187 @hannahwsworld @sltwins @itsprashimusic
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boxboxlewis · 7 months
prompt: drunk, bored alex bossily trying to convince sober george to make out with him. george knowing if this happens, he will reveal Everything (disastrous; the thing he wants most in the word; will ruin their friendship), so he tries to distract alex with napoleon's correspondence.
Alex was buzzed enough that the hotel room had started to swirl around him in a gentle anticlockwise spiral. He was starfished on his back on the queen-sized bed, feet hanging off the end, and the gravity holding him in place felt heavier than usual but also friendly, as if it wanted him to be happy and comfortable.
“George,” he said, except it came out too long, stretched and languid. Geoooooooorge. He cleared his throat and tried again. “George. Look, mate, this is important.”
“No it’s not.”
Alex ignored this. “I really think we should. Like, I think it’s a good idea. Ojbec—objectively.”
There was no reply, so Alex lifted his head up off the pillow. It took more effort than usual, due to the gravity thing, but he got a good view of George hunched over at the weirdly small hotel desk, staring at his tablet, not looking at Alex at all.
“Are you looking at porn?” 
“No, I’m not looking at—fuck’s sake, Alex! I’m reading my emails. Mostly, I’m ignoring you.”
This was hurtful. “Why?” Alex asked, hurt. He carefully lowered his head back down.
“Because you’re totally off your tits and you keep asking me to make out with you,” George said. “And I know you don’t actually want to and you’re only saying it because you’re depressed that you got P17, because you’re insanely competitive even when you’re driving a Roomba. So. I’m doing the decent thing and not responding.”
“The FW45 is not a Roomba!” Alex said, and then, after a pause for thought, “Roombas can sense walls.”
“Right, yeah, that’s the relevant point here,” George said. “C’mon Alex, why are you even going on about this? You’re straight.” 
George made the word “straight” sound vaguely insulting, which was, Alex thought, interesting. He was too drunk to work out why, but perhaps that could be a project for his sober, more brain-forward self. In the meantime, he tried to wrestle his thoughts into order so he could answer the question George had asked. Why was he going on about this? Well, George was very pretty, for one thing. Pretty face, pretty body. “You have eyelashes like a camel,” he said, and laughed at the despairing groan George let out. “What, you do! Also, I’m bored, and there’s no one else here.” That sounded wrong, and wasn’t really what Alex meant, but he didn’t know how to fix it. “I don’t mean—there’s loads of people at this Grand Prix, obviously. But like. In my hotel room, it’s only us.”
There was a brittle little silence from George, during which the room continued gently spinning. Eventually George said, “Thanks Alex, but somehow I’m going to have to turn down this incredibly flattering offer.”
“Hey, c’mon, wait—”
“Move over or I’ll sit on you.” George sounded impatient and grumpy, like maybe the emails he’d been reading had upset him. Alex did as he was told, and carefully rolled himself over to one side of the bed. He felt the mattress dip as George sat next to him. “Right,” George said. “As you’re clearly bored, and a menace, I’m going to entertain you. All right?”
“Entertain me… with your mouth?” Alex asked, hopeful.
George exhaled loudly. “Yeah, close, Alex. No, even better than that. I’m going to read to you from the correspondence of Napoleon Buonaparte.”
“Napoleon? The short git with the hat? ‘Able was I ere I saw Elba,’ that guy?” Alex got a bit tongue-twisted on the palindrome, but who wouldn’t.
“The very one, mate. I’ve been reading his writings for inspiration on the track.”
That was objectively insane, of course, but also somehow the most charming thing Alex had ever heard. He could feel fondness fountaining out of his chest so strongly he was surprised the billowing golden splashes of it weren’t actually visible. “Fucking hell,” he said. “George, I like you so much.”
“That’s why we should make out,” Alex explained. “Because… because when two people like each very much, that’s what they should do.” He turned over so he could see the effect this line of argument was having on George.
George looked mildly concussed. “Alex, are you having me on?”
“No!” Alex felt indignant at the idea. “Georgie, I wouldn’t, about this. You know I wouldn’t.”
When George swallowed Alex could see the motion in the beautiful tanned line of his neck. “Right,” he said. “Well then. I’m not going to make out with you now, you’re absolutely munted, but. Ask me again in the morning, Alex.”
Alex nodded, and let his eyes drift shut. “Brilliant,” he said. “Will do.”
thank you to sarah for the best prompt game in the business, and to @onadarklingplain for reading this over and helping me figure out the ending!
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strandbuckley · 8 months
Feel the Heat
1.6K words | Logan Sargeant/Reader | Logan has a rough day in Qatar, luckily, having you there makes it better
You knew something was wrong. Logan hadn’t looked well before he got in the car, cheeks flushed red and sweat was already rolling down his neck even without the layers of his balaclava and helmet. He’d brushed you off when you’d tried to check on him earlier, swearing it was just nerves. You’d taken his word for it, but based on the concerned looks Benny and Gaetan had been shooting at him all afternoon, there was more to it than he was letting on. 
