#Facebook customer service phone number
msookyspooky · 2 years
Fours a Franchise
Chapter 1
wordcount: 9,188
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"What? No, I'm not doing it Rebecca! I told you already that I changed my mind-" 
"Yn, it's your last stop for the year! Do you know how insightful and inspiring it will be for the survivor to go back to where it all happened? Think of the book sales!" 
You paced your hotel room with your phone in hand. "I'm thinking of more than book sales, Rebecca…Like my sanity, my life, my-" 
"Okay, okay." She interrupted you over the phone. "But as your publicist, your assistant, the head coach of your career AND your number one cheerleader-" You rolled your eyes as she continued. "I'm HIGHLY suggesting you do this book signing." 
You blinked at the window. A huge high rise overlooking a bustling city, a far cry from your humble dwellings you were used to. "Are you suggesting this as my assistant or ordering me as my publicist?" You could hear the edge to your own voice as you felt your mouth twist into a frown.
"Hey, now. I work for you, remember? Bbuuttt, I know what sells. I mean…Let's face it, your um…Side novels were not what people wanted, sweetie. I've been right this far and look! Enjoying a cup of tea before Good Morning America last week! We even got you on Larry King, YN! Life is good so why mess it up over a town that has been a complete bore for over a decade?" You sighed and shifted your weight as she continued. "People love a survivor! They don't want to read a campy fantasy; they want reality. Out of Darkness. YN. The survivor. The fighter. 15 years of horror she faced. 18, 20, 23 were the tender ages she faced down homicidal maniacs some of which were betrayed friends. Trauma, guilt, hatred, fear and she faced it all-"
"Tone down the sales pitch. I'm aware of what I went through, just…Why this town? I've been traveling for weeks on end! Why do I have to go back THERE?" 
"And you can take a break after this one!…Now, it doesn't look very convincing that you're 'Out of Darkness' if you're not willing to go back to the place that Darkness came from to sign some simple books, hmm? It could plummet book sales, appearances, and your followers if you tell them you refuse to go back to Woodsboro…Oh, that reminds me; I need to update your Facebook page for tomorrow." 
Silence stretched on as you stared out your hotel's huge glass window at the world around you. Rebecca Walter's continued with what you could only describe as her customer service voice. Aka her 'We're done talking about this' voice. "...Okay! Your plane leaves at 6 tomorrow morning and I'll pick you up in the rental car to get to your hometown." 
You exhaled in exasperation. "It's not really my hometown. I wasn't even there a year." 
"Right, right. Anyways, get some beauty sleep and I'll call you in the morning. By-ee!" She sang out as she hung up. 
You sighed deeply, staring out at the big city around you. It should be exciting, new, wonderful but all it did was make you feel small and out of place…
Focusing on your reflection staring back at you; You still looked the same that you did 10 years ago as far as aging went but your hair was more modernized for 2011 millennial input. Recommended by who else but Rebecca. You didn't hate it but you felt out of place sometimes. Same with the bandage style bodycon dresses or pleated skirts or peplum tops and not to mention the too high stiletto pumps or the clunky jewelry all in colors you didn't like. It wasn't you. No matter your original style, this style was just to appease the masses that you had your shit together. 
You frowned at your own reflection. It had only been a little over a year ago that you were 'highly suggested' by your publicist to write 'Out of Darkness'. The title wasn't your idea, the photo on the front made you look like a damn Céline Dion CD cover and the lies that you had everything figured out enough to help others overcome trauma made you nauseated. Rehashing your worst times in life endlessly with a forced smile to a bunch of eager listeners with hopeful eyes in your direction that everything gets better…It really didn't; not for you. You just made the best of it. It felt like you were lying to them even if it was white lies to help others feel better.
You watched people walking on the busy street, the entire city lit up as you reminisced…You sometimes wondered if Sidney or Tatum had taken your place; what would they do? You knew Tatum would adore being a minor celebrity and probably get on some reality show or do interviews willingly to fit the lifestyle even more. You could hear her saying "If I'm gonna be traumatized; I'm gonna be traumatized with Gucci." 
Sidney probably would have genuinely believed in what she was doing and would move on. She would feel a purpose to help and inspire others. You wanted to be like that, be like Sidney would be. Hell, even be like Tatum. But the fact was; you weren't Sidney or Tatum. Your mom wasn't murdered by those two. Even if Sid and Tat were your friends…You had to accept the fact that Stu was partially right all those years ago in his own fucked up way. It was horrible what happened to them and to you and you will never forgive Billy and Stu for what they had done but the resentment you had for them wasn't comparable to Sidney's hatred after she found out who had killed her mother and best friend. Her Mom being made into a massacre that poor Sidney and Neil had to find was enough to make her ready to bludgeon her boyfriend to death with a lamp had you not stopped her… Sidney WOULD feel a great sense of duty to her mom and herself to help others overcome these types of situations. You wanted to as well but something in you didn't feel it…Maybe it was guilt? Or maybe what you lacked in life because of it? Mark wasn't here and you never got to find out if it could've worked with him or anyone else for that matter, friends outside the Woodsboro Survivors were nonexistent, and you felt alone in all of this. The secret felt like the heaviest burden on your shoulders you just couldn't shake.
With a heavy sigh; You pulled the curtains on the window to stop the bright city lights from pouring in. 
You walked to the bathroom to shower. Stripping off and looking at your body in the mirror. A scar on your left shoulder and your upper arm was the first to catch your gaze. One on your right forearm and one on your right hand where Neil stabbed you a decade ago. You went to make a fist and your right hand's middle finger and the ring finger trembled to form a fist fully. Not tightly closing as you clutched it in your other hand and looked away. Stepping into the hotel's shower and closing your eyes under the water. You let the water wash over your body as you thought of the last 10 years…How the hell did you end up here?
You faced the wall and leaned your head forward and let the water run down your back. Going from a normalish girl wearing what you wanted and no one knowing you as long as you didn't say your name; to trying to keep up with the kids and the Kardashians and EVERYONE recognizing you... From an isolated cabin to tv appearances nationwide.
'God, I can't believe Stu's ass hasn't barked up my tree after seeing me on TV….' You thought. Even if the malice you should have just wasn't there. You didn't even know if Stu or Billy were even alive or not.
You eventually turned off your water the more your mind wandered to places you didn't want to dwell on. Drying off before doing your nightly routine and getting ready for bed. You checked your phone to see no texts or missed calls from Randy or Dewey and your heart sank a little. Especially since you had to text or call them more often then they did you these days. You knew life was busy. God, did you ever know how busy life could be flying across the country routinely. However, you went from nightly calls from them both, to now, you were lucky to get a call once a month and even then that was usually phone tag with you calling them or them calling you. All of you are just too busy with life now.
You sat your phone down on the nightstand and laid your head down on your pillow. 
'I guess that's a part of growing up…People drift. It's like the trauma was what held us together and the more they move on; the less we need each other.' 
You felt your throat burn a little just thinking that thought before tightly closing your eyes. 
'Or the less they need me like I do them…'
It was almost afternoon as you sat in the rental car's passenger seat. A picture of your aging Cherri on your screen. Your childhood cat that lived with your family passed away a few years back but you still had Cherri. A trusted family member was happy to take your extremely elderly dog in while you traveled. You swore to yourself you'd spend her final year or two with her instead of traveling for this dumb book signing. This was the last stop and then you were having a little chat with Rebecca.
 "Just text. I mean, you have a Droid. It's not 2005 anymore." Rebecca muttered as she eyed you.
"I know, I love this thing. But I still like calling." You admitted. It was SO much nicer than clicking each number anywhere from 2 to 4 times to get the letter you wanted. You hardly ever texted until you got your phone with an extended keyboard…You still kept the model Mark gave you as a keepsake at home. But a flip phone just wasn't going to cut it anymore.
"That's nothing, you'd die of overload with an Iphone." 
You huffed while calling Randy. "Who wants a phone with a touch screen you have to protect? And the screen is tiny too. I say it's just a fad and they'll die out in a year or two…"
"So, who are you calling up?"
You faltered as you heard Randy's voicemail after multiple rings. "…Well that sucks."
"What? Something wrong?" 
 You frowned as you looked at your phone. "Well, I tried calling Randy but he didn't answer and I don't want to call his house phone and bother his family this early…. There's Dewey." 
You pressed speed dial for him. Just to frown when it went straight to voicemail after a few rings as well. "...Which is apparently on duty." You drew out with a breath of air past your lips in exasperation. "So now, it's Gale." 
