#Famous Free Spell To Win the Lottery
indianspellcaster · 10 months
Free Spell To Win the Lottery - Mantra To Win Lotto Online
Free Spell To Win the Lottery
Winning lottery isn’t that easy for any person. It is all about the luck and there are many people those who wanted to try their luck in lottery and I am the one who is helping such people with best of my services. I am Astrologer Raj Shastri that is available to provide Free spell to win the lottery.
Yes, if you wanted things to be good for you, I am here for you to guide you with the best possible solution.
Get the spells on phone those will surely help you to shine your luck in astrology.
Contact me now at +91-8289009069 where you can easily discuss your problems with me. I will never let you to ever experience any issues in your life. Follow astrology and soon you will able to improve your luck.
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Genuine Spell Caster Free of Cost
Casting the spells aren’t that easy. There is need of the great knowledge and experience. Therefore, here I am for you just to help you out with my best possible remedies. People will get the best spells, which are worth using.
A person must get the powerful lottery spells those have lots of the benefits. People have seen that how the things will be for a person if they are using the lottery spells. These spells are worth using.
A person can make them lucky
It is possible to win jackpot in a day
A person will have good fortune
And there are lots of the things which are only possible with the use of the lottery spell.
Lottery Spells That Works
People those are having doubts in their mind about the lottery like Is there any spells, which works best for them!
Whether winning a lottery become possible for you!
There are lots of such questions but I am pay after work astrologer that always solves the problem.
Simply get the spells to win lotto, which is the best. This will never let you to ever go through issues. You can make your luck shine for you with best of my suggested spells.  
So, get the lottery spells contacting at +91-8289009069.
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mcheang · 3 years
Lila’s 3 wishes
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Yeah, this is kind of a dark story. I honestly found Lila’s punishment harsh, but that’s what happens when you mess with magic.
Let’s say Lila found a genie’s lamp. Considering the fact that she never does thorough checking on her classmates’ backgrounds, or considers the consequences of claiming to be Ladybug’s Best Friend, assume that Lila knows the general basics of a genie granting wishes. She knows she has 3 wishes, but not that they come with drawbacks.
1. “I wish to be a wealthy celebrity!”
Lila’s mother had a lucky streak. For some reason, she won a lottery prize, casino slot machine prize, and received a lot of money from a dead relation she had never heard of before. Lila is now an heiress. She is also famous as a philanthropist and has been invited to the Wayne gala to make donations to charity. Lila wasn’t keen on giving away money but she loves to make rich friends! Ka-Ching! 🤑
2. “I want Adrien to be my devoted boyfriend.”
Indeed, Adrien was the perfect, attentive gentleman. Lila cackled when she saw Marinette run away to cry in the bathroom. Plus, now Adrien brings her out on expensive dates, gives her branded gifts, and introduced her to the media as his girlfriend.
3. “I want Ladybug to suffer a crushing defeat.”
Yeah, Ladybug was defeated because her partner was absent for some reason (giving Lila a massage). But rather than risk Hawkmoth winning, Ladybug surrendered her miraculous and ordered Tikki to escape. as a result, Hawkmoth could not get the earrings and Marinette was exposed as the teen hero. She died a gruesome death since there was no cure. The town claimed her as a hero. It wasn’t what Lila had been hoping for. She wanted Hawkmoth to win. But hey, at least she also got rid of that annoying Maribrat.
Yeah, this is where things start to go downhill for Lila. Plagg was already alarmed by Adrien’s behavior and met the genie. Tikki came to visit Plagg and furiously blamed Lila for Marinette’s death. She was willing to grant their wish to the genie, offering him freedom without a cost if he would wish for Marinette’s resurrection and Adrien’s free will (otherwise for sure he will suffer too). The genie suggested they let Lila suffer the consequences of genie magic first.
1. Lila got robbed. Now instead of being rich, she is poor. But not before the Waynes exposed her for being a fraud and stealing the money meant for charities. They already disliked her even before she starting talking their ears off.
2. Adrien is obsessed with Lila and it is creeping her out. Ever watched Archie’s Weird Mysteries where Veronica wished for Archie to love her and got a love zombie instead? It’s like that. Adrien stalks her and he can’t sleep so he looks horrible. Lila screamed when she saw his scary appearance as he knocked at her window in the middle of the night. Fortunately, the police got him into a hospital and sedated him. But now Lila is suspected of feeding him a love potion because WTH!? Not to mention Adrien’s fans never liked her, and after seeing his state, they are out for blood! Lila begs protection from the police, but hey they were already going to arrest her anyway for stealing money.
3. Ever since Marinette’s death, the class realised there was no way Lila could be Ladybug’s Best Friend. Guilty and enraged, they decided to investigate. Alix may have used her watch miraculous to find out what happened and learned about the genie. The class manage to retrieve the lamp. They are hesitant about using his powers though.
No worries. The genie decided it was time to use Tikki and Plagg for his wish.
“I wish for Marinette and Adrien and myself to be free of Lila’s wishes.“ Or some wording like that.
Now the genie was free of his lamp and went on his way. he wasn’t interested in being a bad genie and getting zapped by Zatana or Dr Fate. but he was definitely going to live an easy life.
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Marinette was brought back as Bridgette, someone who could live without being pestered by the paparazzi. Adrien woke up from the love spell and wondered why he was in a hospital.
But what was the cost for a resurrected life, freedom, and the breaking of a curse?
Lila thought she would be safe from the hatred of the public, but she was wrong. Someone managed to murder her in her cell. But instead of her soul being sent on to the afterlife for punishment, Lila awoke as a genie spirit, now trapped in a lamp. Well, at least she will be able to cause mayhem with her new powers right? Wrong. The lamp was sent, via Pegasus, to the centre of the earth’s core. Lila was stuck in that lamp, unable to die from this immense heat.
Yikes. Well, maybe if Lila repents, surely the heavens will send someone to rescue her.
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keepitreal1 · 3 years
The Mega Bitch
She was from L.A Rachel Meghan Markle was her name. She wanted to be an A lister complete with fortune & fame
She went from one casting to another and took the advice of her mother. You don't give the milk away for free. Everything you say & do always as a fee
You plot & plan, deceive & contrive. That is how she lived her life
Meghan did get some menial acting parts but she craved adoration like Diana Queen of peoples hearts
She had studied Diana she was completly, utterly obsessed. Soon she got her chance to put her knowledge to the test
She got someone to hook her up with Di's youngest son Prince Harry. She'd missed her chance with Will the one she really wanted to marry
The date with Harry soon came around she'd sprayed herself with Di's perfume she'd learnt about & found
She put on a perfect up to date copy of a Diana outfit, she taught herself the perfect pose in which Diana would sit
Now was the time to act her perfect play, Harry was still grieving Di so would be easy to sway
Nows her time to act & play, to be the perfect Diana, for she had studied her every pose, every look & manner
At Soho house they met, where she told Harry everything he wanted to hear. About how she's a humanatarian and all the charities for which she did care
Meg had got Prince Harry right under her spell, for everything about her was like Diana, she even had her smell
Harry was overwhelmed she was the most beautiful he had seen. She was everything he'd always wanted, everything he could dream
They quickly arranged another date, Meg could not believe he'd taken the bait!
Harry talked of his love for family & Africa she agreed with everything he said. All his dreams were hers he believed her, he was easily led
What Harry didn't know was about her shady past, she'd hired a PR team to hide & to change it fast
Now she had the problem of her family especially Thomas her dear old Dad, for he knew everything about her, they were close, he gave her everything he'd ever had
He had paid her private education with his lottery win but he'd had no money since. Now he's no longer needed, because she'd hooked a Prince
She decided she would set Tom up, she would make him look bad, that is what she did, with him she turned the public mad
She decided her family (except her mum) were all up for the chop with that all & any contact she did stop
Her Dad was heartbroken she was his little girl whom he did adore. But to Meg he'd outlived his usefulness so she didn't need him anymore
Soon Meghan & Harry were wed as her dad watched from his hospital bed. He'd had an heart attack but Meg she didn't care, not even about his health. The only thing she cared about was her new found fame & wealth
Now she'd reached that fortune & fame, she was at a peak but the more she had the more she would seek
They gave her a mansion she wants a palace she is so full of spite & malice. Anyone more popular anyone with more, Kate & Will in particular she did abore
Meg realised she couldn't be Queen, she could not be top, thats when she decided Harry's family were next for the chop
She knew Harry is easy & malleable, she thinks that she is infaliable. With lies & paranoia she started to fill his head, the bad things about his family Harry believed everything she said
The Brits were starting to see her ways, where as in the beginning for her they had nothing but praise
She thinks she is better, above one & all. She believes everyone is below her, everyone is small
She'd gone from man to man using them as stepping stones, no matter what the Royals give her she always whines & moans
With Meghan her beauty is only skin deep, for real beauty comes from deep within, her heart is NOT pure its filled with hate & sin
She believes she is the best, she thinks she is so much better than the rest. She is magnificent, a leader, a saint, at least thats the picture she does paint
She doesn't care about anyone but herself she is a narcissist, she as delusions of grandeur she believes only she is A list
She believes she should be worshipped, she believes she should be praised, everyone should love her, all she should amaze
She thinks she is righteous and oh so god like, but we see what she is an old, used bike.
