#Fannar loves fruit.
izayoichan · 4 years
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“Come on... let's go home, you have a husband that might wake up soon, and he would miss you.” “Okay.”
Chris smiles at his son, having helped Hayle and him swap places.
“There, and no more life energy from you, he'll slowly heal on his own, and it does no one any good if you become sick.”  “Okay dad.”
He rests one hand over River, putting on the tv, just finding some silly tv series and putting the sound on low so it wouldn't disturb River. Vy presses one finger against the child's heart, light shining between his finger and his child, a memory vivid, of red stars and great nebula's, full of color, other dragons flying, dragging stars, planets, galaxies behind them, their mother holding all her stars, and she does the same with Vy, before the dark came to eat the stars. Vy's eyes shine up and so does Fannar's, generations of knowledge passing between them. Vy's eyes go to normal and he pulls his finger back. His child would access the knowledge as it needed it, and much like Vy would build their own. Fannar chirped happily, grabbing Vy's finger and biting it again.
“You are hungry, little one.”
He lifts his head once Hayden arrives.
“Oh! Daddy brings food!” “Yep, a little bit off everything.”
He sits back down, letting the tray rest on the bed. 
“For both the little one and the bigger one.”
He smiles and looks at Vy, knowing he too could probably need some food. Vy snuggles close to Hayden, letting the child be between them, as Fannar goes exploring the food, instantly drawn to the fruit that he bites, then happily starts eating.
“I think he found something he likes.”
Vy pecks Hayden.
“So many places to show him, so many things to experience.  I wonder.. will he have my seadragon or your.. well honestly quite amazing dragon form.. or both?”
He looks at Vy, handing him a dragon fruit with a bit of a smile. kissing Vy on the cheek then watching Fannar test out the many fruits. Vy starts nibbling on the dragon fruit, just happy to be there, that after so much stress and fear, their baby was finally hatched and they were together as family, safe, and he now was sure that as long as they had a family, Fannar would be safe and that was all that mattered to them now. In the back of their mind they had that nagging fear Death would punish them for what they did, but for now, they just wanted to watch their hatchling take its first steps on the world. Vy closes his eyes, slowly drifting to a nap, still holding the dragon fruit in hand.
Hayden just watches Vy fall asleep on him, taking the fruit, letting Fannar try it as he looks curiously at it. 
“See, told you mom was tired too.”
After a little while of Fannar testing out several other things on the plate, Hayden finds himself with a small toddler crawling up in his lap, sighing contently and curling up against his dad, Hayden gently putting an arm around them, then one arm around Vy, lowly singing one of the songs he remembered his parents used to sing to him and his brother. 
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Fannar: Hmh... he didn't seem like a dragon though.
They chuckle at Meadow's comment
Fannar: Yeah, and you're stuck with all of us dragons, poor you! Flynn: Well we are both mages... I guess that counts for something right? Hayden: I'd say it counts for something yes.
Emil just looks at them all, then grabs a plasma fruit with their teeth and flies off to hide behind a chair to eat peacefully.
Vy: Dragons will never admit it, but we're closely related to birds. Like... crocodiles and dinosaurs! That's why we sing and chirp. I also sing because I love to sing with your dad 
He smiles at Fannar and takes Hayden's hand in his with a smile.
Vy: But don't worry Flynn. If you caught them singing once, they'll do it more often. Meadow: It does count! We'll be awesome sages. Wait a minute, I have never heard you chirp or sing Fannar? Have you been hiding that from us!
She points her finger playfully at Fannar.
Fannar: I used to chirp more when I was little, I dunno, maybe I grew out of it. 
He chuckles, although he had no idea why he did neither. 
Fannar: I guess there are enough songs in this house, so I don't need to? Flynn: I remember you chirping when I was little. Fannar: Yeah, I  have no idea really. Flynn: Sages though... is that like a mage requirement?
He winks at Meadow, much like his dad, he didn't really have an interest in becoming a sage. Much like his dad never had a wish to be one. 
Hayden: So I am married to a dinosaur descendant? 
He chuckles knowing it wasn't quite like that but still.
Vy: No! Dinosaurs are our descendents! 
He giggles and and shakes his head at Hayden, before turning back to his food.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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River listened to their son, nodding. Trying to conjure up in his mind the picture Flynn painted and nodded.
River: Tomorrow I'll go talk with Morgyn and Simeon. Morgyn said it was like a vampire or a beast. That it ate one of the mages right there, but saved the other. Maybe it hasn't been eating properly if humans are what they have been dealing with. But it seems like it likes plasma fruits. Maybe I can speak with the vampire coven, get more info on how they make food for their members and get ideas to feed it.