You knew he’d been fighting off some flu-like symptoms earlier in the week before you’d arrived but he’d assured you that a little bit of day-quil and a lot of water had been enough to have him feeling well enough to drive. Obviously, that was coming back to bite him as he fell down the order of cars and radioed in to say he wasn’t feeling well. 
You wanted to march out onto the track and drag him out of the car yourself when you heard him tell James that he could finish the race. You knew him better than anyone, you knew when he wasn’t feeling like himself and you knew at that moment there was no way he was finishing the race. But Logan was stubborn, especially when he felt like he had something to prove and currently, he felt like he had a lot to prove. He tried to act tough, like the talk about losing his seat wasn’t getting to him but you knew better. You knew he was harder on himself than any team principal, media representative or random troll on twitter would ever be and he was feeling the pressure. And apparently, the pressure was enough to make him want to continue driving even though he was two laps away from throwing up in his helmet, passing out, or both. 
He went on like that for a few more laps before James more or less ordered him to throw in the towel and come back to the pits. “Let’s take care of you,” James had said. That was exactly what you intended to do. If Logan wouldn’t take care of himself, you would have to do it for him.
A hand wrapping around your upper arm distracted you and you tore your gaze away from the tv screen where you were watching his FW45 creep around the track at an agonizing pace on his way back to the pit lane.
“C’mon,” Ben said, tugging your headset from your ears. “He’s gonna need you.”
You stood against the wall while the engineers backed Logan’s car into the garage and Gaetan and Ben were at his side in an instant. You watched his arms shake violently as he raised his hands to try and lift himself from the car but he was too weak. The engineers wrapped their arms around him and pulled him up, helping him maneuver his legs over the halo and place his feet on solid ground. His legs were trembling and Ben and Gaetan were holding most of his weight as they walked him through the garage. The rest of the pit crew formed a circle around them, blocking Logan’s struggle from the prying eyes of the SkySports cameras and you wanted to cry, knowing how much they loved and cared about your boy. Ben called your name and motioned for you to follow them. You hurried after them, kneeling in front of Logan as soon as they had him in a chair. He was way too weak for them to get him to his driver’s room and you knew he’d be making a trip to medical soon. It seemed like Gaetan was already on the phone with the ambulance. 
You undid his helmet strap with gentle fingers, pushing it gently off his head and handing it to a mechanic hovering close-by. When you removed his balaclava you could see how pitiful he looked, cheeks flushed with fever and eyes full of tears.
“Baby,” he whispered, voice wrecked. “I’m sorry.”
“Shhh,” you comforted, running your fingers through his sweaty hair. “It’s okay, Loges. I’m worried about you, I don’t care about a stupid race.”
“I feel sick.”
“I know, baby. We’re gonna take care of you. Do you think you can drink some water?”
He nodded and you motioned for Ben to bring his bottle over. Ben stood behind him, strong hands on his shoulders as you stayed kneeling, holding the straw for him as he took small sips from his water. 
“He’s burning up,” Ben muttered, knowing Logan was currently too out of it to register the two of you talking about him. 
“Ice packs?” you asked. “We can put them under his arms to bring his temperature down a little bit.”
“I’ll see what I can find.”
As Ben went off in search of supplies to bring down the fever you were sure Logan had you set his water to the side and worked on getting the top half of his suit down.
He barely resisted as you undid the velcro strap the top and pulled down the zipper so that you could tug it off his arms to fall at his waist. Ben returned a few minutes later holding ice packs he’d stolen from the cooler that held drinks for the mechanics.
“The ambulance is almost here to take him to medical. Do you want to go with him?”
“Of course.”
“Okay. When they release him I’ll take the two of you back to the hotel. James already has the PR team dealing with his media obligations so don’t let him worry about any of that.”
“I’ll make a statement for his instagram later tonight and run it by them.”
“Perfect. You’re good wag material you know,” Ben teased, nudging you with his elbow.
“Oh shut up.”
“Oi, medical is here,” one of the engineers yelled from the front of the garage. 
Logan was a little more stable this time around and was able to support some of his weight as you and Ben helped him to the ambulance.
“Don’t leave me,” he said, whining like a little boy and gripping your wrist.
“I’m coming with you honey,” you promised. “Just let them take care of you.”
The visit to medical was an hours long ordeal as they assessed Logan and kept him lying on a cot for observation. When the two of you were finally released back to the garage, Logan’s fever was down significantly and he was talking a little more clearly. He only had to lean slightly on you as you walked back to his driver’s room after being dropped off and you had a hunch that was more for comfort than actual support. 
“Severe dehydration,” you reported to Ben as you send Logan off to change before going back to the hotel to shower and get some sleep. “Not helped by the fact that he was sick earlier in the week.”
“He’s not the only one. Ocon threw up in the car, Stroll went straight to the ambulance after getting out of the car and Alex is being treated for heat exposure.”
“Poor Alex. Anyone else?”