She calls us all racist but its her actions with which we are p!ssed. The Brits don't like to be used, especially when it is they who pay. We are sick of her behaviour, her always getting her way
Rachel Meghan Markle had a plan from the start, with her Diana act she had won Harry's heart
Her dear old Dad who'd spoiled her rotten, he stayed in Mexico & was forgotten
Meghan had got what she wanted, to be famous & mega rich, she was not adored though, for people don't like a sanctimonius, supercilious b!tch
By keepitreal1
Also on twitter @it_real1
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Deemo -prelude- Chapter 4 English translation
i had my exams last month and was too damn tired to clean and translate this so i put off finishing this chapter to september lol (plus i usually only post on thursdays). sorry but in terms of my extra free labour priorities that i hate doing, deemo comes last because it involves photoshop (my hatred goes: photoshop > arranging notes into a score > translating > picking out notes from a song hahaha).
chapter notes and encoded link below since there are more this time.
as always, I translated this from Chinese so my tl not be 100% accurate if compared to the JP raws
please don’t reupload elsewhere (especially to social media), and don’t remove my credits page. additionally, this is not to be profited off of in any way and is intended to for one’s private enjoyment only.
i despise photoshop and cleaning... and i almost gave up on cleaning the panel that has the “I still really” text  (mind i still did a shitty job cuz i suck with photoshop and i did try to cover most of it but still!). not looking forward to cleaning the next chapter..  or maybe i’ll just  white everything out. haha...*sigh* iuno. i never have motivation to photoshop stuff.
went back to my older chapters and added in the text on the title pages... since i kinda overlooked them? still, i don’t care to clean those pages (waaaaaaay too much work involved in that. maybe if someone gave me thousand dollars would i consider...and only consider doing that xD [aka never happening unless i happen to win the lottery]).
on that note, i should probably mention that I purposefully skip translating the ストーリー text boxes since they’re just recaps... and it’s way too much effort to do anything with them cuz English is not a language that looks good when typed vertically and I do not like squishing text.
i should probably delaying uploading my chapters to mangadex by a week. im a tad lazy with the editing for this since i already hate translating anything that involves the usage of photoshop... and i keep noticing errors that ive now gone and fixed in my older chapter translations... though i am sorta annoyed how i’ve kept on spelling “La campanella” incorrectly. -.- well, i’ll fix things on that site eventually... whenever they get their edit function working again.
i went back and changed Hans’ dream to being a “world-famous” pianist (left world-renowned since that basically means the same thing) in chapter 3, since chp 4 gave me more context which made that make sense to me
ive noticed my scanlations on other aggregate sites aside from mangadex... and while that admittedly doesn’t actually bother me given the sites I use to read manga, if i ever see my uploads without their credits page, i’ll just make my translations for Deemo solely available through patreon (the removal of credits pages crosses a very hard line for me).
i’ve completely given up trying to find clean raws since the site i used for this manga went down. oh well lol. suppose that just means that i’ll do more of what i did for chp 3 and now 4 going forward since i had no luck in finding another site after an hour and i’m a firm believer in not doing anything more than necessary when doing things for free (i can afford to be lazy when doing shit for free lol).... also, im not willing to buy the raws either since i have no money for that hahaha... 
 below is not a link. its a bunch of chars that needs to be decoded via base64decode to reveal the link
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hadeschan · 3 years
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We’re sorry, this item has sold out
item # K12B4N8
RARE and LIMITED EDITION Pra Khun Paen Luang Phor Toon, Lang Kumanthong Ok Seuk. A Pra Khun Paen amulet with figure of a standing Golden Boy holding a sword and ready to fight in the back, made by Luang Phor Toon of Wat Phonimit, Bangkok. Made from mainly Din Jet Pacha (earth and human ashes collected from 7 Most Haunted Cremation Sites / Grave Yards in Bangkok) blended with holy powder, bone fragments of dead babies, and powder crushed from broken baked clay ancient Pra Khun Paen Gru Ban-krang, Supanburi Province. This Pra Khun Paen is the 1st Batch of Pra Khun Paen amulets made by Luang Phor Toon, and it was made in BE 2495 (CE 1952) at the amount of 1,000 pieces only. After making this Batch of Pra Khun Paen amulets, Luang Phor Toon kept all amulets in a box hiding under the ceiling of his Guti (Monk House), then links the amulets in the box with Sai Sinn (holy white strings) passed through the ceiling down to his seat, and wrapped Sai Sinn around his both palms, and blessed those amulets every night before sleeping for another 34 years, And Luang Phor Toon gave some amulets to his Looksit (followers/worshippers) in BE 2529 (CE 1986).
It contains “Pong Prai Kuman Maha Pood”, a type of special holy powder that blended with bone fragments and ashes of dead babies, and all the spirits of the dead were forced into the amulets and controlled with magic spells. The spirits must help the amulets owner for what they ask of, to gain the merits for spirits themselves to the next world. And this Bach of amulets was blessed by Luang Phor Toon every night for 34 years.
*Also blessed by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Nuam of Wat Anong-karam, Luang Phu Toh of Wat Pradoochimplee, Luang Phu Seng and Luang Phu Sah of Wat Kanlayanamit, and LP Tinn of Wat Pa Rayrai…
The Pra Khun Paen is a type of amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj seating inside an elaborate arch. This type of amulet was first discovered at Wat Pra Roop Archaeology Site, Suphanburi Province. And such type of ancient baked clay amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj is called “Pra Khun Paen” ever since. It was called Pra Khun Paen to honor the Thai famous Warrior General Khun Paen, the Governor of Suphanburi Province in the Kingdom of Ayutthaya.
*with Certificate of Authenticity issued by GUARANTEE-PRA (G-PRA)
BEST FOR: Pra Khun Paen is one of Thailand’s Best amulets for Nak-layng, ruffian (a violent person, especially one involved in crime), Mafia Boss, Crime Prevention Police Officer, Park Ranger, Field Soldier and Nak-layng Poo Ying (a connoisseur of women / a womanizer). Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls, Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people love you, and be nice to you), Wealth & Prosperity, Maha Laap (it brings lucky wealth). It warns danger coming ahead, Klawklad Plodpai (it helps push you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), and Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you).  And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic). Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. And Baihuay, the spirits of the dead may tell/give hints of winning lottery numbers.
DIMENSION: 4.00 cm high / 2.60 cm widest / 1.30 cm thick
item # K12B4N8
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days  handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
122 Random Questions
Since we’re all stuck in, let’s take a chance at a get you know one another. Pick some Questions and feel free to ask. 
1. If You Had The World’s Attention For 30 Seconds, What Would You Say?
 2. If You Had To Work But Didn’t Need The Money, What Would You Choose To Do? 
3. What Is In Your Fridge Right Now? 
4. If You Were Home On A Rainy Sunday Afternoon, What Movie Would You Most Want To See On Television?
 5. Where Do You Not Mind Waiting?
6. If You Could Close One Fast Food Chain, Due To Disgusting Food, What Would You Pick? 
7. If You Could Dis-Invent One Thing, What Would It Be? 
8. If You Could Be A Member Of Any TV-Sitcom Family, Which Would It Be? 
9. What Would Be The Best Thing About Not Having A Sense Of Smell? 
10. Would You Leave Your Hometown Forever Or Stay In Your Hometown Forever? 
11. When Scrolling Through Social Media, Do You Prefer Posts From Celebrities Or From Your Best Friends? 
12. Is There An App That You Hate But Use Anyways? 
13. If You Could Only Speak One Word Today, What Would You Say? 
14 What Is The Stupidest Thing You’ve Done Because Someone Dared You To? 
15. What Is The Stupidest Thing You’ve Done On Your Own Free Will? 
16. Coffee Or Tea? 
 17. What Part Of Your Body Could Use A Little Lotion? 
18. What Part Of The Human Face Is Your Favorite? 
19. Do You Do Dance Crazy When No One Is Looking? 
20. Favourite Animal To Have As A Pet?
21. If You Could Wedgie Any Historical Figure, Who Would You Pick?
 22. How Come You Never Read About A Psychic Winning The Lottery? 
23. White Or Whole Meal Bread? 
24. You’ve Been Given An Elephant. You Can’t Get Rid Of It. What Would You Do With It? 
25. What’s The Wildest Thing You’ve Ever Done In A Hotel Room? 
26. Would You Rather Be Trapped In An Elevator Full Of Men With BO Or Three Soaked Dogs? 
27. Would You Rather Live (Permanently) In A Roller Coaster Park Or In A Zoo? 
28. Would You Rather Look Like A Potato, Or Feel Like A Potato? 
29. You’re In The Circus, Would You Rather Be The Person With Their Head Inside The Lion’s Mouths Or Get Shot Out Of The Cannon? 
30. Would You Rather Never Be Able To Express Yourself Accurately Or Always Have To Say The Exact Truth?
31. Would You Rather Be Able To Copy And Paste In Real Life, Or Undo In Real Life? 
32. Would You Rather Keep Your Current Sleep Schedule Or Hibernate For 3 Months And Have 9 Months Of 24/7 Alertness Without Being Tired? 