"Gale Riley." You glanced at Rebecca. "Maiden name; Weathers." 
Her face lit up. "Oohh, god yeah! She was such a boss back in the day! Kid me had, like, starry eyes seeing her on tv." 
You smiled and held up a finger as Rebecca nodded while driving. Just when you saw the interstate sign pointing West to Woodsboro. 
It rang one time before she picked up.
"Hey, Gale? Everything okay? Kind of picked up real quickly there." You mumbled.
"What? Oh yeah, just…Writing my next book! I'm so busy with it. Halfway there. And my phone was beside me so… " 
"Oh, totally get it." You smiled to yourself knowing that the computer screen was blank and she was desperate for a distraction. You continued. "I tried calling Dewey but he didn't answer." 
"Oh, yeah…Sheriff Dewey is a very busy man." She muttered. 
"Yeah. So, if he panics later just let him know I was just reminding him I'm visiting Woodsboro today." 
"Book Signing. " You felt uneasy as the 'Welcome to Woodsboro' sign came into view. "I'll be doing the signing at noon and was wondering if I could visit? I haven't even seen your place yet. It's only been what? 9 years of owning it?" 
Gale released an amused huff on the other line. "Yeah, something like that. I'll text you the address." 
"Thanks. And could I get Randy too? You know he only brings the family my way. I know it a little but I need a refresher because it's just a street away from his parents but I swear to god all those houses look alike." 
"Yeah, I'll send it your way…Listen, it's fine if you're too busy. So am I, obviously, but maybe we could get coffee? I've been dying to shit talk to somebody about this one pushy tart deputy at Dewey's work that keeps buttering him up with treats. Guess what? They taste like cardboard…" She was silent a moment before saying. "...Well…Unless you're running out of here as soon as you can. Been a long time since you stepped foot in this town." 
You sighed as houses came into view. "...No, I'm staying at least till the first kill." You deadpanned, no real humor in your voice.
"Yeah right. I'll see you later. Dewey's going to be over the moon when he finds out his surrogate sister's in town." 
You didn't know if that was sarcasm or genuine. You and Gale were not best friends by a long shot. Not even good friends. Honestly, sometimes you fight like two divorced parents trying to play nice while sharing custody of the kid aka Dewey. And yet, sometimes you both were the only company you had these days.
You listened to Rebecca talking aimlessly about nothing in particular as she drove. You sat in the passenger seat and suddenly it was like you were a 17 year old girl again…
 The memory played out in your head. Your family tried engaging with you as you sat there solemnly in the backseat. Torn up at leaving your old life behind for this place. You could just reimagine the view from the back window; looking at the town you only visited for your grandparents every so often. You dreaded being at a new school at the end of your Junior year. But your grandparent had a health scare and it was closer to your parent's work so you really had no choice in the matter when your folks decided to move there. Any other issues in life pertaining to you or your parents lives just sealed the deal for them even more.
You shook your head slightly with a forlorn expression when you both passed the school…Still the same after 15 years. In your mind's eyes, you could picture Tatum laughing and walking beside Sidney out of the bustling building. You closed your eyes a moment, imagining them waving at you as you passed by before opening them again. An ache in your chest slowly formed…You truthfully hadn't thought of your old friends in a decent amount of time but coming back here just seemed to resurface old wounds. It was so easy to be back in time to 1996. Preferably the Summer before your senior year. You were young and carefree as any teen could try to be. James being a new boyfriend that wasn't abusive yet. Sidney and Billy seemed in love and Tatum was freshly dating Stu. Randy making you laugh or roll your eyes at him at the video store, chilling with Tatum and Sidney at their houses or yours. Watching movies with Stu and Billy who at the time seemed like normal guys that genuinely loved their girlfriends and were just good friends with you…
You glanced at the car's mirror. Your sad face staring back at you and suddenly reality was crashing into you that most of your memories of that group weren't as real as you wanted them to be as far as Billy and Stu were involved as well as what followed just a few short months later. From James, to the strain on your group's friendships, to the very obvious reason why the tension was happening being revealed at the party that night…Those moments of naive bliss you had prior you would never, ever get back.
Rebecca rambled while you were in your own world. "So anyways, I told him he's a complete tool. Because, come on. How can this not be a good sales pitch, am I right?...YN? Hellooo?" 
You jolted slightly as you realized she was directly talking to you and not herself. "Huh? Sorry, just…Getting lost in thought. I haven't been here in 15 years. I literally moved away not even 2 weeks after…Well…You know what happened." 
"Okay, speaking of which. I know your character in Stab was with them-" 
"And you were not, based on your court case I read about." 
"Yes?" You asked with a raised brow.
"Okay, don't take this the wrong way but both of those guys were kind of hot for freaking seniors. I'm not a pedo or cradle robber, I'm just saying! I mean, if I had two guys that cute that were obsessed with me in high school? Murderers or not, I'd think about it…So, did you ever think they were attractive? Ever?" 
You felt the silence in the car. You wanted to be normal. To just admit that yes, they were attractive, their shitty personalities and selfish choices were what sucked but you were attracted to them. Who wasn't at the time? They were two of the most popular and arguably better looking guys in school that hung out with you. You got hateful looks your way just as much as Sidney and Tatum did. It's why the rumors about you were so easily spread. One day when you were talking to Stu in the hallway, him leaning over you with his arm on the locker as you tried to move away from him flirting because he was just recently dating Tatum but you know Casey saw it. Her locker was just down the hall. You were sure even if she broke up with him; seeing him so hyper fixated on you instead of still being hung up on her bruised her ego enough to spread the nasty rumors about you. James was threatened by them as well for the same reason…They were sought after in Woodsboro. So finding out they both were secretly in love with you had you so shocked it ALMOST rivaled the shock of them being the Woodsboro killers…Almost. You wanted so badly to just admit it and have girl talk you didn't get with anyone else.…But considering your trial in the past and the people online trying to dig up your case again; you trusted no one with that info. Especially a fame mongerer like Rebecca. 
"They were alright looking, I guess. " You lied with a nonchalant shrug and redirected it. "Nothing to excuse them from being monsters." 
Rebecca scoffed. "Well duh, they were! Please, they may have not been the nicest but that Billy looked like Johnny Depp and the other guy-" 
"Stu." You knew he'd just about shove Rebecca out of the moving car if he was here.
"- He wasn't bad looking either, I guess. Not my type but apparently he dated some of the most popular girls of Woodsboro High so he had something going for him." 
"Yeah, he was charming and popular and used it to manipulate people." 
"But you seriously didn't want them at all before the murders?  You had to have at least looked or thought about it. I mean, these two guys were obsessed-" 
"With getting their way no matter what." You interrupted her. "Besides, they were dating my best friends and I had a boyfriend at the time. I had no interest in them.
She gave you a once over from her seat. Looking like she wanted to say something before her mouth dropped. She pulled up to the bookstore and your heart sank.
 "Oh crap." Rebecca grumbled. Pulling in as you froze in your seat 
A handful of people with signs screaming at you with signs. Your picture is marked out on a few or 'guilty' written in bold red letters designed to look like blood. You even saw a few of Tatum, Sidney, Casey or Steven with their names and the word 'justice' written on them.
"Okay, just hold your head high and ignore them…You'd think the least they could do is have police here. What else do these small town feds have to do but shovel donuts in their mouths and bust some crack heads here and there?" She grumbled while undoing her belt.
You swallowed, slightly taken aback yourself that Dewey wouldn't be here to rally them away. Looking up to see rows and rows of Ghostfaces on the pole lights near the store. "I'd say damn kids with that-" You pointed, letting your finger fall as you gave a wary look to the small angry crowd. "But…The adults are acting kind of ridiculous too…Isn't this welcoming." You sarcastically mumbled, feeling your anxiety creeping in.
Rebecca shoved her door open. "Screw this, I am NOT having these frigging freeloaders hogging the media attention I-…We worked for!" She slammed her door shut as you gave a shaky sigh. 
Rebecca made a wide gesture to the angry crowd trying to boycott your book and you. Still convinced in the conspiracy theory that you actively helped Billy and Stu and you just got away with murder and were now profiting off of it. 
You were scared of crowds like this just as much as Ghostface. Especially after you almost died from a crazed conspiracy nut seeking 'justice' more than a decade ago. Despite that, you sucked in a breath and got out of the car.
Rebecca grabbed you and led you by the shoulder as you just prayed no one had a gun. 
You heard "Murderer", "We don't want you here", "Leave Woodsboro" as you walked by the 8 to 10 people protesting. Rebecca said a nasty remark back as you said nothing. Numb to it at this point as your assistant slammed the door shut.
