#Fairytale - 1544
ao3feedphan · 7 years
Happy Endings are for Fairytales, and Baby, This isn't Cinderella
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2o86NYz
by insecurephangirl
um hi i did a thing and pm i just got angsty
Words: 1544, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Phan, Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: danisnotonfire, amzingphil, Phil Lester, Dan Howell
Relationships: Phan - Relationship, Dan and Phil - Relationship, danisnotonfire and amazingphil - Relationship
Additional Tags: Self-Harm, Suicide, Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2o86NYz
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 16
1501. What did you think of the movie Black Hawk Down? i haven’t watched it 1502. What movie has the most surprising ending ever? shutter island was pretty surprising but that’s the only thing i can think of right now 1503. What are you currently angry at? nothing 1504. Who is harder to please, you or your lover? it’s probably me 1505. What is the most dramatic thing you have ever done for attention? i don’t know
1506. What do you have issues with? plenty of things lol.  this world and all of the crazy shit going on in it 1507. There is a nuclear war and your fallout shelter has room and supplies enough for two. No one knows about the fallout shelter but you. Who do you choose to take in (Remember, the person you choose is the only person you will know in 5-15 years when you can come above ground again)? damn. it’d be so hard to pick.  either jack or one of my parents.  i’m assuming my sister and her wife would be good bc they live in an air force base 1508. Do you have any fillings? yeah 1509. What do you do when you are home alone that you cannot do when other people are at home? nothing really lol.  i do the same shit when i’m alone and when people are here.  masturbate, i guess??? 1510. Have you ever had a near death experience? not that i can remember 1511. Do you read on the toilet? sometimes 1512. Are you afraid of a global nuclear war? not particularly 1513. If there was a global nuclear war would you expect to be a survivor? probably not, tbh 1514. How often do people try to talk to you while you are in the bathroom? a lot, actually 1515. Have you ever swam in the ocean? yes 1516. Have you ever built a sandcastle? yep 1517. Do you feel comfortable in a bathing suit? i sure do 1518. What would be the best season of the year to get married? i think in autumn What would be the best day? maybe friday 1519. What are 2 things that the perfect ___ would do? Boy/girlfriend: be trustworthy and kind Parents: supportive and dependable Friend: funny and adventurous Teacher: intelligent and creative Doctor: personable and make me feel comfortable 1520. If someone you loved was seriously miserable for a long period of time what would you do to help cheer him or her up? i’d try to spend as much time as possible with them and try to make them feel better in any way that i could 1521. What was the best year of your life so far? either 2017 or 2016 1522. When people are born is it predetermined whether they will be a good or bad person? i don’t think so 1523. What is your least favorite bodily function? farting 1524. Does the weather affect your mood? yeah, it really does 1525. If you were underground for 5 years what would you miss the most? being outside 1526. What do you think of the movie Blast from the Past? never seen it 1527. If you were on death row (if you don’t feel evil enough to really ever get there, imagine that you have been wrongly accused and wrongly convicted) what would you want your last meal to be? hot wings, french fries, and some beer 1528. How would you want to die (electric chair, gas, lethal injection, hanging)? as quick as possible, or in my sleep 1529. Who would you want with you when you died? jack and maybe my parents 1530. What would your last words be? i don’t know 1531. What is your favorite summer song? all summer long 1532. Has anyone ever broken a promise to you? yeah 1533. Have you broken a promise to anyone else? i’m sure 1534. Do you eat red meat? sure do 1535. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? someone has said i have before 1536. What would you consider a blessed event? uhhh... i don’t know, in a literal sense, i guess a baptism? 1537. What would you consider a miracle? someone getting saved from dying 1538. Here’s a list of dead rock stars. How big of a loss to the music industry was each one? Dave Williams: Ian Curtis: Aaliah: Rozz Williams: Elvis: Tupac: Michael Hutchence: Sid Vicious: Jimi Hendrix: elvis, i guess??? 1539. What are the most cruel words someone could say to you? probably telling me to die or wishing death upon someone i love 1540. Would you rather catch your parents in bed or have them catch you? i’d rather catch them i guess 1541. If someone offered you $1,000 to cheat on your boy/girlfriend, would you do it? no. 1542. Would you rather date someone 3 years younger than you, or 15 years older? three years younger. 