33. Would You Rather Have A Permanently Clogged Nose Or A Piece Of Green Food Always Stuck In Your Teeth? 
34. Would You Rather Be Able To Breathe Underwater Or Have The Agility Of A Cat? 
35. What Makes Someone A Hero? 
36. If You Inherited A Private Jet From A Stranger, What Would You Do With It? 
37. What Are You Freakishly Bad At? 
38. What’s Something You’ve Tried, That You’ll Never, Ever Try Again? 
39. What Are The Qualities You Really Enjoy In A Friend? 
40. In What Situation Or Place Would You Feel The Most Out Of Place In?
41. Would You Rather Have Unlimited Sushi For Life Or Unlimited Tacos For Life? 
42. What’s An Ideal Holiday/Vacation For You? 
43. What’s A Common Thing That You Think About When You’re Alone? 
44. What Is The Most Difficult Challenge Thus Far In Your Life? 
45. If You Could Change One Thing About Your Upbringing, What Would It Be? 
46. When You Are Old, What Do You Think Children Will Ask You To Tell Stories About? 
47. When Things Break, Do You Prefer To Fix Them Or Replace Them? 
48. What Product Would You Seriously Stockpile If You Found Out They Weren’t Going To Sell It Anymore? 
49. Do You Recycle? 
50. What’s The Best On-Screen Bromance/Sisterhood? 
51. What Is Your Favorite Type Of Workout? 
52. If Your Food Is Bad At A Restaurant, Would You Say Something? 
53. How Often Do You Look At Your Phone Every Day? 
54. Describe Your Life Using One Word. 
55. Have You Ever Cried At A Movie? 
56. Who From Your Past Do You Really Wish You’d Stayed In Contact With? 
57. When You Meet Someone You’re Attracted To, What Do You First Notice About Them? 
58. Do You Have Tattoos? 
59. What Do You Think About Clowns? 
60. If You Had All The Money In The World, What Would Be The First Thing You’d Buy? 
61. Who Gives You The Courage To Try New Things?
62. Are You Willing To Give The Shirt On Your Back To Someone Who Needs It The Most? 
63. If You Could Rewrite The Ending To A Novel/Movie/TV Show Which One Would It Be? 
64. What Are You Most Looking Forward To In The Next 10 Years? 
65. What Do You Wish You’d Accomplished By Now In Life? 
66. What’s The Craziest Or Most Out-Of-Character Thing You’ve Ever Done? 
67. What Are You Most Likely To Stay Up All Night Talking About? 
68. What Do You Get Every Time You Go Grocery Shopping? 
69. Spontaneity Or Stability? 
70. What Are You Most Likely To Become Famous For? 
71. What Makes People Perfect For Each Other? 
72. Do You Ever Want To Just Walk Away From Technology?
73. What’s The Most Interesting Thing You’ve Seen Online This Week? 
74. What Makes You Smile? 
75. What’s The Best Way To Spend A Rainy Afternoon? 
76. What’s One Difference Between Us That You Love? 
77. What Chore Do You Absolutely Hate Doing? 
78. What’s Your Least Favorite Mode Of Transportation? 
79. What Sound Do You Love? 
80. If You Could Paint A Picture Of Any Scenery You’ve Seen Before, What Would You Paint? 
81. What Is Something You Learned In The Last Week? 
82. What Was The Last Experience That Made You A Stronger Person?
83. What Is Your First Memory Of Being Really Excited? 
84. At What Age Did You Become An Adult? 
85. The Best Part Of Waking Up Is? 
86. If You Could Learn Any Language Fluently, What Would It Be? 
87. Do You Get Along With Your Parents? 
88. What Is The One Food That You Would Never Give Up? 
89. If You Had Unlimited Resources, How Would You Live Your Life? 
90. When Was The Last Time You Took Some Time To Be Alone? 
91. What Habits Are Holding You Back From Success? 
92. What Is The Source Of Your Procrastination? 
93. Who Are You Becoming? 
94. Do You Think Any Kind Of Afterlife Exists? 
95. What’s Your Personal Image Of God? 
96. What Would Be Harder For You, To Tell Someone You Love Them Or That You Do Not Love Them Back? 
97. When You’re 90 Years Old, What Will Matter Most To You? 
98. Do You Serve Money Or Does Money Serve You?
99. What Do People Do Too Much Of Today? 
100. If You Could Trade Lives With Someone, Who Would It Be? 
101. Do You Believe It’s Possible To Maintain Platonic Friendships With Members Of The Opposite Sex? 
102. What’s One Thing No One Knows About You?
103. Hero Or Villain For A Day? 
104. Is Never Returning Something You Borrowed Considered Stealing?
105. Have You Ever Dropped Food On The Floor And Then Picked It Up And Ate It? 
106. Never Have I Ever Hidden Cigarettes So My Parents Wouldn’t Know I Was Smoking. 
107. Never Have I Ever Been Fooling Around In A Car And Accidentally Honked The Horn. 
108. Never Have I Ever Been Electrocuted. 
109. If You Could Create Your Own Job Title, What Would It Be? 
110. How Many Pancakes Have You Eaten In A Single Sitting?
111. Do You Lick Your Plate? 
112. Do You Have A Special Place You Like To Visit Regularly? 
113. What Is The Reason You Are Most Grateful In Your Life?
114. If A Movie Was Made About Your Life Who Plays Your Mom?
115. Favorite Day Of The Week? 
116. What Life Lessons Would You Pass On To Your Children? 
117. Do You Feel Like The Good Time Outweigh The Bad? 
118. Who Or What Inspires You To Be A Better Person? 
119. What Time Do You Normally Go To Bed? 
120. What Is The Best And Worst Part Of Your Personality? 
121. What Spells Fun For You? 
122. Do You Believe In Bigfoot?
Questions from  www.mantelligence.com (some have been changed)
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3 notes · View notes
Who is your hero? Jesus
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Cali
What is your biggest fear? My parents or sisters passing away
What is your favorite family vacation? Florida when we stayed over for 2 weeks in Orlando.
What would you change about yourself if you could? My temper/ impatience
What really makes you angry? Ignorance, stupidity and questioning me
What motivates you to work hard? My family and my future family (husband, kids etc)
What is your favorite thing about your career? The friendships I have built
What is your biggest complaint about your job? The clients are rude.
What is your proudest accomplishment? My position at work.
What is your child's proudest accomplishment? winning spelling bee first place in school
What is your favorite book to read? The Bible.
What makes you laugh the most? Jokes and funny stories
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings. It was an amazing movie!
What did you want to be when you were small? A veterinarian
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? I don’t have a child yet.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? To be at home playing guitar and singing and watching Netflix
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? Soccer and volleyball
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Ride a bike
What would you sing at Karaoke night? Bohemian rhapsody
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? 103.5 and 99.1
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? Vacuum the house
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Cleaning
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Rice, beans, tomatoes and breaded chicken clutet
Who is your favorite author? I don’t have one
26. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Jen, jeje, deda etc
27. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? I like surprises. It makes me feel special.
28. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Watch a movie
29. Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Hawaii. I don’t like the cold.
30. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Win the lottery. So I would be able to do the things I want to do quicker
31. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? My bf
32. If money was no object, what would you do all day? I would sing and learn instruments
33. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 2008
34. How would your friends describe you? Funny, loving, sarcastic
35. What are your hobbies? Singing, playing guitar, drawing
36. What is the best gift you have been given? The gift of another chance after suffering twice.
37. What is the worst gift you have received? Black adidas sneakers with a heel
38. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? My phone
39. List two pet peeves. Liars, cheaters
40. Where do you see yourself in five years? Married, with two kids and a house
41. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I don’t know I never counted lol
42. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? The power of absorbing powers
43. What would you do if you won the lottery? I would buy my parents a house, buy a house for myself, buy a few houses to rent, buy a car and save the rest to invest.
44. What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) car
45. What's your favorite zoo animal? Gorilla and monkeys
46. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? Getting married
47. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Jesus, Michael Jackson, Sam heughan, Leonardo da vinci.
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4
49. What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? 1 day. Because of an event for church
50. What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? I don’t remember
51. Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? Looks for intelligence
52. How often do you buy clothes? Often lol
53. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yes
54. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas
55. What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Have sex in the living room while my bfs mom was in the room next to it
56. What was the last thing you recorded on TV? I never recorded anything on TV
57. What was the last book you read? This Christian book I don’t remember the name.
58. What's your favorite type of foreign food? Chinese
59. Are you a clean or messy person? In the middle
60. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Blake lively
61. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 10-15 min
62. What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Plates
63. What's your favorite fast food chain?
Chick a fill a
64. What's your favorite family recipe? Feijoada
65. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Love it but scared of it at the same time
66. What's your favorite family tradition? Waiting for it to be midnight to have a group hug and sing happy bday for each of our bdays
67. What is your favorite childhood memory? Climbing the magi trees and eating mango from all the way at the top.
68. What's your favorite movie? The white chicks
69. How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? Since I was a toddlers lol my parents never taught us that. We are Christians.
70. Is your glass half full or half empty? Half full
71. What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? Get married
72. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? A knife, a pot, sleeping bag.
73. What was your favorite subject in school? Arts
74. What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Frog legs
75. Do you collect anything? Super Mario figures
76. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? Not really
77. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I’m in the middle.
78. Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? Smell def
79. Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) yes I have
80. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? Not that I know of
81. What do you do to keep fit? I try to eat somewhat well
82. Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken? We are each others bestfriends
83. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce? No racism
84. Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? Mrs Amaral in middle school. She was very funny and playful. Mrs Barros in high school. She was loving and kind.
85. What three things do you think of the most each day? Getting a divorce, being free of my ex and being in a normal relationship with my current bf
86. If you had a warning label, what would yours say? I’m very sarcastic
87. What song would you say best sums you up? I can’t think of one
88. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Blake lively
89. Who was your first crush? This boy from my county names Joubert
90. What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? The sky
91. On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 10 lol I’m a clown
92. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Same as the one from 5 years + with a carrer.
93. What was your first job? Babysitter
94. If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? Hillsong United or Elevation worship
95. How many languages do you speak? 2 and a half
96. What is your favorite family holiday tradition? Dancing and playing bingo
97. Who is the most intelligent person you know? My friend Kamyla
98. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? A tiger
99. What is one thing you will never do again? Accept to be treated like garbage
100. Who knows you the best? My friend bianca
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hadeschan · 4 years
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Pra Khun Paen Soom Ruan Kaew, Luang Phor Guay, Nua Din. A baked clay Pra Khun Paen amulet. Made from many types of sacred earth, for instance; earth from holy temples in Thailand, Din Kui Puu (earth balls piling up in front of male crabs’ holes to tempt female crabs to mate), Din Jet Ta (earth from 7 bus/boat destination terminals filled with lovers’ mind power while waiting for one they love to come homes), Din Jet Pa Cha (earth taken from 7 most haunted cemeteries), and various types of holy powder. Made by Luang Phor Guay of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chainat Province after BE 2500 (CE 1957)
“ขอศิษย์ทั้งหลาย อย่าอด อย่าอยาก อย่ายาก อย่าจน อย่าต่ำกว่าคน อย่าจนกว่าเขา”
“All of my Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) will be away from destitution, failure, hardship & difficulty in living, poverty, inferiority, and deterioration in quality of life.”
Luang Phor Guay was highly respected by Luang Phor Pare of Wat Pikulthong, Singburi Province. Many Batches of Luang Phor Pare’s amulets were blessed by Luang Phor Guay first, Luang Phor Pare would bring them to Luang Phor Guay and ask Luang Phor Guay to bless them for him before the Grand Blessing Ceremonies…
BEST FOR: Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls, Metta Maha Niyom (helps make people love you, and be nice to you), Klawklad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), and Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you). Maha Laap (brings lucky wealth). It warns danger coming ahead, Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam (helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic). And Baihuay, the spirits of the dead may tell/give hints of winning lottery numbers.
Pra Khun Paen
The Pra Khun Paen is a type of amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj seating inside an elaborate arch. This type of amulet was first discovered at Wat Pra Roop Archaeology Site, Suphanburi Province. And such type of ancient baked clay amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj is called “Pra Khun Paen” ever since. It was called Pra Khun Paen to honor the Thai famous Warrior General Khun Paen, the Governor of Suphanburi Province in the Kingdom of Ayutthaya.
Pra Nua Din (amulets made from earth) of Luang Phor Guay
The earth amulets made by Luang Phor Guay are considered as the early work of Luang Phor Guay since BE 2482 (CE 1939) at the age of 34, and 15 years in monkhood. LP Guay made earth amulets soon after had just completed his studies with Luang Phu Sri of Wat Pra Prang, Singburi Province, and Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho, Nakorn Sawan Province. LP Guay also found ancient magical scriptures hidden inside a hole in an old tree. At that period of time, it was in World War II, people were suffering from famine, starvation, death and injuries from allied bombing raids on Thailand. LP Guay said that people had hard times, and without people Buddhism could not exist, so LP Guay started making amulets to help people. Not only for people’s safety, but also for better livings, LP Guay devoted the whole of his time, his knowledge, and his power to make amulets for them for free.
The soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth
LP Guay mentioned that the soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth, it accumulates all power of good deeds of all Arhats (or Luohan), Bodhisattva and Buddha as long as you and your enemies are standing/living on the earth, the Pra Mae Thoranee will witness good deeds and bad deeds, if you have made good deeds, then your good deeds have already witnessed by Pra Mae Thoranee, Pra Mae Thoranee will help you, and your enemies could not do any harm to you. And the difficulties of your life, Pra Mae Thoranee also witnesses, and Pra Mae Thoranee will ease all of your difficulties.
Pra Mae Thoranee (the Earth Goddess / the Mother Earth)
In temple murals, Pra Mae Thorani is often depicted with the Buddha in the mudra known as calling the earth to witness (Maravijaya Gesture in Thai). The waters flowing forth from her long hair wash away the armies of Mara and symbolize the water of the Bodhisattva's perfection of generosity (dana parami).
Calling the earth to witness / Maravijaya Gesture
In the iconography of Gautama Buddha in Laos and Thailand, "touching the earth" mudra (Maravijaya Gesture) refers to the Buddha's right hand pointing towards the earth to summon the Earth Goddess to come to his assistance in obtaining enlightenment by witnessing to his past good deeds.
According to Buddhist myths, Pra Mae Thorani is personified as a young woman wringing the cool waters of detachment out of her hair to drown Mara, the demon sent to tempt Bodhisattva (Gautama Buddha, before gaining his enlightenment) as he meditated under the Bodhi Tree.
The Bodhisattva was sitting in meditation on his throne under the Bodhi Tree, Mara, the Evil One, was jealous and wanted to stop him from reaching enlightenment. Accompanied by his warriors, wild animals and his daughters, he tried to drive the Bodhisattva from his throne. All the gods were terrified and ran away, leaving the Bodhisattva alone to face Mara's challenge. The Bodhisattva stretched down his right hand and touched the earth, summoning her to be his witness. The earth deity in the form of a beautiful woman rose up from underneath the throne, and affirmed the Bodhisattva's right to occupy the throne under the Bodhi Tree. She twisted her long hair, and torrents of water collected there from the innumerable donative libations of the Bodhisattva over the ages created a flood. The flood washed away Mara and his army, and the Bodhisattva was freed to reach enlightenment.
Buddhist water libation, a ritual pouring of a liquid
In Buddhism in Thailand, the water ceremony (grùat náam), which involves the ceremonial pouring of water from a small vase into a cup, drop by drop, concludes most Buddhist ceremonies including donation celebrations and feasts. This ceremonial libation is done to share the accrued merit with all other living beings in all 3 worlds of existence. While the water is poured, a confession of faith is recited and led by the monks. Then, the merit is distributed by the donors by saying “I-mina Punya-gammayna U-patchaya Kunuttara” three times. Pra Mae Thoranee (the earth goddess / the Mother Earth), is invoked to witness these meritorious deeds. Afterward, the water after libation is poured on earth under the tree outside, to return the water to the Pra Mae Thoranee.
DIMENSION: 5.50 cm high / 3.30 cm widest / 1.10 cm thick
item # N7F42
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location:Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to:Worldwide
Delivery:Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping:FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments:PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay
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thaiamulet-us · 4 years
Mae Per True Powerful Attraction Love spell : The Thai Occult Amulets
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  Mae Per True Powerful Attraction Love spell : The Thai Occult Amulets
The powerful amulet that will improve your luck and your influence over others. It earns the wearer profound respect and prosperity. It is suitable to improve your business dealings and business negotiations. Mae Per amulet Made By : Lp Kruba Kampeng This item begins to work its magic on everyone around you! It is a magical talisman constructed and empowered for high levels of attraction and fascination powers. Humans have been superstitious from the beginning of civilization. Though we’ve come a long way from there, we still believe a supernatural force will protect us from everything evil, Mae Per amulet  are believed to bring health, wealth and keep evil away from us. These Mae Per powerful good luck charms are quite popular and we are sure you must have heard of the before. Magical Powerful  Mae Per Attraction Love spell: It can be used for all sex both men and women or Bisexual
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Holy Materials : For Mae Per True Powerful Attraction Love spell
100% Fused With Powerful Holy Energy Lp Kruba Kampeng created this Mae Per magical assistant for increasing luck and wealth, and protecting against black magic and evil entities, ghosts and demons,the Mae Per is a very subtle but powerful tool for increasing the chances of Love and Attraction occurring in your chosen target. Mae per amulet this is a high spiritual empowerment, which is also provided with an empowered rosary,The power contained is one which has been specially transmitted from a spiritual Lp Kruba Kampeng to disciples to assist in any life problems they may be facing. It can be used to request blessings and assistance to areas of your life where you may be facing problems. The Mae per can be requested to aid in areas regarding wealth and prosperity, career advancement, barren couples to conceive children, passing examinations, protection, and many other aspects of your life.
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  Mae Per >>> Who is She?