"I'm gonna rip the owner a new ass for not handling that. Wasn't me threatening his cat over your set up not enough?!" She marched away as you saw the people still holding up signs, chanting at your picture on the store window. Rebecca slammed a door to a backroom looking for the owner.
You ran a hand over your face, already eager to get the hell out of this town. It wasn't like you didn't have naysayers in other towns but this one felt different…It felt worse.
 An orange cat eyed you curiously from the desk across the room. Leisurely lounging and looking rather plump and content with itself but watching your every move. You walked over to pet it but it jumped off the desk and ran behind a bookshelf.
'You too, huh?' You thought before you went over and sank into a seat at the table you'd have your books signed at.  Staring down at yourself on the cover. You wanted to go home already. YOUR home. Away from people and bullshit like this. Be with your very small inner circle, your aging dog, your small comforts. Anything but this.
Your thoughts were interrupted as a man cleared his throat and you flinched in response. Fearful a protestor got in and could be holding a gun to your head for all you know.
"YN, I'm such a big fan...So hey, can I get some special friends discount or something? By that, I mean, free?" 
You faltered, slowly looking up to see a man's belt and white button down shirt…Your eyes roamed higher to see a green sweater over top of it near your white table in front of you. Your eyes traveled more as a relieved smile slowly stretched over your face. 
He grinned down at you. A light stubble on his filled out face. A few pounds gained since you were in your early 20's but still some muscle there too. You were sure he still worked out even after physical therapy just not as much with his busy schedule. His hair was in the same volumized, fluffy swept back style he had in Hollywood, just shorter or thinner with age.
He grinned as you stood up. Not having seen him face to face for almost a year as awful as it sounded. 
Randy remarked. "I never thought I'd see you back in this shithole. I mean, you're star status now." 
You gave a chuckle and walked over to hug him. He hugged you back, holding onto you for a few moments before you gently pulled away a bit. "Yeah, whether I like it or not." You replied unable to help looking at the crowd and he put a hand on your shoulder to look back at him instead.
"Hey, screw them. You've came a long way and they don't know what the fuck their even yelling about…" His eyes trailed down with raised brows as he fully pulled away. "And then there's…You." He huffed with a bemused smirk.  "Wow, you in heels is an eerie sight from your usual woman of the woods get up." 
"Oh, shut up." 
"No, seriously. Did you raid Gale Weathers closet?" 
"Ugh, do not compare me to Gale. " You grumbled with a huff.
"Or what? You can't give me pain anymore, Mistress. My wife will have a say in that." He showed his wedding band for emphasis.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "I think if you annoy her as much as you annoyed me in the past; she'll make the exception."
"Not if you're dressed like your going to Fashion Week, she won't. She wouldn't even recognize you if she walked by the window." 
You shoved away from him lightly. "Oh God, stop. Seriously, it's just heels…Your just mad it makes me taller-" 
You went to measure your height with a devious grin, doing the same thing you did at college before that party until he smacked your hand away with a small puff of air escaping past his lips.
He took you in again, his smile fading before shaking his head slightly with a smile. "Seriously though, you look good! Really! It's just so…So-" 
"Different?" You asked with a raise of your brow before your face fell ever so slightly. "Yeah. It's not exactly what I wear on the regular…But…I'm a product and the packaging is what sells. " You gave with a bitter smirk.
His mouth parted as he stared at you. The teasing gone from his face as looked at you. "...Is…Is everything okay? Are you happy with all of this?" He gestured to the table with all the copies of your books. 
You almost told him the truth but quickly forced a smile and shook your head. "No, I'm okay. I'm just…I'm grateful. I mean, I'm privileged with the opportunities given to me from very less than ideal circumstances. I guess…Just wish I could wear a comfortable dress boot with the leaves turning soon." You lost your smile to ask him the same question. "And you? Are you happy with everything?...It's been awhile since we talked. Like, really 'talked' talked face to face." 
He faltered as well before giving a 'pssh' noise between his lips and an outrageous smile. "Of course! I have a beautiful wife that is way out of my league but still stuck it out with me. Two wonderful kids that are everything to me. A house right here in my hometown, I can walk and move like I was never in a coma from being stabbed over a dozen times, I'm freaking alive for god sakes!…No…Life threatening Incidents in a decade. Life is good!" 
You didn't believe that as he folded his arms and closed himself off as he spoke to you. Your brows rose slightly as you softly asked. "Well…And the video store? Everything okay?"
"Yeah! Y-Yeah so great that I now have two businesses in town." 
"Really? Which one?" 
He gave a big gesture to the bookstore with a tight smile.
You gawked at him.  "...This? YOU'RE the bookstore owner Rebecca talked to earlier?!" 
"Yep. She is a very unpleasant woman, by the way." 
Your face scrunched as it dawned on you. "Wait, why didn't you tell me you owned the store I was scheduled at? Why didn't you tell me about the bookstore in general??" 
He sighed heavily. "I was going to but I've been so busy lately. Seriously, I hope my kids remember I'm their Dad at this point." He faltered before his shoulders sagged. "And…I guess I just didn't exactly want to brag I own not one but TWO pieces of shit businesses now. Thank God for Karla's job at the bank." 
"What? Ray, is everything okay financially? Are you and Karla okay?...I know life got away from us but you know you can still tell me anything…Right?" 
Randy stared with a harsh swallow and frown. A protester got extra loud outside enough to break the silence as Randy rolled his eyes, walked to the store's window, and  jerked down a curtain to hide you both from view. He continued as he walked back towards you, arms falling at his sides. "We're okay but it's not…What I want for my family…I know you called and I missed it and I apologize for that. I almost called you back but I just decided I wanted to surprise you instead. I mean, you certainly surprised me with your Assistant putting your face on my store window!…Those assholes out there were not a part of the surprise, obviously. They just arrived 10 minutes ago... I'm sorry, I tried to threaten them with the police but they're not leaving until police arrive and APPARENTLY Woodsboro's finest have more important matters to attend to because dispatch will send an officer when they're 'available'." He rolled his eyes. "Thank fucking god no ones dying her or anything." 
You sighed. "I'm sure Dewey has a good reason for the lack of officers available. He's worried about my safety too." 
Randy nodded. "Yeah, I know…It's just we barely talk as is and then your welcome wagon is that? He couldn't have made sure to be here or send a deputy no matter what?" 
 "Don't worry about it. I've had worse…But back to you. If you're struggling then why do you own this too? What about the video store?" 
"It's…Tanking." He sighed out with a frown as he looked to the ground in shame. "I just came to look over this place instead of my employee Jenny because you were in town…AND she didn't show up to work today or call in. It's weird for her though; she's usually a pretty good employee…. But trust me, any other time, I'd love to be surrounded by films…People just don't rent movies anymore; not like they used to. When I bought the store from my older than dirt boss years back it was like a dream come true. 'Yes! I have something to rely on instead of some pencil pusher job for a boss somewhere!'." He mimicked excitement before dropping the act and slumping his posture. "… But I'm starting to think being my own boss isn't worth the hassle." 
"Was it really doing that bad?" You asked with a grimace. You looked around and saw Rebecca outside through a back window, stalking the yard. Still looking for Randy. Having gone out a back door, apparently.
Randy continued with a frown. "Yeah. The video store really did feel like something and…It's just fading to nothing. I mean, even Blockbusters are shutting down so how does the little man stand a chance? People are relying on that Netflix thing more and more every year. And this place feels like I invested in a steaming pile of crap too. I'm only supplying mostly romances to middle aged suburban housewives wanting to spice up their marriage. Seriously, none of these kids pick up Stephan King anymore. It's fucking sad." 
"Be honest. Did you read when you were a teen?" 
"ACTUALLY, I did." He gave with his arms folded and a smug look.
"Oh yeah? Comics don't count." 
"I'm telling you, I read! I was wise beyond my years." 
You released a huff of laughter at that. "AND reading for school projects doesn't count…Or Stephen King and Clive Barker's 3 books circulating in the library." 
He opened his mouth then closed it. "Ookkay, maybe I wasn't the biggest bookworm compared to my love for cinema but I did read. These kids today don't read books at all! I swear to god, if it's not on their phones or tablet; they don't look at it." 
You shrugged. "I think they read blogs and …Fanfiction online?" You drew out. Unsure if that was even the right term.  
Randy raised a brow  "What the hell is that?" 