He brushed his son's hair. 
River: But for now, you sleep and rest. I will be here with you all night. I promise.”
Flynn listens to his dad and just nods. It clearly liked the cake they had gotten earlier, perhaps they knew how to make more food like it there too. They knew how to make that cake after all.
Flynn: I love you dad.. 
He yawned again, falling asleep pretty fast, the whole event having drained him from energy.
River: I love you too... I love you so much, Flynn. You are everything to me.
He kisses the top of his son's head letting him sleep. He sees and looks, noticing the way the dragon is watching. There is a look in its eyes that River can only describe as sorrow. Loss and longing. He almost asked it to join them, but the dragon turned its back at him once it realized River was watching it. He doesn't fall asleep but he notices his son has, so he just sits there, brushing his son's back, he looks at the ceiling, thinking of Rylan, thinking of Rylan being there, holding them, comforting them. He'd know exactly what to do, what to say, how to help everyone. What to do to help that dragon, make sure it wouldn't hurt anyone.
River: I miss you…
Fannar pulls themselves up, and sits against the backboard of the bed. They were surprised they had come, but a part of them was happy.. the other was still angry. 
Fannar: Okay…
Vy walks in, giving his son an apologetic look as he walks to the bed. He doesn’t sit down. Not without being invited to first. 
Vy: I know you are upset with me. I know you are angry, and I am so sorry for this. For making you upset, for not heading what you and Flynn asked of me. I am sorry. I am sorry for making you upset and I am also sorry for hurting the dragon... but I’d like to explain why I did what I did... if you’ll listen?
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Hayden wraps his arms around Vy, chuckling realizing this is just one of the many things he loves about the man now in his arms. 
Hayden: Yes.. ice cream sounds nice.
He sneaks a quick kiss before he lets Vy go. 
Hayden: I know I said it before, but I will say it again. I think I may have inherited my dad's luck dragon trait. Vy: I am your guardian dragon and you are the protector of my heart.
He smiles lovingly placing a hand over the scar on Hayden's chest and kisses him. He gets up, pulling Hayden to sit up as he goes get the ice cream. He brought their favorite, chocolate and salted caramel, holding the ice cream tub for Hayden and two spoons.
Vy: Today we are rebels! Straight from the tub!
They both chuckle, eating their ice cream, before they finally decided it is best to head home. Vy saying he has a good idea for dinner, Hayden just laughing and suggesting they might skip the broccoli for once. Just to surprise Flynn. 
At the shelter Emil looks at the phoenix, watching it renew it's cycle, as the ashes burst in flames, a baby phoenix emerging from it. It chirped and Emil actually chirped back, wagging their tail, no longer interested in eating it. If it was an adult, but as a renewed shill, they would not eat it. Flynn smiles slightly at the chirp, noticing the wagging of the tail, the same thing he had seen when they were interested in the movie earlier. It was clearly something they did when they were happy or just interested in something. He released his hold on him, yet still keeping an eye on him just in case. Fannar smiles, noticing the tail as well, handing the plate for fruit for the newly reborn one. 
Fannar: Here you go, fruit so you can grow and soon be back with Morgyn. 
They turn to their brother. 
Fannar: And concert in two weeks, I still love how your Aunt got him to say yes. Flynn: Yeah, she has her ways, doesn't she.
Flynn looks over at Emil, taking a small blanket they have for the familiars, and puts it over him so he can sleep if he wants too, then he sits back with Fannar, the two talking about the concert, while they watch the phoenix eat, Fannar cleaning off the old dust, just like their uncle has taught them. Emil starts napping a little, every now and then making small growling sounds as if having dreams.
Fannar: He seems to dream a lot... Flynn: Yeah...
He hoped it was good dreams, but he was pretty sure it wasn't.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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They smile at their uncle, then turn around sitting closely with their twin, both completely in love with the show. 
Flynn: I clearly need to find a better way for you to eat.. but at least you got a good meal. And no dad, we're never too old for cartoons!
They chuckle, nodding at their dad, getting him a cup of coffee just a minute or two later from that nice coffee machine his grandparents have acquired, just add a capsule and halloo coffee. Fannar finishes up the toasts he has been making at the same time. 
Flynn & Fannar: Breakfast is served!  
Flynn holds out the coffee for his dad, while Fannar holds out a plate with Toast, they both chuckle and look at each other, then go back to making more coffee's and breakfast for themselves. 