Mae Per : is an effigy in the form of a woman sitting in the act of giving birth, Fertility and the magic of the female entwined with the magic of producing life through pain and blood, which represents the great sacrifice of a Mother to give up her blood, body and mind to her children and those she loves. In the Khmer belief, it is held that the Mae per Deity is the greatest form of Metta ,love and luck with great power to win over your enemies to friends, attract customers, and admirers of both sexes. She is also possessed with the Hong Prai Spirit which has power to convince the ruling deva of the Gambling Tables, and to call lucky windfalls in Lottery Gambling. For those who wish to use the amulet as a love charm to find the love (or solution) to their life,
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Magical effects : Mae Per amulet the Powerful Attraction Love spell
Mae Per possesses supernatural abilities personal charisma & strong Personal magnetism that may have been previously untapped and hidden within; it also aids in the power of attraction & enchantment so that the user becomes an irresistible force to be reckoned with. Woman will suddenly find those entrenched with the Mae Per Powerful to be sexy, Whether you are a famous starlet or a regular woman on the go who is in need of a great boost in self-confidence this magical power will aid you greatly and enhance your beauty, grace and charm most spectacularly. Your auric field will attract men and your presence will enchant them! One is looking for a suitable love partner in life, this Mae Per amulet can help you find the perfect match of your dreams. Furthermore, the mystical properties of this amulet, can also be used to restore a broken marriage or love relationship, allowing the separated couple to reunite again. This a powerful amulet that will improve your luck and your influence over others. It earns the wearer profound respect and prosperity. It is suitable to improve your business dealings and business negotiations.   The Mae Per amulet can requested to aid in areas regarding wealth and prosperity, career advancement, and Strong sexual attraction. You will be able to attract people sexually. Following your sexual orientation, well  liked by the people around you,Social and professional environment. Whether you know them or not, people will generally be nicer to you. This is an advantageous push and additional advantage for sales professionals and service professionals who genuinely want to do well in your job. Mae Per are magic items that have power to protect you from evil and bring happiness and luck to your life ,an attract luck and make you healthy, make feelings stronger or make you more attractive to members of the opposite sex. Also I Mae Per which can protect you from energy vampires or most horrible curses.
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How to use the Love Attraction Mae Per Tips;
Keep the Mae Per : The Thai Occult Amulets  upon your person and recite the magical mantra that comes with it and you will put forth a magical aura that tremendously increases your charisma and attraction to the opposite sex, To get maximum power from your amulets, wear them as much as you can.
Mae Per True Powerful Attraction Love spell
> Enhancing Your Wealth Fetching & Business/Sales Luck, Gambling Luck. Secure Good fortune to Prosperity (Ideal For Windfall Luck & Attracting Customers & Opportunities To You) > Quick Boost Of Persuasion & Influencing Power; Success in Negotiation In Different Usages e.g. In Business Deals, In Convincing Your Partner, etc > This amulet is ideal for anyone who wants to succeed in businesses. > Change bad luck to good luck, > will help you get good business and gamble. In addition on love ,wish and sex and so on. > improve and tighten your broken relationship, gain back your love spouse attention, lovers , > Bring good luck and wealth especially in business, protect the owner from harm > > Great for convincing customers ,clients to take your offers, successfully seal important deals, attract unexpected Bonuses, promotions. > To attract good luck, wealth, health and happiness. Good and forever prosperity. > Magically enchant your target for love or attraction purposes > Improves your personal appearance and aura > Influence people around you with ease > Improves your career graph dramatically > Protection from harm and bad influence and evil  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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Mae Per : The Thai Occult Amulets : True Powerful Attraction Love spell $49Free Shipping
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Note :…………………………… Guarantee you the most powerful amulet you can get, using only the finest tools and most sacred forms of magick that has been used for centuries with extraordinary results. > All items will come with an Item Instruction Paper. > An Items may vary in size, colour and appearance from the image shown; however its purpose will remain the same as that described above. > The information given for this item is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease, nor is it presented as an alternative to regular medical attention. If you are in need of medical attention please contact a health professional. Some information we supply is obtained from historical sources, own experiences or represent opinions of a published author. Payment Method: ACCEPT PAYPAL or Western Union.. ONLY!! Free Shipping:Worldwide............... The product would be carefully packed, The package would be delivered from Bangkok Thailand through Registered Air Mail Via Thailand Post Co.,Ltd. Please allow 14 - 17 Business Days for shipment arrival. Package would be delivered within 2 business days upon the receipt of Payment. Thank you very much & Good Luck and Happy and Enjoy Shopping     Read the full article
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markdecastroweb · 4 years
Some of the weird names lottery winners use to claim their prizes will make you smile
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This 78-year-old grandfather of three used this nom de plume to conceal his identity. READ MORE
An older man walked into Cincinnati attorney John R Brinker’s office a few years ago looking for some advice.
He had won $656,000 through the Ohio Lottery’s Rolling Cash 5 game and wanted to preserve his anonymity. Ohio allows trusts to claim lottery prizes so the identity of big winners can remain a secret.
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‘The Three Amigos’ managed to hide behind their $218 million Mega Millions win.
The man needed a proper name for his trust, reported the Beacon Journal.
Brinker looked the winner up and down and, on the spot, came up with the perfect name — “The Wish This Had Happened Sooner Trust.”
“The money would have been more enjoyable if he had been a little younger when he won,” Brinker said with a chuckle, recalling the experience.
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“The Lucky Winners” wasn’t at all original, but it did the job for these $128 million Powerball winners.
The Wish This Had Happened Sooner Trust is far from the only humorous or interesting name for a trust that has collected prize money in the Buckeye State over the years.
While many people are fine with having their names made public after a big win, others choose the trust route to keep their identity away from prying public eyes.
The trusts prevent winners from being approached by solicitors — or in some cases maybe even distant relatives — interested in getting a piece of the financial windfall.
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Is "‘Robin Egg’ the real name of this $487 million winner? We don't think so.
The Beacon Journal filed a public records request with the Ohio Lottery Commission to hear the stories behind some of the unusual names.
The commission provided 54 claim forms, but said it didn’t have a breakdown of the percentage of winners who choose to collect prizes by a trust.
Most attorneys didn’t return phone calls, while others declined to comment.
So just like the identity of the winners, the stories behind such offbeat names as The Peeky Poo Trust and The Oreo Cutie Trust will remain forever a mystery.
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When you’re stuck for a name, then probably a blank is the best idea.
We likely will never know about the amphibian crush behind The Loves Frogs Trust, if The Captain Crunch Trust really is a reference to the famous children’s cereal, or whether the recipient of The Banana Head Trust has a head shaped like a banana.
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Ronald Zele, a Willoughby attorney who represents The David’s Song Trust, which won $50,000 a year for 20 years in a Super Millions game in 2015, said there is indeed a tale behind the name. But his client is a private person and he wouldn’t share it.
Berea attorney Margaret Karl was more than willing to chat about The Moms Birthday Trust — and use the story to pass along a valuable life lesson. She handled a claim for a Rolling Cash 5 prize worth $254,003 last year.
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Still searching for a suitable name? No, this was a promotional Illinois Mega Millions check for $213 million from the winning store.
Her client was visiting his mother in a southern Ohio nursing home on her birthday around Halloween time. He dipped into a convenience store to grab some candy for a trick-or-treat event at the nursing home and bought the winning ticket. Thus, The Moms Birthday Trust.
“I use it as a funny story to tell people this is why you should always go visit your mothers in the nursing home because it ended up being quite a gain for him in doing so,” said Karl, who handles estate planning and elder care law.
“He was very close to his mom. It was quite a drive. I see a lot of the opposite where people don’t go visit anybody and they live around the corner. Karma can come back in a positive way.”
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Hiding your face is not much use when your name, B Raymond Burton, is clearly spelled out on the check.
There surely is a fanciful story behind The Kenny’s I Trust. Is it Kenny Rogers? Kenny G? Kenny Loggins? Kenny Chensey? Kenny Lofton?
Not so fast, Willoughby attorney Jeffrey Black said. It’s just a reference to the name of the store where the $172,855 winning Twenty 20′s ticket was purchased.
As you might expect, there are several “lucky” trusts: The Lucky Duckling, Lucky Duck, Lucky Forty Eight, Luck 13, Lucky Fin and Lucky Lottery.
Winners also are appreciative of their windfall. That’s likely the reason behind The Thankful Trust Passive Trust, The Ticket to Security Trust and The Mood Swing Trust.
Of course, your mood would likely swing, too, if you won $1 million from Powerball.
Not all trusts have interesting names. Some are just plain boring such as the The Lottery Ticket Mega Millions Game Trust and The December 2017 Trust.
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READ MORE: Beacon Journal
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You Won't Believe These 11 Weird Photos Of Lottery Winners Who Shunned Publicity
Which US states allow lottery winners to collect their wins anonymously?
Why some lotteries won't allow winners to hide their faces in publicity photos
Should You Stay Anonymous After Winning A Big Lottery Jackpot? Here's 6 Tips To Protect Yourself
Some of the weird names lottery winners use to claim their prizes will make you smile published first on https://188lotosite.tumblr.com/
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tjspider · 7 years
All of them ;)))))
Why you do this? 