You gave an exaggerated shrug.  "I don't know, I just know it wasn't popular when I was their age. I heard Rebecca talking about it with a friend. Something about someone made an erotic fanfiction of Twilight and Rebecca was trying to get a hold of the writer to get her to make a bdsm book about it next year?? I have no idea what the two have in common but I kind of want to look it up later out of morbid curiosity." 
"Weird. What? Is Bella gonna finally punish Edward for being a stalker? Or is a threesome finally gonna happen-" 
You cut him off, silently kicking yourself for bringing it up. "Randy, please. No Twilight rants. I KNOW you hate it." 
"It SUCKS, Yn. It's just some Mormon women's secret wet dream disguised as her inserting herself as Bella, I mean, what the fuck does a 100 something year old man want to do with a teenager anyways? What the hell could he have in common with a kid that doesn't even know what Zima is? And why is he so emotionally constipated with the personality of a rock? Isn't he trying to blend in with his alabaster marble like skin and bright fucking golden eyes? Furthermore, why is he at highschool? People graduate early, who the ever loving hell wants to be in high school forever? Worst years of my life aside from Middle school. And don't even get me started on the fucking sparkles and no drinking human blood!" He ranted a mile a minute.
You groaned softly to yourself and hung your head. "Oh god..." 
"Salem's Lot was a classic, Fright Night a masterpiece of 80s vampirism, The Lost Boys is still enjoyable to this day, John Carpenter's Vampires was kick ass, Near Dark which no one mentions despite it being one of the first western vampire films and having 3 great actors from Aliens! Alien was tremendously better, sequels suck, but that's besides the point!…And most of all, Dracula.. Don't even have to elaborate on that one. Okay, they were all vampire movies. Cold, undead, fanged up assholes that loved being a vampire. They LOVED drinking blood! What the fuck is the point-" 
"RANDY." You snapped before giving him a look. "I know, okay, I know!…Besides, why do you know so much about it if you hate it?" 
He wore a scowl on his face and looked away. "Because Karla's made me take her to see all 3 movies so far and guess what we're seeing this November?" 
You raised your brows with an amused smirk. "...Twilight Breaking Dawn?-" 
"Fucking Twilight Breaking Dawn" He answered before you could even get it out. 
You rolled your eyes playfully. "After all the cheap horror movies you probably have had her watch; it's the least you could do." 
"Yeah, yeah." He sighed out.
"THERE YOU ARE!" You both flinched at Rebecca's voice. "What half brained, idotic, little man are you that you can't do one simple thing; KEEP. THE POSITIVE SHINE. ON. YN. Do I gotta skin that cat or what?-" 
Randy held up his hands. "It's not even my cat, Lady! He just waltzed in one day and never left." 
You raised a brow. "So it IS your cat then?" 
Rebecca went to yell again and you held up a hand. "Rebecca! This is Randy!...Randy Meeks. The other Woodsboro survivor and my friend! Turns out, he's the owner." 
Randy gave her a sarcastic smile and wave as she faltered.
"...Oh." She straightened herself up. "Well then, you can still do something about that outside. Where are the cops?" She pointed to the protesters.
"I already called the cops and they're busy. What more do you want?" 
"BUSY?" She snapped before adjusting herself with a glare while marching out. "Want something done right…" She slammed the door as you both grimaced. 
Randy gave you a sideways glance. "I'd lecture her for slamming my door but I'm kind of afraid to." He looked at you. "Uh…Should we go help her? I mean, I'm the man here and she's just a tiny thing-" 
You chuckled sarcastically as he gave an offended look your way. "What? Okay, What YN?" 
"Sorry but you don't know Rebecca. She's like a fake splenda version of Gale; she'll be fine." You gestured to the door. "But I mean, go out there if you want. Since you're the man here and all."
He looked out the door of his shop and grimaced slightly. "Uhh…Nah. No, you need someone to protect you here more than Gale Jr. out there." 
You tilted your head with a smirk. "Oh, that's good. I feel so much safer with someone to protect me. My hand that was stabbed from fighting a man twice your size gives me trouble making a proper fist. And I get dizzy sometimes after another man punched me in the mouth and smashed my head into a bar. So, I'm so glad THE MAN is here to save me." 
Randy gave you a deadpan expression. "Bitch please, I was stabbed 14 times."
"And yet…What's your kill count? And who saved your ass multiple times? And remind me how many times you were the main target?" 
He rolled his eyes with a sigh. "I fucking held my own, smartass." 
" I know, just screwing with you for old time sake. Don't be mad, I know if a protester came in you'd be the first one to hit them." You chuckled and shook your head as you saw a bin of books on a nearby table. You picked one up and showed him. "We got at least 20 minutes till the book signing…What are these?" 
He huffed with folded arms but walked over to join you. "Those? Oh, books that aren't doing so hot. There from some lesser known authors that apparently aren't exactly best sellers." 
"Yet. It just takes one." You gave and Randy nodded. You picked a few. "Juliette Morris…J.R. Whitney…Summer Raine. Never heard of them." You picked one up and eyed the dark cover. "Robert Gray." You mumbled.
Randy gently took it from you to examine it. "Yeah, I was eyeing that one. Seems like a psychological thriller. Not my type of horror." 
You rolled your eyes. "I know, no blood or boobs, huh?" 
He put the book down. "I take offense to that. I'll have you know, I enjoy plot." 
"Uh huh. The plot of a big set of lungs running from some guy in a mask?" 
"Uh those are Classics; show some respect! "
"I don't have to respect shit when I lived through it." 
"Fair enough. But besides that, you know I actually do like plot to my movies. I'm not Stu-" He faltered. Both of you paused as he said it. You turned around and he shook his head with a bewildered expression. "Jesus, where'd that come from?" 
You stared a moment too, a bit of fear ran through you at the Randy even saying his name before you sighed with a shrug and a tight smile. "Well um…Bound to happen eventually, I guess. Me being back here, talking about horror movies with you like we were in high school again…It feels like we're at the video store and Stu's gonna come by any minute knocking over the vhs tapes just to irritate you while sticking his tongue out at me." 
He gave a look of disgust, a bit of uneasiness in his expression. "Can we please not talk about that reject? Slip of the tongue and it won't happen again." 
You parted your lips to say something but it died in your throat as you curtly nodded in response, looking back down at the book bin before he took it for you. 
"Anyways, I better let you get set up. People should start pouring in within the next 20 minutes. Let me just put these in the horror section. Yell if you need me." He gave a quick smile to you before walking away. 
You sighed and nodded to yourself. "Can do." 
The protestors died out. Well, some stayed but a few left after Gale saw some woman threaten to release personal info after she found out one's identity through a private facebook account that still had their pfp as their face and full name. Then, she threatened to post  them on twitter. A few promptly left but just as many stayed. Holding up the signs that Gale stared at; trying to chant over what you had to say.
Gale eased back from the small crowd gathered inside; eyeing you talking to everyone. A protester tried going in with a sign but she stopped him. "Lloyd, don't you have anything better to do? What would your kids think?" 
He glared at Gale, sign still raised with your picture marked out in red. "They'd be proud knowing I'm defending their cousin Steve's death from the likes of her." He pointed, raising his voice as you kept talking and tried to ignore it.
"Stu and Billy did that and you know it. She was proven innocent." Gale mumbled. "I have the lawsuit and half a million dollars lose to prove it." She mumbled the last part.
"And you proved yourself a coward too. Judge could have been paid off for all we know. You started this, you brought it to everyone's attention, you showed the facts… Just to be a quitter. Out of my way-" 
Gale jutted a hand out as he went to march past her. "I wouldn't do that, Lloyd. This is private property owned by my dear friend Mr. Meeks. You step one more inch of your fat foot in here and my husband the goddamn Sheriff will charge you. You want to yell out there like an idiot that's your American right but don't bring it in here." Gale hissed out. "Now get your fat drunken ass out of here or maybe that lawn that was wrecked coincidently after that bar fight you had with the homeowner will be coincidently reopened?…Everyone has cameras now. I'm sure if I used my old reporting skills; I could find out just who did that…Got it?" 
The man huffed, looking at her in disgust. "One day, your mouth is going to get you in trouble." He pointed at her in a warning as he walked backwards.
"It already has." She muttered back. Focusing back on you as you seemed to handle the protestors with more restraint than she ever gave you credit for. Unbeknownst to you that she was even here let alone defending you from people like Lloyd.
She just…Stared a moment. Taking you in. It was crazy to her. 
 'How did you go from a kid that was shaking over your own shadow to a professional woman selling these schmucks books like they were lined with Jesus's freaking toilet paper?' She thought.