Flynn: Oh.. Uncle Vy.. if we get recipes for food that we can make with those fruits he likes.. think you can teach me to make them? So they can get home made food too? 
He looks over at his uncles as they come in, happy to see Hayden seemingly feeling better again. After a bit of talk, and ideas for food for a certain dragon who fixed his issue with being dirty by taking a shower under the sink, it was time for them to head out. Arlene and Eltanin went with them as well as Chris and Hayle, that way they had plenty of help at the shelter, and Hayden and Vy got a little alone time. The only standing order for them all was no bringing home puppies and kittens no matter how cute they were. 
As they watch them all leave Vy holds Hayden's hand and kisses it before letting it go
Vy: Just a second. We'll go for our walk in a minute! 
He quickly goes to get the cooler, putting some ice cream and cold beverages in and picking a blanket and a towel. 
Vy: This way we can sit down watching the waves. Or I can sit down while you go for a swim.
He takes Hayden's hand in his and he walks towards the door, carrying the cooler, the two of them taking a well-deserved walk together for the first time in weeks. While the rest of the family arrived at the shelter, splitting up for work. Eltanin went with his favorite Chris to the kitties, while Arlene went with Hayle to the dog's side. The first step on River’s agenda was to check the little dragon and help it. Then the boys would watch the phoenix while he worked after that.
Flynn: So.. tiny angry dragon first.
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izayoichan · 4 years
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He chuckles, taking Vy's hand in his.
“It's Yvreon's favorite, I am wondering what you will think off it.” 
Together they walk up to the cake, it is a bigger version of the one they have bought so many times before, specially made from the man at their favorite cafe. Hayden takes the knife in his hand, waiting for Vy to hold the knife with him. 
Fannar jumps up and down on River's lap ponting at their parents. This cake was their favorite one too. Rylan chuckles, stealing a few more things from River's plate, hoping his stomach kept being this way so he could actually enjoy some cake again. 
“I think we need more weddings.. so this little one behaves just to have some cake.”
Vy stands besides Hayden, helping him hold the knife as the two press down to cut the very first slice of their cake. Vy makes a happy chirp at all the goodness inside.
“You really are the child of your parents”
River laughs and gets up.
“I'll go take the little one to the cake and bring you a few pieces, what do you think, love?” “It sounds good to me.”
he smiles watching River with Fannar, wondering how it will be when they have their own.
“Maybe take one of those cupcakes too, the light fluffy one with dragon fruit?”
He winks at River, dragon fruit apparently something this family has  a thing for when pregnant. 
Hayden takes a piece of the cake and hands it to Vy, then takes another and hands it to Vy as well. 
“One for you, and one for your twin.”
He leans forwards and kisses Vy gently before he cuts one for himself as well. 
“And with that, please grab some cake guys.”
He smiles, they weren't that many, mostly some that worked at the shelter and the closest family, as well as Madelene of course who were there to take pictures and film. 
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Yes, it seems they have. I admit, it is one of my favorite cakes this one they have chosen. My daughter loves to spoil her grandkids with them as well, they make them as small cupcakes too.” “Oi, sneak!”
Hayden chuckles as he notices how Fannar reaches out for the plate, trying to steal his favorite food off all of them. Putting down the plate's so they can all eat. 
“This little star is like their mother, fruits and sweets are their favorites.”
He looks at Acharya.
“Can I ask if you have these things, where you live?”
He was curious, also he figured it would help them talk about things again after their small fallout. Acharya explains that there are life on other planets, how they have met hunters, which has led them to avoid those planets, between explaining, they try out the food, slowly, making small chirping sounds as they figure out what they like. The one thing that gets to Vy and also Hayden is how they seem to be lonely, they live alone, the occasional passer by and Jael are all they have. In the back of Hayden’s mind it was just an idea that maybe they could visit every now and then, as he could only imagine it being a little lonely. Which of course was why they wanted Vy to come with them, he looks at Vy.
“Maybe, if it's possible, they could come visit on occasions, but it depends on how hard that would be I guess.” “Did you forget food for you?” “Oh, it appears I did. I'll go get my food. Do you want me to get you anything else?” “I think I’ll stick with soup for now, just in case.”
Rylan looks at River, then back to the others happy it seemed to have calmed down, then taking his spoon slowly eating the soup, and as if the little one had heard his father, it went remarkably well. 
“You are just a sucker for sweets aren't you..? That's why you're playing nice.”
He chuckles and looks at River, kissing his cheek gently. River smiles and gets up, kissing Rylan back with a smile.
“Uncle Rylan! Veggies!”
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