3 Fears
losing my mom, failing my friends, being forgotten
3 things I love
my friends, my family, good food
2 turn ons
making out, cuddling
2 turn offs
dishonesty, no sense of humor
My best friend
My cousins
Sexual orientation
How tall am I
What do I miss right now
Having my own space
Favourite color
International Klein Blue
Do I have a crush
Yes I do
Favourite place
A bar called Shamrock
What am I listening to right now
Myself typing
Shoe size
Eye color
Hair color
Meaning behind my URL
Rooster Teeth + Achievement Hunter + Steven Universe
Favourite song
Attention - Charlie Puth
Favourite band
Linkin Park
How I feel right now
Hungry and touch starved
Someone I love
My mom
My current relationship status
My relationship with my parents
I get along with my mom really well, I have no relationship with my father
Favourite season
Tattoos and piercing i have
9 tattoos, 1 piercing
Tattoos and piercing i want
Another spider tattoo and I think I want to pierce my other ear at some point
The reasons I joined Tumblr
I honestly don’t remember
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
Social media messages, not text messages
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
No I have not
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
About 20 minutes
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?
No I haven’t
Where am I right now?
In my bedroom
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
Depends on the mood, mostly a reasonable level at home, loud while I’m driving
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
No I don’t
Am I excited for anything?
Excited to record my podcast again on Sunday
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
Yes I do
How often do I wear a fake smile?
Most days when I go into work
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Geoff Ramsey
What do I think about most?
Sex and food
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Both are fine. I think I’m pretty good at both
What was the last lie I told?
I honestly don’t know
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Out of the two, talking on the phone
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Don’t believe in ghosts, yes I believe in aliens
Do I believe in magic?
I enjoy magic, but I believe there is an explanation for everything
Do I believe in luck?
Not a firm belief, but yes
What’s the weather like right now?
What was the last book I’ve read?
To completion? Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Do I have any nicknames?
TJ, Spider, Buff, Spidey and Ty
Do I spend money or save it?
Save it until it’s time to spend it
Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
I can not
Favourite animal?
Red Panda
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
About to go to sleep or sleeping, can’t remember
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Surfin’ - Kid Cudi
What is my favorite word?
My top 5 blogs on tumblr
@duoachievement, @always-amy-lou, @awkward-lee, @emietook and @a-pathique
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Love wins. There’s no reason to hate. We’re all human. Appreciate each other for their differences, don’t condemn them.
Do I have any relatives in jail?
Not to my knowledge
What is my current desktop picture?
A mountain
Had sex?
Bought condoms?
Gotten pregnant?
Physically impossible
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
No but I want to
Had job?
Yes (Thought this said hand job for a second)
Smoked weed?
Smoked cigarettes?
Drank alcohol?
Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
Been overweight?
Yes and still technically am
Been underweight?
Gotten my heart broken?
Been to prom?
Been in an airplane?
Learned another language?
In school, but never retained anything
Wore make up?
Dyed my hair?
Had a surgery?
Met someone famous?
Stalked someone on a social network?
Been fishing?
Been rejected by a crush?
What do I want for birthday?
A Spider-Man Funko Pop figure
Do I like my handwriting?
Not really
Where do I want to live when older?
Somewhere secluded
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
I’ve gotten caught doing a few bad things but never sneaking out
What I’m really bad at
Believing in myself
What my greatest achievments are
Got a full scholarship to college, joined the military
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
That I was selfish
What I’d do if I won in a lottery
Pay bills, buy a house, save, invest, donate a million dollars to Rooster Teeth’s Extra Life stream to see Jack Pattillo freak the fuck out
What do I like about myself
I’m understanding
My closest Tumblr friend
I have a few that I talk to on a daily basis
Any question you’d like?
Free question? What’s my favorite cookie? Sugar cookies
Are you outgoing or shy?
Extremely shy
What kind of people are you attracted to?
Nice, sweet, funny, caring, and inquisitive
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I don’t know, but I doubt it
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not at all
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My stepfather
What does the most recent text that you sent say?
What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Attention, Strip That Down, Feel It Still, Back To You, 1-800-273-8255
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I don’t have any for people to play with
Do you think there is life on other planets?
Maybe not in our solar system, but out further in the universe, yes
Do you like bubble baths?
I haven’t taken one in ages but they’re nice
Do you like your neighbors?
I have no relationship with my neighbors
Where would you like to travel?
Tokyo, Sydney, Paris, London, Whatever part of Canada is good
Favorite part of your daily routine?
Watching Achievement Hunter videos
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My stomach
What do you do when you wake up?
Wish I could go back to sleep
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Do you ever want to get married?
If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Would you rather live without TV or music?
Without TV
Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Best Buy
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
No not everyone. Depends on how bad they messed up the first chance
Do you smile at strangers?
Most of the time, yes
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
No I’ve been good
Ever wished you were someone else?
I’ve wished to be in someone else’s situation, but never to be them
Favourite makeup brand?
MAC is the only brand I know
Last thing you ate?
Chicken breasts
Ever won a competition? For what?
Spelling Bee, Homecoming pageant
Ever been in love?
Yes I have
Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter or Tumblr?
Are you watching tv right now?
I am not
What colour are your towels?
Different colors
Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookies and cream
First person you talked to today?
My aunt
Last person you talked to today?
Day’s not over yet, so who knows?
Name a person you hate?
Whoever asked me to answer every single one of these questions. (That’s not true)
Name a person you love?
My mom
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Not currently
Do you tan a lot?
I have what you call a permanent tan
Have any pets?
No pets
Do you type fast?
Typingtest.com says I type 66 WPM, so take that for what it’s worth
Do you regret anything from your past?
A few things, yes
Ever broken someone’s heart?
I’m sure I have
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
OMG yes!
Is cheating ever okay?
No it’s never okay
Do you believe in true love?
Yes I do
What your zodiac sign?
Do you believe in ghosts?
I think I answered this already, but no
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
I have no books near me. Lackluster ending, I know
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World Lotteries
What are the world's most popular lotteries?
I'll start with the most popular, most popular, most sensational - the American Powerball lottery. She is famous, of course, for her jackpots. It appeared in 1988 and was originally called Lotto America. And she got her current name 4 years later. At that time, a lottery was held in only a few states, and today the number of states that have joined it is over 40. Both the structure of the lottery and the jackpot payment scheme have changed in the course of development. To date, the starting jackpot is $ 40 million. If the jackpot is not raffled, then from circulation to circulation its value increases until it is raffled. If you win the jackpot and want to get the jackpot in full (minus taxes that must be paid), then, according to the rules of the lottery, the payment will stretch for 29 years and it will be paid by annuity payments. If you decide to take all the money at once, then you will have to be content with only about 40% of the total jackpot (and do not forget about taxes that will need to be paid according to the laws of America). Although getting, say, $ 40 million together with $ 100 million is also not bad, agree. Powerball lottery draws are held 2 times a week, on Wednesday and Saturday.
Powerball rules are simple enough. It uses two lottery drum. In the first one there are white balls numbered from 1 to 69, of which 5 are randomly dropped. In the second lottery drum there are 26 red balls, from which one ball falls, which is called “powerball”. The jackpot is won by the participant who guesses all five white balls and red “powerball”. If there are several winning tickets, then the jackpot is divided equally among all winners.
Now look at the winnings depending on the number of guessed balls:
guessed only powerball - $ 4;
1 number guessed and powerball - $ 4;
guessed 2 numbers and powerball - $ 7
guessed 3 numbers without a powerball - $ 7
guessed 3 numbers and powerball - $ 100
guessed 4 numbers without a powerball - $ 100
guessed 4 numbers and powerball - $ 50,000
guessed 5 numbers without a powerball - $ 1.000.000
5 numbers are guessed and powerball - jackpot !!!
But in Powerball there is an opportunity to increase winnings up to 10 times! True, the jackpot cannot be increased. To do this, you need to use the additional paid option, and a coefficient randomly selected before the start of the draw will increase the amount by 2,3,4,5 or 10 times in case of a win. But there are a couple of restrictions - if the jackpot is at least $ 150 million, then the winnings can be increased by a maximum of 5 times. And in case you guessed 5 numbers without Powerball, then the gain will increase only 2 times, even if the coefficient is more than 2.
The next most popular American lottery (and for us is still the world lottery) is Megamillions. This is the second most popular lottery in America. Her date of birth is 1996, then she was called the "Big Game", i.e. "Big Game", and tickets were sold in only a few US states. In 2002, the lottery got its current name - Megamillions, the number of participating states - 44. Interestingly - Megamillions, in spite of its lesser popularity, outstripped the Powerball lottery at one time - it was the largest lottery in history in the world jackpot. Its value amounted to 656 million dollars! It happened in May 2012. By the way, the starting jackpot in this lottery is “only” $ 15 million, unlike the $ 40 million in the Powerball lottery. Find out more on the https://lottothrill.com/mega-millions/.
The rules of the Megamillions lottery are not much different from the Powerball lottery. Draws are held twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday. Mega Millions results and last draw numbers published on the site.  In Megamillions, two lotorons are also involved. In the first one there are white balls from 1 to 75, in the other there are golden balls from 1 to 15. Five balls fall out of the first lottery drum, 1 ball falls out of the second, which is called “mega”. If you guess 5 white balls and a mega-ball - your jackpot. You can get it either in parts for 29 years, or at a time. And here is the amount of winnings in the Megamillions lottery:
only mega-ball guessed - $ 1;
1 number guessed and mega-ball - $ 2;
guessed 2 numbers and a mega-ball - $ 5
guessed 3 numbers without a mega-ball - $ 5
guessed 3 numbers and a mega-ball - $ 50
guessed 4 numbers without a mega-ball - $ 500
guessed 4 numbers and a mega-ball - $ 5.000
guessed 5 numbers without a mega-ball - $ 1.000.000
5 numbers are guessed and the mega-ball is the jackpot !!!