She huffed softly at the thought, tilting her head to watch you. She swallowed as she saw you engaging with everyone in the middle of Randy's newfound shop she knew wouldn't make it, but then again, she didn't think you would either.
She couldn't help feeling…Cast out. A frown on her face. Once youthful skin now bore thin lines near her mouth and eyes. Seeing you up there in your prime, a professional dress and high heels on that looked like something she might have worn, a crowd eager to hear from you and your book…Meanwhile, she couldn't seem to even write her own. No one stopped her on the street anymore, no autographs or photo ops…She closed her eyes a second as she listened to you…You were all grown up now…She was aging too. A part of her could easily see a younger version of herself in you as you gave your speech…She hated it.
She still had her doubts about Tim and James not being Billy and Stu but after a decade of peace; she'd be an obsessed fool to harp on it now. Dewey was Sheriff of Woodsboro like he always wanted, Randy had a happy family and owned a few businesses in town, you were a national treasure…It seemed like everyone was doing something but her. She was so lonely she even was looking forward to coffee with you; coming clear down here just to see you. That's just how pathetic it felt that she was having coffee with the girl that technically ruined her career and yet she had no one else…
You finished talking, Rebecca talking for you to have people buy book copies of the New York Times Best Seller while they lasted.
You walked away before your smile fell, eyes landing on Gale. Gale stepped away from the entrance and gave a curt smile as you forced one on yourself. 
"Gale…I'm glad you came." You said. Not very warm but not outright hateful either. Both of you hadn't seen each other in a long while. You never were very close…A punch in the face at Windsor followed by a lawsuit that made headlines didn't exactly scream 'besties'.
Gale slinked over, taking her time to take you in before forcing out. "Congratulations, YN." Her cool eyes gazed at the table. "I haven't had a chance to read it yet but…" She trailed off. It was a lie. She had read it but something in her didn't want to admit it.
"Oh, well, you can have a copy or I can send you one if we sell out." You replied as Gale gave you a humorless smile at the comment. So similar to what she had told Sidney Prescott 15 years ago outside the police station. 
You gave an awkward shuffle, raising your arms then lowering and raising before stepping forward. Gale was never one for hugs and she knew you didn't exactly want to hug her either. It was all a big, curt, polite show in Gale's eyes that she played along with. For Dewey, for Randy…Even for you. She wanted to hate you but you made it hard proving her wrong over and over. She surmised eating crow over and over makes you more…Tolerant of the person feeding it to you.
You both pulled away with forced smiles as quickly as you hugged. Gale saw Randy standing in the background watching. Observing your exchange as Gale forced a smile his way over your shoulder. He gave a nod with a small polite smile as well.
You completely stepped away with a genuine happy expression as you exclaimed. "Dewey!" You quickly rushed over to hug him tightly. Dewey pulled away sooner than he normally would. Gale frowned at her husband. After all, he hadn't seen you in so long so why not savor the moment? 
"Hey YN. Gale you made it. Good." He breathlessly gave. 
He seemed frazzled as Gale eyed her husband.
You spoke up. "Dewey, I tried to call you." 
"And I tried to call too, SHERIFF!" Randy chimed in, standing next to you. "Those protestors are probably running for the hills now with your cop car about..." He checked his watch. "...45 minutes later." 
Dewey gave a remorseful grimace. "Oh, God. Are you okay?" You nodded before he continued. "Do you recognize any of them?" 
Randy and Gale exchanged glances as Randy nodded and Gale replied. "Yeah, a few. Lloyd Oarth was one of them." 
"Good, good...I'm sorry. Something really important came up…I gotta do something here." He took off his hat and anxiously ran a hand over his hair.
Gale raised a brow. "Dewey, what's wrong?" 
"Just- YN, I need to do this here…I am really sorry." He moved you out of the way and addressed the room right as Judy came barreling in. Police cars speeding down the block to get to the bookstore. A few protestors on the sidewalk scattered but police instantly got out of their cars and forced them to stay. Gale could hear that much and see it from the window.
Meanwhile, Dewey addressed the room. "Excuse me. This will only take a minute! I need you all to stay where you are and remain silent." 
A woman went to leave and Judy pushed her back inside. "Nobody leaves. You heard the Sheriff. Thank you." Even her voice had Gale side eyeing her.
Gale watched some mouthy woman with brown hair and a blue shirt tell her husband. "Can't this wait, Barney Fife? I'm running an event here!" She guessed the event runner was your assistant.
Gale felt a tinge of guilt having said the same thing about him in her book years and years ago. It was pushed aside as she listened to Dewey and more cops came in. Randy put a hand on you as he pulled you towards him. 
"Ma'am, this is a police event now." Dewey replied back.
Gale came to Dewey, blinking repeatedly and whispering to him. "WHAT is going on??" 
All before Judy stepped in between them to tell Gale. "Gale, this is police business. If you could just let us handle it." 
Gale instantly felt that familiar rage filling her at this woman having the audacity to use her little badge as leverage to disrespect her in front of her husband. 
Gale's eyes zeroed in on Judy. "I am talking to my husband, Deputy Judy." Gale used deputy like an insult as you watched.
You felt Randy pull you closer and out of the way of police rushing into the building as you watched Gale getting heated with some blonde deputy near Dewey. You weren't positive but you were pretty sure this was the infamous Judy she talked so fondly about.
Your eyes scanned the area, glancing at Randy as he wore a nervous expression. You were sure you had the same look on your face.
Gale spat at the deputy overstepping. "I am talking to my husband, Deputy Judy." 
Dewey turned to Gale, you and Randy. "Listen. There's a phone we believe may have been taken from the scene of a crime. Deputy Hicks has traced its coordinates back to this location." He hissed out low to not alert anyone but your group.
Randy blinked at Dewey, eyebrows scrunching. "W-What crime?..." Dewey didn't answer and Randy asked again more forcefully this time. "What type of crime, Dewey?" 
Dewey shook his head and walked a few paces. "It's…Need to know for now." 
Gale shoved her hands out in outrage. "And I'm not need to know?!" 
"SHH!" Judy ordered with a finger to her lips and you thought Gale looked ready to smack her right then and there. You watched on with Randy as Dewey held up a cellphone…All before a ringing sounded out.
Everyone in the room looked around before an officer outside shouted for Sheriff Dewey. Dewey and Judy ran out followed by Gale. You and Randy followed close behind with a small crowd behind you out on the street. A few protesters were held up by officers as well. 
You looked confused as the officers circled your rental car. Judy got out her gun and pointed to the trunk as Dewey came towards it.
You stared with wide eyes as you came forward to get their attention.
Dewey held up a hand. "Not now, YN." 
You gave him a dumbfounded look. "Dewey, it's my rental car." You felt eyes on you as you said that. Rebecca gave Dewey a sassy look before tossing the keys to him to open the trunk up.
He did just that, forcing it open as a collection of gasps escaped everyone. Rebecca stared with her mouth parted, Randy's jaw clenched as he held a tighter grip onto your shoulder, Gale gasped and stood closer to you as well, gripping onto your other shoulder…And you…You just stared with wide eyes as a bloody mess was revealed. Posters of your face littered the trunk of the car drenched in blood smears over your image. A knife, gloves and the ringing phone lay on top. Staring back at you in a taunting manner.
Dewey quickly recovered, almost angered at what he found. "Damn it! This is an official crime scene now. Let's lock it down." 
You stood near the trunk staring in absolute shock as someone pushed you away and you just allowed it. Spacing out as your heartbeat was thumping in your ears and your stomach sank. 
You numbly stared at Dewey and asked. "...Tell me this is a prank, Dewey." 
Dewey rolled his lips, looking remorseful before shaking his head and walking closer. "I'm afraid not, YN." He shook his head and placed an arm on your shoulder to lead you. "Come on." As he led you to a police car. 
Gale stayed back and so did Randy as Rebecca got on the phone and called someone. You looked back at Randy one last time before stepping into the cop car. He had a worried expression with a tight frown. Not even looking at you; only the evidence in the trunk…You had to wonder…Whoever did this; how did they unlock it without the keys?…Who's blood was that?
You saw the protestors that stayed behind glare at you in the police car. That trunk makes you look like what they always thought; a killer.
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WhatsApp Cloud API Setup For Botsailor
Integrating the WhatsApp Cloud API with BotSailor is crucial for businesses seeking to enhance their customer engagement and streamline communication. The WhatsApp Cloud API enables seamless automation, allowing businesses to efficiently manage interactions through chatbots, live chat, and automated messaging. By connecting with BotSailor, businesses gain access to advanced features like order message automation, webhook workflows, and integration with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce. This setup not only improves operational efficiency but also offers a scalable solution for personalized customer support and marketing, driving better engagement and satisfaction.