1543. Would you rather like your guy/girl more than s/he likes you, or have him or her like you more? i don’t think i’d be happy with either of those 1544. Which is better, the rush of kissing a new person for the first time, or the comfort of kissing the same person a hundred times? kissing the same person a hundred times, definitely 1544. If you could read your boy/girlfriends mind, but only by letting him or her read yours, would you do it? yeah, i guess 1545. Would you rather lose your bathing suit to a huge wave right in front of a cute lifeguard, or your whole family? my whole family, they know me so it’s not like it matters 1546. Is truth sometimes stranger than fiction? yeah 1547. Do you look back and laugh at things that hurt or were embarrassing at the time? depends on what it is 1548. Would you like to live in the Playboy Mansion? not really 1549. Have you ever looked in anyone’s wallet that wasn’t yours? not unless they told me to 1550. What time and date is it? december 18th 2017 6:49 p.m. 1551. What song would you (or have you) sung karaoke? separate ways or livin on a prayer 1552. Do you run through the sprinkler on a hot day? i would if i had one 1553. Could you survive without: Electricity: i don’t think so Heat: i think i have enough blankets Air conditioning: no, i’d be way too hot in the summer TV: yeah Radio: definitely A car: as long as someone else had a car to drive me 1554. Would you ever consider shaving your head? yeah, actually 1555. What is one thing that will happen to you less than 24 hours from now? i will play some video games 1556. What age would you want to stay forever? i guess the age i am now, 21 1557. What is the softest part of your body? my butt or boobs probably 1558. What would make your day if it happened right now? i won the lottery or got a brand new car somehow 1559. What are you thinking about? sex 1560. Are you on: Drugs: no. The road to nowhere: nah The crazy train: no. 1561. Do you say everything to people’s faces or do you talk behind their backs? i’d rather say it to them. 1562. What is gone that will never come back? my youth haha. 1563. What’s your biggest turn on? when jack grabs my thighs or my neck or pulls on my hair  1564. Have you ever made love in an elevator? no. 1565. Are you spiritually dead? i don’t think so 1566. What’s your favorite care bear? the grumpy one 1567. Do you like the music of Warren Zevon? idk who that is 1568. Have you ever wanted a picture painted onto your car? nahh 1569. Are you an alien in a red striped jumpsuit who plays guitar in a band? no???? idek what that’s from, should i? 1570. If you aren’t an alien in a red striped jumpsuit who plays guitar in a band then who is? IDK? 1571. How many private entries do you have? nada 1572. Are you clumsy? yes, very 1573. As you get older will you let your looks go or have plastic surgery? i’ll just let them go honestly. i don’t care enough 1574. If you wear contacts or glasses would you ever consider laser eye surgery? no because it’s not permanent and it’s very expensive 1575. What is the most expensive thing you own? probably my computer 1576. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘cell’? my phone 1577. Have you ever had goat’s milk? i don’t think so 1578. Do you care how Jennifer Anniston lives her life? not really. 1579. If there was a 'penny per page’ internet tax would you pay it? nah 1580. Do you treat your pets like family members? absolutely 1581. Have you ever eaten tofu? sure have, it’s not that bad either 1582. Do you believe that the 'war on drugs’ is effective? idk. 1583. What would you like to have 435 of (anything but money)? shoes and clothes 1584. How many people know the password to your diary besides you? i don’t have a password for my diary 1585. Do you like Calvin and Hobbes? idek what that is 1586. Have you ever thought of deleting your diary? - 1587. Have you ever thought of moving to OD+? idk what that is 1588. Do 48 hours need 48 thrills? whatttt? 1589. Who do you know that acts phony? plenty of people i work with 1590. Do you like American Pie? yeah, i like it 1591. What is the last law you broke? speeding. 1592. Have you ever run away from home? i always wanted to but never did 1593. Have you had a good feeling today? not really 1594. What was it? - 1595. Did your parents pretend their was a tooth fairy and slip money under your pillow? yep 1596. If yes, how much per tooth? $1 1597. Is there a difference between art and crafts? sure 1598. Have you ever tried out for something? yeah 1599. Did you make it? yeah, sometimes 1600. What’s your favorite lullaby? twinkle twinkle little start, if that counts as a fairytale
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phanfeed-ao3 · 7 years
Happy Endings are for Fairytales, and Baby, This isn't Cinderella
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2o86NYz
by insecurephangirl
um hi i did a thing and pm i just got angsty
Words: 1544, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Phan, Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: danisnotonfire, amzingphil, Phil Lester, Dan Howell
Relationships: Phan - Relationship, Dan and Phil - Relationship, danisnotonfire and amazingphil - Relationship
Additional Tags: Self-Harm, Suicide, Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2o86NYz
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phanfeed-ao3 · 7 years
Happy Endings are for Fairytales, and Baby, This isn't Cinderella
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2o86NYz
by insecurephangirl
um hi i did a thing and pm i just got angsty
Words: 1544, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Phan, Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: danisnotonfire, amzingphil, Phil Lester, Dan Howell
Relationships: Phan - Relationship, Dan and Phil - Relationship, danisnotonfire and amazingphil - Relationship
Additional Tags: Self-Harm, Suicide, Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2o86NYz
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