In Megamillions you can also increase your winnings up to 5 times (with the exception of the jackpot). This is done for an additional fee, the coefficient is also randomly selected before the balls fall out of the lottery drum. But unlike Powerball, in case of guessing 5 numbers without a mega-ball, you will get all the money multiplied by the coefficient.
I will finish the story of the American lotteries by a lottery held in California called Superlotto Plus. This lottery originated in 1986. The format of the lottery has changed over time and today the drawing in this American lottery resembles the Megamillions lottery and is carried out as follows: you need to guess 5 numbers out of 47 possible and one number (called "mega") out of 27 possible - and your jackpot . The starting jackpot in the California lottery is $ 7 million. The luckier can either choose to immediately receive part of the jackpot (from 50% to 60%), or receive it for 26 years in equal parts. This American lottery is held twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday.
Now move on to the European lotteries. Conventionally, they can be divided into those in which residents of several countries participate, and those that are held in a particular country. I'll start with the first.
European lottery EuroMillions. It appeared in 2004 and at that time it had 3 participating countries - France (it was there that the first circulation was held), Great Britain and Spain. Then Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Monaco and Portugal joined this lottery. The EuroMillions initially had one unpleasant jackpot limit for many lottery participants, which was revised and today the jackpot ceiling is € 190 million. And the jackpot begins with 17 million euros.
The rules of the lottery are as follows: to win the jackpot, you must guess 5 balls out of 50 possible and 2 "stars" out of 12 possible. Numbers and "stars" fall out of different lottery drum. The distribution scheme of winnings is somewhat more complicated than in the American lotteries mentioned above, but I will say that to win about 5.000 euros you need to guess 4 numbers and 2 "stars", and for 5 guessed numbers without guessed "stars" you can already get 75,000 euros from EuroMillions organizers .
Eurojackpot is another European lottery, the youngest of the lotteries described here. The first Eurojackpot draw was held in March 2012. This lottery is a kind of response to the European EuroMillions lottery. Countries that do not participate in the Euromillions, at the end of 2011, thought about it and decided to create their own alternative lottery, because there was, and always will be, demand from the population for lotteries. The starting value of the jackpot in this lottery is 10 million euros.
The draw procedure itself is not much different from the EuroMillions lottery draw: you need to guess 5 balls out of 50 possible, plus guess 2 more numbers out of 10 possible. Thus, guessing (or guessing) all 7 numbers qualify for the jackpot.
The British national lottery is also among the European lotteries. Having been born in 1994, it quickly gained popularity not only in England, but also abroad thanks to the very simple format of the rally. In this foreign lottery it was necessary to guess 6 numbers from 49. An additional bonus ball served only for additional prizes to those who guessed 5 numbers. Previously, a clear restriction was also in effect - no more than 3 consecutive jackpot accumulations. And this led to the fact that the jackpot in the British National Lottery rarely exceeded the mark of 10 million pounds.
Over time, the format has changed. In October 2015, there were 59 balls. An additional bonus ball is used to determine the winers of the 2nd level immediately following the jackpot.
Draws are held twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Those who guessed two of the 6 possible numbers get the opportunity to fill out the field for free in the next draw. Guessed 3 numbers receive £ 25.
How to play in world lotteries?
Perhaps the most important question: can citizens of Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR participate in lotteries held outside their country? And is, in turn, allowed to participate in the same American lotteries of foreign citizens (from the point of view of the laws of America in general and some states in particular)? In short, the answer to both of these questions is yes. Yes, residents of Ukraine and other countries can participate in world lotteries and the organizers of such lotteries do not prohibit foreigners from buying their lottery tickets. Now a little more detail why this is so.
In fact, nowhere in the laws of Ukraine (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.) is it spelled out in plain text that, "citizens of the country are prohibited from participating in foreign lotteries." Therefore, the standard legal rule applies: everything that is not prohibited is allowed. Well, since nowhere in the laws is there a direct ban on participation in such lotteries, any resident of Ukraine can safely participate in them (more precisely, from a certain age, but more on that below). In turn, in the European lotteries, and in the American, Australian and other lotteries of the world there are no bans on the participation of foreigners in them. And since it is not forbidden, then it is allowed. That is why the desire to win a huge jackpot is not only understandable, but also legally justified. The same absolutely reasoning applies to residents of all countries of the former USSR.
But there is one “but” - only those citizens of Ukraine who have reached the age of 18 can participate in foreign lotteries (with the exception of the Swiss Lotto and the British Lottery, where the age of the participant is limited from below to 16 years). More precisely, you can buy a ticket even if you are 14 years old, but they won’t give you the winnings. So if you wandered to this page on the Internet and you like how you want to try to break a couple of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, then connect to this process someone who is already 18 years old and who you trust - brother, sister, mother, father, etc. .d. Otherwise, as I said, do not see you win as your own ears.
Are there really huge jackpots in world lotteries?
Yes indeed. In most world famous lotteries, the starting jackpot starts at ten million dollars (or the equivalent of the national currency). In order not to be unfounded, I cite online information on the unplayed jackpots of the world's leading lotteries and the time until the end of accepting bets on them.
The most famous Powerball lottery not only in the homeland, but also in the world: $ 90 million
Another famous American lottery Mega Millions Lottery:  $ 85 million
Superlotto Plus American Lottery: $ 12 million
Euro Lottery EuroMillions or EuroMillions:  $ 28 million
Eurojackpot European Lottery:  $ 34 million
How and where to buy world lottery tickets?
The answer to this question for the majority can cause a bitter grin - you need to fly or go to America, France, Brazil, ... and buy lottery tickets there. If everything was so simple in the sense of visiting foreign countries! It is clear that an ordinary resident of Ukraine can not afford to ride "to Europe" on the weekend in order to buy a couple of tickets of any European lottery. Therefore, we move on to the next question.
How to buy world lottery tickets online?
If you want to literally buy yourself lottery tickets so that after online payment you will be sent home the treasured tickets that you would send after filling in to a foreign address, then forget about it. None of the serious foreign lotteries I know of send their tickets to the buyer by mail or accept them by mail. Not a single one. Moreover, in America, the laws prohibit the export of lottery tickets outside the borders of a country or even a state.
Play online in any world lottery!
If, again, we take the well-known foreign lotteries, then the answer is again unequivocal - no way. Whoever tells you that, but neither the Powerball lottery, nor the Euromillions, nor any other popular lottery give you the opportunity to buy tickets online (not live, of course, but electronic options, so to speak). On the Internet you will surely find some links to online lotteries, and also free ones. There are, I confirm. Hold on by advertising. The winnings there are ridiculous. Therefore, I think you should immediately forget about them. Well, or play a month or two (fortunately, for free) in the hope of at least winning something. And when you get tired of waiting for ten to twenty free dollars, stop fooling around and realize that buying a lottery ticket online from a famous foreign lottery with a view to making a big win does not work.
So what then to do ?! If it is not possible to buy lottery tickets directly in Europe or America, if they are not sold online and sent by mail? Where is the exit? There is a way out. He is currently the only one. These are intermediaries. More precisely, Internet intermediaries. Of course, wherever an intermediary arises, there is a risk of being deceived. Whenever an additional chain link appears, its probability of breaking increases. All this is so. But intermediaries are the only opportunity to participate in lotteries held abroad.
Which Internet resellers should I contact?
Ideally, to honest and decent. The only question is how to evaluate their honesty and decency. No one gives out decency certificates, and if they do, then this is not an indicator - you can buy anything now. Therefore, I will formulate a set of specific requirements for intermediaries selling tickets to world lotteries. This even applies not only in this case, but in general to Internet business. So:
Working hours on the Internet market. Perhaps one of the key indicators on the Internet. We understand that no matter how tricky a scammer is, he cannot be located at the same address for a long time. In real life, this is an office, in the Internet space it is an Internet address or domain. That is, it is necessary that the domain is registered at least 2-3 years ago. The older the domain, the better. And yet - the longer the domain registration period, the better again. Checking the date and time of registration of a domain is very simple. True, in English, but you can parse the dates.
The domain must belong to the legal organization that conducts business on the Internet. Of course, an individual can also be an intermediary. But the company is somehow calmer. About whether this company or an individual can be seen in the same WHOIS service, the link to which is given above.
The organization’s website must include the telephone, fax and address. Otherwise, it is worth considering whether to contact such an organization in general, especially when it comes to playing in foreign lotteries.
The organization’s site should look solid. Especially if the organization is engaged in monetary operations. Made on the knee site that provides services for the acquisition of foreign lottery tickets - this is very, very doubtful.
Geographic affiliation of the intermediary. In other words, the intermediary must be foreign. I am not saying that in Ukraine there are no decent people and no decent intermediaries. Surely there is. It's just that in the Western world the concept of business reputation is not simple words, it is really a very important and valuable concept. It is business, and it is reputation. Not a single sane honest western businessman or firm will destroy this reputation with a petty scam or muhlezh. Any reasonable suspicion is the collapse of the reputation, and, consequently, of the entire business. And in relation to our situation, it is also clear that the Ukrainian mediator, which gives the opportunity to play foreign lotteries, and the mediator from England are two different things. Because the first is simply far from the Western civilized world, and the second is located directly in it.