To integrate the WhatsApp Cloud API with BotSailor, follow the steps below for setup:
1. Create an App:
Go to the Facebook Developer site.
Click "My Apps" > "Create App".
Select "Business" as the app type.
Fill out the form with the necessary information and create the app.
2. Add WhatsApp to Your App:
On the product page, find the WhatsApp section and click "Setup".
Add a payment method if necessary, and navigate to "API Setup".
3. Get a Permanent Access Token:
Go to "Business Settings" on the Facebook Business site.
Create a system user and assign the necessary permissions.
Generate an access token with permissions for Business Management, Catalog management, WhatsApp business messaging, and WhatsApp business management.
4. Configure Webhooks:
In the WhatsApp section of your app, click "Configure webhooks".
Get the Callback URL and Verify Token from BotSailor's dashboard under "Connect WhatsApp".
Paste these into the respective fields in the Facebook Developer console.
5. Add a Phone Number:
Provide and verify your business phone number in the WhatsApp section.
6. Change App Mode to Live:
Go to Basic Settings, add Privacy Policy and Terms of Service URLs, then toggle the app mode to live.
7. Connect to BotSailor:
On BotSailor, go to "Connect WhatsApp" in the dashboard.
Enter your WhatsApp Business Account ID and the access token.
Click "Connect".
For a detailed guide, refer to our documentation. YouTube tutorial. and also read Best chatbot building platform blog
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alphagodith · 11 months
reminder to all folks working in customer service; please never, EVER give out coworker info (schedule, name, number, etc) to customers. EVER. it's a dangerous breach of privacy- you have no idea what that customer actually wants with your coworker, and if they had any actual legitimate reason to want to contact them, there is no reason why they would need to go through you in order to do so.
was in goodwill today and some lady came in with her husband and son and went straight up to the counter and asked where a woman was by her first name- the employee answered that she wasn't there and when she would be (so now this woman knows when to come back in order to harass this other coworker she was looking for). woman then claimed that she was this absent employee's 'girlfriend', and not a moment later was asking how to spell said 'girlfriend's' first name, and what her last name was, so she could find her on facebook. if y'all are such good friends how the fuck do you not know how to spell her first name??? and with that and the last name, she can now find her online, possibly even get her address. the employee also told this customer that the absent employee was on maternal leave and had just given birth- that is very personal info you should not just hand out to strangers like that!!! and after getting all this info and typing it into her phone, the woman and her husband and son all left, without buying anything or going any further into the store. why on earth did her husband and son come in with her if she was just there to visit a friend? the whole situation was super suspicious and i'm legit worried for the absent employee.
i am not trying to bash the employee that gave this woman all the info she asked for, this isn't really something companies teach employees as far as i know, and he was likely both intimidated by the husband and distracted by the son running around touching everything while the woman interrogated him.
dealing with customers is scary, i get it. but PLEASE if you are in this situation, tell them you don't know anyone by that name/description or that you are legally not allowed to reveal coworker's information like that. you can take a message from the customer for the coworker, but never ever give out their info without their explicit permission.
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azspot · 8 months
All the while, the internet itself is significantly worse to use. Apple and Google’s App Stores are full of “free” apps that are really full of microtransactions and horrible advertisements. Digital advertising has become outright abusive to customers, especially on the mobile web, where a quarter or more of your page is filled with ads or callouts to subscribe. And even those that don’t oftentimes ask for your email address, guaranteeing you a sludge of growth-hacked marketing missives that at times keep coming even when you unsubscribe (and services claiming to help often don’t). Google search has become a sludge of affiliate marketing and SEO content, and even reputable websites are now stuffed with content like “when does this show start?” as a means of tricking Google into sending them traffic. Facebook has become a mess of forced video content and algorithmically-driven nonsense, Instagram no longer reliably shows you your friends’ posts, and Elon Musk has turned Twitter into a steaming pile of crap. Data brokers are literally selling people’s addresses and phone numbers to anybody with a credit card, which is why you keep getting random spam calls all the time. And it all happened in service of pumping their public valuations with eternal growth.
How Tech Outstayed Its Welcome
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This day in history
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I'm in TARTU, ESTONIA! AI, copyright and creative workers' labor rights (TODAY, May 10, 8AM: Science Fiction Research Association talk, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures building, Lossi 3, lobby). A talk for hackers on seizing the means of computation (TODAY, May 10, 3PM, University of Tartu Delta Centre, Narva 18, room 1037).
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#20yrsago Sony’s entertainment business is killing its electronics business https://memex.craphound.com/2004/05/10/sonys-entertainment-business-is-killing-its-electronics-business/
#20yrsago Pixel-counting can un-redact government docs https://cryptome.org/cia-decrypt.htm
#20yrsago MPAA’s Bizarro-world logic https://web.archive.org/web/20060508195757/http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,119414,00.html
#20yrsago Stanislaw Lem is cranky! https://web.archive.org/web/20040513235656/http://www.mosnews.com/interview/2004/04/06/lem.shtml
#15yrsago Antifascist collages that made Hitler crazy https://web.archive.org/web/20090513034540/http://www.quazen.com/Arts/Visual-Arts/The-Extraordinary-Anti-Nazi-Photomontages-of-John-Heartfield.702053
#10yrsago Amazon patents taking pictures of stuff on a white background https://www.diyphotography.net/can-close-studio-amazon-patents-photographing-seamless-white/
#5yrsago Delta targets its workers with anti-union apps that push deceptive memes https://memex.craphound.com/2019/05/10/delta-targets-its-workers-with-anti-union-apps-that-push-deceptive-memes/
#5yrsago Ever, an “unlimited photo storage app,” secretly fed its users’ photos to a face-recognition system pitched to military customers https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/millions-people-uploaded-photos-ever-app-then-company-used-them-n1003371
#5yrsago A former college admissions dean explains the mundane reverse affirmative action that lets the rich send their kids to the front of the line https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/5/1/18311548/college-admissions-secrets-myths
#5yrsago Sanders and AOC team up for an anti-loansharking bill that will replace payday lenders with post-office banking https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2019/05/why-you-should-back-the-sanders-aoc-plan-to-cap-credit-card-interest-rates-at-15-re-launch-the-postal-savings-bank.html
#5yrsago Frontier receives $283.4m/year in taxpayer money, neglects network, rips off customers — and Trump’s FCC won’t investigate https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/05/ajit-pai-refuses-to-investigate-frontiers-horrible-telecom-service/
#5yrsago Google mistakenly handed out a reporter’s cellphone number to people searching for Facebook tech support https://www.vice.com/en/article/zmpm43/google-thought-my-phone-number-was-facebooks-and-it-ruined-my-life
#5yrsago After elderly tenant was locked in his apartment by his landlord’s stupid “smart lock,” tenants win right to use actual keys to enter their homes https://www.cnet.com/home/smart-home/tenants-win-rights-to-physical-keys-over-smart-locks-from-landlords/
#5yrsago Co-founder of Facebook calls for breakup of Facebook https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/09/opinion/sunday/chris-hughes-facebook-zuckerberg.html
#1yrago Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/10/soft-landings/#e2e-r2e
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tehri · 3 months
Meanwhile in Sweden - Banking-Edition, or Why Do I Still Have This Account, or We Have Customer Service (Allegedly)
I really have to wonder if the bank I have an account with in Sweden even wants customers to be able to contact them. Or if they just want anyone who is not already a customer to be unable to contact them.
Context: This bank relies heavily on a digital identification method (as does a lot of shit in Sweden, but that's a whole separate rant). They rely on it to the point that if you, as a customer, try to call them for help with something, you have to identify yourself with that. There used to be a number you could call if you didn't want to use that; this was just for general questions and wasn't really for customers to use. I say that there used to be a number like that, because I tried calling it today, and it demands that particular identification method now. Fun.
Extra context: My old phone is a 2012-model that doesn't support the OS demanded for the new update for the app running this digital identification method. Since March, I haven't had access to any online services for my account, which is An Issue. I recently got a new phone as a graduation gift. A gift that I did not really want and very specifically only got because I am pretty much softlocked out of everything in Sweden if I do not have this particular identification method. Tax-office shit, banks, fucking anything, you NEED this thing (again, separate rant). I still have a fucking student loan to pay off in Sweden, so I've kept the account with this bank for the purpose of Minimal Fuckery (which has turned into Maximum Fuckery).