“Other drivers are complaining about feeling faint and blurry vision. So far no one else has gone down. Poor Max, Lando and Oscar could barely stand on the podium though.”
“That’s awful.”
“I know. I’m just glad everyone is okay.”
“Me too. I just know he’s going to beat himself up for this.”
“He will but he has you. That helps more than you know.”
Logan was relatively silent on the ride back to the hotel and on the elevator back up to his room. Luckily, the electrolyte drinks you had ordered for him on the car ride over were waiting for you and you cracked open his favorite flavor and pushed it into his hands.
“Drink,” you instructed. 
He obeyed, drinking half of it before putting the cap back on and setting it to the side.
“Go shower and get ready for bed,” you ran your fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He emerged from the shower ten minutes later and promptly climbed into bed, laying his body on top of yours and burying his face in your shoulder.
“No one is disappointed in you, Loges. You know that right?”
“I’m disappointed in myself.”
“You shouldn’t be. You’re sick baby, there’s nothing you can do about that. It takes a lot of strength to admit you can’t go on anymore and I’m so proud of you for doing that today. Everyone in that garage was way more worried about you than they were any points or anything else. They care about you and want you to be safe. And so do I.”
“I know you do. I just feel like I can’t catch a break. Every weekend it’s something. And this weekend was going so well. Other than the mess up in the sprint I was doing well and the pace was good. Then this happened.”
“It’s a rough patch. They happen to everyone. I’m so proud of you for continuing to push through. I’m so so proud of you everytime you go out on track baby.”
“What if I don’t ever score points?”
“You will. But even if you don’t, that will never change the way I feel about you.”
“I pinky promise.”
He held up his pinky and you linked yours with his, pressing a kiss to his hand.
“I love you.”
“I love you more Loges. Now get some rest okay?”
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alexalblondo · 2 months
Williams FW45 please come back to me, I'm sorry I made fun of your smooth floor and lack of downforce, I did not appreciate you when I should have
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matchtaco · 7 months
So… hi? Bel is back and it's just to complain, and since I have more characters here than on Twitter, I take advantage of it.
I hate, HATE, the people who are upset that Williams and Williams fans are "celebrating" Logan's P11 and that no one is criticizing it (false, but I won't talk about those right now). Hey, sorry for not being the type of team that has a toxic work environment and that its fanbase supports its two drivers!!!!
"It was thanks to the abandonments" well you know what? he didn't abandon, so what's that for? His team did not ask him to retire the car and he had a clean race without accidents. It bothers them that a driver is well positioned "thanks to abandonments" only when it is Logan, because a CERTAIN driver is still praised for having been in a worse position than Logan in his rookie year after the same number of abandonments, BUT IT'S OKAY.
"But without Alex's DNF, he would have at least reached the points" SHUT UP, you don't know that, already in the simulations it showed that this circuit was not suitable (we were the tenth car) while AT was the SIXTH. I'm not going to lie, I thought about it, and I like to think that if Alex didn't get points at least he was going to hold Yuki a little longer, BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, Haas thought of ruining the possibility of both Williams fighting for points, and just thinking about assumptions DOES NOT WORK.
People's excuses for criticizing Logan have me tired, not to mention the ones used to insult Williams.
And I won't talk about the FW45 and its 200 problems, now it stops working in straight lines, so Las Vegas will be difficult, BUT NOBODY WILL TALK ABOUT THAT, because it ruins their narrative that "Logan is bad" and that of "Alex needs a teammate to help him."
I KNOW that Logan's next season will be better (yes, I'm manifesting), he will already be used to the car, he spent all this year watching the preview of the FW46 too, so he already knows what he will face.
That's all, I hope the next time you read me it will be to celebrate Logan's contract renewal or points on his part (better if it's both).
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formula1-universe · 1 year
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🇬🇧 Williams Racing 🏎️ FW45 - New CAR "¿Que les parece?" Williams es el tercer equipo en hacer su presentación de la temporada 2023 de Fórmula 1 "Que tal?" 🏎️💨 Formula 1 Universe 🏁 #F1 #F1U #F1Universe #Formula1 #Formula1Universe #UniverseF1 #Williams #WilliamsRacing #WilliamsF1 #WilliamF1Team #AlexAlbon #AlexanderAlbon #Albon #Logan #LoganSargeant #JamesVowles #Mercedes #MercedesAMG #MercedesAMGF1 #FW45 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoU4yYaOLwx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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race-week · 1 year
2023 Livery Reveals
31st January: Haas (VF-23)
3rd February: Red Bull (RB19)
6th February: Williams (FW45)
7th February: Alfa Romeo (C43)
11th February: AlphaTauri (AT04)
13th February: Aston Martin (AMR23)
13th February: McLaren (MCL37)
14th February: Ferrari (TBA)
15th February: Mercedes (W14)
16th February: Alpine (A523)
23rd - 25th February: Preseason Test
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argentinagp · 7 months
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williamsracing: Morning session complete ✅ @francolapinto notches up 65 laps on his first outing in the FW45!👏
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