Caring for each client, absolutely everyone - a prerequisite. It is from the previous paragraph that this follows. Agree, the service service in Ukraine leaves much to be desired. Service in Europe and America in general is a service. And this is not surprising. Behind this, there is also a mercantile settlement - today you will buy from us quite a bit, but you will like how we served you. Next time you will come to us and we will serve you just as well. And when you become richer, you will still come to us, and we will earn even more on you. The same applies to foreign lotteries - you play once with our help, you will like the service, and even if you don’t win the first time, you will contact us again. And when you're lucky and you win the money, then we will help you get them. And we will do it in such a way that you like this moment.
The next wish to the intermediary is a small commission. It is clear that if a world lottery ticket costs “in the world” $ 2, and the intermediary asks for 10 from you, and even requires half if you win, then such an intermediary is not needed. Reasonable commission and reasonable markups on tickets of foreign lotteries is another important condition.
Payment for the services of an intermediary should be done at the lowest possible cost and in as many ways as possible. It is no secret that paying for services through any Ukrainian bank is unacceptable, since sending money abroad is expensive. The intermediary must accept both Ukrainian bank cards and electronic currencies popular in Ukraine.
Payment of winnings in foreign lotteries should also be made in a manner convenient for residents of Ukraine. Obtaining bank checks from abroad is long, cheap and too tiring, since the procedure for cashing bank checks in Ukrainian banks is, of course, exotic.
Payments, and the lottery betting process itself, must take place in a secure mode. Without going into technical details, I will say that one of the most secure and common encryption and data transfer formats is the SSL format. You will immediately be able to see that you are working in protected mode - before the domain address there will be not the usual inscription "http: //", but the inscription with the letter "s" at the end: "https: //". And the lock icon in the browser. It is work in such a secret mode that is the guarantor of the security of transactions.
Well, in the end, I would like some bonuses. So that, in case of unsuccessful bets in foreign lotteries, you should be credited with a small but encouraging bonus for participating. As the saying goes, a trifle, but nice.
So, finished on this issue. Then the following arises - are there such intermediaries, how many of them and which of them to choose? Generally speaking, I highly recommend looking for those in the global network, taking into account the above wishes. Soon enough, you will see that there are very few intermediaries of this kind. More precisely, there are almost none. Once again I repeat - check, do not be lazy. And compare your result with mine.
Which lottery tickets are the best to buy?
The question is partly philosophical. Because it is purely statistically more likely to win in not the most popular lotteries due to the smaller number of participants. But there are less jackpots. The probability of winning a jackpot in the world's most popular foreign Powerball lottery is less, but the jackpots there are the biggest. I personally argue this way: the probability of winning in terms of the order of digits after the decimal point does not differ too much, so you need to play the lottery in which the maximum jackpot is now. As a rule, these are the already mentioned American lottery Powerball and Megamillions, in which jackpots reach astronomical values. If there jackpots are played and make up the starting number, then it makes sense to switch to the European lottery, where at the moment the biggest jackpot is. Although there is a situation in world lotteries,
How much to spend money on the lottery?
I usually answer this way - as much as you do not mind spending on your bad habits. Moreover, I urge you to replace bad habits with ticket purchases from world lotteries. No one will, I think, argue that a pack of cigarettes is a pinch of your health thrown into the wind. So is it not better to replace at least part of the cigarette packs with lottery tickets? By smoking, you do not win anything. And buying tickets to world lotteries, you get a chance to become a millionaire. Yes, the chance is small, but he is. And adrenaline is provided.
But what if you have no bad habits at all? Then spend on lottery tickets as much as it will not be burdensome for your budget. Advice - never get into a rage, do not become addicted to excitement. By the way, the largest winnings in the world did not come out to those who for years bought tens and hundreds of lottery tickets. Keep that in mind.
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Love Marriage Specialist In London UK
best tantrik astrologer in Uk, Love marriage is a term utilized fundamentally in South Asia, especially in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka additionally in different nations like UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Dubai/UAE to depict a marriage where the individuals love one another and get hitched with or without assent of their folks. There is no unmistakable definition of love marriage. It is generally used to portray a marriage which was the sole choice of the couple.
In India, the term love marriage is utilized to portray a marriage which is chosen by the couple, with or without consulting their folks or families. These marriages may break caste, network and religion hindrances. Social obstacles remain as orchestrated marriages are favored over love marriages in many parts of the nation.
Love marriage began becoming mainstream in urban territories in 1970s. Initially, love marriages happened between adequate networks. The limits between the two sorts have begun to obscure. The term love-orchestrated marriage is utilized to portray another emerging type of marriage which contains components of both masterminded marriage and love marriage.
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Read- Genuine Vashikaran Specialist In UK
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1/5/2012 Georgia Lottery Results
Sitting around to team members all day cannot that relaxing and the. And after a long holiday to work, not people today have the energy or motivation to need to get up off their bum and get some exercise. A run, a short discover session in the gym, futsal, tennis or even a swim are best ways to keep in shape and at duration burn some stress out of your body-mind.
Hope once located as smile of child is right now a small green bill with a famous face upon it looking up at us saying "trust me I will make all this better." Hope can be found in six numbers of a lotto sheet or the raffle ticket with your own name on it. It use to come in of one's pool a friendly face also outstretched hand but accessories have changed. In tough times functioning not to each other for support we begin the almighty dollar. The yellow brick road of hopes and dreams is replaced one green bill highway.
People who get things done just how to to make use of the power of leverage to realize maximum results with minimum efforts. They understand the way to leverage money as well as regular people. Big achievements aren't accomplished by one person, even though one person sometimes reaps the majority of the credit or financial gain. Think tends to make. Did Steve jobs write all the code produces an Apple computer workout? Does he put ipads together himself? Not surprisingly not! Heck, even obama of the united states has market . write his speeches. Every successful person finds ways to leverage their time and cash.
You may hold already tried using your spouse's birthday, your father's birthday, or even your own year. Picking numbers in that manner basically just betting. In a sense, that is one in order to hit the jackpot, around the does not invariably raise your odds of of being victorious in. Of course, the lottery is spelled out chance, may may unknowingly win, or lose. However, it does require some common sense and considerably of technologies.
Be one running common tests. Should you wait for almost any monitoring intend to talk to you about running tests of the alarm, you might end up waiting forever. Remember that you end up being the final type of defense plant food to real estate alarm network. Set up a time every often when positive if you get your tests out of methods. It's sizzling hot to make sure you have a working system in internet site. Without the tests, a person gambling that everything is actually in place each and every burglar strikes in the night time.
Or maybe you've uncover a what 'guru' that promises usually do not need invest in anything, use the free resources to choose from. And then he starts refering to conversion rates and how it's so simple make take advantage an arrogant tone that makes you want to punch him.
Yes, luck is could still need here at the same time. Even the most intelligent, most high-tech, lottery system cannot guarantee that definitely will ever win. It can certainly help you by simplifying the task of handling the game complexity, but to win the lottery you still need old-fashioned good fortune. You need unique Lady Luck on your side. So, https://abgkw.org/ how are you able to win her over? Well, avoiding black cats and standing ladders is believed work miracles in securing good luck, but may not be enough, eventhough. And I am, obviously, facetious here. Tend to be : only one way you enable your luck: by playing the lotto. Otherwise, how else can you even begin to consider you actually become a lotto billionaire?
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usgreencard70-blog · 5 years
Things you may not know about the USA Green Card Lottery
USA Green Card Lottery is very famous for providing people an opportunity to work and live in the USA. It is a dream of many people who wish to work and reside in this country. This dream of theirs can be easily fulfilled with the help of the USA Green Card Lottery Program. This Lottery Program allows people to get a green card through a lottery process which is drawn by a random computer. This lottery is 100% genuine and you need good luck for it.
You need to be sure of the eligibility criteria before you apply for the Lottery Program. You can check the eligibility criteria from the official website. There are many things that you need to keep in mind as you file your application. The entire filing process is online and for this, you need to have good computer knowledge.
If you want, you can always go for professional service providers who can do this job for you. Many people hire service providers like USA-Green-Card who can help them in filing the application in the correct format.
The best way to make sure to have a good chance of winning the Green Card Lottery is to submit the application in a perfect manner. Also, the photo you are submitting should be in a correct format. If everything in your application is up to date and is verified properly then you can improve your chances of winning the lottery.
You need to understand that application and photo submission are essential documents and they demand utmost attention. Make sure that your application should be free from errors like spelling mistakes, incomplete information, and blanks. Also, submit the application before the deadline. After the deadline, no applications will be accepted.
If you are finding it difficult to apply yourself, then you should consider the USA Green Card. We at USA Green Card, have professional staff to cater your needs. You can be stress-free as we'll take care of each and everything. We will make sure that your application will never be disqualified due to incorrect information. Get guaranteed participation in the American Green Card Lottery with us. We will carefully review your application. If we are able to find any mistakes, then we will inform you and will work with you until the registration is complete.
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