The problem?
I cannot activate this digital identification method on the new phone. It won't let me. You can normally do this in three differnet ways - using your old phone's one (obviously not possible, it won't even let me use the app now), a security calculator thing (think two-step authentication device; I Had one, but it's dead, and you can't switch batteries in them and the bank doesn't send them to addresses not in Sweden, so this is out too), and a passport or ID. I tried using my passport. Works fine - up until I agree to the final terms and conditions, upon which it suddenly gives me the message that it doesn't work and that it's to do with the bank's terms and conditions, but it doesn't tell me what part of those terms and conditions are broken, so Idk what's up.
The additional problem?
I can't contact the bank for help with this. Can't call - all the numbers are softlocked behind this goddamn identification wall. Can't use a chat-service on their site - it's a virtual assistant, which has always been absolutely useless and pointless and stupid. Can't email - they don't accept queries like these via email or even their own internal messaging system anymore. Can't visit an office - the only branch office in Finland doesn't deal with private customers, only businesses.
I resorted to their Facebook page. Got the answer of A - check the page for how to activate this identification method on a new phone (already checked that multiple times, nothing pertainin to my situation there), B - call [insert number here] and use a code with 5 numbers that you picked yourself at some point as identification method instead (I already called that number, did not receive alternate identification methods as an option, and do not recall at any point ever picking a code for anything, so ?????), or C - visit an office in Sweden to get help (which I do not even know when that could possibly happen, if it's next year or the year after).
Gold star, guys. Such great possibilities to contact you. And no, I'm not mad at the customer service person who sent the answer, I'm just mad at the system they've set up where they are literally impossible to contact for anything if you do not have access to these specific things.
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random question but my besties facebook was hacked and it has all her photos from the last eleven years and messages from her brother who is no longer with us . the hacker changed her email and phone number associated with the account , is she just . shit outta luck , or is there something else we can do ?? facebook's customer service is literally ass .
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apexwaterrestoration · 6 months
Water Damage Restoration in Friendswood, TX
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Water Damage Restoration in Friendswood, TX is a crucial service offered by Apex Water Restoration, a company dedicated to providing top-notch solutions for water-related emergencies. Specializing in the rapid response to water damage, Apex Water Restoration employs a team of skilled professionals who are well-versed in the latest restoration techniques. Their services encompass water extraction, drying, dehumidification, and repair, ensuring that your property is thoroughly restored to its original condition. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and a focus on minimizing property damage, Apex Water Restoration is the go-to choice for reliable and efficient water damage restoration in Friendswood, TX.
Website: https://apexwaterrestoration.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Apex-Water-Restoration/100090928811099/
Phone Number: (832) 990-8022
Business Hours: 24/7 LOCAL SERVICES
Location: 618 Sun Park Dr., Friendswood, TX, United States, Texas
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Unfavorite customer interactions:
Instead of any kind of description of the item they're looking for, "I think it was called like --oh, it was called something like--*weird mouth noise* and I have no idea how you spell that" great, neither do I, this gives us nothing
Instead of a description of the product they lead with it was on Facebook. Ma'am I'm not on Facebook. I saw it on TikTok. Ma'am I'm not on TikTok.
I think I made this one its own post but, holding up a TikTok video and asking "where is this" what is the This you refer to??? Oh the sweatpants? I have no idea, what are they called, what brand? Do you have any information other than "she says she bought them at this store"? I can't identify something's item number by looking at a blurry image of it on a phone screen. How long ago did she buy it? Do we even still carry it? Who knows!!
Calls the product something different than the actual title and makes fun of me for not immediately understanding what they mean (I immediately understood what they meant when they used the actual proper title for the thing and not words that make it sound like a different thing.) Example A: asks about an oatmeal pie. Me, scrambling, unable to parse this information, tells her locations for quick cook oatmeal and for premade pie crusts. She scoffs at me and goes "You don't know what an oatmeal cream pie is?!" Oh, the Little Debbie snack, I know what an oatmeal cream pie is. That's not what you said. Example B: lady comes up and asks about a cricut maker. I did not at the time know what this was and heard it as cricket maker. I ask for more information, what is it etc, and she scoffs at me and goes "you don't know what a cricut maker is?!"
When people ask for an item that has versions in several different space, like baby shoes over here and older toddler/kids shoes over there for example, I ask to make sure I know what they're looking for. Big dude comes up to me and asks where the deodorant is (he walked right past it). Men's and women's are on different aisles so I automatically ask him which he's looking for and suddenly very loud he swears at me and goes I AIN'T NEED NO MOTHERFUCKING WOMEN'S DOEDORANT! and because I was too startled by this outburst to articulate "look, even if you don't believe in gender nonconformity, some people shop for loved ones or family members of a different gender; you're clearly too unpleasant to be on good terms with any women or likely people in general but I couldn't tell that just by looking at you so give me a break" I just gave him both locations in subtle protest and walked away.
I answered someone's question in a way that apparently confused her, and instead of asking for more information or for me to just show her or anything, she said "ok", walked away, found another worker and started complaining to them about how I "seemed like I didn't want to help her" and asked them for help instead. They were brand new and had no idea how to help her. and since I had overheard the whole conversation I went back over to the lady and rudely offered to powerwalk her right over to the item since she hadn't understood my directions on where to find it. She accepted.
I want a non customer service job
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rushikshah · 9 months
How to Optimize website for Local Organic SEO
Optimizing your website for local organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for businesses targeting a local audience. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your local SEO:
1.Keyword Research:
Identify relevant local keywords that potential customers might use to find your products or services. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or SEMrush to discover local search terms.
2.On-Page Optimization:
Include local keywords naturally in your page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content. Optimize your website's URL structure to include location-specific terms. Use schema markup to provide search engines with information about your business, such as address, phone number, business hours, and reviews.
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3.Google My Business (GMB) Optimization:
Claim and verify your Google My Business listing.Ensure your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all platforms.Add high-quality images of your business, products, and services.Encourage and respond to customer reviews on GMB.
4.Local Citations:
Ensure your business information is consistent across online directories, social media profiles, and review sites.List your business on popular local directories such as Yelp, Yellowpages, and local chamber of commerce websites.
5.Local Content Creation:
Create content that is locally relevant and valuable to your audience.Write blog posts, articles, or case studies about local events, news, or community activities.Use local landmarks, events, and news in your content.
6.Mobile Optimization:
Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as many local searches happen on mobile devices.Optimize page loading speed for a better user experience.
7.Local Link Building:
Build local backlinks by partnering with other local businesses, sponsoring local events, or participating in community activities.Engage in local partnerships and collaborations.
8.Social Media Presence:
Be active on social media platforms that are popular in your local area.Share local news, events, and promotions.Use location-based hashtags and geotags in your posts.
9.Online Reviews:
Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook.
Respond promptly and professionally to both positive and negative reviews.
Remember that local SEO is an ongoing process, and staying up-to-date with changes in search engine algorithms and consumer behavior is essential for continued success. Regularly evaluate your efforts and make adjustments accordingly.
Contact us for our Local SEO consultation to increase your website ranking in search engine results pages today.
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datascraping001 · 1 year
Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists
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Car Dealership Email Lists
Contact information for car dealerships across the country is available in Car Dealership Email Lists. The search engine gives you a Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists of all car dealerships, or you can filter by 'new' or 'used' dealers. You can search by States, Counties, Cities and Zip Codes, and search by 100's of demographics, such as employee size and annual sales volume. Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, UAE and Europe.
Data Scraping Services strives to deliver an outstanding Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists for its customers. You will be able to target automobile dealers, automobile manufacturing and auto retail sector through our Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists. Our Car Dealership Database offers accurate, real-time access to a national database of potential auto dealers and car dealers. This document includes names, physical addresses, phone numbers, e- mail addresses, revenue information, license details, etc. Everything you need to know is included within this comprehensive Car Dealership Email Lists. With an accurate Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists of potential customers, you can channel your marketing efforts on your targeted audience easily and with a greater incidence of success.
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With 8% growth in vehicle sales in 2022, there has been a 14.3% increase from the previous year. Our Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists can give you the edge you need to stay ahead of the competition. Our Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists can help you find new customers quickly and boost sales if you provide your products or services to car dealerships or plan on getting into business with them.
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skruffie · 1 year
working regular retail is like... you have a shitty supervisor and they give you feedback at the worst points or make it a spectacle in front of other people, so it really undermines your confidence and you talk about it with your coworkers in whispers in the breakroom but nothing ever happens. they increase the workload and decrease the staff and it gets unbearable so you quit
Working in corporate office is like, you get feedback every single week at the same time on the same day and it is always about what more you need to do but never hear about the things you got right, so you end up never really knowing when you’re doing things right or wrong, then your confidence keeps faltering until you get stabs of dread every fucking friday and think to yourself “people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers”. 
Then you go back to retail, and it’s so low stakes because at this point your confidence is six feet under and you stop giving a fuck about if you’re late and the bosses put you in all your 4′10 noodle-armed glory in the dairy cooler lugging around 27 lb boxes of lemonade and rolling tiers of 80 gallons of milk for $15.75/hr. there’s no union and people look dead eyed in the breakroom as they count down the number of years they have until they’re fully vested in the stocks because this place is ~employee owned~
but all the time, your highest praise when you receive it, is that you are fantastic at customer service
Then you are still in retail, sorta, but it’s specialty retail and this is the first job in your working life where during the downtime you catch your manager on her phone, and then you realize that there are stretches of time where it’s busy and other times where there’s fuckall to do so you can catch up on facebook as long as everything is done. you get into a flow state and fine tune a method of work that is complimentary to your speed and skills, that is until the fucking doctor ceo comes in and then offers critique on connecting with customers--feed back that not once in your near decade of working you have ever had a problem with--and then later on his next store visit accidentally humiliates himself and then later still on the next visit then proceeds to very unprofessionally lecture you in front of patients at the desk
but like. bad managers, you know? you’re furious and lose focus on what you’re doing.
so then your manager, the chill one who you’ve bonded with and who is personally mentoring you to be an assistant manager or general manager someday comes up to you later that week and goes “write me an email about everything that happened from your perspective, and [assistant manager] is doing the same and we’re sending it to [territory director]” and then you take a little breath. because people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers, but this one here is alright.
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choliofficial · 1 year
Business Name: Choli by Mydesistyle Official | Lehenga Malaysia
Street Address: D-2-57, Block Dahlia, 10 Boulevard PJU 6A, SPRINT
City: Petaling Jaya
State: Selangor, Kuala Lumpur
Postal Code: 47400
Country: Malaysia
Business Phone Number: +60 17-444 6766
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.choliofficial.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mydesistylecollection/
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/0174446766
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mydesistyle/
Description: At our bridal boutique, we pride ourselves on our exceptional service and attention to detail. We offer a range of services here in Malaysia, including tailoring and fashion design, to ensure that your outfit is tailored to fit you perfectly and to make you feel confident and beautiful. Our team of experienced dress makers and fashion designers will work with you to create a custom look that is uniquely yours.
🍍 Wedding | Reception | Sangeet | Casual and Party Wear| 🍍 Lehengas, Sherwani, and Suit Materials available 🍍 Do check out our instagram page @choli_bymydesistyle to know more! 🍍 Appointment Based
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=23260233051480416
Business Hours: Sunday 11am-6pm Monday Closed Tuesday 11am-6pm Wednesday 11am-6pm Thursday 11am-6pm Friday 11am-6pm Saturday 11am-6pm
Products: Men’s Kurta Lehenga Saree Sherwani Punjabi Suit Materials Personalized/Customized Clothings
Keywords: Indian clothing store near me Indian clothing Indian bridal shop lehengas Malaysia lehenga Selangor Sarees bridal store bridal store near me wedding lehengas Kurtas Sherwanis Kurtis Punjabi suits Malaysia Clothing store Lehengas Indian fashion Indian boutique Bridal boutique Indian Clothing Store Indian Bridal Shop Malaysian Indian Wedding Boutique Clothes Shop Indian Fashion
Service Areas: Klang Valley, Malaysia Klang, Selangor, Malaysia Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia Subang, Selangor, Malaysia Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia Meru, 41050 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia Pandamaran, 42000 Port Klang, Selangor, Malaysia Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Damansara Damai, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Puchong Perdana, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Damansara Perdana, 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Service Areas:
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Business Name: Arizona Water and Fire Restoration Services
City: San Tan Valley
State: Arizona
Zip Code: 85140
Country: United States of America
Business Phone Number: (480) 525-9799
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.arizonawaterandfirerestoration.services/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arizonawaterandfirerestorationservices
Twitter: https://twitter.com/azwaterandfire
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azwaterandfire/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/arizona-water-and-fire-restoration-services/
Description: Arizona Water and Fire Restoration Services provides water, fire, mold, and biohazard cleanup services for residential and commercial property owners in the Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, San Tan Valley, Queen Creek, Fountain Hills, Gold Canyon, and surrounding areas. We work with IICRC certified technicians who are specially trained for water, fire, mold, and biohazard issues. We work with Insurance based claims and self pay customers. If we do not have technicians available, we will help you find someone to take care of you. We don't want any customer to leave a call with us not sure of what is going to happen next. We are here for you!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10959953194796721368
Business Hours: Sunday 24 hour Monday 24 hour Tuesday 24 hour Wednesday 24 hour Thursday 24 hour Friday 24 hour Saturday 24 hour
Services: Water damage restoration,Fire damage restoration,Mold remediation,Biohazard cleanup,Air duct cleaning,Dryer vent cleaning,Reconstruction
Keywords: Water damage restoration ,Water extraction,Water damage,Storm damage cleanup,Biohazard cleanup,Biohazard cleanup san tan valley az,Water extraction san tan valley,Water extraction queen creek az,Mold remediation san tan valley az,Mold remediation queen creek az
Payment Methods: Cash, Check, Credit/Debit Card
Business/Company Establishment Date: 2/28/2018
Number of Employees: 8
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Cary Schellenberg, [email protected], (480) 525-9979
Service Areas:
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jivesmediasanjose · 1 year
Business Name: Jives Media
Street Address 1: 75 E Santa Clara St
Street Address 2: Suite 202
City: San Jose
State: California
Zip Code: 95113
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (650) 420-7455
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.jivesmedia.com/digital-marketing-agency-in-san-jose-ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JIVESMEDIA/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jivesmedia/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jivesmedia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jivesmedia
Description: Elevate your brand with Jives Media in San Jose: expert digital marketing, PPC, social ads, SEO; attract customers & thrive!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7607890951038682052
Business Hours: Sunday 24 hours Monday 24 hours Tuesday 24 hours Wednesday 24 hours Thursday 24 hours Friday 24 hours Saturday 24 hours
Services: digital marketing services, social media ads, Google Ads, online marketing services, PPC advertising, SEO, search engine optimization, email marketing, marketing for lawyers, marketing for doctors, real estate marketing, social media management, brand awareness, ecommerce SEO, Facebook advertising, reputation management, marketing consulting.
Keywords: healthcare digital marketing, digital marketing near me, digital marketing agency near me, digital marketing services near me, digital marketing agencies near me, digital marketing agency San Jose, San Jose digital marketing agency, digital marketing agency in San Jose, digital marketing agency in San Jose California, social media marketing San Jose, internet marketing San Jose, digital marketing San Jose, SEM agency San Francisco, San Jose local search engine marketing
Service Areas:
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jivesmedi · 1 year
Business Name: Jives Media
Street Address 1: 100 Van Ness Ave
Street Address 2: UNIT 2213
City: San Francisco
State: California
Zip Code: 94102
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (650) 420-7455
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.jivesmedia.com/digital-marketing-agency-in-san-francisco-ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JIVESMEDIA/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jivesmedia/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jivesmedia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jivesmedia
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/jives-media-san-francisco
Description: Jives Media: top San Francisco digital marketing, PPC, social ads, SEO; boosting brands & customers.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=16178623865092741490
Business Hours: Sunday 24 hours Monday 24 hours Tuesday 24 hours Wednesday 24 hours Thursday 24 hours Friday 24 hours Saturday 24 hours
Services: digital marketing services, social media ads, Google Ads, online marketing services, PPC advertising, SEO, search engine optimization, email marketing, marketing for lawyers, marketing for doctors, real estate marketing, social media management, brand awareness, ecommerce SEO, Facebook advertising, reputation management, marketing consulting.
Keywords: digital marketing agency San Francisco, digital marketing agency in San Francisco, San Francisco digital marketing agency, digital marketing San Francisco, healthcare digital marketing, digital marketing near me, San Francisco digital marketing, San Francisco marketing agency, digital marketing agency near me, digital marketing services near me, digital marketing agencies near me, internet marketing San Francisco, content marketing agency San Francisco, digital marketing agency Bay area, digital marketing companies San Francisco, SEM agency San Francisco
Service Areas:
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